Feminarum Issue 22

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Our interview with Nick Briggs.. the voice of the DALEKS. !

Ladies Day at Goodwood. !

Our monthly book review. !

The Gallery of Guys. !

and all the normal articles you have come to expect from this magazine.

for women by women

Content 05-04: Opening article about the current issue. ! 06-07: Maxine’s article .


08-09: Maxine’s event for women.


10-11 : Pollyanna’s article and recipe. ! 12-13: Kate Henwood and her current diary entry. ! 14-15: Advertising. 16-17 : Book Review . ! 18-19 : The stormtrooper at Applestock.


20 : Sumer image.


21-27: Our Gallery of Guys.


28-29: Exclusive interview with Nick Briggs. ! 30-31: Advertising space.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

32-35 : Photos and article by Scott Munro. 36-37: Goodwood Ladies Day review. 39: Photo provided by Paul Sargent. 40: Image 41-42: Charity advertising. 43-45 : Models of Diversity appeal. 46-: Contact Page



FROM THE EDITOR Feminarum magazine has been enjoying a wave of success over the last few months. We have been catching the attention of many people and also highlighting issues that are important to you as the reader. We are always looking to improve the quality of the magazine and want to engage our readers in a more proactive way that no other magazine currently does on the market. It is this and the fact that we are open to submissions from anyone and everyone, that has attributed to this wonderful success. The team as always are amazing and produce articles that have had our FB buzzing. Their dedication to the magazine is a testament to the belief in the core of the FEMINARUM. So we do hope that you enjoy this summer issue and keep supporting us so we can give you a voice within the wonderful magazine‌.. Helen Wright, Founder and Editor

! You can find us on FB and Twitter www.facebook/feminarum.com @FeminarumMag

Editor: Helen Wright

! Writing Team:


Maxine Harley Pollyanna Hale Katie Rose Kate Henwood Darren Essex Steve Wright

! front cover photo: (Double 8)



SUMMER IS HERE ‘So summer is here at last. the season of bbq, ice creams and wonderful holidays.’


The summer always makes us feel so better. It must be the fact that everything is blooming and the skies are clear and blue. The images of summer summon up thoughts of ice-cream, days at the beach and lazing in the garden, listening to kids playing in their paddling pools and having fun. So we decided that this issue would be filled with very evocative images that will make our readers smile. With the success of our Black and White Gallery last month, we will be looking to fill the pages with images submitted by our readers and anyone who wants to be published in an up and coming magazine.


‘We are beautiful without the magazines telling us how to look and what to wear this summer.’

The summer inspires us to make beautiful things and so we have our normal range of articles about how t make things like ice-cream and also how you can appreciate the summer yourself. For too long, women have been pressured into getting the perfect ‘Bikini Body’

When will this increasing demand from the media to make women feel inadequate stop. Summer is about enjoying the time you have with your friends and family, not worrying about trying to fit into a bikini just because a magazine tells you its the latest thing this month.

Every summer you see this in all the magazine and it is accompanied by diet fads on how you can achieve this… great.. more pressure on women that we just don’t need right now.

My answer to that as a working mother of three is simple….I will wear what I want when I want. And thank god for the tankini..best thing ever invented..

As women/mothers were are already waist high in end of year events, like school discos, fetes and teenagers eagerly awaiting their exam results. Now we have to look slim and svelte as well…

Speak to real women and not stick thin ‘Lovely People.’ Throw open the doors of your ivory towers and let the masses inside.. we did and have never looked back.. Anyway…Summer rant over, I hope that you enjoy this colourful summer issue..

! (Pictures by Double8)

So if there are any editors or magazine moguls out there reading this, then take my advice. go away and ask your readers what they actually want to see in a magian and get your head out from behind the castle walls and look and see what is going on in the Real World.





Maxine Harley Lets make hay whilst the sun shines..!!! Let's make hay whilst the sun shines!!

and rituals for the fertility of the land and people.!

Apart from the known health benefits of Summer's energising sunshine, holidays, and our body's production of the vital vitamin D; there are also warnings of too much of a good thing...leading to heatstroke, hayfever, infected insect bites and even the greater likelihood of skin cancer.!

There's something about the summer that certainly makes me think more about carnal pleasures! Perhaps we are innately conditioned to create new life to be born during the next spring time.!



What a mixed bag summer brings!!


And what of our memories of summer days past?!


Mine are of my birthdays, taking exams whilst daydreaming of being outside in the sun, long evenings playing out with friends, weddings, summer fayres and fetes, and the dull county agricultural shows. !


“Summer is certainly a time of feast and fun. The opportunity to make hay whilst the sun shines..”


What about you? ! What are your abiding memories of summer, and what hay will you be making whilst the sun shines?!

! !

Maxine Harley (MSc Psychotherapy)! www.maxineharley.com! www.psychotherapysussex.co.uk!


Summer is certainly a time of feast and fun. The opportunity to make hay whilst the sun shines ...and to make the most of what you have in the time that you have it.!


There's also the Summer solstice – which has a particular relevance for some groups who enjoy worldwide celebrations



Recover From Your Mother ©! A very unique weekend retreat experience for six women! Date: October – Friday 9th – Sunday 11th! Venue: The picturesque Darling Buds Of May Farm, Ashford, Kent! (Visit their website here to view the farm)!


approval, care and attention?!

! Many of us have had a ‘troubled’ relationship with our mother, and deep down we know that we need to release this pain and heal our emotional wounds, so that we can more fully enjoy the future.!

! •!

Do you still wonder why she treated you as she did and couldn’t see you for who you really were?!

! •!

Does it feel like there’s an aching void left inside you somewhere? A dark and empty place which should have been filled by her unconditional love, interest, empathy and kindness towards you. A void that can still leave you feeling unhappy and vulnerable.!

Perhaps your mother was well-meaning but just too distracted to give you what you most needed from her. Emotional neglect is passed on in many types of families, not only the obviously abusive ones.! ! •!

Are you exhausted from trying to placate or impress your mother, or to gain her


! If you’re tired of the struggles from the past still affecting your life now, then it’s time to get it all off your chest, and lighten that load – leaving you feeling much more free, empowered and courageous.! You can replace your feelings of anger, frustration, sadness and disappointment which stem from the past, with feelings of confidence, joy, freedom and peace of mind for the future.! This isn’t about blaming or shaming your mother – it’s about realising what has been missing for you and filling that gap for yourself now. !

You can now make peace with your past, feel more detached from your mother’s influence, and turn off her voice in your head.! You know, that persistent inner voice of hers which criticises, squashes and shames you, and makes you feel in the wrong and full of self-doubt – and compelled to do the ‘right thing’ in her eyes.!

A new relationship in which you are now empowered to create the balance you’ve always wanted and needed in your emotional life.! It’s time to realise that you are even more than good enough… and you always were.!

! This weekend retreat will change your relationship with your mother – once and for all – and that will profoundly change every other aspect of your life. ! You will be given the tools to ‘Re-parent Your Inner Child’ © , to enjoy the results of ‘Care & Repair From The Inside Out’ © – and to make peace with your past, at last.! This special retreat will reach places that counselling therapy doesn’t. It offers you ‘heart to heart healing’, sensitivity, safety and support… and an opportunity for your inner child to play and have some fun too!!

Maxine Harley – MSc Psychotherapy! I know from personal experience how burdened you’ve been feeling carrying your mother around with you in your mind all these years. Even if you may not physically see her any longer, her legacy lives on and continues to interfere with your life.! Your relationship with her has created the template for how you see and relate to yourself, and this has a ripple effect to all of your other relationships too.! It is possible to rewrite that template and to step into a much more assertive adult relationship with your mother – or her memory if she is no longer in the physical world.!



Pollyanna Hale Dear Readers!


It doesn’t feel quite right writing this Summer themed article while the rain drizzles down my windowpane, but nevertheless the calendar insists it is indeed Summer, albeit a ‘British’ version today. But perhaps there’s more to my ‘not so buzzing’ mood today than simply being cross I can’t get out for my daily dose of sun – it could in fact be the Vitamin D, or rather lack of.!


Vitamin D is more like a hormone in that it sends messages to every cell of your body and is instrumental in bone health, immunity, and mental health. Low levels of vitamin D are linked to osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, and depression. We can get vitamin D in eggs, dairy products, fish, and fortified foods like cereals and margarine spreads, but the majority of it is made in our own bodies by, you guessed it, being exposed to sunshine!!


However in the far Northern hemisphere we get adequate sunshine for a limited few months a year between May and August, and that’s not counting darker, overcast days that are common throughout our Summer months. Luckily Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin meaning that you can ‘stock up’ on Sunny days and store it in your fat cells to see you through the winter. Unfortunately lack of sunny days, staying or working indoors and sunscreen can all contribute to not storing up enough of this vital nutrient for our needs.!


But there are things you can do to help; Get outside for 20 minutes a day on sunny days with your skin exposed (like a strappy top), preferably between 10am and 3pm when the sun is strongest, 10 minutes of which without sunscreen unless you have skin that burns in


under 10 minutes. This should be sufficient to start producing decent levels of Vitamin D. Eat plenty of Vitamin D rich foods all year round. If you struggle to get enough Vitamin D the NHS recommends taking no more than 25 µg (equivalent to 1000 IU) in supplement form, however under a dietician’s supervision as much as 4000 IU/day may be recommended for deficiencies (blood test defined) and 2000 IU for maintenance. !


Now if it’s not raining get outside and catch those rays before the clouds come back!!


Polly xxx ! www.pollyannahale.co.uk! info@pollyannahale.co.uk!

! Coconut Banana Dairy-Free Ice Cream INGREDIENTS 400ml can of coconut milk 2 bananas 60g unsweetened desiccated coconut DIRECTIONS Put coconut milk & banana in blender (or mash banana by hand & mix) Stir in the desiccated coconut Pour the mixture into a tub and place in the in freezer Stir periodically or whisk with fork, until frozen (about 3-4 hours) Take out 10 minutes before serving to soften slightly




Kate Henwood Hot off the press Chemo 4 – Hot Off The Press
 Today should be chemo 5 but it’s not – it’s been postponed.
 I saw my consultant, Richard, last night – a routine visit to see how things are, symptoms, side effects etc. 
 I told him how rubbish cycle 4 had been – all my side effects have been worse and new ones had emerged, the nausea, even more rubbish sleep and the peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet. I now have bruises under my nails and it makes typing etc difficult – using a chip and pin machine hurts both fingers and bank balance and using a touch screen really needs a stylus now – I’m getting quite quick! It looks like I will lose the nails but fingers crossed, they’ll grow back without too much damage to the nail beds.
 His reaction was that cycle 4, 5 and 6 will be tough because my body is accumulating the chemo now, which is normal, and having to fight harder as well as being weakened by the general effects of the chemo. The up side is that my blood count is brilliant so the little soldiers in my blood are doing a fantastic job. 
 So I now have to feed a small army and a growing 13 year old!



But the reason for delaying chemo isn’t because of any of this…..the obligatory examination (I’m sure this must be one of the perks of the job!!) left him with a big grin.

that’s another thing I’ll be taking.

So the delay to Chemo 5 is probably only until Thursday as the pharmacy need to reorder my drugs as they are measured dosage bags.
 This will also mean that my final chemo will move 2 days, bringing it only 3 days before Race for Life – the upside is I’ll still have steroids in my system and that should make the 5k walk a bit easier!!

Subject to confirmation with a scan, it appears that all three tumour, including IndieGo, have GONE…..
 Richard said when I saw him last time that this was a possibility….I didn’t really believe that they would.

My scan is booked for the 7th July, to see the full extent of the 6 chemo cycles on the breast tumours and the bone areas that are affected. 
 From there, he will take all the results to his panel of experts where they discuss their complex cases – I have to be different! – and we can then formulate an action plan for the rest of my treatment and what is the best way forward long term, because we are looking at long term…..treatment of some description is a permanent feature, albeit in a less invasive way than chemo for now. With all this in mind, chemo 5, which was due today and chemo 6 will be reduced doses – in order to still hit the bony areas but to reduce the side effects, primarily the peripheral neuropathy. 
 The danger with giving the full dosage of the chemo is that the peripheral neuropathy CAN become permanent and we want to avoid that at all costs…..at the moment it’s reversible, and we want to keep it that way. 
 High dose Omega 3 has been shown in the Cleopatra study to be highly effective in reducing the neuropathy so

Talking of Race for Life, Kate’s Angels raised over £1200 so far – we are now a 30+ strong team and have been chosen by Cancer Research UK to promote the race in the Worthing Herald and The Argus (hopefully). If you feel you can sponsor us, here’s the link to our page…..

“I could not do any of this without YOU, any of you.”

I couldn’t do any of this without YOU, any of you.
 Your prayers, thoughts, messages, texts, pictures and in some cases, verbal abuse (I love it) and keeping it normal, (like I asked you to) are what makes this happen.
 So keep it coming – the next 6 weeks are going to be rough, but this cancer is on its way out, so let’s kick it hard.

“Kate has been writing for us for a few months and everyone enjoys reading her articles.”

So it’s chemo tomorrow hopefully……and maybe a small glass of something to celebrate, tonight.
 Love you all xxxxx! ! Kate Henwood! 07818 691922! !



14 • Your Magazine • website.com

! “We at FEMINARUM magazine will be supporting those who fight to give those who can’t speak, a voice…”

Your Magazine • website.com • 15

! “I

always enjoy reading autobiographies and this was no exception. The book is well put together and the chapters flow in a very coherent manner. So if you want to read something intriguing about a fascinating character then I suggest that this is the book you should buy.�

Diana Vreeland Book Review

A fascinating book about a women who reinvented both Vogue and Harper magazine. 16

! Obviously being a magazine editor myself, I found this book and the lady it is centred around the most fascinating person that I have read about so far. Diana Vreeland was responsible for reshaping the ways the world looked at fashion within the mass media of the fashion magazine. Her story begins like that of the famous Chanel, shrouded in mystery and legend. With a alluring and seductive mother and a beautiful sister, Diana’s childhood was marred from an early stage by the harsh words from her mother. So the die is cast for this small girl who escaped into the world of fantasy and found the secret of absorbing images, feelings and beautiful objects. This talent came to the forefront during her career at Vogue. She unleashed all her creative fury on the pages of the magazine and transformed it totally. Within the pages of this colourful life, we are given an insight into the mind of a women who understood her fantasy world and looked to stamp her ideals on the real world.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! In 1971 her life changes again and she finds herself unable to compete with the ever changing world and is fired from Vogue. She became the Special Consultant to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This new position was tailor-made for a woman who had dedicated her life to fashion in all its glorious forms. Diana saw the changes from Dior to Vidal and all the wonderful revelations a new generation would bring. She championed the idea of making fashion an individual thing and for women to be non conformist to the slaves of their generations. For me this was an amazing thing to read. I don’t really follow fashion. To read that this influential lady was advocating freedom of fashion was so amazing. If you want to read an autobiography that is a bit different then I can highly recommend this book.

! Diana Vreeland Empress of Fashion (Thames and Hudson, £19.95)



Stormtrooper Steve Steve from Janus designs, doubles as a stormtrooper A Stormtroopers life is not an easy one, we have to travel all over the galaxy, keeping the peace and chasing those annoying rebels away from systems we protect. Of course we have times that we fail, and one of our worst failures is our inability to find a couple of droids that Mr Vader wanted us to find… So imagine our surprise when we get a tip off that one of them was hiding away at a Music Festival on a small blue/green planet called Earth.. So on 18th July 2015 (Local Time), I find myself at a place called the Apuldram Centre at a Music Festival called Apulstock… Well what can I say, what a place to be sent to for a job.. The music was fantastic, especially a band called Iron Tyger.. This Stormtrooper had an amazing time, and to be honest I totally forgot about the Droid I’d been sent to look for.. I danced as only a Stormtrooper can (a bit robotic and definitely bad), I even had a thing called a ‘Hamburger’ to eat, delicious is all I can say.. Must remind myself to get the Death Star Canteen to make these when I get back.. People here must know about the Empire, because I had a lot of people wanting to take photos of me, I even had a few 18

people wanting to know where they could sign up for the Corp. One videographer though had to be chased off a few times.. I kept telling him that there was nothing to see and to move along.. But he kept coming back and even caught me dancing a few times, although he soon ran when I noticed him lol… Oh I forgot to mention about the Droid… Mr Vader isn't going to be too happy with me. I found the Droid at a tent being run by Type 40 Toys.. They had a thing called The Tardis there and a metallic machine they called a Dalek.. In the corner there was a very familiar looking Artoo Unit, but on closer investigation I have to report that ‘Its not the Droid we’re looking for’!!! One last thing I did promise to mention to everyone back home about the Apuldram Centre.. So here goes.. A Stormtrooper always keeps his promises.. The Apuldram Centre’s objective is to provide meaningful daytime occupational activities to adults with learning disabilities, with the emphasis on having a training-orientated day and producing goods for sale to the public. We offer horticultural work, both on and off site,


“Steve is fulfilling a woodwork, cookery, arts and crafts. Furthermore we have an assortment of sports and activities at the Centre throughout the year. Apuldram also supports a number of people in the Chichester area to live independently in their own tenancies. We aim to support individuals to achieve their full potential with help and ,

encouragement towards a greater degree of independence, without removing the offer of support which they may require, especially when problems enter their lives.


dream he had all those years ago. He has always wanted to be a stormtrooper.

Now he wears the armour and does charity work as well .” •










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gallery of Guys

Everyone at FEMINARUM knows that you ladies love our Gallery of Guys. Lets face it, who would not like to have a stare at one or all of the guys we have featured in past issues, but we are going to be doing something very special next month.


We will be dedicating our August issue completely to the Gallery. Of course, we will have interviews and articles from all the writers but most of it will be unashamedly be filled with pictures of gorgeous guys. This issue will be buy only as its very special.


Details of this and much more will be posted on our website and on our FB page.

! Photos in the gallery by: ! Double8 Matt Marsh




Nicolas Briggs

The voice of the Darleks 1: What did you want to be when you were a kid?!


I don’t think I had any firm idea when I was preteenage. I think a lot of people thought I wanted to join the army, because I was rather preoccupied with military history and toy soldiers. I think that led to me thinking I wanted to be the curator of a museum, because I loved visiting museums, especially the Maritime Museum in Southampton, because I loved the models of ships! But after that, I think I started to think I wanted to be a teacher. Not sure why. But I soon got over it at the age of 16, when I looked at my teachers a bit more objectively and thought, 'Blimey, I don’t want to end up like these people!' Bit harsh, I know, but so many of them seemed so smug and self-satisfied to me. And all the young, male teachers, in their fat ties and wide lapels — yes, it was the 1970s! — seemed to spend all their time flirting with the young girls. They seemed a bit pathetic to me. Different times, folks! So, at some point during my A’ Levels, I realised I needed to be an actor.!


2: What are your earliest memories of your time with Doctor Who?!


You mean working on it or in relation to the series as a whole? I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t into Doctor Who. I’ve loved it all my life. I remember the first Doctor, William Hartnell and certainly remember being upset by his regenerating into Patrick Troughton. Kids hate change, but I ended up loving Patrick Troughton’s Doctor. He’s actually my favourite. As for working on the show, I remember so much. It seems incredible to me that it’s eleven years ago when I first got the job of being the voice of the Daleks. I remember getting the job, receiving the call from my agent, getting a long call from Russell T Davies, then the director, Joe Ahearne, who asked me to bring my voice gizmo to the read-through. Then on the read-through, as I set up all my technical stuff in front of the other actors, I countered their bemused looks by saying, ‘Oh, haven’t you brought yours?’ Then Chris Eccleston and Billie Piper were late to the read through, because they’d been filming extra scenes, because all the scripts were under-running. So many memories… And the first day on set… A dream come true.!

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! 3: What is the best thing about the job you do?! !

I think the best thing is that it’s a ‘thing’. If someone asks me what I do, I can just say I’m the voice of the Daleks. 99% of people I meet know what that means and are extremely positive. Some people’s jobs are hard to explain, and when you have to explain your job to someone, there’s the danger they’ll lose interest halfway through the explanation, because, let’s face it, most of us are chiefly interested in ourselves and not others. So a short job description like ‘voice of the Daleks’ is quite a relief, conversationally speaking. The reaction of the 1% who have never heard of Doctor Who or hate it is beautifully grounding for me and immediately dispels any potential delusions of grandeur on my part!!

! 4: How do you relax?! !

Ah, now, you’ve hit upon a problem. I don’t relax much, because the thing I love doing is my job. I write, produce, direct, compose music and do sound design for Big Finish Productions, who do the audio adventures of Doctor Who. It’s a small company that’s grown much larger, and coping with that growth is my day-to-day challenge. I could spend all day, seven days a week answering emails concerning that job, frankly! So, what I mostly do

to relax, on very rare occasions, is sleep, watch movies or great TV series (watching Orphan Black on Netflix and loving it!), also I like watching really old stuff like Dangerman, The Baron, The Champions (their lack of complexity is really relaxing, I find). And I like to walk along the beach, which is down down the road from me. Oh, and going out for dinner. I like a nice restaurant. Going out to lunch or dinner is one of my favourite things.!


5: If you could travel to any country in the world, where would it be and why?! I’m not much of a traveller. Doctor Who has afforded me the chance to travel to America, Australia and New Zealand to go to conventions. And that’s been very enjoyable.

! But to be blunt, I would not have gone otherwise. But having travelled, I’m slightly less parochial than I was, and certainly far less nervous of flying. But I love England and its countryside and, in particular, the area where I now live, in Dorset. So, sorry to be boring, but I’m quite happy where I am and have no particular hankering to travel anywhere else. Travelling is such a huge pain, especially since the terrorist threat turned airports into gigantic security facilities.!


6: How did you get involved with the Big Finish ?!


This is a big answer… On leaving drama school and not finding any work, mainly because of the restrictive practises of the actors’ union Equity in those days, I found other avenues in which to express my urge to write, direct and act. I focussed on what I love. Doctor Who. So, I got involved with a bunch of fans who were making Doctor Who audio plays. I ended up playing the Doctor, because the guy they had doing it wasn’t an actor and sounded like he could barely speak, frankly. Poor chap got a bit tongue-tied in front of the microphone, bless him. My involvement escalated and I learnt a lot about writing, directing, sound design and music, thanks to all the great people I worked with. We did them for love, but they were certainly of a professional standard, mostly. That led to my working with the lovely Gary Russell (who’s now a TV producer in Australia). From then on, Gary and I harboured a desire to do the Doctor Who audios ‘officially’ and with ‘proper Doctors’. When Gary got his childhood friend Jason Haigh-Ellery — a Doctor Who fan and businessman — to use his company, Big Finish, to obtain a licence from the BBC to do Doctor Who audio productions, I was on board from the very beginning. I wrote, directed, sound designed, composed and acted in our first Doctor Who release, Sirens of Time… And I’ve never really stopped. Eight years ago, I became executive producer of the company and now have a wide, impossibly wide, range of responsibilities across the company, including all sorts of grown-up stuff as well as the creative bits!!

7: What is the best part of attending conventions?!


People’s enthusiasm. I’m drawn to that. It’s the performer in me. Also, it’s lovely to see people enjoying themselves and feeling that you’re safe with a bunch of like-minded people. I remember getting quite into the TV series of Fantasy Football League. I hate football, but I loved the enthusiasm of the people on it. It’s quite intoxicating. And when the people are interested in the same thing as you, then that’s just brilliant. Who wouldn’t want to go somewhere where people are mostly telling you they love your work? I’m extremely grateful and it’s good to give something back to those who support you and your work.!

! 8: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?! !

I’d be extremely happy to be right where I am. I have a lovely wife and child and I love my work. The amount of work can be stressful. So, perhaps I’d like to be exactly where I am now, but not quite as stressed. But there have always been two impulses pulling at me throughout my working life. The desire for security and the fear of repetitive monotony. My job is beautifully varied, so monotony doesn’t come into it, and I like the idea of being in the same job in five years’ time because of a desire for security. But that doesn’t mean to say that if some incredible opportunity came along, I wouldn’t dare to take it. I think I would take the leap if the conditions were right. But to be perfectly honest, I’m not seeking that. I feel blessed and lucky and privileged and I’m extremely grateful for that.!


Nick Briggs! Executive Producer! Big Finish Productions Ltd!




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SCOTT MUNRO I first met Scott when he applied for a casting call concerning the calendar. We had a great shoot and during one of our conversations, he did mention that he did photography as well. So when I saw this collection of images that Scott had been working on, I knew that we had to have them in the magazine. Everyone at FEMINARUM will agree that the subject of drugs and alcohol abuse is one that will always rear its ugly head from time to time, either in the media or from personal experiences with someone we know. I know Scott feels very strongly about this subject and felt compelled to illustrate this with his work. We are more then happy to support anyone who has a message that they feel strongly about.

! Photographer: Scott Munro Model and MUA : Jade Frances


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This images are hard hitting and serve o illustrate the deviation of drugs and alcohol.

Photographer : Scott Munro Model and MUA : Jade Frances


“A lot of people and family have been affected by drugs and alcohol abuse. I wanted to create hard and impacting images to highlight this. We all need to keep up the fight against this and support the people who have been affected ..” “Remember to just say NO!!!!”






Ladies Day at the goodwood Races Myself and two other people spent the day at GOODWOOD. It was a fabulous day of Pimms and racing. Thankfully the weather was perfect.. The magazine was given three complimentary tickets to come and review the wonderful Ladies Day at Goodwood Racecourse in West Sussex. 36 •

! ! ! Goodwood Races was holding their annual Ladies Day on the 30th of July. I had been given complimentary tickets to come along and experience what the races had to offer. With me came my daughter and Aida Akmar Kaman, a local well known blogger. We arrived at 12:00 to find the place very busy already. It seemed that everyone was eager to have a good time. After sampling some of the wonderful culinary delights on offer, it was great to see the ladies arrive for the special ‘Magnolia Cup’ event. The silks they were wearing had been specially designed for this event and the ladies looked amazing. Of course all three of us walked to the racetrack to see the ladies run..apart from four horses jumping the start, it was a great way to open the racing. Aida was commenting on the wide variety of fashions that could clearly been seen on the day. I mentioned that of course, it is a day of fashion and hats and there was plenty of both to been seen whilst we were there. Florals and bold colours seemed to be very popular and I have never before seen such a wonderful array of shoes of all shapes, colours and sizes.. My daughter Isabelle was wearing a very beautiful canary yellow lace dress whilst myself and Aida went for something a bit more retro and vintage. As the day went on, the atmosphere became one of class, elegance and fun. It was great to watch Frankie Dettori in his usual style jump off his winning horse. Everyone was really shouting and the cheers from the crowd only added to the wonderful mood that was evident everywhere you looked at Goodwood. The staff at the event were so polite and very attentive. They did not mind people taking photos and although we had our bags searched as we went in, we were safe in the knowledge that the security in the place was the best. It is always a worry when you attend these events and especially for ladies. your personal safety is very important. Goodwood was a place that you could rest assured, you would be kept safe. As we say drinking our orange juices and Pimms, the three of us delighted in watching people and listening to the wonderful live music that was playing during the gap in the races. The jazz band were amazing and for us we were also lucky as the weather held out as well. Although at times it did coming over cloudy but luckily there was no rain, just sunshine and the occasional cloud. Nothing that would dampen the wonderful spirits of all the ladies and gentleman that we saw on that day. So if you want to take a lady out for the day and impress her or you just want a good time with a group of female friends, then the Goodwood Racecourse is a place I can very highly recommend.


18 • Your Magazine • website.com

Photographer : Paul Sargent www.cherished-photos.net



picture provided by Double8




Link to donate = http://www.gofundme.com/ vrusu7q! Our hashtag = #disabilityfight4fashionright!

! Description = ! !

We are 4 young disabled women from campaign non profit group Models Of Diversity. ! We plan to tour the UK to obtain signatures from the general public, on a petition that will change how disabled people are currently EXCLUDED from the fashion industry - for good! !


We are raising money to cover the travel costs of a country wide tour, and your kindness will help us achieve our 100,000 signature dream - to which we will march, albeit on wheels and crutches, to 10 Downing Street and the Houses Of Parliment, to summon for CHANGE to happen. !




We don't want special treatment, just the same treatment.! -- !

! ! !

Chelsey Jay ! Director for Models with a Disability ! www.modelsofdiversity.org! (pictures provided by Chelsey Jay)!




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