Friends of all shapes and sizes play hide and seek. The mouse counts to ten. The bee hides in a matchbox, the cat hides in the piano, and the elephant looks, and looks, and looks.... Will he be able to find a hiding spot in time? This story invites children into a fun game of hide and seek and is ideal for beginner readers.
doubledutch books
ISBN 978-0-9940570-6-8
C ATA L O G U E FA L L 2016
In this book, each letter of the alphabet focuses on a vehicle or item associated with transportation — from airplane to the Zamboni. Each letter also includes engaging now-and-then facts and images that show how transportation has changed over the years, lead-in questions, and I Wonder questions. Young readers will be intrigued by the variety of ways humans travel — on land, over water, and in the sky.
Transportation Now and Then
Transportation Now and Then
T ranspor tat ion N ow A n ABC B ook
W ritten
K irsten P hill ips
L eigh H amb ly
T hen
An ABC Book
Grades 1 F u ll
3 / 32
pa g e s
9”× 7” P a p e r b a ck $12.95 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-0-9940570-7-5
doubledutch books
B est B ooks for K ids & T eens 2016, C anadian C hildren ’ s B ook C entre
Leigh Hambly Kirsten Phillips
R eviews :
"Transportation Now and Then is an excellent, albeit brief, introduction to different forms of transportation. Teachers of EAL/ESL may find its contents to be useful.” Highly Recommended. — CM Magazine September 16, 2016
C c canoe
H h helicopter
Would you rather paddle a canoe or ride in a motor boat?
Can you describe the sound of a helicopter when it is flying?
Did you know?
Did you know?
Canoes are a fun way to travel over lakes and rivers. A canoe can be made from many different materials, including wood, fiberglass, and aluminum.
Helicopters are used for searchand-rescue, photography, fighting forest fires, chasing criminals, and many other activities that require takeoff and landing in small spaces. If you live near a hospital, you may see a helicopter taking off from or landing on the hospital’s roof in an emergency.
I wonder Why do canoes tip so easily?
Many years ago, Indigenous peoples of Canada invented the canoe to make it easier to travel the waterways. The first canoes were handmade from birchbark.
The first helicopters were used by the military for watching enemy territory, delivering supplies, and moving injured soldiers.
I wonder How is a helicopter able to hover, or stay in the air in one place?
B O O K S I N E N G L I S H A N D S PA N I S H S cience
C ounting
Numbers are everywhere – from the distance that separates your house from your best friend’s to the number of candles you will blow out on your next birthday cake. This series introduces readers to a variety of interesting science topics. Ideal for curious readers of all ages.
Y o u r B o dy f r o m 1 to 10
E scrito
W ritten by C arl a B aredes and I l eana L otersztain Grades 2 F u ll
sistema solar
G r a d o s 2 – 6 24
pa g e s
P a p e r b a ck $12.95 CDN / U.S.
$12.95 CDN / U.S.
ISBN: 978-987-1217-13-7
ISBN: 978-0-9940570-9-9
1 estrella llamada Sol, 2 grupos de planetas separados por un cinturón de asteroides,
1 star called the Sun, 2 groups of planets separated by an asteroid belt, 3 types of meteorites that fall to Earth… Read from 1 to 10, to learn fascinating facts about the the solar system. Discover what Saturn’s rings are made of, how many times humans walked on the moon, what space stations are used for, and much more. Ideal for curious readers of all ages.
Una propuesta sencilla y atractiva que permite saber de qué está hecho el Sol, para qué sirve una estación espacial, quién fue el primer explorador de Marte y muchas otras curiosidades del vecindario planetario Ideal para primeros lectores.
T u cuerpo del 1 al 10
Y o u r B o dy f r o m 1 to 10 E scrito
W ritten by C arl a B aredes and I l eana L otersztain Grades 2
p á g i na s c o l o r
7.87” × 7.87”
P a pe r b a c k
F u ll
C ar la B aredes I leana L otersztain
8”× 8”
por e
6 / 24
C ar la B aredes I leana L otersztain
por e
G r a d o s 2 – 6
6 / 24
pa g e s
p á g i na s c o l o r
7.87” × 7.87”
8”× 8”
P a p e r b a ck
P a pe r b a c k
$12.95 CDN / U.S.
$12.95 CDN / U.S.
ISBN: 978-987-1217-13-7
ISBN: 978-0-9940570-8-2
1 heart, 2 lungs, 3 layers of skin, 4 groups of teeth…
1 corazón, 2 pulmones, 3 capas de piel, 4 grupos de dientes...
Read from 1 to 10, to learn fascinating facts about the human body. Discover the shape of your heart, how food moves through your body, why you can move your hand in many different ways, and much more. Ideal for curious readers of all ages.
¿Cuántas capas tiene la piel? ¿Cómo serán tus dientes cuando crezcas? Un interesante recorrdio desde el 1 hasta el 10, mientras descubres cómo es y cómo funciona el cuerpo humano. Ideal para primeros lectores.
P or
Why Would E l e p h an t s R at h e r P l ay T ag ?
qué los
elefantes prefieren jugar a la man cha
W ritten by S ilvina R ocha I ll ustrated by m E y ! Grades K F u ll
doubledutch books
E scrito
S i lvina R ocha I lustrado por m E y ! por
3 / 32
G r a d o s K – 3 32
pa g e s
8”× 8”
p á g i na s c o l o r
7.874” × 7.874”
P a pe r b a c k
P a p e r b a ck
$12.95 CDN / U.S.
$12.95 CDN / U.S.
ISBN: 978-0-9940570-6-8
ISBN: 978-987-1374-31-1
Friends of all shapes and sizes play hide and seek. The mouse counts to ten. The bee hides in a matchbox, the cat hides in the piano, and the elephant looks, and looks, and looks.... Will he be able to find a hiding spot in time? This story invites children into a fun game of hide and seek and is ideal for beginner readers.
Un grupo de animales juega a las escondidas. El ratón cuenta hasta diez. La abeja se esconde en una cajita de fósforos, el gato en el piano. Mientras el elefante busca su escondite, ¿el armario?, ¿debajo de la mesa?, ¿detrás de la cortina? Una historia ideal para primeros lectores.
W hite R avens I nte r nat i o n a l e J ugend bi bliote k M u n ich G er m a n y 2014
“...A lighthearted, engaging read.…with descriptive illustrations….well-suited for early readers.…With easy-toread text and playful illustrations, Why Would Elephants Rather Play Tag? is an entertaining tale about finding the right fit, no matter your size. highly recommended.”
B est S eries , ALIJA-IBBY, 2013, A r g e n t i na
— CM Magazine November 13, 2015 4
O u r N eigh bourho o d series invites young readers
La serie N ues tr o
B arrio invita a sus jóvenes lectores
a compartir las historias cotidianas de otros niños y las de sus
into familiar stories about children, friends and pets, and
amigos y mascotas, sabiendo que encontrarán en
everyday activities.
ellas muchos aspectos en común con su propia realidad.
L os V ecinos de N igel
N i g e l ’ s N e i gh bours W ritten by L eigh H amb ly and K irsten P hi ll ips I ll ustrated by M aría J esús Á lvarez Grades K F u ll
E scrito
L eigh H amb ly K irsten P hill ips I lustrado por M aría J esús Á lvarez por y
3 / 32
G r a d o s K – 3 K – 3
pa g e s
7”× 10”
P a pe r b a c k
p á g i na s c o l o r
7”× 10”
$12.95 CDN / U.S.
P a p e r b a ck
ISBN: 978-0-9940570-0-6
$12.95 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-0-9940570-4-4
Harriet tiene un nuevo cachorrito llamado Nigel y quiere presentárselo a sus amigos. ¿Les gustará tanto como a ella? ¡Averigua qué dicen sus amigos cuando conocen a Nigel!
Harriet has a new puppy named Nigel, and she wants her friends to meet him. What will they think of him? Join Harriet and Nigel as they visit their neighbours.
Los vecinos de Nigel ha sido escrito pensando en el vocabulario adecuado para pequeños lectores.
Nigel’s Neighbours is a predictable story with simple dialogue that is ideal for beginning readers.
La serie N ues tr o
O u r N eigh bourho o d series invites young readers
B arrio invita a sus jóvenes lectores
a compartir las historias cotidianas de otros niños y las de sus
into familiar stories about children, friends and pets, and
amigos y mascotas, sabiendo que encontrarán en
everyday activities.
ellas muchos aspectos en común con su propia realidad.
W a k e U p , O li v er !
¡D espier ta , O li v er !
W ritten by L eigh H amb ly and K irsten P hi ll ips I ll ustrated by M aría J esús Á lvarez Grades K F u ll
E scrito
L eigh H amb ly y K irsten P hill ips I lustrado por M aría J esús Á lvarez por
3 / 32
G r a d o s K – 3 32
pa g e s
7”× 10”
p á g i na s c o l o r
7”× 10”
P a p e r b a ck
P a p e r b a ck
$12.95 CDN / U.S.
$12.95 CDN / U.S.
ISBN: 978-0-9940570-1-3
ISBN: 978-0-9940570-5-1
El perrito Teddy está siempre muy ocupado. ¡Le encanta hacer tantas cosas! Averigua cuáles son todas las cosas divertidas que hace cuando Oliver se está preparando para ir a la escuela.
Teddy is a very busy dog. He loves to do many different things. Discover what amusing things Teddy does as Oliver gets ready for school in the morning. Wake Up, Oliver! is a pattern book with familiar content that is ideal for beginning readers.
¡Despierta, Oliver! ha sido escrito pensando en el vocabulario adecuado para pequeños lectores.
A b e c e dario W ritten by R uth K aufman and R aquel F ranco I ll ustrat ed by D iego B iank i Grades K F u ll
/ 36
pa g e s
9.842” × 13.779” H a r d c ov er $29.95 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-987-1374-59-5
N ew H orizons A ward , B ologna C hildren ’ s B ook F air 2015
This is a different kind of alphabet book. Instead of using nouns to introduce the letters of the alphabet, the authors use verbs. For each verb, humorous sketches and simple phrases are given. When reading this book, adults and children are invited to engage in play, creativity, and discovery. Este es un libro diferente sobre el alfabeto. En lugar de utilizar sustantivos para introducir las letras del alfabeto, los autores usan verbos. Cada verbo es presentado a través de viñetas llenas de humor y sencillas frases. La lectura de este libro invita a los adultos y los niños a participar en el juego, la creatividad y el descubrimiento.
R om p e c abezas W ritten
Grades K F u ll
I ll ustrated
D iego B iank i
8 / 68
pa g e s
9.65” × 11.81” H a r d c ov e r $36.00 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-987-1374-42-7
IBBY H onour L ist , O utstanding B ooks F or Y oung P eople W ith D isa b ilities , 2015 F unda ción C uatrogatos , 2015, E.E.U.U.
We live with billions of animals – flies, dogs, geese, and rabbits, for example – and people. Although we are so many and so distinctive, we are also alike in one way: we are all different. And there is a word that can bring us together: US. This book creates an entertaining graphic game that will touch the hearts of everyone who reads it. Vivimos con miles de millones de animales –moscas, perros, gansos y conejos, por ejemplo– y personas. Aunque somos tantos y tan distintos, también somos iguales en un sentido: todos somos diferentes. Y hay una palabra que nos puede reunir: nosotros. Este libro crea un juego gráfico entretenido que tocará los corazones de todos los que lo leen.
P e q u e ñas
historias de grandes pintores
W ritten by R uth K aufman and R aquel F ranco I ll ustrated by D iego B ian ki Grades K F u ll
12 / 56
pa g e s
10.83” × 7.87” P a p e r b a ck $20.00 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-987-1374-19-9
N ew H orizons A ward , B ologna C hildren ’ s B ook F air 2015
There are many different ways to look at a picture. One of the most beautiful approaches is to paint it again. This is how Elenio Pico invites the reader to get to know the work of 24 famous artists from throughout history. Hay muchas maneras diferentes de mirar un cuadro. Una de las más bellas es pintarlo de nuevo. Esta es la forma en que Elenio Pico invita al lector a conocer la obra de 24 artistas famosos de la historia.
C u e n t os
G lo bo 2:
de bellas y de bestias
W ritten by J eanne -M arie L e P rince de B eaumont , A dele F iel de , and D ominga F uentes de N orambuena . C om pil ation and A da ptation by B etsy H earn I ll ustrated by A licia B al adán , M ariana C hiesa , D avid Á lvarez and C laudia L egnazzi Grades K F u ll
12 / 52
pa g e s
10.63” × 8.46” B e s t E d i t o r ia l Wo r k , ALIJA-IBBY, 2013, A r g e n t i na
P a p e r b a ck $19.50 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-987-1374-22-9
This book presents three traditional stories from three different countries: France, China, and Chile. In each story, beauty and a beast find each other, are separated, and then reunited. Each culture imagines the beast in a very different way. Includes a large Illustrated map, new and original art, translations, and adaptations. Tres relatos en los que una bella y una bestia se encuentran, se pierden y reencuentran. Versiones de Francia, China y Chile que asombran por la forma con que cada cultura imaginó a la bestia. Con un gran mapa ilustrado y traducciones, adaptaciones e ilustraciones originales.
P r o h ib ido
W ritten by M ario M éndez I ll ustrated by M ariano D íaz P rieto Grades 1 F u ll
5 / 32
pa g e s
8.27” × 7.87”
P aperbac k $15.95 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-987-1374-52-6
Following an afternoon of playing games, it is time for the children to put away their games and toys. The trouble is, everyone is happy to make a mess, but no one wants to help clean up. Eventually, family members get together and find a way to make clean-up fun for all. Después de una tarde de entretenimiento, llega el momento de que los niños guarden sus juegos y juguetes. El problema es que todo el mundo está dispuesto a hacer lío, pero nadie quiere ayudar a limpiar. Los miembros de la familia se reúnen y encuentran una manera de facilitar la limpieza para todos.
c asa bien ab ier ta
W ritten by C ar los A lber to P essoa R osa I ll ustrated by C laudia L egnazzi Grades 1 F u ll
5 / 32
pa g e s
9.05” × 9.05”
P aperbac k $18.00 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-987-1374-29-8
B a nc o D e l L i b r o De Venezuela, 2015 (N o m i n e e )
A young boy sits by himself on a beach on a rainy day. He thinks of the word “house” and writes it in the sand. For a moment, he dreams of a house and of a family as big as the whole world. He then lets his imagination soar. This story, with simple words and powerful pictures, encourages children to empathize and feel more connected with the lives of other children. Un niño está solo en la playa en un día de lluvia. Jugando, piensa en la palabra “casa”, la escribe en la arena. Por un momento, sueña con una casa y una familia tan grandes como el mundo. Después, vuelve al juego. Un relato en el que la sencillez de las palabras y la fuerza de la ilustración emocionan, generan empatía y acercan a los chicos a la vida de otros niños.
P a n t u fla
de perritos
W ritten by J orge L uján I ll ustrated by I sol Grades 1 F u ll
3 / 32
pa g e s
8.27” × 10.63”
P aperbac k $18.50 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-987-1374-15-1
Inspired by texts written by children of their pets, Jorge Luján created this collection of poems. Readers can hear the voices of the children, as well as the barks, meows, and growls of their pets. Inspirado en textos escritos por niños, Jorge Luján creó esta colección de poemas. En ellos se pueden oír las voces de los chicos y el poeta; también, los ladridos, maullidos y gruñidos de sus mascotas.
co coro cocó
W ritten by D idi G rau I ll ustrated by C hristian M ontenegro Grades 1 F u ll
3 / 28
pa g e s
7.87” × 7.87”
P aperbac k $13.95 CDN / U.S. ISBN: 978-987-1374-49-6
F u n d ac i ó n C u at r og at o s , 2015, E.E.U.U. B a nc o D e l L i b r o D e V e n e z u e l a , 2015, (N o m i n e e ) B e s t S e r i e s , ALIJA-IBBY, 2013, A r g e n t i na
This story comes full circle and adds new elements – sounds, characters, images – as it goes around. The voices of animals and the charm of a spiral-shaped story will keep young children laughing, talking, and singing. Esta historia es un cuento circular y añade nuevos elementos –sonidos, personajes, imágenes– a lo que pasa alrededor. Las voces de los animales y el encanto de una historia en forma de espiral mantendrán a los niños pequeños riendo, hablando y cantando.
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