Your Body from 1 to 10

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Numbers are everywhere – from the distance that separates your house from your




series introduces readers to a variety of interesting

science topics. Ideal for curious readers of all ages.

S c ie nc e



best friend’s to the number of candles you will blow out on your next birthday cake.

Science Your Body From 1 to 10

Discover the shape of your heart, how food moves through your body, why you can move your hand in many different ways, and much more.


C o u n t in g

Other title of the series

doubledutch books

ISBN 978-0-9940570-8-2



Your Body from 1 to

carla baredes · ileana lotersztain photos by pablo grancharoff

Your Body from 1 to

carla baredes ¡ ileana lotersztain photos by pablo grancharoff translated by silvana goldemberg

Tu Cuerpo del 1 al 10 by Carla Baredes and Ileana Lotersztain. Original edition ©2006 ediciones iamiqué, www.iamiqué English translation copyright © 2016 by Doubledutch Books First published in English in Canada and the USA in 2016 by Doubledutch Books Printed in Canada All rights are otherwise reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical – without the prior written permission of the publisher. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Baredes, Carla [Tu cuerpo del 1 al 10. English] Your body from 1 to 10 / Carla Baredes and Ileana Lotersztain ; translated by Silvana Goldemberg. (Science for counting) Translation of: Tu cuerpo del 1 al 10. ISBN 978-0-9940570-8-2 (paperback) 1. Counting--Juvenile literature. 2. Human body--Juvenile literature. 3. Human physiology--Juvenile literature. I. Lotersztain, Ileana, author II. Title. III. Title: Tu cuerpo del 1 al 10. English. QA113.B373 2016


Doubledutch Books 1427 Somerville Ave., Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 1C3


Numbers are everywhere: in the days of school that remain until the holiday break, in the distance that separates your house from your best friend’s, in the coins you have to save to buy a chocolate bar, in the number of candles you will blow out on your next birthday cake, in the number of bites left until you finish your dinner, and‌ in your body, too! Would you like to learn more about them?

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heart that beats and beats Lub dub...lub dub...lub dub...lub dub...lub dub...lub dub...lub dub...lub dub...lub dub...lub dub...lub dub... Have you ever listened to the sound of your beating heart? It works and works, day and night, whether it is cold or hot. It is the engine that ensures your blood flows through your entire body, from head to toe. The heart does not always work the same way: lubdub-lubdub-lubdub-lubdub when you are jumping a lot, and lub dub... ... ...lub dub... ... ...lub dub... ... ...lub dub... ... ...when you are sleeping. And, do you know what? Your heart does not look like the heart we all like to draw: it has the shape and size of a fist, and with each heartbeat it changes color from a deep red to a pale pink.

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lungs to breathe

Each time you inhale, or breathe in, air enters through your nose and travels to your lungs. Your lungs inflate, or fill up, like two balloons. When you exhale, or breath out, your lungs deflate, or empty, and are ready for you to breathe in again. In...out...inhale...exhale...inhale ...exhale...inhale...exhale.... The air you breathe contains oxygen, which is something necessary for you to live. When air enters your lungs, the oxygen passes into the blood. The blood then travels through the heart, which pumps it to every part of your body.

1 heart and 2 lungs make a great team!

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layers of skin from the outermost layer inward: epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat

Skin is an essential organ that covers your body: it protects everything inside, it keeps everything in its place, it prevents the entry of germs that could make you sick, and it keeps you warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. The skin is very thick on the soles of your feet, and it is very thin on your eyelids. And there is a wide range of skin tones: What color is your skin?

shades of white, pink, red, yellow, brown,



4 4

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groups of teeth incisors, canines, premolars, and molars

Ask an adult to open his or her mouth. What a lot of teeth! If you look carefully, you will notice teeth have many different shapes. In the center are the incisors,

4 on the top and 4 on the bottom, straight and sharp, ready to cut and bite. The canines are on the sides,

1 and 1, 1 and 1. Sharp and pointy, they

are used for ripping and tearing.

The premolars are farther back,

2 and 2, 2 and 2,

with two points each, ideal for crushing. The molars are at the very back,

3 and 3, 3 and 3, flattened and

large, perfect for grinding.


Numbers are everywhere – from the distance that separates your house from your




series introduces readers to a variety of interesting

science topics. Ideal for curious readers of all ages.

S c ie nc e



best friend’s to the number of candles you will blow out on your next birthday cake.

Science Your Body From 1 to 10

Discover the shape of your heart, how food moves through your body, why you can move your hand in many different ways, and much more.


C o u n t in g

Other title of the series

doubledutch books

ISBN 978-0-9940570-8-2



Your Body from 1 to

carla baredes · ileana lotersztain photos by pablo grancharoff

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