$100,000$100,000 $0 $006
1,000 0 12
1,000 0
US$100.000 US$100.000 US$0
English English
No. of Sales No. of Sales
$250,000$250,000 0 $210,000$250,000 $210,000 2,500 2Q 11 SINGLE 3Q 2Q1111 4Q 3Q11 11 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 0 2Q 12 2,500 2Q 11 3Q 2Q1111 4Q 3Q1111 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 02Q 12 0 $250,000 SINGLE FAMILY FAMILY 2,000 $230,000 $230,000 Note: This category excludes all foreclosure and short sales.2,000 The data is also contained within the other markets presented. 1,500 1,500 $210,000$210,000 1,000 1,000 $190,000$190,000 Distressed (Condos) 2Q-2012 % Chg (qrt) Median 1Q-2012 ChgNo. (yr)of Sales 2Q-2011 Median Median Sales Price Sales Price No. of Sales Median Sales Price Sales % Price No.500 of Sales No. of Sales 500 $170,000 $170,000 Average Sales Price $149,751 11.9% $133,858 14.4% $130,883 $120,000 $120,000 2,500 2,500 $155,000 $155,000 1,500 1,500 DISTRESSED CONDOS DISTRESSED SINGLE FAMILY DISTRESSED CONDOS DISTRESSED SINGLE FAMILY •N umber of sales continued to fall $150,000$150,000 0 0 2Q 11 Price 3Q 2Q11 11 4Q 3Q11Ft 11 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 2Q 12 Average Per Sq $139 $150,000 9.4% $127 10.3% $126 1,200 $110,000 $110,000 2,000 2,000 $150,000 1,200 sharply There were 2,254 condo Median Sales Price $100,000 5.3% $95,000 8.4% $92,230 $100,000$100,000 1,500 1,500 $145,000$145,000 900 900 and single family sales in the second Number of Sales 1,346 -2.0% 1,374 -31.9% 1,977 1,000 1,000 $140,000$140,000 600 600 $90,000 $90,000 quarter, 25% less than 3,005 in the Days on Market (From LastNo. List of Date) -3.0% Median 100 Price 16.9% Median Median Sales Price Sales Price Median Sales Price Sales Sales No. 500 of Sales500 97 $135,000 No. of Sales No. 300 of 83 Sales300 $135,000 $80,000 $80,000 prior year quarter. Market share fell to $310,000 Listing Discount (From LastCONDOS List Price) -1.0% $350,000 3.2% 2.9% $350,000 2,500 2,500 $310,000 NON-DISTRESSED NON-DISTRESSED CONDOS NON-DISTRESSED NON-DISTRESSED SINGLE FAMILY SINGLE1,500 FAMILY 1,500 02Q 12 0 $130,000$130,000 02Q 12 0 $70,000 $70,000 2Q 11 3Q 2Q 11 11 4Q 3Q 11 11 1Q 4Q 12 11 2Q 1Q 12 12 2Q 11 3Q 2Q 11 11 4Q 3Q 11 11 1Q 4Q 12 11 2Q 1Q 12 12 qrt yr Distressed (Single Family) 2Q-2012 % Chg ( ) 1Q-2012 % Chg ( ) 2Q-2011 1,200 1,200 40.6% of all sales from its most recent $290,000$290,000 2,000 2,000 $330,000 $330,000 Average Sales Price $177,812 -4.5% $186,251 -9.0% $195,304 $310,000$310,000 peak of 64.7% in the first quarter of 1,500 1,500 900 900 $270,000 $270,000 Average Price Per Sq Ft -6.1% -8.9% $101 600 $290,000 $98 600 1,000 1,000$92 $290,000 2011. This lower share of distressed $250,000 $250,000 Median Sales Price $145,000 $270,000 0.0% $145,000 2.1% $142,000 $270,000 300 300 500 500 $230,000 $230,000 sales has driven overall price metrics Number of Sales 908 7.3% 846 -11.7% 1,028 $250,000 $250,000 $210,000$210,000 sharply higher. 2Q 11 3Q 2Q1111 4Q 3Q1111 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 02Q 12 0 2Q 11 3Q 2Q1111 4Q 3Q1111 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 02Q 12 0 Days on Market (From Last List Date) 88 -2.2% 90 6.0% 83 Listing Discount (From Last List Price) 4.3% 6.1% 4.7% •D espite drop in sales, price
indicators continued to rise The
Median Median Sales Price Sales Price No. of Sales No. of Sales $120,000$120,000 DISTRESSED DISTRESSED CONDOSCONDOS2,500 $110,000$110,000 2,000 $100,000$100,000 1,500 1,000 $90,000$90,000 500 $80,000$80,000 $70,000$70,000 2Q 11 3Q 2Q1111 4Q 3Q1111 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 02Q 12
2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0
Median Median Sales Price Sales Price No. of Sales No. of Sales 1,500 1,500 $155,000$155,000 DISTRESSED SINGLE FAMILY DISTRESSED SINGLE FAMILY 1,200 1,200 $150,000$150,000 900 900 $145,000$145,000 600 600 $140,000$140,000 300 300 $135,000$135,000 $130,000$130,000 2Q 11 3Q 2Q1111 4Q 3Q1111 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 02Q 12 0
Note: This category is comprised of foreclosure and short sales. The data is also contained within the other markets presented.
©2012 Douglas Elliman Florida LLC and Miller Samuel Inc. All worldwide rights reserved.
Miller Samuel Inc. Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants 21 West 38th Street New York, NY 10018 212.768.8100 / millersamuel.com
For more information or electronic copies of this report please visit ellimanflorida.com. Email report author Jonathan J. Miller at jmiller@millersamuel.com with questions or comments. Methodology: http://www.millersamuel.com/research-reports/methodology
11 12
The Coastal Communities of Miami, Florida Miami-Dade Aventura, Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Downtown, Fisher Island, Golden Beach, Indian Creek, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Bay Village, Palmetto Bay, Pinecrest, South Beach, South Miami, Sunny Isles and Surfside.
Número de Número vendasdeofvendas Quarterly Survey Miami Coastal Community Sales
Preço médio Preço de médio vendas de trimestrais vendas trimestrais 5.000 US$200.000 US$200.000 CONDOMÍNIOS CONDOMÍNIOS 4.000 US$176.000 US$176.000 US$700.000 US$700.000 US$152.000 US$152.000 3.000 US$600.000 US$600.000 2.000 US$128.000 US$128.000 US$500.000 US$500.000 1.000 US$104.000 US$104.000 US$400.000 US$400.000 US$80.000 US$80.000 2T 11 3T2T 1111 4T3T 1111 1T4T 1211 2T1T 1212 0 2T 12 US$300.000 US$300.000
NumberNumber of Salesof Sales
Douglas Elliman Florida Real Estate 1111 Lincoln Road, Suite 805 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305.695.6300 / ellimanflorida.com
MIAMI, Florida Preço mediano Preço de mediano vendasde vendas
4,000 4,000 $180,000 $180,000 7,000 7,000 $700,000 $700,000 3,000 3,000 $160,000 $160,000 6,000 6,000 $600,000 $600,000 2,000 2Q-2012 2,000 yr) $140,000 $140,000 Non-Distressed (Condos) % Chg (qrt) 1Q-2012 % Chg (5,000 2Q-2011 5,000 $500,000 $500,000 1,000 $483,385 1,000 $120,000 $120,000 Average Sales Price 10.3% $438,345 -2.7% $496,996 4,000 4,000 •P rice indicators were mixed across $400,000$400,000 $100,000 $100,000 Average Per Sq Ft 10.4% $328 1.7% $356 2Q 11 Price 3Q 2Q11 11 4Q 3Q11 11 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 0 2Q 12 0 $362 3,000 3,000 property types The median sales price$300,000$300,000 Median Sales Price $275,000 7.4% $256,000 3.8% $265,000 2,000 2,000 of a condo increased 3.8% to $275,000$200,000$200,000 Number of Sales 2,201 35.6% 1,623 33.6% 1,647 1,000 1,000 $100,000 $100,000 from the prior year quarter, while the Days on Market (From Last List Date) 47 2.2% 46 -4.1% 49 0 0 Median Median Sales Sales Price No.07 $0 $006 Price of Sales No. of Sales single family median sales price slipped 06 08 09 10 11 12 Listing Discount (From07 Last List Price)08 7.4% 09 10 8.3% 11 12 10.5% 2,500 2,500 $250,000$250,000SINGLE SINGLE FAMILY Non-Distressed (Single Family)FAMILY 2Q-2012 % Chg (qrt) 1Q-2012 % Chg (yr) 2Q-2011 0.9% to $324,500 over the same period. 2,000 2,000 $230,000$230,000 Average Sales Price $718,467 26.1% $569,673 8.8% $660,118 1,500 1,500 $210,000$210,000 •T he number of sales jumped from Average Price Per Sq Ft $269 17.5% $229 7.6% $250 1,000 1,000 $190,000$190,000 prior year levels Single family sales Median Sales Price $324,500 8.2% $300,000 -0.9% $327,500 500 500 $170,000 were up 18.6% to 1,104 from the same $170,000 Median Median Sales Sales Price No. of Sales No. of Sales 1,104 Number of Price Sales 43.9% 767 18.6% 931 $150,000$150,000 02Q 12 0 2Q 11 3Q 2Q 11 11 4Q 3Q 11 11 1Q 4Q 12 11 2Q 1Q 12 12 period last year. Condos saw a larger $200,000 $200,000 Days on Market (From Last List Date) 5,000 5,000 54 3.8% 52 1.9% 53 CONDOS CONDOS $180,000 $180,000 Listing Discount (From Last List Price) 4,000 4,000 10.8% 10.8% 12.5% gain, rising 33.6% to 2,201 units over 3,000 3,000 the same period. Falling mortgage rates $160,000$160,000 2,000 2,000 $140,000 $140,000 Median Median Sales Price Sales Price Median Median Sales Price Sales Price No. of Sales No. of Sales No. of Sales No. of Sales and strong demand from foreign buyers 1,000 1,000 $120,000$120,000 $350,000$350,000 2,500 2,500 $310,000 $310,000 NON-DISTRESSED NON-DISTRESSED CONDOSCONDOS NON-DISTRESSED NON-DISTRESSED SINGLE FAMILY SINGLE1,500 FAMILY 1,500 has continued to drive this market 02Q 12 02,000 $100,000 $100,000 1,200 1,200 $330,000$330,000 $290,000 $290,000 2Q 11 3Q 2Q1111 4Q 3Q1111 1Q 4Q1211 2Q 1Q1212 2,000 segment. As a result of the increase $310,000$310,000 1,500 1,500 900 900 $270,000$270,000 in sales, the non-distressed market $290,000$290,000 600 600 1,000 1,000 $250,000$250,000 accounted for 59.5% of all sales, its $270,000 $270,000 300 300 500 500 $230,000 $230,000 Median Median Sales Price Sales Price
median sales price of a distressed condo increased 8.4% to $100,000 from the prior year quarter. The median sales price of a single family home increased 2.1% to $145,000 over the same period.
The Elliman Report • Quarterly Survey of Miami Coastal Community Sales
largest market share in two years.
Portugues Portugues
Median Median Sales Price Sales Price No. of Sales No. of Sales Quarterly Quarterly Average Average Sales Price Sales Price MIAMI MIAMI $200,000 $200,000 CONDOS CONDOS 5,000 5,000
Douglas Elliman Florida LLC. ©2012
NúmeroNúmero de vendas de vendas
$ $$ $$ $$ $ $
2.000 1.000
2.000 1.000
1.000 0
US$200.000 US$200.000 US$100.000 US$100.000 PreçoUS$0 mediano PreçoUS$0 de mediano vendasde vendas 06
Miami Market Matrix Número de Número vendasde vendas 07
Average Sales2.500 Price 2.500 • Distressed salesUS$250.000 fell sharply, skewingCASAS CASAS US$250.000 2.000 2.000 US$230.000 US$230.000 Average Price per Sq Ft price indicators higher The market US$210.000 US$210.000 share of lower priced distressed sales
Median Sales Price
2Q-2012 % Chg (qrt)
10 11 $399,440
% Chg (yr)
11 12 23.6% 12
1.000 1.000 US$190.000 US$190.000 Number of Sales 5,558 20.6% 4,610 -0.3% 500(Closed) 500 US$170.000 US$170.000 Preço mediano mediano de vendasde vendas Número de Número vendasde vendas recent peak of 64.7% in Preço the first quarter US$150.000 US$150.000 0 0 (From Last List Date) 68 -5.6% 72 0.0% 2T 11 3T2T 1111 4T3T 1111 Days 1T4T 1211on2TMarket 1T 12125.000 2T 12 5.000 US$200.000 US$200.000 CONDOMÍNIOS CONDOMÍNIOS of 2011. As a result, all price indicators Listing Discount (From Last List Price) 7.4% 8.1% 4.000 4.000 US$176.000 US$176.000 were skewed, showing double-digit US$152.000 US$152.000 3.000 3.000 Listing Inventory (active) 11,689 -6.9% 12,553 -28.2% year-over-year gains. 2.000de vendas 2.000 US$128.000 US$128.000 Preço mediano Preço de mediano vendasde vendas Número de Número vendas Preço mediano Preço de mediano vendasde vendas Número de Número vendasde vendas Absorption Rate (mos) 6.3 -23.2% 8.2 -28.4% US$350.000 US$350.000 1.000 1.000 CONDOMÍNIOS CONDOMÍNIOS - VENDAS -ESTÁVEIS VENDAS ESTÁVEIS 1.500 1.500 US$104.000 US$104.000 US$310.000 US$310.000 2.500 2.500 CASAS - CASAS VENDAS-ESTÁVEIS VENDAS ESTÁVEIS
dropped to 40.6% of all sales after a
5,577 68
US$270.000 US$270.000
There were 11,689 listings at the end
US$330.000 US$330.000
US$310.000 1.500 Average 1.500 Sales Quarterly Price US$310.000
16,281 8.8
900 of Sales Number
US$290.000 US$290.000
500 de vendas 500 US$230.000 US$230.000 $600,000 Preço mediano Preço mediano de vendasde vendas Número de Número vendas quarter. TheUS$210.000 number of US$210.000 02.500 02.500 2T 11 3T2T1111 4T 3T 11 11 1T 4T 12 11 2T 1T 12 12 2T 12 $500,000 US$250.000 US$250.000 CASAS CASAS
US$270.000 US$270.000
US$250.000 US$250.000
of the second quarter, 28.2% less than the prior year
0 2T 12 2.000 0 4T3T1111 1T4T1211 2T1T1212 2.000
$700,000 1.000
sales were essentially unchanged with
US$230.000 US$230.000 $400,000 2.000 2.000 5,558 sales over the same period. The US$210.000 US$210.000 $300,000 1.500 1.500 1.000 1.000 rise in non-distressed sales offset the US$190.000 US$190.000 $200,000 Preço mediano Preço de mediano vendasde vendas Número de Número vendasde vendas 500 500 US$170.000 US$170.000 fall in distressed sales. $100,000 US$120.000 US$120.000 2.500 2.500 CONDOMÍNIOS CONDOMÍNIOS - COM - COM US$150.000 US$150.000 0 0 2T 11 3T2T1111 4T3T1111 1T4T1211 2T1T1212 2T 12
DIFICULDADES DIFICULDADES FINANCEIRAS FINANCEIRAS $0 2.000 06 2.000 US$110.000 US$110.000 • Days on market had second fastest US$100.000 1.500 1.500 rate in more thanUS$100.000 six years The
$ $ $ $ $
• Listing inventory fell sharply as US$80.000 US$80.000 US$290.000 US$290.000 2T 11 3T2T1111 overall sales activity remained stable
US$250.000 US$250.000 2T 11 3T2T1111 4T3T1111 1T4T1211 2T1T1212 0 2T 12
4,000 3,000 Preço mediano Preço de mediano vendasde vendas Número de Número vendasde vendas US$155.000 US$155.000 1.500 1.500 CASAS - CASAS COM DIFICULDADES - COM DIFICULDADES US$150.000 US$150.000 07 08
1.200 900
US$145.000 US$145.000
1.200 11 900
2,000 1,000 0
1.000 1.000 600 unchanged with US$140.000 per square foot both showed US$140.000 the same pattern, Overall sales were 600 essentially Preço mediano Preço mediano de vendasde vendas Número de Número vendasde vendas Preço mediano Preço mediano de vendasde vendas Número de Número vendasde vendas 500 500 US$80.000 US$80.000 US$135.000 US$135.000 300 300 with respective of 17.7% and 14.2% over in ESTÁVEIS the second compared to unchanged from the same quarter last US$350.000 US$350.000 CONDOMÍNIOS CONDOMÍNIOS - VENDAS -ESTÁVEIS VENDAS ESTÁVEIS 1.500 quarter, 1.500 US$310.000 US$310.000 2.500gains 2.500 CASAS - 5,558 CASAS VENDAS-sales ESTÁVEIS VENDAS 0 0 US$130.000 US$130.000 US$70.000 US$70.000 0 0 2T 11since 3T2T1111 4T3T1111 the 1T4T12 11 2T1T12 12 2T 12The 28.5% year-over-year 2T 11 3T 2T 11 11 4T 3T 11 11 1T 4T 12 11 2T 1T 12 12 2T 12 same period. gain 5,577 in the prior year quarter. However, listing year and the second fastest rate 1.200 1.200 US$330.000 US$330.000 US$290.000 US$290.000 2.000 2.000
the first quarter ofUS$270.000 2006 when this US$270.000
number of days onUS$90.000 marketUS$90.000 was 68 days,
Median Sales Price No. of Sales in median condo prices largely outpaced the inventory fell sharply900during 900the same period. US$310.000 US$310.000 5,000 $200,000 1.500 1.500CONDOS 4.4% gain in median single-family home prices. There were 11,689 condo US$290.000 US$290.000 1.000 1.000 600 600and single family US$250.000 US$250.000 metric was first captured. 4,000 $180,000 300 300 500 500 This was largely due to the drop in lower priced listings, 28.2% less than 16,281 in the prior year US$230.000 US$230.000 US$270.000 US$270.000 3,000 $160,000 2,000 0 0 $140,000 US$210.000 US$210.000 over the US$250.000 past2T 11 year,3T2T1111quarter. As a result, monthly absorption rate, 0 2T 12 activity 0 US$250.000 2T 11 3T2T1111 4T3T1111 distressed 1T4T1211 2T1T1212 sales 4T3T1111 1T 4T1211 2T1T1212 the 2T 12 The housing market in Miami’s coastal com- related 1,000 $120,000 to the “robo-signing” scandal at the end of the number of months to sell all active listing munities continued to show increases in non- 2010. $100,000 2Q 11to3Q 11 court-related 4Q 11 1Q 12 foreclosure 2Q 12 0 In addition the inventory at the current pace of sales, fell to 6.3 distressed sales, falling inventory, and demand backlog, servicers slowed the volume of property months from 8.8 months in the same period Preço mediano de vendasde vendas Número de Número vendasde vendas Preço mediano Preço mediano de vendasde vendas Número de Número vendasde vendas from foreign buyers Preço frommediano Europe and South entering market of 2011 and early last year. days on1.500 market held firm at US$120.000 US$120.000CONDOMÍNIOS US$155.000 US$155.000 2.500 during 2.500 most 1.500 CASAS - CASAS COM DIFICULDADES - COMAlthough DIFICULDADES CONDOMÍNIOS - COM -the COM America. FINANCEIRAS FINANCEIRAS DIFICULDADES DIFICULDADES FINANCEIRAS FINANCEIRAS Median Sales Price 2012. Condo sales saw more of a decline related 68 days, listing discount, the percentage spread No. of Sales US$110.000 US$110.000 US$150.000 US$150.000 2.000 2.000 1.200 1.200 2,500 $250,000 to this matter; distressed condo sales fell 31.9% between the list price at time SINGLE FAMILY The median sales price jumped 20.9% to US$100.000 US$100.000 1.500 1.500 900 900 of contract and US$145.000 US$145.000 2,000 contract price, fell to 7.4% from 9.4% in the same $230,000 over the past year, while distressed single family $196,500 from $162,500 in theUS$90.000 prior year quarter. 1.000 1.000 600 600 US$90.000 US$140.000 US$140.000 1,500 $210,000 11.7% 500 over the same period. period last year. The $399,440 average sales price and $257 price sales fell only500 US$80.000 US$80.000 US$135.000 US$135.000 300 300 $150,000 2Q 11 3Q 11 4Q 11 1Q 12 2Q 12
1,000 $250,000 500 $230,000 $210,000 2Q 11 3Q 11 4Q 11 1Q 12 2Q 12 0
Equal Housing Opportunity. All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only. While this information is believed to be correct, it is represented subject to errors, omissions, changes or withdrawal without notice. All property outlines and square footage in property listings are approximate.
Median Sales Price
US$130.000 US$130.000 2T 115003T2T1111 4T3T1111 1T4T1211 2T1T1212 0 2T 12 0
The Douglas Elliman Report series is recognized as the industry standard for providing the state of the residential real estate market. The report includes Sales Price No. of Sales an extensive suite of tools to help readersMedian objectively identify and measure $310,000 NON-DISTRESSED CONDOS 2,500 market trends, provide historical context$290,000 to current information and provide 2,000 comprehensive analysis of the results. 1,500 $270,000
$120,000 $110,000
0 0 US$70.000 US$70.000 2T 11 3T2T1111 4T3T1111 1T4T12 11 2T1T1212 2T 12 $170,000
No. of Sales
2,500 2,000
Median Sales Price
No. of Sales
$350,000 NON-DISTRESSED SINGLE FAMILY 1,500 1,200 $330,000 $310,000 900 $290,000 600 $270,000 300 $250,000 2Q 11 3Q 11 4Q 11 1Q 12 2Q 12 Prepared by Miller Samuel Inc. Appraisal and Consulting Services
Median Sales Price $155,000 $150,000
No. of Sales
1,500 1,200