Chapel Hill News & Views Article - July 2021

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The Mayor

ROCHELLE ROBINSON Finally, we’ve thoroughly enjoyed having our summer interns with us this year! We currently have six college students in various departments across the city. The program is planned and organized through our Human Resources Department. The intern program is 11 weeks and they are with us from May to August. Instead of our traditional employee spotlight which highlights one employee, I’m spotlighting all six of our interns! This is a program that we do annually so if you have a student who’ll be in college next year, make sure you think of us! Check out this year’s interns below!

This Year’s Interns Skylar James

Freyja Brandel-Tanis

Human Resources Intern

Community Development Intern

Skylar is currently an upcom-

Freyja grew up in Chicago Amer-

ing Junior at Georgia State


University majoring in pre-

through Twin Cities Hab-

law. She intends to study

itat for Humanity after

real estate law as a focus


It’s officially summer and almost time for the quintessential summer event, Independence Day! I absolutely love this holiday and celebrating the birth of our nation! As a former member of our military, I love being able to put our patriotism on display! Although we will not be holding our annual 4th of July parade this year, we are so pleased to provide some alternative celebrations. Make sure to tune into the City



undergrad. She is pursuing

in the hopes of becoming

a master’s degree in City and

a real estate attorney and

Regional Planning and Civil Engineering at Georgia Tech and focusing on Transportation. After graduating next spring, she hopes to continue working in local planning.

eventually opening a law firm.

Khareem Leslie

Parks and Recreation Intern Khareem is a recent graduate

Mesfin Gezahegne

of Douglasville’s Facebook page at 12:00

of the University of West

Finance Intern

Georgia (UWG). While at-

Mesfin is a rising senior at

tending UWG, he majored


in Political Science and

parade. For the past few months, we have

He expects to graduate in

Economics. In the fall, he

been receiving shoeboxes from students,

the Spring of 2022 with a

plans on attending Georgia

businesses, families and individuals all

BBA in Finance. After grad-

State University to pursue a

over the community decorated as floats. It

uation, he would like to

Master of Arts in Economics. After completing

work in either the private or

that program, Khareem would like to work in

public sector in a finance-relat-

Public Finance for either a local or state gov-

pm on the 4th of July to view the Shoebox

will be just like viewing our annual parade from the comfort of your home! We are so thrilled to be able to have 4th



ed occupation for a few years before entering graduate school. Upon obtaining his MBA or

of July fireworks this year. The fireworks

MS in a field of his choosing, Mesfin would like

will start just after dusk so make sure you

to become a certified financial planner.

pick a comfy spot with your family to view the fireworks!

John Gordon

Community Development Intern

We are also excited to be bringing you

John is currently a junior at

so many different events this summer!

Georgia Southern Universi-

We have quite a few things happening on

ty majoring in Sports Man-

O’Neal Plaza this summer. On several Satur-

agement. After graduating

days in July and August you can browse the

from the class of ’23, he plans to attend law school

Pop-Up Shops where we will have a variety of great vendors. July 9th we will be continuing our Screen on the Green series at Hunter Park, finishing up July 23rd at Jessie Davis Park. Make sure to follow our social media pages for additional information.




Chapel Hill News & Views COMMUNITY | MAYOR

at Georgia State University and become an entertainment attorney. Outside of the office, he spends his time working out at the gym, enjoying photography, and watching anime.

ernment agency.

Venesia Prendegast Legal Intern

Venesia attended BethuneCookman University where she graduated with her BA in Political Science. Upon graduating in 2018, she began working as a legal assistant to gain hands on experience with the practice of law. Venesia recently accepted an offer from Southern University’s law program, so she looks forward to starting law school in the fall. Her future aspirations after gaining her law degree are to one day be offered a judgeship or a position in local or state government.  PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS

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