DCC - Vision Brochure

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PRAY. GIVE. JOIN. Adam is a native to the Northwest. Born in Seattle, he grew up in Olympia, but returned to attend the University of Washington. While at the UW, Adam met Jesus, his wife Jen, and earned two Bachelor degrees. Adam and Jen have been married for nearly a decade and can often be found adventuring around downtown Seattle with their two young children, Carter and Macy.

Adam was actively involved in Mars Hill Church, in Seattle, WA, for over a decade. He served five years on staff in several roles, including Acts 29 Assistant Director and the West Seattle Campus Pastor. He has continued to work closely with Acts 29, including most recently, serving as the Northwest region lead and the area director for Latin America. He is currently completing his Masters degree in Biblical Studies through Reformed Theological Seminary.

That’s where we’re going, but we need your help. Pray. For all our strategizing and preparation, we cannot succeed without the Spirit

of God building His church. Please pray with and for us daily. Give. Our aim is to be self-sustaining by the fall of 2014. The following chart

demonstrates how we will transition from being a church supported by outside financial partners to becoming a self-sustaining, multiplying church. 100% 80%

External Funds

60% 40%

Internal Funds

20% 0%


Jeff Lilley President of Union Gospel Mission, Seattle


AMOUNT FREQUENCY $10,000 one time $5,000 one time $1,000 one time $250 monthly/3 years $100 monthly/3 years $50 monthly/3 years $25 monthly/3 years



Until then, we are seeking churches and individuals to join us as financial partners to help cover the cost of ministry through one-time gifts and 3-year monthly pledge commitments. Please consider partnering with us at one of the following levels:

Adam’s passion is to see the Gospel take root in the city of Seattle, rebels made into disciples of Jesus, and churches planted throughout the world.

From the first day I met Adam I was not only impressed, but blessed. He continues to invest personally in my life, and it is also an honor to partner with Adam and Downtown Cornerstone Church in ministry to Seattle. I love his passion for the City; his integrity and strength of character; and his singleness of purpose, especially when it involves the Gospel and its message of hope! Adam is a godly man who I’m honored to call a friend, and I am thrilled that God has called him to Seattle.”


*All donations are tax-deductible.

Join. Lastly, pray about joining us and becoming an integral part of this new work.

Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” 1 Peter 2:6

In all honesty I can’t think of a leader I know more qualified to plant a vibrant gospel-centered church. I have the deepest respect and admiration for Adam and his family and fully support and recommend his new venture to honor Jesus through planting Downtown Cornerstone in Seattle. Dave Kraft Pastor of Leadership, Mars Hill Church, Seattle Author of Leaders Who Last

For more information about Downtown Cornerstone and to download the full vision prospectus, visit our website. www.downtowncornerstone.org info@downtowncornerstone.org 1700 7th Ave, STE 116 #324, Seattle, WA 98101-1323

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