Signs Magazine Jan 2013

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January 2013

A Dream Codes Magazine

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Magical Morality

Soul Currency

Gods & Goddesses Of The Bible

Signs~A New Beginning. Inspirational • Healing • Dream Interpretation • Spiritual • Paranormal


22 - Journey Of

The Shaman

10 - The Real Beetlejuice "Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Cover Story

2013 - A New Beginning. Well, we made it - no apocalypse. Look past the cryptic Mayan prophecy and turn your eyes to the future. Seek the sun and view a new beginning with limitless possibilities. When the warmth hits your face, smile and take it in - it's a new year and its a new beginning.


6 - Do You Have A Past Life?

Tim McGovern & Suzanne Taylor

10 - The Real Beetlejuice

Leon Titus

12 - Tigers Eye Crystal

Suzanne Taylor

13 - Paranormal Distraction

Paranormal Distraction

14 - Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Tim McGovern

18 - Sacral Chakra

Suzanne Taylor

21 - Mythical Creatures As Totems Tim McGovern 22 - Journey Of The Shaman

Fotoula Adrimi

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26 - Soul Currency

30 - Magical Morality

25 - 2021 - 2041: The End Times: The Battle between Good and Evil, and the Machine Known by Many Names

Adam Marshall Dobrin

40 - Gods & Goddesses Of The Bible

Monthly Articles 17 - God of the Month: Zeus

Natalie Broome

26 -Soul Currency Suzanne Taylor 20 - Animal Totem of the Month (Phoenix) 30 -Magical Morality Tim McGovern Natalie Broome 33 - Paranormal Investigating

The Midwest Ghost Society Paranormal Investigation

34 - Keeping A Dream Journal

Leon Titus

28 - Spotlight of the Sky

Tim McGovern

36 - Angel Love

Suzanne Taylor

40 - Gods & Goddesses Of The Bible

Tim McGovern

January 2013 ďƒ 3


Signs ~ A New Beginning Here at dream central, we have an awesome year planed for Signs magazine in 2013. We have received positive feedback concerning the amount of information included in our magazine, along with the variety of articles on so many different subjects. One thing that sets us apart from other magazines, is that we combine the spiritual with the paranormal. In most magazines, you will not see a gospel ministry advertised alongside paranormal investigators. Here at Signs, we are about finding spiritual truth and improving lives. In order to do that, we can’t just publish the things that we may personally believe in, but we also have to throw out all sorts of spiritual and paranormal possibilities to choose from. A while back, we asked our readers to give us suggestions for future articles. Needless to say, we now have plenty. Thank you for your great ideas, and yes, we will be including them in our future issues. As the months go by and you read our articles, we ask for more feedback. We like to know what you like. After all, without your feedback, we won’t know if we’re giving you the information you want. As most of you already know, SIGNS ~ A Dream Codes Magazine is only three months old. Like all new adventures in life, there will be ups and downs. However, so far, things are moving up. To start off the New Year we have added two more members to our DREAM TEAM STAFF. We’d like to welcome Jennifer Riley from the US as our new proofreader, and Anthony Binder from the UK as our new Marketing Director. Glad to have you both aboard. Our mission here at Signs is simple. We produce the soul food, and you eat what you like. Being wise while being open minded is in itself, very wise. Considering other ideas or concepts on spiritual topics and issues will help you to grow, learn, and develop. That’s what our magazine is about; discovering new and exciting truths to apply to, and change, lives for the better. So get ready for a plethora of information and insight as Signs magazine gears up for 2013. Again, thank you for your support, spread the word about Signs magazine, and let’s have a great year. Thank you Leon Titus

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South-East England, UK



SIGNS- A Dream Codes Magazine. Vol. 2 No. 1 January 2013 PUBLISHER:

Photo: solfrost via Flickr


United Kingdom


Do you



Past Life? By Tim McGovern and Suzanne Taylor


ave you ever wondered if you have ever lived in another time? Do certain things just seem natural that are maybe extremely old fashioned, or seem to be from a different era? Without going to a psychic or a medium, there are a few ways that you can determine if in fact you have had a past life. Through my studies, I have found that there are three distinct ways to determine if you have had a past life. They are: 1. Déjà vu 2. Retrograde Planets in your birth chart 3. Past life dreams. Below, I have compounded information on each of these topics. Now keep in mind, these are only tools to determine IF you have had a past life, and possibly what kind of life you have had. To find out specific details of your past life (lives), you can either do a past life regression with someone that is experienced in the field; or you can try the meditation exercise at the end of this article. DÉJÀ VU 'Déjà vu' is French for ‘already seen.’ Many people have experienced this and know exactly what déjà vu is. It’s an overwhelming feeling of being familiar with something that you know is not possible for you to be familiar with. A spontaneous moment can also be thought of as a momentary memory of a past life. Sylvia Browne states the following pertaining to dèjà vu: " ... and what each of us is experiencing when we feel intense familiarity with an unfamiliar place, is our spirit's memories of a past life. We absolutely have been to that supposedly strange place before; it was just in another body, in another time. And when the spirit memories buried in the subconscious are stirred so deeply by sights from a whole other incarnation that those memories emerge into the conscious mind, that "unexplainable familiarity" kind of dèjà vu is created - more accurately, powerful, miraculous glimpse into the eternity of our souls." Phenomenon, pg. 91 Some may say that this uncanny feeling that one has felt, simply means that you have in fact been there before. Maybe you don’t remember. It could have been in your current life, or maybe it was many lives before. Our subconscious tends to hold tons of information and fragments of memories that are not known to our conscious mind, because we might not have been paying full attention the first time around.

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Have you ever met someone at a party, and five minutes later you cannot remember their name? It’s because you weren’t paying attention the first time around and forgot. These are some of the fragmented memories that we carry throughout our current and past lives. Because we did not fully process the moment when it happened, these memories will bubble up in our subconscious until it reaches the surface to be experienced again. Most of the time when it happens, we forget about it and move on. It is like a dream which our subconscious mind tries to tell us about. People forget their dreams all the time, because they focus more on conscious messages than the subconscious messages our mind tries to tell us. Many people have a dream journal to help remember their dreams; but have you ever thought of keeping a déjà vu journal? If this is a regular occurrence for you, you should. There could be some hidden knowledge that will become apparent to you later in life. Although these fragments of memory may not be complete, they are there. We can tap into them, and have a peak into another dimension if we allow ourselves to. If you have encountered déjà vu, the meditation exercise may help you by trying to focus on the actual déjà vu experience you encountered. This can also occur with people. Sometimes we are drawn to certain people, and do not know why. We may feel that we have met before, but consciously we know we haven’t. This familiarity could be that you knew this particular person in one of your past lives. The deeper the relationship in the past life, the more strong the feelings will be in our current life. There may be a burning passion that you cannot explain, and an immediate connection or chemistry that seems just all too coincidental. Déjà vu is not a hallucination. Hallucinations brought on by drugs or an illness, can last hours or even days. Déjà vu can typically last up to a minute. THE ASTROLOGY THEORY RETROGRADE PLANETS When a planet is retrograde, it appears in the sky to be moving backwards. Although it is not actually moving backwards on its revolution, the backwards affects can still be felt. Those feelings are those of internal introspection, looking backward, and dealing with the past. When planets are retrograde at the time of our birth, they can have life-long effects. One of these effects can be the unmistakable feeling of having a past life. It is a feeling of bringing memories of a prior life to our present incarnation. According to Martin Schulman, the definition of someone that has a past life based on the retrograde planets in their birth chart, is characterized by one or more of the following things: 1. 3 or more planets in retrograde in a person’s birth chart. 2. Any of the personal, or ruling planets in retrograde 3. Even one single retrograde planet that is near the ascendant or midheaven. So here is an assignment. If you have never pulled your birth chart before, do so, paying close attention to which planets are retrograde. List those planets. Do you fit the above criteria? I have four planets in retrograde in my chart. I also have one of my ruling planets in retrograde in my chart. Ruling planets would be those of your sun sign, moon sign, or ascendant. Now based on which planets are retrograde, there could be some Karmic lessons, specifically from that planet, that you need to learn about in your current life. You do not have to believe in reincarnation, to take advantage of these particular past life lessons of your astrological past life. For example, if Mars is retrograde in your birth chart, and you fit the criteria of one of the above items, take a look at the characteristics of Mars. Since Mars is the planet of war and action, you may have been a soldier in your past life, a warrior, or a fighter of some sort, and may need to learn which battles are worth fighting for in this current life. War experiences may have left you in a state that has not allowed you to express your anger appropriately in this life. Or maybe you just need to check your anger and passion a bit.

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Remember that Astrology is not a religion, but a guide. The planets do influence us; however we are created with a free will and can therefore choose how these influences will affect us through conscious choice. I prefer to work with the universe. PAST LIFE DREAMS The last topic of how you can know if you have had a past life, is through having a past life dream. Many people do not pay attention to their dreams enough. We should. It is the part of the day that we are most in tune with our inner selves, relaxed, and open to other realms. When you get to the point where you can remember your dreams, and possibly even control your dreams (lucid dreaming), it is possible to work off past life karma through your dreams. This is a safe way to confront trauma from past lives without affecting other people in your life. Regular dreams have different characteristics than a past life dream. Here are some characteristics that will make a past life dream stand out differently than a regular dream: 1. There is historical detail in the dream. Places, eras, period clothing, people, will all stand out much more in a past life dream. We might even see ourselves in period clothing, or different than how we look today, but yet in the dream, we know it is ourselves. 2. There are unchanging events. You may have repeat dreams where you are trying to change the outcome, but no matter how hard you try, the ending is always the same. In one of my past life dreams, I could not avoid death no matter how many times I tried. It was inevitable for me to die. When I finally accepted that, and realized that it was a past life dream, I stopped having this particular dream. Most messages will disappear, once we receive the intended message from the universe. 3. Origins of waking life issues could become evident. For example, a birthmark that you were born with not caused by delivery, could be a wound of some sort that was obtained in your past life. You may see the origin of this wound. You may also see the origin of spiritual issues, or even mental issues, bad habits, or strange behaviors that you have never been able to explain that you have in your current life. 4. They are outside your learning or experience. If you know how to fly a plane in your dream, and experience things that you know you have never seen, learned, or even comprehended in your waking life, this may be a past life dream of being a pilot of some sort. These are just a few examples of how you can determine if a dream is a past life dream or not. By keeping a dream journal, you will be able to pay attention to your dreams more. As you start to pay attention to your dreams, you will most likely notice rather quickly, which dream is a regular dream, and which one is different… and could possibly be a past life dream. There is a reason for everything in this life. When there are lessons that we don’t learn from in our past lives, we may be given the opportunity to handle it differently in our current life. These are considered “Karmic Lessons.” We may have been here in several different forms and may continue to keep returning until we learn the Karmic Lessons that the Universe holds for us. PAST LIFE MEDITATION So now on to the meditation exercise to see if you are able to peek behind the veil of the unknown and see what kind of past life you have had. This meditation will help you unravel your past life. • • • •

Who were you? Which part of the world did you live in before? Were you male, or female? What was your job?

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I recommend that you lay down for this meditation. You may also wish to play relaxing music in the background. Your temperature may drop whilst meditating, so have a blanket ready for any temperature reduction. If you suffer with back pain, place a pillow, under your knees. For better results, it would be wise to read over this meditation a few times to feel its natural flow. As your reading through this meditation, take note that the (…) would indicate a few minutes pause before moving onto the next part. 1. Start by taking a few deep breaths: breathing in through your nostrils, and out through your mouth (repeat this breathing exercise 4-5 times)... 2. As you begin to relax, feel your body gently lying on the floor… relaxing all your muscles from head to toe… feel your body becoming heavier and heavier... 3. Imagine yourself gently floating in space… surrounded with beautiful stars, shining bright… You feel safe, secure, warm, and happy... 4. Going deeper now… defying gravity… Jupiter becomes visible within your mind’s eye… With Jupiter’s beautiful orange tones, you feel peace and comfort... 5. Moving gently on… you see a time machine… floating towards the time machine, it’s door gently opens… make your way inside the time machine… as the door gently closes behind you, securely strap yourself into the chair… after 5…4…3…2…1… the time machine begins to move, taking you on a safe journey, back to a formal life… your past life…you have safely landed... 6. As the door begins to open… step out-side the time machine… Who are you? Where are you? What are you wearing? Do you know your name? (Spend time exploring your surroundings, I recommend 15 – 20 minutes) 7. As you finish up, saying your goodbyes … The time machine returns… as you walk towards the time machine… It’s door gently opens… step inside the time machine… 8. The door gently closes behind you… strap yourself into the chair… You feel happy, and relaxed, but know it’s time to make your way back… (If you feel emotionally attached to your past life, spend a few moments imagining a cord, coming out of your heart Chakra. Now at the end of the cord you see your past life. Call on Archangel Michael; ask him for help with release. This will help you by allowing you to detach the cord coming from you heart Chakra. As Archangel Michael stands beside you, he gives you a pair of golden scissors. Take a few minutes, and then cut the cord when you feel ready to do so). 9. Time to come back after...5…4…3…2…1… Your journey back through space is very colourful… As you see… Red… Orange… Yellow… Green… Blue… Indigo… Violet… You feel a strong sense of healing, radiating around you… Love… Peace… Strength… Courage… 10. Your time machine has arrived back home safely… 5…4…3… gently waking… 2 becoming more aware… 1… Opening your eyes, and back in the room. What did you experience? We would love to hear about it, or any feedback you may have. Message us at, or www.

January 2013  9

by Leon Titus


hether you’re using a Ouija board, going to an all-night ghost hunt, or even visiting a psychic medium, you’d better be careful when talking to, or interacting with spirits. Even trying to cast out bad spirits in Jesus' name could end up being dangerous. When it comes to interacting with those individuals that have passed on, or communicating with the spirit world, wisdom and caution are very much recommended. In the classic movie Beetlejuice, starring Michael Keaton, the summoned spirit caused nothing but confusion, and wreaked havoc on everything and everyone he came in contact with. Although the movie may have been funny and entertaining, any ghost hunter that’s been followed home by a spirit after an investigation will tell you that there’s nothing funny about it at all.

We may encounter good, bad, very nice, or very mean people in our daily life, and it’s also like that in the spirit world. Even when someone is carried off to heaven after death, that doesn’t make them instantly nice or enlightened, but at least they have someone on the other side helping them to adjust. However, if someone misses the boat and stays around for a while as a ghost, they may become as frustrated, confused, and malevolent as Beetlejuice. Imagine how a ghost might feel, trying to get people’s attention day after day, and year after year, yet no one even knows they’re around. Even worse, if the person that’s left behind was a mean, pushy, or borderline evil person when they were alive, we may end up with a real Beetlejuice after they have passed on. Although there is a big difference between being wrong, bad, or evil, a confused, angry spirit can cause big problems. So what can an ordinary spirit do to mess with your life and affect your surroundings? Well, because they are more or less invisible, most of the time you will simply have no idea they’re even around. You may feel their energy but will be unable see them. Being a spirit, they can affect our own spirit with feelings of anger, depression, sadness, or pretty much any emotion we are able to feel. Of course we are talking about a small number of spirits in comparison to how many souls may be floating around. Yet, it only takes one unsettled soul to interfere with your life and make you miserable.

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By saying the word Beetlejuice three times in a row, the unsettled soul would appear ready and willing to help the living; problem was, he had a personality, an attitude, and wanted to do things his way. By being in-tune and studying a vast array of spiritual things for most of my life, Not only do ghosts love attention, but sometimes even those who have gone on to the light, still seek to influence the living. The veil between the living and the dead is much thinner than most people are willing to believe. Your uncle who is now in Heaven, or has gone to the light, may have loved you very much while he was alive, but if he was a pushy or opinionated person while he was alive, chances are he will still have those aspects of his personality. Having some of those traits on the other side may lead to tough feelings that could be empathically felt if he tries to influence you now that he has passed over. Often times, our dead relatives or friends are given the job as helpers to us from the other side after their death; and so you may feel their presence and influence. This means that your uncle may try to push you in the direction he believes is best for you, rather than the direction that may be in your best interest. The idea of this, is to teach both of you about love, truth, and emotions; eventually you will both benefit from this connection. Perhaps your uncle needs to stop being so pushy and opinionated, and by observing your attitude and personality, you may help him. It could be that you’re too passive or quiet and need to be a little more assertive, so his spiritual input may give you that boost you need to be stronger. There may be lessons to be learned by both of you. Most people are oblivious to the fact that we have spiritual influences coming to us from all sorts of directions. We have Angels, Demons, Ghost, Spirit Guides, and all sorts of human energy affecting us all the time, along with other possible spiritual influence that would take a whole other article to explain. Just because you may feel a bad or strange feeling in a location, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s haunted. Likewise, a place with good energy can suddenly feel weird if a ghost shows up. So how can we avoid, or protect ourselves, from possible negative spiritual contact and interference? The answer is, study and be in-tune. Read up on spiritual things, not just religious material. Reading about life after death, ghost, religions, dreams, and the supernatural, is very helpful when it comes to understanding and comprehending what lost spirits are capable of. Also, any paranormal investigator will tell you that the best tool they have for detecting the presence of spirits, is their own body. When a person is in-tune plus educated about spiritual things, you will not only feel an entity's presence, but you may also be able to pin-point what kind of energy it is and how to keep it at bay. Who hasn’t walked into a building and felt strange or odd feelings? It could be a spirit left behind, or left over energy from something not so good that happened in the past. So your own body is your best detector. In my opinion, other than our Spirit Guides, Angels and heavenly forces, I wouldn’t call out or summon any spirit, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Ghosts are ghosts because they missed something, not because they went the right direction. So obviously you don’t need their input. Although you may mean well by trying to help them, be careful that they don’t latch on to you and cause you problems. With all the new technology in the paranormal field, lost souls are being found. Yet it appears once again that technology has surpassed spirituality. Now we can detect the spirit world, but we fall short when it comes to interacting with the other side. So the moral of the story is, before you go messing around with the spirit world, get in-tune and educate yourself about spiritual things; or you may unleash a real Beetlejuice that will mess with you the rest of your life!

January 2013  11

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