Orry Goes Hunting

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Orry Goes Hunting © David Pryke 2020 All Rights Reserved

My name is Orry. I am a Manx cat. I have a black coat. I have no tail.

I like playing in my garden. I like climbing trees. I like hunting.

Sometimes, when I am hunting in my garden, I see something moving.

I move very quickly. I pounce. Sometimes, I catch a mouse.

Sometimes, I take the mouse home. Very gently, I carry the mouse in my mouth.

When I get home, I play with the mouse.

Sometimes, I chase the mouse here...

Sometimes, I chase the mouse there...

Sometimes, I chase the mouse everywhere...

Sometimes, I chase the mouse around the kitchen.

Sometimes, I chase the mouse up the stairs.

Sometimes, I chase the mouse down the stairs.

Sometimes, I let the mouse go.

Sometimes, I do not.

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