Signs Magazine - November 2012 edition

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First Issue Vol.1 No. 1

November 2012

A Dream Codes Magazine

Spotlight in the


Sky - A Time To Reflect Inward

Crafty Basics

Effects Of The Moon

Scorpio Transformation - Are YOU Ready?

Getting To Know Your Chakras

Who was Inspirational

Edgar Cayce? •

Dream Interpretation




16 - Dream Interpretations and the Basics Everyone Should Know

10 - Finding Your Animal Totem

Cover Story


24 - Who Was Edgar Cayce?

6 - Dreams

Twentieth Century Psychic and Medical Clairvoyant

8 - Effects of the Moon

Leon Titus Tim McGovern

10 - Finding Your Animal Totem

Tim McGovern

13 - What on Earth is an Energy Vampire? Suzanne Taylor 15 - Compassion Vs. Consumerism

Natalie Broome

16 - Dream Interpretation Basics

Patsy Reeves

18 - Angelic Encounters

Suzanne Taylor

21 - Who Was Edgar Cayce?

Leon Titus

24 - Fighting For Love 2 ďƒ Dream Codes Mag

Natalie Broome

22 - Who was Edgar Cayce? “Trust your dreams, because in them is hidden the passage to eternity.” - Kahil Gibran

25 - Getting to know Your Chakras

Suzanne Taylor

29 - Religion Verses Spirituality

Leon Titus & Tim McGovern

32 - Eye/I Problems Can Cause Depression Leon Titus

39 - Are Graveyards Haunted?

Monthly Articles 12 - Animal Totem of the Month (Wolf ) Tim McGovern 23 - Cayce’s Corner

Leon Titus

33 - Does the Bible Condemn Astrology?

27 - Spotlight of the Sky

37 - Relax and Let Go with Meditation

28 - Goddess of the Month: Persephone

Tim McGovern Suzanne Taylor

39 - Are Graveyards Haunted

Tim McGovern Natalie Broome

Leon Titus

41 - Crafty Basics

Natalie Broome

45 - That Little Voice

Cover design by Leon Titus & Chris Sass

Dennis Dye

48 - Scorpio Transformation

Tim McGovern November 2012  3


Welcome! Welcome to the first issue of SIGNS ~ A Dream Codes Magazine. We are so excited to bring you a magazine with the potential to change and improve lives. The Dream Codes team consists of seven individuals with a passion for enlightening souls through presenting possible spiritual truths. Because our team members are located throughout the world, it allows us to not only cover more territory, but also come from several different perspectives. The material we present to you comes from our studies and research into spiritual and paranormal things. In these crazy days that we are living, we find that people are starting to question their beliefs and becoming more open-minded to other spiritual concepts and ideas. So our creators at Dream Central thought it would be a good idea to bring to you a magazine that presents all sorts of spiritual possibilities and truths. Our mission is to simply present material that will cause you to ponder, meditate, and think outside the box. So what will you be seeing in this and in the following issues? Well, anything from how to remember and interpret dreams, to how to conduct a paranormal investigation. We will cover the truths about Astrology in the bible as well as a study on the chakra centers. We will be covering pretty much any and all things spiritual, including religious beliefs. So as you read through our new SIGNS magazine, try to keep an open mind and remember that some of the material presented may not reflect the belief of our whole team. Yet, we as a group work together to make sure we don’t offend our readers with our opinions or ideas. It’s also important to remember that, although some of the material presented may be scientifically proven, other times it’s simply opinions or ideas of our team or outside sources. We welcome ideas from our readers and even encourage input for our magazine. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT. We hope the material and over-all quality of our magazine will bring much knowledge and insight to our readers. So thank you for your support and interest. I hope this is the beginning of a great relationship between you and our Dream Codes staff, and will also be a spiritual awakening for our friends around the world. Leon Titus

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Las Vegas, NV USA WRITER: SUZANNE TAYLOR Airdrie, Scotland




NATALIE BROOME South-East England, UK

SIGNS: A Dream Code Magazine. Vol. 1 No. 1 November 2012 PUBLISHER:

Photo: solfrost via Flickr


United Kingdom


Photo: Wikipedia

by Leon Titus


ince the beginning of time, dreams have been an unexplained, almost supernatural mystery to man. Even with all the research being done, and the many books being written about dreams, they still remain a mystery to most. When people start talking about dreams and what they might mean, the conversation can be right up there with UFOs, Bigfoot and ghosts. They are all mysterious subjects that can be hard to comprehend. But there is one major difference when it comes to discussing dreams. Most people have never seen a UFO, a Bigfoot, or a ghost, yet everyone has had a dream. And though a lot of people have claimed to have taken a picture of the other three, you will not find a photo of a dream. Dreams are a personal thing, and you are the only one that has seen yours. I have had several dreams warning me about a person or a situation, and dreams about my physical condition and the mental and physical conditions of others. I have also taken a peak into the future in several of my dreams. Dreams are a real experience and when acknowledged, can help guide us in everyday decision making. Dreams are a spiritual experience, and just like sleep, were planned in the beginning. There is a very good reason for dreaming and it all has to do with our walk with God, Christ and the spiritual forces we would encounter. The Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, that it is the spiritual forces we have to watch out for. Though angels are around us at all times, there are many other spirits out there trying to influence us also. It is the unseen world you have to worry about most. There is simply no end to what you can find out from a dream. Solutions to problems or even inventions have come from dreams. If it can be thought of, it can be dreamt, yet a lot of what we dream, we would have never thought of. Once you wake up and realize the power of a dream, it will be like having your very own psychic. However, to understand dreaming, we must first understand how we were set up to function. Most of us that have had any church experience at all, know that in the bible certain numbers stand out a little more than others. Take for instance the number forty. Moses spent forty years in the desert. Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness. And it rained on Noah and his family for forty days and forty nights. Also the number seven is a big part of our biblical learning. God created the world in seven days, with our weeks also being made up of seven days. There’s the seven seals in the book of Revelation, and the seven plagues; but I guess it is the number three that stands out the most to me. Jesus rose from the dead after three days of being in the grave. The trinity is made up of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Peter denied Jesus three times. However, when I think of the number three, I see how it is a part of our everyday life. Our days are split up into three parts. The eight hour work day, the eight hours of family time, and the eight hours we devote to sleep. Also when we were created, we were created as a three part being. We have a Body, a mind and a soul. The mind also in a sense has” three areas. We have a conscious, subconscious and a universal or what some call a super-conscious mind. The following is only a brief explanation of our three parts being, the mind, body and soul.

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The Mind While in the body, the mind is both physical and spiritual. When the body dies, the fleshly mind or brain, not its past experiences, stays behind. Your soul and mind are the spiritual part of you and never dies. Your mind is the light of your world. Without it you know nothing. When the body and soul cooperate, or are in harmony with each other, your mind can become enlightened. It’s what is called the universal or super conscious mind. If this happens, you can see things from a much higher, broader perspective. If love and truth becomes the main focus of your life, you could gain what is called by Jesus, “The Mind of Christ”. In order for the mind to be balanced, the body must have a good physical diet and the soul, a good spiritual diet. Too much of, or the wrong kind of physical or spiritual food can cause a person to have a sick or unbalanced mind. Being too spiritual minded can be as bad as not being spiritual at all. There must be a balance between the body and soul in order to have a peaceful, healthy, settled mind. The Body The body with its five senses was given to you to experience the type of physical life you chose for yourself while living here on earth. You have to make sure it is taken care of. It not only needs the right food, clothing and shelter, but also the right amount of exercise and rest. It has to be cleaned on a daily basis, and requires a little extra attention now and then. Whether or not you like the way your body looks and functions, it is the tool you have to experience this life in. If you ignore it, it will eventually get your attention. It has the power to create and destroy good and bad influences. Your body is only temporary, and will eventually die, leaving only the negative or positive work it has done, behind. The body with its carnal mind always gets in the way of positive spiritual influences. It is what Satan appeals to and uses to draw us away from God and to destroy our mind. The Soul It was the soul, not the body that was created in the image of God. It’s the real you. It is the part of you that senses and feels what the body cannot see. It is the spiritual part of your three part being. Your soul is not your spirit but is the spiritual part of you. The spirit of a person is what is created by or the outcome of our three-part being working together. The only time your soul can be called a ghost is, if it’s left behind on earth after death. Though the words Soul, Ghost and Spirit are used interchangeably, often times they are not the same thing. Your soul has the power and ability to change the world for the good when not ignored or surprised by the body and carnal mind. It must be fed spiritual food just like the body needs physical food in order to be healthy and function correctly. Though the body will eventually die, the soul and mind are eternal and live on forever. As we sleep, the conscious mind, though still alert to a degree, has less control. The subconscious mind takes over and tries to sort out and make sense of all the information taken in through the body, mind and soul throughout the day. The information is then transformed into images, symbols and feelings which come to us in the form of a dream. Since the body (the physical part of us) has less control, the spirit world also has a better chance of communicating with us. When the body, mind and soul are in harmony or agreement with each other, our dreams become a powerful tool in which to help govern our lives by. Sleep and dreams were created in the beginning so man would never lose touch with the spiritual side of himself. It is said that the more spiritual a person is, the better chance they have of remembering their dreams. I would have to lean toward that statement. It does seem as though the ones that do not believe in or pay little attention to spiritual things, often times think they do not even dream at all. Because we are not able to record our dreams on video tape or capture one in a photo, all we have is our memory to rely on. When a dream is lost or not remembered, it is wasted and gone for good. You could have a similar dream, but no two dreams are exactly alike. It leaves the individual responsible for remembering and interpreting his or her own dream. One-third of our day allows us to involuntarily, temporarily in a sense, crucify the flesh. When Jesus said we must crucify our flesh in order to follow him, he did not mean, kill it. He simply meant that you must control the flesh; do not let it take control. So when we sleep, the flesh is at rest or laid aside for a while. The spirit side of our being can have more of a chance to express itself or to connect to the infinite. We must remember that the fleshly part of us is a wonderful tool in which to experience this life in. However, if the fleshly part of us is in charge or in control, it will destroy itself and everything around it. A third of our life is given to sleep and dreams so we could always have that connection for divine intervention from our home, Heaven. God knew what he was doing. Why do you think he only allowed Lucifer or the Devil to take one-third of the angels and he kept two-thirds? The odds are always in our favor. The outcome was guaranteed in the beginning. Dreams are a divine gift and an important part of whom and what we are. You do not need ESP or a crystal ball to look into the deep meanings of life, just go to sleep and connect. As people begin to wake up to their nightly adventures, dream classes and seminars are springing up all over the United States, yet because most people’s lives are less than perfect, their dreams can be hard to remember and follow. The one thing you should remember is, if your dreams have been ignored by you for most of your life; do not expect to understand them right away just because you have read this or any other dream book. It takes time to figure out and understand the whole dream process. And like I said earlier, dreams are a spiritual experience and can only be understood when examined and studied from a spiritual point of view.

November 2012  7

Effects of the Moon


by Tim McGovern

or years scientists have done hundreds of tests on the effects of the moon -- particularly the full moon -- on humans, animals, seasons, events etc. While results have been inconclusive and unstable, scientists continue to research this subject. Those that have produced some kind of results to tie this connection together have reported to be flawed or unable to reproduce the same results. However, why do we always tend to ask when something strange happens, “Is it a full moon out tonight, or what?” Why do scientists continue to run tests on the subject if so far results have been full of loopholes?

Regardless of scientific evidence, there is something subconsciously that tells us, yes the moon does affect us. Astrologically speaking, the placement of the moon in the zodiac when we were born is as important as the placement of the Sun in our birth chart. The sun affects our logic and conscious and is calculated approximately every 30 days, so it is easy to calculate. The moon on the other hand moves through the zodiac approximately every 3 days! So it is much harder to calculate. However, the moon affects the other side of our personality, our emotions and our subconscious. What scientists have concluded is that of all the forces that affect the oceans’ tides, nothing is as influential as the gravitational pulls of the moon as it makes its orbit around Earth. Both the human body and the surface of the earth is approximately 70% water. Is this a coincidence? Is it logical for us to think that the moon can affect the tides of the oceans on Earth, but not believe that it affects the human body? Lets stop and think if we compared our mind to the Earth’s surface, how that could correlate. Land representing our conscious would only make up 30% of our thinking; our subconscious (representing water) would hold far more information (70%). Another scientific fact is when a baby is born, when a baby is born, the consist of 78% water, versus an adult male or female which is 55%-60% water. This explains another example of why children may be more open to spiritual, paranormal things, and dreams than adults.

You may notice that there are times when you get a period of very vivid dreams in your life, then it may go back to your normal mundane sleep where you don’t dream that much. If the moon represents our subconscious, and our emotions, similar to the depths of the ocean, our subconscious is a mystery. I personally have very active dreams during a full moon. I was also born at the crest of a full moon. However, a friend of mine gets very vivid dreams during a new moon, but she was born when the moon was waning. Therefore, again, as the depths of the ocean are a mystery, so is our subconscious; we may never conclude what the pattern is on how the moon affects us or our dreams. However there are some things we can determine about the phases of the moon that affect us even in our waking life.

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Photo: Wikipedia

Since the moon has effects on our subconscious personality, it surely has an effect on our dreams, a product of our subconscious at work. The reason why many of us don’t remember our dreams is because we get into the habit of not paying attention to them. Our conscious mind takes in so much information that forces us to forget our dreams usually even before we leave our house for work or school. Then, throughout the day our minds encounter thousands of images, people, conversations, thoughts, etc. Dream experts have concluded that dreams are an integral part of our mind as it sorts out all the information we take in daily. Imagine an internal filing system. It is one that files things in long term memory that we need to remember later, things in short term memory we need soon, and discards lots of other information not needed. Other times, there are questions that we have about certain situations in our life. The answer may have already made itself known to us, however because our conscious minds are flooded with so many things, our conscious did not pick up the clue when it was there for us to see. However, our subconscious did. Therefore, the answer may come to us in a dream. It is important to listen and analyze our dreams, especially those that are very vivid to us. A good thing to do is to keep a dream journal. Our dreams tell a story. Also, a great group online that has several dream interpreters (some are writers in this magazine) is the Dream Codes group found on Facebook. Leon Titus, the administrator has some great books, and a journal you can order from called Dream Codes.

The full moon phase is when the power of the moon is at its strongest. Emotions are usually at their highest, and this is the most common time when people feel its affects. With emotions at their highest, it is no wonder we see more fights, accidents, passion etc. Therefore people are easily able to correlate these types of things happening, during a full moon. Spiritually speaking, this is a great time for receiving things into your life. On a feelings level, this is also a great time to plan a romantic night with your loved one. As the moon begins to wane, and the power of the moon decreases, this is a great time to let go of things and release. Crescent moon symbolizes cutting away those things no longer needed, by preferably recycling or giving away, instead of throwing things away (as a last resort). All energy in the universe can be released and recycled into new good energy if we focus on it. The new moon usually symbolizes a new cycle of the moon and is a great time for new beginnings and fresh starts. You have let go of what might have been holding you back. You are now ready to move forward on your new path. As the moon begins to wax full, it is a great time to allow good things to come into your life that are positive. The moons power is gaining momentum. In pagan or wiccan circles, good luck spells are very common during this time. The half moon is a good time to talk to people or loved ones about issues or problems. It will allow you to see both sides of the coin, and see each other’s perspectives. Therefore it may be easier to come to a compromise and work things out, versus during a full moon (emotions at their highest) or a new moon when people want to start fresh. Dreams of moons also correlate to the subconscious, our emotional or feminine side (yes men have a feminine side too), or the moon’s power. If you dream of the moon, it could also help to identify what phase the moon is in to get some additional insight as to the message that you may need to hear based on those things mentioned above. Some Rarities Blue moon is when two full moons happen in the same month. This happened in August of 2012 and will happen again in 2015, hence the saying “once in a blue moon.” It is a rare occasion. It is said that the power of the blue moon cycle is doubled during that cycle and month that a blue moon occurs. An eclipse is when the moon is in direct alignment with the sun and earth. During a solar eclipse, the moon is between the Earth and the Sun. This happens during the New Moon phase. A lunar eclipse is when the Earth is between the Sun and Moon. This happens during the full moon phase. The power of the eclipse is said to allow you to briefly see behind the veil of knowledge to get a glimpse of what is going on behind the scenes. The Sun represents our logic, consciousness, and our physical world; therefore, a solar eclipse gives you a glimpse of things happening behind the scenes in all those areas. In a lunar eclipse, we get a glimpse of things that are hidden, things from our subconscious, and our emotions. In most areas of the world, many people will only view a partial eclipse, but its effects can still be felt. (Partial Solar Eclipse in May of 2012. Moon can be seen on lower left side of photo) Below is a list of the phases of the moon for the remainder of the year. There are still two moon rarities this year, a solar and a lunar eclipse. If you follow astrology, knowing what sign the moon is in also takes on those influences of that zodiac sign. For example, the full moon in Sagittarius may exude feelings of exploration, seeking higher knowledge, or fiery passion. These are all characteristics of the sign of Sagittarius.

November Wan: 7th - New: 13th - Wax: 20th - Full: 28th December Wan: 6th - New: 13th – Wax: 20th – Full: 28th Full Moon-- Oct. 29, 2012-- 7° Taurus/Scopio Solar Eclipse-- Nov. 13, 2012-- 22° Scorpio Lunar Eclipse-- Nov. 28, 2012-- 7° Gemini/Sagittarius New Moon-- Dec. 13, 2012-- 23° Sagittarius Full Moon-- Dec. 28, 2012-- 7° Cancer/Capricorn The moon is a phenomenon that we may truly never understand 100% scientifically. However, if we look within, and follow our intuition, our subconscious will tell us, if the moon affects us.

November 2012  9

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