Dpi magazine volume 5 - preview

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//From the Editors Issue 5 of dpi magazine continues to explore the realms of both illustration and photography. Contributors from all over the globe are filling our pages with flavours and colours blended into unique and captivating imagery. We are proud to present dpi magazine, V5.

front cover: Louise Mertens | www.louisemertens.com inside cover: Josephine Cardin | www.cardinphotography.com

6 // L O U I S E M E R T E N S // B E 14 // G I U S E P P E D A N TA S A P I E N Z A //A U 2 2 // J O S E P H I N E C A R D I N // U S A 3 0 // R A P H A E L V I C E N Z I // B E 3 6 // D E V L I N A Z Z I E //A U 4 2 // M A R I S K A K A R T O // N L D 5 2 // M I U V E R M I L L I O N // U S A 5 8 // T O M A S Z Z A C Z E N I U K // P O L 6 8 // P I E R R E - PA U L PA R I S E A U // C A N 76 // T I I N A T O R M A N E N // F I N 8 8 // F E L I X G E P H A R T // D E U

Showcasing imaginative and artistically innovative photography, film and art


LOUISE MERTENS - a collection -

www.louisemertens.com I’m an artist/art director living and working in Belgium. Currently working at Sagmeister and Walsh in New York for a few months. I try to combine my artistic style with my design-work. I love details, impressions and mystery. My work comes from impulsive moves and a vision in my head I try to translate. I love that people find their own stories in my work. I love to experiment with different techniques in my own personal style. I’m extremely interested in materials and I like to create a mix between digital manipulated images and manual work. I love neutral colors and minimalism. I’ve always felt an inspiration from the Japanese art scene, architecture and culture. I think their vision of details is very sophisticated and strong. All artworks are for sale, catalogs are available on request: louise@louisemertens.com



www.gdantesapienza.com Model: Pip Hicken




JOSEPHINE CARDIN - a collection -

www.cardinphotography.com Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Josephine Cardin is a fine arts photographer who grew up in South Florida, and is now living and working in Rochester, NY. Presently, Cardin has been developing her contemporary figurative work, inspired by music, dance, and the human themes of loneliness, isolation, fear, and transformation. Cardin works primarily in self-portraiture to illustrate scenes that bewitch and explore our human sensibilities through abstract stories with a visual dialogue between the subject and the artist created through harmonic gestures and magnetic artistry.


// Beautiful Riot


// Society is a Modern Ghost

RAPHAEL VICENZI - a collection -



DEVLIN AZZIE - a collection -

www.sydneystreetartproject.com Sydney Street Art Project was founded on a passion for photography and a love of street art. We are a community based organisation dedicated to supporting, encouraging and providing opportunities for established and emerging talent in the local street art scene. For over five years, we have roamed the streets, sidewalks, lanes and galleries of Sydney to capture and share this dynamic and ephemeral landscape with the wider community.

Contributors (If known): Sid Tapia Apeseven Will Coles Hinder Damedismember Ears Crash Corporation





MARISKA KARTO - a collection -

www.mariska-karto.com My work is based on a period in which photography did not exist, It was not until the end of the 18th century that it was invented. As a result of this, people thought that photography would make the art of painting disappear, especially in the post modern era, the traditional art had to make way for new technical developments. In my work I seek and found a respectful connection of technique and traditional craft through a striking contradiction. Painters in the Baroque/renaissance time were trying to paint as true-to-life with paintingtechniques and color applications. What a camera does is portray the world in its realistic colors. That’s the contradiction in my work, it’s the other way around. I shoot realistic images and through an intensive transformation process, the work is changed, true-to-life in the characteristic Baroque colors and style of that time.


// Madre 43 Model: Lilian and Kathelijn

MIU VERMILLION - a collection -


// Mercurial Sunday Model: Regina Schnitzer Hair and Make-Up: Nami Hasegawa Headpiece: Angelica Brigade Necklace: Juliet & Co. Dress: Susana Monaco


TOMASZ ZACZENIUK - a collection -


My name is Tom, born in 1978. I’ve been interested in photography since I was a teenager. Photography helps us to look at the world around us, it’s the way to show and express our emotions. Finally gives us opportunity to remember some unique moments and show crazy ideas which were born somewhere in our imagination. Why do we take photographs? To arouse emotions, all the good ones and bad ones, to wake up our memories, our imagination and hidden feelings, finally to take a brake for a moment in everyday’s madness. Since the early beginning, I have been seeking for another way to show what is hiding in my imagination. Pure photography was simply not enough. So I can honestly say, that reality was boring for me. Pretty quickly I fell in love with digital photography and postprocessing - photomanipulation. It took me several years to learn how to use Photoshop properly. I discovered that this learning process may last forever. For me it’s great experience to discover new things and tricks. I’m not sure if it’s even possible to discover all features which this application gives us, however becoming better and better it’s pure fun.



P I E R R E - PA U L PA R I S E A U - a collection -



// Einstein


TIINA TORMANEN - a collection -



FELIX GEPHART - a collection -


Felix Gephart’s drawings overwhelm the viewer, and not just because of their sheer size. His gloomy, tragicomic pictures are shocking and fascinating at the same time. Inspired by his older brother he started at the age of 12 with graffiti writing. Over the years he incorporated more narratives and focused on illustration. He graduated from the Master´s program of the School of Visual Arts in New York, illustrated articles and covers for Cicero, die taz, der Freitag , die ZEIT and drew for several books. In 2013, Kettler Publishing house released the extensive monograph “Brought into Line.“ Seemingly literary and old master-like drawings stand face to face with murals, landscape representations, portraits and surrealist mythological creatures. Felix´ major works were book illustrations for “American Psycho“, “1984“ and “Johnny got his gun“. Currently he works on a series for Luc Sante´s book “Low Life“.


89 // Charles Bukowski, 120 x 100 cm, acrylic and spray can on canvas, 2015


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