Play More, January-May 2022

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Fees for drop-in programs are per day: Age: CR NCR 0-18 $0 $5 19-54 $4 $9 55+ $3 $8 Multi-use and monthly wellness passes are available. Classes held at Holton Career and Resource Center are free for city residents.



African Cardio Blast offers a unique workout that includes dance movements from various regions of the African continent. A drummer accompanies the workout. There are benefits to be gained for persons of all fitness levels. Multi-use and monthly wellness passes available. Age: 18 and up W.D. HILL RECREATION CENTER 15979 Jan 15-May 21 Sa 11:15am-12:15pm

This circuit class focuses on increasing cardiovascular strength, abdominals, glutes, triceps, biceps, and shoulders. A variety of equipment will be used. Join us and tone these key parts of your body for a better look and fit. Age: 18 and up I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 15874 Jan 10-May 23 M 6:15pm-7:15pm

DAYTIME YOGA BATTLE ROPE FITNESS Waving a rope around sounds simple right - until you do it DPR style. This class relies on the “art of undulation” meaning a regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides: movement in waves. You’ll work every muscle, especially your core, all while reaping cardiovascular benefits, improving coordination, and increasing metabolic endurance. Plus, this highly effective workout is low impact, safe for both beginners and avid gym goers. Age: 18 and up EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 15851 Mar 8-May 26 T,Th 6:15pm-7:15pm I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 15883 Jan 11-May 24 T 6:15pm-7:15pm

Join the masses who have discovered the wonders of yoga! This popular form of exercise offers both physical and mental benefits. Please bring a yoga mat to class. Multi-use and monthly wellness passes available. Age: 18 and up I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 15885 Jan 10-May 23 M,Th 12pm-1pm HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER 16165 Jan 10-Apr 18 M 11am-11:45am

We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident



You got game. Bring it to open gym basketball A facility attendant will be present to organize the games. Everyone must bring a valid photo ID in order to participate. A multi-visit pass is available for purchase on a Play More Card at a discounted rate per class. Adults ages 19 and up recommended. Age: 18 and up WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9 15794 Jan 5-May 25 W 6pm-9pm


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