Learn rhythms using basic base, tone and slap hand techniques. Age: 8-12 CR Fee: $6.75 NCR Fee: $11.75 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15821 Jan 14-Feb 18 F 6pm-6:45pm 15822 Apr 22-May 27 F 6pm-6:45pm
Do you love creating your own sound? This is the perfect class where you can learn how to read music and create a sweet melody! Age: 8-12 CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15823 Mar 4-Apr 8 F 6pm-7pm
A fun introduction to ballet for preschoolers! This class helps children to develop motor skills, directional awareness and counting, and socialization skills. Preferred class attire consists of leotards, tights and ballet slippers. Age: 2-4 CR Fee: $18 NCR Fee: $23 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 16228 Feb 5-Apr 23 Sa 9:30am-10:15am 16229 Feb 5-Apr 23 Sa 10:30am-11:15am
This class offers a fusion of dance genres that includes ballet, modern, and jazz movements. Preferred class attire consists of leotards, tights/ stretch pants, tops, and dance shoes. Participants will showcase what they’ve learned in the spring recital. Age: 8-10 CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 15930 Feb 9-Apr 27 W 6:30pm-7:30pm
Children learn grace and poise in ballet! This class introduces children to the ballet barre, proper dance terms, and correct body positioning. Preferred class attire consists of leotards, tights and ballet slippers. Participants will showcase what they’ve learned in the spring recital. Age: 5-7 CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 15928 Feb 8-Apr 26 T 6:30pm-7:30pm
TINY TOTS DANCE MOVEMENT A fun introduction to dance movement for preschoolers! This class helps children to develop motor skills, directional awareness, counting, and socialization skills. Preferred class attire consists of leotards, tights, and ballet slippers. Participants will showcase what they’ve learned in the spring recital. Age: 3-4 CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 15924 Feb 8-Apr 26 T 5:30pm-6:30pm 15925 Feb 9-Apr 27 W 5:30pm-6:30pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident