2021-22 Career Development Team Annual Report

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Career and College Success


Superintendent's Strategy

The recently completed DPS Strategic Roadmap, DPS Thrives, focuses on “getting better at getting better” and ensures conditions for student success exist so that everylearnerthrives. The District’s mission calls for a shared commitment to equitable programming that will set our students up for a successful and fulfilling future. “Educational equity is our collective responsibility. We prepare students for career, college and life.” To this end, the Superintendent’s vision includes a commitment to expand internship and apprenticeship opportunities for students throughout the district.

With this in mind, the Career and College Success department will continue to offer tangible support, opportunities, and resources throughout the student experience by focusing on

(1) Individual Exploration & Discovery (2) Career Exploration, and (3) Academic & Career Planning and Management.

We will recommit ourselves to serving priority youth and engaging students, families, school staff and our partners. We will also shift our efforts to to build comprehensive kindergarten to workforce (k-20) pathways that imbed opportunities for students to achieve career and college competencies.



Since 2014, Denver Public Schools has been committed to expanding career-focused coursework and work-based learning programming to students in kindergarten through high school, resulting in over


Learning: An Overview
Programs • Student Story • Testimonials • Participation/Partner Data 5

Spark Elementary Program

Student Story

On May 12, 2022, the 5th grade students at Bryant-Webster Dual Language School had a visit from Megan Sawyer of Matrix Design Group, an engineering, planning, and landscape architecture company. Megan told the students about the work she does as a civil engineer and shared pictures of some of the projects she has worked on. The students were then given a small-group challenge to design a park. Using a park map, markers, and design parameters, Megan helped students think through their ideas.

Students enjoyed the project so much that as they were leaving the library, they were discussing with each other when they could find time to keep working on their designs, “Maybe lunchtime? Recess? After school?”

My favorite part of this event was when we got to design the park with the engineer.

Spark Middle School Program

Student Story

In spring of 2022, Spark partnered with the Gates Corporation to facilitate an in-school career workshop called “Empowering Creators” at Merrill Middle School. The workshop included over one hundred 6th, 7th and 8th graders who collaborated with a large group of Gates employee volunteers. The workshop exposed students to the manufacturing industry and highlighted the variety of jobs and departments required to create successful products.

Students engaged in a business and engineering challenge that tasked them with designing and building a moving vehicle while incorporating a marketing plan and budget. Students were assigned jobs in the various “departments” (engineering, marketing, finance, and design) and worked together to compete against other groups. Ultimately the groups were judged on the completion of their vehicle, the distance it traveled and their marketing pitch.

I learned about manufacturing and how a team collaborates together to create an amazing outcome along with different professions I didn't know existed.


M y favor ite par t is w hen we did the projec t of dr aw ing the l ake and all the other things in the par k.

My fav orite par t of the

Spark ev ent w as getting to hear how they got to where they are and what they found interesting, making me want to tr y it.

My favor ite par t was the civil engineer, she was really great and I lear ned a lot.

[I lear ned] that there is all di erent t y pes of engineer ing.


Spark Elementary

Students Enrolled: 3,310 Unique Students: 2,687 Number of Events: 17 Number of Partners: 41* Spark Middle School

Students Enrolled: 4,246 Unique Students: 1,846 Number of Events: 70 Number of Partners: 54 Includes both partner organizations and individual volunteers. *


Xplore High School Program

Student Story

In the spring of 2022, CreativeConnect (a pathway that includes coursework in graphic design, audio/visual production, and technical theater) students from George Washington High School visited Gallun Snow Associates, an award-winning and nationally-recognized interior design firm that specializes in commercial projects such as healthcare facilities, recreation centers, and have recently completed projects at Denver International Airport. Students engaged with Gallun Snow staff to hear about their career paths and opportunities, learned about how the company uses technology applications to create designs for clients, and even created their own mock-ups for a proposed project using textiles and swatches.

[My favorite part was] trying to organize a project that was inevitably not going to work out.

This gave me an example of how complicated the real world can be.


Getting the chance to be able to go on this trip. The volunteers from the colleges were interesting, especially their stories and majors.


The VR part was fun to interact with, but I really enjoyed the ENERGY of the water treatment people since they were VERY FUN to interact with.

Learning more about being an entrepreneur.

Getting to interact with the company and what they do.

Seeing and touching human organs.

Getting to see the different kinds of surgery happening.

[I] actually got to make something and test it.


Students Enrolled: 2,535 Unique Students: 1,847 Number of Events: 89 Number of Partners: 73* Includes both partner organizations and individual volunteers. *

Coach Mentoring Program

Student Story

Cindy Aguilar, a junior at CEC Early College, was paired with Jordan Perlmutter, a bridge engineer from Foothills Bridge Co, for the duration of the school year. During this time, Jordan and Cindy worked together to explore the field of architecture. Upon completion of the Coach Mentoring Program, Cindy interviewed for and was selected for a summer internship with HDR, an architecture company. When asked what was a motivating factor for her, she said that being in the mentoring program was key in helping her through the process, and that she grew more confident and gained skills to present herself and to not be scared to go after her dreams.


My coach has introduced me to a lot of people, and taught me that I should make the most of every opportunity but also not to diminish what I want to try.

It was amazing having someone to guide me and lead me on the right path. She was very kind and helpful.

My coach has introduced me to a lot of people, and taught me that I should make the most of every opportunity but also not to diminish what I want to try.

I learned a lot about my Coach's experiences in high school and college and how they could be similar to my own. I also got a lot of great guidance and advice for my future.

My mentors really motivated me to want to do better and want more for myself and my future career.
Enrolled: 205 Unique Students: 205 Completion Rate: 79%
Partners: 108*
partner organizations and individual volunteers.
Coach Students
Number of
Includes both

Launch Internship Program

Student Story

Jordy Castillo spent the summer applying his culinary skills all around the Denver area as an intern at Greens 'n Grains. Jordy completed two semesters of culinary arts courses at Career Education Center (CEC) Early College prior to his summer internship placement. Greens 'n Grains (one of many great programs offered by Denver Inner City Parish) is a food truck that distributes free healthy meals to the community while also educating youth about nutrition. Jordy said this about his experience,

“My dream career path has been to do something with Culinary Arts, and at DICP (Denver Inner CIty Parish) I had the opportunity to be an intern as part of their Greens and Grains food truck during the summer, giving out free healthy meals to kids. The internship taught me skills that I will use again such as preparing food, time management and communication. Apart from learning valuable skills I had a great experience with the team and seeing the kids smile as they enjoyed their lunch.”

He was eventually put in charge of the flat top grill where he independently prepared the main dish for the free meals. Jordy received high praise from his supervisor. "I would recommend Jordy as workplace ready, as he is a great worker...Jordy is a great listener and focuses on detail well. When an assignment is presented to him with specific details he is able to complete it..." Jordy is now in 11th grade at CEC.


Learning how to SPEAK UP MORE helped me gain confidence in my abilities.

It was valuable to me in a way that I can see what I want to do and plan for my future.

I got to see a lot of what I was learning in my med classes used in real life.

The Launch Internship Program is a great way to discover if a student is interested in working in the career of their choice. It also made me gain interest [in] being in college and studying after high school.


I got a lot of experience from this and made a lot of connections that could be useful in the future.



Students Enrolled: 349 Unique Students: 313 Completion Rate: 82% Number of Partners: 113

Youth Apprenticeship Program

Student Story

Andrew Colberg, an East High School student, was hired as an apprentice with the City of Denver, Community Planning and Development team in fall 2021. Andrew was a crucial member to the team when they were understaffed and was always willing to support projects when needed. Recently, his supervisor shared that in a time sensitive and important project, Andrew was a critical contributor and took the lead with a smile on his face and a can-do attitude.

After he graduated from high school in May 2022, Andrew was offered a full-time position with the City of Denver and started as a full-fledged employee as of fall 2022! Andrew's team felt that the support he offered the department was invaluable and recognized his commitment to building his future. When Andrew first started his apprenticeship, he shared these words of encouragement:

"My apprenticeship is an experience that will benefit me for the rest of my life and I suggest other apprentices try and enjoy every moment and experience that this program offers."

These words foreshadowed the good things to come for this young man!

My apprenticeship is an experience that will benefit me for the rest of my life.



Students Enrolled: 46 Unique Students: 46 Completion Rate: 82% Number of Partners: 29** Partnerships through collaboration with CareerWise Colorado volunteers. ** 20


CASR Grant and Renewable Energy Academy

In spring 2022, DPS Career and College Success was awarded a grant from the City of Denver’s Climate Action Sustainability and Resilience (CASR) Department supporting career exploration programming focused on careers in renewable energy and sustainability for high school students. The three-year grant supports career exploration events, mentoring, internships and a summer Renewable Energy Career Academy that included solar installer certification, career exploration events, mentoring and project based learning. Twelve students completed the certification training and eleven finished the Academy successfully. In partnership with the African American Trade Association (AATA), DPS has offered nine career exploration events featuring renewable energy careers resulting in 129 student experiences. AATA also created an internship opportunity for six students focused on community outreach and educating community members about solar credits offered by the local utility company. Through the grant, the students were paid minimum wage and received not only solar education but workforce development services such as resume writing, public speaking coaching, etc.


Spotlight on Affinity Groups

In 2017, DPS recognized and prioritized the need for affinity mentoring to create a sense of belonging among groups of students who identify as Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) are interested in non-traditional careers based on their gender identity or who speak a language other than English. This began as one Women in STEM mentoring cohort and has since evolved and grown to include three Spanish Speaking cohorts, two Black Professionals cohorts, and one BIPOC Professionals cohort spanning middle and high school. The feedback around the effectiveness of the affinity spaces within recent years has been overwhelmingly positive.

Mentor Feedback

Student Feedback

"Loved, loved, loved the Black affinity group. It was incredibly powerful to watch the students gain comfortability almost immediately because they saw role models that looked like them."

"Seeing yourself in a professional mentor is HUGELY beneficial to helping students work through/past imposter syndrome. As a professional I feel the same, and am happy to see affinity groups included in this program!"

"I feel Spanish Speaking students feel they might not have the same opportunities because of the language barrier but allowing a program that is helping them seek and build a relationship outside of their school brings confidence to themselves."

"Seeing all of these empowered women in their career fields was awesome and inspired me to do something like them.”

"Having an affinity space was very helpful and inclusive.

"Having a coach was valuable because I was able to build a bond with someone who is pretty similar to me.

"Having an all female class and female mentors helped me to understand challenges I could face as a female in these fields but also how to overcome them.


Spark Elementary Program

Spark Elementary is the newest career exploration program offered within the work-based learning continuum of programs. As part of our 2021-2022 strategic priority to start career exploration early, our team implemented a pilot program targeting kindergarten to 5th grade students at seven schools. The framework focused on teacher-led career exploration lessons, followed by an industry guest speaker sharing their career journey and answering student questions. Guest speakers engaged students through hands-on activities which included trying on beekeeping outfits, creating video games, and designing a neighborhood park. Students really enjoy meeting and working with industry professionals in order to expand their knowledge of career pathways. In a commitment to continuous improvement, we will implement changes based on teacher feedback we received on methodology for presenting to our youngest learners.

Summer Connections

The Spark team collaborated with the DPS Expanded Learning team to bring career exploration programming to the district’s 1st-5th grade summer school (Summer Connections). We created a 10-hour curriculum that explored students’ strengths, interests, and values through Holland’s RIASEC framework. Through games, activities, videos, and lessons, students widened their knowledge of possible future careers and made connections to their own academic lives and skill sets. The culminating event for each school site was a day with industry guest speakers, giving students the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the visiting experts.


Spark Middle School Program and CBOs

In collaboration with three community-based organizations, the Spark team served DPS students within the Denver community by taking career exploration on the road. This effort aimed to engage students outside of the classroom and in their communities. The team offered six sessions focused on exploring personal career interests, strengths, and values through RIASEC-based curriculum. Following each session, students also had the opportunity to hear from industry professionals in various pathways. At the completion of the sessions, students presented personal strengths, RIASEC survey results, and values through a visual representation called a “Me Tree”.


Program Outcomes Data

Career Discovery

• 79% of students participating in DPS work-based learning programs were introduced to new careers.

• 65% of Spark and Xplore participants wanted more information about the careers presented and 62% are interested in pursuing the careers featured during career exploration events.

Social Capital

• 53% of students in the Launch Program and 42% of students in Coach Mentoring met up to four professionals who could help connect them to future opportunities

• 34% of Launch and 26% of Coach students added more than five professionals to their network.

Academic Impact

• 91% of high school students enrolled in career development programs reported they were more motivated to excel in school following program participation.

• Close to 15% of students in the Launch Program reported their internship required higher math skills and close to 10% reported using higher reading/ writing skills than their high school classes.

High Five

• 88% of students would recommend participation in DPS work-based learning programs to a friend or classmate.


Partner Feedback: High Ratings


Offered an opportunity to engage with students in a meaningful way




Of mentors and internship supervisors would recommend participation in Coach and Launch programs to a colleague or friend

Proud to work for company that participates in these types of programs 97%

Hope their company will continue to participate in DPS work-based learning programs

Believe WBL is a viable way to groom future employees and give back to community

Coach Professional Development:

Mentors reported developing professional mentoring and interpersonal skills as a result of their participation in the Coach Program


Partner Quotes

I enjoyed helping students realize their goals.

Love DPS and the Xplore Program. It has really allowed [our company] to lean in and get connected to the community.

I appreciated how engaged and attentive the students were. They asked great questions and seemed to appreciate the opportunity to see our construction site. The instructor was a great facilitator.

I enjoyed my student! He was so easy to talk to and highly motivated. Made my experience even better than expected.

I enjoyed meeting young people who are intelligent, eager to learn and productive.


Partner Quotes

Watching the students begin to envision a future plan throughout the year. From being unsure to formulating some goals is very inspiring.

I enjoyed giving back.

I think it is so important to get kids thinking about what job opportunities are out there. I didn't get that in high school!

I appreciated the opportunity to connect with a high school student and provide guidance and support to help them explore their career path. It was nice to give back to the community in a meaningful way.

Getting to see the world through the eyes of someone that hasn't been out on their own yet and helping them choose a pathway to get what they want out of life.


Partner Quotes

Going through this for the first time I was blown away by what [my intern] could do and he’s only a junior in high school. It was exciting to watch him jump in feet first and learn so much in his short six-week internship.

I loved getting to know my mentee and all the other mentees as well as the professional mentors. We truly had a great group and I think we are a part of something bigger than ourselves.


Looking Ahead

Greater Support and Opportunities for Priority Students

• In support of the Superintendent's vision, the Career Development Team will continue to focus on engaging BIPOC students, multilingual learners and students receiving special education services in work-based learning programming. New initiatives may include increased access to short term training leading to credentials and immediate employment opportunities, leadership development, strategic WBL partnership support to better serve students with increased needs, and expansion of affinity focused mentoring.

Expansion of Spark Elementary (from Pilot to Program)

• After a successful pilot year, the full implementation of the Spark elementary-level program will take place in the 2022-23 school year. The program will be rolled out in three phases at schools and will focus on exploring strengths, interests, and values while making connections between school, careers and work.

Scale Up Grant and DPS Apprenticeship Expansion

• In late spring 2022, the DPS Career Development Team was awarded a Scale Up Grant to build and sustain capacity to launch its first registered youth apprenticeship program. In the 22-23 school year, seven new registered Administrative Services Manager youth apprentices will begin an extraordinary learning journey. Apprentices will be hired and trained to master with relevant and transferable business competencies through on-the-job learning within DPS. In the spirit of leading by example, apprentices will work for the DPS Cabinet offices: the Office of Schools, Office of Operations, Office of Chief of Staff, Office of Chief of Talent starting in fall 2023.


Summer Career Academy Expansions

• In summer 2023, the Launch Program plans to offer a new Career Academy centered on entrepreneurship training. We intend to partner with a non-profit organization that focuses on BIPOC economic prosperity. The Renewable Energy Academy will expand this summer, offering two cohorts in the far northeast and southern/central parts of Denver.

• DPS and the Colorado Health Care Collaborative (CHCC) will partner in summer 2023 to attract students interested in health care careers to their 7 week curriculum which combines online and in-person learning on college campuses. This will allow us to introduce students to health careers in schools where a medical pathway is not currently available and encourage them to pursue additional training through concurrent enrollment or other DPS medical training options.

Mentoring Collaborative

• The Coach Mentoring Program is working collaboratively with Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) to increase the number of students receiving career exploration programming through the integration of our existing resources/curriculum. Additionally, for some mentor/mentee matches, the mentoring relationship may be extended past the DPS program completion. To support a smooth transition, DPS will provide training to BBBS mentors on Meaningful Career Conversations (MCCs) and BBBS will bring students and mentors under the umbrella of their programming once the Coach program concludes.


Career Development Sponsors

MULTI-YEAR AND SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTORS: • Microsoft • Beacon Foundation • Western Union • New Profit • VF Foundation • Zoma • Denver Climate Action Sustainability and Resilience Department - Good Green Jobs Grant • United Airlines ADDITIONAL KEY CONTRIBUTORS: • Gates Corporation • Chevron Please also refer to Appendix for a complete list of participating partners and donors. 32
Without contributions from our partners, the breadth of programming offered to students by the Career Development Team would not be possible. Several companies supported various WBL programs through their generous contributions or grants. In addition, close to 35 partners contributed a total of $85,000 in donations to offset the cost of Launch intern fellowship awards.
of Student Engagement in WBL Programs Special Education Gifted & Talented % of Overall CDT Enrollment 14% % of Overall CDT Enrollment 9% District Average 12.1% District Average 7.6% Comparison with District Average Exceeds Rating Exceeds Gender Male Female % of Overall CDT Enrollment 50% 50% District Average 51% 49% Comparison with District Average Meets Meets Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) Multilingual Language Learners % of Overall CDT Enrollment 60% % of Overall CDT Enrollment 45% District Average 59% District Average 36.3% Comparison with District Average Meets Rating Exceeds Ethnicity American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black African American Hispanic LatinX Multiple Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Not Hispanic % of Overall CDT Enrollment 0.7% 3% 15% 55% 3% 0.5% 19% District Average 06.% 3% 13.7% 52% 4.8% 0.5% 25.3% Comparison with District Average Meets Meets Exceeds Exceeds Below Meets Below Exceeds District Average Meets District Average Below District Average 34



Partners (2021-2022)

Note: Partners who participated in the Apprenticeship Program were onboarded and supported by CareerWise Colorado (CWC). Partners marked with an * generously donated to the Launch Internship Program.

360 Engineering Xplore

4G Automotive and Transmissions Launch

8z Real Estate Xplore

9 Health Fair Launch

African-American Young Ladies Summit Xplore

Adrienne Bursey Coach

AdvanceEDU Launch

African American Trade Association Launch

AGC of Colorado & Construction Education Foundation* Launch

Aktiv Pharma Group Xplore Alejandra Contreras Coach

Alexandra Skewes-Cox Coach

Allison Johnson Coach Alten Xplore

Alyse Record Coach

Alyson Ranucci Coach

Amanda Lam Coach Ambar Suero Coach

Ambrosia Glass Art Spark (Middle School)

American Institute of Architects Spark (Middle School)

Andrew Benton Coach Andrew Lundstrom Coach Andrew Walters Coach

Arapahoe Community College Spark (Middle School) Arthur Hicks Coach Arts Street Launch Ashley Hillman Spark (Elementary)

Athletics Department (Lincoln and Compass Campuses) Launch

Aveda Institute of Denver Spark (Middle School)

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation Xplore

Barr Lake State Park Spark (Elementary)

Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology Spark (Middle School)

Better Business Bureau Great West + Pacific Launch

Bianca Ramirez Coach Biker Jim's Gourmet Dogs* Launch

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies Spark (Middle School)

Birdseed Collective Launch

Black Travel Box Launch Bondadosa Spark (Middle School) Brandi Shigley Xplore

BraTek Engineering & Manufacturing Launch

Breanna Johnson Coach Brian Eley Spark (Elementary)

Brian McKinney Coach

Brian McKinney Spark (Middle School) Bruce Snyder Coach

Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Xplore

Cagebreakers Launch

CareerWise Colorado Apprenticeship (CWC) Carie Ferdani Coach

Casey Industrial Inc Xplore CBRE Apprenticeship (CWC)

Career Education Center Early College Spark (Middle School)

Center for Talent Development at Greenlee Apprenticeship (CWC)

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence at Colorado University Launch

Children's Hospital Spark (Elementary), Spark (Middle School), Xplore

Chris Matlock Coach

Circuit Media Xplore

City & County of DenverAnimal Shelter Launch, Spark (Elementary), Spark (Middle School)

City & County of DenverCrime Lab Spark (Middle School)

City & County of DenverFacilities Management Apprenticeship (CWC)

City & County of Denver - Public Health and Environment Launch

City of DenverCommunity Planning and Development Office Apprenticeship (CWC)

City of Denver- DEDO, Denver Economic Development and Opportunity Apprenticeship (CWC)

City of Denver- Denver International Airport Apprenticeship (CWC)

City of DenverDepartment of General Services Apprenticeship (CWC)

Christian Jimenez Coach

City of DenverParks and Recreation Apprenticeship (CWC)

City of DenverTechnology Services Apprenticeship (CWC)

Citywide Banks of Colorado Inc Apprenticeship (CWC)

Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Launch

Colorado Black Health Collaborative Xplore

Colorado Department of Agriculture Laboratory Services Xplore

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Apprenticeship (CWC)

Colorado Optometric Association Spark (Middle School)

Colorado School of Mines Spark (Middle School)

Colorado State UniversitySpur Campus Spark (Middle School), Xplore

Commerce City Police Department Xplore

Community College of Denver Xplore

Confluence Center Launch

Consumption Literacy Project Launch

Convercent Inc Apprenticeship (CWC)

Convivir Colorado Launch

Corafaye's Cafe Launch

Craig Hospital Apprenticeship (CWC)

Craine Architecture* Launch Dale Ary Coach Daniel Ettinger Coach Daniel Herrera Coach Daniel Herrera Coach Daniel Pittman Coach Danielle McGinn Coach Danil Shpurik Coach Davita Bird Coach Delia Greth Coach Deneen Jelks Coach Denisse Solis Coach

Denmon Realty Spark (Middle School) Denver 9-1-1 Spark (Middle School)

Denver Botanic Gardens Xplore

Denver Center for the Performing Arts Spark (Middle School)

Denver City Council Spark (Elementary), Xplore

Denver Health and Hospitals Xplore

Denver Health- La Casa Quigg Newton Health Center

Launch Denver Inner City Parish Launch

Denver Metro Construction Sector Partnership Coach

Denver Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency Launch Denver Open Media Launch Denver Police Department Spark (Middle School)

Denver Public LibraryHelp Desk Launch

Denver Public Schools Spark (Middle School)

Denver Public Schools - Department of Transportation (Hilltop Bus Terminal) Xplore

Denver Public Schools - Department of Transportation (NE Bus Terminal) Xplore

Denver Public Schools Academics Reporting, Analytics & Data Services Launch

Denver Public Schools Career Development Team Launch, Spark (Elementary), Spark (Middle School)

Denver Public Schools CCS Engineering Academy Launch

Denver Public Schools CCS Communications Department* Launch

Denver Public Schools Electrical Maintenance Department Launch

Denver Public Schools Facilities Management Xplore

Denver Public Schools Facilities Management (HVAC) Launch

Denver Public Schools Office of Sustainability* Launch, Xplore

Denver Public Schools Safety & Security Launch

Denver Scholarship Foundation* Launch

Denver Urban Gardens Launch

Denver Water Spark (Middle School)

Denver Youth Initiative Launch

Dhe Computer Systems* Launch Diversity in Finance Collaboration* Launch


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College CTE Department Launch

Douglas County School District Lockheed Martin Internship Program Launch

DPS CCS Med Academy Launch

DPS CCS Renewable Energy Academy Launch

DPS Child Find Launch

DPS Department of Technology Services Client and Field Services Launch

DPS Equity and Engagement Division Launch

DPS-CCS 50/50 Entrepreneurial Program Launch


Dress For Success Denver Launch

Drew Wiese

Coach Elisa Overall Spark (Middle School)

Emily Griffith Technical College (Health Sciences) Xplore

Emily Griffith Technical College (Trades Campus) Xplore

Emily Griffith Technical College (IT Department) Launch

Emily Simones Coach Empowercom Launch

Encore Electric Inc Xplore

Energy Outreach Colorado Launch, Spark (Middle School)

Erin Wolthusen Coach

Ethan Nkana Coach Felipe Vieyra Coach

Fiske Planetarium Spark (Middle School)

Foothills Custom Cabinet Xplore

Franklin Park Senior Center Launch

From the Hip Photo Launch

Frontier Airlines Inc Apprenticeship (CWC)

Gabriela Reyes Coach

Gallun Snow Associates Xplore

Gary Community Investment Company Apprenticeship (CWC)

Gates Corporation Spark (Elementary), Spark (Middle School)

Gensler Spark (Middle School)

Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Spark (Middle School) Gina Phillips Coach Good Buy Gear Inc Launch

GRID Alternatives Launch, Spark (Elementary), Spark (Middle School), Xplore Hair Works Xplore Haley Lucero Coach

Hannah Sophia Stockburger Coach

HDR* Launch, Xplore Healthy Food for Denver Kids Launch

High Line Canal Conservancy Spark (Elementary)

History Colorado Launch

Hope Center Launch

HSS Security Apprenticeship (CWC)

Hugo Carrasco Coach Hunter Adam Coach Hussain Almajed Coach Ibukun Alao Coach

Interface Communications Xplore

Intermountain Electric Apprenticeship (CWC)

International Spectrum Cosmetics Company Launch

Intertech Plastics Apprenticeship (CWC)

Ismael Haro Coach

Jack's Solar Garden Xplore

Janus Henderson Apprenticeship (CWC)

Jaylen Spires Coach

JE Dunn* Launch Jen Moriarty Spark (Elementary)

Jerome Blackwell Coach

Jesus Meza Spark (Middle School)

JHL Constructors Spark (Middle School)

JLL Spark (Middle School)

Joe Behrends Coach Joe Saboe Coach

Joel "Coach Eye" Hodge Coach

Joel "June" Turner Coach

John Cronk Coach Julia Schuster Coach Julian Martinez Coach

Julie Bendon Coach Juntos 2 College Launch Junyup Lee Coach

JVA Consulting Engineers Xplore Kai Page Coach

Kaiser Permanente Xplore

Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy Launch

Kalen Jesse Photography Launch Karmachanics Launch

Kate Salama Coach

Katherine Gagnon Coach

Katie Trucco Coach

KDG Engineering LLC Launch

Kesia Maria Culbertson Coach Kevin Mills Coach Keya Flakes Coach

KGNU Radio Launch, Spark (Middle School)

Kimi McBryde Coach

Kyra Ricci Spark (Middle School)

Land Title Guarantee Company Apprenticeship (CWC)

Lars Brady Spark (Elementary)

Laura Nass Coach Lauren Coffaro Coach Lighthouse Writers Inc Xplore

Lincoln Technical Institute Xplore

Location3* Launch, Xplore Lockheed Martin Space Xplore


Lutheran Medical Center Launch

Lux and Luca Launch Maida Pearce Coach

Make A Chess Move Launch

Mamabird Media Launch Marcus Hunter Coach Mario Giovacchini Coach

Matrix Design Group LLC Spark (Elementary) Max Haynes Coach

McGlone Academy Apprenticeship (CWC) Megan Muniz Coach Melissa Johns Coach

MERCER Human Resource Consulting Apprenticeship (CWC)

Metro DEEP Launch

Metro State University Advanced Manufacturing Sciences Institute Launch

Metropolitan State University of Denver Spark (Middle School), Xplore

Michael Reed Coach

Michael Reed Coach

Michael Vrabel Coach Michelle Wright Coach Microsoft Coach, Xplore Mike Ramsey Coach

Mindcraft Makerspace Launch

MOA Architecture Spark (Middle School)

Molly Rolek Coach Monica Pedersen Coach Montane Whiteley Coach

Montbello Organizing Committee Launch

Mountain Vista Senior Living Community Launch

MSU Center for Visual Arts Spark (Middle School) Museo De Las Americas Launch

Namaste Solar Apprenticeship (CWC), Coach, Launch, Xplore

Nathalie Valencia Coach

National Organization of Minority Architects Spark (Middle School)

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Coach, Spark (Elementary), Spark (MIddle School), Xplore

Nicholas Zager Coach Nicole Williams Coach Northeast Early College Spark (Middle School)

Northfield High School Spark (Middle School)

NSBE - National Society of Black Engineers Xplore

Olivia Berglund Xplore Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals Xplore

Oyuky Rodriguez Coach Parkview Care Center Launch PCs for People Launch Pfizer Coach Phyllis Bergeron Coach

Pinnacol Assurance Apprenticeship (CWC) Pinyon Environmental* Launch Pivot Energy Launch, Xplore

Pop Culture Classroom Spark (Middle School)

Pranav Agrawal Coach

Presbyterian Saint Luke's Hospital Launch

Priscilla Gonzales Coach

Public Relations Society of America (Colorado Chapter) Xplore

Puifai Santisakultarm Coach

Rebecca Fitzgibbons Coach

Red Rocks Community College Spark (Middle School)

Red Rocks Community College Xplore

Renewable Energy Career Panel Xplore

RK Mechanical Xplore

Robin Harland Coach

Rocio Duran Spark (Middle School)

Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design Xplore

Rocky Mountain Efficiency Launch Rohan Angadi Coach Sabin Alexandra Coach

Saint Joseph's Hospital Launch

SAME Cafe Launch

Sand Creek Regional Greenway* Launch Saunders Xplore SE Shirts and Hoodies Launch

Second Act Women Launch Selwyn Yeh Coach Sereinnaturals Launch Seth Gregg Coach

Sewall @ The Zone for Inclusive Learning Launch

SheTech CTA Event Xplore

Shrewsberry* Launch, Xplore

Skill Struck Launch, Spark (Middle School)

Slalom Consulting Coach, Xplore

Society Of Hispanic Professional Engineers Xplore

Society of Petroleum Engineers Denver Spark (Middle School)

Society of Women Engineers Spark (Middle School)


Sofia Rodriguez Coach

South High School Spark (Elementary), Spark (Middle School)

Southwest Airlines Spark (Middle School) Stadium Medical Xplore

Still Living Ent, LLC Launch

Swinerton Construction* Launch

Tattered Cover Bookstore Spark (Elementary)

Temple Grandin Equine Center Launch, Xplore Terri Richardson Coach

The Argyle Launch

The Colorado Symphony Spark (Middle School) ThoughtWorks Inc Xplore Tia Eberline Coach Trameter Launch

UCD Body of Evidence Xplore

United Airlines Coach

United Airlines Building Maintenance* Launch

United Airlines Business Office* Launch

United Airlines- Customer Service* Launch

United Airlines- Ground Service Equipment* Launch

United Airlines Inflight* Launch

United Airlines Ramp Services* Launch

United Airlines Station Operations Center* Launch

United Launch Alliance LLC Xplore

University of Colorado | Anschutz Medical Campus | School of Dental Medicine Xplore

University of Colorado | Denver | School of Architecture & Planning Xplore

University of Colorado College of Engineering, Design and Computing Coach, Xplore

University of Colorado CU Denver Business School Xplore

University of Colorado, College of Arts & Media Xplore

University Of Denver Spark (Middle School), Xplore

US Dept. of the Interior - US Geological Survey Spark (Middle School)

Valorie Ziegler Coach

Vectra Bank Colorado Apprenticeship (CWC)

Veronica Contreras de Raya Coach

Village Institute Launch Virtuance Apprenticeship (CWC) Wayne Gandy Coach Wayne Watts Xplore Wings Over the Rockies Launch

Workplace Resource Apprenticeship (CWC)

Xcel Energy* Xplore

Xcel Energy- Gas Operations* Launch

Xcel Energy- Governance Strategy and Performance (IT Dept)* Launch

Xcel Energy- Social Investments* Launch

Xcel Energy- Supply Chain* Launch

Xplore Career Panel/Speaker 21-22 Xplore Yellowdog* Launch Young Engineering Professionals Launch

Youth on Record Launch Zach Martinucci Coach Zachary Fifer Xplore


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