The bond, approved by Denver voters in Nov. 2020, funds physical repairs, improvements and the building of new schools. The bond has made for a busy few years for DPS teams, as they continuously carry out the work of implementing the many projects funded by Denver’s generous taxpayers. As the work continues - please review a snapshot of the investments that are already positively impacting schools and students.
The numbers reflected in this report reflect work completed from the passing of the bond in Nov. 2020 through the end of calendar year 2023:
$588 of $971 million* of total 2020 Bond Proceeds have been spent through December 2023
$28.2 million of the remaining 2016 bond dollars were invested in the calendar year 2023.
*Total 2020 bond proceeds inclusive of additional dollars generated due to market conditions (premium)*
The average age of DPS-owned buildings is 56 years old. With 186 DPS-owned buildings, 7 leased buildings and 16.7 million square feet to maintain, keeping up with mechanical, electric, and plumbing needs is extremely crucial to the safety and well-being of students and staff. $208 million of bond funds are dedicated to making these critical updates, with another $129 million allocated to installing cooling systems in hotter schools.
17 schools with new cooling systems
36 schools with mechanical, electrical or plumbing upgrades or repairs
9 buildings with galvanized pipe replacement
Adding schools in areas of the city experiencing growth allows DPS to keep up with the evolution of enrollment demands. $71 million has been dedicated to building a new school in the Far Northeast, which includes funding to expand ECE facilities throughout the city. $130 million has supported the rebuild of the new Montbello High School campus. In addition, 17 acres of land have been purchased for a future elementary school in the rapidly growing Far Northeast area of Denver.
17 acres
land purchased for future elementary school in Far Northeast Denver
4 buildings purchased on former Johnson & Wales campus for Denver School of the Arts expansion
450+ students and 333+ community members
were in planning conversations, community surveys and dialogue circles as part of the Montbello Campus redesign process affectionately dubbed “Reimagine Montbello”
Some DPS buildings are 100 years old; others were built in the last 10. Investments in older school or non-traditional buildings help address facility deficiencies that may impact academics, logistics or culture. 133 schools are receiving funds totaling $31 million to improve key learning spaces as decided by school-based teams. Another $34.5 million is dedicated to needed improvements throughout DPS for center program spaces, athletics, outdoor play spaces, science and career readiness.
10 center-based program remodels completed
7 athletic turf fields replaced
17,552.8 pounds
96 school-determined investment projects completed
12 STEM/STEAM labs that are new or have been updated
of produce Harvested from our new 4-acre Food and Nutrition Services’ Glenbrook Greenhouse that received Certificate of Occupancy in June 2022.
21st-century learning and assessment requires student access to robust technology. Bond funds allocated to meeting the needs of all DPS students ensure that they will have the tech skills necessary for the future. Funding is also being used to update schools with high-quality video, audio and security systems to keep buildings as safe as possible.
13,366 assistive technology requests
fulfilled for students with disabilities
MyTech Expansion
• Continuing to support 1:1 Chromebook models at all middle and high schools
• Established a Hardware Repair internship program to certify students on Chromebook repairs and hired student apprentices
Assistive Technology Equipment Van
used for delivery/pick-up to increase the time special education staff can remain in their schools working with students; delivers to 30-150 different sites per month
Assistive Technology Acquired
• CPens for students with reading disabilities
• Eye gaze devices for students with limited motor skills
• Updated hardware for students with vision impairments, including portable touchscreen monitors
• Strollers to support students with disabilities attending Balarat Outdoor Education program
Raptor Visitor Management
system installed at all schools
Security Camera Refresh and Camera Expansion
projects underway at all schools
Access Control System Expansion
All schools went under evaluation, gaps were identified and resolved
Data Center Computer Refresh
Added additional server and storage to support DPS software systems
Information Security
Added additional tools for identifying and mitigating malicious emails received by students and staff.
Customized Dispatch System
that includes GPS tracking and records management in production.
For over 20 years, the Office of Business Diversity has helped guide DPS’ efforts to involve diverse businesses in our construction projects. The program is the only one of its kind for a Colorado school district, and has helped promote diversity in construction and related contracting for various bondfunded capital improvement projects.
Approximately 30% of bond spend* is going to Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs)
*We anticipate at the end of this bond over 60 local women and minority-owned businesses will have worked on the bond.*
The mill levy helps fund the programs inside of the buildings that support our staff and students. The following programs were impacted by the passage of the 2020 mill levy override.
$29.5 million for increased minimum compensation beyond Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
$3.1 million for increased Mental Heath services
$4.1 million for increased Nursing Services
$2.1 million to support Special Education services
$11.1 million for charter share (required by law)
$49.9 million in total annual investmevnts