2025 Professional Learning Course Guide

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for Teachers and SSPs

The 2025 Summer Session Guide lists the summer professional learning opportunities available to all Denver Public Schools educators, including required learning for each grade/content area, as well as additional development opportunities. All required sessions have at least two options to attend. Educators may select the dates and times that work best for their schedule. Sessions are listed by grade band and content area. For questions contact professional_learning@dpsk12.org.

Required Sessions for New Curriculum: See table on page 1 for an outline of required sessions based on curriculum adoptions for 2025-26.

Required Sessions for New Curriculum

This table outlines the required summer professional learning associated with each curriculum adoption. During curriculum training, participants will get familiar with the structure of the curriculum - both the principles of its design and the research informing it. They will also practice internalizing a unit and/or lesson, as well as deepen their understanding of the student experience by participating in a demo lesson.

Role Curriculum Adoption

Literacy Teachers, Grades K-3

ELA-S Literacy Teachers, Grades K-3

ELD Teachers, Grades K-5

Math Teachers, Grades K-5

(Year 1 Imagine IM Schools)

Math Teachers, Grades 9-12

Music Teachers, Grades K-5

Literacy Teachers, Grades 6-8

Science Teachers, Grade 6

Science Teachers, Grade 7

Science Teachers, Grade 8

Science Teachers, Grades 6-12

Science Teachers, Grades 6-12

Science Teachers, Grades 6-12


DIBELS 8 and Lectura

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt English 3D

Imagine Learning Illustrative Mathematics

Coherent Math

Required Session and Time Commitment

Administering READ Act Assessment: DIBELS 8 - 1 Day/6 hours

Administering READ Act Assessment: DIBELS 8 and Lectura - 1 Day/6 hours

K-5 English Language Development (ELD) - 2 Days/12 hours

K-5 Math: Year 1 Introduction to Imagine IM - 1 Day/6 hours

New to HS Coherent Math - 2 Days/12 hours

Quaver Education Implementing Quaver Music Curriculum in K-5 - 4 Days/24 hours

Amplify Education Amplify ELA Implementation Year 1 (6-8) - 3 Days/18 hours




OpenSciEd Grade 6 Science - 5 days/35 hours

OpenSciEd Grade 7 Science - 5 days/35 hours

OpenSciEd Biology Grade 8 Science - 5 days/35 hours

OpenSciEd OpenSciEd Biology - 5 days/35 hours


OpenSciEd Chemistry - 5 days/35 hours

OpenSciEd OpenSciEd Physics - 5 days/35 hours

Elementary Educators Required Professional Learning


K-5 English Language Development (ELD)

Audience: K-5 ELD Teachers

Learning Outcomes: ELD teachers will understand how the English 3D curriculum is structured in order to provide high-quality instruction for Multilingual Learners during the Dedicated ELD block. In addition, teachers will learn how to implement DPS best practices according to PERMS and the instructional sequence, and how to progressmonitor students in their language development using HMH and DPS systems.

Please register for either the June session or the July session, not both.

June Registration Link July Registration Link

Time Commitment: 2 full-days of training from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m (lunch break from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 12-13

July Dates: July 21-22

June Location: Evie Dennis Campus

July Location: Evie Dennis Campus

Literacy REQUIRED Sessions

Administering READ Act Assessment: DIBELS 8

Audience: K-3 Literacy Teachers, Interventionists and Special Education Teachers

*This session is exclusively for those who work at a school that has adopted DIBELS and who have not been previously trained.

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to explain how DIBELS 8th Edition assesses the basic early literacy skills required for students to become proficient readers. Participants will also learn how to administer and score mCLASS assessment measures according to standardized guidelines.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Dates: July 16, 21 or 22 Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Administering READ Act Assessment: DIBELS 8 and Lectura

Audience: K-3

ELA-S Literacy Teachers

*This session is exclusively for K-3 ELA-S teachers that will be administering the test in both languages and have not been previously trained.

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to explain how DIBELS 8th Edition and mCLASS Lectura assesses the basic early literacy skills required for students to become proficient readers. Participants will also learn how to administer and score DIBELS 8 and Lectura assessments measures according to standardized guidelines.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Date: July 22 July Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Math REQUIRED Session

K-5 Math: Year 1 Introduction to Imagine IM

Audience:K-5 Math Teachers newly implementing Imagine IM in 2025-26

Learning Outcomes: Teachers gain an overview of the new K-5 Math Curriculum including design and implementation of materials�

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 10 or 11

July Dates: July 23 or 24

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Montbello High School

Music REQUIRED Session

Implementing Quaver Music Curriculum in K-5

Audience: K-5 Music Teachers

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to describe research rationale and evidence for process over product and the creativity focus of new K-5 Quaver music curriculum, explore and learn how to utilize Quaver Music’s interactive units, lessons, games and activities to reinforce essential music concepts and elements, internalize and plan for upcoming Quaver Music units and lessons.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

4 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 9-12

July Dates: July 21-24

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Secondary Educators Required Professional Learning

Amplify ELA Implementation Year 1 (6-8) Literacy REQUIRED Session

Audience: 6-8 Literacy Teachers

Learning Outcomes: Teachers will be able to describe materials and components of the Amplify ELA curriculum, internalize units and lessons to prepare for the first month of instruction, and plan for support and access points for disaggregated groups within Tier 1 instruction.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

3 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 10-12

July Dates: July 22-24

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

New to HS Coherent Math Math REQUIRED Session


Math 1 and Math 2 Teachers New to Coherent Math

Learning Outcomes: Teachers gain a deep understanding of the new HS Math Curriculum including design and implementation of materials.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 12-13

July Dates: July 21-22

June Location: PREP Academy

July Location: PREP Academy

OpenSciEd Science Science REQUIRED Session

Audience: 6-8 Science Teachers and Biology, Chemistry and Physics Teachers

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to describe research rationale and evidence for the OpenSciEd Instructional approach, name the essential components of OpenSciEd lessons, and internalize and plan for upcoming OpenSciEd units and lessons.

*Teachers are only required to attend either the June OR July session. If teachers teach more than one of the Science classes below, we recommend that they attend one session per content.

Grade 6 Registration Link Biology Registration Link

Grade 7 Registration Link Chemistry Registration Link

Grade 8 Registration Link Physics Registration Link

Time Commitment:

5 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 9-13

July Dates: July 21-25

June Location: Montbello High School

July Location: Montbello High School

Optional Professional Learning

ECE-12 Educators

AI for Teacher Planning & Instruction (optional)

Audience: Educators Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Teachers will form a foundational understanding of AI, DPS’ instructional priorities, and AI policies. Teachers will engage in self-reflection on the current state of your AI literacy and integration into instruction. Teachers will collaborate with colleagues around ways to enhance culturally and linguistically sustaining instruction with AI.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Dates: June 12 or 13 June Location: Montbello High School

AI-Infused Student Learning Experiences (optional)

Audience: Educators Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Teachers will imagine pathways for AI literacy integration in your classroom that centers the assets, identities, and needs of your students. Teachers will reflect on contextualized design considerations for student interactions with AI based on their assets, identities, and needs. Teachers will imagine ways to engage students in rigorous, joyful, and differentiated tasks and lessons that integrate AI literacy into current curriculum.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Dates: June 12 or 13

Location: Montbello High School

District’s New Assessment System: Performance

Matters (optional)

Audience: Educators Grades 3-12

Learning Outcomes: Teachers will be able to find assessments within Performance Matters and practice monitoring and scoring assessments while also viewing the student testing experience. Teachers will learn the Teacher Dashboard, which houses all of their student scoring details. Teachers will review and analyze sample student item level responses using the appropriate reports within Performance Matters.

*Both May and June session registration is listed below

May Registration Link June 10 Registration Link

June 12 Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training

May Dates: May 27 or 29 (4 - 7 p.m.)

June Dates: June 10 or 12 (8:30 - 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.)

May Location: Virtual June Location: Virtual

MLE Biliteracy Conference (optional)

Audience: All Educators of MLLs Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Teachers of multilingual learners (MLLs) will be able to attend professional learning sessions to develop and/or refine practices that lead to high quality instruction for MLLs.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Date: August 4 Location: Montbello High School

SEL: It Starts with Us (optional)

Audience: Educators Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will reflect and grow personal SEAL skills, EBP tools and practices, and CRE mindsets, confidently embody the five values of a trusted adult, expand “toolbox” of classroom management techniques that support a culture of belonging and collaboration and co-create an environment that cultivates and humanizes the interconnectedness of lived experiences and identities for ourselves and our collective liberation.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

3 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 9-11

July Dates: July 16-18

June Location: Montbello High School

July Location: Montbello High School

The NII Framework & SSOs (optional)

Audience: NII Evaluators Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to explain the differences between evaluations for traditional LEAP and NII LEAP; evaluate NII Teachers on the NII Framework; understand the expectations for Student Service Objectives (SSOs); and how to evaluate SSOs.

Registration Link

Elementary (K-5) Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 9 - 11 a.m. (Principals/APs) or 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. (STLs)

Elementary Date: June 12

Elementary Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Secondary (6-12) Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 9 - 11 a.m.

Secondary Date: June 11

Secondary Location: Emily Griffith Campus

STL Coaching Best Practices (optional)

Audience: STLs Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: In this training session, School Team Leaders (STLs) will explore the Coaching Cycle–Set the Intention, Engage in Learning, and Reflect on Learning. This training is designed to leverage the LEAP Framework in planning, observation and feedback, and to create action steps that support student achievement. Participants engage in hands-on practice with strategies to foster open, constructive dialogue around performance and growth, emphasizing the importance of trust, active listening and feedback.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 half-day of training from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.

June Dates: June 12 or 13 June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (optional)

Audience: Educators Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants learn to recognize early warning signs of a potential crisis; Techniques to address and manage escalating behavior in a calm and nonthreatening manner with an emphasis on verbal and nonverbal communication to reduce tension; and receive training on personal safety techniques to prevent harm to staff and students in crisis.

Initial Training Registration Link

Refresher Training Registration Link

Time Commitment:

Initial Training: 1 full-day of training from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Refresher Training: 1 half-day of training from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

June Dates: June 11 (Initial) and June 12 (Refresher)

July Dates: July 14 (Initial) and July 15 (Refresher)

June Location: Montbello High School

July Location: Montbello High School

Technical Theatre Intensive (optional)

Audience: Drama/Theatre Teachers Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will explore Core Technical Theatre Skills: Gain foundational knowledge and hands-on experience in lighting, sound, set construction, props, costuming, and safety practices. Participants will foster Collaboration and Student Engagement: Develop strategies to communicate effectively, build studentcentered learning experiences, and integrate technical theatre into educational settings. Participants will problem-Solve and Innovate: Analyze real-world technical challenges, apply creative solutions, and explore current trends to enhance productions and classroom practices.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

3 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 11-13

July Dates: July 22-24

June Location: Montbello High School

July Location: Montbello High School

Adapted PE (optional)

Audience: PE Teachers Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will have a strong understanding of the foundational principles of APE, including relevant legal mandates and research-based best practices. Participants will attain practical expertise in utilizing assessment tools to evaluate students’ needs and inform individualized instruction. Participants will enhance skills in developing comprehensive and effective IEPs that align with students’ unique goals and abilities. Participants will gain a repertoire of strategies for adapting activities and modifying equipment to ensure inclusivity and promote successful participation for all learners. Participants will understand valuable resources and practical tools that can be immediately implemented in their educational settings to enhance APE instruction.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

2 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 10-11

July Dates: July 14-15

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Internalizing and Implementing P.E. Curriculum for Impact (optional)

Audience: PE Teachers Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will explore the core principles and goals of the curriculum, align instructional practices with standards-based outcomes, analyze the progression of skills and concepts to support student learning and develop actionable strategies to personalize lessons for diverse learners.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

2 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 12-13

July Dates: July 16-17

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Empowering Creativity Through Standards & Best Practices (optional)

Audience: Visual Arts Teachers Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will incorporate high-leverage components like student-driven inquiry and choice-based projects into arts lessons. Participants will design student-centered lesson plans that encourage creative exploration and experimentation. Participants will identify key “look fors” in lesson plans that promote student autonomy and critical thinking. Participants will integrate formative assessment strategies to support student feedback, self-assessment and progress tracking.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

2 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 12-13

July Dates: July 14-15

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Montbello High School

Bounce Back (optional)

Audience: Mental Health Team Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to implement the Bounce Back curriculum with fidelity to meet the needs of students who have been exposed to one or more potentially traumatic events and are presenting with post-traumatic stress symptoms. Participants will learn individual and group cognitive behavioral interventions.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 9

July Dates: July 21

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Montbello High School

CBITS (optional)

Audience: Mental Health Team Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to implement the CBITS curriculum with fidelity to meet the needs of students who have been exposed to one or more potentially traumatic events and are presenting with post-traumatic stress symptoms. Participants will learn individual and group cognitive behavioral interventions.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 10

July Dates: July 25

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Montbello High School

Schoology 101: Essentials for Elementary Teachers (optional) Elementary Educators

Audience: Educators Grade ECE-5

Learning Outcomes: Participants will demonstrate proficiency in accessing their specific curriculum guides and lesson materials within the Schoology interface. Teachers will learn how to effectively organize, locate, and manage their digital curriculum resources, including giving assignments, grading student work, and creating a streamlined digital workflow that supports their instructional preparation and goals.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8:30-11:30 a.m.

June Dates: June 12 or 13

July Dates: July 14,15,16,17 or 18

June Location: Montbello High School

July Location: Montbello High School

Schoology 201: Essentials for Elementary Teachers (optional)

Audience: Educators Grades ECE-5

Learning Outcomes: Participants will demonstrate high impact use of Schoology Teachers will learn how to utilize Schoology to its fullest potential in support of High Quality Instructional Materials.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 12:30-3:30 p.m.

June Dates: June 12 or 13

July Dates: July 14,15,16,17 or 18

June Location: Montbello High School

July Location: Montbello High School

Upper Elementary Comprehensive Health (optional)

Audience: Comprehensive Health Teachers Grades ECE-5

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to develop inclusive language and teaching practices that are stigma free, review curriculum and identify lessons to be taught at grade level, and internalize and plan for upcoming school year and sequence lessons.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 9

July Dates: July 18




June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

a Strong Literacy Ecosystem

Audience: Elementary Literacy Content Leads/ STLs Grades K-5

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to describe components of a strong literacy ecosystem including effective use of curriculum (CKLA/Caminos and Really Great Reading/Esperanza) within all tiers of instruction, data based decision making and literacy leadership. Participants will be able to develop actionable plans for enhancing literacy instruction across tiers for disaggregated groups and build capacity for ongoing improvement through instructional systems.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

2 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Dates: July 14-15 or July 23-24

Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

K-5 IM Math: Year 2 STL Lesson Internalization (optional)

Audience: STLs/MCLs at Year 2 Imagine IM Schools Grades K-5

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to reflect on year one implementation and refine Lesson Internalization Process for Imagine IM.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8-11:30 a.m.

June Dates: June 10

July Dates: July 24

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Montbello High School

Secondary Educators

Schoology 101: Essentials for Secondary Teachers (optional)

Audience: Educators Grades 6-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will demonstrate proficiency in accessing their specific curriculum guides and lesson materials within the Schoology interface. Teachers will learn how to effectively organize, locate, and manage their digital curriculum resources, including giving assignments, grading student work, and creating a streamlined digital workflow that supports their instructional preparation and goals.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8-11:30 a.m.

June Dates: June 12 or 13

July Dates: July 14,15,16,17 or 18

June Location: Montbello High School

July Location: Montbello High School

Leading for 6-8 Literacy (Year 2 Amplify ELA Implementation) (optional)

Audience: Literacy STLs Grades 6-8

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to explain the research and professional literature that informs daily instruction. Participants will be able to lead for internalization and/or planning for upcoming lessons/units, including updated resources. Participants will be able to develop actionable plans for enhancing literacy instruction across tiers for disaggregated groups and build capacity for ongoing improvement through instructional systems.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Dates: July 14 or 21 Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Leading for 9-12 Literacy (Year 2 Odell Implementation) (optional)

Audience: Literacy STLs Grades 9-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to explain the research and professional literature that informs daily instruction. Participants will be able to lead for internalization and/or planning for upcoming lessons and units, including updated resources. Participants will be able to develop actionable plans for enhancing literacy instruction across tiers for disaggregated groups and build capacity for ongoing improvement through instructional systems.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Dates: June 15 or 21 Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Preparing for the Year Ahead in Financial Literacy


Audience: Financial Algebra and Financial Literacy Teachers (Personal Finance Literacy, Financial Literacy) Grades 9-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to describe current best practices in Financial Literacy instruction, internalize unit and lesson to prepare for the first month of instruction, and plan for supports and access points for disaggregated groups within Tier 1 instruction.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8-11:30 a.m

Dates: July 15 or 21 Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

HS Coherent Math Year 2: Language Routines (optional)

Audience: Year 2 Coherent Math implementers Grades 9-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to describe the purpose of language routines, identify key facilitation components and plan for language routines in a lesson.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8-11:30 a.m.

Dates: July 23 Location: Montbello High School

HS Coherent Math Year 2: Demos Deep Dive (optional)

Audience: Year 2 Coherent Math implementers Grades 9-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to practice using various tools on Desmos (both calculator and geometry tools) as well as plan for Desmos embedded lessons using Desmos Classroom.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 12:30-4 p.m.

Dates: July 23

Location: Montbello High School

HS Coherent Math Year 2: Maximizing the Summary (optional)

Audience: Year 2 Coherent Math implementers Grades 9-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to identify ways to make student thinking visible through summary discussions and script questions that encourage students to evaluate thinking.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8-11:30 a.m.

Dates: July 24

Location: Montbello High School

HS Coherent Math Year 2: Lesson Internalization (optional)

Audience: Year 2 Coherent Math implementers Grades 9-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to reflect on year 1 implementation and refine the Lesson Internalization Process for Coherent Math.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 12:30 - 4 p.m.

Dates: July 24 Location: Montbello High School

HS Math: Year 2 STL Lesson Internalization (optional)

Audience: HS Math STLs Grades 9-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to reflect on year 1 implementation and refine Lesson Internalization Process for Coherent Math.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8-11:30 a.m.

Dates: July 25 Location: Montbello High School

Using LEAP Framework to Support Musical Performance (optional)

Audience: Music Teachers Grades 6-12

Learning Outcomes: This session will explore how to effectively integrate the LEAP framework into your teaching practices, enhancing student outcomes in music education. Gain valuable insights into evaluating and improving your instruction, fostering a positive learning environment, and aligning your goals with district-wide standards.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 13

July Dates: July 16

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

Mental Health Professional Learning


Audience: Required for New School Social Workers, School Psychologists, & School Psychology Interns

Learning Outcomes: Participants will receive information preparing them to fulfill the responsibilities of their role on Day 1. The session will cover the Department of Mental Health structures and support, role expectations and priorities, documentation systems, and other necessary information.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

2 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Dates: August 6-7

Location: Emily Griffith Campus

Social Emotional and Behavior Evaluation

Training: Day 1 (REQUIRED)

Audience: Required for new School Social Workers. Optional for current School Social Workers, new School Psychologists and School Psychology Interns.

Learning Outcomes: Participants will develop skills from pre-referral to evaluation. We will address legal obligations, addressing referral questions, and access resources related to evaluation and assessment practices in order to meet our obligations under IDEA and Section 504.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Dates: August 8 Location: Montbello High School

Bounce Back (optional)

Audience: Mental Health Team Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to implement the Bounce Back curriculum with fidelity to meet the needs of students who have been exposed to one or more potentially traumatic events and are presenting with post-traumatic stress symptoms. Participants will learn individual and group cognitive behavioral interventions.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 9

July Dates: July 21

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Montbello High School

CBITS (optional)

Audience: Mental Health Team Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to implement the CBITS curriculum with fidelity to meet the needs of students who have been exposed to one or more potentially traumatic events and are presenting with post-traumatic stress symptoms. Participants will learn individual and group cognitive behavioral interventions.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

1 full-day of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

June Dates: June 10

July Dates: July 25

June Location: Northfield/Paul Sandoval Campus

July Location: Montbello High School

Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (optional)

Audience: Educators Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Participants learn to recognize early warning signs of a potential crisis; Techniques to address and manage escalating behavior in a calm and nonthreatening manner with an emphasis on verbal and nonverbal communication to reduce tension; and receive training on personal safety techniques to prevent harm to staff and students in crisis.

Initial Training Registration Link

Refresher Training Registration Link

Time Commitment:

Initial Training: 1 full-day of training from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Refresher Training: 1 half-day of training from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

June Dates: June 11 (Initial) and June 12 (Refresher)

July Dates: July 14 (Initial) and July 15 (Refresher)

June Location: Montbello High School

July Location: Montbello High School

New to Role Teacher Leaders/Deans Professional Learning

(Senior/Team Leads, Regional/Team Specialists, Deans, Teacher Ambassadors)

iLOT New to Role

Audience: New to Role Evaluators (Principals, APs, Deans, STLs) Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Initial LEAP Observer Training (iLOT) is a mandatory two-day training that new to role school leaders must take in order to become certified DPS teacher evaluators. This training introduces participants to the DPS teacher growth and performance system, Leading Effective Academic Practice (LEAP). The training aims to provide a deeper understanding of the Framework for Effective Teaching and best practices of observation and feedback so that all DPS teachers experience consistent, calibrated performance ratings and feedback. Participants must complete both Day 1 and Day 2 of this training.

Registration Link

Time Commitment:

2 full-days of training from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (lunch break 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Dates: August 6-7 Location: Virtual

New to Role Onboarding Deans and Teacher Leaders

Audience: New to Role Deans and Teacher Leaders (S/TL, TS, RTS) Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Over two days, new to role deans and teacher leaders will engage in onboarding aimed at supporting them to build foundational skills that will support them in their first year in their new role. Day one, participants will complete Shared Leadership & Tactical Planning and Facilitating Adult Learning. Day two, participants will complete Coaching for Equity and Leading for Equity.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 2 half-days of training from 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

June Dates: June 9-10

July Dates: July 21-22 or July 28-29

June Location: Emily Griffith Campus

July Location: Lowry Conference Center

New Teacher Ambassador

Audience: New Teacher Ambassador (New and Returning) Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Create a clear understanding of the roles of NTAs within each school building, reviewing the two certificates for New to DPS and Induction requirements and providing our NTAs with resources to support their new educators in their building.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

August Date: August 6

August Location: Montbello High School

Pre-Service Mentor Teachers

Audience: Pre-Service Mentor Teachers (New and Returning) Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Create a clear understanding of how to mentor our pre-service teachers and clear expectations of how we provide support and guidance.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 1:30 - 4 p.m.

August Date: August 6

August Location: Montbello High School

Teaching Academy Orientation

Audience: Mentors, Site Leads and New Teacher Ambassadors Grades ECE-12

Learning Outcomes: Create a clear understanding of Teaching academy supports, roles and responsibilities for all at the school and central level.

Registration Link

Time Commitment: 1 half-day of training from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

August Date: August 7 August Location: Montbello High School

Professional Learning Team

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