Bliss December 2017

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Volume: IX December, 2017 EDITOR: Dr. Anurag Nath ‘Kritiranjan‘ Cover design: Paplu Patel Page design and layout: Ghanashyam Nayak Online Coordinator: Satyaranjan Pradhan Publisher: Raja Chakraborty Mail: Web Page: m/2017/10/29/featuredcontent/ ©All rights reserved by the publisher. ©cover page copyright to Paplu Patel. Printed at: Leo Publishers and Printers, Chennai

EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS 1. Sumit Majumdar 2. Sumit Patel 3. Ghanashyam Nayak 4. Swarashtra Srivastava 5. Kumaresh Pal



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Param Premamaya Sri Sri Thakur Page 1


F r o m

t h e E d i t o r

Christs -The World Teachers!

The month of December brings in with it the mood of festivity and celebrations! Amidst the chilly wintry air and snow topped homes, our hearts leap up with the joy of upcoming celebrations! The streets, the houses and huts are decorated in magnificent ways with glittery ropes and bells. The whole world seems to stand still and live the moment completely for the very first time! Yes! That’s Christmas. “The advent of the savior, the Messiah who saved the world from sins” That’s what the whole world speaks about in the Christmas season! But is that all? Was Christ just some kind of magical man who performed mumbo-jumbo? No but unfortunately He is presented a lot like this. Christ was a world teacher. His philosophy, His immense mercy for every creature of this world is exemplary. Even when He was going to be crucified, He asked for their forgiveness from the Supreme Father! His life was His materialized maxim! We failed to propagate Him the day when we started miracle mongering in His name! We failed to follow Him the day He was crucified! We failed Him, when His own apostle betrayed Him! We are still failing Him everyday whenever we fail to follow His dictum. His words are the condensed forms of His own life experiences. To follow Him is to follow God. To follow Him is to follow the path of spirituality. “Christ” means the anointed one! Over the ages, Christs have taken advents on the face of earth in the form of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramkrishna Paramhansadev and Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra! Although there might be apparent differences due to time, place and circumstances but basically they all speak of the One true God. They all stress upon respecting the past prophets and all of them stress upon following the preset advent! If we love Christ, we should be ready to follow His words no matter what. Because, “I am the way, the truth, the life. None can come to the father but through me.” To follow the dictum of Christ is the only way to celebrate Christmas! Let us all strive to be what Christs have taught us over the ages. Let us all, irrespective of caste, creed, gender, nationality or race, try to be the true human beings first. Christ came to teach us humanity. To teach us love and peace. By following His footsteps we can be the Man He wanted us to become! Vande Purushottamam!

Dr. Anurag Nath Kritiranjan

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Regulars : ❖

Christmas Message by a Seer

❖ Companion on the way Dictum of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra from the book “Chalar Sathi”, which serves as the essential companion on the way of Life. ❖ Discourses Conversations with a seer from the East which provides all-fulfilling solutions to all the problems. ❖ Commitment to Christian Renewal

An Indian seer provides practical solutions to the problems faced by the modern Christian World.

Articles : ❖ Why every Christian should be a satsangee? Surya Prakash Mohapatra ❖ Pleasure, Pain and Meditation in Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra’s ideology Rajarshi Roy ❖ Awakening Christ Consciousness Dr. K.B Singh

Health : ❖ An Introduction to Homeopathy ❖ Medicinal Plants and their uses ❖ Medical news

Special coverage : ❖ The Glorious Past of India The Mysterious temple of Konark

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CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 1948 “This day is verily the day of Him who is ours, who came on earth to remove the misery of the world— the birth-day

of that Divine, the Great whom we have seen off— in sorrows, sufferings, woe and anguish in uncared neglect and bleeding tyranny.”

Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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COMPANION ON THE WAY (Chalar saathi, translated by Kerry Brace)

WILLINGNESS TO WORK THROUGH LOVE From love constancy, joyfulness and willingness to work arise; and from aversion come depression, inactivity, sadness and lack of peace! 8

OPTIMIST AND PESSIMIST It is the optimist who finds a golden opportunity for progress and delight within trouble, danger, obstruction, and sorrow! But the pessimist at once finds within all good inability and impossibility— ineradicable suffering of misfortune! 9

FAULT-FINDING—OBSTACLE TO UPLIFTMENT If you want to become elevated, bid farewell to fault-finding forever; whatever good quality you see in a person, think of that, speak of that, and discuss it; if you can, be careful— that no one’s fait does any kind of damage in you! 10

Surrender to the Supreme is the bliss that beams benign autocracy of automatic love and service. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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FAULT-FINDING If fault is to be found, it has to be contemplated; it has to be brought out by thinking it over; and with that, one is to keep awake a sense of irritation or hostility, and in doing this, just such feelings will be stored in the brain; you will find how after some days you are acting out those faults; so be careful— of fault-finding, of contemplating faults, and of irritation and hostility! 11

EMPTYING-OUT THE FAULT And if you have at all found fault with anyone, and it remains stored in your head,— enquiring into its cause and circumstances, properly understanding how it became possible, with a feeling of sympathy empty out from your head what is stored there in such a manner that it becomes abnormal to you for this kind of thing to happen again! 12

HYPOCRISY Hypocrisy by goading neighbours to an illusion blurs the door of prosperity ! 13

DISCERNING OF CHARACTER Talk, thought, dealings and activities declare, redeem and indicates what he really is and, what he can get ! 14

Knavish fools are generally ungrateful, unserving and selfish conceited critics with a philosophy of negation ! Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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(Sri Sri Thakur in the midst of the discourses)


n the course of the conversation, Sri Sri Thakur said --- Today while I was in the lavatory, a variety of

thoughts came up in my mind --- now I don't remember them. As if someone was saying all those things to me in quick succession. This happens often. The topic of "Prophets" came up. About fulfillment of the past prophets, Respected Keshtoda said --- Only in Thakur Ramkrishnadev (amongst other past prophets), this is distinctly and very prominently observed. I feel that this side was not that much prominent in Lord Buddha. Hence gradually he (Lord Buddha) was left out and there started a steady decline in the effect of Buddhism. Sri Sri Thakur: There is nothing like "leaving out!" The Blasphemy which is going on against Lord Buddha and Hazrat Muhammed and also other prophets should be redressed. Isn't there any book written by Lord Buddha Himself? (Facts about His ideology) should be drawn from there. I have heard that Lord Buddha respected the Varna dharma (the science of nourishment of hereditary instincts). He has spoken so many times about the Aryan truth repeatedly. His whole ideology is based on the Aryan culture (Please note: here "Aryan" does not just mean any particular race of the world. According to Sri Sri Thakur, anyone who walks on the path of life and growth, anyone who loves his own existence and also cares about the existence of others is an Aryan). Keshtoda: 'Dhammapada' is written by Lord Buddha. But it is difficult to find any such evidence (from there). There are no such instances which show His support of Varna Dharma. Although there is neither any evidence which shows that He was against it. Sri Sri Thakur: That too has a problem. Maybe only some of His sayings have been inscribed which were spoken to particular persons. Based on that, His individual opinions cannot be inferred about every subject. To be continued‌ Allurement that serves not to progressive profit, is a lure to Satanic fall. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 8




f you come to me to leave Christ, then I cannot

help you and I doubt if anyone can." Sree Sree Thakur gazed steadily at the American visitors. "But if I can help you understand and follow Christ more effectively, I am prepared to try." "But Thakur, it's not even a question of leaving Christ - He's already become irrelevant. While science, education - society at every level has moved on, Christ has just been left behind. He's no longer pertinent to life," one of the American servicemen replied. 'We've come to you to hear your answers for life because we feel that Christ is no longer the hope of the world..." "...but I believe that Christ is the ONLY hope of the World!" Thakur interjected. The American visitors were startled. It was the middle of September in 1945. World War II had ended and while waiting in Calcutta to be repatriated, a small group of American servicemen had taken the overnight train trip to North Bengal to visit Thakur. They had gone partly out of curiosity, partly out of boredom, and partly because they had heard that this great Hindu saint might inspire them through some ancient, esoteric wisdom of the East. "I think the very existence and evolution of humanity is in danger if we have no Christ, "Thakur continued. "What do you mean by that?" one of the young men asked.

''There are many people who do good work, are religious, and don't even know Jesus." Thakur's reply was prompt: "But I think, if man is not tied by the noose of God, then he inevitably becomes entangled in the noose of Satan - directly or indirectly. There are times when the devil moves in the garb of piety. Then he'll say: 'Come on, what's the need of accepting Christ? It's enough if you do good work and remain in the path of religion.' "However reasonable this may sound, and even if someone moves sincerely with this idea, sooner or later, his passions begin to play tricks with him. The interesting thing is that the person is unable to recognize the influence of the passion. How can he? He has so completely identified himself with that urge that he feels he himself is the passion. "And that is why the Scriptures speak so absolutely about the necessity to take the shelter of the Lord. 'I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. None come to the Father but by Me' (John 14:6). This, I believe, is the irrevocable, uncompromising fact!“

(Commitment to Christian Renewal compiled by Ray Hauserman)

Constancy to fulfill the Ideal invites the Constitution that fulfills. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 9


WHY SHOULD EVERY CHRISTIAN BECOME A SATSANGEE? Surya Prakash Mohapatra Global-head, Talent Transformations Wipro BPS


ecember is the holy month of the advent of Lord

Jesus Christ. This month is marked by great euphoria, fellowship, and celebration. People decorate their homes with lights and Christmas trees. Christmas Carols are sung all over. And on the 25th of December, Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas with joy and jubilation. Churches, Cathedrals, and Chapels come alive with congregations and communions for prayer and mass service. People offer mass service to remember that Jesus sacrificed his life for the humankind. The December month comes again. What is the noblest thing every Christian should do this Christmas beyond the mass service, prayer and celebration? How can the Christmas jubilation culminate in the emancipation of the mind and the soul? In the true sense, I believe this Christmas, every Christian should begin a new journey of emancipation and awakening. They should rise above the materialistic world and make an attempt to realize the divine love and mercy of Lord Jesus in their heart. They should begin their journey to become a genuine Christian who is charged with the holy spirit of Jesus. Lord Jesus is not in flesh and blood today. Then what is the best way to realize his love and mercy in his absence? Since we cannot see Jesus in person, how can we see his manifestation? Yug Purushottam (Prophet of the Age), Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchanra has provided very simple and practical answers to the aforesaid questions. According to Sree Sree Thakur, we can see Jesus through another Ideal Man who loves him with his body, mind, soul and entire being. By serving and loving such a man we can realize the mercy of Jesus. Since we cannot see Lord Jesus Christ in person, we cannot see or realize his manifestation through his messages and edicts. If we only live in the realm of words, we cannot reach the domain of perception. We cannot even feel any quality if these edicts and messages are not manifested in human form. And even during our spiritual pursuit, often we shall reach such a feeling which would be seemingly impersonal.

Christians have to find and love such a man who loves and follows Christ wholeheartedly, i.e., manifests all the principles of Christ through body, mind, and deeds in every sphere of his own life. And that man is the prophet of the age, the present fulfiller. If we can love a single prophet sincerely, then we will be able to love all the prophets. Because prophets are one and the same. We must realize that Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus, Hazrat Mohammad, Sri Chaitanya and Sri Ramakrishna are all the same in different divine forms. According to Sree Sree Thakur, if a man accepts One and disowns Others, then it is to be remembered that he has not accepted Him fully whom he declares as his own prophet. We have to create such an atmosphere so that everyone accepts every prophet from present to the past and from past to the present. We have to acknowledge that every prophet is the incarnation of my own prophet and should love them accordingly. Such a love will make it easy and normal to come in concord with different countries, sects, and nations. In this way, heaven may come down on this earth.

Knowledge lodges in man and man is the way to have it. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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Sree Sree Thakurs says in the holy book, Satyanusaran (Pursuit of truth), “Be attached to your living master or God and take only those who love him as your own. Because all the past Prophets are consummated in the divine Man of the present." So every Christian, every Muslim, Every Hindu should accept that divine man of the present. Every man should align himself or herself to that living Ideal who symbolizes the ‘absolute truth’. Every human being should come to the fold of Satsang (in communion with the Absolute Truth). In other words, every human being should become a Satsangee because the word 'Satsangee' by itself means a lover of existence. When that happens, this world would become such a beautiful place to live in. There would be no hatred and animosity among communities and people. Every human being would try to elevate every other human being. Every community would be interested in the upliftment of every other community. Our society will become an inter-interested society. Sree Sree Thakur says,

“Do love Christ for the sake of Christ. Think all true prophets as Christ Follow and fulfill that one in whom Christ lives with meaning and mercy This, I believe, is the essence Of Christianity for the world.” When a Christian devotee asked Sree Sree Thakur whether Christ was alive today, Sree Sree Thakur replied, “Maybe he is sitting in a remote corner of the world with an atom bomb of love in his hand.” So can we find out our very own loving Jesus sitting in some remote corner of this world on this Christmas day? Can we attach ourselves with him in love, adherence, and devotion?

The author is a motivational speaker and a prolific writer on Human Resource development. His works have been published in various national and international papers.

Non-violence that nurtures, shelters or encourages evil and violence is violence alias non violence and is a sin that defies society. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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ost people know what it is like to experience

pleasure, but few really understand what constitutes happiness. People say that their goal in life is to be happy. Yet they find defining and achieving it difficult. Pleasure is transient. Pleasure is the feeling we might get from enjoying a good meal, having great sex, experiencing a symphony or concert. Each of these can give us pleasure. But that pleasurable feeling quickly dissipates within a few minutes or hours; its shelf-life is short, often fleeting. Pleasure is experienced through the pleasure circuit in our brain. Certain substances can stimulate the pleasure center and certain activities can stimulate a release of neurotransmitters in our brain that affect the pleasure circuit resulting in a pleasurable sensation or sense of euphoria. There are people who are satisfied with living a life of pleasure. Many people become pleasure seekers, always looking for the next buzz, the next high. They can become addicted to the experience and may need bigger and bigger thrills to get a similar high. They may pursue the rush experienced when gambling, the buzz of doing something dangerous, or the high associated with some substance. No matter how much pleasure they receive at any given moment, it is seldom enough and never lasts. Enjoying and seeking pleasure is hard-wired into the human being. Infants enjoy being cuddled and stroked; they seek it and are soothed by it. Children like to alter their consciousness by spinning. They engage in repetitive activities just because doing so feels good. Bottom line: seeking pleasure is a normal human activity. However, it can become a problem when seeking pleasure becomes a way of life and interferes with developing one’s full human potential. Developing our full potential as human beings requires that we are willing to go beyond pleasure. This does not mean that one must give up pleasures. It only means that we have to learn to suspend solely pursuing pleasure in order to move beyond it. Happiness lies beyond pleasure.

Pleasure is easy to experience. Experiencing happiness, by contrast, is not so easy. Happiness, unlike pleasure, cannot be pursued directly. Happiness is the result of living a fulfilling life. It results from actualizing our potential as human beings. It requires that we have the basic needs for food, shelter, clothing, and security met before we can move towards higher values such as meaning, friendship, community, hobbies, and ultimately self-actualization. Happiness may be experienced when we live life with a sense of purpose. Each of us has a potential within us, just as an acorn has the potential of becoming a tree. Exactly what that potential is, differs for each of us. As we discover and develop those potentialities within ourselves, happiness results. The more we fulfill our potential, the happier we will become. The ultimate source of pleasure and eternal happiness is to attach ourselves to a superior beloved Living Ideal or Sad-guru. Attaching ourselves with Sad-guru or Living

Hinder your fall And hinder the fall of others too; Fall will fly away. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 12


ideal means getting the meditation mantra during the process of initiation in the creed of Sad-guru. The grandeur of philosophy of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra (1888-1969), the realised guide, whose wisdom ranged from health to education, from science to philosophy and from literature to politics etc., could suit well as Living Ideal for any human being across race, color, nationality as millions around the world have already accepted HIM as their Living Ideal to make their lives more pleasurable. HE advocated for the comprehensive development of every individual by introducing eternal discipline in every aspect of life by practicing scientific and focused meditation. HE has mentioned in His own handwritten book, Satyanusaran, (The Pursuit of Truth): “Through meditation and repetition of the Holy Name, the brain cells are stimulated and gradually become more responsive; thus the sharpness of the senses is increased.” When the mind becomes sharp then all the hidden passion driven thoughts and senses in sub-conscious mind connects with our conscientious consciousness. Hence we can build the capability to take control of the circumstances or the situations around us. So the mind becomes more conducive to stretch beyond the level of getting short-lived pleasure from our everyday events, persons or materialistic possessions only. Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra has again mentioned in Satyanusaran: “If you feel pleasure in speaking about your Ideal, pleasure in hearing and thinking about Him, pleasure in His order, pleasure in His affection, pleasure even in His inattention, and the heart swells up in His Name; I tell you surely, don’t worry anymore for your elevation.” The literal meaning of this message is like if we take pleasure in talking and discussing about our Ideal or following the Ideal’s order then we don’t need to worry about our elevation. It is nothing miraculous. In actual sense, when we talk and discuss about the Living Ideal who is much superior and beloved to us, we’re actually meditating upon Him and keeping the Ideal in the center of the focussed meditation. Hence all the positive outcomes of meditation are being manifested in our natural actions, talks, and behaviors without putting any extra efforts.

In a nutshell, pleasure is immediate, while happiness is a long-term phenomenon. Both are integral to being human. Pleasure gives us the short-term respite from our daily grind. Happiness, on the other hand, refers to developing our full potential as human beings. It requires that we think beyond the immediate seeking activities that promote our growth as persons. Seeking pleasure simply feels good, but it does not promote our growth. Happiness results from growth, expanding our knowledge, actualizing our potential. Just as the acorn will strive to become the mighty oak, human beings, to experience happiness, must strive to reach their full potential and that becomes habitual instinct if we do practice scientific mediation with Holy meditation mantra after taking initiation in the creed of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra, the most contemporary Living Ideal or realised guide. Vandepurushattamam! (Adorations to Fulfiller the Best)

Illusive opinion is seldom conscious of its own error, hence it foams away from fact and correction and mourns enthroned on the tragedy of unsuccess. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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AWAKENING CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS Dr. Kriti Bhaswar Singh Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra (Noida Campus) (Currently on deputation to Royal Univ. of Bhutan)


n the 1960s, an American journalist James Michael

visited the holy land of Deoghar, India, to pay a visit to Sree Sree Thakur after having heard about him from fellow Americans. An interesting conversation (summarized) between them followed thereafter: James Michael — Thakur! I came from such a country where time is measured in terms of dollars. Now I talk to you a minute or two and then evaluate how many dollars I would be benefitted by. Please tell me your philosophy in a word or two’. Sri Sri Thakur replied exactly in two words—`Be concentric'. Michael —To whom? Thakur —To the Living Ideal. Michael —If I make my living Ideal—Henry Ford? Thakur— then you become Henry Ford because a man is shaped and fashioned by what he loves. You cannot be Jesus Christ, who is the fulfiller of the best, emblem of peace and progress. `Concentric word comes from Con + centric, the meaning of con is together and centric comes from the center. When we have a Living Ideal or center we become concentric otherwise eccentric'. Michael being totally convinced took Initiation and returned to America (Jeevannath Jagannath, Vol-I) What Sree Sree Thakur was referring here to Michael,

was to have a Christ-like Guru, Fulfiller the Best. Having such a Guru at the center of oneself can transform one’s life. Fulfiller the Best comes to establish Dharma— the uphold of existence, and to invigorate every being and every life. He does, He says, whatever He feels to be good to fulfill this purpose. As, Jesus said ‘“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6 Bible). Such great Guru comes on the earth to make man free from the shackles of complexes who in possession of such complexes are unable to discern a lot of things by going deeper into the matter. The word Guru has come from Sanskrit -root gu, “darkness,” and ru. “that which dispels”, thus Guru or spiritual teacher is said to be “dispeller of darkness”. By saying 'no man cometh unto the Father, but by me' and “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father” (John 1:18 Bible), Jesus was referring to the importance of living ideal in our life, without which no man can attain the Unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation. The unrepelling active love for Him shears man’s shackles of complexes, thus activating Christ Consciousness. Though man’s reason cannot fathom the riddle of creation, every mystery will ultimately be solved for

Hinder your fall And hinder the fall of others too; Fall will fly away. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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the devotee by God himself. Even struck by hundreds of faults, if a person, anyhow, is able to devote his love unto that Supreme Love, Benign Lord the Master, the path of deliverance becomes so much easy for him; his ego being dissolved can achieve entire oneness with that Christ Consciousness. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever He doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise” (John 5:19 Bible) or ‘Brahma vit Brahma eva bhavati’ (The realizer of Brahma [God], becomes Brahma Himself). Scriptures say that we get the life of a human being after millions of rebirths; the law of karma. And therefore, it is this ‘one lifetime’ that we need to seek Guru, a living ideal, through whom one can consciously regain the status of a "Son of God." As Jesus said, “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the Sons of God”. (John 3:1 Bible). By making the Living Ideal, the center of one’s life, a man can adjust himself according to His ways and develop the evolving life of himself upward towards the Ideal. How is it possible to activate Christ Consciousness – through an un-tottering adherence of the individual to the Ideal, Sree Sree Thakur. It is possible through three simple exercises by anyone in any condition, in any place to gradually develop this adherence to his Ideal. With a slight sincerity, one can spontaneously develop a meaningful coordination with his Ideal and his environment. Firstly, a psychophysical exercise that stimulates the functioning of the brain cells to make them sensitive and receptive. This increases one’s comprehension and strengthens the nervous system. It is called ‘Jajan’. “Muni becomes eternally free who, seeking the Supreme Goal, is able to withdraw from external phenomena by fixing his gaze within the mid spot of the eyebrows and by neutralizing the even currents of prana and apana (that flow) within the nostrils and lungs; and to control his sensory mind and intellect; and to banish desire, fear and anger” (Bhagavad Gita IV:29). “Offering the inhaling breath into the exhaling breath and offering the exhaling breath into the inhaling breath, the yogi neutralizes both breaths; thus he releases prana from the heart and brings life force under his control” (Bhagavad Gita IV:29). Secondly, to serve one’s environment daily both through, words and deeds so that others’ lives are exalted towards the Ideal’ This is called ‘Jaajan’.

Sri Sri Thakur has defined Jaajan as “Kidnapping the soul of a man for God by auto initiative, inquisitive love and service”. Thirdly, to offer something every morning before all else to the Ideal. This daily love offering is called Istavrity. It is a practical materialized condensed form of psychophysical ascetic devotion. Sri Sri Thakur has named Istavrity as ‘Samarth Yoga’ as it makes a man able; "If the offering is achieved through energetic volition and ability, it renders one abler and abler, gradually. And makes one rocky in his stand. It generates an undaunted energy within when others quiver in the blast.". In short Jajan makes the brain sensitive, Jaajan makes one conscious, responsible for the needs of the environment and Istavrity makes one’s love for the Ideal grow so that the sensitivity of the mind and responsibility for the environment may be fulfilled in the Ideal’s way and for His sake, thus developing Christ Consciousness within oneself. It is through our love for the lover of Christ that we can love Christ and develop the art of ChristConsciousness within.

Do and be wedded to time with a dowry of tactfulness and get an issue of success. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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AN INTRODUCTION TO HOMEOPATHY Swarashtra Srivastava BSc (Zoology), MA (English) Varanasi



n excellent remedy to aid in re-establishing

physiological equilibrium after much dosing, where disease and drug symptoms are much mixed. There is no remedy richer in symptoms of portal congestion and none that has given better clinical results, both for the primary pathological condition and secondary phenomena. Bad effects from sedentary life or habits. Especially suitable to lymphatic and hypochondriacal patients. The rectal symptoms usually determine the choice. Adapted to weary people, the aged, and phlegmatic, old beerdrinkers. Dissatisfied and angry about himself, alternating with lumbago. Heat internally and externally. Has been used successfully in the treatment of consumption by giving the pure juice. Head Headache alternates with lumbago, with intestinal and uterine affections. Disinclination to mental labor. Aches above forehead, with heaviness in eyes, must partially close them. Headache after stool. Dull, pressive pain; worse from heat. Eyes Compelled to make small during pain in forehead. Flickering before eyes. Redness of eyes with yellow vision. Pain deep in orbits. Face Marked redness of lips. Ears Cracking when chewing. Sudden explosion and clashing in left ear. Tinkling as of some thin, shivered, metallic globe in head.

Mouth Taste bitter and sour. Tasteless eructations. Lips cracked and dry. Throat Thick lumps of tough mucus. Varicose condition of veins in pharynx. Dry, scrapy feeling. Stomach Aversion to meat. Longing for juicy things. After eating, flatulence, pulsation in rectum and sexual irritation. Nausea, with headache. Pain in pit when making false step. Abdomen Pain around navel, worse pressure. Fullness in region of liver, pain under right ribs. Abdomen feels full, heavy, hot, bloated. Pulsating pain around navel. Weak feeling, as if diarrhœa would come on. Great accumulation of flatus, pressing downwards, causing distress in lower bowels. Sensation of plug between symphysis pubis and os coccygis, with urging to stool. Colic before and during stool. Burning, copious flatus. Rectum Constant bearing down in rectum; bleeding, sore, and hot; relieved by cold water. Feeling of weakness and loss of power of

Nose Coldness of tip. Bleeding in morning on awakening. Full of crusts. Be prudent and be bathed in repenting penance, then beg pardon with a follow of fulfilling zeal—may bliss with amity embrace you !

Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 17


sphincter ani. Sense of insecurity in rectum, when passing flatus. Uncertain whether gas or stool will come. Stool passes without effort, almost unnoticed. Lumpy, watery stool. Jelly-like stools, with soreness in rectum after stool. A lot of mucus, with pain in rectum after stool. Hæmorrhoids protrude like grapes; very sore and tender; better cold water application. Burning in anus and rectum. Constipation, with heavy pressure in lower part of abdomen. Diarrhœa from beer. Urinary Incontinence in aged, bearing-down sensation and enlarged prostate. Scanty and high colored. Female Bearing down in rectum, worse standing and during menses. Uterus feels heavy, cannot walk much on that account. Labor-like pains in loins; extend down legs. Climacteric hæmorrhage. Menses too early and too profuse.

Respiratory Winter coughs, with itching. Difficult respiration, with stitches from liver to chest. Back Pain in small of back; worse moving. Stitches through sacrum. Lumbago alternating with headache and piles. Extremities Lameness in all limbs. Drawing pains in joints. Soles pain when walking. Modalities Worse early morning; summer; heat; in hot, dry weather; after eating or drinking.Better from cold, open air. RelationshipComplementary: Sulphur; compare: Kali bich; Lycop; Allium sat.Antidotes: Opium; Sulph. Dose Sixth potency and higher. In rectal conditions, a few doses of the third, then wait.


Love with every beloving compassion, behave accordingly, and discern every mental shoot and throb keenly conforming thyself to the error lying in your patient by which he is mentally affected, handle it in a way that you can make him adjusted with every healthy touches; thus, correct him, try to make him well-adjusted in mind, thoughts and activities as a result of which your patient can adhere to you with every thoroughness, allegiance and active service without any enforced command but with every normal attitude, let cure be encouraged in him automatically.

(The Message Vol8)

Ref. Materia Medica by Dr. William Boericke]

Do serve—Service will serve you Equally. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 18


Various medicinal plants and their uses Pradyot Kumar Nayak Student, Msc Ag. (Horticulture) OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

PUDINA SCIENTIFIC NAME- Mentha spp. FAMILY- Lamiaceae SOME IMPORTANT SPECIES WITH COMMON NAMESMentha arvensis –wild mint, Japanese-mint Mentha piperita – peppermint (is a hybrid mint, a cross between watermint and spearmint) Mentha spicata (syn. M. viridis, M. cordifolia) – spearmint (The species derives its name from the resemblance of the tips of its leaves to pointed lances or spears), curly mint (a cultivar of spearmint) Mentha suaveolens – apple mint (This is a very fragrant herb having a fruit-like flavour, somewhat akin to that of spearmint), pineapple mint (a variegated cultivar of apple mint) Mentha citrata – bergamot mint, orange mint (derives its name from the fact that when the leaves of this plant are crushed, they have a somewhat orange flavor). HABITAT- Mint is believed to have originated in Mediterranean basin and from there, spread to rest of the world by both natural and artificial means. Mint is a hardy perennial plan. It also grows yearround in warmer climates. Mint thrives in both cool and warm climates, and it also retains its potency of flavor over the years. Mint performs its best in full sun, as long as the soil is kept moist, but it also thrives in partial shade. All mints thrive near pools of water, lakes, rivers, and cool moist spots. In general, mints tolerate a wide range of conditions. Mint is considered an invasive plant, since it sends out "runners" and spreads vigorously. PLANTING- Take cuttings from the top growth of your mint plant, about 8cm in length. Remove the lower leaves and cut the stem just below the leaf node (the point on the stem where leaves emerge). Place the stems in a glass of water. Leave in a light, airy place until the stems have taken root.

The stems will take root within a couple of weeks. Once a good root system has developed, pot the stems up in a container. Try to keep the soil moist as mint is a moisture loving plant. PARTS USED- Leaves MEDICINAL PROPERTIESInternal use - Stomachic , hepatic, carminative: A good remedy for indigestion. Take a tisane with the infusion of dry leaves .Just after having boiled the water, leave them rest for a while and take as soon as you can . You can sweeten it with sugar or honey. Mint can protect and unswollen the liver and to help this organ to accomplish its metabolic functions. Very useful for cirrhosis. (Infusion of a spoonful of dried herb per cup of water. Take a couple of glasses a day) - Antiflatulence: Its content in carvacrol, thymol and menthol help expel the excessive gas in the intestines , (infusion of 1 tablespoon of dried leaves or 2 tablespoons of fresh leaves in one liter of water. Take a couple of hot cups a day after meals) - Bad breath: It counteracts the exhalation of malodorous products of some plants, like garlic and onion. (infusion of one teaspoon of dried plant per cup of water. Take two glasses per day)

It is better to be an active fool than an idle wise ! Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 19


- Sedative: Mint, like peppermint, is used to calm the heart palpitations. You can drink hot water with a few drops of its essence. - Respiratory tract: This is also useful for pharyngitis or sore throat treatment. (Gargles with the liquid from the decoction of 30 g of dried plant per liter of water). For bronchitis or cough (10 minute infusion of a spoonful of the dried plant. Drink a couple of glasses a day) . Mint is a good febrifuge, able to reduce fever (Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant. Take a couple of cups a day) - Kidney stones or gallstones: Any variety of mint possesses soothing properties, very useful for reducing pain caused by an acute colics. (Infusion of the dry leaves) - Headache, backache or neck pain: Very useful to solve back pains or cervical pain (Infusion of a spoonful of flowering tops per cup of water. Take a couple of cups a day) (In external use, apply a compress soaked with the decoction of leaves and flowers on the affected zone). Very useful to cure headaches that have their origin in a digestive problem (Infusion of a spoonful of flowering tops per cup of water. Take a couple of cups a day). - Cataracts: The antioxidant properties of mints can prevent the onset of cataracts . - Altitude sickness: It contains rosmarinic acid and eugenol with anticoagulant properties that may help improve blood circulation. (Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Take a couple of cups a day a couple of days before leaving for the mountain or climbing) Furthermore, an infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves of mint per cup of cold water is very suitable to reduce the temperature and restore fluids lost by the heat. External use In external use, you can apply a compress soaked with the boiling of leaves and flowers over the part of the body suffering from rheumatic aches. It can also be applied in case of insect stings. Mixed with olive oil into equal parts, it can be used for burns. To alleviate arthritis dilute a few drops of mint oil in alcohol. Wet a compress and apply it on the affected joint. It can also be very useful to apply a poultice of mint leaves soaked in hot water directly over the painful area)

- Muscular distensions: For muscular pain, such as muscular distensions, apply a compress soaked in the decoction of leaves and flowers on the painful muscle. (A poultice of leaves soaked in hot water can also be applied directly on the painful area) - Insect bites or stings: (Infusion of the dried plant. Apply to the affected area) - Eczema: (Wash the affected area with the liquid from the infusion of the dried plant.) - Lice: Mints can be used to diminish lice itching and avoid lice aproaching. (scrub of the young plant above the skin to ward off fleas.) - Hair care: Mint can be used to prepare natural shampoos. - Pyorrhea: (Mouthwashes with the infusion of dry leaves.) Contraindications and toxicity of Mint Mint leaves, used in therapeutic doses, have no toxicity. However, it should not be used with people with hiatal hernia, or problems caused by acid reflux. The ability of this herb to relax the esophageal valve can worsen heartburn. Nor should this plant be used if the person is affected with gallbladder stones. It is also unsuitable for small children whom it can cause adverse reactions. It may cause abortion to pregnant women and its intake by breastfeeding women may affect the baby. This herb must be only taken in the last cases under medical recommendation. People suffering from liver diseases should abstain taking mint essential oil preparations. All the same for people with some intestine disorders, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome. It is neither recommended for patients who suffer from neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. Properties and cautions with Menthol Mint essential oil, rich in menthol, used pure, is toxic and can be fatal to an adult with a single dose of a teaspoon. This oil should be diluted so it can be used. In no case it should be supplied, even diluted, to people to whom is not recommended, as we have seen before. The essential oil can dramatically lower blood pressure in young children leading to cardiac depression and therefore it is not suitable for children, even used topically as an ointment or aspirated through the nose . By inhaling the vapors of menthol, the children can suffer suffocation by spasm of the larynx.

Alert, principled and organized integrity with power, piety and forbearance invite peace and progress. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 20


Internal use of essential oil can cause convulsions or cramps. Even diluted, mint oils, applied internally may cause sleep problems or nervousness. Used diluted externally on the skin can cause eczema, redness, blisters, headaches, by means of skin absorption. If there is any adverse reaction , it should no longer be applied. Although mint leaves, used in therapeutic amounts, have no toxicity, children should not take herbal teas made with mint leaves.

NEEM SCIENTIFIC NAME- Azadirachta indica FAMILYMeliaceae COMMON NAMESSanskrit: Pakvakrita, nimbaka Odia: Nimba Bengali: Neem Hindi: Neem HABITAT- It is native to the Indian subcontinent, i.e. India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Maldives. It typically is grown in tropical and semitropical regions. PLANTING- Just put your neem seeds in a pot with a very good quality potting mixture, cover them with an inch of the mixture, and keep that pot moist and warm. Neem seeds should germinate within one to three weeks. (The cooler the temperature, the longer the seed will take to germinate.) Neem tree needs little water and plenty of sunlight The Neem grows slowly during the first year of planting. Young neem plants cannot tolerate intensive shade, frost or excessive cold. A Neem tree normally begins to bear fruit between 3 and 5 years and becomes fully productive in 10 years. PARTS USED- The bark, leaves, and seeds are used to make medicine. Less frequently, the root, flower, and fruit are also used.

MEDICINAL PROPERTIESNeem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems. The leaf is also used for birth control and to cause abortions. The bark is used for malaria, stomach and intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, pain, and fever. The flower is used for reducing bile, controlling phlegm, and treating intestinal worms. The fruit is used for hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, urinary tract disorders, bloody nose, phlegm, eye disorders, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy. Neem twigs are used for cough, asthma, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, urinary disorders, and diabetes. The seed and seed oil are used for leprosy and intestinal worms. The stem, root bark, and fruit are used as a tonic and astringent. Some people apply neem directly to the skin to treat head lice, skin diseases, wounds, and skin ulcers; as a mosquito repellent; and as a skin softener. It is a major component of PREVENTINA, a herbal cream, produced by Satsang Chemical Works.

Compromise of common interest is the comrade of misery. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

Page 21



Broken sleep may increase risk for Alzheimer’s

If you keep waking up in the middle of the night, your brain may be in trouble. Three recent studies have shown that breathing disorders that interrupt sleep are linked to higher levels of the betaamyloid protein, which is associated with Alzheimer’s. This was true both for people who have






impairment and for those with no symptoms. It’s

not clear yet if sleep disruptions actually cause dementia, but addressing them will help your brain work better in any case. If you’re tired all the time, get tested by a sleep specialist.

Air pollution kills India ranks fifth on the list of countries with the highest deaths related to pollution, revealed The Lancet’s Commission on Pollution and Health (2017). According to the study, the loss of five lakh Indian lives, in 2015, was attributed to one pollutant alone—PM2.5. This is emitted by crop residue burning, vehicular exhaust, power plants and combustion of solid fuel. Much smaller than the width of a strand of human hair, it can sneak past the body’s natural barriers, lodge itself in the lungs and attack the immune system. Check the air quality index in your area and if the levels of PM2.5 exceed 25 μg/m3 (24-hour mean), experts recommend staying indoors, keeping windows closed and wearing a mask when outdoors. (Source: Reader’s Digest December issue)

Haphazard activity creates quake in success and invites troubles with disappointment. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 22




efore starting the main article, I must declare that

the current visible structure of Konark Sun Temple is the entrance to the main temple structure and the main temple structure is already destroyed and only remains are available at the same spot. (The Konark Temple was destroyed by the Islamic Invader Kalapahada, who attacked Orissa in 1568. Including Konark temple, he broke most of the images in most of the Hindu temples in Orissa and Bengal) The Konark temple in Orissa, is a chariot with 24 wheels, pulled by 7 Horses... Why Seven Horses?

We Know, splitting up white or pure Sun light into seven colors on passing through a transparent medium like a Glass Prism.

When a white light beam is passed through a prism, a band of seven colors are formed is known as spectrum of white light. The seven colors in the spectrum are, Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. These Seven fundamental colors are symbolized by the Seven Horses of the Lord Sun in Ancient Hindu Texts. The seven horses are named after these seven colors: Sahasrara (Violet), Indra-nila (Indigo), Nila (Blue), Haritaha (Green), Pita (Yellow), Kausumbhaha (Orange) and Rakta (Red)

According to Ancient Hindu Science, The Seven Horses Symbolized the Seven Colors of Pure Sun light. Consider, seek out thy fault, do correct, Adjust and behave accordingly, perfection will approach with the crown of success and adorement. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 23


The Magnets and the Floating Idol: The most popular theory associated with Konark temple is its magnets & the floating idol in the air. The uniqueness of the Sun Temple of Konark lies in the fact that it was built with an architectural setup of various magnets.

During the construction of the main tower of the temple the artisans put an iron plate between every two stone pieces. There is a lodestone at the top of the temple was said to be a massive fifty-two ton magnet. According to legends, the statue of the Sun God inside the temple was built of a material with iron content and was said to be floating in air, without any physical support, due to the unique arrangements of the top magnet, the bottom magnet and the reinforced magnets around the temple walls. The placement of the main temple and the Sun God had been aligned in such a way that the first ray of the Sun from the coast would cross the Nata Mandir (Dancing Hall) and would fall & reflect from the diamond placed at the crown of the Sun God. The entire Temple was under a soft magnetic field that had wonderful healing powers too. Other legends state that, the magnetic effect of the lodestone was so strong that it caused disturbances in the compasses of the ships, which passed by the coast (Konark being a major port at that time), thus making the navigation very difficult for the sailors. To save their trade and their ships, the Portuguese sailors destroyed the temple and took away the lodestone. The removal of the lodestone led to the collapse of the main temple structure. The Konark Sun Temple (also called the Black Pagoda or Temple of the Sun) is a Hindu temple located in the locality of Konark, The temple complex was built in the shape of a gigantic chariot, adorned with massive, elaborately carved stone wheels, pillars and walls. A major part of the structure is now in ruins. Dedicated to Lord Surya (Sun - The source of all energies of our solar system).

It is one of the most important buildings in the country due to its architecture and bas-reliefs that decorate its walls, with a fundamentally erotic theme. King Narasimhadeva I, the great ruler of the Ganga dynasty had built this temple, with the help of 1200 artisans within a period of 12 years (1243-1255 A.D.). Konark temple was initially built on the sea bank but now the sea has receded and the temple is few kilometres away from the sea. The Sun Temple of Konark is gigantic so also the stories & myths associated with it are many. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984. The name Konark derives from the combination of the Sanskrit words, Kona (corner or angle) and Ark (the sun), in reference to the temple which was dedicated to the Sun God Surya. Archaeologists and historians differ on most questions. What one sees is that the structure resembles a colossal chariot with 12 pairs of wheels, lavishly sculpted, may be meant as a sun dial, pulled by seven horses, designed to let the first rays of the sun fall on the main entrance. (Arka means Surya or Sun and Kona stands for corner). There is, however, a palm-leaf manuscript which begins with the appointment of the chief architect, a Brahmin priest called Sadasiva Samantaray Mahapatra, who appointed the executive architect, the superintendent of works, the chief image-maker, the head stone-mason, the maker of the scaffolding, the plasterers, and so on. ARCHITECTURAL FIGURES OF KONARK SUN TEMPLE: Most of the architectural figures which made the temple so famous, were completely buried under the debris and sands, till the early 19th century. The existence of these beautiful lions, wheels, horses, elephants and the simhasana of Sun God being not known to the people, the visitors who came in these days could not even enjoy the halt of its beauty. Narasimhadeva's desired temple was built in the form of a huge Ratha (chariot), having twelve pairs of wheels exquisitely carved out in the northern and southern sides of the plinth masonary and drawn by a team of seven spirited horses, speeding as if, through the heaven.

Sameness of self-centred interest often begets enmity. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 24


southern sides of the plinth masonary and drawn by a team of seven spirited horses, speeding as if, through the heaven.

every wheel is different. The wheels of the chariot are also symbolic and have been interpreted as the 'Sun Dial'.

Royal Guard of Konark - Lion Upon Elephant Upon Man

War Horses of Konark Temple:

The eastern gateway which is the main entrance to the temple compound, is decorated with Gajasimha (Lion upon an elephant) images, with outward faces, installed on two high stone benches on either side of the passage. Two high stone benches are also provided at the inner sides, possibly meant for the guards to sit. According to the Hindu mythology, the lions resemble the pride, elephants resemble the wealth and both of them kill the human. The entire figure is made out of one piece of stone.

There are two gorgeously carved war horses in front of the southern side of the Konark Temple. They are each ten feet long and seven feet high. The sculpture depicts each of them with its massive strength and energy crushing down the warrior. This figure of war horse of Konark has been accepted as the symbol of the state Government of Odisha as her former martial glory. The Legend behind the creation of the First Sun Temple is really very Interesting:

Great Wheel of Konark:

According to legend, Prince Samba – son of lord Krishna and Devi Jambavati

The entire temple is made in the form of a huge chariot of Sun God with 24 wheels (12 pairs). The Konark wheel is the primary attraction of the temple. The wheels of the chariot have exquisitely decorated around their axles and peripheries. The art work of

Lord Krishna punished his son (Prince Samba) by inoculating him with leprosy (leprosy is a contagious disease that affects the skin). Later, Samba showed him that Narada (The Saint of Ancient Divine Journalism) had manipulated him,

Unity of purpose invites amity and unison of principle creates friendship and brotherhood. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 25


though Sri Krishna could no longer remove his curse but He told him the method to be free from this Curse. Then, the young man traveled to see Surya, the God who heals all diseases, particularly those of the skin – and discovered to the north of Puri, an image of the sun god sitting on a lotus flower. He settled in the place and did a penance of twelve years, at the end of which he was cured. In gratitude, he erected a temple, the first that was built on the site of Konark. [*Note: Medical Science confirmed that Sun Light has too many Healing Properties, specially it has anticancer properties, controlling the Oxybenzone, which is linked to hormone disruption and cell damage that may lead to skin cancer.] Navagraha Temple: I feel wonderful when in every corner of Hinduism I get Science and Astronomy, again here... Navagraha Temple (Nine Planets Temple) is located just outside the Sun Temple compound. It houses a huge chlorite slab, 20 feet (6 metres) long, four feet (1.2 metre) high and 7 feet (2 metres) deep with idols of nine planets made with black chlorite stone and richly ornamented. This stone slab was originally set above the temple's ornamental doorways (Jagamohana) is now kept inside the Navagraha Temple. If you visit Konark temple and hire any guide for your help then they will explain you above legends and stories. Let me iterate it again that the current visible structure of Konark Sun Temple is the entrance to the main temple structure and the main temple structure is already destroyed and only remains are available at the same spot. Additional Information: ml (Special thanks to “Save Kailash/Ellora facebook group�) Knowledge that does not know to apply, is dazzling ignorance. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Page 26


Page 27


বা​াংলা সূচীপত্র



মানুষের চলার পথ (ইসলাম প্রসষে)

ইষ্টাষথ দ ে ান (ইষ্টপ্রসষে)

মাষমকং শরণং ব্রজ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- নমমত্া চযাটাজী

প্রণাম তত্ামায় (কমিত্া) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- সসকত্ রায়

ত্া​াঁর দয়া (ধারািামিক) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- মশিানী সািা

মনরামমে রান্নাঘর

Page 28


॥ সত্যানুসরণ ॥ যমদ সাধনায় উন্নমত্ লাভ ক’রষত্ চাও, ত্ষি কপটত্া ত্যাগ কর । কপট িযক্তি অষনযর মনকট সুখ্যামত্র আশায় মনষজষক মনষজই প্রিঞ্চনা কষর, অল্প মিশ্বাষসর দরুন অষনযর প্রকৃত্ দান ি’তত্ও প্রিক্তঞ্চত্ িয় । * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

যেথায় যেটু কু বললল ত্ু মি ফল পালব সুন্দর, যসইটু কুই যত্া নােয বলা নইলল অবান্তর । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র Page 29


॥ দীপরক্ষী ॥ সঙ্কলময়ত্া: শ্রী তদিীপ্রসাদ মুষখ্াপাধযায় (পূি প্র ে কামশষত্র পর)

রাত্ সাষে আটটা তিষজ তগষে । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর িোল-প্রােষণ উন্মুি আকাষশর নীষচ একটট িা​াঁধাষনা জায়গায় ি’তস আষেন । পর-পর কষয়কটট িাণী মদষলন । প্রফুল্লদা (দাস) ও মনমখ্লদা (তঘাে) তসগুমল মলষখ্ মনষলন । এর পষর িাউজারমযানদা (মমিঃ তর আর্চ্োর িাউজারমযান) শ্রীরামচন্দ্র-সম্বষে কথা ত্ু লষলন । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---রামচষন্দ্রর brain (মাথা) কম মেল না । মকন্তু িমশষ্ঠ যা’ করাষত্ন, মত্মন ত্াই করষত্ন । িমশষ্ঠ মেষলন prime minister (প্রধানমন্ত্রী) । রাম মেষলন executive head (প্রশাসমনক প্রধান) । িমশষষ্ঠর cabinet (মমন্ত্রসভা) োো ত্া​াঁর চলার উপায় মেল না । িাউজারমযানদা---রাম মনষজ মকেু না ক’তর িনুমানষক মদষয় সি করাষলন তকন ? শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর--- িনুমাষনর করাই তত্া মনষজর করা ি’ল । িাউজারমযানদা---পরমপুরুে যমদ সিই পাষরন ত্ািষল যীশু মনষজষক িা​াঁচাষলন না তকন ? শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---মত্মন তত্া মনষজর সম্বষে তদষখ্ন না, তদষখ্ন আমাষদর সম্বষে--- যারা ত্া​াঁর environment (পমরষিশ) । ত্াষদর জনযই কষরন । মত্মন মনষজর জনয করষত্ চান না । (পরমপুরুে-সম্বষে) আগুন জাষন না তয---তস কী । মকন্তু তকাথাও fire (আগুন) লামগষয় দাও, সি পুষে যাষি । জনার্দ্েনদা---মত্মন তত্া সিই জাষনন, ত্িুও মত্মন অস্বীকার কষরন তকন ? শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---‘অিত্ার নামি কষি আমম অিত্ার’। এই ত্ু মম তযমন িমিত্া দাও, তলাষক ভাষি---ওষর িািা, কত্ িে পক্তিত্ । মকন্তু ত্ু মম ভাি---আমম কত্ িে তগামুখ্ুয । িাউজারমযানদা---একদল তলাক আষে ত্ারা শুধু ভালিাসা মদষয় যায়, আর একদল শুধু মনষয়ই যায় । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---যারা মদষত্ চায়, ত্ারা profit (লাভ) মনষয় যায় । আর, যারা শুধু মনষত্ চায়, ত্ারা পায় শুধু তলাকসান । তয তদয়, তস অযচ্ছল পায় । যারা তপষত্ চায়, তদয় না, ত্ারা empty (শূনয) ি’তয় যায় । ভালিাসাটা ি’ল তযাগাষিগ । Affinity between sperm and ova (তরত্িঃ ও মিষম্বর মষধযকার তযাগ-আকুমত্) আমাষদর মভত্র love (ভালিাসা) ি’তয় ফুষট তিষরায় । (ক্রমশিঃ)

কী চাস্ আলে ঠিক ক’যর যন দযাখ্ যসাজা পাস্ কী ক’যর, ওলর পােল, বৃমি-িাত্াল ! সৎভালব চল্ ত্া’ই ধ’যর । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র Page 30


॥ িানুলের চলার পথ ॥ (ইসলাম প্রসষে গ্রন্থ তথষক)

মিংশ শত্ষকর মাঝামাক্তঝ সমষয় তমািাম্মদ খ্মললর রিমান ও কৃষ্ণপ্রসন্ন ভট্টাচাযযে নাষম দুইজন উর্চ্মশমক্ষত্ পক্তিত্ িযক্তি

সমাষজর নানামিধ সমসযাসঙ্ কুল প্রষের সমাধান তপষত্ শরণাপন্ন িষয়মেষলন এক অসাধারণ িযক্তিষের অমধকারী, তশ্বত্-শুভ্র তপাোক পমরমিত্ এমন এক মিাপুরুষের সষে, মযমন সমগ্র মিষশ্ব শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর অনুকূলচন্দ্র নাষম পমরমচত্ । শ্রীশ্রীিাকুরলক প্রশ্ন করা হয়, িানুলের ঠিক চলার পথ যকানটা ? উত্তষর দয়াল ঠাকুর িলষলন: তকান্ পথ ? পথ তত্া একটাই ।* এক তখ্াদা িা ভগিাষন মিশ্বাস, ত্া​াঁ’র তপ্রমরত্ পয়গম্বর ও প্রকৃত্ ভিমদগষক সর্ব্ষত্াভাষি ে গ্রিণ আর ত্া​াঁ’তদর মনষর্দ্েশগুমলষক তমষন ত্া​াঁ’তকই আপ্রাণ অনুসরণ---এই ি’তচ্ছ ধষম্মরে তমরুদি । এককথায় যা’-নামক মানুষের জীিন ও িৃক্তিষক উন্নমত্ পষথ চালনা কষর, আসক্তির িা টাষনর আচরষণ তসই পষথ চলা---মিষশে মিষশষের মিষশে-তকান জীিনপ্রদ িযাপার মনষয় অিজ্ঞা িা মিষরাষধর সৃটষ্ট না ক’তর, প্রষত্যষকর প্রষত্যক পামরপামশ্বকষক ে তসিায় উন্নত্ তচত্না মদষয় সংিৃি ক’তর, আদশ-প্রমত্ষ্ঠার ে স্বাথষকন্দ্র ে ি’তয় জীিন, যশ ও িৃক্তিষত্ প্রষত্যকষক সমুন্নত্ ক’তর তখ্াদার তচত্নায় অসীষমর পষথ চলা ! এই তত্া ি’ল যা’-মকেু সি িযাপার । প্রষত্যষকর এই িুক্তি এষলই তত্া সি মমষট তগল ! ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

*“মনশ্চয় পরষমশ্বর আমার প্রমত্পালক ও তত্ামাষদর প্রমত্পালক---অত্এি ত্া​াঁিাষক পূজা কর । ইিাই সরল পথ । (তকারাণ---৩ সুরা আল এমরান ৫১ র, ৫) *শ্রীমদ্ভাগিদগীত্ায় আষে--“মম ির্ত্ানু ে িত্তেষে মনুেযািঃ পাথ স ে র্ব্শিঃ ে ।” অথাৎ ে তি পাথ !ে মনুেযগণ সর্ব্শিঃ ে আমারই পষথ চমলষত্ষে । “Men everywhere are marching on to but one goal.” *“তি মিশ্বাসীগণ, পরষমশ্বষরর ও ত্া​াঁিার তপ্রমরত্-পুরুষের অনুগত্ িও এিং ত্ািা িইষত্ মিমুখ্ িইও না ।” (তকারাণ---৮ সুরা আন্ফাল ২০ র, ৩)

পথ খু​ুঁলজ ত্ু ই কাল হারামল অনুষ্ঠালনর িহড়ায়, অনুষ্ঠানই বসললা যপলয় পাওয়া যেল যোল্লায় । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র

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॥ ইষ্টালথ দ ে ান ॥ (ইষ্টপ্রসষে গ্রন্থ তথষক, শ্রীশ্রীিেদার সষে কষথাপকথন)

প্রে: আষজ্ঞ, ইষষ্টর কাজ করষত্ মগষয় ঘর-িােী মিক্রয় করা মক টঠক িষি ? শ্রীশ্রীমপত্ৃষদি---করাটা মনষজর কাষে । গুরুর আশীিাদ ে এষল ত্ু মম তত্ামার ঘর-িােী মিক্রী ক’তর ত্া’ পূরণ করষত্ পার, না ক’তরও (মিক্রী না ক’তরও) করষত্ পার । তসটা তত্ামার ইচ্ছা িা সামষথযর ে উপর মনভের করষে । মকন্তু মনষজ যমদ ঘর-িােী মিক্রী ক’তরও ইষষ্টর চামিদা পূরণ কর, অপরষক ত্া’ করষত্ িাধয করষত্ পার না । ত্ু মম ত্াষক মানুে-সম্পদ খ্ুষাঁ জ িার করষত্ িলষি । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর কখ্নও কাউষক িােী, জমম মিক্রী ক’তর ত্া​াঁষক পূরণ করার কথা িষলনমন । ত্ষি টঠক-টঠক মিশ্বাস মনষয় তকউ যমদ মষন কষর এ-সিই ত্া​াঁর ক্তজমনস, ত্া​াঁষক তদওয়াষত্ই এ সি সাথক, ে ত্ািষল ত্ার তস-কষম তে কান কুফল আষস না । ইষ্টস্বাথপ্রমত্ষ্ঠা ে করা িয় মনষজর তিাধ অনুযায়ী । সংসাষর সিষচষয় িে ক্তজমনস িল মন । ত্া’ যমদ ইষষ্টর চরষণ মনষিদন কমর

ত্ািষল সি তদওয়া িয় । মনই তশ্রষ্ঠ মূলধন । ত্ু মম ইষষ্টর চামিদা পূরষণ ঘর-িােী মিক্রী করষত্ পার, অনযভাষিও পূরণ করষত্ পার । ইষষ্টর কাজই আমাষদর সিার আষগ করা উমচত্ । ইষষ্টর কাজ মক ক’তর করষত্ িষি ত্ার তকান িা​াঁধাধরা মনয়ম তনই । (মিষশে তজার মদষয় িলষলন)---তয যত্ তিশী ইষ্টষকক্তন্দ্রক ত্ার personality (িযক্তিে) ত্ত্ তিশী developed (উন্নত্), তস ত্ত্ তিশী keen (প্রখ্র), ত্ত্ তিশী িুক্তিমান । তস (তয ইষ্টষকক্তন্দ্রক) তোট-িে তকান কাষজই মপেপা িয় না । সি কাজই ত্ার কাষে সমান । কষরও তস সি মনপুণভাষি । আমার মষন িয় তয সাধারণ কাজ মনখ্ুত্ াঁ ভাষি করষত্ পাষর তস িে কাজও সমান দক্ষত্ার সষেই করষত্ সক্ষম ।

মবমধর মনয়ি পালমব যেিন েত্টা বা েত্টু কু, যকলট-য ুঁ লট সব মিমললয় পামবও ফল ত্ত্টু কু । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র

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“......... িালিকাং শরণাং ব্রজ” নমমত্া চযাটাজী, আসানষসাল

গীত্ায় প্রথম দৃশযটট িষচ্ছ যুিষক্ষষের । আর্ত্ীয় স্বজন, জ্ঞামত্ িেু এমনমক আচাযযে পযেয ে সশস্ত্র দা​াঁমেষয় । যুিকাষল ত্া​াঁষদরষক িধ করষত্ িষি - এই কথা মচো কষর অজুন ে মকংকত্েিযমিমূঢ়, মদশািীন । অস্ত্র ত্যাগ কষর রষথ িষস পেষলন । িস্তুত্িঃ এখ্াষনই গীত্ার আরম্ভ । ত্ারপর শ্রীকৃষ্ণষক নানা প্রে মনষয় মঘষর ধরষলন, মনষজর সমথষন ে নানা কারণ, যুক্তিত্কে প্রস্তুত্ করষলন । অিষশষে যা িল ত্া আমরা সকষলই জামন, অজুন ে করষজাষে শ্রীকৃষষ্ণর সম্মুষখ্ মনষজষক সমপণে করষলন । প্রাথনা ে করষলন ত্া​াঁর মিধান । আমাষদর জীিনটাও টঠক এরকমই একটা যুিষক্ষে । মিরামিীন সংগ্রাম ঘষর এিং িাইষর । পরস্পর মিষরাধী ভািনার সম্মুখ্ীন ি’তলই আমাষদর জীিষন এরকম পমরমিমত্র সৃটষ্ট িয় । আর, টঠক এরকম অি​িার িাত্ তথষক অিযািমত্র জনয শ্রীশ্রী ঠাকুর িলষলন– “ সি স ে মসযার সমাধান, জামনস্ ইষ্ট প্রমত্ষ্ঠান” । মানুষের অগমণত্, মিক্তচ্ছন্ন, সঙ্কীণ, ে ক্ষুদ্র স্বাথষকক্ত ে ন্দ্রক তয জীিন - তয জীিষনর প্রমত্ মনয়ত্ আসক্তিষত্, তমাষি তস িয় সত্তার স্বরূপ মিস্মৃত্, জীিন িষয় ওষঠ নীরস মরুভূ মম সম । তসই মিেন্ন মানি জীিনষক প্রসন্ন করার জনযই চাই সদগুরুর আশ্রয়, ত্া​াঁর স্মরণ এিং ত্া​াঁর তদওয়া নাম মনন করা ।

সদ্ গুরুর আশ্রয় পাওয়ার অথ ে মক ? এর যথাথ ে অথ ে িল ভগিৎ শক্তির আশ্রয় পাওয়া । ব্রহ্মা, মিষ্ণু, মষিশ্বর, সমস্ত জগষত্র সৃটষ্ট, মিমত্ ও প্রলয় এই মত্নটট ত্ষের সক্তম্মমলত্ শক্তি িষচ্ছন সদ্ গুরু। ত্া​াঁর আশ্রষয় তগষল প্রিৃমত্ত তকক্তন্দ্রক মন িষয় ওষঠ ইষ্ট তকক্তন্দ্রক । ত্া​াঁর তপ্রষম, ভাষলািাসায় তেষি অের আনষে ভষর ওষঠ। তিাধ তজষগ ওষঠ । জীিষনর পথ ও গেিয সটঠক িয় । কারণ মত্মনই তয পথ, পাষথয়ও মত্মন । ত্ষি দীক্ষার অথ েমক? দীক্ষাষত্ সম্ভি মানুষের দক্ষ িষয় ওঠা এিং িৃক্তি পাওয়া । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুষরর িাণীষত্ আষে--“দীক্ষা জামনস দক্ষ কষর প্রীমত্ দীপ্ত কষর প্রাণ, কূটকুশলী অনুশীলষন কৃমত্ ত্ীষথ ক ে রায় োন”। (অনুশ্রুমত্ ২য় খ্ি, পৃষ্ঠা ৩২, ে​ো ১২১) মানুে িয়ত্ চলার পথটা জাষন, ত্াও অেকাষর তিা​াঁচট তখ্ষয় পষে যাওয়ার একটা সম্ভািনা থাষক । ত্াই িাষত্ একটা দীপনী িা টচে থাকা অমত্ আিশযক । এই দীপনীটাই িষচ্ছ দীক্ষামন্ত্র যার শক্তিষত্ সচত্নয ঘটায় । মন্ত্রাঘাষত্র ফষল

মহলত্র পলথ মিঠষ্ট যবাল সুলকৌশলী সিাধান, সহয ক’যর কৃত্ী হওয়াই কর্ম্ফললর ে অবসান । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র Page 33


অত্যল্পকাষলর মষধযই মানসষদষি ও আক্তর্ত্ক তদষি একটা পমরিত্েন লক্ষয করা যায় । ত্খ্ন তস মনজ কত্েষিয ব্রত্ী িষয় উন্নমত্র পষথ অগ্রসর িষত্ থাষক । আমাষদর এই িযি জগষত্ রষয়ষে আষপমক্ষকত্ার ভীে । ত্াই তসখ্াষন আষে সুখ্-দুিঃখ্, িযথা- তিদনার সমাষরাি । পরমপুরুষের এই আষপমক্ষক জগত্ই মানুষের অিমিমত্ । পূর্ব্ ে পূর্ব্ ে জষন্মর সংস্কার, এই জষন্মর কৃত্কম্ম,ে সিমমমলষয় জীিষন চলার পষথ পাষয় তিেীর মত্ িষয় দা​াঁোয় । চলার মদশা িষয় ওষঠ পরমপুরুষের মিপরীত্ মুখ্ী । সুখ্-দুিঃখ্, পাপ-পুণয, ভাষলা-মষের তগালক ধাধা​াঁয় িামরষয় যায় মানুে । শ্রীশ্রী ঠাকুর ত্াই মানি উিাষরর জনয “সত্যানুসরষণ” িলষলন – “তকানও প্রকার সংষ্কাষরই আি​ি তথষকা না । একমাে পরমপুরুষের সংস্কার োো যা’- মকেু, সিই িেন । তত্ামার দশষনর---জ্ঞাষনর ে পাল্লা যত্টুকু অদৃষ্ট টঠক ত্া’রই আষগ ; তদখ্ষত্ পাচ্ছ না, জানষত্ পাচ্ছ না, ত্াই অদৃষ্ট । তত্ামার শয়ত্ান অিঙ্কারী আিাম্মক আমমটাষক তি’র ক’তর দাও ; পরমমপত্ার ইচ্ছায় ত্ু মম চল, অদৃষ্ট মকেুই ক’রষত্ পারষি না । পরমমপত্ার ইচ্ছাই অদৃষ্ট । তত্ামার সি অি​িার মভত্র ত্া​াঁর মেল-ইচ্ছা িুঝষত্ তচষ্টা কর, তদখ্ষি কাত্র িষি না, িরং হৃদষয় সিলত্া আসষি, দুিঃষখ্ও আনে পাষি ।” সদ্ গুরু আর ভগিান অষভদ । মনগু েনও মত্াঁ মন মনরঞ্জনও মত্াঁ মন । আমাষদর চলা যমদ ত্া​াঁর ইচ্ছাধীন িয় ত্ষি আমাষদর জীিষনর সত্য-মমথযা, আষলা ও অেকার, প্রগমত্ ও পশ্চাদ্ গমত্, উত্তরণ-পত্ন সিার মষধয আমাষদর ভািাষিগ মনরষপক্ষত্া লাভ কষর । মূত্ত ে আদষশরে ইচ্ছা পমরপূরণী, সক্তক্রয় অনুসরণই মানুষের জীিনষক সিাথ ে ে সাথক ে কষর তত্াষল । এই মূত্ত ে আদশইে মানুষের ভগিান্, মত্মনই ঈশ্বর, মত্মনই পরমগুরু, মত্মনই পুরুষোত্তম । মযমন তলাক জীিষনর পান্থপাদপ, তলাকপালী, তলাকষপােক, মযমন পূর্ব্পূ ে রয়মান, িত্েমান জীিে পুরুষোত্তম, মত্মনই সিার জীিন , শাশ্বত্ সুের, পরম তপ্রমময়, মত্মনই ঈশ্বর তপ্রমরত্ পুরুষোত্তষম সাকার নর-নারায়ণ। ত্াই সকষলর প্রমত্ শ্রীশ্রী ঠাকুষরর িরাভয় অমৃত্ িাণী“সদ্ গুরুর শরণাপন্ন িও, সৎ নাম মনন কর, আর সৎসষের আশ্রয় গ্রিণ কর – আমম মনশ্চয় িলমে, তত্ামাষক আর তত্ামার উন্নয়ষনর জনয ভািষত্ িষি না”। টঠক তযমন শ্রীকৃষ্ণ গীত্ায় িষলষেন- “সর্ব্ধম্ম ে ান্ ে পমরত্যজয মাষমকং শরণং ব্রজ ।” িষে পুরুষোত্তম ॥

পাওয়ার ধযান ত্ু ই েত্ই কমরস্ করার ত্পঠট বাদ মদলয়, পাওয়ার আশা বন্ধ্যা ত্ত্ই নাকাল হ’মব যখদ মনলয় । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র

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॥ প্রণাি যত্ািায় ॥

সসকত্ রায়, কাষটায়া

প্রণাম তত্ামায় ক্তজসাস--ওষগা ঈশ্বর পুে, তত্ামার চলায় চলষত্ মগষয় তপলাম িা​াঁচা-িাোর সূে ॥ তমরী মাষয়র পুে ত্ু মম, কুমারী মা এর কুমার ; ত্ু মম তয ঈশ্বর তপ্রমরত্--- সষেি নাই আমার ॥ তজাষসফ তত্ামার মপত্া ওষগা মেষলন সূেধর, মিষশ্বর কাষে আষদশ মদষল জীি তক রক্ষা কর । তত্ামারই এক ভ্রাত্া তস তয, নাম তত্া ত্ািার তজাষিান তমাষদর কাষে ত্ু মম ওষগা মদষনা- তমািন ।

পাষপর িষশ তমারা তত্ামায় মচনষত্ নামি পামর, ক্রশ কাষষ্ঠ তফষল তয আমম তপষরক এর আঘাত্ কমর ।

৩০ খ্ৃষ্টাষের ৭-ই এমপ্রল তসমদন শুক্রিার--তপষরক এর মুকুট পষর মিদায় মনষলন, দয়াল পুে আমার । িলষল ত্ু মম--- “ওরা অিুঝ, মপত্া কষরা ওষদর ক্ষমা” । তচাষখ্র জষল মদন তয কাটায় পুে িারা তমমরনা ॥ ক্রুশ মি​ি ি’িার চমল্লশটা মদন পর, মযশু আমার মফষর এষলন--কারণ মত্মন তয অমর ॥

কারু স্তুমত্ করলব না যে আপন কথায় বযস্ত, হািবড়ায়ী আহার্ম্ক যস সকল সিয় ত্রস্ত । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র

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॥ ত্াুঁর দয়া ॥ মশিানী সািা, কলকাত্া (পূি প্র ে কামশষত্র পর)

পষরর মদন ঋমেক conference (সষন্মলন) । সকালষথষক প্রিল িৃটষ্ট িষচ্ছ । এমদষক আমার স্বস্তযয়নী তনওয়ার িযাপাষর িািা মনমরাজী । মকন্তু আমম মসিাষে অটল, সকাল তথষক মকেু খ্াইমন । ত্াই তদষখ্ িািা িলষলন, ত্ািষল চষলা পূজযপাদ দাদার কাে তথষক অনুমমত্ মনষয় আমস । ত্খ্ন conference এর সময় ; আচাযযষদি ে শ্রীশ্রীদাদার নাটমিষপ িসার কথা মেল না । মকন্তু আমরা মগষয় তদখ্লাম উমন িষস আষেন । আমার িািা সি কথা ওনাষক খ্ুষল িলষলন । সি কথা শুষন আচাযযষদি ে শ্রীশ্রীদাদা তযন িযস্ত িষয় পরষলন, িলষলন, “এখ্ষনা খ্ায়মন ! এষত্া তিলা িষয় তগষে !” ---তসই দৃশয আজও তচাষখ্ ভাষস । ত্খ্ন আচাযযষদি ে এর পাষশ পূজনীয় মসপাই দাদা িষসমেষলন । ত্াষক উষর্দ্শয কষর আচাযযষদি ে িলষলন, “স্বস্তযয়নী মদষত্ পারমি ?” উত্তষর পূজনীয় মসপাইদাদা িলষলন, “না না, দাদা (পূজযপাদ িািাইদাদা) তদষিন ।” ত্খ্ন আচাযযষদি ে আমায় পূজযপাদ িািাইদাদার কাষে তযষত্ িলষলন আর িলষলন, “িলমি এখ্ুমন মদষত্ ।” আমম তত্া খ্ুিই খ্ুশী কারণ আমার স্বপ্ন পূরণ িষত্ চষলষে । আমার িািা একসময় পূজযপাদ িািাইদাদা, মসপাইদাদা, মিংমকদাদাষদর পোষত্ন । ত্াই, ওনারা আমার িািাষক খ্ুি ভালিাসষত্ন আর আমাষক খ্ুিই তেি করষত্ন, তযন এষকিাষর মনষজর তোটষিান । এমদষক পূজযপাদ িািাইদাদা ত্খ্ন দীক্ষা তদওয়া complete কষর মফলানথ্রমপর তপেষনর তঘারাষনা মসাঁমে মদষয় নামমেষলন । আমম সামষন যাওয়াষত্ ওমন ক্তজষজ্ঞস করষলন, “িািা মক িষলষেন ?” আমম িললাম, “আষজ্ঞ, স্বস্তযয়নী মদষত্ িষলষেন ।” ত্খ্ন ক্তজজ্ঞাসা করষলন, “এখ্ুমন মদষত্ িষলষেন ? আজই িষলষেন ?” আমম িললাম “িযা​াঁ ।” এমদষক আমম তত্া খ্ুচষরা পয়সা মনষয় যাইমন ; ত্াোিুষো কষর িািা আমায় মকেু গুটা তনাট মদষয় মদষয়মেষলন । স্বস্তযয়নী গৃষি পূজযপাদ িািাইদাদা আমার কাষে প্রণামমর অঘযে চাইষল আমম ওনাষক টাকা মদলাম । ত্খ্ন উমন মনষজই তসগুমল খ্ুচষরা কমরষয় মনষয় এষলন । ত্ারপর পূজযপাদ িািাইদাদা আমায় খ্ুি যত্ন কষর ভালষিষস স্বস্তযয়নী মদষলন । স্বস্তযয়নীব্রত্ গ্রিণ কষর আমম ঠাকুর প্রণাম কষর পূজযপাদ িািাইদাদাষক প্রণাম করলাম । আজ কত্িের আষগর ঘটনা, মকন্তু তসমদষনর স্মৃমত্ আজও আমার হৃদষয়র মমনষকাঠায় জাজ্বলযমান । (ক্রমশিঃ)

প্রমত্লোেীত্ায় ইত্র অহাং িাথা ত্ু ললই রয়, প্রমত্পূরলণ আত্মপ্রসাদ মচিপ্রসার হয় । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র

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ানা যপালাও ঋক্তিমান তঘাে

আজষকর স্বামেক রান্নায় সকষলর জনয থাকষে মচোর োনা তপালাও ।

উপকরণঃ 1.মচো ১/২ তকক্তজ 2.োনা তমমরষনট করা ১০০ গ্রাম 3.আলু মকউি কষর কাটা ২৫০ গ্রাম 4.ফুল কমপ ১০০ গ্রাম 5.কা​াঁচালঙ্কা, তগালমমরচ পমরমাণ মত্ 6.মটরশুটট, িাদাম, মকসমমস, গাজর, ধষনপাত্া 7.আদা, ক্তজরা, দারুমচমন, মিং

8. তত্জপাত্া, এলাচ্ , জয়ক্তে, জয়ফল, নুন 9.মচমন, টকদই, মঘ।

রন্ধ্ন প্রণালীঃ প্রথষম মচো ধুষয় জল ঝরাষত্ িষি ১/২ ঘন্টা । এিার আলু মসি কষর তত্ষল তভষজ মনষত্ িষি । অনযসি সব্জীগুষলাও ধুষয় তত্ষল তভষজ মনষত্ িষি । এিার কোইষত্ তত্ল মদষয় ত্াষত্ এলাচ্ দারুমচমন তত্জপাত্া ক্তজরা ও সি িাটা মশলা মিং গুাঁ ষো, তফােন মদষত্ িষি । এষত্ টক দই, তলিুর রস মদষয় ভাল কষর কমসষয় মনষত্ িষি । আষগ তথষক ভাজা আলু ও সব্জী গুষলা মশলাষত্ তেষে মদষয় রান্না করষত্ িষি । োনা ও সামানয তিসন আষগই মামখ্ষয় মঘ মদষয় তভষজ মনষত্ িষি । এিার সব্জী গুষলা রান্না িষল এষত্ মচোগুষলা তেষে মদষয় সািধাষন নােষত্ িষি যাষত্ তভষে না যায় । এিার ভাজা োনা, িাদাম, ধষনপাত্া, মকসমমস, জায়ফল গুাঁ ষো, জয়ক্তে ও সামানয মচমন মদষয় মকেুক্ষণ তরষখ্ নামমষয় মনন । এিার সস্ ও সযালাদ মদষয় পমরষিশন করষত্ িষি মনরামমে মচোর োনা তপালাও ।

আলের করা কর্ম্ ে ে ত্ প্রসব ক’যর ফল, ধায়ই জামনস্ জীলবর মপ ু মদলয় বলাবল । শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুল চন্দ্র

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ह िंदी सूहिपत्र

श्री श्री ठाकुर अनुकूल चंद्र जी की वाणी

कथा प्रसंग-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------प्रश्न कर्ा​ा -श्री सुशील चंद्र बसु

पुरुषोत्तम ही इष्ट, आचार्ा और सद् गुरु हैं ---------------------------------------------------------------श्री राजदद्र पुहाण

पूर्वतनो को जो न ी िं मानता प्रकृत म्लेच्छ र् ी क लाता । श्री श्री ठाकुर अनुकुल चन्द्र Page 40


श्री श्री ठाकुर जी की र्ाणी प्रप्रर्परम मद कदद्राप्रर्र् रहो अप्रचन्त्य हैं जोवाक्य व मन के नेपथ्य हैं जोअनुराग-उद्दीपना उनमद कदद्राप्रर्र् होना सु दूरपराहर् है , और, उस सश्रद्ध अनुरागोद्दीपना मद सप्रिर्रूप से कदद्राप्रर्र् नही ं होने पर मनुष्य का मन अपनी समस्त प्रवृ प्रत्तर्ों के समावे श मद साथाक समन्वर् लेकर बोप्रि उद्गम मद उद्गप्रर् मद भू माप्रर्र् नही ं हो सकेगा, मगर आदशा ही हैं इष्ट , प्राज्ञ प्रप्रर्परम अथा​ा र् बोप्रिसम्बद्ध र्द्वे त्ता हैं जोउनके प्रप्रर् सश्रद्ध उद्दीपी अनुराग के साथ

इष्ट के हलए ै जो काम उसमें ी तो पुण्य तमाम । श्री श्री ठाकुर अनुकुल चन्द्र Page 41


कदद्राप्रर्र् होकर उद्गप्रर् के भू माप्रर्र् प्रकाश मद प्रवृ प्रत्त की साथाक-समावे शी प्रनर्ं प्रिर् समाप्रहर् सामंजस्य से बोप्रि-उद्गम के द्वारा उस अवां गमनसगोचरम को बोप्रि-सं स्पशा मद लार्ा जा सकर्ा है ; और, अप्रचन्त्य है जो र्ा शून्य हैं जो र्ा जो भी, वाक्य मन के नेपथ्य हैं जो, र्ात्पशी बोप्रिवत्ता को छोड़कर उनकी उपासना करने जाना वास्तव मद प्रवकृप्रर्-प्रवडं बना की ही उपासना माि है , इसप्रलए, र्ु म्हारे प्रप्रर्परम हैं जो, र्ु म्हारे वासु देव हैं जो , इष्ट हैं जो,

आदशा हैं जो , प्रेररर् र्ा र्थागर् हैं जोआग्रह उद्दीप्रप अनुराग सप्रहर् समस्त प्रवृ प्रत्त का सु संगर्-समावे श-साथाक सिीर् से वा-आनप्रर् की मत्त-दीपना मद कदद्राप्रर्र् होकर प्रनप्रवष्ट हो जाओ उनमद,र्ु म्हारी बोप्रि उत्तर-औज्वल्य से सप्रवशेष व प्रनप्रवाशेष औपादप्रनक सामान्य मद उनकी उपलब्धि करर्ी हुर्ी

अव्यर्ी प्रज्ञा मद अप्रिष्ठर् रहे गी, साथाक हो जाओगे र्ु मर्ु म्हारा जो भी है सबकुछ को लेकर उनमद ।

तपो हर्धायना र्ाणी सिंख्या-296

आयव-कृहष्ट के जो व्याघात खड़ग् से कर हनपात । श्री श्री ठाकुर अनुकुल चन्द्र Page 42


कथा प्रसङ्ग प्रद्वर्ीर् खण्ड प्रदनां क - १२ माघ, १३४२ बंगला , शु िवार प्रश्नकत्ता​ा : श्री सुशीलचंद्र बसु प्रश्न । अनेक क्षे ि मद आप से वा शब्द का व्यवहार प्रकए हैं , से वा प्रकसको कहा जार्ा है ? से वा बार् का र्ात्पर्ा क्या है ? मनुष्य का क्या रहने से सही मद से वा प्रकर्ा जा सकर्ा है ? श्रीश्रीठाकुरजी । से वा करना मर्लब उसके अंर्र को ऐसे बना दे ना – र्ु म्हारी बोली, व्यवहार और करनी के माध्यम से प्रजससे वह आनंप्रदर् हो, उद्दीप्त हो और आशाब्धन्वर् हो जाए, हृदर् मद भरोसे का भाव अनुभव करे – प्रजससे वह उसके जीवन और वृ ब्धद्ध के आड़े आने वाली बािाओं को सहजर्ा से प्रनर्ं िण व अप्रर्िम कर सके,– ऐशी बोि और भरोसे की उद्दीपना हो – और इसीप्रलए र्ु मको पाने की एक प्रनिःशे ष क्षु िा जैसे उसमे लगी ही रहे– र्ह है से वा की आं र्ररक उद्बोिना ।* र्ह उद्बोिना र्प्रद नही ं आर्ी है , र्ु म्हारा लाख करना भी उसके पास से वा बनकर नही ं पररगप्रणर् होगा, लाख दे ने से भी वह अनुभव नही ं कर पाएगा प्रक उसको प्रमला है । अवश्य अगर उसके अंदर अकृर्ज्ञर्ा कुछ रहे, प्रिर र्ह से वा की आं र्ररक उद्बोिना उसके अंदर प्रकसी भी प्रकार सं चाररर् नही ं होगी ! अंदर र्प्रद अकृर्ज्ञर्ा रहे , र्ु म्हारी से वा उसको जो भी करे और जैसे भी क्यों न करे , वह र्त्क्षणार् एक बहाना बना कर रखेगा― और सोचेगा र्ा बोलेगा, " वह मेरे प्रलए ऐसा क्यों नहीं करे गा ? उसका अंर्र्िः नाम र्ा र्श के प्रर्ोजन के प्रलए र्ो ऐसा करना उप्रचर् है । प्रर्ोजन के प्रलए वह जो प्रकर्ा है , वह न्यार्सं गर् है ― प्रिर भी इर्ना बोल् सकर्ा हूँ , आदमी की बु ब्धद्ध-बोि थोड़ा है ।" र्ह है अकृर्ज्ञर्ा का लक्षण ।¥ प्रवश्वासघार्कर्ा प्रजसका साथी है ― मनु ष्य के अंर्र से जो घप्रड़र्ाल की दृप्रष्ट के समान प्रनकलर्ा है । जहां र्ह अकृर्ज्ञर्ा नही ं है , और र्ु म्हारी से वा उसको ऐसी आं र्ररक उद्बोिना का सं चारण करर्ी है , – र्ु म्हारी कथनी, व्यवहार और कमा के माध्यम से र्ु म्हारी से वा वही ं पर साथाक है जानो । र्ु म्हारे अंदर इष्ट-प्रप्रर्ष्ठा का बोि रहने पर ही सवा प्रथम इस आं र्ररक उद्बोिना की ओर नज़र रहे गी, और र्ु म्हारी बोली, व्यवहार और कमा का रुख ही होगा उसी के अनु रूप । ----------------------------------------------------* Philanthropy enriches the soul with impulses and aspirations that grow only in the soil of love. – Independent क्षु िात्ता होने से कष्ट होर्ा है , खाना खाने से वह चला जार्ा है , प्रकन्तु क्षु िा प्रिर वापस आ जार्ी है । र्भी कष्ट दू र होगा, जब मेरा सवा प्रवि अभाव दू र होगा । र्भी क्षु िा क्षु िा मुझे कष्ट नही ं दे पाएगी । प्रकसी भी प्रकार का दु िःख-कष्ट र्ा र्ार्ना मुझे चंचल करने मद समथा नही ं हो पाएगी । अर्एव, जो मुझे आध्याब्धिक-सवलर्ा-सम्पन्न करे , वही है सवा श्रेष्ठ उपकार । ― 'कमार्ोग' – स्वामी प्रववे कानं द ¥ Flints may be melted–we see it daily–but an ungrateful heart cannot be–not by strongest and noblest flame. – Southey I hate ingratitude more in man than lying vainness, babbling, drunkenness or any taint of vice, whose strong corruption inhabits our frail blood. ― Shakespeare

प्रश्न । प्रिर क्या अकृर्ज्ञ की क्या से वा नही ं करनी है ? उनकी से वा करने से दे खने को प्रमलर्ा है प्रक बु रा ही होर्ा है । श्रीश्रीठाकुरजी । से वा क्यों नही ं करोगे ? लेप्रकन हर समर् नज़र रखोगे र्ु म्हारी से वा उसके भप्रवष्य जीवन मद ऐसा एक अथा न लेके आए, प्रजसके कारण, र्ु म बािाग्रस्त और अवसन्न हो जाओ ; ऐसे र्ु म र्ु म्हारी र्रह करर्े जाओ । दे खोगे , इसके िलस्वरूप प्रदन-वप्रदन मनुष्य र्ु ममद आकृष्ट और स्तु प्रर्-परार्ण हो उठे गा, और र्ह अकृर्ज्ञर्ा को घृणा, अवहे लना और शासन के द्वारा चूर-चूर कर दे गा । र्ह समझलो, पररपाप्रश्वाक को छोड़कर कोई अब्धस्तत्व को चेर्ना की स्फूप्रर्ा नही ं प्रमलर्ी । र्ु म्हारा जैसे पररपाप्रश्वाक है , उसका भी वै से है । र्ु म जैसे अपने पररपाप्रश्वाक की चीत्त-उद्दीप्ती का अंग हो, वह वै से उसके पररपाप्रश्वाक के चीत्त-उद्दीप्ती को अवसन्न करना चाहे गा । पररपाप्रश्वाक उनके स्वाभाप्रवक स्वब्धस्त की चाह के प्रलए, वह जैसे वै सा कुछ न कर पाए, उसके प्रलए शख्त-हस्त प्रर्ोग करे गा ही करे गा । इसप्रलए र्ु म र्ु म्हारी से वा को अकृप्रिम रूप मद जहाूँ जैसा ज़रूरर् है वै से चलार्े जाओ ― और प्रजर्ना ही वह पक्का होगा, जीवनीर् स्फूप्रर्ा की उद्बोिना प्रजर्नी कर पाएगा, प्रनकट जो हैं ― प्रजन-प्रजनमद र्ु म्हारी से वा साथाक हुई है ― उनका स्वाथाकेन्द्र बना ही दे गा, इसमद कोई सं देह नही ं है । अनुर्ादक : सुहमत पटे ल

सबको बिाना अपने बिना उसको ी तू धमव समझना । श्री श्री ठाकुर अनुकुल चन्द्र Page 43


पुरुषोत्तम ी इष्ट, आिायव और सदगुरु ैं श्री राजद द्र पुहाण, सत्सं ग प्रवहार, प्रदल्ली

र्ु ग पुरुषोत्तम परमप्रेममर् श्रीश्रीठाकुर अनुकूल चन्द्र जी की वाणी है , "पुरुषोत्तम आर्े हैं जब , ईष्ट आचार्ा वे ही गु रु । वे ही सभी के जीवन दण्ड, वे हैं सभी के जीवन मेरु ।। अथा​ा र् पुरुषोत्तम ही इष्ट हैं ,आचार्ा हैं ,सद् गु रु हैं । वही सभी के जीवन दण्ड है । वर्ा मान सं घाचार्ा परम पूज्यपाद श्रीश्रीदादा चेन्नई सत्संग प्रवहार उदबोिन के प्रदन प्रदल्ली सत्संग प्रवहार के सप्रचव जप्रर्न दा से कह रहे थे की - ठाकुर ही पुरुषोत्तम ,ईष्ट ,आचार्ा ,सद् गु रु ,ऋब्धत्वक ,अिा व्यु , र्ाजक है । अभी इस प्रवषर् के ऊपर आलोचना करर्े हैं , पुरुषोत्तम ही इष्ट हैं - इष्ट का अथा सभी के आराध्य , सभी के पूज्य , सभी के उपास्य जो व्यब्धि प्रवशे ष होर्े हैं , ईष्ट वही होर्े हैं , जो कीड़े मकौड़े से लेकर इं सान र्क छल ,बल और कौशल से सभी का हर पल मंगल सोचर्े हैं । इष्ट वही हैं जो मनुष्य की सभी समस्या के समािान सहज ,सरल भाव से कर सकर्े हैं । वही हैं मनुष्य के आदशा । ठाकुर जी की वाणी है ,

"Ideal means - who enriches the past ,enlivens the present and enlightens the future " (Sri Sri Thakur ) जो अर्ीर् को आपूररर् करर्े हैं , वर्ा मान को सं वप्रिार् करर्े हैं और भप्रवष्य को आलोप्रकर् करर्े हैं । इसप्रलए वे वर्ा मान र्ु ग के एक सवोत्तम मनु ष्य हैं । वे एक और अद्वीर्ीर् हैं ,गु रूणां गु रुिः । उपदे श और चलन उनके सम्पूणा प्रनभूा ल हैं ।इसप्रलए वे अभ्ां र् ,प्रिकालदशी और सवा शब्धिमान हैं । आदशा का अथा प्रसिा कुछ अच्छी प्रनप्रर् प्रनर्म मद बं िा हुआ चलन नही ं है । प्रजसका जैसा आदशा होगा उसका स्वभाव भी वै सा ही होगा । उदाहरण - जो अप्रमर्ाभ बच्चन को आदशा मानर्ा है , वो अमीर्ाभ बच्चन जैसा स्टाइल करर्ा है । जो र्द दुलकर को आदशा मानर्ा है वो र्द दुलकर जैसे बै ट घुमार्ा है । ऐसे ही प्रजसके आदशा पुरुषोत्तम होंगे , उसका आचार , आचरण सब उनके मुर्ाप्रबक होगा । श्री श्री ठाकुर ने सत्यानु सरण मद प्रलखा है -"र्ु म जैसे आदशा मद प्रवस्वास स्थापन करोगे ,र्ु म्हारा स्वभाव भी र्द्रूप होगा " इसप्रलए श्रेष्ठ आदशा की जरूरर् है । प्रजनको शास्त्र मद एक शब्द मद नरोत्तम र्ा पुरुषोत्तम कहा गर्ा है । "नारार्णम् नमस्कृत्य नरै स्चैब नरोत्तमिः "अथा​ा र् प्रसिा नारार्ण र्ा नरोत्तम र्ानी पुरोषोत्तम ही नमस्कार ग्रहण र्ोग्य हैं ।अथा​ा र् हम प्रजर्ने भी प्रणाम ,और भोग प्रनवे दन करर्े हैं वो सब उनके पास पहं चर्ा है । पुरुषोत्तम आचार्ा हैं :- आचार्ा का अथा है आचरण प्रसद्ध व्यब्धित्व । जो प्रसिा कहर्े नही ं आचरण मद करके प्रदखा दे र्े हैं । ठाकुर जी ने प्रजर्नी भी वाणी दी है सब अपने जीवन के Experience को ही वाणी के रूप मद बोला है ।

पुरुषोत्तम ही हैं इष्ट , वे ही ध्ये र् और अनुसरणीर् हैं । प्रिर पुरुषोत्तम के अवर्ा मान मद र्प्रन्नष्ट ,र्त्तपा आचार्ा ही अनुसरणीर् है । लेप्रकन सवा अवस्था मद पुरुषोत्तम ही ध्येर् हैं । इसी पुरुषोत्तम के प्रप्रर् अनुराग सृ प्रष्ट करने के प्रलए ही वे त्ता आचार्ा जो हैं अथा​ा र् जो वर्ा मान आचार्ा श्रीश्रीदादा ही हैं अनुसरणीर् । वे ही हैं जीवन्त आदशा । जीवन्त आदशा के अनु सरण के प्रबना अनुराग नही ं होगा । र्ु ग पुरुषोत्तम श्रीश्री ठाकुर अनुकूल चन्द्र जी ने एक अनोखी आचार्ा परम्परा का सृ जन प्रकर्ा है , उनके नेर्ृत्व मद आज सत्संग प्रवशाल रूप िारण करके आगे बढ़ रहा है । पुरुषोत्तम गु रु हैं : गु अथा​ा र् अन्धकार और रु अथा​ा र् आलोक । जो मनुष्य की समस्त समस्या का समािान करके उसको नर्ी प्रदशा प्रदखार्े हैं । वही हैं सद् गु रु र्ा जगद् गु रु । वो हैं सवा गुणसम्पन्न मनुष्य । जाजा वना​ा ण्डीश की भाषा मद He is a completely developed man अथा​ा र् सम्पूणा प्रवकप्रसर् मनुष्य । शास्त्र मद है सवा दे वोमर् गु रुिः अथा​ा र् सभी दे व दे वी उनमे समाप्रहर् हैं । श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी ने कहा है सभी दे वर्ा के समाहार मद पुरुषोत्तम की सृ प्रष्ट सहज मनुष्य नर रूप मद करर्े हैं िृ प्रर् वृ प्रष्ट ।। पुरुषोत्तम एक र्ु ग्म शब्द है । पुरुष + उत्तम = पुरुषोत्तम । पुरुष शब्द सं स्कृर् के पुर् िार्ु से उत्प्न्न्न है प्रजसका अथा है - पूरण करना , पालन करना ,पोषण करना । सो पुरुष शब्द का अथा हुआ जो सभी की मंशा को पूणा कर सकर्े हैं । और उत्तम का अथा हुआ श्रेष्ठ । पुरुषोत्तम के अथा हुआ सवा श्रेष्ठ पररपुरण कारी पुरूष । उनको आदशा मानकर चलने से हमारी व्यब्धिगर् समस्या , दाम्पत्य समस्या र्था राप्रष्टिर् समस्या का समािान होर्ा है । बन्दे पुरुषोत्तमम ।

धमव में सभी बिते बढ़ते सिंप्रदाय को धमव ना क ते । श्री श्री ठाकुर अनुकुल चन्द्र Page 44


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◆ ପରମପ୍ରେମମୟ ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ଅନୁ କୂଳଚନ୍ଦ୍ରଙ୍କ ବାଣୀ : – ଶାଶ୍ବତୀ ― ପ୍ରେବୀ-ସୂକ୍ତ ◆ ସାଧନାର ପପ୍ରେ : – ଇଷ୍ଟାପ୍ରେ​େ ସଂସାର

◆ କବିତା : – ଯା' ମନ ପକ୍ଷୀ ପ୍ରେଓଘପ୍ରର ଉଡି...

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" କୋ କହିବାକୁ ଶିଖ― ପ୍ରକଉଠିଁ ପ୍ରକଉ ଁକୋ କିପରି କହିପ୍ରେ ଉେ୍ ବୁଦ୍ଧ ପ୍ରହାଇଉପ୍ରଠ ପ୍ରସ, ଅକପଟ ପ୍ରହାଇ ଉପ୍ରଠ ପ୍ରସ, ହୃ େୟ ପ୍ରଖାେି େିଏ, ଆଶ୍ରୟ ପାଇ କୃତାେ​େ ପ୍ରହାଇଉପ୍ରଠ େରେୀ ସତ୍ -ଆଶ୍ୱାସପ୍ରର ― ପରି ପଙ୍ଖ ୁ ରୂପ୍ରପ ନଜର ରଖ ି; ପ୍ରତଣୁ, ସତ୍ ଓ ସୁଭାଷୀ ହୁ ଅ― ସାେ​େକ ପ୍ରହାଇଉଠୁ ବାକୟ ତୁ ମର େତୟୟୀ ପ୍ରତପ୍ରଜାଦ୍ଧଭି ସ୍ପନ୍ଦନପ୍ରର ।" ୬୨ ( ଶାଶ୍ବତୀ, ଚରି ତ୍ର ଅଧ୍ୟାୟ )

" ସତୀ ବା ସାଧ୍ଵୀ ସ୍ତ୍ରୀ ପ୍ରଯଉମାପ୍ରନ ଁ ସତ୍ତାକୁ ଶୁଭ-ବିନାୟି ତ କରି ପ୍ରତାଳନ୍ତି― ପତି-ଆନୁ କୂେୟପ୍ରର ଉେ୍ ବୁଦ୍ଧ କରି ,― ପ୍ରସମାପ୍ରନ କିନ୍ତୁ ସହଜ ସନ୍ନ୍ୟାସୀ ।" ୪

( ଦେବୀ – ସୂକ୍ତ )

" ଭକ୍ତି ଚିତ୍ତକୁ ସତ୍ ଦର ସଂଲଗ୍ନ କରି ବାକୁ ଦଚଷ୍ଟା କଦର, ଆଉ ତହିର ିଁ ୁ ଦେପରି ଉପଲବ୍ଧି ହୁ ଏ, ତାହାହି ିଁଜ୍ଞାନ ।"

ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ଅନୁ କୂଳଚନ୍ଦ୍ର

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କଥପ୍ରସଙ୍ଗଦର ଜଦେ କହିଦଲ ― ଗୃହସ୍ଥର ସଂେତ ଜୀବନୋପନ କରି ବା ବହୁ ତ୍ କଠିନ ।

ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ― ପ୍ରଯଉ ଁ training ( ଶିକ୍ଷା) ପ୍ରନଇ ଗାହେସ୍ଥ୍ୟାଶ୍ରମପ୍ରର େପ୍ରବଶ କରି ବାକୁ ହୁ ଏ, ପ୍ରସ training (ଶିକ୍ଷା) ହି ଁପ୍ରଯ ଆମମାନଙ୍କର ନିଆ ହୁ ଏନା । ମଣିଷ ଗୁରୁଗ୍ରହଣ ନ କରି ପ୍ରେ, ନିଷ୍ାଠ ସହକାପ୍ରର ଗୁରୁପ୍ରସବା ନ କରି ପ୍ରେ ଇନ୍ଦ୍ରିୟଗୁଡିକ ଆୟତ୍ତପ୍ରର ଆପ୍ରସନା । ପ୍ରସଇ ଅବସ୍ଥ୍ାପ୍ରର ବିବାହ କରି ପ୍ରେ ସ୍ତ୍ରୀ-ମୁଖୀ ପ୍ରହାଇପପ୍ରଡ । ସ୍ୱାମୀ ପ୍ରଯଉଠାପ୍ରର ଁ ସ୍ତ୍ରୀ-ମୁଖୀ, ସ୍ତ୍ରୀ ପ୍ରସଠାପ୍ରର ସ୍ୱାମୀ-ମୁଖୀ ପ୍ରହବାର ଆବଶୟକତା ପ୍ରବାଧ କପ୍ରରନା, ― ବରଂ ଖ ିଆଳମୁଖୀ ହୁ ଏ ଏବଂ ସ୍ୱାମୀକୁ ବି ନିଜ ଖ ିଆେର ଇନ୍ଧନ କରି ନିଏ । ପ୍ରସେ ିପ୍ରର ସଂସାରପ୍ରର ସୁଖ ହୁ ଏନା, ପି ୋପି େିମାପ୍ରନ ଭେ ହୁ ଅନ୍ତିନି । ସଂସାର ଭେକରି କରି ବା ପାଇ ଁ ପୁରୁପ୍ରଷାତ୍ତମଙ୍କର େବୃ ତ୍ତି-ଝୁ ଙ୍କଠାରୁ ଇଷ୍ଟ-ଝୁ ଙ୍କ ପ୍ରବଶୀ ପ୍ରହବା େରକାର । ପ୍ରକୌଣସି ଜିନିଷର above ( ଉଦ୍ଧେବପ୍ରର) ନ ରହିପ୍ରେ ତା' control ( ନିୟନ୍ତ୍ରଣ) ବା enjoy ( ଉପପ୍ରଭାଗ) କରି ହୁଏନା । ଉକ୍ତ ବୟକ୍ତି ― ତା' କିପରି ? ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ― ଧର, ତୁ ପ୍ରମ ପହରିଁ ଜାଣନା, ପ୍ରବଶୀ ପାଣି ଭି ତପ୍ରର ପଡିପ୍ରେ ତୁ ପ୍ରମ ବୁ ଡିଯାଅ । ପ୍ରସେ ିପ୍ରର କ'ଣ ତୁ ପ୍ରମ ଅେଳ ପାଣି ମଧ୍ୟପ୍ରର ପଡି ଆନନ୍ଦ ପାଅ ? ପହରା ଁ ଜାଣିପ୍ରେ କିନ୍ତୁ ଗଭୀର ଜଳ ପାଇପ୍ରେ ତୁ ମର ଆନନ୍ଦର ସୀମା ରପ୍ରହନା । କାରଣ, ପ୍ରସପ୍ରତପ୍ରବପ୍ରଳ ଜଳ ତୁ ମର ଅଧୀନ, ତୁ ପ୍ରମ ଜଳର ଅଧୀନ ନୁ ହ ଁ । ଇଷ୍ଟଙ୍କୁ ଆଙ୍କଡି ଧରି ରହି ତୁ ପ୍ରମ ପ୍ରଯପ୍ରତେୂ ର େବୃ ତ୍ତି ଉପପ୍ରର ରହିପାରି ବ, ପ୍ରସପ୍ରତହି ଁ ସଂସାର ତୁ ମର ଅଧୀନପ୍ରର ରହିବ । ଆଉ, ତୁ ପ୍ରମ ସଂସାରପ୍ରର ରହି ମଧ୍ୟ କିଛିଟା ତା'ର ଉଦ୍ଧେବପ୍ରର ରହିପାରି ବ । ସଂସାର ପ୍ରନଇ ପ୍ରସପ୍ରତପ୍ରବପ୍ରଳ ତୁ ପ୍ରମ ବିବ୍ରତ ପ୍ରହବନି, ଅେଚ ଯା' କରଣୀୟ ତା' କରି ବାପ୍ରର ପ୍ରକୌଣସି ବାଧା ପ୍ରହବନାହି ।ଁ େଶ୍ନ । ଏଇଟା ସମ୍ଭବ ପ୍ରହବ କିପରି ? ଏହାର ବାସ୍ତବ ପେ କ'ଣ ? ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର । ଇଷ୍ଟଙ୍କୁ ରଖ ିବାକୁ ପ୍ରହବ ସବେ​େ​େମ ଓ ସବେ​େଧାନ କରି ଜୀବନପ୍ରର । ଆଉ ଯାହା କିଛିର ସ୍ଥ୍ାନ ରହିବ ତାଙ୍କ ପପ୍ରର । ପ୍ରସପ୍ରତପ୍ରବପ୍ରଳ ଯାହା କିଛି ହି ଁ ପ୍ରହବ ଇଷ୍ଟାେ​େପ୍ରର । ସଂସାର କରି ବାକୁ ଯାଇ ବି େକ୍ଷୟ ରହିବ― ତା' ଭି ତର ପ୍ରେଇ ଇଷ୍ଟାେ​େ ପ୍ରକପ୍ରତେୂ ର ପରି ପର ୂ ି ତ ପ୍ରହଉଛି,– ତା' ପ୍ରକପ୍ରତେୂ ର ଇଷ୍ଟଙ୍କର ପ୍ରହାଇଉଠିଛି । ସଂସାର ଭି ତର ପ୍ରେଇ ଯେି ଇଷ୍ଟାେ​େ- ସାଧନ ନ ହୁ ଏ, ତା'ପ୍ରହପ୍ରେ ପ୍ରସ ସଂସାର କରି ବା ତ ଭୂତର ପ୍ରବଗାରୀ ଖଟିବା । ଜୀବନହି ଁକୁହ, ସଂସାର ହି ଁକୁହ, ସବୁ କିଛିର ସ୍ୱାେ​େ ବି ଇଷ୍ଟ, ପରମାେ​େ ବି ଇଷ୍ଟ । ଆପ୍ରମ ଜାଣୁ ବା ନ ଜାଣୁ, ବୁ ଝୁ ବା ନ ବୁ ଝୁ ― ଏହା ପ୍ରହୋ fact ( ବାସ୍ତବ ତେୟ ) । ଏଇଟା ଅଭୟାସପ୍ରର େ ିପ୍ରେ ଆଉ ପ୍ରକୌଣସି ଭାବନା ନାହି ।ଁ ( ଆପ୍ରୋଚନା େସଙ୍ଗ, ୫ମ ଖଣ୍ଡ, ତା ୨୧/୦୫/୧୯୪୩ )

"ଉଦ୍ଧତ ୋବି ନୟାେୟ ଦହଦଲବି ତା' ପାଇବାର ପରି ପନ୍ଥୀ, ଆଉ, ହୃ େୟ-ଅଭି ସାରି େୀ ବିନୀତ ପ୍ରାଥଥନା ପାଇବାର ପଥହି ପ୍ର ିଁ ଶସ୍ତ କଦର ।"

ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ଅନୁ କୂଳଚନ୍ଦ୍ର

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ୋ' ମନ ପକ୍ଷୀ ଦେଓଘଦର ଉଡି... ରଚନା-ବିଜୟ ଦକତନ ସାହୁ Email:- ମନ ଚପ୍ରେଇ ପ୍ରମା ମନ ଚପ୍ରେଇ

ମାୟା ପି ଞ୍ଜରାରୁ ପ୍ରତାପ୍ରତ ପ୍ରେ​େି ଉପ୍ରଡଇ ଯି ବୁ ଉଡି ଉଡି ପ୍ରେଓଘର ଧାପ୍ରମ ସତସଙ୍ଗ ନିପ୍ରଡ ରହିବୁ ଯାଇ... (0) ପୁରୁପ୍ରଷାତ୍ତମଙ୍କ ପ୍ରସ ପାେପୀଠ ୋଗି େ ିବ ପ୍ରସ'ଠି ଆନନ୍ଦ ହାଟ ନୟନୁ ନିଗାଡି ପ୍ରୋତକ ଧାର େଭୁଙ୍କ ପୟପ୍ରର ପ୍ରହବୁ ଜୁହାର ହୃ େୟର କୋ, କୁଶଳ ବାରତା ଆଚାଯେୟପ୍ରେବଙ୍କୁ କହିବୁ ଯାଇ

ମନ ଚପ୍ରେଇ ପ୍ରମା ମନ ଚପ୍ରେଇ....(ପ୍ରଘାଷା) ଶାନ୍ତିର ଆଧାର ପ୍ରସ ପୂଣୟ ଧୂଳି ରାଧା ନାମ ଯହି ପ ଁ ପ୍ରଡ ଉଛୁଳି ୋେ​େନା କରି ବୁ ସଞ୍ଜ ସକାପ୍ରଳ ମଜ୍ଜିବୁ କୀତ୍ତେପ୍ରନ ଭକତ ପ୍ରମପ୍ରଳ ଆନନ୍ଦବଜାପ୍ରର େଭୁ େସାେପ୍ରର ଜୀବନର କ୍ଷୁଧା ପ୍ରେବୁ େୁ ପ୍ରରଇ...(୨) ମନ ଚପ୍ରେଇ ପ୍ରମା ମନ ଚପ୍ରେଇ..(ପ୍ରଘାଷା) ଅକୁଳପ୍ରର ପ୍ରସଇ େିଅନ୍ତି କୂଳ େୟମୟ େଭୁ ଶ୍ରୀ ଅନୁ କୂଳ ମୁକ୍ତ ଆକାଶର ତୁ ମୁକ୍ତ ବିହଙ୍ଗ କାହିକିଁ ମରି ବୁ କରି ମାୟା ସଙ୍ଗ କହଇ ବିଜୟ, ନାହି ପ୍ର ଁ ତାର ଭୟ ପ୍ରସ'ପ୍ରଯ ପ୍ରତାପ୍ରତ ପ୍ରନପ୍ରବ ପ୍ରପାଷା ମପ୍ରନଇ ମନ ଚପ୍ରେଇ ପ୍ରମା ମନ ଚପ୍ରେଇ..(ପ୍ରଘାଷା)

"ପ୍ରୀତି ଦନଇ ଚାଲୁ ଥାଅ ପରି ଚେଥୟା-ସହ,

ସବୁ ଦଲାକଙ୍କୁ କର ନିଜର ଭୁଲି ସ୍ୱାଥଥଦମାହ ।"

ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ଅନୁ କୂଳଚନ୍ଦ୍ର

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