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DR A\T IN G P A P E , R2S6 suzanFrecon
Suzan Frecon draulng
The DrawingCenter'sDrawingRoom l0 WoogterStre€t, NervYork
January10 - February21,2002
Coven &uttle d ftrffitrd stdy, tgs6 llthtercoloron old agate-bumbhed Indhnledgerpaper 5:Vi x 28in.0{.61 x 66.04cm) . Collec'tion of hor lhas, SanFronchco
hge {: rd urd Hrc sodceson M & lnhn ldgw W, lltatorcoloron old Indianpap6r l3 3/{ x |7 l/2 in. (3/t30x 44.45fii) Pft,atecollection,86rlin
:"'Insideco,6r: funip @t€€ls) @trr'f{ritiut,1wS Vlratercolor on old Indianlodgerpaper g 1l2x13lA in.e4.l x:|:}7 crn) Courbsyof th€aru8t . Pholo:CattryCarwr
Page5: untitH,lwa llhtercoloron paper 12x181nin (3S.{8x {699 cm) Courtssyoftho artist Phob:CathyCarue
Pago2: d qloarUc saolw wttl-or'f irr.rigoffic,1SSS tlilriercoloron old Indianl€dg€rpap6r' l3 l/2 x g in (3419x 2236cm) Courtosyof tho artitrt Ptroto:CathyCenbr
Page6: ttfi snnndlngaN @nai,rdWtlveyfurys,2$l I t/t[ x 13l/{ in. 8{t50 x 33.66cm) tihtsrcoloron old Indhn ledgerpapsr courtesyof th€artbt Ptroto:Cdry Cancr
Page3: v8'trifrotbt€d,f€€s d,Aftlq,19s0 Ulburcoforon old Indianledgrrpeper gA4xlzlA in.g4.Z,x 31.12 cm) Counssylaw€nco fula*eyGallely,New\brk Ptroto:CathyCanor
radstokds,2ool ' Vlhtsrcoloron old lndlanledgerpaper 15UBx l0:Y4 in.(38.{2x Z3t ffi) Courtesyof th€artht Ptroto:CathyCanor
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documenting TheDrawingCenter's Thisis number26 of the DrawingPapers,a seriesof publications exhibitions and publicprogramsand providinga forumfor the studyof drawing.TheDrawingPaperc publication seriesis printedon MonadnockDulcet100#SmoothTextand80# DulcetSmoothCover. in part,with publicfundsfromthe Visual The2001-2002 seasonof the DrawingPapercis madepossible, Arts Programof the NewYorkStateCouncilon the Arts,a stateagency. ru I-\Y5UA
Boardof Directors DitaAmory GeorgeNegroponte Co-Chairmen FrancesBeattyAdler MelvaBucksbaum JamesM. Clark,Jr. Frances Dittmer ColinEisler ElizabethFactor BruceW Ferguson Michaellovenko WernerH. Kramarsky AbbyLeigh WlliamS. Lieberman MichaelLynne Elizabeth Rohatyn* EricC. Rudin Dr.AllenLeeSessoms JeanneC.Thayef EdwardH. Tuck AndreaWoodner Catherine de Zegher ExecutiveDirector *Emerita
The DrawingCenter 35 WoosterStreet New Yod<,NY 10013 Tel:212-219-2166 Fax:212-966-2976 www.drawingcenter.org Designer:Luc Derycke Coordinator:lctie Dyer @ 2002lhe DrawingCenter