Eva Hesse: Circles and Grids

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EvoHesse Circlesond Grids


By 1966, Eva Hesse had devised one of the most confined and controlled approaches to drawing imaginable, an endgame announcing drawing's decisive tendency towards historical disappearance. -Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Evo HesseDrowing (2OO6)

p.2 no title, 1966 Blockinkwoshondpencilon poper 113/ 4 x 9 in .(2 9 .9x 2 2 .9 c m l PrivoieCollection,CourtesyHouserond Wi*h, Z0rich,London p .3 no title, 1966 Pencilond ink woshon poper 11 3 /4 x9 in . 129. 9x 22. 9 c nl Annemorie ond GionfroncoVerno p.4 no title, 1966 Brownink woshond pencil 13 3/4 x 10 3/4 in. (34.9x 27.3 cnl Anthony PrivoteColleclion, Courtesy Sloy'er-Rolph p .5 no title, 1966 Pencilond wosh 8 x 6 in. (20 . 3x 15. 2c m ) MioniJohnson. New York p .6 no title, 1966 lnk woshond chorcool 13 7/8 x 1 3 7/ 8 in. ( 35. 2x 35. 2 c m ) p .7 no title, 1968 Wotercolor,gouoche.ond pencil 14 3/4 x 12 in. 137.5x 30.5 cm) KoteGonz ond DonielBelin p .8 no title, 1966 Groy woshond grophiteon creomwove PoPer 13 3 /4 x l0 13, / 16in. (35 cm x 27.4 cnl HorvordUniversity Art Museums, FoggArt Museum,TheAlpheus HyotlFundond theMorgoret FisherFund,1994.64

p. 9 no title, 1967 Inkwoshon cordboord 9 x 6 1/2 in. 122.9x 16.5cm) Museumof FineA*s. MNM, Deportment of CuhurolAffoirs Gift of lucy R. lippord,LucyR. Lippord ,l999 Collection, p. l0 no title, 1967 lnk on grophpoper 11 x 8 9 / 1 6 i n . ( 2 7 . 9 x 2 1 . 7 c m l AllenMemoriolAd Museum, OberlinCollege,Ohio Friends Fund,1984 of Art Endowment P. l I no title, 1967 Inkon grophpoper 11 x 8 1 / 2 i n . 1 2 7 . 9x 2 1 . 6 c m ) TheLeWittCollection,Chester,Connecticut P. l2 no title, 1967 Inkon grophpoper 11 x 8 1 / 2 i n . ( 2 7 . 9x 2 1 . 6 c m ) PrivoteColleclion, USA P. l3 no fitle, l962 Inkon grophpoper 11 x 8 1 / 2 i n . 1 2 7 . 9x 2 1 . 6 c m ) p.l4 and Cover no title, 1966 Blockink on yellowgrophpoper 6 3/4 x 4 in. (17.2x 10.2cm| Arl Museum,Universityof Weotherspoon NorthCorolinool Greensboro Gift of HelenHesseChorosh,1983

P.l 5 no title, 1962 Inkon grophpoper 1 1 x 8 1 / 2 i n . ( 2 7 . 9x 2 1 . 6 c m ) TheleWitt Collection,Chester,Connecticut P.l6 no title, 1962 Inkon grophpoper 1 1 x 8 1 / 2 i n . 1 2 7 . 9x 2 1 . 6 c m )

All imoges@ Estoteof EvoHesse, Houser& Vy'irth, Zi,richlondon

6r Evo Hesse Circlesond Grids

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Eva Hesse Drowing The Drawing Center May 6-July 15,2006





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Evo HesseDrawing Orgonized by The Drowing Cenfer,New York ond The Menil Collection,Houston Curoted by Colherinede Zegher ond ElisobethSussmon TheMenil Colleclion,Houston,TX, Februory3 - April 23,2006 The Drowing Center,New York, NY, Moy 6 -July 15, 2006 los AngelesMuseumof ConlempororyA*, LosAngeles,CA, August6 - Oclober 23,2006 WolkerArt Center,Minneopolis,MN, November11,2006 - Februory18,2007 Evo HesseDrowing is mode possibleby the RobertLehmonFoundolion. The Drowing Centerocknowledgesthe Notionol Endowmentfor the Arts ond Kothyond RichordS. Fuld.Jr. for their moior supportof Evo HesseDrowing. Additionol supportis provided by the New York StoteCouncil on fhe Arts.

The Drowing Center's2005-2006 publicotionsore mode possiblethroughcontributionsto the Edword Hollom TuckPublicotionProgromfrom FroncesBeottyAdler, Mory ond RobertCorswell.RobertDuke, ElizobethFondoros,Kothy Fuld, EllenGollogher,Mr. ond Mrs. JomesR. Houghton,Werner H. Kromorsky, JoonneLymon,Michoel lynne, JohnJ. Modden, George Negroponte,The Felixond ElizobethRohotyn Foundotion, Inc.,Sheormon& SterlingLLBond LilyTuck.

Boord of Directors FroncesBeotty Adler, Choirmon Eric C. Rudin, Vice-Choirmon Dito Amory JeonMognono Bollinger Melvo Bucksboum StephenS. Doniel FroncesDittmer ElizobeihFoctor BruceW. Ferguson Borry M. Fox JomesR. Hedges,lV WernerH. Kromorsky* Abby Leigh* MichoelLynne

DrowingCenlerPublicotions Edilor AdomLehner, Executive MonogingEditor JoonnoBermon, Designer tuc Derycke, Speciolthonksto HelenMiller TheDrowingCenter 35 WoosterStreet NewYork.NY 100]3 Tel:212-219-2166 Fox:212-966-2976 www.drowingcenter.org @ 2006 TheDrowingCenter

lris Morden CotherineOrenlreich ElizobethRohoiyn* Jone DresnerSodoko Allen LeeSessoms Michoel Steinberg JeonneC. Thoyer* Andreo Woodner Colherine de Zegher, ExecutiveDirector George Negroponte, President *Emeriti

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