

“These days, when you are talking to one person, you are talking to 1000.” House of Cards ♠♦♣♥
Zoe Barnes
“These days, when you are talking to one person, you are talking to 1000.” House of Cards ♠♦♣♥
Zoe Barnes
The value of video content several cities away can transform your health LETTER FROM
When we finally find what we’re looking for online.
Your content may be a puzzle piece in someone else’s drama.
Patterns of videos and the joy of visuals like anatograms
Research, ask around, keep looking until you find what you need.
Not all dancing Instagrammers are going to change your life, but one changed mine! Don’t worry, that’s not the visual tactic I’m introducing this month but I’m glad there were an abundance of videos on Dr. Rachel’s Instagram that spoke to my pain and helped me become more aware of what I was dealing with.
The visual landscape is going through changes and it’s important that we grow as patients, networkers, creators, and conversationalists because many lead to a successful referral. When they do it’s a phenomenal feeling!
Thank you for being a part of my journey. I’m so grateful that our paths keep crossing.
Rethink how digital marketing brings harmony and hope.
Last month I shared that, in a sense, we all have a body of work. This can seen clearly when we land on someone’s Instagram account.
Every piece of content we publish or even keep in a private journal is a reflection of our knowledge base or the things we are craving more understanding around.
Let’s reconsider how each piece of content, video or visual, may be piece to someone’s else’s puzzle.
In the Revenue Ringlet, I encourage members to leverage video more. It’s not that videos replace a full sales process but it compliments it. Your recent conversation may serve as a teachable moment or be valuable to someone just scratching the surface of a big issue or topic. If it’s not shared digitally, how will others find it?
Editor-in-Chief Marcelle AllenItalkalotaboutconversationsinmy book,FinancialJoy.Inoticed,when reflecting,that90%ofmy conversationsshiftedawayfrommy professionandwerefocusedonmy bodyandallmyconcerns.
ItwashardbecauseIwascomingout ofamajorsurgery,Ihadatwisted relationshipwithfoodbecausemy insidesweren’tfunctioningwell;soI fearedfood. Iwastryingtohealbut wasfailing.ItwasahugewinwhenI finallyfoundaPelvicFloorPhysical Therapist,andIwanttohighlighther inthismonth’sissue! Dr.Rachel JalanivichDoza,atEmpowered PersonalTherapyinLakeStevens, Washington,ismyInstahero.
IwouldliketosharehowImetDr. Rachel.Afterworkingsomewhat succesfullywithbothmyChiropractor andSwimCoachpluswalkinginorder
totryandlosemyweightgainfrom myinitialabdominalsurgeryin
2022,Ibegantofeelingoddpains. Anexamplewouldbedrivingthe stretchoffreewaytowardsNorth Bendwhereyou’reabletohit 70+pmh.Thatdrivecausedmassive pain.Whentalkingtomysister aboutmyexperience,herreaction wassimple;thatshouldn’thurt.
Throughherencouragement& otherreferrals,Imetwithmedical processionalswhoputmethrough consultationsandCTScans.
Onedoctorinparticularhadterrible bedsidemanner,shewasnervous whenshesawhowbaditwas,and madethenextstepsseemsso complicatedandabnormal.Ileft frightenedbecauseshehadme planningmyownfuneralduetoher ownhesitationaboutthesuccessof therecommendedsurgery. Thankfully,mysisterwasableto calmmedownafterthatdebacle andwedecidedtogetasecond opinion.
BeingthedigitalsavvygalIamI wenttomynetwork.Imadea request..,anddozensof responsescamein! Onthis growingthread,onefriendtagged inaladyoutofmynetwork whomIdialedupquicklyand aftertheusefulchat,she recommendedaladyinEdmonds.
Herofficethenrecommendedme totheherniaspecialistonher teamwhomIreallyrespected afterthefirstcontact.Notrauma here!,Hewascalm,relaxed,and extremelyprofessional.He answeredallmyquestionsandI wasreassuredthathe’d performedthisexactsurgery manytimeswithzeroinfection rateorotherissues.Heeven “knockedonwood,”withasmile andthatmademegiggle.
EarlierinthesummerandIwent totheBLOSConference.Isaw twogirlswholookedreally “fitnessy;”andIwenttothemand literallybuddiedupwiththemat lunchandwantedtoaskthem somefairlypersonalquestions.
OneofthegalsKaylee,exclaimed, “Wait,youhaveapersonaltrainer butnotaphysicaltherapist?”You needapersonaltherapist!”
Aftermy“No”admission,shegave meafewnamesonInstagramto connectwith.Icheckedoutone galwhowasveryfocusedon youngmomswhichturnedme off.I’mayoungwidowwithout kids,soIwaspleasedwiththe secondconnectionwhorightoff thebatwashilarious.
Thisladywasdoingfunny dances,talkingwithalittle yellowbird,andmakingyour pelvicfloorcometolife.Ihad neversaidthephrase”pelvic floor”inmylife.Ialways thoughtaboutfitnessinthe formofabsandarms,squats andpushups.Phraseslike skinny,healthy,strong!Asa totalathletebackinhigh school;Ifeltsohumbled learningaboutpartsofmy bodyIcouldn’tevendefine.
Imusthavewatcheddozens ofherInstagramreels,videos, andinterviews.Iwaslearning allaboutherapproachand visionofhowahealthybody shouldwork.
WhenIfinallymetDrRachel, andsheinstantlytookcareof me.Shehelpedredirectmy focustowhereitneededtobe. Sheansweredallmyquestions. ShetaughtmethingsIdidn’t knowaboutscartissueand fascia.Shehelpedmeget awareofmybody,the weaknessinmymuscles, andmore.
Wespokeaboutmysurgeryandshe wasactuallyagainstitduetodecadesof write-upshowingdifficultiesmany experiencepost-surgeryandherown experienceswithpatients.Ihadahole inmyabdominalwall,andwhileshe thoughtIcouldgowithoutthesurgery, Istillchosetomoveforward.IknewI couldn’tlivewiththispainateverytwist andturnforlong.Iwantedtostand withoutpain!
Part of why I wanted to highlight her is she was very direct. She was professional. We debated a little bit but it was a great intellectual conversation. I enjoyed this time with her so much because so many of the lovely people I talked to had no freaking clue what was wrong with me. I didn’t even know!
It’s hard when we don’t know what to ask or say when someone else is going through a personal storm. I get it, we aren’t all physical therapists. We can’t all understand the human anatomy with great detail.
Dr. Rachel had such a clear understanding and it was such a relief to have her encouragement and caring touch where I was holding in so much pain and tension. She helped me understand that I had been through a medical trauma.., and that it would be okay. She provided video resources for my mindset, since I was definitely operating out of fear, and I had to relearn to trust myself. A huge breakthrough during our sessions was identifying what was “actual” pain vs what was the anticipation of pain. Having her gently massage the scar tissue was essential for me before I went into surgery in December.
This publication is written with great gratitude to Dr. Rachel and all the medical professionals who helped me sit upright today in no pain. If you are currently confused about why your body is failing you, or doing odd things, don’t wait long to get help. Build your team.
I’m launching a “Remarkable Resources” Instagram directory in this issue because we should be able to find talented and caring professionals like her - fast.
I should make a video.
They need many videos to decide.
One of my favorite parts of going to Empowered Physical Therapy was the visuals.
There was a cool, tall skinny skeleton that shows the bone structure of our bodies. On her laptop, which we referred to quite a bit had visuals of the layers of muscle.
It was really cool to see the patterns of and direction of how the muscles naturally should move.
She also showed me “Pelvic Floor Patty,” which was this rubber bird used as a great teaching tool. Sometimes, when women have complications after pregnancy, they have muscle weakness between their legs. She illustrated this problem on the doll like a kid blowing bubble gum. When our muscles weaken, they must be rebuilt!
My issue wasn’t down there because my problems were the result of a vertical 8.5” scar (Thats like the short side of a normal piece of paper!) where I had a basketball size cyst removed a year before. All that abdominal tissue was so weak that it had actually torn. Apparently 50% of people who have that type of surgery experience having it opens back up. Nobody told me that. Nobody said you should seek physical therapy to aid in recovery.
Back to the visuals. These diagrams were very encouraging. While the CT scan visuals showed the exact problem. My second Chiropractor called it a “space occupying lesion.” It has grown to be the size of a basketball. My insides were confused and had to realign and rebuild. Also, re-learning what the muscles SHOULD do was super helpful for me. Dr. Rachel’s visuals were really spot on. As the patient, I wanted to see to understand. Had it all just been talk, I wouldn’t have clarity on what was going on with me.
Don’t feel bad for my challenges, be inspired that we have experts in our community. This publication is to raise awareness on how important remarkable visuals are to our well being.
Consultwithaphysical therapistifyou’reconcerned abouthowtobestrebuild themusclesinyourcoreor pelvicfloorarea.It’snotas simpleasdoing more/anycrunches.
We may not consider our health journey a sales process, but it’s definitely a time when we need massive encouragement and education.
FastforwardtoFeb1standit'sprobablymylastappointmentwithDr. Rachel,becauseI’mstrong.I’mable.I’mmoving.Thesurgeondidthe hardpartoflayingthemesh,restitchingthat8.5inscarontheinside.I neededthemoralsupport.IfoundDr.RachelinatimeIreallyreally neededandI’mbeyondgrateful. Asyou’relookingatyoursocialmediamarketing,communicating online;considertheemotional,socialandpsychologicalpieceofwhat yourviewersmaybeexperiencing.Whilesomethingmayormaynot befunctionallybroken,wearehumansandeverypersonthatmakesa plea,asarcasticpost,oracallforhelphasaneed.Weallhavereally strongfeelings&needsandsometimeswemaynotbeabletodescribe them.Thesearepeoplewe’recommunicatingtoandwhenwe navigatetheinternet,theyarenotjustrobots.Thesearehumanswho feel,andwhenwe’rescared,thatprovidermustconsiderourhuman side. ToquoteaTVshow:“Communicatingto1persontodayislike communicatingto1,000people.”ZoeBarnesonHouseofCards.I’m notgoingtothrowtheinitialdoctorunderthebuswhofreakedme outbutIwanttohighlightandrecommendthegoodworkhappening overatEmpoweredPhysicalTherapy.Everywomandeservestotrust howherbodyisfunctioning.Thesemicro-musclescanbe strengthenedjustlikeabiceporanythoughtofmusclegroup. Therearealotoflayerstohealing.Iencourageyoutoknowyour body.Ifyouhavepain,youdon’thavetosufferinsilence.
One of the more complex visual tactics in our Discovery Deck is the Anatogram. It highlights elements of a bigger topic. It takes thoughtful expertise and design skills to create these gems. When you do, you are building your credibility in the readers eyes.
They are a type of infographic that breaks a big topic into smaller, easier to digest pieces of content for quick learning.
What complex concepts could you better teach about with visuals?
Visualizing what I found in Dr Rachel’s Instagram
I enjoyed dozens of her videos and knew she could help me!!
Conversations may be wobbly depending what type of choas someone is emerging from.
Within the Revenue Ringlet we look at patterns of conversations, sales appointment, invoices sent, and checks received.
We also look at the momentum and trajectory of video views across the social audience matrix. What I realized from my medical nightmare was how fast someone could experience relief when they shifted to new conversations and video consumption with an expert.
On the next page three months are visualized with my circular diagram showcasing the number of videos she sent me. It takes out all my drama, financial transactions, conversations, etc. It simply shows the flow of videos she sent to me.
Consider which videos are to attract and inspire awareness and which videos are for private sharing during your consultative process.
25 videos were sent over 3 months via a private portal based on my specific needs and concerns. This is one way to visualize the flow of information.
8 videos sent on September 21
2 videos sent on October 2nd
5 videos sent on October 18th
In the world of video marketing, people ask all the time “how many videos should I make?” Every person has different needs when studying and gathering information. It’s hard to tell you how many, but I’m grateful for these first 25 Dr. Rachel sent me.
4 videos sent on Nov 27th
2 videos sent on Nov 2nd
2 videos sent on Nov 15th
2 videos sent Nov 13th
*The ring starts at the 1st and goes clockwise to the end of the month.
Influencers, bloggers, journalists, and salespeople welcome!
The goal isn’t The goal isn’t perfect perfect balance, it’s balance, it’s knowing which knowing which to improve to improve after being off after being off balance. balance.
Navigatingyourbusinesswhenit’s sofaroffcourseispossible. Gamifyingthedatabehindyour businessisaplayfulwaytogain controlbackandchangecourse. You’reonlycompetingwithyourself onthesemetrics.Sometimesaslow downpreparesforamassiveshift thatbenefitsmany.
Doaquickanalysisnow.Rate yourleadershipfrom1to100, andhowdoyouknow?
HowisyourMarketing?Sales? CustomerService?Howabout financialmanagementor productdevelopment?Areyour operationsworkingwellor bumpy?Assignanumberfor eachcategory.
What if grandparents shared more of their investment strategies? What if young people were curious to inquire?
OneuniquebusinessviatheirInstagramhandle andonecuriosityquestionaimedtohelp improvetheconversationsaswenetwork.
Checkthemoutandhoneyour conversationalresourcefulness.
Have some fun reading these with a friend or alone. When answering honestly, and if you say yes or you might need some insight on the topic, click through to learn about these business resources in our community.
Behind every username is a wealth of information and sometimes it takes some digging to truly get to where we need to go.
Want your kids to be strong with a healthy self-esteem?
@natashaventer_ ac
Want to trust yourself more?
Is your voicemail full?
How has your husband's pornography addiction affected your self confidence?
Tired of drawing your eyebrows on and taking too long to get ready?
Do you need custom embroidered swag?
Have you considered moving to the Pacific Northwest?
Ready to organize and optimize your body of work and leave your legacy behind?
@empowered_physicaltherapy Need to strengthen your pelvic floor and feel better in your body?
tions exceptional
Do you know the steps to get your home ready to SELL?
Craving fitness encouragement and zoom accountability?
Need advice about money matters during a divorce?
Want to develop your mix of humor and be more confident on stage?
@mill_ creek _guy
Ready to invest in Mill Creek?
Ready to grow your business connections in Mill Creek?
Would you like to build a sales team and earn referrals?
Want to live a happy life?
If life is a game, who’s writing your rules?
Wanttovisitthebestselfcarecenter inRentonlaunchingSummer2024?
@teresa barthol managing broker
What are the popular choices for living situations after 62?
@wanderinghummingbirdmassage Want the best most effective massage of your life?
Twice a month we review our marketing efforts together, discuss leverage points, and examine results.
Leverage your sphere of influence in new ways, collaborate creatively, share intentionally and enjoy expanding.
Know the data behind your dreams for the week, month, and each quarter. Be able to connect the dots and gain new insights.