ADASL 2010 Season Preview

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October 2010 Volume 2, Number 2 FREE









2010-2011 ADASL

Season Preview

Credit to Khrishna Cobb for photograph

A Detailed Preview of all 3 Divisions in the ADASL

Exclusive Interview:

Nyowo Scott

Footballnet Beauty

Danielle Images Frozen In Time Photography We are event photographers that can record your special lifetime and social events. Moments of our lives that we wish could be "Frozen In Time" so that we can later look back at them, smile and remember when...


October 2010 The Beautiful Game has a more interesting definition with this magazine feature. The beauties you will see in this section are a fitting accent to the game that we all love to follow. Please enjoy the sights and sounds of our Atlanta Footballnet Beauties at the official Atlanta Footballnet website!

Drefooty's Corner

This Is The Year!

The Atlanta District Amateur Soccer League is about to kick off for another season. With the recent World Cup and TV statellite games from all over the world, interest in the league is at an all time high. This will be the year for the league to make it's mark in Atlanta sports. This is indeed the year for the ADASL to flourish! But essential to this success will be an effort between league officials and players to get fan involvement and sponsors attention in order for the league to take the next step as an organization. The sell should be simple. The ADASL offers top sporting entertainment in a convenient and affordable format for any family to enjoy. In the financial climate we find ourselves in today, to find a value like this in Atlanta, for sports lovers, should be very good news. Just compare this value against going to any other sports event in Atlanta and you will see what we mean. Ticket cost, parking (and inconvenience of parking far from the arena), concessions could mean that taking your family to those events could cost you well over $100 just to attend one sporting event. Many times, after paying all of that money, you still are far from the action and have no direct

access to the action on the field (often times needing binoculars or other visual aids to watch the game). No such problem at any ADASL game. * All ADASL games are free admission. * Parking is generally free or of minimal cost like at Georgia Soccer Park. * Parking at ADASL games is usually right next to the fields. No long walks from the parking areas to the fields. *All games are located in the Atlanta Metro area. No matter the team you support, there are no long "away trips" to support your club. *The play on the filed is professional and well organized. There are uniform and officiating standards that set this league apart from other amateur leagues and the quality is second to none. If anyone is looking for a good family value for sporting entertainment, you could do far worse than to support the teams in the ADASL through attendance or sponsorship. You will be pleasantly surprised by what you find on the pitch.


The Atlanta District Amateur Soccer League

A strong administration and organizational structure makes the ADASL the elite amateur football competition in Georgia. This was made no clearer than the results from the 2009-2010 season which provided intrigue and drama with records broken at the top and the bottom of the different divisions. Newly promoted Majestic pulled off a record setting season while winning division one on the last day of the season coming from behind to defeat 2nd place B&H International in a thrilling match. Competition for places throughout the leagues was fierce with traditional league powers again providing the strongest showing on the pitch, interspersed

with surprising play from the promoted clubs. The drama in the relegation race was just as fierce and that too was decided in the closing weeks of the season. Nuesoft FC and Creswell FC finally succumbed ending the season in the relegation places. If that was not enough drama, we have learned that Creswell FC has now been reborn as and allowed to stay in division one for the coming season due to division 2's promoted team Stars SC not taking up the option for promotion to division one. This left Inkhead with the opportunity to compete at the top level for another season. Will they make a difference with the new chance they have now?


How To Win The ADASL First Division Competition for honors in the ADASL 1st Division is more complex than what meets the eye. Having the name "amateur" in the leagues' name can give the false impression that this is a recreational league, but that would be an error in judgment. What the league is in reality is a collection of skillful and ambitious players within a league structure that possesses a compelling formula of competition. Add all that up and you can understand that there are special qualities required for a team to grab the summit of the Atlanta District Amateur Soccer League. See the keys below:

Team Spirit

This is a very important component. Over the course of a season much can happen to challenge the cohesion of any team and a good team spirit is essential to help avoid a mutiny against the common cause. Teams that are able to bounce back from a setback or a dip in form are the most likely to find success in the league.


Having good players is essential to winning a title, but rarely can success be had without solid and experienced coaching. The key to success is having a managing structure that knows what it takes to keep their teams going which can make the difference in obtaining positive points week in and week out!


A big problem for some teams is finding the consistency of play on the field to keep results constant. A team needs players that are dedicated to showing up each week throughout the season to help continuity of play and results. Teams that lack that integrity in their players rarely stay in the league very long.

Team Nucleus

A strong captain that can act as liaison between the manager and players is needed. Join that with skill and talent from your goalkeeper to your front line and you will have a team that can compete week in and week out. Playing leaders on the team are needed to steady the ship in all types of conditions the team may find itself in.


Credit to Khrishna Cobb for photograph

Special Feature:


It's In The Game!

Credit to Khrishna Cobb-Bomar for photograph

Nyowo Scott And The Local Football Scene Interview by Andre Bomar Nyowo Scott has been a fixture on and off the field for the ADASL for many years. He is one of the reasons I personally discovered the ADASL after the Atlanta Silverbacks folded.

history in the game, his involvement with the Bosnian club, FC Ljiljan and his hopes for the future of the game in Atlanta.

His coverage of the local game from the grass roots level to professional has been unmatched in the last few years. Not only does he cover the game and promote individual players, he also is one of the stars of the league playing for his team FC Ljiljan in the ADASL 1st division.

Nyowo, thank you for taking time with us today. This has been an anticipated treat for us here at Atlanta Footballnet.

Nyowo sat down with us on a very hot Saturday afternoon in Smyrna, to discuss his

The pleasure is mine as well. I'm always ready to talk about football and I'm encouraged by your work with Footballnet. You've been working hard playing and promoting the league the past few years. What are your impressions of the past season?


Players like Nyowo are key to the success of the league! As always, it was a good year for the league as far as play on the field. If you ask the players, they will tell you that the league is something special and I think this year will be even better. If there was anything that was a negative last season, it was the rate of game postponements due to inclement weather. There were many times that we were ready to play a game only to be disappointed by a cancellation. I'd have to say that is the one thing that disturbed us about playing in the league last season. I do know this was more of a consequence of the field owners than the league directly. Many field administrators have expressed concern over teams playing on a wet field. I can certainly understand the financial cost that would be incurred from field repairs. But this is a point we have discussed before. If there was more interest and sponsorship support, perhaps there would be financial backing to help with field conditions after playing on a rain soaked pitch. Exactly! That is why it's so important for us to help promote the league and get more support. This would do wonders for the quality of the league and attract more interest from tournament organizers who may find Atlanta a good venue for future tourneys.


What else do you think will help the ADASL grow in popularity? One of the biggest obstacles is perception and targeting the right audience. In other words, we don't have to convert fans of other sports. There are enough people, including Americans, who already have a passion for the sport and would support the league if they knew about it. That is one of the aims we have at We feature player profiles, grass roots information on all levels of soccer and we also try to get involvement from players on a soccer network on our website. A lot of quality in the United States is overlooked, but it is alive and well. At the end of the day, the best advertisement will be word of mouth. Well, I think we are seeing a difference made already, but you are right, we will need to step it up a bit this year to really make progress.

Let's talk about your team, FC Ljiljan. How did you come to play for them and what has been your experience with Ljiljan? Well to truly understand how that happened, I need to tell you about my beginnings in the sport which stated for me as a kid back in my home country of Liberia. Yeah, we would like to know of your origins especially the circumstances that brought you to the States. Sure, I grew up with a brother and sister in my family but the nature of growing up in an impoverished nation is that we also had other family members living with us in our home and we indeed had up to 10 to 12 persons living in our home at any time. Really? Wasn't that kind of cramp? How did you cope? It was OK really because we had a home large


Find out more about Nyowo Scott over at

enough to cope. This was not an unusual arrangement in Liberia. It's a very poor country and to illustrate this, it was said that things were improving and doing better even though the poverty rate was around 85 percent! But when I was growing up there, the rate was well above 90 percent. Imagine that! Under those circumstances, how was day to day life? My Mom went to law school and worked in the law field and she eventually became a chief justice in our section of the country. My father obtained a degree in America and came back to Liberia and prospered to a great degree from a Liberian point of view. One thing to understand is that due to the limited opportunities in my country, if anyone is able to get such a degree like my father got, and then come back to Liberia, they would be in great demand in the country. So with that, we were in a good position and were able to take relatives into our home which actually ended up having a great influence on my football education.

Sometimes, they'd just say, "sit over there kid" and I'd have to sit and watch my cousins playing, but it was my education to the game. Didn't you get anxious to get out there and mix it up with them? Sure, in fact, I eventually asked my my mom, how I could get my own soccer ball. You have to realize that to get such a thing at that time in the country was a very expensive proposition. But my mom worked with me and told me that if I was able to get all A's on my report card in school, that she would get me a ball. I did manage to get those A's and thus my mom paid for a ball for me. So then, you had the clout to play with your cousins then, right? Well, not right away. See, when my parents left home, my cousins, who were much bigger than me, took my soccer ball away from me and told me to sit down while they played with my ball. Then when my parents would returned, they would give me my soccer ball back.

How did that influence take shape?

Ahh, I should have known. That is a universal problem with older relatives. (laughs)

Well in my home were all these cousins of mine and they all loved football. We played often though I was sort of the little one of the group. It became a part of our everyday routine. But because I was so small, it was tough to get them to let me play sometimes.

Right, but I did get to play more and more as I got older and I started to get a reputation as a tough player. In fact, I got the nicknames "Rambo" and "No Monkey!"


Ummm, OK, you'll have to explain that one. Well, it was a style of play that I became known for when playing in Liberia. For example, as we prepared to play an opponent, I'd step up in my area and draw a line with my boots and say out loud to my opponent that he will not be crossing that line today. (laughs) You're kidding, right? No, I'd do that and it would get the crowd going. Some days, I'd even call myself making a deal with the striker I would be playing against. I would say something like, 'hey, I'll make a deal with you today. You can cross the line, but the ball, it cannot cross with you. Or maybe I'll let the ball through, but you will not go past that line!' (laughs) It was funny, but at the same time I grew a reputation that helped to give me my nickname on the pitch. OK, now, we see how you grew up and the reputation you had, but what were the circumstances that brought you to the States? This kind of goes back to what we discussed earlier about my family. As I said, my mother worked in the government as a chief justice and my father had a good job after his schooling in the USA which meant that by Liberian standards, we were doing very well financially. Unfortunately, we were also a target to those who didn't understand how we were able to live like we did in the country.

So I guess, there was jealousy from those who wanted to attack you for who you were and because of the standard of living you had? Yes, Exactly! Some in the country are not as well informed about social realities and all they could see was that we were "well off" in a poverty stricken land and they blamed us as being part of the system that was keeping them poor, you know, keeping them down. Oh, I imagine that could not be a good thing? Not at all. And it didn't help that there was civil war raging and it was a very serious situation. We regularly received death threats and worse and my parents were concerned that we needed to get away from there. We first moved out residence in country to a very isolated location as part of the protection. My cousins and I only took our football gear, scrabble board and dictionary. So even though we were in this situation, we still played football daily and we filled our time by playing scrabble which was great to help us improve our vocabulary. Matter of fact, we are quite good at Scrabble to this day because of those days of playing the game back home. (laughs) I'm guessing a way was found to get you over to the States as further protection? Yeah, my mom was instrumental in getting the paperwork together to allow us to come to


and stressed that we needed to concentrate on our studies to get ahead. You see, she never liked the idea of soccer as a past time. She believes it is a waste of time and our time would be better served to concentrate all of our efforts on academics only. To this day, she has never seen me play soccer in person on the field. Well, that is good advice from a parent for sure, but I would have to think balance would be needed for quality of life. Oh yeah and I have a passion for the game and that passion is what brought me in contact with the guys at FC Ljiljan. I hope that I can prove to my mom I can do both. My dream is for her to see me play one day. As time went on and after waiting to get my immigration status right, I couldn't play high school ball but did play in one of the indoor leagues where a lot of the Liberians played. During this time I played on an indoor team with a Bosnian teammate. He actually invited me to play with FC Ljiljan in the ADASL. This is where I learned a lot about the culture of Bosnia and became great friend with those in

that community. It's really a privilege for a guy like me from Africa to be welcomed into a community that is so different than my own. But they are really like family to me. I consider them my brothers. This is the kind of story I keep hearing over and over again related to this game. It's so universal and brings people together of all backgrounds. Yeah, despite our different languages, cultures, etc, we all can speak the same language of football on the pitch. It's the unifying factor in our game and it's also what makes our game great! Well, this is great information for the fans of the league to get a behind the scenes look at the game. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. My pleasure. I look forward to working with you and the league in the coming season.


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2-1 to win

ADASL First Division

Only late losses to B&H Inter and Dasani ruled AC out of league championship honors this past season. AC will also want to improve on an early 2nd round exit from the Perrin Cup on penalty kicks to lower division side FC Atlanta. The experience this team will be able to call upon for the Cup and league program in 2010-2011 will see them as favorites in all competitions again.

AC SILVERBACKS Lesson from last season: Always show up to play every game. Don't take anyone for granted.

Message to fans: Come out to enjoy a talented team playing in this compelling competition. It's a good value for the entire family.

Greatest hope for the season: Compete in each game so that we have the ability to manager our own destiny. Biggest fear: Not having enough players to show up for a game and poor officiating. Player to watch: We have a team full of capable players. Any player is capable of becoming a game changer.

Last Season Finish: 3rd Place Home Venue: Atlanta Silverback Park Manager: Richard Richmond Home Colors: White Leading Scorer: Adam Boyer and Italo Cardoso (12)


3-1 to win

ADASL First Division

The 2nd straight year as bridesmaids, the hunger for a title will be strong this year for Inter. If manager Junuz Coralic can keep his core team together and add a few pieces, they will once again be one of the favorites in both the league and Perrin Cup. A traditional power, B&H will be a team to watch this season.


Lesson from last season: You must fight to the end. For the 2nd season in a row, we succumbed to late season games where valuable points were dropped. We had the title wrapped up in the first half of the last match against Majestic, but 2 late Majestic goals killed off the title challenge. Greatest hope for the season: The League and possibly the Perrin Cup titles. We have the experience and talent to compete for both trophies again this season. Biggest Fear: Injuries to key persons. Depth was an issue last term.

Player to watch: Many talents in the squad, but, Emsad Zahirovic will be the key (unless a pro team comes in for him before the season starts). Message to fans: We have the best fans in the league. Keep coming out to support us to success. Last Season Finish: 2nd Place Home Venue: GPC Clarkston Manager: Junuz Coralic Home Colors: Royal Blue Leading Scorer: Emsad Zahirovic (22)


25-1 to win

ADASL First Division

Having clung to their place in the league last term, manager Andy Thompson will look for improvement. Experience they have in abundance, but unless new personnel freshens up the line up, they may find it difficult to survive in the top division this year. Though the odds are steep for Dasani, the ADASL is known for surprises and the right combination of players could not only mean survival, but competition for honors for top half finish and Cup success.

DASANI *Editor Notes

Lesson from last season: Get your points early in the season. Dasani had a horrid start to last season and it almost cost them life in the top flight.

Message to fans: It was a tough year last year and will be another challenging year. But we have a promising squad that will be entertaining to watch. Come out and see the drama unfold on the field of play.

Greatest hope for the season: Survival and progress in division one. Biggest fear: Relegation and early Cup exit. Player to watch: Top scorer Brad Massey needs to produce again this season.

Last Season Finish: 8th Place Home Venue: Agnes Scott College Manager: Andy Thompson Home Colors: Maroon Leading Scorer: Brad Massey (6)


8-1 to win

ADASL First Division

Ljiljan proved to be one of the stronger teams of last term playing with strength and flair. Finished mid table in the league but made a Perrin Cup Final appearance where they lost to Georgia Tech FC in extra time. This is an ambitions and skillful team and mid-table will not be acceptable this season. Another strong team to watch this term.

FC LJILJAN *Editor Notes

Lesson from last season: Consistency was sorely missing. Big wins were followed up by heavy defeats.

Message to fans: We have a talented and entertaining squad that plays offensive football. Come out to see a great team make history in the league this year.

Greatest hope for the season: Nothing less than the D1 title or Perrin Cup. Hope for the double! Biggest fear: Another mediocre, mid-table performance and early Cup exit. Player to watch: This year, everyone will be the ones to watch. But leading scorer Soblan Tadjalli and Nyowo Scott will be the motivational leaders.

Last Season Finish: 6th Place Home Venue: EE Robinson Field Manager: Kabir Muhic Home Colors: Royal Blue\White Leading Scorer: Sobhan Tadjalli (19)


20-1 to win

ADASL First Division

Georgia Tech FC had one of the most successful season's in ADASL history. Tech pulled off the D2 and Perrin Cup final titles. A strong, young and organized side, Tech could prove a difficult side for the more experienced teams to break down. We look forward to see how it all plays out on the pitch for 2010-211.

GEORGIA TECH FC Lesson from last season: Never take a team for granted and show up flat to play a match. It's very easy to chalk up a tie or loss. Greatest hope for the season: Looking forward to carrying forward our past success and incorporating the new guys into the team. Biggest fear: For the manager, having the wife cut back the time needed to manage the team. :) Player to watch: Jason Daley. When he is not injured, he is the most dangerous player on the field. (for a lot

Message to fans: This is to the 2 wives, 3 girlfriends, and guys at work that are bored: Jason Daley will be suiting up in the's going to be a good season.

Last Season Finish: 2nd Division Champions Home Venue: Southern Poly State University Manager: Morgan Mullis Home Colors: Green Leading Scorer: Don Pottinger (23)


ADASL First Division

12-1 to win

Formally Creswell FC, Inkhead is reborn with the good fortune of playing in D1 another season due to Stars SC declining promotion from D2 this season. Will lessons be learned from last season's failures to make a difference in the league and Cup this season? The talent is certainly there, but what about the cohesion? We'll be there to see and report on the drama.

INKHEAD.COM Lesson from last season: Recognized that there is no easy game in the first division. In order to be successful, we will need committed team players with good attitudes which will be key. Greatest hope for the season: Pulling off a division one and Perrin Cup title double. We will be playing to win all before us this year. Biggest fear: Jason Miller won't keep his promise to score a hat trick per game. :)

Player to watch: Basically all of them! We have a team full of play-makers! Message to fans: Come on out to cheer on the Red Dawgs to a fantastic season. Last Season Finish: 9th Place Home Venue: Kopman Field Weber School Manager: Andrew Adams Home Colors: Red Leading Scorer: Micah Payton (6)


1-2 to win (favorites)

ADASL First Division

The success story of last year found Majestic winning the title in it's first year in D1. The dominance in the 2nd half of the season suggest this was no fluke. The core of the team will be returning this year with surely a few more pieces as they will be determined to defend their title. Talent, team unity and experience are components that this team has in abundance. They will be difficult to de-thrown.

MAJESTIC *Editor Notes

Lesson from last season: More of the same please. A very consistent performance was rewarded with the league title. Greatest hope for the season: Would love the Perrin Cup title and defend our league title. It will be difficult but we have the squad to do it. Biggest fear: Injuries and a dip in form. We will have the entire league gunning for us this season so we will need all hands on deck to defend our title. Player to watch: Everyone. We have a good balanced squad.

Message to fans: We had great support from fans and even former players last season. Just come on out again for another good year of football entertainment.

Last Season Finish: 1st Division Champions Home Venue: Georgia Soccer Park Manager: Nana Addaquay Home Colors: Red Leading Scorer: Patrick Carver (20)


7-1 to win

ADASL First Division

The 2008-2009 1st division champs fell short this past season after a rocky start to the season. But a strong finish to the league campaign will be a warning to other clubs that Wings will again be serious challengers for honors in the league and Perrin Cup. One of the most experienced and talented teams in the league, if Wings can add a bit of youth to their setup, the combination could help them improve on their 4th place finish last season.


Lesson from last season: Avoid a slow start to the season which cost us the challenge in both the league and Perrin Cup. Greatest hope for the season: A return to title winning form and a good run in the Perrin Cup. Biggest fear: Another slow start and players not showing up for crucial parts of the season. Player to watch: Player manager Neil Thompson to lead by example.

Message to fans: Please come out to support the league and players in this league. Your support is what is what makes the league a success!

Last Season Finish: 4th Place Home Venue: Agnes Scott College Manager: Neil Thompson Home Colors: Blue Leading Scorer: Neil Thompson (8)


10-1 to win

ADASL First Division

New boys last season, Real Pish showed strength but with a number of game cancellations and team inconsistencies, challenge for honors weakened as the season went forward. The fact that Pish only played 15 of 18 games, illustrates the problems confronting this team last year. There will have to be a new attitude and consistency if the squad has any hope of survival this season. The potential is there, but the dedication will have to improve for this club to make the difference they need to compete this year.

REAL PISH *Editor Notes

Lesson from last season: Despite having a talented team and plenty of promise, lack of dedicated players left us short of players and consistency in the later half of the season. Greatest hope for the season: Improve on last years finish and challenge for Perrin Cup. Biggest fear: Lack of team cohesion that could cause us to falter again as the season goes on. Players to watch: At press time, we do not yet have a settled side. But look for a team effort this year.

Message to fans: Although last season might have been a disappointment, we will be playing to win and prove our worth in division one.

Last Season Finish: 7th Place Home Venue: Brandon Hall Manager: Ryan Pollard Home Colors: Orange Leading Scorer: Kevin Garneys (N/A)


14-1 to win

ADASL First Division

Another strong season ended with a mid-table 5th place finish. Traditionally a strong and experienced squad, there will be expectations that manager Jason Russell will again put a quality squad on the pitch. Other teams are improving so something extra will be needed to improve on 5th place. Always and entertaining and team that plays with flair, Sting will probably surprise many with it's play this season. We'll be looking forward to seeing this team on the pitch this season.

STING GOLD *Editor Notes

Lesson from last season: Very little can separate teams in this league from title challengers to fighters of the dreaded relegation zone. Greatest hope for the season: Marked improvement over last season and move back up the table where we belong. Biggest fear: Injuries are always a big worry and we need the weather to cooperate better this year. Players to watch: Watch all of us. We have a team full of talent and anyone could step up to make the difference again this season.

Message to fans: Come out and enjoy the best soccer league in Georgia. Sting Gold will again be challenging for honors while playing attractive soccer.

Last Season Finish: 5th Place Home Venue: Oglethorpe Manager: Jason Russell Home Colors: Yellow Leading Scorer: Stephen Gathany (9)


ADASL 2nd Division The 2nd division provided it's own drama from the 2009-2010 season which saw Georgia Tech win the division by one point over 2nd place Stars SC. Equally fierce was the battle to stave off relegation from division 2 that became a 3 horse race between Wings Select, Bafana and AMG Silverbacks. Only 3 points separated all 3 teams by the end finding Wings Select surviving the battle against relegation. The new season promises to be equally competitive which is a by-product of a system of promotion and relegation that keeps the best teams rising to play in all 3 divisions.

2009-2010 Standings Georgia Tech FC Stars SC Ouzo FCB AC Majestic Havoc FC Sting FS Select Screaming Pelicans Wings Select Bafana AMG Silverbacks

Pts 41 40 37 34 30 23 21 12 10 9

With the promotion of Georgia Tech to division one a new champion will be crowned for the coming season. The only question will be who will step up to take those honors. Will one of the teams that came close last term like Ouzo FCB or AC Majestic do the job, or will a promoted team make a surprise run for the title? Perhaps the very talented D1 relegated Nuesoft FC team will return to the top flight after one season back in 2D. It will all be very interesting and we will follow the action here at Atlanta Footballnet. At the time of publishing, it has not yet been confirmed who the final teams are in Division 2, but if the past couple of seasons are anything to go by, keep an eye out for Ouzo FCB who were in division 1 just 2 years ago and ended last season just outside the promotion places. If they put together another solid squad for the coming season, they will be favorites this year to return to the top flight of the ADASL. Having said that, it would be premature to rule out AC Majestic who had a decent run in the Perrin Cup and finished a strong 4th in the league. AC have good pedigree being associated with the Majestic playing clubs and will be able to call on a lot of experience for the coming season. The field will be open for speculation on the relegation race which each team will have to come to terms with during the season. Wings Select just did survive last term but an adjustment in the lineup could mean a big difference in results for the coming season in such a closely contested league. It will be entertaining to watch and see what happens in D2 this year. Feel free to discuss this subject on our Facebook page.


ADASL 3rd Division Ambition is the word for those in division 3 looking for progress to the top leagues. Sting FS Black dominated play in the 3rd division White to take that title while Imperial Pint FC (love that name) took the 3rd division on the Blue side. This season should provide fresh challenges as new teams and old challenges continue to another season in D3.

3rd Division White 2009-2010 Standings Sting FS Black Wings Masters Inter ATL FC Georgia Tech Club Manchester Divided Bafana Dos Majestic Red FB One-Touch


3rd Division Blue 2009-2010 Standings


49 36 34 32 27 15 11 4

Imperial Pint FC Buckeye Silverbacks FC Atlanta Old Boys FCB Southern Wolves P'Cheen Pelicans FC Atlanta United FC Glory United

42 40 36 29 23 22 8 7

Division 3 is the place where dreams start and again this season, we expect tight competition from teams to fight for progress in the league on the trek to the summit of league play. It will be hard to pick who will be strongest as player personnel changes and new teams entering have not been confirmed as of this publishing. But we will be covering it all and it should all take shape as the beginning weeks start with league play. Also don't forget to follow these teams in the Perrin Cup. The Cup competition gives these clubs to try their hand at playing teams from the top divisions in the ADASL. Upsets have become common and even last year, Georgia Tech FC from D2 won the whole lot. This should be motivation for any team in any division to have faith that they too can make history by progressing in the Cup and possibly winning it. Although a large focus of Atlanta Footballnet is on division one, we will be regularly reporting on games, players and teams in all divisions including division 3. It's all compelling stuff and we encourage any who appreciate compelling competition and skillful play to come out and support these players and teams of this league. Will all games free to the public, it's a great value for a family outing and great entertainment to boot. Afterward, check out the match reports and photographs of select games over at Feel free to discuss this subject on our Facebook page. Enjoy the league!!!!


ADASL Fan Predictions For Fun, Atlanta Footballnet has asked several of it's Facebook followers to make predictions on how they believe all the teams in division one will end up by the end of the season. We are displaying 4 of the predictions here, but feel free to discuss on our Facebook wall. We love the banter! Andy Mambia West African Soccer Pundit

Nyowoskillz ADASL player Web Reporter and Player Agent

1. Majestic 2. AC Silverbacks 3. B&H International 4. FC Ljiljan 5. Melchester Wings 6. 7. Real Pish 8. Sting Gold 9. Georgia Tech FC 10. Dasani

1. FC Ljiljan 2. AC Silverbacks 3. Majestic 4. B&H International 5. Real Pish 6. Melchester Wings 7. Georgia Tech FC 8. 9. Sting Gold 10. Dasani

Perrin Cup:

Perrin Cup: FC Ljiljan

Images Frozen In Time Staff League and Event Photography Crew

Drefooty Web Reporter Editor of Atlanta Footballnet

1. AC Silverbacks 2. B&H International 3. FC Ljiljan 4. Majestic 5. 6. Melchester Wings 7. Georgia Tech FC 8. Sting Gold 9. Real Pish 10. Dasani

1. Majestic 2. AC Silverbacks 3. 4. FC Ljiljan 5. B&H International 6. Melchester Wings 7. Georgia Tech FC 8. Sting Gold 9. Dasani 10. Real Pish

Perrin Cup: Gerogia Tech FC

Perrin Cup: FC Ljiljan


Atlanta District Amateur Soccer League is the website to go to for all the official results and league information. A great source of information on the league and Perrin Cup. Check it out!

Experience the Action!

If you are interested in joining the ADASL, please contact the ADASL league administrator who will supply you with more information about how to join the league, registering a team, registering players and the general cost of play. Check out their site at:

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