Atlanta Footballnet

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January 2011 Volume 2, Number 5









Atlanta Silverbacks Professional Soccer Returns To Atlanta Silverback's President

Michael Oki The Silverbacks Fans

New Feature Articles Inside


The Lancaster Academy The Lancaster Academy is the brain-child of Martyn and Mysti Lancaster to help improve the performance of the serious sports player. The Academy gives specialized instruction in Soccer and Tennis with emphases on instruction from the best European and American coaching professionals in the sports field. The Academy is geared for a player in any sport to excel at the highest level. Proven training methods from Europe, where the passion of the game at it's highest level will show on the field for teams and individuals that take advantage of this specialized instruction. Look for more announcements about the Academy as the summer approaches. Atlanta Footballnet will be working closely with the Academy as the summer approaches and the Academy doors open for player training.

Footballnet Beauty

January 2011 Ebony returns to "page 3" with another stunning image to warm the heart of any fan of the beautiful game. This school teacher helps us to remember that there are more beautiful images to enjoy other than the artistry on the pitch.

Ebony Images Frozen In Time Photography We are event photographers that can record your special lifetime and social events. Moments of our lives that we wish could be "Frozen In Time" so that we can later look back at them, smile and remember when...

Where To Find All Footballnet Beauties


CONTENTS League Returns Winter breaks for fans can be a troublesome time from a footy aspect. Sure it's great for the players and officials because a rest is welcome during a festive period. But the long layoff creates desperate anticipation for action to return for the footy fanatic. I'm a footy fanatic. I realize that in the country I live in, there is not the attention or appreciation of the game as it is in other parts of the world. And the fact that the English premier handles the holiday period by increasing it's fixture list instead of taking a break, is tonic enough for others. But I am a huge fan of the local game and I want to see it grow and prosper. Because of this, my attention is primarily focused on the ADASL, it's players, managers and officials.

10 22

Just like the Silverbacks on their return, the ADASL will be nothing without fan and sponsorship support. It's up to us to help breath life into the game and not let apathy allow this sport to die (again) here.

Drefooty Corner


CONTENTS FEATURES Silverbacks Return (pt 1) (Cover Story)


Silverback's President Michael Oki (pt 2)


Westside 109 (pt 3)




Drefooty's Corner


Images Frozen In Time Photo Actions


Player and Manager of the Month Nov & Dec '10


Kid's A Bit Special


Soccer in the Streets


Match Recaps



Images Frozen In Time

December 2010 Matches

This 3rd division encounter between Pelicans White and Bafana Dos was under sub-freezing conditions and a driving snow. Very unusual for Atlanta, but the show went on in this thrilling game won by Pelicans by the score of 3 - 2. Read more in the match reports section on page 24.

Images Frozen In Time for December 2010

Images Frozen In Time for December 2010

Weather conditions and travel logistics played havoc with coverage of the league in December, but what we were able to cover did not disappoint. The 2nd round of the Perrin Cup was among the league action on display. Going into the winter break, places changed throughout the divisions as teams jockeyed for an advantage once the winter break was over. For the fan, it created drama and excitement that will carry over into the new year.

The Silverbacks On The Horizon!

Part 1

Silverbacks Return...

...What It Means. Article By Andre Bomar Photography by Images Frozen In Time Photography

Announcing: "Professional soccer has officially returned to Atlanta Georgia!" The team will begin play this April, 2011 at Silverback Park against Minnesota. The celebrations of that announcement are still ongoing, but what will this ultimately mean for soccer in Atlanta? Will the support be there for the team that was absent nearly 3 years ago when the doors closed on the Silverbacks the first time? Can it be different this time around. Reading the press release, the

expression was made by the Chief Executive of Traffic Sports (the new owning interest in the Silverbacks) that "Atlanta has a rich history of supporting the highest level of professional soccer." While there can be admiration for such a compliment of our city from the Traffic officials, do we actually deserve such praise? 3 years, ago, the Silverbacks folded due to a lack of fan support. Attendance for league games was very poor. The club international friendlies against

the likes of Independiente of Argentina, Cruz Azul of Mexico and Olimpia of Honduras (The team that legendary Silverback, Alex Pineda Chacon played) were all poorly supported. Most noticeably the last "fan appreciation" party for players and fans to intermingle after the 2008 season had more players in attendance than actual fans. An embarrassment by any standard. So this announcement is, in a sense, a 2nd chance for fans to save a club to support.


These "support" issues were all contributing reasons for loss of sponsorship appeal. Let's face it, a professional soccer team cannot survive on the income brought in from fan attendance alone. A club needs to give sponsors a reason to invest in the club. That will be a huge task for the Silverbacks going into the 2011 season. The fans can play their part. The new owners, Traffic Sports, are based in Miami and already have investment interest in Miami FC (soon to be Fort Lauderdale Strikers) and Minnesota. They have been involved in organizing much of the international soccer events in the southeast region including most of the CONCACAF FIFA World Cup Qualifying matches, 5 of the last 6 CONCACAF


Gold Cups, The CONCACAF Champions Cup, the Under-17 CONCACAF Regional Championship, the Central American (UNCAF) Nations Cup, the Central American (UNCAF) Club Champions Cup and hundreds of friendly matches. They were established over 15 years ago. This impressive list of activity from Traffic Sports Inc is an encouragement. What is needed for this team on it's return to action is a controlling interest with both experience in football management and a passion for the sport. Traffic's resume qualifies. Additionally, business profit is always a consideration for any owner. An understandable rule of investment is that you don't

purchase or invest in a venture to lose money or to financially regress. What is different about purchasing a sports club is that there are many other aspects affecting success. Owners, management, players, fans and performance on the field are all involved with the profit margin. With Traffic Inc comes one qualifying part of that puzzle, but only one part. Next a skillful management staff is needed, then dedicated players and lastly (but not least) supporting fans who will support the club. Knowing all of this shows that the Silverbacks still face an uphill battle to make this club a success, But the goals for success are certainly reachable. With Traffic as controlling

owners, taking the lead in building a management team and playing staff is underway and and can be scheduled to meet calendar deadlines. However, the remaining variable is not controllable by the new ownership. "The fans". Marketing plans can be formulated, advertisement done, but unless the fans buy into the new team, it will fail again. The fans involvement will have to be done by the fans

themselves. This boils down to one thing: fans recognizing that they have a part to play in the success of the club. Make no mistake about it, if the fans do not step up to support, the club will not survive and the past failure is evidence of this as explained in the first part of this article. So what will be different this time? Encouraging signs are already occurring with previous fan club, Westside 109 is re-forming to re-build

support including pre-game tailgating and fan parties. Soccer Streets organizer, Jason Longshore is helping to liaison between the club and fans to help unify ownership with fan support. Traffic itself is looking to expand marketing to fans of the sport (a serious failing the last time around). What is left, is for the fans to individually decide that they want to keep this team and to attend and monetarily support the team to secure it's future. We'll be there to see how it all rings out.


The Silverbacks Return Q and A with Atlanta Silverbacks President,

Part 2

Michael Oki

Michael Oki is president of operation for the Atlanta Silverbacks and has seen the ups and downs of the club over the last few years. Today, Mr. Oki sat down with Atlanta Footballnet to answer a few questions on how he got involved with the Silverbacks and the outlook for the future.

AF: How did you get interested in soccer originally? MO: I've played soccer all my life. I started when I was 4 years old and grew up playing on competitive teams in Northern California. I continued to excel at the sport through high school and went to Emory University where I played and was captain of the team my senior year. AF: Who did you support as a youngster (player? team?) and who do you look up to today? MO: As a kid, I didn't get exposure to a lot of international soccer. My experiences came from on the field. As I grew older and was exposed to more of the sport in high school and college, I became a fan of great play on the field more so than any individual team. Obviously, I have become a Silverbacks fan through and through! I continue to follow not only the team, but the players who have been a part of this organization over the years. AF: Mr. Oki, how did you get involved with the Atlanta Silverbacks? MO: I became involved with the Silverbacks after applying to an open position which was directly responsible for the development and creation of Atlanta Silverbacks Park. After the project was finished, it made sense for me to become involved in the Silverbacks organization on a full time basis as development continued. AF: What were your feelings the first time the Silverbacks folder? MO: It was a disappointment to all of us that the pro team had to take the past couple of years off. It was something that we had to take a very hard look at and I don't think anyone wanted the team to fold. However, given the situation, I know that it was the best decision for our organization. With the creation of the new league, the NASL, we finally have a league structure we believe in and can support.

AF: What Challenges do you see with the Silverbacks this time around?


MO: I think that the Silvebacks have many of the same challenges that we had when we were operating before. If anything, we are working in a more complex environment now than back in 2008 due to the change in the economy. But we look at it as having more opportunities as well. We are starting from scratch and have the knowledge and experience of what has and has not worked in the past. There is a lot to get done prior to the start of the season, but I feel that we already have some great things in motion for the 2011 season. I think you will see more of a focus on the game-day experience this year than in past years.

AF: What is your outlook for the Atlanta Silverbacks for this season and seasons to come? MO: I look forward to getting a stadium full of passionate fans each game and creating a team that is both exciting and enjoyable to watch. From season to season it is important that we continue to improve on things across the board. AF: What can fans do to support the Silverbacks? MO: The most important thing fans can do to support the Silverbacks is to spread the word about the team to others and make sure to come support the team at home games. AF: Can you give us your involvement with the ADASL? MO: Personally, I have played and managed teams in the league for the past seven years only taking off this current season due to injury. In regards to the Silverbacks organization, we have worked with the ADASL and other local soccer leagues in the past and will continue to look for ways to work with one another. The Atlanta Silverbacks Soccer Club has had teams participating in the ADASL since it was created and currently has three teams that participate in the league. Atlanta Silverbacks Park has donated field space to the ADASL's Perrin Cup tournament each year for the final stages. I believe the pro team will be more involved with local soccer leagues this year than ever before. AF: What do you think of the ADASL as a competition? MO: The ADASL is a great local amateur league. It is well run and has been a staple in the Atlanta soccer community for years. As I mentioned before, I have personally been a part of the league for many years. AF: Do you think the ADASL can indirectly or directly link or influence what happens with the SIlverbacks? MO: I believe that anyone and everyone can be of influence in what happens with the Silverbacks. I think that is one of the great things about the Silverbacks. WE are here to see professional soccer become a success in Atlanta. To me, that means anyone can be influential, but it is what we do collectively that will make the greatest impact. AF: Is there anything else that you would like to say to the soccer fans in Atlanta? MO: We appreciate the support that all of the fans have shown over the years and look forward to seeing everyone back out at games this year. Go Silverbacks!!!


The Silverbacks Return Part 3

Westside 109 is the best known supporter's groups for the Atlanta Silverbacks. Upon the return of the team to the playing field, Westside 109 will be returning as the stands with chanting and drums to get behind the club and cheer them on to success.

The Silverbacks Return

The Fans Regroup And Return In this 3rd part of our 3 part series on the Silverbacks returning to Atlanta, we introduce a new regular feature column to cover Westside 109. Westside 109 is a loyal collection of supporters organized for the promotion and support of the Atlanta Silverbacks Soccer Team. Excitement about the return of the Silverbacks is particularly exciting for this rowdy bunch of supporters. There has always been a special relationship between this group and the players on the field. This group has always taken the lead in getting behind the club during both the ups and downs of a game and now the energy is building again. Atlanta Footballnet will be featuring a monthly column surrounding


the activities of this supporter's group that is involved in everything including game-time support for the Silverbacks, tail-gating before matches, event parties, away games travel, support of the Atlanta Rollergirls Roller Derby squad and much, much more! As the season approaches, the fan group is already making plans for the first game which will include an opening day tail-gate party to get thing good and truly going. But there is a special desire to get behind the club this 2nd chance we they have and all are welcome to join in as they look to build a strong following and intimidating environment for opponents to show Atlanta as the best fans in the NASL!


November and December Atlanta Footballnet Awards Sponsored by Images Frozen In Time Photography

Atlanta Footballnet sponsor, Images Frozen In Time Photography is proud to present the inaugural monthly player and manager of the month awards for October 2010 in each month during the season. This award is to recognize significant contributions a player and manager has made for his team. Participants in Division One are eligible for the awards. Award presentations will typically be performed the last playing weekend of each month in the season and covered here in Atlanta Footballnet Magazine. The goal of this award is to recognize player and managers that excel at the highest level and also to raise the awareness of the contributions these players make each month for their teams and in turn the league.

Congratulations to November's Winners:

2010 November Player of the Month

Emsad Zahirovic

B&H International forward, Emsad Zahirovic is November's recipient for Player of the Month. It's hard to deny him the honors this month with his scoring exploits for B&H International which has saw the end the month in 1st place led by his play in attack. Zahirovic November with a league leading 15 goals after just 7 games. He continues a fine form of scoring which has seen him win the Golden Boot award in the ADASL 3 out of the last 4 years. He is again favored this season after a bright start. This award is to the player determined to have contributed the most to their team either by an outstanding performance or superb team leadership.

2010 December Manager of the Month

Junuz Coralic

B&H International pull off the double of awards this month as Inkhead did last month by also winning the manager of the month award for November. Junuz Coralic gets the honors for steering his team in dominating fashion to the summit of Division 1 by the end of November playing scintillating football along the way. There is great respect at the offices of Atlanta Footballnet for this team that consistently competes at the highest level which is a testament of the work the manager has put into the squad. This award is given to the manager who has inspired outstanding performance from their team in each selected month.


Congratulations to December's Winners: 2010 December Player of the Month

Rama Canovas

Rama Canovas gets the December player of the month award for a combination of playing and leadership that has driven consistency for Melchester Wings as they compete for top spot in the league. We were also impressed by the respect opponents give him by word and when playing against him which is another quality of a true champion. The play of Canovas is a major reason Wings are competing for honors this season. This award is to the player determined to have contributed the most to their team either by an outstanding performance or superb team leadership.

2010 December Manager of the Month

Chad Wiseman

Majestic manager Chad Wiseman has put together a solid team that won the league championship last term but by the end of December were also back in 1st place. The defending champions are defending the title as champion's should; by playing stylish and solid football which is impressive given that all other teams are attempting to raise their own game to knock Majestic off their perch. But so far, Majestic are up to the challenge and the manager is leading the way. This award is given to the manager who has inspired outstanding performance from their team in each selected month.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available for the Player and Manager of the Month Awards Contact us at Atlanta Footballnet at or 404-247-7097


Kid's A Bit Special Coming soon to an ADASL team near you. Up and coming soccer star, Trevor Greenwald. Following are some QandA's to get you to know the budding young talent. AF: Where are you from originally? TG: Born in Colorado, but moved to Atlanta when very young so really been here most of my life. AF: When did you get into Soccer? TG: It was really at these rec fields from the age of 4 -5 years. I played on a variety of elite teams as well as in Middle School. Now of course I'm looking to take the next step up in competition. AF: When were you born? I was born in 1993 AF: What position do you play and prefer to play? TG: Most of the time I play center or attacking mid, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be defensive midfield. I enjoy playing that position the most. AF: Any nicknames for you? TG: Not really anything wild, but people do call me "Trev" AF: Do you have any favorite teams you follow? TG: Yeah, I really like Chelsea in England. As I was growing up,they were really the team most well know and it's also my dad's favorite team too, so it was natural for me to pick them up too. AF: Is your dad into soccer? TG: Yes very much so. He is a high school coach and has his FIFA C license and looks to keep advancing as a coach. AF: What would you say was your best quality on th field. TG: I think I have a pretty got shot, but I'd say my best quality is passing. finding the open man and getting him the ball. AF: What would you say you have to work on to improve your game. TG: I think staying on the ball while in possession. I think I have good physical size


Trevor Greenwald but I am not yet using my size in the best way possible. I'm working with Martyn Lancaster everyday to improve this aspect of my game. AF: Any Favorite soccer players you follow? TG: Messi of Barcelona for the way he plays. He's an amazing player I'd like to emulate. AF: Best moment on a soccer field so far? TG: I'd say last season against a rival when we were trailing with time running out and I managed to score a free kick from about 30 yards out after being down 3-2. The goal allowed us to tie that game and contributed to us winning the eventual championship. AF: Now that you have learned about the ADASL, would you like to play in that league. TG: Absolutely. I want to eventually get a trail in Germany through my dad, but the ADASL experience will enhance my game and I look forward to playing in that league this year.

Introducing A New Regular Feature in Atlanta Footballnet Magazine

To extend our coverage of the grass roots scene, Atlanta Footballnet it proud to introduce a new regular feature By Jason Longshore. "Soccer In The Streets"

Soccer in the Streets empowers kids who lack opportunity by using soccer as a medium to make them employable adults. Founded in 1989, the organization has used soccer to reach thousands of kids in the metro Atlanta area over the last two decades. It's amazing to see how soccer can motivate kids to become successful. I have worked for the organization since 2006. During the summer of 2008, I started working with a group of teenagers in the East Point/College Park area. It's truly been a life changing experience to watch these kids grow up and become young adults. And it all started with a ball... For Soccer in the Streets, it isn't about producing players, it's about producing successful people. Five of my players graduated from high school in May. Three of them are attending various forms of post secondary education and the other two are working full time.

by Jason Longshore That's the most important thing to me. I'd love to be able to go see one of my kids play in college or in the pros, but I'll also love to go visit them at their job. 2011 is set to be a big year for the organization. Between the efforts of our board of directors to launch a successful fundraising campaign and a large grant from the Coca-Cola Foundation, Soccer in the Streets is poised to expand its programming to serve more kids in the metro Atlanta area. Funding has been difficult in recent years, but things finally look to be changing for the better. Between our coaching opportunities and classroom sessions, we are always in need of support from the soccer community. This can take the form of volunteering, making a donation, or just spreading the word and telling the stories of our kids. Visit for more information on how you can get involved.

Look For Us On The Web: 23

Featured Games from December 2010 2-2 Sting Gold

B&H 7-0 Sting Royal

Bafana Dos 2-3 Pelicans W.

AC Silverbacks 3-1 Dasani


2 2 Sting Gold Kopman Field, Weber School

Copyright 2010 by Images Frozen In Time Photography Today's game was a rivalry of a different sort as both of these clubs call Kopman field their home field. Inkhead's play at this point had them at the top of the D1 table with a desire to get maximum points to consolidate their lead at the summit, but Sting Gold was to spoil the party for the Red Dawgs as they shared the points on the day.

Sting Gold team that used their experience and half time adjustments to claw back Inkhead and help end the game all level at 2-2.

A very good crowd was on had for this match on a cold Sunday afternoon. A match that was dominated early on by later was matched in effort and possession by a resurgent

Man Of the Match:

Both of these teams are playing well both in the league and in the cup and end of the season silverware is a strong possibility for both clubs. Stay tuned for more from both of these squads.

Kenneth Jonsson (Sting Gold) 25


B&H International Sting Royal

7 0

[Perrin Cup] Wade Walker Field

Copyright 2010 by Images Frozen In Time Photography


B&H International manager, Junuz Coralic, fielded a largely full-strength team for this Perrin Cup encounter against 3rd division opponents Sting Royal. Despite this, Sting Royal showed no fear early on as they went on the offensive in an effort to take a shock lead against their D1 opponents. But B&H held out firm and quickly started to impress their strength against Sting Royal.

another 6 goals to win going away. Goals from Abba Yanford, Emsad Zahirovic, Erol Saracevic and Perica Tomic were too much strength and experience for Sting Royal to contend with on this day.

There would be no "giant killing" today as once B&H finally scored after 25 minutes, the flood gates appeared to open for Inter as they put in

Emsad Zahirovic

B&H International went on to advance in the Perrin Cup by ending the game at 7-0. Man Of the Match:

(B&H International)


Bafana Dos Pelicans White

2 3

Riverwood High School

Copyright 2010 by Images Frozen In Time Photography In our first ever division 3 focus match, we had a dandy. Pelicans White went to Riverwood High School to face off against Bafana Dos. These 2 clubs are fighting hard for promotion from the 3rd division and the play on the field illustrated this point under difficult conditions.

Pelicans would get a foot hold only for Bafana Dos to pull back level. With Both clubs level going into the 90th minute, a audacious chip after good approach play by Lawrence Monroe got past the Dos keeper to give Pelicans White the victory and all 3 points at the death.

It was a freezing and snowy day with high winds. This backdrop surrounded a spirited game where the winner was decided in the dying minutes of the game.

The effort put in by both of these clubs in those conditions suggested they both will be in the mix when promotion is decided.

This game went back and forth as where

Lawrence Monroe

Man Of the Match:

(Pelicns White)



AC Silverbacks Dasani

3 1

[Perrin Cup] Silverback Park

Copyright 2010 by Images Frozen In Time Photography AC Silverbacks have been on a sort of revival of sorts and this Perrin Cup win against fellow D1 team, Dasani, continued that revival. In a match at the soccer specific, Silverback Park, AC bested a battling Dasani as both looked to advance in this compelling competition.


Dasani has been struggling badly in the league, but had won their first round Perrin Cup match to find themselves here with a chance at further advancement. But AC Silverbacks also were desperate to advance and they got the necessary

breaks in the game to make the difference. After taking the lead Dasani had their chances even a controversial goal disallowed which contributed to the drama on the pitch. But Dasani just couldn't get enough of the game to make the necessary difference and AC Silverbacks defeated Dasani by the score of 3-1 to advance on to the next round. Man Of the Match:

Sobhan Tadjalli (AC Silverbacks)

Atlanta District Amateur Soccer League is the website to go to for all the official results and league information. A great source of information on the league and Perrin Cup. Check it out!

Experience the Action!

If you are interested in joining the ADASL, please contact the ADASL league administrator who will supply you with more information about how to join the league, registering a team, registering players and the general cost of play. Check out their site at:

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