So Jesus Says to Me, “Deny Thyself, Resist Not Evil, and Ask Abundantly” Source: By Drew Doggett
But to get rich I have to get better at serving people. I also have to maximize my spirituality, my love, compassion, my fitness, my health, my honesty, my relationships, my sexuality, masculinity… every area. This is what I’m called upon to do by Jesus… to move beyond ego identification… to move beyond time, beyond thinking… and just to be, to breathe. And then to serve.
I remember riding the bus to and from work and school in Denver many years ago, reading Thomas Merton’s Life and Holiness ( and wanting with all my heart and being to be as a clean window so that all of God’s light could come through and I would do nothing but His will. I wanted nothing more than to be the tool of his will. His servant, 100%. Complete surrender to love, light, radiant Being is high on my list of all-time interests and passions.
He’s said “Deny thyself,” as well as “Resist not evil.” And these suggestions are to get me closer to my soul. Closer to the unlimited radiance and outpouring of my soul. “Deny thyself” means, to me, to cease identifying my self with thought-forms. Instead, to just be, just breathe. Be seated in the source of love, light and Being that we are made of, without thought. Deny your false forms — that which we normally think of as ourselves — and embrace our true Being, our one Love. Live as love, not as thought. When we resist evil, we bring ourselves to its energy level. By resisting not evil, we radiate cleansing sunlight, energy, and warmth, continuously. Just as the actual sun shines forth on everything, without discriminating, without trying to withhold its beneficial rays from anyone or thing, we should be like the sun and shine forth our goodness and love indiscriminately. Flow. Not resist. “To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
Now, after years of struggle — even into the depths of alcoholism (years ago) — I’ve figured out that the very best thing I can do for the whole world is
to make the most of myself. I can serve God and man best by maximizing myself… in every area, including getting rich.