2014 2015 winter newsletter2

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Principal’s Message Here is an update on the funding for Adult Education. Governor Brown released his 2015-16 budget proposal. It contains some very good news for education, and specifically for California’s adult schools. The highlights…. The Budget provides $500 million in the Proposition 98 General Fund for the Adult Education Block Grant, which is an integral component of the state’s workforce development strategy. The block grant will fund programs in elementary and secondary basic skills, classes and courses in citizenship and English as a second language for immigrants, education programs for adults with disabilities, short‑term CTE programs linked to occupations with high employment potential, and programs for apprentices. The inclusion of this language in the proposed budget validates the importance of adult education to our community and the education of California’s workforce, and provides much hope for the implementation of our regional consortium comprehensive plans.

The Adults with Disabilities (AWD) program received a donation from the Candle Lighters. Michele and Vince attended a luncheon in January and were given a certificate for the purchase of market umbrellas, various garden tools; brooms, dustpans, shovels, rakes, hand spades, garden waste containers, compost bins, a rototiller, and wood to update our planter boxes from Dale Hardware. Our teachers and staff appreciate the donation from the Candle Lighters and we all want to say Thank You!

Kartika R.

Your principal, Steve Giudici

Shopping for new garden supplies!

Dates to Remember Mar 31 Apr 3 Apr 6-10 Apr 13 May 25 May 26

Cesar Chavez Day No School Staff Development Day No School Spring Break No School Classes Resume School in session Memorial Day No School Classes Resume School in session

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


We are lucky to have Lori, Lorraine, Yina, Walter, and Tanyasia to help us learn new things. Here is some of interesting information about each one.

Lori Rauscher

Lorraine Leen

Interview by Agnes C.

Interview by Nick L. and Kevin Y.

Lori Rauscher has been a teacher’s aide at Noll Center for 19 years. She was born in Castro Valley. She went to American High School and Ohlone College. Her favorite music is R and B and oldies. She likes Mexican food and her favorite movie is Pretty Woman. She loves novels and enjoys taking the students out in the community. She is married, has two sons, two daughter-in-laws, and three grandchildren. Her words of wisdom are “treat people as you would want to be treated.” Her hobbies include, walking, Zumba, and playing with grandchildren. She enjoys coming to work and see everyone’s smiling faces.

Lorraine has been a teacher’s aide at the Noll Center for 10 years. She likes to listen to James Taylor and Carole King. She enjoys eating Mexican and Italian food. Her favorite book is Pillars of the Earth. She likes to take the students to the Fremont Library and have them shelve books. She has been married to Tom for 23 years and has three daughters; Laura, Linda, and Lisa. All three of her girls are cheerleaders and they love it. Her words of wisdom are “treat others with respect.” Her hobbies include puzzles, and crafts. She has two dogs, Charlie and Angel, and one cat named Katniss. She was born in Loma Linda, CA, and went to Samuel Ayer High School in Milpitas, Santa Clara University, and Golden Gate University. After college, she got a job working for the phone company. One of the projects she worked on was the fiber-optics used for connecting the Internet in 1997. She left the phone company in 1997 when her third daughter, Lisa, was born. She started working at Noll when Lisa started Kindergarten. She loves working with the students and staff at Noll.

Walter Wong Interview by Zohal A. and Marie C. Walter has been a substitute teacher’s aide at Fremont Adult School for seven months. He likes to listen to Rock, Jazz, and Christian music. He likes to eat fried chicken, greasy cheeseburgers, and French Fries. His favorite movies are Troy, Heat, Flowers of War, and Ocean’s Eleven. His favorite books are the Bible, and Of Mice and Men. He likes to teach any subject that the students want to learn, like mathematics. He was born in San Mateo. He has a wife and children. His words of wisdom are “treat people how you want to be treated.” His hobbies include eating out, watching sports on TV, and listening to live music. He went to San Jose State University and Canada Junior College. He loves to work! We are happy to report that Walter was recently hired to work permanently here at Noll! Hooray! Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

Tanyasia Hutson Interview by Khalid S. Tanyasia has been working as a substitute teacher’s aide at the Noll Center for a short while. She was born in Oakland, CA, and is a graduate of Cal State Eastbay in 2007. She listens to R&B and Gospel. She likes to eat pizza. Her favorite movie is The Bodyguard. She enjoys reading the Bible. She likes to teach exercise to her students. She has a mom, a dad, and three brothers. Her words of wisdom are “treat others like you want to be treated.” In her spare time, she bakes and rides her bicycle.

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


Vegetable Portuguese soup Ingredients Olive oil in a soup pot 1 large onion diced 1 cup cut carrots 4 cloves minced garlic 8 cups of chicken stock 2 cups Yukon potatoes diced 1 Tsp herb de Provence or dried thyme 1 bunch of kale 1 can to diced tomatoes with juice 1 can white cannellini beans. Drained ½ lb. smoked pork sausage cut into chunks Salt and pepper Lori M. Santos

Directions Heat oil in a large pot over medium low heat. Add onion, carrots, and cook until tender, 510 minutes. Then add garlic for 2 minutes. Add stock, potatoes, herb de Provence or thyme. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low heat and simmer until potatoes are partially soft, about 15 min. Rinse Kale and remove the tough stems. lf the Kale is big leaf, tear in them into bite size pieces. Add Kale, tomatoes, beans, and sausage. Cook until potatoes and Kale are soft, 5-10 minutes. If the soup is too thick, thin it with more stock. Season with salt and Pepper. “Yummy”.

In the garden, the students water the plants, plant seeds, pull weeds, and harvest vegetables for our food. Vince continues to help them every day. The students have learned a lot about gardening. Marie C.

Sam watering plants

Marcus and Judy pruning the plants

Vince showing Elizabeth how to plant

Khalid planting a plant

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


A group of students are doing some landscaping for the main campus. They are planting succulents and other plants to make it look beautiful. ~Marcus M.

Once a week, students go around the entire campus picking up garbage and sweeping in order to keep the campus clean. It is a good way for the students to learn how to cleanup, not just at school, but at home. ~Marcus M.

Hector Before Hector



Newsletter Contributors

After Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

Agnes C. Judy A. Kartika R. Kevin Y. Khalid S. Lori S. Marcus M. Marie C. Walter 4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

Writer/Layout Writer/Editor Writer/Layout Interviewer Photographer Artwork/Recipe Writer/Editor Photographer/Proofer Photographer 510.793.6465 x29511


SAFE-HAPPY-PLACE Every Tuesday, the students and teachers meet to discuss topics that help create a SAFE-HAPPY-PLACE. Recently, we have been discussing: NO DRAMA POLICY: We are learning how to handle situations that happen during break or when class is in session. If a situation happens that can not be handled by the students, then they need to get a teacher or aide to help them to be able to handle the situation in a positive manner. CELL PHONE POLICY: Teachers and students have decided that there will be no cell phones allowed during class times. If we need to answer a call or make an important call during class, we will need to ask the teachers permission. Phone calls are allowed during break and lunch times and should only be up to two minutes max. Texting can be done only during break time. We have a new rule that there will be no cell phones in the bathroom, texting and talking included.

Holidays National Nothing Day Squirrel Appreciation Day Measure Your Feet Day Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Backward Day Thank a Mailman Day National Gum Drop Day Peanut Butter Lover’s Day Plant a Flower Day Potato Chip Day Find a Rainbow Day High Five Day Blah, Blah, Blah Day Jelly Bean Day

January 16 January 21 January 23 January 25 January 31 February 4 February 15 March 1 March 12 March 14 April 3 April 16 April 17 April 22

PERSONAL SPACE POLICY: The students and teachers talk about personal space. There will be NO touching, pushing, shoving, or getting into someone’s face while talking to them. Give them room when you are near them. Judy A.

The Computer Lab now has NEW headsets with microphones. The students use them to practice their reading, math, play games, and watch videos.

Ingredients 1 cup gentleness 1 ounce trust powder 1 dash love 2 dozen smiles 4 pounds harmony 2000 grams cheerfulness 5 pieces laughter 19 tablespoons respect 9 packages of honesty

By Judy A. Directions Put all ingredients together. Mix around very well. Repeat steps 365 days of the year. Shake and bake till well done. Enjoy to your hearts content. Makes: Long Lasting Friendships

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


Students go bowling once or twice a week at Cloverleaf Bowl in Fremont. They take turns going with different groups. ~Khalid S.

Climbing to the top, looking at the scenery.

Checking out the Marsh Boardwalk

The students practice using their money skills when they go shopping at the store.

Visiting the exhibits and displays


Caleb Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


We go to library and we get the cart and we put the books in alphabetical order. After we arrange the books in the proper order, we put the picture books on the shelves. ~Marie C.

The students visit PetSmart to see the animals and fish.

Sam, Zohal, Hector, and Keola

Jill, Christina, and Peter put the books in the bin.

Hector, Zohal, and Sam

Michelle is re-shelving the books.

Throughout the year students get to participate in science activities including Trout-In-The-Classroom, going on nature walks, and even some physics! The students practice their culinary skills in the kitchen. They made brownies using applesauce instead of oil. They ate them for lunch. ~Khalid S.

Sam at a distance Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


The students love practicing their math skills. They do worksheets, use calculators, and help each other learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Basketball continues to be a favorite activity during break time.

Michelle, Richard, Sam, and Bobby

It’s not how big you are, it’s how big you play.

Students like to warmup before school in the multipurpose room.

The AWD program is in need of some items and are looking for donations. Below is a list of items that we could use in the classrooms. Your donation would be greatly appreciated. Refrigerator It seems our appliances are starting to breakdown. If you would like to donate a new or used refrigerator, it would be greatly appreciated. Upright Freezer If you would like to donate a freezer, we could use a new upright freezer in the classroom. The one in the classroom is quite old and has sprung a leak. Gardening We are always in need of help seeds, pots, and potting soil for the garden.



Basketball Hoop The students enjoy playing basketball. The current hoop is in need of replacement. All donations are tax deductible. Please contact Roshni at 510.793.6465 x29511 or Michele at x29505 for details.

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


On February 12, the Noll school had a Valentine’s dance. DJ Nick was here to play music and we all danced and had a blast. ~ Marcus M.

Becky and Eric

Kevin and Lori

Linda and Susan K

Agnes and Veronica Agnes and Veronica

Khalid and Steve

Michele and Keola

Kartika and Roshni

Elizabeth, Walter, and Sam

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


Our annual Holiday Open House was held on December 10, 2014. Lots of family and friends came to visit our school. ~ Agnes C.

Hector and Friends

Becky and her mom

Monica and Michele

Ricardo and his mom

Jesus and his dad

Keola, Marcus, and David C.

Kartika Jesus and andhis Roshni dad

Keola,Kimmy Marcus, andand Becky David C.

Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


Our Annual Christmas Dance was held on December 18, 2014. DJ Nick came by and played some music. All of the students had an awesome time dancing with their friends. ~Marcus M.

Lori and Nick the. DJ

The Gang

Roseanne, John, and Jesus

Michele and Hector

Zia and Violet

Raj and Chloe

Agnes, Khalid, and Judy

Eric and Bobby

Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


The students shared one of their favorite gifts they received for the holidays. ~Judy A. Judy Aldridge Starbucks insane coffee card

Elizabeth Garibo Fashionable pajamas

Roger Anglin Luxurious scarf

Keola Hope Splendid headphones

Zohal Azizi A jail leather jacket

Jill Kinsey Awesome iPad

David Brown Awesome jazzy helmet

Richard Koury A fabulous jersey shirt

Kim Campbell A beautiful music box

Susan Kwong Attractive scarf & glove set

Marie Cardema Perfume

Becky Ledgewood Cute clothes

David Carr Delicious candy

Nick Leung Extraordinary Star trek Federation: the 1st 150 year book

Ricardo Cason X-box One Christina Cecconi Cozy warm sweatshirt Agnes Cheng Target gift card Edna Cobarrubia Wonderful television Jesus DeLeon Handsome red-tank-top Annette Ferreira Pretty bottle of perfume Cathy Foreman Beautiful purse Susan Fuller Wicked good slippers Chloe Funesto One-of-a-kind pants

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

Bianca Luna Large high definition screen television Jose Mariscal Sporty Giant’s jacket Peter Maslin Eye-catching jacket Marcus Mcmillan A superb blue binder Kelly Meadowcraft Invigorating body wash Crystal Michelli A relaxing massager Clinton Montgomery The movie “Frozen” from Disney Andrea Moran Fancy shoes

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


The students shared one of their favorite gifts they received for the holidays. ~Judy A. Michelle Moresi Awesome dog toy for her dog

Khalid Samadi Talking iPhone

Elizabeth Mosely Attractive clothes

Lori Santos Impressive Michael Jackson calendar

Michelle Nachmias Cool stunning sweater

Karen Seyk A cute cuddly stuffed animal

Leilani Noche Beautiful shirt

Jeff Sullivan Superior spending money

Pamela Pangan Warm pajamas

William Turner Very stylish jacket

Priscilla Pangan Sweet scented perfume

Violet Tun Delicious Christmas cookies

Bob Petershagen McDonald's gift card for scrumptious food

Hector Valdivia Warm cozy jacket

Jack Sam Phan Classic batman movie

Debra Van Zile Sweet fragrant perfume

Roseann Pinto Pretty stylish shoes

Merritt Wallace A fancy Iron brand vest

DeManuel Pugh Refreshing aromatic cologne

Yvonne Wang Microwaveable slippers to enjoy

Mariela Ramirez Cool music and music CDs

Kevin Yang New highflying shoes to bring him back to earth

Kartika Reddy High-flying basketball shoes Caleb Rezentes Stylish watch to wear Veronica Rodrigez Really awesome movies Monica Rogers Fashionable shoes Maria Rosa Pretty cool pants Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


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