2013 Summer Newsletter

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Hooray for Summer! Once again, thanks to contributions big and small, we were able to fund summer school. Our students were thrilled to be here for summer school and savored every moment. They enjoyed weekly BBQs, trips to the Alameda County Fair, Tuesday/Wednesday movies at the new Century Theatre at the Pacific Commons, as well as trips to the Great Mall, and many visits to Lake Elizabeth. Along with all the fun outings we continued our recycling program and our regularly scheduled activities. Our garden continues to thrive. We have started to make sauce from our fresh garden tomatoes and basil. We hosted another successful plant faire and are planning one for this fall. Thanks to Vince Rall for his continued hard work to keep our garden so beautiful and fruitfull. We would like to mention those who were so instrumental in making summer school possible! A huge thank you to Fremont Education Foundation and Steve Giudici for helping us keep this fund raising effort going. We are very grateful to our major contributors, including the Ciccone Family and Dennis & Kathie Montoya. We would like to extend a very special thank you to Rene Lovely at Avalon Spa & Salon and the Elks club for hosting a successful casino night on our behalf. Finally, we could not have done this without the help of Lori Rauscher and Lorraine Leen, who worked continuously throughout the whole process.

DATES TO REMEMBER Oct. 7-10 Oct. 31 Nov. 11 Nov. 25-29 Dec. 2 Dec. 12 Dec. 23 – Jan. 2

Noll Plant Fair Halloween Veteran’s day Thanksgiving break Class Resumes Open House Winter Break

Fremont Adult and Continuing Education Noll Center

10 am - 2 pm school in session no school no school school in session school in session no school

Noll Plant Faire Donations accepted Oct 7-10 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Winter Vegetables and Succulents

Looking to start a Winter garden? We have starter seedlings planted by the Adults with Special Needs students:  Flowers  Tomatoes  Succulents  Beans  Celery  Peppers  Herbs Donations are gladly accepted. Checks payable to FEF, with a notation of FACE/AWD. Thank you. Questions? Contact Michele Sullivan 793-6465 x29505; michelesullivan@fremont.k12.ca.us or Roshni Easley 793-6465 x29511; reasley@fremont.k12.ca.us

A special thanks to all of the students who participated in creating this summer newsletter. It would not be made possible without their help. Andrea Cristina Jill Khalid Marcus Susan

Bob Elizabeth Judy Lori Rocio Zohal

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