2015 fall newsletter

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FALL Principal’s Message

Edna Corrubia

Students and Staff of the Noll Program, It truly is an honor and privilege to have been selected as the Principal at Fremont Adult and Continuing Education (FACE). For the past 27 years I have worked in adult education — 16 years as a career technical education instructor and the past 11 years as adult school administrator. My initial goal is to continue to preserve the existing school culture and educational programs at FACE, and my long term goal is to expand class offerings that will prepare students for their next educational goal: employment and higher education. At your service, Gladys Kiefer, Principal

We would like to welcome Tracey Levy, the new Assistant Principal. She was born in Berkeley, California and now resides in Oakland. Tracey has been teaching for 20 years, helping students acquire knowledge in various subject areas. Tracey enjoys Bikram Yoga (hot yoga), baking pound cake, and meditating. Her favorite television show is the Mrs. Marple, a mini-series. Tracey’s favorite foods are sweet potatoes, cornbread, greens and especially kale with sautéed onions and carrots. She starts with music and dancing to set a joyous mood for the day. Interviewed by Christina, Sam, and Kartika Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

Edna was a very caring and faithful friend to everyone at Noll Adult School. Edna, along with her nieces, Pamela and Priscilla, have been attending classes for about 10 years and enjoyed many friendships over the years. Edna was in Eric’s class and always sat in her seat next to Eric’s desk. Each morning Edna would faithfully give her dollar for lunch, and she would make sure the girls also handed over their money. She was like a second mom, always watching out for them. Edna had many special talents. Her assistance in preparing the daily lunch was a tremendous help to Eric. She would often help direct some of the other students in preparing the plates. After eating the delicious lunch that she helped prepare, she usually helped load the dishwasher. Edna enjoyed doing Yoga with Lori and creating different arts and crafts with Lorraine. In Current Events, the students were asked what they did over the weekend, more often than not, Edna would say that she had been window shopping at Southland Mall. A few years ago, Edna, Pam, and Priscilla went skydiving at iFLY, an indoor simulation of skydiving. What’s really amazing is that she would skydive almost every weekend. And of course, she enjoyed computer class and won many games of solitaire. Arguably, her favorite class was gardening where she enjoyed working with Vince (Noll gardener) and the twins. Edna will be remembered as a kind and true friend to all. The students and staff will miss her but know that she is at peace.

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


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