Principal’s Message
Susan Fuller was born on September 4, 1948, in the Bay Area. Susan has been at the AWD Program for many years. We have always considered our staff and students to be her family. She was a sort of an ambassador to the AWD Program. Susan loved music, dancing, and could often be seen dancing during the summer concerts at Lake Elizabeth. We miss her terribly.
Students and Staff of the Noll Program, It is hard for me to believe that it has been 25 years since I first went to the Noll School and began to work with all of you in the AWD program. Time sure flies when you’re having fun! I am so proud of how the hard work of planning, preparation, and collaboration with the Regional Center that Noll teachers and staff did last year has helped the program grow and improve this year, and put us on track for more great things in the future. We have an excellent team of instructors and Para-educators! Every time that I visit Noll, and watch all of you involved in our wide variety of school activities, it puts a smile on my face. Your pure enjoyment of school, and each other’s friendship, is a constant reminder that we should always appreciate the people who enrich our lives. I will always appreciate all of you. Thank you for the joy you’ve brought to my life.
Susan Gay Fuller 1948-2015
David Carr was born on October 2, 1963, in the Bay Area. He has seven brothers and sisters. David has been a student at the AWD Program for over twenty years. He loved coming to school, working in the garden,
Dates to Remember July 3 July 31 August 3-28 August 31
4th of July Last Day of School Summer Break Classes Resume
No School School in Session No School School in Session
Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center
4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538
David Charles Carr 1963-2015
and sharing donuts on his birthday. Recently, the students made weekly trips to visit David. He enjoyed spending time with his friends and especially the frosty they brought him each time. He will be missed. 510.793.6465 x29511