2015 spring newsletter

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Principal’s Message

Susan Fuller was born on September 4, 1948, in the Bay Area. Susan has been at the AWD Program for many years. We have always considered our staff and students to be her family. She was a sort of an ambassador to the AWD Program. Susan loved music, dancing, and could often be seen dancing during the summer concerts at Lake Elizabeth. We miss her terribly.

Students and Staff of the Noll Program, It is hard for me to believe that it has been 25 years since I first went to the Noll School and began to work with all of you in the AWD program. Time sure flies when you’re having fun! I am so proud of how the hard work of planning, preparation, and collaboration with the Regional Center that Noll teachers and staff did last year has helped the program grow and improve this year, and put us on track for more great things in the future. We have an excellent team of instructors and Para-educators! Every time that I visit Noll, and watch all of you involved in our wide variety of school activities, it puts a smile on my face. Your pure enjoyment of school, and each other’s friendship, is a constant reminder that we should always appreciate the people who enrich our lives. I will always appreciate all of you. Thank you for the joy you’ve brought to my life.

Susan Gay Fuller 1948-2015

David Carr was born on October 2, 1963, in the Bay Area. He has seven brothers and sisters. David has been a student at the AWD Program for over twenty years. He loved coming to school, working in the garden,


Dates to Remember July 3 July 31 August 3-28 August 31

4th of July Last Day of School Summer Break Classes Resume

No School School in Session No School School in Session

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

David Charles Carr 1963-2015

and sharing donuts on his birthday. Recently, the students made weekly trips to visit David. He enjoyed spending time with his friends and especially the frosty they brought him each time. He will be missed. 510.793.6465 x29511






Sebastian Torres was born on July 23. He is from Union City, CA. Sebastian started coming to the Noll Program this Spring. His hobbies include using the computer, bowling, walking, and exercise, and he loves food. His favorite movie is Power Rangers. Sebastian has one older brother.

Jackie Bower joined our school this year as a paraeducator. She has a High School Diploma and is responsible for providing assistance and working directly with students, individually, or in small groups. Her specialty is playing board games. Jackie enjoys watching television and eating out at restaurants.

Barbara The AWD program is in need of some items and are looking for donations. Below is a list of items that we could use in the classrooms. Your donation would be greatly appreciated.

Mendes Barbara Mendes has worked for Fremont Adult and Continuing Education since 1987. She joined the AWD Program - Noll Center team in June. She is from Oakland, CA, and has two grown kids. Her hobbies are music, dancing and gardening. Her favorite food is tacos. She is excited to be here and enjoys working with the staff and students. Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

Gardening We are always in need of seeds, pots, and potting soil for the garden. Basketball Hoop The students enjoy playing basketball. The current hoop is in need of replacement. All donations are tax deductible. Please contact Roshni at 510.793.6465 x29511 or Michele at x29505 for details.

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511



SAFE-HAPPY-PLACE Every week, the students and teachers meet to discuss topics that help create a SAFE-HAPPY-PLACE. Recently, we have been discussing: Healthy Relationships Building healthy relationships is an essential life skill. They talk about making friends, treating others with kindness, respect and trust, don’t try to buy friends, and look for common interests. Other tactics include saying nice things or nothing at all, and the difference between romantic relationships and friendships. Listening Skills Teachers and students talk about ways to improve listening skills. Students are encouraged to be patient, don’t interrupt, don’t judge, be open to others, and hear what others have to say. Anxiety

No Socks Day Lost Sock Day Dare Day Bubble Day Red Rose Day Old Maid’s Day Yo-Yo Day Go Fishing Day Sidewalk Egg Frying Day Pecan Pie Day Cow Appreciation Day Watermelon Day Middle Child’s Day Lefthanders Day Hug Your Boss Day

May 8 May 9 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 6 June 18 July 4 July 12 July 15 August 3 August 12 August 13 August 26

In a group setting, they discuss ways to cope with anxiety. Strategies include deep breathing, talking to a friend, listening to music, and taking a walk.

After attending the AWD Program for over twenty years, in April we celebrated Maria Rosa graduation from our program with family and friends. She is now attending another school in Fremont. We wish her all of the best. We go to the library and we get the cart and we put the books in alphabetical order. After we arrange the books in the proper order, we put the picture books on the shelves. ~Marie C.

Sebastian and others reshelf the books. Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


The students were hosted by Ranger Laurie at the Stiver’s Lagoon Nature Learning Center where they did a variety of fun and educational activities. They toured the butterfly garden where they learned about plants, pollinators, compost, and rain barrels. In the classroom, there was a lesson on the life cycle of a butterfly and ladybug. The students got to use a magnifying glass to help them identify the parts of the insect. For a real treat, the students got to feed aphids to the ladybugs and then released them in the garden. At the end of the lesson, Ranger Laurie brought out a HUGE praying mantis for the students to watch. He was hungry and enjoyed his lunch as well.

Students go bowling once or twice a week at Cloverleaf Bowl in Fremont. They take turns going with different groups. ~Khalid S.

Climbing to the top, looking at the scenery.

The students visit Costco every Monday with Lori R. to purchase necessities for the week.

Checking out the Marsh Boardwalk

Visiting the exhibits and displays Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


The students are inspired and challenged by Eric to make really cool projects especially when you can turn your trash into something new and useful.

The closet!

Recycling is taken very seriously around here.


Warrior fever hit hard on campus. The students and staff enjoyed rooting for their favorite team. BEST fans ever!


and more!

Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


A group of students did some landscaping for the main campus. In February, they planted succulents and other plants to make it look beautiful. They continue to water and pull weeds to keep the plants healthy. ~Marcus M.

Trout in the Classroom offers our students a chance to raise trout from eggs in a classroom setting and then release them into a nearby stream or river. A docent comes to the class and teaches the students about the process.



Newsletter Contributors

Now Adults with Disabilities Program窶年oll Center

Agnes C. Merrit Michelle M. Judy A. Kartika R. Kevin Y. Khalid S. Lori S. Marcus M. Marie C. Walter

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

Writer/Layout Photographer Recipe Writer/Editor Writer/Layout Interviewer Photographer Artwork/Recipe Writer/Editor Photographer/Proofer Photographer

510.793.6465 x29511


Judy Aldridge She went to Morro Bay and Hearst castle.

Elizabeth Garibo She went to New Park Mall.

Roger Anglin He went to work all day.

Zia Habibi He just stayed home.

Zohal Azizi She enjoyed spending time with her family and stayed home.

Keola Hope He went to work.

David Brown He went fishing with his family. Kim Campbell She went to Coyote Hills, Ardenwood Parks & food court at the mall. Marie Cardema She stayed home.

Jill Kinsey She went to Arnold, CA, with her mom. Richard Koury He just stayed home. Susan Kwong She went to church and went to eat at different restaurants.

Ricardo Cason He went to his dad’s house.

Becky Ledgewood She visited with her mom and went shopping and to lunch.

Christina Cecconi She went to Los Angles.

Nick Leung Nick and his mom went to Stoneridge Mall.

Agnes Cheng She went to enjoy the day with Kevin Yang. She talked to Khalid on the phone everyday went bowling on Tuesday.

Bianca Luna She went to Southland Mall.

Edna Cobarrubia She went to San Jose to visit a friend family. Jesus DeLeon He went to Great America.

Peter Maslin He just stayed home. Marcus McMillan He went to Santa Cruz .

Annette Ferreira She went to Manteca for her Easter hunt.

Kelly Meadowcraft She went to Walmart and got mini pliers and flavored water.

Cathy Foreman She went to see her friends. Chloe Funesto She enjoyed spending time with her family.

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

Jose Mariscal He stayed home.

Crystal Michelli She went to work. Clinton Montgomery He went to the lake.

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


Andrea Moran She went shopping and talked to Chloe.

Maria Rosa She went shopping.

Michelle Moresi She went to her brother’s house.

Khalid Samadi He went to the mall with Wayne and talked with Agnes on the phone and also went bowling on Tuesday.

Michelle Nachmias She went to the movies.

Lori Santos She worked on her longest scarf.

Leilani Noche She went to visit with her mom.

Jeff Sullivan He went to work.

Pamela Pangan She went to church.

Sebastian Torres He went to Chinese restaurant to eat.

Priscilla Pangan She went to church.

William Turner He just stayed home.

Bob Petershagen He just styed home. Jack Sam Phan He watched Batman movie, went to New York City and went to Florida with brother.

Violet Tun She stayed home. Hector Valdivia He just stayed home.

Roseann Pinto He just stayed home.

Debra Van Zile She went to a barbecue.

DeManuel Pugh He went to dinner.

Merritt Wallace He went shopping at Walmart with Kelly.

Mariela Ramirez She went to celebrate her niece birthday and also went to the mall.

Yvonne Wang She went to Orlando Florida and Harry Potter World.

Kartika Reddy She went shopping.

Kevin Yang Went to hangout with Agnes all day and went bowling on Tuesday.

Caleb Rezentes He went to party.

Wayne Younkins He went to the New Park mall with Khalid.

Veronica Rodrigez She went to the movies and also to lunch and dinner. Monica Rogers She went home.

Adults with Disabilities Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 x29511


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