The Signpost - February 2021

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THE February 2021


Welcome to 2021 May it improve

Diary dates The COVID-19 outbreak means that all events are cancelled for the time being. Note all issues of Signpost are available online on the ISSUU app or in your browser. Simply search for Signpost.

Let your neighbours know As not everyone uses social media, our main method of communicating that The Signpost’s latest offering is online, could you please support us by sharing the link with your friends and neighbours so that we can reach as many people as possible.

Front Cover: Fieldfare by Jackie Vale. Inside front cover: Daisy Everard. Back page various photos from Jackie Vale and Jonathan Loader) Contents Diary dates ....................................................................... 2 Editorial ............................................................................ 3 Signpost Organising Group.......................................... 3 Local News and Events ............................................... 4-7 Census............................................................................... 8 Fatboys.............................................................................. 9 Christmas biscuits & Community Shelf ................... 10 Your local food services ...........................................11-12 Riverwatch ......................................................................13 Floods...............................................................................14


Signpost February 2021

Girl Guides...................................................................... 15 Virtual School ................................................................. 16 Local Councils ........................................................... 17-20 Advertisements ......................................................... 21-32 Church information ....................................................... 33 Contacts ........................................................................... 34 Wildlife photos ............................................................... 35

Editorial One of the responses to Lockdowns I have really benefited from is the humorous or thought provoking and clever pictures, video extracts and antidotes sent to my mobile phone. Many not appropriate for this editorial. But at the beginning of Lockdown 3, I received this that I thought was. Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then its amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful. it's ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That's just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it's breathtakingly beautiful. L.R. Knost. I find this of relevance not just to the rhythms of human life but also the cycles of nature: the passing of the seasons and the changing day length. I found Lockdown 1 in the unseasonably dry and warm

spring with its ever lengthening days very different to this winter one. Long dark months I find difficult at the best of times. My desire to hibernate and its associated lack of motivation and social interaction accompany this season of destruction and decay. It is only when the clocks change at the end of March that I start to thrive and grow again, refreshed and invigorated alongside the regeneration and renewal in my garden. Recent times have made me even more aware of how privileged we are to live within the Signpost community of small rural villages. The important words here being rural, small and community. I am currently reading "The Well Gardened Mind by Sue Stuart-Smith" and learning about the scientific study and evaluation of how gardening and our accessibility and interaction with nature provides the calming and enlivening environment where we flourish and form healthier, happier, more caring, trusting and sociable communities. I hope we all have an amazing and beautiful spring. This is my first foray as part of the Signpost editorial team which will cause much mirth amongst those who know me and my dyslexic tendencies, not just poor spelling but interesting use of words and turn of phrase too. I feel honoured to be thought capable. Thank goodness for team support and checking. Sophie Malpas

Signpost Editorial Group Editorial Contact Editorial Team

Village Correspondents Corston Great Somerford Little Somerford Rodbourne Seagry Startley Church Matters School Matters Advertising and Finance Distribution

Peter Oliver Sara Sorby Jake Vale Michael Palmer Lucy Dalgleish John Fairbairn Sophie Malpas Dawn Duo

01666 822342 07774 605431 01249 721208 01666 826390 07909 962067 01666 822167 07850 139100 01249 720217

Brenda Oliver Jake Vale Julie Frayling Sara Sorby Jo Crosland Jenny Reeves Jo Crosland Jake Vale Brenda Oliver Steve Reay

01666 822342 01249 721208 01666 823799 07774 605431 01249 720429 01249 720521 01249 720429 01249 721208 01666 822342 07966 743492

Copyright Please note that all written and photographic material published in Signpost remains the copyright of the author/photographer and may not be reproduced without permission Signpost February 2021


Local news and events


We have received two donations of £30, one of which came from Malmesbury Abbey Music Society. We are most grateful for them. Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the cost of producing Signpost should send a cheque to The Hermitage, Corston, Malmesbury, SN16 0HB. Thank you.

Volunteer wanted A volunteer to join the rota to help clean Corston Church once a year. Equipment is provided. Please contact Brenda 01666 822342

Corston & Rodbourne Reading Room 200 Club November 1st 100 2nd 58 3rd 15 December 1st 175 2nd 177 3rd 26

Glenys Jennings Jim & Sherma Ryder Sally Barrett

Corston Corston Corston

Phillippa Hodson Andrew Marriage Helen Ellis

Corston Corston Corston

There are numbers available for 2021 from Norma Staniforth telephone 01666 825303 or email at

Family Christmas Service in Rodbourne The Sunday afternoon before Christmas the usual Family Carol Service was held at Rodbourne led by Andrew Beebee, the Abbey Youth Minister. The 4 exceptional young readers told the Christmas story beautifully, interspersed with talks from Andrew and carols sung from the chancel by Sue and Doug Price. Before going into church we all spread out in the churchyard to sing a carol and again at the end of the service, holding our candles in the darkness. It was a lovely way to greet the arrival of the festival of Christmas.


Signpost February 2021

News from The North Friends of Dorothy House


Thank you so much for everyone’s support at our produce sale on 12 December. We were delighted to raise £650.00 on the day and then, after adding the sales of other Christmas goodies we are so pleased that the total raised for Dorothy House is £915.00 which includes a couple of very generous donations. This is an amazing total, and we know that Dorothy House will be so grateful at this difficult time. We hope that we can continue to support the Hospice in the weeks ahead and very much hope that we can hold another produce sale on Saturday 20 March , 9.00 - 12.30 at the Market Cross. In addition, we can now offer homemade marmalade which can be collected or delivered locally. At present, there are three varieties on offer, all at £3.00 per jar: Seville Orange or Seville Orange with Ginger. Three Fruit Marmalade (Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit). Other varieties on request. As before we can make cakes and other meals on request – please ask. Please contact Rebecca Whitworth on or 01666 824095 with your order.

Dauntsey Croquet Club Well it is the start of a new year and we are all wondering what is going to happen. We all need to look on the bright side and m a k e preparations. And that is just what we are doing, we have so much fun playing croquet and socialising. In 2020 (keeping to the rules) a team of us painted and cleaned the club house and other buildings, we have a kitchen, toilet and social area. We also have people who regularly cut the grass. So all we need is you to come along and enjoy the games, and chat over a cup of tea etc. ‘Our price is £25 per person per year children under 16 free, we have a children’s croquet area. We will hopefully start in or near 26 March 2021 to 24 October 2021. Our club days are Sundays 2.30 pm and Wednesday 2.30 pm. When you become a member you will be given the lock code for the building which will enable you to play any time you wish. When it's a beautiful day it is lovely to pop over for a quick game and to make the best of the longer days sat on the veranda with a cup of tea enjoying the lovely sunshine. (Take a flask with you).

Local news and events

Great Somerford 2020 Vision Lottery Results

On Sunday 6 December, Jude Picton Phillipps drew the numbers and the winners, in no particular order, were Sarah Vout, Toby Sturgis and M Handy. Congratulations to them all. And A Happy New Year! Stay safe as you wait for your turn with the needle! Anyway, on Sunday 3 January, Jude Picton Phillipps again did the honours and in no particular order the winners were Heather Lee, Ginnie Keen and Toby Sturgis. If you would like to take part, please contact Tom Picton Phillipps on 01249 721202 or at or knock on his door at 4 Paddock Close. It only costs £5.00 a month. Depending on the degree to which support is maintained or enlarged the level of prizes (currently £125.00, £75.00 and £50.00 monthly) may have to be varied.

Health and Wellbeing Champion Hello all. Firstly, Happy New Year to you and your families. Such difficult times that we live in, here’s hoping for a better 2021. Just a quick word to remind you all that I am around for general help and support on a wide variety of issues including transport, mobility, safety around the home and reducing the feeling of loneliness. Give me a call on 07557 922020 and leave a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible. I am mindful that I haven’t been sending anything for the magazines lately. To be honest, it's been difficult to know what to write as the world around us seems to be changing hourly at present. As of now, I am not visiting clients and am doing all of my work via phone or email, but hopefully this will change soon and I will be able to safely visit again who knows, even be able to visit the social groups too! Sadly phone and email isn’t always very effective and for those who have poor hearing can be very frustrating. You will appreciate that services are limited and stretched beyond measure so resolutions to issues and problems can take a lot longer than usual. Whilst I may not be able to offer a full service to those in need, I can try wherever possible. Take care and stay safe and well. Kind regards Ellen Blacker Health and Wellbeing Champion Malmesbury Community Area Please note, my usual working times are during Monday, Tuesday and Friday

Malmesbury League Of Friends’ Donations Total Over £60,000 In 2020 Malmesbury League of Friends (MLOF) has donated a total of £61,000 in 2020 to a variety of local organisations and needy individuals. This sum includes nearly £20,000 at its meeting in November:

£8,000 - Malmesbury Primary Care Centre: 7 configured laptop computers; a portable ECG machine � £5,000 - Doorway – Chippenham-based drop-in centre for the homeless & marginalised � £3,000 – Malmesbury Boxing Club � £1,500 – Defibrillator for the Sherston Tolsey medical practice � £2,000 – Two local residents with special needs MLOF chairman David Hide said: “ We are particularly pleased to have been able to help so many local organisations and needy individuals in this most difficult of years. These latest donations are typical of the requests we receive for support. Although some of them involve quite modest sums, each one will nevertheless make a major difference to the lives of those who will benefit. We are always happy to consider requests for help for those living in the Malmesbury area, who have a special need.” More information from: David Hide – 01666 824148/07887 932253 or Web site: �

Malmesbury and District University of the Third Age So, another lock down! We all need all the support and companionship we can get. Look no further than Malmesbury u3a. If you are retired or semi retired and enjoy meeting people while learning something new then we have around 40 different interest groups to tempt you. Even though at the moment we cannot meet in person some groups meet online. What we do have for all 400 members to enjoy are two talks in February on Zoom: • 11 February 2021 at 10.30 a.m. Graffiti Through the Ages by Michael Lewis • 25 February 2021 at 10.30 a.m. Ritual and Belief during the time of Stonehenge by John Hammond If you are not a member you can still join us. Contact the membership secretary, Elaine Sharpe 01666 823568, become a member and enjoy the general talks. Then explore all the opportunities and get involved as soon as the present Covid restrictions allow. In normal times u3a meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at Malmesbury Town Hall from 10.00 - 11.45 am for tea/coffee a chat and to listen to a monthly speaker. The interest groups are wide ranging such as learning a language, arts and crafts, science, music appreciation, dancing, walking, cycling, theatre visits, book groups, play readings and many more. You can find more information on our website

Signpost February 2021


Local news and events every day 5pm – 9am, every weekend and bank

North Wiltshire Villages Flower Club

The Flower Club very much look forward to resuming activities later this year all being well, and to welcoming back members, friends and hopefully a few new members when conditions allow. Unfortunately it’s now clear that by the time we do this it will have been well over a year since we last got together in person at a regular meeting. In the meantime we have tried to keep in touch through newsletters, technology and an occasional competition. A full programme of events for 2021 has been arranged, which we will resume once restrictions are eased. We are also actively making plans for several special events during our Golden Jubilee year in 2022. Our programme is always very varied and includes a good mix of workshops, demonstrations, social events and visits, all incorporating flowers in some shape or form. Meetings would normally take place at Crudwell Village Hall on the third Wednesday evening of the month, with visitors and potential new members welcome. We are a friendly and enthusiastic group with members from throughout the area. If you’d like to get in touch we can be contacted by email – and more information can also be found on our Facebook page. We wish you all the best during these challenging times, and hope you stay safe and well.

Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service (SWA)

Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service (SWA) is free and confidential, serving Swindon and the surrounding area. Our service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, supporting both female and male victims of domestic violence, those in lesbian, gay, heterosexual relationships, those who are in fear of being forced into marriage and those who fall victim to honour-based violence. We also work with young people aged 16-25 years who may be experiencing domestic violence or abuse as part of an intimate relationship. SWA operates a refuge which has been purposebuilt and specially designed; with 22 individual flats it can accommodate lone females or families with children up to 18 years old and has a dedicated team of trained staff. In the community SWA has a network of Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) who work with victims, within the Great Western Hospital, Doctor Surgeries and Health Centres across the town. Our dedicated helpline – 01793 610610 – is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year covering Swindon and extends to the county of Wiltshire 6 Signpost February 2021

holiday. Our helpline is answered by specialist domestic abuse advisor who can provide advice and support irrespective of the time you call - day or night. Splitz - 01225 775276 Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm SWA - 01793 610610 Everything outside these hours

Guide Dogs UK / Blind Children Guide Dogs UK now breed nearly all their own puppies and there are four regional training centres in the UK, the staff of which are recognised throughout the World as being the best at training them. About seventy to seventy five percent of all puppies become fully trained Guide Dogs and some of the others are selected to help future Guide Dog puppies. Approximately sixty percent of retired Guide Dogs stay with their owners. In any event they are found loving homes as pets. No healthy dog is ever put down! There are currently in excess of 5,000 working Guide Dogs in the UK and the breakdown is roughly as follows : fifty percent Labrador/Retriever crosses (found to be the most reliable and efficient working combination), thirty two percent Labradors, ten percent Retrievers, five percent German Shepherd and three percent Poodles etc. There are a number of Labradoodles included in the first group named above. The very first litter of 2020 (before the dreaded lockdown) comprised nine Labradoodle Puppies, one of which was actually "puppy walked" locally. Puppy walking started in 1956 and gives each puppy a solid base and skill set before going on to more concentrated training. A Puppy is placed with a puppy walker at approximately six to eight weeks old and will stay for about twelve to fourteen months before going on for specialised training. During this time the puppy will be taught all the basic commands and early training as well as being introduced to buses, trains, shopping centres etc, in fact as many situations as possible that they may encounter when fully trained and responsible for the

MALMESBURY & DISTRICT LINK Registered Charity No 1043099

LINK is a local charity which enables patients without access to transport to attend medical appointments. We are continuing to operate during the current Covid-19 pandemic. If you need help to get to a medical appointment or to collect a prescription, please contact us on 01666 840861 between 09:00 and 13:00 Monday to Friday or send an email to:

Local news and events

safety and well being of their “partner” . They and their “walker” also attend regular trips to official training sessions and visits to the vets. In common with all Charities, Guide Dogs UK was badly affected by the Covid 19 Virus. This not only impacted on the financial side but equally importantly on the timeline of breeding, walking, training and actual placing of Dogs with people in need. Because of the many restrictions involving movement etc., puppies had to stay with their natural “Mums”, dogs ready to go to training school had to stay with the Puppy Walkers and fully trained dogs had to stay at training school. Although the process has restarted it will obviously take some time for the system to reboot completely. We are most grateful to a young man, Rufus, who wanted to help Tracey with her Dauntsey Farm Shop "Name a Puppy" fund. Rufus organised and ran a cake sale raising a magnificent £247 in just over two hours. Rufus would like to thank everyone involved in this venture, baking/supplying lovely home made cakes, buying of same and helping on the day. This month's photo shows Rufus with his mum, Nicola, together with Guide Dogs Acorn, Zelda (looking quite bored with the whole affair) and Lucy trying to hide at the back. We have now completed our Christmas Raffle. Thanks to everyone supporting us by buying tickets and providing prizes - hope you were one of the lucky winners! The Raffle raised an amazing £670! and together with revenue from several plant and Christmas sales when added to the money raised by Rufus means that "Name a Puppy" fund (at time of writing) stands at a wonderful £1618. Stay safe and healthy. With thanks to my son, Chris. Steve

Celebrating Great Somerford’s Covid Support Group & Street Champions

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us” So said Charles Dickens in the opening paragraph of a Tale of Two Cities. The pandemic has forced the country into lockdowns, social isolation, loneliness, job losses, uncertainty, a rising death toll yet, in this worst of times, the beacon of kindness burns brightly in Great Somerford. Lockdown 3 came into effect 6 January and the Street Champions have been checking on everyone that they know to be vulnerable on each of their Streets, and everything is fine currently with no extra support required. Great Somerford has: 161 People Over 70 35 Medically Vulnerable (not over 70) 25 Over 70 - Living Alone 24 Households with No computer or internet 22 Street Champions 11 Number of Streets 47 Volunteers total (incl. Street Champions) The Street Champions and other volunteers have been carrying out the following activities since March 2020 for their vulnerable/self-isolating/Aged Over 70 neighbours on a regular basis: 1. Shopping at the Supermarket 2. Delivering orders from the local village shop 3. Adding items onto their own online shopping orders 4. Helping older people get familiar with online shopping/ordering 5. Organising LINK prescription collections and getting people onto online pharmacy ordering 6. Walking dogs for people who couldn’t go out themselves 7. Phoning neighbours on a regular basis to check they were OK 8. Delivering “The Signpost” magazine and any other important info to those without computer/internet 9. Cooking meals for elderly people on an ad hoc basis (e.g. doing an extra portion of Sunday roast and delivering it) 10. Responding from referrals from NHS (e.g. if an elderly person was going into hospital for an op, and the spouse was going to be left alone) 11. Christmas Gift for Villagers over 70: see Christmas Biscuits We are most grateful for their efforts and would like to thank the Street Champions and other volunteers one and all. Thank you for stepping up. Submitted by the Clerk of GSPC Signpost February 2021 7

2021 Census

Li�le Somerford Parish Council Coronavirus (Covid-19) Community Support

To support those who may be self-isola�ng at this �me, we are asking for your help. Please get in touch via any of the details below sta�ng: ‘I can help’ or ‘ I need help’ 01249 720978 ..……………………....................………….……………………… …………………….…………………....................…………..……

……..…………….....................………….……………………… If you can help

If you need help

Contact us with: 1. Your name 2. Your phone number 3. Your address 4. How you can help

Contact us with: 1. Your name 2.Your address 3.How we can help you

Census 21 March If you are not involved in or with local government, you may be completely unaware that there will be a nationwide census on Sunday 21 March. A census is conducted every 10 years and it is mandatory to complete it. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has issued online information via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter which of course can only be readily accessed by those of the Signpost readership that have access to the internet and social media. Below is a transcript of the text of an explanatory pamphlet published by the ONS as part of its online census information package. Further information can also be found on the websites of the parish councils. Census 2021 The census is here. It informs decisions about the things that matter to your community. In this leaflet, you will find the answers to commonly asked questions about Census 2021. It’s important to fill in your census questionnaire because it gives us the most detailed information we have about our society. You must complete the census by law. Census data helps inform funding decisions on public services in your area. Whether it’s planning new schools, doctors’ surgeries or bike lanes, the 8

Signpost February 2021

information you share has an impact on the lives of everyone living in England and Wales. When should I fill in my census questionnaire? Census Day is Sunday 21 March – but you can fill yours in as soon as you get your access code in the post. Your answers should be about the people who usually live in your household on this date – even if you’re filling it in before then. If your household circumstances change on Census Day, you can let us know. What is the census? The census is a survey that happens every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. All kinds of organisations, from local authorities to charities, use the information to help provide the services we all need, including transport, education and healthcare. Without the census, it would be much more difficult to do this. Do I have to take part? If you live in England and Wales, you must take part in the census. Census information helps inform how billions of pounds of public funding is spent. By taking around 10 minutes per person to fill in the census questionnaire, you will help make sure your community gets the services needed now and in the future. Will the government use the information I share to identify me? No. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) carries out the census in England and Wales. We only ever publish anonymous information from the census. In fact, it’s a crime to share personal census information and anything you tell us is protected. How will the census make a difference to me? The census makes a difference to everyone. It’s a once-in-a-decade chance to have your voice heard and help inform the future of your local area. What if I do not identify with the census options? The census asks you about your ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, religion and national identity. It’s up to you to decide how you would like to answer each question. Do it in the way that you feel best represents you. Could information I share affect my benefits or immigration status? No. The information you share in the census cannot be used to influence benefit claims, a residency application, immigration status or your taxes. The ONS is independent from government. This means officials dealing with payments or services you receive cannot see your census information. What if I cannot fill in my census questionnaire online? We know there are some people who will find this challenging. That’s why we’re here to help with a wide range of support services. We will make it easy for you, whatever your needs. Services include: � guidance and support in many languages

and formats � help over the phone, in a web chat or on social media � a paper version of the questionnaire, if you prefer � accessible census guidance, for example, in braille Why is the census asking me about my gender and sexual orientation? This census asks voluntary questions about sexual orientation and gender identity for the first time. This is to give us more accurate information on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations. This will help organisations combat any inequalities these groups face and show where services are needed. We will only ask people aged 16 years and over these questions. If you do not feel comfortable identifying on the same form as the rest of your household, you can request an individual census questionnaire and answer separately. Can I help friends and family fill in the census? We’ve made the questionnaire as simple as possible. If a friend or family member needs support, help them if you can. Always fill in your own census first. You can also ask for help for yourself, or for someone else.

Classroom logic Teacher: Child: Teacher: Child: born.

How old is your father? He is 6 years. What! How is that possible? He became a father only when I was

Teacher: Maria, please go to the map and find North America. Maria: Here it is. Teacher: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America? Class: Maria. Teacher; George, how do you spell crocodile? George: 'K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' Teacher: No, that's wrong. George: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. Teacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? Donald: H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O. Teacher: What are you talking about? Donald: Yesterday you said it was H to O. Teacher: John, your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his? John: No, sir. It's the same dog. Teacher: Harry, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested? Harry A teacher.


Fatboys Cancer Charity Registered charity no 1105129

In the December 2020 edition of The Signpost, an article was featured about how Fourways’ shop owner, Rohit Babbar, and myself, a fellow Great Somerford resident, took part in a 15000 foot skydive in aid of the Fatboys Cancer Charity. More than £1300 pounds was raised from the jump for this wonderful charity. Every year, Fatboys delivers Christmas gifts to children who are suffering from cancer or other life-threatening illnesses. Their work takes them all over the UK and they never cease to be amazed by the bravery and fortitude of these children and their parents. To date, more than 1,000 children have experienced a small amount of joy during their most difficult times. Established in 1999 Fatboys was founded in the wake of the passing of Mike ‘Fatboy' Lawless. Mike was a serving Police Officer in Swindon. He died from cancer in 1999 at 31 years old. Fatboys Chairman, Mike Rees, is a Great Somerford resident. Mike is dedicated to the cause and, with other trustees and volunteers, organises an annual event ‘The Day of Lawlessness’ in aid of the charity. Sadly, because of COVID-19 restrictions, the event in 2020 was cancelled. With the 2021 event looking uncertain, this makes all donations even more vital to keep this charity afloat. In December 2020, with the kindness of strangers’ donations and fundraising, 120 children battling cancer and other life-threatening illnesses from all around the UK, were treated to special gifts for Christmas. These included games, walkie talkies, toys, tablet PCs, a telescope and everything in between. I would like to say a big thank you to all the local people that donated to mine and Rohit’s skydive and hope you are pleased to know that your money was well spent. If you would like to donate to the Fatboys Cancer Charity you can do so online at the address below or via the Fourways shop in Great Somerford FAO Jo Morrison Rowe. More information on the Fatboys charity can be found at Jo Morrison Rowe

Signpost February 2021


Christmas biscuits & community shelf Christmas Biscuits – they went down well!

I think it is fair to say that our Christmas biscuit gift bags for the seniors of Great Somerford & Startley have been a massive success. On Saturday 12 December we took delivery of more than 1200 homemade biscuits baked by volunteers from across Great and Little Somerford. They included a variety of shortbread, gingerbread, chocolate chip cookies and some cheese savouries to name but a few. The morning was spent bagging them up in The Volunteer Inn, labelling and attaching cards made by the pupils of Somerfords’ Walter Powell school and pre-school before sorting them for delivery. With the help of Meriel Griffiths and the Street Champions we were able to identify who should be getting a gift bag and, in the process, unearthed a few more households that were not on the central list. Having made up more than 100 bags of biscuits these were taken to the Street Champions who had kindly agreed to distribute them. Judging by the feedback we have received by people stopping us in the street, phone calls, email, cards, and letters or via the Street Champions we know they were very much appreciated. It was truly a village effort with cards from the school children, volunteer bakers, baggers and distributors to bring a little cheer to the village at Christmas time. A huge big thank you to everyone who was involved in making, supplying, packing, delivering or eating the biscuits. Let’s hope this was the first of many. Jackie Vale and Deborah Loader

Great Somerford Community Shelf We came up with an idea to substitute, albeit in a


Signpost February 2021

small way, for our planned but cancelled Christmas Market. With the help of Rohit and his team at Fourways Stores, the Great Somerford Community Shelf was set up to sell our Christmas produce – featuring Rudolph & Frosty the fabulous reindeer and snowmen cup-cakes made by Sarah Law (sold out in minutes), Christmas Cards designed by local artist Adam Lloyd, Jams, Jellies & Chutneys made by Caroline Jerram and many other items including a few surplus biscuits from our biscuit bags for village seniors. Nearly £200 was raised for the Great Somerford Community Fund. We plan to continue the community shelf throughout the year so if you would like to sell or donate items please contact Deborah Loader for more details at

Your local food services Lockdown 3.0 with The Somerford Arms We’re still running our very popular Dine@Home click & collect/delivery service for all of January and February. � Takeway – amazing Somerford Arms classics including fish, steak, pizzaz and puddings � Cook@home Boxes – treat yourself to a choice of Date Night meals or get the family cooking with our Pizza, Pie or Burger Boxes � Hampers – Saturday Afternoon Tea and Sunday Roast Hampers are back to order � Shop Boxes – Locally sourced meat, fish, fruit, veg, diary, groceries and of course our special big breakfast box Visit our website at to order today

Radnor Arms, Corston. To ensure our customers feel secure, we have redesigned the interior of the pub and introduced boothed areas for people to dine in. Currently we are having to change our services and hours in-line with Government legisla�on.

� Takeaway menu available Friday & Saturday Evenings 5.30pm-7.30pm (reviewed with �er changes) � Takeaway menu Sunday Roasts midday-2.30pm (must be pre-ordered by previous Sat. 2pm as we are only cooking to order) � To order please call Paula on 07912 868111.

Please visit our website for full details of opening hours and menus

Signpost February 2021


Your local food services

Fourways “Village store of the year 2020” remains open for business, supported by Rohit and his team in the shop and volunteer deliverers to supply all your needs. Newspapers, fresh fruit and veg, fresh and frozen meat, chocolate treats, snacks, ice-cream, bread, alcohol, milk and tinned food are available as well as cards, stationery, and cleaning products to name but a few. If not in stock we’ll do our best to get it for you. Coming soon - Community shelf Post Office also open ONLY 4 PEOPLE in the shop at a time Deliveries (minimum £30) can be arranged. Please call on 01249 721272 to discuss any order 12

Signpost February 2021


Riverwatch Riverwatch: Everything in its place One of the many things that rivers do really well is to put things in their place. The beds of fast runs are scoured down to rock, cobbles or coarse gravel. Marginal slacks and backwaters accrete silt. In between, we have sand and sediment banks and bars. Where flows accelerate or decelerate, we can see this in the gradation from coarse to fine deposits. This sorting of materials is part of what is known as fluvial geomorphology. This mouthful of a term essentially describes the movement of materials under the influence of flow. Some areas erode whilst other accrete, with finer particles more mobile than heavy ones. We see this in practical action, for example, where eroding cliffs occur on the outside of bends as currents scour and undercut the bank. The opposite bank inside the bend generally comprises a gravel ‘toe’, shallower running water eroding fine matter from a gravel ‘beach’. Downstream of the bend, flows slow and eroded sediment settles to form muddy banks and, far downstream in estuaries, extensive mudflats and saltmarshes. At any moment in time, river structure may look static. But, in reality, rivers are living, continuously evolving systems, eroding here and accreting there, carving out gorges, coiling in meanders, smoothing out flat riparian floodplains, and broadening into estuaries. Wildlife adapts to this diversity of habitats, reacting to its inherent dynamism. Kingfishers make use of eroding cliffs to dig impregnable nest tunnels in the soft earth, whilst shallows on the inside of the bend provide sunwarmed, food-rich nursery habitat for the fry of fishes that also constitute an adjacent larder for the kingfishers. Fishes and other wildlife find refuge in deep glides as autumn spates scour the valley, but shallow, vegetated runs offer them nocturnal feeding and oxygenated spawning habitat in summer. In the rivers of the developing world upon which I work (or at least did pre-pandemic!), particularly throughout India as well as in Africa, this natural sorting function is extensively exploited by local people as the primary source of aggregates. Where monsoon spates are most abrasive, boulders and cobbles are extracted. Where flows abate, a graduation of gravels through to sand are harvested for building and other purposes. The scale at which this occurs is often substantial, threatening the structure and ecology of rivers to the extent that such sand-mining activities are now banned (though still occur widely) across India. In British rivers, the situation is much the same, albeit without the exaggerated monsoonal extremes. Rather, we make use of the sorting properties of rivers across geological timeframes rather than as annual phenomena, digging out gravel where it has been deposited largely throughout recent Ice Ages. In so doing, we create vast inland ‘seas’: networks of flooded gravel workings such as those along the

Hampshire Avon, Thames, Nene and Great Ouse valleys, and forming the entirely artificial waterscape of the Cotswold Water Park. Whilst these newly created inland ‘seas’ provide employment and recreational opportunities, such as sailing, windsurfing, bird watching and angling, they are far from uniformly beneficial. They may favour some species, such as the wetland-dependent bittern (Botaurus stellaris) now frequently visiting the formerly largely dry Gloucestershire/Wiltshire border in which the Cotswold Water Park is now situated. But construction of these ‘inland seas’ has coincided with over-fishing of marine stocks, depleting coastal waters and leading to the inland migration and establishment of cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo). When the large pits freeze over, cormorants fan out to intensively predate smaller rivers and other open water bodies. Nature’s balances are thus perturbed by our activities, with unpredictable outcomes across whole wider landscapes. Rivers are great sorters, putting everything in their place, and all living things respond in like manner. Mark Everard

Signpost February 2021




Sadly nothing from The Peasant this month. Like us all Ben Barton is unable to receive visitors at the moment. These Photos of the flooding outside Bottom Farm in Rodbourne on 27th December, last month, reminded of me a story Ben told me back in 2008 when I was researching past inhabitants of Rodbourne.

In the 1960s Group Captain Charles Turner and wife Zara bought Cleeve House from the Rodbourne Estate. As well as running an intensive poultry operation (in the buildings that are now the homes Honeystones and Cleeve End). They let up-market rooms in the big house to people touring Britain. Guests would be dropped off in Chauffeur driven cars. The drivers having B&B at Manor Farm (now the Dower House) with Dorothy Payne (Alan's mother) until 1967. Ben Barton met one guest, at the same place as these photos, attempting to cross the flooded bridge. Ben advised him that it was shallower to go back up the hill and come in via Gibbs lane. He totally ignored Ben, drove on and got stuck. When he asked for help Ben said ‘that will be £10’ – a week’s wages‘£1 for the tow and £9 for being dismissive.’ He took the money up front and towed him back, (to the wrong side), so he had to go round via Gibbs lane after all. Ben then drove the tractor back through the flood, (the way the chauffeur had wanted to go), and home with money in his pocket and a smile on his face. The moral of the story don't mess with a local. I spent part of my childhood living in rural Devon in the 1970s. The Tractors had stickers on their windscreen saying "Eat Meat, Grill a Grockle" (the local word for Tourists). I spent my entire school holidays with Geoff, a farmer character like Ben. One of his many stories told, in his deliberately exaggerated, speaking to outsider's local accent, went like this: 14 Signpost February 2021

Smart, town car pulls up at the Ford. Spotting the local farmer with some cows in an adjacent field he enquires if it's safe to cross. "Ah no problem" says the farmer, waving him through with his shepherds crook. The water rises up the wheels and keeps on rising until the interior is wet and the car stuck. "Can’t understand that" says the farmer, pulling his cap of his head, scratching his head and rolling a bit of straw around in his mouth " Only comes half way up my ducks". A true memory - the old ones are always the best! Sophie Malpas

Girl Guides Great Somerford Guides during 2020 Great Somerford Guides continues to thrive and currently has girls from 9 different villages, not bad for a group of 17 Guides! What we don’t have is any from the Somerfords at the moment! Seven of these Guides have joined us during this year, and others having moved on. 2020 has been a Guiding year with a difference! Three of our Guide Laws have been particularly relevant during these challenging times: � A guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely. � A guide faces challenge and learns from her experiences. � A guide is a good friend and a sister to all guides. We started the year with our traditional New Year’s party in the Community Room. The Spring Term always has an international feel to it because we celebrate World Thinking Day on February 22 – when we think about Guides around the world. Following the success and enjoyment in 2019 we held another international evening organised by the patrols. We also held a Division activity day and sleepover. Two of our Guides attended an international trip selection weekend and were due to go to Denmark in 2021. We said good bye to our Young Leader Charlotte as she focused on her A level studies. As part of the balanced Guiding programme the Spring Term activities were based on the theme Skills for My Future and included DIY skills and money management. All was going well with this until lockdown! Undeterred by not being able to meet for Guides, activities for the remainder of the term were sent out by email and several of the Guides completed activities and badges independently by Easter. Once it became clear that we would not be able to meet face to face for weekly Guides, we quickly changed to meeting by Zoom each week. This was a sharp learning curve for Guides and leaders alike but each week we have seen most of the Guides and had some great experiences together! We even continued to meet during the school holidays as having a regular event provided some continuity, provided a focus away from online learning, a social opportunity, (including seeing friends that they would only meet at Guides, as they all attend 11 different schools but especially during the initial lockdown when there was no school!). Mental health and well being have been an important theme throughout the year and whilst we have had opportunities to discuss this, it is the regular opportunity to interact with each other that has also been important, including for the adults. To see a screen full of smiling enthusiastic faces each week has been a real boost for me too! We have crammed so much into our virtual meetings that I have had to look back over my planning sheets to remind me! We have continued to

follow the Guiding Programme and gained skills and badges, as well as having lots of fun. We celebrated VE Day and made bunting for Bletchley Park; played numerous games; helped others according to our personal opportunities; did a wide variety of cooking – mug cakes, pizza, chocolate cakes, had a cooking competition (I love cooking by Zoom – any mess made is in the Guides own kitchen!!); made reusable water bombs (do you remember we had a hot summer?!); created stories inspired by the Guiding Ambassador Anna McNuff (; undertook a Zendoodle drawing course; prepared for camping (who knows when!) by making camp cookers from coke cans, planning campsites and menus; took part in a worldwide sleepout@home; had a special visit from a goat (online of course!); celebrated British Food Fortnight making apple dumplings, Dorset Apple Cake and salt dough apple wreaths; undertook 31 challenges during October; first aid training; Remembrance 3D pictures (inspired by Remembrance and Golondrinas - or swallows. ‘Golondrina’ was a name given to Guides who arrived as refugees from Europe during the Second World War. The name was coined in the hope that these girls, much like the birds who visit in the summer before travelling back to Europe, would also be able to fly home to freedom); celebrating and learning about Christmas and Hanukkah with food, crafts quizzes and films. We weren’t able to sing carols in the village this year, but the Guides made and sent cards to our group of ladies that we normally visit. 2021 brings new opportunities as we continue to meet and have fun online, both with our own Guides but also with others around the country and world. We will continue to provide a safe and supportive environment for our Guiding family and hope that at some point we can meet face to face again. Girlguiding UK has provided wonderful support for all its members during this time. Locally the leaders have been able to provide support to each other too. I am proud to be part of such a great organisation and it has been a privilege to support the Guides of 1st Great Somerford during 2020. Gill Shaw (Penguin) Leader, Great Somerford Guides

Signpost February 2021


Virtual School

Somerfords’ Walter Powell School Due to Corona virus and following Government and Department of Education guidelines, the return to school after the Christmas holidays has only been for children of Key workers and also to support more vulnerable children. So, for the time being, Somerfords’ Walter Powell has again become a Virtual School. The children who are learning at home receive an update from Class Dojo (Online learning platform) each morning which details their lessons for the day; the children are able to upload their work via this system to share with their teachers too. We are all adjusting to the new ‘normal’ (again!) and the children seem to have adapted very well. We are very proud of them all and look forward to when we can all be in school together once more. It seems a long time ago now but the children were able to enjoy some Christmas fun in school within their class bubbles, which included a Christmas Lunch, online pantomime, party games and food and even an end of term goodie bag provided by SHASA (Somerfords’ Home & School Association). At the end of term Rev. Steve Wilkinson led us in a zoom Christmas service. All the children sang carols and Key stage 1 dressed up for a Nativity tableau.


Signpost February 2021

We hope that you all keep safe and stay well. We will continue to provide school news, as best we can, over the coming term.

Walter Powell Pre-School Our Pre-school is open as usual and children are happy and having fun especially on the den days! Our Pre-school is now open 08.45 am – 15.00 pm. Monday to Friday. We accept children from the age of 2 years. If you are interested, please contact the Pre-school on 07931 263909 or alternatively contact the school office on 01249 720797 or for more information and an application form.

Local Councils Great Somerford Parish Council December The Parish Council had a short meeting on 2 December. Below is an extract of the minutes. The full set can be found on the village notice-boards or on the Parish Council website https:// meetings/. Broadfield Farm The Parish Council noted that Backhouse Housing (the developer) intends to fell trees subject to ash die back in the hedgerow on the boundary with the Free Gardens. The Parish Council has requested sight of the arboriculturist’s report so it is better placed to deal with any questions from residents whose properties look over the Free Gardens towards the site. One resident on the Dauntsey Road has been advised to raise any concerns with Wiltshire Council. Highway & Footpath Matters There have been reports of a navy blue Range Rover being driven in a “dangerous” manner by a young man. The Parish Council has no powers of enforcement in this regard so the only “remedy” is for anyone who observes dangerous driving to note the number plate and report it to the Police. We have been told that the Metro Counts have been diarised for the near future. Money matters The Parish Council has set its Precept Request for 2021/22 at a level which means no change for a band D householder, i.e. £11,350. Councillors are mindful of the economic shocks being caused by Covid 19 to many Council Tax payers. This effective freezing of the Precept is for one year only. Planning There were three planning applications for the Parish Council to consider. • 20/09711/FUL The Manor House - Replacement garage and garden implement store. Concern was expressed that the existing access for vehicles does not work given the siting of the “new” garage. This application was Not Supported as the way the garage is shown on the plans it cannot be accessed by the vehicles of the Manor House if they are using the main and only entrance to the Manor House and proposed annex. • 20/08054/FUL The Old Stables, Startley - Rear two storey extension to private dwelling house (Amended description). Supported. • 20/10497/TPO Quack Quacks Paddock – Fell one sycamore. Supported. A declaration of interest was made re this application by Cllr Gravell who took no part in the discussion or decision. Wiltshire Council determinations were noted for • 19/07459/OUT Land at Dauntsey Road Outline application for the erection of 9. dwellings; all matters except access reserved for future consideration. Approved with conditions. • 20/07644/FUL Land at West Street Farm Change of Use of Land & 2 Agricultural Buildings

for the Purposes of Self-Storage. Refused. • 20/07694/FUL Clove House, Startley - Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and erecting a single storey rear extension to the dwelling. Proposed detached outbuilding/annexe. Approved with conditions. • 20/08194/TCA Somerleaze House - 30% Crown Reduction to Oak (T1) and Willow (T2), Fell Birch (T3) and Dead Acer (T4). No Objection. Play Area Additions Climbing Frame tenders have been received from six companies: Creative Play, Mant Leisure, Playdale, Sovereign Play, Sutcliffe SW and Wicksteed. For the avoidance of doubt, companies have now all been asked to quote for a climbing frame suitable for age 8-14 year olds as indicated in the Tender Introduction and not just one for the under 8s, with prices for the installation on (a) bonded mulch (b) grass matting. This should enable the Parish Council to compare like with like when it makes the contract award in January. Two picnic bench sets have been purchased and are being installed shortly. Outdoor Adult Exercise Equipment Indicative quotes have been received from Broxap, HAGS, Sovereign and Wicksteed against the Council’s suggested budget of £15,000 ex VAT. Each company proposed a different mix and number of items. The Parish Council decided that it could only support this project / make budgetary provision subject to (a) the response to the consultation questionnaire to gauge interest within the Parish; this has been issued via the PIE, the website and a box in the Shop. Fill it in if you would like to see this equipment in the village; (b) two Play Area grant funders being willing to repurpose their grants.

January The Parish Council met on 13 January. Below is an extract of the minutes. The full set can be found on the village notice-boards or on the Parish Council website meetings/. Broadfield Farm The Parish Council, along with all residents, has received a copy of the consultation letter from Gleesons advising of their intention to prepare a planning application for its remaining land at Broadfield Farm: 20 to 24 new homes of which 40% will be affordable tenure. The proposed access will be through the previously consented scheme that is now under construction. This letter has provoked a number of negative responses from residents and key points made by them and copied to the Parish Council were that: • The application is located on Grade 1 Agricultural Land and will create environmental damage; • It is outside the village development boundary Signpost February 2021


Local councils and contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan which runs till 2026; • Existing developments at Broadfield Farm (20), Brook Farm (38), Frog Lane (2) plus the outline planning permission on Dauntsey Road (9) mean the local infrastructure of roads, water supply, surface and foul water drainage is now at full capacity; • Wiltshire Council should prioritise the use of brownfield sites elsewhere and not allow development in open countryside; • Site access is by a narrow single lane track onto a double bend with poor visibility. The general view was that this would constitute overdevelopment of a small village. Whilst some people would support additional affordable/social housing, it is worth noting that our Neighbourhood Plan already includes 20 affordable homes with 8 being built at Brook Farm, 8 at Broadfield Farm and 4 in Dauntsey Road. This exceeds the 17 requested by the Housing Needs Survey carried out by Wiltshire Council four to five years ago which was the basis on which the Neighbourhood Plan was made. If you feel strongly about the plans for another 20-24 houses in the village it is important that you, as individuals, respond to the consultation. The number of responses matters. You should email with the title “Broadfield Farm”. Please send a copy to This will inform the Parish Council of local views when/if a planning application comes before it. If you don’t have email you can write to Gleeson Strategic Land, Sentinel House, Harvest Crescent, Fleet, Hants GU51 2UZ. Concerns were raised about the house numbering on the current development. The Parish Council had requested that the new street be called “Broadfield Farm” so that the new houses could start at 6 Broadfield Farm. However the Backhouse brochure states that the new houses start at 1 Broadfield with no “Farm” in the name. This may cause confusion to both postal services and more importantly emergency services, having near identical addresses adjacent to each other. Street naming is a matter for Wiltshire Council and Wiltshire Cllr Sturgis is pursuing the matter with the relevant department. Covid 19 Support Group The Parish Council is very proud of this group of people and has submitted a separate article to celebrate their achievements during this pandemic. Governance The Parish Council recommended that the current Trustees of the Free Gardens registered charity should appoint Sarah Binstead, Dave Butcher, Meriel Griffiths, Fuchsia Hyde and Steve Mansfield as the first trustees of their planned Free Gardens Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Cllr Gravell is taking on responsibility for Footpaths with Cllr Binstead assuming responsibility for Governance, Risk Management and oversight of the Council’s Finances. 18

Signpost February 2021

Highway & Footpath Matters � The Parish Council has received several complaints about the 5 December flooding in West Street and other areas. This appears to be due to blocked crossover pipes. The one by the Old Oak Tree near Startley was renewed last year but is at least partially blocked and the one by Shiptons Lane is blocked. � It was noted that these ditches and pipes are the responsibility of the relevant landowners. Under road pipes, even if of sufficient capacity, are prone to block very easily with debris washed down the ditches and may not be of sufficient size for the flows at times on intense rain. � The only solution is for the landowners either to regularly check all ditches, clearing all debris or to put in bigger pipes. Wiltshire Council now has a limited budget for flooding and its priorities are dwelling houses, main roads with high volume of high speed traffic and then flooding which remains for more than 24 hours blocking critical roads. � Some landowners have made a start on remedial works and Cllr Blount is in touch with Green Square over ownership and maintenance of the watercourse to the rear of The Tawneys between the Walter Powell School and Winkins Lane. He has also twice emailed the Diocese Agent to discuss ownership of the watercourses in the Church Field down Dauntsey Road. � The Parish Council can no longer access the Startley AutoSpeedWatch camera due to the renewal subscription not being paid, Area Board not having the funds and Wiltshire Police not following up on “offenders”. The number of speeding vehicles in Startley is still over 80% of the current traffic flow with no signs of slowing down. The issue is being raised at the next Police & Crime Commissioner’s meeting. � The metro counts on the Dauntsey Road were in situ over December and the Parish Council awaits the report on their findings. � Several residents have complained about mud on Shiptons Lane which is thought to be attributable to multiple delivery vans and drivers mounting the soft verges rather than to any one landowner or farmer. The person who deposits the mud is responsible for clearing it. The Parish Council had investigated the costs of hiring a road sweeper but it was pointed out that such a device would not work given the quantity of mud. It was suggested that the best remedy would be for a local farmer or landowner to scrape the mud off the road with a tractor and front bucket plus a couple of people with shovels. Are there any volunteers? Planning Wiltshire Council had previously informed the Parish Council that its consultation on the Local Plan and Gypsy Travellers Plan runs 13 January – 9 March. It includes a series of online engagement sessions – see The sessions for Rural

Events, which includes all Wiltshire villages and small settlements, are Monday 1 February and Tuesday 2 February. These sessions are open to the general public to attend and every Parish Council is encouraged to send one or more representatives. There were four planning application for the Parish Council to consider, all of which were supported. • 20/10341/FUL The Hawthorns – Proposed single storey rear extension. • 21/00074/TCA Longacre – Fell ash tree on neighbouring field due to excessive shading of house. • 21/00335/TCA School House – 1.5m reduction to one mountain ash. • 21/00340/TCA Manor Stables Cottage – 1 metre reduction to maple tree. • Wiltshire Council determinations, both Approved with Conditions, were noted for • 20/05865/FUL Brook Farm, Frog Lane – Creation of Groom’s Accommodation. • 20/08054/FUL The Old Stables, Startley - Rear two storey extension to private dwelling house (Amended description). Play Area Additions Climbing Frame tenders from six companies were considered and, after due reflection, the Parish Council felt that Sutcliff Play’s model, pictured below, installed on grass matting would offer the most exciting and innovative play possibilities with good scope for imaginative play, not just the challenge of climbing up and down.

The Parish Council will enter into discussions with the supplier and installation should be completed by early May. The two picnic bench sets have been installed and, following parent feedback, consideration is being given to the purchase of a shelter in 2021/22. Outdoor Adult Exercise Equipment There were 20 responses to the public consultation questionnaire with 8 persons indicating that they would be regular (weekly) users and a further 3 saying they would possibly use it. As a result it was agreed that there was insufficient public support to warrant the purchase of such equipment, especially given the proximity of an outdoor provision at Dauntsey. Those who were opposed to the idea would prefer money to be spent on public footpaths and stiles. Next Meetings Wednesdays @ 7.30 pm

Local councils

The next scheduled meetings are 3 February, 3 March, 7 April, 5 May (APM) and 12 May (APCM). Zoom logins will be provided on the agenda on the notice board until the Covid 19 situation is such that real meetings can resume in the Community Room at the School.

News from Little Somerford Parish Council The Parish Council met via Zoom on 1 December 2020 and 5 January 2021. There is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor, if you are interested in serving your village in this way, please contact the Clerk, Rachel Nuttall, or 01249 720978 Planning The Parish Council has considered the following applications: • 20/10127/TCA Pound House – No objection • 20/10510/TCA Phoenix Cottage – No objection • 20/08632FUL Land opposite The Elms – erection of Agricultural Storage Barn – No objection • Wiltshire Council has determined the following applications: • 20/041479/VAR Land next to Hitherfields – variation of conditions- approved with conditions. • 20/07144/FUL Russell House – Erection of 2 replacement dwellings, approved with conditions. Wiltshire Council is currently running a Local Plan Consultation. The Local Plan review will set out a positive vision for the future of Wiltshire for the period to 2036 and a framework for addressing housing needs and other economic, social and environmental priorities. Information can be found on the Wiltshire Council website Finance The Parish Council has agreed its budget for next year 2021/22 and has set the precept at £10,000. The Risk Register and the insurance cover were both reviewed at recent meetings. Allotments Allotments are available; please contact the clerk if you would like to rent one. Paddock Work has been completed at the entrance to the paddock in Meadow Lane to replace a blocked drainage pipe. Highways and Drainage issues A number of issues have been reported to the Parish Council recently. The Councillors would like to encourage residents to use the MyWilts app to report any concerns to Wiltshire Council. The Parish Council has recently reported to Wiltshire Council – drainage and flooding problems around the village, potholes, fly-tipping and damaged/dirty road signs. Signpost February 2021


Local councils Litter Thank you to everyone who helped with the litter pick at the end of November, 18 bags of rubbish was collected. Please help keep our village tidy. Wildlife Friendly Village The Parish Council is working with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and other villages on this. Thank you to those residents who have offered to help. If you are interested in getting involved with this project, please contact the clerk. Christmas Tree The Christmas tree on the Millennium Green added some festive cheer to the season, many thanks to those involved in obtaining and lighting it, and thank you to Hortico of Sherston for donating it. Census 2021 The Census will be taking place in March. Please look out for emails and other correspondence asking you to take part. We would like to encourage everyone to complete the Census information form. This information helps inform future Government planning and policy, and those of you who have carried out any family ancestry investigation will know how useful this information is to future generations. Play Park During the current lockdown, the Play Park is still open. Telephone Book Exchange Thank you to everyone for helping to keep the Book Exchange tidy by only leaving books if there is room on the shelves. The next Parish Council Meeting is on Tuesday 2 March Rachel Nuttall, Clerk to Little Somerford Parish Council , 01249 720978

Seagry Parish Council At our recent meeting on Jan 12 our main business was the setting of the Parish precept - that element of your Council Tax raised by Seagry Parish Council to fund local amenities and community needs. With this in mind we have proposed an amount of £19,000 for the coming financial year. To put this in perspective a ‘Band D’ property currently paying 16p a week will be paying 18p. A large part of this is our repayment of the loan for our village hall. We also need to be mindful, against a continuing background of cuts to services previously provided by the County Council, of the need to be ready to fund more activities ourselves such as grass cutting or the services provided by the parish stewards. A major part of the council’s work this year, based on parishioners’ concerns, was the purchase and installation of Autospeedwatch cameras to monitor the speed of vehicles through the village. In the two months following installation, 683 instances of speeding were recorded, the highest speed of which was 46mph - and this person was recorded on 8 occasions! These results are mainly for the daytime 20

Signpost February 2021

at this time of year as the solar-powered cameras tend to have lost power by the end of the day. These results are worrying as we have two entrances to the school and many residents trying to exercise safely. The PC is considering the best way to contact those people speeding regularly and is also looking to purchase a ‘SID’ - a speed identification device which informs drivers of their speed and which can be located at different points in the village over time. The PC received some very thoughtful letters on the subject from some of our young residents at the school, some of which we hope to include on the website and/or Facebook page. Finally, in these difficult times, a reminder that the PC is ready to help anyone having difficulty with, for example, shopping or prescription collection - as we have been doing since last March with a group of volunteers. In the first instance, contact the PC Chairman, Mike Barber on 721635 or email Our meetings at the moment are held ‘virtually’ on Zoom and we are looking at the logistics of holding the Annual Parish Meeting, on April 13, in the same way. Should be interesting! At the moment the local elections are planned for May 6 along with our delayed referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan. More information and detailed minutes of meetings are available on the website - and you can always come to a meeting yourself, even on Zoom! Forthcoming dates - next Parish Council meeting - Tuesday March 9. - Annual Parish Meeting - April 13.

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Gentle Foot Care In the comfort of your own home ACER TREE SURGEONS ARBORICULTURAL ASSOCIATION APPROVED CONTRACTOR As your local Arborist, we are passionate about providing a bespoke service when looking a�er you and your trees. Services include: • Tree Removals, Dismantles and Felling • Crown Reduc�ons, Re-Shaping and Pruning • Hedge Cu�ng • Management of Dangerous Trees • Stump Grinding and Removal • Free Quota�ons and Tree Health Check Please contact us for free help and advice regarding your trees. Adam Roberts M. Arbor. A, FdSc Arb ND Arb Tel: 01666718078 / 07843082634 Email:

Heather Joanna Baker S.A.CDipFHPA S.A.CDipFHPAT Nail Cutting – Filing – Thick Nail Reduction Removal of Callus (Hard Skin) & Corns …. For all enquiries please contact

07580 089906 Email – Registered Foot Health Practitioner serving the community of Sutton Benger and the surrounding villages. Signpost February 2021



Signpost February 2021

DO YOU HAVE A MOLE PROBLEM? With over 30 years’ experience in tradi�onal mole control I can effec�vely, discreetly and humanely remove the culprit(s)! No gas, chemicals or poisons used and completely safe to children and pets. NO MOLE – NO FEE Rabbit control also undertaken Fully insured and references available Member of the Bri�sh Mole Catchers Register BPCA/RSPH level 2 cer�ficate in pest control. Call Charlie now for a free, no obliga�on site survey and quote 07766 132 934 (Day) 01666 890 344 (Evening)


01249 720345

07760 307151

Signpost February 2021



♫ PIANO LESSONS ♫ JENNIFER J. TIDMARSH ATM (SMTC) FISM 12, The Street, Hullavington, Chippenham.SN14 6EF Very well established Piano Teacher with over thirty-five years’ experience. Children from the age of six, teenagers and adults all welcome. Lessons in Theory of Music also available. Pupils achieve excellent results in ABRSM exams. All exam Grades covered up to and including Diploma level

Telephone 01666 837264.

Mobile 07814 103077

Member of the Incorporated Society of Musicians

RICHARD PONTING PROFESSIONAL FLOOR AND WALL TILING All types of natural stone tiles, slate, travertine, flagstones, terraco�a, ceramics Sheet vinyl (inc. Karndean), carpet tiles SUPPLY AS WELL AS FIT Tel: 01249 721229 07966297790


Fully Licensed-Fully Qualified Fully Insured Local Authority Approved Professional Tree Surgeons Tree Surveys & Reports Tree Felling Pruning & Planting Height Reduction Hedge & Flail Cutting Site Clearance Estate Management Grounds Maintenance Excavations Free no obligation quotations A Family Run Business with over 25 years Experience 01793 772268 / 07921 856089

Foxley Plumbing & Heating Oil Boiler Installation, Servicing And Repairs Oil Tank Replacement Heating Installation And Repairs Bathroom Installations Unvented Cylinder Systems No Job Too Small

Tim Hibbard Email


Malmesbury (01666) 822863 Mobile 07966 462202

Signpost February 2021

• Small and medium sized business specialists • Cloud accoun�ng specialists • Free ini�al mee�ng & fixed fees available • Free fact sheets and monthly e-news (see our website)

Unit 1 Gate Farm High Street Su�on Benger Wiltshire SN15 4RE

Tel: 01249 720341 Fax: 01249 470560

We offer: Nursing Residential Respite Day Care Adrian Cizmas Home Manager

Set in beau�ful gardens overlooking the Vale of Dauntsey, with large ensuite wet rooms, hair salon and residents coffee shop. Whether you are looking for nursing, residential, respite or day care, we would recommend a visit to our home to see for yourself what makes us so special.

Tel 01666 822363 Hill House Care Home Little Somerford Nr Malmesbury SN15 5BH

Signpost February 2021

29 Do you find it difficult to get someone to come and do a small job?

* Extra Lights * Additional Sockets * Rewires * Smoke Alarms * New Fuse Boards * Landlord & Homebuyer Inspections Fault finding & Repairs - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - -

* Qualified Electrician * Six Year Guarantee * Fully Insured * Reliable Service * Free Quote * Tidy Work *Reasonably Priced

Satisfaction Guaranteed - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - -

I will assure you of a quick response and a reasonably priced service Call Neil – Your Local Electrician on

01666510976 30

Signpost February 2021

Single Ply Flat Roofing Specialist �Firestone EPDM Rubber Roofing Systems �20 Year Guarantee �Highly resistant to ozone and UV �Flame-free installa�on �Large seam free sheets �Maintenance free �New build or refurbishment �Firestone Approved Installer

CABINET-MAKER/HOME IMPROVEMENT Storage solutions, bespoke wardrobes/cupboards, shelving/ bookcases: or call to discuss your own design. Free quotations.... Call Rob Griffiths 01249 720309

KEN SHEARING DECORATING Tel: 01666 837589 Mob: 07768 277980 Email: Website:

E B BOILER SERVICES • Oil boiler installation • Servicing, breakdown/repair

Internal and External Painting ● Coving ● Plastering / repairs ● Spray painting ● Window repairs ● Free estimates / quotes ● No VAT charged � Over 25 years experience

For a reliable professional service Tel 01666 823999

Tiller Garden & Landscape Services Established 2004 City & Guilds qualified horticulturalist

TIM MORRIS Erik Beckwith Great Somerford – 01249 721564 Mobile – 07952493160 Email –

M.Vincent Windows & Glazing For all your glazing needs Wiltshire & Gloucestershire areas Fast, friendly and efficient service Available at your convenience 7 days a week CALL FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION

07890 138453 / 01666 460106

Garden care, pruning, planting and design. Soft and hard landscaping projects, Border renovation, makeovers and tidy-ups Mobile: 07818 072273 Email:

A J’s Interior & Exterior Decorator Exterior and interior painting and paper hanging Specialising in older properties Free advice and estimates given on request All enquiries welcome Member of Painting & Decorating Association 01249 891192 or 07740 945930 Signpost February 2021



Signpost February 2021

Church Information Church Services for February 2021 You will appreciate in these uncertain times it is difficult to plan ahead and so we advise you to check the relevant websites or to contact Churchwardens whose contact details are on the back page of Signpost

Church of England Great and Little Somerford - Virtual Sunday services will be held until further notice. Details can be found on the website -click on “service schedule” for further information. Seagry - Services will be held on zoom for the foreseeable future. To be added to the list for weekly updates and zoom details please contact Rev Mark Siddall on 01249 652752 or the churchwardens Eleanor and Jo. Seagry church will be open for Private Prayer on alternate Sundays as listed below Sunday 14 February 2-3 pm Sunday 28 February 2-3 pm Corston & Rodbourne Live services suspended at present. Online services from Malmesbury Abbey are available from . Click ‘Services’ option Pastoral need: contact 07425 527312 Personal prayer request: prayers @malmesbury Private prayer available in Abbey Wednesday & Saturday 10.00 am -12 .00 noon To arrange a time for prayer in Rodbourne Church contact 07966 927296

Methodist Churches www. Following the current Government lockdown due to COVID19 the churches of the North Wiltshire Methodist Circuit will remain closed for congregational worship. Most churches have in place Worship as Home sheets, streamed or 'zoom' type services or videos on Youtube. Please check out their websites for all the details.

Signpost February 2021


Contacts Allotment Gardens Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 720204 Little Somerford .......................................... 01666 823799 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 721046 Somerfords’ Art Circle ............................... 01666 824306 ................................................................... 01666 823799 Astronomy - Somerford Gazers................. 07711 972300 Bell ringing.................................................. 01249 721127 Churches Malmesbury Abbey Office......................... 01666 826666 Woodbridge Group Office (Maggie) ......... 01666 511422 Rector, Rev Steve Wilkinson ..................... 01249 723733 Curate, Rev Mike Graham ......................... 01666 510441 Lay Ministers Debra Evans ................................................. 01666 511158 Tony Yates.....................................................01249 723842 Jane Briggs.................................................... 01666 825996 Churchwardens Corston & Rodbourne (Angela) ................ 01666 822916 Corston & Rodbourne (Susannah) ........... 01666 822103 Gt Somerford (Anna Kent) ........................ 01666 510515 Lt Somerford (Robert Gawthropp)........... 01666 510339 Curate in Charge (Draycot Benefice) -Revd. Dr Mark Siddall ........................................................... 01249 652752 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720683 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720429 Draycot Admin (Maggie-Tues. Only) .......01666 511357 Great Somerford Methodist....................... 01249 720687 Roman Catholic (Malmesbury)................. 01666 822331 Café Church ................................................. 01249 721398 Coffee Pots ................................................... 07845 156184 Councils Parish Councils (Clerks) Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 890379 Little Somerford .......................................... 01249 720978 Corston and Rodbourne............................. 07533 879433 Seagry (Viv Vines) ...................................... 01249 890759 Wiltshire Council ......................................... 0300 4560100 Dentists ........................................................ 0845 758 1926 Doctors Malmesbury Health Centre ....................... 01666 825825 Out of hours ................................................. 0300 1115717 Embroiderers' Guild.................................. 01249 721373 Fishing Somerfords Fishing Assn ............ 01666 823799 Gardening Club (Diane Beverley) ........... 01666 824182 Girl Guides.................................................. 01666 825647 Library - Malmesbury ................................ 01666 823611 Library - Chippenham ................................01249 650536 Neighbourhood Watch Little Somerford .......................................... 07711 972300 Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 723754 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720429 Corston ......................................................... 01666 822691 Rodbourne.................................................... 01666 829445 Startley .......................................................... 01249 720521 Parent & Toddler group............................ 01666 824951 Police Non-emergency Number ........................... 101 Wiltshire Police (Alternative No.) ............. 01380 735735

Post Office.................................................... 01249 721272 Pubs The Volunteer Inn (GS) ...............................01249 720316 Little Somerford Arms ............................... 01666 826535 The New Inn (Seagry)..................................01249 721083 Radnor Arms (Corston).............................. 01666 823389 Recycling (Hills) ......................................... 0845 6032085 Refuse (Wiltshire Council) ........................ 0300 4560100 Seagry & Startley Recreation Ground Trust Upper Seagry (Adele Carnegie)................ 07769 905701 Startley (Jayne Tinslay) .............................. 01249 721082 Shop Fourways Stores, (GS).......................01249 721272 Schools Somerfords' Walter Powell ........................ 01249 720797 Somerfords' WP Pre-School....................... 07931 263909 Seagry School............................................... 01249 720213 Seagry Pre-school........................................ 07773 011321 Malmesbury School .................................... 01666 829700 Scouts, Cubs and Beavers......................... 01666 822651 Sports Centres Activity Zone Malmesbury.........................01666 822533 Olympiad Chippenham ............................. 01249 444144 Lime Kiln Wootton Bassett ........................ 01793 852197 Talking Newspapers ..................................01249 659305 Transport Buses AD Rains ........................................... 01666 510874 Coach hire A James Quality travel ........... 01666 825655 Coach Hire Coachstyle ............................... 01249 782224 Coachstyle Buses ......................................... 01666 510874 National Coaches ........................................ 0870 5808080 Bradies............................................................01249 890794 Taxi AST Ltd .................................................01666 823388 Taxi Abbey Taxis..........................................01666 826072 Taxi Webb Taxis ...........................................01666 823551 Taxi Andycab................................................01666 826525 National Rail Enquiries .............................. 0845 7484950 Driving Miss Daisy ..................................... 07458 012460 Malmesbury & District Link...................... 01666 840861 Village Halls Little Somerford .......................................... 01249 720978 Goss Croft Community Hall ..................... 07779 717663 GS Community room ................................. 01249 720204 GS School Hall ............................................. 01249 720797 Corston/Rodbourne ................................... 01666 824377 Women’s Institute Little Somerford .......................................... 01666 510490 Woodside ...................................................... 01249 720765 Emergencies Highways & street care .............................. 0300 456 0105 Electricity...................................................... 08000 727282 Floodline....................................................... 0845 6026340 Pollution Hotline......................................... 0800 807 060 Wessex Water ............................................... 0845 6004600 Hospitals: Chippenham............................. 01249 447100 NHS Direct ................................................... 0845 4647 Dental Emergency (NHS).......................... 111 Vets George.................................................. 01666 823165 Vets Chalkland ............................................ 01249 588805

To add or amend your contact details please call Jackie Vale on 01249 721208


Signpost February 2021

Winter in Great Somerford Signpost February 2021


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