The Signpost October 2020

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October 2020


Which Direction Now?

Important Announcements Announcement 1 Signpost has been a feature of our community for the past eleven years and has been supported by a stalwart team of editors and compilers throughout that time though, as age has taken its toll, members of the editorial committee are gradually unable to continue for one reason or another. For Signpost to carry on we need new enthusiastic people to join us. We rotate the editorial/ compiling responsibilities around the team for each edition so that no one is responsible every time, and you approach your next turn with fresh ideas. The only qualification is to be reasonably able to operate a laptop, PC or MAC and use email to communicate with the rest of the committee. If you are looking for an extra interest do come and join our friendly, supportive team. For Signpost to continue, WE NEED YOU NOW. For information please see the Editorial or contact any member of the Editorial Team or a Village Correspondent.

Announcement 2 We are so pleased to be back in print! It is wonderful to know there is still a demand for hard copies of Signpost. We hope you enjoy once again receiving your monthly newsletter. We will, however, be keeping the situation under review as we head into winter and should the current Covid-19 circumstances change we will adapt accordingly, if required. We also received lots of positive feedback about our online version so we plan to continue to upload each issue online. This edition can be found at:

Back Cover: Homegrown pumpkin

Contents Important Announcements............................................ 2 Editorial ............................................................................ 3 Signpost Organising Group.......................................... 3 Local News and Events ............................................... 4-6 September in the Free Gardens ..................................... 7 The Peasant’s Reflections ............................................... 8 Picture Quiz...................................................................9 River Watch .................................................................... 10


Signpost October 2020

Chef’s Pantry ................................................................... 11 Local Food Services .................................................. 12-14 Schools and Pre-School .............................................15-17 Shasa ............................................................................18-19 Councils.......................................................................19-21 Advertisements ..........................................................22-33 Church Services............................................................... 34 Contacts ............................................................................ 35 Back Page ......................................................................... 36

Editorial Save Our Signpost It is sad to begin this Editorial on a note of caution, but the time has come for us to consider if we can continue. From a team of six to seven publishers we are now down to three. Retirement and long service have taken their toll, and despite numerous notices on Facebook in the villages, we have not yet received new volunteers. Only three publishers mean that each of us must manage the publication each month, either editing or compiling. It also means that either we reduce the issues to bi-monthly, or cease publishing altogether, as we think a bi-monthly issue negates the value of our village journal. We plan to continue to the year end but we need new recruits to come on board now. The Signpost has been running for the last twelve years since a group of volunteers took up the challenge when the previous church newsletter ceased on Guy Oswald’s retirement.

We believe The Signpost is well received and the contributions are enjoyed. It has been an essential voice for local news and events, celebrating local businesses, pubs and shops as well as heroic champions in our villages, especially vital over the last few months (see Bram and Pat Widdowson’s article ‘Lockdown’ inside). Loyal distributors, correspondents finance and advertisement management are still in place. It is still a very thriving publication and it is in good financial health. But what direction now for The Signpost? That is down to you. With just two new volunteers to help with publishing, we shall be able to continue. Contact any member of the team listed below if that is you. You will be made very welcome. Sara Sorby

Signpost Editorial Group Editorial Contact Editorial Team

Village Correspondents Corston Great Somerford Little Somerford Rodbourne Seagry Startley Church Matters School Matters Advertising and Finance Distribution

Peter Oliver Sara Sorby Jake Vale Michael Palmer Lucy Dalgleish

01666 822342 07774 605431 01249 721208 01666 826390 07909 962067

Brenda Oliver Jake Vale Julie Frayling Sara Sorby Jo Crosland Jenny Reeves Jo Crosland Jake Vale Brenda Oliver Steve Reay

01666 822342 01249 721208 01666 823799 07774 605431 01249 720429 01249 720521 01249 720429 01249 721208 01666 822342 07966 743492

Copyright Please note that all written and photographic material published in Signpost remains the copyright of the author/photographer and may not be reproduced without permission Signpost October 2020


Local news and events Donations We have received with thanks a donation of £20 since our last edition. Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the cost of producing Signpost should send a cheque to The Hermitage, Corston, Malmesbury, SN16 0HB. Thank you.

Corston & Rodbourne Reading Room 200 Club August 1st 15 Sally Barrett Corston 2nd 22 David Malpas Rodbourne 3rd 96 Emily Eason Corston Any enquiries regarding the 200 Club, please contact Norma on Tel: 01666 825303.

Help for our Churches The COVID Pandemic has created major funding challenges for our churches, as it has for many other institutions and charities. Planned services and fundraising events have not taken place since the end of March, but regular bills still have had to be paid including insurance premiums, electricity payments, upkeep and repair bills as well as payments to the Diocese for clergy and for administration. In many cases, there is little or no income coming in to cover these costs and some of our churches are facing a crisis. Do we want to find yet more of our facilities are no longer available when the Pandemic is over? If you feel you can make a donation to help your local church, please contact the Treasurer of your Parish: Great Somerford: Mark Vincent 01249 721420 Little Somerford: Simon Nuttall 01249 720978 Corston & Rodbourne: Maureen Inwards 01666 822775 Seagry: Sheena Tilley 07801 749544

Great Somerford 2020 Vision Hundred Club Lottery – Results New cases still going up with a big jump on 6 September so as far as this house is concerned too many people are getting infected for us to do anything too exciting! Which is why on Sunday 6 September the numbers were once again drawn by Jude Picton Phillipps and, in no particular order, the winners were Basil Miles, James Layton and Jude Picton Phillipps. Congratulations to them all. If you would like to take part please contact Tom Picton Phillipps on 01249 721202 or at or knock on his door at 4 Paddock Close. It only costs £5.00 a month Depending on the degree to which support is maintained or enlarged the level of prizes (currently £125.00, £75.00 and £50.00 monthly) may have to be varied.


Signpost October 2020

Malmesbury & District U3A Malmesbury & District U3A is keeping in touch with members with regular editions of the Lockdown News. Some groups are meeting virtually while others are beginning to meet in other ways within government guidelines. Our monthly meetings continue to take place via zoom and over the winter we plan to have 2 a month starting in November. Our next Zoom meeting will be on 22 October. Sir Muir Gray and Jill Turner will give a talk entitled ‘Live Longer Better with the Optimal Ageing Programme - How to stay well and increase physical and mental wellbeing.’ U3A Members can look forward to a thoughtprovoking talk with some well-researched advice on maintaining a positive outlook and an active lifestyle. Sir Muir Gray CBE MD is the Director of the Optimal Ageing Programme for Living Longer Better and an esteemed national figure in public health. His current work focuses on health and wellbeing support for older people, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. He is the author of 7 books. Malmesbury U3A is now 5 years old and we look forward to being able to celebrate this milestone when life returns to normal. If you are retired or semi-retired do join us (now or in a few months time). We have more than 500 members and 40 different interest groups including book group, history, gardening, dancing, theatre trips, languages, walking etc. Check our website for an up –to-date list of groups and other information: Please contact Elaine Sharp for more information on tel: 01666 823568 or e-mail:

Local news and events Lockdown This has been a very trying time for all. The uncertainty of it, the curtailment of our movements and restriction which we are not used to in our free society, all very necessary to ensure that the majority of us come through safely. On a more personal note my husband and I never realised how many good and reliable friends we had. They have rallied around and made sure we had all we required, all done with a smile even though they had to stay on the door step. They know who they are, I won't embarrass them by naming them. It is good to know when family are a distance away such friends are there to ease the journey though these troubled times. We would also like to extend our appreciation to Lisa our ‘Street Champion’ as we say in Yorkshire. She has been a real champion; To the Fourway Stores to Rohit for his weekly delivery service; Finally to The Signpost for keeping us informed; A very big thank you to all. Bram and Pat Widdowson Startley

The Evans Trust Welcomes Applications This Trust exists to support young people in education, who live in Little Somerford and Great Somerford. Grants are available for people between the ages of 16 and 25, towards the cost of higher or further education. The amount awarded, up to a maximum of £250.00, will depend on the number of applicants. If you would like to apply, please do so in writing and send to Mr Robert Gawthropp, Cranford, Little Somerford, Chippenham, SN15 5JX before 31 October 2020. Please explain in your letter the course you are undertaking, how much you are applying for, and what this amount will be spent on.

North Wiltshire Villages Flower Club Although unfortunately the Flower Club has been unable to meet for six months, behind the scenes work has continued on planning future events as lockdown measures continue to ease. The committee met in late July (socially distanced, outdoors) to discuss how best to move forward during these difficult times. Given the current uncertainty over the opening of venues, and the necessity of social

MALMESBURY & DISTRICT LINK Registered Charity No 1043099

LINK is a local charity which enables patients without access to transport to attend medical appointments. We are continuing to operate during the current Covid-19 pandemic. If you need help to get to a medical appointment or to collect a prescription, please contact us on 01666 840861 between 09:00 and 13:00 Monday to Friday or send an email to:

distancing, it was felt that the remainder of the programme planned for 2020 wasn’t feasible and sadly would have to be cancelled. This includes our major event for the year planned to be held at the Sundial Theatre Cirencester in November. The only exception is our September AGM which will be held via Zoom. We hope to actively re-start the Club from January 2021. A full programme of events for next year has already been arranged, incorporating several originally planned for this year. As usual the programme is very varied and includes a good mix of workshops, demonstrations, social events and visits. In 2021 we very much hope that Flower Club meetings will once again take place at Crudwell Village Hall, SN16 9HB, on the third Wednesday of the month, 7 pm for 7.30 pm (with some exceptions for social events/visits as outlined in our programme). We are a friendly and enthusiastic group with members from throughout the area. Visitors and potential new members are guaranteed a warm welcome at our regular meetings, so please do come along if you’re interested. We really look forward to welcoming back both our current members and any guests at our next meeting which is planned for Wednesday 20 January 2021 (regulations permitting). Save the date! In the meantime stay safe and well. If you’d like to get in touch we can be contacted by email:

Thank you A huge thank you to everyone who came and bought produce and/or donated at Florrie’s stall outside our house last month. She raised £65 which went to Malmesbury Food Bank. Lucy Dalgleish Signpost October 2020


Local News and Events Advice from Ellen Blacker As we slowly creak back into life to what seems to be called “the new normal” I just wanted to say hello again and that I hope you are all fit and well. We have been through such difficult times and my thoughts have been with you. Moving forward, I have some news to share with you. To avoid incurring the wrath of the editors (marvellous people one and all) by making this too long, I will keep it short and in bullet points. Of course, just give me a call if you would like more information on this or anything else I may be able to help with. • Beware the scams….again. With new legislation and furlough payments, there comes a host of new scams. This week alone I have been told that I have a tax rebate and a tax fraud case against me, also that a friend has lost his phone and a lady in Nigeria who would like to give me a share of $50,000,000. My suggestion is always to be very cautious and any genuine callers will agree to put their message etc in writing – nothing is ever that desperately urgent. Don’t give away your address, genuine callers will already know that. • Do you have memory problems or know someone who does? Music is a great stimulus for memories of times past and Playlist for Life has produced a great little booklet to have some fun with thinking of the old tunes and why we loved them. • I have some leaflets which have been produced by Wiltshire Council on staying safe during these strange times. Its well worth a read. • To get this information I plan to pop a supply to each village and leave them, wherever possible, in your churches or church porches. I will also leave some in the library in Malmesbury.

Garden Shredder for Sale AL-KO Shredder Bought second-hand and never used! Any offer considered, but buyer collects. If not, it goes to machinery sale in October. Call 07774 605431 (Rodbourne)


Signpost October 2020

• As the groups and clubs start to re-open please let me know, I would love to pop along to say hello to you all again and catch up with the news. • Lastly, the impact of the virus continues in less obvious ways. Many of us have poor hearing and we often combine other senses to communicate. We often use these strategies without even realising what we are doing! Sadly, face masks reduce our ability to “read” peoples faces and so Salisbury Hospital have offered some ideas on things we can do to help overcome barriers to communication through face coverings. Speak slowly and clearly – Our brains need time to put all the clues together, especially in difficult environments Reduce noise and obtain the person’s attention – do what you can to remove noise sources or move the person into a quieter space if possible. Re-phrase sentences if not heard – Use different words, avoid repeating a phrase which has already proved difficult to hear Give time for the person to respond – they may still be working out what you’ve said Avoid shouting, over-emphasising, or exaggerating your words – this can be more harmful than helpful and can be misunderstood as aggressiveness. Face the person – don’t turn or walk away while finishing a sentence, this only adds to the attenuation offered by face coverings. As always, if you have a problem which I may be able to help with, give me a call on 07557 922020 and leave a message. Alternatively email me Be aware that I work part time and so will get back to you as soon as I can, but it may be a day or so. Stay safe everyone. Ellen

September in the Free Gardens September in the Free Gardens There has definitely been a slight morning chill over the last couple of weeks. Autumn is on its way. Some bean supports have been toppled by heavy winds and rain recently and harvesting has begun in earnest. The towering sunflowers are leaning slightly and there are patches of brown earth where potatoes have been unearthed and carrots pulled. The freezers and store cupboards of many plotholders will already be groaning with chutneys, soups and fresh produce. Our socially distanced ‘social’ went ahead at the end of August and it was wonderful to gather and compare notes on the successes and not quite successes of the growing season despite the challenges many people have faced during lockdown. It was great, also, to see the recent primary school Harvest Café fundraiser receiving such support in some glorious Sunday morning sunshine. Allotmenting and gardening in general have certainly been a comfort and pleasure for many during the last few months – a combination of productive exercise, fresh air and the sheer enjoyment of producing home grown produce with a few seeds and some care and attention perhaps?

September is a brilliant time to start a new plot. If you think allotmenting might be for you, it’s good to take a stroll around the site – it’s easy at the moment to see what crops people have been growing and to see how plots are laid out. There are a number of ways to make a start but most methods can be adapted to suit the amount of time and energy any plotholder has available to spend. With home working becoming more commonplace, perhaps an allotment could be a great on-the-doorstep project to break up the routine of daily conference calls and spreadsheet fatigue. Whatever the reason for taking up a plot, there’s no time like the present, with the warm(ish) autumn days perfect for laying the foundations for some good growing in 2021. The Allotment Holders Group is independent of the Trustees of the Free Gardens who are responsible for the administration of the plots and the site. If you’d like an allotment, please contact Dave Butcher on 01249 720204. If you’d like more information about the Allotment Holders Group, please email Janice or Clare at Janice Botterill & Clare Eaton

Rural Pre-Schoolwithin Seagry C of E Primary School offering a safe, stimulating environment for children aged 2-5years Experienced, well qualified staff •• High ratio of staff to children Large, secure outdoor learning area •• Child-initiated play & exploration Sharing space with Reception class,allowing for a seamless transition into school

Please contact Paula Jenkins, Pre-School Manager, to find out more & to arrange your visit Web:

Tel: 01249 720213


Signpost October 2020


The Peasant’s Reflections The Covid 19 virus seems to be going to be around for some period yet. In nature the virus is very similar to the one that caused Myxomatosis in rabbits and our human way of defeating that virus is to allow all the rabbits to catch it and ninety nine % of them die. Obviously that can’t be allowed in the human race so we have other means of stopping the disease from spreading, by isolation and keeping social distancing. But as recent events have shown, this is not enough and the disease takes every opportunity to show that it is still around. This may be hard on people who have booked a holiday abroad but isolation and social distancing are the only way that the virus will be kept at bay. If we go back to our old ways then we will have failed. Life will never be the same again. Every holiday in Turkey or Spain or anywhere else that involves a flight in a plane with four hundred other people is going to put us at risk. I feel sorry for the people under fifty who have been accustomed from day one to go anywhere anytime, who now won’t be able to. On the farming front, life is not very good. One dairy supply firm that dealt with fresh milk for coffee houses has gone bust and a lot of others are struggling. This is going to make life even more difficult for the dairy farmer. And corn is no better. Barley is not worth growing due to the price of seed corn and the slow up in demand from beef and pork producers – from vegetarianism in the meat side. Those of us who were fortunate enough to get winter wheat planted in last year’s rain will do quite well but they are already putting off the day when they will be subject to the normal rules of supply and demand.

The harvest this year is difficult due to the days getting shorter and less opportunity to get a lot done in the day, especially when it is wet. I wish I could be more optimistic about the future but I can’t. I am afraid I may be proved to be probably right. Boris Johnson has done very well in protecting our fishermen from the Russians and the EU, but at what price to support for the British farmers. I am glad that I have lived through the best years; ploughing what you liked, re-seeding what you wanted, milking as many cows as you felt inclined and no rules and no worry about sprays passing to the oceans. Just a good life. Ben Barton Editor’s note: Ben was in chatty form when I went to take dictation this week, even if rather pessimistic over Covid. He is trying to have more physiotherapy to help his back and hip joints. Ideally he would like to find a therapist who can visit him. Does anyone know of one? While he is not optimistic about regaining use of his right arm, he feels continued physio on his right leg would help with mobility.

Answers to the September 2020 Wild Mammals Picture Quiz Well done those who let me know they had completed this, and/or asked for hints! As promised, here are the answers to the September 2020 British mammals picture quiz. A. Weasel; B. Roe deer; C. Dormouse; D. Brown hare; E. Otter; F. Grey seal; G. Wild cat; H. Hedgehog; I. Badger; J. Mole; K. Long-eared bat; L. Bottle-nosed dolphin. Maximum 12 points possible. Congratulations and prizes to everyone.



07931 263909 or 01249 720797 8

Signpost October 2020

Picture Quiz British Wild Flowers picture quiz Once again in celebration of our wonderful British wildlife, here is another silly picture quiz! This month, we’re looking at British wild flowers again for the third (and I think final) time. At the time of submission, I am not sure if this can take advantage of full colour in a sixth digital edition of Signpost, or if this will be printed in black-and-white (which compromises the finer species details but not the generic identity of two flowers). How many can you identify in the grid below? Some a little more ‘lateral’ than others! By all means, compare notes and hints with friends, family and colleagues! This photo quiz will also be posted on my Facebook page: Answers to be published in the November edition of Signpost. Mark Everard

Signpost October 2020


Riverwatch Paradise Lost? Compressed by the telescope of history, summers were always sunny way back when, just as winters were always crisp with snow. Wildlife was also profuse, but that comparison with today is far from an illusion. Denied access to fishing and other freedoms in early 2020, much of my enjoyment of the local watery environment beyond daily walks has been vicarious. My ‘sport’ has largely comprised mining memories of times long gone. In the early 1960s, I lived in Kent, later spending the early 1970s in Sussex before disappearing into the big city when going up to university. Roaming the countryside, I grew acquainted with small water bodies abounding on the clay. Some were dew ponds, others bomb craters, both a legacy of former times. All seemed to host families of water voles – ‘Ratty’ from The Wind in the Willows – frequently seen paddling the calm surface at dusk. Moorhens were ubiquitous, newts crept in thick water weed, and small fishes abounded in at least some secret watery wonderlands. I suspect virtually all of these minute wildlife oases are now lost. Most will have silted up or been filled in long ago, serving no use in the modern world. A minority might have been enlarged and stocked with bigger fish to meet bigger expectations. But memories of the wealth of three-spined sticklebacks, male fish brighter than peacocks in their spawning regalia, swim on with great affection in my mind. So too those pools hosting crucian carp, or the occasional rudd or tench, brightened by the dance of damselflies and the alarm cries of moorhens hiding in marginal weed stands or under tumbling willows, amongst so many other inspiring vignettes. I have a hankering for things simpler, slower and smaller in scale in every regard, as do many of my increasingly crusty colleagues. I wish I could find such a neglected pool again today, hunting minimonsters whilst being eaten alive by mosquitoes. However, today’s profoundly changed landscape economics hold no value for these seemingly inconsequential watering holes, razed under a model of progress rewarding only intensive farming, housing, roads and other hard infrastructure. These oases now live on almost exclusively as ghosts in my imagination. Yet, whilst many idylls romanticise past times that never really existed, those 1960s pondscapes were as real as the air I breathe today. It was no illusion that wildlife was 10

Signpost October 2020

formerly more profuse. For all the massed nature we see on television, did you know that 96% of the global biomass of mammals now comprises humans and our livestock? Scientific studies also find that, since just 1970, populations of many wild animal species have more than halved. The average rate of loss of vertebrate species over the last century is 100 times higher than background rates, insect populations are experiencing precipitous decline, and biodiversity loss is proceeding at such a rate that we are facing a mass extinction event. Authoritative global surveys found that 75% of the global land surface is already significantly altered, and over 85% of global wetland area has been lost. The loss of those small but important watery oases of wildlife, once so ubiquitously scattered across the southern English landscape in the distant days of my childhood, is of far more than nostalgic value. If the pause imposed on global human activity in 2020 has any meaningfully positive legacy, it should be that it causes us to reflect and chose a different pathway of development that values nature not merely for its inherent values, but as the principal and vital underpinning resource supporting future human security and opportunity. In this unique moment in human history we can choose, indeed must demand, a different pathway into a future of greater stability and prospects supported by recovering natural systems. We have to seize this unprecedented opportunity to rebuild our muchdegraded natural world not just for its beauty and inherent worth but as the irreplaceable life support system upon which all of our futures depend: “building back better” by addressing the foundations of the edifice of a more fulfilling future, not merely a swift return to short-term profit-taking based on their systematic liquidation. With global society now entering the 2021-2030 UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, there is no excuse for reverting to anachronistic habits perpetuating the serial destruction of natural systems essential for the continuing health, wealth, security and quality of life of all. Mark Everard

Chef’s Pantry

Autumn ‘The Harvest Season’‘ It’s now time to wave goodbye to summer and welcome in the autumn. As it creeps in the evenings will draw in and shorten the days, the leaves will fade to golden hues and start to fall, and the weather will become chilly and unsettled. There is a whole host of reasons to celebrate this time of year. It’s the time for warm comfort food packed with the produce from our gardens, allotments, and farms. Sunday roasts or Tuesday roasts, not necessarily on a Tuesday, are some of my favourites. Some opt for stews, casseroles, root vegetables, mashed potatoes and traditional roasts. Those of you with a sweet tooth (my husband included) may prefer blackberry & apple crumble with a sprinkling of hazelnuts on top with plenty of custard. Stew or Casserole? Well there’s a question; here goes. Casserole is defined by the dish it’s cooked in and the cooking method. For most styles of casserole, the pot goes into a preheated oven on a medium to low temperature and the heat circulates around the dish, providing heat evenly. It doesn’t necessarily need to be covered. Stews are cooked on the hob, in a lidded pan, again on a low heat. Heat spreads from the bottom upwards. Both casseroles and stews are cooked for many hours to make sure the meat is tender, the flavour is rich, and the vegetables melt in your mouth Of course, if you’re looking for an alternative method, there’s always the pressure cooker, crockpot, slow cooker, Aga or Rayburn. In summary, these are both excellent ‘chuck in whatever you have to hand’ dishes. They lend themselves to easy adjustment of quantities and ingredients to fit your family and your dishes. I would choose casserole if I remember to put it in the oven and leave it on a low heat for a few hours. If I’ve forgotten and time’s an issue, I would make a comforting stew with some dumplings.

Easy Beef/Venison Casserole Onion, carrots, swede, parsnips, chunky chopped turnips, bay leaves & thyme sprigs, vegetable oil, butter, plain flour, tomato purée, Worcestershire sauce, beef stock cubes, stewing beef or venison cut into large chunks. Heat oven to 160C Put all the thickly cut vegetables, bay leaves and 1 whole thyme sprig in an ovenproof casserole dish with the vegetable oil and butter. Cook until soft, roughly 10 mins, then stir in the plain flour. Next stir in the tomato purée, and Worcestershire sauce followed by the beef stock cubes. Add stewing beef or venison and gradually stir in enough hot water to cover the vegetables and meat, and bring to a gentle simmer. Cover and put in the oven for 2– 3 hours, then uncover and cook for another 30mins to 1 hour more or until the meat is really tender. Timings are guide only, as it will depend on size of dish and how much meat and vegetables you are cooking. Add dumplings if you wish, serve with mashed potatoes and seasonal veg. As the oven is already warm and up to temperature, why not throw in a Blackberry & Apple crumble for afters? Stubbards Apple & Blackberry Crumble. 5-6 Apples; peeled; cored and quartered, large handful of blackberries, plain flour, butter, sugar, hazelnuts. Put half the apples into an ovenproof dish, sprinkle sugar over, put all the blackberries on top, add another layer of apple and sprinkle with sugar, put the crumble mix on top, sprinkle with crushed hazelnuts, put into the oven and cook for approximately 40mins or until top of crumble is golden. Serve with custard, cream, ice-cream or a combination of all three, unless you are a purist like my dear husband, for whom custard is the only acceptable accompaniment.

Signpost October 2020


Your local food services Stubbard A west country apple usually ripe at the end of September or even later in the autumn. They are medium to large with skin of pale green with streaks of red & russet. While they’re a little too sharp for eating, as cooking apples they’re perfect. They hold their shape through cooking but, with a little sugar, will mash easily to a delicious puree. The apples do soften in November & December and are less sharp. If you have one of this variety of apple tree in your garden, keep it as they are quite rare. Growing up on the Isle of Wight, I remember these well. Deborah Loader

October at The Somerford Arms Great News for those Autumn lunchtimes – we are extending our Eat out at Lunchtime for £10 through to the end of October and we are now open 7 days a week. Our New Opening times: Bar Monday - Saturday Sunday

12.00pm - 11.00pm 12.00pm - 6.00pm

Lunch Monday - Saturday Served from

12.00pm - 2.00pm

Sunday Lunch Served from 12.00pm - 3.30pm Dinner Monday - Saturday Served from 5.30pm - 8.30pm

Check out Eat out our menus and reserve a table here


Signpost October 2020

Your local food services Radnor Arms • To ensure our customers feel secure, we have redesigned the interior of the pub and introduced divides between tables for people to dine in. • New opening hours Wednesday – Sunday • Revised takeaway menu available with the most popular dishes, alongside our Dine-In menu. • Tables need to be booked in advance and takeaways pre-ordered. To book / order please call Paula on 01666 823389 or 07912868111. Please visit our website for full details of opening hours and menus.



Great Somerford, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5EL Follow us on for updates on events and specials


We are OPENTuesdayto Sundays,servingfoodALLDAYeveryFridayandSaturday Tel:

Signpost October 2020


Your local food services

Rohit remains open for business, supported by his team in the shop and volunteer deliverers to supply all your needs. Newspapers, fresh fruit and veg, fresh and frozen meat, ice-cream, bread, alcohol, tinned food, toilet rolls and flour are available as well as cards, stationery, and cleaning products to name but a few. If not in stock we’ll do our best to get it for you. Post Office also open ONLY 4 PEOPLE in the shop at a time Deliveries (minimum £30) can be arranged.

Please call on 01249 721272 to discuss any order.

STOP PRESS! THE GOODS SHED IS BACK! Our film sessions on a Thursday are back from October 8 – and because we’re limiting numbers at each showing we’re actually running a matinee showing at 2 pm as well as our usual 7pm showing. The first film is “Military Wives” followed by “1917” and “Little Women” We’ve been awarded the Visit England‘s We’re Good To Go industry mark to show that we’re Covid safe but obviously there will be a few changes to our normal arrangements. To begin with you need to book numbered seats online and we will be sitting at tables rather than in the raked seating. There will be the usual one way systems and hand sanitising equipment etc. There will be a bar in the railway carriage with covered waiting areas and the toilets will be available. We’ve done everything we can to make you feel safe and hope to welcome you back soon (and statistically apparently in the Cotswold, because we’re such a low risk area, you’re more like to have a car accident on the way there than catch anything in The Shed!) Please look at our website for more details of this and other events planned for later in the autumn.


Signpost October 2020

Schools Welcome back to Seagry School

News from Friends of Seagry School

What a fantastic start it has been! It is so wonderful to welcome all our families back. As a small school, we have exciting news to announce. We have a new assistant head, Miss Christina Brugger, who has come to us from Easton CE Academy, Bristol. We are very happy to welcome her to our school and hope she enjoys her new role in our school community. We have also welcomed Miss Megan Young and Miss Lorna Clifford, who have joined us from Christian Malford School. Miss Young will be teaching key stage 2 and Miss Clifford will be working as a teaching assistant alongside her. Seagry School is now offering outdoor learning to all pupils and they are loving the muddy, fun activities. We are also getting a brand new school entrance which will provide a new reception area and much needed learning areas. Watch this space for the big reveal! To build our class communities, the children were asked to suggest woodland animals as class names. Each class then held a democratic vote to decide which animal would represent them. The children showed great enthusiasm in this task and we are very pleased to present our class emblems with mottos. Key stage 2 are known as Foxes, years 1-2 as Rabbits, reception as Squirrels and preschool as Hedgehogs. It was inspiring to see the children get so involved in the new class names and we look forward to seeing all the great things they will achieve over the school year.

It’s of course been a very strange time for everyone over the last few months and Friends of Seagry School (FoSS), the parent-organised fundraising committee supporting Seagry C of E Primary School and Pre-School, is delighted to see the children (and parents!) returning to our settings for the start of the new academic year. We’d like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new faces – not only the new intake of children and their parents, but the new staff too. We look forward to getting to know you all in due course. In the run up to the new term commencing we’re aware some people have been working hard to tidy and make our lovely settings even more enjoyable for us all. Thank you to Sally Vivash and her Dad, Richard – your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed. We usually enjoy our annual Conker Championship during autumn, however with coronavirus restrictions it’s sadly not something we’re able to host this year. Our fundraising activities will be somewhat different for the foreseeable future, but we’re still very committed in our efforts and we hope to at least be able to organise a Christmas raffle which will have some fantastic prizes! Finally, we’d like to thank Helen Cooper and Iain McCall, both of whom have recently resigned from their roles on the FoSS committee, for being valued members of the team for so long. Thank you both. We’re always looking for parents to support FoSS, so if you have a child at Seagry and think you can help – perhaps even be part of the committee – please let us know. Social distancing rules permitting, we usually meet once a term or so to plan our events! With best wishes, FoSS

Signpost October 2020


Schools and Pre-School This week they have been playing colour bingo (observing the outdoor colours around them) and also painted some rocks. The children enjoyed discussing future lessons where they will work as a team to develop an area in the school grounds for a permanent outdoor learning area. Together they will work over the coming weeks to plan, create and use this area.

Somerfords’ Walter Powell School News It is wonderful to be have all children back in school and to hear the chitter chatter of voices and see smiley faces as we all adapt to the ‘new normal’ in our school. We have started this school year with a ‘Recovery Curriculum’ which is focussing on the wellbeing of all our children, helping them settle back into the classrooms and the new school year. This term the children in Key stage 2 are learning about ‘Traders and Raiders’. They have started a new topic by taking part in some historical role play on the playground. The purpose of this was to understand what it was like to be a Saxon raider. In crews, they sailed from Denmark to England, having prepared their boat with the necessary objects and items for a successful sail. After lots of heave-hoing, they reached Brancaster Beach and found hoards of metal, jewellery, weapons and grain to take back to their homeland. This enriching experience was a springboard for our learning in class. The Reception children are starting to learn their sounds and numbers and have made the most of the autumn weather playing outside with the sand and water. The topic work for children in Key stage 1 is based on ‘Ourselves’. They have been learning more about each other and their families. As part of their homework they have been discovering more about the toys that their parents and grandparents would have enjoyed during their childhoods and compared these to the toys played with today. Outdoor Learning We are delighted that all our children will now enjoy an outdoor learning lesson each week with Miss Wilcox.


Signpost October 2020

Walter Powell Pre-school We are all enjoying being back at Pre-school and look forward to our visits to the allotment where we can harvest our runner beans and prepare the plot for planting our onions. During one of our visits the children discovered a fabulous hideaway under the canopy of a tree which was just like a den! Hiding and peeping at Joy and Michelle was brilliant! Our outdoor learning day is every Wednesday, where we learn more about the seasons, nature and the outdoor environment. This is a popular day and we all have great fun. Our Pre-school is now open 08.45 – 15.00 Monday to Friday. We accept children from the age of 2 years. If you are interested, please contact the Pre-school on 07931 263909 or alternatively contact the school office on 01249 720797 or for more information and an application form.

School Photographs

Signpost October 2020


Shasa Harvest Stall


Signpost October 2020

SHASA and Councils Somerfords' Home and School Association (SHASA) SHASA Harvest Stall and news Thank you so much to everyone who donated to, attended, and prepared for the Harvest Stall in the Great Somerford Allotments on Sunday, 13 September (see the pictures on page19). The sun shone and we were able to raise much-needed funds for Somerfords' Walter Powell School and Pre School. Due to the Covid situation, it's unlikely that we will be able to run many events over the next few months. However, there are still ways that you can help us raise money for our village school: If you shop with Amazon, you can sign up to support the Somerfords' Home and School Association on Amazon Smile. Everytime you shop, Amazon will donate to SHASA. Visit for details. If you use Boilerjuice for your oil delivery you can also support SHASA as your charity of choice. Easyfundraising is a website that enables you to shop online at 100s of websites while supporting good causes. All you have to do is sign up and use the site to access your normal stores, Easyfundraising will then donate to SHASA at no cost to you. Grant applications: if you have any spare time and are willing to help write some grant applications for funds to support school projects, it would be very much appreciated. Please get in touch with or the school office for details.

Great Somerford Parish Council The Parish Council meeting of 2 September was an opportunity to recognise the tremendous efforts of the Covid-19 Support Group, to thank them for their work and to consider recommendations from the Wiltshire Covid-19 Support Groups’ Community Network which, amongst other things, encouraged the inclusion of pandemics in village Emergency Plans, the involvement of younger people as key responders and wider adoption of modern

communication technology. The Parish Council is considering these matters. Audit 2019/20 PKF Littlejohn (external auditors) have given the Parish Council a clean audit for its 2019/20 accounts. The completion certificate is on the website and has been on the noticeboards. Broadfield Housing Development The Parish Council confirmed that it had asked the developer to name the new road Broadfield Farm and continue the existing house numbering. Backhouse Construction is happy with that name. It now depends upon Wiltshire Council. It was noted that there is a lack of clarity about the northern boundary of the development site regarding ownership of the hedge and ditch that runs alongside the Free Gardens i.e. do the hedge and ditch belong to the developers, the Porter family or the Free Gardens Trustees? It is understood that the Free Gardens Trustees have disclaimed any responsibility or title to this. Community Room The Parish Council is carrying out a Covid-19 risk assessment of this facility to decide if it can be reopened for public use but its size is such that capacity might be limited to 6 persons. Highway Matters The Parish Council has reported to Wiltshire Council the overgrown Lime Trees on the corner of Manor Park. [Post meeting note: Wiltshire Council has trimmed the trees back]. The grass on the corner verge of West Street has been strimmed and further work is planned for early September to create a pedestrian walkway on this dangerous corner. Neighbourhood Plan 2016 – 2026 Cllr Hourigan reported that, of the four sites within the village earmarked for residential development, two houses had been built on NP3 Frog Lane, work was well underway on NP4 Land adjacent to Brook Farm, work had started on NP1 Broadfield Farm and an outline planning application had been submitted for NP2 Dauntsey Road. It was noted that the Parish Council is a cosignatory to the Wiltshire Area Localism & Planning Alliance letter to Wiltshire Council, local MPs and the Secretary of State which expresses concerns about the lack of regard to Malmesbury’s Neighbourhood Plan in relation to the Gleeson’s successful planning application for development on land not designated as residential.

Signpost October 2020


Councils and Advertisements Play Area Winkins Lane The Zip-wire has been modified and is back in use. The Parish Council is restarting its Play Area Project 2 (Climbing Frame & trampoline) with the aim of getting equipment installed this financial year. The request for Outdoor Adult Gym Equipment is put on hold until Project 2 has been completed. Planning The Parish Council supported the following applications. • 20/05767/FUL The Old Church School Replacement frames and roof to existing conservatory to the rear elevation. • 20/05859/TCA Parsloe, Hollow Street - Crown Raise Cherry trees to 4 Metres From Ground Level (G1); Remove Lower 2 Limbs from Cherry Tree (T1); 3 Metre reduction to Horse Chestnut (T2); 3 Metre Reduction to Cherry Tree (T3). • 20/06025/TCA The Beeches, Top Street – Fell 1 Mulberry tree. • 20/05867/FUL Stow House - Construction of 40 x 20m Outdoor Horse Riding Arena. • 20/06247/FUL Church Farmhouse, Park Lane Replacement Garage and Garden Store *. • 20/06760/TCA Endswell – Fell 1 dead birch tree (T1). • 20/07436/TCA Pinfarthings – Fell 3 horse chestnuts. Cllr Blount* and Cllr Binstead~ declared an interest in these applications and took no part in the decision. Councillors also supported the two applications below but with provisos: • 20/05865/FUL Brook Farm, Frog Lane – Creation of Groom’s Accommodation. Supported provided it remains within the Brook Farm complex and is not sold off as a separate dwelling at some future date. It is suggested that the window in the gable end has obscure glass. • 20/06802/FUL Land North of Startley Rd near West St Farm - Agricultural track and concrete apron on agricultural land - revised scheme to that approved under 20/01542/FUL. Supported provided adequate substantial provision is made to the piping of the ditch under the entrance. Wiltshire Council determinations were noted for 20/04094/FUL Pinfarthings - Replacement single storey rear extension, conversion of garage and raising roof to create additional living accommodation, raising roof of garage to create additional bedroom and alterations to front porch. Approved with conditions. 20/03564/TCA 13 Winkins Lane - T1 Horse chestnut - 'Reduce crown by 1.5m - 2.0m back to previous pruning points. Works are to provide clearance and 20

Signpost October 2020

reduce encroachment on driveway, parking area and garage roof'. No Objection. Wiltshire Cllr Sturgis reported that planning legislation is being flexed to extend site working hours to speed up construction projects. Somerfords’ Walter Powell School Matters The Parish Council received notification from the Somerfords’ Walter Powell School on 29 July that the Admissions Policy for 2021 is being varied in respect of the over subscription criteria relating to church attendance whereby attendance requirements will only apply to the period when the Church or alternate premises were available for public worship and not to the period when it was closed during the Covid 19 pandemic. Startley issues The trial of an Auto Speed Watch Device on loan from Malmesbury Area Board has recorded over 200 vehicles a week exceeding 40 m.p.h. in this 30 m.p.h. area. This data has been reported to the Police who are hosting a Skype meeting with Ollie Phipps (Wiltshire Council) and Parish representatives to agree next steps. The Parish Council continues to pursue the replacement of the stolen post box but Royal Mail appears unwilling to replace it. Website After a great deal of work Cllr Mansfield reported that the Parish Council site is broadly WCAG compliant and will put up a statement to this effect. Next Meetings Wednesdays @ 7.30 pm The next scheduled meetings are 7 October, 4 November, 6 January, 3 February and 3 March. It is not known if these will be virtual (Zoom) meetings or “real” meetings in the Community Room or other venue (subject to Government legislation on the size of gatherings). Members of the public are asked to check the agenda which will be published one week in advance on the noticeboards and village website. Zoom logins will be provided on the agenda on the noticeboard.

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Please submit your advertisement by the 9th of the month preceding publication unless otherwise advertised. The Editorial Board neither endorses nor accepts responsibility for the services advertised in these pages. For business advertisers small boxes are available at £3 and £6; ¼ page - £11; ½ page - £22. Space for full colour advertisements is occasionally available on the back page. All cheques must be made payable to “Signpost”. To place an advertisement please ring Brenda Oliver on 01666 822342

Luxury assisted living flat for sale in Townsend Court on the edge of Malmesbury £233,000 Beau�fully appointed bright & spacious 2 bed s/c flat in award-winning re�rement home. Designed for easy living; set in a�rac�ve gardens with staff on call 24/7. Conveniently situated near Waitrose and opposite Doctor’s surgery Contact Ann Skinner on 07909 935274 See h�ps:// townsend-court-malmesbury.html for further details

Tom Beeby Garden Maintenance Local, Reliable, Affordable Garden Clearance, Hedge Trimming, Mowing Pruning, Felling Small Trees Qualified Tree Surgeon 07757302591

ROYAL WOOTTON BASSETT TREE SURGEONS Lopping, shaping, felling, topping, crown reduction, pruning of all types of trees, hedges and shrubs taken care of. Conifers a speciality. Regular contracts undertaken Fully insured FREE estimates without obligation Call: Barry Brown: 07922 881940 01793 853383 45 Downs View, Royal Wootton Bassett SN4 8AZ

PROFESSIONAL LOCAL PICTURE-FRAMING SERVICE • Photographs • Watercolours • Mixed media • Memorabilia

• Oil paintings • Textiles • 3D Objects • Boxed frames


Signpost October 2020


Local independent financial advice you can trust. Our services include; � Retirement Planning � Investment Advice � Family Protection, Life Assurance � Inheritance Tax Planning Please contact us for a FREE initial meeting Telephone: 01249 720 462, Email: Unit 3, Gate Farm, Sutton Benger, Wilts SN15 4RE The following advertisers are unable to carry on their work at the present time but hope to resume in a few months: • • • • • • •

Antique Furniture Restorer 01249 720770 GS Community Room 01249 720204 J M Services 07500410803 LS Village Hall 01249 720978 Mayfield Hotel 01666 577409 Peterborough Arms 01249 247833 Starr Pilates 07949341692

Plumbing repairs and installation

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Signpost October 2020

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Signpost October 2020



Signpost October 2020

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Lavish Locks Mobile Hairdressing Great Somerford

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Contact Jane on 07789 002216 or 01249 720228

SERVICES Based locally. We provide an efficient, honest and friendly service in the comfort of your own home / place of work

Please call Kate on 07793 671089 or no fix / no fee and free quotations Signpost October 2020


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Unique stained glass windows and mirrors Commissions made to your specifica�on Range of fused glass gi�s and jewellery External & internal windows can be supplied double glazed Check-out the website for lots of ideas 01249721617 –


QUALIFIED HETAS ENGINEERS Great Somerford, Wiltshire

Collier-Marsh Accountancy Chartered Accountants

Accountancy services Bookkeeping Management Information services Payroll Taxation services For Individuals, Sole Traders and Small Businesses Free initial consultation Sutton Benger Tel: 07583 437 689 / 01249 721525 Email: Web:

07885 464137 FREE QUOTATION

Gentle Foot Care In the comfort of your own home ACER TREE SURGEONS ARBORICULTURAL ASSOCIATION APPROVED CONTRACTOR As your local Arborist, we are passionate about providing a bespoke service when looking a�er you and your trees. Services include: • Tree Removals, Dismantles and Felling • Crown Reduc�ons, Re-Shaping and Pruning • Hedge Cu�ng • Management of Dangerous Trees • Stump Grinding and Removal • Free Quota�ons and Tree Health Check Please contact us for free help and advice regarding your trees. Adam Roberts M. Arbor. A, FdSc Arb ND Arb Tel: 01666718078 / 07843082634 Email:

Heather Joanna Baker S.A.CDipFHPA S.A.CDipFHPAT Nail Cutting – Filing – Thick Nail Reduction Removal of Callus (Hard Skin) & Corns …. For all enquiries please contact

07580 089906 Email – Registered Foot Health Practitioner serving the community of Sutton Benger and the surrounding villages.


Signpost October 2020

Signpost October 2020


DO YOU HAVE A MOLE PROBLEM? With over 30 years’ experience in tradi�onal mole control I can effec�vely, discreetly and humanely remove the culprit(s)! No gas, chemicals or poisons used and completely safe to children and pets. NO MOLE – NO FEE Rabbit control also undertaken Fully insured and references available Member of the Bri�sh Mole Catchers Register BPCA/RSPH level 2 cer�ficate in pest control. Call Charlie now for a free, no obliga�on site survey and quote 07766 132 934 (Day) 01666 890 344 (Evening) 28

Signpost October 2020


01249 720345

07760 307151


♫ PIANO LESSONS ♫ JENNIFER J. TIDMARSH ATM (SMTC) FISM 12, The Street, Hullavington, Chippenham.SN14 6EF Very well established Piano Teacher with over thirty-five years’ experience. Children from the age of six, teenagers and adults all welcome. Lessons in Theory of Music also available. Pupils achieve excellent results in ABRSM exams. All exam Grades covered up to and including Diploma level

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Foxley Plumbing & Heating Oil Boiler Installation, Servicing And Repairs Oil Tank Replacement Heating Installation And Repairs Bathroom Installations Unvented Cylinder Systems No Job Too Small

Tim Hibbard Email

Malmesbury (01666) 822863 Mobile 07966 462202

Signpost October 2020


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Signpost October 2020

Tel 01666 822363 Hill House Care Home Little Somerford Nr Malmesbury SN15 5BH Do you find it difficult to get someone to come and do a small job?

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CABINET-MAKER/HOME IMPROVEMENT Storage solutions, bespoke wardrobes/cupboards, shelving/ bookcases: or call to discuss your own design. Free quotations.... Call Rob Griffiths 01249 720309

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E B BOILER SERVICES • Oil boiler installation • Servicing, breakdown/repair

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For a reliable professional service Tel 01666 823999

Tiller Garden & Landscape Services Established 2004 City & Guilds qualified horticulturalist

TIM MORRIS Erik Beckwith Great Somerford – 01249 721564 Mobile – 07952493160 Email –

M.Vincent Windows & Glazing For all your glazing needs Wiltshire & Gloucestershire areas Fast, friendly and efficient service Available at your convenience 7 days a week CALL FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION

07890 138453 / 01666 460106 32

Signpost October 2020

Garden care, pruning, planting and design. Soft and hard landscaping projects, Border renovation, makeovers and tidy-ups Mobile: 07818 072273 Email:

A J’s Interior & Exterior Decorator Exterior and interior painting and paper hanging Specialising in older properties Free advice and estimates given on request All enquiries welcome Member of Painting & Decorating Association 01249 891192 or 07740 945930

Signpost October 2020


Church Information Church Services October 2020 Little Somerford 4 October

6.00 pm

Evening Prayer

Woodbridge Team

11 October

6.00 pm

Evening Prayer

Woodbridge Team

9.30 am

Morning Prayer

Woodbridge Team

11 October

9.00 am

Holy Communion

Draycot Ministry Team

18 October

2-3.00 pm

Private Prayer

25 October

2-3.00 pm

Private Prayer

Great Somerford 18 October Seagry

Corston & Rodbourne For the time being Corston Church remains closed. If planning to attend a service please telephone Susannah 01666 822103 or Sarah 07817 030774. 27 September

10.30 am

Harvest Celebration at Rodbourne

Andrew Beebee

11 October


Morning Prayer at Rodbourne

Linda Sullivan

25 October

10.30 am

Holy Communion

Oliver Ross

Malmesbury Abbey Services at Malmesbury Abbey - please contact or telephone the Abbey office on 01666 826666 for details of public services at the Abbey every Wednesday and Sunday. Booking is required for Sundays to avoid overcrowding. Pastoral phone line 07425 527312. Abbey open for cafe, book shop and private prayer daily 9.30 – 3.30 pm. Methodist Services The following is subject to change. Please check the circuit website for updates: 4 October

10.30 am

Great Somerford

David Easter

11 October

6.00 pm


Rev. Mark Barrett

18 October

10.30 am

Great Somerford

Rev. Janet Evans

25 October

6.00 pm




Signpost October 2020

Contacts Allotment Gardens Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 720204 Little Somerford .......................................... 01666 823799 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 721046 Somerfords’ Art Circle ............................... 01666 824306 ................................................................... 01666 823799 Astronomy - Somerford Gazers................. 07711 972300 Bell ringing.................................................. 01249 721127 Churches Malmesbury Abbey Office......................... 01666 826666 Woodbridge Group Office (Maggie) ......... 01666 511422 Rector, Rev Steve Wilkinson ..................... 01249 723733 Curate, Rev Mike Graham ......................... 01666 510441 Lay Ministers Debra Evans ................................................. 01666 511158 Tony Yates.....................................................01249 723842 Jane Briggs.................................................... 01666 825996 Churchwardens Corston & Rodbourne (Angela) ................ 01666 822916 Corston & Rodbourne (Susannah) ........... 01666 822103 Gt Somerford (Anna Kent) ........................ 01666 510515 Lt Somerford (Robert Gawthropp)........... 01666 510339 Rev Alison Love (Draycot Benefice)......... 01249 720619 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720683 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720429 Draycot Admin (Maggie-Tues. Only) .......01666 511357 Great Somerford Methodist....................... 01249 720687 Roman Catholic (Malmesbury)................. 01666 822331 Café Church ................................................. 01249 721398 Coffee Pots ................................................... 07845 156184 Councils Parish Councils (Clerks) Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 890379 Little Somerford .......................................... 01249 720978 Corston and Rodbourne............................. 07533 879433 Seagry (Viv Vines) ...................................... 01249 890759 Wiltshire Council ......................................... 0300 4560100 Dentists ........................................................ 0845 758 1926 Doctors Malmesbury Health Centre ....................... 01666 825825 Out of hours ................................................. 0300 1115717 Embroiderers' Guild.................................. 01249 721373 Fishing Somerfords Fishing Assn ............ 01666 823799 Gardening Club (Diane Beverley) ........... 01666 824182 Girl Guides.................................................. 01666 825647 Library - Malmesbury ................................ 01666 823611 Library - Chippenham ................................01249 650536 Neighbourhood Watch Little Somerford .......................................... 07711 972300 Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 723754 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720429 Corston ......................................................... 01666 822691 Rodbourne.................................................... 01666 829445 Startley .......................................................... 01249 720521 Parent & Toddler group............................ 01666 824951 Police Non-emergency Number ........................... 101 Wiltshire Police (Alternative No.) ............. 01380 735735 Post Office.................................................... 01249 721272

Pubs The Volunteer Inn (GS) ...............................01249 720316 Little Somerford Arms ............................... 01666 826535 The New Inn (Seagry)..................................01249 721083 Radnor Arms (Corston).............................. 01666 823389 Recycling (Hills) ......................................... 0845 6032085 Refuse (Wiltshire Council) ........................ 0300 4560100 Seagry & Startley Recreation Ground Trust Upper Seagry (Adele Carnegie)................ 07769 905701 Startley (Jayne Tinslay) .............................. 01249 721082 Shop Fourways Stores, (GS).......................01249 721272 Schools Somerfords' Walter Powell ........................ 01249 720797 Somerfords' WP Pre-School....................... 07931 263909 Seagry School............................................... 01249 720213 Seagry Pre-school........................................ 07773 011321 Malmesbury School .................................... 01666 829700 Scouts, Cubs and Beavers......................... 01666 822651 Sports Centres Activity Zone Malmesbury.........................01666 822533 Olympiad Chippenham ............................. 01249 444144 Lime Kiln Wootton Bassett ........................ 01793 852197 Talking Newspapers ..................................01249 659305 Transport Buses AD Rains ........................................... 01666 510874 Coach hire A James Quality travel ........... 01666 825655 Coach Hire Coachstyle ............................... 01249 782224 Coachstyle Buses ......................................... 01666 510874 National Coaches ........................................ 0870 5808080 Bradies............................................................01249 890794 Taxi AST Ltd .................................................01666 823388 Taxi Abbey Taxis..........................................01666 826072 Taxi Webb Taxis ...........................................01666 823551 Taxi Andycab................................................01666 826525 National Rail Enquiries .............................. 0845 7484950 Driving Miss Daisy ..................................... 07458 012460 Malmesbury & District Link...................... 01666 840861 Village Halls Little Somerford .......................................... 01249 720978 Goss Croft Community Hall ..................... 07779 717663 GS Community room ................................. 01249 720204 GS School Hall ............................................. 01249 720797 Corston/Rodbourne ................................... 01666 824377 Women’s Institute Little Somerford .......................................... 01666 510490 Woodside ...................................................... 01249 720765 Emergencies Highways & street care .............................. 0300 456 0105 Electricity...................................................... 08000 727282 Floodline....................................................... 0845 6026340 Pollution Hotline......................................... 0800 807 060 Wessex Water ............................................... 0845 6004600 Hospitals: Chippenham............................. 01249 447100 NHS Direct ................................................... 0845 4647 Dental Emergency (NHS).......................... 111 Vets George.................................................. 01666 823165 Vets Chalkland ............................................ 01249 588805

To add or amend your contact details please call Jackie Vale on 01249 721208

Signpost October 2020


Spot the Spooky Differences

To celebrate Halloween, this giant pumpkin has been dressed up ready for trick or treating. There are 5 (not so fiendish) differences to spot.

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