June 2021
Plants galore
Diary dates Covid 19 restrictions mean that many events will remain on line. Here below are a few events to look forward to. May 27 u3a on line. Wildlife Photography June 01 LS Parish Council meeting, Little Somerford Village Hall.7.15 pm.* 02 GS Parish Council meeting, St Peter & St Paul church, 7.30 pm.* 03 Cadenham Manor Open Garden, NGS.. 2 - 5.30 pm* 05 Tetbury Goods Shed Art Centre, Festival Players 'Henry V', 7 pm.* 08 Change to repeat prescription ordering procedure starts.* 10 u3a, on-line talk by David Head – Climate Change & Planet Earth, 10.30 am.* 16 Athelstan Museum, on-line event, 6.30 pm.* 19 Rodbourne Open gardens, in aid of church funds and ‘Send a Cow’. 2 - 5 pm.* 20 Tetbury Goods Shed Art Centre, Live Play Reading 'The Black Pit', 5 pm.* 23 Coffeepots, Joan Wigmore, 2 Manor Park, GS.* 23 LSWI meeting at Dee Chanin's Olcote, Old Sodom Lane, Dauntsey at 2 pm.* 24 u3a, on-line talk by Mike Shiel – Fields of Battle – Lands of Peace, 10.30 am.* 26 GS Community Shelf Jumble Sale, Volunteer Inn.* 26 Tetbury Goods Shed Art Centre, Schubert Lieder, 6 pm.* 26-27 Open Garden, Middlewick House, Corsham, 11 am-4.30 pm.* 30 Coffeepots, Jean Hopkins, 4 Manor Park, GS.* July 06 LS Parish Council meeting, Little Somerford Village Hall.7.15 pm. 07 Coffeepots, Sally McEwen, 7 Manor Park, GS.* 07 GS Parish Council meeting, St Peter & St Paul church, 7.30 pm.* 11 Car Boot Sale, East End Lane, LS, 8 am onwards.* August 14 The Somerford Show September 01 GS Parish Council meeting, Venue not yet decided, 7.30 pm.* 07 LS Parish Council meeting, Little Somerford Village Hall.7.15 pm.* 11 GS Church Fête. Manor House. 3 – 8.30 pm.*
Front Cover: Plant sale: Jonathan Loader; ‘Fish’: Mark Everard. Back cover: Wood turning by John Fairbairn; Garden scenes from Steve Reay
Contents Diary dates ....................................................................... 2 Editorial ............................................................................ 3 Signpost Organising Group.......................................... 3 Local News and Events ............................................ 4, 15 Plant Sale .......................................................................... 5 Bargain bags and Jumble Sale ....................................... 6 Rogation @ Rodbourne; u3a ........................................7 Guide Dogs ....................................................................... 8 The Peasant; Gardens ......................................................9 Riverwatch ......................................................................10
Signpost June 2021
Youth Action Wiltshire ................................................... 11 The wonder of wood ..................................................... 12 Coffee pots and Gardens............................................... 13 GS Church Fête. ............................................................. 14 Pubs open!. ............................................................ 14,16,17 Pre-school, schools............................................... 17,18,19 Little Somerford news ................................................... 20 Advertisements ..........................................................21-33 Church services for June ............................................... 34 Contacts ........................................................................... 35 Birds and tractor.............................................. Back cover
Editorial Who was the first person you hugged after the lockdown rules were relaxed on 17 May? A grandchild? Your best friend? I’m sure there are lots of people we have missed hugging and there are many health and wellbeing benefits to having a good squeeze with someone. As the author and family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” Hugging helps lower stress (by raising our levels of oxytocin), it can boost our immune systems and perhaps even lower heart rates and blood pressure. A hug when you’re sad or upset just makes you feel better. So it’s not without some irony that hugging has been off limits for so long. But I’ll be honest, I haven’t missed the awkward ‘to hug or not to hug’ moments you get when you encounter an acquaintance or distant family member. So I am grateful to the government that their advice is that hugs should ‘be selective, brief and should avoid face-to-face contact.’ As the country (hopefully) continues to reopen I’m sure it won’t be long before the pages of Signpost are once again bursting with activities and events. Already it is wonderful to see such a
colourful edition, highlighting the schools returning to normal and outdoor events such as plant sales. Now we are allowed back inside pubs, into each other’s homes and into entertainment venues there really is light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel. We may find ourselves wondering how to fit everything in the diary! Nature, of course, continues at her best as she deepens from spring into summer, marked by the solstice on 21 June. The solstice occurs when the sun reaches its highest and northernmost points in the sky, rising at around 4:40am and set around 9:20pm. The word “solstice” comes from Latin solstitium— from sol (Sun) and stitium (still or stopped), reflecting the fact that on the solstice, the sun appears to stop “moving” in the sky as it reaches its northern- or southernmost point (declination) for the year, as seen from Earth. Midsummer’s Day is on June 24 and historically marks the midpoint of the growing season, halfway between planting and harvest, although climate change may see this shift. As Ben Barton points out on page 9 ‘times they are a changing.’ Lucy Dalgleish
Signpost Editorial Group Editorial Contact Editorial Team
Village Correspondents Corston Great Somerford Little Somerford Rodbourne Seagry Startley Church Matters School Matters Advertising and Finance Distribution
Peter Oliver Sara Sorby Jake Vale Michael Palmer Lucy Dalgleish John Fairbairn Sophie Malpas Dawn Duo
01666 822342 07774 605431 01249 721208 01666 826390 07909 962067 01666 822167 07850 139100 01249 720217
Brenda Oliver Jake Vale Julie Frayling Sara Sorby Jo Crosland Jenny Reeves Jo Crosland Jake Vale Brenda Oliver Steve Reay
01666 822342 01249 721208 01666 823799 07774 605431 01249 720429 01249 720521 01249 720429 01249 721208 01666 822342 07966 743492
Copyright Please note that all written and photographic material published in Signpost remains the copyright of the author/photographer and may not be reproduced without permission Signpost June 2021
Local news and events The Signpost this month As you will see in this printed version of The Signpost, there are lots of photographs submitted from various sources. If you would like to see them in colour, just go on line to ISSUU and simply search for Signpost
Donations We have received a donation of £50 from Seagry Parish Council and a further individual gift of £50. We are very grateful for both. Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the cost of producing Signpost should send a cheque to The Hermitage, Corston, Malmesbury, SN16 0HB. Thank you.
Tetbury Goods Shed Tetbury Goods Shed is re-opening on 20 May and we can't wait to see everyone! Obviously we are limiting numbers and have put in place all necessary Covid safety measures - but that hasn't stopped us having a varied programme of events for you. Theatre features strong in May and June. 5 June: The Festival Players are putting on Henry V - Shakespeare's most popular history play. 20 June: Tetbury U3A play reading group is presenting "The Black Pit", their own play, written during lockdown, about the black death and some striking similarities to today! 26 June: Soprano Carolyn Sampson and pianist Joseph Middleton bring us programme of Schubert Leider. We also have a full programme of cinema events on Thursdays with both matinees and evening performances and Fiona James will be talking about the Dutch artist Vermeer on 26 May. All tickets have to be booked online in advance and you can get further details about events and booking on our website: We look forward to welcoming you back! Any queries do get in touch. Carol Paton Tetbury Goods Shed marketing team.
North Wiltshire Villages Flower Club With Spring well underway and so many welcome signs of things coming to life, it is appropriate that the Flower Club too is emerging from the enforced hibernation. We very much look forward to resuming our usual activities shortly and to welcoming back members, friends and hopefully a few new members. We hope that by the end of summer the village hall will have re-opened and restrictions eased, enabling us to all meet face to face indoors. At 4
Signpost June 2021
that point we can resume our planned programme of events for the remainder of 2021. Prior to this, in August, we plan to hold an outdoor event at which members can meet as a group and socialise for the first time in almost eighteen months. Details are being finalised by the committee as we go to press but it is likely to involve a garden visit. The committee has continued to work behind the scenes during the pandemic and kept in touch with members through newsletters and technology. Some members have also participated in virtual competitions organised by NAFAS and the South West Area with some success. In April and May we collaborated with Nailsworth and District Floral Art Society on two demonstrations via Zoom, one by Christine Ramsey using dried flowers and foliage, the other by Tracy Johnson using fresh. We are also actively making plans for several special events during our Golden Jubilee year in 2022. Our programme is always very varied and includes a good mix of workshops, demonstrations, social events and visits, all incorporating flowers in some shape or form. Meetings would normally take place at Crudwell Village Hall on the third Wednesday evening of the month, with visitors and potential new members welcome. We are a friendly and enthusiastic group with members from throughout the area. If you’d like to get in touch we can be contacted by email – and more information can also be found on our Facebook page.
Corston & Rodbourne Reading Room 200 Club April 33 165 20
Tina Joyce Dave Wilson John D’Arcy Kincaid
Corston Corston Corston
Any enquiries regarding the 200 Club, please contact Norma on Tel.01666 825303.
Athelstan Museum 16 June at 6:30 pm: The surprising life of Daniel of Daniel's Well: one of the most influential people in 8th century England, by Tony McAleavy. This is an online event. Tickets are £5 from the Athelstan Museum website: www.athelstanmuseum All proceeds from tickets sales will go to support Athelstan Museum.
Car Boot Sale East End Lane, Little Somerford Sunday 11 July Sellers: 8 am. Cars £10/Vans £15. Public admitted from 9.30 am. Cars £1. Sellers must book places in advance on: Proceeds to Little Somerford church.
Plant Sale
Our next venture will be a jumble/table top/ ebay type sale at the Volunteer on 26 June – see the poster elsewhere in this edition. To reserve your pitch, or find out more, please contact Deborah Loader on or 01249 729743. We will be putting out more details on the Great and Little Somerford Facebook pages too. Thanks again Jake
Great Somerford Community Shelf – Plant Sale As reported in previous editions of Signpost, the Community Shelf is raising money for local causes. Our latest event was a plant sale held on 8 May at the Volunteer Inn by kind permission of Riana and Adrian Freak. After anxiously watching the forecast during the week, which was predicting an absolute deluge with winds to match, it started looking a little less awful by Friday and it was decided to carry on regardless. Fortunately the weather gods were kind and we only got a little wet while setting up and once the sale was in full swing there were no further showers. Having asked for donations we were overwhelmed with the number of plants that came in with plenty of choice for all from a magnificent banana plant through to trays of butternut squash and cavolo nero, tomatoes of every variety (with some whoppers from Jeremy Davies) to houseplants and flowering plants for the garden. We started off with a brisk trade, which kept going most of the morning and it was a great opportunity for people to get together, suitably distanced, and have a chat. Many people stayed to socialise having brought their new specimens. Feedback is that people thoroughly enjoyed themselves and could have stayed all day! The event raised an incredible £770 thanks to the wonderful generosity of those who donated and bought plants as well as random garden paraphernalia. Sarah Law’s lovely flower-shaped shortbread biscuits were all snapped up very quickly too. The money is being divided equally between the school in Great Somerford and Plum Unlimited, which raises money for pancreatic cancer research. Huge thanks to the team who sorted and stacked the plants, provided awnings, tables, wheelbarrows, sold the plants, took the money, moved furniture and generally supported the event as well as supplying coffee and biscuits. They included Jonathan and Deborah Loader, Sarah Law, Janice Botterill, Sally McPherson, Emma Turtle, Anna Kent, Riana Freak and Mark Everard. But above all thank you to everyone who kindly donated and bought the plants. It wouldn’t have happened without your extraordinary support and generosity.
- and more pictures on front cover. Signpost June 2021
Bargain bags and Jumble Sale At the Old Vicarage Lockdown may not be the obvious time to start a new business, but I have grasped the nettle and indulged in my love of all things vintage to launch an online business called At The Old Vicarage. I have been busy sourcing fabulous vintage finds, decorative accessories, books and art. You will also find original hand-poured small-batch soy wax candles. -Please do feel free to check out my website or visit my Instagram account (@attheoldvicarage). Lucy Dalgleish, Corston
Signpost June 2021
Rogation at Rodbourne; u3a Rogation service at Rodbourne church On Sunday 9 May the sun shone and the birds joined in the singing as we celebrated our first service at Rodbourne church this year. Welcomed by the Reverend Oliver Ross and with a large congregation of young and old, we gathered in the churchyard and enjoyed the open-air social meeting after so many months. Traditionally Rogation, from the Latin to ask, is a service asking for blessing on our community and the farmers who work the land. At one point we faced the four compass points in turn in asking for this blessing. It was joyful to see so many friends and worship together after such a long time. It felt like a new beginning.
Malmesbury and District With Spring in the air and some optimism about the end of lockdown all of us are longing to see our family and friends again. Malmesbury u3a has given us friendship and support over the past long months with zoom talks and coffee mornings and all of us are looking forward to starting up again. We are hoping that all our outdoor activities can start again in May, such as cycling, walking, bird watching and petanque. If you are retired or semi retired and enjoy meeting people while learning something new then Malmesbury and District u3a has around 40 different interest groups to tempt you. See them all on our website. We continue to have the following talks on line for our 400 members to enjoy. Note the dates in your diary: 10 June: Climate Change and Planet Earth - David Head 24 June: Fields of Battle - Lands of Peace - Mike Shiel If you are not a member you can still join us. Contact the membership secretary, Elaine Sharpe 01666 823568, become a member and enjoy the general talks. Then explore all the opportunities and get involved as soon as the present covid restrictions allow. In normal times u3a meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at Malmesbury town hall from 10 - 11.45 am for tea/coffee a chat and to listen to a monthly speaker. The interest groups are wide ranging such as learning a language, arts and crafts, science, music appreciation, dancing, walking, cycling, theatre visits, book groups, play readings and many more. You can find more information on our website:
Little Somerford Women’s Institute The Little Somerford WI Committee have held Zoom meetings every month, but due to the changing situation were unable to plan ahead for the May events to go in the last issue of Signpost. There was a coffee morning on 21 May at the Old Bell, Malmesbury and a lunch on 28 May at La Flambe in Sutton Benger. On 23 June, Dee Chanin will hold a meeting in her garden at Olcote, Old Sodom Lane, Dauntsey commencing at 2 pm. Visitors and new members are always welcome at our meetings and can get further information from our president, Ellie Church on 01666 510490.
Signpost June 2021
Guide Dogs Guide Dogs UK Guide Dogs UK always abide by a Breeding Code of Ethics relating to breeding practices and emphasises their commitment to the Health and Welfare of all breeding stock, and recognise their responsibilities under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. Guide Dogs UK take full advantage of all relevant screening processes, including genetic tests as appropriate and available, including hip, elbow and shoulder radiographs, eye tests and heart screens. Guide Dog Mums are bred from the age of nineteen months up to eight years old and will have no more than a maximum of four litters. Guide Dog Dads are used from eighteen months to nine years old. Most litters are born in the home of a volunteer carer although some are born in a National Breeding Centre. Those born in a carer's home have the advantage of experiencing lots more everyday sights and sounds. Conception rates are consistently high at over 95% and average litter sizes are usually 7 or 8 puppies. Dolly, the “Mum” of our Chief Executive – Tom Wright CBE had a litter of ten during lockdown. In 2019 there were 1,135 puppies born and 8,400 puppies and dogs being cared for on any given day. The photo shows one of our local Guide Dog Puppies in training. Retired breeding dogs are carefully assessed to determine the best way forward taking into account the age, health and welfare of each one and may be placed back into training, possibly be used as a “buddy dog” or seconded to other assistance dog charities. Where none of these options are appropriate the dog will be re-homed with care and consideration which in a lot of cases will be with the existing volunteer carer as detailed above. In 2017 there were 900 people on the waiting list for a Guide Dog and during 2019 a further 685 partnerships were formed which, taking into account that nearly 100,000 people a year will be told they are losing their sight, meant the overall figure was reduced to 700. Sadly, the dreaded virus caused a considerable setback and at the end of 2020 the number was back up to just over 850. Guide Dogs have made a commitment to double the amount of support they provide by 2023. The average waiting time for a Guide Dog is currently about 17 months which has increased by roughly six months mainly due to the coronavirus. Nationally in 2019 there were 1,296 more people matched with a sighted guide. Dauntsey Farm Shop continues to forge ahead with their commitment to raise £5,000 to name a
Signpost June 2021
puppy. We are very grateful to Nev and Sandra from Crudwell who donated a brand new exercise bike for us to raffle. We have also “rebooted” our ongoing plant sale and a very special thank you to Jackie from Malmesbury who has been very generous by donating lots of lovely plants from her garden. Yvonne and I also ran a driveway sale towards the end of April and again our thanks go to Pam, Les, Tina and Brian from Crudwell, Marilyn and Chris from Brinkworth and Gail and John from Chippenham. We raised £107 in the afternoon. A very special thank you to Liz from Crudwell for her very generous cash donation and thanks to all those people donating items for sale, for buying of same and/or supporting Tracey in the many other ways we are raising money – we could not do this without you all. The current name a puppy fund total (at time of writing) was £2,649. Steve Local Group Volunteers: Yvonne & Steve Reay 07966 743492
The Peasant and Gardens Times they are a-changing Climate change is a very real thing, despite recent pronouncements by the last president of the US. How much of it is due to the human race and how much would have occurred naturally is open to debate, but one thing is undeniable, the climate is changing. The year seems to get later and later. I can remember in my youth that Christmas was usually cold, sometimes snowy and always wet, but now everything is at least a month later. This will need a lot of change of attitudes from people. Winter corn has to be planted much later than before. Crops planted in September and early October are now too forward for the cold Spring and Spring crops are a job to establish because of the cold, dry conditions. For livestock farmers, an early turnout is not possible because the frosty conditions mean the grass is not growing and also it will cut down the amount available for sileage and thus the next winter’s amount of fodder is depleted. We shall have to have a complete rethink and all modern teaching will have to be changed. Plant breeders will have to develop a strain of plants that is more resistant to cold weather and long periods of
Middlewick House Open Garden
near drought. Maize has to be changed the most. The ground at the moment is still cold and every day that we delay planting brings us nearer to the midsummer equinox and the corresponding shortening days thereafter and it will not be sufficiently grown in time for harvest. You will get a crop, but it will have to be managed in a different way. I personally think it will be a very interesting time and a lot of people will have to change their way or go out of business very soon. I wish I were just at the start of my farming days instead of at the end of them. Good luck to those persevering. We shall have to be less dependent on the weather and more on our own feelings. ‘The best boot belongs to the boss’ and that will prove to become more and more true as time goes on. The days as we call them will be gone because instead of a calendar, a clock and experience will be more useful. Whether ‘the boot’ should be on a boss’s foot or applied to those who do the work is open to question! Ben Barton Ben, as you see, was in philosophical mood when I took this dictation but still very alive to the news, and climate, around us.
Signpost June 2021
Riverwatch A commotion on the shingle For those about early in the day as summer warms the river, you may just come upon a commotion of fishy activity on shallow and faster runs of shingle. Water may spray as boldly scaled fishy bodies twist and turn in the shallow riffles, often in the tail of weir pools. Sometimes, dense shoals of minnows darkening the shingle may catch your eye, closer observation revealing darker shapes swaying in the current upstream. It is at this time of year, typically in June but sometimes in May in warm seasons or into the first week of July when cooler, that chub (Squalius cephalus) and barbel (Barbus barbus) seek out these well-flushed waters and their more open gravels in which to spawn. Chub and barbel, both members of the carp family of fishes, occur towards the north of their broad Eurasian range here in Britain. It is for this reason that they spawn late in the year relative to other fishes such as the cool-adapted dace and pike, and spring spawners including roach and perch. Both chub and barbel spawn in or on gravel. Unlike trout and salmon, neither chub nor barbel cut redds (depressions in the gravel) into which females deposit eggs. But their communal breeding behaviour can be quite vigorous, gravid females thrashing around with accompanying male fish competing to fertilise the eggs as they are released. This intense activity, often sending spray up into the air, ruffles the gravel surface opening up its pores into which the sticky eggs may fall and obtain at least some level of protection. Minnows rarely miss a treat. Though potential prey of the larger, frisky fish, they intercept nutrientrich eggs drifting down to them into the current. They frequently risk their lives by nipping into the frenzy to steal eggs at source. After the post-dawn spawning, many of these fish may remain on the gravels. This is particularly true of the minnows, perhaps joined with other smaller fishes such as gudgeon and dace, to pick over the nutritious feast laid out beneath them. The chub and barbel tend to drop back into slightly deeper water for cover, though remain in the vicinity for a few days repeating the spawning riot over a number of successive dawns. Many other animals join this foodrich bonanza, from insects to crustaceans and even some birds. Chub show no allegiance to their gravelspawning companions in this regard. Barbel generally spawn a little later than chub. At this time, chub are generally attentive, hanging back from the 10
Signpost June 2021
spawning barbel to join the minnow hoard in cramming as many of eggs into their mouths as they can. After spawning, parent chub and barbel drop back into deeper and slacker stretches of the river, displaying no parental care. Depletion of the fertilised eggs is massive, mainly resulting from high levels of predation. In gravels blinded by silt, eggs may not in fact be able to fall into pores, receiving little protection. Furthermore, water transfer in the sediment-enriched matrix may impede the flow of oxygen-rich water resulting in the eggs suffocating. However, a small proportion may survive, hatching out after a few days as embryos with yolk sacs still attached. The hatchlings attach to gravel or plant matter for a few days more until the yolk sac is fully absorbed, before then ‘swimming up’ as tiny fry no longer than an eyelash to start to feed on tiny algae and invertebrates. Survival of the tiny juvenile fish is initially poor but, after three or so years, chub and barbel mature and can join the breeding population, living as long as 15 years. At the north of their geographical range, successful reproduction may not occur every year. Indeed, it can fail entirely in cooler years, or where flooding washes out poorly developed juveniles. However, over a number of years, populations tend to recruit though often with notable ‘clumping’ of year-classes, and hence fish of only certain size ranges. These strong year-classes can generally be traced back to good spawning years when temperatures were high and with favourable foodrich, flood-free ‘nursery’ conditions. If you are out and about early in the day at this time of year, do look out on the well-flushed gravels for commotions that may just be these fishes completing their challenging life cycles as the waters warm. Mark Everard
Youth Action Wiltshire Wiltshire Young Carers Service Following on from last month’s Signpost article on Wiltshire Young Carers Service, this month Youth Action Wiltshire focus on their Splash programme. Splash provides free to access positive activities and youth worker support including coaching, mentoring and counselling for young people who are facing challenges in their lives. This includes young people who are in care, young people with Special Educational Needs and young victims of crime. Challenges such as isolation, mental health issues, family poverty or bullying can negatively impact a young person’s confidence and self-esteem. Without interventions, this can affect young people’s attainment and future aspirations. Engaging with Splash provides fun opportunities where young people learn from each other, help and support one another and begin to see that they are liked, accepted and valued individuals. Our activities raise aspirations, increase confidence and self-esteem and empower young people to realise their own capabilities and potential, as shown in the comments below: “I’ve never had any friends, today I made four at Splash!” “Splash made me realise that everything was going to be OK.” “I really appreciate the time Splash takes to meet with my daughter, listen to her and make her feel valued.” Splash activity days are different to mainstream open access activities, as we work on average with 12 young people per activity (pre-Covid). We provide high supervision ratios which enables the participants to benefit from close positive adult interaction, providing them with the attention and support they require. Our activity days are designed to facilitate the development of positive friendships, increase skill development, increase participants confidence and self-esteem and facilitate the inclusion and acceptance of others, thus reducing peer on peer bullying. Our high supervision levels enable us to manage behaviours, identify issues quickly and
manage them appropriately in order to achieve a positive outcome for everyone. Splash offers fun activities where participants are valued, included and empowered. The following increases were reported in our March parent/referrer feedback survey: Self-Esteem: feeling of pride and self-worth 98% Self-Confidence: belief in themselves and their abilities 96% Social Skills: communication and interaction with yourself and others 98% Attendance at School: 85% All Youth Action Wiltshire youth projects are funded through donations, charitable trusts and foundations. We also run our own fundraising events, which have unfortunately been suspended during the pandemic. How can Signpost readers help the 385 young people engaging with Splash? We are really excited to return to face to face fundraising events. Signpost readers are invited to join us for an Artisic Evening in Simon Mounsey’s Garden, where a selection of sculptors and artists will exhibit and sell their pieces in the most wonderful landscaped garden at Brillscote House in Lea, near Malmesbury. Please join Mrs Simon Mounsey and Youth Action Wiltshire for drinks and canapes at this lovely summer evening event. To purchase tickets please email ginniekeen@ Youth Action Wiltshire is a service provided by Community First registered charity number 288117. For more details about Splash, Youth Action Wiltshire or for details of future fundraising events please visit our website /yaw/fundraising/ or email
Signpost June 2021
The Wonder of Wood Wood Turning 27 years ago last month, I had to take early retirement due to injuring my back at work. It wasn't what I would have chosen but it turned out to be a lot better than I had ever hoped. Now I don't have any trouble to speak of with it. I decided that I was going to occupy my time by making wooden toys and this led to my introduction to wood turning. Not something that I had ever been interested in, but I thought why not? I bought myself a 'lathe' that was powered by my electric drill and after a very short time I got a small self-powered lathe. Each and every piece I craft is unique. This is what makes woodturning so special. If I have been asked to make two or more things the same I can’t! Even if I get the form the same, the wood is different. I have also learned that each piece of wood has a mind of its own. For example, when it is put on the lathe it could be very easy to turn say a goblet from it. I then put a second piece on the lathe to do a similar piece it can be very difficult to get it to the same shape. That seems crazy, but it's what I have learned in the more than two and a half decades of doing it. It makes doing four eggcups interesting at times. Over the years I have been asked to make some odd things, like five dozen eggs for a falconry centre - a dozen of each ranging from kestrels to golden eagles. The birds lay, the falconers remove the eggs for incubation and replace them with the wooden ones so the bird won't stress herself by trying to replace them. The eggs are hatched in an incubator and returned to the mums. Another request was five dozen serviette rings for a hotel in Nottingham. Or beer pump handles for various pubs around Stroud, where we used to live. Recently I have turned some knitting needles. Not your ordinary knitting needles. These were 50 and 60 cm long and had 3 diameters of 25, 30 and 40mm! And they are for people to knit with! I was also asked if I could turn 60 little egg trays for swift nest boxes. They are to stop the eggs rolling about in the box and I finished up making 70. It was a pleasure to help in that project. It is wonderful when I start with a piece of wood that looks as if it would disgrace a firewood pile and out of it comes a quite spectacular candle holder. Or a small piece of wood, full of wood worm holes and once housed an ants nest that then shows as a lovely small dish that would be the centre of interest on any coffee table.
Signpost June 2021
I love a challenge and wondered if I could make a Lazy Susan completely from wood? I gave it some thought and now have just what I wanted to make. The only part that isn't wood is a small amount of wood glue. 18 inch diameter and the ball race is 36 elm balls of 5/8” diameter and they have to be the same size or the top won't turn properly. I also had the mad hat idea of making a clock! Just a pocket watch, but with a 13” diameter. The only non-wooden parts are the brass screws and the
adjuster on the pendulum. It certainly has been my biggest challenge so far, but along with all of the frustrations has been the satisfaction of seeing it grow into a lovely item. It still needs some fettling to get it to run properly, but I will get there and it will be hung on our wall. I still don't have an expensive lathe and I would never entertain what is called copy turning where you have a bit of kit that controls the cutting tool and follows the shape of a pattern. OK, I could turn out lots of things that have the same shape a lot more quickly than I can by using my eyes and hands, but where is the satisfaction for me in that? Wood and working with it has been a passion of mine for a long time now and I am still surprised when I see what something as simple as a log has hiding inside it. If you would like to see other examples of what I have created, please visit my website at https:// John Fairbairn
Coffee Pots and Gardens Coffee Pots Hello Coffee Potters, I hope you are all well and have managed to get your vaccinations! Following the relaxation of the rules after 17 May, and in the hope that there will be more changes on 21 June, we would like to restart our weekly meetings. These will be fairly low key and will be in gardens if the weather is OK. It will be lovely to see you again after a gap of 15 months but if you are at all anxious or concerned and prefer to stay away for the time being we will understand. As you may know, Gillian (Howarth) and her husband moved to Minchinhampton, Glos., at Christmas and I have been asked to take her place as Chair. The first meeting on 23 June will be at my home, 2 Manor Park, Great Somerford, but obviously this may have to be changed – so we will keep a close eye on developments over the coming weeks and be guided by the Prime Minister’s statement on 14 June. Joan Wigmore 01249 721541 Coffee Pots Meetings in June and July: June 23: Joan Wigmore, 2 Manor Park, GS June 30: Jean Hopkins, 4 Manor Park, GS July 7: Sally McEwen, 7 Manor Park, GS All meetings run from 10:30 am to 12 noon.
The Gardens at Cadenham Manor open as part of the National Open Garden Scheme
Thursday 3rd June (2 – 5.30pm) Admission £10, children free Pre-booking essential, please visit Homemade teas This glorious 4 acre garden is very close by, in Foxham, and if you haven’t been before you have a treat in store. Yew hedges, moats, mixed borders, stunning old roses, fountains and specimen trees. Also a peony
walk, extensive vegetable and herb gardens and a water garden. All surrounding a listed C17 manor house and dovecot.
Gardens for Good OPEN GARDENS IN RODBOURNE Saturday 19th June 2 – 5 pm
Entry donation & Plant Stall in aid of Send a Cow Teas at Trinity Farm in aid of Rodbourne and Corston Churches
Signpost June 2021
TheChurch GS Wonder fete of Wood
Great Somerford, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5EL Follow us on for updates on events and specials!
WILL REMAIN IN PLACE FOR ALFRESCO DINING TAKEAWAYS ARE STILL AVAILABLE OPEN Tuesday to Thursday 12pm to 2:30pm / 5pm to 10pm Friday and Saturday 12pm to 10pm, Sunday 12pm to 4pm Serving takeaways from 5pm to 8pm and Sunday 12pm to 3pm Please call 01249 720316 to order
Signpost June 2021
Local news Gardens open in Rodbourne Saturday 19th June 2 – 5pm We look forward to sharing some beautiful gardens in Rodbourne opening as part of the Charity Send a Cow’s 2021 Gardens for Good campaign. Entry donations and monies from the Plant Stall will go directly to Send a Cow.
Enjoy delicious homemade cakes and tea in a lovely setting at Trinity Farm in aid of the Churches of Rodbourne and Corston. Please park at Trinity Farm and you will be guided from there. Looking forward to a sunny afternoon of relaxing amongst the roses! Further details:
MALMESBURY & DISTRICT LINK Registered Charity No 1043099
LINK is a local charity which enables patients without access to transport to attend medical appointments. We are continuing to operate during the current Covid-19 pandemic. If you need help to get to a medical appointment or to collect a prescription, please contact us on 01666 840861 between 09:00 and 13:00 Monday to Friday or send an email to:
07931 263909 or 01249 720797
Signpost June 2021
Pubs open! Radnor Arms, Corston.
Inside Dining is Back!! ➢ We are open Wednesday through to Sunday. ➢ Takeaway Menu(s) s�ll available Wed- Sat 5.30pm – 7pm and Sunday Roast Takeaway 12-2.30pm ➢ Booking is advisable: To book a table or place a takeaway order please call Paula on 07912 868111.
Please visit our website for full details of opening hours and menus.
THE SOMERFORD ARMS A great Cotswold Pub serving good honest food and drink… Weekday Set Lunch Menu available Monday to Friday Two courses £13.95 • Three courses £17.95 Opening Times Monday to Friday – 12 noonnoon to 11.00pm Monday to Saturday – 12.00 to 11.00pm Saturday – 11.00am to 12.00 midnight Sunday –– 12.00 12.00 noon Sunday noon to to 8.00pm 8.00pm
SCAN TO BOOK YOUR TABLE or visit us at 01666 826535 Somerford Arms, The Hill, Little Somerford, Wiltshire SN15 5JP
Signpost June 2021
Seagry Pre-school The children have been busy planting. Inside they planted beetroot, peas, spinach or salad leaves in little planter cups and they have a mini allotment outside where they have planted French beans, carrots, lettuce and rhubarb. Everyone is looking after them making sure they get watered and are very excited to watch them grow and try them all.
Seagry Pre-school This term we are focusing on the topic 'On the farm'. The children have been very creative making collage barns, bubblewrap sheep, shape pigs using pots and boxes and Marjorie cows after reading 'The cow that laid an egg’. The children really enjoyed listening to the cd of the book with all its funny voices and noises. We have also been reading 'The pig in the Pond' and are now working on a display with Neligan and his pig in the pond.
One of the most enjoyed activities has been having a role play farm shop. The children loved setting the shop up which was a very serious business! They loved being shopkeepers and customers. The shop stocks all essentials such as butter, pizzas, cereal biscuits, oats, tea milk and more. It is an eco shop using paper bags and cardboard shelving. Depending on which child was behind the till it could be a bit expensive, I paid £40 for tea, a pizza and milk! Thank goodness it was pretend money and luckily I got a receipt. Every customer was greeted with a smile and sometimes got their bags packed for them. Fun has been had picking the goods and carrying them in the baskets and trolleys and all the children were careful to make sure the baskets and trolleys were returned to the shop. Next will be chickens. We will be playing count the eggs game and pre-school will be full of feathers. Bring it on!
Signpost June 2021
Building dens and role playing, Dinosaurs, farms and fun, Lots of imagination running wild the learning has begun. Working how to work things out, or fit them into a place, When you are a preschool child, you learn at your own pace. This morning we have tipped and poured, Using tweezers for picking things up Mark making in the shaving foam Chilling quietly by myself and some chatting on the phoneMeasuring with numbers, and looking things at length. Fine motor skills we’re building, we are building up our strength. “In the moment learning” is how we play each time, learning lots different things, even how things rhyme. Sharing with each other, making conversations as well. We really love to sing some songs, we never really stop This is how our morning goes and it’s only 11 o’clock Deep level learning, that is the way to go, So If I’m really into something, at one thing I will stay, Because that is my choice of things and how I want to play. So when you say I’m playing, that’s exactly what I do, But please try to remember, I’m learning through playing too. Written by Michelle, Walter Powell Pre-school Our Pre-school is now open 08.55 – 14.55 Monday to Friday. We accept children from the age of 2 years. If you are interested, please contact the Pre-school on 07931 263909 or alternatively contact the school office on 01249 720797 or for more information and an application form.
Signpost June 2021
Beware ‘Men at work’!
WP School School News The summer term at Somerfords’ Walter Powell is always busy and this year is no exception. The children in Explorers Class have been looking back at special memories in literacy, sharing them with the class and writing about them too. In history they have been discovering what it was like when their grandparents were at school and what games they would have played. This week they are learning more about the Victorian times and what a Victorian school day would have been like in comparison to today’s school life. In Science the children have been finding out about insects and creepy crawlies! They even went on a mini beast safari around the school grounds. On a Friday afternoon the children look forward to their outdoor learning lesson, so far this term they have been making nests for the birds, problem solving and even den making.
Alongside this, they have been learning about life in the Roman times which has included enlisted for the Roman army and writing diaries as Romans.
Key Stage 2 have enjoyed investigating plants. As well as a seed growing competition, they have been collecting and identifying plants in the school grounds and learning about the parts and functions of flowering plants.
The children in Year 6 will be taking part in the Wiltshire Council Bikeability training later this term. They will learn how to look after their bicycles, the importance of wearing a helmet and how to stay safe when cycling on the roads. We hope that you all continue to keep safe and stay well.
Signpost June 2021
Little Somerford
News from Little Somerford Parish Council Councillors The election for Little Somerford Parish Council was uncontested, with all seven councillors returning for another term of office. The Councillors for Little Somerford are: Pauline Cameron; Jon Fairbairn; Julie Frayling; Caroline Minshell; Dave Orchard; Samantha Orchard and Greg Webb. Meetings The Council has returned to face-to-face meetings at Little Somerford Village Hall. Due to Government guidelines currently in place, there is a limit on the numbers allowed in the hall. The public are invited to attend via Zoom or to confirm attendance in advance, with the clerk to ensure maximum numbers are not exceeded. The meetings are 1 June, 6 July, 7 September, 2 November, starting at 7.15 pm. Litter Thank you to everyone who helped with the Litter Pick at the end of April, and to all of you who pick up litter around the village as you go about your day.
Wildlife Friendly Village We are working towards Little Somerford being a Wildlife Friendly Village. If you would like to get involved with the Council on this project, please contact the clerk. Some ideas for your own garden: Leave a wild area in their garden or field Put up bird boxes, bat boxes, insect & bug hotels Ensure there are hedgehog corridors Bird feeders Covid19 Community Support Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way with supporting your neighbours over the last year or so. Website: Email: Tel: 01249 720978
Little Somerford Village Hall Like many charities, Little Somerford Village Hall has been severely affected by the Covid19 pandemic. We would like to thank all those who have supported us, in whatever way, over the last year. While the hall has been closed, we have been busy behind the scenes. We have decorated the small committee room and have new curtains through-out. In the kitchen we have replaced the hot water tank and large tea urn. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the purchase of a commercial dishwasher. We have also been able to install superfast broadband, with thanks to GIGACLEAR. � Do you work from home? � Do you need somewhere quiet with superfast broadband to hold online mee�ngs? � Have you thought of hiring the Village Hall for work? Very compe��ve rates from £13 per session (morning/a�ernoon/evening) We are delighted that the hall can re-open for hire from Monday 17 May, following Covid secure guidelines. If you are interested in hiring the hall, please contact: Rachel Nu�all Tel: 01249 720978 Email: li�� The Village Hall is run by a commi�ee made up of residents of Li�le Somerford, for use by the local community. We are always looking for people to join us. We meet every other month, hold a couple of work-party maintenance mornings, and have a couple of fund-raising events each year. We would love you to join us. If this interests you, please contact Mike Jones,
Signpost June 2021
The new way to order repeat prescriptions from Malmesbury Primary Care Centre From Monday 8 June the quickest way to order prescriptions from Malmesbury Primary Care Centre is to phone our dedicated prescribing service (aka POD) on 0300 123 6242. Phone lines are open 9 am - 5 pm every week day excluding bank holidays. This service will be a safer and more effective way of getting your repeat medications. Once you have called the POD, your prescription will be available at your nominated pharmacy within 5 working days. There is no need to register for this service, simply call when you have 7 days left of your medication. You will also be able to order online · via a new email address ·
or the POD online contact form
or you can register for the NHSApp and access your online record and order medication from your phone
We are closing our old email and we will no longer accept paper requests which are all too easy to lose. Did you know? In an emergency, outside normal GP hours, you may be able to get a prescription by calling 111. Visit NHS 111 online to find out more. Thank you for understanding. Malmesbury Medical Partnership. *Calls cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02) and must be included in inclusive minutes and discount schemes in the same way. Calls from landlines are typically charged up to 9p per minute; calls from mobiles typically cost between 3p and 55p per minute. Calls from landlines and mobiles are included in free call packages.
Editorial footnote: in view of the importance of this change to our community, would anyone with access to social media, such as Facebook, as administrator or having a similar function, please contact Peter Oliver via email for an electronic version of this notice so that it can be posted there. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Please submit your advertisement by the 9th of the month preceding publication unless otherwise advertised. The Editorial Board neither endorses nor accepts responsibility for the services advertised in these pages. For business advertisers small boxes are available at £3 and £6; ¼ page - £11; ½ page - £22. Space for full colour advertisements is occasionally available on the back page. All cheques must be made payable to “Signpost”. To place an advertisement please ring Brenda Oliver on 01666 822342
FISHING BOAT FOR SALE 14 foot with trailer 6 horse power outboard motor Work required Reasonable “offers” Buyer collects Tel. 01249 720286
Little Somerford Village Hall Available for Hire Tel: Rachel Nuttall 01249 720978 Email: Signpost June 2021
Luxury assisted living flat for sale in Townsend Court on the edge of Malmesbury £229,950 BeauĚfully appointed, sunny, bright and spacious 2 bec s/c flat in award-winning assisted living complex of just 28 apartments. Designed for easy living and set in aÆracĚve gardens. Benefits include communal dining & siĤ ng rooms; residents parking; friendly ,helpful staff on call 24/7; guest suite for visitors. Conveniently situated on the edge of town near bus stop, Waitrose, Healthcare Centre & pharmacy.
NO ONWARD CHAIN See Blount & Maslin www.on 22
Signpost June 2021
Roof Trusses
Floor Joists
Car Ports
Woman Cave
Man Caves
Garden Buildings
See our website for more details
Feature Trusses
Contact us for a quote E-mail:
Tom Beeby Garden Maintenance Local, Reliable, Affordable Garden Clearance, Hedge Trimming, Mowing Pruning, Felling Small Trees Qualified Tree Surgeon 07757302591
Telephone :-
01380 871 533
Local independent financial advice you can trust. Our services include; Retirement Planning Investment Advice Family Protection, Life Assurance Inheritance Tax Planning Please contact us for a FREE initial meeting Telephone: 01249 720 462, Email: Unit 3, Gate Farm, Sutton Benger, Wilts SN15 4RE
Signpost June 2021
CONNECT COMPUTER SERVICES Based locally. We provide an efficient, honest and friendly service in the comfort of your own home / place of work
Please call Kate on 07793 671089 or no fix / no fee and free quotations ROYAL WOOTTON BASSETT TREE SURGEONS Lopping, shaping, felling, topping, crown reduction, pruning of all types of trees, hedges and shrubs taken care of. Conifers a speciality. Regular contracts undertaken Fully insured FREE estimates without obligation Call: Barry Brown: 07922 881940 01793 853383 45 Downs View, Royal Wootton Bassett SN4 8AZ
Paul Reeves P.R. Electrical Services
Your Local NICEIC Approved Electrician For all aspects of domestic electrical work including Inspection / Testing and Fault Finding.
Please contact Paul in Startley on 01249 720521 or 07860 298591 All calls receive our prompt and courteous attention. Email:
Signpost June 2021
At Chalkland vets you will find a warm and friendly environment where you and your pets will feel welcome.
Our Services include:Separate dog and cat waiĜng areas Separate dog and cat kennels ConsultaĜons VaccinaĜons and neuters Laparoscopic (keyhole) spays Radiography and ultrasound Laboratory services DenĜstry OperaĜons
Opening hours Monday - Friday 8.30am - 7pm Saturday 8.30am - 12.30pm
01249 588805 41-42 New Road, Chippenham, SN15 1HL
Signpost June 2021
� � � � �
Unique stained glass windows and mirrors Commissions made to your specifica�on Range of fused glass gi�s and jewellery External & internal windows can be supplied double glazed Check-out the website for lots of ideas 01249721617 –
QUALIFIED HETAS ENGINEERS Great Somerford, Wiltshire
07885 464137 FREE QUOTATION
� � �
Interior &Exterior Painting & Paperhanging Free advice & estimates given on request All enquiries welcome Telephone: 01249 891192 Mobile: 07740 945930
Gentle Foot Care In the comfort of your own home ACER TREE SURGEONS ARBORICULTURAL ASSOCIATION APPROVED CONTRACTOR As your local Arborist, we are passionate about providing a bespoke service when looking a�er you and your trees. Services include: • Tree Removals, Dismantles and Felling • Crown Reduc�ons, Re-Shaping and Pruning • Hedge Cu�ng • Management of Dangerous Trees • Stump Grinding and Removal • Free Quota�ons and Tree Health Check Please contact us for free help and advice regarding your trees. Adam Roberts M. Arbor. A, FdSc Arb ND Arb Tel: 01666718078 / 07843082634 Email:
Signpost June 2021
Heather Joanna Baker S.A.CDipFHPA S.A.CDipFHPAT Nail Cutting – Filing – Thick Nail Reduction Removal of Callus (Hard Skin) & Corns …. For all enquiries please contact
07580 089906 Email – Registered Foot Health Practitioner serving the community of Sutton Benger and the surrounding villages.
Signpost June 2021
DO YOU HAVE A MOLE PROBLEM? With over 30 years’ experience in tradi�onal mole control I can effec�vely, discreetly and humanely remove the culprit(s)! No gas, chemicals or poisons used and completely safe to children and pets. NO MOLE – NO FEE Rabbit control also undertaken Fully insured and references available Member of the Bri�sh Mole Catchers Register BPCA/RSPH level 2 cer�ficate in pest control. Call Charlie now for a free, no obliga�on site survey and quote 07766 132 934 (Day) 01666 890 344 (Evening) 28
Signpost June 2021
01249 720345
07760 307151
RICHARD PONTING PROFESSIONAL FLOOR AND WALL TILING All types of natural stone tiles, slate, travertine, flagstones, terraco�a, ceramics Sheet vinyl (inc. Karndean), carpet tiles SUPPLY AS WELL AS FIT Tel: 01249 721229 07966297790
AMHERST Digger Hire (1-7ton) with Operator Ditches & all other Excava�ons Earth Moving Services Fully Licensed, Qualified & Insured Local Authority Approved Professional Tree Surgeons Tree Surveys & Reports Tree Felling Pruning & Plan�ng Height Reduc�on Hedge & Flail Cu�ng Site Clearance Estate Management Grounds Maintenance Free no obliga�on quota�ons A Family Run Business with over 25 years Experience
01793 772268 / 07921 856089
Foxley Plumbing & Heating Oil Boiler Installation, Servicing And Repairs Oil Tank Replacement Heating Installation And Repairs Bathroom Installations Unvented Cylinder Systems No Job Too Small
Tim Hibbard Email
Malmesbury (01666) 822863 Mobile 07966 462202
Signpost June 2021
• Small and medium sized business specialists • Cloud accoun�ng specialists • Free ini�al mee�ng & fixed fees available • Free fact sheets and monthly e-news (see our website)
Unit 1 Gate Farm High Street Su�on Benger Wiltshire SN15 4RE
Tel: 01249 720341 Fax: 01249 470560
Simon D. Dodson Antique Furniture Restorer and French Polisher 01249 720770 or 07955 765764 All types and ages of Furniture Restored and Repaired Lower Seagry, Chippenham, Wiltshire
PROFESSIONAL LOCAL PICTURE-FRAMING SERVICE • Photographs • Watercolours • Mixed media • Memorabilia
• Oil paintings • Textiles • 3D Objects • Boxed frames
Signpost June 2021 Do you find it difficult to get someone to come and do a small job?
* Extra Lights * Additional Sockets * Rewires * Smoke Alarms * New Fuse Boards * Landlord & Homebuyer Inspections Fault finding & Repairs - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - -
* Qualified Electrician * Six Year Guarantee * Fully Insured * Reliable Service * Free Quote * Tidy Work *Reasonably Priced
Satisfaction Guaranteed - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - -
I will assure you of a quick response and a reasonably priced service Call Neil – Your Local Electrician on
Signpost June 2021
Single Ply Flat Roofing Specialist �Firestone EPDM Rubber Roofing Systems �20 Year Guarantee �Highly resistant to ozone and UV �Flame-free installa�on �Large seam free sheets �Maintenance free �New build or refurbishment �Firestone Approved Installer
CABINET-MAKER/HOME IMPROVEMENT Storage solutions, bespoke wardrobes/cupboards, shelving/ bookcases: or call to discuss your own design. Free quotations.... Call Rob Griffiths 01249 720309
Internal and External Painting ● Coving ● Plastering / repairs ● Spray painting ● Window repairs ● Free estimates / quotes ● No VAT charged � Over 25 years experience
For a reliable professional service Tel 01666 823999
Available to hire from just £4 for a two hour session for notfor-profit groups & voluntary organisations from 17 May if Government Roadmap stays on track.
Maximum group size 6 adults due to Covid security. Supervised activity for children = 15 persons incl leaders. Minimum 72 hour interval between lettings. Kitchen not available due to Covid. Payments by bank transfer only. Updated Conditions of Hire (Covid) available from Mrs Butcher.
To book call Mrs Tammy Butcher on 01249 720204 or email Funding available from St Marylands Trust Community Fund for non-profit community events. Call 01249 720485 for details.
M.Vincent Windows & Glazing For all your glazing needs Wiltshire & Gloucestershire areas Fast, friendly and efficient service Available at your convenience 7 days a week CALL FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION
07890 138453 / 01666 460106
Signpost June 2021
Established 2004 City & Guilds Qualified hor�culturalist
Mobile: 07818 072273 Email:� � � � �
Full seasonal garden maintenance Raised beds, wooden sleeper projects and gazebos Border renova�ons Garden planning and consulta�on
Plumbing repairs and installation Do you need C H ... Central Heating? Cold / Hot Water? Then you need Colin Hope A local plumber, based in Yatton Keynell Call Him now! 01249 783193 or 07896 099672
Signpost June 2021
Church Services Church Services for June Our churches are gradually opening up and holding live Services while continuing to relay some services on line. Please check websites or telephone the churchwardens for up to date information. Woodbridge Benefice - 6 13 20
11.00 am 9.30 am 11.00 am
Little Somerford Great Somerford Little Somerford
Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Prayer
Draycot Benefice – 6 13 20
9.00 am 10.30 am 9.00 am 10.30 am 10.30 am
Seagry Sutton Benger Tytherton Kellaways Christian Malford Sutton Benger
Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion BCP Benefice service -Holy Communion All Age
Corston with Rodbourne – 13 27
10.30 am 10.30 am
Rodbourne Corston
Holy Communion Morning Prayer
Oliver Ross Richard Croft
Malmesbury Abbey – online services are available from
Methodist Services 6 13 20 27
10.30 am 2.30 pm 10.30 am 2.30 pm
Great Somerford Cleverton Great Somerford Cleverton
Annette Foster Rev Andrew Bird Rev David Gray - Communion Rev Andrew Bird for further information
Signpost June 2021
Contacts Allotment Gardens Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 720204 Little Somerford .......................................... 01666 823799 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 721046 Somerfords’ Art Circle ............................... 01666 824306 ................................................................... 01666 823799 Astronomy - Somerford Gazers................. 07711 972300 Bell ringing.................................................. 01249 721127 Churches Malmesbury Abbey Office......................... 01666 826666 Woodbridge Group Office (Maggie) ......... 01666 511422 Rector, Rev Steve Wilkinson ..................... 01249 723733 Curate, Rev Mike Graham ......................... 01666 510441 Lay Ministers Debra Evans ................................................. 01666 511158 Tony Yates.....................................................01249 723842 Jane Briggs.................................................... 01666 825996 Churchwardens Corston & Rodbourne (Angela) ................ 01666 822916 Corston & Rodbourne (Susannah) ........... 01666 822103 Gt Somerford (Anna Kent) ........................ 01666 510515 Lt Somerford (Robert Gawthropp)........... 01666 510339 Curate in Charge (Draycot Benefice) -Revd. Dr Mark Siddall ........................................................... 01249 652752 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720683 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720429 Draycot Admin (Maggie-Tues. Only) .......01666 511357 Great Somerford Methodist....................... 01249 720687 Roman Catholic (Malmesbury)................. 01666 822331 Café Church ................................................. 01249 721398 Coffee Pots ................................................... 01249 721541 Councils Parish Councils (Clerks) Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 890379 Little Somerford .......................................... 01249 720978 Corston and Rodbourne............................. 07533 879433 Seagry (Viv Vines) ...................................... 01249 890759 Wiltshire Council ......................................... 0300 4560100 Dentists ........................................................ 0845 758 1926 Doctors Malmesbury Health Centre ....................... 01666 825825 Out of hours ................................................. 0300 1115717 Embroiderers' Guild.................................. 01249 721373 Fishing Somerfords Fishing Assn ............ 01666 823799 Gardening Club (Diane Beverley) ........... 01666 824182 Girl Guides.................................................. 01666 825647 Library - Malmesbury ................................ 01666 823611 Library - Chippenham ................................01249 650536 Neighbourhood Watch Little Somerford .......................................... 07711 972300 Great Somerford.......................................... 01249 723754 Seagry ........................................................... 01249 720429 Corston ......................................................... 01666 822691 Rodbourne.................................................... 01666 829445 Startley .......................................................... 01249 720521 Parent & Toddler group............................ 01666 824951 Police Non-emergency Number ........................... 101 Wiltshire Police (Alternative No.) ............. 01380 735735
Post Office.................................................... 01249 721272 Pubs The Volunteer Inn (GS) ...............................01249 720316 Little Somerford Arms ............................... 01666 826535 The New Inn (Seagry)..................................01249 721083 Radnor Arms (Corston).............................. 01666 823389 Recycling (Hills) ......................................... 0845 6032085 Refuse (Wiltshire Council) ........................ 0300 4560100 Seagry & Startley Recreation Ground Trust Upper Seagry (Adele Carnegie)................ 07769 905701 Startley (Jayne Tinslay) .............................. 01249 721082 Shop Fourways Stores, (GS).......................01249 721272 Schools Somerfords' Walter Powell ........................ 01249 720797 Somerfords' WP Pre-School....................... 07931 263909 Seagry School............................................... 01249 720213 Seagry Pre-school........................................ 07773 011321 Malmesbury School .................................... 01666 829700 Scouts, Cubs and Beavers......................... 01666 822651 Sports Centres Activity Zone Malmesbury.........................01666 822533 Olympiad Chippenham ............................. 01249 444144 Lime Kiln Wootton Bassett ........................ 01793 852197 Talking Newspapers ..................................01249 659305 Transport Buses AD Rains ........................................... 01666 510874 Coach hire A James Quality travel ........... 01666 825655 Coach Hire Coachstyle ............................... 01249 782224 Coachstyle Buses ......................................... 01666 510874 National Coaches ........................................ 0870 5808080 Bradies............................................................01249 890794 Taxi AST Ltd .................................................01666 823388 Taxi Abbey Taxis..........................................01666 826072 Taxi Webb Taxis ...........................................01666 823551 Taxi Andycab................................................01666 826525 National Rail Enquiries .............................. 0845 7484950 Driving Miss Daisy ..................................... 07458 012460 Malmesbury & District Link...................... 01666 840861 Village Halls Little Somerford .......................................... 01249 720978 Goss Croft Community Hall ..................... 07779 717663 GS Community room ................................. 01249 720204 GS School Hall ............................................. 01249 720797 Corston/Rodbourne ................................... 01666 824377 Women’s Institute Little Somerford .......................................... 01666 510490 Woodside ...................................................... 01249 720765 Emergencies Highways & street care .............................. 0300 456 0105 Electricity...................................................... 08000 727282 Floodline....................................................... 0845 6026340 Pollution Hotline......................................... 0800 807 060 Wessex Water ............................................... 0845 6004600 Hospitals: Chippenham............................. 01249 447100 NHS Direct ................................................... 0845 4647 Dental Emergency (NHS).......................... 111 Vets George.................................................. 01666 823165 Vets Chalkland ............................................ 01249 588805
To add or amend your contact details please call Jackie Vale on 01249 721208
Signpost June 2021
.’Ladybird’ ‘ , ‘Hairy caterpillar’ . ‘Robin’ and ‘Bird bath’ from Steve Reay John Fairbairn’s Tractor and trailer
Signpost is printed by Mailboxes, Chippenham 01249 446141