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Local News and Events
Congratulations to Fourways Stores
Fourways Stores, owned by Rohit Babbar has just won the Wiltshire Village Store of the Year competition. Together with his staff of Kay, Pam and Simon the shop has triumphed in the annual event. The competition was run in partnership between Wessex Water, the Salisbury Journal, Wiltshire Times and Gazette & Herald (all owned by Newsquest publications).
The nomination, written by Meriel Griffiths, read: “We nominate the Fourways Stores and Post Office in Great Somerford, which is run by Rohit Babbar. Since taking over the shop and post office just over a year ago, Rohit has ensured that it has continued to be a vital resource and community hub.
This has been especially so during the last few months of Lockdown, when Rohit, together with his team –including Kay, Simon and Pam, have ensured that not only is the shop fully stocked with as many as possible of the items required by Gt Somerford and its neighbouring villages, but that also an efficient ordering system was put in place so that food and essential supplies could be delivered by a team of volunteers to those in the community who are vulnerable and/or selfisolating. Rohit and his team have been a fabulous asset to our village, and we would all like to express our gratitude.”
Fourways Stores was shortlisted along with Whiteparish Village Stores and Avebury Community Shop and our collective vote tipped the balance in favour of Rohit’s shop and team.
Congratulations for a well-deserved win and thank you again for the service that you provide to the local community.

Malmesbury & District U3A
Malmesbury & District U3A is keeping in touch with members with regular editions of the Lockdown News. Some groups are meeting virtually while others are beginning to meet in other ways within government guidelines.
Over the winter we plan to have 2 speakers a month via zoom. The November talks are as follows: November 5 Slum School and Safari Janette and Jonathan Barstow will describe their visit to Kenya where they volunteered in a slum school for a week and also went on safari in the Masai Mara. Their talk will include information about how, with volunteer help and charitable donations, the children are fed and clothed and a new school has been built. November 26 The History of the Village Blacksmith Hector Cole MBE is a highly experienced blacksmith with exceptional expertise in traditional smithing skills and the history of the craft. He specialises in the reconstruction of archaeological objects using the same materials and techniques as ancient smiths. Hector has established a worldwide reputation for the forging of high-quality historic arrowheads. He has carried out extensive research on arrowheads and is a leading authority on Saxon sword smith techniques.
However much Hector loves the past and the joy of emulating traditional craftsmen, he also uses his knowledge and creativity to design artefacts that integrate modern technical skills and equipment.
Malmesbury U3A is now 5 years old and we look forward to being able to celebrate this milestone when life returns to normal. If you are retired or semi-retired do join us. We have more than 500 members and 40 different interest groups including book group, history, gardening, dancing, theatre trips, languages, walking etc. Check our website for an up –to-date list of groups and other information: www.malmesburyu3a.org.uk.
Please contact Elaine Sharp for more information on 01666 823568 or e-mail membership@malmesburyu3a.org.uk
Registered Charity No 1043099 LINK is a local charity which enables patients without access to transport to attend medical appointments. We are continuing to operate during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
If you need help to get to a medical appointment or to collect a prescription, please contact us on 01666 840861 between 09:00 and 13:00 Monday to Friday or send an email to: coordinators@malmesburylink.co.uk
Calling Great Somerford’s young (and not so young) bakers
For many years Great Somerford used to give a Christmas gift to the village elders. By the time I arrived in 1999 this tradition had died away and hasn’t happened for some time.
This year we would like to revive the practice and, with that in mind, this year’s Christmas outdoor market (see back page and Covid permitting) will be donating some of its funds to help make that happen.
The plan is to give our village elders a Christmas gift of homemade biscuits and it would be great if the young people of the village could help make some of these. We are therefore looking for bakers (of any age) to bake up a batch of biscuits and deliver them to us in early December. If you would like to get involved, could you please contact either Jackie Vale (drjvale@gmail.com, 07768278428) or Debs Loader (dab..) for further details of bakes, delivery dates and locations. Thank you.
We have received a donation of £50 with many thanks since our last edition.
Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the cost of producing Signpost should send a cheque to The Hermitage, Corston, Malmesbury, SN16 0HB. Thank you.
Corston & Rodbourne Reading Room 200 Club
We will be continuing our popular 200 club fund raiser in 2021. This is a major part of our fund raising fund efforts and given the situation with Covid-19, we will be relying on this to pay the ongoing costs for the hall and towards our refurbishment programme.
More details in the December edition of Signpost.
1st 77 Howard Wilcox Startley 2nd 21 Duncan Joyce Corston 3rd 9 Amanda Lean Corston
Any enquiries regarding the 200 Club, please contact Norma on Tel 01666 825303.
Hello from Ellen Blacker
Just a quick word to remind you all that I am around for general help and support on a wide variety of issues including transport, mobility and safety around the home and reducing the feeling of loneliness. Give me a call on 07557 922020 and leave a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Ellen Blacker Health and Wellbeing Champion
MacMillan Cancer Support
Because we could not hold a Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning in Little Somerford this year, we put out apples and damsons by our gate and asked for a small donation, also homemade jam for sale. We have collected £150. Many thanks to everyone who has donated so generously. Julie and Stuart Frayling
Great Somerford 2020 Vision Hundred club – Results
On Sunday 4 October the numbers were once again drawn by Jude Picton Phillipps and, in no particular order, the winners were Deborah Frayling, Gill Harrison and Sarah Vout. Congratulations to them all. The next draw will be on Sunday 1 November.
If you would like to take part please contact Tom Picton Phillipps on 01249 721202 or at tom.pictonphillipps@btinternet.com or knock on his door at 4 Paddock Close. It only costs £5.00 a month. Depending on the degree to which support is maintained or enlarged the level of prizes (currently £125.00, £75.00 and £50.00 monthly) may have to be varied.
Malmesbury Area Community Trust
Malmesbury Area Community Trust (MACT) is a charity established in 1992 which currently comprises 11 trustees, one of whom is the Clerk to the Trustees. He is looking to stand down after some 16 years involvement. The charity’s main role is to provide awards and grants to local individuals and organisations.
To fill the role we are looking to recruit perhaps a recently retired person with an interest in the local community. The job holder’s main responsibilities include dealing with applications and managing all aspects of the charity whilst ensuring it is fully compliant with Charity Commission regulations. The current clerk will be happy to provide full training for as long as is required.
The job holder should be conversant with most aspects of Microsoft technology.
The charity meets on four Monday evenings a year currently via Zoom. A full job description is available on request. An honorarium is payable.
If interested or require further information please contact the chair Mrs Carole Soden on 01666 577210 or carolesoden@aol.com.