Patented benefit of miconutrient combinations - Cancer Cells

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The time to build it is now!’ Dr. Matthias Rath

What this patent means

Over the ensuing decades, the Institute’s research team, under the leadership of Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, has extended this life­ saving research to comprise natu­ ral prevention of cancer, diabetes, viral and bacterial infections and Senior scientists of the Dr. Rath many other diseases. Research Institute with The approval of this preventive Dr. Niedzwiecki (center) health research by patent offices Dr. Rath Research Institute around the world provides the sci­ in San Jose, California entific basis for effective preven­ tive health strategies globally. Pa­ tients, therapists, governments and, above all, millions of people now have effective, safe, natural health approaches avilable to help to prevent wide­spread diseases.

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US Pa t

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#1896/01­EN/231122 Art. Nr.: 30019

This information sheet provides health research established in con­ nection with natural disease pre­ vention. For patients, we rec­ ommend to see a therapist or trained consultant to determine your individual health needs.

Patented benefit of miconutrient combinations

This specific health technology is • recognized by a government agency, • novel and has not existed before, • unique and not available anywhere else, • protected and cannot be imitated.

Purpose of patents The Dr. Rath organization oper­ ates under a non­profit roof and all profits are used to promote further independent research and education in natural health.

Micronutrients and Cancer Cells

Pharmaceutical investment business

Natural health community

Disease management

Disease prevention

Legal tools to secure return on investment (ROI) Cementing continua­ tion of diseases as global markets

Disease prevention and potential elimination

Exploding health care costs

Less diseases = lower health care costs

Scientific acknowledgement

Natural health research – the basis of preventive health

Cancer Cells

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The Dr. Rath Research Institute is a world leader in science­based natural health. Three decades ago, Dr. Matthias Rath – together with two­time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling (†1994) – was already pub­ lishing groundbreaking discoveries on the importance of vitamins in fighting cardiovascular diseases.

‘Science‐based natural health is the basis of modern, preventive health care.

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Nobel Prize‐winner‐supported research paves the way to preventive health care

Our modern understanding of the cellular basis of cancer involves natural compounds that can correct and regulate biological processes in cancer cells without damaging healthy cells. One key target is the natural blocking of the very mech­ anism that all cancer cells use to spread in the body.

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths globally in 2020. The cancer pandemic is still in­ creasing, with the most frequent organs of origin being breast, lung, colon and prostate.

While cancer can be caused by many factors, its growth and spread in the body involves disease mechanisms common to all types of cancer. The expansion of tumor cells into the surrounding tissue (invasion), as well as their meta­ static spread, requires the diges­ tion of connective tissue.

In healthy tissues, the replacement of old cells by the growth of new ones is precisely regulated. Thus, the total number of cells in our body and organs remains essen­ tially unchanged. In cancer, this tight regulation is lost. Mutations in the DNA software of a cell turns this cell immortal and leads to its incessant multiplication, forming tumors.

Cancer cells then invade neighbor­ ing body tissue and – via the blood and lymphatic system – eventually spread to other parts of the body, a process called metastasis. Most cancer patients do not die from primary tumors, but rather during the metastatic stage of the dis­ ease. Thus, inhibiting the spread of cancer cells is a primary target towards cancer control.

US Patent No. US6939860B2

Composition and method for treatment of neoplastic diseases associated with elev­ ated matrix metallopro­ teinase activities using catechin compounds Inventors: Shiran Netke, Vadim Ivanov, Wahid M. Roomi, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Matthias Rath, Vadim Ivanov Publishing date: September 6, 2005

Conventional medicine is largely confined to treating the symptoms of cancer. These treatments usually include surgical removal of tumors followed by an attempt to kill migrating cancer cells using ra­ diation (radiotherapy) and/or toxic chemicals (chemotherapy). Both these methods kill not only cancer cells, but also healthy cells, in par­ ticular the rapidly dividing immune cells. These extremely toxic treat­ ments can cause organ damage, im­ pair immune defense, and trigger new cancers. These conventional therapies do not address the cellular malfunc­ tions underlying the cancer pro­ cess. These crude conventional cancer therapies are the primary reason why – after more than a century of pharmaceutical re­ search – cancer continues in pan­ demic proportions.

Thus, all cancer cells produce bio­ logical scissors (enzymes) that pave the way for cancer cells to migrate through the body. The more of these enzymes a cancer cell pro­ duces, the more aggressive (ma­ lignant) is the cancer, and the shorter is the life expectancy of the patient.

A micronutrient combination ‘for use in treating a neo­ plastic disease in a human’. tified key cancer mechanisms that can be simultaneously inhibited at the cellular level by these micro­ nutrients, including: 1. Inhibiting the multiplication of cancer cells.

Micronutrient combinations help to protect healthy cell growth 1. Inhibitory effects of ascorbic acid and other micronutrients on the proliferation of human breast cancer cells Percent Inhibi�on of Invasion

The world’s first patented health technology to help protect healthy cell growth – naturally

Claim allowed by the Patent Office (excerpt):









2. Inhibiting tumor growth. 3. Inhibiting invasive and meta­ static spread of tumor cells. 4. Inhibiting the excessive growth of new blood vessels that supply blood to the growing tumor (an­ giogenesis). 5. Inducing the selective death of cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unaffected, by in­ ducing a ‘suicide program’ inside cancer cells (apoptosis).


Ascorbic acid Lysine Proline

Ascorbic acid Lysine Proline EGCG

2. Inhibitory effects of ascorbic acid and other micronutrients on the proliferation of human colon cancer cells Cell protec�on in % Percent Inhibi�on of Invasion

Making prevention the focus of modern health care







Cellular control of the cancer process naturally, supported by a patent At the Dr. Rath Research Institute, we tested a multitude of micro­ nutrients and their combinations for their efficacy in helping to block various aspects of cancer cell growth and spread. This compre­ hensive research resulted in the first patented ‘method for treat­ ment of neoplastic diseases’, based entirely on natural com­ pounds. The term ‘neoplastic dis­ eases’ is a technical term for cancer used in patents. The efficacy of this natural health technology was confirmed in more than 55 types of human cancer cells. Moreover, our research iden­

This unique combination of micro­ nutrients was able to inhibit all key biological processes related to the development and spread of cancer cells — naturally and with­ out side effects.

­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­

Vitamin C L­lysine L­proline L­arginine Green tea extract N­acetylcysteine Quercetin Selenium and other micronutrients


Ascorbic acid Lysine Proline


Ascorbic acid Lysine Proline

Ascorbic acid Lysine Proline

20 μg/ml EGCG

50 μg/ml EGCG

Figure 1 and 2: The patented micronutrient combination can inhibit the growth (proliferation) of various types of human cancer cells. Fig­ ure 1: breast cancer cells; Figure 2: colon cancer cells. EGCG = green tea extract epigallocatechin gallate, ascorbic acid = vitamin C.

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