Rath international Issue 1 April 2021

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Rath international April 2021



Coronavirus pandemic: No end in sight?

Be a voice of reason

Magazine for Members of the Dr. Rath Health Alliance

03 11


Dr. Rath's call to the political leaders of the world

FACTS FROM RESEARCH Micronutrients in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic


Dear Reader, For more than a year, pharmaceutical companies and the politicians associated with them have told the people of the world that vaccines are the only solution to the coronavirus pandemic. In view of the rapid mutation rate of the coronavirus, we now know that this approach – focused on the surface structure of a specific virus variant from China – has led to a dead end. Anyone can see that, with this strategy, each new mutation of the coronavirus involves the risk that new vaccines will have to be developed to check the pandemic. The team of researchers at the Dr. Rath Research Institute has anticipated this problem. From the beginning, it took a completely different approach, aiming at the protection of human somatic cells against all coronavirus variants and mutations. The only molecules capable of this are certain vitamins and other micronutrients that intervene in the cellular software (DNA) in a regulatory manner.





Dr. Rath's call to the political leaders of the world


ENDING THE PANDEMIC Be a voice of reason


Micronutrients in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic

The details of this breakthrough, which is critical for the entire global population, have been published in a scientific paper, the key points of which are summarized in this magazine. In view of the immediate significance for the health and lives of millions of people, Dr. Rath has decided to share this scientific breakthrough with the world’s heads of state in a personal letter. You will find the full letter on pages 3 to 8. Of course, there is a danger that this important information will be ignored by politicians. To counter this, it is now important that you – the members and friends of our Health Alliance and all the people around you – support the content of this letter. To make this easier for you, we have created a website called “Vote for reason.” This name has dual implications. First, it speaks to the increasing numbers of people who are actively challenging the feeling of personal powerlessness and the paralysis of public life. Second, it is an unequivocal warning to political decision-makers that, if they ignore these vital scientific findings, this will have consequences at the next election. In this issue, you will learn how you can actively help end the coronavirus pandemic once and for all. Be a voice of reason! Your editorial team at Rath international


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IMPRINT Dr. Rath Health Foundation Postbus 656, NL-6400 AR Heerlen Tel. 0031-457-1111-00, Fax -19 rathinternational@rath-eduserv.com Person responsible according to the German Press Law: Dr. Matthias Rath Editorial office: Anke Wartenberg Layout: Petra Stijkel Photos: Dr. Rath Health Foundation, iStock, unsplash



2021 started with a bang. With the release of his letter to the heads of state, Dr. Rath presented the world’s political leaders with the breakthrough made by our research team, demonstrating that specific combinations of micronutrients are an effective, safe and affordable way to end the coronavirus pandemic. Containing a request that this knowledge be implemented as quickly as possible for the benefit of all people, this call made it clear once and for all that any politician who from now on ignores or denies the findings of micronutrient research is deliberately harming the interests and well-being of their people. Translated into many languages, Dr. Rath’s open letter also provides people worldwide with a powerful argument to urge their leaders to implement policies that will

truly protect the health and lives of the people. Below you can read the letter to President Joe Biden.

Dear President Biden, With this letter, I am addressing you in order to help overcome the limitations of current public health strategies in fighting the coronavirus pandemic in your country – especially in light of the rapidly emerging virus mutations. I am the founder of an independent nonprofit research institute operating in the field of medical science. Our team of senior scientists and medical doctors worked together with the late twotime Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling.1 Dr. Pauling was one of the most distinguished scientists of the 20th century. His discover-

https://voteforreason.com/letter-to-heads-of-state COVER STORY



CALL TO WORLD LEADERS ies included principles of immunology, the basic structures of proteins, as well as the first known genetic disease, sickle cell anemia. In his later years, Dr. Pauling became interested in the role of micronutrients in the fight against viral diseases, including influenza and the human immune deficiency virus (HIV). Over the past two decades, our research team has continued this ground-breaking work in science-based natural health and has recently applied it to the global effort to control the coronavirus pandemic.

The scientific facts everyone can understand u Constant

mutation of a virus – a slight restructuring of its architecture (genetic sequence) – is not the exception, but the rule in the viral world. Virus mutations are not just a random event but a survival mechanism that allows them to escape the immune defenses of living beings (hosts) they infect, including humans. The influenza (flu) virus, for example, mutates so regularly that the development of new vaccines (flu shots) is essentially required every flu season because the mutated virus escapes protection by previous anti-flu vaccines.

u The

With every emerging coronavirus mutation, it is entirely unclear whether the available vaccines will also protect against new mutations.

Coronavirus pandemic and limitations of current vaccine strategies The coronavirus pandemic is threatening human lives, the economy of your country, and the entire world in an unprecedented manner. While some vaccines have been introduced in the hope of helping control coronavirus infections, rapidly evolving new mutants of this virus are already threatening entire countries2 with yet another pandemic wave. Despite claims by some vaccine manufacturers carried in the media that their products would also “work” against new coronavirus mutations, there is not a single example of scientific proof – in the form of a clinical study – where these vaccines were actually tested in patients infected with such mutations. In this situation, when vested interests influence political decision taking and dominate public opinion, it is essential to analyze these interests and, above all, show alternatives regarding the way forward to stop this pandemic and all its mutations.


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coronavirus is mutating at a high rate with several mutations having occurred within one year of the current pandemic, including in the United Kingdom and South Africa. These first mutations are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’ as every new mutation threatens humankind with a new pandemic.

u Some

vaccines are currently being promoted to help fight the coronavirus pandemic – all of which have been developed against the subtype of the coronavirus originating from China in late 2019. However, with every emerging coronavirus mutation, it is entirely unclear whether the available vaccines will also protect against new mutations.

u Even if it should turn out that currently available vaccines offer

some protection against one or another new mutation, future mutations of the coronavirus will almost certainly evade such protection. The predictable consequence is that with every new coronavirus mutation the world will be at risk of being exposed to a crisis similar to that which it has now been experiencing since early 2020.

The dilemma of the vaccine manufacturers u All

currently promoted vaccines from the United States of America and certain European countries are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies that obtain their return on investment (ROI) by patenting these products.

u In

order to materialize such a return on investment for their shareholders, pharmaceutical companies use an army of lobbyists in medicine and the media to ensure that in the perception of political decision takers and the general public:


a. the vaccines they bring to the market are seen as the only solution to the coronavirus pandemic; b. the currently available vaccines are seen as effective against all mutations of the virus – even if no data from clinical studies are available and they have to embark on a strategy of ‘science by press release’; c. any other scientific approach to effectively fight the coronavirus pandemic is publicly discredited as ‘fake news’. u The

most effective way for the vaccine manufacturers to keep control over the political decision-taking process as well as the global public debate is to keep the ‘source code’ – the blueprint for the exact structure of their vaccine molecules – in absolute secrecy. Using the arguments of ‘proprietary information’ and ‘patent protection’ these corporations thereby secure a dangerous ‘monopoly of knowledge’ as the very basis of their all-out control.

There exists an objective and urgent need to define new scientific targets as the foundation for a successful and lasting protection against coronavirus pandemics.


This strategy of corporate secrecy has far-reaching consequences – especially in light of the rapidly mutating coronavirus: the precondition for fighting a large number of coronavirus mutations, based on a vaccine strategy, is an open, international exchange of scientific information about the exact architecture of these vaccine ‘weapons’. Withholding such vital information derails humankind’s efforts to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.


Considering the fact that essentially all of the corporate vaccine research during the current pandemic has been financed by taxpayers’ money, such a ‘strategy of secrecy’ by the vaccine manufacturers not only endangers the lives of millions – it is also politically inacceptable and morally despicable.

These facts should be a wake-up call for you, as a political decision taker, as well as the people of your country, to realize the deadlock of isolated vaccine strategies for ending the current pandemic. In this situation, there exists an objective and urgent need to define new scientific targets as the foundation for a successful and lasting protection against coronavirus pandemics for the people of the world.

A science-based safe and affordable strategy to help prevent all coronavirus mutations There is only one scientifically compelling, politically responsible – and above all logical – way to overcome the limitations of current strategies to control the coronavirus pandemic: the international scientific focus must shift its attention from trying to identify vaccines against a growing number of coronavirus mutations and focus instead on exploring the universal defense mechanisms via which human cells are capable of defending the body against potentially all subtypes and mutations of the coronavirus. Since the beginning of the current pandemic, the international research community has been focusing on developing a vaccine that is able to block the binding of the coronavirus to the cellular receptor (ACE2)3 – the viral ‘anchor’ and ‘entry door’ on the surface of human cells – via which the virus infects the human body. The downside of this strategy is obvious: a high rate of coronavirus mutations will require a multitude of vaccines to have even a chance of controlling the future pandemics resulting from different coronavirus variants. Foreseeing this dilemma, our research team, from the beginning of this pandemic, chose a scientific approach that promises to protect the people of the world against potentially all coronavirus mutations – current and future ones. In order to accomplish this goal, our research team studied the defense mechanisms via which human cells protect themselves against attacks from any




CALL TO WORLD LEADERS type of coronavirus, as well as the biological molecules that regulate these processes. In the first step, we focused on reducing the number (expression) of the ACE2 cellular surface receptors – the entry door for all known subtypes of coronaviruses. Subsequently, we studied the impact of micronutrients on the inhibition of other key cellular mechanisms of coronavirus infections. There is only one category of molecules that can accomplish such a comprehensive task as to regulate the cellular software (DNA), down-regulate the production of proteins required for coronavirus infection (ACE2 receptors), as well as curb the entire

Focus of Vaccination Strategy: Blocking one subtype of coronavirus

Coronavirus (CV) subtype 'China' (cause of COVID-19)

CV mutation (appeared late 2020)


CV mutation 'South Africa'

CV mutation 'XY' (future)

Vaccination strategy against coronavirus pandemic All vaccines presently applied to humans with the promise to help curb the current pandemic have been developed against the coronavirus subtype that first appeared in China in late 2019. Since antibodies are specifically modeled against the surface structures (spikes) of this specific subtype of the coronavirus, current vaccines are not known to protect against viral mutations. The manufacturers of the current vaccines are fully aware that any new coronavirus mutation could render their vaccines ineffective. Hence, they merely claim that their current vaccines would also ‘work’ against the new mutations – but without any proof in the form of a clinical study with patients infected by the mutated virus. Even if it should turn out that some of the anti-coronavirus vaccines developed thus far could provide some protection against one or another coronavirus mutation, any new mutation (designated in the graphic above as ‘XY’) is potentially able to infect patients who have already been vaccinated. Thus, with every new virus mutation, humankind is exposed to the risk of experiencing a similar or even greater crisis than that which has occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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machinery of enzymes hijacked by the virus in order to replicate within human cells. These molecules are micronutrients and include vitamins, minerals, and other natural, bioactive substances. Our comprehensive research studies have determined the most effective bioactive molecules in the defense against the coronavirus infection of human cells. Moreover, our research established that these natural molecules were most effective in interfering with key mechanisms of coronavirus infections when used in specific combinations that enable the individual components to interact synergistically.

Focus of Micronutrient Strategy:

Reinforcing defense of human body cells against attacks from all subtypes of coronaviruses Coronavirus (CV) subtype 'China' (cause of COVID-19) CV mutation 'UK' (appeared late 2020) CV mutation 'South Africa'

CV mutation 'XY' (future)

Micronutrient strategy against coronavirus pandemic The application of micronutrients to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic takes an entirely different approach to that of vaccines. It takes advantage of the known ability of these bioactive substances to strengthen the resistance of body cells against viruses and other infectious agents. Our research shows that specific combinations of micronutrients (shown as diamond shapes in the graphic above) are effective against coronaviruses. These micronutrient combinations are able to inhibit all key mechanisms of coronavirus infection of human cells. This includes the inhibition of viral binding to the cell surface, cell entry, as well as viral multiplication inside the cells. In addition, micronutrients are known to strengthen general immune defense mechanisms. This includes the production of immune cells, their migration to the site of infection, and their ability to kill and remove viruses and other infectious invaders (phagocytosis). Further details of this groundbreaking research are documented on the websites listed below.


Specific micronutrient combinations are able to significantly inhibit all known key mechanisms of coronavirus infections simultaneously, including:

With this letter you, as a head of state, are officially informed about the potential of this major breakthrough to combat the coronavirus pandemic in your country.

1. The significant inhibition of the binding of coronavirus surface proteins (spikes) to ACE2 receptors on the surface of human cells.

Effective immediately, the recommendation of an increased intake of specific micronutrients has to be considered an effective, safe, and affordable public health measure anywhere in the world. Our research team is willing to share our entire know-how free of charge with any government in the world that is willing to apply this knowledge – and expand it through further research.

2. The significant inhibition of the production of ACE2 receptors by human cells, thereby limiting the binding of coronaviruses to these cells and their chances of infection. 3. The significant inhibition of all key proteins (enzymes) involved in the uptake as well as multiplication of coronaviruses inside human cells. 4. A significant increase in general immune system function, including the production of immune defense cells (leukocytes), their ability to migrate to the site of infection, (chemotaxis), and the removal of viruses and other infective invaders (phagocytosis). The following graph summarizes the compelling necessity for the reorientation of international research, in order to increase the likelihood of achieving a comprehensive control of coronavirus pandemics. In summary, micronutrients simultaneously inhibit several key mechanisms used by the coronavirus to infect human cells, in particular the binding to cell surface receptors, the uptake (internalization) of the virus into the cells, and the multiplication (viral replication) inside these cells. In addition, micronutrients are the only molecules known to stimulate overall immune defense in the human body. Further details of these research studies can be found on the websites listed below. This groundbreaking research is further validated by the first clinical studies showing that high-dose vitamin C is able not just to prevent coronavirus infections, but also to cut the death rate (mortality)4 of severely infected, hospitalized coronavirus patients in half – an effect not documented for any of the current vaccines or pharmaceutical drugs.

Moreover, with this information, any assertion that currently available vaccines are the only way to combat the coronavirus pandemic is no longer valid. Accordingly, no citizen anywhere in the world should be forced to be vaccinated with currently available vaccines by using the argument that there are supposedly no other means available to control coronavirus pandemics.

Our research shows that specific combinations of micronutrients are able to inhibit all key mecha­nisms of coronavirus infection of human cells. This includes the inhibition of viral binding to the cell surface, cell entry, as well as viral multiplication inside the cells.

From today onwards, any politician making such unsustainable assertions is doing so contrary to established scientific facts. While one can of course have different views on political, religious, and philosophical questions, any leader who chooses to ignore or even deny scientific facts will find this a highly risky path to follow. They will eventually be held responsible in the courts5 of the world for endangering the health and lives of the very people who voted them into office.




CALL TO WORLD LEADERS I trust that you will take advantage of this lifesaving information for the benefit of the people and the economy of your country. Because of the urgency of this matter, I feel the responsibility to also inform the people of your country about the health information contained in this letter and make it accessible to them by making this letter public.

In the name of the people of your country and those of the world, I am urging you to take immediate action!


Dr. Matthias Rath

• • • •

Further information: Scientific basis: https://www.jcmnh.org Dr. Rath Research Institute: https://www.drrathresearch.org Dr. Rath Health Foundation: https://www.dr-rath-foundation.org Coronavirus research: https://www.dr-rath-education.org

Sources: 1. https://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/go/linus-pauling/ 2. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/04/world/europe/uk-lockdown.html 3. https://virological.org/t/preliminary-genomic-characterisation-of-an-emergentsars-cov-2-lineage-in-the-uk-defined-by-a-novel-set-of-spike-mutations/563 4. https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-52778/v2 5. https://www.dr-rath-health-alliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ criminal-charge-and-complaint-against-Jens-Spahn.pdf

Submit your stories

Alliance work in the time of corona The topic of coronavirus is omnipresent and has been gripping the entire world for more than a year now. For you, the members of the Health Alliance who are dedicated to promoting natural health and educating people about science-based natural health approaches, this crisis is a challenge that you can counter with compelling arguments. We would like to know how you have been experiencing the coronavirus crisis. Have you been able to convince more people about the benefits of micronutrients during the pandemic? Or have you had difficulties reaching out to your peers owing to the restrictions? Please write to us. Feel free, also, to give us your feedback on the coronavirus information we provide on the websites and newsletters of the Dr. Rath Health Alliance or Health Foundation. You can send your experiences and comments to the following email address: rathinternational@rath-eduserv.com We look forward to your submissions!


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Our Future

Ending the pandemic requires the active participation of the world population

Be a voice of reason At the beginning of this year, vaccines were launched worldwide to herald the end of the coronavirus pandemic. However, in the face of rapidly emerging coronavirus mutations, it is more than obvious that the current pandemic strategy, based solely on vaccines, will lead to a dead end. With every new mutation of this virus, a new or reformulated vaccine has potentially to be developed, at incalculable cost, meanwhile, to our social and economic life. Far from setting us free, the first vaccines were introduced against a background of ever-more-stringent impositions on society, with night-time curfews and other draconian measures introduced by politicians in Europe and many other parts of the world. In view of this extraordinary and depressing situation, we have launched a campaign, “Vote for reason,” as a forum for all people to voice their discontent with the current pandemic strategy.

In addition to Dr. Rath’s call to the world's political leaders, this campaign includes an open letter to two of the world’s leading scientific bodies, the US National Academy of Sciences and the UK’s Royal Society, in which Dr. Rath calls on the members for a vaccine-independent, fundamental reorientation of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. To date, the scientific world has been largely uncritical of a vaccine-only approach to combating the coronavirus pandemic. In the face of the rapidly mutating virus, this is no longer an option. Studies conducted by the Dr. Rath Research Institute have shown that certain micronutrient combinations can significantly or almost completely inhibit all key mechanisms of coronavirus infection known to date. In contrast to vaccines, which all aim to inhibit the binding of the coronavirus to the cell surface, micronutrients intervene in cell metabolism in a regulatory manner, thereby protecting the body's cells against all variants and mutations of the coronavirus – including any that have yet to emerge.

The campaign can be accessed at www.voteforreason.com




Since the beginning of our information campaign on natural alternatives to vaccination, the world has witnessed events that were largely unthinkable before. In many European countries, restrictions were – at least partially – lifted, only to be reimposed by governments as infection numbers surged. These events should encourage everyone to continue to speak out against the scientifically nonsensical measures and restrictions, and drive the necessary fundamental reorientation of pandemic response. This is particularly important, given that with each new viral mutation – and insistence upon the ill-conceived vaccine-only strategy – there is a continued risk of renewed lockdown measures. For this reason, we invite you to become an active participant in our campaign. part of our campaign, we have designed the informational graphics below, which summarize the advantages of the micronutrient approach in an easily understandable manner. We invite you to digitally share these illustrations with your contacts at school or work and in your social environment. You can find more information at: https://voteforreason.com/ en/schools-and-businesses/

To write to your head of state, simply click on the box labeled “Vote for reason” below Dr. Rath's letter. l Call

on the members of the major scientific academies in the UK and the US to abandon the nonsensical strategy of responding to the pandemic by focusing solely on vaccines. Call on scientists to implement the findings on the importance of micronutrients in strengthening the immune system, which are documented in every textbook of biology and biochemistry.

At voteforreason.com, at the end of the letter to the science academies, you will find a blue box with a link. With one click, a pre-written email will appear. If you wish, you can add your own comments to this email – for example, your personal experiences with micronutrients.

l As

l Talk

to your friends and family about the unique opportunity to fight the pandemic using a science-based, natural micronutrient strategy. Use the arguments summarized in Dr. Rath’s open letters.

l Contact

politicians at regional and national level and tell them about your support for reorienting the pandemic strategy. All politicians have a constitutional and moral obligation to protect the lives and economic resources of their citizens. It is up to us to demand that decision-makers abide by this obligation.

If people raise their voices, the fateful spiral of ever-new viral mutations, fear and the paralysis of social and economic life can be broken. To see that change is possible, check out the “Global Changes” section, which is updated on a regular basis (https://voteforreason.com/en/global-changes). Be a part of these changes.

Join us – be a voice of reason.

Health information for businesses in the coronavirus crisis


Health information for students and teachers, on the coronavirus crisis

Vaccination alone cannot end the coronavirus pandemic! Fig. 1.

1. The coronavirus is a fast-mutating virus. This means that it rapidly changes its architecture, including its surface structure. 2. Figure 1. In addition to the original novel coronavirus from China, the cause of the illness termed COVID-19, several mutations have emerged and are spreading worldwide. The different coronavirus variations/mutations are shown with different surface structures and are color coded.

The coronavirus is mutating with everincreasing speed:

Owing to a high mutation rate of its biological blueprint, the original virus from China (shown in green) has morphed into several variants that are spreading worldwide. These virus variants have “docking” molecules that may differ slightly in structure from the original coronavirus, shown in coded colors in the figure on the left. These docking molecules allow the viruses to bind to and invade human cells, causing infections.

3. Figure 2. The surface structure of the virus is determined by its outward-directed proteins. These structures are characteristic for each coronavirus type or virus mutation, much like the individual number of a cell phone. 4. To generate a vaccine, certain sections of these proteins (or the genetic information for these sections) are recreated in the laboratory. When injected into the body, these molecules stimulate the production of antibodies – the body’s own defense molecules, which, if successful, are able to block the replication of the coronavirus in the body (figure 2: red Y). 5. Current COVID-19 vaccines have been developed only against the coronavirus variant originating from China (figure 2: shown in green). New mutations of the coronavirus (figure 2: shown in pink, yellow, blue and brown) cannot be readily recognized, if they are recognized at all, by the antibodies raised against the ‘Chinese virus’. Thus, these mutations are not blocked from binding to and entering into human cells to cause infections. 6. This figure also illustrates another problem: with every new mutation of this virus, a new vaccine has to potentially be developed, or an existing one modified, and tested for its efficacy – a process that, predictably, leads the world into repeated crises.

Fig. 3.

Vaccination approach to control individual coronavirus variants:

In the laboratory, certain sections (sequences) of these docking molecules are recreated. After injection (vaccination) into the body, these molecules stimulate the production of antibodies – our own defense molecules, which ideally block the multiplication of the virus in the body. Fig. 2. Since the docking molecules responsible for the binding of the virus to the body’s cells may have a different structure for each virus mutation, antibodies formed against the docking molecules of the original coronavirus from China may be only partially effective, if they are effective at all. Thus, vaccines will need to be reformulated with each new variant of the virus. Each of the reformulated vaccines will then have to undergo long series of tests to determine its efficacy and safety.

7. Figure 3 highlights the way out of this predicament. A successful effort to end the pandemic is only possible if we focus on the mechanisms that this virus uses to infect the human body, regardless of the particular coronavirus subtypes or mutations. 8. Scientific research has demonstrated that specific vitamins and plant substances are able to regulate the metabolism of human cells via their influence on the “cell software” (DNA), thereby allowing the cells to effectively protect themselves against coronaviruses. 9. In this way, vitamins and plant substances can prevent the binding of the virus to the cells, its entry into the cell, and the replication of the virus within the cells.

Micronutrient approach to combat all coronaviruses:

The micronutrient approach (vitamins and plant substances, for example) focuses on the mechanism of the chain of infection common to all coronaviruses on the surface of and inside human cells. Numerous scientific studies have shown that certain micronutrients and their combinations are able to influence the metabolism of cells in such a way that they inhibit the binding of the virus to the cell, hinder its entry into the cell and prevent its multiplication inside the cell.

10. Thus, micronutrients are the only known way to inhibit cellular infection by coronavirus variants and mutations. They should be combined with absolutely safe vaccines in order to effectively end the coronavirus pandemic. © Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Micronutrients are the only known way to inhibit cellular infection by coronavirus regardless of how it may mutate. https://voteforreason.com/facts/ Ultimately, the coronavirus pandemic can only be controlled by combining absolutely safe vaccines with scientifically studied micronutrients! © Dr. Rath Health Foundation


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Facts from research

MICRONUTRIENTS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Scientific research at the Dr. Rath Research Institute has demonstrated that a specific combination of micronutrients can inhibit the production of cellular entry ports essential for coronavirus infection. In addition, these micronutrients were able to inhibit the binding of the virus to the cell surface and the enzymes necessary for the virus to replicate inside the cell. Thus, micronutrients play an indispensable role in combating the coronavirus pandemic. The details of this breakthrough, which is critical for the entire global

population, have been published in a paper entitled "Scientific Basis of Micronutrient Applications as an Effective, Save and Affordable Global Public Health Strategy to Help to the Control the Coronavirus Pandemic." Rath international presents excerpts from this important study. The need for safe and effective strategies to control and prevent the coronavirus pandemic Impaired immunity is a major risk factor for infection with and death from coronavirus.

Based on multiple reports, the elderly and individuals with comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and obesity are more severely affected by COVID-19 and suffer more health complications. All these risk factors are associated with micronutrient deficiencies due to inadequate diets, diabetes and other genetic predispositions, the intake of various pharmaceutical drugs, smoking, environmental pollution, and other external factors. Collectively, they culminate in metabolic impairments, compromising the health status of affected individuals, and, in particular, weakening the immune system. SCIENCE



Various micronutrients can help strengthen the immune system against coronavirus infection in multiple ways. At the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, the correlation between low vitamin D levels, zinc deficiency, and a risk of infections was established. Zinc undernutrition or deficiency was shown to impair important immune functions such as the elimination (phagocytosis) of pathogens, the activity of the socalled “natural killer” cells, and others. By contrast, the combination of zinc with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) showed immune-enhancing effects. Vitamin D also affects the cellular immune system by suppressing the overproduction of biological signaling molecules known as “cytokines”, triggered by viral infections, including COVID-19. It can also decrease tissue damage induced by an explosion of cytokines in the context of inflammation and infection, a process known as a “cytokine storm”. A combination of vitamin C with amino acids, green tea extract and other micronutrients showed benefits in decreasing the expression of cellular ACE2 receptors – the entry ports of the coronavirus – in lung cells. Vitamin C has strong antiviral effects and alleviates an inflammation process known to be aggravated in coronavirus infections resulting in the life-threatening “cytokine storm”. Vitamin C interacts synergistically with vitamin D and zinc in protecting the integrity of barrier cell systems, including those of the skin, vascular walls, lungs and intestines, which constitute the first line of defense of the human body against pathogen entry.


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This micronutrient combination also has a positive effect on the cells of the immune system. B vitamins are needed for an optimum functioning of the immune system to fight off viral infections and to support antibody production. It has been shown that vitamin B6 deficiency weakens both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, impairing the formation of new lymphocytes, their maturation (differentiation), and antibody production. Various plant extracts and active plant components have shown beneficial effects on immune-system function. Among these substances, fucoidan, for example, a sulfur-rich, complex sugar molecule from brown algae, has a positive influence on immunity, especially in the defense against viral infections.

Clinical applications of micronutrients against coronaviruses Many studies recommend the consumption of vitamin C to control lower respiratory tract infections. Vitamin C supplementation represents one of the most compelling therapeutic interventions against coronaviruses. A clinical trial in the USA reported that intravenous doses of vitamin C decreased sepsis-induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) death rates. ARDS is a life-threatening lung injury that allows fluid to leak into the lungs, impairing breathing and decreasing oxygen supply to the body. The development of ARDS in patients with COVID-19 is a critical complication that often has a deadly outcome.

A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical intervention study documented that high dose vitamin C can cut the death rate in patients with advanced stages of COVID-19 almost in half. This multi-center clinical study, coordinated by the University Hospital of Wuhan, the site of the outbreak of the current pandemic, included COVID-19 patients confined to intensive care units, owing to the severity of the life-threatening stage of their infections. Severely ill patients were randomly assigned to high-dose intravenous vitamin C or a placebo. Patients receiving this high-dose vitamin C treatment also had a significantly better oxygenation of their blood, indicating that oxygen can better move to the red blood cells across the lung tissue. That in turn, means that the lung tissue is less inflamed, a fact that was confirmed in this study by much lower levels of inflammation markers (Interleukin-6) in the vitamin C patients.

Designing micronutrient combinations to gain natural control of the coronavirus pandemic In a recent study we evaluated the effects of a composition of plant extracts and active plant components, including curcumin, resveratrol, green tea extract, cruciferous plant extracts and quercetin, on key cellular mechanisms involved in SARS-CoV-2 infectivity (see Figure). We observed that vitamin C used at high (up to 10 mM) concentrations can significantly decrease ACE2 production at the protein and RNA levels. Furthermore, vitamin C can enhance the efficacy of other natural compounds (green


tea extracts/EGCG, baicalein, curcumin and others) in decreasing the production (expression) of cellular ACE2 receptors (Ivanov et al, submitted for publication). Decreasing ACE2 and NRP-1 receptors (SARS-CoV-2 “docking stations”) presents an important therapeutic goal for decreasing viral infectivity. Our previous studies demonstrated that a specific combination of micronutrients can inhibit the expression of ACE2 receptors on human alveolar epithelial cells by 90%. In a more recent study, we demonstrated that these micronutrients can also decrease the expression of NRP-1 receptors. Our studies also show that various natural components, such as vitamins and fatty acids, can directly interfere with viral binding to ACE2 receptors on human cells, i.e. the interaction between the viral receptor binding site (RBD) and cellular

ACE2 receptors. We were further able to demonstrate that a specific combination of plant-derived compounds can inhibit SARS-CoV-2 pseudo virus from binding to cells expressing ACE2 receptors, when applied both before and after this virus enters the cells. These data confirm the high efficacy of natural compounds in the prevention of this key step in the viral infectivity of new cells, as well as their efficacy in already-infected cells.

riority to other currently applied measures by simultaneously affecting key infection mechanisms used by SARSCoV-2 and other coronaviruses. The general safety of natural compounds makes this approach a safe and effective alternative that can be used by the general public.

Various enzymes are required both for the entry of the virus into the cells and for its replication. Our studies showed that natural compounds can inhibit the activity of these enzymes. In summary, these findings confirm the significant potential of micronutrients, especially when applied in a specific combination, as a new therapeutic strategy in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. This direction shows supe-

You can access the complete study at https://voteforreason.com/facts. Download the publication to your computer or smartphone and share it with your contacts via email or social media.

Preventing SARS-CoV-2 virions from binding to cellular receptors

• Decreasing number of ACE2 and NRP-1 receptors on host cells

• Inhibiting viral RBD binding to © Dr. Rath Research Institute | 2021

cellular receptors

• Inhibiting activity of TRMPSS2 and Furin that faciliate viral entry

Micronutrients affect key mechanisms involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection of human cells




Support your immune system in achieving the performance your body needs daily to maintain long-term strength and natural health. The reconstructive formula for your immune system l




Contains selected micronutrients for powerful support of healthy immune function; Contains high levels of antioxidant cellular nutrients that demonstrably protect cells from oxidative stress; Contains a high content of biologically active plant substances from nutrient-rich fruits and plants of various origins.


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