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ASID Texas Chapter
membership directory
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Table of Contents and ASID Information
Table of Contents and ASID Information
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Message from our President 2019-20 | 02
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Board of Directors | 03
2019-2020 Design Communities Board of Volunteers | 04 Message from our President 2018-2019 | 05
2018-2019 Texas Chapter Board of Directors | 06
2018-2019 Design Communities Board of Volunteers | 07 Texas Chapter Contact Information | 08 Mission Statement | 09
The Value of Belonging | 10
ASID Membership Levels | 11 ASID Code of Ethics | 12
Metrocon 18 Expo & Conference Sponsors | 14
Austin Design Community | 15 Dallas Design Community | 22
El Paso Design Community | 40
Fort Worth Design Community | 41
San Antonio Design Community | 46 West Texas Design Community | 51
Table of Contents
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ASID Alphabetical Industry Partner Member-
ship Listings
79 115 120
Buyer’s Guide Listings and Ads
Categorical Index of Industry Partners
Alphabetical Index of Advertisers
Legacy of Design 2018 First Place Commercial Winner: Multi-Family Cortland Design a subsidiary of Cortland Partners Katie Frank, Liz Franklin, Ashlyn Morrison Project Name: Preserve at Rolling Oaks
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From our President 2019-2020 Dear Texas Chapter of ASID, I am looking forward to the opportunity of working for
you all this year as we explore the amazing opportunities to be of service to our communities and our profession.
Our theme for the year is “You Belong Here.” As we delve into this theme I am reminded that in ASID we all find a sense of belonging that enhances what we do and who we are. ASID provides connections that further the continuing improvement of our profession, magnifying our voice in the
political and public arena, and encouraging those who are in training to
take their place in this industry. We all belong and in belonging we find we
are better together. I know we shall grow personally, professionally and as advocates for our industry as we stretch toward what we can achieve together this coming year.
Lisa Barron, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
Texas Chapter ASID President 2019-2020
Publishing & Design Inc.
Duff Tussing 1303 Rancho Vista Drive McKinney, TX 75070 (972) 562-6966 dtussing@dsapubs.com PUBLISHER
Sheri Tussing (972) 562-6966 office@dsapubs.com
Holly Riley adinfo@dsapubs.com
ART DIRECTOR Dawn Lyon ad@dsapubs.com
Jamie Williams 352.448.5873 jwilliams@dsapubs.com
Copyright © 2019 by DSA Publishing & Design, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except brief excerpts for the purpose of review, without written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to provide accurate information of the products and services listed here. Listing information, which includes company name, location and phone is constantly changing. Of necessity, DSA Publishing & Design, Inc. and the American Society of Interior Designers make no guarantees concerning the information in this book, as provided by the advertising and listing companies, or the use to which it is put.
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Lisa Barron, ASID, RID, NCIDQ President@tx.asid.org PRESIDENT 2019-2020
Corey Davey, ASID President-elect@tx.asid.org
Brianne Bowers, IP Finance@tx.asid.org
Gabriella Martinez, Allied ASID communications@tx.asid.org
Cody Rackley, Allied ASID ProfessionalDevelopment@tx.asid.org
Joyce Bryant, Allied ASID membership@tx.asid.org
Sheryl Beck, Allied ASID at-large@tx.asid.org
2019-2020 Board of Directors
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Carlisle Rose Bolger, Student ASID studentrep@tx.asid.org
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2019-2020 Design Community Board Leaders and Chapter Volunteers
AUSTIN - CHAIR 2019/2020 Stephanie Swedlunel, Allied ASID
C0 - DALLAS CHAIR- 2019/2020 Lisa Floyd, Allied ASID
C0 - DALLAS CHAIR- 2019/2020 Carrie Barron, Allied ASID
EL PASO - CHAIR 2019/2020 Karen Leah Rivera, ASID
FORT WORTH - CHAIR 2019/2020 Lisa Teakell, ASID
SAN ANTONIO - CHAIR 2019/2020 Nichelle Hosley, Allied ASID
WEST TEXAS CHAIR 2019/2020 Suzann Haechten, ASID
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From our President 2018-2019 My Chapter President’s tenure in the 2018-2019 year has provided the opportunity to continue the Strategic Plan set by the ASID National Board to focus on the Impact of Design on the Human Experience.
The Design Texas magazine promotes the value of ASID membership throughout the six Texas Chapter Design Communities by demonstrating the areas in which we work to design for healthcare, entertainment, workplaces, learning, residing and playing. The ASID Texas Chapter has two missions: support students through training at Student Symposium, and support members by providing contract approval services, accounting and prompt payments for DC events.
Our Media Partner, Dallas Style & Design, offers advertising opportunities for our members and industry partners. The Legacy of Design Award winners are featured in Dallas Style & Design magazine.
Benefits of ASID Texas Chapter Membership: • Job Bank • SCALEX in San Antonio for students • Research • Membership Directory • BANNER ADS in the monthly Chapter ENewsletter for Industry Partners • Red graduation cords and tassels for ASID student members Julie Reynolds, ASID, RID, NCIDQ ASID Texas Chapter President, 2018-2019
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
2018-2019 Board of Directors
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Julie Reynolds, ASID, RID president@tx.asid.org PRESIDENT
Lisa Barron, ASID, RID president-elect@tx.asid.org
Kimberly Barrow, ASID IP Rep finance@tx.asid.org
Joyce Bryant, Allied ASID membership@tx.asid.org
Jessica Wilhelm Mason, Allied ASID professionaldevelopment@tx.asid.org
Teresa McKinney Morgan, ASID communications@tx.asid.org COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR
Sheryl Beck, Allied ASID at-large@tx.asid.org DIRECTOR AT LARGE
Lauren Aleman, Student ASID studentrep@tx.asid.org
2019-2020 2019-2020 Texas TexasChapter ChapterMembership MembershipDirectory Directory
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2018-2019 Design Community Board Leaders and Chapter Volunteers Cody Rackley, Allied ASID AUSTIN - CHAIR 2018/2019
Julie Reynolds, ASID
Jennifer Mueller, Allied ASID
DALLAS - CHAIR 2018/2019
Lisa Floyd, Allied ASID
Kathy Tompkins, ASID IP
EL PASO - CHAIR 2018/2019
Karen Leah Rivera, ASID
Fran Timbrook, ASID
Laura McDonald Stewart, FASID
FORT WORTH - CHAIR 2018/2019
Lisa Teakell, ASID
Megan Kranz, Associate ASID
Cerissa Douglas, Allied ASID
Jessica Wilhelm Mason, Allied ASID
Heather Nunez, Associate ASID
Courtney Siebold, Allied ASID
Heather Sutherland, Allied ASID
J D Carter, ASID
WEST TEXAS - CHAIR 2017/2018
Cindi Cagle, ASID
Helen Erdman, ASID
Corey Davey, ASID Kelly Mann, ASID
Corey Davey, ASID
Simi Kapoor, ASID IP
Taylor Mahnke, Student ASID
Kenda Draper, ASID
Julie Ballard, Allied ASID
Pat McLaughlin, ASID
Gina Roth, Allied ASID
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Texas Chapter Contact Information
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1152 15th Street NW, Suite #910 | Washington, D.C. 20005-1723 202-546-3480 | fx. 202-546-3240 | www.asid.org twitter.com/ASID pinterest.com/asid7 vimeo.com/asid instagram.com/asid_hq youtube.com/user/asidvideo houzz.com/pro/asid facebook.com/ASID7 Students & Emerging Professionals – facebook.com/ASIDStudentsandEmergingProfessionals linkedin.com/company/american-society-of-interior-designers
Pat Gallagher, Chapter Administrator 1025 North Stemmons Freeway, Suite #605-A | Dallas, TX 75207-3700 214-748-1541 | administrator@tx.asid.org | tx.asid.org twitter.com/ASID_Texas facebook.com/asidtexas instagram.com/asid_tx houzz.com/pro/asidtexaschapter snapchat.com/add/asid_tx
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Mission Statement
The ASID Texas Chapter represents 1,700+ Practitioner, Educator, Student and Industry Representative members (1,000+ of which are Practitioners) throughout the state of Texas excluding the greater Houston area, which is covered by the ASID Texas Gulf Coast Chapter. Members work in both the residential and commercial fields, either as sole proprietors or as part of small or large firms. Within the state and around the world, they provide valuable services and useful products to their clients. Members strive to improve the quality of life for all of their clients through the creation of aesthetically pleasing, thoughtful design that takes into account the health, safety and welfare [HSW] of the public.
As a condition of membership, ASID requires all of its Practitioner members, whether or not they are registered in their state, to complete 10 hours of Continuing Education Units [CEUs] every two years. These courses are often approved by the Interior Design Continuing Education Council [IDCEC] and could consist of topics such as improving one’s business operations, learning a new accounting or drafting software program, improving communication with clients and contractors, etc., as well HSW topics, such as building codes and regulations, indoor air quality concerns, sustainable design practices, energy conservation considerations, and designing for those with a range of disabilities and/or multiple generations. ASID has mounted a comprehensive initiative to raise the bar for individuals entering and working in the design profession, not only to protect the designers but also the clients who hire them. PLEASE NOTE: The ASID Texas Chapter is not an interior design firm and does not employ interior designers on staff. ASID staff are neither qualified nor at liberty to answer questions about specific design projects.
ABOUT THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERIOR DESIGNERS The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) advances the interior design profession and communicates the impact of design on the human experience.
We collaborate with others to promote the value of interior design. We prepare our members to excel in a dynamic and evolving profession. We generate, collect and disseminate applied knowledge.
Membership – ASID has a number of categories for designers at every stage of their career, including students of interior design. We also have membership and sponsorship opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers who provide products and services to the industry. Join ASID’s vibrant community of 25,000+!
Professional Development – We offer career stage programming that focuses on the Impact of Design, the Business of Design, Leadership Development and Health & Wellness. We offer both online and in-person engagement opportunities.
Research & Knowledge Management – Our research team provides economic, sector, career stage and, of course, design data and research to the marketplace. Through the ASID Foundation, we provide over $100,000 in funding annually to various research and scholarship initiatives to help build the knowledge community for the interior design profession.
One Voice – Our government and public relations team works at the state and federal levels to represent your interests as an interior design professional AND as a business owner. Our first priority is right to practice –whether that be through interior design legislation or seal/stamp privileges at the municipal level. In addition, we lobby on issues that affect the business of interior design. 2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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The Value of Belonging When you join ASID, you become part of a community that is committed to helping you and your profession succeed. You also enjoy access to an unmatched resource of information, knowledge, services, and events. ASID is your voice on Capitol Hill and in your state. From practice rights to licensing, ASID advocates for the profession. ONE VOICE
ASID is on the leading edge of understanding trends and movement in the design world. The Society conducts and disseminates research on interior design billings, practice sectors, and the annual industry outlook report. INDUSTRY RESEARCH
The ASID Appellation is the ultimate designation of professionalism and ethical practice to clients, employers, and the design community. APPELLATION
With 47 active local chapters, you have the opportunity to have an ASID experience in your own backyard. CHAPTER EXPERIENCE
From template contracts to business insurance, ASID can help you run an efficient and profitable business. BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES
Showcase your successes and abilities. The ASID Awards program represents the best-of-the-best in the profession, from the Student Portfolio Competition to the prestigious Designer of Distinction award. AWARDS
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ASID Membership Levels
Select the membership category that is right for you: PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP Qualifications Provide proof of passage of the NCIDQ examination. Appellation Your Name, ASID Additional Benefits Use of Professional Membership Logo
ALLIED MEMBERSHIP Qualifications Provide photocopy of college transcript showing at least 40 semester or 60 quarter credit hours in interior design education (continuing education classes do not count towards the education requirements). Appellation Your Name, Allied ASID ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Qualifications Include attached work experience forms to demonstrate at least six years of full-time interior design work experience and provide photocopy of transcript showing a minimum of an associate’s degree in a subject other than interior design. Appellation Your Name, Associate ASID
Educator, Student and Industry Partner Membership: EDUCATOR MEMBERSHIP* Qualifications Currently a full-time or part-time instructor in a post-secondary program of interior design education. Appellation Your Name, Educator ASID *Educators are eligible for discounted membership. See Educator application for more information. STUDENT MEMBERSHIP Qualifications Currently enrolled in an interior design or interior architecture program that requires at least 40 semester (or 60 quarter) credit hours to graduate. Appellation Your Name, Student ASID STUDENT ADVANCEMENT (TO ALLIED MEMBERSHIP) Qualifications Currently an ASID Student member and recently graduated from an interior design program. I’m ready to advance my membership to Allied membership! Appellation Your Name, Allied ASID NATIONAL, REGIONAL OR LOCAL INDUSTRY PARTNER MEMBERSHIP Qualifications Company manufactures or supplies products and/or services to the interior design industry. Appellation Company Name, Industry Partner of ASID Additional Benefits Use of Industry Partner Logo 2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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ASID Code of Ethics 1.0 PREAMBLE
Members of the American Society of Interior Designers are required to conduct their professional practice in a manner that will inspire the respect of the general public, their clients, fellow professional designers, as well as suppliers of goods and services to the profession. It is the individual responsibility of every member of the Society to uphold this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the Bylaws of the Society.
2.1 Members shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations and codes governing business procedures and the practice of interior design in the jurisdictions in which they practice (“Applicable Laws�).
2.2 Members shall not seal or sign drawings, specifications, or other interior design documents except where the member or the member's firm has prepared, supervised or professionally reviewed and approved such documents, as allowed by Applicable Laws.
2.3 Members shall at all times consider the health, safety and welfare of the public in spaces they design. Members agree, whenever possible, to notify property managers, landlords, and/or public officials of conditions within a built environment that endanger the health, safety and/or welfare of occupants. 2.4 Members shall not engage in any form of false or misleading advertising or promotional activities. 2.5 Members shall neither offer, nor make any payments or gifts to any public official, nor take any other action, with the intent of unduly influencing the official's judgment in connection with an existing or prospective project in which the members are interested.
2.6 Members shall not assist or abet improper or illegal conduct of anyone in connection with a project.
3.1 Members' contracts with a client shall clearly set forth the scope and nature of the project involved, the services to be performed and the method of compensation for those services. 3.2 Members may offer professional services to a client for any form of legal compensation.
3.3 Members shall not undertake any professional responsibility unless they are, by training and experience, competent to adequately perform the work required.
3.4 Members shall fully disclose to a client all compensation which the Member shall receive in connection with the project and shall not accept any form of undisclosed compensation from any person or firm with whom the member deals in connection with the project.
3.5 Members shall not divulge any confidential information about the client or the client's project, or utilize photographs of the project except as is expressly allowed by agreement between the Member and client.
3.6 Members shall be candid and truthful in all their professional communications.
3.7 Members shall act with fiscal responsibility in the best interest of their clients and shall maintain sound business relationships with suppliers, industry and trades. 12
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4.1 Members shall abide by common law and statutory prohibitions against tortuous interference of contract and will not unlawfully interfere with another interior designer’s existing contractual relationships. 4.2 Members shall avoid making any intentionally false communication, either written or spoken, that harms another interior designer’s reputation or otherwise disparages their character. 4.3 Members may, when requested and it does not present a conflict of interest, render a second opinion to a client, or serve as an expert witness in a judicial or arbitration proceeding.
4.4 Members shall not endorse the application for ASID membership and/or certification, registration or licensing of an individual known to be unqualified with respect to education, training, experience or character, nor shall a Member knowingly misrepresent the experience, professional expertise or moral character of that individual. 4.5 Subject to the provisions of section six, members shall only take credit for work that has actually been created by that Member or the Member's firm, and under the Member's supervision. 4.6 Members shall respect the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained in the course of their professional activities.
5.1 Members agree to maintain standards of professional and personal conduct that will reflect in a responsible manner on the Society and the profession. 5.2 Members shall seek to continually upgrade their professional knowledge and competency with respect to the interior design profession.
5.3 Members agree, whenever possible, to encourage and contribute to the sharing of knowledge and information between interior designers and other allied professional disciplines, industry and the public.
6.1 Members leaving an employer's service shall not take drawings, designs, photographs, data, reports, notes, client lists, or other materials relating to work performed in the employer's service except with permission of the employer.
6.2 Members shall not divulge any confidential information obtained during the course of their employment about the client or the client's project.
7.1 The Society shall follow standard procedures for the enforcement of this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct as approved by the Society's Board of Directors. 7.2 Members having a reasonable belief, based upon substantial information, that another member has acted in violation of this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, shall report such information in accordance with accepted procedures.
7.3 Any deviation from this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, or any action taken by a Member which is detrimental to the Society and the profession as a whole shall be deemed unprofessional conduct subject to discipline by the Society's Board of Directors.
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METROCON18 Expo and Conference Sponsors
A special thanks to these ASID Industry Partners and other design industry supporters who sponsored and/or participated in METROCON18 EXPO & CONFERENCE, which took place at Dallas Market Hall in Dallas, Texas on August 9 & 10, 2018. Always be sure to support those who support us! Look for the most up-to-date directory of ASID Industry Partners at www.asid.org and www.tx.asid.org. The shared METROCON18 ASID Texas Chapter / ASID Texas Gulf Coast Chapter booth won the Pegasus Mission Award for Exhibitors!
Metrocon Inc.’s mission is to introduce new products and ideas to the region’s community of Interior Designers, Architects, Specifiers, Facility Managers, Real Estate Professionals, Students and other Essential Industry Members catering to the built environment. Therefore, the Mission Award is meant to go to the Exhibitor who – through displays, actions, promotions, attitude and/or spirit – was most in alignment with the event’s mission. Julie Reynolds, ASID, RID, coordinated and implemented the booth that won Metrocon’s Mission Award. Kudos to Jonathan Linares, Student ASID for arranging the interactive displays and creating the educational graphic messages that YOU BELONG/JOIN ASID. The Texas Chapter recognizes the following companies for their contributions to the DESIGN IMPACTS LIVES message: FiberSeal • Frasch • Hufcor • Modern Lantern • Texas Lighting • Ultramedia
We enthusiastically thank all of the METROCON18 Sponsors (see list below – ASID Industry Partners shown with an *) for their incredible support, as well as a long list of ASID Industry Partners who exhibited at the show: Landmark Sponsor: Dallas Market Center*
Media Sponsor: Modern Luxury Interiors Texas* Attendee Tote Bag Sponsors: EF Contract QDI Surfaces* Beverage Napkin Sponsor: Interior Resources* KLZ Stone Supply* Lanyard Sponsor: Fiber-Seal*
Lounge Furniture Sponsors: Scandinavian Spaces Staples Business Advantage CEU Classroom Sponsors: BuzziSpace Inc. C&C Wholesale / MAPEI Hallmark Building Supplies Kisabeth Furniture Speech Privacy Systems Taymor 14
Directory Sponsor: Vicostone*
Main Stage Sponsor: Haworth*
Information Booth Sponsor: PSGI / P.S. Gerry, Inc.
Keynote Sponsor: Cosentino*
Notepad Sponsor: Cronan & Associates
Specialty Cocktail Sponsor: US Surfaces
Happy Hour Sponsors: American Olean Bedrosians Tile & Stone* CertainTeed Corporation Horizon Italian Tile Norton Enterprises N.A. LLC Office Boy Schluter Systems USG Interiors Inc.
Mini-Lounge Sponsors: Bendheim/PGP KSM Design Source The Ginger Grant Group Workspace Marketing Group Bottled Water Sponsors: Hastings Tile & Bath / VOLA Paravars ProSource Wholesale* Wood Cubicles
Coffee Sponsors: Arizona Tile* Carpenter-Smith Southwest Dallas Rugs* Hart Associates Hawa Sliding Solutions Sileather Southwest Solutions Group Trio Resources/Todd Cooper & Company Booth Bingo Sponsors: Porcelanosa StonePeak Ceramics CEU Help Desk Sponsor: Sherwin-Williams*
Recycle Sponsor: Armstrong Ceilings* Floral Sponsor: LDF Silk*
Partnering Publication: The Architect’s Newspaper Photography Sponsor: Interceramic*
Seminar Sponsors: Corgan Purchasing Management International
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ASID Membership
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ASID Membership
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Paula A. Ables, ASID
3534 Bee Caves Rd West Lake Hills, TX 78746-5468 (512) 658-4534 paula@paulaablesinteriors.com
Hannah Baird, Allied ASID
Janice Abrams, Allied ASID
4507 Autumnleaf Hollow Austin, TX 78731-3601 (512) 970-6896 bericdzyn@gmail.com
Cheryl L. Balintfy, Allied ASID
Annely Alaniz, Allied ASID
2401 San Gabriel St, Apt 519 Austin, TX 78705-4713 (956) 212-4459 annelyalaniz@gmail.com
Jean H. Barkley, Allied ASID
Carolyn Albert-Kincl, ASID
9208 Simmons Rd Austin, TX 78759-7158 (512) 349-9322 CarolynAlbertKincl@gmail.com
Evelyn E. Barnes, ASID
Tanya S. Allen-Mirabal, Allied ASID
9600 Escarpment Blvd, Ste 745-169 Austin, TX 78749-1982 (512) 736-4407 tanya@studio74interiors.com
R. K. Barnes, ASID
Kevin Alter, Allied ASID
1801 Lavaca St, Ste 106 Austin, TX 78701-1329 (512) 473-8559 kevinalter@alterstudio.net
Prof. Sara Malek Barney, Allied ASID
Lesle Joann Alvarenga, Allied ASID
6763 Shining Sumac Ave Houston, TX 77084-6526 (281) 908-8109 alvarengalesle@outlook.com
Michelle Barron, Allied ASID
8605 Dawnridge Cir Austin, TX 78757-6805 (512) 689-8516
Hillary Ayn Bates, Allied ASID
201 Telluride St San Marcos, TX 78666-3432 (281) 667-6757 hannah.baird15@gmail.com
PO Box 4789 Lago Vista, TX 78645-0008 (512) 215-4538 cheryl@cheryllynnesdesigns.com 249 N Bay Dr Bullard, TX 75757-0176 (903) 825-1165 jeanbarkley214@gmail.com PO Box 91088 Austin, TX 78709-1088 (512) 327-6958 eve@kitchensofaustin.com
PO Box 91088 Austin, TX 78709-1088 (512) 327-6958 kent@kitchensofaustin.com 6625 Whitemarsh Valley Walk Austin, TX 78746-6367 (512) 529-9466 saramalekbarney@gmail.com
Lori Anderson, ASID, CAPS
150 E Main St, No 301 Fredericksburg, TX 78624-4228 (830) 307-3307 cary@slaughterdesignstudio.com
1 Valbella Dr West Lake Hills, TX 78746-4302 (914) 602-3999 immichelle@mac.com
ASID Members
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107 Deerhorn Ct Lakeway, TX 78734-4114 (971) 285-5156 hillarybates116@gmail.com
Cary C. Atkins, Associate ASID 3209 Lacevine Ln Austin, TX 78735-1444 (512) 330-0322 Kimrbates@gmail.com
Kim Bates, ASID, CID
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Austin design community. . . Heather Berardi, Allied ASID
3715 S 1st St, Apt 458 Austin, TX 78704-0109 (847) 721-8802 hrberardi@gmail.com
David M. Bravo, Allied ASID
3701 Quick Hill Rd, Apt 16203 Austin, TX 78728-1302 (512) 924-6483 jenniferbigon@yahoo.com
Etty Lass Brish, Allied ASID
10011 Stonelake Blvd, Apt 283 Austin, TX 78759-0010 (901) 219-4026 brittney.blair93@yahoo.com
Laura Britt, ASID
5730 Pavlica Rd Flatonia, TX 78941-5801 (713) 614-2877 blansittdesigns@gmail.com
Beth Brode, ASID
1105 W 42nd St Austin, TX 78756-3710 (512) 342-6899 info@heatherscotthome.com
604 Robin Dale Dr Lakeway, TX 78734-3422 (512) 608-9195
Jennifer Lynn Bigon, Allied ASID
Brittney Blair, Allied ASID
Christie Blansitt, Associate ASID
3708 Spicewood Springs Rd, Ste 120 Austin, TX 78759-8950 (512) 372-0700 david@bravointeriordesign.com
Patricia C. Calhoun, ASID, IIDA, RID, CLIPP
911 W 29th St Austin, TX 78705-3506 (512) 458-8963 laura@laurabrittdesign.com
Stephanie Chavez, Allied ASID
3804 Williamsburg Cir Austin, TX 78731-1929 (512) 750-4614 beth.s.brode@gmail.com
Debbie L. Cherry, ASID
11009 Conchos Trl Austin, TX 78726-1469 (512) 567-6649 cindyabrown@sbcglobal.net
Cindy A. Brown, Allied ASID 1512 W 35th St Cutoff, Ste 300 Austin, TX 78731-6316 (512) 480-8898 marla@bommaritogroup.com
8868 Research Blvd, Ste 203 Austin, TX 78758-5968 (512) 773-2422 hbrown@trueinteriors.net
Heather L. Brown, Allied ASID 4510 Hyridge Dr Austin, TX 78759-8054 (512) 795-8618 kimball@bonamicidesigns.com
Kimball A. Bonamici, Allied ASID
1706 W 6th St Austin, TX 78703-4703 (512) 432-5046 jennifer@countandcastle.com
Jennifer Burggraaf, ASID 6900 Indica Cove Austin, TX 78759-3051 (512) 657-1191 lbonham@austin.rr.com
Leigh Ann Bonham, Allied ASID
3606 Rip Ford Dr Austin, TX 78732-2237 (512) 266-8966 karen@iceinteriordesign.com
Karen Kay Burris, Allied ASID 11010 Twisted Elm Dr Austin, TX 78726-2370 (512) 560-2165 autumn@spindledesignco.com
Autumn Bouakadakis, Associate ASID
4202 Spicewood Springs Rd, Ste 203 Austin, TX 78759-8621 (512) 322-9888 laura@lauraburtoninteriors.com
Laura T. Burton, Allied ASID 13309 Meridian Park Blvd Austin, TX 78739-1494 (512) 633-2931 jenbrannon@mac.com
Jennifer Brannon, ASID
6305 Indian Canyon Dr Austin, TX 78746-6355 (512) 327-9813 etty@elb-design.com
Heather Blue-Harkovich, Associate ASID Annette Hatcher Brown, ASID Retired
Marla Bommarito-Crouch, ASID
8705 S View Rd Austin, TX 78737-1242 (512) 351-0725 nicole.byrom@ttu.edu
Nicole Byrom, Allied ASID
2401 Givens Ave Austin, TX 78722-2104 (972) 814-6543 patc@theperfectaddition.net
6000 Shepherd Mountain Cove, Unit 1311 Austin, TX 78730-4906 (512) 300-1014 selectionsbysteph@gmail.com 100 Lasso Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657-6108 (830) 798-0125 dcherry@oneswankyshop.com 1601 E Cesar Chavez St, Apt 210 Austin, TX 78702-4585 (512) 450-0820 Adriana@cuppettarchitects.com
Adriana M. Chetty, ASID
12400 W Highway 71, Ste 350 PMB 430 Bee Cave, TX 78738-6500 (650) 344-0393 jcid@mac.com
Jona Collins, Allied ASID, CID
1407 Westover Rd Austin, TX 78703-1909 (512) 923-9391 KCdesign17@gmail.com
Kimberly D. Comstock, Allied ASID
4527 N Lamar Blvd, Apt 6135 Austin, TX 78751-2382 (512) 573-7043 catherineconrad25@gmail.com
Catherine Conrad, Allied ASID
1001 S Capital Of Texas Hwy, Bldg L West Lake Hills, TX 78746-6450 (512) 279.0804 Ext 01 Kelle@Kellecontine.Com
Kelle Contine, ASID
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Austin 447 Crestover Cir Richardson, TX 75080-2529 (512) 771-8370 carrie@blisshomeid.com
Mark Richard Evans, Allied ASID
Ann C. Coplen-Harold, ASID
6516 Santolina Cv Austin, TX 78731-2806 (508) 963-9971 anncharold@yahoo.com
Raymond Evans, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
Carrie S. Coombes, Allied ASID
3301 Northland Dr, Ste 101 Austin, TX 78731-4931 (512) 236-0017 mary@marydewaltdesigngroup.com
Mary G. Dewalt, Allied ASID
402 Corral Ln Austin, TX 78745-6611 (512) 444-1580 markrevans2@hotmail.com
Page Gandy, ASID, RID
Avering Ln Austin, TX 78754 (512) 767-2620 ray@raymondevansdesign.com
Jennifer Garner, ASID
11600 Harpster Bnd Austin, TX 78717-4979 whitney@whitneyfairdesign.com
Whitney Fair, Allied ASID
PO Box 28458 Austin, TX 78755-8458 (917) 363-1480 lisa.diaz@gmail.com
Heidi Feliz-Grimm, Allied ASID
PO Box 8397 Atlanta, GA 31106-0397 (404) 808-5762 lauren@dottinteriors.com
Suzy M. Fields, ASID
Victoria Dryden, ASID
3607 Meredith St, Unit A Austin, TX 78703-2115 (860) 235-5000 victoria@drydendesign.net
Donna G. Figg, ASID
108 E Lower Crabapple Rd, Apt 113 Fredericksburg, TX 78624-2314 (760) 413-2228 donnadunn@msn.com
Bridget L. Fike, Allied ASID
Lisa Diaz, Allied ASID
Lauren Dott, Allied ASID
Donna G. B. Dunn, ASID Retired
3102 Brightwood Dr Austin, TX 78746-6708 (512) 944-4055 katieelliott@me.com
Katie C. Elliott, ASID, RID
3316 Bee Caves Rd, Ste B Austin, TX 78746-6690 (512) 330-9179 julie@julieevans.net
Julie Evans, Allied ASID
design community
13501 Metric Blvd, Unit 4 Austin, TX 78727-0220 (763) 464-2092 heidi@oharainteriors.com
1101 S Capital Of Texas Hwy Bldg A West Lake Hills, TX 78746-6445 (512) 327-8444 sfields@fields-arch.com PO Box 340875 Austin, TX 78734-0015 (512) 298-2588 donna@donnafiggdesign.com 1544 Horton Preiss Rd Blanco, TX 78606-4728 (830) 221-8098 bridget.fike@gmail.com
4809 Rancho Bernardo Trl McKinney, TX 75070-8523 (469) 340-8433 toniafinger@gmail.com
Tonia Finger, ASID, RID, LEED ID + C
18382 FM 306, Ste 103-55 Canyon Lake, TX 78133-3352 (830) 964-5339 dezignzinc@gmail.com
Diane Foote, ASID, CID
15 FM 1045 Roaring Springs, TX 79256-3900 mmf14b@acu.edu
Meagan Ford, Allied ASID
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
602 Westwood Terrace Austin, TX 78746-5358 (512) 524-5408 page@3folddesignstudio.com 4305 Las Palmas Dr Austin, TX 78759-5062 (512) 657-0520 jennifer@refined-interiors.com 2148 Park Place Cir Round Rock, TX 78681-3908 (512) 663-7448 jennjgarrett@gmail.com
Jennifer J. Garrett, ASID
1 University Station, # B7500 Austin, TX 78712-0100 (512) 529-9351 tglass@utexas.edu
Tamie M. Glass, ASID
2900 Allerford Ct Cedar Park, TX 78613-1622 (512) 484-9082 robin@robingonzalesinteriors.com
Robin D. Gonzales, Allied ASID
710 W 14th St, Ste F Austin, TX 78701-1798 (361) 293-1431 darby@jamesoninteriors.com
Darby M. Hale, Allied ASID
1916 Crested Ridge Rd Aledo, TX 76008-1649 (612) 356-7334 kristen.a.hamborg@medtronic.com
Kristen A. Hamborg, ASID
1801 Ridgemont Dr Austin, TX 78723-2637 (773) 865-1240 joannahartman@yahoo.com
Joanna Hartman, ASID
7421 Burnet Rd, Ste 300-296 Austin, TX 78757-2244 (512) 930-0250
Dawn Frank Hearn, ASID
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Austin design community. . . 1815 Travis Heights Blvd Austin, TX 78704-3637 (512) 680-7954 sarahheidler@hotmail.com
Sarah Goode Heidler, Allied ASID
3834 Harvey Penick Dr Round Rock, TX 78664-3953 (512) 845-6680
Wendy Jones-Shelton, Allied ASID
204 Summer Alcove Way Austin, TX 78732-1255 (512) 518-3225
Azure Wei Ju, ASID 7320 Vista Mountain Dr Austin, TX 78731-1808 (832) 567-6601 hillerinteriors@gmail.com
Minette Hiller, ASID, RID
2100 Bridal Path Cedar Park, TX 78613-6839 (512) 834-9211 h.hillis@yahoo.com
Holly Hillis, ASID
3805 Roble Grande Cir Georgetown, TX 78628-1538 (512) 869-1225 lhntr73@gmail.com
Elizabeth S. Hunter, ASID Retired
6101 Balcones Dr, Ste 103 Austin, TX 78731-4231 (512) 394-5045 allison@allisonjaffe.com
Allison G. Jaffe, ASID
710 W 14th St, Ste F Austin, TX 78701-1798 (512) 699-6957 amy@jamesoninteriors.com
Amy Porcella Jameson, Allied ASID
4000 Avenue B, Unit A Austin, TX 78751-4517 (512) 721-2833 lauren@laurenallyninteriors.com
Lauren Jerden, Allied ASID
736 S Guadalupe St Lockhart, TX 78644-3332 (512) 381-8590 brad.johnson@wrstx.com
Bradley Ramon Johnson, ASID
4705 Gallego Cir Austin, TX 78738-7018 (512) 328-9642 susiejohnson@austin.rr.com
Susie J. Johnson, ASID
600 W 26th St, Apt 2424 Austin, TX 78705-4561 emilykaplan95@gmail.com
Emily Nicole Kaplan, Allied ASID
1992 Tempranillo New Braunfels, TX 78132-1864 (402) 890-6717 kim.kenney1978@gmail.com
Kim C. Kenney, Allied ASID
2904 Vallarta Ln Austin, TX 78733-1058 (512) 796-7147 deborahkirkinteriors@yahoo.com
Deborah P. Kirk, Associate ASID
PO Box 160536 Austin, TX 78716-0536 (512) 695-8586 gwen@gwenklein.com
Gwen Klein, Allied ASID
10908 Keystone Bnd Austin, TX 78750-3461 (512) 468-4438 joy@joykling.com
Joy Kling, Allied ASID
17211 Raynham Hill Dr Austin, TX 78738-1209 (832) 233-7977 juliekuneydesigns@yahoo.com
Julie Kuney, Allied ASID
8906 Parkfield Dr, Apt A Austin, TX 78758-6648 (512) 689-0474 nkwallek@austin.utexas.edu
Nancy P. Kwallek, Allied ASID
l 708 Snyder Hill Dr San Marcos, TX 78666-4917 (512) 393-9687 jl05@txstate.edu
Jene T. Laman, ASID Retired
334 W Water St Kerrville, TX 78028-4281 (830) 377-5114 nicole@pwlarchitect.com
Juliana Nicole Landrum, ASID
12921 Bloomfield Hills Ln Austin, TX 78732-2066 (512) 466-5333 larsland4@yahoo.com
Cheryl Renee Larson, Allied ASID
PO Box 41240 Austin, TX 78704-0021 (512) 436-9726 allanalavenue@yahoo.com
Allana M. Lavenue, Allied ASID, LEED AP
109 Birdie Dr The Hills, TX 78738-1347 (512) 680-5080 jeanne@studiojdesigngroup.com
Jeanne Jacobs Lindsey, Allied ASID
6603 Sunstrip Dr Austin, TX 78745-4445 (760) 963-8497 stephanie@etchdesigngroup.com
Stephanie Lindsey, ASID
410 Chihuahua Trl Austin, TX 78745-2352 (512) 773-5657 melissalokelani@yahoo.com
Melissa Y. Livingston, Associate ASID
3420 Mount Barker Dr Austin, TX 78731-5725 (512) 522-6035 jlove@urbanedesignstudios.com
Jessica Erin Love, Allied ASID
1602B Valleyridge Dr Austin, TX 78704-6050 (512) 922-4339 kimberlylovett@yahoo.com
Kimberly Lovett, Allied ASID
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Austin design community 603 Davis St, Apt 1703 Austin, TX 78701-4249 (617) 610-5164 jane@jglcmg.com
Jane Garland Lucas, FASID
Jessica Mason, Allied ASID
3201 Esperanza Xing, Apt 219 Austin, TX 78758-7862 (713) 817-4041 jessica@ironwoodindustries.com
Kaye H. Miller, Allied ASID
1607 Johnny Miller Trl Austin, TX 78746-6125 (512) 327-7339 khmiller@austin.rr.com
Roy W. Materanek, ASID
1100 W 6th St Austin, TX 78703-5368 (512) 477-8318
Maureen T. Miller, ASID Retired
1536 Foster St Lake Charles, LA 70601-5814 (512) 415-5315
811 Barton Springs Rd, Ste 800 Austin, TX 78704-1166 (512) 476-6501 dean@studiosix5.com
Kay S. Maxwell, ASID
Christina A. Montecalvo, Allied ASID
525 Rutherford Ave Redwood City, CA 94061-4215 (650) 393-9918 tmahnke@utexas.edu
410 Teal Lakeway, TX 78734-4347 (402) 730-2595 maxwell.kay0@gmail.com
Julianne Mayfield, ASID
Melissa Ann Moze, Allied ASID
17215 Cobble Shores Dr Tomball, TX 77377-8080 (281) 851-5098 maindzn@att.net
8705 Shoal Creek Blvd, Ste 107-B Austin, TX 78757-6839 (512) 453-1998 mayfield-design@sbcglobal.net
Linda Flory McCalla, ASID
2607 Sherwood Ln Austin, TX 78704-5644 (512) 766-7036 susie@marioninteriordesign.com
Kasey Jean McCarty, ASID
7201 Ranch Rd 2222, Apt 2015 Austin, TX 78730-3219 (512) 627-6552 maria@idwaustin.com
Maryanne McKenzie, Allied ASID
4600 Mueller Blvd, Apt 4065 Austin, TX 78723-3384 (956) 334-5904 lindagmtz@gmail.com
Barbara L. McMaude, ASID
1214 Newning Ave Austin, TX 78704-1839 (512) 294-7243 gazeskywardmelanie@gmail.com
Toni McWilliams, Allied ASID
1122 Woodley Bnd Sugar Land, TX 77479-5342 (832) 285-4370 erm14a@acu.edu
Noelle E. Mercado, Allied ASID
Dean Maddalena, ASID
Taylor Nicole Mahnke, Allied ASID
Annette Z. Main, Allied ASID
9103 Bayshore Bnd Austin, TX 78726-4107 (512) 799-7009
10801 S Interstate 35, Apt 239 Austin, TX 78747-0004 madison.mullins@cgsdb.com
Madison Mullins, Allied ASID 604 S Church St Georgetown, TX 78626-5748 (512) 930-9987 linda@lindamccallainteriors.com
Susie Marion, Associate ASID
1814 Forestglade Dr Austin, TX 78745-1777 (512) 773-2833 kasey@kaseymccarty.com
Maria Martin, ASID
Linda Gabriela Martinez, Allied ASID
Melanie Doan Martinez, Allied ASID
Elyse Rachel Masek, Allied ASID
1955 Market Center Blvd, Apt 2208 Dallas, TX 75207-3471 (239) 734-0610 camontecalvo@gmail.com
2601 Dominion Hl Austin, TX 78733-5923 (512) 799-3538 mmdesignaustin@gmail.com 4409 Destinys Gate Dr Austin, TX 78727 (512) 328-2902 gdmacm@aol.com
4825 Davis Ln, Apt 1532 Austin, TX 78749-4582 (970) 930-5507 toni@mcwilliamsinteriors.com 12024 Cherisse Dr Austin, TX 78739-1952 (512) 636-8866 NMercado@trueinteriors.net
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Adam B. Nash, ASID, IIDA, RID, LEED Green Assoc. 338 Blakeley Dr San Antonio, TX 78209-5507 (210) 249-1389 anashgalvan@gmail.com
11509 Queens Way Austin, TX 78759-4468 (512) 808-0343 info@jamienaugleinteriors.com
Jamie Naugle, Allied ASID
1268 FM 1704 Elgin, TX 78621-5611 (512) 281-4744 m_neidig@yahoo.com
Mark Neidig, ASID
2805 Pyramid Dr Austin, TX 78734 (512) 922-9512 Jessica@etchdesigngroup.com
Jessica Love Nelson, Allied ASID
3905 Berryhill Way Austin, TX 78731-3801 (512) 453-4313 lknelson@austin.rr.com
Laurie K. Nelson, ASID
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Austin design community. . . 4311 Medical Pkwy Austin, TX 78756-3311 (512) 440-1490 jessica@jnid.com
Jessica Nixon, ASID
9204 Spring Hollow Dr Austin, TX 78750-2927 (512) 657-5348 gigijeanne.odell@gmail.com
Jeanne O’Dell, ASID Retired
9950 Wayzata Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55426-1008 (952) 908-3150 katy.b@oharainteriors.com
Martha O’Hara, Associate ASID
14 Swiftwater Trl The Hills, TX 78738-1419 (805) 368-9414 pamovlen@hotmail.com
Pamela Ovlen, ASID
9105 Hopeland Dr Austin, TX 78749-5215 (713) 516-8431 meredithleigh.owen@gmail.com
Meredith Owen, Allied ASID
7206 Waterline Rd Austin, TX 78731-2049 (512) 694-6696 lauraparsons@parsonsid.com
Laura Parsons, Associate ASID
4711 E Riverside Dr, Apt 2310 Austin, TX 78741 (956) 792-3916 nperez629@gmail.com
Nicki C. Perez, ASID, RID, IIDA
302 Tailwind Dr Seguin, TX 78155-0746 (830) 372-3239 anniegreenlaw@yahoo.com
Anne Perry, Allied ASID
200 Sharon Rose Ct Denton, TX 76210-3237 (940) 464-3285 gretchen.oneill@verizon.net
r 3105 Garden Villa Ln Austin, TX 78704-6104 (512) 516-1788 rdesign.jane@gmail.com
Jane Reece, Allied ASID
5800 Jim Hogg Ave, Unit B Austin, TX 78756-1331 (512) 706-5546 hayley.richburg@ttu.edu
Hayley M. Richburg, Allied ASID
107 Bella Cima Dr Austin, TX 78734-2651 (512) 381-8389 wrichens@richensdesigns.com
Wendy A. Richens, ASID
8108 B Mesa Dr, Ste 107 Austin, TX 78759 (512) 507-0855 theetagere@yahoo.com
Marilyn Roberts, ASID, RID, CAPS
Esther-Marie R. Rollins, Associate ASID 6311 Zadock Woods Dr Austin, TX 78749-2609 (512) 497-9459 erollins@interceramic.com 3611 Laurel Ledge Ln Austin, TX 78731-4047 (512) 699-4969 mimirose@austin.rr.com
Mimi Wolff Rosenthal, Allied ASID
501 Deckhouse Dr Lago Vista, TX 78645-8506 (512) 762-3499 russellinteriors@yahoo.com
Mary L. Russell, ASID Retired
7201 Ranch Rd 2222, Apt 3317 Austin, TX 78730-3228 (919) 812-0011 tim@laurabrittdesign.com
Tim Schelfe, FASID, CAPS, CID
Gretchen Ann Pucci-O’Neill, Allied ASID
4414 Hank Ave, # B Austin, TX 78745-1022 (512) 658-0942 herbschoening@sbcglobal.net
Herb Schoening, ASID
2710 Walsh Tarlton Ln, Ste 101 Austin, TX 78746-8017 (512) 288-3773 komalsheth@gmail.com
Komal Sheth, Allied ASID
98 San Jacinto Blvd, # 2606 Austin, TX 78701-4082 (713) 927-9527 alexissimon@stu.aii.edu
Alexis Simon, Allied ASID
608 Oakland Ave Austin, TX 78703-5116 (512) 831-8788 raquelrhodes@yahoo.com
Raquel Skrobarczyk, Allied ASID
150 E Main St, Ste 301 Fredericksburg, TX 78624-4202 (830) 307-3397 amy@slaughterdesignstudio.com
Amy Slaughter, ASID
1354 Thorpe Ln, Apt 3490 San Marcos, TX 78666-1354 (512) 587-4348 summersmetzer@gmail.com
Summer Treann Smetzer, Allied ASID
8108 Mesa Dr, Ste B107 Austin, TX 78759-8649 (512) 346-2640 egs.asid@gmail.com
Eddie M. Smith, ASID Retired
1406 Enfield Rd Austin, TX 78703-4018 (512) 469-9749 tracey@traceyoverbeckstead.com
Tracey Overbeck Stead, ASID
4412 Spicewood Springs Rd, Ste 101 Austin, TX 78759-8542 (512) 299-1440 amanda@gingerwooddesign.com
Amanda Stephenson, Allied ASID
5716 Penny Creek Dr Austin, TX 78759-4815 (832) 594-1187 Hannahstrongdesigns@gmail.com
Hannah Strong, Allied ASID
3300 Riva Ridge Rd Austin, TX 78746-1425 (512) 968-7438 rhsuffel@gmail.com
Riley Howard Suffel, Allied ASID
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Austin design community Stephanie Darlene Sullivan Whalon, Associate ASID 1232 Darless Dr Cedar Park, TX 78613-7140 (512) 466-0664 stephanie@ssinteriordesigns.com
Traci M. Vickers, Allied ASID, CLC
10401 Burnet Rd Austin, TX 78758-4427 (512) 491-6444 tracivickers@lightinginc.com
Marsha Waters Whitton, ASID
Virginia E. Visel, Allied ASID
9620 Mariner Cir, Apt 2106 Fort Worth, TX 76179-3287 (810) 423-7069 virginiavisel@yahoo.com
Courtney Whitworth, ASID
1406 Preston Ave Austin, TX 78703-1902 (512) 476-0433 candace@volzassociates.com
Courtney Wilkinson, ASID
7607 Noah Ln Spring, TX 77379-7588 (281) 881-5065 stahirttu@gmail.com
Candace M. Volz, ASID
7609 Crossmeadow Dr Austin, TX 78750-8211 itate@austin.rr.com
Sarah S. Tahir, Allied ASID
Ivory Tate, Allied ASID
21 Water Front Ave Lakeway, TX 78734-5306 (512) 608-0515 peggywade@austin.rr.com
5127 Concho Creek Bnd Austin, TX 78735-6438 (512) 745-0887 townsend.patty@gmail.com
Peggy Wade, ASID
1501 West Ave, Ste B Austin, TX 78701-1560 jtrou@runaworkshop.com
Don B. Waters, Associate ASID
Patty L. Townsend, Allied ASID
1314 Possum Trot St Austin, TX 78703-3708 (915) 203-3726 watersdesigngroup@yahoo.com
Jean-Pierre Trou, ASID
3112 Windsor Rd, Ste A # 382 Austin, TX 78703-2350 (512) 800-4215 michelle@michelletumlin.com
Michelle L. Tumlin, Associate ASID
2207 W Parmer Ln Austin, TX 78727-4331 (512) 709-9480 connie@cielohospitality.com 9912 Savannah Ridge Dr Austin, TX 78726-1931 (512) 914-7748 suzanneverde@gmail.com
108 Atlanta Park Dr Georgetown, TX 78628-7170 (512) 750-8049 lesli@vernondesigngroup.com
Lesli Vernon, ASID
8401 Lone Mesa Austin, TX 78759-8025 (512) 578-6993 juliaedithdesign@hotmail.com
Julia E. Weichbrodt, Allied ASID
Connie Lynn Lynn Vasquez, Allied ASID
Suzanne Verde, Allied ASID
6358 Spanish Oaks Club Blvd Austin, TX 78738-6040 (512) 750-7855
Jennifer Wegmiller, Associate ASID
1603 W 9th St, Unit A Austin, TX 78703-4709 (512) 587-0731 andmia2@gmail.com
1700 Cresthaven Dr Austin, TX 78704-2751 (512) 444-8152 marsha@whitton-and-whitton.com 1504 Ruth Ave Austin, TX 78757-2520 (512) 791-2604 cswhitworth@hotmail.com
3736 Bee Caves Rd, # 1-116 West Lake Hills, TX 78746-5393 (512) 970-4493 info@interiordesignaustin.com 3209 Beverly Rd Austin, TX 78703-1325 (512) 578-8441 Mimiwittstruck@gmail.com
Mimi Wittstruck, ASID
4206 Cat Mountain Dr Austin, TX 78731-3705 (512) 656-8263 glynisgwood@yahoo.com
Glynis G. Wood, Associate ASID
3112 Windsor Rd, Ste A245 Austin, TX 78703-2350 (512) 382-5217 cami@wright-interiors.com
Cami C. Wright, Allied ASID
704 Lone Star Dr Cedar Park, TX 78613-2168 (512) 216-9482 freddy@fyinteriordesigns.com
Frederick Scott Yandrisovitz, Allied ASID
Maryandrea Westermann, Allied ASID 1109 3/4 Fiesta St Austin, TX 78702-3010 emarie2009@yahoo.com
Erica M. Yanez, Allied ASID
6019 Abilene Trl Austin, TX 78749-2830 (512) 288-4897 wetegrovedesign@yahoo.com
Donna Wetegrove, ASID
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Dallas design community. . .
10239 Sunridge Trl Dallas, TX 75243-2546 (646) 776-9573 regan@reganadair.com
Regan Adair, Allied ASID
312 Pennsylvania Dr Denton, TX 76205-5456 (214) 934-7344 courtneyadamsdesign@gmail.com
Courtney Lyn Adams, ASID
1509 Preston Rd Plano, TX 75093-5109 (972) 447-9231 kathy@drexelka.com
Kathy Adams, Allied ASID
5932 Still Forest Dr Dallas, TX 75252-5322 (214) 543-4714 kkadams15@gmail.com
Kristina Kay Adams, Associate ASID
10535 Somerton Dr Dallas, TX 75229-5324 (214) 956-8020 kathy@studioasd.com
Kathy Adcock-Smith, ASID
2711 Pinery Ln Richardson, TX 75080-1859 (214) 208-2778 cynthia.adler2008@yahoo.com
Cynthia Adler, ASID Retired
5351 Ridgedale Ave Dallas, TX 75206-6009 (214) 697-0103 tamara@matchlinedesign.com
Tamara W. Ainsworth, ASID
972 Gibbs Xing Coppell, TX 75019-6396 (972) 839-1677 annealleninteriors@gmail.com
Anne Allen, Allied ASID
3443 Whirlaway Rd Dallas, TX 75229-5943 (214) 352-2574 gca75@hotmail.com
G Clayton Allen, ASID, RID, TAID
Kimberly G. Allen, Allied ASID
18208 Preston Rd, Ste D9 Dallas, TX 75252-6007 (972) 727-9550 kimberly@kaiinteriordesign.com
Ashley J. Astleford, ASID
Natalie Renae Allen, Allied ASID
14 Mary Lee Ln, Apt 147 Starkville, MS 39759-5547 (214) 984-1000 nra62@msstate.edu
Faye Atsalis, Allied ASID
Patti Allen, ASID
3817 Ganzer Rd W Denton, TX 76207-4443 (940) 390-1698; (972) 979-7840 patti@pattialleninteriors.com
Kari E. Aube, Allied ASID
Maria C. Altholz, ASID
17820 Windflower Way, Unit 403 Dallas, TX 75252-5208 (214) 213-4161 mcaltholz@earthlink.net
Eric Britt Aulie, Allied ASID
13220 Glad Acres Dr Dallas, TX 75234-5201 (214) 647-1976
Kendra Lea Ausley, Allied ASID
Vickie Ammann-Mcginnis, Allied ASID
6217 Alverton Dr Carlsbad, CA 92009-3061 (972) 529-2061 ashley@astlefordinteriors.com PO Box 5786 Frisco, TX 75035-0222 (972) 523-0272 fayeatsalis@yahoo.com
2501 N Harwood St, Ste 1520 Dallas, TX 75201-1671 (214) 738-8519 hm.designs@outlook.com 3916 Sunflower Ln Plano, TX 75025-2021 (469) 952-8786 ericbritt66@gmail.com
1551 Oak Lawn Ave, Apt 403 Dallas, TX 75207-3687 (469) 442-9585 kendraausley@gmail.com
6173 Marquita Ave Dallas, TX 75214-3323 (832) 428-3857 gracieandraos@gmail.com
Linda J. Baker, Associate ASID
1720 Morning Glory Carrollton, TX 75007-1420 (214) 205-2073 homestyleselect@outlook.com
Marty Baker, ASID
7612 Arborgate St Dallas, TX 75231-4838 (214) 500-0600 kim@kimarmstrongdesign.com
Behjat Bakhtiar-Baha, Allied ASID, RID
2611 Westgrove Dr, Ste 107 Carrollton, TX 75006-3323 (214) 326-1160 nicole@nainteriors.com
Bridget H. Bammel, Allied ASID
Gracie Andraos, ASID
Judy L. Armstrong, Allied ASID
Kimberly Ann Armstrong, ASID
Nicole B. Arnold, Associate ASID
2525 Lake Oaks Rd Waco, TX 76710-1614 (817) 946-1558 sarah@sbdesigns.org
Sarah Bickley Arnold, Allied ASID
3033 Kellway Dr, Ste 116 Carrollton, TX 75006-3332 (972) 417-3800 linda@baker-designgroup.com
17224 Village Ln Dallas, TX 75248-6047 (972) 365-8486 martybakerwilliams@mac.com 2801 Princeton Pl Plano, TX 75075-8116 (972) 900-3610 behjatbb@yahoo.com
14800 Quorum Dr, # 410 Dallas, TX 75254-7073 (214) 738-9767 thebammels@gmail.com
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Dallas design community Marci Barnes, ASID
1501 Dragon St, Ste 106 Dallas, TX 75207-3904 (214) 742-4490 mbarnes@barnes-co.com
Marissa Bennett, Allied ASID
2408 Victory Park Ln, Apt 837 Dallas, TX 75219-7618 (214) 477-2477 marissa_anderton@yahoo.com
Hollis R. Boyette, Allied ASID
Ashley Barrett, Allied ASID
608B Karey Dr Temple, TX 76502-8722 (254) 931-2513 ashley@carothersinteriors.com
Robin Z. Bennett, Associate ASID
3500 Wentwood Dr Dallas, TX 75225-5011 (214) 476-5110 rzbennett@att.net
Anna Laura Braasch, Associate ASID
Carrie Barron, Allied ASID
6828 Casa Loma Ave Dallas, TX 75214-4002 (214) 886-1712 cbarroninteriors@att.net
Scott R. Berry, Allied ASID
11205 Northgate Cir Dallas, TX 75230-2945 (214) 369-2161 sbdesigns01@sbcglobal.net
T. Anadara Braun-Good, Allied ASID
Lisa R. Barron, ASID
1153 Terrace Dr Grapevine, TX 76051-4057 (817) 875-6364 lbarron@dallasdesign-group.com
Valorie B. Berry, ASID
2228 Cedar Elm Ter Westlake, TX 76262-9027 (682) 597-1929 valorieberry@yahoo.com
Natalie C. Breault, ASID, RID
3117 Pinehurst Dr Plano, TX 75075-1700 (214) 728-3262 dana@danabassdesigns.com
Anne Bigger, ASID
5207 McKinney Ave, Ste 19C Dallas, TX 75205-3374 (214) 522-6916
Katherine Edith Brendel, Allied ASID
Dana Marie Bass, ASID, RID
8000 E Prentice Ave, Ste C1 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-2776 (720) 224-9390 hbosler@hbcdesigngroup.com
6907 Shadow Brooke Texarkana, TX 75503-5443 (903) 244-3505 hollisraejune@gmail.com
7003 Lakewood Blvd Dallas, TX 75214-3559 (214) 213-2501 laura@longleaf-design.com
PO Box 2513 Denton, TX 76202-2513 (940) 220-9951 info@AnadaraDesigns.com 5760 Daniel Rd, Apt 7401 Plano, TX 75024-4226 (214) 417-5146 nataliecbro@yahoo.com 3128 Bryn Mawr Dr Dallas, TX 75225-7723 (214) 335-2762 kbrendel@me.com
Holly L. Bosler, ASID 6168 Marquita Ave Dallas, TX 75214-3322 (214) 577-7327 paigerlocke@gmail.com
Paige Baten, ASID
4418 Vandelia St Dallas, TX 75219-2047 (214) 752-0997 glen@gbadallas.com
10755 Wilton Dr Frisco, TX 75035-9053 (972) 743-5210 sbrotemarkle@gmail.com
Stacy L. Brotemarkle, Allied ASID
Glen E. Boudreaux, ASID, RID, IDS 612 S Briarcrest Dr Richardson, TX 75081-4405 ioanamiu@yahoo.com
Ioana Bates, Allied ASID
3111 Welborn St, Apt 1401 Dallas, TX 75219-5016 (214) 676-4070 jeannine.schwartz@sbcglobal.net
Adrienne B. Bowen, Allied ASID
5914 Hagerstown Dr Baton Rouge, LA 70817-3913 (225) 573-8847 abbowen@drhorton.com
7346 Parkridge Blvd, Apt 261 Irving, TX 75063-8252 (814) 935-6363 acbeck88@yahoo.com
Cory L. Bowen, Supporter ASID
3708 Greenbrier Dr Dallas, TX 75225-5107 (214) 704-7986 hbehrens@sbcglobal.net
Evie Bowie, Allied ASID
Jeannine Bazer-Schwartz, FASID
Amanda Christine Beck, Allied ASID
Heather Scott Behrens, Allied ASID
7010 Westlake Ave Dallas, TX 75214-3544 (817) 683-5398 hello@coryboweninteriors.com
337 Regal Dr Allen, TX 75002-3047 (214) 469-6547 eviealishia.pro_stylist@yahoo.com
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
5945 Kensington Dr Plano, TX 75093-4796 (214) 734-1982 p.w.brown3309@sbcglobal.net
Cathy A. Brown, ASID Retired
734 Arbol Irving, TX 75039-3214 (214) 484-5301 clientservice@dezignzoo.com
Christine M. Brown, Allied ASID
4812 El Paso St McKinney, TX 75070-7375 (253) 777-2723 popecross@hotmail.com
Inia Brown-Popecross, Allied ASID
6431 Tranquilo, Apt 1023 Irving, TX 75039-3152 (224) 366-0455 drew51@homecreativedesigns.com
Drew Bryant, Allied ASID
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Dallas design community. . . Erika L. Bryne, ASID
5600 Nebraska Furniture Mart Dr The Colony, TX 75056-5348 (972) 668-0052 erika.bryne@nfm.com
Mary V. Campbell, ASID Retired
11 Glenshire Ct Dallas, TX 75225-2040 (214) 521-1345 billginger@sbcglobal.net
Laura L. Clark, ASID
Judy D. Buell, ASID Retired
9235 Locarno Dr Dallas, TX 75243-7215 (214) 460-4571 jbuell.asid@yahoo.com
Caylee Cascio, Allied ASID
17480 Dallas Pkwy, Ste 217 Dallas, TX 75287-7304 (214) 215-6011 cayleec@hwhomes.com
Donald B. Coan, ASID Retired
Katherine Taylor Bukovitz, ASID
736 Wilford Way Heath, TX 75032-6447 (214) 674-8845 ktbukovitz@hotmail.com
Mary Cates, ASID
5370 W Lovers Ln, Ste 328 Dallas, TX 75209-4305 (214) 871-7953 mary@marycatesandco.com
Larie M. Coleman, ASID
Danielle Burbidge, ASID
2115 McCoy Rd Carrollton, TX 75006-2980 (469) 878-9393 dani_burbidge@hotmail.com
Christie Porter Cavitt, ASID
6131 Park Ln Dallas, TX 75225-1908 (703) 989-6670 designcpi@gmail.com
Marsha Magee Coleman, Allied ASID
Mary Claire Bush, ASID, NCIDQ, TBAE
4706 Mill Crossing W Colleyville, TX 76034-3681 (214) 912-1230 marycjohnston@gmail.com
Audrey Chabaud, ASID
2787 N Houston St, Apt 3099 Dallas, TX 75219-5042 (281) 382-0423 audrey_chabaud@yahoo.com
Charlotte W. Comer, ASID
Susan K. Butler, Allied ASID
1713 Edinburg Ct Allen, TX 75013-5336 (972) 359-7169 susankbutler1@gmail.com
Margaret B. Chambers, ASID
2030 Irving Blvd Dallas, TX 75207-6610 (214) 651-7665 margaret@chambersinteriors.com
Katelyn Marie Conklin, Allied ASID
1700 Tennison Pkwy, Ste 100 Colleyville, TX 76034-6295 (817) 581-3838 paige@thielandthiel.com
Martha Oviedo Champagne, Allied ASID Traci M. Connell, Associate ASID
4629 Golden Mew Dr Carrollton, TX 75010-4250 (980) 875-1327 Champagnedesigns80@gmail.com
4950 Westgrove Dr, Ste 120 Dallas, TX 75248-1948 (972) 523-6157 traci@traciconnellinteriors.com
Maci Brianna Chapman, Allied ASID
538 Wortham Rd Whitewright, TX 75491-5978 (903) 328-8950 mbc67@txstate.edu
Tanya Cook, Allied ASID
10440 N Central Expy, Ste 800 Dallas, TX 75231-2264 (214) 265-6540 suzy@childressinteriors.com
Terri J. Cooper, ASID
Paige Byrd, Allied ASID
1111 Lagoon Dr Dallas, TX 75207-5205 (214) 880-1777 dc@cadwallader.us
Suzy Merritt Childress, Allied ASID
15150 Preston Rd, Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75254-4871 (214) 535-9388 cacagle@flash.net
Angela K. Cho, Allied ASID
Paul David Cadwallader, ASID
Cindi Cagle, ASID, NCIDQ
1515 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-3603 (214) 265-7272 laura@lauraleeclark.com 5332 Longvue Dr Frisco, TX 75034-7563 (972) 370-9135 donald@donaldcoandesigns.com 3800 Chateau Ave Waco, TX 76710-7102 (254) 744-3843 LSMdesign@aol.com
6001 Swiss Ave Dallas, TX 75214-4323 (214) 893-2972 marshacoleman@msn.com 5609 Vickery Blvd Dallas, TX 75206-6234 (214) 763-2693 ccomertx@aol.com
5215 N O Connor Blvd, Ste 325 Irving, TX 75039-4618 (717) 713-5017 katiec5202@gmail.com
225 W Rock Island Rd Grand Prairie, TX 75050-6516 (972) 620-8091 tanya@swinterior.com PO Box 165926 Irving, TX 75016-5926 (214) 207-3705 tjcasid@gmail.com
4208 Williamson Ln Carrollton, TX 75010-3234 (214) 918-8597 angelacho@my.unt.edu
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Dallas design community Kay L. Cosby, ASID, RID, NCIDQ, IDS
8615 Skyline Dr Dallas, TX 75243-4129 (806) 549-1322 kaycosbyinteriors@gmail.com
J. Elizabeth Davies, ASID
10680 E Lake Highlands Dr Dallas, TX 75218-1156 (254) 716-3150 j.elizabeth.davies@gmail.com
Matthew B. Denney, ASID
Phillip Ray Craddock, ASID
PO Box 188 Rockwall, TX 75087-0188 (214) 952-0527 phillip@craddockarchitecture.com
Daniel Davila, Allied ASID
604 Fort Worth Ave, Apt 1093 Dallas, TX 75208-0199 (214) 229-2257 danieldavilafaith@gmail.com
Elina Esther Diaz-Gierbolini, ASID
Kenneth Russell Craighead, Allied ASID Jill N. N. Davis, ASID
1011 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-4205 (214) 855-0779 krcjr@aol.com
7005 Woodway Dr, Ste 213 Waco, TX 76712-6162 (254) 655-1249 jill@palmerdavisdesign.com
Jennifer Dietsch, Allied ASID
Rosalind B. Cratsley, ASID Retired
4024 Daden Oaks Dr Plano, TX 75093-7088 (972) 768-3423 rzbc@verizon.net
Erin Davis Smithson, Allied ASID
1217 Main St, Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75202-3937 (214) 543-6625 erin@swoonthestudio.com
Nikolina Dimitrova, Allied ASID
Leanne Cremeans, Allied ASID
5800 Martel Ave, Apt 118 Dallas, TX 75206-5748 (972) 505-9925 lcbeads@yahoo.com
Victoria H. Davis-Whitson, Allied ASID
25 Highland Park Village, # 100-538 Dallas, TX 75205-2789 (214) 208-0000 v@victoriawhitson.com
Catherine M. Dolen, ASID
Vicki Jean Crew, Allied ASID
4313 Edmondson Ave Dallas, TX 75205-2601 (214) 522-6520 vicki@vickicrew.com
Karen Dawson, Associate ASID
Chelsea Dora, ASID
5771 Chamberlyne Dr Frisco, TX 75034-4883 karendawson1@me.com
Sussan S. Deilami, Associate ASID
9903 Santa Monica Blvd, No 810 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1671 (424) 335-5215 info@sussandeilami.com
4306 Briar Creek Ln Dallas, TX 75214-2414 (214) 718-9891 hdang@sbcglobal.net
Fran Deleo, Allied ASID
10161 Robin Hill Ln Dallas, TX 75238-1566 (214) 908-8686 floydgdavenport@sbcglobal.net
Sara J. Dement, ASID
Huong T. Dang, Allied ASID
1703 E Levee St Dallas, TX 75207-6801 (214) 231-6266 frandeleo@me.com
Floyd G. Davenport, ASID Life
5959 Maple Ave, Apt 1173 Dallas, TX 75235-6691 (979) 418-9338 coreydavey86@gmail.com
9922 Woodgrove Dr Dallas, TX 75218-1019 (214) 553-5071
Corey Allen Davey, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
4645 Mockingbird Ln Dallas, TX 75209-5626 (214) 914-2063 matt@mattdenney.com
4949 Addison Cir Addison, TX 75001-6065 (972) 788-0078 elina1030@gmail.com
7700 Greenway Blvd, Apt A5 Dallas, TX 75209-7324 (214) 675-7103 jennifer.dietsch@gmail.com
3053 Lakefield Dr Little Elm, TX 75068-7821 (918) 906-3595 dimitrova.nikolina@yahoo.com
1430 Dragon St, Apt 20 Dallas, TX 75207-3923 (214) 242-9566 catherine@cda-interiordesign.com 2130 Columbus St, Apt 3303 Dallas, TX 75204-2681 (214) 676-1231 chelsea.dora@gmail.com 6907 Windhaven Pkwy, Apt 33 The Colony, TX 75056-5239 (325) 716-3010 Tye.douthit@outlook.com
Victoria Tye Douthit, Allied ASID
4157 Creekdale Dr Dallas, TX 75229-5305 (214) 514-3301 kwdinteriors@gmail.com
Kristen W. Dow, Allied ASID
PO Box 129 Argyle, TX 76226-0129 (214) 244-5745 Donna Demonbreun-Femrite, Allied ASID doylesdesigns@aol.com 11719 Forest Ct Dallas, TX 75230-3062 Kenda M. Draper, ASID (214) 695-9668 6348 Brimwood Dr kim@femritegroup.com Plano, TX 75093-7968 (214) 559-4851 kenda.draper@smithgroupjjr.com
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Dedi Doyle, Allied ASID
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Dallas design community. . . Deborah W. Drennan, Allied ASID
542 Saint Louis St Pass Christian, MS 39571-5025 (903) 736-7556 deborah.winntile@gmail.com
Nicole D.H. Estes, ASID
5144 Gallahad Dr Garland, TX 75044-5422 (317) 371-4383 nicki.estes@perkinswill.com
Ana Margarita Figueroa, ASID
Nancy A. Dubick, Allied ASID
1407 N Riverfront Blvd, Ste 140 Dallas, TX 75207-3905 (214) 752-9005 nancyd@dallasdesign-group.com
Cheri Etchelecu, ASID
2531 Farrington St Dallas, TX 75207-5900 (972) 980-1700 cheri@ceid.net
Andy Fischman, Allied ASID
Judith Winger Due, ASID Retired
6410 Covecreek Pl Dallas, TX 75240-5452 (972) 385-9356
C. Dianne Etheredge, ASID
4352 Westside Dr Dallas, TX 75209-6516 (214) 325-1815
Priscilla Fitzgerald, ASID
206 S Shore Dr Dallas, TX 75216-1037 (214) 701-7464 marisadukowitz@gmail.com
Christine A. Eustice, ASID, RID
Marisa Joy Dukowitz, Associate ASID
1634 Travis Cir S Irving, TX 75038-6254 (972) 594-7708 cdunnasid@aol.com
Connie Dunn, ASID
4340 Mockingbird Pkwy Dallas, TX 75205-2739 (214) 325-0182 susannduvall@icloud.com
Susan Duvall, Allied ASID
1551 Oak Lawn Ave, Apt 291 Dallas, TX 75207-3676 (704) 840-6955 edwardsshannon1996@gmail.com
Shannon L. Edwards, Allied ASID
3936 Shadycreek Ln Dallas, TX 75229-5239 (214) 514-0179 skegger11@gmail.com
Sharon K. Egger, ASID
1030 South Hgh 5 McKinney, TX 75069 (972) 562-8110
Zelma Enloe, ASID
3736 Glencoe St, Apt 1213 Dallas, TX 75206-5367 (214) 683-1491 froggworks@gmail.com
Helen A. Erdman, ASID
413 Dogwood Dr Wylie, TX 75098-3849 (972) 841-9388 christine@benchmarkinteriors.net
12740 Hillcrest Rd, Ste 162 Dallas, TX 75230-2086 (972) 830-8770 sherine@wyllinteriordesign.com
Sherine K. Faggett, Allied ASID
5924 Royal Ln, Ste 150 Dallas, TX 75230-3897 (214) 532-0426 morgan@morganfarrow.com
Morgan Farrow, Allied ASID
3232 McKinney Ave, Ste 1170 Dallas, TX 75204-7431 (214) 922-8008 adrienne@faulknerdesign.com
Adrienne A. Faulkner, ASID
1717 S Chilton Ave Tyler, TX 75701-4030 (903) 534-5710 marylauren@suddenlink.net
Mary Lauren Faulkner, Allied ASID
4820 Swiss Ave Dallas, TX 75204-7176 (310) 526-8000 abbyfender@gmail.com
Abigail A. Fender, Allied ASID
5809 Southern Hills Dr Flower Mound, TX 75022-6536 (817) 430-9544 annie@servitas.com 5322 Alpha Rd Dallas, TX 75240-3419 (972) 385-4097 andy@fabricsandframes.com 101 N Waterview Dr Richardson, TX 75080-4843 (214) 801-6185 prisfitz@gmail.com
10440 N Central Expy, Ste 800 Dallas, TX 75231-2264 (972) 392-3536 sharonlflatley@gmail.com
Sharon L. Flatley, ASID, CMKBD, RID
307 N Weatherred Dr Richardson, TX 75080-5530 (972) 762-1644 katief@alliedstoneinc.com
Katherine Rogers Fleischer, Allied ASID
1703 E Levee St Dallas, TX 75207-6801 (214) 231-6262
Mark Long Fletcher, ASID
3033 Kellway Dr, Ste 116 Carrollton, TX 75006-3332 (210) 722-5174 lisas@baker-designgroup.com
Lisa M. Floyd, Allied ASID
2002 Vista Crest Dr Carrollton, TX 75007-1640 (214) 364-3228 darlene@sdfdesigns.com
S. Darlene Darlene Fluker, ASID
9728 Fandango Ln Plano, TX 75025-5858 (469) 269-3625 michael@foraninteriordesign.com
Michael R. Foran, ASID
2534A Pascal Ct Waco, TX 76706-6538 (580) 254-1687 audra@palmerdavisdesign.com
Audra J. Ford, Allied ASID
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Dallas design community Kelli Olsen Ford, Associate ASID
6601 Turtle Creek Blvd Dallas, TX 75205-1245 (214) 521-1000 kfassistant@kirstenkelli.com
Donna Jean Frost, Allied ASID
5805 Coit Rd, Ste 103 Plano, TX 75093-6990 (972) 519-8335 donna@frostinteriors.com
Carolina V. Gentry, ASID
3949 Buena Vista St, Unit C Dallas, TX 75204-1666 (254) 717-2711 jenlizfordham@gmail.com
Julie K. Fuller, ASID
18723 Thorntree Ln Dallas, TX 75252-2698 (504) 926-3302 jfdesign2@aol.com
Emily Gibson, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
Jennifer E. Fordham, ASID
3131 Turtle Creek Blvd, Ste 700 Dallas, TX 75219-5436 (214) 953-2210 dforrest@forrestperkins.com
Deborah L. Forrest, FASID
7503 Bosque Blvd, Unit 103 Woodway, TX 76712-3711 (254) 717-5555 Joannagaines@magnoliahomes.net
Joanna S. Gaines, Associate ASID
100 Decker Ct, Ste 140 Irving, TX 75062-2205 (940) 781-3431 lcarroll@chambersusa.com
Leslie Anne Foster, ASID
6023 Stefani Dr Dallas, TX 75225-1922 (559) 285-8468 stephanidg@yahoo.com
Stephani D. Gambrell, Allied ASID
12115 Madeleine Cir Dallas, TX 75230-2256 (214) 762-3496 joyce@joycefoxinteriors.com
Joyce A. Fox, Associate ASID
777 Main St, # 2300 Fort Worth, TX 76102-5304 (737) 704-4744 jennifer@seniorbydesign.com
Jennifer S. Gamez, Allied ASID
4560 Belt Line Rd, Ste 430 Addison, TX 75001-4566 (917) 453-1671 carolyn@carolynfrani.com
Carolyn Frani, ASID
1407 N Riverfront Blvd, Ste 140 Dallas, TX 75207-3905 (214) 752-9005 cgarcia@dallasdesign-group.com
Christina A. Garcia, Allied ASID
5215 N. O’Conner Blvd, Ste 325 Irving, TX 75039 (469) 480-0837 liz.franklin@cortlandpartners.com
Liz Lynne Franklin, Allied ASID
1139 Prospect Dr Flower Mound, TX 75028-2549 (940) 231-0434 knfranklund@gmail.com
Katelynn N. Franklund, Allied ASID
410 N International Rd, Apt 229 Garland, TX 75042-6552 (972) 357-5558 tpcsawgras59@gmail.com
Christopher Frean, Allied ASID
14358 Proton Rd Dallas, TX 75244-3511 (972) 770-0514 linda@lindafritschydesign.com
Linda Fritschy, ASID
15737 Ringdove Ct Roanoke, TX 76262-3391 (214) 412-8282 gardnerdesigngrp@aol.com
Candalyn Gardner, ASID, RID
5739 Northmoor Dr Dallas, TX 75230-2645 (214) 543-4550 barbaragaryasid@aol.com
Barbara E. Gary, Allied ASID
2515 Gladiolus Ln Dallas, TX 75233-4011 (806) 392-2413 garzainteriors@gmail.com
Sara Danae Garza, Allied ASID
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
1021 Valencia St Dallas, TX 75223-1330 (214) 986-4664 carolina@pulpdesignstudios.com 2205 Wing Point Ln Plano, TX 75093-2562 (214) 336-2568 e.gibson@gibsongimpel.com 912 Blaylock Cir N Irving, TX 75061-7320 (972) 765-0742 lyngideon@gmail.com
Sheri Lyn Gideon, Allied ASID
PO Box 420212 Dallas, TX 75342-0212 (214) 651-7240 patricia@patriciagroup.com
Patricia A. Gifford-Crocker, ASID
350 N Saint Paul St, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75201-4200 (804) 381-8764 amy.gilkey@gmail.com
Amy Elizabeth Gilkey, ASID
2205 Wing Point Ln Plano, TX 75093-2562 (214) 256-3053 a.gimpel@gibsongimpel.com
Allison Gimpel, Allied ASID
905 Palo Pinto Trl McKinney, TX 75071-5686 (214) 929-7462 kmgdesigns@sbcglobal.net
Kathleen M. Goeller, Allied ASID
504 N Durango Cir Irving, TX 75062-6540 (214) 336-6030 Richard@RolnickGordon.com
Richard A. Gordon, Allied ASID
4936 Junius St Dallas, TX 75214-5330 (214) 824-3406 johngormley@sbcglobal.net
John W. Gormley, ASID
821 Falconwood Dr San Marcos, TX 78666-2470 (214) 641-5841 rrg51@sbcglobal.net
Renee R. Graham, ASID Retired
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Dallas design community. . . 3475 Bristlecone Ct Rockwall, TX 75032-9227 (214) 505-1148 kristingrangerdesign@gmail.com
Kristin G. Granger, Allied ASID
2617 Grandview Dr Plano, TX 75075-8107 (405) 250-2578 stacymgraves@gmail.com
Stacy Michelle Graves, Allied ASID
3316 Bankside The Colony, TX 75056-6418 (214) 253-9332 teresa@dilussodesign.com
Teresa Gray-Benfield, Allied ASID
614 Park Bend Dr Richardson, TX 75081-5630 (214) 536-0036 cynthia@greco.net
Cynthia Greco, Allied ASID
6447 Pemberton Dr Dallas, TX 75230-4126 (972) 979-1826
Erin Venable Green, Allied ASID
1914 Skillman St Dallas, TX 75206-8559 (214) 422-5583 shannonrae23@gmail.com
Shannon R. Green, Allied ASID
409 Windwood Ct McKinney, TX 75071-5555 (214) 876-5240 bgreenup@sbcglobal.net
Lisa M. Greenup, Allied ASID
2626 Cole Ave, Ste 604 Dallas, TX 75204-0824 (214) 522-6716 donna@dgainteriors.com
Donna M. Guerra, ASID
1524 San Saba Dr Dallas, TX 75218-3553 (214) 934-9066 twynneguess@yahoo.com
Armenda Twynne Guess, ASID
7017 Pemberton Dr Dallas, TX 75230-4261 (214) 244-8883 julie@jguidrydesign.com
Julie R. Guidry, Allied ASID
6020 Danny Kaye Dr, Apt 1604 San Antonio, TX 78240-2355 (609) 576-9625 melissaguzman91@gmail.com
Melissa Guzman, Allied ASID
8312 Texian Trl McKinney, TX 75070-7022 (469) 939-7755 robbieannhansen@yahoo.com
Robbie Ann Hansen, Allied ASID
5732 Greenbrier Dr Dallas, TX 75209-3422 (310) 529-8729 chelsea.hargrave@gmail.com
Chelsea Murray Hargrave, Allied ASID
2101 Williams Glen Dr Bryan, TX 77808-2249 (972) 998-9456 pam.hagler74@gmail.com
Sharon Elizabeth Hargrove, Allied ASID
3700 Centenary Ave Dallas, TX 75225-5123 (214) 546-5982 laurihainsfurther@gmail.com
Christina Harris-Cain, Allied ASID
1130 Dragon St, Ste 150 Dallas, TX 75207-4234 (972) 629-9907 angeline@angelineguidodesign.com
Allen Neil Hart, ASID
6626 Mercedes Ave Dallas, TX 75214-3115 (214) 370-0504 lynettelainghall@gmail.com
Carrie Ward Hatfield, ASID
13634 Flagstone Ln Dallas, TX 75240-5821 (214) 808-8278 shawnagems@sbcglobal.net
Kristine G. Hawkins, Allied ASID
1625 E Loop 281 Longview, TX 75605-5060 (903) 753-6773 mindy@hamiltoncustomhomes.com
Sharon S. Hayslip Smith, ASID, IIDA
Pamela S. Hagler, ASID Retired
Lauri Hainsfurther, Allied ASID
Angeline Guido Hall, Allied ASID
Lynette Laing Hall, Allied ASID
Shawn Anne Hall, Allied ASID
Mindy Hamilton, Associate ASID
3232 Rankin St Dallas, TX 75205-1419 (214) 369-7415
Debra Hamlett, ASID
5006 Willow Point Cir Allen, TX 75002-2748 (214) 509-9113 sharon.hargrove@yahoo.com 2804 Atwood Dr McKinney, TX 75070-6383 (972) 529-9295 christinaharriscain@me.com 4343 Travis St, Apt 13 Dallas, TX 75205-4882 (214) 443-9090 allenh@sjldesigngroup.com 6959 Stefani Dr Dallas, TX 75225-1745 (214) 215-9409 carrie@carriehatfield.com 5154 Stonegate Rd Dallas, TX 75209-2210 (214) 350-7704 kghawkins@comcast.net
2604 Fairmount St Dallas, TX 75201-1904 (214) 871-9106 shayslip@hayslipdesign.com
3006 Voltaire Blvd McKinney, TX 75070-4245 (317) 496-0771 meredythhendrie@yahoo.com
Meredyth Hendrie, Allied ASID 2717 Howell St, Apt 2405 Dallas, TX 75204-1110 (913) 481-6155 margarethaneberg@gmail.com
Margaret Haneberg, Allied ASID
2708 Milton Ave Dallas, TX 75205-1521 (214) 395-0005 wandashenry@sbcglobal.net
Wanda Henry, Allied ASID
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Dallas design community Belinda A. Hernandez, Associate ASID
25 Highland Park Village, Ste 100-275 Dallas, TX 75205-2789 (214) 762-5102 belinda@belindastyle.com
Cynthia D. Howard, Allied ASID
7915 Forest Trl Dallas, TX 75238-4124 (214) 402-6219 Emily@AWellDressedHome.com
Connie Howe, Associate ASID
4020 Sahara Ct Carrollton, TX 75010-4237 (214) 202-8380 jacquelyn.hill@sbcglobal.net
Catherine Howser, Allied ASID
3366 Oak Creek Dr Corinth, TX 76210-2166 (214) 536-3870 jeani.asid@gmail.com
Carolyn Spring Hrncir, ASID
8650 Diceman Dr Dallas, TX 75218-4116 (214) 764-3991 monique@legenddesigns.com
904 Arbor Downs Dr Plano, TX 75023-6702 (903) 327-6270 gabyhundley@yahoo.com
4240 Prescott Ave, Apt 2C Dallas, TX 75219-2377 (214) 747-5569 wrh4230@sbcglobal.net
Hannah Rose Hunter, Allied ASID
770 Armstrong Blvd Coppell, TX 75019-4537 (972) 679-3949 b@hookmoderndesign.com
Pat Hurst, ASID Retired
Emily Hewett, Allied ASID
Jacquelyn Hill, Allied ASID
Jeani M. Hill, ASID Retired
3419 Westminster Ave, Ste 228 Dallas, TX 75205-1387 (972) 523-9513 zip36@sbcglobal.net 4514 Abbott Ave, Apt 1 Dallas, TX 75205-3907 (214) 212-1972 chowe@incognitointeriors.com
4950 Westgrove Dr, Ste 120 Dallas, TX 75248-1948 (972) 523-6157 catherine@traciconnellinteriors.com 2624 Briar Hill Dr, Ste 190 Carrollton, TX 75007-5916 (214) 720-8913 carolyn@awelldressedhome.com
Monique Hoeven-Vangrieken, Allied ASID Gabrielle Marie Hundley, Allied ASID
Robert Hogue, ASID Retired
Brigitte Hook, Allied ASID
112 Dickens Dr Coppell, TX 75019-2105 (972) 897-9878 k.hop4@verizon.net
Kristi K. Hopper, Associate ASID
1126 N Winnetka Ave Dallas, TX 75208-3754 (214) 738-0697 nicolechorn@gmail.com
Nicole Cullum Horn, Allied ASID
10849 Scotspring Ln Dallas, TX 75218-1216 (214) 340-0907 HovasInteriors@gmail.com
Elizabeth W. Hovas, Allied ASID
2232 Everglade Ct Carrollton, TX 75006-1534 (917) 596-1062 ivie.meg@gmail.com
Meghan K. Ivie, Allied ASID
3811 Turtle Creek Blvd, Fl 16 Dallas, TX 75219-4402 (214) 521-6753 cjackson@wilsonassoc.com
Connie H. Jackson, ASID
1208 Briarwood Dr Garland, TX 75041-1777 (972) 926-0400 samantha.jackson@verizon.net
Samantha Jackson, Allied ASID
5925 Forest Ln, Ste 406 Dallas, TX 75230-2712 (214) 789-0545 brette@brettejacques.com
Brette Jacques, Allied ASID
840 Quail Rise Fairview, TX 75069-8764 (214) 876-7498
Dorris James, ASID
6318 Homewood Ave Rowlett, TX 75089-2946 (972) 412-3479 hrh6318@yahoo.com
Leslie J. Jenkins, Allied ASID
2828 Hood St, Apt 705 Dallas, TX 75219-7807 (214) 632-3680 hurstpatr@gmail.com
Cesarina Johnson, Allied ASID
2525 McKinnon St, Ste 800 Dallas, TX 75201-1552 (214) 747-2511 vinterrante@dlrgroup.com
Vicki Interrante, ASID, RID
1403 Slocum St, Ste 101 Dallas, TX 75207-3800 (903) 830-9990 leslie@jenkinsinteriors.com
1520 Preston Rd, Apt 222 Plano, TX 75093-8300 (501) 339-6747 cesarina.johnson@yahoo.com
1652 W Frankford Rd, Apt 226 Carrollton, TX 75007-4621 (972) 603-6073 monsieur.johnson@outlook.com
Drew Johnson, Allied ASID
PO Box 513 Coppell, TX 75019-0513 (972) 620-0958 kjj15@verizon.net
Kathleen J. Johnson, Allied ASID 17000 Preston Rd, Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75248-1201 (972) 992-3953 jaynelle@jti-interiors.com
Jaynelle T. Ip, ASID
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Dallas design community. . . 1221 Tanner Dr Lewisville, TX 75077-3057 (972) 834-8885 victoria.j.johnson@ttu.edu
Victoria J. Johnson, Allied ASID
4656 Southern Ave Dallas, TX 75209-6026 (214) 559-2181
Pam Kelley, Allied ASID
2701 Lindsey Hollow Rd Waco, TX 76708-2255 (254) 715-2521 kbethk@yahoo.com
6728 Robin Rd Dallas, TX 75209-5325 (214) 668-1214 jourdan@orangedoordallas.com
Jourdan Pratt Klein, ASID
Karen Beth Kelln, ASID 446 Old Whitfield St, Apt K Guilford, CT 06437-3468 (603) 547-5694 s.johnston1@tcu.edu
Sheridan Johnston, Allied ASID
1407 N Riverfront Blvd, Ste 140 Dallas, TX 75207-3905 (214) 752-9005 rkennedy@dallasdesign-group.com
290 Hampton Ct Fairview, TX 75069-1508 (972) 542-5470 kknappit@hotmail.com
Kathleen Knappitsch, ASID Retired
Rebecca A. Kennedy, Allied ASID 701 E Plano Pkwy, Ste 400 Plano, TX 75074-6757 (512) 658-8671 amanda@hbdallas.com
Amanda Jones, ASID, RID
7030 Lakewood Blvd Dallas, TX 75214-3558 (214) 415-1129 terrikennedy2000@yahoo.com
2924 Lucas Dr, Apt 1015 Dallas, TX 75219-5579 (817) 312-8237 grayson@layereddimensionsid.com
Grayson Knight, Allied ASID
Terri N. Kennedy, ASID Retired 701 E Plano Pkwy, Ste 400 Plano, TX 75074-6757 (512) 658-8671 amanda@hbdallas.com
Amanda Jones, ASID, RID
224 Private Road 4012 Decatur, TX 76234-5645 (817) 319-5406 mkokay@yahoo.com
4221 High Star Ln Dallas, TX 75287-6625 (214) 597-8808 jkolstad@hksinc.com
Jennifer Michelle Kolstad, ASID
Mia S. Kile, ASID, LEED Green Associate 4670 Amesbury Dr, Apt 1332 Dallas, TX 75206-4999 (214) 534-1780 jessgs89@yahoo.com
Jessie Gayle Jones, Allied ASID
4007 Normandy Ave Dallas, TX 75205-1750 (214) 522-0856
5562 Blazing Star Rd Frisco, TX 75034-1700 (214) 478-8182 michellesinteriors@gmail.com
Michelle Kopfer, Allied ASID
Cathy C. Kincaid, Allied ASID 2024 Palace Way Allen, TX 75013-3007 (214) 632-5297
Melody L. Jurick, Allied ASID
411 Broadwing Dr Fairview, TX 75069-6833 (972) 369-9935 IKDesign@sbcglobal.net
Isin King, Allied ASID
5220 Bryant Irvin Rd, Apt 1197 Fort Worth, TX 76132-3838 (972) 658-3505 suzyleedesign@gmail.com
Sara Jane King, ASID
2727 Hood St, Apt 101 Dallas, TX 75219-4816 (214) 433-2008 allenmkeith@gmail.com
Robert Dyrel Kirk, ASID
Suzanne Lee Keen, Allied ASID
Allen M. Keith, Allied ASID
607 Sorita Cir Heath, TX 75032-8971 (214) 564-8656
Sarah Elizabeth Keith, Allied ASID
12124 Edgestone Rd Dallas, TX 75230-2342 (972) 247-8930 nakelley@att.net
Nancy A. Kelley, Allied ASID
4204 Colgate Ave Dallas, TX 75225-6603 (214) 663-8677 shawna@shawnakinteriors.com
Shawna Kuykendall, ASID
1727 E Levee St Dallas, TX 75207-6801 (214) 914-4503 jamie@luminarte.com
Jamie L. Labar, Associate ASID PO Box 190687 Dallas, TX 75219-0687 (214) 232-0202 sara.jane.king@icloud.com
14358 Proton Rd Dallas, TX 75244-3511 (918) 671-2763 lea@lindafritschydesign.com
Lea Lafortune, ASID 5931 Greenville Ave, # 772 Dallas, TX 75206-1906 (214) 368-5057 kirkarch1@aol.com
PO Box 266 Frankston, TX 75763-0266 (903) 312-6115 lamnai@yahoo.com
Nai Muy Lam, Allied ASID 6310 Bandera Ave, Apt D Dallas, TX 75225-3618 (214) 931-6356 kdkirkham41@gmail.com
Kelly Kirkham, Allied ASID
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Dallas design community Michelle D. Langford, Allied ASID
9308 Larchwood Dr Dallas, TX 75238-2712 (817) 501-1848 mlangfordcci@aol.com
Alina Lim, Allied ASID
3813 Morning Dove Dr Plano, TX 75025-3770 (214) 830-7218 alina.lim@ttu.edu
6904 Northridge Dr Dallas, TX 75214-3244 (214) 828-0354
Michelle B. Litt, Allied ASID
4501 N Versailles Ave Dallas, TX 75205-3014 (214) 725-9291
Elizabeth A. Magee, Allied ASID
4343 Sigma Rd, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75244-4440 (972) 233-9100 andra@keatoninteriors.com
Andra Newsom Maldovan, ASID 17101 Earthwind Dr Dallas, TX 75248-1315 (972) 733-4122 mblinterior@gmail.com
Liz Lank Williamson, ASID
3535 Gillespie St, Apt 502 Dallas, TX 75219-4861 (214) 252-1865 laphamline@earthlink.net
Phyllis Lapham, Allied ASID 3131 McKinney Ave, Ste 600 Dallas, TX 75204-2456 (214) 865-6569 donovan@edictinc.com
6630 Gaston Ave Dallas, TX 75214-4026 (214) 732-9441 amylauten@me.com
Amy B. Lauten, Associate ASID
700 Elkhorn Path Irving, TX 75063-6760 (214) 862-4768 sarahannmarek@gmail.com
Sarah Ann Marek, Allied ASID 7301 Darrow Dr McKinney, TX 75071-8488 (214) 799-3311 Lowercarlene@gmail.com
Carlene Lower, Associate ASID
6239 Preston Crest Ln Dallas, TX 75230-1827 (972) 386-2970 slazewnik@gmail.com
Sara Lazewnik, Allied ASID
1350 Manufacturing St, Ste 206 Dallas, TX 75207-6591 (214) 352-4949 jpm@johnmarrs.com
John Phifer Marrs, ASID 10614 Pagewood Dr Dallas, TX 75230-4258 (214) 691-0842 julie1jayinteriors@gmail.com
Julie A. Lumbert, Allied ASID
8811 Teel Pkwy, # 5961 Frisco, TX 75034-4428 (469) 774-7040 sharlenelee@hotmail.com
Sharlene M. Lee, ASID
8080 Park Ln, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75231-5900 (469) 587-1413 marstillerj@yahoo.com
James J. Marstiller, FASID 4600 Southern Ave Dallas, TX 75209-6026 (214) 505-3150 lollylup@mindspring.com
Laura Jean Lupton, Allied ASID
9801 Royal Ln, Apt 804 Dallas, TX 75231-1826 (214) 349-3483 jalinteriors@yahoo.com
James A. Lehman, ASID Retired
9440 Park Garden Dr Frisco, TX 75035-3169 (817) 832-6715 rmarstiller@hotmail.com
Ronda Webb Ball Marstiller, ASID 116 N Tennessee St, Ste 102 McKinney, TX 75069-4304 (972) 548-9141 info@patinagreenhomeandmarket.com
Kaci Lyford, Allied ASID
4128 Windsor Pkwy Dallas, TX 75205-1688 (214) 566-0365 cleinart@leinartlaw.com
Christi Deberry Leinart, Allied ASID
1138 Hidden Rdg, Apt 1217 Irving, TX 75038-8341 (214) 591-1729 lewisv@didinc.com
Alyssa M. Martin, Allied ASID
5901 Still Forest Dr Dallas, TX 75252-5321 (214) 801-8007 bwmaddox@sbcglobal.net
Marissa Martin, Associate ASID
Barbara Maddox, ASID Retired
Aisha Z. Lewis-Martin, Allied ASID
1004 Ingram Dr Forney, TX 75126-5080 (214) 836-6874 kimzey.marston@3day.com
Kimzey Marston, Allied ASID
4845 Gramercy Oaks Dr, Apt 231 Dallas, TX 75287-5363 (214) 801-3598 cheryl.mabery@nfm.com
Cheryl R. Mabery, Associate ASID
Vicki Jean Lewis, Allied ASID
6612 Oak Falls Dr McKinney, TX 75070-6615 (214) 856-3636 functionalconceptz@gmail.com
4100 Pokolodi Cir Addison, TX 75001-3152 (972) 991-0536 dimallory@yahoo.com
Diane P. Mallory, ASID Donovan Lord, Allied ASID
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502 Harvest Hill St Lewisville, TX 75067-3538 (214) 709-8479 alyssamartin9818@gmail.com
1300 Yates Dr Longview, TX 75601-4669 marissa@marissamartininteriors.com
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Dallas design community. . . Sherry Leigh Martin, Allied ASID, CPM, CCIM, LEED Green Assoc. 7048 Whitehill St Dallas, TX 75231-7314 (214) 384-5310 sherry.martin.edu@gmail.com
5250 Highway 78, Ste 750-424 Sachse, TX 75048-4252 (214) 733-7743 holly@hmdesignsandevents.com
Holly Mathews, Allied ASID
9210 Esplanade Dr Dallas, TX 75220-5067 (214) 654-9425
Nancy Hale Matlock, ASID Retired
Margaret B. McKenney, ASID
4100 Hedgerow Dr Plano, TX 75024-5453 (972) 672-2176 margaretMCKR@aol.com
Lynn Lorch Metz, ASID
12034 Bencrest Pl Dallas, TX 75244-7002 (214) 231-7125 lynn.metz@haworth.com
Pat Campbell Mclaughlin, ASID
3701 Turtle Creek Blvd, 3J Dallas, TX 75219-5507 (214) 528-1828 pat@mclaughlincollection.com
Laura Kay Meyers, Allied ASID
Jon G. McLean, ASID Retired
5530 Willow Ln Dallas, TX 75230-2146 (214) 507-1175 jon@himacdallas.com
Kathryn Marie Middlebrook, Allied ASID
3020 Kingsbarns The Colony, TX 75056-6615 (469) 600-3150 kmeyers1125@aol.com
1500 Jackson St, Apt 409 Dallas, TX 75201-4924 (817) 559-4329 kathrynmiddlebrook@gmail.com
Jennifer Dawn Mauldin, ASID
2208 Randy Ct Granbury, TX 76049-1145 (214) 914-5211 info@mauldindesigns.com
Sandra L. McLean, ASID
PO Box 670703 Dallas, TX 75367-0703 (972) 387-0201 sandie@himacdallas.com
Deborah Ann Miller, Allied ASID
Barbara Ann Mayo, Allied ASID
116 Oak Trl Coppell, TX 75019-2513 (214) 783-6083 bmjhmayo@verizon.net
Meagan Rae McNabb, Allied ASID
5737 Caruth Haven Ln, Apt 5737 Dallas, TX 75206-1904 (214) 280-0545 meaganr.mcnabb@gmail.com
Stacy Miller, ASID
Luanne Lundy McCarter, ASID
9107 County Road 504 Blue Ridge, TX 75424-4140 (972) 989-7544 luanne@bydesignassoc.com
Amy McNamara, Associate ASID
6480 Bluffview Dr Frisco, TX 75034-7256 (214) 250-4069 amywmcniii@yahoo.com
Carole L. Mitchell, Allied ASID
6306 Mimosa Ln Dallas, TX 75230-5135 (214) 558-0341 sbmccombs@gmail.com
Tracy Carolyn McNeese, Associate ASID, CPA
Morgan A. Mitford, Allied ASID
Susan B. McCombs, Allied ASID
Laura McDonald Stewart, FASID, LEED AP, RID
5949 Van Horn Ln Frisco, TX 75034-4041 (817) 925-4626 tracy@curateddesignpartners.com 2450 Greenspoint Prosper, TX 75078-7602 (281) 728-4332 terra.mcnutt@hotmail.com
9648 Robin Meadow Dr Dallas, TX 75243-7523 (888) 887-0417 laura@plinthandchintz.com 1614 Charleston Dr Garland, TX 75041-4937 (972) 278-5830 jeannie1614@yahoo.com
Michelle Y. Meredith, ASID
1337 Chemical St Dallas, TX 75207-5901 (214) 937-3883 megan@moderngemdesign.com
Megan McDowell, Associate ASID
2837 Fondren Dr Dallas, TX 75205-1911 (214) 443-9090 stacym@sjldesigngroup.com 1506 Blake Dr Richardson, TX 75081-2503 (405) 600-5302 cmitchellinteriors@gmail.com 3039 Old Mill Run Grapevine, TX 76051-4240 (817) 296-1505 morganmitford@gmail.com
5631 Mercedes Ave Dallas, TX 75206-5823 (214) 717-8105 Alisha.Moessner@gmail.com
Alisha G. Moessner, Allied ASID Terra McNutt, Allied ASID
Jean A. McDowell, ASID
6540 Mercedes Ave Dallas, TX 75214-3113 (214) 707-6841 deb_miller1@att.net
Via Della Torre Errighi, N. 6 Montecchio, TR 5020 (515) 442-7025 Jaywm3@aol.com
J. W. Moody, Allied ASID 5527 Stanford Ave Dallas, TX 75209-4414 (214) 358-3703 michelle@michellemeredith.com
848 Arlington Dr Woodway, TX 76712-3204 (254) 855-6927 john@mood-creative.com
John H. Moody, Allied ASID
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2017 Hillcrest St Fort Worth, TX 76107-3961 (972) 529-7324 tracy@tmoondesignco.com
Tracy L. Moon, Allied ASID
6515 Calais Dr Dallas, TX 75254-7913
Kathryn Nelson, Allied ASID
9449 Northcliff Dr Dallas, TX 75218-2731 (214) 651-7100 stephanie@mooredesigngroup.net
Stephanie L. Moore, ASID, CID
1350 Manufacturing St, Ste 108 Dallas, TX 75207-6509 (214) 292-0456 dnelson@visiondesigninc.com
Louis Dan Nelson, Jr., ASID Retired
3012 Creekbend Dr Plano, TX 75075-7608 (972) 867-8968 geriintx@gmail.com
Geraldine M. Moran, ASID Retired
1212 Saint Regis Dr Irving, TX 75038-3732 (214) 454-7067 fayenielsen69@gmail.com
Faye B. Nielsen, Allied ASID
2025 Downing St Wichita Falls, TX 76308-1312 (940) 766-2252 lynnmoran@live.com
Cheree’ B. Noble, ASID, RID
6215 Liberty Hl Dallas, TX 75248-4980 (214) 460-1460 teresa@teresammorgandesigns.com
Jill Renee Noble, ASID
3831 Turtle Creek Blvd, Apt 3G Dallas, TX 75219-4411 (214) 521-8848 mmorris99@sbcglobal.net
Jo A. Norton, ASID Retired
Lynn U. Moran, ASID Retired
17816 Misty Grove Dr Dallas, TX 75287-6260 (972) 658-4017 chereebnoble@yahoo.com
Teresa Mckinney Morgan, ASID
9561 Edinburgh Ln Frisco, TX 75035-3121 (214) 407-6461 jill@jedesigninc.com
Marianne F. Morris, Allied ASID
5215 N O Connor Blvd, Ste 325 Irving, TX 75039-4618 (469) 294-3403 ashlyn.morrison@cortlandpartners.com
Ashlyn Taylor Morrison, Allied ASID
8600 Skyline Dr, # 3104 Dallas, TX 75243-4198 (214) 363-6638
5909 Luther Ln, Apt 807 Dallas, TX 75225-5911 (214) 559-2770
Elaine Notestine, ASID Retired
426 Hanover Ln Irving, TX 75062-3653 (214) 210-3988 jennifer@jennifermueller.com
Jennifer Mueller, Allied ASID
8126 Old Moss Rd Dallas, TX 75231-1607 (214) 693-5049 sonya@sonyaodell.com
Sonya B. Odell, FASID, CHID, RID 4853 Carnegie Dr Frisco, TX 75034-2173 (469) 294-2061 patricia@patriciamullenix.com
Patricia Eleanor Mullenix, Allied ASID
609 Saint James Pl Coppell, TX 75019-2751 (214) 587-4043
Victoria Ogbogu, Allied ASID 6009 Belt Line Rd, Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75254-9127 (972) 720-9111 michaelm@sharif-munir.com
Michael Kinan Munir, ASID
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design community 570 SE County Road 2247 Corsicana, TX 75109-9793 Briannaokpechi@gmail.com
Brianna A. Okpechi, Allied ASID
206 Foxbury Dr Euless, TX 76040-3200 (817) 571-4040 jaopheim@gmail.com
Julie A. Opheim, Allied ASID
6505 Bandera Ave, Ste A Dallas, TX 75225-3981 (214) 728-3166 sboverbeck@gmail.com
Shery Overbeck, Allied ASID
4140 Normandy Ave Dallas, TX 75205-2038 (214) 769-0100 Elizowens@sbcglobal.net
Elizabeth G. Owens, ASID Retired
4040 N Central Expy, Ste 125 Dallas, TX 75204-3126 (214) 783-8804 karenparks@sbcglobal.net
Karen Parks, ASID
1700 Cedar Springs Rd, Apt 1013 Dallas, TX 75202-1208 (469) 615-0661 terri.pastor@gmail.com
Terri Pastor, Allied ASID
3001 S Hardin Blvd, # 110-212 McKinney, TX 75070-7736 (972) 832-7127 ashley@ashleypate.com
Ashley Pate, Allied ASID
11118 Aristides Dr Frisco, TX 75035-5985 (817) 572-5242 sbpat246@gmail.com
Shreya B. Patel, Allied ASID
902 Barrymore Ln Allen, TX 75013-4729 (520) 971-5937 uttarapatil@gmail.com
Uttara Patil, Associate ASID
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Dallas design community. . . 4311 Rawlins St Dallas, TX 75219-2745 (214) 526-4172 whimseytoo2@gmail.com
Pam R. Pobanz, ASID
331 Town East Blvd Sunnyvale, TX 75182-9121 (214) 763-3343 laurelpaul@sbcglobal.net
Melody Pokladnik, Allied ASID
Suzanne Patterson, FASID Retired
Laurel H. Paul, Allied ASID
3923 Cole Ave, Ste 104 Dallas, TX 75204-1897 (214) 288-8043 cpayneinteriors@gmail.com
Chandra Lee Payne, ASID
300 N Akard St, Apt 2802 Dallas, TX 75201-3466 (832) 489-2080 samantha.pendleton91@gmail.com
Jared Brady Ragsdale, Allied ASID
3624 Chimney Rock Dr Carrollton, TX 75007-2784 (409) 382-0627 melodypokladnik@gmail.com
Carl Ramon, Allied ASID
4100 Spring Valley Rd, Ste 634 Dallas, TX 75244-3629 (214) 912-2293 lisa.pope@lisapopeinteriors.com 1416 Creekview Dr Lewisville, TX 75067-4994 (972) 821-1464 alisa@alisacristineinteriors.com
Alisa Cristine Popelka, Allied ASID
Ana Gabriela Perez, Allied ASID
861 Bear Crossing Dr Allen, TX 75013-4971 (214) 284-7915 sarahptrs@gmail.com
5570 FM 423, Ste 250-139 Frisco, TX 75036-8980 (214) 499-1320 sonyapickens@hotmail.com 6920 Lakewood Blvd Dallas, TX 75214-3556 (214) 328-5655 tpimm2002@sbcglobal.net
Tommye Pitts Baker, ASID Life
5909 Luther Ln, Apt 804 Dallas, TX 75225-5911 (214) 368-5548
T. P. Ratcliff, ASID
5124 Scarborough Ln Dallas, TX 75287-5420 (972) 380-1940 kpoynor@mindspring.com
Vanessa Ann Redman, ASID
4347 W Northwest Hwy, Ste 130-156 Dallas, TX 75220-3864 (972) 742-1021 casey@cpraterinteriors.com
Jessica Marie Regan, Allied ASID
5200 Keller Springs Rd, Apt 221 Dallas, TX 75248-2739 (972) 307-9900 bwprewitt@verizon.net
Amanda S. Reilly, ASID, RID
Kay Poynor, ASID, RID
Casey J. Prater, ASID
Randolph K. Phillips, Allied ASID
Sonya N. Pickens, Allied ASID
1407 N Riverfront Blvd, Ste 140 Dallas, TX 75207-3905 (214) 752-9005 tracyr@dallasdesign-group.com
Tracy Rasor, Allied ASID
Jan Rector, Allied ASID
Bettylou Phillips, ASID
3505 Turtle Creek Blvd, Apt 4F Dallas, TX 75219-5565 (214) 364-6073 randolph@rkpinteriors.com
4066 Royal Ln Dallas, TX 75229-4049
811 Dumont Dr Richardson, TX 75080-6944 (832) 257-1981 haleycpowell@gmail.com
Haley Powell, Allied ASID
Sarah Peters, Allied ASID
4200 Saint Johns Dr Dallas, TX 75205-4344 (214) 599-0191 Bettylouphillips@Bettylouphillips.com
1130 Dragon St, Ste 150 Dallas, TX 75207-4234 (903) 721-4107 jared@angelineguidodesign.com
Lisa Grochowski Pope, ASID, RID,IIDA, (214) 288-3298 NEWH, NCIDQ carlramon@yahoo.com
Samantha Pendleton, Allied ASID
301 Dancer Dr Longview, TX 75604-3332 (903) 917-7825 agp14a@acu.edu
415 E Tyler St Richardson, TX 75081-6044 (972) 467-8428 pobanz.pam@att.net
Barbara Prewitt Paisan, ASID
Maria Carmelli Tadlas Quemado, Allied ASID 1800 Main St, Apt 1006 Dallas, TX 75201-5216 (214) 797-6644 carmelquemado@gmail.com
15113 King Of Spain Ct Dallas, TX 75248-6427 (214) 616-3397 jgrector@sbcglobal.net
350 N Saint Paul St, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75201-4200 (214) 350-5423 varedman@hksinc.com 1828 W Alamosa Dr Terrell, TX 75160-0810 (214) 273-0040 jessica@jmarieinteriors.com 4022 Dalton Dr Rowlett, TX 75089-4589 (214) 725-4117 amanda-reilly@hotmail.com 8805 Holloway Ln Plano, TX 75025-3885 (469) 585-8586 allison.reinacker@ttu.edu
Allison M. Reinacker, Allied ASID
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Dallas design community Michele Renault-Rutt, Associate ASID
6710 La Manga Dr Dallas, TX 75248-2948 (214) 793-7251 mrenaultdesign@sbcglobal.net
Angel Rivera, Allied ASID
16400 Dallas Pkwy, Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75248-2639 (214) 673-9118 angelriveradesigns@gmail.com
Shelly B. Rosenberg, Allied ASID
25 Highland Park Village, Ste 100 PMB 707 Dallas, TX 75205-2726 (214) 934-1133 shelly@shellyrosenbergstudio.com
Rosemarie Rene, ASID
608 Sonora Ct Irving, TX 75062-6545 (214) 914-6252 rosemarie@renedesignsolutions.com
Beverly Robbins, ASID Retired
1426 Dominion St Dallas, TX 75208-2505 (214) 942-6350 bbrobbin@swbell.net
Dona M. Rosene, ASID
Margaret S. Reppe, ASID
4549 Hallmark Dr Dallas, TX 75229-2939 (214) 924-1139 plreppe@tx.rr.com
Brooke Roberson, Associate ASID
4229 Mendenhall Dr Dallas, TX 75244-7452 (214) 797-4657 JAN@ChateauConcepts.com
Hilda Mercedes Rodriguez Mercado, ASID, AIA
9906 Lanshire Dr Dallas, TX 75238-3433 (214) 769-1059
1717 Arts Plz, Ste 2008 Dallas, TX 75201-2527 (972) 726-9801 grosenstock@gmail.com
Gloria Rosenstock, Allied ASID 3421 Amherst Ave Dallas, TX 75225-7625 (972) 281-7350 brookerobersoncreative@gmail.com
1717 Pacific Ave Dallas, TX 75201-4637 (214) 468-7708 caitlinross25750@gmail.com
Caitlin Ross, Allied ASID Jan Revels, Allied ASID
7410 La Manga Dr Dallas, TX 75248-3044 (972) 404-9717 barbra9717@att.net
4403 N Central Expy, Ste 150 Dallas, TX 75205-4232 (214) 941-2299 hrodriguez@hildamrodriguez.com
Myra L. Ross, ASID
6960 Joyce Way Dallas, TX 75225-1725 (214) 240-3861 sueeroebuck@att.net
Deborah Rossler, ASID, RID, WELL AP
362 Town East Blvd Sunnyvale, TX 75182-9122 (972) 226-6802 vwroebuck@aol.com
Lori Anne Rourk, Allied ASID
PO Box 298630 Fort Worth, TX 76129-0001 (773) 837-7890 a.dahm@tcu.edu
Mary E. Ruch, ASID Retired
6247 Deloache Ave Dallas, TX 75225-2814 (214) 532-3114 beverlyrogers97@yahoo.com
Robert Rutherford, ASID
Barbra G. Reynolds, ASID Retired, RID Sue E. Roebuck, Allied ASID
16805 Chepstow Ct Dallas, TX 75248-1426 (972) 931-0536 julie.reynolds.interiors@gmail.com
Julie A. Reynolds, ASID, RID, NCIDQ Vicki Roebuck, Allied ASID
Tawni Catherine Reynolds-Brown, Allied ASID 1407 N Riverfront Blvd, Ste 140 Dallas, TX 75207-3905 (972) 921-0275 tawnicreynolds@gmail.com
Amy Elizabeth Roehl, ASID
4201 International Pkwy Carrollton, TX 75007-1911 (713) 591-9214 nrhea@glsc.com
Beverly C. Rogers, Allied ASID
10100 N Central Expy, Ste 165 Dallas, TX 75231-4455 (214) 621-9026 tara@tararichardsinteriors.com
Kathy Rollins, Allied ASID
6625 Bandera Ave, Apt 3A Dallas, TX 75225-4065 (214) 350-0864 owrigney@worldnet.att.net
Adrienne Rosen, ASID
Nichole Lynn Marie Rhea, Allied ASID
Tara Cooper Richards, Allied ASID
Onesia Rigney, ASID Retired
831 Parkwood Ct McKinney, TX 75070-5390 (214) 502-0870 kathy@interiorsbykathyrollins.com 16010 Ranchita Dr Dallas, TX 75248-3835 (972) 387-0946 adriennegrantrosen@gmail.com
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
9003 Eustis Ave Dallas, TX 75218-4209 (972) 365-7771 myra@marlydesignstudio.com 25 Highland Park Village, Ste 100-346 Dallas, TX 75205-2789 (214) 724-2040 deborah@designerdetails.net 7200 Ripley St McKinney, TX 75071-8503 (469) 328-4526 lrourk1@gmail.com 4125 Mildenhall Dr Plano, TX 75093-3145 (214) 227-8794 gerardruch@msn.com
6321 Bandera Ave, Apt B Dallas, TX 75225-3625 (214) 357-0888
8617 Fm 175 Henrietta, TX 76365-8827 (972) 562-0221 alma@almaryan.com
Alma Ryan, Allied ASID
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Dallas design community. . .
4600 Southern Ave Dallas, TX 75209-6026 (214) 351-1592 david@salemandassociates.com
David E. Salem, ASID
3762 Manana Dr Dallas, TX 75220-1802 (214) 352-7915 sammyesalling@earthlink.net
Sammye Salling, ASID
2336 Farrington St Dallas, TX 75207-6014 (214) 770-9465
Douglas Paul Salzman, Allied ASID
1407 N Riverfront Blvd, Ste 140 Dallas, TX 75207-3905 (214) 773-7605 ksamford@dallasdesign-group.com
Sarah Kaitlin Samford, Allied ASID
7827 Bryn Mawr Dr Dallas, TX 75225-8217 (214) 244-8748 erin@erinsanderdesign.com
Erin Sander, ASID
1551 Oak Lawn Ave, Apt 238 Dallas, TX 75207-3671 (214) 523-7515 vsandoval@wilsonassoc.com
Veronica P. Sandoval, ASID
PO 701647 Dallas, TX 75370 (214) 707-5315 js@jessicasavage.com
Jessica Savage, ASID
3809 Holly Ridge Dr Longview, TX 75605-2513 (903) 297-4789 chachalala@att.net
Lana K. Schindler, Allied ASID
3815 Antigua Dr Dallas, TX 75244-6602 (972) 484-2336 joyce@designingdallas.com
Joyce E. Schiska, Allied ASID
Cristie Schlosser, ASID, RID
12250 Inwood Rd, Ste 9 Dallas, TX 75244-8021 (214) 232-1716 cristie@schlosserdesign.net
Cara C. Shoemaker, Allied ASID
Donald M. Schuster, ASID Retired
6019 E University Blvd, Apt 200 Dallas, TX 75206-4634 (214) 926-5985 dmcschuster@aol.com
Jan Showers, ASID
Andra E. Schwenk, ASID
3309 Fox Hollow Ct Flower Mound, TX 75028-2623 (214) 316-9678 andra.e.schwenk@gmail.com
Christina Singca, Allied ASID
Katrina Annette Scott, Allied ASID
5607 Plumtree Dr Dallas, TX 75252-4928 (214) 543-5949 katrina_a_scott@sbcglobal.net
Mary Anne Smiley, ASID
Crickett Seal, Allied ASID
5822 Lakehurst Ave Dallas, TX 75230-5032 (214) 696-5034 cseal@csadesign.net
Andrea Nicole Smith, ASID
Lynn S. Sears, ASID
4324 Windsor Pkwy Dallas, TX 75205-1647 (214) 521-9717 lsears@lynnsearsinteriors.com
Janis K. Smith, Allied ASID
Allison Seidler, ASID
7342 Dominique Dr Dallas, TX 75214-2810 (214) 300-9941 allison@allisonseidler.com
Susan Smith, Associate ASID
Carrie Sexton, Allied ASID
7001 Hansell Rd, Apt 2304 Plano, TX 75024-3662 (214) 810-2471 carrie@thesextoncollective.com
Katherine Snedeker, ASID
Ana R. Seyffert, Allied ASID, IIDA Asociate Member
Vaishali Soni, Allied ASID
5505 Charlestown Dr Dallas, TX 75230-1727 (214) 837-3492 ana@spungroup.com
2236 Bresee Dr Carrollton, TX 75010-4150 (903) 738-7082 mollysherrod131@aol.com
Molly Sherrod, Allied ASID
313 Pebble Knl Highland Village, TX 75077-7251 (469) 831-0210 cara.shoemaker@ttu.edu 1308 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-3802 (214) 747-5252 info@janshowers.com 805 Victoria Dr Keller, TX 76248-2851 (210) 725-4372 csingca@hotmail.com
6215 Royal Crest Dr Dallas, TX 75230-3438 (214) 522-0705 masmiley@maryannesmiley.com PO Box 190310 Dallas, TX 75219-0310 (214) 476-7874 andreasmithdesignsasid@gmail.com 6139 Prestonshire Ln Dallas, TX 75225-1912 (972) 979-8793 jksmithinteriors@gmail.com
2900 McKinnon St, Apt 905 Dallas, TX 75201-1069 (214) 212-2282 susan@susansmithdesigns.com 13710 Dallas Pkwy Dallas, TX 75240-4343 (214) 748-4540 cdavis@thearrangement.com 4216 Saint Andrews Blvd Irving, TX 75038-6440 (469) 586-8952
4232 Allencrest Ln Dallas, TX 75244-7403 (972) 533-8330 megansosebee22@gmail.com
Megan M. Sosebee, Allied ASID
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Dallas design community Chelsea L. Spears, ASID
2222 Medical District Dr, Apt 7104 Dallas, TX 75235-8063 (469) 223-1975 chelseaLSpears@gmail.com
Debra B. Stewart, ASID
3075 Willow Grove Blvd, Apt 1401 McKinney, TX 75070-2163 (214) 697-0027 kelly.spilka@gmail.com
Gretchen Ashworth Stewart, Allied ASID
4111 Gilbert Ave, Apt 106 Dallas, TX 75219-3828 (248) 506-1265 stepspivey@earthlink.net
Amy Fry Still, Allied ASID
802 W Erwin St Tyler, TX 75702-7039 (903) 445-6474 jonns@mac.com
Elizabeth Stroup, ASID Retired
Kelly Spilka, Allied ASID
Stephen Spivey, ASID
Jonn Rush Spradlin, Allied ASID
25 Highland Park Village, # 100-713 Dallas, TX 75205-2789 (972) 870-5300 debra@dstewartinteriors.com 5734 Portsmouth Ln Dallas, TX 75252-4973 (214) 335-1544 gretchenstewart66@gmail.com 2705 Chaparral Dr Nacogdoches, TX 75965-3723 (214) 274-5048 amystill@stillinteriors.com 1105 Heather Ln Longview, TX 75604-2851 (903) 297-0914
827 Westwood Dr Richardson, TX 75080-5532 (214) 742-6767 julie@davidcorley.com
Julie A. Stryker, Associate ASID 2525 McKinnon St, Ste 800 Dallas, TX 75201-1552 (214) 747-2511 astaffelbach@staffelbach.com
Andre Staffelbach, ASID
2934 Maple Springs Blvd Dallas, TX 75235-8319 (214) 533-9915 asully1@yahoo.com
Ann Sullivan, FASID Retired 12637 Sunlight Dr Dallas, TX 75230-1855 (972) 345-4046 lornamstanard@hotmail.com
Lorna Stanard, Allied ASID
5200 Martel Ave, Apt 35B Dallas, TX 75206-5654 (512) 496-8793 Hjsuther@gmail.com
Heather Sutherland, Allied ASID 4212 University Blvd Dallas, TX 75205-1635 (214) 522-0046 ratsmk@AOL.com
Meri-Kay Star, ASID
3521 Princeton Ave Dallas, TX 75205-3246 (214) 521-5314
Linda C. Sutton, ASID Retired 104 Red Bluff Ct Hickory Creek, TX 75065-3628 (214) 395-7464 gsteider1@gmail.com
Glynis Steider, Allied ASID
PO Box 941527 Plano, TX 75094-1527 (214) 497-9344 staci.steidley@verizon.net
Staci Steidley, Allied ASID
5129 Rain Forest Trl Plano, TX 75093-7598 lindsay.steudtner@gmail.com
Lindsay Steudtner, Allied ASID
810 Eden Dr Longview, TX 75605-3361 (903) 663-4704 becky@swearingeninteriordesign.com
Becky Swearingen, Allied ASID
3444 N Riley Pl Hurst, TX 76054-1914 (817) 503-8838 danetasylvester@yahoo.com
Daneta Marie Sylvester, Allied ASID
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
976 Gibbs Xing Coppell, TX 75019-6396 (469) 621-4717 wesszalk@ou.edu
Wesley Aaron Szalkowski, Allied ASID
1201 Main St, Ste 1105 Dallas, TX 75202-3908 (214) 546-3541 pacedesigngroup@swbell.net
Ris Pace Talbot, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
4026 Bowser Ave, Apt 204 Dallas, TX 75219-3715 (404) 964-1095 shannon.tankersley@gmail.com
Shannon Tankersley, ASID
9707 Buxhill Dr Dallas, TX 75238-4209 (214) 546-6867
Leann Tawney, Allied ASID
3422 Mercury Dr Grapevine, TX 76051-4518 (817) 410-3754 sandrataylordesign@yahoo.com
Sandra Taylor, ASID, RID
9038 Woodhurst Dr Dallas, TX 75243-6354 (214) 207-4626
Priscilla Taylor-Rogers, Allied ASID
11238 Tenison Ln Frisco, TX 75033-7987 (214) 705-8298 tanyataylorzimmerman@yahoo.com
Tanya R. Taylor-Zimmerman, ASID
706 Tyler St Waco, TX 76704-2250 (703) 625-5068 Ann_Theriot@baylor.edu
Ann Theriot, ASID
1700 Tennison Pkwy, Ste 100 Colleyville, TX 76034-6295 (817) 300-4043 beth@thielandthiel.com
Beth C. Thiel, ASID
508 N Oak Cliff Blvd Dallas, TX 75208-5556 (214) 868-3009 amy@houseofamelia.com
Amy E. Thomasson-Ramirez, ASID
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Dallas design community. . . 312 E Main St Christiansburg, VA 24073-3010 (540) 449-1763 btinteriors@yahoo.com
Beth R. Thompson, Allied ASID
9109 Windsor Dr Little Elm, TX 75068-3300 (972) 668-3000 krystal.thompson@nfm.com
Krystal R. Thompson, Allied ASID
2355 Thomas Ave, Apt 1707 Dallas, TX 75201-5423 (469) 394-6528 haley@haleylaneinteriors.com
Haley Tomlin, Allied ASID
3617 Fairmount St, Ste 121 Dallas, TX 75219-4773 (214) 526-5200 richard@richardtrimble.com
Richard Albert Trimble, ASID, RID,IIDA
4217 Cedarbrook Cir Richardson, TX 75082-5004 (972) 816-6147 tatrinh98@gmail.com
Thu Anh Trinh, Allied ASID
PO Box 25222 Dallas, TX 75225-1222 (214) 891-1461 ktroutt@kstdesign.com
Kay Schaefer Troutt, ASID
3108 Caruth Blvd Dallas, TX 75225-4642 (214) 739-2015
Martha B. Truelson, ASID
3521 Cabriolet Ct Plano, TX 75023-5837 (214) 704-9989 aubreytuggle@Tuggledesign.com
Aubrey Dominique Tuggle, Allied ASID
6340 Velasco Ave Dallas, TX 75214-3342 (214) 460-0888 kimturn@swbell.net
Kim S. Turner, Allied ASID
4339 Emerson Ave Dallas, TX 75205-1063 (214) 674-1154 spininginteriordesign@gmail.com
Deborah Walker, ASID
Brett Spining Underwood, Allied ASID
16037 Chalfont Cir Dallas, TX 75248-3562 (214) 649-4239 cheryl@cherylvanduyne.com
Cheryl Van Duyne, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
4652 Southern Ave Dallas, TX 75209-6026 (214) 288-9083 nancy.vanderbilt@sbcglobal.net
Nancy Lipscomb Vanderbilt, Allied ASID
6019 E University Blvd, Apt 200 Dallas, TX 75206-4634 (214) 368-7551 rvaticalos@aol.com
Robert Vaticalos, ASID Retired
1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 605 Dallas, TX 75207-3719 (214) 744-4040 bjvinteriors@sbcglobal.net
Barbara J. Vessels, ASID
135 Pittsburg St, Ste A3 Dallas, TX 75207-7222 (214) 934-7374 alana@avidassoc.com
Alana Villanueva, Allied ASID, IICA
3514 Ridgemoor Dr Garland, TX 75044-6526 (214) 558-2287 dvolkman@vandmdesign.net
Daniel Volkman, Allied ASID
154 Glass St, Apt 108 Dallas, TX 75207-6919 (214) 521-9637 deborah@deborahwalker.com 4509 Highland Dr Dallas, TX 75205-3818 (214) 521-8870 erica_walker@outlook.com
Erica Walker, Allied ASID
4000 E Renner Rd, Apt 2124 Richardson, TX 75082-2722 (214) 326-9916 denise@denisewarhurst.com
Denise Warhurst, Allied ASID
5519 Anita St Dallas, TX 75206-5305 (214) 695-6509 wishdesignstudio@mac.com
Jacqueline K. Warner, Allied ASID
3033 Kellway Dr, Ste 116 Carrollton, TX 75006-3332 (972) 417-3800 Jessica@baker-designgroup.com
Jessica Warren, Allied ASID
3939 Black Gold Dr Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 460-2673 anthony@byrdwaters.com
Anthony Waters, ASID, RID, TAID
3312 Meadow Wood Dr Richardson, TX 75082-3788 (214) 632-9514 anitawatson@sbcglobal.net
Anita P. Watson, ASID
105 N Greenville Ave Allen, TX 75002-2294 (214) 766-9425 websterrobby@yahoo.com
Robby Webster, Allied ASID
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Dallas 5717 Rancho Ln McKinney, TX 75070-6447 (972) 859-0046 lor1011@aol.com
Marianne Wilshusen, Allied ASID
3415 Stanford Ave Dallas, TX 75225-7619 (214) 600-2146 Mariannew@sbcglobal.net
4141 Normandy Ave Dallas, TX 75205-2037 (214) 520-0980 dawn@dawnwestinteriors.com
Trisha Wilson, ASID
Lauri F. Wells, Allied ASID
Old Parkland, Oak Lawn Hall, 3879 Maple Ave, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75219-3952 (214) 675-3345 twilson@wilson-red.com
Dawn West, ASID
1013 Camden Ct Waco, TX 76712-8566 (254) 744-0924 stephaniewestdesigns@gmail.com
Stephanie Jane West, Allied ASID
14925 Havenshire Pl Dallas, TX 75254-7650 (972) 503-6777 khwheeler2015@outlook.com
5630 Prestwick Ln Dallas, TX 75252-4902 (972) 898-8800
Ferry Zadeh, ASID
PO Box 821943 Dallas, TX 75382-1943 (214) 824-6530 sandra@whighamdesign.com
Laurie S. Woods, ASID
4610 Center Blvd, Apt 319 Long Island City, NY 11109-5835 (214) 324-5004 laurie@lauriewoodsinteriors.com
7021 Crystal Falls Dr Plano, TX 75024-7464 (214) 906-3380 amy@faganwhitedesign.com
Joanie Wyll, ASID
10 Collinway Pl Dallas, TX 75230-1966 (972) 380-8770
Lesley Hughes Wyman, ASID, RID, IIDA, NEWH
529 Larkin Rd Sunnyvale, TX 75182-9734 (214) 477-6130 mary@mwhitehurstdesigns.com
Mary Anniece Whitehurst, ASID
359 Summer Pointe Dr Buda, TX 78610-5908 (972) 979-7003 dyounger2013@gmail.com
Doris A. Younger, ASID
4673 Chapel Creek Dr Plano, TX 75024-6852 (214) 803-1467 Lori@BellisaDesign.com
Brenda Wood, ASID
Amy White, Allied ASID
4123 Cedar Springs Rd, Apt 2206 Dallas, TX 75219-3550 (956) 367-2254 bryan@yatesdesygn.com
Bryan Matthew Yates, Associate ASID
Lori A. Withey, Allied ASID
Kathryn H. Wheeler, Allied ASID
Sandra K. Whigham, ASID, RID
design community
2980 Marlow Ln Richardson, TX 75082-3641 (972) 707-0568 lesley@matchlinedesign.com
9400 N Central Expy, Ste 404 Dallas, TX 75231-0831 (972) 479-9004 ferryzadeh@fid-inc.com 3933 Marquette St Dallas, TX 75225-5432 (214) 363-8124 pjzadina@swbell.net
Peggy Zadina, ASID
3505 Turtle Creek Blvd, Apt 14B Dallas, TX 75219-5570 (214) 528-0417 ethelszale@yahoo.com
Ethel S. Zale, ASID Retired
3309 Dunes St Denton, TX 76209-1425 (940) 206-6089 refinedesignsbyaida@gmail.com
Aida C. Zihuatanejo, Allied ASID
9511 Winding Ridge Dr Dallas, TX 75238-1451 (214) 364-8241 Peyton_Williams@baylor.edu
Peyton Lynn Williams, Allied ASID
3200 Rifle Gap Rd, Apt 1427 Frisco, TX 75034-6496 (972) 689-9800 tamarawilliams62@gmail.com
Tamara Williams, Allied ASID
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El Paso design community. . .
Melissa B. Allen, Allied ASID
1029 Shadow Wood Way Lakeland, FL 33813-3647 (863) 430-7993 melnovember11@gmail.com
Lorraine Huit, Allied ASID
Magdalena A. Alvidrez, ASID Retired, IIDA
9125 McCabe Dr El Paso, TX 79925-5132 (915) 630-1414 maggiealvidrez@gmail.com
703 El Pinal Pl El Paso, TX 79912-2332 (915) 587-7856 maricarmenanti@yahoo.com
Maricarmen Antillon, ASID Retired
524 Willow Glen Dr El Paso, TX 79922-2239 (915) 345-1156 casey@caseyblanco.com
Casey Blanco, Allied ASID
7710 Gateway Blvd E El Paso, TX 79915-1718 (915) 591-3030 wdaw@thomasville-elp.com
Wade Y. Daw, Allied ASID
8001 N Mesa St, Ste E-166 El Paso, TX 79932-1736 (915) 584-7789 sallydinsmoor@sbcglobal.net
Sarah (Sally) Ellen Dinsmoor, ASID
200 Metz Dr Ruidoso, NM 88345-7021 (575) 937-8967 kalenfreed@gmail.com
Kalen Tate Freed, Allied ASID
768 Colchester Dr El Paso, TX 79912-7059 (915) 630-3312 lorraine.huit@gmail.com
2719 N Stanton St El Paso, TX 79902-2507 (915) 544-7000 robert@paradigmtexas.com
Robert William Lomnicki, Allied ASID
7170 Westwind Dr, Ste 303 El Paso, TX 79912-1744 (915) 581-8732 lori@lmcdesigngroup.com
Lori McCuaig, Allied ASID
6960 Gateway Blvd E El Paso, TX 79915-1105 (915) 778-9223 ann@designers-mart.com
Velma A. Perez, ASID
2525 Louisville Ave El Paso, TX 79930-1625 (915) 831-5045 mprospe2@epcc.edu
Maria Prospero, ASID
PO Box 12592 El Paso, TX 79913-0592 (915) 591-9393 karen.rivera@businessinteriors-ep.com
Karen Leah Rivera, ASID, NCIDQ, RID
700 Camino Real Ave El Paso, TX 79922-2010 (915) 581-8350 sscinteriors@sbcglobal.net
Shelley Saab, ASID
6598 Eagle Ridge Dr El Paso, TX 79912-7468 (915) 581-2942 asteele@elp.rr.com
Anne R. Steele, ASID
6544 Loma De Cristo Dr El Paso, TX 79912-7301 (915) 309-2810 frances.timbrook@gmail.com
Frances C. Timbrook, ASID
1608 Plaza Chica Way El Paso, TX 79912-8477 (915) 217-5087 fleur.de.lis.lopez@gmail.com
Vanessa White, Allied ASID
4225 Tarek Ln El Paso, TX 79912-6193 (915) 926-6323 sophia.helena.reza@gmail.com
Sophia Helena Reza Gutierrez, Allied ASID
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Fort Worth design community
Robin C. Burrill, ASID, RID, IDS, NCIDQ, CAPS 1201 Hillview Dr Keller, TX 76248-4016 (817) 753-6668
7233 W Nirvana Cir North Richland Hills, TX 76182-2109 (817) 779-1888 martina_fayez@yahoo.com
5320 Camp Bowie Blvd, Ste C Fort Worth, TX 76107-4800 (817) 738-3261 rdecker@gbalforddesigns.com
Juan A. Castro, Allied ASID
122 McGlothlin Campus Center Abilene, TX 79699-0001 (325) 320-6259 Jca15a@acu.edu
Bedford, TX 76021-4349 (775) 857-7856 KarenLycett@sbcglobal.net
Martina F. Abdelkedous, Allied ASID
2015 N Main St Fort Worth, TX 76164-8510 (817) 626-2365
G B. Alford, ASID
Jesse Chibuikem Anyaegbu, Allied ASID 849 Birdsong
Karen D. Chislett, Allied ASID
325 N Bailey Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107-1001 (817) 637-3321 maryrcollins@gmail.com
Mary Rabalais Collins, Allied ASID
2410 S University Parks Dr, Apt 3B Waco, TX 76706-6517 (206) 349-2182 lizzie_armstrong@baylor.edu
Lizzie A. Armstrong, Allied ASID
PO Box 470973 Fort Worth, TX 76147-0973 (817) 776-1999 elizabethjunebarrett@gmail.com 3849 Riverhills View Dr Fort Worth, TX 76109-4863 (972) 385-7368 diana@freedomfurniture.com
PO Box 12081 Fort Worth, TX 76110-8081 (817) 714-0099 cblake@generationaldesigns.com 1217 Merlot Dr Southlake, TX 76092-8840 (817) 437-5124 burkhartinteriors@verizon.net
Janice K. Burkhart, Allied ASID
5203 Brodie Ln, Ste A Sunset Valley, TX 78745-2514 (210) 589-9986 gracie.conner@sparrow-partners.com
Pamela K. Flowers, ASID Retired
3900 Glenwood Dr Fort Worth, TX 76109-1600 (817) 888-1123 katherineb85@gmail.com
Katherine Dalton, Allied ASID
Constance L. Blake, ASID Retired
PO Box 847 Keller, TX 76244-0847 (940) 329-1159 shavawneveritt@yahoo.com
Shavawn Everitt, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
Kim Fancher, Allied ASID
909 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-4203 (214) 742-6767 dawn@davidcorley.com
13497 Highway 114 Justin, TX 76247-8513 (940) 393-1820 kellyeaton15@gmail.com
Kelly B. Eaton, ASID
PO Box 150677 Fort Worth, TX 76108-0677 (817) 994-3525 greg.connally.designs@gmail.com
Gracie Esperanza Conner, Allied ASID
Dawn Bergan, ASID
Miles Fairris, ASID
Charles Gregory Connally, ASID
Diana Beck, ASID
1112 Woodland Dr Arlington, TX 76012-2429 (817) 460-3670 wishtx@aol.com
Sher Dunaway, Allied ASID
3854 Tulsa Way Fort Worth, TX 76107-3346 (817) 377-0716 congerconcepts@aol.com
Joe D. Conger, ASID
Elizabeth June Barrett, Allied ASID
5004 Eagle Valley St Schertz, TX 78108-2412 (719) 231-7192 savannah.doyel@gmail.com
Savannah Doyel, Allied ASID
PO Box 2838 Santa Fe, NM 87504-2838 (817) 929-8525 miles@fairrisinc.com 2300 Wills Way Dr Granbury, TX 76049-8061 (970) 389-4017 kimfancher@gmail.com
216 N Front St(return) PO Box 931 Aledo, TX 76008-6473 (817) 441-3000 pam.pkflowers.gmail.com PO Box 101793 Fort Worth, TX 76185-1793 (817) 307-1746 bobf@rdfinc.com
Robert Freeman, ASID, NCIDQ, RID
Mariel Delgado, Allied ASID
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Fort Worth design community. . .
1229 Shady Oaks Ln Fort Worth, TX 76107-3557 (817) 737-0612 harriette@gachman.com
Harriette Gachman, ASID Retired
2421 S 7th St Abilene, TX 79605-3156 (325) 695-8312 lgilreath@suddenlink.net
Lynda Gilreath, ASID Retired
5500 Paloma Ct Fort Worth, TX 76179-7504 (817) 271-7868 morgangreer@hotmail.com
Morgan E. Greer, Allied ASID
Kendall Kaye Hohmann, Allied ASID
6901 Pleasant Run Rd Colleyville, TX 76034-6603 (817) 577-0883 kendall.hohmann@gmail.com
Sheyna L. Kobty, ASID
Carol A. Holley, ASID
2307 Oak Forest Ct Arlington, TX 76012-4285 (817) 469-9155 carol@idgfw.com
Jennifer Kostohryz, Allied ASID
2678 Riverwood Trl Fort Worth, TX 76109-9502 (817) 927-3322 kathy@krhinteriors.com
Megan Tara Kranz, Associate ASID, IDS
Kathy R. Hopwood, ASID
2035 Clubview Dr Rockwall, TX 75087-2365 (817) 991-0547 sandyhowell@att.net
Sandra Howell, ASID Retired
PO Box 122139 Arlington, TX 76012-8139 (817) 277-2468 sheyna@prodigypaint.com 3404 Autumn Dr Fort Worth, TX 76109-2607 (817) 687-8184 jennifer@fortdesignstudio.com 7805 Briarstone Ct Fort Worth, TX 76112-4637 (469) 608-1334 megan@mtkdesigngroup.com
1011 Spanish Trl Keller, TX 76262-6888 (817) 269-5572 sarah.d.lambert@gmail.com
9620 Jim Christal Rd Krum, TX 76249-7033 (940) 453-3990 mgrunden71@hotmail.com
Sarah Lambert, Allied ASID
3834 Dennis St Rowlett, TX 75088-6922 (817) 999-4813 aca2584@yahoo.com
Joanna Lee Jackson, ASID, RID, LEED AP
1240 Post Oak Trl Southlake, TX 76092-4109 (817) 481-1342 curlyzoom@gmail.com
Martha Tim Latta, Allied ASID
44 Bounty Rd W Benbrook, TX 76132-1004 (817) 713-0834 annajjones1@gmail.com
Addie Lutz, Allied ASID
Marsha Elizabeth Grunden, Allied ASID
Amy Guess, Allied ASID
27 Troon Dr Trophy Club, TX 76262-5536 (817) 455-3432 dhdc114@aol.com
Dorothy (Dot) M. Hamblet, ASID
Anna Jones, Allied ASID
3909 Mockingbird Ln Fort Worth, TX 76109-1219 (972) 445-5151 kennethjorns@yahoo.com
Kenneth Jorns, ASID
1409 Porto Bello Ct Arlington, TX 76012-2739 (817) 657-8738 csharston@flash.net
1303 S College Ave Decatur, TX 76234-2617 (305) 797-7206 southarddesign@gmail.com
Sarah Paige Kardell, Allied ASID
2200 Pembroke Dr Fort Worth, TX 76110-1240 (214) 766-9383 cheydenburk@gmail.com
Glenda M. Kay, Allied ASID
Carole S. Harston, ASID
Rosalee Koenig Hayes, ASID
Courtney Heydenburk, Allied ASID
1004 N Ridge Ct Keller, TX 76248-4055 (817) 733-0213 sarah@kardell.org
PO Box 470069 Fort Worth, TX 76147-0069 (817) 600-4734 tldesigngroup@sbcglobal.net Acu Box 26882 Abilene, TX 79699-0001 ahl14a@acu.edu
12328 Langley Hill Dr Fort Worth, TX 76244-5599 (817) 431-2257 akmallard@hotmail.com
Annette Key Mallard, ASID
1801 Southpark Dr Arlington, TX 76013-4200 (817) 429-8688 gladys.marchbanks@att.net
Gladys Ann Marchbanks, ASID
3841 Angela Ct Midlothian, TX 76065-7088 (972) 723-1707 sdmdesign52@hotmail.com
Susan Marcontell, Allied ASID 4016 Rawlins St Dallas, TX 75219-3649 (817) 781-1266 glendakayinteriors@gmail.com
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Fort Worth design community Lee Martin, ASID
PO Box 622 Colleyville, TX 76034-0622 (817) 427-5780 leeinteriors@me.com
Michelle B. Moncrief, Allied ASID
300 Virginia Pl Fort Worth, TX 76107-1612 (817) 313-3362 michellemoncrief@gmail.com
8101 Boat Club Rd, Ste 240-114 Fort Worth, TX 76179-3630 (817) 236-2090 dinah@stillwatersinc.com
Elizabeth Monroe, Allied ASID
4805 Harley Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107-3715 (817) 996-2178 amasonid@aol.com
Kathy F. Montgomery, FASID, LEED AP
8230 Steeplechase Cir Argyle, TX 76226-6106 (214) 458-9479
Adrienne Clay Morgan, ASID
Dinah J. Martinec, ASID
Annie Mason, ASID
Kristy Danielle Mastrandonas, ASID
8841 Poynter St Fort Worth, TX 76123-2627 (914) 879-8174 malenamcallister@gmail.com
6901 Serrano Dr Fort Worth, TX 76126-2315 (817) 829-7222
Cindy A. Olson, ASID Retired
4804 Hildring Dr E Fort Worth, TX 76109-5414 (214) 354-4665 em@elizabethmonroeinteriors.com
Shaaron Renae Palmer, ASID
2003 Green Wing Dr Granbury, TX 76049 (720) 318-4397 kathyfmontgomery@gmail.com
Linda T. Papa, Allied ASID
2107 Briarwood Blvd Arlington, TX 76013-3471 (817) 714-6585 acmorgan121@yahoo.com
Linda T. Papa, Allied ASID
PO Box 2562 Grapevine, TX 76099-2562 (512) 900-0611 emilymorrisonrhoades@gmail.com
Lila Parker, ASID
Maria E. McAllister, Allied ASID Emily Morrison-Rhoades, Allied ASID
7005 Woodway Dr, Ste 213 Waco, TX 76712-6162 (254) 655-1249 renae@palmerdavisdesign.com 1917 Bridgecrest Ln Keller, TX 76262-4903 (816) 510-2170 papalinda01@gmail.com 1917 Bridgecrest Ln Keller, TX 76262-4903 (816) 510-2170 papalinda01@gmail.com
4313 Frazier Ave Fort Worth, TX 76115-1016 (817) 819-7677 parkerdesigns85@gmail.com
4900 Ranch View Rd Fort Worth, TX 76109-3113 (817) 731-1680 pamsmcalister@charter.net
Sarah Elizabeth Niemeier, Allied ASID
3620 Hamilton Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107-1704 (817) 888-1947 stacie@paxtonplacedesign.com
Catherine Olivia Pendergrass, Allied ASID Nicholas M. Nussrallah, Associate ASID 1616 Lismore Ct
Pamela S. McAllister, ASID
7024 W Parkhaven Dr, Apt 611 Fort Worth, TX 76137-4586 (210) 416-7708 sniemeier@bbptx.com
Stacie McCans, ASID
7213 Oak Creeks Ct Fort Worth, TX 76135-9048 (817) 217-7820 debmckelvey2@yahoo.com
Deborah J. McKelvey, Allied ASID
7024 Sanctuary Heights Rd Fort Worth, TX 76132-7114 (817) 292-8632 rwwmac@hotmail.com
Judy L. McNamara, ASID
2623 White Settlement Rd Fort Worth, TX 76107-1329 (817) 332-3111 joe@josephminton.com
Joseph J. Minton, ASID
675 Bentwood Ln Southlake, TX 76092-5222 (817) 223-9637 nick@dwdesigngroup.net
4200 Yucca Flats Trl Fort Worth, TX 76108-8324 (817) 238-1500 ent3615@sbcglobal.net
Lisa A. O’Harra, Allied ASID
1301 Hurley Ave Fort Worth, TX 76104-4240 (817) 404-9272 modernmaisoninteriors@gmail.com
Donnia Olesko, Allied ASID
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
4915 Lakewood Dr Waco, TX 76710-2918 (254) 776-7720 jpate@grandecom.net
Janet M. Pate, ASID, LEED AP ID+C
Keller, TX 76262-8410 (817) 688-7246 catpender95@yahoo.com
2710 Simondale Dr Fort Worth, TX 76109-1246 (817) 307-7689 manphil1993@me.com
Christina M. Phillips, ASID
3605 Rocky Ledge Cir Waco, TX 76708-2376 (602) 918-0121 lea@jantudesigns.com
Leanne G. Porter, Allied ASID, CAPS
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Fort Worth design community. . . Bonnie Pressley, Allied ASID
4784 Benbrook Blvd Benbrook, TX 76116-8892 (817) 249-5779 bonniepressley.decoratingden@gmail.com
Lauren C. Roberts, Allied ASID
7527 E 1st St, Ste 7 Scottsdale, AZ 85251-4501 (480) 849-3000 Lauren@LaurenJamesDesign.com
Gayla Jett Shannon, ASID
Barry T. Prewitt, Allied ASID
304 Meador Ln Burleson, TX 76028-5753 (817) 691-3012 barry.prewitt@gmail.com
Elizabeth Robles, Allied ASID
3403 Catalpa Dr Wylie, TX 75098-7441 (972) 741-9555 lburkettdesigns@gmail.com
Patricia T. Sheats, Allied ASID
1023 Austin Ave Waco, TX 76701-1903 (254) 717-7703 crippy8129@msn.com
Morgan Michelle Roden, ASID
1626 Marsalis Dr Abilene, TX 79603-4246 (325) 201-3306 mmh09b@acu.edu
Jaye Skaggs, ASID Retired
Sandra E. Rogers, Allied ASID
PO Box 643 Hewitt, TX 76643-0643 (254) 744-4583 sbelver@aol.com
G. Marlene Small, Allied ASID
10401 Halter Dr Fort Worth, TX 76126-1744 (817) 946-8111 margneill@yahoo.com
6913 Camp Bowie Blvd, Ste 149 Fort Worth, TX 76116-7165 (817) 737-0725 asorley@halbachdietz.com
Dianne Rose, ASID Retired
4521 Elm River Ct Fort Worth, TX 76116-0694 (817) 923-6263 drrobbins46@gmail.com
Mary J. Stelter, ASID
Joseph Robert Ross, Allied ASID
PO Box 882 Midlothian, TX 76065-0882 (800) 247-4109 jross@rossorthodontic.com
Ann M. Stevens, Allied ASID
June Rotter Herrell, Allied ASID
Merrill L. Sweatt Cain, Allied ASID
Andrea Reordan, Allied ASID, LEED AP
1205 Tuscany Dr Colleyville, TX 76034-6082 (817) 706-7422 andrea.reordan@gmail.com
4201 Boxwood Dr Denton, TX 76208-7300 (817) 773-5813 jcrotter@me.com
PO Box 459 Frisco, TX 75034-0008 (817) 991-3674 jmarsee@sbcglobal.net
Purvi Shah, Associate ASID
942 Caballo Dr Abilene, TX 79602-8155 (325) 518-8795 abishah@sbcglobal.net
Gina A. Tanner, ASID Retired
Christi Proctor Hurst, ASID
6387B Camp Bowie Blvd, # 460 Fort Worth, TX 76116-5423 (817) 731-9166 dreeddesign@yahoo.com
Deborah Reed, ASID Retired
1122 Ewell Ct Copperas Cove, TX 76522-1533 (954) 610-0297 maria@movingwiththemilitary.tv
Maria M. Reed, Associate ASID
2401 S Willis St, Ste 200 Abilene, TX 79605-6256 (325) 695-6281 sreeder@cadcoae.com
Sara Reeder, ASID
3416 Hilltop Rd Fort Worth, TX 76109-2810 (972) 978-2700 alicia@trinityfloors.com
Alicia Reid, Allied ASID
Judith Marsee Roach, ASID Retired
2038 Ward Pkwy Fort Worth, TX 76110-1708 (817) 926-3333 gayla@insideinc.net 3828 Monticello Dr Fort Worth, TX 76107-1720 (214) 912-2160 tmsheats@sbcglobal.net 3800 Monticello Dr Fort Worth, TX 76107-1720 (817) 738-9834 jayesk@att.net
901 Homestead Dr Keller, TX 76248-3817 (512) 818-0190 interioraccents97@gmail.com
Margaret Ann Rogers Neill, Associate ASID Amy S. Sorley, ASID
3533 Clubgate Dr Fort Worth, TX 76137-2927 (817) 232-5952 mstelter@flash.net PO Box 470425 Fort Worth, TX 76147-0425 (817) 332-8846 annmstevens2@gmail.com
4020 Rhea Rd, Ste 4C Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2736 (940) 631-3847 merrill@mlynnedesigns.com
1405 Kensington Ct Southlake, TX 76092-9511 (305) 505-9119 spacedesign2001@aol.com
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Fort Worth design community 5915 Foxcroft Rd Tyler, TX 75703-4520 (940) 733-6005 bhtaylor57@gmail.com
2855 W Bowie St Fort Worth, TX 76109-1741 (956) 740-2306 ximena_mvg@hotmail.com
Becky Taylor, ASID
Ximena Maria Vidales, Allied ASID
4621 Crestline Rd Fort Worth, TX 76107-1505 (817) 737-3859
Leigh Taylor, Allied ASID
PO Box 10917 Fort Worth, TX 76114-0917 (817) 687-9442 lisa@lisateakelldesign.com
Donna K. Winburn, Allied ASID
13401 Hickory Creek Dr Haslet, TX 76052-2429 (336) 404-2546 davidwalkerdesign@gmail.com
Erika Wong, Allied ASID
David M. Walker, ASID
5801 River Meadows Pl Fort Worth, TX 76112-1080 (817) 229-3774 Beachtoz98@Outlook.com
Amy L. Walton, ASID
PO Box 50835 Denton, TX 76206-0835 (817) 253-9692 mary@donthorp.net
Amy Yeatts Warren, ASID
Phyllis Thomas Crim, ASID
PO Box 470545 Fort Worth, TX 76147-0545 (817) 732-1536 awalton@waltonwalton.com
Mary Cullum Thorp, ASID
122 Private Road 3005 Decatur, TX 76234-8021 (817) 201-9689 amy@amywarrendesign.com
6432 Elm Crest Ct Fort Worth, TX 76132-4303 (682) 351-8066 kattipton@gmail.com
Dennis Waters, ASID
981 FM 56 Valley Mills, TX 76689-3016 (254) 749-4546 jessica_tomchesson@baylor.edu
Annelise Calyn White, Allied ASID
Kathy Tipton, Allied ASID
Jessica Marie Tomchesson, Allied ASID
1817 Waterwood Dr Arlington, TX 76012-5744 (817) 454-9484
Trisha J. Troutz, ASID
5113 Nash Ln Fort Worth, TX 76244-6169 (817) 266-2008 pinkbbl@gmail.com
Priscilla A. Valentine, Allied ASID
112 Crestwood Dr Fort Worth, TX 76107-1136 (817) 264-6252
Elizabeth B. Williams, Associate ASID
3126 S 11th St Abilene, TX 79605-4026 (325) 338-7474 david.waldrop@sbcglobal.net
David W. Waldrop, Associate ASID
Lisa Teakell, ASID, RID
3729 Cresthaven Ter Fort Worth, TX 76107-1015 (817) 626-1500 smwdesign@charter.net
Sally M. White, ASID Retired
675 Bentwood Ln Southlake, TX 76092-5222 (817) 481-7984 dennis@dwdesigngroup.net
704 Rankin Dr Bedford, TX 76022-7435 (682) 201-4068 donna.reddoor@yahoo.com
erikaemdubyaa@gmail.com 2612 Flameleaf Dr Grapevine, TX 76051-7173 (817) 269-6513 pamelalworley@yahoo.com
Pamela Lynn Worley, Associate ASID
2825 Veranda Ln Southlake, TX 76092-1340 (214) 649-0367 heatheryoung.collins@gmail.com
Heather L. Young, ASID
Acu Box 27873 Abilene, TX 79699-0001 (325) 428-9559 acw14a@acu.edu
1804 Carleton Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107-3814 (817) 732-5823 eswdesign1@gmail.com
Elizabeth S. White, Allied ASID
2300 Stonepark Pl McKinney, TX 75071-2223 (325) 665-3510 rdwhite@gmail.com
Randy Dewayne White, ASID
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San Antonio design community. . .
20659 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258-7485 (210) 862-3374 yadesign12@gmail.com
Melissa Anne Backhus, Allied ASID
Yadira Acevedo, Allied ASID
321 Heron Ave McAllen, TX 78504-2171 (956) 222-2001 deniseadamedesign@gmail.com
Denise Adame, Allied ASID
16802 Sonoma Rdg San Antonio, TX 78255-3807 (210) 286-5800 hollyhernandez90@gmail.com
Holly Nichole Adams, Associate ASID
2205 Wilma Rudolph Rd Austin, TX 78748-2906 (713) 505-3138 laurenaleman@yahoo.com
Lauren Arielle Aleman, Allied ASID
(210) 649-8489 melissabackhus@gmail.com
Nataliya Borener, ASID
205 Carolina St San Antonio, TX 78210-1511 (940) 367-6787 elizabeth@elizabethbinteriors.com
Shantia Boyd, Allied ASID
14114 Fairway Gln San Antonio, TX 78217-1658 (210) 478-0098 BandaAlexis@gmail.com
Julie Bradshaw, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
206 Oakleaf Dr San Antonio, TX 78209-2924 (210) 215-3938 richardcbatz@yahoo.com
Amy Brooks, Allied ASID
7701 Broadway St, Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78209-3261 (210) 828-4696 debbie@baxterdesigngroup.com
Joyce Bryant, Allied ASID
Mary Elizabeth Ball, Allied ASID
Alexis Banda, Allied ASID
Richard Charles Batz, ASID
Debbie Baxter, ASID
1731 FM 949 Alleyton, TX 78935-2028 (210) 829-3859 dallison@uiwtx.edu
Maria Beck, ASID
PO Box 3883 Corpus Christi, TX 78463-3883 (361) 884-4422 tina.anastos@anastosassociates.com
Sheryl Beck, Allied ASID, RID
Diana L. Allison, ASID, NCIDQ
Tina B. Anastos, ASID, RID
318 Tranquil Oak San Antonio, TX 78260-3504 (850) 502-7490 shelly@elysiuminteriors.com
Shelly Antonacci, Allied ASID, NKBA
PO Box 761225 San Antonio, TX 78245-6225 stronglaki@gmail.com
Kishya Armstrong, Allied ASID
1610 N Interstate 35, Apt 313 San Marcos, TX 78666-6573 (305) 903-9484 ema46@txstate.edu
Marie Estelle Auguste, Allied ASID
25334 Estancia Cir San Antonio, TX 78260-4366 (931) 249-5015 gwendo1@ksu.edu
Gwendolyn Jill Bonnichsen, ASID
2003 FM 1516 N Converse, TX 78109-3760 (214) 335-6590 maria@mebeck.com 1627 Winding View San Antonio, TX 78260-7215 (210) 771-5616 creativetouchunltd@gmail.com
1023 Fredericksburg Rd New Braunfels, TX 78130-6019 (517) 812-3494 nataliyaborener@gmail.com PO Box 780851 San Antonio, TX 78278-0851 (210) 621-5707 shantiaboyd@outlook.com
19 Brees Blvd San Antonio, TX 78209-4001 (210) 824-1535 Julie@BradshawDesigns.com
351 Turkey Cv New Braunfels, TX 78132-1654 (210) 744-8789 amybrooks@gvtc.com 14546 Brook Hollow Blvd, # 227 San Antonio, TX 78232-3810 (210) 912-8787 juncal100@sbcglobal.net
9815 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216-4435 (210) 872-8035 prestigedesignssatx@gmail.com
Maria R. Cardenas, Allied ASID
4242 Broadway St, Apt 901 San Antonio, TX 78209-6464 (210) 822-5867
Debbie L. Cartwright, Allied ASID
PO Box 6612 San Antonio, TX 78209-0612 (210) 826-2100 blackandwilliams@sbcglobal.net
Jasmine A. Chavez, Allied ASID
Mary Benedum, Allied ASID
Mary Robbins Black, ASID
24622 Fairway Spgs San Antonio, TX 78260-4802 (210) 710-1178 Mrbommer1@gmail.com
Michelle Rae Bommer, Allied ASID
13511 Fairfield Farms San Antonio, TX 78232-5173 (210) 413-6385 debbie.cartwright@sbcglobal.net 214 Kennedy St San Angelo, TX 76905-7753 (325) 315-4064 jasmine.a.chavez@ttu.edu
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San Antonio design community 109 Lismore San Antonio, TX 78260-4312 (210) 315-7383 melissaachavez@hotmail.com
Melissa Chavez, Allied ASID
8507 Nichols Stone Boerne, TX 78015-5069 (210) 602-3053 sandysnch@aol.com
Sandy Cheatham, Allied ASID
15119 Forest Country St San Antonio, TX 78232-2761 (210) 250-0101 dc@dianneclayinteriors.com
Dianne Patricia Clay, Allied ASID
2111 Laurel Berry San Antonio, TX 78260-2473 (210) 232-0905 courtney.coker@ttu.edu
Courtney L. Coker, Allied ASID
448 Elm Creek Rd New Braunfels, TX 78132-3030 (830) 822-2519 coreyconradt@gmail.com
Corey Lyn Conradt, Allied ASID
1614 Midnight Dr San Antonio, TX 78260-6216 (210) 236-8530 copelandint@satx.rr.com
Anita Copeland, Allied ASID
1703 N Saint Marys St Beeville, TX 78102-2738 (361) 319-3050 qinteriors.decoevents@gmail.com
Johanna Crespo, Allied ASID
15667 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232-3732 (210) 490-1919 sue@spsinteriordesigns.com
Susan Croom, Allied ASID
927 Cheyenne Crk San Antonio, TX 78258-7866 (817) 657-8757 erincrow@sbcglobal.net
Erin Egan Crow, ASID Retired
240 N Adams St, # A Eagle Pass, TX 78852-4803 mjchod@hotmail.com
Monica Julissa Cruz, Allied ASID
Audrey M. Curl, Allied ASID
336 Geneseo Rd San Antonio, TX 78209-6125 (210) 241-2525 audrey@OrnamentationsDesign.com
Angela L. Dudney, Allied ASID
Dyane Lynne Dabney, Associate ASID
302 Wildrose Ave San Antonio, TX 78209-3817 (210) 859-8591 dylynnedecor@yahoo.com
Amber D. Ehrlich, Allied ASID
511 Calm Spgs San Antonio, TX 78260-4916 (210) 858-9329 cmd1designs@yahoo.com
Yussy El-Hibri, Allied ASID
Carolyn M. Darensbourg, Allied ASID
756 W Mill St New Braunfels, TX 78130-5541 (830) 312-9360 millstreetdesigngroup@gmail.com
Angela L. Davidson, ASID
125 Warbler Way Shavano Park, TX 78231-1453 (210) 479-1093 pdavis@satx.rr.com
Patricia Davis, Allied ASID
4334 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-1909 (210) 821-5157 rcudesignsinc@gmail.com
Rodolfo De Leon, Allied ASID
2754 Trinity Vw San Antonio, TX 78261-2557 (210) 294-1211 vldespres@gmail.com
Veronica Laurie Despres, Allied ASID
185 Windmill Cir Spring Branch, TX 78070-6159 (210) 273-5876 karen@karendietzinteriors.com
Karen Dietz, Allied ASID
4923 Bernadine Dr San Antonio, TX 78220-4812 (210) 249-8450 cerissa@industriousinteriors.net
Cerissa L. Douglas, Allied ASID
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PO Box 1308 Mason, TX 76856-1308 (210) 831-2965 angeladudney@aol.com
615 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155-4703 (830) 379-9995 samber4603@yahoo.com
4902 Golden Quail, Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78240-1637 (301) 312-5544 yussy@yussydesigns.com
3200 McKinney Ave, Apt 1308 Dallas, TX 75204-3080 (361) 549-7155 elainagracefagan@gmail.com
Elaina G. Fagan, Allied ASID
930 Proton Rd, Ste 300B San Antonio, TX 78258-4234 (210) 317-9982 scienceofdesign@live.com
Adrian Galvan, Allied ASID, NKBA
3009 Padre Blvd South Padre Island, TX 78597-7034 (956) 761-7771 jeri_cactusflower@bizrgv.rr.com
Jeri Garrett, ASID
1009 Furman Ave Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3227 (361) 882-5588 jmg@theplaceofhouses.com
Jean Marie Giegerich, ASID
3492 FM 949 Cat Spring, TX 78933-5446 (979) 733-0920 gwengregory1@msn.com
Gwen Arrechea Gregory, Allied ASID
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San Antonio design community. . .
24319 Arboles Verdes San Antonio, TX 78260-4329 (210) 378-3980 kendra@swaginteriors.com
342 Beverly Dr San Antonio, TX 78228-5143 (210) 315-5579 Wendy M. Irons, Associate ASID, NKBA cgl1997@gmail.com 23114 Treemont Park San Antonio, TX 78261-2824 Kory M. Lipscomb, Allied ASID (210) 870-8613 902 Crown Cir wendy.irons@gmail.com Edinburg, TX 78539-7017 (956) 279-1479 korylipscomb.designs@gmail.com
Kendra Guerrero, Allied ASID
1138 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78205-3313 (210) 226-1246 jgutzler@fpcarch.com
John S. Gutzler, ASID
518 Evans Ave San Antonio, TX 78209-3630 (210) 872-9612 lindsay@ljdesignstx.com
Lindsay Carolyn Jung, ASID
607 E Blanco Rd, Unit 1285 Boerne, TX 78006-4054 (210) 215-8363 melissajeffreydesign@gmail.com
Melissa D. Haberstroh, Associate ASID
230 Five Oaks Dr San Antonio, TX 78209-2408 (210) 533-3713 rah230@hotmail.com
Anita Henson, ASID Retired
6215 Redwood Bridge Trl Kingwood, TX 77345-2220 (210) 865-1320 lettyk1@yahoo.com
Leticia Keiger, Allied ASID
18631 Castellani San Antonio, TX 78258-1626 (210) 377-3343 misty@theinterioredge-sa.com
Misty J. Hoggatt-Skelly, Allied ASID
30511 Keeneland Dr Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015-4273 (210) 862-1420 kathy@storehousedecor.com
Kathy Senkbeil Knapp, Allied ASID
3535 Hunters Circle St San Antonio, TX 78230-2812 (210) 824-1959 betsy@betsyhomandesign.com
Betsy Homan, Allied ASID, RID
8830 Lost Woods San Antonio, TX 78240-4931 (210) 860-1578
Sylke Kozma, Allied ASID
111 Sunriver Boerne, TX 78006-6102 (210) 274-3637 Kim@Kraemer.com
Alexis Hunter, ASID
445 Cape Henry Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78412-2633 (361) 549-3889 alexishunterinc@gmail.com
Kimberly Rue Kraemer, Allied ASID
4118 McCullough Ave, Ste 18 San Antonio, TX 78212-1905 (210) 826-4500 accentsbh@yahoo.com
Lee Ann Kramer, Allied ASID
159 Caleta Bch San Antonio, TX 78232-3833 (210) 508-8919 traditionsinsa@aol.com
Barbara E. Hunter, ASID Life
104 Fox Horn Circle Marble Falls, TX 78654 (830) 220-0171 me@heatherlehmberg.com
Heather Alicia Hutto Lehmberg, Allied ASID
PO Box 595 Boerne, TX 78006-0595 (830) 249-9873
Stephanie Latham, Allied ASID
Cassandra Gloria Lewis, Allied ASID
3787 Perrin Central Blvd, Apt 516 San Antonio, TX 78217-2796 (307) 684-8831 idesign.linda@gmail.com
Linda J. Lobeck, ASID
Amanda Michelle Lozano, Allied ASID, NKBA 11500 Huebner Rd, Apt 1605 San Antonio, TX 78230-1329 (956) 746-8050 amanda@insidestorydesign.com
9836 State Highway 46 Pipe Creek, TX 78063-5487 (210) 287-1964 murrisdesigns@yahoo.com
Murri L. Main, Allied ASID
7897 Broadway St, Unit 201 San Antonio, TX 78209-2559 mkmnsa@gmail.com
Marianne K. Malek, Allied ASID
215 Tomahawk Trl San Antonio, TX 78232-3613 (210) 833-0044 indacon@satx.rr.com
Eva Marceau, ASID
145 Avery Rd Kerrville, TX 78028-7603 (210) 227-2400 kmarks@marksdesign.com
Kimberly A. Marks, ASID
500 Alameda Cir San Antonio, TX 78212-1711 (210) 828-2556 katie@maysfamily.com
Peggy P. Mays, Allied ASID
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San Antonio
Rebecca Lightfoot O’Shea, Allied ASID
619 Live Oak St Blanco, TX 78606-4902 (830) 481-6801 rebecca@rebeccaoshea.com
Crystal D. Ramirez, Allied ASID
Cynthia L. Olejer, Allied ASID
503 E Olmos Dr San Antonio, TX 78212-2585 (210) 821-5605 interiors@olejer.com
Catherine Bowen Reed, ASID, NCIDQ
Jamie D. Olivarez, Allied ASID
28007 Buckthorn Dr Katy, TX 77494-0338 (832) 721-0802 pinkdoordesigner@gmail.com
Linda K. Ricks, Allied ASID
11 Sherborne Wood San Antonio, TX 78218-1771 (210) 804-1222 lara_osborn@yahoo.com
Julie S. Risman, Allied ASID
3396 Quail Lake Rd, Apt 142 Colorado Springs, CO 80906-4672 (210) 326-4672 nancy.elizabeth40462@gmail.com 726 Arbol Verde St Carpinteria, CA 93013-2508 (830) 739-4345 texdotclaire@gmail.com
421 Belknap Pl San Antonio, TX 78212-3460 (210) 363-0515 lisa@papermoonpainting.com 714 Bobcat Crk San Antonio, TX 78251-4030 (770) 864-4910 moreno.mercedesr@gmail.com
Lara C. Osborn, Allied ASID
Nancy E. McFadden, Allied ASID
Claire Marie Mitchell, Allied ASID
Lisa Moon, Allied ASID
Mercedes Rivera Moreno, Allied ASID
11310 Destiny San Antonio, TX 78216-3501 (918) 284-7200 jmorganpeterson@aol.com
Jennifer L. Morgan, ASID
118 Kitty Kat Ln Boerne, TX 78006-1655 (210) 204-0415 vamosis@gvtc.com
Virginia A. Mosis, ASID
3500 Hunters Dew St San Antonio, TX 78230-2860 (210) 493-1038 mwpayne@texas.net
Mary W. Payne, ASID Retired
13758 Morningbluff Dr San Antonio, TX 78216-1651 (210) 378-8700 InteriorDesign@twc.com
Victoria Muniz, ASID
206 Thelma Dr San Antonio, TX 78212-2518 (210) 822-5504 anna.peavy@peavyinteriors.com
Anna R. Peavy, ASID
206 Krameria Dr San Antonio, TX 78213-2318 (210) 340-6030 pena.margo@gmail.com
Margo Pena, ASID Retired
19151 Kristen Way San Antonio, TX 78258-3623 (210) 838-5846 clnicholsdesign@gmail.com
Cheryl Nichols, Allied ASID
1108 Morning Rose, Ste 109 Schertz, TX 78154-2846 (210) 701-4686 harrington_m@bellsouth.net
6635 Morning Shadow Ln San Antonio, TX 78256-2321 (210) 954-4554 ivy.home.interiors@gmail.com
Andria Phillips-Ibarra, Allied ASID
Heather A. Nunez, Associate ASID
design community
11844 Bandera Rd, # 259 Helotes, TX 78023-4132 (210) 865-3657 nicole@interioraffairssa.com
Nicole Y. Pulley, Associate ASID
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
15803 Turfway Park Selma, TX 78154-3848 (830) 837-0059 cdramire92@yahoo.com
1434 Wiltshire Ave San Antonio, TX 78209-6051 (956) 244-1116 catherinebowenreed@gmail.com 321 E Dewey Pl San Antonio, TX 78212-4022 (210) 367-4051 lindaricks29@yahoo.com 1715 Fawn Blf San Antonio, TX 78248-1578 (210) 240-9209 julie@insidestorydesign.com
6215 Via La Cantera, Apt 114 San Antonio, TX 78256-2534 (210) 771-8515 nicole@nrinteriors.com
Nicole M. Roberts Winmill, Allied ASID
513 Hillocks Cv Cibolo, TX 78108-3627 (210) 725-0485 cyn200904@yahoo.com
Cyndi Y. Rodriguez, Allied ASID
8839 Shady Winds San Antonio, TX 78254-5519 (210) 629-9447 natalie.rdrgz11@gmail.com
Natalie Dianne Rodriguez, Allied ASID
25019 Player Oaks San Antonio, TX 78260-7222 (210) 269-3351 gina@myabodedesign.com
Gina V. Roth, Allied ASID
15628 Robin Feather San Antonio, TX 78255-1217 (210) 695-8566 Taylortaysr@yahoo.com
Taylor Shea Rowe, Allied ASID
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San Antonio design community. . . Carla H. Royder, Allied ASID
119 Tall Oak Dr Hollywood Park, TX 78232-1315 (210) 289-8665 carlaroyderdesigns@gmail.com
Delia Spradley, ASID
167 Appalachian Trl New Braunfels, TX 78132-2560 (832) 216-5941 delia@spradleyinteriors.com
Melva Williamson, Allied ASID
710 Monette Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78412-3027 (361) 851-8052 kathy@castorcollection.com
Kelly M. Steele, Allied ASID
PO Box 342005 Lakeway, TX 78734-0034 (858) 395-1970 ksteele.sd@gmail.com
Peggy V. Wise, Allied ASID
1808 Winding Vw San Antonio, TX 78260-7204 (210) 219-4806 melissa.streetman@gmail.com
Regina A. Woodley, Allied ASID
Kathy M. Rumbaugh, Allied ASID
Melissa Streetman, Allied ASID
422 Spanishwoods Dr Rockport, TX 78382-9662 (361) 729-9030 psidesignedint@yahoo.com
1730 Fawn Blf San Antonio, TX 78248-1577 (210) 764-0886 leighschouest@gmail.com
Jane Renee Taylor, Allied ASID
Phyllis V. Sayre, ASID Retired
Leigh N. Schouest, Allied ASID
7220 Highway 290 E, # Chappell Chappell Hill, TX 77426-6180 (979) 733-6731 meagancnedesigns@gmail.com
Meagan Cne’ Semora, Allied ASID
16106 Juan Tabo Way Helotes, TX 78023-3696 (702) 677-1095 renee@farmhausinteriorsllc.com
201 Ellwood St, No 110 San Antonio, TX 78209-5357 (210) 262-0820 jpsiebert@gvec.net 5307 Anthurium San Antonio, TX 78253-5616 (719) 330-2720 kdinger2@hotmail.com
Ver-Gina W. Smith-Kundinger, Allied ASID
Jacquelyn O. Woolard, Allied ASID, ASCIIDA, NKBA 261 Hidden Dr, Apt A Canyon Lake, TX 78133-5228 (210) 995-4611 jacquelyn@jacqueodesigns.com
PO Box 160005 San Antonio, TX 78280-2205 (210) 996-9494
3467 River Way San Antonio, TX 78230-2518 (210) 884-5471 lzbthshort@gmail.com
Joan P. Siebert, ASID
425 County Road 3828 San Antonio, TX 78253-6950 (830) 538-6325 giley07@gmail.com
Jana Valdez, Allied ASID
Linda M. Villarreal, ASID
Liz Short, Allied ASID
3126 S 11th St Abilene, TX 79605-4026 (325) 721-1428 pvwise1@yahoo.com
3467 River Way San Antonio, TX 78230-2518 (210) 884-5471 lzbthshort@gmail.com
Liz Short, Allied ASID
607 San Dizier San Antonio, TX 78232-1947 (210) 379-8493 centerstageprop@sbcglobal.net
504 Santa Helena San Antonio, TX 78232-2784 (210) 545-7934 flvilla@sbcglobal.net
134 Alta Plz Corpus Christi, TX 78411-1412 (361) 946-8963 EMLWelsh1@gmail.com
Elizabeth Locke Welsh, ASID
22211 I H-10 West, Suite 1206, Dominion Ridge San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 239-6959 dominiondesign@att.net
Lafonda C. Williams, Allied ASID
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West Texas
1911 Cove Rd San Angelo, TX 76904-7704 (325) 374-2700 dcid@suddenlink.net
Donna Crisp, ASID
Julie A. Ballard, Allied ASID
1014 Griffith Ct Midland, TX 79706-2959 (432) 425-0402 jabmail13@gmail.com
PO Box 19 Energy, TX 76452-0019 (214) 356-3667 stephanie.batla@gmail.com
Judy L. Dahl, ASID
1600 Wallace Blvd Amarillo, TX 79106-1799 (806) 212-5603 judy.dahl@bsahs.org
Stephanie H. Batla, ASID
135 Berkshire Ave Wolfforth, TX 79382-1708 (806) 787-6841 donnambeaver@gmail.com
Donna Marie Beaver, Allied ASID
9601 Savannah Ave Lubbock, TX 79424-5031 (806) 787-5165 Kreatingabalance@gmail.com
30 Kingsland Ct Odessa, TX 79762-5024 (817) 269-0402 sarahbranumdesign@gmail.com
Sarah G. Branum, ASID
Summer R. Gowdy, Allied ASID
3206 94th St Lubbock, TX 79423-3724 (806) 781-3733 alyssacorin@gmail.com
Nicki E. Guidone, Allied ASID
Alyssa C. Franco, Allied ASID
3402 Hyden Ave Lubbock, TX 79407-3628 (832) 771-6188 ryan.buck@ttu.edu
Andrea D. Freeman, ASID
2601 Wolflin Village Amarillo, TX 79109-1838 (806) 463-1382 \nikki_panache@yahoo.com
2101 W Wadley Ave, Ste 28 Midland, TX 79705-6436 (432) 682-5792 andrea@rlfinc.net 1422 W Pine Ave Midland, TX 79705-6523 (432) 682-5792 rusty@rlfinc.net
1631 E Everglade Ave Odessa, TX 79762-7916 (432) 967-2411 jdcid27@gmail.com
Russell L. Freeman, ASID
1701 N Quaker Ave, Apt 921 Lubbock, TX 79416-2353 (469) 247-4213 kristen.chunn@ttu.edu
J.J. Fuessel, Allied ASID
J.D. Carter, ASID
Kristen M. Chunn, Allied ASID
1910 College(return) PO Box 1551 Midland, TX 79702-1551 (432) 684-7736 divness@aol.com
Jenness D. Gilles, ASID Retired
4003 37th St Lubbock, TX 79413-2125 (575) 808-7801 ryann.a.flack@ttu.edu
Ryann A. Flack, Allied ASID
Nikki Frazier, Allied ASID
Ryan Buck, Allied ASID
3102 20th St Lubbock, TX 79410-1408 (806) 543-2757 emilymgarth@gmail.com
Emily Michelle Garth, Allied ASID
Melissa L. Goodman, Allied ASID
4801 Olsen Blvd Amarillo, TX 79106-4735 (806) 374-8777 sharonbrent@mail.com
Sharon B. Brent, Allied ASID
4804 96th St Lubbock, TX 79424-4819 (806) 438-3119 kristi.gaines@ttu.edu
Dr Kristi S. Gaines, Allied ASID, IIDA, IDEC
2010 Princeton Ave Midland, TX 79701-5765 (432) 934-3089 rhiannonfekete@gmail.com
Rhiannon M. Fekete, Associate ASID
Kristie Attebury Bottoni, Allied ASID
design community
650 County Road 109 Eldorado, TX 76936-5002 (325) 853-2403 wjjrl@hotmail.com
440 W Pine Ave Midland, TX 79705-6634 (432) 425-2727 mlgdesigngroup@gmail.com 1105 5th Ave Canyon, TX 79015-3753 (806) 676-8039 summergowdy@gmail.com 2100 Mac Davis Ln Lubbock, TX 79401-2215 (214) 516-4262 guidonenicki00@gmail.com
1102 W Texas Ave Midland, TX 79701-6172 (432) 682-1252 sdh@rwarchitects.com
Suzann D. Haechten, ASID
2323 Glenna Goodacre Blvd, 818 Bedspace B Lubbock, TX 79401-2234 (505) 850-6674 taylor.p.haight@ttu.edu
Taylor P. Haight, Allied ASID
10514 Peoria Ave Lubbock, TX 79423-5570 (806) 438-6232 haliburtondesign@gmail.com
Sally A. Haliburton, ASID
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West Texas design community. . . Shawn Higgins, ASID
2220 Western Dr Midland, TX 79705-7547 (432) 553-0407 shawnhigginsasid@gmail.com
Mitchell McNeese, ASID
1409 Community Ln Midland, TX 79701-4009 (432) 682-5792 ellen@rlfinc.net
Pamela A. Moller, Associate ASID
1141 French Ave Odessa, TX 79761 (432) 312-5819 sharon.p.holliman@ttu.edu
Sarah Myers, ASID
Ellen A. Hinson, ASID
Paije Holliman, Allied ASID
2325 61st St Lubbock, TX 79412 (214) 412-8034 k.renee.johnson@ttu.edu
Kayla R. Johnson, Allied ASID
4817 102nd St Lubbock, TX 79424-5725 (806) 771-2762 kwk@suddenlink.net
Keenie W. Kyle, ASID Retired
1102 W Texas Ave Midland, TX 79701-6172 (432) 682-1252 angela@rwarchitects.com
Angela Marie Lancaster, ASID, RID
PO Box 476 Sunray, TX 79086-0476 (806) 948-1714
Suzanne Lunt, ASID
2313 34th St Lubbock, TX 79411-1633 (806) 795-6384 design@nts-online.net
2900 10th St Wichita Falls, TX 76309-2142 (940) 782-5262 pamollerdesign@gmail.com
1827 S Virginia St Amarillo, TX 79102-2205 (806) 206-6513 sarah@playadesignstudio.com
6107 75th St Lubbock, TX 79424-1940 (214) 354-5000 jpasid@sbcglobal.net
Helen D. Smith, ASID Retired
Dr Debajyoti Pati, Educator Partner ASID, PhD
Texas Tech University(return)Department Of Design, College Of Human Sciences, 1301 Akron Avenue Lubbock, TX 79409 (806) 742-3050 d.pati@ttu.edu 2206 Wayne Ave Lubbock, TX 79407-2228 (402) 416-8662 brendapollock@rocketmail.com
Brenda Pollock, Allied ASID
1107 Pueblo Midland, TX 79705-9033 (432) 770-5885 jeanariley@suddenlinkmail.com
Kasey L. Robinson-Tam, Allied ASID
3107 Ma Mar Ave Midland, TX 79705-8209 (432) 889-7175 tiffany@tiffanyscherzerinteriors.com
Jan Parker, FASID, PhD, IIDA, IDEC
1400 Harvest Rain St Midland, TX 79705-2344 (281) 813-3991 gabriella.martinez1113@gmail.com 8605 Dallington Dr Amarillo, TX 79119-7477 (806) 353-9090 jane.mccarty2007@gmail.com
2011 N. CR 1655 Lubbock, TX 79416 (806) 793-0300 rosa@condray.com
Rosa Graciela Salazar, ASID, IIDA
Jane C. McCarty, Allied ASID
Tiffany Scherzer, Associate ASID
Jeana L. Riley, ASID
Gabriella L. Martinez, Allied ASID
914 Bedford Dr Midland, TX 79701-4109 (432) 553-6518 mrogers.interiors@gmail.com
Melissa M. Rogers, Allied ASID
2900 SW 6th Ave Amarillo, TX 79106-8956 (806) 367-8908 from6th@icloud.com
406 N Shore Dr Amarillo, TX 79118-8004 (806) 622-3633 carels@suddenlink.net
9705 Rm 1061 Amarillo, TX 79124-4727 (806) 341-2638 jvmede@mac.com
Jennifer Y. Vernon, ASID Retired
1582 S Concho Dr San Angelo, TX 76904-7904 (325) 234-4332 lwid.lisa@gmail.com
Lisa S. Wallace, Allied ASID
5101 Binney Cv Midland, TX 79707-2127 (432) 967-2074
Cynthia B. Wallace-Pittman, ASID
2235 San Jacinto Dr Kerrville, TX 78028-3738 (970) 445-7836 aawittenbach@mai-architects.com
Amy Allison Wittenbach, ASID
1606 Country Club Dr Midland, TX 79701-5715 Lhw3@suddenlink.net
Leslie H. Wood, Associate ASID
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ASID Student Membership
Gia 6489F in Gray/Multi
ASID Student Membership
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World Trade Center, Suite 102 800.779.0877 feizy.com
a Ashlyn Marie Adam, Student ASID Baylor University Ashlyn_Adam@baylor.edu
Bryann Kirsti Agajanian, Student ASID Art Institute of Austin bkirsti@gmail.com
Jordan D. Aguirre, Student ASID
Ashley Carol Banks, Student ASID University of Arkansas acb024@email.uark.edu
Terri Lynn Becker, Student ASID El Centro College freshterri@gmail.com
Allison M. Benner, Student ASID
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University allison.benner@ttu.edu
Michelle Dabney Akers, Student ASID
Caroline Elizabeth Bergmann, Student ASID
El Centro College michelle@akersnet.com
Baylor University caroline_bergmann1@baylor.edu
Jessica Renee Alexander, Student ASID Abilene Christian University jessicaalexander234@yahoo.com
Amanda Bermudez, Student ASID Art Institute of Austin amandabermudez18@gmail.com
Sarah Alkhattari, Student ASID Texas Tech University sarah.alkhattari@ttu.edu
Bronson Rhett Berryman, Student ASID Harding University bronsonbman@gmail.com
Arleth Sarahi Alvarez, Student ASID Abilene Christian University asa15b@acu.edu
Ana Berthelsen, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin ana.berthelsen@utexas.edu
Callie Andersen, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos andersen.callie.98@gmail.com
Melinda Lori Anderson-Guerrero, Student ASID Texas Tech University anderson_guerrero@yahoo.com
Kelsie E. Biehn, Student ASID Texas Tech University kelsie.biehn@ttu.edu
Carlisle Rose Bolger, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos bolger.carli@gmail.com
Catherine Arredondo, Student ASID Baylor University cearredondo96@gmail.com
Christie D. Boriack, Student ASID The Art Institute of Houston Christie.Boriack97@gmail.com
Aram Ataei, Student ASID
Kalie Brettmann, Student ASID
University of North Texas aramataei@my.unt.edu
Texas Tech University kalie.brettmann@ttu.edu
Brooklyn K Burnett, Student ASID
Christine Garland Babcock, Student ASID Texas Christian University christinegbabcock@gmail.com
Kansas State University brookl1@ksu.edu
Student Members
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Alishia Burrell, Student ASID
Brooklyn A. Bailey, Student ASID Texas Tech University brooklyn.bailey@ttu.edu
El Centro College alishiaburrell05@gmail.com
Katherine D. Butler, Student ASID
Naomi Angeline Ball, Student ASID
Texas Tech University katherine.butler@ttu.edu
Texas State University - San Marcos n_b168@txstate.edu 2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Yu Cai, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin mycaiyu1996@utexas.edu
Gina M. Camacho, Student ASID Texas Tech University gina.m.camacho@ttu.edu
Kurt Carr, Student ASID Academy of Art University kdanielcarr@gmail.com
Kaitlyn Castellano, Student ASID University of the Incarnate Word kaitlynchelsi@gmail.com
Julia B. Cotten, Student ASID
Thelma Erskine, Student ASID
Texas Tech University julia.cotten@ttu.edu
Art Institute of San Antonio terskine23@gmail.com
Callie Lee Crandall, Student ASID
Bailey N. Estes, Student ASID
Baylor University callie_crandall@baylor.edu
Texas Tech University bailey.n.estes@ttu.edu
Kaylee R. Crosier, Student ASID
Baxter Gordon Estes, Student ASID
Texas Tech University kayleecrosier@icloud.com
University of Texas at Austin bestes1997@utexas.edu
Jordan E. Dain, Student ASID
Ditsha Fairuz Ilma, Student ASID
Texas Tech University jordan.dain@ttu.edu
Texas Tech University ditsha.fairuz@ttu.edu
Sydney Alexandria Dawson, Student ASID Sandra C. Feezel, Student ASID Erin Cates, Student ASID Baylor University erin_cates1@baylor.edu
Christina Chevallier, Student ASID University of the Incarnate Word chevalliercc96@gmail.com
Abilene Christian University sad15b@acu.edu
Texas Tech University caroline.feezel@ttu.edu
Patricia Delfin, Student ASID
Peyton E. Fikac, Student ASID
El Paso Community College patricia.s.delfin@gmail.com
Texas Tech University
David P. Finch, Student ASID Debra A. Demuth, Student ASID
Tahmeed A. Chowdhury, Student ASID Texas Tech University tahmeedchow@gmail.com
University of North Texas ddemuth@sbcglobal.net
Shila Fisher, Student ASID Shelby J. Denton, Student ASID
Kristi D. Clark, Student ASID Texas Tech University ckristi07@gmail.com
Texas Tech University sheldenton@gmail.com
Texas State University - San Marcos elissakay@ymail.com
Texas Tech University hypertracknessa@gmail.com
Texas Tech University julynn.clayton@ttu.edu
Texas Tech University alyd36598@gmail.com
Texas Tech University claire.cogbill@ttu.edu
Baylor University aimeemarie.dieleman@gmail.com
Amber Donaldson, Student ASID Bernadette Cole, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin 16bernadettecole@gmail.com
Kaden M Collins, Student ASID Baylor University kadenmiriam@icloud.com
Elizabeth Cooper, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin elizabethbellcooper@gmail.com 54
El Centro College Maria.c.frederiksen@gmail.com
Kalen T. Freed, Student ASID Aimee Dieleman, Student ASID
Mary C. Cogbill, Student ASID
Art Institute of Dallas ricardo.flores.k@me.com
Maria Frederiksen, Student ASID Alexandra L. Diamond, Student ASID
Julynn Shay Clayton, Student ASID
Collin County Community College shila.fisher@gmail.com
Emiliano Flores-Ruiz, Student ASID Jenessa L. Depriester, Student ASID
Elissa K Clary, Student ASID
Texas Tech University david.p.finch@ttu.edu
University of the Incarnate Word amberrose8998@gmail.com
Alaina Edwards, Student ASID El Centro College alaina.edwards2@gmail.com
Texas Tech University kalen.freed@ttu.edu
Marissa Elaine Gable, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos marissagbl93@yahoo.com
Ashlynn P. Gaines, Student ASID Texas Tech University ashlynn.gaines@ttu.edu
Grace Elaine Gallagher, Student ASID Dr. Dianne Beth Engell, Student ASID dianne.engell@sbcglobal.net
Texas Christian University g.gallagher@tcu.edu
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Student Cynthia Gant, Student ASID El Centro College cynthia.r.gant@gmail.com
Sabrina E. Garcia, Student ASID Texas Tech University
Lainey L. Garner, Student ASID Texas Tech University
Belinda Garza, Student ASID El Centro College bgarzadc@yahoo.com
h Makenzi Hall, Student ASID Texas Tech University makenzihall4@gmail.com
Angelle M. Hamon, Student ASID Texas Tech University angelle.hamon@ttu.edu
Hannah Harden, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin hharden97@gmail.com
Montana A. George, Student ASID Texas Tech University montana.george@ttu.edu
Baylor University Molly_Harris@baylor.edu
Abilene Christian University ehartsuch@gmail.com
Texas Tech University n.hashemi@ttu.edu
Texas Tech University mckenna.hayter@ttu.edu
Saman Jamshidi, Student ASID Texas Tech University saman.jamshidi@ttu.edu
Smeet Jariwala, Student ASID Texas Tech University smeet.jariwala@ttu.edu
Olivia Nichole Jeffries, Student ASID
Lindsey Johnson, Student ASID Sam Houston State University lindseylane24@yahoo.com
Sydney Elizabeth Joseph, Student ASID El Centro College sydney.joseph11@gmail.com
Cristian A. Herrera, Student ASID Texas Tech University cristian.a.herrera@ttu.edu
Shelby L. Hoffman, Student ASID Texas Tech University shelbyhoffman2@yahoo.com
Daniela Gonzalez, Student ASID University of the Incarnate Word
University of Texas at Austin ishrutiyer@gmail.com
Mckenna Claire Hayter, Student ASID
Cecilia Gonzalez, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos c_g431@txstate.edu
Shruti Iyer, Student ASID
University of Texas at Arlington
Mariana Gomez, Student ASID Texas Tech University mariana.gomez@ttu.edu
Seyedehnastaran Hashemi, Student ASID olivia.jeffries@mavs.uta.edu
Elray Gomez, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos elraylovesyou@gmail.com
Texas Tech University sara.huitt@ttu.edu
Elizabeth Hartsuch, Student ASID
Amanda Gillan, Student ASID Wade College agillan615@gmail.com
Sara L. Huitt, Student ASID
Molly Harris, Student ASID
Edaise Germany, Student ASID Texas Christian University e.germany@tcu.edu
Johanna Leigh Hoffpauir, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos
Lizette Alejandra Gonzalez, Student ASID jo.hoffpauir@gmail.com Texas State University - San Marcos liz.gonzalez.5799@gmail.com
Emma Louise Holland, Student ASID
Aspen R. Graham, Student ASID
Texas Christian University e.holland@tcu.edu
Texas Tech University aspen.r.graham@ttu.edu
Simone Holliday, Student ASID
Alivia Green, Student ASID
Art Institute of Austin hollidaysimone@yahoo.com
Arizona State University aajgreen21@gmail.com
Karla Dawn Hollis, Student ASID
Emma Grubb, Student ASID
Art Institute of Dallas khollis@channelsource.biz
Baylor University emmygrubb18@gmail.com
Hallie R. Hooper, Student ASID
Marie Josue, Student ASID El Centro College carlinejosue@hotmail.com
Abigail Kash, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin alkash@utexas.edu
Johnathan Kircus, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos jtk52@txstate.edu
Natalia Kondratenko, Student ASID natalia_kondratenko@hotmail.com
Judi Koreen, Student ASID El Centro College judikoreen@me.com
Texas Tech University
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Kelsey M. Lansford, Student ASID Texas Tech University kelseymarie0214@gmail.com
Sydney A. Laselle, Student ASID Texas Tech University sydney.laselle@ttu.edu
Taylor M. Leach, Student ASID Texas Tech University taylor.leach@ttu.edu
Madeline Leblanc, Student ASID Baylor University madeline_leblanc1@baylor.edu
London Pandora Lemay, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos londonpandora.3@gmail.com
Kendall A Leslie, Student ASID kal0046@auburn.edu
Robert Little, Student ASID University of Texas at Arlington Robhlittle@gmail.com
Shelby L. Litzkow, Student ASID Texas Tech University slitzkow101@yahoo.com
Claire Lofgren, Student ASID Baylor University claire_lofgren@baylor.edu
Tara Lulla, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin taralulla98@gmail.com
Karsen Faith Lyle, Student ASID University of North Texas danceklyle2@yahoo.com
Kendal Olivia Lyle, Student ASID
University of North Texas deddlethegirl@yahoo.com
Itzamara Machado, Student ASID University of the Incarnate Word Itzamach@yahoo.com
Ellis K. Martin, Student ASID
Amie Miller, Student ASID
Texas Tech University
University of the Incarnate Word amie.lynn@me.com
Carol Natalia Martinez, Student ASID El Centro College carolnataliona@gmail.com
Baylor University Morgan_Miller1@baylor.edu
Jasper C. Martinez, Student ASID Texas Tech University jasper.martinez@ttu.edu
Mackenzie Mitchell, Student ASID Texas Tech University mackenzie.mitchell@ttu.edu
Lilia Martinez, Student ASID Texas Christian University Lilia.martinez@tcu.edu
Carmen Molina, Student ASID
Kara M. Matthews, Student ASID
April R Montoya, Student ASID
Texas Tech University kara.matthews@ttu.edu
Texas Tech University aprilmr1996@gmail.com
Miranda N. Mcalister, Student ASID
Janis Morgan, Student ASID
Texas Tech University miranda.mcalister@ttu.edu
Camden Mcbride, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin camdenmcbride20@gmail.com
University of the Incarnate Word morganjanis@hotmail.com
Alexis G. Nava, Student ASID Kendall E. Mccarley, Student ASID Texas Tech University kendamcc3@msn.com
Texas Tech University alexis.nava@ttu.edu
Isabelle L. Naylor, Student ASID Kendall Meredith Mccoy, Student ASID Baylor University kendallmccoy@me.com
Texas Tech University isabelle.naylor@ttu.edu
Han Gia Nguyen, Student ASID Catherine Mcparland, Student ASID Baylor University ccmcparland1999@gmail.com
University of the Incarnate Word harriet.nguyen98@gmail.com
Kailyn Elizabeth Nilson, Student ASID Ahnika Mary Mcpherson, Student ASID University of the Incarnate Word ahnikamcpherson@outlook.com
Texas State University - San Marcos kailynnilson@gmail.com
Ivy Njoroge, Student ASID Madison Leigh Meenan, Student ASID Abilene Christian University mlm16b@acu.edu
University of Texas at Austin ivy.njoroge@utexas.edu
Avery Northcutt, Student ASID Maritza Mena-Ruley, Student ASID El Paso Community College lisa.ruley56@gmail.com
Angie Menchaca, Student ASID University of the Incarnate Word menchaca.219@gmail.com
Baylor University avery_northcutt3@baylor.edu
Kortni T. Osborn, Student ASID Texas Tech University kortni.osborn@yahoo.com
Giovannie Alfredo Mendoza, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos G_m183@txstate.edu
Morgan Taylor Miller, Student ASID
Megan Otnes, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos megan.otnes@gmail.com
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Briana Marin Relland, Student ASID
Kelsey Nicole Schmitt, Student ASID
University of North Texas rellandbriana@gmail.com
El Centro College k34schmitt@gmail.com
Alexi N. Page, Student ASID Texas Tech University alexi.n.page@ttu.edu
Amanda Rose Reyes-Pilarczyk, Student ASID Kendall G. Schneider, Student ASID Abilene Christian University darksky109@outlook.com
Texas Tech University schneider49er@yahoo.com
Megan Rider, Student ASID
Micah G. Schwartz, Student ASID
University of Texas at Austin ridermegan@gmail.com
Texas Tech University
Madison Nicole Parker, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos mnp36@txstate.edu
Autumn Elizabeth Percival, Student ASID El Centro College dalautumnlas@gmail.com
Joy Seago, Student ASID Laura Cate Roberts, Student ASID Baylor University Laura_C_Roberts@baylor.edu
Alexandra Perez, Student ASID
Art Institute of Dallas joyseago@hotmail.com
Lillian Sell, Student ASID
Baylor University alexandraperez90@gmail.com
Brock L. Rodriguez, Student ASID Texas Tech University brock.rodriguez@ttu.edu
Caitlin N. Pinson, Student ASID
Abilene Christian University lxs18a@acu.edu
Kaylie N. Sheely, Student ASID
Juana Rodriguez, Student ASID
Rachel Hope Podruchny, Student ASID
Texas Tech University juana.rodriguez@ttu.edu
Abilene Christian University rhp16a@acu.edu
Ruben Roberto Rodriguez, Student ASID
Kaylee A. Polasek, Student ASID
El Centro College inquiries@rubenroberto.com
Texas Tech University kaylee.polasek@ttu.edu
Payton Beth Russell, Student ASID
Texas Tech University kaylie.sheely@ttu.edu
Lauryn Ashley Marie Shields, Student ASID Abilene Christian University las15a@acu.edu
Ivet Sierra, Student ASID
Cody Michael Powell, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos Powellcastle@me.com
Kassidy A. Price, Student ASID Texas Tech University Kassidy.Price@ttu.edu
El Paso Community College ivetu2@gmail.com
Alexandra E. Smith, Student ASID
Elayna M Saeed, Student ASID
Haley E. Spoonemore, Student ASID
University of Texas at Austin payton@russellhome.us
El Centro College elayna06@gmail.com
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Audrey Dale Spradlin, Student ASID
Lexye D. Price, Student ASID
Marilyn Salazar, Student ASID
Texas Tech University lexyedp@gmail.com
Abilene Christian University mxs16b@acu.edu
Texas Tech University audrey.spradlin@ttu.edu
Cordelia Ann Staniford, Student ASID Jennifer Marie Salyer, Student ASID
Alejandro Ramirez, Student ASID
University of the Incarnate Word jennifer51705@gmail.com
Texas Tech University alexramirez023@gmail.com
Juliet Amelia Sรกnchez, Student ASID
University of Texas at Austin ann.staniford@utexas.edu
Stephanie Stiles, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos
Texas State University - San Marcos stephaniestilesdesign@gmail.com
Abby Sartin, Student ASID
Zoe Stinson, Student ASID
Aaron Rangel, Student ASID Baylor University aaron.n.rangel@gmail.com
Baylor University Abby_Sartin1@baylor.edu
Baylor University zoe_stinson@baylor.edu
Taylor Schill, Student ASID
Jillian J. Stock, Student ASID
Lauren Rathbun, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin laurenrathbun21@gmail.com
University of Texas at Austin tschill31@utexas.edu
Texas Tech University jillian.stock@ttu.edu
Maria Vanessa Reaves, Student ASID Art Institute of Austin maria.reaves1@gmail.com 2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Nicole Stoeckel, Student ASID Art Institute of Dallas nstoeckel@stu.aii.edu
Raji Subra, Student ASID West Valley College rajisubra@yahoo.com
Kelly Szilagyi, Student ASID
Art Institute of Austin kzsinteriors@gmail.com
Tiffany A. Taboada, Student ASID Texas Tech University tiffany.taboada@ttu.edu
Chase Tarnopol, Student ASID Texas State University - San Marcos cat146@txstate.edu
Lauren Paige Taylor, Student ASID Abilene Christian University lpt17a@acu.edu
Laura J. Thomas, Student ASID Texas Tech University laura.j.thomas@ttu.edu
Gavin Torabi, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin raytorabi@acesigncorp.com
Olivia D. Tremblay, Student ASID Texas Tech University olivia.tremblay@ttu.edu
Kaitlin Turman, Student ASID
Baylor University kaitlin_turman@baylor.edu
Paloma Lizet Vargas, Student ASID Texas Tech University paloma.vargas@ttu.edu
K. Amber Vasquez, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin Ambervasquez@utexas.edu
Guadalupe Vega, Student ASID Texas Tech University guadalupe.vega@ttu.edu
Mary E. Walker, Student ASID
Jingyu Xu, Student ASID
Texas Tech University liz.walker@ttu.edu
University of Texas at Austin jx3389@utexas.edu
Brianna M. Walsh, Student ASID Baylor University briannawalsh1@gmail.com
Julie Waters, Student ASID Collin County Community College fucillaj@yahoo.com
Eileen Marie Wells, Student ASID University of North Texas eileenmw3@hotmail.com
Courtney Faye White, Student ASID Abilene Christian University courtneyfaye19@gmail.com
Lindsey White, Student ASID El Centro College lwhite540@gmail.com
Britlyn L. Wicker, Student ASID Texas Tech University britlyn.wicker@ttu.edu
Jeralyn Nicole Wilcox, Student ASID
Lisa Yang, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin lisayang@utexas.edu
Zoie Elaine Young, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin zoieyoung@utexas.edu
Zainab I. Yusufali, Student ASID Collin County Community College z_salehbhai@hotmail.com
Clifford Zeifman, Student ASID University of Texas at Austin cz@cliffordz.com
Priscilla X. Zhang, Student ASID El Centro College priscillaxc@hotmail.com
Baylor University jeralyn.n.wilcox@gmail.com
Caprina Williams, Student ASID Art Institute of Dallas caprinacraig@yahoo.com
Victoria A. Wilson, Student ASID Texas Tech University victoria.wilson@ttu.edu
Stefanie Wittenbach, Student ASID Rhodec International/ London Metropolitan University switte5805@cs.com
Elizabeth Wong, Student ASID Abilene Christian University eaw15b@acu.edu
Barbara Jane Wright, Student ASID Abilene Christian University bjw15a@acu.edu
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
2019-2020 Texas Covers and Tabs.qxp_Layout 1 9/18/19 1:17 PM Page 11
A Profession Built On Providing Exceptional White Glove Service 9201 Brown Lane Suite 191 | Austin TX 78754 | 512-201-4777 www.austinmovingforward.com
ASID Industry Partners
Designer Receiving • Climate Control Storage • Delivery & Fine Art Installation • Furniture Repair Commercial and Residential Relocation • Skilled Crating and Packing Solutions
2019-2020 Texas Covers and Tabs.qxp_Layout 1 9/18/19 1:17 PM Page 12
ASID Industry Partners
WITH YOUR FINE FURNISHINGS • Fiber-Seal® has been used by homeowners and design professionals since 1971. • We have been awarded a favorite Industry Partner by Dallas ASID designers for six years in a row! • We care for all so surfaces such as wall-to-wall carpe ng, rugs, upholstered furniture, and draperies.
• We specialize in protec ng and caring for the finest fabrics and fibers including wool, silk, linen, leather, and more. • Being part of the Fiber-Seal network allows us to share our research and exper se with our clients. • Our NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE follow-up service ensures that help is just a phone call away.
Fiber-Seal of Dallas | 9879 Chartwell Drive | Dallas, TX 75243 972.889.8807 | www.Dallas.FiberSeal.com | Dallas@FiberSeal.com
AJ Madison
Rachel Freeman 2000 Windy Ter, Bldg 6, Suite A Cedar Park, TX 78613-4287 (512) 363-5093 rachel@4theditiondesign.com
AJ Madison
Amy Chernoff 3605 13th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11218-3707 amy@ajmadison.com
4th Edition Design
Rachelle Louis rachelle@ajmadison.com Kate Siegel kate@ajmadison.com
AJ Madison
Lorraine Pinon 12860 Tierra Pueblo El Paso, TX 79938-4303 (915) 731-5501 lorrainepinon@hotmail.com
77 Stone
Meg Walker 315 W Josephine St San Antonio, TX 78212-4129 (210) 736-1821 meg@aladdincleans.com
Aladdin Cleaning and Restoration
Rosanna Morales 3012 E Yandell Dr El Paso, TX 79903-4113 (915) 566-0095
A-1 Kitchens By Sierra Inc.
Naomi Butler 5960 W Parker Rd, Ste 278 PMB 220 Plano, TX 75093-7792 (214) 274-5060
Abstract Art by Naomi
Access Design Group Leftbank Art
Rick Frovich 3820 Vitruvian Way, Apt 521 Addison, TX 75001-4096 (214) 717-0071 rick@accessdesigngroup.net
Rene Pettyjohn 4335 McCullough Ave Olmos Park, TX 78212-1962 (512) 676-4144 rene@alexandermarchant.com
Alexander Marchant
Matthew Collins 2405 Crown Rd Dallas, TX 75229-2103 (214) 838-2225 matthewc@alliedstoneinc.com
Allied Stone, Inc.
John Lane 2244 Luna Rd, Ste 160 Carrollton, TX 75006-6542 (972) 280-0121 Fax: (501) 753-4217
Acme Brick and Tile
Bryan Moore 13020 S Kirkwood Rd Stafford, TX 77477-4111 (281) 901-7879 Fax: (281) 240-4604 bryan@alamostone.com
Alamo Stone Company
Scott Crawford (561) 504-7819 scottc1122@gmail.com
American Leather
Active Granite
Joseph Salinas 11051 Dennis Rd Dallas, TX 75229-3649 (972) 241-2354 joseph@activegranite.com
Anchor-Ventana Glass
Regan Adair 8426 Abrams Rd Dallas, TX 75243-7605 (214) 503-1324 regan@adairsfloors.com
Ann Sacks
Adair’s Fine Floors
Industry Partners
2019-2020 Texas Directory Inside.qxp_Layout 1 9/18/19 1:22 PM Page 59
Regina Munson 1609 Chisholm Trl, Suite 100 Round Rock, TX 78681-2912 (512) 388-9400 rmunson@ventanaman.com Molly Boulay 3840 Constitution Dr Dallas, TX 75229-6104 (214) 742-8453
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Ann Sacks
Carly Young 1011 W 5th St, Ste 110 Austin, TX 78703-5363 (512) 322-9979 carly.young@annsacks.com
Arhaus Furniture
Peach Ramsey 5101 Marathon Ave, Ste C170 Fort Worth, TX 76109 (360) 910-2750 fortworth@arhaus.com
Arizona Tile, LLC
Carly Young (512) 364-2986 carly.young@annsacks.com
Arhaus Furniture
Zoey Showery 2901 West 5th St, Apt 207 Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 456-7467 zshowery@arhaus.com
Arizona Tile, LLC
Ann Sacks
Anthony Muscariello 5604 Bee Cave Rd West Lake Hills, TX 78746-5231 (512) 263-5115 Fax: (512) 330-9840 anthony@anthonyspatio.com
Anthony`s Patio
Jaclyn Carignan 1937 Irving Blvd, Ste A Dallas, TX 75207-6687 (214) 653-1733 Fax: (214) 653-1776 jcarignan@antiquedraperyrod.com
Antique Drapery Rod Co., Inc.
Ryan Steele 9315 Neils Thompson Dr. Austin, TX 78758 (512) 420-9989 Fax: (512) 420-8717 ryan@architecturaltilestone.com
Architectural Tile & Stone
Lina Ahmed 11103 El Salido Pkwy Austin, TX 78750 (682) 556-9227 lahmed@arhaus.com
Arhaus Furniture
Pamela Brice 8687 N Central Expy Dallas, TX 75225-4427 (215) 622-7146 pbrice@arhaus.com
Arhaus Furniture
Chance Jobe 4317 Hartford St, Unit 209 Dallas, TX 75219 (850) 463-8391 chance.arhaus@gmail.com
Arhaus Furniture
Christopher Mendyka 1125 E Renner Rd, Apt 1249A Richardson, TX 75082 (336) 541-5724 cmendyka@arhaus.com
Arhaus Furniture
Teresa Russell 2121 Scarbrough Dr Austin, TX 78728 (737) 443-3140 Fax: (480) 893-9390 trussell@arizonatile.com Betty Ann Yarborough (972) 456-0935 Fax: (480) 893-9390 byarborough@arizonatile.com Lee Baggett 271 Park Valley Dr Coppell, TX 75019-5366 (972) 841-1749 vlbaggett@armstrongceilings.com
Armstrong Ceiling Solutions
Elliot Fischer 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 310 Dallas, TX 75207-3631 (972) 689-3444 Fax: (214) 939-8007 efischer@ariastonegallery.com
Armstrong Ceiling Solutions
April Graves 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 310 Dallas, TX 75207-3631 (214) 939-8000 Fax: (214) 939-8007 april@ariastonegallery.com
Armstrong Ceiling Solutions
Aria Stone Gallery
Aria Stone Gallery
Kathie Ahrens 2701 Regent Blvd, #100, DFW Airport Dallas, TX 75261 (972) 456-0980 Fax: (480) 893-9390 kahrens@arizonatile.com
Arizona Tile, LLC
Erin Brasher 2121 Scarbrough Dr, Ste 400 Austin, TX 78728 (512) 541-5492 Fax: (480) 893-9390
Arizona Tile, LLC
Heather Gray 2121 Scarbrough Dr Austin, TX 78728-4756 (737) 443-3140 Fax: (480) 893-9390 hgray@arizonatile.com
Arizona Tile, LLC
Brooke Hale 2121 Scarbrough Dr Austin, TX 78728 (737) 443-3140 Fax: (480) 893-9390 bhale@arizonatile.com
Arizona Tile, LLC
Trish Mullins 2121 Scarbrough Dr Austin, TX 78728 (737) 443-3140 Fax: (480) 893-9390 tlmullins@arizonatile.com
Arizona Tile, LLC
David Dickinson 16007 Elmbank Dr Houston, TX 77095-3822 (972) 998-3102 dadickinson@armstrongceilings.com Mike Kirkpatrick (806) 773-5542 jmkirkpatrick@armstrong.com
James Arsin 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 670 Dallas, TX 75207-3700 (214) 748-5180 info@arsinruggallery.com
Arsin Rug Gallery
Jen Dolan 1745 Hayden Dr, Ste 100 Carrollton, TX 75006-5704 (972) 488-9800 Fax: (972) 488-9898 jdolan@arteriorshome.com
Arteriors Home
Jen Dolan 1745 Hayden Dr, Ste 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 (972) 488-9800 x 106 Fax: (972) 488-9898 jdolan@arteriorshome.com
Arteriors Home
Jordan Fannin 1413 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 557-7485 Fax: (972) 488-9898 jfannin@arteriorshome.com
Arteriors Home
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Industry PA R T N E R S Audio Video Innovations
Keith Brown 1918 University Business Dr, Ste 507 McKinney, TX 75071-5805 (972) 529-4470 Fax: (972) 548-4891 kbrown@avinnovations.net
BC Flooring Studio
Jordan Goodwyn 1404 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 540-6600 Fax: (972) 540-6601 jordan@builderscarpet.net
Benjamin Moore & Company
Audio Video Innovations
Jeff Halloran 1918 University Business Dr, Ste 507 McKinney, TX 75071-5805 (972) 529-4470 Fax: (972) 548-4891 jhalloran@avinnovations.net
BC Flooring Studio
Jennifer Orendain 4518 University Blvd, Apt A Dallas, TX 75205-1674 (469) 704-8222 Fax: (972) 540-6601 jennifer@builderscarpet.net
Benjamin Moore & Company
Austin Home
Gene Menez 1250 S Capital Of Texas Hwy, Bldg 3 West Lake Hills, TX 78746-6446 (512) 263-9133 Fax: (512) 263-1370 amhome@austinmonthly.com
BC Flooring Studio
Michelle Way 1404 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-3803 Fax: (972) 540-6601 michelle@builderscarpet.net
Benson Company
Austin Moving Forward
Aviad Peretz 9201 Brown Ln, Ste 191 Austin, TX 78754-4037 (512) 212-7833 avi@austinmovingforward.com
Beautiful Works. Inc.
Benson-Cobb Studios
Grace Kim 5857 Stone Meadow Dr Plano, TX 75093-4659 (214) 629-4303 grace@beautifulworksinc.com
Bedrosians Tile & Stone
Melanie Walker 900 N Central Expy Plano, TX 75074-6737 (469) 343-5838 melanie.walker@bedrosians.com
Bentley Arrow
Behnam Rugs
Rassin Roshan 18000 Preston Rd Dallas, TX 75252-5408 (972) 733-0400 marketing@behnamrugs.com
Bentwood Of Dallas
Stacy Finley 251 1st Ave N, Ste 600 Minneapolis, MN 55401-1654 (651) 294-2547 sfinley@bellacor.com
Big City Publications LLC
Allison Berry 1708 Merrick St Fort Worth, TX 76107-3238 (817) 776-3247 allison.berry@benjaminmoore.com
Blatt Billiards
Cindy Colby 5100 Monahans Ave, Unit A110 Fort Worth, TX 76109 (682) 316-2901 Fax: (404) 603-7061 colbyc@ballarddesigns.net
Ballard Designs
Debbie Drossos 6025 Royal Lane, Ste 120 Dallas, TX 75230 (469) 914-8146 Fax: (404) 603-7061 drossosd@ballarddesigns.net
Ballard Designs
Emily Ryan 1670 Defoor Ave NW Atlanta, GA 30318-7528 (404) 603-7007 Fax: (404) 603-7061 emily.ryan@ballarddesigns.net
Ballard Designs
Matthew Harris 3738 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, TX 75219-4333 (501) 773-7005 matt@bayislandwoodworks.com
Bay Island Woodworks
Benjamin Moore & Company
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Angela Ditmore 1722 Altacrest Dr Grapevine, TX 76051-4478 (214) 433-2156 angela.ditmore@benjaminmoore.com Shawne Townsley 101 Paragon Dr Montvale, NJ 7645 (214) 862-6156 shawne.townsley@benjaminmoore.com Ashlie Shoemaker 505 W Lynn St Austin, TX 78703-4783 (512) 476-0654 ashlieshoemaker@hotmail.com C Benson-Cobb 2007 Farrington St Dallas, TX 75207-6607 (877) 883-7298 clientservices@bensoncobb.com Kay Kennel 1702 Buddy Holly Ave Lubbock, TX 79401-5135 (806) 438-4329 kk@bentleyarrow.com Colin Snider 4508 Lovers Ln Dallas, TX 75225-6925 (214) 750-0271 csnider@bentwoodofdallas.com Sandra Weatherford 1904 Overland Dr Leander, TX 78641-2848 (512) 415-2679 sandyw@homedesigndecormag.com Brian Roeder 330 W 38th St New York, NY 10018-2999 (212) 674-8855 Fax: (212) 598-4514
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Blinded by Delight, Window Coverings and Design Erica Lange 140 Heimer Rd, Ste 685 San Antonio, TX 78232-5015 (210) 336-5266 erica@blindedbydelight.com
Tricia Hickman 2106 Denton Dr Austin, TX 78758-4506 (512) 977-7414 Fax: (512) 977-7410 tricia.hickman@buildwithbmc.com
Jessica Wilhelm 2106 Denton Dr Austin, TX 78758-4506 (512) 977-7400 Fax: (512) 977-7410 Jessica.wilhelm@buildwithbmc.com
Glenn Bonick 910 Maryland Dr Irving, TX 75061-5700 (972) 243-9673 Fax: (972) 243-1083 glenn@bonick.com
Bonick Landscaping
Rebecca Farris 2824 Marquita Dr Fort Worth, TX 76116-4026 (817) 731-2600 rebecca@bottegadesigngallery.com
Bottega Design Gallery
Showroom of Runyon’s Fine Furniture Samantha Day 500 N Highway 377 Roanoke, TX 76262-7100 (817) 251-9244
Brandi Renee Designs
Dennis Mcguire (985) 264-2063 mcmcone@hushmail.com
Brown Jordan Outdoor Kitchens
Suly Wiessman 1901 Main St, Ste 600 Irvine, CA 92614-0521 (713) 829-5630
BSH Home Appliances
Mary Melley 127 W Rhapsody Dr San Antonio, TX 78216-3105 (210) 404-1411 mary@biptx.com
Builders Interior Products
Simi Kapoor 8001 Bent Branch Dr Irving, TX 75063-6024 (714) 244-5896 simi@eburlington.com
Burlington Materials, Inc.
Jill Siegel 500 N Lamar Blvd, Ste 180 Austin, TX 78703-5494 (512) 441-6061
California Closets
Adrianne White 1420 Valwood Parkway, 212 Carrolton, TX 75006 (214) 869-3862 awhite@calclosets.com
California Closets
Lillian Cruz 6840 Hayvenhurst Ave Van Nuys, CA 91406-4717 (972) 207-4414 Fax: (818) 779-0099 lillian.cruz@caesarstoneus.com
California Closets
Jakie Hood 2737 N Fitzhugh Ave, #2208 Dallas, TX 75204 (972) 249-5077 Fax: (818) 779-0099 jackie.hood@caesarstoneus.com
Ana Mercenario 26022 Starling Hill San Antonio, TX 78260-2460 (832) 584-6704 Fax: (818) 779-0099 ana.mercenario@caesarstoneus.com
Erin Schneider 1400 Dawson St. San Antonio, TX 78202 (210) 488-3178 Fax: (818) 779-0099 erin.schneider@caesarstoneus.com
Karen Taylor 3816 S Lamar Blvd, #3621 Austin, TX 78704 (210) 347-6684 Fax: (818) 779-0099
Carlissa Montoya 280 E Basse Rd, Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78209-8364 (210) 386-9907 cmontoya@calclosets.com
California Closets
Tanya Roberts 1420 Valwood Parkway, 212 Carrolton, TX 75006 (214) 351-1000 troberts@calclosets.com
California Closets
Joann Wilmeth 1111 Arion Pkwy, Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216-3093 (210) 334-1569 jwilmeth@calclosets.com Lyndsay Anders Kennedy 1075 S Beltline Rd, Ste 500, Building #2 Coppell, TX 75019 (817) 614-2230 Fax: (612) 604-0037 lyndsay.kennedy@cambriaUSA.com Jennifer Nutt 433 Plaza Verde Dr, Building #2 Houston, TX 77038 (512) 962-7419 Fax: (612) 604-0037 jennifer.nutt@CambriaUSA.com Caroline Walker 3340 Amherst Ave Dallas, TX 75225-7622 (512) 508-7945 Fax: (612) 604-0037 caroline.walker@cambriaUSA.com Tony Smock 960 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-4204 (214) 742-8111 Fax: (214) 742-8113 tsmock@cantonitrade.com
Cantoni Trade
Allisson Ulliman Chester 960 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-4204 (214) 742-8111 Fax: (214) 742-8113 aulliman@cantonitrade.com
Cantoni Trade
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Industry PA R T N E R S Caperton Collection
Nancy Caperton 4835 Reading St Dallas, TX 75247-6716 (214) 809-8013 nancyc@capertoncollection.com
Chicago Luxury Beds
Caperton Collection
Claudia Tompkins 4835 Reading St Dallas, TX 75247-6716 (214) 809-8013 claudiat@capertoncollection.com
Jennifer Tyrrell 2910 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas, TX 75247-6103 (214) 638-2681 jennifer@capitaldistributing.com
Closet Factory
Paul & Sherry Zuch 12740 Hillcrest Rd, Ste 267 Dallas, TX 75230-7137 (214) 495-7200 Fax: (214) 495-7201 szuch@crenovations.com
Closet Factory
Joe Currie 13808 Camp Comfort Ln Austin, TX 78717-5378 (512) 464-1155 joe@capitoldesign.us
Carlyn Ray 1820 Irving Blvd Dallas, TX 75207-6604 (214) 741-1442 carlyn@carlynraydesigns.com
CompleteSeal Fabric Protection, LLC
Capital Distributing
Capital Renovations Group
Capitol Design
Carlyn Ray Designs
James Coyle 16180 Brushfield Dr Dallas, TX 75248 (402) 319-4655 jcoyle25@msn.com
George Gikas 1560 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy, # 432 Sunrise, FL 33323-2858 (734) 775-9719 ggikas@pridefamilybrands.com
Henry Bianchi 1444 Oak Lawn Ave, Ste 1444 Dallas, TX 75207-3618 (312) 527-5337 Fax: (312) 527-6608 henry@chicagoluxurybeds.com Stacey Chu 4319 Lindbergh Dr Addison, TX 75001-4539 (972) 381-1071 Fax: (972) 381-1065 stacey@mycinematech.com Sarah Evans 8112 Ferguson Cutoff Austin, TX 78724 (636) 575-8556 Fax: (310) 516-8065 sarah.evans@closetfactory.com
Jette Hicks 2236 W Braker Ln Austin, TX 78758-4030 (512) 451-1233
Copenhagen Imports, Inc.
Jenny Goodson 11639 Emerald St, Ste 400 Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 862-8152 Fax: (281) 582-7459 jennyg@cosentino.com
Cosentino USA
Jason Moore Fax: (281) 582-7459
Cosentino USA
Country Club OnSite Drapery Cleaning & More Darrell Thompson (972) 247-3837 ruth@countryclubonsite.com
Alan Gaman 4584 Ripley Dr Bldg 6 El Paso, TX 79922-1044 (915) 584-2551 Fax: (310) 516-8065 gamanep@sbcglobal.net
Cody Ables - Huteheson 2050 N Stemmons, Unit 142 Dallas, TX 75027 (214) 677-8147 Fax: (404) 749-5051 cody@codarus.com
DBA MicroSeal Protection, Wendy Solum 16318 Rough Oak St San Antonio, TX 78232-1842 (210) 845-9393 completeseal@outlook.com Abby Crumpler 5818 87th St Lubbock, TX 79424 (806) 544-3985 abbycrumpler@gmail.com
Construction Specialties
Jens Hansen 18603 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78258-4045 (210) 545-4366 jens@copenhagenliving.com
Copenhagen Imports, Inc.
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Chesley Carr 2020 Rutland Dr, Ste A Austin, TX 78758-5417 (512) 836-7700 ccarr@crossvillestudios.com Caroline Champion 2209 Rutland Dr, Ste A400 Austin, TX 78758-5241 (512) 836-7700 Christina Franklin 2020 Rutland Dr, Ste A Austin, TX 78758 (512) 836-7700
Christina Franklin 2020 Rutland Dr, Ste A Austin, TX 78758 (512) 836-7700
Daniel Ramsey 6631 N Beltline Rd, Ste 120 Irving, TX 75063 (972) 488-3393 dramsey@crossvilleinc.com
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Lori Mccarver PO Box 420428 Dallas, TX 75342-0428 (214) 689-7066 lmccarver@curreyco.com
Currey & Company
Richard Pena 5516 Post Ridge Dr Fort Worth, TX 76123-2815 (817) 980-1428
Currey & Company
Kelly Cleaver 13720 Midway Rd Dallas, TX 75244-4313 (214) 957-7720 cuttingkel@aol.com
Cutting Corners
Donna Fadal 1519 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-3908 (214) 956-9821 Fax: (214) 956-8632 donna@dfadaldesigns.com
D. Fadal Designs
Emily Cochener 650 WestcrossUnit 53 Houston, TX 77018 (626) 534-2226 ecochener@dacor.com
Josh Fuller 2309 Aurora Dr Little Elm, TX 75068 (214) 288-4698 jfuller@dacor.com
Linda Ross 210 Calibur Cove Bastrop, TX 78602 (626) 238-3444 rlinda@dacor.com
Michael Bauer 2100 N Stemmons Fwy, MS 120 Dallas, TX 75207-3001 (214) 760-2834 Fax: (214) 655-7628 mbauer@dallasmarketcenter.com
Dallas Market Center
Alex Hosseinnia 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, 6th Floor, Space 6294 World Trade Center Dallas, TX 75207-3206 (972) 239-7847 Fax: (972) 735-9636 alex@dallasrugs.com
Dallas Rugs
David Rogers 14354 Proton Rd Dallas, TX 75244-3511 (972) 392-3202 ccornish@dallassightandsound.com
Dallas Sight and Sound, Inc.
Quentin Senise 164 Market St, # 215 Charleston, SC 29401-6948
Dallas Style & Design
Marcus Blake 2320 LBJ Fwy, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75234-7322 (972) 484-0334 Fax: (214) 309-4434 marcus.blake@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Tana Groat 2320 LBJ Fwy, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75234-7322 (972) 484-0334 Fax: (214) 309-4434 tana.groat@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Ginga Guidroz 1502 Slocum St, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75207-3604 (214) 760-1570 Fax: (214) 309-4434 ginga.guidroz@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Ford Hanks 11185 Pellicano El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 593-3161 Fax: (214) 309-4434 ford.hanks@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Chris Hevey 2320 LBJ Fwy, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75234 (972) 484-0334 Fax: (214) 309-4434
Daltile Corporation
Jennifer Hipp 720 Industrial Blvd, Ste 100 Grapevine, TX 76051-8653 (419) 706-1131 Fax: (214) 309-4434 jennifer_hipp@mohawkind.com
Daltile Corporation
Julia Hunnell 1502 Slocum St, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75207-3604 (412) 596-9445 Fax: (214) 309-4434 julia.hunnell@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Misty Ledbetter 7834 C.F. Hawn Fwy Dallas, TX 75217 (214) 309-3393 Fax: (214) 309-4434 misty_ledbetter@mohawkind.com
Daltile Corporation
Dorali Licon 11185 Pellicano El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 593-3161 Fax: (214) 309-4434 dorali.licon@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Cathy Lovette 2320 LBJ Fwy, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75234-7361 (972) 484-0334 Fax: (214) 309-4434 cathy.lovette@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Jessica Marion 15877 Long Vista Dr, Ste 101 Austin, TX 78728-3828 (512) 837-7080 Fax: (214) 309-4434 jessica.marion@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Suzette Morris 7834 C F Hawn Fwy Dallas, TX 75217-6529 (214) 398-1411 Fax: (214) 309-4434 suzette.morris@Daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Debbie O’Neal 1502 Slocum St, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75207-3604 (214) 760-1570 Fax: (214) 309-4434 debbie.oneal@daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
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Industry PA R T N E R S Daltile Corporation
Emily Orr 1502 Slocum St, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75207-3604 (214) 398-1411 Fax: (214) 309-4434 emily.diemer@daltile.com
Delta Faucet Company
Corinthia Runge 1502 Slocum St, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75207-3604 (214) 760-1570 Fax: (214) 309-4434 corinthia.runge@daltile.com
Delta Faucet Company
Yvonne Shea PO Box 170130 Dallas, TX 75217-9131 (210) 324-9327 Fax: (214) 309-4434
Delta Faucet Company
Daltile Corporation
Daltile Corporation
Jesse Bain 2500 Internationale Pkwy Woodridge, IL 60517-4979 (281) 798-1395 jesse.bain@globeunion.com
Danze by Gerber
Colt Trew 1918 Dayton Blvd Chattanooga, TN 37415-6453 (423) 682-7257 colt@decorativeconceptsllc.com
Decorative Concepts
Elizabeth Barrett 8220 Embassador Row Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 261-1000 Fax: (214) 261-1001 bethbarrett@deliverylimited.com
Delivery Limited
Dennis Lasiter 8220 Ambassador Row Dallas, TX 75247-4706 (214) 261-1000 Fax: (214) 261-1001 dennis.lasiter@deliverylimited.com
Delivery Limited
Susan Hatch 4514 College Park Dr Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 679-0916 Fax: (706) 624-6522 susan@susanhatchsales.com
Delos Rugs
Katherine Bullard 910 S Freeport Prkwy, Ste 140 Coppell, TX 75019 (972) 916-8583 kbullard@southwestsales.com Danelle Howard 910 S Freeport Prkwy, Ste 140 Coppell, TX 75019 (405) 762-0117 dhoward@southwestsales.com Emily Mueller (210) 870-9932 emily.mueller@deltafaucet.com
Shawn Janes 2027 Karbach St Houston, TX 77092-8405 (713) 681-6899 Fax: (713) 681-1958
Design Shutters, Inc.
Jed Graham 8687 N Central Expy, Ste 2208 Dallas, TX 75225
Design Within Reach
Laura Simmons 161 Trailing Oaks Dr Double Oak, TX 75077-8473 (469) 644-4965 dyl.laurasimmons@yahoo.com
Design Your Life
Delta Faucet Company
Cassie Mulanax 910 S Freeport Prkwy, Ste 140 Coppell, TX 75019 (512) 297-3576 cmulanax@southwestsales.com
Designer’s Patio
Delta Faucet Company
Bevelyn Thompson 615 E State Highway 121, Ste 300 Coppell, TX 75019-7960 (972) 881-8757 bthompson@southwestsales.com
Designer’s Patio
Delta Faucet Company
Heather Tiso 910 Freeport Pkwy, Ste 140 Coppell, TX 75019-4794 (972) 881-8757 htiso@southwestsales.com
Designers’ Delivery
Delta Granite & Marble
Larry Wallace 2011 Sable Ln San Antonio, TX 78217-6331 (210) 829-7171 Fax: (210) 829-1114 larry@deltagranite.com
DFW Legacy Group
Elizabeth Hunt 533 Rolling Hills Dr Midlothian, TX 76065-2024 (214) 273-2653 elizabeth.hunt@deltalight.us
DFW Painting
Chris Bond 1234 Medical District Dr Ste A Dallas, TX 75207-2302 (214) 819-3000 Fax: (214) 819-3002 chris@designelementsgroup.com
DSA Publishing & Design
Design Elements Group
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Shawna Lawyer 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 9009 Dallas, TX 75207-3206 (817) 471-8624 Fax: (972) 258-4855 shawna@designerspatio.com Geneva Wallace 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 9009 Dallas, TX 75207-3206 (817) 966-0837 Fax: (972) 258-4855 showroom@designerspatio.com Zoltan Szabo 1110 Inwood Rd, Ste 102 Dallas, TX 75247-6804 (214) 637-7727 Fax: (214) 638-7297 zoltan@designersdelivery.net Lori Jacobson 613 N Walnut St Roanoke, TX 76262-6109 (817) 500-5670 lori@dfwlegacygroup.com Danette Galvis 6111 W Plano Pkwy, Ste 3200 Plano, TX 75093-0028 (214) 663-0771 danette@dfwpainting.com Duff Tussing 1303 Rancho Vista Dr McKinney, TX 75070-5486 (972) 562-6966 dtussing@dsapubs.com
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Pam Dawson 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 600M Dallas, TX 75207-3718 (817) 501-9667 pam@dallasdesigndistrict.com
Michelle Brown michelle.brown@elkay.com
Jessica Johnson 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 739 Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 651-0440 jessica.johnson@fabricut.com
Dunhill Partners
Elkay Manufacturing Company
Fabricut and S. Harris
Empressive GeoDesigns, Inc.
Empress & Micah Gilbert 1339 E Levee St Dallas, TX 75207-7109 (214) 343-0000 Fax: (214) 343-0004 art@empressivegeodesigns.com
Facets of Dallas
John Bray 1123 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-4220 (214) 741-1191
East & Orient Company
Casey Rhoades 718 Silverstone Dr Richardson, TX 75080-4114 (214) 458-9774 casey@ecoinnovations.net
Eco Innovations Eco High Fidelity
Lucy Thrash 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 710 Dallas, TX 75207-3726 (214) 748-6666 lucyt@edelmanleather.com
Edelman Leather
Kenneth Mcallister 1111 Arion Pkwy, Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78216-2806 (210) 402-3013 Fax: (323) 654-3190 kennethmcallister@emser.com
Emser Tile
Fabian Bentura 1201 N Jackson Rd, Ste 400 McAllen, TX 78501-5760 (956) 971-8453 Fax: (323) 654-3190
Emser Tile-McAllen
Pam Conover 2221 Vanco Dr Irving, TX 75061 (972) 438-8881 Fax: (413) 525-2853
Excel Dryer, Inc.
Amy Burns 5001 Bryant Irvin Rd N Fort Worth, TX 76107-7621 (817) 781-8800 akburns@morsco.com
Evan Soltoff 5120 Woodway Dr, Ste 250 Houston, TX 77056-1723 (713) 679-8990 Fax: (212) 688-4940 evan.soltoff@eggersmannusa.com
Expressions Home Gallery
David Dodson 4832 Memphis St Dallas, TX 75207-5210 (972) 380-8720 Fax: (972) 380-9125 david@electronicinteriors.net
Exteriors Designer Showroom
Eggersmann Kitchens | Home Living
Electronic Interiors
Kelsey Mcknight 11111 Zodiac Ln Dallas, TX 75229-4720 (972) 755-1630 kmcknight@elements.design
Marcie Bankston 3243 Garden Brook Dr Farmers Branch, TX 75234-2308 (972) 713-7465 marcie@heritagemarketingoftx.com
Elkay Manufacturing Company
Karla Urbina 9900 N FM 620 Rd Austin, TX 78726-2203 (512) 610-3888 Fax: (512) 610-6868 karla@exteriorsshowroom.com
Rhonda Belew 815 Oak Hollow Ln Rockwall, TX 75087 (972) 977-6005 rhonda.belew@fabricut.com
Fabricut and S. Harris
Margie Dodson 7061 Coronado Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 642-8100 margie.gomez@fabricut.com
Fabricut and S. Harris
Kohler Signature Store Jason Maynard 4640 McKinney Ave, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75205-4330 (214) 738-1731 jason.maynard@kssdallas.com Ben Mccabe (954) 494-5315 ben.mccabe@farrow-ball.com
Farrow & Ball
Paula Masters 875 W Sandy Lake Rd, Ste 100 Coppell, TX 75019 (972) 304-6020 Tradepartner@fatboyusa.com
Fatboy USA
Kate Fishel 8888 Governors Row Dallas, TX 75247-3916
Linda Acker 13801 Diplomat Dr Dallas, TX 75234-8813 (214) 680-6252 Fax: (214) 760-0521 lacker@feizy.com
Feizy Import & Export
Cameron Feizy 13800 Diplomat Dr Dallas, TX 75234-8812 (214) 747-6000 Fax: (214) 760-0521 cfeizy@feizy.com
Feizy Import & Export
Steve Juneau 13800 Diplomat Dr Dallas, TX 75234-8812 (214) 403-4611 Fax: (214) 760-0521 sjuneau@feizy.com
Feizy Import & Export
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery Vanessa Birkle 11860 Mosteller Rd Cincinnati, OH 45241-1525 (513) 326-1054 vanessa.birkle@ferguson.com
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Industry PA R T N E R S Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Scott Cardwell 303 N Park Dr San Antonio, TX 78216-2726 (210) 334-3013 scott.cardwell@ferguson.com
Nevena Djujic 700 E St Elmo Rd Austin, TX 78745 (713) 530-3347 nevena.djujic@ferguson.com
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery Kristin Mitchell 2683 W Euless Blvd Euless, TX 76040 (817) 540-1888 kristin.mitchell@ferguson.com
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Christie Montis 3433 W 7th St Fort Worth, TX 76107-2718 (817) 348-8489 christie.montis@ferguson.com
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Shannon Nogar 2683 W Euless Blvd Euless, TX 76040 (817) 540-1888 shannon.nogar@ferguson.com
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery Gracie Ornelas 820 Sunland Park Dr El Paso, TX 79912-5116 (915) 231-5836 gracie.ornelas@ferguson.com
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery Robert Polka 2683 W Euless Blvd Euless, TX 76040-6613 (817) 540-1888 robert.polka@ferguson.com
Bo Reese 3433 W 7th St Fort Worth, TX 76107-2718 (817) 348-8489 bo.reese@ferguson.com
Kelly Rigsby 303 N Park Dr San Antonio, TX 78216-2726 (210) 643-5808 kelly.rigsby@ferguson.com
Amy Lorance-Mints P. O. Box 2003 Vernon, TX 76385 (940) 357-9308 Fax: (501) 374-4035 amylorance@gmail.com
Fiber Protector America
Kimberly Barrow 9879 Chartwell Dr Dallas, TX 75243-8303 (972) 889-8807 kimberly@fiberseal.com
Kurt Falvey 9879 Chartwell Dr Dallas, TX 75243-8303 (214) 333-9400 kfalvey@fiberseal.com
Luis Hernandez 2102 W Avenue D Temple, TX 76504-3936 (254) 771-2432
Lisa Mattich 9879 Chartwell Dr Dallas, TX 75243-8303 (972) 889-8807 lisa@fiberseal.com
Nena Mayorga 29315 Summit Ridge Dr Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015-4502 (210) 426-7924 nena@fiberseal.com
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Terri Morrison 1306 Goeth Cir West Lake Hills, TX 78746-6718 (512) 554-4453 terri@fiberseal.com
Anne Galmor 7007 Fairgrounds Pkwy, Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78238 (210) 981-2569 Fax: (863) 284-4052 anne.galmor@floridatile.com
Florida Tile
Cecelia Gleason 9755 Clifford Dr, Ste 190 Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 366-0845 Fax: (863) 284-4052 cecelia.gleason@floridatile.com
Florida Tile
Spring Marsalis 9755 Clifford Dr, Ste 190 Dallas, TX 75220-5336 (214) 366-0845 Fax: (863) 284-4052 spring.harvey@floridatile.com
Florida Tile
Fort Worth Magazine/ Fort Worth HOME
Natasha Freimark 6777 Camp Bowie Blvd, Ste 130 Fort Worth, TX 76116-7197 (817) 560-6111 Fax: (817) 529-2194 nfreimark@fwtexas.com Tyler Thompson 5566 W Chester Rd West Chester, OH 45069-2914 (513) 603-1457 tthompson@frontgate.com
Lois Hochhauser PO Box 70679 Houston, TX 77270-0679 (713) 670-9800 Fax: (713) 861-2720 ghleather@aol.com
G.H. Leather Co.
Carol Whitener 919 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-4203 (214) 761-1100 cwhitener@usiinc.com
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Global Views
Josh Jarboe 7301 Ambassador Row Dallas, TX 75247-4801 (214) 956-0030 Fax: (214) 760-7738 jjarboe@globalviews.com
Hansgrohe, Inc.
Stephen Taylor 2307 Fern Bend Ln Katy, TX 77494-5807 (281) 961-9556 Fax: (770) 753-3364 stephen.taylor@hansgrohe.com
Hooker Furniture
Global Views
Patty Price 7301 Ambassador Row Dallas, TX 75247-4801 (214) 956-0030 Fax: (214) 760-7738 pprice@globalviews.com
Haworth, Inc.
Lynn Metz 12034 Bencrest Pl Dallas, TX 75244-7002 (214) 231-7125 lynn.metz@haworth.com
Hooker Furniture
Global Views
Tess Siebert 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, Unit 225 Dallas, TX 75207-3217 (214) 956-0030 Fax: (214) 760-7738
Helene’s Luxury Kithens
Gold Star Distributor Appliance and Lighting
Heritage Antiques and Interiors, LLC
Taylor Nixon 520 N Central Expy Richardson, TX 75080-5314 (972) 238-9541 tnixon@goldstardistributor.com Brenda Blaylock 106 W Walnut St Decatur, TX 76234-1439 (940) 626-2121 brenda@grandeurdesign.com
Grandeur Design
Jim Hines 1426 N Riverfront Blvd Dallas, TX 75207-3912 (972) 807-9255 j.hines@guggenhome.com
Helene Terry 25 Highland Park Village, # 100-852 Dallas, TX 75205-2789 (972) 365-0303 helenesluxurykitchens@gmail.com Dean Warden 13720 Midway Rd, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75244-4313 (469) 730-2399
Reisa Elden 3046 Octavia St San Francisco, CA 94123 (858) 414-6646 reisa@ivy.co
Houzz, Inc.
Hufcor, Inc.
Hickory Chair Showroom
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-3604 (214) 573-8101 Fax: (214) 573-8104 rkoen@hickorychairtx.com
Humanscale Corporation
Patty Robinson 327 Cole St Dallas, TX 75207-4003 (214) 528-0331 Fax: (214) 559-0425 patty@hidellhardware.com
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Hidell Fine Decorative Hardware
Brooke Phillips 6003 Davenport Rd Dallas, TX 75248 (214) 984-1037 Fax: (770) 753-3364 brooke.phillips@hansgrohe.com
Hilltop Granite
Brenda Dorward 1700 Pacific Ave, Ste 1300 Dallas, TX 75201-4631 (214) 573-5784 brenda_dorward@neimanmarcus.com
Dean Groves 1507 Monte Carlo Dr Mansfield, TX 76063 (817) 798-0661 Fax: (828) 328-8954 dean.groves@heritagehome.com
Hidell Fine Decorative Hardware
Hansgrohe, Inc.
Darryl Knight 6508 Turtle Point Plano, TX 75023 (214) 924-5705
Hickory Chair Showroom
Keli Nace 2348 Innovation Dr Lexington, KY 40511-8514 (844) 646-6473 Fax: (859) 233-0139 keli.nace@bigassfans.com
Haiku Home by Big Ass Solutions
Matthew Keepers P O Box 248 Barker, TX 77413 (713) 203-2530 mattkeepers@gmail.com
Machelle Wilson 327 Cole St Dallas, TX 75207-4003 (214) 528-0331 Fax: (214) 559-0425 machelle@hidellhardware.com Varsha Jain 12401 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 140 Farmers Branch, TX 75234-5823 (956) 437-7507 varsha@hilltopgranite.com
Matthew Gotto 2101 Kennedy Rd Janesville, WI 53545-0824 (608) 758-8228 mgotto@hufcor.com Antonio Holguin 800 Jackson St, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75202 (469) 418-0272 Fax: (860) 675-1303 aholguin@humanscale.com Katherine Rumbaugh 517 E 77th St New York, NY 10075-8810 (845) 664-7000 Fax: (845) 664-7001 katherine.rumbaugh@hunterdouglas.com
Beth Rafferty 5798 Genesis Ct Frisco, TX 75034-4055 (214) 618-6600 Fax: (214) 618-6699 beth@ibbdesign.com
IBB Design Fine Furnishings
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Industry PA R T N E R S Claudia Vazquez 316 S Kaufman St Seagoville, TX 75159-3144 (972) 287-1630 claudiav@idsdel.com
Installation Delivery & Storage, L.P.
Jaclyn Beattie 833 W Armitage Chicago, IL 60614 (312) 585-2058 jbeattie@interiordefine.com
Interior Define
Evan Green 1620 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, TX 75207-3402 (214) 744-5740 Fax: (214) 744-1604 evan@intre.biz
Interior Resources
Paige Sowden 1620 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, TX 75207-3402 (214) 744-5740 Fax: (214) 744-1604 paige@intredesigns.com
Interior Resources
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303 San Antonio, TX 78258-4234 (210) 494-1602 Fax: (210) 494-1603 peggy@interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
Truett Fine Carpets & Rugs David Truett 1444 Oak Lawn Ave, Ste 220 Dallas, TX 75207-3600 (214) 748-7550 david@truettcarpetsandrugs.com
Karndean Design Flooring
Karndean Design Flooring
J&L Hardware 919 W 29th St Austin, TX 78705-3534 (512) 535-5454 nay@jlhardwareatx.com
J&L Hardware J&L Hardware
Phil Lanitis 2625 Brenner Dr Dallas, TX 75220-1319 (214) 382-4213 Fax: (800) 705-1107 phil@jadenfabrics.com
Jaden Fabrics II Inc.
Susan Hatch 4514 College Park Dr. Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 679-0916
Jaipur Living Inc.
Jamroz Martin 1229 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-4015 (512) 795-4171 info@jamesmartinfurniture.com
James Martin Furniture
Austin Fine Floors Dale W. Miller Jr. 10321 Burnet Rd Austin, TX 78758-4446 (512) 339-9590 dmiller@austinfinefloors.com
JANUS et Cie
Clifton Carpets, Inc. 959 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-4203 (214) 526-7405
JANUS et Cie
International Design Guild
International Design Guild
Gourmet Floors Alan Petlin 1414 N Brazos St San Antonio, TX 78207-1218 (210) 344-7678 alan@alanpetlin.com
International Design Guild
Erin Hellberg 135 Venice Cove Austin, TX 78737-4749 (215) 840-7373 erin.west@karndean.com
International Design Guild
Brittany Guest 3101 Wells Branch Pkwy, Apt 235 Austin, TX 78728-6621 (305) 438-0005 bguest@janusetcie.com Shannon Maldonado 1525 Hi Line Dr, Ste B Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 712-0003 dallas@janusetcie.com
Meghan Bartos 154 Glass St, Ste 102 Dallas, TX 75207-6921 (214) 453-1270 meg@kanjuinteriors.com
Kanju Interiors
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Renee Mays 619 Canterbury St Euless, TX 76039-4039 (214) 471-9054 renee.mays@karndean.com
Molly Sumner 1100 Pontiac Ct Bushy Run Corp Park Export, PA 15632-9066 (888) 266-4343 molly.sumner@karndean.com
Karndean Design Flooring
Armando Ahumada 301 W Hurst Blvd Hurst, TX 76053-7705 (817) 799-3245 Fax: (817) 285-0278
Kelly Moore Paint Co.
Marc Dees 303 West Hurst Blvd Hurst, TX 76053 (817) 401-0737 Fax: (817) 285-0278 mdees@kellymoore.com
Kelly Moore Paint Co.
Rick Roof 2755 Irving Blvd Dallas, TX 75207 (817) 705-1585 Fax: (817) 285-0278
Kelly Moore Paint Co.
Brady Vincent 400 W. Whitestone, Unit B Cedar Park, TX 78613 (737) 704-8066 Fax: (817) 285-0278
Kelly Moore Paint Co.
Chris Takacs 2741 E Belt Line Rd, Ste 113 Carrollton, TX 75006-5438 (972) 345-7424 ctakacs@kitchendesignconcepts.com
Kitchen Design Concepts
Elisa Lane 2146 Irving Blvd Dallas, TX 75207-6504 (469) 567-3940 e@kitchenkandy.net
Kitchen Kandy & Metal Boutique, LLC
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Chrissie Nemeth 5999 Custer Rd, Ste 110 PMB 344 Frisco, TX 75035-9304 (817) 614-4019 chrissie@kjcustom.com
KJ Custom Screens & Outdoor Living
Maggie Addison 427 W Commerce St Dallas, TX 75208-1957 (214) 749-1187 maggie.klzstone@gmail.com
KLZ Stone Supply Inc.
Lea Ann Stevens 1722 Routh St, Ste 112 Dallas, TX 75201-2536 (214) 435-4418 Fax: (214) 760-8488 lstevens@knoll.com
Knoll Studio
Suzanne Faircloth 808 Shady Meadow Dr Highland Village, TX 75077-3193 (214) 673-7101 suzanne.faircloth@kohler.com
Kohler Kitchen & Bath Americas
Elizabeth Lowe 1600 Barrel Oak Dr Burleson, TX 76028 (281) 907-1706 elizabeth.lowe@kohler.com
Kohler Kitchen & Bath Americas
Lauren Dobbelaer 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 735 Dallas, TX 75207 lauren.dobbelaer@kravet.com
Kravet, Inc.
Jana Mccurdy 1854 Johnson Ct Grapevine, TX 76051-4777 (972) 547-0006
Kravet, Inc.
Kevin Shortridge 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 720 Dallas, TX 75207-3726 (214) 761-9193 kevin.shortridge@kravet.com
Kravet, Inc.
Kristina Higgins 4628 Firestone Dr Frisco, TX 75034-6847 (214) 762-3460 bhkg@aol.com
Kristina Higgins Design
Beth Santarelli 1107 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-4220 (972) 699-3757 Fax: (972) 699-3769
LDF Silk
Tyson Neal 15342 N Interstate 35 Austin, TX 78728-4703 (512) 251-0000 Fax: (512) 251-0023 tneal@legendaustin.com
Legend Lighting Inc.
Amy Reynolds 3139 Indian Mound Trl Crosby, TX 77532-7257 (832) 316-4299 Fax: (910) 256-3989 amyreynoldsdesigngroup@gmail.com
Legrand North America
Tom Dobbelaer 1100 Tuscany Ct McKinney, TX 75071-7502 (972) 547-0006 tom.dobbelaer@kravet.com
Phillip Duncan 5120 Woodway, Ste 150 Houston, TX 77056 phillip.duncan@kravet.com
Kravet, Inc.
Kravet, Inc.
Oscar Lupiba 2160 Thousand Oaks Dr, Apt 1117 San Antonio, TX 78232-2571 (210) 494-4942 oscarlupiba@sbcglobal.net
Kravet, Inc.
Cecilia Gutierrez 5415 Maple Ave Dallas, TX 75235 (678) 896-5635 Fax: (214) 736-1389 cecilia.gutierrez@levantina.com Ryan Ritsema 2250 Morgan Pkwy, Ste 140 Farmers Branch, TX 75234 (972) 488-2800 Fax: (214) 736-1389 ryan.ritsema@levantina.com
Matt Haney 11841 Keystone Dr Frisco, TX 75033 (214) 548-7851 Fax: (336) 474-5644 mhaney@lexington.com
Lexington Home Brands
Gabriel Trinidad 7243 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216-4902 (210) 541-8500 Fax: (210) 541-8036
Lighting, Inc.
Robert Contos 7532 Burnet Rd Austin, TX 78757-1203 (512) 452-9511 Fax: (512) 452-9190
Lights Fantastic
Jon Sayah 2055 Luna Rd, Ste 142 Carrollton, TX 75006-6436 (972) 247-3171
Lights Fantastic
Littman Brands & Sonneman A Way of Light Tad Alison PO Box 116936 Carrollton, TX 75011-6936 (800) 929-4072 tad@alisonandcompany.com
Littman Brands & Sonneman A Way of Light Kate Grubb PO Box 116936 Carrollton, TX 75011 (800) 929-4072 kate@alisonandcompany.com
Littman Brands & Sonneman A Way of Light Cassie Hansen 4300 Marsh Ridge Rd, Ste 102 Carrollton, TX 75010-4450 (800) 929-4072 Cassie@alisonandcompany.com
Linda Kammeyer 16275 N Scottsdale Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85254-1522 (602) 803-8335 linda.kammeyer@livingspaces.com
Living Spaces LLC
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Industry PA R T N E R S Lixil
Caroline Root 1900 Barton Springs Rd, Unit 2018 Austin, TX 78704-1352 (713) 459-3422 rootc@lixilamericas.com
M S International, Inc.
Robert Ramirez 12845 Valley Branch Ln, Ste 100 Farmers Branch, TX 75234-5813 (972) 764-4100 rramirez@msistone.com
McGannon Showrooms, Inc.
Logison Acoustic Network
Taylor Coen 7925 County Rd 684 Sweeny, TX 77480-7012 (713) 417-4034 Fax: (905) 332-8480 taylor@archoustics-south.com
Made Goods
Kelly Ferniza 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75207-3711 (972) 373-4082 kferniza@madegoods.com
McGannon Showrooms, Inc.
Lone Star Drapery Supply
Sharon Wolpert 140 Leslie St Dallas, TX 75207-7106 (214) 744-1799 sharonw@lonestardraperysupply.com
Madeli-USA LLC
Emily Garcia 9710 NW 110th Ave, Unit 1 Medley, FL 33178-2549 (305) 718-8817 angelm@madeli.com
McLaren’s Antiques & Interiors LLC
Stephanie Ellis 133 Manufacturing St Dallas, TX 75207-6401 (214) 253-8203 stephanie.ellis@ludowici.com
Madico Window Films
Bob Hanson 21414 Julie Marie Lane #1801 Katy, TX 77449 (281) 242-0222 info@sunproglasstinting.com
McLaughlin Collection
Cindy Walker 133 Manufacturing St Dallas, TX 75207-6401 (214) 543-7058 cindy.walker@ludowici.com
Madico Window Films
Frank Martinez 6218 Deerskin San Antonio, TX 78238 comfortzone1@ymail.com
Meletio Lighting & Electric
Carolyn Madaras 41 Yorkshire Dr Hackettstown, NJ 07840-5609 (483) 450-2519
Lutron Electronics Co.,Inc.
Jim Wilson 6708 Llano Stage Trl Austin, TX 78738-6206 (603) 677-2115 jwilson@luxemagazine.com
Luxe Interiors + Design
Anil Kumar Palasamudram 14777 Chrisman Rd Houston, TX 77039-1118 (713) 570-7000 anil@msistone.com
M S International, Inc.
Traci Reynolds 2415 S. Bell Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 219-9199
Madico Window Films
Justin Shoemake 6102 Oakwood Trail San Antonio, TX 78249 (210) 648-3793 justin@sunsafefilm.com
Madico Window Films
Dennis Teague 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 280 Dallas, TX 75207-3711 (214) 749-7000 dennist@margecarson.com
Marge Carson
Kate O’ Hara 9550 Wayzata Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55426 (612) 670-6771 Fax: (952) 908-3153 kate@oharainteriors.com
Martha O’Hara Interiors
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Britt Mcgannon 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 700 Dallas, TX 75207-3647 (214) 748-1828 Fax: (214) 748-1092 info@mcgs.com Sharon Mcgannon 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 700 Dallas, TX 75207-3647 (214) 748-1828 Fax: (214) 748-1092 info@mcgs.com Helen Mclaren 1745 N State Hwy 237 Round Top, TX 78954-5001 (917) 900-5036 mclarensinteriors@hotmail.com Pat Mclaughlin 3701 Turtle Creek Blvd, Apt 3J Dallas, TX 75219-5526 (214) 528-1828 pat@mclaughlincollection.com Joanne Craven 10930 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75220-1316 (972) 559-6950 jcraven@meletio.com
Shaun Menary 606 N Edgefield Ave Dallas, TX 75208-3646 (214) 564-8762 hello@menarystudio.com
Menary Studio
Robin Pavelka 6330 United Dr # 4-160 Austin, TX 78758 (512) 619-4056 george@metrofloors.com
Metropolitan Hardwood Floors
Sarah Greenwood trade@minted.com
Reza Naderi 13 Prestige Cir, Ste 190 Allen, TX 75002-3419 reza@mirrella.com
Mirrella Tile
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Trent Bryant 4519 McKinney Ave Dallas, TX 75205-4213 (214) 753-8700 trent.bryant@mgbwhome.com
Monogram Appliances
Alexandra Skobel 222 Merchandise Mart Plz, Ste 124 Chicago, IL 60654-1103 (312) 207-9336 Fax: (312) 832-2819 alexandra.skobel@geappliances.com
On Time Design Co
Mick Nckoin 5001 Ozona Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76109 (214) 226-7123
Morrison Supply Co.
Shellie Phillips 9901 Broadway St, Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78217-4915 (210) 349-7878 saphillips@morsco.com
Organizing By Barbie
Nannie Inez
Heather Herndon 701 S Lamar Blvd, Ste E Austin, TX 78704-1547 (512) 428-6639 heather@nannieinez.com
Paige Elliott Interiors LLC
National Wholesale Supply Inc.
Vicki Lynn 3115 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78230-5111 (210) 366-2225 v.lynn@nationalwholesale.biz
Panoramic Doors
Navis Pack & Ship-Dallas, TX
Marc Oxford 11009 Shady Trl Dallas, TX 75229-5603 (972) 870-1212 Fax: (972) 870-1675 marc.oxford@gonavis.com
Paris Ceramics
Nicole Zules Decorative & Fine Artists and Muralist
Perennials and Sutherland
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Hiep Phung 6121 West Park Blvd Plano, TX 75093 (469) 304-4700 hiiep.phung@mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Carrie Fitzwater 1500 Northpark Dr, Ste 154 Fort Worth, TX 76102-1021 (214) 507-8608 carrie@modernlantern.com
Modern Lantern
Emily Greggerson 469 Trails End Ct El Paso, TX 79932-3133 (915) 525-0600 emily_greggerson@mohawkind.com
Mohawk Flooring
Advanced Carpet And Interiors Teresa Shearer 6805 Woodway Dr Waco, TX 76712-6146 (254) 772-1717
Mohawk Flooring
Landers Premier Flooring Stephanie Landers 2601 McHale Ct Austin, TX 78758-4468 (512) 873-9470
Mohawk Flooring
Savannah Garza savannah_garza@mohawkind.com
Mohawk Group
Terry Willis 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 308 Dallas, TX 75207-3605 (469) 337-6509
Momentum Group
Nicole Zules 18015 Windflower Way Dallas, TX 75252-5234 (214) 454-5277 muralsbynicole@gmail.com
Sucharita Reddy 10405 Shady Trl, Ste 400 Dallas, TX 75220-2552 (214) 660-5393 sucharita@omeganaturalstone.com
Omega Natural Stone
Bethany Factor 3109 Overton Park Dr E Fort Worth, TX 76109-2010 (713) 829-3458 bethanyfactor@yahoo.com Barbie Manley 108 Blue Stem Ln Haslet, TX 76052-3392 (713) 724-9543 barbie@organizingbybarbie.com
Paige Elliott 2906A Windsor Rd Austin, TX 78703-2346 (620) 664-0286 paige@paigeelliottinteriors.com John Russell 2807 Allen St Dallas, TX 75204-1031 (817) 239-0366 john@panoramicdoors.com Brooke Crow 222 Merchandise Mart Plz, Ste 146 Chicago, IL 60654-1381 (214) 245-1453 Fax: (312) 467-9835 brooke.crow@parisceramicsusa.com Kerri Mcculloch 1600 Viceroy Dr, Ste 500 Dallas, TX 75235-2315 (214) 389-4277 kmcculloch@davidsutherlandinc.com Scott Bell 1805 Market Center Blvd Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-2232 scott@pettigrew-usa.com
Pettigrew Luxury Furnishings
Dena Didas 1805 Market Center Blvd Dallas, TX 75207-3314 (214) 747-2232 dena@pettigrew-usa.com
Pettigrew Luxury Furnishings
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Industry PA R T N E R S Pier 1 Imports
Courtney Allen 100 Pier 1 Pl Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 252-8362 cmallen@pier1.com
Pratt & Lambert Paints
Kathy Sanders 4030 W Vickery Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76107 (214) 368-2851 melissa@piercehardware.com
Pro-Tection Dallas, Inc.
Kristy Tejeda 2615 West Mockingbird Lane, Ste 101 Dallas, TX 75235 (214) 368-2851 melissa@piercehardware.com
ProSource Wholesale
Pamela Thompson 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 250 Dallas, TX 75207-3632 (800) 669-6002 pthompson@pindlercorp.com
ProSource Wholesale
Sydney Mccann 314 Old Highway 183 Cedar Park, TX 78613-2902 (512) 331-7503 sydney@plushhomefabric.com
ProSource Wholesale
Abe Nejad 204 Central Expy S, Ste 53 Allen, TX 75013-8009 (972) 649-4778 abe@poshlighting.net
ProSource Wholesale
Pierce Hardware
Pierce Hardware
Pindler & Pindler, Inc.
Plush Fabric - Home Interiors
Posh Lighting
Olivia Diaz 9115 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78217 (210) 419-0752 Fax: (412) 434-2282 olivia.diaz@ppg.com
PPG Paints
Sabrina Overman 1080 W. Fairbanks Ave Winter Park, FL 32789 (407) 608-2628 Fax: (412) 434-2282 sabrina.overman@ppg.com
PPG Paints
David Pepper 9610 W 92nd Terrace Overland Park, KS 66212-4816 (913) 991-2551
Pratt & Lambert Paints
Larry Vogel 10 Rustic Bend San Antonio, TX 78230 (405) 706-8337 larry.h.vogel@sherwin.com Nell Mazoch 2201 Tucker St, Ste 108 Dallas, TX 75214-6125 (800) 825-4392 Fax: (214) 320-8664 pro-tectiondallas@sbcglobal.net Amaris Castellano 12919 Flagship Dr San Antonio, TX 78247 (210) 829-8290 amarisc@prosourcetexas.com Melinda Crouch 1500 Dragon St Dallas, TX 76034 (214) 742-3300 melindac@prosourcetexas.com Theresa Harrison 5350 Airport Fwy Fort Worth, TX 76117-5905 (214) 742-3300 melindac@prosourcetexas.com Tessica Wooten 5350 Airport Fwy Fort Worth, TX 76117-5905 (214) 742-3300 tessicaw@prosourcetexas.com
QDI Stone Quarries Direct International LLC
David Wing 2605 Freewood Dr Dallas, TX 75220-2510 (214) 537-2644 Fax: (713) 957-2601 david.wing@qdisurfaces.com Oscar Botello 2006 W Koenig Ln Austin, TX 78756-1132 (512) 221-0403 oscar@quickresidentialsolutions.com
Quick Residential Solutions
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Pamela Carreon-Blanchard 150 Rock Valley San Antonio, TX 78227 (832) 833-5244 pamela@quickresidentialsolutions.com
Quick Residential Solutions
Renee Iglesias 11661 Preston Rd, Ste 301 Dallas, TX 75230-6168 (214) 368-5151 renee@redstonekitchens.com
Redstone Kitchens
Tom Weaver 183 Cole St Dallas, TX 75207-7101 (214) 742-9408 Fax: (214) 742-9402 info@regencyrailings.com
Regency Railings Inc.
Bryce Smith 1007 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-4218 (214) 698-1000 Fax: (214) 698-0000 bryce@rencollection.com
Renaissance Collection
Suzanne Kim 1444 Oak Lawn Ave, Ste 220 Dallas, TX 75207-3600 (214) 453-1330 suzannek@rmcoco.com
Mark Knight 4419 N. Hall St Dallas, TX 75219 (573) 803-4339 markk@rmcoco.com
Tina Stevens 5008 Everglade Rd Dallas, TX 75227 (573) 803-4333 tinas@rmcoco.com
Terri Walther 1003 Grandridge Trail Cedar Park, TX 78613 (573) 803-4945 terriw@rmcoco.com
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Robert Allen Duralee Group
Catherine Bernal 5120 Woodway Dr, Ste 141 Houston, TX 77056-1761 (713) 439-0200 cbernal@robertallendesign.com
Natascha Zarse 5 Applewood Ct The Hills, TX 78738 (512) 673-0713 Fax: (949) 900-3237 nzarse@milestonedist.com
SBI Fine Fabric Finishing
Frank Denzer 16140 Cinch Dr Frisco, TX 75035-1613 (410) 707-2039 fdenzer@duralee.com
Ron Mills Custom Concrete Designs
Ron Mills 1265 Industrial Dr, Ste F New Braunfels, TX 78130-3678 (830) 626-9878
Scott + Cooner, Inc.
Robert Allen Duralee Group
Laurie Hero 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 742 Dallas, TX 75207-3739 (214) 748-7080
Robert Allen Duralee Group
Walt Kozachenko 8521 Hidden Meadow Dr Fort Worth, TX 76179-3021 (817) 236-4613 wkozachenko@duralee.com
Robert Allen Duralee Group
Diane Wood 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 747 Dallas, TX 75207 (800) 333-3777 dwood@robertallendesign.com
Robert Allen Duralee Group
Kent Giles 1607 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-3910 (214) 748-2222 Fax: (866) 412-4742 kent@robertlawrencedesigns.com
Robert-Lawrence Designs
Rusty Hampton 1444 Oak Lawn Ave, Ste 116 Dallas, TX 75207-3691 (214) 748-2222 Fax: (866) 412-4742 info@robertlawrencedesigns.com
Robert-Lawrence Designs
Najla Abouelias 1707 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, TX 75207-3403 (972) 239-4430 najla@europeandesigns.net
Roche Bobois Dallas
Bill Powell 3121 Westcliff Rd W Fort Worth, TX 76109-2129 (817) 966-6411 Fax: (949) 900-3237
Vance Haas 7925 Cabin Ct Arlington, TX 76002-4198 (419) 619-7314 Fax: (419) 435-1056 vhaas@roppe.com
Roppe Corporation
Sandra Catlett 10939 Shady Trl, # B-2 Dallas, TX 75220-1387 (214) 351-4870 sandra@rtadallas.com
RTA, Inc.
Kristin King 8706 Manhattan Ave Plano, TX 75024 (972) 207-5093 kristin.k@sea.samsung.com
Samsung Electronics America
Quin Lloyd 612 Shady Bridge Ln Keller, TX 76284 (817) 253-5224 q.lloyd@sea.samsung.com
Samsung Electronics America
Guy Minnix (214) 399-5616 guy.minnix@sea.samsung.com
Samsung Electronics America
Jody Rigdon 6330 Lakeshore Dr Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 790-2112 jody.rigdon@sea.samsung.com
Samsung Electronics America
Diane Percy 1108 Commercial St Athens, TX 75751-8801 (903) 675-1440 Fax: (903) 675-5331 diane@sbifinishing.com Lloyd Scott 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75207-3646 (214) 748-9838 Fax: (214) 748-5006 ls1@scottcooner.com Mikael Coursey 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 751 Dallas, TX 75207-3727 (214) 228-1602 mcoursey@scottgroupstudio.com
Scott Group Studio
Tom Cramer 1025 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas, TX 75207-3700 (214) 730-6220 tcramer@scottgroupstudio.com
Scott Group Studio
Russell Webb 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 751 Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 730-6220 rwebb@scottgroupstudio.com
Scott Group Studio
Jill John 10 Liberty Ship Way, Ste 350 Sausalito, CA 94965-3312 (866) 971-1016 jill.john@serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc.
Anna Claire Merck 1005 S. 60th St Milwaukee, WI 53214 (214) 769-0873 annaclairem@shannonspecialtyfloors.com
Shannon Specialty Floors
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-4218 (214) 747-7200
Sherle Wagner International
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Industry PA R T N E R S Sherwin-Williams
Ashlynn Bourque 2100 Lakeside Blvd, Ste 400 Richardson, TX 75082-4349 (214) 686-0779 ashlynn.bourque@sherwin.com
Sonance - Dobbs-Stanford Corp.
Woody Taylor 2715 Electronic Lane Dallas, TX 75220-1217 (214) 389-5206 Fax: (949) 271-4598 woody@dobbsstanford.com
Stellar AV, Inc.
Brett Huckelbury 2100 Lakeside Blvd, Ste 400 Richardson, TX 75082-4347 (214) 553-3940 bchuckelbury@sherwin.com
Southwest Gallery
Bob Malenfant 4500 Sigma Rd Dallas, TX 75244-4503 (972) 960-8935
Stone Solutions, Inc.
Stacy Coulter 1305 Wycliff Ave, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75207-6211 (214) 705-3611 coulter.stacy@gmail.com
Stacy Coulter & Assoc
Siebler, Inc. - Remodeling and Historic Preservation
Ronald Siebler 10215 Northlake Dr Dallas, TX 75218-1732 (214) 546-7579 Fax: (214) 342-9028 ron@siebler.com
Stal Timber
Melony Combs 9040 Gunnison Dr Dallas, TX 75231 (214) 412-7573 melony.combs@lge.com
Stark Carpet Corporation
Josh Marten 11951 Hilltop Rd, Ste 19 Argyle, TX 76226-3152 (214) 675-3530 sales@staltimber.com
Signature Kitchen Suite
Baxter Clarke 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 280 Dallas, TX 75207-3711 (214) 742-8252
Ashley Wainscott 511 W 41st St Austin, TX 78751-4510 (512) 693-9340 ashley@simply-sold.net
Simply Sold
Scott Easterly 5120 Woodway Dr 1050 Decorative Center Houston, TX 77056-1723 (713) 623-4034 seasterly@starkcarpet.com
Stark Carpet Corporation
Blake Chaffee 1340 Airport Commerce Dr, Ste 425 Austin, TX 78741-6818 (512) 600-5992 Fax: (512) 600-5995 blakec@skylinefloorscapes.com
Skyline Floorscapes
Stephanie Dagelewicz 3131 McKinney Ave, Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75204-2441 (214) 548-0935
Steelcase Inc.
Alex Jaremko 5908 Stone Creek Dr, Ste 110 Lewisville, TX 75056-2639 (972) 488-5100 alex@smartsystemstx.com
Smart Systems
Anthony Ruben 135 Pittsburg St, # A3 Dallas, TX 75207-7222 (214) 764-9805 anthony@softhomestudio.com
Chris Laderer 6869 Old Katy Rd Houston, TX 77024-2105 (713) 373-1263 cladere1@steelcase.com
Steelcase Inc.
Soft Home Custom Fabrication Studio
Casey Saliba 5301 N Central Expy Dallas, TX 75205-3319 (214) 526-1853 Fax: (214) 526-5358 csaliba@steinwaypianos.com
Steinway Piano Gallery of Houston
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Bill O’Connor 1110 Ranch Rd 620 S Lakeway, TX 78734-5600 (512) 940-9699 bill@livestellarnow.com J.D. Mcdonald 2222 W Rundberg Ln, Ste 450 Austin, TX 78758-5468 (512) 834-9211 sales@stonesolutions.com Blanca Quijada 2840 Reward Ln Dallas, TX 75220-1508 (214) 484-8820 jose@stonemodegranite.com
Stonemode Granite, LLC
Kellie Sirna 5646 Milton St, Ste 340 Dallas, TX 75206-3931 (214) 206-1131 kellie@studio11design.com
Studio 11 Design
Brianne Bowers 3707 Lemmon Ave Dallas, TX 75219 (972) 213-3005 Fax: (608) 270-3339 brianne.bowers@subzero.com
Manny Bustamante 2600 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78215 (210) 223-4610 mannyb@summerclassics.com
Summer Classics | Gabby
Jason Matej 2600 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78215 (210) 223-4610 jason.matej@summerclassics.com
Summer Classics | Gabby
Logan Mendez 2600 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78215 (210) 223-4610 loganm@summerclassics.com
Summer Classics | Gabby
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Summer Classics | Gabby
Taylor Rowe 2600 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78215 (210) 223-4610 taylorr@summerclassics.com
Tabors Of San Angelo, Inc.
Lydy Tabor 4816 Knickerbocker Rd San Angelo, TX 76904-7515 (325) 942-1696 sales@taborsofsanangelo.com
The Home Fort
Summer Classics | Gabby
Elva Solis 2600 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78215 (210) 223-4610
Taylors on Ten
Heather Steeley 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 10010 Dallas, TX 75207-3101 (214) 651-9565 Fax: (214) 748-7618
The Home Store
Chris Tyndal 4514 Travis St., Ste 101 Dallas, TX 75205 (469) 620-6853 christ@summerclassics.com
Marcia Blake 51120 Mystic Tyme Dr Indio, CA 92201-9658 (336) 586-1220 mblake@glenraven.com
Texas Counter Fitters
Deborah Holt 7879 Spring Valley Rd Dallas, TX 75254-2855 (972) 239-3716 Fax: (972) 239-3719 deborah@sunnylandfurniture.com
Texas Designer Flooring
Jonathan Thompson Fax: (512) 341-0561
The Arrangement
Summer Classics | Gabby
Sunnyland Outdoor Living
Sunsational Solutions
Mallory Gentry 1 Surya Dr White, GA 30184 (817) 258-1030 Fax: (706) 625-2465 mallory.gentry@surya.com
Allen 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, # 560 Dallas, TX 75207-3206 Fax: (706) 625-2465 allen.parker@surya.com
Kellie Dahl 4816 Knickerbocker Rd San Angelo, TX 76904-7515 (325) 942-1696 sales@taborsofsanangelo.com
Tabors Of San Angelo, Inc.
Angela Mcguire 700 US East 46 Fairfield, NJ 7004 (940) 594-5092 amcguire@technogym.com William Gilbert 1722 Reserve St Garland, TX 75042-7620 (214) 221-0365 andrew@texascounterfitters.com Jessie Boyd 4727 Camp Bowie Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76107-4154 (817) 732-7600 Fax: (817) 732-7602 jessieb@texasdesignerflooring.com Katherine Snedeker 13710 Dallas Pkwy, Ste C Dallas, TX 75240-1318 (214) 748-4540 accounts@thearrangement.com B.J. Wilson 10 Echo Cv Grapevine, TX 76051-6035 (817) 715-5802
The Dixie Group
Beth Bender 6571 Cliffbrook Dr Dallas, TX 75254-8610 (214) 385-4126 beth@thedoveagency.com
The Dove Agency
Les Grabowski 500 Bennett Ln Lewisville, TX 75057-4806 (972) 221-4165 Fax: (972) 420-9868 thegraniteshop@msn.com
The Granite Shop
Tarin Wallace 5533 Red Cardinal Ln Fort Worth, TX 76114-3620 (817) 937-3770 thehomefort@gmail.com Jack G. Santorelli 1104 W Main St Carrollton, TX 75006-7237 (469) 701-0120 info@thehomestoretx.com Victoria Bixler 78707 Inwood Rd Dallas, TX 75209 (214) 366-0606 victoria@theinteriordallas.com
The Interior
Candice Countryman 2651 Fondren Dr Dallas, TX 75206-4125 (214) 363-7211 candice@jarrellco.com
The Jarrell Company
Lane Taylor 1544 Slocum St Dallas, TX 75207-3604 (214) 741-1912 Fax: (214) 741-9122 l.taylor@tkstx.com
The Kitchen Source
Melissa Woody 1515 Dragon St Dallas, TX 75207-3908 (214) 741-5300 Fax: (214) 528-1701 lampshoppedallas@gmail.com
The Lamp Shoppe
Sean House 4516 McKinney Ave Dallas, TX 75205 (469) 619-4942 shouse@theshadestore.com
The Shade Store
John Milburn 4516 McKinney Ave Dallas, TX 75205-4214 (469) 619-4942 jmilburn@theshadestore.com
The Shade Store
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Industry PA R T N E R S Leigh Ann Hodnett 7201 W Vickery Blvd Benbrook, TX 76116-9038 (817) 731-1925 Fax: (817) 377-3322 leighann@tmgw.biz
The Shade Store
Adam Skalman 21 Abendroth Ave Port Chester, NY 10573 (212) 645-2424 ext 310 trade@theshadestore.com
Tile, Marble & Granite Works
Sonia Wincott 4516 McKinney Ave Dallas, TX 75205 (469) 619-4942 swincott@theshadestore.com
Lela Penny 2100 Handley Ederville Rd, Ste 100 Fort Worth, TX 76118-7160 (817) 698-5500 lela@thestonecollection.com
TKO Associates
Kathy Tomkins 11935 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75234-5837 (972) 488-5700 kathy@thestonecollection.com
TKO Associates
Brian Hallada 5650 Overton Ridge Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76132 (682) 707-8691 brian.hallada@tileshop.com
Anne Isah 12235 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216-2840 (210) 998-5212 annie.Isah@tileshop.com
The Shade Store
The Stone Collection
The Stone Collection
The Tile Shop
The Tile Shop
Daniel Roberts 6316 Airport Fwy, Ste A Haltom City, TX 76117 (817) 566-0072 daniel.roberts@tileshop.com
The Tile Shop
Mathew Subbert (210) 314-9499 Mathew.Subbert@tileshop.com
The Tile Shop
Michelle Taylor 407 Radam Ln, # E100 Austin, TX 78745-1121 (512) 595-6743 mtaylor@zellacompany.com
The Zella Company
Natalie Brauer 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 610 Dallas, TX 75207-3719 (877) 434-2000 natalie.brauer@timberblinds.com Ann Hatcher 1617 Hi Line Dr Dallas, TX 75207-3624 (214) 741-6060 Fax: (214) 742-4614 ann@tkoassoc.com Elizabeth Hoag 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 230 Dallas, TX 75207-3635 (214) 741-6060 Fax: (214) 742-4614 betsy@tkoassoc.com Brian Nickel 2834 Nightwind Ct Frisco, TX 75034-4670 (972) 370-1003 bnickel@totousa.com Paula Evans 8021 Walnut Hill Ln Dallas, TX 75231-4349 (214) 945-1040 Jennifer Crowe 2515 Brockton Dr, Ste 101 Austin, TX 78758-4401 (210) 546-0980 Fax: (225) 303-0576
Triton Stone Group
Jacque Duffin 107 W Nakoma St San Antonio, TX 78216-2723 (210) 546-0980 Fax: (225) 303-0576
Triton Stone Group
Jean Lins 12121 N. Stemmons Fwy Dallas, TX 75234 (214) 775-1650 Fax: (214) 775-1651 jean.lins@tritonstonefl.com
Triton Stone Group of Dallas
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Sina Sadri 10877 Sanden Dr Dallas, TX 75238-1338 (713) 988-7779 sina@tufanrugs.com
Tufan Rugs
Valerie Johnson 1251 S Sherman St, Ste 104 Richardson, TX 75081-6509 (972) 238-9888 Fax: (972) 231-4993 val@ultramedia.biz
UltraMedia, Inc.
Andrea Bergman 601 SW 1st St Boca Raton, FL 33486-4601 (800) 547-8266 andrea@uniquecarpetsltd.com
Unique Carpets Ltd.
Shannon Sosa 801 West 5th St, Ste 100 Austin, TX 78703 (512) 476-0014 shannon@urbanspaceinteriors.com
Urbanspace Interiors
John Mcgillicuddy 28 Greene St New York, NY 10013 (917) 232-9276 j.mcgill@usm.com
USM Modular Furniture
Terri Marchefski 6240 Morning Star Dr, Ste 130 The Colony, TX 75056-4579 (214) 616-1700 Fax: (214) 381-8333 tmarchefski@vmcstone.com
Verona Marble Company, Inc.
David Gappa 701 S Main St, # 103 Grapevine, TX 76051-5351 (817) 251-1668 dgappa@vetroartglass.com
Vetro Fine Art Glass
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Industry PA R T N E R S ... Alan Fishman 5411 W Lovers Ln Dallas, TX 75209-4217 (214) 351-2020 afishman@westsidekb.net
Louis Andrade 11620 Goodnight Ln, Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75229-3358 (972) 243-2325 Fax: (972) 243-4197 marketing@vicostoneus.com
Westside Kitchen and Bath
Javier Price, 11620 Goodnight LnSuite 100 Dallas, TX 75229-3361 (972) 243-2325 Fax: (972) 243-4197 javier.sotoprice@vicostoneus.com
Wexel Art
Vicostone USA
Julie Behr 5136 Camp Bowie Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76107-4835 (817) 877-1564 julie@bryansvintagefloors.com
Vintage Floors
Annette Massie 11550 Newberry St, Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75229-7304 (972) 481-3900 amassie@walkerzanger.com
Walker Zanger, Inc.
Jill Muggleston 11550 Newberry St, Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75229-7304 (214) 226-7644 jmuggleston@walkerzanger.com
Walker Zanger, Inc.
Margaret Hinojosa De Garza 1525A Hi Line Dallas, TX 75207 (469) 520-0451 margaret.degarza@waterworks.com
Kyler Hatfield 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 523 Dallas, TX 75207-3206 (214) 678-2984 kyler.hatfield@wendoverart.com
Wendover Art Group
Mike Rives 1730 Whittier Ave Dallas, TX 75218 (972) 832-3296 timothy-michaels@sbcglobal.net
Wendover Art Group
Natasha Mcree 11715 Bee Cave Rd, # 300B Austin, TX 78738-6315 natasha@wexelart.com James Miri 2209 Rutland Dr, Ste A300 Austin, TX 78758-5280 (512) 490-1500 Fax: (512) 490-1501 james@whiteglovedelivery.com
White Glove Storage & Delivery LLC
James Miri 1451 Wycliff Ave Dallas TX 75207 (214) 748-1111 james@whiteglovedelivery.com
White Glove Storage & Delivery L.L.C.
Pauline Gatto 8687 N. Central Expy, C1-504 Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 378-6216 pgatto@stores.williams-sonoma.com
Williams Sonoma, Inc.
Sharilyn Martins 8687 N. Central Expy, C1-504 Dallas, TX 75225 (469) 232-9271 smartens@stores.williams-sonoma.com
Williams Sonoma, Inc.
Jeanne Mccrea 401 N Main St, # 1328 Temple, TX 76501-3245 (214) 608-0098 jmccrea@wsgc.com
Williams Sonoma, Inc.
Williams Sonoma, Inc. Pottery Barn
Danielle Delorey 255 East Basse Rd San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 930-2164 ddelorey@stores.potterybarn.com
Williams Sonoma, Inc. Pottery Barn Lisa Vickers 3212-3214 Knox St Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 252-9106 lgvickers@gmail.com
Williams Sonoma, Inc. Pottery Barn-The Galleria At Great Hills Tina Ellis 1000 Reasearch Blv, Ste B02A Austin, TX 78759 (512) 502-2418 eellis1@stores.potterybarn.com Greg Strom 525 Southwind Loop Seguin, TX 78155-8220 (210) 303-9582 greg.strom@wilsonart.com
Wilsonart, LLC
Teresa Humphrey 2501 Wilsonart Dr Temple, TX 76504 (214) 695-8527 humphrt@wilsonart.com
Wilsonart, LLC
Mark Kieckhafer 2501 Wilsonart Dr Temple, TX 76504 (254) 207-2381 mkieckhafer@aol.com
Wilsonart, LLC
Lisa Portillo 4051 La Reunion Pkwy, Ste 140 Dallas, TX 75212-6031 (254) 721-2374 portill@wilsonart.com
Wilsonart, LLC
Ryan Howard 8219 Burleson Rd, Ste 500 Austin, TX 78744-4116 (512) 821-1302 ryanh@worldinteriors.com
World Interiors World Interiors
Ryan Howard 8219 Burleson Rd, Ste 500 Austin, TX 78744-4116 (512) 821-1302 ryanh@worldinteriors.com
World Interiors World Interiors
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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B EESSTT. . DDEECCI SI SI OI O B NN . .E VE EVRE. R . difficult decisions. Allow the experts at Ferguson to make things products products from from prominent prominent brands, brands,all alldesigned designedtotobring bringyour your vision to to life. life. Learn Learnmore moreatat fergusonshowrooms.com
Š2019 Ferguson Enterprises, LLC 0819 1408471
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Designer Buyer’s Guide
For often requires making For projects projectsof ofany anysize, size,perfection perfection often requires making
2019-2020 Texas Covers and Tabs.qxp_Layout 1 9/18/19 1:17 PM Page 14
Designer Buyer’s Guide
At our newly opened Dallas Design Center
133 Manufacturing St. Dallas, TX 75207
214-253-8203 Dallas@ludowici.com
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Buyer’s Guide
Buyer’scategories Guide Accessories | 80
Furniture-Commercial | 95
Appliances | 83
Furniture-Outdoor | 96
Antiques | 81 Art | 83
Artisans & Craftsman | 84
Furniture-Custom | 95
Furniture-Residential | 97
Glasswork / Mirrors | 100
Audio Video / Electronics | 84
Hardware-Decorative | 101
Billiard Tables / Supplies | 86
Lighting | 104
Bedding & Linens | 84
Kitchen & Bath | 102
Building Materials | 86
Marble / Granite / Stone | 105
Carpet Protection / Rug Cleaning | 88
Paint | 107
Cabinetry-Millwork | 88
Moving / Storage | 106
Carpets / Rugs | 88
Plumbing Fixtures | 107
Delivery, Moving & Shipping | 91
Restoration / Remodeling | 108
Draperies / Blinds / Shutters | 92
Tile | 109
Custom Storage Solutions | 90 Designer Services | 91 Fabric | 92
Fabric Protection / Cleaning | 93 Faux Finishes / Murals | 93
Flooring / Floor Coverings | 93 Florals / Silk / Botanical | 94
Publications | 108
Shower Doors | 108 Upholstery | 110
Wall Coverings | 111
Window Covering & Treatments | 111 Windows & Doors | 113
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Buyer’s Guide fine furniture hardwood flooring rugs lighting art accessories fabrics trims decorative hardware
930 Proton, Suite 303 San Antonio, TX 78258 www.interiortradecartel.com
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
Accessories Tony Smock 960 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 742-8111 tsmock@cantonitrade.com www.cantonitrade.com
Cantoni Trade
See our ad on page 80
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
Linda Kammeyer Pflugerville/San Antonio/Grand Prairie (602) 803-8335 linda.kammeyer@livingspaces.com www.livingspaces.com
Living Spaces LLC
Theresa Davis 2000 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 956-0030 x 303 tdavis@globalviews.com www.globalviews.com
Global Views
See our ad on page 99
Kelly Ferniza 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 373-4082 kferniza@madegoods.com www.madegoods.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
Made Goods
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
McLaren’s Antiques & Interiors LLC
Helen McLaren 1745 N State Hwy 237, Round Top, TX 78954 (917) 900-5036 mclarensinteriors@hotmail.com www.mclarensantiquesandinteriors.com
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Buyer’s Guide Rene Pettyjohn 11701 Domain Blvc, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 676-4144 rene.pettyjohn@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Trent Bryant 4519 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 753-8700 trent.bryant@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Mick Nckoin 5001 Ozona Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (214) 226-7123 mick.nckoin@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Authentic Design Domestic Craftsmanship Responsible Production 214.653.1733 AntiqueDraperyRod.com
4091 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77027 (832) 397-5130 hiiep.phung@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Greg Sweeny 6121 West Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75093 (469) 304-4700 gregory.sweeney@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Najla Abouelias 1707 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 239-4430 najla@europeandesigns.net www.europeandesigns.net
Roche Bobois Dallas
Jill John 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 87107713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
See our ad on page 96
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
Sherle Wagner International
See our ad on page 101
Antiques Jaclyn Carignan 1937 Irving Blvd, Ste A, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 653-1733 jcarignan@antiquedraperyrod.com www.antiquedraperyrod.com
Antique Drapery Rod Co., Inc.
See our ad on page 81
Brian Roeder 330 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018 (212) 674-8855 info@blattbilliards.com www.BlattBilliards.com
Blatt Billiards
See our ad on page 85
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Buyer’s Guide
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Buyer’s Guide Steve Juneau 102 World Trade Center 2050 Stemmos Frwy, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-0040 sjuneau@feizy.com www.feizy.com
Natascha Zarse 2615 East Beltline Rd, Carrollton, TX 75006 (214) 217-2845 nzarse@milestonedist.com www.milestonedist.com
Feizy Import & Export
Milestone Distributors
See our ad on the ASID Student Tab B
Signature Kitchen Suite
Dean Warden 13720 Midway Rd, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75244 (469) 730-2399 dandg@att.net www.heritageantiquesdallas.com
Heritage Antiques and Interiors, LLC
Helen McLaren 1745 N State Hwy 237, Round Top, TX 78954 (917) 900-5036 mclarensinteriors@hotmail.com www.mclarensantiquesandinteriors.com
McLaren’s Antiques & Interiors LLC
Melony Combs, John Rowe 1000 Sylvan Ave, Englewood Cliff, NJ 07632 (214) 412-7573, (281) 797-7140 melony.combs@lge.com john.rowe@lge.com www.signaturekitchensuite.com
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab A
Art Naomi Butler 5960 W Parker Rd, Ste 278 PMB 220, Plano, TX 75093 (214) 274-5060 info@abstractartbynaomi.com www.abstractartbynaomi.com
Abstract Art by Naomi
C Benson-Cobb 2007 Farrington St, Dallas, TX 75207 (877) 883-7298 clientservices@bensoncobb.com www.bensoncobb.com
Bosch, Thermador, Gaggenau Home Appliances
Chris Hill 1901 Main St, Suite 600, Irvine, CA 92614 (214) 415-4994 chris.hill2@bshg.com www.bshg.com
Benson-Cobb Studios
Linda Ross 14425 Clark Ave, City of Industry, TX 91745 (214) 601-0811 rlinda@dacor.com www.dacor.com
Carlyn Ray Designs
See our ad on page 82
Designers’ Delivery
Jennifer Williams 5001 Bryant Irvin Rd N, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 259-0920 evan.soltoff@eggersmannusa.com www.expressionshomegallery.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
Expressions Home Gallery
See our ad on page 102
Caryn Musick 5919 W Campus Dr, Ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78247 (210) 270-3100 caryn.musick@facetshome.com www.facetshome.com
Facets of San Antonio
Joey Babb 4211 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 851-5361 joey.babb@ferguson.com www.fergusonshowrooms.com 20+ locations across Texas
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Carlyn Ray 1820 Irving Blvd, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 741-1442 accounting@carlynraydesigns.com www.carlynraydesigns.com Zoltan Szabo 1110 Inwood Rd, Ste 102, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 637-7727 zoltan@designersdelivery.net www.designersdelivery.com Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on page 80
See our ad on the Designer Buyer’s Guide Tab A 2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Buyer’s Guide David Rogers 14354 Proton Rd, Dallas, TX 75244 (972) 392-3202 ccornish@dallassightandsound.com www.dallassightandsound.com
Linda Kammeyer Pflugerville/San Antonio/Grand Prairie (602) 803-8335 linda.kammeyer@livingspaces.com www.livingspaces.com
Living Spaces LLC
Dallas Sight and Sound, Inc.
See our ad on page 99
UltraMedia, Inc.
Jill John 10 Liberty Ship Way, Ste 350, Sausalito, CA 94965 (866) 971-1016 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
See our ad on page 96
Bedding & Linens
Mike Rives, Kyler Hatfield Dallas Market Center 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, IHDC iD427, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 678-2984 kyler.hatfield@wendoverart.com www.wendoverart.com
D. Fadal Designs
Artisans & Craftsman
Dallas Luxury Beds
Wendover Art Group
Rudolf Valentino 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 550, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 741-2899 r.valentino@jeandemerry.com www.jeandemerry.com
Jean DeMerry
Danielle 1226 Jackson Blvd, Houston, TX 77006 (713) 520-8134 info@custom-rangehoods.com www.custom-rangehoods.com
Lonestar Range Hood
Ron Siebler 10215 Northlake Dr, Dallas, TX 75218 (214) 546-7579 ron@siebler.com www.siebler.com
Siebler, Inc - Remodeling and Historic Preservation
David Gappa 701 S Main St, # 103, Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 251-1668 dgappa@vetroartglass.com www.vetroartglass.com
Vetro Fine Art Glass
Audio Video/Electronics Keith Brown 1918 University Business Dr, Ste 507, McKinney, TX 75071 (972) 529-4470 kbrown@avinnovations.net www.avinnovations.net
Audio Video Innovations
Valerie Johnson 1251 S Sherman St, Ste 104, Richardson, TX 75081 (972) 238-9888 val@ultramedia.biz www.ultramedia.biz
Donna Fadal 1519 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 956-9821 donna@dfadaldesigns.com www.dfadaldesigns.com
See our ad on page 112
Tina Jeppesen 1444 Oak Lawn Ave, Ste 316, Dallas, TX 75207 (312) 527-5337 info@dallasluxurybeds.com www.chicagoluxurybeds.com/hastens-dallas
See our ad on the Quick Look Tab B
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on page 80
Rene Pettyjohn 11701 Domain Blvc, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 676-4144 rene.pettyjohn@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Trent Bryant 4519 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 753-8700 trent.bryant@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
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Made in the USA
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Buyer’s Guide Mick Nckoin 5001 Ozona Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (214) 226-7123 mick.nckoin@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Simi Kapoor 8001 Bent Branch Dr, Irving, TX 75063 (469) 248-3210 simi@eburlington.com www.burlingtondesigngallery.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Burlington Design Gallery
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
DFW Painting
4091 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77027 (832) 397-5130 hiiep.phung@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Danette Galvis 6111 W Plano Pkwy, Ste 3200, Plano, TX 75093 (214) 663-0771 danette@dfwpainting.com www.dfwpainting.com
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
See our ad on the Table of Contents Tab A
Greg Sweeny 6121 West Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75093 (469) 304-4700 gregory.sweeney@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
(code2) LOGO & Box
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Jill John 10 Liberty Ship Way, Ste 350, Sausalito, CA 94965 (866) 971-1016 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
See our ad on page 96
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
Since 1888, Ludowici architectural terra cotta has been the preferred choice of discerning architects and designers looking for unsurpassed beauty and durability in their roof tile, floor tile, and wall cladding. Ludowici offers 30 standard roof tile profiles and limitless custom options to meet your architectural needs. We stand behind the integrity and color fastness of our products with an industry-leading 75 year warranty. Adorning some of the most prestigious buildings in the U.S., Ludowici is a timeless architectural choice for your next project. Visit us at www.ludowici.com
Sherle Wagner International Lauren Johnson 133 Manufacturing St, Dallas, TX 75207 (740) 605-0735 lauren.johnson@ludowici.com www.ludowici.com
See our ad on page 101
See our ad on the QuickLook Tab B
Billiard Tables / Supplies Brian Roeder 330 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018 (212) 674-8855 info@blattbilliards.com www.BlattBilliards.com
Blatt Billiards
See our ad on page 85
Alexandra Mazzi 2405 Crown Rd, Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 838-2225 marketing@alliedstoneinc.com www.alliedstoneinc.com
Lisa Portillo 2501 Wilsonart Dr, Temple, TX 76504 (254) 721-2374 portill@wilsonart.com www.wilsonart.com
Wilsonart LLC
Building Materials Allied Stone, Inc.
Tom Weaver 1231 Security Dr, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 742-9408 info@regencyrailings.com www.regencyrailings.com
Regency Railings Inc.
See our ad on page 87
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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If this New Wilsonart® THINSCAPE™ counter top could talk, it would tell you it’s time to convert the office into a nurser y. Think about it: Kitchen counters see a lot. And if it’s going to be a par t of your family, it better be built to last. I n t r o d u c i n g N e w W i l s o n a r t ® T H I N S C A P E ™ P e r f o r m a n c e To p s : E u r o p e a n inspired, ultra-thin countertops, delivering affordable luxury with exceptional performance. Product Featured: Spanish Limestone TS306 | ©2019 Wilsonart® LLC. All Rights Reserved.
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Buyer’s Guide
Carpet Protection/ Rug Cleaning
(code2) LOGO & Box
Dallas Rugs
Alex Hosseinnia 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, 6th Floor , Space 6294 World Trade Center, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 239-7847 alex@dallasrugs.com www.dallasrugs.com
S St Stone Ston Sto tone
Edward LaPuma 337 E. Sunset Rd, El Paso, TX 79922 (915) 590-0880 customerservice@77stone.net www.77stone.net
77 Stone
See our ad on page 89
Steve Juneau 102 World Trade Center 2050 Stemmos Frwy, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-0040 sjuneau@feizy.com www.feizy.com
Feizy Import & Export
Rosanna Morales 3012 E Yandell Dr, El Paso, TX 79903 (915) 566-0095 yosanna@a-1kitchens.com www.a-1kitchens.com
A-1 Kitchens By Sierra Inc.
See our ad on the ASID Student Tab B
Nell Mazoch 2201 Tucker St, Ste 108, Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 321-4392 pro-tectiondallas@sbcglobal.net
Pro-Tection Dallas, Inc.
Colin Snider 4508 Lovers Ln, Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 750-0271 csnider@bentwoodofdallas.com www.bentwoodofdallas.com
Bentwood Of Dallas
See our ad on the Inside Front Cover
Evan Soltoff 1616 Hi Line Dr, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 741-1100 info@eggersmannusa.com www.eggersmannusa.com
Eggersmann Kitchens | Home Living
Chariessa Payne 1825 Market Center Blvd, Suite 345, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 760-9054 chariessa.payne@hawa.com www.hawa.ch/en/home
Hawa Sliding Solutions
See our ad on page 113
Chris Takacs 6322 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX 75214 (972) 380-8300 x 103 ctakacs@kitchendesignconcepts.com www.kitchendesignconcepts.com
Kitchen Design Concepts
Melinda Crouch 1500 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 76034 (214) 742-3300 melindac@prosourcetexas.com www.prosourcewholesale.com
ProSource Wholesale
Carpets/Rugs James Arsin 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 670, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 748-5180 arsinruggallery@gmail.com www.arsinruggallery.com
Arsin Rug Gallery
Bobby Faizy 18000 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX 75252 (972) 733-0400 bobby@behnamrugs.com www.behnamrugs.com
Behnam Rugs
See our ad on page 89
Damien Clark 7301 Burnet Rd, Suite 200E, Austin, TX 78757 (512) 465-2273 info@blacksheepunique.com www.blacksheepunique.com
Black Sheep Unique
Alex Hosseinnia 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, 6th Floor , Space 6294 World Trade Center, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 239-7847 alex@dallasrugs.com www.dallasrugs.com
Dallas Rugs
See our ad on page 89
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Buyer’s Guide Steve Juneau 102 World Trade Center 2050 Stemmos Frwy, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-0040 sjuneau@feizy.com www.feizy.com
Feizy Import & Export
See our ad on the ASID Student Tab B
(code2) LOGO & Box
Paige Sowden 1620 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 744-5740 paige@intredesigns.com www.intredesigns.com
Interior Resources
See our ad on the QuickLook Tab A
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on page 80
Linda Kammeyer Pflugerville/San Antonio/Grand Prairie (602) 803-8335 linda.kammeyer@livingspaces.com www.livingspaces.com
Living Spaces LLC
See our ad on page 99
Rene Pettyjohn 11701 Domain Blvc, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 676-4144 rene.pettyjohn@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Trent Bryant 4519 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 753-8700 trent.bryant@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Mick Nckoin 5001 Ozona Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (214) 226-7123 mick.nckoin@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Alex Hosseinnia
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Lem ipsum
World Trade Center 2050 N. Stemmons Frwy Floor 6, Space #6294 Dallas, TX 75207
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Buyer’s Guide 4091 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77027 (832) 397-5130 hiiep.phung@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Greg Sweeny 6121 West Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75093 (469) 304-4700 gregory.sweeney@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Brian Reavis, Scot Kratzer, Josh McIntosh 12801 Hill Country Blvd, Ste 105, Bee Cave, TX 78738 (512) 263-0777 austinsouth@orgtx.com www.rugstudio.com
Oriental Rug Gallery
Fouad Saati, Fouad Shawwa 5213 Alpha Rd, Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 702-8787 dallas@rugstudio.com www.rugstudio.com
Oriental Rug Gallery
John Garza, Scott Kimrey 12719 Cimarron Path, San Antonio, TX 78249 (210) 342-3343 SAstore@RugStudio.com www.rugstudio.com Bryce Smith 1007 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 698-1000 bryce@rencollection.com www.rencollection.com Najla Abouelias 1707 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 239-4430 najla@europeandesigns.net www.europeandesigns.net
Roche Bobois Dallas
Scott Easterly 5120 Woodway Dr, Ste 1010, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 623-4034 seasterly@starkcarpet.com www.starkcarpet.com
Stark Carpet Corporation
Custom Storage Solutions Aviad Peretz 9201 Brown Ln, Ste 191, Austin, TX 78754 (512) 201-4777 vanessa@austinmovingforward.com www.austinmovingforward.com
Austin Moving Forward
Tanya Roberts 1420 Valwood Parkway, 212, Carrolton, TX 75006 (214) 351-1000 troberts@calclosets.com www.calclosets.com
California Closets
Howard Nisenbaum, Joseph Eckert 5620 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 622-0647 Houston@orgtx.com www.rugstudio.com
See our ad on page 96
See our ad on the ASID Industry Partner Tab A
Oriental Rug Gallery
Oriental Rug Gallery
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
See our ad on page 2
Zoltan Szabo 1110 Inwood Rd, Ste 102, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 637-7727 zoltan@designersdelivery.net www.designersdelivery.com
Designers’ Delivery
Barbie Manley 108 Blue Stem Ln, Haslet, TX 76052 (713) 724-9543 barbie@organizingbybarbie.com www.organizingbybarbie.com
Organizing By Barbie
Lloyd Scott 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 274-8684 gina@soulscalling.com www.scottcooner.com
Scott + Cooner, Inc.
James Miri 3834 Promontory Point Dr, Austin, TX 78744 (512) 490-1500 james@whiteglovedelivery.com www.whiteglovedelivery.com
White Glove Storage and Delivery LLC
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Buyer’s Guide James Miri 1451 Wycliff Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 748-1111 james@whiteglovedelivery.com www.whiteglovedelivery.com
White Glove Storage and Delivery LLC
Designer Services Aviad Peretz 9201 Brown Ln, Ste 191, Austin, TX 78754 (512) 201-4777 vanessa@austinmovingforward.com www.austinmovingforward.com
Austin Moving Forward
See our ad on the ASID Student Membership Tab A
Delivery, Moving & Shipping Aviad Peretz 9201 Brown Ln, Ste 191, Austin, TX 78754 (512) 201-4777 vanessa@austinmovingforward.com www.austinmovingforward.com
Austin Moving Forward
See our ad on the ASID Industry Partner Tab A
Morgan Heinrich 8220 Embassador Row, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 261-1000 info@deliverylimited.com www.deliverylimited.com
Delivery Limited
See our ad on page 1
See our ad on the ASID Industry Partner Tab A
Zoltan Szabo 1110 Inwood Rd, Ste 102, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 637-7727 zoltan@designersdelivery.net www.designersdelivery.com
Designers’ Delivery
Danette Galvis 6111 W Plano Pkwy, Ste 3200, Plano, TX 75093 (214) 663-0771 danette@dfwpainting.com www.dfwpainting.com
DFW Painting
See our ad on the Table of Contents Tab A
Tarin Wallace 5533 Red Cardinal Lane, Fort Worth, TX 76114 (281) 961) 9556 Tarin@haute-home.com www.haute-home.com
Haute Home
Zoltan Szabo 1110 Inwood Rd, Ste 102, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 637-7727 zoltan@designersdelivery.net www.designersdelivery.com
Kristina Higgins Design
Marc Oxford 11009 Shady Trl, Dallas, TX 75229 (972) 870-1212 marc.oxford@gonavis.com www.gonavis.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
Designers’ Delivery
Navis Pack & Ship-Dallas, TX
James Miri 3834 Promontory Point Dr, Austin, TX 78744 (214) 748-1111 james@whiteglovedelivery.com www.whiteglovedelivery.com
White Glove Storage and Delivery LLC
See our ad on the ASID Student Membership Tab A
James Miri 1451 Wycliff Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 748-1111 james@whiteglovedelivery.com www.whiteglovedelivery.com
White Glove Storage and Delivery LLC
See our ad on the ASID Student Membership Tab A
Kristina Higgins 4628 Firestone Dr, Frisco, TX 75034 (214) 762-3460 khigginsdesign@gmail.com www.facebook.com/khigginsdesign/ Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
See our ad on page 96
Kylie Dang 5646 Milton St, Ste 340, Dallas, TX 75206 (214) 206-1131 kylie@studio11design.com www.studio11design.com
Studio 11 Design
Beth Bender (214) 385-4126 info@thedoveagency.com www.thedoveagency.com
The Dove Agency
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Buyer’s Guide James Miri 3834 Promontory Point Dr, Austin, TX 78744 (214) 748-1111 james@whiteglovedelivery.com www.whiteglovedelivery.com
White Glove Storage and Delivery LLC
See our ad on the ASID Student Membership Tab A
James Miri 1451 Wycliff Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 748-1111 james@whiteglovedelivery.com www.whiteglovedelivery.com
White Glove Storage and Delivery LLC
See our ad on the ASID Student Membership Tab A
Draperies/Blinds/Shutters Jaclyn Carignan 1937 Irving Blvd, Ste A, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 653-1733 jcarignan@antiquedraperyrod.com www.antiquedraperyrod.com
Antique Drapery Rod Co., Inc.
See our ad on page 81
Grace Kim 5857 Stone Meadow Dr, Plano, TX 75093 (214) 629-4303 grace@beautifulworksinc.com www.beautifulworksinc.com
Beautiful Works. INC
Erica Lange 140 Heimer Rd, Ste 685, San Antonio, TX 78232 (210) 336-5266 erica@blindedbydelight.com www.blindedbydelight.com
Blinded by Delight, Window Coverings and Design
Shawn Janes 2027 Karbach St, Houston, TX 77092 (713) 681-6899 www.designshutters.com
Design Shutters, Inc
Fabric Donna Fadal 1519 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 956-9821 donna@dfadaldesigns.com www.dfadaldesigns.com
D. Fadal Designs
See our ad on page 112
Lucy Weaver, Roger Mathis 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 710, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 748-6666 lucyt@edelmanleather.com www.edelmanleather.com
Edelman Leather
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on page 80
Phil Lanitis 2625 Brenner Dr, Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 382-4213 phil@jadenfabrics.com www.jadenfabrics.com
Jaden Fabrics II Inc.
See our ad on the Table of Contents Tab B
Perennials and Sutherland
Lydy Tabor 4816 Knickerbocker Rd, San Angelo, TX 76904 (325) 942-1696 sales@taborsofsanangelo.com www.taborsofsanangelo.com
Pindler & Pindler, Inc.
Tabors Of San Angelo, Inc.
70+ Showrooms Nationwide Including Austin, Dallas, & Houston(800) 754-1455 vbandur@theshadestore.com www.theshadestore.com
The Shade Store
Kerri Mcculloch 140 Regal Row, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 638-4162 info@perennialsfabrics.com www.perennialsfabrics.com
Roy Vance 1250 Slocum, #715, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 939-9116 dallas@pindlercorp.com www.pindlercorp.com
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Buyer’s Guide Sydney McCann 314 Old Highway 183, Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 331-7503 info@plushhomefabric.com www.plushhomefabric.com
Plush Fabric - Home Interiors
Suzanne Kim 1444 Oak Lawn Ave, Ste 220, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 453-1330 suzannek@rmcoco.com www.rmcoco.com
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
Faux Finishes/Murals Danette Galvis 6111 W Plano Pkwy, Ste 3200, Plano, TX 75093 (214) 663-0771 danette@dfwpainting.com www.dfwpainting.com
DFW Painting
See our ad on the Table of Contents Tab A
Nicole Zules 18015 Windflower Way, Dallas, TX 75252 (214) 454-5277 muralsbynicole@gmail.com www.nicolezules.com
Nicole Zules Decorative & Fine Artists and Muralist
Flooring/Floor Coverings
See our ad on page 96
Britt Stokes 3024 Acme Brick Plaza, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (817) 332-4101 britt@brick.com www.brick.com
Acme Brick and Tile
Marcia Blake 1831 North Park Ave, Glen Raven, NC 27217 (336) 586-1220 mblake@glenraven.com www.glenraven.com
Fabric Protection/Cleaning Wendy Solum, Galen Graham 16318 Rough Oak St, San Antonio, TX 78232 (210) 845-9393 completeseal@outlook.com www.completesealsa.com
CompleteSeal Fabric Protection,LLC
See our ad on page 109
Dale W. Miller Jr. 10321 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 339-9590 dmiller@austinfinefloors.com www.austinfinefloors.com
Austin Fine Floors
Jordan Goodwyn 1404 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 540-6600 jordan@builderscarpet.net www.builderscarpet.net
BC Flooring Studio
(972) 247-3837 ruth@countryclubonsite.com www.countryclubonsite.com
Bottega Design Gallery
Lisa Mattich 9879 Chartwell Dr, Dallas, TX 75243 (972) 889-8807 lisa@fiberseal.com www.FiberSeal.com
Clifton Carpets, Inc
Country Club OnSite Drapery Cleaning & More
Rebecca Farris 2824 Marquita Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76116 (817) 731-2600 hello@bottegadesigngallery.com www.bottegadesigngallery.com
See our ad on the ASID Industry Partner Tab B
Nell Mazoch 2201 Tucker St, Ste 108, Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 321-4392 pro-tectiondallas@sbcglobal.net
Pro-Tection Dallas, Inc.
Mary Kee 959 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 526-7405 marye.cliftoncarpets.com www.cliftoncarpets.com
See our ad on the Inside Front Cover
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Buyer’s Guide Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on page 80
Justin Hicks 125 W 25th St, 6th Floor, New York, TX 10001 (850) 591-1096 justin_hicks@mohawkind.com www.mohawkind.com
Mohawk Group
Melinda Crouch 1500 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 76034 (214) 742-3300 melindac@prosourcetexas.com www.prosourcewholesale.com
ProSource Wholesale
Colton & Andrea Crowell 7360 Jurupa Ave, Riverside, CA 92504 (951) 526-8628, (951) 795-8245 andrea@uniquecarpetsltd.com colton@uniquecarpetsltd.com www.uniquecarpetsltd.com
Unique Carpets Ltd.
Julie Behr 5136 Camp Bowie Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 877-1564 julie@bryansvintagefloors.com www.vintagefloors.co
Vintage Floors Alex Hosseinnia 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, 6th Floor , Space 6294 World Trade Center, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 239-7847 alex@dallasrugs.com www.dallasrugs.com
Dallas Rugs
See our ad on page 89
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
7007 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 (214) 363-4341 justin@french-brown.com www.french-brown.com
French Brown
See our ad on page 80
Beth Santarelli 1107 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 699-3757 beth@LDFsilk.com www.ldfsilk.com
LDF Silk (code2) LOGO & Box
Paige Sowden 1620 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 744-5740 paige@intredesigns.com www.intredesigns.com
Interior Resources
See our ad on page 94
See our ad on the QuickLook Tab A
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Buyer’s Guide 4091 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77027 (832) 397-5130 hiiep.phung@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Brian Roeder 330 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018 (212) 674-8855 info@blattbilliards.com www.BlattBilliards.com
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Tony Smock 960 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 742-8111 tsmock@cantonitrade.com www.cantonitrade.com
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Blatt Billiards
Greg Sweeny 6121 West Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75093 (469) 304-4700 gregory.sweeney@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on page 85
Cantoni Trade
Lynn Metz 2021 McKinney Ave, Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 202-2110 lynn.metz@haworth.com www.haworth.com
Haworth, Inc.
Kelly Ferniza 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 373-4082 kferniza@madegoods.com www.madegoods.com
Made Goods
Helen McLaren 1745 N State Hwy 237, Round Top, TX 78954 (917) 900-5036 mclarensinteriors@hotmail.com www.mclarensantiquesandinteriors.com
McLaren’s Antiques & Interiors LLC
Josh Marten 11951 Hilltop Rd, Ste 19, Argyle, TX 76116 (214) 675-3530 sales@staltimber.com www.staltimber.com
Stål Timber
See our ad on page 97
Rachel Freeman 2000 Windy Terrace, Bldg 6, Suite A, Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 363-5093 rachel@4theditiondesign.com www.4theditiondesign.com
4th Edition Design
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Trent Bryant 4519 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 753-8700 trent.bryant@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Anthony Muscariello 5604 Bee Cave Rd, West Lake Hills, TX 78746 (512) 263-5115 anthony@anthonyspatio.com www.AnthonysPatio.com
Anthony’s Patio
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Mick Nckoin 5001 Ozona Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (214) 226-7123 mick.nckoin@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Lloyd Scott 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 274-8684 gina@soulscalling.com www.scottcooner.com
Scott + Cooner, Inc.
Rene Pettyjohn 11701 Domain Blvc, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 676-4144 rene.pettyjohn@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Najla Abouelias 1707 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 239-4430 najla@europeandesigns.net www.europeandesigns.net
Roche Bobois Dallas
Brian Roeder 330 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018 (212) 674-8855 info@blattbilliards.com www.BlattBilliards.com
Blatt Billiards
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Buyer’s Guide Lloyd Scott 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 274-8684 gina@soulscalling.com www.scottcooner.com
Scott + Cooner, Inc.
exclusive perks await
T R A D E P RO G R A M serenaandlily.com / trade
DESIGN SHOP 4430 McKinney Avenue, Dallas
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
See our ad on page 96
Josh Marten 11951 Hilltop Rd, Ste 19, Argyle, TX 76226 (214) 675-3530 sales@staltimber.com www.staltimber.com
Stål Timber
See our ad on page 97
Furniture-Outdoor Tony Smock 960 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 742-8111 tsmock@cantonitrade.com www.cantonitrade.com
Cantoni Trade s e r e n a a n d l i ly . c o m
Nancy Caperton, Claudia Tompkins 4835 Reading St, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 794-3037 claudiat@capertoncollection.com www.capertoncollection.com
Caperton Collection
Geneva Wallace 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 9009, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 217-9997 showroom@designerspatio.com www.designerspatio.com
Designer’s Patio
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
Kelly Ferniza 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 373-4082 kferniza@madegoods.com www.madegoods.com
Made Goods
Pat McLaughlin 3701 Turtle Creek Blvd, Apt 3J, Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 528-1828 pat@mclaughlincollection.com www.mclaughlincollection.com
McLaughlin Collection
See our ad on page 80
Linda Kammeyer Pflugerville/San Antonio/Grand Prairie (602) 803-8335 linda.kammeyer@livingspaces.com www.livingspaces.com
Living Spaces LLC
See our ad on page 99
Kelly Ferniza 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 373-4082 kferniza@madegoods.com www.madegoods.com
Made Goods
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Buyer’s Guide Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
See our ad on page 96
Geneva Switzer 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 154, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 217-0125 summerclassics@designerspatio.com www.designerspatio.com
Summer Classics
Deborah Holt 7879 Spring Valley Rd, Dallas, TX 75254 (972) 239-3716 deborah@sunnylandfurniture.com www.sunnylandfurniture.com
Sunnyland Outdoor Living
Furniture-Residential Peach Ramsey 5101 Marathon Ave, Ste C170, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (817) 377-0074 fortworth@arhaus.com www.arhaus.com
Arhaus Furniture
Kelly Hill 2100 Belle Isle Avenue, Unit 304, Mount Pleasant, SC 24055 (843) 327-0555 kchill@bassettfurniture.com www.bassettfurniture.com
Bassett Furniture
Brian Roeder 330 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018 (212) 674-8855 info@blattbilliards.com www.BlattBilliards.com
Blatt Billiards
Custom Collaborative Design and Fabrication Contemporary, Modern, Industrial, Rustic Residential, Restaurant, Retail Furniture and Fixtures www.staltimber.com | sales@staltimber.com
Tina Jeppesen 1444 Oak Lawn Ave, Ste 316, Dallas, TX 75207 (312) 527-5337 info@dallasluxurybeds.com www.chicagoluxurybeds.com/hastens-dallas
Dallas Luxury Beds
See our ad on the Quick Look Tab B
Johnna Schmitz 9000 Hempstead Rd, Suite 366, Houston, TX 77008 (713) 366-7900 johnna@elizabethcoledesign.com www.elizabethcoledesign.com
Elizabeth Cole
See our ad on page 85
Tony Smock 960 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 742-8111 tsmock@cantonitrade.com www.cantonitrade.com
Cantoni Trade
Jim Hines 1426 N Riverfront Blvd, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 807-9255 j.hines@guggenhome.com www.guggenhome.com
Alexandria Murphy 4319 Lindbergh Dr, Addison, TX 75001-4539 (972) 381-1071 alexandria@mycinematech.com www.mycinematech.com
StĂĽl Timber
Handcrafted Steel and Wood Designs
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
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Buyer’s Guide Rene Pettyjohn 11701 Domain Blvc, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 676-4144 rene.pettyjohn@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Beth Rafferty 5798 Genesis Ct, Frisco, TX 75034 (214) 618-6600 info@ibbdesign.com www.ibbdesign.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
IBB Design Fine Furnishings
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on page 80
Lea Ann Stevens 1722 Routh St, Ste 112, Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 435-4418 lstevens@knoll.com www.knoll.com
Knoll Studio
Trent Bryant 4519 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 753-8700 trent.bryant@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Mick Nckoin 5001 Ozona Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (214) 226-7123 mick.nckoin@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Linda Kammeyer Pflugerville/San Antonio/Grand Prairie (602) 803-8335 linda.kammeyer@livingspaces.com www.livingspaces.com
Living Spaces LLC
4091 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77027 (832) 397-5130 hiiep.phung@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on page 99
Kelly Ferniza 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 373-4082 kferniza@madegoods.com www.madegoods.com
Made Goods
Dennis Teague 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 280, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 749-7000 dennist@margecarson.com www.margecarson.com
Marge Carson
Britt McGannon 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 700, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 748-1828 info@mcgs.com www.mcgs.com
McGannon Showrooms, Inc,
Helen McLaren 1745 N State Hwy 237, Round Top, TX 78954 (917) 900-5036 mclarensinteriors@hotmail.com www.mclarensantiquesandinteriors.com
McLaren’s Antiques & Interiors LLC
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Greg Sweeny 6121 West Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75093 (469) 304-4700 gregory.sweeney@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Kaley Blask 701 S Lamar Blvd, Ste E, Austin, TX 78704 (512) 428-6639 trade@nannieinez.com www.nannieinez.com
Nannie Inez
Nell Mazoch 2201 Tucker St, Ste 108, Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 321-4392 pro-tectiondallas@sbcglobal.net
Pro-Tection Dallas, Inc.
See our ad on the Inside Front Cover
Najla Abouelias 1707 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 239-4430 najla@europeandesigns.net www.europeandesigns.net
Roche Bobois Dallas
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Buyer’s Guide
Living Spaces Inspiring collections for responsible design
• A multitude of upholstery frames with a 2 week custom application • Accent Furniture • Case-goods for every room • Task lighting, pendants and chandeliers • Cash and Carry Accessories and Textiles
Apply for the Living Spaces “To the Trade” Commercial program Living Spaces Commercial Trade Program was designed to give qualified trade and commercial members an elevated experience. Use our Interior Design Specialists as your personal extended design team. Visit any of our local showrooms or contact your dedicated account representative to set-up your trade account and receive your exclusive trade benefits. Scan QR Code or check out: www.livingspaces.com/ company/trade-program
Pflugerville | San Antonio Grand Prairie www.livingspaces.com
For more information contact: Linda Kammeyer 602.803.8335 Linda.Kammeyer@livingspaces.com
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Buyer’s Guide Lloyd Scott 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 274-8684 gina@soulscalling.com www.scottcooner.com
Scott + Cooner, Inc.
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
Regina Munson 1609 Chisholm Trl, Suite 100, Round Rock, TX 78681 (512) 388-9400 rmunson@ventanaman.com www.ventanaman.com
Anchor-Ventana Glass
Amy Patterson 417 Paradise Point, Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 837-1390 apaterson@fashionglass.com www.fashionglass.com
Fashion Glass
See our ad on page 96
Josh Marten 11951 Hilltop Rd, Ste 19, Argyle, TX 76226 (214) 675-3530 sales@staltimber.com www.staltimber.com
StĂĽl Timber
See our ad on page 97
Katherine Snedeker, ASID, IDS, RID 13710 Dallas Pkwy, Ste C, Dallas, TX 75240 (214) 748-4540 cdavis@thearrangement.com www.thearrangement.com
The Arrangement
Jon Thorson 28 Greene St, New York, NY 10013 (917) 408-6297 J.Thorson@usm.com
USM Modular Furniture
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
Kelly Ferniza 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 373-4082 kferniza@madegoods.com www.madegoods.com
Made Goods
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
Christina Rodriguez 1011 W 5th St, Ste 100, Austin, TX 78703 (512) 320-5415 cmrodriguez@wsgc.om www.westelm.com
West Elm
Sharilyn Martins 8687 N. Central Expy, C1-504, Dallas, TX 75225 (469) 232-9271 smartens@stores.williams-sonoma.com www.williams-sonoma.com
Williams Sonoma, Inc.
Ryan Howard 8219 Burleson Rd, Ste 500, Austin, TX 78744 (512) 821-1302 info@worldinteriors.com www.worldinteriors.com
World Interiors World Interiors
Glasswork & Mirrors
See our ad on page 96
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
Sherle Wagner International
See our ad on page 101
David Gappa 701 S Main St, # 103, Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 251-1668 dgappa@vetroartglass.com www.vetroartglass.com
Vetro Fine Art Glass
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Buyer’s Guide
Hardware-Decorative Rene Pettyjohn 1114 W. 5th St, #A, Austin, TX 78212 (512) 462-4144 x 115 rene@alexandermarchant.com www.alexandermarchant.com
Alexander Marchant
Jaclyn Carignan 1937 Irving Blvd, Ste A, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 653-1733 jcarignan@antiquedraperyrod.com www.antiquedraperyrod.com
Antique Drapery Rod Co., Inc.
See our ad on page 81
Mary Melley 127 W Rhapsody Dr, San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 404-1411 mary@biptx.com www.biptx.com
Builders Interior Products
Chris Bond 1234 Medical District Dr Ste A, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 819-3000 info@designelementsgroup.com www.designelementsgroup.com
Design Elements Group
Jennifer Williams 5001 Bryant Irvin Rd N, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 259-0920 jwilliams@morsco.com www.expressionshomegallery.com
Ask me how to get CEU credits.
Expressions Home Gallery
See our ad on page 102
Caryn Musick 5919 W Campus Dr, Ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78247 (210) 270-3100 caryn.musick@facetshome.com www.facetshome.com
Facets of San Antonio
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on page 80
Kristy Tejeda 2615 West Mockingbird Lane, Ste 101, Dallas, TX 75235 (214) 368-2851 info@piercehardware.com www.piercehardware.com
Pierce Hardware
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
Sherle Wagner International
See our ad on page 101
Alan Fishman 5411 W Lovers Ln, Dallas, TX 75209 (214) 351-2020 afishman@westsidekb.net www.westsidekb.net
Westside Kitchen and Bath
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Buyer’s Guide
Kitchen & Bath (code2) LOGO & Box
S St Stone Ston Sto tone
Edward LaPuma 337 E. Sunset Rd, El Paso, TX 79922 (915) 590-0880 customerservice@77stone.net www.77stone.net
77 Stone
Joseph Salinas 11051 Dennis Rd, Dallas, TX 75229 (972) 241-2354 joseph@activegranite.com www.activegranite.com
Active Granite
Alexandra Mazzi 2405 Crown Rd, Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 838-2225 marketing@alliedstoneinc.com www.alliedstoneinc.com
Allied Stone, Inc.
Tony Smock 960 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 742-8111 tsmock@cantonitrade.com www.cantonitrade.com
Cantoni Trade
(code2) LOGO & Box Michelle Brown 3243 Garden Brook DR, Farmers Branch, TX 75234 (972) 273-0569 michelle.brown@elkay.com www.elkay.com
Elkay Manufacturing Company
Jennifer Williams 5001 Bryant Irvin Rd N, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 259-0920 jwilliams@morsco.com www.expressionshomegallery.com
Expressions Home Gallery
See our ad on page 102
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Buyer’s Guide
Caryn Musick 5919 W Campus Dr, Ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78247 (210) 270-3100 caryn.musick@facetshome.com www.facetshome.com
Facets of San Antonio
Joey Babb 4211 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 851-5361 joey.babb@ferguson.com www.fergusonshowrooms.com 20+ locations across Texas
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
See our ad on the Designer Buyer’s Guide Tab A
Leslie Eastwood 1229 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (512) 795-4171 leslie@jamesmartinfurniture.com www.jamesmartinfurniture.com
James Martin Furniture
Elisa E Lane 2146 Irving Blvd, Dallas, TX 75207 (469) 567-3940 info@kitchenkandy.net www.kitchenkandy.net
Kitchen Kandy Range Hoods
(code2) LOGO & Box Jason Maynard 4640 McKinney Ave, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75205 (469) 301-7262 jason.maynard@kssdallas.com www.kohlersignaturestoredallas.com
Kohler Signature Store / Facets of Dallas
Emily Garcia 9710 NW 110th Ave, Unit 1, Medley, FL 33178 (305) 718-8817 emilyg@madeli.com www.madeli.com
Madeli-USC LLC
Lloyd Scott 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 274-8684 gina@soulscalling.com www.scottcooner.com
Scott + Cooner, Inc.
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Buyer’s Guide Brian Roeder 330 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018 (212) 674-8855 info@blattbilliards.com www.BlattBilliards.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Blatt Billiards
See our ad on page 96
See our ad on page 85
Sherle Wagner International
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
Expressions Home Gallery
See our ad on page 101
See our ad on page 102
Elizabeth Hoag 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 230, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 741-6060 betsy@tkoassoc.com www.HastingsTileBath.com
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Jennifer Williams 5001 Bryant Irvin Rd N, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 259-0920 jwilliams@morsco.com www.expressionshomegallery.com
TKO Associates
See our ad on page 103
See our ad on the Designer Buyer’s Guide Tab A
Paul Lundberg 4879 Olson Dr, Dallas, TX 75227 (214) 381-8405 plundberg@vmcstone.com www.vmcstone.com
Verona Marble Company, Inc.
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
Jill Muggleston 11550 Newberry St, Ste 300, Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 481-3900 jmuggleston@walkerzanger.com www.walkerzanger.com
Walker Zanger, Inc.
Margaret Hinojosa De Garza 1525A Hi Line Dr, Dallas, TX 75207 (469) 520-0465 margaret.degarza@waterworks.com www.waterworks.com
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
See our ad on page 80
Tyson Neal 15342 N Interstate 35, Austin, TX 78728 (512) 251-0000 info@legendaustin.com www.legendaustin.com
Legend Lighting Inc.
Lighting Antler Worx
Michael Black 1909 US Hwy 80 E, White Oak, TX 75693 (903) 759-5149 antlerworx.michael@gmail.com www.antlerworx.com
Lights Fantastic
Jen Dolan 1745 Hayden Dr, Ste 100, Carrollton, TX 75006 (972) 488-9800 sales@arteriorshome.com www.arteriorshome.com
Made Goods
Arteriors Home
Joey Babb 4211 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 851-5361 joey.babb@ferguson.com www.fergusonshowrooms.com 20+ locations across Texas
Ben Parra 4645 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75206 (214) 369-1101 sales@lightsfantastic.com www.lightsfantastic.com Kelly Ferniza 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 373-4082 kferniza@madegoods.com www.madegoods.com
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Buyer’s Guide Helen McLaren 1745 N State Hwy 237, Round Top, TX 78954 (917) 900-5036 mclarensinteriors@hotmail.com www.mclarensantiquesandinteriors.com
McLaren’s Antiques & Interiors LLC
Abe Nejad 204 Central Expy S, Ste 53, Allen, TX 75013 (972) 649-4778 contact@poshlighting.net www.poshlighting.net
Posh Lighting
Najla Abouelias 1707 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (972) 239-4430 najla@europeandesigns.net www.europeandesigns.net
Roche Bobois Dallas
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
See our ad on page 96
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
Sherle Wagner International Britt Stokes 3024 Acme Brick Plaza, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (817) 332-4101 britt@brick.com www.brick.com
Acme Brick and Tile
See our ad on page 101
Heather Steeley 2050 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 101, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 651-9565 heather@taylorsdallas.com www.taylorsdallas.com
Taylors on Ten
See our ad on page 109
Joseph Salinas 11051 Dennis Rd, Dallas, TX 75229 (972) 241-2354 joseph@activegranite.com www.activegranite.com
Active Granite
Alexandra Mazzi 2405 Crown Rd, Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 838-2225 marketing@alliedstoneinc.com www.alliedstoneinc.com
Allied Stone, Inc. (code2) LOGO & Box
Stone St Stone Ston Sto
Edward LaPuma 337 E. Sunset Rd, El Paso, TX 79922 (915) 590-0880 customerservice@77stone.net www.77stone.net
77 Stone
Ryan Steele 9315 Neils Thompson Dr., Austin, TX 78758 (512) 420-9989 ryan@architecturaltilestone.com www.architecturaltilestone.com
Architectural Tile & Stone
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Buyer’s Guide Elliot Fischer 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 310, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 939-8000 concierge@ariastonegallery.com www.ariastonegallery.com
Aria Stone Gallery
Larry Wallace 2011 Sable Ln, San Antonio, TX 78217 (210) 829-7171 larry@deltagranite.com www.deltagranite.com
Delta Granite & Marble
Ashlea Orton 2250 Morgan Pkwy, Ste 140, Farmers Branch, TX 75234 (972) 488-2800 ashlea.orton@levantina.com www.Levantina.com
See our ad on page 105
Leslie Fischer 2200 Alberta Dr, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 257-0100 leslie@mgxstone.com www.mgxstone.com
MGX Stone
Daniel Rossi 10220 Metropolitan Dr, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 339-2300 rossi@pacificshorestones.com www.pacificshorestones.com
Pacific Shore Stones
Brooke Crow 1700 Oak Lawn Ave, Suite 100, Dallas, IL 75207 (214) 245-1453 brooke.crow@parisceramicsusa.com www.parisceramicsusa.com
Jose Quijada 2840 Reward Ln, Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 484-8820 jose@stonemodegranite.com www.stonemodegranite.com
Kathy Tomkins 11935 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75234 (972) 488-5700 kathy@thestonecollection.com www.imcstone.com
The Stone Collection - Dallas
Lela Penny 11210 Handley Ederville Road, Ste 100, Fort Worth, TX 76118 (817) 698-5500 lela@thestonecollection.com www.imcstone.com
The Stone Collection - Fort Worth
Stonemode Granite, LLC
See our ad on the Inside Back Cover
See our ad on the Inside Back Cover
Kelsey McKnight 11111 Zodiac Ln, Dallas, TX 75229 (972) 755-1630 kmcknight@elements.design www.elements.design
Paris Ceramics
Nate Huneycutt 11210 Zodiac Lane, Dallas, TX 75229 (972) 488-5700 nhuneycutt@thestonecollection.com www.imcstone.com
The Stone Collection - Dallas
See our ad on the Inside Back Cover
Jean Lins 12121 N. Stemmons Fwy, Unit 170, Dallas, TX 75234 (214) 775-1650 jean.lins@tritonstonefl.com www.tritonstonefl.com
Triton Stone Group of Dallas
Louis Andrade 11620 Goodnight Ln, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75229 (972) 243-2325 marketing@vicostoneus.com www.vicostoneus.com
Moving/Storage Aviad Peretz 9201 Brown Ln, Ste 191, Austin, TX 78754 (512) 201-4777 vanessa@austinmovingforward.com www.austinmovingforward.com
Austin Moving Forward
See our ad on the ASID Industry Partner Tab A
Morgan Heinrich 8220 Embassador Row, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 261-1000 info@deliverylimited.com www.deliverylimited.com
Delivery Limited
See our ad on page 1
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Buyer’s Guide Zoltan Szabo 1110 Inwood Rd, Ste 102, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 637-7727 zoltan@designersdelivery.net www.designersdelivery.com
Designers’ Delivery
Plumbing Fixtures (code2) LOGO & Box
James Miri 3834 Promontory Point Dr, Austin, TX 78744 (214) 748-1111 james@whiteglovedelivery.com www.whiteglovedelivery.com
Elkay Manufacturing Company
White Glove Storage and Delivery LLC
James Miri 1451 Wycliff Ave, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 748-1111 james@whiteglovedelivery.com www.whiteglovedelivery.com
Expressions Home Gallery
See our ad on the ASID Student Membership Tab A
See our ad on page 102
White Glove Storage and Delivery LLC
See our ad on the ASID Student Membership Tab A
Michelle Brown 3243 Garden Brook DR, Farmers Branch, TX 75234 (972) 273-0569 michelle.brown@elkay.com www.elkay.com Jennifer Williams 5001 Bryant Irvin Rd N, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 259-0920 jwilliams@morsco.com www.expressionshomegallery.com Caryn Musick 5919 W Campus Dr, Ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78247 (210) 270-3100 caryn.musick@facetshome.com www.facetshome.com
Facets of San Antonio
Paint Angela Ditmore, Allison Berry Dallas, TX angela.ditmore@benjaminmoore.com allison.berry@benjaminmoore.com www.benjaminmoore.com
Benjamin Moore & Company
Danette Galvis 6111 W Plano Pkwy, Ste 3200, Plano, TX 75093 (214) 663-0771 danette@dfwpainting.com www.dfwpainting.com
DFW Painting
See our ad on the Table of Contents Tab A
Joey Babb 4211 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 851-5361 joey.babb@ferguson.com www.fergusonshowrooms.com 20+ locations across Texas
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
See our ad on the Designer Buyer’s Guide Tab A
Stephen Taylor 2307 Fern Bend Ln, Katy, TX 77494 (281) 961-9556 stephen.taylor@hansgrohe.com www.hansgrohe.com
Hansgrohe, Inc.
Ben Mccabe 3200 NE 36th St, #814, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308 (954) 494-5315 ben.mccabe@farrow-ball.com www.farrow-ball.com
Pierce Hardware
Olivia Diaz 9115 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78217 (210) 419-0752 olivia.diaz@ppg.com www.ppgpaints.com
ProSource Wholesale
Farrow & Ball
PPG Paints
Ashlynn Bourque, Brett Huckelbury 2100 Lakeside Blvd, Ste 500, Richardson, TX 75082 (214) 686-0779, (214) 728-6696 ashlynn.bourque@sherwin.com bchuckelbury@sherwin.com www.sherwin-williams.com
Kristy Tejeda 2615 West Mockingbird Lane, Ste 101, Dallas, TX 75235 (214) 368-2851 info@piercehardware.com www.piercehardware.com Melinda Crouch 1500 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 76034 (214) 742-3300 melindac@prosourcetexas.com www.prosourcewholesale.com
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Buyer’s Guide Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
(code2) LOGO & Box
Sherle Wagner International
Michelle Brown 3243 Garden Brook DR, Farmers Branch, TX 75234 (972) 273-0569 michelle.brown@elkay.com www.elkay.com
Elkay Manufacturing Company
See our ad on page 101
Elizabeth Hoag 1617 Hi Line Dr, Ste 230, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 741-6060 betsy@tkoassoc.com www.HastingsTileBath.com
TKO Associates
See our ad on page 103
Brian Nickel 1155 Southern Rd, Morrow, GA 30260 (972) 370-1003 bnickel@totousa.com www.totousa.com
Alan Fishman 5411 W Lovers Ln, Dallas, TX 75209 (214) 351-2020 afishman@westsidekb.net www.westsidekb.net
Westside Kitchen and Bath
Jennifer Williams 5001 Bryant Irvin Rd N, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 259-0920 jwilliams@morsco.com www.expressionshomegallery.com
Expressions Home Gallery
See our ad on page 102
Oscar Botello 2006 W Koenig Ln, Austin, TX 78756 (844) 778-4257 oscar@quickresidentialsolutions.com www.quickresidentialsolutions.com
Quick Residential Solutions
Ron Siebler 10215 Northlake Dr, Dallas, TX 75218 (214) 546-7579 ron@siebler.com www.siebler.com
Siebler, Inc - Remodeling and Historic Preservation
Publications Natasha Freimark 6777 Camp Bowie Blvd, Ste 130, Fort Worth, TX 76116 (817) 560-6111 nfreimark@fwtexas.com www.fwtx.com
Fort Worth Magazine/ Fort Worth HOME
Restoration/Remodeling Alexandra Mazzi 2405 Crown Rd, Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 838-2225 marketing@alliedstoneinc.com www.alliedstoneinc.com
Allied Stone, Inc.
Shower Doors Regina Munson 1609 Chisholm Trl, Suite 100, Round Rock, TX 78681 (512) 388-9400 rmunson@ventanaman.com www.ventanaman.com
Anchor-Ventana Glass
Amy Patterson 417 Paradise Point, Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 837-1390 apaterson@fashionglass.com www.fashionglass.com
Fashion Glass
Sherry Zuch 12740 Hillcrest Rd, Ste 267, Dallas, TX 75230 (214) 495-7200 szuch@crenovations.com www.capitalrenovationsgroup.com
Capital Renovations Group
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Buyer’s Guide
Brick is just the beginning. stone • ceramic tile • wood flooring luxury vinyl plank & tile • thinBRIK glass block, stairs & flooring • fireplaces limewash • iron doors • outdoor living
Heather Gray 2121 Scarbrough Dr, Austin, TX 78728 (737) 443-3140 info@arizonatile.com www.arizonatile.com
Arizona Tile, LLC
Tile (code2) LOGO & Box
Stone St Stone Ston Sto
Mark Austin 2701 Regent Blvd, #100, DFW Airport, Dallas, TX 75261 (972) 456-0935 info@arizonatile.com www.arizonatile.com
Arizona Tile, LLC Edward LaPuma 337 E. Sunset Rd, El Paso, TX 79922 (915) 590-0880 customerservice@77stone.net www.77stone.net
77 Stone
Britt Stokes 3024 Acme Brick Plaza, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (817) 332-4101 britt@brick.com www.brick.com
Acme Brick and Tile
See our ad on page 109
Carly Young 1011 W 5th St, Ste 110, Austin, TX 78703 (512) 322-9979 austin@annsacks.com www.annsacks.com
Ann Sacks
Meg Belmontes 10811 S. Westview Cir Dr, Houston, TX 77043 (713) 468-0511 info@arizonatile.com www.arizonatile.com
Arizona Tile, LLC
Rebecca Farris 2824 Marquita Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76116 (817) 731-2600 hello@bottegadesigngallery.com www.bottegadesigngallery.com
Bottega Design Gallery
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Buyer’s Guide Tamra Lemon 2020 Rutland Dr, Ste A, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 836-7700 tlemon@crossvillestudios.com www.crossvillestudios.com
Ginga Guidroz 1502 Slocum St, Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 760-1570 ginga.guidroz@daltile.com www.daltile.com
Daltile Corporation
Kelsey McKnight 11111 Zodiac Ln, Dallas, TX 75229 (972) 755-1630 kmcknight@elements.design www.elements.design
Upholstery Lois Hochhauser PO Box 70679, Houston, TX 77270 (713) 670-9800 ghleather@aol.com www.ghleather.com
G.H. Leather Co.
Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
Hickory Chair Showroom
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
Rene Pettyjohn 11701 Domain Blvc, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 676-4144 rene.pettyjohn@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Reza Naderi 13 Prestige Cir, Allen, TX 75002 (800) 471-6164 reza@mirrella.com www.mirrella.com
Mirrella Tile
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Trent Bryant 4519 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 753-8700 trent.bryant@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Thom Vaughn 5858 Edison Place, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 685-4920 tvaughn@glasstile.com www.glasstile.com
Oceanside Glass & Tile
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
Sherle Wagner International
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Mick Nckoin 5001 Ozona Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76109 (214) 226-7123 mick.nckoin@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
See our ad on page 101
4091 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77027 (832) 397-5130 hiiep.phung@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Marilyn Roberts 2222 W Rundberg Ln, Ste 450, Austin, TX 78758 (512) 834-9211 marilyn@stonesolutions.com www.stonesolutions.com
Stone Solutions, Inc.
Daniel Roberts 6316 Airport Fwy, Ste A, Haltom City, TX 76117 (817) 566-0072 daniel.roberts@tileshop.com www.tileshop.com
The Tile Shop
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Greg Sweeny 6121 West Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75093 (469) 304-4700 gregory.sweeney@mgbwhome.com www.mgbwhome.com
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
See our ad on the ASID Membership Tab B
Jill Muggleston 11550 Newberry St, Ste 300, Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 481-3900 jmuggleston@walkerzanger.com www.walkerzanger.com
Walker Zanger, Inc.
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Buyer’s Guide Sydney McCann 314 Old Highway 183, Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 331-7503 info@plushhomefabric.com www.plushhomefabric.com
Plush Fabric - Home Interiors
Nell Mazoch 2201 Tucker St, Ste 108, Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 321-4392 pro-tectiondallas@sbcglobal.net
Pro-Tection Dallas, Inc.
See our ad on the Inside Front Cover
Sandra Catlett 10939 Shady Trl, # B-2, Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 351-4870 sandra@rtadallas.com www.rtadallas.com
RTA, Inc.
See our ad on page 101
Rebecca Farris 2824 Marquita Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76116 (817) 731-2600 hello@bottegadesigngallery.com www.bottegadesigngallery.com
Bottega Design Gallery
Danette Galvis 6111 W Plano Pkwy, Ste 3200, Plano, TX 75093 (214) 663-0771 danette@dfwpainting.com www.dfwpainting.com Roger Koen 1548 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 573-8101 info@hickorychairtx.com www.hickorychairtx.com
See our ad on the Outside Back Cover
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
Mark Curtis 1025 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 747-7200 mark.curtis@sherlewagner.com www.sherlewagner.com
Wall Coverings
Hickory Chair Showroom
Sandra Catlett 10939 Shady Trl, # B-2, Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 351-4870 sandra@rtadallas.com www.rtadallas.com
RTA, Inc.
Sherle Wagner International
See our ad on page 96
See our ad on the Table of Contents Tab A
See our ad on page 80
See our ad on page 96
Carrell Stahala 4430 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 871-7713 dallas@serenaandlily.com www.serenaandlily.com
Serena & Lily, Inc
DFW Painting
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
Interior Trade Cartel
Window Coverings/Treatments Jaclyn Carignan 1937 Irving Blvd, Ste A, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 653-1733 jcarignan@antiquedraperyrod.com www.antiquedraperyrod.com
Antique Drapery Rod Co., Inc.
See our ad on page 81
Grace Kim 5857 Stone Meadow Dr, Plano, TX 75093 (214) 629-4303 grace@beautifulworksinc.com www.beautifulworksinc.com
Beautiful Works. INC
Erica Lange 140 Heimer Rd, Ste 685, San Antonio, TX 78232 (210) 336-5266 erica@blindedbydelight.com www.blindedbydelight.com
Blinded by Delight, Window Coverings and Design
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Buyer’s Guide
D. Fadal Designs
Donna Fadal 1519 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 956-9821 donna@dfadaldesigns.com www.dfadaldesigns.com
Interior Trade Cartel
Peggy Zettner 930 Proton Rd, Ste 303, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 494-1602 peggy@interiortradecartel.com www.interiortradecartel.com
See our ad on page 112
See our ad on page 80
Shawn Janes 2027 Karbach St, Houston, TX 77092 (713) 681-6899 www.designshutters.com
Lone Star Drapery Supply
Sharon Wolpert 140 Leslie St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 744-1799 sharonw@lonestardraperysupply.com www.kristina-hernandez-9scw.squarespace.com
Design Shutters, Inc
See our ad on the Table of Contents Tab B
Sydney McCann 314 Old Highway 183, Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 331-7503 info@plushhomefabric.com www.plushhomefabric.com
Plush Fabric - Home Interiors (code2) LOGO & Box Katherine Rumbaugh 517 E 77th St, New York, NY 10075 (845) 664-7000 katherine.rumbaugh@hunterdouglas.com www.hunterdouglas.com
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Nell Mazoch 2201 Tucker St, Ste 108, Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 321-4392 pro-tectiondallas@sbcglobal.net
Pro-Tection Dallas, Inc.
See our ad on the Inside Front Cover
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Buyer’s Guide Anthony Ruben 135 Pittsburg St, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 764-9805 info@softhomestudio.com www.softhomestudio.com
Soft Home Custom Fabrication Studio
Natalie Brauer 800 E. Elm St, McKinney, TX 75069 (877) 434-2000 info@timberblinds.com www.timberblinds.com
Windows & Doors Chariessa Payne 1825 Market Center Blvd, Suite 345, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 760-9054 chariessa.payne@hawa.com www.hawa.ch/en/home/
Hawa Sliding Solutions
See our ad on page 113
Helen McLaren 1745 N State Hwy 237, Round Top, TX 78954 (917) 900-5036 mclarensinteriors@hotmail.com www.mclarensantiquesandinteriors.com
McLaren’s Antiques & Interiors LLC
Swiss sliding solutions that inspire.
Located in the Dallas Design District infousa@hawa.com
John Russell 2807 Allen St, Dallas, TX 75204 (817) 239-0366 john@panoramicdoors.com www.panoramicdoors.com
Panoramic Doors
Melinda Crouch 1500 Dragon St, Dallas, TX 76034 (214) 742-3300 melindac@prosourcetexas.com www.prosourcewholesale.com
ProSource Wholesale
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Notes _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 114
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Quick Look
Quick Look
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2019-2020 Texas Directory Inside.qxp_Layout 1 9/18/19 1:22 PM Page 115
Industry Partners listed by category 71
Bentley Arrow
Nannie Inez
67 73
Pier 1 Imports
East & Orient Company
McLaren’s Antiques & Interiors LLC
Heritage Antiques and Interiors, LLC
APPLIANCES 59 59 62 64 68 72
AJ Madison
BSH Home Appliances Dacor
Gold Star Distributor Appliance and
Monogram Appliances
Nicole Zules Decorative & Fine Artists
and Muralist
Ron Mills Custom Concrete Designs Wexel Art
Audio Video Innovations
Dallas Sight and Sound, Inc.
63 66 66 71 71 74 75 75
Eco Innovations Eco High Fidelity Electronic Interiors
Logison Acoustic Network Lutron Electronics Co.,Inc.
Samsung Electronics America Smart Systems
Sonance - Dobbs-Stanford Corp.
Abstract Art by Naomi
Southwest Gallery
75 76
A-1 Kitchens By Sierra Inc.
McLaughlin Collection
59 78
The Jarrell Company
Access Design Group / Leftbank Art Wendover Art Group
Bay Island Woodworks
Carlyn Ray Designs
61 66 69
Benson-Cobb Studios
Empressive GeoDesigns, Inc Kanju Interiors
63 73
62 71
Chicago Luxury Beds
Renaissance Collection
BMC Lixil
Arsin Rug Gallery
Benson Company
61 64 65 66 69
Behnam Rugs Dallas Rugs Delos Rugs
Feizy Import & Export Interior Resources
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Quick Look 69
Jaipur Living Inc.
SBI Fine Fabric Finishing
Stark Carpet Corporation
The Dixie Group
76 77 77
Scott Group Studio
Tufan Rugs
Serena & Lily, Inc
Unique Carpets Ltd.
California Closets
63 63 67 67
Closet Factory
CompleteSeal Fabric Protection, LLC /
DBA MicroSeal Protection,
Country Club OnSite Drapery Cleaning
& More
Fiber Protector America FIBER-SEAL Systems
Pro-Tection Dallas, Inc.
Austin Moving Forward
Designers’ Delivery
65 68 72 78
Delivery Limited
Installation Delivery & Storage, L.P. Navis Pack & Ship-Dallas, TX
White Glove Storage and Delivery L.L.C.
70 71 72 72 75 76 76 77
Brandi Renee Designs / Showroom
of Runyon’s Fine Furniture Codarus
Grandeur Design
Kristina Higgins Design
Martha O’Hara Interiors Organizing By Barbie
Paige Elliott Interiors LLC Studio 11 Design
Tabors Of San Angelo, Inc. The Dove Agency
Adair’s Fine Floors
Decorative Concepts
61 69 69 69 69 69 71 72 72 72 72
72 73 74
International Design Guild /
Austin Fine Floors
International Design Guild /
Clifton Carpets, Inc
International Design Guild /
Gourmet Floors
International Design Guild /
Truett Fine Carpets & Rugs Karndean Design Flooring
Metropolitan Hardwood Floors Mohawk Flooring
Mohawk Flooring /
Advanced Carpet And Interiors Mohawk Flooring /
Landers Premier Flooring Mohawk Group Paris Ceramics
ProSource Wholesale Roppe Corporation
Cutting Corners
Jaden Fabrics II Inc.
Skyline Floorscapes
Pindler & Pindler, Inc.
Vintage Floors
66 70 73 73 73
BC Flooring Studio
Fabricut and S. Harris Kravet, Inc.
Plush Fabric - Home Interiors
74 74
Shannon Specialty Floors
Sherle Wagner International
Texas Designer Flooring
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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LDF Silk
Robert-Lawrence Designs
Haworth, Inc.
Steelcase Inc.
Humanscale Corporation
The Home Store
USM Modular Furniture
Urbanspace Interiors
Anchor-Ventana Glass
Hufcor, Inc.
67 77
Vetro Fine Art Glass
4th Edition Design
Caperton Collection
Anthony`s Patio
Designer’s Patio
63 66 75 76
Hidell Fine Decorative Hardware
TKO Associates
73 78
Exteriors Designer Showroom Summer Classics | Gabby
Sunnyland Patio Furniture
Pierce Hardware Waterworks
Stellar AV, Inc.
UltraMedia, Inc.
Arhaus Furniture
Cantoni Trade
61 63 66 66 67 68 68 68 68 69 69
70 70 71 72 76 76
Ballard Designs
Copenhagen Imports, Inc. Elements
Fatboy USA
Bentwood Of Dallas
Builders Interior Products
62 66 66 66 66
G.H. Leather Co.
Hooker Furniture
Guggenhome Horchow
Interior Define
Interior Trade Cartel
James Martin Furniture Knoll Studio
Living Spaces LLC Marge Carson
Momentum Group Taylors on Ten
The Arrangement
Brown Jordan Outdoor Kitchens Eggersmann Kitchens | Home Living Elkay Manufacturing Company Excel Dryer, Inc.
Facets of Dallas / Kohler Signature
Helene’s Luxury Kithens
70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78
Hansgrohe, Inc.
Kitchen Design Concepts
Kohler Kitchen & Bath Americas Madeli-USA LLC
Redstone Kitchens ROHL LLC
Signature Kitchen Suite The Kitchen Source TOTO USA, Inc.
Westside Kitchen and Bath
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Arteriors Home
Currey & Company
61 65
70 70 70 70 70 71 72 73 76
Legend Lighting Inc.
Legrand North America Lighting, Inc
Lights Fantastic
Littman Brands & Sonneman,
A Way of Light
Meletio Lighting & Electric Modern Lantern Posh Lighting
Benjamin Moore & Company
Kelly Moore Paint Co.
65 73 73 75
PPG Paints
Pratt & Lambert Paints Sherwin-Williams
Danze by Gerber
J&L Hardware
65 72 72
The Lamp Shoppe
DFW Painting
Delta Faucet Company Morrison Supply Co.
National Wholesale Supply Inc.
Architectural Tile & Stone
Burlington Materials, Inc.
60 62 62 63 65 68
70 70 71 72 73
Delta Granite & Marble Hilltop Granite
KLZ Stone Supply Inc. Levantina
M S International, Inc. Omega Natural Stone
QDI Stone Quarries Direct International LLC
Texas Counter Fitters
77 77 77 77 78 78
Capital Renovations Group
Siebler, Inc - Remodeling and Historic
Cosentino USA
Stone Solutions, Inc.
75 75
Aria Stone Gallery
Stonemode Granite, LLC The Granite Shop
The Stone Collection
Tile, Marble & Granite Works Triton Stone Group
Verona Marble Company, Inc. Vicostone USA Wilsonart LLC
Alexander Marchant
Expressions Home Gallery
65 68 68 68 69
Design Within Reach Global Views
Hickory Chair Showroom
IBB Design Fine Furnishings JANUS et Cie
Lexington Home Brands
McGannon Showrooms, Inc,
71 72 72 73 74 74 75 76 78
Made Goods
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Pettigrew Luxury Furnishings Robert Allen Duralee Group Roche Bobois Dallas Scott + Cooner, Inc.
Stacy Coulter & Assoc The Interior
World Interiors
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
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Aladdin Cleaning and Restoration
Armstrong Ceiling Solutions
59 61 61 61 61 62 63 63 63 64 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 68 68 69 69 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 74 75 75 75 75 76 76 77 78 78
American Leather Austin Home
Beautiful Works. INC
Big City Publications LLC Blatt Billiards
Bonick Landscaping Capital Distributing Capitol Design
Construction Specialties Dallas Market Center
Dallas Style & Design Design Your Life
DFW Legacy Group
DSA Publishing & Design Dunhill Partners
Edelman Leather Fauxcades
77 Stone
Active Granite
59 59 59 59
60 61 62 63 64 66 67 71 77 78
Acme Brick and Tile Alamo Stone Company Allied Stone, Inc. Ann Sacks
Arizona Tile, LLC
Bedrosians Tile & Stone Bottega Design Gallery Crossville
Daltile Corporation Emser Tile
Florida Tile
Mirrella Tile
The Tile Shop
Walker Zanger, Inc.
Fort Worth Magazine
Haiku Home by Big Ass Solutions Houzz, Inc.
Kitchen Kandy & Metal Boutique, LLC KJ Custom Screens & Outdoor Living Ludowici
Luxe Interiors + Design Menary Studio Minted
On Time Design Co Panoramic Doors
Perennials and Sutherland
Quick Residential Solutions
60 62 64 65 65 66 68 71 71 76 76 77
Antique Drapery Rod Co., Inc.
Blinded by Delight, Window Coverings
and Design
D. Fadal Designs
Design Elements Group Design Shutters, Inc Farrow & Ball
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Lone Star Drapery Supply Madico Window Films Sunsational Solutions The Shade Store
Regency Railings Inc. RTA, Inc.
Simply Sold
Soft Home Custom Fabrication Studio Stal Timber
Steinway Piano Gallery of Houston Technogym
The Home Fort
The Zella Company
Williams Sonoma, Inc.
Williams Sonoma, Inc. / Pottery Barn
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Acme Brick Tile & Stone
Antique Drapery Rod Co. Austin Moving Forward
Blatt Billiards
Benham Rugs
California Closets
Dallas Luxury Beds D. Fadal Designs
Industry Partner Tab A
85 Cover 2 Quick Look Tab B
Delivery Limited
Dallas Rugs
Design Shutters, Inc.
DFW Painting, LLC
Expressions Home Gallery
Feizy Import & Export / Feizy Rugs
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery, Fiber-Seal Systems of Dallas
Hawa Sliding Solutions
Hickory Chair Texas Showroom Interior Resources
Interior Trade Cartel
LDF Silk
Cover 1 Table of Contents Tab B Table of Contents Tab A 102 Student Membership Tab B Designer Buyer’s Guide Tab A Industry Partner Tab B 113 Outside Back Cover Quick Look Tab A 80
Ludowicki Roof Tile
Living Spaces Furniture
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Pro-tection Dallas, Inc. Serena & Lily
Sherle Wagner International
Designer Buyer’s Guide Tab B ASID Membership Tab B Inside Front Cover 96
Signature Kitchen Suite
The Stone Collection
Stål Timber
TKO Associates, Inc.
White Glove Storage & Delivery, LLC
Wilsonart, LLC
ASID Membership Tab A
Inside Back Cover 103 Student Membership Tab A 87
2019-2020 Texas Chapter Membership Directory
Index of Advertisers
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