Design Texas
ASID Texas Chapter Magazine
Issue Number 45 Fall 2014
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Design Texas
ASID Texas Chapter Magazine
Issue Number 45 Fall 2014
ON THE COVER ASID Legacy Award Winner Residence Contemporary Small Designer: Moore Design Group Photographer: Charles Davis Smith, AIA
Table of
Contents Fall 2014
4 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 16 18 19 20 20 22
ASID TEXAS CHAPTER OFFICE Dallas Design Center 1025 North Stemmons Freeway Suite 605A Dallas, TX 75207-3700 T: 214-748-1541 9am-3:30pm Mon-Fri 12-1pm closed for lunch
ASID NATIONAL 718 7th St. NW, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20001 Tel: (202) 546-3480 Fax: (202) 546-3240 Toll free: (800) 610-ASID (2743) •
EDITORIAL STAFF ASID Texas Chapter Magazine Chair Veronica Sandoval, Allied ASID
CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR Pat Gallagher • (214) 748-1541
Outgoing President’s Message Incoming President’s Message Meet your new Board of Directors 2014-2015 What does the Texas Chapter At-Large Board Member Do? REGREEN Workshop An IP’s View of Metrocon 2014 Membership and its four BIG letters ASID Chapter Awards Chair - Cindi Cagle, ASID 2014 Chapter Educator Medalist - Gayla Jet Shannon, ASID, RID, NCIDQ Welcome New Members Metrocon14 Expo & Conference ASID Legacy of Design Awards Hastings Tile & Bath - Introduces New Vanity Collection GO PRO 2014 Student Representative to the Board’s Report Student Leadership
Across the Lone Star State
Index of Advertisers PUBLISHING STAFF Advertising Sales Bicki Shaw • (469) 569-6149 Design Texas magazine is published quarterly for the Texas Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers by DSA Publishing & Design, Inc. Editorial content and Design Texas magazine are controlled and owned by the Texas Chapter of ASID. Reproduction of this publication in whole, in part, in any form is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the Texas Chapter of ASID.
14 11 24 27 5 5 25 26 8
Allied Stone Antique Drapery Rod Company Antique Floors Brendan Bass Showroom Classic Home Furnishings Dallas Rugs DFW Design Guide Elle Decor Ferguson
9 19 10 15 19 5 2 28
Glasshouse The Lamp Shoppe Peck & Company Skyline Floorscapes Southern Enterprises, Inc. TKO Associates Truett Fine Carpets & Rugs White Glove Storage & Delivery
Outgoing President’s Message
y oh my, this year has flown right on by! It truly does seem like my term as president of our great chapter just started, and here it is, already at the end. Time flies when you're having fun!
I've said it before, but I'll say it again... It takes a village to operate a chapter of our size, and no one can do it alone! I am very thankful to have had such a wonderful, supportive, and hardworking board. This year, I have been fully supported by my Board of Directors: Robin Burrill, Luis Araujo, Hugh Scarbrough, JD Carter, Robin Black, Roza Salazar, Becky Burrus, and Gracia Ferreyro, as well as Pat Gallagher, our Chapter Administrator (a.k.a. our glue!). As members, you are very fortunate to have the majority of this dynamic team continuing on next year as your leadership team. We've worked on some exciting things this past year that will be coming down the pipeline in months to come, but I also know the 2014-2015 Board will have even more exciting things to come!
TEXAS ASID TEXAS CHAPTER Dallas Design Center 1025 North Stemmons Freeway Suite 605A Dallas, TX 75207-3700 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Robin Burrill, ASID, CAPS (817) 753-6668
President-Elect Marissa Marmolejos, ASID, RID (214) 208-5548
Past President/Nominations A special thanks to the "behind the scenes" leaders and volunteers: Isin King, Annette Mallard, Kathryn Nelson, Sarah Marek, Cindi Cagle, Alex Hosseinnia, Veronica Sandoval, Terri Morgan, Marissa Marmolejos, Lori Watkins, Laura McDonald Stewart, and Jane Garland Lucas. And of course, many. many thanks to all of the design community leaders and volunteers: Shellee Anderson, Corey Davey, Marlene Small, BJ Wilson, Lisa Barron, Ashlynn Bourque, Donna Reed, Joyce Bryant, Andrea Ross, Vanessa Lopez, Gabrielle Martinez, and Melissa Goodman. You are all ROCKSTARS! Your countless hours of volunteerism and dedication continue to amaze me. To say that this journey has been a whirlwind is an understatement. But I wouldn't have traded it for the world! It has truly been an honor to lead the chapter this past year. I've met and worked with some incredibly talented, dedicated designers and industry partner. I can honestly say that I'm a better person, business owner and leader for having served, and I now fully understand why so many of our past chapter leaders continue to volunteer their time and support our chapter - Passion! ASID has been a great friend to me over the years, and I fully intend to return the sentiment by remaining an active member and continuing to serve. So, do you have the passion? I look forward to seeing you soon!
Kristy Mastrandonas, ASID, RID (940) 455-2073
Financial Director Luis Araujo (214) 760-7619
Communications Director Hugh Scarbrough, ASID (214) 202-4774
Professional Development Director J D Carter, ASID (432) 967-2411
Membership Director Adrian Galvan, Allied ASID (210) 317-9982
At-Large Director Warmest regards, Kristy Mastrandonas, ASID, RID ASID Texas Chapter President, 2013-2014
Julie Reynolds, ASID, RID (972) 931-0536
Student Representative Zan Farrow, Student ASID (972) 672-3290
Chapter Administrator Pat Gallagher (214) 748-1541
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Incoming President’s Message
Meet your new
Board of Directors 2014-2015
President 2014-2015 Robin Burrill, ASID, CAPS Curb Appeal Renovations
OW! Where does time fly?
I can’t believe that it’s been over 10 years since I joined ASID and Connie Blake would call me when she would see us “in the news” to congratulate me. A couple years later Annie Mason invited me to join her FW DC leadership board and then a year later she asked me to take over the chair position. I’ve now been coming to board meetings for 7 years. It’s been a great experience working with all our wonderful professionals and industry partners. Many of you know that when I look to find “volunteers”, I don’t ask, I just tell them that they’d be great in “this” position and can I count on them?! Most people are flattered to be asked and yes, I’ve gotten turned down over the years, but for the most part, everyone has said YES!
President-Elect 2014-2015 Marissa Marmolejos, ASID, RID H & M Interior Design, LLC
Financial Director 2013-2015 Luis Araujo ASID Industry Partner Rep Tufenkian Artisan Carpets
Who do YOU know that hasn’t been active that you can ask to help build our organization? What new member have you met that is enthusiastic and is just waiting to be asked to assist? Now is the time for us to be The Voice of The Interior Design profession! Rosemarie Rene wears her ASID pin everywhere she goes…do you? Do you let your clients and your vendors know you’re part of the largest interior design organization? Do you ask your vendors to join? What about your friends that practice interior design that aren’t members? If you need assistance in getting them to join, the Texas chapter would be glad to help you and the team at ASID national is here as well. Invite them to your local design community meeting. Get them involved. Without all your help, we cannot BE the voice of Interior Design!
Membership Director 2014-2016 Adrian Galvan, Allied ASID Designology, The Science of Design
I’ve been honored to work with so many great people over the years and I’m looking forward to a great 2014-15 year as president of our chapter. By the time you get this magazine we will have had student symposium led by Marissa Marmolejos and will have had our first in person board meeting at the beautiful GE corporate location in Louisville, Kentucky. We are very fortunate to have industry partners that support us and in turn invite us to learn about their great products!
At-Large Director 2014-2016 Julie Reynolds, ASID, RID Julie Reynolds Interiors, Inc.
As I’ve been saying for a long time…if you’re interested in volunteering, please let us know…or one day you may be hearing from me! Thank you to all our volunteers for the 2014-15 year…it’s going to be a fun and successful year! Robin C. Burrill ASID Texas Chapter President 2014-2015
Professional Development Director 2013-2015 J.D. Carter, ASID, RID J.D. Carter Interior Design
Communications Director 2013-2015 Hugh Scarbrough, ASID, RID H & M Interior Design, LLC
Student Representative 2014-2015 Zan Farrow, Student ASID University of North Texas
What Does the
Texas Chapter At-Large Board Member Do? The At-Large Board member serves as a resource for all of the membership categories in the Texas Chapter. Below are some areas where I can answer questions or get you the answer:
members and students are welcome to walk the Capitol halls with us to speak with legislators.
LEGISLATION & LEGISLATORS: Having visited many legislators since 2000 as a member of ASID and Texas Association for Interior Design, I have observed legislation passed or prevented from passing which would have affected the business of interior design. Legislators do not always foresee the consequences of their bills on our businesses. We informed about the important role in the built environment of Registered Accessibility Professionals and Lighting Designers when bills to abolish them were being discussed. Neither bill left Committee.
Questions about State of Texas laws and Federal regulations? Whereas the ADA affects public code regulated spaces, it does not apply to a personal residence. The EPA’s Lead-Safe law does affect working in pre-1978 homes, daycares and schools as does the Clean Air Act dealing with Asbestos. Federal, State and City Energy, Lead-Safe, Asbestos and OSHA regulations govern both commercial and residential projects.
Grandfathered Registered Interior Designer ASID members may call me with any questions about how the requirement to sit for the NCIDQ before 2017 to be able to remain RID might affect their businesses. 972-9310536 or ASID Texas Chapter will have a 4 hour Legislative Training Symposium in February 2015 to inform about the status of actions at the National level to pass legislation that enables interior designers to bid on state and federal design contracts. Training on how to inform our Texas Legislators about issues which affect the way we conduct business will be practiced so we will be able to convey our concerns succinctly. I will advise ASID members about any legislative actions that affect the business of interior design in Texas and when action is needed. Texas Association for Interior Design will sponsor Legislative Days the first Monday and Tuesday in March, 2015, in Austin. All ASID members, Texas Chapter Board members, TAID Board members, TAID
EDUCATION: Learning did not stop with graduation from school. ASID’s Continuing Education requirement allows both Health, Safety and Welfare topics and General category subjects. ASID’s ReGreen Training for Sustainable Remodeling, EPA’s Lead Safe Renovation, Repair and Paint Certification and the Revised CAL 117 Fire Resistant Upholstery methods CEU at the September Dallas Design Community meeting are recent examples of continuing education opportunities. Hundreds of pre-approved study topics can be viewed at searchable on a spreadsheet organized by provider name or by course name and number. Having served for 4 years as an IDCEC course reviewer, I can answer your CEU questions or help you get immediate information. Julie Reynolds, ASID, 972-931-0536
The REGREEN implementation workshop was held September 16 at the Cosentino Center Dallas. Cosentino representative Sarah Marek hosted a wonderful breakfast and lunch for the 14 participants. The workshop was facilitated by Annette Stelmack, Allied ASID, LEED AP BD+C. The 8 hour workshop is approved for 8 HSW credits through IDCEC. The balance of the online courses for certification are avaIiable at and can count as CEU credit. The REGREEN residential remodeling program makes the participants aware of multiple resources for sustainable residential design and best practices for sustainable residential remodeling. The major learning objectives of the class are to: • Identify strategies from the REGREEN Residential Remodeling Guidelines. • Understand the value of engaging whole-systems thinking and professional team integration. • Incorporate spatial relationships, adjacencies and best practices when developing space plans. • Select environmentally-preferable FF&E that contributes to healthy IEQ and resource conservation. • Educate the client about non-toxic cleaning and maintenance operations. The Texas chapter will be hosting our second workshop in Austin,Texas, during the first quarter of 2015. Don't miss this valuable opportunity!
An IP’s View of
Metrocon 2014 By Luis Araujo, ASID Industry Partner Rep Attention all Industry Partners, Metrocon 2014 was another huge success. I still remember my first Metrocon almost 8 years ago and we decked out two both spaces and installed a mini showroom of our product with a beautiful entry way. This was just before the recession hit and everyone was swarming around the booths absorbing all that was new and beautiful. As we all know, the Great Recession hit us all hard and many could not afford to keep their doors open. During these challenging years, Industry Partners had to work twice as hard for less business and invest in staying at the forefront of customers was a priority. As many were getting laid off and businesses were disappearing from both sides of the design community, trade shows have always been a good way to stay in front of your customer. We always opted to stay close to our design community and Metrocon was an accessible tool that did not blow our budget. The beauty of this show is that it is local and it attracts many designers from all over Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado and other areas that may come as a surprise. The success formula for this show has been offering quality product/exhibitors while designers catch up with all of their accreditations necessary before the due date. I have done many shows throughout my years all over the U.S., Mexico and Europe and I strongly believe Metrocon is a hidden gem. I love the fact that it lasts 48 hours, the
cost for exhibiting is very reasonable, and the quality of customers cannot be over looked. Every year that I have exhibited I always keep count of people walking into our booth and every year the count goes up and the amount of interest can not be compared to what one may spend on an ad in a magazine. The big pay back is that this show feels like an old high school reunion where one gets to catch up with old friends and make new ones in the process. It never ceases to amaze me to hear the disgruntled exhibitor who complains about how bad the show is or how there is not enough traffic….Seriously? This floors me and then I ask myself why? It’s simple….maybe these sales reps should be out on the streets a bit more throughout the year so that by the time they are exhibiting there is already a base of familiar faces and then you add some. Sales is a game of numbers and if you want to expand your presence it’s as simple as getting involved with your design community in many ways. I must say that I will typically get a couple of sales off of Metrocon a few months after the show. That alone pays for my booth and more. This year I was more than pleased to have sold two rugs on site during the show. I call that “SWEET”! So for all of you IP’s out there who attend and enjoy Metrocon, keep up the good work and keep smiling and energizing the show. For those who are still not sold, try a new angle and maybe its time to reinvent your presence. Lastly, for those who are still thinking about it, I suggest you mark this show on your calendar and get ready to sign up quickly the minute registration opens. It seems each year this show sells out faster and is no stranger now to waiting lists. Metrocon…..its always a joy to be a part of this show and I look forward to many more successful shows or “reunions” with old friends and new!
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Membership and its four BIG letters
By Adrian Galvan, Allied ASID Hi there! I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you, the esteemed Texas Community of Interior Designers and design professionals! My name is Adrian Galvan, Allied ASID and I’m honored and privileged to serve as your Statewide Membership Director.
allied, professional, or student, those credentials will take you further than you ever dreamed of! Those four big letters are what you’ve earned, what you strive to maintain, and what sets you apart! Our organization has done so many campaigns to get brand recognition to other trade organizations and to the general public, and I’m happy to say; it’s working!
As a longstanding member of ASID, I’m proud to say that I’ve served in various roles at the local level, though this will be my first time on the state board. I have some big shoes to fill as previous membership directors have done an amazing job, and I will strive to uphold the prestige of this position.
ASID is an organization like no other, where members are passionate about their profession, and take their career seriously and continue to grow. In a unique industry that is constantly evolving, it’s of superb importance to be aligned with an organization that has your best interest in mind.
Acting as the principal of my own firm; Designology, The Lifestyle Design Company, I know how difficult it is to work as an entrepreneur in this fun and creative world.
As you can imagine, there has been lots of work “behind the scenes” to get started this month. Communication with several universities and coordination with student chapters has been the core of getting setup for success.
Having served in other roles and capacities in other organizations, I know and value the importance of membership, constantly bringing value to the table, and maximizing the benefits for your membership. As I had hoped, the title of this article got your attention, and if it did, here are the four BIG letters I was referring to; A S I D! I’m of course referring to your appellation! Those four big letters after your name that make up your title! Whether your membership category is
As your membership director it is my hope that I can facilitate the growth of our chapter and maintain the strong and large membership that we have! So be proud of those four BIG letters you’ve earned. Shout it from the rooftops and let people know what it is, and what it stands for! I’m extremely proud to be a member of ASID, and hope you are too!
ASID Chapter Awards Chair
Cindi Cagle, ASID Cindi Cagle, ASID is the Texas Chapter Awards Chair 2014-2015 and will be her fifth year in this position. She has been an active ASID volunteer in the Texas Chapter and/or the Dallas Design Community since 1998. She recently received the 2013-2014 Texas Chapter President’s Award for her recent work for ASID. She is responsible for coordinating the Chapter candidate nominations and submissions for the ASID National Awards. This includes the Life Membership Award, Fellowship, Industry Partner Merit Award, Chapter Educator Medalist, Chapter Medalist, and the Chapter Community Service awards. These Awards represent the highest honors the Society bestows on it’s members for their combined national, regional and local service and experience. In addition to the national awards, this year the Chapter will be creating distinctive local awards for our Design Communities and Chapter to acknowledge our members’ local volunteers service to ASID. For more information, contact Cindi at or 214.535.9388 To review the requirements of the National Awards, go to /ASID National Honors & Chapter Awards (please note: all candidates must be submitted by the Chapter and not directly to National) .
The American Society of Interior Designers National Award Recipient for 2014
Chapter Educator Medalist
Gayla Jet Shannon, ASID, RID, NCIDQ The ASID National, Chapter Educator Medalist Award is the highest award bestowed by ASID National in recognition of outstanding service and significant contributions to their Chapter and to the body of knowledge that supports the profession and education of Interior Design. Gayla has been an ASID Texas Chapter and Fort Worth DC volunteer for over 25 years, attended the national IDEC (Interior Design Educators Council) for the last several years. She was the IDEC 2014 Co-Chair of the Student Competition for the SW Region. She has won numerous Legacy awards and was awarded the ASID National Educator Design Excellence Competition twice, in 2012 and 2010. Gayla was on the National FIDER Research Committee for 4 years, has authored several articles and been a presenter in national conferences. An active design professional for over 30 years she has won awards for her work in Universal Design. She has been an educator spanning over 20 years in three schools, currently in TCU, where she has also been a Faculty Advisor and on the Interior Design Advisory Board. She earned a BFA in Interior Design and a Masters in Architecture and her experiences include a ‘Falling Water’ Residency, traveling in France and Switzerland on a research grant from UNT and traveling in Italy from the Parsons School of Design.
New Members Professional
Associate Member
Ann Theriot, ASID | Tenth & Page Design
Kimberly A. Bruce, Associate ASID
Arden Waggoner Stephenson, ASID | Arden Interior Arch. & Design
Nicole Y. Pulley, Associate ASID
Camellia Milanova, ASID
Lisa Bartling, Associate ASID | Amanda & Company
Carolyn Frani, ASID | Carolyn Frani, Inc. Jennifer Ann Brandenburgh, ASID | Dahlgren Duck & Associates
Industry Partner
Lauren J. Morgan, ASID | Lauren Morgan Interior Design
Air Sea Packing Dallas | Alex Gonzalez
Wendy R. Mayes, ASID, CKD | The Kitchen Source
Hastings Tile and Bath | Tim Vander Wall Hokanson | Jessica Matuszak
Allied Member
April Tarte, Allied ASID
| Tom Cramer
James Martin Furniture | Jamroz Martin
Cynthia W. Spencer, Allied ASID
JOSCO Kitchen & Bath Showroom | Nick Y Nicolas
Kimberly A. Bruce, Associate ASID Rafael Demetrio Tapia, Allied ASID | Associated Air Center Raquel Skrobarczyk, Allied ASID
Kristina Higgins | Kristina Beth Higgins Luxe Home LLC dba LHI Designer | Greg Wyers Redstone Kitchen | Kay L. Cosby, ASID, RID, NCIDQ
Rebekah Lynn Hitzfeld, Allied ASID
Vintage Floors | Julie A. Behr
Robby Webster, Allied ASID
Wildman Art Framing, Inc. | Donna Wildman
Sandra Caitlyn Dennig, Allied ASID Sarah White, Allied ASID | Sarah White Decor
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METROCON14 Expo & Conference ASID’s Strong Presence Instrumental in the Show’s Success By Isin King, Allied ASID, METROCON14 Chair If you were not at Dallas Market Hall on August 14 & 15, then you missed an amazing opportunity to establish business relationships with, learn from, and network with 2,500+ interior designers, architects, facility managers, interior design students, and other essential design industry members from all over Texas, Oklahoma, and 25 other states across the USA! In post-show media coverage about the event, Bob Beck, Publisher of officeinsight, the “voice of those who create workplace design & furnishings,” praised METROCON as a “worthwhile event” and regarded the show’s 12th year as a “stunning success.” Not surprisingly, the 2014 Committee and I whole-heartedly agree.
Over 2,500 members of the interior design industry attended METROCON14.
#2: ASID leads collaboration with those working to promote the value of interior design. For the first time ever at METROCON, ASID held Student Career Exchange, its national program offered annually at NeoCon and NeoCon East. This esteemed collaborative event took place on Friday, August 15 from 1:00pm-2:30pm and featured student portfolio and resume reviews, as well as one-onone discussions with companies who hire and/or work with interior designers. Tiffany Neumann, ASID’s Associate of Education and Engagement, and Sarita Williams, ASID’s Coordinator of Education and Engagement, along with Texas Chapter members Dianne Etheredge, ASID, RID, Corey Davey, Allied ASID, and Laura McDonald Stewart, ASID, RID, helped coordinate the participation of the following members from the Texas Chapter and beyond.
ASID’s Associate of Education and Engagement, Tiffany Neumann, and ASID CEO Randy Fiser welcome students to ASID’s Student Career Exchange.
ASID Proved Itself to be the Core of the Design Network ASID volunteers and headquarters staff contributed greatly to the success of METROCON14, which marks the 10th anniversary of the ASID Texas Chapter’s involvement. ASID designed its activities to align with the three Core Values & Strategic Guideposts that support ASID’s Why Statement – i.e., ASID advances the profession and communicates the impact of interior design to enhance the human experience – all of which are detailed in ASID’s Strategic Plan. [To learn more about ASID’s Strategic Plan, download a copy by visiting the About ASID page of]
#1: ASID prepares its members to excel in a dynamic and evolving profession competing in a global marketplace. On Friday, August 15 from 10:30am-11:30am, ASID CEO Randy Fiser presented ASID's Industry Outlook, which he debuted at NeoCon in June. With its analysis of the economic impact of interior design on the economy and a review of the trends affecting the practice and business of interior design, this in-depth dive into ASID-compiled research is helping to guide business decisions, influence practice, and advance careers. In a second article related to METROCON14, officeinsight’s Beck reported that Fiser’s “presentation was an excellent high-level overview of the state of the industry in the context of the current economic climate.” [To download an Executive Summary of the Interior Design 2014 Outlook and State of the Industry for free or to purchase the full report ($50 for members / $85 for non-members), visit the Knowledge Center of]
Please join us in thanking all of them for taking the time to share their wide-ranging experience in order to benefit the future of our industry and our society: Manufacturers & their Representatives Aria Stone Gallery* – Amanda Reilly, ASID, RID Business Interiors by Staples – Carl Bergauer Concept Surfaces – Geoffrey Gross Direct Supply Aptura – Lynn Vogeltanz, ASID Innovations in Wallcoverings* – Jessica Craig Knoll* – Jen Graybiel Legrand* – Amy Collier Robert Allen* – James Campbell Sherwin-Williams Company* – Ashlynn Bourque & Steve Clements Teknion* – Kerry Walton UltraMedia, Inc.* – Pat & Valerie Johnson Walker Zanger* – Allyson Humphries Portfolio & Resume Reviewers Luis Araujo of Tufenkian Artisan Carpets* Laura Britt, ASID, RID of Laura Britt Design & Vervano Robin Burrill, ASID, NCIDQ, CAPS of Curb Appeal Renovations Carmen Busceme of Hansgrohe* Sara Dement, ASID, RID of Dement Designs Karen Gaither, RID of Knoll* Bruce Goff, FASID°° of Domus Design Group
Even MORE ASID Noteworthy News • In an effort to ensure that their students and emerging professionals had access to resources to help them connect with the industry, our friends and fellow members in the ASID Texas Gulf Coast Chapter chartered a bus from Houston that brought approximately 20 students and 10 designers and Industry Partners to METROCON to experience the trade show and participate in the ASID Student Career Exchange. • For the first time Apex Supply Co. brought the Toilet Tour Bus by ASID Industry Partner Kohler to the show to give attendees a chance to see firsthand what makes their “toilets a flush above the rest.” Find out more at
Veronica Sandoval, Allied ASID, and 12 other volunteers review students’ portfolios during ASID Student Career Exchange. Kevin Hamby, ASID, RID° of Kevin Hamby Designs AnnMarie Jackson, ASID, AAHID, EDAC°°° of Sherlock, Smith & Adams, Inc. Lynne T. Jones, ASID, RID° of Lynne T. Jones Interior Design Janus Lazaris, ASID° of Janus Design Lauren Amber Prestenbach, ASID, RID, LEED ID+C, EDAC° of KI Veronica Sandoval, Allied ASID of Forrest Perkins
• Business Interiors by STAPLES, the 2014 Landmark Sponsor, created a Social Media Hive so that attendees could “relax, recharge, rehydrate and retweet.” After the show they generously donated an ASID Texas Chapter branded charging station to the chapter for its use. • As a precursor to the new student programming at METROCON14, ASID Texas Chapter hosted a Student Mixer on the evening of Thursday, August 14 at the Dallas showroom of ASID Industry Partner Ferguson Bath & Kitchen Gallery. Students were encouraged to stop in to meet new people and see some friendly faces before Friday’s ASID Student Career Exchange.
Education + Organizations University of Texas – School of Architecture: Garrett Loontjer University of Texas – School of Interior Design: Tamie Glass, ASID, RID *ASID Industry Partner °out of the ASID Texas Gulf Coast Chapter °°out of the ASID South Central Chapter °°°out of the ASID Alabama Chapter
#3: ASID advances the profession by generating, collecting and disseminating applied knowledge. Again, METROCON offered 5,400 seats in 54 CEUs, allowing Attendees up to nine CEUs over two days while still providing eight hours on the trade show floor. We are pleased to report that the following CEUs were taught by ASID members, and we cannot thank them enough for sharing their knowledge with our attendees: • “Minimal Space Design” by Brian Lerkins of Victoria + Albert Bath, ASID Industry Partner • “Area Rug Constructions” by Leah Phillips of Delos Rugs, ASID Industry Partner • “Wood Veneer 101” by Beret Evenstad, Allied ASID of Nevers Industries, Inc. • “Stone Care” by Bob Buswell & Mike Bastone of Walker Zanger, ASID Industry Partner • “Hard Facts About Soft Surfaces” by Kurt Falvey of Fiber Seal Systems, ASID Industry Partner • “Integrating Audio Video Components Without Compromising Your Design” by Shane Bala of Starlight AV Inc, ASID Industry Partner • “Champions of Design” by Carmen Busceme of Hansgrohe, ASID Industry Partner • “Interior Design Uses of Reclaimed Wood Flooring” by Rick Farrell & Hank Holland of Woodwright Hardwood Floor Company, ASID Industry Partner • “The Business Side of Design” by ASID National Board Member AnnMarie Jackson, ASID, AAHID, EDAC of Sherlock, Smith & Adams, Inc. • “Designing a Green Kitchen” by Theresa Collins of Sub-Zero and Wolf, ASID Industry Partner • “Seeing Red” by Ashlynn Bourque of Sherwin-Williams Company, ASID Industry Partner
Apex Supply Co. brought the Toilet Tour Bus by ASID Industry Partner Kohler.
High, High Praise METROCON’s extreme value is in part due to the support and generosity of a variety of exhibitors, speakers, and event sponsors, including 2014 Landmark Sponsor, Business Interiors by Staples, and 2014 Media Sponsor, ASID Industry Partner Design Guide Texas. Please join us in thanking the long list of ASID Industry Partners who exhibited at the show, as well as the following IPs who sponsored this year (listed in alphabetical order): Arizona Tile Avanti Stone Cosentino Dallas Market Center Dallas Rugs FiberSeal of Dallas Florida Tile Hansgrohe Haworth
Legrand Paloma Creations LLC Sherwin-Williams Company Starlight AV Inc USG Interiors Versteel Victoria + Albert Baths Walker Zanger Wilsonart LLC
As this year’s Presiding Chair, I want to give extremely high praise to the many, many people who were instrumental in making METROCON14 materialize: • The dozens of on-site volunteers who donated their time during the show to greet attendees, guide exhibitors and monitor CEUs. • Metrocon, Inc.’s only hired staff: Bookkeeper Tara Murphy, and Show Manager & Promoter Laura McDonald Stewart, ASID, IIDA, LEED AP, RID.
METROCON14 Allied Stone
• And last – but absolutely, positively NOT least – the ASID members on the event committee who worked so hard throughout the year to make the event such an unparalleled success (listed in alphabetical order): Dianne Etheredge, ASID, RID (Catering Chair); Allen Hart, ASID, RID (Volunteer Coordinator & Co-Chair-Elect); Rosemarie René, ASID, RID (Asst. Sponsor Liaison & Past Presiding Chair); Ann Riedel, Allied ASID (Asst. Volunteer Coordinator); and Shawn Anne Shannon, Allied ASID (Exhibitor Liaison). Those who made the ASID Texas Chapter 20’x10’ booth stand out (and stand up!) also deserve recognition: ASID Industry Partner Dallas Rugs and The Ginger Grant Group for helping to furnish the booth, as well as René Design Solutions (Oscar and Rosemarie René, ASID, RID), who, in addition to lending us the video screen, assembled and dismantled the booth. We would also like to thank Cynthia Adler, ASID, RID (Richardson) and Dawn Cleaves, ASID IP Rep from Artisan Finishes (Dallas) for devoting their Thursday afternoon to judging the Pegasus Exhibitor Awards. Speaking of…
CONGRATULATIONS to the following exhibitors who were the recipients of this year’s Pegasus Exhibitor Awards! • • • •
Best Overall Exhibit – Tarkett - Johnsonite Most Informative Exhibit – Paloma Creations Best Promotional Campaign – Anzea Best New Product – Nucraft
Lastly, congratulations to METROCON’s inaugural Booth Bingo Winners, who each received a $100 Visa Gift Card in the mail after the show! • Rebecca Proctor of Chancellor Interiors Inc (Midland) • Kathy Adcock-Smith, ASID, RID of Adcock-Smith Design (Dallas) Visit to find links to view photos of many of the people and companies mentioned above (Press page) and to sign up to receive exhibitor and attendee notifications (Home page) in order to stay informed about METROCON15, which will take place in Dallas on August 13 & 14, 2015. For developments throughout the year, be sure to follow us at &
Milestone Dates for 2015’s Expo & Conference Interested in presenting, sponsoring, exhibiting or attending METROCON15? Then add the following key dates to your calendar, and be sure to make METROCON your primary venue for new products, continuing education and industry connections!
Jan 2, 2015
CEU Presentation Submissions Open | online
Jan 21, 2015
Sponsorship Soirée | Dallas – location TBD (date subject to change)
Feb 27, 2015
CEU Presentation Submissions Deadline | online
Apr 1, 2015
Exhibitor Booth Sales Open | online
Jun 1, 2015
Attendee Pre-Registration Open | online
Jun 19, 2015
Exhibitor Booth Sales Close (if not sold out) | online
Jul 31, 2015
Attendee / Exhibitor Badge Pre-Registration Closes | online
Aug 13-14, 2015
METROCON15 Expo & Conference Dallas Market Hall
Skyline Floorscapes
Rising star category -
Corporate office less than 15,000 square feet
COMPANY NAME True Interiors, LLC
Heather Brown, Allied ASID
True Interiors, LLC
Dave Hartman, Allied ASID
Dallas Drafting Services
Komal Sheth, Allied ASID
Spaces Designed
Heather Brown, Allied ASID
True Interiors, LLC
Dave Hartman, Allied ASID
Dallas Drafting Services
Honorable Mention
Komal Sheth, Allied ASID
Spaces Designed
Lisa Sorenson, Allied ASID
Baker Design Group
Barbara Gilbert, Associate ASID
Barbara Gilbert Interiors
Allison Jaffe, ASID
Allison Jaffe Interior Design
Alana Villanueva, Allied ASID
AVID Associates LLC
Christina Garcia, Allied ASID
Dallas Design Group, Interiors
Page Gandy, ASID
3 Fold Design Studio
Honorable Mention
Michelle Kopfer, Allied ASID
Michelle’s Interiors
Alana Villanueva, Allied ASID
AVID Associates LLC
Barbara Gilbert, Associate ASID
Barbara Gilbert Interiors
Allison Jaffe, ASID
Allison Jaffe Interior Design
Honorable Mention
Shannon Green, Allied ASID
AVID Associates LLC
Komal Sheth, Allied ASID
Spaces Designed
Health care
Singular space
Traditional residence Traditional living space Traditional bedroom
Traditional kitchen
Traditional singular space Contemporary residential greater t
than 3,500 square feet Contemporary residential less than 3,500 square feet
Contemporary living area
Page Gandy, ASID
3 Fold Design Studio
Barbara Gilbert, Associate ASID
Barbara Gilbert Interiors
Lisa Sorenson, Allied ASID
Baker Design Group
Honorable Mention
Courtney Eads, Allied ASID
Traci Connell Interiors
Lisa Sorenson, Allied ASID
Baker Design Group
Courtney Eads, Allied ASID
Traci Connell Interiors
Allison Jaffe, ASID
Allison Jaffe Interior Design
Allison Jaffe, ASID
Allison Jaffe Interior Design
Allison Jaffe, ASID
Allison Jaffe Interior Design
Teresa Morgan, ASID
Teresa M. Morgan Designs
Alana Villanueva, Allied ASID
AVID Associates LLC
Barbara Gilbert, Associate ASID
Barbara Gilbert Interiors
Emily Summers, ASID
Emily Summers Design Associates
Kevin Alter, Allied ASID
Alterstudio Architecture LLP
Honorable Mention
Heather Brown, Allied ASID
True Interiors, LLC
Andre Staffelbach, ASID
Andre Staffelbach, ASID
Beth Thiel, ASID
Thiel and Thiel, Inc.
Sherry Hayslip, ASID
Hayslip Design Associates
Honorable Mention
Traci Connell, Associate ASID
Traci Connell Interiors
Honorable Mention
Don Collier, ASID
Don Collier
Stephanie Moore-Hager, ASID
Moore Design Group
Michelle Meredith, ASID
Michelle Meredith & Associates
Honorable Mention
Lesley Hughes Wyman, ASID
Beth Thiel, ASID
Stephanie Moore-Hager, ASID
Moore Design Group Moore Design Group
Stephanie Moore-Hager, ASID
Moore Design Group Moore Design Group
Contemporary bedroom
Contemporary kitchen
Contemporary bathroom
Contemporary singular space
Shining Star Category Corporate Office greater than 15,000 square feet
Corporate office less than 15,000 square feet
Health care
Commercial singular space
H Honorable Mention
| FALL 2014 |
MatchL MatchLine Design Group Thiel and Thiel, Inc.
Traditional residence greater thant 3,500 square feet
Dona Rosene, ASID
Dona Rosene Interiors
Honorable Mention
Lisa Barron, Allied ASID
Dallas Design Group, Interiors Laura Britt Design
Traditional residence less than 3,500 square feet
Traditional living areas
Traditional bedroom
Traditional kitchen
Laura Britt, ASID
Marci Barnes, ASID
M. Barnes & Co.
Honorable Mention
Suzy Childress, Allied ASID
Childress Interiors, Inc.
Kim Armstrong, Allied ASID
Kim Armstrong Interior Design
Stephanie West, Allied ASID
Stephanie West Design
Honorable Mention
Dona Rosene, ASID
Dona Rosene Interiors
Marci Barnes, ASID
M. Barnes & Co.
Marci Barnes, ASID
M. Barnes & Co.
Honorable Mention
Laura Britt, ASID
Laura Britt Design
Traci Connell, Associate ASID
Traci Connell Interiors
Stephanie West, Allied ASID
Stephanie West Design
Honorable Mention
Traci Connell, Associate ASID
Traci Connell Interiors
Marci Barnes, ASID
M. Barnes & Co.
Marci Barnes, ASID
M. Barnes & Co.
Honorable Mention
Kim Armstrong, Allied ASID
Kim Armstrong Interior Design
Honorable Mention
Traci Connell, Associate ASID
Traci Connell Interiors
Catherine Dolen, ASID
CDA Interior Design Dallas Design Group, Interiors
Traditional bathroom
Traditional singular space
Contemporary residence greater thant 3,500 square feet
Contemporary residence less than 3,500 square feet
Contemporary living area
Contemporary bedroom
Contemporary kitchen Contemporary bathroom
Contemporary singular space
Unique space or products Architectural detail
Unique space
Tracy Rasor, Allied ASID
Honorable Mention
Suzy Childress, Allied ASID
Childress Interiors, Inc.
Stephanie Moore-Hager, ASID
Moore Design Group
Stephanie Moore-Hager, ASID
Moore Design Group
Linda Fritschy, ASID
Linda Fritschy Interior Design
Emily Summers, ASID
Emily Summers Design Associates
Honorable Mention
Kevin Alter, Allied ASID
Alterstudio Architecture LLP
Joanie Wyll, ASID
Dallas Design Group, Interiors
Emily Summers, ASID
Emily Summers Design Associates
Honorable Mention
Tracy Rasor, Allied ASID
Dallas Design Group, Interiors
Stephanie Moore-Hager, ASID
Moore Design Group
Emily Summers, ASID
Emily Summers Design Associates
Honorable Mention
Tracy Rasor, Allied ASID
Dallas Design Group, Interiors
Deborah Rossler, ASID
Designer Details
Sherry Hayslip, ASID
Hayslip Design Associates
Honorable Mention
Joanie Wyll, ASID
Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.
Emily Summers, ASID
Emily Summers Design Associates
Tracy Rasor, Allied ASID
Dallas Design Group, Interiors
Honorable Mention
Don Collier, ASID
Don Collier
Beth Thiel, ASID
Thiel and Thiel, Inc.
Sherry Hayslip, ASID
Hayslip Design Associates
Honorable Mention
Tracy Rasor, Allied ASID
Dallas Design Group, Interiors
Joanie Wyll, ASID
Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.
Stephanie Moore-Hager, ASID
Moore Design Group
Honorable Mention
Lisa Barron, Allied ASID
Dallas Design Group, Interiors
Arizona Tile, Arteriors Home, BMC, Daltile, Duralee Fabric, Ferguson, Fiber-Seal, Global Views, Interior Resources, Kravet, ProSource, Robert Allen, Sherwin-Williams, The Granite Shop, Wilsonart
Hastings Tile & Bath
Introduces New Vanity Collection New Collection Brings Color Back To Bathrooms
Hastings Tile & Bath, the importers and distributors of European contemporary bath products is unveiling a new vanity collection that brings vibrant color back into the bathroom. Named Made, the collection of vanities is available in more than 50 colors and dozens of finishes. “We are calling this the year of color,” says Bob Gifford, director of bath products for Hastings. “This collection offers excellent design flexibility with such luscious colors that we predict a huge shift from the neutrals we had been seeing.” Sleek and stylish, the new Made vanity series from Hastings Tile + Bath defines design flexibility. With 51 finish options for cabinets and countertops, the total number of design configurations numbers more than 200. The countertops are available in multiple configurations including solid surface in 5 colors or wood and glass tops (either clear or frosted glass which are also available in the various color options). The cabinets are offered in matte and gloss white plus gloss or matte lacquered oak. All the cabinets have push-toopen drawers and optional towel rail handles are available. Meticulously constructed, the thick top and sides converge at mitred corners, joined seamlessly with aluminum trim to inhibit warping. Inner cabinet LED lighting is also an option as well as coordinating mirrors which of course are also available in the finish colors. The cabinet drawers can be configured in numerous ways with available compartment container accessories. To complete the coordinating look there are tall open storage cabinets as well. Hastings is clearly saying that color is back! Hastings Tile & Bath will be unveiling additional basin and vanity collections over the next few weeks. About Hastings Tile & Bath Since 1885 Hastings Tile & Bath has been at the forefront of design; providing architectural products to the building industry, beginning with pavers for large-scale installations such as the walkways that surround New York City’s Central Park. In the 1970s, the company began importing tile and bath products from Italy for the high-end home furnishings industry. Today, Hastings products are distributed in more than 150 Bath and Tile showrooms across the country, including their own fashionable showrooms in the Architects & Designers Building in New York and in Chicago’s Merchandise Mart. Known for providing a full range of innovative and functional products to architects and designers, Hastings Tile & Bath continues its long tradition of sourcing the best tile and plumbing products from Europe. Their collections have included some of the finest names in the industry; Fornasetti, Philippe Starck, Andrée Putnam, Gio Ponti, and they are the exclusive importer and distributor of the Arne Jacobsen designed, multiple award-winning Vola line in the United States. They introduced the Chelsea bathtub and coordinating sinks in 2008 and in 2010 they expanded the collection with the addition of their own Chelsea H125 faucet line. They continue to source and work with artisans from around the world to bring the best in contemporary bath products to North America. Visit Hastings Tile & Bath at
GO PRO 2014
By Sarah Marek, ASID Texas Emerging Professionals Chair One of the great programs that ASID has for Emerging Professionals is the GO PRO Conference, featuring outstanding presentations on PROfessional Development, PROcess, PRO Bono, PROduct, and PROject. I was fortunate to attend the conference for the second time this year and once again learned even more than I expected (and had a great time, of course)! It was awesome to meet emerging professionals from all over the country, all with diverse backgrounds but one uniting passion.
Lifestyles Covered Designed in Dallas, TX Contact Andrew Llewellyn direct: 972.616.1493 | 800.633.5096
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The speakers were great! For example, Aga Artka and Jenny Schrank shared their career journeys and wisdom they picked up along the way, but what was most impressive was how clearly they genuinely cared about the professional development of everyone in the room. When the Make It Right Foundation spoke about the impact pro bono design work can make on individuals, neighborhoods, and larger communities, there was not a dry eye in the place. The girl next to me was ready to quit her job and go work for the foundation! My personal favorite presentation was part of the tour we took of Sandow Media Headquarters. Sandow publishes Interior Design and Luxe Magazines. They also run Material ConneXion, a global materials consultancy with the world's most complete and thorough library of advanced, innovative and sustainable materials and processes. We had a special opportunity to tour the library, which included fascinating materials like translucent concrete and eel leather! Our tour concluded with an address from Dr. Andrew Dent, VP of Library & Materials Research who enthralled us with stories and images of new technology beyond what most of us could even imagine, like shoes knitted as one piece and a house made by 3D printing! It is amazing how quickly technology is moving and inspiring to think about the innovative possibilities for emerging professionals. I highly recommend the conference for all EPs! If you are an emerging professional who would like to get more involved with ASID at any level, you can reach me at
1515 Dragon • Dallas, Texas 75207 214.741.5300
Student Represenative to the Board’s By Becky Burrus, Allied ASID
“For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." T.S. Elliot As one leadership year comes to a close and another begins, I look forward to the opportunity that coincides with transition. Transitions can be a challenge, as I have found out first hand in the past four months since graduation and the start of my career after school. But I have also learned that with challenges come progress and great rewards. Gracie and I have had an amazing year as Student Representatives to the Board, and have both been fortunate enough to move into new leadership roles that will allow us to further impact students. I will be the Student Activities Chair for the Texas Chapter and Gracie is joining the Dallas Design Community’s Leadership. We have seen Zan, our Student Representative to the Board successor, grow into an amazing student leader who will bring this chapter to new levels in the year ahead. We had the opportunity to meet so many student leaders at chapter training and they have inspired us with new resolve to make this a year of tremendous growth and success for ASID Texas. Thank you to all who gave their time and efforts last year and to those who continue their service in the coming year. We look forward to serving the ASID members, especially the students, who represent so much promise for our chapter and our industry. Thank you.
Student Leadership By Zan Farrow, ASID Student Representative to the Board
In the months leading up to my term as Student Representative to the Board, I have had the opportunity to get to know many student chapter leaders from across the state. It has been an honor to assist them in connecting with professionals in our industry, something I know I will enjoy throughout the year. I would like to take this opportunity to spotlight a student who I believe has gone above and beyond for their student chapter. Vanessa McBride, ASID Student Chapter President at Texas State University, has exemplified what it means to be a student leader through active involvement, coordination, and enthusiasm. Originally from Lubbock, Vanessa moved to San Marcos after the market crash in 2008 to pursue her passion for interior design. Under Vanessa’s leadership, the Texas State student chapter has grown to almost 80 members I anticipate they will have the largest student group (once again) at this year’s Student Symposium. At the beginning of the year, Vanessa and her
student leaders put on a membership drive where they invited Adrian Galvan and Ron Smith to assist in recruitment. The meeting was a huge success and brought in about 100 students. In the Spring, the Texas State chapter will be holding their annual renovation project, Bobcat Build, where they help redesign a home from for a family in need. Last year, they teamed up with the Construction Student Association on campus. This allowed them to take their one day project to a two-week build where they were able to replace floors, windows, walls, paint, and tile. Vanessa is excited for this year’s project and anticipates another successful renovation. I have enjoyed seeing this chapter grow through involvement and membership over the last few months and I look forward to seeing what they have planned for the 2014-2015 school year. A chapter this size requires a strong community leader and I know that with Vanessa the chapter is in good hands.
Accessories ucts
Art Installation
SHOP Awnings
ture Custom
Cleaning Services/
Custom Storage Solutions
Designer Services
Fabric Protection Flooring
Furniture Refinishing
Decorative Details
Computer/Software Services/Web Design
Botanicals Products
ADA Compliant Prod
Acoustical Ceilings/Sound Masking
Faux Finishers/
Furniture Commercial
Furniture Residential
Glass/ Mir
ResearchHardware the newest and best products Hardwood Flooring Home Theaters/
Green Products
anytime you wish. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s the
Music/Game Rooms
HVAC/Air Circulation
right thing to do. Shop Industry Partners first-
Liaison/Design Center/Showroom
and support those companies that make our ing
Murano Glass
Chapter events, programs and CEUs possible.
Operable Walls Paint
Outdoor Furniture/Accessories/Garden Art
YOURPhotography GREATESTPianos/Musical RESOURCEInstruments FOR THEPlants/ FINEST INTERIOR PRODUCTS & SERVICES Landscaping Plumbing/Fixtures Pools and Spas Professional Orga nizing
Quartz Surfaces
er Doors
Table Designs
Textile Protection
Plaster/Custom Painting Wainscoting/Raised Panel AMERICAN Web Services
Window Covering Motorization INTERIOR
dow Treatment
Wall Coverings
Window Films
Wine Cellars / Storage
Wood Finishing
Austin Design Community By Margaret H. Norris, Allied ASID, Membership Chair and Corey Davey, Allied ASID, Chair
n Please WELCOME our new Austin Design Community Board Chair: Corey Davey Vice Chair/Financial: Jane Garland Lucas Public Relations: Jessica Wilhelm Membership: Margaret Norris IP Membership Liaison: Eric Barnett Programs/Events: Cristi Peterson Emerging Professionals: Larissa Bobo Communication: Karla Urbina Secretary: Kim Neal
n October 7 Meeting at Harway Appliance Topic: Trends in Kitchen Design Amy Kerr with Subzero presented ways in which today’s kitchens are built around homeowner’s lifestyle and personality, with special focus given to materials and technologies which allow designers to tailor this space to each client’s individual needs. Lunch was provided
AUSTIN: Meeting at Harway Appliance
n October 26 Colormix 2016 Sherwin-Williams hosted their annual Colormix event at the Renaissance Arboretum
n July 8 - Happy Hour at BMC BMC hosted an entertaining Happy Hour filled with drinks, hors d’oeuvres, door prizes and mingling!
n July 22 Meeting at Exteriors Designer Showroom Topic: What Makes it Outdoors. Exteriors Designer Showroom was our host for the July meeting and CEU. After a light lunch, AUSTIN: Happy Hour at BMC we were instructed on the topic of outdoor furniture durability. During our hot summer, it was nice to be in a cool, beautiful showroom.
n November 12 - Design Excellence 2015 Our 29th annual Design Excellence Awards Ceremony was held November 12 at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center from 6pm-9pm. What a fabulous venue! Stay tuned for the winners and photos to follow in the ASID Texas Winter Magazine.
Dallas Design Community By Lisa Barron, Allied ASID, Chair
n August 19 Meeting at Decorum Stone Topic: Dry Treat Technology Decorum Architectural Stone hosted our August meeting with a CEU, lunch and presentation on DryTreat Technology for porous building materials
AUSTIN: Meeting at Exteriors Designer Showroom
AUSTIN: InteriorDesign-ED CEU Marathon
n On September 23 and 24, InteriorDesign-ED held a 1.2 CEU marathon of IDCEC/AIA approved in Modernism from Art Nouveau through the 1950’s, Color Theory, To Be or Not To Be Ethical, A Designers Guide to Green Design and the New Standards
n Our ASID Dallas Design Community had a successful wrap up of the summer months. n Our July meeting titled “Roll out the Knowledge Day “ was graciously hosted by Feizy Rugs this was a half day of free CEU classes. Feizy provided a wonderful Persian inspired buffet for lunch. Our designers were able to take 4 CEU's ranging from remodeling with EPA lead safety laws that was taught by Paul Zuch one of our industry Partners who is DALLAS: CEU at Feizy Rugs a builder specializing in home remodels. Ashlynn Bourge who is on our Dallas Board and is the industry representative for Sherwin Williams one of our Platinum Sponsors, taught a class on the color and history of red. Seth Laurence from Dallas Sight and Sound also one of our Platinum sponsors taught two classes about incorporating the latest technology available in electronics for your clients home entertainment system. The turnout was great and allowed our designers to combine these CEU’s with MetroCon to fulfill their class requirements for the year. n In July everyone enjoyed cooling off from the heat with delicious treats and refreshing drinks at Levantina USA Dallas Stone Center
DALLAS: After Hours event at Levantina USA
who hosted our after hour’s quarterly gathering. While catching up with colleagues, industry partners and designers listened to live acoustic music, all while being surrounded by the beautiful stone samples in the showroom.
n In August our Designers attended MetroCon the design trade show that is held every year in Dallas. This two day trade show offers many CEU’s and a trade floor that is packed full of Industry Partners who have booths showcasing the latest and greatest in their products. We also celebrated Legacy of Design, the ASID Texas Chapters award show. Many of our Dallas Designers were honored to win state awards.
n In September Robert Allen hosted our monthly meeting that was titled “Don’t Burn down the House” with the assistance of Julie Reynolds we were able to bring in the Fire Marshal who gave a very informative CEU class on fire safety and the appropriate specification and use of fabrics. n The Dallas Board would like to thank all of our industry partners for their support this past year. Without our Industry Partners we would not be able to host all of the meetings and events that we have this past year. We would like to give a special thanks to our Platinum Industry Partners these include, DALLAS: Monthly meeting at Robert Allen Sherwin Williams, Hidell fine decorative hardware, Pro-Tection Dallas, Design NS, Bentwood of Dallas, Fiber.Seal Fabric Care System, The Kitchen Source, Ornare, Contempo Designs, Interior Resources, Lights Fantastic, Star Light Home Theater and Beyond, Feizy Rugs, Levantina The Natural Stone Company, Dallas Sight and Sound, and Benjamin Moore. n I would also like to thank our 2013-2014 ASID Dallas Design Community board, these designers and industry partners who have volunteered their time and hard work have made this past year successful. These wonderful volunteers are, Kimberly Barrow- Programs Chair, Ashlynn Bourge -Financial Chair, Cheryl Petter- Membership Chair, Grayson Knight- Historian, Helene Terry- IP Chair, Rudolf Valentino- IP CO-Chair, Cristie Schlosser- Special Projects Chair, Amy Guess- Media Chair, Chris Sanders- Audio Visual Chair, Veronica Sanders- Student representative to the Dallas board, Samantha Jackson- Membership Co- Chair, Karen Holly Emerging Professional Chair, and Sharon Flatley Student Chair. We are looking forward to the coming year.
El Paso Design Community
Ft. Worth Design Community By Phyllis Crim, ASID, Historian
n Fort Worth’s Fall Gallery Night on September 6th brought an opportunity for one of our members, Carole Harston, ASID to showcase her artistic talents. Her work was on exhibit at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center. Carole’s passion for art has been woven throughout her design business and her personal life. She has worked in watercolors, acrylics and oil mediums. Through the years she has been honored with several awards from the art community. Congratulations Carole!
n On September 12th, representatives from our DC met with the founder, sustainer, and staff leadership of The Gatehouse in Grapevine, Texas. The Gatehouse is a supportive living community where women and their children in crisis can discover a new path for permanent change. The community FT WORTH: Ft Worth DC presents a sponsorship will house up to 96 women plus check to The Gatehouse of Grapevine. L to R: their children for 2 ½ years Marlene Small, Kim Taylor, Lisa Rose, Deb Lyons, based on their individuallyLeigh Ann Hodnett, Mackenzie Rose tailored program. Most of the women have experienced domestic abuse, incarceration, tragic divorce, or poverty. We are pleased as the Fort Worth Design Community, to have this opportunity to make a donation from our “Wine & Wisdom” Fundraiser to The Gatehouse . We have also reached out to our members and Industry Partners to encourage their support and partnership with this amazing venture in our own back yard. Together we can make a difference for our communities. n UPCOMING EVENTS! Sept 25 Oct 2 Oct 14
By Vanessa White, Allied ASID, Chair
n On the last week of October our Industry Partner will host us, A-1 Kitchens, in their gorgeous showroom for my first ASID meeting as the new El Paso DC Chair. I look forward to seeing everyone. The details for this event will be announced soon. n We have truly missed Andrea Ross, who formally served as our DC Chair. I spoke with Andrea recently who informed me she and her family are doing well as they settle-down in the windy city of Chicago.
n We would like to introduce and welcome Fran Timbrook, who will serve as our Financial Chair. Fran has been with ASID for a number of years and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our Chapter. n Stay tuned for upcoming events as we are working with our partners to finalize sites and dates.
FT WORTH: Carole Harston, ASID at the Fort Worth Com-munity Arts Center "Fall Gallery Night"
Oct 21 Nov 4 Dec 10
Jan 13 Feb 10
“Designology”; HSW CEU presented by Haworth and other IP members; Mercury Chophouse; 12 noon ColorMix 2015 by Sherwin Williams, IP Member; Ft Worth Convention Center; 5:30 – 7:30 pm Membership Luncheon; Colonial Country Club; 11 am – 1:30 pm; ticket link on website $27/person Tablescape Contest - $50/table (includes one luncheon ticket); Membership Reimbursement drawing J. Kent Dean, “Understanding Your True Colors” presentation Ferguson “Mix-n-Mingle”; 5:30 – 7pm Tile Granite & Marble Works, IP Member; 2hr HSW CEU presented by Porcelanosa; 5:30 – 7:30 pm “Festivus” Holiday Party with AIA, USGBC, Ft Worth Arts Council and other design organizations; Ft Worth Community Art Center; 5:30-8pm; ticket link on website Emser Tile; HSW CEU; 5:30 pm – 7:30 Morrison Supply; HSW CEU; 5:30 – 7:30
n BIG NEWS! Adrienne Morgan, ASID has joined Corley Design Associates in Dallas. David Corley has provided residential design in the Metroplex for many years. Also, our very Best Wishes to June Rotter, Allied ASID , who recently became engaged and is planning her marriage to Joshua Herrell.
n Please thank these special Industry Partner Premium Sponsors, who underwrite many of our special events, by doing business with them:’ Platinum: Benjamin Moore, Ferguson Bath Kitchen & Lighting Gallery, Morrison Supply Gold: Prosource Wholesale Flooring Silver: Emser Tile, Interceramic Tile & Stone, Texas Designer Flooring, The Kitchen Source, The Sherwin Williams Company Wine & Wisdom Event Sponsor: Tile Marble & Granite Works
n Our incoming Leadership Chair Priscilla Valentine, Allied Member wishes to close off this report by introducing her new (and returning) Team Members: “As incoming Chair for the Ft Worth DC, I have great expectations for the coming year, mainly because of our current Leadership Team members who are staying on, as I know how hard working, creative and dependable they are. The Fort Worth Design Community also has plenty of energetic new blood come on board who add a variety of backgrounds and experiences which will surely help as we move forward. I’m excited about our collaboration with AIA Ft Worth and the Art’s Council on our
Holiday Party in December, and beginning plans for our second annual Wine & Wisdom event in March 2015. We will also continue to incorporate ways to reach out to students, non-member designers and vendors, and meet the needs of members with CEPHs.” Finance – Amy Burns Historian – Phyllis Crim Programs – Shawna Carter, Allied ASID Membership – Tim Latta, Allied ASID Communications – Leighn Ann Hodnett Membership – Tabatha Martinez Special Events – Annette Mallard , ASID Fundraising – Elliot Fischer Student Liaison – Nichole Myers
n Please thank these hardworking volunteers for helping make our DC great. And remember to check the calendar for upcoming meetings and events. We welcome all members, design students, and industry professionals.
San Antonio Design Community By Donna Reed, Allied ASID, Past Chair
FT WORTH: Mitch Gonzales of Materials Marketing, IP Member, shows off his showroom to Deborah Reed, ASID at the July Mix-n-Mingle
FT WORTH: Mark Curtis and Sandi Quinlan of IO Metro, IP Member strike a pose with Rick Sorrells of BTX Intelligent Fashions, IP Member
n “Operation Give Back” our collaboration event with NKBA was held on July 2nd at the home of Kristal and Chuck Powell of CKC Custom Homes. What a great success the evening was as we raised money for Operation Homefront, a non-profit organization helping our wounded warriors. The money will be used for a Wounded Warrior family with accessibility issues in their home. Operation Homefront will be picking a family for us and we are extremely excited about the opportunity to help this deserving family. The ASID Design Community participation was wonderful and so very inspiring. Look for details of the progress of this project in future issues.
SAN ANTONIO: Donna Reed, Allied ASID, Chair,Ron Smith, Allied ASID Special Events Chair, Marissa Peterson, Operation Homefront and Shea Pumarejo, NKBA
SAN ANTONIO: Shelly Antonacci, Allied ASID, Stepanie Lujan, NKBA, Gina Roth, Allied ASID at Operation Give Back
n Congratulations Nichelle Hosley, Allied ASID. A “Chair-ity” Gala benefitting the Ronald McDonald House was held on July 17 and our ASID San Antonio Design Community was invited to participate. Designers, local celebrities, etc. were asked to decorate a chair for auction at the event. ASID San Antonio designers Nichelle Hosley, Allied ASID, Adrian Galvan, Allied ASID and Kim Kraemer, Allied ASID participated with some wonderfully decorated chairs. Nichelle ‘s chair was designed SAN ANTONIO: Nichelle Hosley, for Kawhi Leonard, our San Antonio Spurs Allied ASID, Hospitality Chair MVP! Her chair was the top seller at the Live auction and brought an amazing $5,500.00! We are very proud of our ASID San Antonio designers as they continue to be an inspiration in their willingness to always give back to our community. Great job!
Connect with luxury homeowners and design professionals. Design Guide Texas is the ultimate go-to resource for design professionals and homeowners. Bringing you the latest trends in traditional, transitional, modern, and everything in between, Design Guide Texas delivers a world of design resources and inspiration. Contact information: Paul Wooldridge | 214-977-7843 |
n Big Grass Living Eco-Luxury for home and garden is our newest ASID San Antonio Industry Partner and hosted a fantastic CEU on July 24th. We networked with wine and Thai Cuisine, toured the Big Grass Showroom and Gardens and enjoyed a CEU on Unique Glass Solutions.
n Upcoming Events
n Industry Net-
West Texas Design Community
working Event. Our ASID San Antonio Design Community was invited to an Industry Networking Event at our SAN ANTONIO: Big Grass CEU on Unique Glass local Floor & Décor on Solutions! August 7th. We networked with Contractors, Builders, Installers, Architects and Realtors. Thru out the showroom were representatives from various manufacturers in a showcase format. Live music, great food and a free CEU were provided as well!
n The West Texas Design Community would like to thank Parkhill, Smith, & Copper, Inc. for inviting us to attend their Lunch & Learn in August presented by Mike Conway with Mats Inc. and Brien Burchsett with Edward Mindlin Company. We also look forward to their next Lunch & Learn that will be held in November. More information will be sent via email.
California Closets to host our first Student Advancement Sponsorship Program. San Antonio Design Community Holiday Party
n Look for additional event details on the ASID Texas Website Calendar!
By Gabrielle Martinez, Allied ASID, Chair
n MetroCon 2014 was attended by many of our San Antonio Design Community Designers, Students and Industry Partners. It was a great opportunity to Network and complete CEU’s. Thank you to everyone involved for such a great event. n Interior Trade Cartel an ASID Industry Partner hosted a wonderful Preview Party for the Luxurious Home Living Television Show Season 2. We viewed the episode which featured Interior Trade Cartel and Peggy Zettner giving a complete tour of the beautiful showroom and products. The ASID San Antonio Design community is very proud of our Industry Partners and congratulate Peggy and her team.
October 9th
n Meredith Brown, Account Manager with Professional Flooring Supply in Lubbock held a Lunch & Learn and presented an overview of the Roppe Product Line. Through this lunch & learn, the designers were given an opportunity to complete a CEU online through Interiors and Source. Thank you again Meredith for reaching out to our designers! n Upcoming Events - The Annual Design Expo at Texas Tech was held on Tuesday October 7th from 4pm to 6pm in Lubbock, TX. The West Texas Design Community sponsored a booth at the expo to encourage students to join ASID, attend Student Symposium, and help answer any questions about ASID. Two ASID Students, Abigail White and Jill Pletcher, were selected through a drawing to receive a $250 scholarship provided by the West Texas Design Community.
SAN ANTONIO: Peggy Zettner with Interior Trade Cartel and Luxurious Home Living Host Virginia Yamin
n Pinnacle of Design 2014 will be held on September 24th! San Antonio’s first interior design competition awards ceremony. We are so very excited to finally have this opportunity to showcase the extremely talented Designers in San Antonio. The event will be at Old San Francisco Steak House, a previous landmark restaurant here in San Antonio, now a beautiful venue. We will start the evening in the swing room with a Vendor Showcase of our wonderful Industry Partners that have supported us all year. They play such an important role in our success as Interior Designers and we welcome the opportunity to showcase them. We will then move into the Chrystal Room for a fabulous dinner and awards! Look for pictures in upcoming issues. n What a great year! I can’t begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed this year as the ASID San Antonio Design Community Chair. I want to take this time to thank all of the current San Antonio Board members for such tremendous support. With their dedication and participation this year has been a fabulous success in growing our ASID Texas San Antonio Design Community. Also thank you to our ASID Texas Chapter Board members for all of their guidance and wisdom throughout the year! We welcome Joyce Bryant, Allied ASID, RID as our next San Antonio Design Community Chair!
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