FAL10 Katalog

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Company presentations for engineering students »» weeks

39 & 40

DSE - De Studerendes Erhvervskontakt

Table of Contents 1 Overview of Focus Nights 2 Welcome 3 Welcome (Danish) 4 Introduction 6 Signing up 7 Events 10 Participating Companies 54 Members of DSE 56 DSE Products 58 Become a Member 60 Find Focus Night 61 SMS Contest

Colophon Publisher DSE Lyngby Anker Engelundsvej 1 DTU Building 101E, 1st DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby Phone 4593 2223 www.studerende.dk dselyngby@studerende.dk

Editor Søren Dejgaard Schmidt

Print Kailow Graphic A/S

Editorial team Gro Bertelsen Michael Arvedsen

Graphics sxc.hu vecteezy.com

Design & Layout Jakob Berg Jespersen Jacob Gillesberg Thomas Klint Hansen Frederik Wilbek

Copies 5.500

Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010 - Overview


Sign-up deadline: October 1st at 12:00

Sign-up deadline: September 24th at 12:00




Chemistry & Environmental Technology Kemi & Miljøteknologi • • • •







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• • • •

A.P. Moller - Maersk Danfoss A/S GN Store Nord A/S VELUX A/S

Atkins Danmark A/S Grontmij | Carl Bro Moe & Brødsgaard A/S Orbicon | Leif Hansen Rambøll

Management & Consulting

4 October


Production & Product Development Produktion & Produktudvikling

Civil Engineering, Architecture & Transport Byggeri, Arkitektur & Transport



Cheminova A/S Danish Technological Institute DONG Energy Schlumberger Oilfield Services

• • • •

Bain & Company BCG - The Boston Consulting Group Booz & Company McKinsey & Company

Informatics & Software Informatik & Software • • • • •

A-2 A/S Accenture Danske Bank Microsoft Telenor

All Focus Nights begin at 17:30 at the DTU Conference Center in Building 101, entrance A Sign up at www.studerende.dk - DSE will provide dinner for all registered!

Focus Nights at DTU 2010


Welcome - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Focus on the future Two years ago, the business world was blooming with endless possibilities, new business ventures and job opportunities on every street corner. Last year, the international financial crisis was upon us with major consequences for job seekers in every field including engineers. Today, repercussions from the crisis are still considerable, even though times are improving. Therefore it is of high importance for every future job seeking engineer to be focused and be aware of the industry, you are about to enter. Whether you are a 1st-year-student or about to finish you master thesis, you need to prepare yourself well to get ahead in the hunt for your dream job. Student Business Relations (DSE) is proud to present Focus Night 2010; a unique opportunity for you as a student to get insight in today’s most profiled and interesting engineering companies. We have arranged a number of exciting evening events covering a broad range of the engineering field. Each Focus Night provides you the opportunity to choose two different company presentations, ask questions to company representatives, seek job opportunities, meet fellow students and be inspired in your studies, e.g. finding a company in which to write your thesis. Use this catalogue to discover more about the companies participating in the different Focus Nights. It is entirely free to participate in Focus Night and DSE even provides free food after the presentations. Focus Nights are centrally located in the Conference Center in building 101 and you may participate in every night if you like – sign up in advance at www.studerende.dk. Wondering about the future? Think ORANGE! See you at Focus Night! Michael Arvedsen Søren Dejgaard Schmidt Frederik Wilbek Coordinating group 2010

Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010 - Welcome

Fokus på fremtiden For to år siden blomstrede forretningsverdenen med uanede muligheder, nye forretningseventyr og jobmuligheder omkring hvert gadehjørne. Sidste år ramte den internationale finanskrise os for fuld styrke med store konsekvenser for jobsøgende i alle brancher herunder også ingeniører. I dag er efterdønningerne fra krisen stadigt mærkbare, selvom verden ser lysere ud. Det er derfor stadig yderst vigtigt, at du som fremtidig jobsøgende ingeniør er fokuseret og har indgående kendskab til branchen. Uanset om du er førsteårsstuderende eller skal færdiggøre specialet, så er grundigt forarbejde en sikker vinder i jagten på drømmejobbet. De Studerendes Erhvervskontakt (DSE) er stolte af at kunne præsentere Fokusaften 2010; en unik mulighed for dig som studerende til at få indsigt i nutidens højest profilerede og mest interessante ingeniørvirksomheder. Vi har arrangeret en række spændende aftenarrangementer, der dækker bredt i ingeniør-branchen. Hver Fokusaften giver dig mulighed for at vælge to virksomhedspræsentationer, stille spørgsmål til virksomhedsrepræsentanterne, undersøge jobmuligheder, møde lige- sindede studerende og blive inspireret i din uddannelse, f.eks. ved at finde en virksomhed til specialeskrivning. Brug dette katalog til at lære mere om de deltagende virksomheder på de enkelte Fokusaftener. Det er gratis at deltage på en Fokusaften og DSE tilbyder endda gratis mad efter præsentationerne. Fokusaften afholdes centralt placeret i DTU’s Konferencecenter i bygning 101. Du må deltage hver aften, hvis du har lyst – tilmeld dig i forvejen på www.studerende.dk. Vi ses til Fokusaften! Michael Arvedsen, Søren Dejgaard Schmidt & Frederik Wilbek Koordinatorer 2010



Introduction - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

What is a Focus Night? Student Business Relations invites engineering students at DTU and IHK to participate in the Focus Nights this fall. Five different Focus Nights, each focusing on a specific field of study, will be held with a total of 22 participating companies. A Focus Night consists of two presentation sessions followed by an informal dinner and networking. At each Focus Night we have invited four or five interesting companies within the same line of business. You will have the opportunity to participate in two of their presentations. The companies decide how they will carry out their presentation, so your experience may be everything from in-depth workshops to informative lectures. Throughout the evening you will be able to meet the company representatives face to face, thus expanding your professional network. The Focus Nights take place in the weeks 39 and 40 in DTU’s Conference Center. The events start at 17:30 and end with a delicious buffet later in the evening. The event is free for all engineering students and graduates, and you are welcome to attend more than one Focus Night. Join us and discover what companies want from you and what they can offer you. Read more about our short and easy registration at our website www.studerende.dk or on page 6 in this catalogue.

We look forward to see you!

Student Business Relationship (DSE)

Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010 - Introduction

The students behind Focus Night DSE Focus Night is arranged 100 % by students on voluntary basis. But why do many students do this voluntary work at DSE and stay in the organization until they graduate? There are many answers to this... DSE is not just a great opportunity to get in touch with leading engineering companies. Being an active member in DSE also provides excellent options to gain experience with planning and management of major events. In addition, DSE creates the framework for a range of social events - both events for all students at DTU and some within the organization which ensure a strong unity in the organization. Therefore, DSE is not just an organization that can benefit your career, but also an organization that can impart new friends and expand your social life. It is mainly this unity that helps us create our big events. DSE creates contact between companies and students. s: e g n By participating in a Focus Night, you can get insight alle al ch gement n o i s into what companies are looking for in new employees. s Profe ject mana ng o i If YOU would like to be part of the crew behind the r n • P ject plan o r next Focus Night or DSE fair, drop by the DSE office • P onomy c in the Student Center in Building 101E 1st. • E ativity e r Personal c • C hall • Teamw enges: ork • Freedo m under responsibil ity

ents: Social ev s • Partie ls • Trave enings Casual contact to • Happ ts n e v re E le va nt • companies y Beer and ‘insi • Frida der’ knowhow. Shortcuts to stud ent jobs, internships and projects.



Sign-up - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Signing up Select the Focus Nights you want to participate in by looking in this catalogue.

Go to www.studerende.dk k and click ‘Fokusaften’ in the menu. Pic t. a Focus Night in the menu to the righ up. Type name and e-mail - and sign The deadlines can be seen on each company page or on page 1.

Focus Night - be there!!

Questions or problems? Come by our office in the Student Center, contact DSE by phone 4593 2223 or send an e-mail to dselyngby@ studerende.dk

Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010 - Events


Ice Cream! Behind building 101 Thursday, September 9th 12:00 to 13:00 by Oticon salen

In front of building 101 Monday, September 20th 12:00 to 13:00 at the parking lot

DSE will be giving away free ice cream!



Events - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Umami For students who prefer fine dining over junk food, DSE has arranged an Umami wine tasting session for the fee of 20 kr. Learn about great wines, and how to combine the taste of food and wine. The event will take place at 17:30, the 15th of September in the Conference Center at Building 101, DTU. Be sure to reserve a seat – sign up at the DSE office.

Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010 - Events

Friday Bar DSE loves Focus Nights and free beer! Therefore, DSE will be serving free beer at Friday bars across DTU. We will be serving beer for two hours each place, or until we run out (and there are many!). Bar schedule: 10th of September: Diamanten: Hegnet:

13:00 to 15:00 15:00 to 17:00

17th of September: Etherrummet: Diagonalen:

13:00 to 15:00 15:00 to 17:00

Everybody is welcome, so join us and a have a free beer!



Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

A-2 A/S Kom og hør os fordi...

Focus Night

Udover at præsentere dig for A-2, vil vi fortælle dig om, hvordan det er at være konsulent hos A-2, samt hvilke opgaver og kunder vi arbejder med. Vi vil fortælle om, hvordan din uddannelse kan bruges i A-2. Kom og mød vores engagerede medarbejdere og hør mere om dine karrieremuligheder i A-2 og de udfordrende projekter, som nyuddannede arbejder med.

Focus Informatics & Software | Informatik & Software When Wednesday, October 6th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st


opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities Rådgivning indenfor Operation Management og IT-Management Locations Nærum, Fredericia, Oslo Employees total (DK) 55 (28) Engineers (DK) 20 (10) Web page www.a-2.dk

Vi er en nordisk konsulentvirksomhed, der hjælper mellemstore og store organisationer. Vi tager ansvar, og skaber resultater og fornyelse for vores kunder - i et tæt samarbejde, hvor fælles viden og kompetencer kombineres. Vi kan alle de frække ord, men laver operationelle løsninger, der passer til danske og nordiske forhold. Vi sætter en ære i, at forbedringer og ændret adfærd fastholdes hos kunden, og at kundens medarbejdere bliver i stand til selv at arbejde videre.

Ingeniørens arbejdsområder Vores medarbejdere har forskellige baggrunde, kompetencer og erfaringer. Fælles for os alle er dog, at vi er topprofessionelle, engagerede og hjælpsomme. Nyuddannede ingeniører indgår i projektteams sammen med mere erfarne konsulenter, og er med til at løse opgaver inden for blandt andet procesoptimering og effektivisering, projektledelse, it-strategi og implementering, anskaffelse og drift. En karriere som konsulent hos A-2 byder på intellektuel udfordring, teamwork, stor variation i arbejdsopgaverne samt stor indflydelse på løsningen af opgaverne.

Presentation is in: Danish

"Hos A-2 får man lov til at prøve lidt af hvert, hvilket gør at hverdagen bliver lidt sjovere. Dette lykkes gennem frie tøjler, ansvar og udfordringer.” - Anders Nielsen, IT-Ingeniør

Bliv del af en succes!

Operation Management I T-Management Forhandling



Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

A.P. Moller - Maersk Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Production & Product Development | Produktion & Produktudvikling When Tuesday, September 28th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

compaNy Facts Main Activities Shipping, energy, shipbuilding & manufacturing Locations Offices Worldwide, Headquarters in Copenhagen Employees total (DK) 117000 (3000) Engineers (DK) 800 (600) Web page www.maersk.com

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A.P. Moller - Maersk has through the last 100 years grown from a family run business to a successful, worldwide company. The future holds many challenges and opportunities and we predict a further growth in many more years to come. To be able to progress, we are constantly looking for new qualified employees, so come and join us for the focus evening and learn more about a world of opportunities with A.P. Moller Maersk! You will have a chance to meet fellow engineers from the company and learn firsthand what it is like to be an engineer at A. P. Moller - Maersk. You will also find out about Maersk International Technology & Science Programme your entry into the engineering world.

The company Our aim at A.P. Moller - Maersk is to be a world-class group of companies, known and highly respected as a valuable business partner, a good employer and a responsible corporate citizen. We strive to offer products and services that are second to none, but our products and services only tell part of our story, for it is our people who create the value we provide. We see our people as a major competitive advantage - and we give them the tools and support their need to realize their talent and abilities.

Work areas for the engineer When you join us as a recently graduated engineer, you will be working on large-scale projects. During the first two years you will be employed in three different jobs and get the chance to find out what kind of a career you would like to pursue afterwards. You will explore the frontier of advanced engineering and you will never stop learning, never stop building outstanding results. Presentation is in: English


You could be one of our future talents

MAERSK INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE PROGRAMME Are you about to graduate as an engineer or geoscientist? Or have you already graduated? If so, there may be an exciting future for you with A.P. Moller - Maersk.



Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Accenture Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night

If you are a high achiever, training is an important factor when choosing an employer. Your Accenture Education experience begins the first day you walk through the door, and continues each day of the career. A recent study shows that Accenture employees receive 83 hours of training per year, twice as much as our competitors' employees, Accenture Education programs have been recognized and honored around the business world, winning prestigious awards.

Focus Informatics & Software | Informatik & Software When Wednesday, October 6th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st

The company

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities Management Consulting, Technology & Outsourcing. Locations Main office in Copenhagen and offices in Kolding and Vejle Employees total (DK) 200000 (550) Engineers (DK) 110000 (200) Web page www.accenturejob.dk

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 190,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world's most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$ 21.58 billion for the fiscal year ended August 31st 2009

Work areas for the engineer As an engineer at Accenture you get the opportunities to design and develop our client's businesses and IT systems. You will create innovative results within areas such as: Insurance, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain and Production Management, Finance and Human Resources. You will work with highly qualified and professional colleagues to develop your skills and we give you the opportunity to rapidly develop yourself as a Specialist or a Team Leader.

Presentation is in: English

Choose Accenture for a career where the variety of opportunities and challenges allows you to make a difference every day. A place where you can develop your potential and grow professionally, working alongside talented colleagues. The only place where you can learn from our unrivalled experience, while helping our global clients achieve high performance. If this is your idea of a typical working day, then Accenture is the place to be.

Visit accenturejob.dk

Š 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.

Raising your game at every opportunity. Just another day at the office for a high performer.


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Atkins Danmark A/S Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Civil Engineering, Architecture & Transport | Byggeri, Arkitektur & Transport When Wednesday, September 29th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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As a leading rail consultant in Scandinavia, Atkins works on some of the largest and most complex rail projects - a field with many exciting opportunities and challenges in the years ahead. Furthermore, Atkins is a multinational engineering and design consultancy, with offices around the globe, where our services and skills range from air dispersion modeling, to climate change consultancy, light rail construction and signalling design, to name a few. Based on some of our major rail projects, we will give an insight into working as a consulting engineer. In addition, we will do our very best to answer all your questions on our projects, the workplace, etc.

The company Atkins is a multinational engineering and design consultancy, providing expertise to help resolve complex issues presented by the built and natural environments. In Denmark, we offer consultancy within the areas of rail, project management, oil & gas, environment services, GIS and architecture.

compaNy Facts

Work areas for the engineer

Main Activities Consultancy services Locations København, Århus, Esbjerg og Fredericia Employees total (DK) 15600 (400) Engineers (DK) 12000 (300) Web page www.atkins.dk

As an engineer in Atkins you can work across multiple disciplines, become a specialist or for example follow our internal project management training program and become one of our skilled project managers. We employ engineers from almost every field, and we have an excellent track record when it comes to collaborating with students on internships, student jobs and project writing.

Presentation is in: English

Would you like to work on some of the largest infrastructure projects?

Copenhagen Metro City Circle Line in cooperation with Rambøll

Total renewal of the Danish signalling infrastructure in cooperation with Rambøll, Emch+Berger og Parsons Group

Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Railway Safety Planning

www.atkins.dk / www.atkinsglobal.com

Capacity upgrade of railway between Copenhagen and Ringsted in cooperation with Grontmij | Carl Bro

Plan Design Enable


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Bain & Company FOCUS N IGHT Focus Management & Consulting When Monday, October 4th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st

Meet us at Focus Night because... Join our dynamic, high energy team at Bain & Company in Copenhagen to get a unique opportunity to: • Accelerate your learning and get exposure to a broad range of the most challenging and exciting business issues and clients • Pursue your passions and shape your own career in our flexible and enriching environment • Work in a results-focused culture with people, who are as dedicated to make an impact outside of work as they are inside • Become part of a fast growing company

The company OPPORTUNITIES Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

COMPANY FACTS Main Activities Strategy and management consulting Locations Copenhagen Employees total (DK) 5000 (25) Engineers (DK) 1400 (4) Web page www.joinbain.com

Bain & Company is a top tier management consulting firm with offices in all major cities. We help management make the big decisions: On strategy, operations, mergers & acquisitions, technology and organization. Bain was founded in 1973 on the principle that consultants must measure their success in terms of their clients' financial results. Companies that outperform the market and their competitors like to work with us; we are as passionate about their results as they are.

Work areas for the engineer Bain & Company hires graduates with diverse backgrounds; we believe there are distinct synergies from bringing together people with different educations. The engineers we hire participate in our case teams on an equal level with people with other educational backgrounds. Engineers typically have strong analytical and problem solving skills, and the potential to make great consultants. However, they often lack behind their peers in terms of the business dimensions. Consequently, your first challenge will be to supplement your strong engineering background with the required business skills. We will support and help you develop the skills you need to ensure your success in Bain. Presentation is in: English




What do you want to do next? Join Bain and pursue your passions.

For more information, please visit www.joinbain.com or contact our Recruiting Department, Elin Andersson at elin.andersson@bain.com,+46 8 412 54 00


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

BCG - The Boston Consulting Group Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Management & Consulting When Monday, October 4th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities Management consulting Locations More than 65 offices around the world Employees total (DK) 4400 (45) Engineers (DK) - (10) Web page www.bcg.dk

you want to learn more about one of Denmark’s most interesting workplaces. We will tell you about the very challenging work we do and introduce you to the typical tasks of a newly hired consultant. Furthermore we will share with you the profound growth you go through being part of BCG. BCG focuses on personal and professional growth and makes a strong point of helping you reach your career goals.

The company BCG is one of the world’s leading companies within management consulting and is represented with more than 65 offices around the world. BCG recruits and employs exceptional people who make a difference with our clients and with BCG. We are a diverse team and contribute with many educational backgrounds, but we all share a strong academic track record as well as a creative and analytical mind.

Work areas for the engineer In our Copenhagen office we see an increasing number of consultants with an engineering background, and we want to see many more. Your line of study is not crucial. Depending on your field of expertise you may get to apply your specific technical knowledge in your work, but an M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Engineering is mainly appreciated for the analytical qualifications and the discipline it imparts. A consultant career with BCG offers intellectual challenges, teamwork, variety of work and the opportunity to make a difference with some of the world’s leading and most interesting companies.

Presentation is in: English

Grow Further.

engineers wanted We are seeking outstanding individuals with the desire to grow further and make a difference. We offer unparalleled opportunities to work with some of the best and most demanding organizations and make a decisive impact on their performance. Start your career at a company that consistently ranks as the leader in its field as well as one of the best places to work. Join BCG. We accept applications all year. Please go to www.bcg.dk for more information and online application.


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Booz & Company Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Management & Consulting When Monday, October 4th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

compaNy Facts Main Activities Management Consulting Locations 60 offices in more than 30 countries Employees total (DK) 3100 (20) Engineers (DK) 600 (4) Web page www.booz.com

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Booz & Company is a global leader in the field of management consulting. Our clients include some of the largest and most influential global corporations in all national and industrial markets. From day one you will become engaged in problem solving at the highest level – serving clients across the value chain within the entire business system. You will experience professional and personal development at an accelerated pace as you serve clients both nationally and internationally. Strong engineering competencies, pragmatic problem-solving skills, and a healthy dose intellectual curiosity are all traits that will help you excel at Booz & Company.

The company Booz & Company is one of the world’s leading management consulting firms. Founded in 1914, we are also one of the oldest. Since entering Denmark in 2003 we have grown significantly and currently employ approx. 20 highly dedicated people - and we plan to grow further in coming years. As part of a global firm, we serve the most important Danish, Nordic, and international corporations in the fields of strategy, operations, corporate finance, marketing, organization, and IT.

Work areas for the engineer As a graduate you will quickly become part of your first project team, where your specific tasks will depend on the nature of the engagement. In all instances, you will get amble opportunity to leverage and hone the skills you have developed during your studies. Over time you will engage within multiple industries and functional areas. "Deep water swimming" and work in highly competent teams will ensure you a steep learning curve, which will enable you to eventually develop selected areas of expertise. We offer internships of 8-10 weeks duration - please inquire for further information. Presentation is in: English

Booz & Company www.booz.com

Act boldly, directly, and be prepared to roll up your sleeves to work with clients. That is how we deliver results. That is what creates and delivers essential advantage.


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Cheminova A/S Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Chemistry & Environmental Technology | Kemi & Miljøteknologi When Monday, September 27th Time: 17.30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities Cheminovas main busines area is within plant protection products. Locations Lemvig, Denmark (HQ). + 23 subsidiaries/rep. offices abroad. Employees total (DK) 2000 (800) Engineers (DK) 145 (80) Web page www.cheminova.dk

Chemical engineers are key players in the on-going innovation and development processes at Cheminova A/S

The company Cheminova is a manufacturer of fine chemicals, with its main business area within plant protection products. Cheminova has developed a wide range of plant protection products by in-house process and formulation development, and markets its products globally through subsidiaries in 20 key countries and through distribution partners in most other countries. The annual turnover is around DKK 5.6 billion or more than 750 million Euros. Cheminova employs 800 people in Denmark and 1,200 abroad. Cheminova's business strategy "Five-in-Fifteen" outlines Cheminova's ambitious targets for the future including a doubling of the global market share to 5% in 2015. The ambitious targets are to be achieved through sustainable growth driven primarily by innovation and development.

Work areas for the engineer Various aspects of the innovation and development processes taken place at Cheminova will be addressed in the Cheminova presentation. CSR policy and environmental issues will be discussed briefly. Chemical engineers are key players in the on-going innovation and development processes at Cheminova. The presentation will focus on Cheminova job functions covered by chemical engineers. From a chemical engineering point of view, Cheminova is a versatile company meaning that Cheminova needs both technical minded chemical engineers as well as science minded chemical engineers. Presentation is in: English

Gør en forskel - det gør vi...

Plads til faglig og personlig udvikling i et stærkt fagligt miljø med udfordrende opgaver giver dig grobund for din karriere.

Cheminova søger løbende dygtige og talentfulde akademikere med baggrund som f.eks. kemiingeniør, cand. scient. i kemi m.fl. For yderligere information om fremtidige jobmuligheder er du velkommen til at kontakte HR-direktør Ole Zinck på tlf. 9690 9690 eller ole.zinck@ cheminova.com. Cheminova er en international konkurrencedygtig kemisk virksomhed med en stærkt faglig baggrund inden for crop protection. Cheminova beskæftiger 2000 medarbejdere, har datterselskaber i 23 lande og har en årlig omsætning på ca. 5,5 milliarder kroner. Aarhus Universitets forskningsfond er hovedaktionær i koncernen. Find flere oplysninger på vores hjemmeside.

Human responsibilit y... cheminova. dk



Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Danfoss A/S Focus Night

Kom og hør os fordi...

Focus Production & Product Development | Produktion og Produktudvikling When Tuesday, September 28th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th


opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities Forskning, udvikling og produktion af komponenter og systemløsninger. Locations Nordborg (hovedsæde), 13 byer i DK. Ca. 56 afdelinger i 25 lande world wide. Employees total (DK) 20500 (5800) Engineers (DK) 1000 (800) Web page www.danfoss.com

..du vil møde medarbejdere, der vil fortælle om job og projekter indenfor produktudvikling og produktion. Du får rig lejlighed til at få en fornemmelse af, hvordan det er at arbejde som yngre ingeniør i en global virksomhed. Det kan være svært at komme omkring alle tekniske/faglige retninger, men vi vil forsøge at dække bredt. Du kan selv være med til at præge forløbet ved at deltage i dialogen som vi lægger op til, og ved at medbringe din naturlige nysgerrighed. Danfoss A/S er en af Danmarks største industrikoncerner, og har en årlig omsætning på ca. 23 mia. kroner. Danfoss er en international koncern, der er blandt de førende inden for forskning, udvikling og produktion til et bredt spektrum af forskellige industrigrene. Vores mål er at skabe livskvalitet for vores interessenter samt at være førende indenfor styring af køling, opvarmning og bevægelse.

Ingeniørens arbejdsområder Ingeniøren indgår som et af de vigtigste elementer i vores fortsatte vækst. Arbejdsopgaverne er generelt præget af meget stor grad af selvstændighed, samtidig med at mange af vores ingeniører indgår i forskellige tværorganisatoriske teams. Typisk vil man beskæftige sig inden for udvikling, forskning, produktionsteknik/logistik, økonomi, IT-netværk, salg og indkøb, ledelse og teknologioverførsel samt forretningsudvikling. Vores graduate program (PGP) er et spændende og krævende udviklingstilbud til bl.a. nyuddannede ingeniører med ambitioner og lyst til globale udfordringer. Programmet forløber over ca. 2 år, og bringer dig rundt i hele koncernen world-wide. Se mere på www.pgp.com

Presentation is in: Danish


En karriere er intet uden et liv

Danfoss A/S • 6430 Nordborg • 7488 2222 • www.jobs.danfoss.dk


Du har mod. Mod på udfordringer og mod på at gå nye veje. Du er ikke bange for at tage en risiko, fordi du også er god til at vurdere den. Du har troen på dig selv, fordi du stoler på dine evner, din dømmekraft og din vilje til at gennemføre det, du har sat dig for. Du får fodfæste, hvor andre glider. Og frem for alt tør du sætte fødderne, hvor ingen før har sat dem ...


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Danish Technological Institute Focus Night Focus Chemistry & Environmental Technology | Kemi & Miljøteknologi When Monday, September 27th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities R&D, consultancy, certification, testing, training and education Locations Taastrup, Aarhus, Roskilde, Kolding, Jyllinge, Odense og Hirtshals Employees total (DK) 1000 (950) Engineers (DK) 270 (260) Web page www.dti.dk

At DTI we develop, apply and disseminate research- and technologically-based knowledge for the Danish and International business sectors. Professionally, we span widely and cover most technology fields, which are important for Danish industry. We are characterised by working across industries and professional specialties, and our ambition is to constantly explore new avenues and be proactive on behalf of industry.

Specialists Knowledge is our most important resource, and we ensure continuous development and training to our employees. Our employees are among the best and brightest in their field, and they appreciate the professional challenges that we offer and excel by showing initiative and develop activities that support DTI's strategy.

Laboratories We have world-class laboratories and sophisticated measuring equipment, which is crucial in order for us to contribute to Danish industry's global competitiveness. We use the latest technologies to develop new and improved services, including testing, measuring, calibration and certification.

Research and development We have a strong profile in research and development - even as an employer where we were voted as Denmark's preferred R&D workplace among engineers in 2010. It is our clear objective to continue to be among the favourites - both as an employer and business partner - nationally and internationally within our strategic focus areas.

Presentation is in: English

KNOWLEDGE THAT WORKS! Did you know that DTI is behind green concrete and welfare robots?

We do research & development and provide consultancy and advisory services to help organisations and society develop. We deliver value by translating knowledge to solutions using the latest technology.

Read more about us on www.dti.dk


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Danske Bank Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night

We are always on the lookout for skilled new colleagues who have the spirit and motivation to be part of the financial sector’s pioneering team. We also understand that the transition from student life to working life involves a huge change and requires numerous decisions and considerations to be made. We have therefore tailored a programme that allows you to test yourself and your talents with one of Denmark’s largest IT employers. Peter Schleidt, MScEng, CIO

Focus Informatics & Software | Informatik & Software When Wednesday, October 6th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st

The company opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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Being a leader in developing innovative products, the businessdriven development organisation is responsible for the Danske Bank IT platform. Development processes are mature and robust, ensuring high-quality products and services. Our employees are the key to success. Employees in the development organisation are expected to embrace challenging tasks every day and continuously improve products and processes. On the other hand, the organisation has a strong focus on professional and personal development for employees.

compaNy Facts

Work areas for the engineer

Main Activities Development & IT is responsible for developing Danske Bank's IT platform Locations Glostrup, Kgs. Lyngby, Århus Employees total (DK) 24000 (14000) Engineers (DK) 300 (300) Web page www.danskebank.com

1-2 times a year we start up our Graduate Programme. How would you like to be a Business Developer, or a Test Manager? Or would you rather work as an IT Developer? As newly graduated and newly hired you get a 21 months programme including professional and personal training, job allocations, and a mentor. After completing the programme you have gained valuable knowledge about yourself and our organisation. We believe that to be a great starting point for your future career. For more information on your mobile phone: sms ITJOB to 1231 or see http://mobil.danskeitjob.dk Presentation is in: English

­­­­­­­­ Situation Student Aspiration Future with challenges ­­­­

Solution Job in our Development organisation


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

DONG Energy Moving Energy Forward

Focus Night Focus Chemistry & Environmental Technology | Kemi & Miljøteknologi When Monday, September 27th Time: 17.30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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DONG Energy has developed a strategy for reliable renewable CO2 neutral energy. Come and listen to how we implement tomorrow's energy today. We have all heard that the current energy system and the climate are on collision course. The use of fossil fuels is under pressure. We have to find new solutions. We have to identify a new Plan A - "We don´t have a Planet B!" DONG Energy has a vision and our strategy affects the whole value chain from technology and project development of renewable energy to utilization of CO2 neutral energy production.

Working as an engineer with us We offer you the possibility of professional problem solving in large, complex and long-cycle development projects with skilled colleagues and partners. Our employees help push the limits of technological developments.

compaNy Facts Main Activities DONG Energy are procuring, producing, distributing and trading in energy. Locations DK, UK, D, N, S, NL, PL and FO Employees total (DK) 6000 (5400) Engineers (DK) 1000 (-) Web page www.dongenergy.com Presentation is in: English



Read more about people, ambitions and career opportunities on


AMBITIOUS PEOPLE DONG Energy has the ambitious long-term vision to provide reliable energy without CO2. In order to achieve such an ambitious target we need people who share our ambition and dedication in turning visions into reality. Employees at DONG Energy work with cutting-edge technologies and require an innovative approach in the challenge to develop tomorrow's solution in the energy sector. Energy is our job - make it yours. Working at DONG Energy A career at DONG Energy provides great possibilities for professional development and ensures challenging and interesting tasks. You will be assured to be working with the most competent colleagues in a inspirational and exciting working environment.


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

GN Store Nord A/S Focus Night

Meet the GN stars at DSE Focus Night 2010

Focus Production & Product Development | Produktion & Produktudvikling When Tuesday, September 28th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

GN Store Nord

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities Development of headsets, hearing aids and audiological diagnostics equipment. Locations Global company with headquarters in Ballerup outside Copenhagen. Employees total (DK) 4100 (900) Engineers (DK) 400 (300) Web page www.gn.com

You will get an opportunity to meet two of GN's engineers who will tell you how it is to take part in the development and production of some of the world's most innovative and advanced hearing instruments and headsets. GN Store Nord has been helping people connect since 1869. Initially as a telegraph company and now as a headset company (GN Netcom), and a hearing instruments and audiological diagnostics equipment company (GN ReSound). GN headsets are marketed globally under the Jabra brand whereas GN's hearing instruments are marketed under the ReSound, Beltone and Interton brands. Our products are manufactured mainly in China.

Broad range of engineering programs A broad range of engineering programs are represented at GN; our primary focus areas are on electrical, mechanical, acoustics, software, export, telecom, test, productions, NPI, sales and hardware engineering. When you work as engineer in GN you can expect challenging and exciting tasks within areas such as development, project management and launch of GN’s products. Our core technologies are Digital Signal Processing, Acoustics, Bluetooth, DECT, RF, Embedded software, Mechanics and Construction.

Presentation is in: English


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Grontmij | Carl Bro Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Civil Engineering, Architecture & Transport | Byggeri, Arkitektur & Transport When Wednesday, September 29th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities Planning, Building, Management & Development, Water plus Energy & Climate Locations Offices Worldwide, Headquarters in Glostrup Employees total (DK) 8000 (1300) Engineers (DK) 3948 (655) Web page www.grontmij-carlbro.dk

You will come to experience unlimited professionally challenging opportunities in the fourth-largest engineering consultancy in Europe. On FocusNight some of our competent staff members will give you an insight into the opportunities of being a young consultant in Grontmij | Carl Bro. Our workplace is characterised by a high degree of professionalism with room for differences, by international projects and by a dedicated community of colleagues sharing knowledge and enthusiasm across the organisation and across borders. Participate, and learn how, in a close dialogue with our customers, we create sustainable improvements in people's working and private lives.

The company Grontmij | Carl Bro provides consultancy services within the fields of e.g. building, planning, water, environment, energy, and industry. We are a part of Grontmij, one of the largest civil-engineering consultancies in Europe. With us, you will be able to demonstrate your skills through projects matching you desires and your potential and will never be treated as just one of a crowd.

Work field for the civil engineer We carry out visionary projects within e.g. construction, planning and transportation that break with conventional thinking. We work without prejudice across professions and geographical locations; and we actively involve our customers in the process - right from idea to reaching the goal. This is equally true whether we realise Denmark's first 0 energy office building, create architectural visions in DR Byen, carry out a total renovation of Nørreport Station, develop new traffic visions for the town of Hillerød, or whether we implement the track renovation on the line from Svanemøllen to Hillerød or carry out an extension of one of the Danish motorways. Presentation is in: English

Could you imagine yourself as a participant in the shaping of a sustainable future?

your ge of s i n n e l l a e t a ch etenc Accep nal comp v il est ci io s g s r e a l f pro r thncy. ’s fou e p o sul t a r n o Eu c g ee r in r.dk e n gin isione

.frem www



Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

McKinsey & Company Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Management & Consulting When Monday, October 4th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st

At McKinsey you will from day one work with the top management of some of the largest and most successful companies in the world. We will focus on your personal and professional development and stand by our reputation for being the best place for growing talent and leadership. We are looking for people with strong engineering background and a practical approach to problem solving. In return we offer a job that will allow you to use your technical capabilities to solve some of the most challenging problems of the business world.

The company opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

compaNy Facts Main Activities Management consulting Locations Ved Stranden 14, 1061 København K Employees total (DK) 9000 (150) Engineers (DK) 1500 (20) Web page www.mckinsey.dk

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McKinsey is a leading international management consulting firm. We have office in over 50 countries and work with many of the largest and most successful companies in the world. In our Copenhagen office we are 135 of which ca. 100 are consultants. We work within most industries and on a broad array of topics, including strategy, operations, IT and finance. Examples of projects could be: developing a strategy and approach for an energy company that wishes to expand into renewable energy. Developing a mobile broadband strategy for a telecom operator.

Work areas for the engineer When you join McKinsey you will enter as a Junior Associate. You will work in a team on a specific project, typically for 2-3 months at a time. Your clients and tasks will vary from project to project but you will always be solving parts of a larger problem and be responsible for delivering quality insights that can be used as decision material for management. This will require strong analytical skills, means to break down and structure complex problems, and communication skills to translate conclusions into meaningful insights. Presentation is in: English

Valdemar Warburg cand.polyt., transport & logistics, technical university of denmark International exchange student, transportation engineering, university of texas at austin, uSa Spent a year in norway playing in the rock band “heather” bungy-jumped from an old Soviet cable car enjoys piano, sailing, skiing and white-water rafting next goal: travel to antarctica

Seeking One More. If yOu’re One Of a kInd lIke ValdeMar, yOu cOuld be the One. Valdemar joined Mckinsey & company in 2007, seeking a challenging international career that would open doors. he came to the right place. Our company is involved in more than a thousand projects worldwide advising leading companies. Our teams help clients develop and implement solutions to important and complex problems across their business – locally and globally. consulting is an exciting job with great opportunities for personal and professional development, but it is not for everyone. It takes ambition, commitment and a will to succeed. It requires determination as well as talent. If you have these qualities and have just graduated or are about to – you could be the one we’re seeking. for further information, please visit our web site www.mckinsey.dk or call our recruiting coordinator Mette nielsen on 3337 8126. application should be sent to: Mckinsey & company att.: Mette nielsen Ved Stranden 14 1061 copenhagen k, or email Mette_nielsen@mckinsey.com


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Microsoft FOCUS NIGHT Focus Informatics & Software | Informatik & Software When Wednesday, October 6th Time: 17.30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st

Meet us at Focus Night because... We have many DTU alumni, past and present, working at Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen doing exciting work. Come learn what they are doing and what type of work you can do as well.

Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen... Is Microsoft's largest European development center and we are just a few kilometers from campus. Come learn about the software we create.

ERP Software... OPPORTUNITIES Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad


Is massively distributed, scalable, and customizable software that helps the businesses of the world optimize and become more efficient. If you are interested in creating this type of software that thousands if not millions of people will use, then we are the right place for you.

Come have fun... And learn more about Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen. Listen to our employees, see a demo, and do the famous coding challenge and win prizes.

Main Activities Software development Locations Frydenlunds Alle 6, DK-2950 Vedbaek Employees total (DK) 90000 (650) Engineers (DK) - (400) Web page www.mdcc.dk

Presentation is in: English

MDCCTeamMembers MDCC = new MDCCTeamMembers(); TeamMember teamMember; if (!MDCC.TryGetValue(“you”, out teamMember)) { teamMember = new TeamMember(“you”); MDCC.Add(“you”, teamMember); } foreach (TeamMember eachMember in MDCC) { MDCC.AddIdeas(eachMember.GetIdea()); eachMember.WorkAndHaveFun(); }

Do you speak coDe? We don’t mind admitting it. We’re totally committed to writing and testing code. We think code. We love code. We speak code. And what’s absolutely incomprehensible to others is exactly what we find most exciting. Maybe that’s why IT professionals throughout Denmark have voted Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen as one of the Danish IT companies with the best image. Every day we run the risk of being called geeks. However, impacting millions of users across the planet, we manage to live with it. Quite well, actually. Join Microsoft’s biggest software development center in Europe. Visit mdcc.dk


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Moe & Brødsgaard A/S Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Civil Engineering, Architecture & Transport | Byggeri, Arkitektur & Transport When Wednesday, September 29th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

On FocusNight our presentation will concentrate on an exiting new project in which our Design Team is working closely with the architect in the early design stages to develop the project. Hear about the challenges involved with our Design Team and our work with sustainability and structural design in general. We would also very much like to hear about you and your ambitions - maybe we can help each other.

The company

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

- you might actually learn something!

� � � � � � �

compaNy Facts Main Activities Building, design, energy, industry, traffic, infrastructure, civil works & environment. Locations Rødovre, Roskilde, Århus, Aalborg, Fredericia and Norway. Employees total (DK) 365 (350) Engineers (DK) 260 (245) Web page www.moe.dk

Working with us must be both good fun and be challenging professionally. We strongly believe that our working environment is part of the reason our employees provide competent and committed consulting. Why are we an attractive workplace? We share knowledge and develop our academic skills. We do sports and cultural arrangements. We enjoy employee benefits such as a great lunch and physiotherapy. We have an annual skiing trip and a four-day study tour, this year to Budapest. We think this is part of a good working environment - do you?

Work as a graduate engineer As a graduate engineer at Moe & Brødsgaard you are given responsibility in each assignment. We expect commitment and academic skills at a high level from all our employees. We work as a team and we provide the necessary support and guidance through our experienced employees. As our corporate language is Danish, our presentation at Focus Night will be held in Danish as well. You can find more information about us on www.moe.dk Presentation is in: Danish


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Orbicon | Leif Hansen Meet Orbicon | Leif Hansen because...

Focus Night Focus Civil Engineering, Architecture & Transport | Byggeri, Arkitektur & Transport When Wednesday, September 29th Time: 17.30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

� � � � � � �

compaNy Facts Main Activities Construction, environment, utilities, energy and climate and infrastructure Locations 11 offices in Denmark and one in New York Employees total (DK) 520 (520) Engineers (DK) 250 (250) Web page www.orbicon.dk

You want a meaningful job with room to grow. We work on exiting projects such as the new stand in Parken, the new UN City in Copenhagen and the energy neutral residential high rise Bolig+ in Aalborg. The combination of expertise gives us a unique foundation to work on the many and great challenges in sustainable urban development and climate adaptation that we face. You will have the chance to work on projects of all sizes and you will always be given the opportunity to influence your own work as well as the company. Everyone, on all levels, is open and approachable and happy to listen to your ideas.

About Orbicon | Leif Hansen Orbicon | Leif Hansen is a multidiciplinary consultancy that work in the construction, environment, nature, utilities, energy, climate, working environment and infrastructure sectors. We are the sixth largest consultancy in Denmark. We work across sectors and we utilise this to find new and better solutions. Developing ourselves is important to us. We are therefore part of many local, as well as international, innovation communities and work closely with colleges, architects, universities and research facilities.

Work areas We work in many different disciplines. One of the most important parts of the job will be to enter a dialogue with colleagues and external partners and stakeholders. It is with close cooperation that we find the best solutions and we, as the consultants, have the responsibility to make sure that the project is a success within the outlines agreements. You will have lots of responsibility as we believe in our employees and individual development. We want to help you grow personally and professionally. Presentation is in: Danish

Vi bygger en grøn fremtid - sammen


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Rambøll Mød os.....

Focus Night Focus Civil Engineering, Architecture & Transport | Byggeri, Arkitektur & Transport When Wednesday, September 29th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

Hos Rambøll får du 9.000 kolleger og bliver en del af en global konsulentvirksomhed, der arbejder for at fremme lokale løsninger. Vi har 200 kontorer i 20 lande, og du bliver en del af et internationalt team, der arbejder for at sætte nye standarder for bæredygtige løsninger inden for management, it og engineering. I øjeblikket arbejder vi på store infrastrukturprojekter, fx Nordhavnsvejen i København, tunnelen i forbindelse med Fehmern Bælt og signalprojektet for Banedanmark.

Innovation og fremtidens teknologi opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities Engineering, management og it. Locations Vi har 200 kontorer i 20 lande. Employees total (DK) 9000 (2700) Engineers (DK) 5000 (1350) Web page www.ramboll.dk

Som medarbejder hos Rambøll bliver du løbende tilbudt faglig kompetenceudvikling og efteruddannelse i fx high performance projektledelse. Du kan prøve kræfter med en verden af opgaver og skabe et arbejdsliv, hvor du udvikler dig både fagligt og personligt.

Rådgivning for fremtiden Vi er netop flyttet ind i et nyt hovedkontor i Ørestad, hvor Rambølls 1.600 medarbejdere i hovedstaden arbejder sammen på tværs af fag og kompetencer. Vi yder rådgivning inden for mange forskellige faglige retninger og arbejder årligt på mere end 20.000 projekter fordelt over hele verden. Vores kernekompetencer er rådgivning inden for Byggeri & Design, Infrastruktur og Transport, Energi & Klima, Miljø & Natur, Olie & Gas, It & Telecom og Management. Fælles for alle faglige discipliner er, at du får kolleger i verdensklasse. Som markedsleder inden for rådgivende konsulentydelser er Rambølls medarbejdere blandt de bedste i verden. Gør en forskel for dagsordener, der rækker ud over din egen. Læs mere på www.ramboll.dk Presentation is in: Danish

Projekter i verdensklasse kræver andet end talent Du skal også have fagligheden i orden og mod på en fremtid som rådgiver. Vi arbejder på nogle af branchens mest udfordrende projekter, bl.a. Skandinaviens største bæredygtige byudviklingsprojekt, Nordhavnen i København. Du skal derfor have vilje til at slå rekorder - også dine egne. Kom med på holdet.



Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Schlumberger Oilfield Services Show up at Focus Night because...

Focus Night Focus Chemistry & Environmental Technology | Kemi & Miljøteknologi When Monday, September 27th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

The company Schlumberger is the leading oilfield services provider, trusted to deliver superior results and improved E&P performance for oil and gas companies around the world. From the wellsite, to our global connectivity centers and our R&D facilities worldwide, we employ over 80,000 people working in 80 countries to optimize customer performance in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

Work areas for the engineer

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

It's about as far from an ordinary career as you can get!

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compaNy Facts Main Activities E&P performance for oil and gas companies around the world Locations 80 countries Employees total (DK) 80000 (200) Engineers (DK) - (-) Web page www.slb.com

- Field Engineer - Research - Petrotechnical - Maintenance Engineer Schlumberger is a technology leader in the oil service industry. Part of our success is due to our strong focus on the development of our personnel. All our new employees are given the training and support they need to succeed. Schlumberger are looking for exceptional graduates in all Engineering disciplines (mechanical, electrical, petroleum, chemical, civil, Geoscience) who are looking for responsibility and ready to embark on a journey of continuous training and development. For more information and other job opportunities please see: www.careers.slb.com

Presentation is in: English

extreme environments

cutting-edge technologies www.careers.slb.com

exceptional people


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Telenor Meet us at Focus Night because...

Focus Night

Telenor is undergoing rapid development and faces a number of exciting initiatives. Pulse is continuously changing. We are one of the industry's most dynamic companies with the clear objective to set the agenda for tomorrow's telecom market, where new products that combine mobile and broadband, will create entirely new ways of communicating.

Focus Informatics & Software | Informatik & Software When Wednesday, October 6 Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, October 1st

We are a young company where new ideas constantly sees the light of day. We have an energetic atmosphere with an informal tone, which is combined with clear defined objectives and we appreciate active and independent telecom and IT staff.

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

compaNy Facts Main Activities Telecommunications and broadband solutions. Locations Aalborg and København. Employees total (DK) 40000 (2500) Engineers (DK) 3200 (300) Web page www.telenor.dk

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The company We are part of a global company, one of Scandinavia's largest telecommunications companies and the world's sixth largest supplier of mobile telephony. Telenor is represented in 14 countries and worldwide, we help over 179 million customers to communicate. In Denmark, CBB Mobil, BiBoB and Canal Digital also a part of Telenor family.

Work areas for the engineer Telenor wants to be in the vanguard of the technological cutting edge and need employees who are motivated to learn new technologies and use this knowledge to optimize our infrastructure. Today we are about. 300 engineers, computer scientists and technicians, all of which is dedicated to getting our 2G and 3G networks to become world class. At the same time we work with large, complex IT systems to ensure that we make it easy and straightforward for our customers.

Presentation is in: English

TænkEr Du liDT MErE TEkniSk EnD DE FlESTE? Hvis svaret er ja, er du måske nyuddannet ingeniør eller datalog. Og nu er du på udkig efter en virksomhed, hvor du kan bruge din tekniske viden til at udvikle state-of-the-art løsninger, der for alvor gør en forskel. Har du det, der skal til, kan vi garantere dig en karriere fyldt med udfordringer på teknologiens forkant – i Danmark eller internationalt. Tjek telenor.dk/job og læs meget mere. www.telenor.dk


Participating Companies - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

VELUX A/S Discover, engage, influence

Focus Night Focus Production & Product Development | Produktion & Produktudvikling When Tuesday, September 28th Time: 17:30 Where Building 101, entrance A, DTU Sign-up Friday, September 24th

opportuNities Student job School projects Master thesis Internship Full-time job Part-time job Working abroad

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compaNy Facts Main Activities VELUX A/S skaber bedre bygninger med dagslys og frisk luft gennem taget. Locations Storkøbenhavn, Nordsjælland, Jylland. Salg og produktion i 40 lande. Employees total (DK) - (2500) Engineers (DK) - (-) Web page www.velux.com

VELUX Gruppen er en særlig virksomhed. Og VELUX brandet er et af de stærkeste i byggematerialeindustrien. Den succes kommer fra vores produkter, der sælges over det meste af verden og fremstilles på vores fabrikker i 11 lande. Succesen kommer også fra kulturen i vores organisation, vores kerneværdier og vores vision for fremtiden.

Om at arbejde i VELUX Gruppen Teamwork spiller en afgørende rolle i udviklingen af vores organisation, og vi er altid på udkig efter medarbejdere med den rette motivation, det nødvendige drive og de rigtige kvalifikationer. VELUX Gruppen tilbyder en bred vifte af jobmuligheder, f.eks. inden for produktudvikling, marketing, salg, logistik, HR, produktion og regnskab; det er jobs, som giver dig mulighed for faglig og personlig udvikling.

Bæredygtige boliger Kernen i vores arbejde er ambitionen om at skabe bedre boliger med dagslys og frisk luft. Det har været omdrejningspunktet, siden virksomheden blev grundlagt. Nu er det en del af VELUX Gruppens strategi at deltage aktivt i udviklingen af fremtidens bæredygtige boliger og skabe en perfekt balance mellem energieffektivitet, indeklima og udnyttelse af vedvarende energi. Vi kalder det Sustainable Living. Det har altid været et grundlæggende princip i VELUX Gruppen, at vi skal opføre os ansvarligt over for samfundet, miljøet og med-arbejderne. Vi tager vores samfundsansvar dybt alvorligt, og vi ønsker at gøre en mærkbar forskel ved at "Discover", "Engage" og "Influence".

Presentation is in: Danish


DSE - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

DSE Lyngby and Aalborg The Student Business Relations (DSE) consists of two departments: DSE Lyngby with 44 members and DSE Aalborg with 57 members. If you want to get in touch with the business world, DSE is always ready to help. In Lyngby, Focus Nights are arranged each autumn and the DSE Fair each spring. This year 25 members from Aalborg came to help make the fair a succes.

Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010 - DSE


If you want to become more familiar with our work, you are always welcome to come by our office in the Student Center in Building 101E at DTU. Feeling intrigued, you can also join DSE and help us plan and organize our next exciting events.

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DSE - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

DSE Fair Lyngby The DSE Fair is a unique opportunity to seek information about the business world you sooner or later will join. If you already know what your dream job is, you can find the company you want to work for. If you still do not know what your dream job is, more than 130 companies are ready to tell you what options your education can provide for them. At the fair you can speak with company representatives who have the same professional background as you, and they can tell you about the life in their company and the daily challenges they encounter. The next DSE Fair Lyngby will be held on the 13th and 14th of April, 2011.

Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010 - DSE

Pejling 1 2010/201

is a reference book with an engineering companies and provides inspiration for job seeking.

bogen d s h å n de r e n d e e h m o s v i r k g e n iø r stu d f o r in


en DSE å n d b oegnPejling r de mhedsh v ir k s og e n iø r s t u d e overview of f o r in

In addition to 91 companies profiles, Pejling consists of articles concerning student life, job seeking and your first job.

k d . g n i L J PePejling can be found in the catalogue stands

– På v e

at DTU and IHK, and in an electronic form at www.pejling.dk.

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J i Job

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DSE - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Er du vores nye

SuperSælger Hos DSE kan du få trænet dit sælgergen og få prøvet kræfter med salg af både Fokusaftener, messestande og Pejling-annoncer. Salget er essentielt for, at DSE år efter år kan gennemføre arrangementer af samme høje kvalitet. Du behøver ikke at have nogen erfaring, blot du har mod på at snakke med de største ingeniørvirksomheder i Danmark. Kom op i foreningen (Byg.101E, 1. sal) og hør mere om at være medlem.


Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010 - DSE

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... eller vil du lege med



I DSE får du muligheden for at købe og arbejde med servere, databaser og systemer, der kører det nyeste software. Kort sagt, du er med til at skabe den fremtidige IT infrastruktur. Du får muligheden for at opbygge erfaring inden for mange felter, erfaringer som tages direkte med over i erhvervslivet.

Kom op i foreningen (Byg.101E, 1. sal) og hør mere om at være medlem.


DSE - Focus Night | Fokusaften Lyngby 2010

Find Focus Nights In 2010, all Focus Nights are located in DTU’s Conference Center. This brand new conference center will make the perfect setup for the professional meeting between aspiring engineers and their future employees. Enter the Focus Nights through the glass doors by Danske Bank, entrance A, building 101.




Knuth-Wintherfeldts Allé



Building 101 Focus Nights



Anker Engelunds Vej

Are you FOCUSED now – or are you still wondering about your future? DSE has the answer for you – think ORANGE Don’t forget to sign up in advance at www.studerende.dk

Would you like to hear more about upcoming DSE events? Then subscribe to DSE’s FREE SMS service:

9 1 9 1 o t T Y N Text DSE By subscribing to DSE’s SMS service, you have a chance of winning: 1st prize: ‘Supergavekort’ 3.500 DKK to Gavekortet.dk (Choose between more than 100 different experiences and gifts!) 2nd prize: iPod Touch 8GB

Subscribing to the SMS service costs the standard SMS-rate. All updates are free of charge. You will recieve a maximum of 10 messages per semester through the SMS service. The contest will end the 8th of October and the winners will be notified immediately.


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