Pejling 2022 Fall

Page 42


The career guide that guides you to the dream job


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Welcome to Pejling

It is a great honor to present the fall edition of Pejling 2022.

This catalog is to help you who seek to establish a connection to the industry. Use this catalog as a guide on how to approach different challenges in your search, read about your favorite companies, and find out what they seek.

The catalog contains interesting articles and guides created in collaboration with career counselors and study counselors, who follow the developments in job search and careers daily, and detailed informati on on most companies participating at DSE events or related to our organization.

Pejling is updated twice a year with different companies who have chosen to participate in our events. Enjoy!

Welcome to pejling

We are

De Studerendes Erhvervskontakt (DSE) or in English Students’ Business Relation has since 1989 focused on building connections between engineering students and companies in Denmark and beyond. Volunteers have always run the organisation. They are volunteering for the greater purpose of a solid start for their fellow students.

We have three departments, and we work together as a team both in our departments and across. The departments’ are located in Lyngby, Aalborg and Ballerup and therefore give us the unique possibility to reach students from all over Denmark.

The volunteers all come from different fields of study and therefore create a dynamic environment with the possibility to learn not only by the experience we get in the organisation but also by working together with people with different backgrounds.

If you want to know more about DSE or have any questions, you are welcome to drop by one of our offices or visit our website:


AAU: Kroghstræde 5, lok. 85


DTU Ballerup: Room D2.82


DTU Lyngby: Building 101E at the student hall on the first floor on the left.


By students, For students

3 We are DSE


Mie Blichfeldt (ART)

DTU, Lyngby Enviromental engineering Member since 2017

“DSE has given me many competencies within project management and finance, as well as a lot of fun experiences, e.g. I had nerved tried curling before our social event! I’m very much enjoying our fair and being a part of an event so big and meeting new people!“

Rasmus Vestergård (RAS)

AAU, Aalborg Civil Engineering Member since 2020

“DSE has been an incredible journey into both professional and personal development. I’ve gained experience with project management, stakeholder man agement, managerial account ing, and most importantly, I have met many incredible people”

Mathias Brahe (BRA)

DTU, Lyngby Computer Science and Engineering Member since 2022

“DSE has taught me many things which I, for one, would never have thought possible to learn while studying, but most importantly, some things cannot be taught by reading a book.

DSE gives you professional competencies, which you will definitely need later in your work life; join us!”


Anna Wittrup (ANA)

DTU, Lyngby Human Life Science Member since 2021

“DSE has expanded my network beyond my expectations. It has helped me get out of my com fort zone and contact represent atives of the industry, which has greatly helped me gaining priceless knowledge outside the scope of my studies!”

Cecilie Bendtsen (COB)

DTU, Lyngby Chemical engineering & International Business Member since 2019

“Looking back, it was a coinci dence I joined DSE, but it had allowed me to develop both professional and personal in a way I didn’t think possible doing my studies. I have met some incredible people and got a taste of what it is like to run a business. If you also want to get something extra on your CV and meet some fantastic people, you should join DSE!”

some of our members

Kristian Rasmussen (KRI)

AAU, Aalborg Energy Engineering Member since 2019

“DSE has given me a great expanded social and profes sional network. My work in the organization has enriched me with many additional skills to complement my education, such as project management, sales training, board manage ment and design, planning and execution of promotional strategies. My time in DSE has given me many new friendships in a social circle full of fantastic people“



Are you curious about DSE, but not quite ready to commit long term? Volunteer for the Fairs!

Being a member of DSE can seem like a big step, but you can get a taste by volunteering for our Job Fairs. In Aalborg you will get the title of Messe-assistent, or Fair Assistant; in Lyngby we call you Virksomhedsvært, or Company Host. The tasks vary a bit between the two fairs, but the concept is the same: in exchange for your time and work, we give you an intense introduction to the life of a DSE member.

For three days you help out with the fair by assembling the DSE booths, guiding truck drivers, brewing an ocean worth of coffee, answering questions from students and companies, running merch, dismantling the fair and finally we hope you will help us have a blast of a party to celebrate a successful fair.

In return you get time to talk to companies in a different setting than a regular guest would. You are also invited to the Fair Dinner at the end of the first Fair Day, and we make sure you are well fed throughout the days you help out.


There are many ways to build your resume in order to stand out among all the other graduates of your year. One of these ways is through volunteer work. As a member of DSE you get a chance to learn new skills, or expand on skills already in your arsenal.

We are an independent and apolitical nonprofit organization consisting mainly of students at DTU and AAU. Through our presence at these two universities, our main goal is to facilitate networking between technical students and the industries.

You might know us from Focus Night, the DSE Fair, Pejling in your hand and our many promotional events where we give out free stuff. But DSE is so much more than that. As a member of DSE you get a strong net work with students across study lines and universities, as well as close contact with relevant companies.

If you want to know more you can always find us at our office at Aalborg, Lyngby and Ballerup campus or on our social media pages: DSE Lyngby / Aalborg @dse.dtu @dse.aalborg De
Erhvervskontakt Are you
about DSE? 7
Guides and articles Frastudieprojekt til startup 18-19 Startup dating 20-21 Skylab 22-23 Jobindex 24-25 The good resume 26-31 The good application 32-37 Apply for an unlisted job 38-39 Your personal branding 40-41 Internships 42-45 DTU Alumni 46-47 Ladder or labyrinth 48-53
Company Pages page 56-317 Company Index page 320-323
Guides & Articles DSE Fair Aalborg 13-14. Oct. DSE Pre-Pair 9.-10. Nov.
DSE Fair Lyngby 29.-30. of March 2023 DSE Focus Night Aalborg March 2023

DSE Focus Night is your opportunity to network with companies. Each night is dedicated to a topic and hosts companies working in this field to connect with engineering students.

Each night, several companies present for and network with the students. The evening begins with short pitches from the companies, and the students decide what presentations to hear. After the first round of presentations and a small break, the second round starts where the students have the possibility to attend two presentations in one night.

Focus Night is held in spring and fall in Aalborg and Lyngby respectively.


DSE Pre-Pair is a speed-dating concept for internships. You get the opportunity to get to know compa nies one-on-one. You have 5-7 minutes to tell why you are the best candidate before rotating to a new company. You have the opportunity to speak to up to 12 companies!

After the speed dating rounds, you have the opportunity to seek the company you liked the most, or maybe they will approach you.

DSE Pre-Pair is held in November at DTU Ballerup and Lyngby.

Product description 13

The DSE Fair is a job, and career fair hosted twice a year, once in the spring at DTU in Lyngby and once in the fall at Gigantium in Aalborg. It’s organised entirely by volunteers across the three divisions, located in Lyngby, Aalborg and Ballerup.

When participating in the fair, you can talk to a representative from your dream company. Whether you are looking for a student job, full-time job or internship, there are many different companies there are just waiting to talk to you!

If you want to know more about which companies are attending the DSE Fair 2022 in Aalborg, you can skip forward to the company pages, where you can read all about the companies are offering and what fields of studies they are looking for.

12nd & 13th of October 29th & 30th of March
Product description 15

Fair Guide

Visiting a fair for the first time might seem frightening, but do not worry. By preparing yourself and reading up on the companies at the fair, you will surely be ready to take them head-on.

Be well prepaired

A helping hand

For the 33. consecutive year, DSE have provided a framework for networking with a broad spectrum of companies. One of which might be your fu ture employer. At the fair, you can get connections in the business world which can be highly valu able in your future search for a project, student job or even full time job. To help you get the most out of the fair and make good use of your time, we encourage you to keep reading and spend some time preparing for the fair, using the tips below.

First of all, it is a good idea to ask yourself how you want your ca reer to develop. What would you like your career to look like one year after graduation, and what should you do to achieve this? This mindset provides a solid ba sis for your conversation with the companies and helps you figure out whether a specific com pany fits your vi sions of the future.

Know what you are looking for

Is it a job or an internship? Ideas and contacts for a project? Or general inspiration? Whatev er you are looking for, use this as the common thread through your visit and to help you make a prioritized list of which compa nies you want to visit.

We recommend that you use Pejling to choose ten top priority companies and visit them first. This way you

Bring your CV

When you bring your CV to the fair it shows that you have thought about your job application process and are serious about your interest in the company. If you furthermore have a picture on your CV the company representatives will be more likely to remember you.

avoid running out of steam before reach ing the companies most relevant to you. You can always return to


other companies later. Remem ber to include lesser known com panies on your list too – they can provide just as exciting opportu nities.

Explore their websites

Before visiting the fair, be sure to do some research on the com panies you want to visit. A good place to start is the companies’ websites, which provide all the basic information you need to prepare a thorough conversation with the company representative at the fair.

tions in advance. Bring the list to ensure you cover all the relevant areas. It will also help you to start interesting conversations with the companies.

At the fair

Once you have the basics covered, it is easier to prepare a checklist of relevant questions you want answered when visiting the com pany’s stand at the fair. It is a good idea to prepare these ques

Once you are at the fair, remem ber that the companies are there to make contact to students such as yourself – so don’t be afraid to make the initial contact; they are all very willing to answer your questions. When you talk to the companies, remember to use your checklist to make sure you ask all the relevant questions and add new ones if they should arise during a conversation.

Another notable aspect is the time – you can easily spend a couple of hours at the fair talking to interesting companies and at tending the Company Presenta tions in the library so be sure to set aside sufficient time. If you are close to graduating, looking for a student job, or simply want to know more about the job po sitions available at the moment, you should visit the DTU or AAU job bank at

With just a few keywords you will be much closer to writing the CV or application that gets you the job interview.

Fair Guide 17
We wish you some great days at DSE Fair Aalborg 2022!
Sincerely the DSE Fair Committee

“Jeg har aldrig haft en fast forestilling om, hvad jeg skulle være, så jeg har ikke tænkt over, hvad det indebærer at være iværksætter.

Men jeg synes, det er spændende at stå på egne ben“




Sådan beskriver Lea Frahm sig selv og sit nye liv som iværksætter. Og så er det måske meget heldigt, at hun er i en startup, der har udviklet en sikkerhedsvest, der er så smart, at startuppen i 2021 vandt NOVI’s iværksætterlegat på 250.000 kr.


Idéen til sikkerhedsvesten opstod, fordi Lea Frahm fan dt ud af, at mange surfere fravælger deres besværlige sikkerhedsvest i jagten på den perfekte bølge. Derfor blev det udgangspunktet for hendes studiegruppes projekt på 8. semester. Studiegruppen talte blandt andre Stefan Dybro, der i dag er den anden halvdel af Pacific North.

Resultatet af projektet blev en prototype til en inno vativ sikkerhedsvest, som kan pustes op ved at trække i et anker på brystet. Samtidig kan den monteres på våddragten, så man ikke skal huske ekstraudstyr, når man skal afsted i en fart.


Undervejs i projektet søgte studiegruppen feedback til deres sikkerhedsvest. De blev hurtigt kontaktet af en forretningsmand, der var meget interesseret i sik kerhedsvesten, som han mente havde et stort kom mercielt potentiale.

Snakken gjorde stort indtryk på studiegruppen, og hans pointer lå længe og simrede i baghovedet på Lea Frahm og Stefan Dybro. Så da de knap et år senere opdagede, at de kunne indsende deres projektidé til NOVI’s iværksætterlegat, var de ikke sene til at teste, om der virkelig var et forretningspotentiale i deres

sikkerhedsvest. Også selvom de ikke vidste, hvad det ville betyde for deres fremtid.

- Hverken Stefan eller jeg er bange for at kaste os ud i nye ting. Vi er gode sammen, fordi vi begge er nysgerrige og drevet af det ukendte. Så vi gav det et skud uden at vide, hvad vi skulle gøre, hvis vi vandt, siger Lea Frahm.


Lea Frahm og Stefan Dybro vandt legatet, startuppen Pa cific North var en realitet og pludselig fra den ene dag til den anden skulle de omstille sig til deres nye tilværelse som iværksættere.

- Jeg har aldrig haft en fast forestilling om, hvad jeg skulle være, så jeg har ikke tænkt over, hvad det indebærer at være iværksætter. Men jeg synes, det er spændende at stå på egne ben og arbejde med et produkt, jeg selv har skabt. Og tanken om at kunne forbedre sikkerheden i vandsport, er en stor drivkraft for mig, forklarer Lea Frahm.



Siden Pacific North vandt legatet, har administrative og andre omkringliggende udfordringer fyldt meget i den nye startup. Men nu ser Lea Frahm og Stefan Dybro frem til igen at kunne koncentrere sig om at udvikle et fedt produkt, der kan skabe værdi for andre.

Forfatter: Thomas Møller Christensen, AAU Innovation

Fotografi: Pacific North

Fra studieprojekt til startup

Startup Dating - A perfect opportunity to try out entrepreneurship

Are you looking for ways to supplement your academic competencies with hands on innova tion skills?

You should consider to try out entrepreneur ship.

Even if you are not aiming for a career as an entrepreneur, you will gain lots of practical ex perience that will make you irresistible to future employers.

In the entrepreneurial community at Aalborg University campus, student entrepreneurs are looking for you and your academic perspective on their startup.

Twice a year, 20 AAU startups pitch about open ings in their startup for collaboration with students at Startup Dating. This is your chance to test your textbook theories - and to be part of the shaping of something brand new.

A Startup Dating match made in heaven

Student David Lukunku met the startup Sparks at a Startup Dating event. Initially he worked as a volunteer which later developed into an internship in the startup as part of his AAU edu cation.

At Sparks, David experiences exciting and unpre dictable workdays.

– I love that nothing is determined in a startup, so I can influence decisions and outcomes. It is cool to get up every day and know that I am helping to bring something new to the world.

- I have gained so much experience and learned so much in areas and industries that I did not

know anything about beforehand. In a startup, you must do what is required, even though you do not have the experience. And it has really devel oped me both personally and professionally, says David Lukunku.

David Lukunku and Stephen Cipkala from Sparks are both optimistic about the possibilities of continuing their collaboration. And even if the collaboration should end after the internship, the experience has confirmed David Lukunku that he should work with entrepreneurship in the future.

– You do not have to be a genius to create some thing new. If you just work hard enough and are committed, then you can succeed. Seeing others use something that you have helped to create is exciting and a cool experience. It gives you a com pletely different satisfaction than working in a regular nine to five job, explains David Lukunku.

Startup Dating is hosted by AAU

Student Entrepreneurship. See all upcoming events here:

AAU/UCN Startup Dating 21

What is DTU Skylab?

DTU Skylab is the innovation hub located at Lyngby campus at DTU, Technical University of Denmark.

We focus on enabling student innovation and entrepreneurship through our three focus areas; student innovation, company collaboration and academia. it is important to us to welcome all DTU students and affiliated students, therefore student innovation include everything from smaller student projects, case solving on courses and student start-ups.

Space: 5500 m2 at DTU Lyngby Campus

• Free business coaching for start-ups

• Exciting events with corporate partners

• Soft funding for your (pre) start-up

• Free prototyping in our labs and workshops

• Access to cool initiatives and programmes

• A space to work on your project

How DTU Skylab can assist you:

Book a free start-up coaching session to get feedback on your idea

Apply for soft funding for your (pre) start-up project through DTU Skylab funding

Participate in our 10 week startup accelerator DTU Skylab Ignite to validate your idea

Join our Incubator to get a workspace and become part of a strong start-up ecosystem at DTU.


own start-up:

Develop your start-up and meet likeminded entrepreneurs by joining our community. Start out by coming by our facility in building 374 at DTU Lyngby campus and stay up to date by signing up for our social media channels using the QR code.

What is DTU Skylab? 23
Five steps
creating your
1. Find your unique idea 2. Build a team 3. Get feedback from potential customers 4. Develop your product using feedback and coaching 5. Make a business plan

Reasons to have a CV on Jobindex

• Get noticed by employers and recruitment consultants.

• Every month there are on average 137,800 CV enquiries.

• More than 210 companies use the CV database every month.

Create your CV in 3 steps

With a CV

have the opportunity to be

a CV or enter employment.

job titles that you would like to have.

areas or use a radius.

can always update your

can note that you’re looking for

you have no job experience,

gain more skills.



on Jobindex, you
contacted about relevant jobs 1 Attach
2 Enter
3 Enter
CV as you
job. • If
just add skills
education instead.

The good résumé: Target your résumé to the job

A good résumé is targeted to the job you apply for, says career counsellor Kristi Johvik from Karrierecenteret at DTU.

While the job application is about what the company could gain from hiring the applicant in the future, the résumé looks into the past. The résumé tells the company, what you have in your baggage, so you can solve the tasks in the job. Therefore, the résumé has to be targeted to exactly the position you apply for, says career counsellor Kristi Johvik from Karrierecenteret at DTU.

“A good résumé starts with a short and targeted profile text. The profile text is a kind of sales pitch, where you capture the company’s interest by showing the match between you and their needs. Use keywords from the job listing, when you high light competences and experien ces that you match,” she says.

Remember to mention the con tents of your study

The purpose of the résumé is ge nerally to make your competen ces and your experiences visible in relation to the task in the job. You can especially do this in the sections about your education

and work experience.

“The students often leave out what they have done during their studies and what results they have achieved, for instan ce from the many interesting projects they have done during their studies. It could be proto types, apps, analyses, but the re sult can also be a personal skill that has developed or strengthe ned,” says Kristi Johvik.

If you do not write that in your résumé, the company cannot see the match between you and the profile they are looking for, and you risk that your application will not be read.

Maximum two pages

“You can definitely write examples of study projects on your résumé and still keep the résumé to maximum two pages. The trick is to write short sentences in bullets, where you list your core tasks or actions and results by answering two questions: what did I do? For in stance: “I researched”, “analyzed”, “calculated”.

And what were the results of


For instance: “I developed competences in”, or “the project resulted in a prototype being built”,” says Kristi Johvik.



• Mention two-three projects that best match the tasks the company has mentioned in the listing.

• Keep in mind that the résumé will be read first, and you only have 30 seconds to convince the reader that you have competences to fit the tasks in the job.


You can be asked to send a video with your application, and you can also want to send one of your own accord. Regardless of the circumstances, there is reason to be very careful, because moving pictures are ruthless if there is the least disturbance. Therefore:

• Choose a quiet place with a neutral background to shoot the recording.

• Make sure the camera angle is direct –neither from above nor below.


• The layout is simple with a clear structure and with the same font all the way through.

• The profile text is targeted to the job.

• Examples of experiences and results are targeted to the job.

• Experiences and results are written with verbs: “analyzed”, “measured”, “developed”.

• The photo looks professional and has a quiet background.

• The language is the same as in the job listing.

• Contact information is mentioned.

Source: Karrierecenteret at DTU.

• Have adequate lighting and proper sound (consider using an external micr ophone).

• Speak clearly, breathe steadily, and keep eye contact with the camera.

• Adapt your posture and attire to the company you are applying for a job in.

• Prepare a short and clear presentation with a good opening and closing line.

• Practice makes perfect – continue until you get a good result.

• No video is better than a bad video.

Source: the communication agency Pub licér.

Résumé guide 27

Concrete suggestions for a better résumé

Career counsellor Kristi Johvik, Karrierecenteret at DTU, has read a résumé from an engineering student and will give concrete suggestions for improvements here.

It is good with a short introduction, but you could benefit from high lighting your competences and experiences from the study, as well as your personal strengths that match what the company is searching for. Instead of writing your age here, write your date of birth in the top of the résumé. You can refrain from mentioning your language skills in the language section.

Move the section on education here, since it is your current education, and competences and experiences come from there, which is what you sell yourself on when you apply for a job in an engineering company.

Build a structure with years, position, company name, place, where you show the timeline in a separate column to the left. It provides a better overview.

Also use the structure here: years, educations, name of university, place. You should not repeat when you expect to finish the education. You should write what you worked with and what you already have experiences and competences in for every highlighted part of the education. Present a coup le of projects from the study by answering two questions: what did you do? What did it result in? It would be great if you can give examples that are related to the requirements or tasks in the job you apply for.

Usually we recommend to onlywrite bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degree on your résumé. But in your case, high school education is interesting, because you studied abroad. So keep that, and consider how you can highlight the competences you gained abroad.

Move this text to the education section under your bachelor’s degree, and shorten it by presenting your actions and results of them with verbs.

Write two different sections about your technical competences and your language skills. We recommend that you demonstrate personal compe tences in the sections on experiences, so you show how you concretely de veloped these. It strengthens the credibility when your competences are connected to concrete experiences.

Volunteer work is worth just as much as regular work, so write it in the section with work experiences.

Write a couple of references with name, position, company, and phone number. Or write that they can be sent by request.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 28


AalborgUniversity,MasterofMathematicalEngineering(2018–2020) IexpecttofinishthiseducationinJune,2020.




24-year-oldmaster’sstudentinMathematicalEngineeringatAalborgUniversity.Passionateaboutscience, mathematicsandbothofitsenormouspossibilities.MymotherlanguageisDanish,andIalsospeakEnglish







AsastudentassistentIhelpPhDstudentsandmedicaldoctorsmakestatisticalanalysesthatcanbeusedin theirresearch.TheanalysesaremadeintheC-basedcodinglanguageStata.

Paperman May2015–July2016

Especiallyduringthesummer2015beforemovingtoAalborgtoattendtheuniversity(butalsoafterwards),I wasapapermanindifferentpartsofCentralJutlandandworkedupto6daysaweek.Idrovearoundinmy carandwasoftentaskedwithdeliveringmorethan1000papers,whichmeantthatIsomedayscouldbe workingover12hours.



Herning Kitchenassistant April2013–February2015 Istartedworkingasdishwasheronpart-timewhilestudyingatHerningGymnasiumbutafterfinishingthis educationIstartedworkingfull-timeaskitchenassistant.Ihaddifferenttaskssuchasbeingthecashier, cleaning,preparingsalad,baking,receivingandfillingupgoodsandothertypesofworkthatquicklyhadto betakencareof.Itookpleasureindoingmyjobquicklyandtoeveryone’ssatisfaction,andIhadnotrouble keepingmanyballsintheairatthesametime.


Herning Instructor 2011–2015

WhileIwasaguardsmaninHerningMarchingBand,Iwasalsoainstructortoyoungerguardsmen(seealso “Interestsandextra-curricularactivity”below).






Line:biotechnologyA,mathemathicsA,physicsBandEnglishA. Istudiedfor2monthsatEdmondsCommunityCollegeinSeattle,USA aspartofthiseducationduringmysecondyear.






model’’Forecastingthepowerproductionfromsolarpanelswithaspatio-temporal ThisthesiswaswrittenincollaborationwithEnerginet,theDanishTransmissionSystemOperator(TSO). TheTSOisamongothersresponsibleformakingsurethatpowerisavailabletothecitizens,andinorder todosotheymustforecasttheproductionandconsumptionofpoweraspreciselyaspossible.Inour projectgroupwewishedtoforecasttheproductionofpowermadebytheDanishsolarpanels,andouridea onhowtopossiblyimprovethecurrentsolutionusedbyEnerginetwastodividethecountryintosmall sectionsandforecasttheproductioninonesectionbyusingthespatialandtemporalinformationavailable fromtheweatherforecastsforthesurroundingsections(henceaspatio-temporalmodel).Availableto theprojectwasmorethan2millionsdatapointsfromEnerginet(includingmeasurementsofthepower productionfromsolarpanelsandweatherforecasts),andweusedPythontoimplementdifferentmodels (thecodecanbefoundhere: inEnglishandisavailableatAalborgUniversity’sProjectLibrary(canbefoundonceloggedinhere: comparedtothecurrentsolutionusedbyEnerginetwerenotdecisive,andwesubsequentlyagreedwith Energinettocontinueourworkonour1stsemesteroftheMaster’sdegree(autumn2018),wherewewill beintroducedtoMachineLearning.EnerginetwantsustoinvestigatethepossibilitiesofusingMachine Learningtoimprovetheforecasts.




Generalskills: Iamusedtoworkinateamandmeetdeadlines.WhenwritingIfocusonbeingprecise andgrammaticallycorrect(bothinDanishandEnglish).Ienjoytocode,becomingsmarteratdoingso andlearningnewlanguages.

Whenstartingmybachelor’sdegreeinSeptember2015,Ibecameavoluntaryhomeworkstutorin mathematicsthrough’LektierOnline’attheAalborgUniversityLibrary.However,thatcloseddueto budgetcuts,andIamnowhelpinglocalstudentsinprivatewhenpossible(especiallyduringexamperiods). IamchairmanoftheboardinthedepartmentwhereIlive.Iamcommittedtomakingsurethatthe peoplearoundmefeelsafeandhappywheretheyliveandknowwhototurntoiftheydonot.

IjoinedHerningMarchingBandasacornetplayerin2006,andfrom2009Iwasatubaplayerinstead.I latergainedthetitles“Platooncommander”,“GuardsmanoftheYear2012”and“Instructor”andwasa memberuntilitclosedin2015.Meanwhile,IhavealsobeenatubaplayerinHerningKoncertorkester (2011-2015),TheNationalYouthWindBandofDenmark(2015-2017),AalborgMarchingBand(butonly tohelpduringcompetitions)andwheneverIhavetheopportunity.


IspentamonthinNewZealandwithDanskStudieCenter(DSC)inApril2015.Igenerallyliketohike andspendtimeinthenature.

Referencesfromthepersonsbelowcanbesentonrequest(theyarehoweverwritteninDanish): name,chefatthecafeteriaattheDanishEmergencyManagementAgencyinCentralJutland. name,formeradministratorinHerningMarchingBand. LektierOnline(formerlyatAalborgUniversityLibrary). name,teacheratOrkesterEfterskolen.

2/3 Full name | CVAdress, zip code and city +45 12 34 56 78 • E-mail address • Full name
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Résumé guide 29

The finished and good résumé

The engineering student has now improved his résumé after input from career counsellor Kristi Johvik from Karrierecenteret at DTU. Here are Kristi Johvik’s comments on the new version.

The résumé is now clearly targeted at the concrete job. It has become easy and quick for the employer to see which experiences and competences the applicant brings.

The profile text is more targeted to the profile that COWI is looking for with a focus on relevant experiences and competences.

The applicant has switched the sections on work experience and education. Now education is first, so the company can quickly see the rele vant experience that he has achieved with his education so far. Both this section and the section on work experience have become easier to read and give a quick overview, thanks to the use of the same structure with both years in a separate menu to the left and clear headlines.

The thesis that took up too much space before is shorter and more clear in relation to tasks and results.

The applicant has, under every work experience, answered two questi ons: what did I do, and what was the result of it (what competences did I develop)? It provides a structure to the whole section that makes it easier to read; and more importantly, the applicant’s experiences and competences are visible to the reader. The company can now see how the applicant has developed the personal competences that were without examples in a separate section with the technical competences before.

There is now a separate section on language skills. They were previously mentioned in the profile text.

The applicant’s age is no longer listed in the profile text.

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Topicsinthiseducationincludemachinelearning,informationandcodingtheory,arrayand sensorsignalprocessing,andtimeseriesanalyses.CurrentlycollaboratingwithEnerginet inexploringthepossibilitiesofforecastingthepowerproductionfromsolarpanelswith machinelearning(extensionofmybachelorthesis),whichisfurtherdevelopingmyskillsin2015–2018datamanagementandobject-orientedprogrammingwithPython.


GPA:8.7.Topicsinthiseducationincludestatistics,modelling,optimization,mathematical analysis,differenttopicsinsignalprocessing,andhowtoprogramitine.g.Python. Bachelorthesis:‘Forecastingthepowerproductionfromsolarpanelswithaspatio-temporal model’,whichwasmadeincollaborationwithEnerginet.Alongwithmygroup,Ideveloped severaldifferentmodelsofdifferentcomplexities,whichwereintegratedintothefinalspatiotemporalmodel.ThismodelwassomewhatbetterthanEnerginet’scurrentmodel,andthe projectresultedinthatthecollaborationwasextendedtoincludemachinelearningonthe 1stsemesteroftheMaster’sProgramme.Duetotheamountofdataandcomplexityof thedevelopedmodels,theprojectrequiredknowledgeaboutobject-orientedprogramming,2011–2014whichIespeciallyobtainedduringthisproject.




Line:biotechnologyA,mathemathicsA,physicsB,andEnglishA.Istudiedfor2monthsat EdmondsCommunityCollegeinSeattle,USAaspartofthiseducationduringmysecondyear, andhereIseverelyextendedmyEnglish-speakingskillsandbecamemuchmoreindependent.


HelpingPhDstudentsandmedicaldoctorssettinguptheirscientificarticlesandmake statisticalanalysesthatcanbeusedintheirresearch.TheanalysesaremadeintheC-based codinglanguageStata.Obtainingskillsinbeingstructured,precise,andbothresult-and detail-oriented.









KitchenassistantattheDanishEmergencyManagementAgency,CentralJutland Wasamongothersresponsibleforthecounter,cleaning,preparingfood,andreceivingand fillingupgoods.Tookpleasureindoingmyjobquicklyandtoeveryone’ssatisfaction,andI2011–2015enjoyedkeepingmanyballsintheairatthesametime.






Danish:motherlanguage.English:fluentinbothspeechandwriting.Generallyfocusedonbeingpreciseand grammaticallycorrectwhenexpressingmyself.


IamchairmanoftheboardinthedepartmentwhereIlive.Iamcommittedtomakingsurethattheresidents inmydepartmentfeelsafeandhappyandknowwhototurntoiftheydonot.Ispendalotoftime communicatingwithmyhousingassociationandtheresidentsinmydepartmentfromwhichIhavedeveloped diplomaticandcommunicativeskills.

IjoinedHerningMarchingBandasacornetplayerin2006,wasatubaplayerfrom2009,laterbecameone oftheleadersand“GuardsmanoftheYear”in2012,andwasamemberuntilitclosedin2015.Ihave alsobeenatubaplayerinHerningConcertBand(2011-2015),TheNationalYouthWindBandofDenmark (2015-2017),andmomentarilyinAalborgMarchingBand,andIalsoplayindifferentbandswheneverIhave theopportunity.

IspentamonthinNewZealandwithDanskStudieCenter(DSC)inApril2015.Igenerallyliketohikeand spendtimeinthenature,andIamalsoconcernedaboutthenatureandenvironmentingeneral.

Full name | CVAdress 10-10-1993 +45 12 34 56 78 • E-mail adress • Full name Master’s student in Mathematical Engineering with skills in signal processing, statistics, modelling, and machine learning. Daily widening my experience with coding in especially Python. Used to cooperate in teams, meeting deadlines, and being rational. Passionate about science, mathematics, computers, and their enormous possibilities.Education
References Referencesfromthepersonsbelowareavailableonrequest: ToveLarsen,chefatthecafeteriaattheDanishEmergencyManagementAgencyinCentralJutland. BirgitJonassen,formeradministratorinHerningMarchingBand. 2/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Résumé guide 31

The good application: Understand the needs of the company

You have to know the company’s needs and the concrete tasks in the job. Then you have the right grounds for writing a good application, says career counsellor Kristi Johvik from Karrierecenteret at DTU.

A good application starts with a thorough analysis of the job listing.

So says Kristi Johvik, who is ca reer counsellor at Karrierecente ret at DTU.

For instance, write: ‘When I have to work with [task], I can draw on my experience from project [xx]…’ The point is that the company sees the good match.

Kristi Johvik is career counsellor at Karrie recenteret at DTU, where a part of her job is to advice the students on job application. Private photo.

“When you read the job listing, mark which technical competen ces and personal skills the com pany is asking for, and which tasks are part of the job. Next, mark what you match or have similar experience with,” she re commends.

Three or four points are cho sen in the end and included in the application, and here it may be a good idea to repeat the word choices of the company.

Highlight the good match

“It is important that the applicant writes concretely about the tasks mentioned in the job listing. A good application is an application where you actually tell the com pany how you can solve concrete tasks in the job, due to your skills and competences,” says Kristi Jo hvik.

“The company gets a sense that you have looked into the job and are in ‘solution mode’. They can see your strengths and the expe riences that you can draw on, and it means that you have a greater chance of making it to the inter view,” says Kristi Johvik.

But what do you do, if the listing is very general, and does not clear ly state what the contents of the job are?

“Then we recommend that the applicant calls the company, the contact person in the listing, and asks them to explain more about the job. It is better to send an ap plication where you can high light the exact competences the company needs than sending a general application that does not accurately state how you can fulfill their needs,” says Kristi Jo hvik.


Tips for brief and targeted writing

A good application is short and to the point, and answers three main questions:

1) Why did you apply for this exact job?

2) Which competences and expe riences can you use to solve which of the concrete tasks in the job?

3) What kind of colleague will they gain from hiring you –that is, which personal compe tences do you match “Therefore, build your applicati on up in sections that only match these three questions. Avoid wri ting everything that does not fit in under these three sections, like your spare time interests, demands you cannot match, experiences you cannot connect to the tasks in the job,” says Kristi Johvik.

“Furthermore, you can shorten the application by clearing it of fillers and empty sentences,” she says. Fillers can be ‘much’ and ‘really’, and other strengthening expressions that, according to Kristi Johvik, make the text too long and less credible, since you easily promise too much. Empty sentences are sentences that does not contain concrete informati on, like: ‘I feel that I have a lot of competences to solve the tasks of the job’. Here it is better to be head on and write what competences match concrete tasks.


The headline repeats the skills and experiences that are most relevant in relation to the job.

The application starts with your moti vation for applying for the job.

The application illustrates how you can use specific experiences and compe tences from your education to solve specific tasks in the job.

The application ends with a descrip

tion of which personal competences or skills you can contribute with in the job that also match the company’s needs.

The company’s name is included se veral places in the application.

Your contact information and date is included.

The application is a single page.

Source: DTU Karrierecenteret, ‘DTU Career Notebook’.


In theory, there is no difference bet ween writing an application from a job listing and an unmotivated appli cation. In both situations, you have to know the requirements of the com pany and the tasks that are solved in the job, so you can match them with

your experiences and competences. Therefore, you should only send an unmotivated application when you have asked the company what they need and whether they even accept unmotivated applications.

A pplication guide 33
Source: Kristi Johvik, career counsellor at Karrierecenteret at DTU.

Concrete suggestions for a better application

Career counsellor Kristi Johvik, Karrierecenteret at DTU, has read an application from an engineering student and gives concrete suggestions for improvements.

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Instead of ‘Hello’, write a headline that says something about the competences and experiences you have that match the job.

Avoid repeating the information from your résumé. Instead, start with a paragraph about your motivation: why you applied for this exact position.

Avoid writing about your personal interests in the application. Instead write about which technical competences and expe riences you can contribute with, when you have to solve the concrete tasks of the job.

In this section, you return to the motivation for the job. But you should only write about your motivation once, and that is in the first section of the application.

Only apply for one job or collaboration at a time (in this case, the student assistant position), because then you can write a focused application, which is built up in three sections, and which describes:

a. Why you are applying for this exact position.

b. Which technical competences/experiences you can contri bute with in the solution.

c. What kind of colleague they get by hiring you, that is, personal competences/way of working.

COWI did not mention wanting a criminal record in the job listing, so it is not necessary to mention and enclose.



I am hereby applying for a student job at COWI, Aalborg.I am currently studying at the Master’s Programme in Mathematical Engineering at Aalborg University, which (as the name suggests) is a combination of engineering and mathematics. This includes qualifications in e.g. statistics, modelling, signal and information processing and machine learning. Through the education I am being encouraged to code in Python but I do also have some experience with e.g. R, Matlab and C.

As a person, I enjoy playing music and going for walks in the nature and in Aalborg where I live. I also spend much of my spare time on solving study-related problems that I have encountered during the day and on being prepared for the next day. Furthermore, I spend time on being chairman of the board in my building and being a homework tutor in mathematics for local students. Finally, I like to watch educational videos on websites such as as a way to improve my technological skills. By working in project groups daily at the university, I am experienced with cooperating with other people, making plans and meeting deadlines. Through my previous work as

both a guardsman, instructor and leader in Herning Marching Band, I have also been gaining a lot of experience with cooperation and being a team player.I am very eager to have the opportunity to get outside the university into the real world and work for an actual company, where I can work with skilled professionals, apply my knowledge and most importantly also gain new knowledge. Through your website, I have read a lot about COWI, your departments for finding solutions in different parts of the society and the opportunities you provide for your employees. I hope to become part of that. Specifically, I am interested in making environmental impact assessments and analyzing the effects of the climate changes.

I will have the opportunity to write my master’s thesis with a company during my 9th and 10th semester (which is from summer 2019). I hope to first acquire this student job and then extend our relations by writing my master’s thesis with you. I am also hoping to

be able to attend your summer job programme COWI Try.I have attached my CV, the diploma from my bachelor’s degree at Aalborg University and my criminal record certificate. I am able to start immediately, and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,Name

Full nameStreet name and number, zip code and +45city 12 34 56 78 • E-mail address 1 2 3 4 5 6 A pplication guide 35

The finished and good application

The engineering student has now improved his application after input from career counsellor Kristi Johvik from Karrierecenteret at DTU. Here is Kristi Johvik’s comments on the new version.

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Generally, the application has improved a lot, especially because the applicant now has a clear structure. There is an easily understood section about why he applied for this exact position, what he can contribute with, and which personal competences he has. By doing this, he tells the employer what he can do, and what it would be like to work with him.

There is now the headline ‘Ambitious student…’, which says something about the applicant as a candidate, and a secti on which briefly describes why he is motivated to apply for the job. It grabs the reader’s attention, and the company can immediately see that the application is targeted to their com pany and the posted job listing.

The headline ‘experience in Python…’ catches the eye, espe cially because it says something about what the applicant can bring to this listing. He has chosen only to highlight keywords about the experiences and competences that the company wants.

The application now includes more sentences which directly describe what COWI gains from hiring him. It is important to write the name of the company in the application and men tion the concrete tasks from the listing, since it forces the ap plicant to target his application and write more specifically how he can solve the tasks in the job. This is exactly what the employer wants to read about.

The headline ‘Dedicated team player’ makes it clear that the candidate now wants to describe which personal competen ces he can contribute with in the job. The section is also writ ten with focus on what the company gains from hiring him.


Ambitious student engineer ready to roll up his sleeves

COWI’s solutions in engineering around the world are frequently popular in the news and on

social media. As an innovative and ambitious young master’s student in Mathematical Engineering, I am eager to become a student engineer in this leading international consulting group. Specifically, I am interested in making environmental impact assessments and analyzing the effects of the climate changes.

Experience in Python, data management, and modelling

Through my education in Mathematical Engineering

I learn how to handle large amounts of data and how to implement eÿcient statistical analyses in object-oriented programming languages such as Python. My education provides me with both a deep understanding of the mathematical tools in e.g. statistics, signal analysis and modelling as well as how to implement these in software, and I believe both of these parts are important qualifications for an engineer.

As a student engineer at COWI, I can contribute with my skills in working with large amounts of data and efficiently writing software that is able to handle it and which makes it easy to work with it afterwards. In my bachelor thesis I collaborated with Energinet to develop a spatio-temporal model (that is, a model taking account of both the spatial and temporal location of the data), and the collaboration was extended on the following semester to use machine learning to model the data instead.

COWI can also benefit from my skills in modelling, signal processing, and statistical analyses, which I e.g. have been using to develop a linear prediction model that can be used to predict different signals in dynamic systems.

Dedicated team player

By hiring me, COWI will get an employee who is innovative, dedicated and a fast learner, and who also aspires to create long-lasting solutions for the challenges we face in our

society. Being able to work in a team is a basic necessity to develop these solutions, and I enjoy collaborating with other people, listen to their ideas and discuss the best approach to solve the problem. I consider myself to be rational when discussing these solutions with my teammates. What is most important to me when making a project is that the details are correct and that it meets a high degree of professionalism.

I hope that my application has caught your interest, and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

+45 12 34 56 78 Name Aalborg, November 12, 2018 .
Yours sincerely,Name 1 2 3 4 A pplication guide 37

How to apply for an unlisted job

How do you do it, if you want a job that hasn’t been listed? Birgitte Schierning, senior consultant at Akademikernes A-kasse, gives advice on how to apply for unlisted jobs.

thesis. Maybe the manager does not have concrete job openings, but you can ask if they know someone who may need some one like you,” says Birgitte Schier ning.

You can also contact a company where you previously applied, but were turned down. “Most would like to help, because they remember what it was like to be a recent graduate having a hard time finding the first job,” she says.

Birgitte Schierning gives advice to highly educated individuals about careers in Akademikernes A-kasse. Photo: Akademikernes A-kasse.

When you, as a job seeker, want a foot in the door for a job that has not been listed, it’s obvious to use your network, says Birgitte Schierning, who advises highly educated individuals about their career in Akademikernes A-kasse. “We recommend that recent grad uates use their network as much as possible. For instance, you can contact the company you collab orated with when you wrote your

How to find the company Akademikernes A-kasse recom mends these tools when you want to send an unsolicited ap plication: Bisnode

The data and analysis compa ny Bisnode has a function on its website called ‘Bisnode Profiles’ that gives access to information about companies. Anyone can get a free trial, and members of Akademikernes A-kasse have free access.

“You can have a starting point like “I know this company from my study job or thesis, and would like to know more like that”. You can also search by field, ge ographic location, economic key numbers, subsidiaries, collabora tion with other countries, num ber of employees, and names of board members and leader group. Names are important, because it means you can contact the rele vant people,” says Birgitte Schier ning.


The job portal jobindex has a use ful function: “Tools for unsolicit ed applications”. “Here, you can see job listings more than 10 years back, and see which competences the compa ny has looked for previously, and who the contact person is. Afterwards, it is a good idea to look up facts about the com pany on Bisnode. The two tools work well together,” says Birgitte Schierning


Three tips for applying for unlisted jobs

Write a short mail an call

Write a short mail to a key person you have found in the company first. Say why you are contacting them and that you would like to follow up over the phone. Enclose a short résumé, targeted to the company. It is often best to write at the start of the week and call at the end of the week. You can also write to the person via LinkedIn.

Hand in your résumé in smaller companies

In smaller companies, it can be an advantage to show up in per son to hand over a short résumé targeted to the company. You might even get to speak to the manager or relevant employ ees. In larger companies, showing up doesn’t make sense, because you’ll typically only get to speak to reception.

Do not let yourself be stopped by data protection regulations

It is not against general data protection regulations for you to hand in a résumé and for the company to accept it. You can tell the company exac ty that if they have any doubts about whether they can accept and keep your résumé. But the company is obviously obliged to keep the résumé safely, and not let it lie around anywhere a third party could see it.

Source: Akademikernes A-kasse


LinkedIn contains useful in formations for unsolicited job applications. For instance, you can find contact people with the same background as yourself.

“When you go to Aalborg Univer sity or DTU’s company websites, you’ll find the function “alumni” to the left. Here, you can search for, for example, “cand.polyt. in robot technology” and get all those profiles.

You can see where they work and in what job functions.

It’s exciting because you can con tact them and find out if they have an idea for a way into the company. It can also help you open your eyes to less classic career paths in smaller or lesser-known com panies,” says Birgitte Schierning.

Unlisted job 39

Your personal branding is the difference between success and failure

Whether you know it or not, you have a personal brand that affacts your options in jobs and careers. You are branding yourself in anything you say and do.

It can have an effect on your job if you are good at being - and show ing - the best version of yourself. How do others see you? What do they think, feel, and say about you? What do they remember you for? You should not underesti mate the value of this on your career life, says Glenn Jacobsen, counsellor, coach, and author of the book ‘Vil du det? Har du det? Så vis det! Din person som brand.’ (‘Do you want it? Do you have it? Then show it! Your persona as a brand.’)

“Already, from the way you enter a room, people form an opinion of you. Your brand is the way you seem to others. The imprint you leave. It is what head-hunters, your network, and others remem ber you for when you leave,” says Glenn Jacobsen.

“It can be small things that make a difference when you have two candidates with the same quali fications in an interview. Who do

you choose when the profession alism is equal? You choose per sonality or, broadly speaking, the candidate’s personal brand.”

To define yourself

Some people, especially younger ones, have a tendency to underes timate the value of personality in the job application and work life.

“It is important to take respon sibility for creating your own brand, because otherwise oth ers will do it for you,” says Glenn Jacobsen. “It starts with defining yourself. That means being con scious about who you are. What values do you stand for? What kind of personality do you bring with you in your work? What am bitions do you have?” he says.

To stage yourself

The next phase is to stage your self.

“That is about making the distinc tion between the person and the persona that you wish to show. What side of yourself do you want

to show? To whom, and for what, do you wish to be known and preferably recognised? There has to be integrity and authenticity in it. The picture has to be truth ful. I can be ambitious, but not so much that it becomes untrust worthy,” says Glenn Jacobsen.

To communicate yourself

Communication of your person al brand happens everywhere you have contact with others and in all aspects of work life: in the cafeteria, in a meeting, in your application, on social media. “Communication happens both on and offline, and verbally as well as non-verbally. It is now you prove that you are the person you pretend to be. It can be very sub tle. Some of your attire may drag the attention away from your professionalism. If you are seen as sloppy and unkempt, it can ruin everything that comes out of your mouth. You have to be the best version of yourself in all as pects.”


But do not oversell it

“You have to have a personal bal ance, and appear as a realistic per son with both feet on the ground. It is not about whether you have to play a different role than who you are,” says Glenn Jacobsen.

To manage yourself

To manage yourself and be true to something that matters is pervasive throughout the entire concept of your personal brand.

“It takes personal management to take charge of your brand and keep sight of a long-term perspective. For instance, how to avoid being in a situation which is not good for the personal brand? It is about making conscious and brave decisions about what to do and what not to do, and that can be hard.

But if I have a value that is about protecting the environment, should I then take a position in a company that does not protect the environ ment? If I care about human welfare,

should I say no if I experience the opposite in the recruitment phase?” says Glenn Jacobsen, who encourag es a balanced approach.

“In the search to become something, we might forget to be someone. We chase dreams, money, advancement.

But it is important to hold on to be ing a whole person who has a bal ance between work life and private life, and has time to be him- or her self.”

Personal brand on social media

Tips for polishing your personal brand on social media:

• LinkedIn: An obvious place to have a public profile with a good picture, an opening text about what you want profes sionally, and a list of some of your qualifications.

• Facebook: Your Facebook pro file should not be public. Pri vate forums should remain private. You lack profession

al authority if everyone can look into your private life. Re member that some pictures and pieces of information are still visible to everyone.

• They have to send the right signals.

• Instagram: Check if your pro file is public or private. If it is open, the contents should back up your professional profile.

Source: Glenn Jacobsen.

Photo: Morten Jerichau.Glenn Jacobsen is administrative director in the consulting company Inspira. Furthermore, author, counsellor, coach, and educator within the fields of strategy, branding, and commercial and personal leader ship.

Success and Failure 41

Internships can be the highway to your first job

With an internship, you gain knowledge about your opportunities as an engineer and boost your career.

A prolonged internship or collaboration with an engi neering company can make your career. Three CEOs from a small, a medium-sized, and a large company agree about this. Which company size you should go for depends on what you want to learn and which career you dream of.


Internship in a small engineering company

Kasper Borup Andersen, who is the CEO in the company Tekfa from eastern Jutland, is primarily looking for interns who show initi ative and are willing to learn and understand.

Photo: Ditte Langer Mørch.

Andersen is CEO in the compa ny Tekfa from eastern Jutland, which delivers process tools for powder dosing and weighting of granulates, amongst other things.

As an intern in Tekfa, you be come what the CEO calls the ‘pro ject manager of your own life’.

“Since we are only 20-25 em ployees, you will not be observed all the time. You are not left to yourself, but you have to be com fortable working on your own, and we expect our interns to be proactive. It will do you good,” he says.

If you want to work in a larger company later in your career, it can be good to have experience from a smaller engineering com pany, in his opinion.

“If you, for instance, later go for a job in a larger technical

department, it can be a plus to know of the processes in, for in stance, the economy and buying department, or have knowledge of the mechanisms that are vital for the production to go smooth ly. It is a great advantage to un derstand the process from start to end,” says Torben Riise.

To be assessed for an intern ship in Tekfa, it is therefore an advantage to be curious about all parts of the process.

“We go for students that show initiative and want to learn and understand. The dream intern is typically an engineering student that also has a crafty back ground, but those are unfortu nately few and far between,” says the CEO.

Read more about Tekfa at .

“Our interns are a part of the whole process – in every part of the process, from the order arriving at the sales department to it being delivered. And since we work with electronics, software, and mechanics, an intern can learn a lot of different things,” says Kasper Borup Andersen.
Internships 43

Internship in a medium-sized engineering company

and Rambøll and think that is where they have to go. But we would like it if some of them tried us. If there is good chem istry and we can work it out, we have basically offered all our in terns employment afterwards,” says Ole Rasmussen.

The company, which has 108 employees and has departments in Hillerød, Sorø, and Odense, counsels within facilities, build ing, renovation, drainage, envi ronment, and geotechnology.

Interns that care about topics that are relevant to the company have an advantage.

CEO Ole Rasmussen from the consulting engineering company Dines Jørgensen & Co. A/S encourages anyone interested to call, show up, and show interest. Then interns have good opportu nities in the company.

Photo: Dines Jørgensen & Co. A/S.

“If you have to make a piece of a road that consists of coat ing, draining, and so on, it will, in a large company, maybe be one man who takes care of the drainage, one man who takes care of the coating, and so on. With us, it is the same engineer who has the responsibility, and we give the intern a part in all of it. Therefore, an internship with us gives good insight over a long list of work areas, and if you lat er wish to specialize, you can do so, but you will make a qualified decision,” he says.

It is a challenge for the com pany that many engineering students generally do not know about Dines Jørgensen & Co. A/S.

“The young people know COWI

“It could be within LAR – local drainage of rainwater where we have some competences and where we are open to new ideas in regards to how the issues could be solved. But it is most important to us that you have the right attitude. If you do not care for stiff offices and waxed floors, but would like to work with what engineering is all about and is not completely derailed socially, you should just apply. The food chain is so tight for us that we are open to anyone. It is best to call, show up, and show interest. Then there are good opportunities,” says Ole Rasmussen.

Read more about Dines Jørgensen & Co. A/S at

“In our company, the interns gain knowledge in many aspects of the engineering work,” says CEO Ole Rasmussen from the consulting engineering company Dines Jørgensen & Co. A/S.

Internship in a large engineering company

HR manager Lena Kjær from the international engineering and consulting company Rambøll sees the internship as the start of a possible employment.

Photo: Rambøll.

“In a large company like Rambøll, the engineering students will meet a broad palette of competences and realize how many possibilities there are. For instance, maybe you will be intern in a department that does light design, and you didn’t even know of that subject area. In that way, an internship can be used early in the study period to find out what specific direction you want to choose as an engineer,” says HR manager Lena Kjær from the international engineering and consulting company Rambøll.

Rambøll houses 14,000 consult ing engineers, architects, and management consults, spread over 300 offices in 35 countries.

An internship can also give the student a sense of what the companies are looking for.

“It is a great advantage for the students, because it can help them realize their career pos sibilities. They can also build a network early on in their edu cation, which will eventually lead them to the dream job. We sometimes joke that when you arrive at Rambøll as an intern, one long job interview starts,

because a lot of our interns get a study job, and when they finish their studies, a lot of them get full-time employment. So it is actually a good idea to think of the internship as the start of a possible employment. It is very realistic,” she says.

To make yourself attractive to Rambøll, it is a good idea to do some groundwork.

“You can apply for an intern ship via our website, and then we make sure that you are channeled to the departments that can be relevant. The same goes for students writing their thesis. They only have to contact us, show interest and gusto, and it does not hurt to write a good application. It goes for everyone that we appreciate if you have researched our history and may have chosen us due to our val ues,” says the HR manager.

Read more about Rambøll at: .

Internships 45

DTU Alumni – a network of engineers from DTU

DTU Alumni is a network for all graduates from DTU.

Membership is free of charge.

Lifelong connection to DTU

Through the alumni network, you can stay connected with DTU for life.

As a student, you will probably meet alumni as guest lecturers, mentors etc. and you can get insight into future career options from alumni.

After you have graduated, we will keep you updated on what happens at DTU and send you invitations to relevant activities. Moreover, you get continued access to discounts in Polyteknisk Bookstore.

You will also be able to use the alumni network as well as DTU Job Bank in your job search to help you now and in your future career – and you can make use of DTU’s continuing education offers to keep your skills up-to-date.

DTU is there for you the rest of your life!

How can I join?

You can join as soon as you have a degree from DTU. 6 months before your expected graduation date, you should receive an e-mail welcoming you to DTU Alumni.

Visit to find out more!

DTU Alumni 47

Is your career path a ladder or a labyrinth?

Understand the differences between being on your way up a career ladder or navigating in an unpredictable job maze. Some prefer ladders, others labyrinths. And many don’t know which way their career path will be headed.

Whether your career journey is up a ladder or through a maze, it will require grit. Grit is an eye-opener for many, so let us begin with grit, one of my favorite terms.

Why grit is at least as important for your career as talent and luck

When teaching seventh grade math in New York’s public schools, Angela Duckworth no ticed that her best students were not necessarily her smartest stu dents. After a few years she left her school classroom to better understand why some students performed better than others even though they weren’t the brightest students. Today Angela Duckworth is a psychology pro fessor at the University of Penn sylvania. Grit is key. That is Duckworth’s conclusion. One way to define grit is to consider what is not grit. Grit is not talent. It is not luck. It is not about wanting something right now. What is grit then? Grit is a com

bination of persistence and pas sion for long-term goals. Let’s put it into a semi-mathematical for mula:

Skills & Effort

+ Engagement & passion = RESULTS

Results being e.g. getting the job you want, or having the career of your dreams

So, grit is about having a goal or an ultimate concern. This goal or purpose will help organize and give a direction to what you do. So, even when you fall down a couple of steps, meet bumps along the way or even mess up, and the going gets tough or slower than first anticipated, you still keep on moving for ward. You hold on to your goal.

Of course, talent and luck matter. But don’t underestimate persis tence and passion, determina tion and enthusiasm. According to Angela Duckworth, grit mat ters just as much as talent and luck, if not more.

The traditional ladder or the labyrinth alternative

When it comes to choosing your career path, some prefer ladders, others labyrinths. And many don’t know in which direction their career path will head. Af ter a long career many will look back and think, this wasn’t at all how I had expected my ca reer to be after completing my engineering degree. Maybe he or she moved up, up and up to the top of a career ladder? Or maybe this engineer took a lab yrinthine path via teaching at a gymnasium, working as a civil servant in a ministry and tak ing a job in the private industry.

Regardless of whether you are a manager or a professor, a student or a job seeker, consider your ca reer approach. Are you choosing the ladder route or the labyrinth?

Remember, grit is required when you meet obstacles, both if you are moving up the ladder or through the labyrinth.


A golden ladder and gold earrings

In my office I have two special objects. These are often the starting point of an existential conversation about motivation and priorities in life.

The first object is a two-me ter-long gold bamboo ladder leaning up against the wall. It’s wider in the bottom than at the top. The other object is a pair of gold earrings that I often wear. They are formed as labyrinths. My gold ladder and my laby rinth earrings represent the two different career perspectives. Neither perspective is right nor wrong. But they do differ quite fundamentally. The ladder and labyrinth perspectives pose exis tential questions regarding your decisions.

The ladder route

- Do you perceive your profession al life as a career where you begin at the bottom step and hopefully one day end up as high as pos sible by working diligently and strategically taking the straight route to the top?

- Do you aim for the top of the ladder as CEO, company owner or professor?

A traditional academic career is a long and historically well-trod den path. The higher up you get, the fewer positions there are. For good measure, there are excep tions to the ladder, also in aca demia.

For instance, some professors have taken a more labyrinthine route before getting their profes sorship.

When taking the ladder route, it’s important to understand the mechanisms that support this route.

you understand what will get you to where you want to be, so you can use your time and efforts accordingly. You will need to pri oritize your resources wisely to reach your goals further up the ladder.

Labyrinth earrings © Miklos Szabo

In the academic world at DTU, it’s beneficial to be able to write white papers, to collaborate with external partners, and excel at obtaining funding and grants. Spice these up with being a pas sionate teacher and successful researcher, then you are a strong candidate for promotions. Therefore, it is important that

Ladder or Labyrinth 49

The labyrinth route(s)

Do you see life more as an organ ic labyrinth where there isn’t a clear plan or direction?

You play it by ear. You meet bar riers such as being laid off due to Corona job cuts, or face dead ends as your specialized field is disappearing. Or perhaps some one nudges you in a certain di rection. They see a potential in you that you weren’t aware of: Project management, special people skills or a knack for tech nical sales.

Your career path may seem less determined, more random. Nonetheless, this perception may also bring you to unexpected and exciting places. You grab the op portunities that come your way. My career path started in the ministry in ‘Folkekirken’. After eight years I left the ladder even though I had been offered a pro motion to move up to the next step. I said goodbye to a stable life as a civil servant and became an employee in the private industry.

Today, I run my own business and can look back at 30 years of an ex citing career where grit allowed me to move forward.

Labyrinths are popular as never before

Career ladders as such will never disappear. They are here to stay. Nonetheless, some career ladders will be replaced by labyrinths due to a number of external fac tors and choices. Here are a few reasons for this shift towards labyrinths:

No clear picture

Many people today don’t have a distinct idea of what they are good at, what they enjoy and where they want their career to take them. First after a few jobs, do they realize that they like to be project managers or specialists or something else.

Wrong choice

Some start on the bottom lad der step and realize this isn’t the right path for them. They would prefer to work in a start-up or they want a different work-life balance than the one offered to them by their workplace.

Tall walls & many hills

Many hit walls they had not an ticipated. Some walls can be quite terrifying such as being fired from your job due to a crisis, ac quisition, new technology or jobs moving to other countries.

Others meet bumps along the way, e.g. that your colleague is promoted rather than you or companies merge and there is more competition than antici pated.

Combining professional and personal life

Couples initially planning indi vidual careers using the ladder model may find it difficult to make this come true with a grow ing family, a home that needs fix ing, etc., so either one continues up the ladder or they both make a move towards a labyrinthine way of life ramping up at times and down at other times.


Some people prefer stability and structure in their work life. Oth ers are just naturally curious or more risk tolerant. They are ex perts at creating momentum on the job and move on once it be comes too operational. Some en joy switching between being in a corporate environment, being in scale-ups and being self-em ployed.


In a labyrinth with many paths, many choices, detours and bumps along the way, you won’t always have a clear picture of where you are headed, but be driven by a goal or a greater pur pose.

Sometimes a peer sees a poten tial in you that you didn’t realize you had. He or she may nudge you in another direction than you had envisioned offering new opportunities. Other times you may find that you enjoy your cur rent role and have no desire to advance to the next strategic step ahead.

This perspective of just thriving and doing the job may be less stressful than constantly think ing of the next move for more influence, a higher salary, more prestige, etc.

If you are on the labyrinth route, it’s still permitted to be tactical.

This career route can at times be quite demanding where you have to muster lots of grit. Think of courses and networks that may enhance your maneuverability in a labyrinth with many paths to move down.

One-size does not fit all

In my job I meet many people who question traditional career paths. Particularly younger peo ple, but also people in their 40’s and 50’s who are trying to reori ent themselves.

Perhaps they no longer see their career as a ladder with a path go ing towards the top. Rather, they see life as various phases where they at times have to tread hard to keep up with the requirements at home or on the job, at oth er times they take a timeout to spend extra time with their fam ily, focus on a hobby or take tai lor-made education programs.

There isn’t a one-size-fits all path, but rather a number of different legitimate options.

Whatever career route you choose, it will require grit. You can go a long way with talent and luck, but perseverance, passion and long-term goals are at least as important, if not more.

Job Hunting Tips

Even though engineers have a fairly easy time getting a job, please do your due diligence an yways. You aren’t obliged to say “Yes, thank you” to your very first job offer.

Be curious. Spend time finding a good match for both parties, and make sure you match your expec tations with your future boss.

Safe journey!

Ladder or Labyrinth 51

What is a good job to you?

Figuring out what to ask for in a job can be a difficult task, especially right after graduating. A good start ing point is being aware of what motivates you.

What gives you energy?

What creates a spark in your eye?

When would you get a kick out of your job?

How do you measure your success?

Here are some definitions on the good job. Which ones do you identify with?

A good job is to be able to compete against oneself

• “Crack the difficult nuts”

• Obtain patents for new creations

• Create smart & robust software or simulations

A good job is to have great colleagues

• Having a social life with colleagues on the job, and maybe outside the job as well

• Working together with others gives you satis faction and inspiration.

A good job is to never know what to expect at work.

• Thriving with troubleshooting and finding solutions along the way.

A good job is to be able to compete against others

• Win sales

• Win contracts

• Get promotions

A good job is to have a good life balance between work and personal life

• A job is a means to ensuring quality of life when not at work, e.g.. having time for hobbies, family and friends

A good job is to know what to expect at work.

• Thriving with clear guidelines, SOP’s and structure.

A good job is to make a meaningful difference

• Help cure sicknesses

• Preserve nature

• Find new forms of energy

• Managing in a smart manner by optimizing

A good job is...


Job hunting?

New book guides you to your dream

Jobjagt gives you lots of tools to structure your job hunt, to navigate in a job market where 50% of all jobs are not posted, and to better understand how managers, HR and recruiters think.

In the book, Birgit O’Sullivan shares her many years of experience within recruitment for startups, scale-ups and for international companies in Denmark and abroad. Originally a theologian, she has transitioned from ministry through HR in technology companies to becoming an inde pendent headhunter specialized in technology companies. From 2020 she could also call herself author.

The book targets you, if you are:

• Unemployed or have been given notice – and now what?

• Just graduated and about to find your first real job.

• In a job that gives a monthly check, but be sides that no purpose.

• Reached a new life stage. It’s time to pursue your dream…

In Jobjagt, you will find:

• Tools to structure your job hunt

• Guides on how to customize your CV and ap plication, go to job interviews, take tests and negotiate your salary package

• Lots of TO DOs, templates and cases about successes and fiascos

• Help to get a job via coffee meetings and un solicited applications. Remember, only 50%

of all jobs are publicly posted…

• 75+ questions that you might encounter at your job interview – and an overview of questions you can ask – and questions you don’t ask!

• Reflections about what life is all about... What is the good (work) life for you?

Jobjagt is available at bookstores and at your lo cal library. Read more here:

Contact Birgit O’Sullivan, O’Sullivan Consulting at

Ladder or Labyrinth 53

Company Pages

Language Total Engineers 250 520 Total Engineers 500 2,100 56

Improving lives through cutting edge technology

Our company

3Shape is a Danish MedTech company that creates 3D scanning and CAD/CAM soft ware solutions – award winning technology that enables healthcare professionals around the globe to treat more people, more efficiently and with improved care. Together we help millions of people around the world to enjoy better lives. Our solu tions enable dental treatments like same day crowns, and less invasive and less painful dental surgeries.


We are looking for

We are always looking for talented engineers who thrive in a fast paced, internation al environment characterized by high ambitions and a fun informal atmosphere. We work in autonomous agile teams employing state-of-the-art components, sen sors and tools to create real time 3D solutions for diagnostics, treatment and manu facturing. If you are an engineer within software development, optics, mechanics or electronics we need your help to shape the future!

Innovation is in our DNA

Two students founded 3Shape in Denmark in the year of 2000. Today, we are over 2100 employees serving customers in over 100 countries from ever-growing offices around the world. Our products and innovations are all about challenging tradi tional methods and working on the edge of what is possible.

Export and Operations

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Export and Operations Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

Want to be a part of our journey? Please visit: Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby


Language Total 800 Engineers 400 Total Engineers 337,000 674,000 58 At Accenture, you can match your career with your passions. Come and join us, bring your ideas and imagination and together we’ll solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Apply now at:
your future


Our company

Accenture is a global company that offers consultancy services with leading capa bilities in digital, cloud, and security. Work on large-scale business and IT transformation programs for global clients us ing the latest technologies in cloud, security, data, AI, digital, Industry X, enterprise platforms, and intelligent automation. We meet clients wherever they are on their paths to change — in every industry across the globe — and partner with them to create lasting value in every direction.

We are looking for

At the heart of every great change is a great human. Every day our people are doing incredible things by working together to pursue our shared purpose – to deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity. Are you ready to put your skills into practice? At Accenture, we help you create the perfect foundation for a career within technology or management consulting. We look for passionate, curious, creative, and solution-driven team players. Search open positions that match your skills and interest today.


Work in a culture that encourages innovative ideas to flourish and make a mean ingful impact on our clients’ businesses and in our communities. Bring innovation, new technology skills, and industry knowledge together to help clients innovate at scale, transform, and grow their businesses. With us, you can bring your best true self to your work and we’ll match your ingenui ty with the latest technologies so you can do incredible things. Every day, around the world our people are innovating together to make real, lasting, impactful change. If you’re driven by new challenges, are motivated to improve, and have a desire to develop inclusive, responsible, and sustainable solutions to complex challenges –then kickstart your career and come join us.


Management and Economics Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Chemical Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning


Student job Internship job

Full time jobtime job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


DTU BallerupAAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby Meet us at these DSE events:
Language Total Engineers 700 Total Engineers17,000 60

AFRY is an international engineering, design and consulting company that works within construction, civil engineering, industry, energy, architecture, acoustics and lighting design in Denmark. Our work is about people - brave engineers, business experts, visionary leaders and other professionals who work together to gain new insights, create ideas and devel op new and smart solutions for the benefit of our customers and society in general.

We are looking for

We need you who want an internship, you who are a newly hatched engineer and you with a lot of experience in your professional briefcase. What’s important for us is that you are a committed team player and that you want to be part of our growth journey, where we advise on the best engineering solutions - with sustainability as a guiding principle. We are looking for a brave and dedicated team player who knows that collaboration and development across disciplines and national borders is the key to creating sus tainable engineering solutions.

What AFRY offers

At AFRY, there is time for development, innovation and freedom. Here you get 16,000 colleagues worldwide - and 650 in Denmark. This gives you the opportunity to gain insight into different branches of engineering. When you walk through our front doors, you immediately experience the informal atmosphere, the high spirits and good fellowship that makes AFRY a great place to work.

As part of AFRY, you can look forward to an everyday life where you have freedom to plan where and how you want to work. We appreciate feedback and teamwork, which we practice in a good spirit of trust, cooperation and courage. We encourage you to think outside the box, to take the lead and to accelerate your career with us.


Management and Economics Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Chemical Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Full time jobtime job Master thesis

Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project


Our company
Do you want to be a part of creating a sustainable future at one of the largest engineering companies in Scandinavia?
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 38 163 Total Engineers64,500 62

Join Air Liquide for a stimulating experience

Our company

A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 78 countries with approximately 64,500 employees and serves more than 3.8 million customers and patients. At Air Liquide, you will find a world of learning and development opportunities where inventiveness is at the heart of what we do, in an open, collaborative and respectful environment.

We are looking for

We are always looking for new talents to join the team. Our teams are committed to act for a sustainable future and are engaging their colleagues for our long-term performance. We believe that you as well as we have a proactive way of working and care about our patients, customers and colleagues and value collaboration and teamwork. In a world that is constantly changing, we encourage our colleagues to develop and challenge each other and continuously improve our ways of working.

Are you our new talent?

Your future at Air Liquide

Have you just graduated? We encourage you apply to be one of the top students at our Summer School in June. During Summer School 2022, you will get to spend a week online learning about Air Liquide, experience working with a diverse group of students from around the world to solve a real business challenge, improve your candidate profile through dedicated career workshops and get exclusive network ing opportunities.

Have you just graduated? Then you should check out the ALLEX program (Air Liq uide Leading EXcellence). During this two-year program, you will become a part of a diverse European network and complete two assignments (á three months) at an Air Liquide office in a different European country. This will prepare you for growing with Air Liquide.

Meet us at these DSE events:


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Biotechnology Communication Technology Software

Machine learning


Internship Master thesis

Full time job

time job

Student job job Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project Ph.D

Air Liquide
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 45 Total Engineers64

Vil du udfordres i et spændende konsulenthus i pharma- og medicobranchen?

Om os

Er du interesseret i arbejdet med projektledelse og rådgivning ift. medicinsk udstyr og lægemidler? Andreasen & Elmgaard A/S er et mindre konsulenthus specialiseret i pharma- og medicobranchen. Vores dygtige konsulenter løser hver dag spændende opgaver for majoriteten af førende medicovirksomheder i Danmark. Vi har et solidt netværk i branchen, og vi sætter det gerne i spil for at matche de rette talenter, op gaver og virksomheder. Brian Andreasen og Per Elmgaard Rasmussen grundlagde vores konsulenthus i år 2000.

Vi søger

Hos Andreasen og Elmgaard A/S søger vi talentfulde medarbejdere, som ønsker at vokse og løse udfordrende og komplekse opgaver inden for en bred vifte af projek ter for vores kunder. Vi søger engagerede mennesker, som er motiverede for at ud folde potentialet i en divers branche i rivende udvikling. Vi har store forventninger til dig. Til gengæld er der højt til loftet hos os og frihed under ansvar. Kombination af et analytisk mindset og gode personlige kompetencer er et stærkt udgangspunkt for at lykkes hos os.

Mere end blot en lille del i et stort tandhjul?

Vi arbejder målrettet med vores konsulenters talentudvikling. Sammen med dig sætter vi rammen for, at du kan skærpe din kompetenceprofil samt sikre fleksib ilitet og kvalitet i din rådgivning. Du vil imødegå komplekse opgaver, der kræver analytisk mindset og lyst til udvikling og læring. Vi giver dig ansvar og muligheden for at sætte dit eget præg på opgaverne. Arbejdet i en agil virksomhed vil styrke dine muligheder uanset hvilken karrierevej, du ønsker at forfølge. Som en værdsat me darbejder i vores konsulenthus vil du have et stærkt brand og dygtige kollegaer i ryggen. Arbejdskulturen er centreret omkring kvalitet og høj faglighed samt en god portion humor, gensidig tillid og respekt. Din trivsel og din faglige udvikling er af gørende, for både vores og for kundernes fortsatte succes.


Management and Economics


Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Export and Operations Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning

WE OFFER time job

Student job Internship job

Full time job

Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Andreasen & Elmgaard A/S
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 68 Total Engineers16,000 66

Our company

Arup is an independent firm of engineers, consultants, designers, planners, and technical specialists offering a broad range of professional services. Founded in 1946, Arup is the creative force behind many of the world’s most prominent pro jects such as the Sydney Opera House, the Birds Nest Stadium in Beijing, the Øresund Bridge, and the London Olympics. Arup has about 16.000 employees working across 90+ disciplines with projects in 140 countries worldwide.

What Arup can offer you

Arup - do you wish to shape a Better World?

Your ambition, our creativity; by bringing together architecture, engineering and an ever-expanding roster of specialisms, our philosophy of Total Design has been at the heart of our most ambitious work. Hence, if you wish to work in an interna tional environment, contribute to exciting projects for a company that emphasizes diversity and professional development, then Arup could be a match for you. With 22 nationalities at our office in Copenhagen, we prioritize social events, and we practice Work Unbound which allows you flexibility regarding when and where you work.

A career at Arup offers you the chance to make a positive difference in the world. In dependently owned and independently minded, we attract a diverse mix of people to work on ground-breaking projects around the world.

We are looking for

Our Copenhagen office is searching for Graduate Engineers, Student Assistants and Interns who share our primary goal of developing a sustainable built environment through collaboration with our clients and partners using imagination, technolo gy, and rigor to shape a better world. Graduates and students will be given the opportunity to develop their skills in de sign, analysis of information, production of design and modelling and will gain access to our skills networks and join trainings at Arup University. Joining Arup, you will become part of an inclusive and diverse working culture where you will meet peers around Europe through a European Graduate Program. Apply with us if you enjoy working in a vibrant international environment on high profile projects and you are keen on taking responsibility.


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Physics and Nano

Electronic Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning



Full time job Work abroad

Master thesis

Internship Student job time job Graduate programme

School project


Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 320 400 Total Engineers 30,000 50,000 68 Sustainable infrastructure is the back bone of a community. Be a part of the journey! Følg os på vores LinkedIn og Instagram

With Atkins, you’ll be in great company

Our company

SNC-Lavalin’s Atkins business is one of the world’s most respected design, engineer ing and project management consultancies. In Denmark, we are 400 project man agers, consultants and specialists who are committed to developing intelligent and sustainable infrastructure solutions that strengthen the cohesion of society. We are specialized within the areas of transport, IT, urban development and climate, water and environment. Our work varies from the very large construction projects such as The Fehmarnbelt Link and the Danish re-signaling scheme to digital solutions for the public sector.

We are looking for

We are always looking for new colleagues with the right skills and the passion for shaping future societies, and who are also eager to be part of a strong community of good colleagues and a flexible and informal setting. Every year a large number of students work with us in student jobs or internship, others are writing bachelor projects and thesis. In our experience, this is an excellent way to get to know the business end get a head start in your future career. Whether you are a student or recently graduated, we will support you in your development and give you exciting challenges working on some of our many projects. Improving the world around us

From increasing transportation needs, to population growth and climate change –we merge ingenuity, knowledge and technology to uplift communities and drive a safer, better tomorrow. From our offices in Denmark, we do this through our work on various infrastructure projects, mainly in Denmark and Northern Europe. Most of our projects are multidisciplinary in which we combine our expertise and collab orate across the organization. We welcome uniqueness. And what really define Atkins is our many different, skilled and dedicated people. You will meet colleagues who are top experts in their fields, who will help you in your professional work and personal development. In other words – with Atkins, you’ll be in great company.


Management and Economics Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Physics and Nano

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project

Full time job Ph.D

Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 150 3,000 Total Engineers 150 3,000 70

Vil du arbejde med nogle af landets vigtigste digitale systemer eller bygge datadrevne løsninger til samfundet?

Om os

Har du lyst til at arbejde i en virksomhed, der har næsten hele Danmark på kun delisten? Og kunne du være interesseret i en fremtid inden for data management, machine learning, robotics, SAP, IT-arkitektur eller noget helt andet?


Vi søger

Vi er på udkig efter medarbejdere til vores IT -og dataområde. Det kunne for eksempel være dig, der kunne tænke dig at arbejde med et af landets største datagrundlag. Et datagrundlag, der giver unikke muligheder for dig, der in teresserer dig lidt mere for data end de fleste. Eller dig, der vil indgå i en verden af IT-arkitekter, udviklere, testere, projektledere og mange andre typer af IT-specialister.

Din karriere. Danskernes tryghed.

I ATP arbejder vi til gavn for den enkelte og for samfundet. Vi sikrer, at alle får ud betalt de rette velfærdsydelser, fx feriepenge og boligstøtte, og at vi opnår det højest mulige afkast på de investeringer, vi foretager med vores allesammens penge. På den måde har ATP en særlig rolle i samfundet. Det forpligter.

ATP’s ambition er at være et fagligt fyrtårn inden for pension, investering og admin istration. Derfor har vi samlet nogle af landets dygtigste på deres områder, hvilket betyder at uanset hvor du starter i ATP, bliver du en del af et fagligt fællesskab i top.

Læs mere:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Economics Software

Machine learning


Student job Internship job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time jobtime job Graduate programme School project


Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupAAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 21 50 Total Engineers 120 370 72

AWA Denmark – Join our Graduate Programme and start your career within IP

Our company

AWA is one of Europe’s leading intellectual property rights consultancies. We apply our technical and legal expertise to help our clients turn their ideas and innova tions into business opportunities. Our clients are intensely innovative businesses and our global client base include companies behind many of the world’s most val uable patent and brand portfolios, together with leading partner agencies in com plementary markets.

We regularly receive national and international awards for our work.

We are looking for

We are looking for newly graduated engineers with a master’s degree or engineers with 1-3 years of work experience to join our graduate programme and help us be come the no. 1 IP firm in Europe. You want to use your technical expertise and are not afraid to learn a new discipline. You are energetic, analytical and communicate easily in speech and writing. Your commitment both professionally and socially is influenced by you sharing our values: courage, openness and passion. Next round will be in the beginning of 2023.

Graduate at AWA Denmark - Training from day one

You will become a part of a graduate group of 15-20 newly recruited engineers and will have the opportunity to learn from some of the most respected experts in the business. You will also have the opportunity to help leading Danish and internation al companies protect their innovation and development. In the first seven months of your employment you will follow our unique graduate programme where you will work from our office centrally located in Copenhagen and spend time at sev eral of our 11 offices in Denmark and Sweden. Through the programme you will be trained in patent law and counselling and have the opportunity to establish an in ternational network. You will also from the start get a mentor from our office in Co penhagen. Later you will be able to become certified as a European Patent Attorney.



Management and Economics


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning


Product and Design Communication Technology

Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER time job

Student job Internship job Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme

School project


AWA Denmark A/S
us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 20 240 Total Engineers 13,000+ 74 Do you love finding answers to complex questions? MAKE OTHERS SHINE

Explore a rewarding career as a consultant

Our company

At Bain & Company, we aspire to deliver results and build relationships in everything we do. Through a combination of rigorous analyses, solid experience and deep in dustry insight, we help our clients improve their business – whether this requires reducing costs, maximizing investments or restructuring the organization. Com bining deep local knowledge with global expertise, we constitute a unified team of +550 passionate individuals across our offices in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Den mark.

We are looking for

At Bain, we’re always on the lookout for curious and talented students and grad uates to join us full-time, part-time or for an internship. We’re looking for people with a combination of a strong analytical mindset and great personal skills, be cause to us a good consultant is not only a good problem solver, but a person who can understand our clients’ business and is able to engage with unique personali ties and within different team structures.

Engineering X Consulting – The perfect match

As a consultant, you’ll dive head-first into complex problems for clients in a wide range of industries. Using your analytical skills and a logic approach to problem solving, you’ll help drive change in a range of organizations from global leaders to start-ups. Every day is different, and your tasks will cover everything from providing clients with powerful facts and analyses to identifying information sources, gather ing and interpreting data, and much more. You’ll work with office colleagues on multiple cases, allowing you to develop close relationships with peers and mentors you can turn to throughout your career. At Bain, you’ll be part of a company where we believe in the power of diversity and inclusiveness, and aspire to make your career with us more than a stepping stone.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations Economics

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning


Product and Design Communication Technology

Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

job time job

Full time job Graduate programme

Master thesis

School project


Bain & Company
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupAAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 30 65 Total Engineers18,000 76

BAM Danmark er en entreprenørvirksomhed med markedsfokus på total- og ho vedentrepriser indenfor erhvervs-, institutions og anlægsbyggeri. Vi er en del af koncernen Royal BAM Group der har hovedsæde i Holland, 18.000 medarbejdere på verdensplan og en årlig omsætning på ca. 50 mia. kr. BAM er anerkendt for kvalitet og pålidelighed af vores ydelser samt medarbejdernes engagement, viden og erfar ing. Vores bærende værdier er samarbejde, udvikling, ejerskab og troværdighed, og disse værdier integreres i alt hvad vi gør.

Vi søger

Vi søger praktikanter og studentermedhjælpere med en baggrund som bygningsin geniør eller konstruktør, til vores mange spændende byggesager. Har du et stærkt fokus på at løse opgaverne, og forstår du at samarbejde er nøglen hertil, så har du mulighed for at få et selvstændigt ansvar der matcher dine kompetencer. Du får mulighed for at prøve teorier af i praksis og opleve dynamikken på en byggeplads under vejledning af kompetente kollegaer. Kommunikation med humor og i øjen højde, vægter meget højt hos os.

Fokus på byggerier og mennesker

BAM Danmark står bag komplekse kvalitetsbyggerier i København og på Sjælland. Vi udfører lige nu store skolebyggerier for Københavns Kommune og nyt multifunk tionshus med studieboliger, uddannelses- og erhvervsfaciliteter for Johannes Fog i Lyngby.

Vi arbejder konstant på at sikre, at medarbejderne har gode rammer for at opføre vores projekter. Vi har fokus på faglig og personlig udvikling, og brug af digitale værktøjer er en naturlig del i vores arbejde, men vigtigst er dog at sikre vore medar bejderes trivsel i et godt og sikkert arbejdsmiljø. Hos os har du rig mulighed for at dygtiggøre og udvikle dig. Hvis du på et senere tidspunkt har mod på endnu flere faglige og personlige udfordringer, så kan udsta tionering gennem Royal BAM Group koncernen også være en mulighed.


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Economics Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

job time job

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


BAM Danmark A/S
Om os
Bliv en del af BAM – et aktivt valg, der kan føre til udvidelse af hele din horisont!
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 400 2,600 Total Engineers 400 2,600 78

Historically, there has never been as much activity on the Danish railways as there is today. With the replacement of the old signaling systems, Banedanmark is a front runner in IT-based signalling technology. We are connecting Denmark to Southern Europe with one of Banedanmark’s largest infrastructure projects to date. We work and develop with LiDAR scanning for maintenance of the rails, visualiza tions and 4D for building projects, big data and machine learning to maximize our use of traffic data to optimize capacity.

We are looking for

We offer great career opportunities for a wide range of newly educated engineers, including five 1-year graduate positions every year. We also offer PhD positions. We are looking for people who thrive when challenged and given responsibility and who are motivated by a high learning curve combined with good career opportuni ties. You might have a fascination of railway and trains, or perhaps you see exciting opportunities in our diverse project pipeline. Either way, we welcome you onboard.


Exciting challenges are waiting for you!

Come and meet us at this year’s DSE fair. We are represented by several of our engi neers who are looking forward to meeting you and telling you about their journey into Banedanmark.

Connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and follow our exciting work on the railway of the future. You can also follow our job openings by creating a job agent on our job site on

Meet us at these DSE events:


Management and Economics Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning



Full time job

Master thesis

Internship Student job Work abroad time job Graduate programme

School project


Our company
We transform the infrastructure of Denmark – would you like to join us?
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 50 900 Total Engineers80

Hos os behøver du ikke vælge mellem privatliv og professionelle ambitioner.

Vores virksomhed

Som en del af Bankdata kan du bygge IT, der er afgørende for millioner af dansk eres hverdag.

Vi leder efter

Vi søger it-ingeniører, softwareudviklere, UX’ere og andre it-profiler, der vil arbejde med de nyeste teknologier, i agile arbejdsprocesser og gøre en samfundsmæssig for skel sammen med nogle af Danmarks skarpeste IT-hjerner.

Du arbejder for et højere formål

Bankdata er en af landets store IT-virksomheder. Vi er 900 kolleger, som bygger alt fra mobilbanker til store komplekse finansielle handelsplatforme og kernesystemer, som nogle vil kalde kritisk infrastruktur – for os er det fast arbejde med et højere formål. Hos os kan du indfri dine professionelle ambitioner uden at gå på kompromis med privatlivet. Bankdata er lokaliseret i Aarhus, Silkeborg og Fredericia. Tjek ledige jobs på eller søg uopfordret.

Meet us at these DSE events:


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Product and Design Export and Operations Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job

Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 70+ 120 Total Engineers 70+ 120 82

Make a green move!

Our company

BITZER Electronics develops and produces electronic control solutions for the HVAC&R markets worldwide, and our solutions support our customers’ goals for energy efficiency and less environmental impact. BITZER Electronics is a company with more than 115 dedicated employees. BITZER Electronics is part of the BITZER Group, a worldwide leading manufacturer of refrigeration compressors, with more than 3,500 employees worldwide. BITZER Electronics is located in Sønderborg in the southern part of Jutland in Denmark.


We are looking for

BITZER Electronics offers different job- and internship opportunities, especially for higheducated candidates.

You are always welcome to submit an unsolicited application if you have skills or ambitions that you feel would fit BITZER Electronics A/S. Take a look at some of your possibilities in the right corner and see more at

BITZER Electronics – A great place to work

How would you like to go to work at a “Great Place to Work®”? Besides ranking no. 7 on the list of best workplaces in Denmark 2021, BITZER Electronics has received The Communication Award in 2015. We believe that good communication is an impor tant foundation of a good work environment and creating innovative products and business growth.

Our values are the foundation of our organisation. They help us to make business decisions and influence all of our interactions within the company – personal and professional.

us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Management and Economics Export and Operations Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

BITZER Electronics A/S
DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 290 22,000 Total Engineers84

Help us unlock the potential of our clients – while unlocking your own

Our company

Boston Consulting Group is a global management consulting firm working closely with clients to empower them to build sustainable competitive advantage. At BCG, we need your help to design, develop, and maintain sustainable and eco nomical solutions for our clients, by applying the principles of science, technology, and math. You will also help solve complex problems for business leaders across the globe within a wide range of industries, including industrial goods, health care, infrastructure, and consumer products.

We are looking for

In order to solve problems within a broad variety of industries, we also need a di verse team with different skills and educational backgrounds. Therefore, your choice of study line at DTU is not decisive in order to pursue a career with BCG. Our full-time positions and internships are open for applications all year long, and we encourage all top students and graduates to apply. You can apply at any time throughout your education, and we will find your start date together.

Experience sustainability consulting first-hand

In our free for all Virtual Experience Program, you will gain a sense of BCG’s client work and how we are solving critical climate problems. This program was devel oped in partnership with the BCG Center for Climate & Sustainability, which brings together more than 1,000 experts across all sectors covering the full range of sus tainability topics - biodiversity, circular economy, decarbonization, sustainable ag riculture, transition financing, water management, and other ESG topics - to sup port our clients around the world.

BCG digital business units

If you would like to specialize within digital solutions instead of general consulting (BCG Classic), we encourage you to have a look at some of our other business units:

• BCG Gamma: Build end to end, fit for purpose AI solutions & assets to transform our clients’ business.

• BCG Platinion: Help clients digitize and transform their core business and build digital solutions.

Meet us at these DSE events:


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations Economics

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning


Product and Design Communication Technology

Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

Full time jobtime job job

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


Boston Consulting Group
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 50 2,600 Total Engineers12,000 86

We bring buildings to life

Our company

We bring buildings to life – every day, all year round. We are a team of thousands of employees who install and maintain functions for electricity, heating and cooling, water, ventilation and fire and security. Things that simply have to work. We focus on sustainable solutions that help our customers save energy and resourc es.

No task is too small or too large.

We are looking for

We are looking for newly graduated engineers, installers or machinists. The impor tant thing is that your educational background has given you in-depth theoretical and technical knowledge, within your profession area, that you can use in the posi tion.

We are looking for people who take initiative, are independent, action-oriented, goal-oriented and equipped with a high drive. You are a team player and actively contribute to productivity and well-being. You work in a structured way and have control over your tasks. As a colleague, we are looking for people who are flexible, responsible and helpful, and contribute with energy and a good mood. You value development and are passionate about learning new things.

BraIngeniør is Bravida’s nordic graduate programme

The program allows newly educated engineers and machinists to learn the instal lation industry from scratch. Throughout the year as a trainee, you’ll gain insight into how the installation and service industry and Bravida work. You’ll gain good knowledge of the construction process, and through network meetings with other trainees from all over the Nordic region, you will learn about topics such as business acumen and leadership. Part of the program is working on a project aimed at devel oping an area within Bravida. E.g. developing intelligent energy solutions, construc tion project efficiency and developing our apprenticeship program. The course ends with a diploma presentation, where you present the results of your project work. You’ll meet many different colleagues, with great opportunity to cre ate your own network within Bravida. For the right person, there are great develop ment opportunities within Bravida following the program.



Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

time job job

Work abroad

Full time job Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Bravida Denmark
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers214 Total Engineers668 88 We provide comprehensive advisory and technical services to power plants facilities worldwide.

A global power partner with a commitment to the green energy transition

Our company

BWSC provides expert consulting, engineering, installation, operation and mainte nance services for power plants and other energy-related facilities in more than 50 countries worldwide. Forty years of experience, delivering more than 4 GW in to tal with energy infrastructure, a diverse staff of seasoned experts and a big-picture “Power Plant Health” approach, makes BWSC uniquely able to help customers to define their ambitions and reach them through continuous improvement of their facility.

We are looking for

At BWSC we are always looking for ambitious engineering students and graduates from the fields of mechanical engineering, sustainable energy engineering, process engineering, and electrical engineering. We offer great internships. Once invited onboard you will receive a warm welcome from our employees at the head office in Allerød. Our highly experienced engineers and specialists will be sure to assign you projects that fit your goals. With us you get the chance to contribute to real projects.


Join the power plant experts at BWSC

In the power generation and related businesses, technology is the key to progress and business success. We help our customers understand new technologies, provide guidance in decision-making, implement the chosen solution, and make sure it de livers on its promise throughout its entire lifecycle.

One key BWSC strength is our ability to help conventional power plants reduce their carbon footprint via fuel conversion, renewables integration and efficiency boost ing technologies and practices. This work, combined with service offerings in the fields of biomass processing, waste-to-energy conversion, power-to-x, energy storage and carbon capture, is part of our broad commitment to the green energy transi tion.

these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey


Export and Operations Energy Engineering

Economics Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

job time job

Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


Meet us at
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers ” 586 Total Engineers ” ” 90

Vil du lære at gøre teori til praksis?

Om os

CG Jensen er en dansk og delvist medarbejderejet bygge- og anlægsentreprenør med kontorer i Glostrup, Harlev (Aarhus) og Odense. I CG Jensen gør vi os umage, både fagligt og socialt. Vi prioriterer et godt arbejdsmiljø, en grønnere byggeproces, di versitet på vores byggepladser og uddannelse af næste generation. Som praktikant

i CG Jensen kan du trække på en af landets største egenproduktioner med kompe tencer inden for Beton, Stål, CLT, Jord, Kloak & Forsyning, Betonrenovering, Ramning & Vandbygning samt Byggeri.

Vi søger

Ingeniører - eller bygningskonstruktørstuderende, som skal i praktik i efteråret 2022

Vi søger studerende, der har en løsningorienteret og positiv tilgang til opgaver og projekter. Det er vigtigt, at du kan tage initiativ og arbejde selvstændigt. Vi vægter også, at du har den rette holdånd. Send os din ansøgning på mail

Få indsigt i byggeproces, samarbejde og økonomi

I CG Jensen har vi en lang tradition for at uddanne ingeniørpraktikanter. Vores byggeledelse sidder ude på pladserne og har det fulde ansvar og ejersk ab til byggeprocessen, så de har de bedste forudsætninger for at oplære dig.

Hos os får du ansvar og plads på holdet. Det betyder, at du fra dag ét kan være med til at skabe store projekter i en alsidig hverdag sammen med dygtige og gode kollegaer, som prioriterer internt samarbejde og optimering af byggeprocesser.

Som praktikant i CG Jensen vil du blandt andet komme til at arbejde med planlægn ing, styring, egenproduktion, kvalitetssikring og arbejdsmiljø. For mange af vores praktikanter er praktikken første skridt til en karriere i CG Jensen.



Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Student job Internship job time job

Full time job Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

CG Jensen
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 300 1,800 Total 3,700 Engineers 800 92

Chr. Hansen – We work for a better world. Naturally.


Our company

Chr. Hansen is a global bioscience company that develops natural ingredients for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. We work to drive positive change through microbial solutions to enable sustainable agriculture, bet ter food and healthier living for people around the world. We use our microbial and fermentation technology platforms to unlock the power of good bacteria to respond to global challenges such as food waste, health and overuse of antibiotics and pesticides.

We are looking for

Are you interested in working with bioscience, dairy, biotechnology or similar? We are continuously looking for passionate colleagues who want to become part of a global company with many different and interesting business areas. We have an agile work environment, focus on collaboration, team spirit and a common goal to improve the life and health of people across the globe. We offer both full time posi tions as well as positions as student worker, Ph.D. and thesis writing.

Innovation, collaboration and development

To remain the preferred choice for our customers, we must always deliver products to the highest standard. The quality must be impeccable and always in regulatory compliance. And of utmost importance - safety must never be compromised. To ful fill this, we need the best people to operate, develop and maintain our production facilities.

The needs of our customers are evolving as they seek to improve productivity while accelerating their innovation efforts to meet these changing consumer preferenc es. Our 2025 Strategy will enable us to turn these challenges into opportunities. We will focus on areas where our unique microbial and fermentation technology plat forms match customer needs and global trends – making us highly relevant today. And in the future.

DSE events:

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

Export and Operations Economics Biotechnology

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

time job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project

Full time job Ph.D

Chr. Hansen
Meet us at these
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

”Before I met Cobham Sat com at the DSE fair, I had no idea this type of job existed. As a Test Development Engineer, I get to combine my passion for astron omy while creating satellite com munications technology and work on the part of the development pro cess which excites me the most.

My absolute highlight so far was the first time I recreated a complete test fixture from scratch myself that now assists our production of Antennas.”

Language Total Engineers 280 400 Total Engineers 350 600 94 Kristina Larsen Test Development Engineer, TDE Do you have a passion for engineering as Kristina & Christian do ? Christian René Overlund Student Engineer, DHW & AHW View our open positions: career “I am a self-proclaimed mega nerd, which makes me fit in perfectly with my col leagues. From the very first day as a student at Cobham Satcom my col leagues have helped and guided me which has allowed me to develop my skills and broaden my experience within different disciplines and find my specialty. I have already worked in Software, RF, Procare and DHW & AHW in the 2 years I have been here.”

Join Cobham Satcom’s team of talented engineers who are creating satellite technology solutions for tomorrow

Join Cobham Satcom’s team of talented engineers who are creating satellite technology solutions for tomorrow

Our company

Our company

Being at the forefront of satellite communication technology for over 40 years, Cob ham Satcom has been designing and manufacturing high-performance radio, satel lite communications, safety, tracking, and critical communication solutions under the EXPLORER, SAILOR, Sea Tel, and TRACKER brands. All our solutions support our core purpose of keeping people safe and connected across land and sea.

Being at the forefront of satellite communication technology for over 40 years, Cobham Satcom has been designing and manufacturing high-performance radio, satellite communications, safe ty, tracking, and critical communication solutions under the EXPLORER, SAILOR, Sea Tel, and TRACKER brands. All our solutions support our core purpose of keeping people safe and con nected across land and sea.


We are looking for Cobham Satcom always looks for talented, new colleagues whether newly graduated or senior profiles holding +20 years of experience. The right mindset often beats skills and experience – the will to learn is what matters. We are currently looking for software developers or students eager to work in the world of embedded software, and we encourage all types of engineers to drop by our booth and talk to our fantastic team. Who knows – you might walk away with an invitation to a job interview!

We are looking for Cobham Satcom always looks for talented, new colleagues whether newly graduat ed or senior profiles holding +20 years of experience. The right mindset often beats skills and experience – the will to learn is what matters. We are currently looking for software developers or students eager to work in the world of embedded software, and we encourage all types of engineers to drop by our booth and talk to our fantas tic team. Who knows – you might walk away with an invitation to a job interview!

An Awesome Place to Work

An awesome place to work

At Cobham Satcom we are keen on welcoming anyone with a passion for engineering all over the world. Collaboration is key, and we operate as one strong team and collaborate across e.g., Me chanical-, Hardware-, Software-, and Systems engineering. Our way of working offers you a high degree of freedom with responsibility. If you want to rise through the ranks or seek to specialize - either way, the sky is the limit. By melding entrepreneurial spirit with solid expertise and relent less curiosity, we push the limits and shape tomorrow’s communication. So, we work with awe some tools, have a warm and inspiring culture, and have fun social events that our social clubs in the staff association are planning – just business as usual. And let’s get it straight, the products we build are awesome!

At Cobham Satcom we are keen on welcoming anyone with a passion for engineer ing all over the world. Collaboration is key, and we operate as one strong team and collaborate across e.g., Mechanical-, Hardware-, Software-, and Systems engineering. Our way of working offers you a high degree of freedom with responsibility. If you want to rise through the ranks or seek to specialize - either way, the sky is the limit. By melding entrepreneurial spirit with solid expertise and relentless curiosity, we push the limits and shape tomorrow’s communication. So, we work with awesome tools, have a warm and inspiring culture, and have fun social events that our social clubs in the staff association are planning – just business as usual. And let’s get it straight, the products we build are awesome!

Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Energy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Internship Student job Work abroad Full time job School project


Cobham Satcom
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 21 27 Total Engineers 23 29 96

Our company

Confirm is a professional and ambitious engineering firm offering high-quality solutions to manufacturing companies in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and other GxP-regulated industries. In a 2021 survey, “We.Are.One.Team” was voted the most important of our core val ues. We enjoy a no-nonsense organization without meaningless policies and bu reaucracy, and we all have a significant influence on the output we are creating. We have promised ourselves that Confirm must be the BEST PLACE TO BE.

We are looking for

If you can see yourself working with automation or software validation in a profes sional team, and if you have a good appetite for learning and knowledge-sharing, then you will with guarantee enjoy working in Confirm. We offer you a career with a focus on professional and personal development. We focus on each individual’s well-being, and we are always ready to support our col leagues.

We appraise our Confirm culture, and we are looking forward to talking about how you can join us.


Management and Economics Export and Operations Economics

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning


Student job Internship job

Full time jobtime job

Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Confirm A/S
than half of the employees in Confirm A/S started here just after graduation – are you the next one?
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 550 Total Engineers10,000 98 If you seek a challenge, join us and discover what you’re really capable of Work that’ll move you

Our company

Convatec is a global MedTech company represented in more than 100 countries. We have leading market positions in the areas of ‘Advanced Wound Care’, ‘Ostomy Care’, ‘Continence Care’ and ‘Infusion Care’.

Convatec in Denmark operates within Infusion Care which specialises in develop ing and manufacturing infusion sets for diabetes and Parkinson’s.

We are looking for

Talents who are passionate about the medical device industry and have strong per sonal drive to make a difference for people with chronic disease and drive innova tion and operations excellence through close collaboration.

Our search for better is changing the lives of our customers. It’s changing the ca reers of our people too – creating new challenges and opportunities all the time. We’re a business that never stands still. Join us and you won’t either.


Our vision is for the future

Every day, we touch and improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We’re proud of this. And we’re transforming, to help us reach millions more.

Our ambitions are changing everything – how we work, how we deliver for our cus tomers, and where we go next. It’s creating a uniquely dynamic, energising and chal lenging environment where new opportunities arise every day.

We understand the need for constant improvement and the value of bettering our selves. We nurture, develop and care about our people. Together, we create an envi ronment where purpose can be found. Together, we make a place to grow, have a voice, and be heard. Offering an environment with a real sense of work-life balance.

Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Export and Operations Economics Biotechnology

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Architecture and Planning Communication Technology

Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering Software

Physics and Nano Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

job time job

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


Convatec – Work that’ll move you
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 100 800 Total Engineers12,000 100

Since 1963, Cook Medical has worked closely with physicians to develop technolo gies that eliminate the need for open surgery. Today we invent, manufacture, and deliver a unique portfolio of medical devices to the healthcare systems of the world. Serving patients is a privilege, and we demand the highest standards of quality, eth ics and service. We have remained family owned so that we have the freedom to focus on what we care about: patients, our employees and our communities.

We are looking for

At Cook Medical we’ve made a conscious choice to be a different kind of health care company with a down-to-earth mindset. With every choice we make, our first thought is how will it affect patients, and then how will it affect our bottom line. We love passionate people with great ideas. We’ve built a company that inspires and encourages creativity, and our greatest reward is seeing our people thrive. If you’re passionate about making a difference for patients and driving healthcare innovation, we’re looking for you.

Join us at our booth, we have so much more to tell Cook Medical has engineers all over the world, with our European teams based pri marily in Limerick in Ireland, and Bjæverskov in Denmark.

We have three engineering departments: Research and Development, Post-Market Engineering, and Manufacturing Engineering. Engineers at Cook Medical are re sponsible for the design and development of our products as well as ensuring that they can be manufactured and delivered correctly and efficiently. They are involved throughout the full lifecycle of a product, from conception to commercialization. Our engineers collaborate with clinicians around the world to design, maintain, and improve Cook’s medical products, to achieve better treatment outcomes for pa tient.

We make more than 1.5 million products every year, which we provide to 135 coun tries around the world.

Meet us at these DSE events:



Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Internship Student job Full time job School project


COOK Medical (William Cook Europe ApS)
Our company
We serve patients and improve patient care. Would you like to help us?
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 1,600 2,600 Total Engineers 4,200 7,100 102

Kickstart your career in COWI and take part in turning challenges into sustainable solutions

Our company

At any given moment in COWI, we are involved in more than 11,000 projects worldwide within infrastructure, buildings, environment, water, energy, industry, and planning. We encourage our employees to develop their skills by taking on complex challenges and initiative in visionary projects. With offices all over the world and over 7,100 employees, we are able to combine a global presence with local knowledge to design effective and sustainable solutions that shape a more coher ent future.

We are looking for

Join COWI as a young talent! Right now, we have several open “student assistant” po sitions. Check out the vacancies at, where you will take part in turning challenges into sustainable solutions, while kickstarting your career in a friendly and team-oriented working environment.

Accelerate your potential

At COWI we invest in our talents. Through our global talent programme ACCELERATOR, we offer a group of employees a platform for personal and profes sional development. For 18 months this group is part of the extensive programme mixing on-the-job-training, mentoring, course input and tasks designed specifical ly for them to develop into role models and future leaders. By joining us we offer you a chance to become part of our COWI family, challenge yourself and extend your potential.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Biotechnology

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Communication Technology

Electronic Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Full time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


AAU Aalborg Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 45 360 Total Engineers2,000 104

CP Kelco produces innovative naturbased ingredients for the entire world


CP Kelco is a worldwide company with 90 years of experience in developing and producing nature-based ingredients. It is ingredients that is used for food, beverag es, personal care, household products, products for the pharmaceutical industry and much more – and we deliver to the whole world. We create innovative solutions that live up to consumer preferences. That is why CP Kelco is one of the world’s leading.

We are looking for

Do you seek a company that is a market leader and where innovation and expertise is in focus? And do you see yourself in a company that offers opportunities and con tinuous growth? Then CP Kelco is the right place for you!

at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations Economics

Management and Economics Biotechnology

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Environmental Engineering Communication Technology Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

CP Kelco
CP Kelco - A world leading company within nature-based ingredients and with growth and sustainability on the agenda
Meet us
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 70 75 Total Engineers 70 75 106 cVation Lautrupsgade 7 2100 København Ø T/ 7220 3060 E/

Hurtigere. Enklere. Og meget mere intelligent.

Specialister i: Microsoft Azure og C#/.Net. og Angular

cVation flytter virksomheder lynhurtigt på deres digitale rejse. Vores speciale er at omdanne deres digitale strategier til innovative cloud-arkitektur og håndgribelige cloud-løsninger. Samtlige af vores 70 udviklere i Danmark praktiserer DevOps og ative cloud-udvikling baseret på Microsoft Azure, C#/.Net og Angular. Vi udvikler selv, implementerer selv og supporterer selv. Vi er startet i 2014, har 2 Gazeller og lige vundet Microsofts Partner Award for App Innovation.

Innovation, Teknologi, hjerne og hjerte

Vi er på udkig efter softwareudviklere med hoved og hænder skruet godt på. Måske er det dig? Brænder du for softwareudvikling og er udtryk som IoT, Test Driven Development, DevOps og Azure sød musik i dine ører, så er vi højst sandsynligt et godt match!

Hvordan lykkes man med at udvikle software, der bringer virksomheder helt i front og måske endda hæver barren for innovation i branchen?

Svaret er enkelt. Med nye cloud-værktøjer og vores CADD-platform udvikler vi intel ligent software af højeste kvalitet og i det hastige tempo, markedet forventer. Inno vativ IT-udvikling og hurtig time-to-market behøver nemlig ikke være modsætnin ger. Vi kan udvikle software i dag og release i morgen. Det gør hele forskellen. Vi vægter den faglige udvikling af vores medarbejdere højt. Vi understøtter vores medarbejderes faglige udvikling kontinuerligt, ligesom vi har en aktiv mentor- og feedbackordning og altid åbne døre. Hver 3. måned afholder vi Hackathons, dykker ned i ny teknologi og arbejder med vores egne projekter omkring lige netop dét, vi brænder for at udforske.

Kom forbi standen, mød vores dygtige udviklere og vind lækre præmier!


Export and Operations

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Export and Operations Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

Full time jobtime job

Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 1,300 5,230 Total Engineers 10,000 39,000 108

Danfoss – Engineering Tomorrow

Our company

Across the globe, our sustainable, smart technologies power industries and cities, secure a reliable food supply, and create healthier, more comfortable indoor cli mates. At the same time, we’re developing solutions that integrate renewables into tomorrow’s smart energy systems; where on- and off-highway machinery, cars and marine vessels are powered by hybrid and fully electric solutions. This is where the transformation starts: in the way we heat, cool, connect, and feed a growing popula tion. Se more at:

We are looking for

At Danfoss we cultivate a diversified workforce and employ engineers of all shapes, forms and backgrounds. As a student, you can collaborate with us on projects, thesis work, internships or as a student worker. As a graduate, you can join our Postgrad uate Program or apply for any of our hundreds of job openings worldwide. We’re proud to be recognized by Forbes as among the World’s Best Employers and World’s Top Female Friendly Companies. See all opportunities at:

Sustainability is at the heart of our business

At Danfoss, we are engineering tomorrow with solutions that can help increase en ergy efficiency, lower CO2 emissions, and save money. Sustainability is not an addon to our business. Our business *is* sustainability.

To walk the talk, we’re committed to decarbonizing our global operations by 2030. We have also worked with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) since their adoption in 2015. With our focus on electrification and energy efficiency, we have chosen to work with four of the Global Goals, covering areas where we consider our products and solutions to have the highest impact: SDG 6 “Clean Water And Sanita tion”, SDG 7 “Affordable and sustainable energy for all”, SDG 11 “Sustainable cities and communities” and SDG 12 “Responsible consumption and production”.


us at these DSE events:

Export and OperationsExport and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Economics Software

Machine learning



Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time jobtime job Graduate programme School project


DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 120 250 Total Engineers 150 300 110

Looking for at meaningfull career?

Our company

DBI is one of Denmark’s seven GTS-institutes that support innovation and growth in small and medium-sized companies. We offer specialized knowledge and a wide range of innovative services within fire and security, such as fire prevention, fire technique and protection. We set new standards for fire security and help compa nies live up to them. We take responsibility for efficient and right solutions and use our unique technical expertise to future-proof lives and assets.


We are looking for

We are continuously looking for new colleagues, who are eager to join an interna tional and cross-disciplinary work environment. You will work with some of the leading specialists within their fields and get the opportunity to develop your skills working on important and innovative projects and assignments. We also offer many job opportunities for newly qualified engineers and PhDs as well as for student as sistants.

Join us!

At DBI, we think ahead and look into the future in everything we do. Fire safety and security is about precisely that - prediction and prevention - and DBI is a world champion in these areas.

We have been the market leader for more than 100 years when it comes to knowl edge and solutions within fire and security. If you join DBI, you will become a part of a company where we tend to geek our way through things. We take pride in being a flexible workplace with an open and informal tone and good working conditions.

Read more about DBI as a workplace at:

these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Economics Chemical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Physics and Nano

Environmental Engineering

Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Energy Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

Dansk Brand- og sikringsteknisk Institut
At DBI we work to protect lives and assets.
Meet us at
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 400 10,000 Total Engineers 2,500 22,000 112

Release the potential in people and businesses

Our company

At Danske Bank, we believe that human potential is the most valuable asset and the key to driving positive change. Therefore, we want to be potential-seekers as well as risk managers. Customers will continue to demand new approaches, and new players will challenge ordinary banking. When we combine financial solutions with knowledge, we enable people, businesses and society to make a difference and create a positive development.


We are looking for

Intern, student or first professional job? We value students and the new knowledge you bring. There is a number of ways to engage with us, whether you are seeking a thesis, an internship, a student job, or your first professional job. Our ambition is to have a mutual good experience with a significant learning and value-adding out come. If you are a final year student, it is time to consider your first professional job, we welcome and support newly graduated for a successful start.

A friendly work environment

Our work environment is characterised by global collaboration in teams, where everyone is an important team member. Your educational background provides you with a solid basis that we would like to bring into play in a real-life setting.

As a student, you could for example be assigned to activities that are important for the team, but not time critical. Your assignment could be to refactor an existing function written in an old technology to a state-of-the-art cloud technology using .NET, develop new features to existing solutions or support some business activities. We will help you grow and ask you to contribute with your knowledge and awesome ideas for us to be recognised as the most trusted financial partner.


Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Export and Operations Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

time job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


Danske Bank
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby Meet us at these DSE events:
Language Total Engineers 104 401 Total Engineers 105 423 114

Want to help accelerate the energy transition?


Our company

Danske Commodities is a tech-driven energy trading company, trading power, gas and certificates. Every day, we complete more than 15,000 trades across 40 markets, constantly moving energy to where it’s needed most. Connecting producers as well as large-scale consumers to wholesale markets, we work together to make an im pact. And backed by energy major Equinor, we have the vision and strength to ac celerate the energy transition and help pave the way for a more sustainable future.

We are looking for

We want to make the most of everything – your talent included! We are known to give young talents lots of responsibility and the opportunity to make a real impact in an ever-changing energy industry. Although we may highlight that our people are among the best and brightest, it’s your passion we really care about. We expect you to care. About your work. About your own and your colleagues’ collective suc cesses. And about the difference we make at Danske Commodities.

Tech-driven energy trading

As energy markets become increasingly complex, we are fusing skills like coding and advanced analytics with well-proven trading strategies and market experience. To manage the increasingly volatile energy markets, our traders are evolving into tech-driven trader hybrids, working shoulder-to-shoulder with quants, analysts and software developers from a variety of educational backgrounds. They have become indispensable on our power and gas trading floors. Perhaps you will too?

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Master thesis Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Full time job Ph.D

Danske Commodities
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers ”” 500 Total Engineers ”” 500 116

Do you know the workplace behind Lotto, Oddset and Quick?


Our company

You know the dice and you know our products. What you might not know is that Danske Spil is working in various areas, such as entertainment, marketing, technol ogy and economy, all at once. Danske Spil is the state’s gambling company and we convert more than 5 billion DKK every year. We have a long history, and to this day the big winner is still every one of us. Because in Danske Spil we both have the economical surplus to contribute to society and the mental surplus to focus on responsibility in everything we do.

We are looking for

We are always looking for new players. We are looking for those who want to take part in running one of Denmark’s most prominent e-commerce websites, and those who want to work with the newest and most complex technologies. The core of our product is transactions in enormous numbers – and complexity is therefore the keywords. This means that we have some very agile processes. We are looking for dedicated students ready to become a part of Danske Spil.

Want to be a part of the team?

Whether you are working with BI, machine learning, data, IT or something else, you will have the possibility to develop yourself within the different fields. We always ensure to meet our customers at eye level, and we do this everywhere, whether it is in one of our 4.000 retail shops or online through integrated com munication across paid, earned and owned media. All of this gives you some very exciting challenges - if you have the courage and passion to give it a go.

Last year Danske Spil could present a surplus of over one billion DKK. Approximately 50% of the money went straight to the distribution funds, and in this way Danske Spil’s surplus becomes society’s surplus. The distribution funds are society’s way of giving back to collective, cultural and sports activities and associations.


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Export and Operations Architecture and Planning Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Internship Student job Full time job School project


Economics Danske Spil
Meet us at these
events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 55 100 Total Engineers 65 120 118

We code to save lives

Our company

Dawn Health is a global leader in digital health. We specialize in the development of software as medical device and digital therapeutics - driving improved patient out comes. Our vision is: Code to Save Lives. We accomplish this by delivering strategic consulting and development of innovative digital therapies targeting patients on a global scale. When we hire, we do not just look for professional skills and talent; we look for people who will thrive in our environment and contribute to the overall company culture.

We are looking for

We are looking for ambitious people with an entrepreneurial mindset to join our journey. We offer more than just a job. We offer an opportunity to change people’s lives for the better and we are looking for people who wants just that.


We build life-changing solutions

Our Company is Europe’s leading digital health agency and a catalyst for spearhead ing innovation in the healthcare industry. The company specialize in development of software as medical device (SaMD) and digital therapeutics (DTx). Our mission is to develop empathetic and intuitive digital health products with the ultimate goal of helping people live longer, healthier, and better lives, driving improved pa tient outcomes, leveraging digital health products, and co-creating a new normal in healthcare.


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Product and Design Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Export and Operations Architecture and Planning Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

job time job

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


Dawn Health
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total 200 Engineers 180 Total Engineers 1000 1200 120 C# | Typescript | Python | F# | SQL Azure | Data&AI | Business Applications (D365) | Modern Workplace (M365) | Business Continuity Great Place to Work –Bedste IT arbejdsplads og bedste arbejdsplads for kvinder Microsoft Partner of the Year 2022Data & AI og Low Code

Vil du arbejde hos en af Danmarks bedste IT-konsulenthuse?

Om os

Vi er et IT-konsulenthus i vækst, hvor stærke værdier og høj faglighed er grundla get for din og vores udvikling og succes. Vi er med helt fremme på alle Microsofts cloud platforme og har en spændende pipeline af projekter. Vi dækker hele spektret fra hardcore udvikling over konfigurering til It-management, når vi arbejder med Azure, D365, M365, Data & AI, Power Platform og IoT. Her kan du bidrage til en forret ning, et fællesskab og fede løsninger, der får hjertet til at banke. Velkommen hjem.

Vi søger

Vi forventer ikke, at du kan det hele. Men vi forestiller os, at du har nok kendskab til nogle af nedenstående områder og har et ønske om at lære flere.

• Forståelse for objektorienteret programmering (fx C#)

• Webløsninger

• Frameworks til webbrugerflader (fx JavaScript, jQuery, Knock-Out, Node.js mfl.)

• Kendskab til funktionel programmering (fx F#)

• .Net, LINQ, Lambda expressions, Visual Studio

• Design patterns og korrekt brug heraf

• Data modellering, SQL, ER diagrammer, UML mm.

Velkommen hjem

Hos os bliver du mødt med nærvær på alle niveauer. Du får oplevelser, du husker, og kollegaer, som vinder.

Vær med til at udvikle løsninger, der løfter, på en ambitiøs arbejdsplads, der giver dig det, du forventer, og det ekstra, der overrasker positivt. Her tager vi os tid til at hjælpe hinanden og gør os umage for, at både kunder og kollegaer føler sig hjemme. En del af din hverdag som konsulent vil derfor foregå ude hos kunderne. Her vil du, med dit team, samarbejde med kunden om at udvikle løsningen. Du får en buddy, der hjælper dig i gang, og som du altid kan spørge, hvis du er i tvivl. Vores flade struktur betyder samtidig, at alle dine nye kollegaer står klar til at tilbyde hjælp og sparring.

#Kollegaersomvinder #Oplevelserduhusker #Løsningerderløfter

Meet us at these DSE events:


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Management and Economics Export and Operations Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Full time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 350 Total Engineers 1,100 122

Come help us solve some of the world’s most difficult water challenges

Our company

DHI is a leading, innovative, global advisory company (>1100 people) integrating deep domain knowledge with advanced digital technology to enable new ways to use, manage and live with water and to protect water-related ecosystems.

Founded in 1964, our credibility is built on over 50 years of dedicated research and re al-world experience across global water industries. We have offices across the world and our headquarter is located at the beautiful DTU Science Park in Hørsholm, only 30 min. from Copenhagen.

We are looking for

We are always on the lookout for new bright colleagues, who are eager to learn from the best.

We are many different nationalities working under the same roof, so you don’t have to speak Danish to join us. It’s fun if you want to learn Danish along the way, but English is our business language. Get in touch if you are considering a student job, internship or are looking for your first full-time job. Maybe you have a cool thesis or Ph.D. topic in mind, that we can cooperate on? Let us know!

If you don’t know who we are – get to know us!

We have a big heart for innovation, research and our planet. 80% of our employees have a Master or a Ph.D., so we house a big group of nerdy and very passionate people. We believe that by making a difference to our customers, we make a difference for our planet, and as a global not-for-profit organisation, we re-invest our profits into new research.

We provide advanced digital and technology-enabled advisory to our partners and customers in many different industries around the world and collaborate with NGOs and big organisations like the UN and ESA. Whether you are working at our modern headquarters, or remotely, we foster a so cial in-house environment with flexible work hours. Come meet us at the DSE fair – we can’t wait to meet you!


Management and Economics


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning


Medicine and Pharma

Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering

Physics and Nano

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Electronic Engineering

Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


time job job Internship

Student job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 350 400 Total Engineers 600 700 124

We are one of Denmark’s leading engineering and consulting companies and we are specialists within mechanical, electrical, automation, software, hardware and plant engineering as well as project management. Being a part of DIS, you can expect a challenging and varied workday. While working as an consultant across industries you will achieve a broad work experience within your engineering field – always with a possibility to get support from skilled colleagues.


We are looking for

You are an engineer looking for full time employment or studying to become an engineer wishing to learn through an internship. You are ambitious, outgoing and creative and you have a good and solid professional understanding. You wish to constantly improve your skills and we expect that you can work independently, take on responsibility and plan your workday. You feel comfortable in a dynamic and innovative environment where you strive to create results.

Gain 10 years of experience in half the time

If you are looking for a global career where you are constantly challenged, then you have come to the right place! At DIS, you can gain 10 years of experience in half the time, and you will have the opportunity to work among the best engineers in the world. You will be assigned a buddy who will help you during the first months of your employment, so you quickly feel at home and become part of our community. We constantly focus on developing our employees and DIS as a workplace. We em ploy more than 700 employees in our offices in Denmark and abroad. We focus on creating a good workplace and we set ambitious goals to remain a unique place to work, where you as an employee are challenged with exciting projects – at DIS it must be fun to go to work!


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Management and Economics Export and Operations Energy Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER time job

Student job Internship job

Full time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


Our company
Join DIS – We have a passion for technology and a unique culture offering you a challenging career
Meet us at these
events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 20 370 Total Engineers 55 475 126

DS Stålkonstruktion – A leading partner and expert in steel constructions

Our company

With an annual production of more than 40.000 tons, DS Stålkonstruktion is North ern Europe’s largest steel producer. At DS Stålkonstruktion, we offer responsible solu tions of high quality to construction projects to primarily Scandinavia and Germany. We are capable of dealing with both minor and major projects – and we cover the whole scale of complexity, from the simple steel frames on a bare field, to the most architectonically challenging and prestigious buildings.

We are looking for

We are constantly looking for engineers with an interest in working with steel con structions in various sizes and complexities. At DS Stålkonstruktion you can get the chance of working with areas covering static engineering, project management and financial controlling.

For the development of our organization and production we are looking for en gineers within areas of production optimization, sustainability, and quality con trolling.

Part of a strong group

DS Stålkonstruktion is a part of DS Gruppen, one of Europe’s leading industrial groups within the field of production and sales of steel and concrete solutions for constructions and industries.

In the spring of 2022 DS Gruppen was sold to the German company Goldbeck GmbH, a family-owned and leading building- and service company in Europe. This acquisi tion brings a lot of future opportunities and optimism for growth and development for DS Stålkonstruktion along with the rest of DS Gruppen.



Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Economics Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Student job Internship job

WE OFFER time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


DS Stålkonstruktion A/S
Meet us at these DSE
DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg

At DSV, we provide and manage supply chain solutions for thousands of companies every day – whether they are small family-owned businesses or large global corpo rations. We are 75,000 employees in more than 90 countries working passionately to deliver great customer experiences and high-quality services. We’ve grown substan tially over the last few decades, fueled by a desire to keep the world moving with our solutions, whilst ensuring we do our part in responsibly looking after the planet for future generations.

We are looking for

DSV Global IT is looking for driven talents to join us on our journey of continued growth. We are striving to accelerate and push the capabilities of what informa tion technology can do in our industry. Whether you are keen on development, IT operations, DevOps, Data Engineering or Data Science, we’re looking for hungry and talented new colleagues to help us grow and succeed.

We offer a diverse workplace, a culture of empowerment and responsibility and an excellent opportunity to explore and grow your potential.

Join a global company aiming to be a tech leader

Global IT is a growing and integral part of the operations of DSV. We are just over 2,000 employees spread all over the world. Each day, we work to achieve new breakthroughs and provide intelligent products for our customers. We utilise our knowledge and skills to enhance our technological capabilities and accelerate the success of DSV. With talented teams, a booming inno vation lab and technological portfolio, we offer our employees the chance to boost their careers by developing and exposing themselves to intelligent state-of-the-art technologies, implemented across DSV’s vast global network.

We play a significant role as one of the world’s largest transport and logistics pro viders and we aim to become a technological leader within our field, setting the standard for the rest of the industry.

Meet us at these DSE events:


Export and Operations Economics

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Full time job Graduate programme Master thesis

School project Ph.D

Our company
Put your talent to work in a global IT organisation and forward your career with DSV
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

EDELVANG startede hos EKJ i 2016 og sidder i dag som miljørådgiver i EKJ’s miljøafdeling. Her er hun primært beskæftiget med grundvandsopgaver og forure ningsundersøgelser.

EKJ er mulighederne for faglig udvikling virkelig store. Allerede fra første dag blev jeg tilknyttet Cityringen som miljømedarbejder og myndighedskoordinator. Det har været sjovt og udviklende at arbejde på så store og komplekse projekter som Cityringen og metroen i Københavns Sydhavn. Her har jeg opnået stor faglig læring - særligt i forhold til håndte ring af miljø i store anlægsbyggerier, men også i forhold til håndtering af myndigheder og bygherre.”

Hos EKJ h ar vi en mål sætning om, at der i all e vores projekter skal indgå et bidrag til at løse de miljø- og samfundsmæs sige udfordringer, som er opstill et gennem FN’s 17 verdensmål.



Skab verden med os

Om os

Hos EKJ træder du ind i et stærkt fagligt miljø, hvor du får rig mulighed for at af prøve teori med virkelighed. EKJ er et uafhængigt rådgivende ingeniørfirma med en stærk historie og bundsolide værdier: Kvalitet gennem engagement. Vores tilgang til de opgaver vi løser for vores kunder er åben og fleksibel og vores virksomhedsor ganisation er smidig med korte beslutningsveje.


Vi søger

Hos EKJ har du mulighed for at komme i praktik som en del af din videregående uddannelse. En praktikplads hos EKJ er en praktikplads fuld af udfordringer. Vi tilbyder et meningsfuldt arbejde med spændende projekter over hele landet samt energiske og idérige folk som kollegaer. Vi tilbyder en alsidig praktikperiode med fagligt såvel som personligt udfordrende arbejdsopgaver. Vi tilrettelægger dit prak tikforløb i tæt samarbejde med dig.

Lær os bedre at kende Hvis du synes, at projekter som fx DTU Skylab, Metro Cityringen, Statens Naturhis toriske Museum, Sund, Nationalbanken, 25 Hours Hotel, Karen Blixens Plads og Fri hedsmuseet lyder spændende, så besøg os på eller lyt til vores pod cast ’Kvalitet gennem Engagement’. Du finder den dér, hvor du lytter til podcast eller via www.ekj/podcast/. Hos EKJ arbejder vi tæt sammen i tværfaglige teams og har faglighed inden for alle ingeniørdiscipliner. Vi har kontorer/datterselskaber med dygtige kollegaer over det meste af landet samt et datterselskab i Bulgarien.

”Som ung i EKJ får du hurtigt tildelt ansvar i de projekter, som du er en del af”. Citat af Karoline Edelvang, miljørådgiver.

Vi ser frem til at modtage din ansøgning!


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biotechnology Communication Technology

Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project

EKJ Rådgivende
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 350 1,550 Total Engineers 132 ET STÆRKT TEAM -FOR EN BEDRE VERDEN

Bliv en del af et stærkt team for en bedre verden



Om os

I Energinet arbejder vi hver dag sammen for at sikre grøn energi for en bedre verden.

Vi ejer, driver og udvikler transmissionsnettene og forbindelserne til udlandet, som er rygraden i den danske el- og gasforsyning, for at indpasse mere vedvarende ener gi, opretholde forsyningssikkerheden og sikre lige markedsadgang til nettet.

Vi huser også Danmarks kontrolcentre, hvor vi hvert minut overvåger el- og gassys temerne og sikrer, at der altid er strøm i stikkontakten og gas i hanerne hos dig og mig.

Vi søger

I Energinet, bliver du en del af et mangfoldigt team, med mange forskelligartede ud dannelsesbaggrunde, men fælles for os alle er, at vi passioneret deler en vision om at skabe grøn energi for en bedre verden. Du kan også tage del i visionen:

Vi slår løbende mange spændende muligheder for nyuddannede ingeniører op i både Fredericia og Ballerup på vores hjemmeside, og med vores store fokus på faglig og personlig udvikling, er du garanteret den bedste start på din karriere. Derudover tilbyder vi dig fleksibilitet ud over det sædvanlige – hvilket betyder stor grad af fri hed og etablering af hjemmekontor med kontorinventar og it-udstyr.

Et job med mening

Vores arbejdsopgaver er blandt samfundets allervigtigste opgaver lige nu. Vi skal skabe et sammenhængende energisystem, som er 100 % bæredygtigt for at redde klimaet. Den opgave har ingen løst før. Derfor forventer vi, at du nysgerrigt opsøger nye muligheder og bidrager med dine helt særlige perspektiver. Til gengæld tilbyder vi dig fabelagtige rammer for, at du hele tiden kan udvikle dig personligt og fagligt gennem nye og spændende opgaver og gode karrieremulighed er.

Hos Energinet befinder du dig altså i en nøgleposition i midten af det hele – uanset hvilke opgaver, du arbejder med, bidrager du til, at vi sammen skaber grøn energi for en bedre verden. Så kom med dit perspektiv og tag del i den grønne omstilling. Læs mere på

Meet us at these DSE events:


Machine learning


job job

Work abroad Internship Student
Full time jobtime job Graduate programme School project Ph.D Master thesis
and Operations Architecture and Planning Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Export and Operations Structural and Civil Engineering Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering
Management and Economics Economics Geophysics and Survey Software Biotechnology Product and Design Communication Technology Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 15 413 Total Engineers413 134

Bliv en del af fremtidens entreprenørfirma

Om os

Hos os bliver du en del af en virksomhed, der arbejder målrettet på at rykke entre prenørbranchen i en grønnere retning. Vi arbejder med zero emission maskiner, HVO-diesel og giver bygherrer mulighed for at vælge grønnere alternativer. De sid

ste år, har vi været med i flere store zero emission projekter med blandt andet HO

FOR og Københavns Kommune.

Du kan komme med og være en del af vores rejse mod en grønnere entreprenør branche.

Vi søger

Vi søger dig, der har lyst til få entreprenørbranchen mere miljøvenlig. Dig, der ønsk er et godt samarbejde med kollegaer og kunder. Og dig, der drømmer om en fremtid, hvor du kan udvikle dig i en virksomhed i sund vækst. Du har mange veje ind i Nordkysten. En god vej er ved at starte som ingeniørprak tikant under dit studie. Her har du fokus på projektledelse, og vil få dybdegående erfaring med entreprenørbranchen. Mange af vores praktikanter er efter praktik forløbet fortsat i studenterjobs og som fastansatte.

Din udvikling er vigtig Som praktikant hos os, har du mulighed for at prøve kræfter med projektledelse i entreprenørfaget. Du kommer til at omsætte din teoretiske viden til virkelighed, og vil tydeligt kunne se hvordan dit hårde arbejde på skolen bærer frugt. Du bliver en del af en virksomhed, der går forrest i den grønne omstilling. Igennem vores strategi og verdensmål har vi desuden fokus på den gode uddannelse, god be handling af vores medarbejdere og en naturlig balance mellem køn, aldersgrupper og etnicitet.

Din udvikling er vigtig og vi vil gerne bygge videre på vores medarbejdere. I fællesskab finder vi den vej, der passer til dig. Om end du har drømme om at udvide dine specialområder eller avancere i stillingsgrad, så har vi muligheder for dig.


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning



Work abroad Graduate programme

Internship Student job Full time job School project Ph.D

Master thesis

Entreprenørfirmaet Nordkysten A/S
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers +500 600 Total Engineers +600 700 136 EPICO NEXTGEN - next generation IT-talents YOUR CAREER. ANY COMPANY. ANYWHERE. Katalog_side_udkast.indd 6 04.02.2022 09.32




Start your career at EPICO NextGen, an IT consultancy where you can be first to your next IT-job that meets your career ambitions, as NextGen has a wide range of unique job opportunities.

EPICO NextGen is a part of the IT Consultancy EPICO-IT with 12 years of existence – one of Denmark’s largest IT consultancies. We collaborate with +4000 companies across Denmark – from scaleups to companies from the C25-index. You can there fore work with exiting projects at one our clients.

We are looking for

Problem solvers, thinkers, innovators, and creative minds who wants to be part of our EPICO family

It is IT Talents who wants to work with leading technology within all areas of IT:

Software development

App, iOS, Andriod, web development


Data analyst

Machine learning


Your interests

Your career development

steep learning curve

The right job match

Frontend, backend, fullstack


Data Science

Project Management

And much more!

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Physics and Nano

Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Communication Technology Electronic Engineering

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job

Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Our company BE
• A
for your career ambitions Submit your application by uploading your CV at our website: Looking forward to seeing you at DSE Messe! Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 170 360 Total Engineers 200 600 138

Unleash Your Potential with EPOS

Our company

Established upon the former successful joint venture between audio specialist Sen nheiser and the world-leading hearing technology group Demant, EPOS designs, manufactures and sells pioneering high-end audio and video solutions for busi ness professionals and serious gamers.

Owned by the Demant Group and with headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, EPOS builds on more than 115 years’ audio expertise and operates in a global mar ket with offices and partners in more than 60 countries.

We are looking for

At our headquarter in Ballerup, we have open doors for interns, students, thesis projects, graduates and experienced professionals. Every year, a large number of students are working with us in student jobs or internships, and you also have the unique opportunity to write your bachelor projects and thesis with us. You will be come part of some of the best audio, software, hardware, and mechanical engineer ing teams that is looking forward to welcoming you into our positive and encour aging work environment.

Why join EPOS?

You will be working in a growing international company with rich opportunities for professional and personal development. Our company values have focus on trust and being team players, and transparent and efficient interaction between individuals from multiple disciplines is a pre-condition for the continuous devel opment of our business. We all share the passion and the will to deliver premium quality in everything we do, and we all strive for an open and supportive way of working where sharing knowledge and ideas are highly valued. Come join us today! Follow EPOS on LinkedIn for our open positions or visit our website.

We are looking forward to receiving your application!

DSE events:


Export and Operations Economics

Export and Operations

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Student job Internship job

time job

Work abroad

Full time job Graduate programme Master thesis

School project


Meet us at these
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers Total Engineers 2,500 140 LOOKING FOR NEW PERSPECTIVES? #ESArecruits

Space is the future and through ESA we are all part of it –Space Awaits You

Our company

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. ESA is an internation al organisation with 22 Member States. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space potential/potential in space and continue to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA coordinates the financial and intellectual re sources of its 22 Member States, 3 Associate Member States, 3 European Cooperating States and 1 Cooperating State to conduct programmes and missions far beyond the scope of any single European country.

We are looking for

ESA is always on the look-out for talented new people with backgrounds in engi neering, science, IT, natural/social science, business and administration services (law, finance, communications, human resources, facility management). Our wide range of entry-level programmes offer university students and graduates the ideal launch pad for a career in the space sector. Find out how you can launch your career at ESA at

Entry-level and research programmes at ESA

ESA currently runs six programmes for students and recent graduates who are cit izens of the ESA Member States, Cooperating States and Associate Member States. These are:

• Internships for students in their final or penultimate year of a Master’s degree.

• Young Graduate Trainee Programme for students who are about to graduate from a Master’s level course, or who have recently graduated.

• National Trainee Programmes, which are similar to the YGT programme but dif fer in that they are run by national governments and ESA hosts the placements.

• Junior Professional Programme, open to graduates of a Master’s level degree programme with two to three years of professional experience.

• Co-funding opportunities for novel, space-related PhD and post-doctoral re search activities.

• Research Fellowship Programme, offering young scientists and engineers a twoyear research placement in a space-related discipline.

at these DSE events:



Export and Operations

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Energy Engineering

Management and Economics Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning


Student job Internship job Work abroad

time job

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme

School project


ESA - European Space Agency
Meet us
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 300 1,100 Total Engineers 14,000 55,000 142

Eurofins - Testing For Life

Om os

På mere end 30 år er Eurofins vokset fra at være et enkelt laboratorium i Nantes i Frankrig til at bestå af 55.000 medarbejdere i et netværk af mere end 900 laborato rier i over 50 lande. Eurofins tilbyder en portefølje af mere end 200.000 analytiske metoder, til at evaluere sikkerhed, identitet, sammensætning, ægthed, oprindelse, sporbarhed og renhed af biologiske stoffer og produkter. Igennem årene har vi ek spanderet vores ekspertise til næsten alle områder inden for ”Testing for life”.

Vi søger

Vil du være med til at gøre en forskel?

Hos Eurofins får du mulighed for at sætte dit fingeraftryk, forfølge dit potentiale, samt levere de bedste resultater for vores kunder og derigennem beskytte sund heden og miljøet. Der er gode rammer for udvikling og karrieremuligheder, både nationalt og internationalt. Det giver dig adskillige muligheder for at styrke dine kompetencer både på det menneskelige og faglige plan, samt at omsætte teori til praksis, sætte nye mål og udfordre dig selv.

Videnskab for en mere sikker verden Eurofins er med til at sikre, at den mad vi spiser, den luft vi indånder, de produkter og den medicin vi anvender er sikre. Eurofins i Danmark leverer viden på forbru gertest-, genomics-, pharma- miljø-, indeklima-, landbrugs-, mejeri-, og fødevare området til hele Danmark. Vi arbejder primært med kemiske og mikrobiologiske undersøgelser af alt inden for vand, jord, geoteknik, spildevand (corona), bygning smaterialer, luft, landbrug, vitamin, mejeri, fødevarer, forbrugertest, farmaceutiske produkter, samt tilhørende rådgivning og vejledning af vores kunder og stakehold ers. Vi arbejder derudover med målinger af støj/akustik og geonomiske analyser af DNA og RNA - inklusiv PCR analyser (corona).

Vi vil være det verdensførende laboratorium inden for ”Testing For Life og dertil har vi brug for dig. så tøv ikke med at kontakte os.”

Meet us at these DSE events:


Management and Economics Export and Operations Economics

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project

DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 1,600 Total Engineers312,000 144 How could your tech career power a more sustainable world? A transformative career in tech. At EY, it’s yours to build. A22001dk © 2022 EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab, CVR no. 30700228. All Rights Reserved.

Builders of a better working world – better begins with you


Our company

At EY, our purpose is clear: “Building a better working world”. We are dedicated to helping organizations solve their toughest challenges and realize their greatest ambitions. Our 312,000 employees form a strong network across national borders. Through our four integrated service lines – Assurance, Consulting, Strategy & Trans actions and Tax – and our in-depth industry knowledge, we help our customers create long-term value for tomorrow.

We are looking for

Your bold ambition is just the beginning. We are looking for problem solvers, digi tal embracers, change agents, cyber gurus and team players. Not to forget data scien tist and growth hackers. Bot programmers and software builders. As a Graduate or Student Assistant, you will have the opportunity to feel challenged and motivated every day. You will experience an inclusive culture and teams that support you in your development.

The exceptional EY Experience – it’s yours to build

Are you ready to solve the world’s toughest challenges whilst building a better work ing world, together? We provide the culture, the tech, the teams, the scale, the chal lenges, the learning and the relationships for you to personalize your career as part of a truly transformative organization. We will show you what’s possible, so you’ll see opportunities where others see challenges. With our help, you can make a mean ingful impact, your way.

The exceptional EY Experience – it’s yours to build

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano

Export and Operations Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme

School project


Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

Fra nitter til svejsning

Fra olieeventyr til vindmøller

Fra analogt til digitalt

Vi har siden 1940 hjulpet virksomheder og samfund gennem store teknologiske transformationer, og vi er fortsat med til at definere den teknologiske fremtid.

Vil du med på holdet?

Language Total Engineers 240 850 Total Engineers 330 1000 146

Vil du være med til at udvikle fremtidens bæredygtige teknologier?

Om os

FORCE Technology hjælper virksomheder med at blive teknologiske og bæredygtige frontløbere.

Vores kunder betror os deres produkter, materialer, strukturer, største potentialer eller værste udfordringer. Det kræver dybe faglige kompetencer og unikke faciliteter.

Som uvildig og uafhængig Godkendt Teknologisk Servicevirksomhed (GTS) er vi med til at opretholde og udvikle faciliteter, teknologier og kompetencer til gavn for både samfund og erhvervsliv.

Vi søger

Vi mangler dig, der har lyst til at: fordybe dig i specialiseret forskning og udvikling arbejde med generel projektledelse arbejde både nationalt og internationalt være en del af et tværfagligt miljø være en del af en organisation, hvor nytænkning er en væsentlig værdi

Fra teknologi til praktiske løsninger

Vi omsætter viden og innovative teknologier til praktiske løsninger for vores kunder og har blandt andet bidraget til udviklingen af: - en hospitalsrobot, der kan transportere blodprøver, mad og affald rundt. en kompetence platform for open source-software til computerbaserede strømningsberegninger en virtuel udgave af transportløsningen ved Femern Bælt - næste generation af flydende offshore vindmøller.


us at these DSE events:

Graduate programme Internship Student job Work abroad Full time job School project Ph.D Master thesis job time job WE OFFER Architecture and Planning Machine learning Geophysics and Survey Biomedical Engineering Biotechnology Export and Operations Management and Economics Export and Operations Structural and Civil Engineering Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering Economics Software Product and Design Communication Technology Mechanical Engineering Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering Medicine and Pharma
FORCE Technology
DTU BallerupAAU Aalborg AAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 450 21,000 Total Engineers 0 0 148


Om os

Som ingeniør i Forsvaret bidrager du i sidste ende til at sikre Danmark plads i verden, vores tryghed, frihed og fremtid. Det er fint, hvis du er mere optaget af detal jerne i den kontrakt, den flyvinge eller den linje kode, du arbejder med – i Forsvaret er medarbejderne nemlig drevet af både mening og specialiseret viden. Kerneopgaven er, at sørge for at soldaterne og beredskabsfolk har det bedst mulige materiel til rådighed, når deres opgave bliver alvor til lands, til vands og i luften. Og det er hvad enten det er kampvogne, fly, skibe, radarsystemer, våben, ammunition, IT-systemer, kommunikation eller lignende.

Vi søger


Som ingeniør er der mulighed for at blive teknisk rådgiver, der udfordrer og optim erer det materiel, som Forsvaret skal indkøbe og eller allerede har indkøbt. Mange ingeniører bliver projektledere på f.eks. udviklings- eller indkøbsprojekter.


Officersuddannelsen er også en mulighed for dig, der er ingeniør. Som officer bliver du uddannet i at lede mennesker i alle slags situationer. Du vil opleve en hands-on blanding mellem teori og praksis med et solidt fokus på at gøre dig til en stærk, vel lidt og eftertragtet leder.

Officersuddannelsen udbydes i de tre værn; Hæren, Flyvevåbnet og Søværnet.

Det kræver en bacheloruddannelse at søge ind på officersuddanelserne i Forsvaret.


Management and Economics

us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations


Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology



Machine learning


Internship Student job




Work abroad


Graduate programme

School project

Ph.D Master
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 300 650 Total Engineers 400 1,700 150

FOSS was founded in 1956 and is headquartered in Hillerød north of Copenhagen. It is a global workplace with research, development, production, and sales taking place around the world. We have the know-how to help food companies address global trends and turn them into opportunities – in a way where sustainability and good business go hand in hand. By turning measurement into information, we ena ble businesses to run intelligent, data-driven food productions with less waste and bigger yields.

We are looking for

We have a large R&D department of more than 300 engineers and technical spe cialists. This department consists of hardware engineers, embedded programmers, software developers, design engineers and technical specialists who develop our in struments from the very first prototypes to the final products. Our team of specialists is strong, and our colleagues have a large variety of back grounds, from astrophysics to microbiology.


Working with Research and Development for FOSS

We work with a large variety of technologies. We have developed flow cytometers that can count bacteria and somatic cells in raw milk, we have X-ray instruments that can monitor the fat content in meat, and we have several instruments that use infrared spectroscopy to evaluate nutritional values of food products. We have stra tegic collaborations with the best universities in Denmark and abroad. This ensures that we have access the best research groups, to the newest discoveries and the latest technologies. Our solutions provide a wealth of data and therefore contain sophis ticated data analysis algorithms. Hence, we have large teams of skilled data scien tists/chemometricians and software developers implementing these methods. The goal is to keep solutions simple and easy to use for our customers who should not worry about complicated mathematics. That’s our job.

Economics Export and Operations

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Energy Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

Our company
FOSS is the world’s leading producer of analytical instruments that monitor and control food quality.
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 1,000 Total Engineers4,000 152

FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies is a global industry-leading contract develop ment and manufacturing organization, partnering with today’s most innovative biopharmaceutical companies on life-altering vaccines and medicines. United by our mission of advancing tomorrow’s medicines across locations in the USA, the United Kingdom and Denmark, we are a community of nearly 4000 – and growing - dedicated to help transform discoveries into possibilities to improve lives. In Den mark, we are located in Hillerød.

We are looking for

We’re looking for individuals who possess unbridled curiosity and passion. A posi tive, forward-looking attitude and dedication to helping create life-changing med icines is what sets our people apart from the rest. This is an incredibly exciting time to join us and to take part in shaping our future. Along with working on life-altering projects with our customers, we’re also dou bling our manufacturing capacity and adding fill finish, growing departments of engineering, process science, quality and supply chain.

Make your career meaningful from its start

As we expand our global locations, capabilities, and workforce, our shared passion for advancing tomorrow’s medicine – our Genki – will always be our driving force. Join FDB and join other motivated individuals who fuel one another’s passions and embrace every day as an opportunity for impact where we know it matters most: human lives. As you push the boundaries of your potential, your work won’t only transform your life, it will change others’ too. Deeply committed to diversity and inclusion, we aim to foster a collaborative, inno vative and rewarding environment, where diverse perspectives and people come to gether united by a common purpose and shared values. We take pride in enriching our communities, caring for our environment, and cultivating a world of opportu nity for future generations.


Export and Operations

Product and Design

Economics Biotechnology

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Energy Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job

Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies
Our company
Become part of a fast-growing global company united by passion for advancing tomorrow’s medicines!
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total 1,000 Engineers 425 Total Engineers 9,000 18,200 154

GEA is one of the world’s largest suppliers for the food, beverage, and pharmaceuti cal sectors. We specialize in machinery, plants, process technology and components. We support our customers with solutions that improve production processes and ultimately the quality of life for people around the world. From breakfast to bed time, GEA is a likely part of your day-to-day life.

In Denmark GEA is located in Soeborg, Skanderborg, Svendborg, and Slagelse.

We are looking for

We are looking for diamonds! We know that diamonds must be polished to sparkle in all their glory. GEA has a lot of opportunities to offer candidates driven by the desire to make a difference. We’re continuously looking for motivated people who are eager to work in a company with focus on technology and innovation. So, if you recognize yourself in our story, send us your application.

Shape your own future – discover the world of GEA

Why join GEA? Here are five reasons why:

1. Contribute to a better world with intelligent certified equipment and process technology.

2. Work with future technology and innovative solutions.

3. Get opportunities to grow and rise above yourself. 4. Let the world be your playing field. We learn a lot from each other by work ing across borders and tackle issues together. 5. Work with great people in a pleasant, collaborative atmosphere.

Yes, our employees are great people and we are proud to say this because they make GEA what it is. And they all contribute to enhancing sustainability and efficiency of production processes globally.

We look forward to seeing you at our stand no. 132.

these DSE events:



Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Structural and Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Export and Operations Energy Engineering Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

GEA Process Engineering A/S
Our company
Engineering for a better world - Come join us!
Meet us at
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 120 230 Total Engineers 120 230 156

Geo is a market leading consultancy company, specialized within geotechnical and environmental engineering. To ensure the best expertise to every project, we work across departments and competences to provide optimal solutions. We employ en gineers, geologists, geophysicists and chemists. Our references include projects such as the Copenhagen Metro, Lighthouse in Aar hus, offshore site investigations for windfarms and bridges, drilling in Greenland, laboratory projects for carbon capture research and climate proofing.

We are looking for

We are looking for graduates with high spirit and professional pride for full time jobs.

Geo is always interested in employing student’s jobs or internships. Furthermore, we offer students the opportunity to write their thesis at Geo, and e.g. conduct re search in our state-of-the art laboratory. We regularly organize courses for students, who are interested in seeing what a geo technical or environmental engineer in Geo works with. For more information, please visit or e-mail

Working in Geo

Whether you recently graduated or you graduated years ago, you will experience a work life with multiple and diverse challenges in Geo. We employ some of Den mark’s most skilled and acknowledged professionals within geotechnical and envi ronmental engineering. In Geo, you will work alongside specialists, internationally acknowledged for their expertise. We offer challenges and responsibility through out your career, and enable you to work with various projects.

Geo’s services range from fieldwork, laboratory testing, modelling and design to the final report, enabling Geo to offer consultancy to every phase of a project. Provid ing you with an important tool to your professional toolbox, Geo’s Project Manager Education is a strong card in your hand and stepping-stone to further your career.


Management and Economics


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time jobtime job School project


Our company
Geo - A company with a value-based mind-set of mutual aims, values and attitude rather than a list of rules
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

Make your mark as


Language Total Engineers 600 1,700 Total Engineers + 950 7,200 158

Build your future - define ours. Join GN


Our company

At GN we are inspired by people and driven by our innovation leadership, delivering world-class intelligent hearing aids, headsets and video collaboration. From Shang hai to Copenhagen, from the lab to the boardroom, we all share the same voice and the same unwavering belief in the power of technology to Make Life Sound Better. Our founder, C.F. Tietgen had a vision: to connect the world. Today 150 years later, we are still dedicated to this vision, connecting people to their work, to their favorite media and to the people they love.

We are looking for

We need talent across all engineering disciplines to join our global team of 950 strong researchers and developers who over the past decade have brought GN to the absolute technological forefront. Come as you are: Your passions, values, ambitions, and quirks are all welcome here. Fresh perspectives and new ideas drive us forward and taking the time to listen to our colleagues across the globe, is what powers our constant innovation.

Are you our next engineering graduate?

Our Global Graduate Program offers the possibility to make a true difference for people’s everyday life, a great network of peers, a steep learning curve, management exposure and a rotation abroad. As an Engineering Graduate, you will work on in novative research projects and be an active participant in the product development pipeline in the area best suited to your own education and skills. You will rotate through related departments across GN Audio and GN Hearing to gain a well-round ed skillset within your area of interest.

Export and OperationsExport and Operations Architecture and Planning

Mechanical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology

Chemical Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

GN Group
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 1,800 4,500 Total Engineers 7,000 20,000 160

We create solutions for a better future


Our company

Grundfos develops water solutions for the world that use as little energy as possible. Solutions that are digitally enabled and that leverage the newest technology for the benefit of our customers and the environment. We contribute to the global water and energy challenges by always thinking ahead, utilizing new business models to introduce sustainable solutions that strengthen our position in the market. We em ploy more than 20.000 employees in more than 55 countries around the world.

We are looking for

To succeed, we need people who are ambitious, talented and who want to make a dif ference. We are proud to collaborate with students, and you can join us as an intern, student assistant or as part of a project collaboration or PhD. The opportunities are endless if you have the right mindset and insight to make a difference with us. As a recent graduate, you can either join us through our Global Graduate Programme that is offered to high potential graduates, or through regular entry level positions.

We pioneer change together

We are committed to pioneering solutions to the world’s water and climate chal lenges and improving the quality of life for people. To us, sustainability is a mindset, a way to do business. It is about bringing value to the world, to our clients, to our business, and to our employees in the most sustainable way. That is also why we have made UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 6, ‘Clean Water and San itation’, and 13, ‘Climate Action’, our own. By anchoring our strategy and everything we do in the most important goals in history, we create solutions for a better future. Are you our new game changer? Learn more about how we pioneer change together and search for open jobs at

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

AAU Aalborg Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 1,800 Total Engineers 5,500 162

We need every brain in the game

– To be number #1 in brain health

Our company

Our purpose is to restore brain health, so that every person can be their best. With billions of people living with brain diseases around the world, our purpose couldn’t be more important or more worth striving for. Every day we work tirelessly to change the outcome for these people. We are a community of specialists fiercely dedicated to restoring brain health, drawing on and embracing the uniqueness of every em ployee.

We are looking for

We recognize that our future lies in recruiting and developing new talent. We offer a variety of opportunities for young talent interested in starting an exciting and rewarding career in a global organization. We are looking for candidates who have the talent, courage and passion that it takes to treat brain diseases. Our Product De velopment & Supply and Research & Development areas offer development oppor tunities for engineers within chemistry, supply chain, biotechnology, production, mathematics and statistics.

Our global footprint

Lundbeck is a global pharmaceutical company with more than 70 years of experi ence in neuroscience, and we are highly committed to improving the quality of life for people living with brain diseases. Lundbeck is based on a flat structure and a collaborative working environment based on respect, diversity and inclusion.

Our approximately 5,500 employees in more than 50 countries are engaged in the entire value chain throughout research, development, production, marketing and sales. Our pipeline consists of several R&D projects, and our products are available in more than 100 countries. We have research facilities in Denmark and the US, and our production facilities are located in Denmark, France and Italy. Lundbeck gener vated a revenue of DKK 16.3 billion in 2021.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations Economics

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

H. Lundbeck A/S
DTU Ballerup Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 277 1,378 Total Engineers 277 1,378 164

HOFOR – Hovedstadsområdets Forsyningsselskab

Bliv en del af en større udvikling

Hvordan indretter vi vores byer, så de er klar til et ændret klima med mere regn? Hvordan tilpasser vi grundvandet, så de næste generationer også kan få rent vand i hanerne? Hvordan gør vi København til verdens første CO2-neutrale hovedstad?

Hver dag arbejder vi for, at det som minimum er mere bæredygtigt end i dag. Vi vil se tilbage og se, at vi gjorde vores del. Derfor er vi allerede i gang. For byen har brug for et ambitiøst HOFOR. Og vi har brug for dig.

Faglig udvikling og fleksibilitet i dit arbejdsliv

HOFOR er Danmarks største lokale forsyner. Vi er et team på mere end 1400 medarbejdere, der sørger for vand, gas og varme til mere end 1 million mennesker i hovedstadsområdet. Vi prioriterer trivsel, fleksibilitet og balance i dit arbejdsliv højt. Du har mulighed for at udvikle dig og prøve nye ting af inden for forskellige fagområder. Med vores karrieremodel kan du forfølge tre forskellige spor: Leder, projektleder eller specialist.

Vil du også skabe bæredygtige byer?

Så tag et kig på vores ledige stillinger eller få besked, når der er et job, der matcher dig:


Management and Economics Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey


Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology

Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job School project Ph.D

Work abroad Graduate programme

Master thesis

Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 170 475 Total Engineers 967 3,374 166

Join a company with a global impact while maintaining closeknit colleague relationships

Our company

Hottinger Brüel & Kjær is the result of two well established companies – the Danish Brüel & Kjær and German Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik. Our products cover all layers from sensors, electronics, to software and collaboration. Our customers range from end users of the entire tool chain focusing on analytics and results in virtual & physical testing, and monitoring, to our OEM and system integrator partners and customers integrating our products into their own offerings.

We are looking for

We are looking for proactive Engineers who are keen to make a difference! Whether you are looking for a job alongside your studies, an opportunity to work with us during your thesis or your first full time role – HBK welcomes you and supports your development. We hire within a broad range of disciplines on an international scale, and we welcome critical thinkers who want to make the world a better place. At HBK, you will get the opportunity to take true ownership of your career and have a lasting impact – no matter your seniority

Empower The Innovators

At HBK, we live up to our three values: Be True, Own It and Aim High. We believe in absolute integrity – it’s how we win for stakeholders, the environment and each other. We believe in teamwork and keeping our promises – to ourselves and others. Finally, we believe in being bold and positive. This is how we perform at our best and achieve greater success.

We have engineering and production facilities in Germany, Denmark, UK, Portugal, USA and China and are represented in over 80 countries worldwide. We are proud to be one of the top three suppliers worldwide in our market segments served, thanks to our high-quality products and the commitment of our employees.


Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Energy Engineering

Export and OperationsExport and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time jobtime job School project Ph.D

Hottinger Brüel & Kjær
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby


together raw talent



the best technology,

hire highly motivated and ambitious

offer them a supportive

which they can develop the skills, experience


Language Total Engineers 75 100 Total Engineers 1000 5000 168
great things can
people from virtually
discipline and
environment in
and relationships that will serve as
foundation of their successful careers.

Humio - a CrowdStrike Company redefines threat hunting


Our company

We’re building the fastest free-text search engine for structured and unstructured logging. It has never been more important to protect and keep complete insights into our systems. Crowdstrike and Humio have joint forces to do exactly that, to revolutionize the security industry globally. Humio is a CrowdStrike product for ob servability and log management to gain real time insights into the truly massive amounts of log-events from software deployment, IT-services, IT -and security oper ations.

We are looking for

As we continue to grow at the speed of our sub-second search latency, we love to welcome new colleagues (ranging from interns to senior developers) who are also inspired by wanting to see a unique product succeed globally. Humio started small, and even though we continue to grow at the speed of light, we still act small. We are customer focused, value trust, take action, and deliver quality. Join us as we lead the market in innovating, building and introducing the next level of streaming observability.

Where diverse talent meets tech Humio is index-free and built to ingest and retain streaming data as quickly as it arrives, regardless of volume or structure. Alerts, scripts, and dashboards are updat ed in real time, and live tail and retained data searches have virtually no latency. Because you don’t need to define fields upfront, you can ask any question with live or archived data, and experience blazing-fast response.

With us you’ll have agency over your tasks, freedom to speak your mind and great work-life balance flexibility. We foster a culture of belonging, where everyone feels heard and valued for who they are and empowered to succeed. Our approach to cul tivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture is rooted in listening, learning and collective action. Reach out to

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project

Full time job Ph.D

Economics Humio - a CrowdStrike Company
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 2,000 Total Engineers400,000 170

Become a Part of the Largest Technology and Consulting Employer in the World

Our company

In this new era of Cognitive Business, IBM is helping to reshape industries by bring ing together our expertise in Cloud, Analytics, Security, AI and Internet of Things. You can influence how we create. How we collaborate. How we analyze. How we engage. IBM is a leader in this global transformation so there is no better place to launch your career or further your career!

How to become an IBMer and CICer

At IBM Client Innovation Center Danmark, you get an opportunity to help deliver an industry-leading range of innovative technology services and provide deep tech nical and industry expertise to local IBM clients. We offer a unique experience for talented and ambitious people who want to build and develop their skills quickly. With us, you have the opportunity to challenge and question status quo at all times. We appreciate people who are willing to explore the possible - and the impossible too. Our vibrant center has the atmosphere of an entrepreneurial start-up, but with the support of the world’s largest IT and consulting services company.

You can find a wide range of exciting opportunities within IBM for business-orient ed IT consultants within Agile and Change Management, UX Designers, Data Scien tists and a wide range of Java, Frontend and Backend Developers – and many more. Find our openings at to learn more about IBM CIC.

We are looking for

Are you ready to challenge yourself as well as our current ways of working? We are looking for the next generation of creative, innovative minds that are eager to learn and become even better within their field. We don’t expect you to know everything but willingness to explore and develop is key.


Management and Economics Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Machine learning Software


Student job Internship job

Full time jobtime job

Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

IBM Danmark
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 90 100 Total Engineers 90 100 172

Bliv en del af holdet

Om os

Vi er et forretningsorienteret it-konsulenthus med 100 skarpe konsulenter, der skaber digitale løsninger, der flytter mennesker og forretning. Sammen leverer vi kvalitet og mærkbare resultater til Danmarks mest ambitiøse virksomheder.

Vi hjælper med at eksekvere deres strategi gennem rådgivning, design, udvikling og implementering af digitale forretningsløsninger.

Vi søger

• Studentermedhjælpere

• Nyuddannede

• Speciale- og projektsamarbejde

Livet som konsulent i Immeo

Hos Immeo er du aldrig overladt til dig selv. Det er en topprioritet for os, at du altid har nogen at spare med og er en del af et team.

Vi går meget op i work/life balance. Vi arbejder, når vi arbejder og vi holder fri, når vi holder fri. Det er vigtigt, at der er tid til at spille fodbold og drikke en øl med vennerne.

Vi hjælper med at udvikle dig og dine kompetencer. Du kommer med på vores interne uddannelse ‘School of Excellence’, hvor du vil prøve kræfter med nye teknologier og teknikker til at blive en endnu bedre konsulent.


Vil du være en del af holdet?

Læs mere på:

us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Management and Economics Export and Operations Economics

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering


Machine learning


job time job

Work abroad

Internship Student job Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project Ph.D

Immeo P/S
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 230 Total Engineers 230 174

Join us in creating value through innovative engineering


Our company

ISC is a leading engineering company that provides consultancy within several en gineering disciplines. We specialize in renewable energy, oil and gas, buildings, in dustry, and infrastructure.

Projects we would like to highlight are the world’s first substation, Nysted Havmøllepark, and the world’s largest substation, Hornsea 2, Teglværksbroen in Co penhagen, Tyrafeltet in the North Sea, Cold Hawaii 2.0, and Næstved public swim ming pool.

We are looking for

If you can take on responsibility and want to be challenged within engineering con sultancy, then we are looking for you.

We are part of the sustainable transition, and we need skilled engineers willing to push innovation further and want to work with market leaders in an informal en vironment.

We offer a unique opportunity to participate in the green transition and strengthen your professional skills in an informal learning environment.

How is life in ISC?

You will experience a flat hierarchy in our offices and a friendly and welcoming working environment. You will also become a part of an international and innova tive culture.

While working on different projects, you will be alongside recent graduates and highly specialized engineers. And you get to try out, choose and figure out which way is right for you as you grow from project to project.

Get a sneak peek into life in ISC on our LinkedIn

What are you waiting for? Apply now.

Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Economics Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology

Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning



time job

Work abroad

Internship Student job Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project Ph.D

ISC Consulting Engineers A/S
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
AAU Aalborg
DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 160+ 180+ Total Engineers 170+ 220+ 176

Bliv en del af et ambitiøst it-konsulenthus med spændende softwareprojekter og et stærkt fællesskab

Om os

IT Minds er et top ambitiøst it-konsulenthus med +220 skarpe it-talenter fordelt på fire centralt beliggende kontorer i København, Aarhus, Aalborg og Oslo. Vi udvikler skræddersyede softwareløsninger og innovative it-projekter for Nordens største virksomheder, herunder halvdelen af Danmarks C25-virksomheder. Det gør vi med udgangspunkt i de nyeste teknologier på markedet. Samtidig udvikler vi skarpe it-talenter. Hos os er du ikke blot en “code monkey”men en værdifuld samarbejdspartner for vores kunder.

Vi søger

Er du klar til at sprinte op af en stejl læringskurve? Vi søger lige nu ambitiøse it-talenter på deltid, fuldtid og praktik, der vil være en del af en arbejdsplads med fokus på fællesskab og faglighed. Du er it-talentet og vores fornemmeste opgave er at udvikle dig i den retning, som du ønsker. Udover at få nogle smaddersøde kollegaer - så bliver du også en del af en attraktiv arbejdsplads. I 2020 og 2021 kom vi på Universums top 10 liste over de mest attrak tive it-arbejdspladser, hvor studerende helst vil arbejde.

Det er sjovt at gå på arbejde - hver dag Selvom vi i dag har over 220 medarbejdere, har vi stadig holdt fast i den iværksætter kultur, som vi startede ud med i 2010. Med en gennemsnitsalder på 27 år bliver du en del af et ungt og uformelt miljø, hvor passionen for tech og softwareløsninger er en del af vores DNA. For os hænger fleksibilitet og tillid tæt sammen og vi værner om den gode work-life balance.

På vores fire kontorer vægtes det sociale fællesskab højt. Vi har fredagsbarer, legen dariske beerpong-turneringer, LAN-aftener, en stor sommerfest, og meget mere. Du kan også blive en del af vores mange hyggelige klubber - f.eks. ølbrygningsklubben, badmintonklubben, DIY-klubben eller brætspilsklubben.

Vi mener, at IT Minds er noget, vi skaber sammen. Hos os bliver der ikke taget beslut ninger på chefgangene - de findes nemlig slet ikke.


Management and Economics Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Full time jobtime job

Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers +250 1200 Total Engineers +300 1500 178

At Kamstrup, we believe no one should have to question their access to clean water or the prospect of a sustainable energy future. Therefore, we empower utilities and societies by providing them with the insight and data to act. Putting our customers at the heart, enables us to consistently create innovative product ranges of hard ware, software and services including meters, communication infrastructure, me ter data management systems, smart grid applications, hosted solutions and data analysis.

We are looking for

At Kamstrup, we are always searching for talented and curious people who are ready to make a difference. If you are looking for a project collaboration, internship, grad uate position, student job or your first full time job, then we believe that we have the settings to make you grow and succeed. We put great value the large number of students we already employ, and we look forward to welcoming even more.

We offer more than just a place to work

As a student in Kamstrup you will be on equal footing with the rest of your col leagues, and you can expect a job with rich opportunity to learn and immerse your self in challenging tasks. You will be able to strengthen your personal and profes sional competences, and you will have the freedom to solve tasks in your own way while taking responsibility for your tasks.

Moreover, we focus greatly on the social relations between our colleagues, and we take our commitment to our young professional seriously. Therefore, we have won several prices for on the basis of our work with interns.

In addition, we offer many employee benefits, among others a great canteen scheme, free fruit, fitness facilities, in-house dentist, hairdresser and a free health care clinic.


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

Our company
Join us on our journey towards ensuring clean water and energy to the maximum number of people
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 2,000 Total Engineers3,000 180

KMD - Where Ambitions Meet Experience

Our company

In KMD, we aspire to be the preferred Nordic provider of business-critical software solutions within the Public and Financial sectors. We deliver the benefits of tech nology to help our customers succeed and make a difference in society, business and in everyday life. We are passionate people with a curious and future-oriented mindset. We are big thinkers and diligent doers. We believe that the application of new technology is all about people. This belief lies at the heart of what we do and how we work.

We are looking for

At KMD, we are looking for ambitious people with a variety of backgrounds such as IT, engineering, business, mathematics, just to name a few. For us ambitions means someone who is willing to take on challenging tasks in an ever-changing environ ment and who is capable of setting the standards higher every day. If you see your self fit this description, KMD might be the perfect place for you. We are looking for candidates for student positions, internships or a full-time positions.


KMD Graduate Program

The KMD Graduate program is a customized and structured program for profession al development and learning. The graduate program is here to develop and grow some of KMD’s future talented specialists and leaders by providing a framework for accelerated career development. You are exposed to real life IT- and business prob lems, and you work hands-on to create solutions, solve issues and collaborate with a variety of people, both externally and internally.

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme

School project


Economics KMD
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 870+ Total Engineers236.000+ 182

Tech Consulting at KPMG

Our company

At KPMG, we are specialists within technology, business, and finance. Our service lines enable us to provide a variety of services to a broad range of clients, such as business corporations, governments, and not-for-profit organizations. Our exper tise spans from cyber security to system implementation to machine learning to business intelligence and much more! KPMG provides you with the support needed to be at your best and we strive to make a difference every day for clients, our people and the community.

We are looking for

We are looking for people from a variety of backgrounds, there is no “one size fits all” at KPMG. We believe that the uniqueness and the ability to truly be yourself will create the most value, personally and professionally, and leads to stronger insights and innovation.

You will work with the newest technologies and have the opportunity to apply your technical knowledge and expertise to real-world problems. We are continuously looking for talents to join us, both fulltime or as a student during your education.

The KPMG Graduate Programme

Technology and business meet in the KPMG Graduate Programme, a one-year pro gramme that gives you the skills and expertise to start your consulting career. It is designed for management consultants, tech consultants and auditors.

The programme starts with an inspiring on-boarding trip, where you will meet the other graduates and start learning some of the basic skills needed as a consultant. During the rest of the programme, you will receive a lot of interesting training, e.g. core consulting skills training. You will work with the best on emerging technolo gies and gain an advantage for life! You will also get an amazing network with peo ple from all departments in KPMG. Finally, you will be assigned a Performance Man ager to help you guide your career and set you on the right course.


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job Graduate programme

Work abroad

Master thesis Ph.D

School project

Economics KPMG
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupAAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg

Sammen arbejder vi målrettet for at bidrage til opfyldelse af

tætte samarbejder fokuserer

på at udvikle nye løsninger og teknolo gier, der kan bevare vigtige ressourcer, og løse væsentlige udfordringer


Vores proces , maskin og el ingeniører er med til at opføre nye anlæg og optimere de eksisterende. Vi udvikler nye teknologier til rensning af både drikkevand og spildevand. Vi er altid opmærksomme på hvad der bi drager bedst i forhold til FN’s verdensmål.


Krüger er eksperter, når det gælder afløbsteknik og klimatilpasning. Vi hjælper for syningerne med at udarbejde strategier og udføre dem i praksis. Vi beskytter recipien ter mod oversvømmelser og forurening og skaber rekreative blå og grønne områder.

med i vores projekter og ledige stillinger

, facebook eller på LinkedIn.

Language Total Engineers 300 450 Total Engineers 3,500 9,700 184
FN’s verdensmål I
WATER TECHNOLOGIES Resourcing the world

Vil du skabe en fremtid med os?

Om os

Krüger er det førende firma til at udvikle bæredygtige løsninger, der bevarer vand og andre naturlige ressourcer. Fx var vi med til at rense Københavns havn, så du kan svømme i den. Og i Vietnam har vi fjernet dioxin fra forurenet jord. Dioxinen stam mer fra Agent Orange forurening fra Vietnamkrigen. Har du lyst til at være en del af det - måske endda tage os ét skridt videre? Bliver du også motiveret af at arbejde for en virksomhed, der bidrager til FN’s Verdensmål?

Vi søger

Vi arbejder som rådgivere, entreprenører og leverandører, og er involveret i mange projekter. Vi søger løbende bygnings-, proces-, maskin- og el-ingeniører til projek ter, der handler om alt fra klimasikring af byområder til oprensning af jordforu rening og digitalisering af fremtidens vandværker. Hvis du vil være en del af en arbejdsplads fyldt med faglige udfordringer - så start din karriere med et job, der gør en forskel for fremtiden og miljøet.

Nytænkning af kendte udfordringer

Innovation er afgørende for vores forretning. Vi har i mange år arbejdet med ud viklingsprojekter, hvis resultater er omsat i banebrydende teknologier til gavn for vand- og spildevandshåndtering over hele kloden. Vi indgår tætte partnerskaber med forsyninger, industrier og universiteter for at udvikle nye produkter.

Vi arbejder målrettet med dine karrieremuligheder. For at du løbende styrker din faglighed tilbyder vi efteruddannelser, ligesom dine erfarne kollegaer er med til at udvikle dig. Vi har fleksible arbejdstider, der passer med dit familie- og fritidsliv. Du kan også deltage i sociale aktiviteter, bruge vores fitnessrum eller spille bordfod bold.

Hos os kan du skrive speciale eller afgangsprojekt. Vi tilbyder også studiejobs og praktikophold. Se dine muligheder på vores hjemmeside.

Meet us at these DSE events:



Management and Economics Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano

Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Architecture and Planning Mathematical Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biotechnology Communication Technology

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

Krüger A/S
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 300 1350 Total Engineers2500 186


Our company

We design, develop, and produce innovative actuator solutions. Innovation is in our core. We take the lead and have the courage to make it real. We use our capabilities to solve real-life challenges. We are a value-driven company that focuses on having an inspiring work-life, cre ating open minds, positive attitudes, and a spacious sandpit for testing new ideas. Building trust is a natural part of who we are. We are not only working for a family – we are a part of it, and together we improve your life!

We are looking for

We have engineers with a variety of different backgrounds in many depart ments. We are looking for electronic-, mechanical-, software- and produc tion engineers to help develop new and existing products and production.

Regardless of your passion - you have the possibility to act out your dreams at LINAK. We hire experienced new graduates and interns. Irrespective of your education and experience, you will be assigned exciting projects and become an influential key player in important business projects.


We surround ourselves with experienced and professional colleagues in a very team-oriented culture. Our leadership is informal, and we have an action-oriented attitude.

From global presence to local understanding. We improve your life by understand ing your needs, culture, and language. Today we count on more than 2,400 dedicated colleagues worldwide, production facilities established in Denmark, China, the USA, Slovakia, and Thailand, and subsidiaries in 30+ countries. We believe in having the talents of today, the leaders of tomorrow, and the experts of the future to support us in our ongoing solid success and increasing growth. We create opportunities to develop our careers through LINAK products and improve people’s quality of life through our comprehensive positions.


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project


Meet us at these DSE events: DTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Ballerup
Language Total Engineers 35 84 Total Engineers 180 320 188

Headquartered in Copenhagen, with offices across Europe, the USA, and Asia, Log point is a multinational, multicultural, inclusive cybersecurity company. Logpoint bolsters organizations in the fight against evolving threats by giving them a single source of truth — an intuitively designed platform with the powerful capabilities needed to ensure their safety. Powered by machine learning and backed by an in dustry-leading support team, Logpoint’s complete cybersecurity platform acceler ates detection and response.

We are looking for

Candidates who can see themselves:

- Creating a world-class user experience visualizing complex security information in a user-friendly way

- Building reliable systems that can scale to process a massive amount of data

- Finding innovative algorithms to search in an ever-growing data set - Applying machine learning to highlighting potential threats

- Experiencing a compiled language, scripted language, functional and/or object-ori ented programming

- Understanding the value in automated tests

About Logpoint:

You will experience a fantastic, collaborative team that supports you as you build your quality career and growth ambitions. We embrace remote working, families, and creativity in any shape and form. We like to have fun while we work, while striving to deliver outstanding results in a positive, collaborative, and informal atmosphere. Logpoint’s core belief lies in creating software that empowers security teams to make confident decisions, feel justified in their choices, and more efficiently protect their organizations. The company’s culture prioritizes passion, innovation, team spirit, and client satisfaction. Together, these values fuel Logpoint’s success across cyber security technologies: from SIEM, UEBA, and SOAR, to SAP security and protection for other business-critical applications.


Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Management and Economics Export and Operations Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job

Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Logpoint A/S
Our company
Do you want to make an impact in cybersecurity? We are hiring!
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers- Total Engineers190

The municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk offers a broad variety of entry-level positions.

Our company

Lyngby-Taarbæk has an exciting history which embraces the development from a parish of villages, country houses and royal castles to a period of industrialization and becoming a modern suburban municipality. As a municipality our activities are focused on citizen and company services.


We are looking for

We are looking for many different profiles within construction, IT, administration, energy, management, education, and more.

Contact us for more information.

us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job

Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 3 35 Total Engineers 4 45 192

As the in-house management consultancy of Maersk, our mission is to support Maersk on its journey to become the Global Integrator of Container Logistics. We do this by developing cutting-edge strategies, executing industry-defining transfor mation programmes and supporting the growth of exceptional people to become future leaders in Maersk. You get to work on the most important strategic projects in Maersk across the world, and get the opportunity to engage with senior stake holders in Maersk from day one.

We are looking for

Our Consultant position is our entry-level full-time position. As a consultant you will serve an important role in projects across Maersk globally, managing your own workstreams with guidance from team members.

We are looking for individuals with a strategic mindset and a passion for prob lem-solving, natural curiosity and a can-do mindset. We work with a uniquely col laborative model and being a team-player is essential.

For the position of consultant, we expect you to be in 10% of the class of your mas ter’s program.

What could you end up doing, if you join MMC?

As part of our MMC team you will have an un-paralleled learning experience. The combination of a constant focus on learning and development, experienced team-members and day one exposure to senior stakeholders equips you with the essential skills required to thrive in a professional setting and is a great catalyst for a future career.

With the ambition of becoming the global integrator of container logistics while at the same time decarbonizing our customers supply chains, you will get ample opportunities to explore what Maersk is all about. From defining feasible ways of becoming carbon-neutral by 2040 and actionable ways to achieve it, to readying our organization for the future, by moving our business and technology teams closer to each other.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning


Product and Design Communication Technology

Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

Full time job job time job

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


Maersk Management Consulting
Our company
Do you want to be part of Maersk’s transformation - disrupting, digitizing, and decarbonizing global supply chains?
DTU Lyngby Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 400+ 2,200 Total Engineers 6,000+ 14,000 194

About 90% of the world’s trade is moved by the marine transport and that’s why, as a global leader in marine solutions, we’ve committed ourselves to eliminating carbon emissions in our engine platforms. We are investing all our energy into cre ating solutions for sustainable prosperity hereby contributing to a carbon-neutral economy.

By addressing tomorrow’s challenges within the marine, energy, and industrial sec tors, we improve efficiency and performance. Our planet and our customers need our solutions.

We are looking for

We need the brightest minds to help design future engines. We’re looking for top talents to develop software, so our engines can run optimally and interact with on board systems to minimize energy consumption. We seek ambitious candidates who can work with customers to refine our designs, and meet with public stakehold ers to develop regulation that reward climate-friendly marine technology. You’ll be challenged professionally and develop your skills in an inspiring and international work environment.

People with vision and energy – join the Future Makers

Leading the way in advanced engineering for more than 250 years, we provide a unique portfolio of technologies, history and opportunities. Our Vision: We are a preferred employer and the partner of choice for our custom ers in the marine, energy, and industrial sectors. Building on our unique range of capabilities, we create pioneering solutions to master the business, technical, and operational challenges of de-carbonization. By 2030, these solutions will comprise a major part of our business. Our Mission: We convert energy into sustainable progress and prosperity. We drive the transition towards a carbon-neutral world together with our partners. Our Values: We care about our customers’ needs. We do the right things in the right way. We strive to put society in better shape. We join forces to be number one. We will go beyond.

Meet us at these DSE events:


Export and OperationsExport and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology

Biomedical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time jobtime job School project Ph.D

MAN Energy Solutions
Our company
MAN Energy Solutions offers you a chance to help shape the world of tomorrow.
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 150 800 Total Engineers8000 196

Transforming Food Processing

Our company

Marel is a global leader in transforming the way food is processed. We support the production of high quality, safe and affordable food by providing solutions, services and software to the poultry, meat and fish processing industries, in addition to pet food, aqua feed and plant-based proteins. Our team consists of 8,000 employees in 30 countries across six continents. Sustainability is at the core of our business, our groundbreaking solutions reduce waste while improving yields and creating eco nomic value.

We are looking for

We hire enthusiastic people who can combine teamwork with ingenuity to keep our position as a leader in food processing technology. We promote a dynamic, innovative work culture where every person is valued and given every opportunity to thrive. We’re committed to diversity and inclusion, and to constantly improving these qual ities of our workplace. If you’re right for the job, we want you here at Marel. We can grow together.


Export and Operations

Product and Design Export and Operations

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job

Work abroad

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 25 200 Total Engineers30,000 198

McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm employing around 10,000 consultants in more than 100 offices located in more than 30 countries. We work with the world’s leading companies, governments, and major institutions in cluding some of the world’s largest technology companies. We solve different problems relating to management topics, and the size of our firm means that you are not obliged to choose one career path but you can try out your skills within different sectors, industries, and functions.

We are looking for

We are looking for interns and soon-to-graduate students (both bachelor, master and Ph.D. students). No matter the role, your opinion and experience matter. You will be part of a team that will enable you to make the most of your skills – using your technical understanding and your ability to translate findings into practice –just like you do now. Bachelors join us as Business Analysts for two years and then potentially go on to take an MBA where master and Ph.D. students join as Consultants.

In McKinsey, you will grow

Every day our consultants work on complex projects. They learn new things, break problems down and create innovative solutions. They challenge the status quo –and gain new friends among colleagues and clients alike. They are entrepreneurs, idea-shapers, and developers.

We focus on both personal and professional growth. The daily challenges deepen your experience and skills, and we promise never to leave you stagnating or bored.

We grow together. That is a commitment all firm members make. Advancement is based on the merit of your contributions and success depends on your leadership and your impact with clients and colleagues. We have a supportive environment enhanced by formal training, a strong apprenticeship model, and mentors for all consultants.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations Economics

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning


Product and Design Communication Technology

Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Full time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


McKinsey & Company
Our company
Do you want to apply your skills to complex, important challenges?
DTU Lyngby Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 400 Total Engineers750 200

Bliv en del af en virksomhed, hvor vi skaber sammen


Om os

Mekoprint er en international udviklings- og produktionspartner, der er special iseret i kundespecifikke komponenter til elektronik- og industrivirksomheder. Vores succes bygger på mange års erfaring og unik specialistviden i selvstændige teams med et brændende ønske om at skabe sammen.

Vi gør os umage i alt, hvad vi laver, og det ligger naturligt for os at tage ejerskab med tydelig forventningsafstemning og fælles mål – såvel med vores kunder som kolle gaer.

Vi søger

Du kan være lidt erfaren, dimittend på udkig efter dit første job eller studerende, der søger udfordringer og erfaring gennem projektsamarbejde, praktik eller studiejob. Uanset hvor og hvem du er, så er vi klar til at møde dig, til en snak om et muligt sa marbejde. Du er også altid velkommen til at sende en uopfordret ansøgning til os på

Vores kultur

Fundamentet er vores forbedringskultur, som bygger på et unikt sammenhold, en gensidig respekt for hinandens forskelligheder og et ønske om langsigtet ud vikling. Det vil vi fortsat udbygge med ambitiøse investeringer, udvidet global til stedeværelse og som frontløber i den bæredygtige omstilling. Suppleret med øget digitalisering vil vi blive endnu bedre til at skabe sammen - til gavn for os alle.

Du vil kunne mærke på vores kultur, at vi ikke kun har fokus på den økonomiske bundlinje, men vi måler også på kundetilfredshed, samfundsansvar og arbejds glæde. For os er det fire bundlinjer, der hænger unægtelig sammen, og alle fire om råder er synlige i vores kultur.

us at these DSE events:

Management and Economics


Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Export and Operations Physics and Nano

Biomedical Engineering

Energy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning


Full time job Work abroad Graduate programme

Internship Student job time job School project

Master thesis

Mekoprint AS
DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 35 200 Total 300+ Engineers 35 202

Migatronic is one of Europe’s leading developers and manufactures of solutions for manual and automated welding. We invest a lot of time and resources in product development within intelligent welding technology and software. Every day, we co operate closely with our users to find a way of making their production processes more efficient. Our main goal is to improve the quality of welded products in the world.

We are looking for

We are on a constant lookout for ambitious and bright professionals that can help us achieve our goals. An important part of our success lies in the arms of our em ployees. Together with your colleagues, you will be able to influence how we design, construct and produce our products to the benefit of manufacturing companies all over the world. If you can see yourself being part of the technological development within welding, automation and robotics, you are exactly what we are looking for you.

Join us - be part of the technological development

The very first Migatronic welding machine from 1970 weighed 95 kilograms. Today, the smallest portable one in our assortment weighs only 4.9 kilograms. This illus trates that we can create great changes if we challenge ourselves and try to be in novative. Today, we also spend many resources in developing automated welding solutions. E.g. collaborative robot solutions for every kind of welding manufacturer in every industry.

You can be part of this development. It will change the way we manufacture weld ing products. We can do it easier and more efficient thanks to your design or your software. You also get a change to grow personally and professionally when work ing with us. We believe in maintaining an inspiring work environment where there is room for change. You can make a difference.


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

FIELDS OF STUDY Physics and Nano

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Energy Engineering

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


time job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Internship Student job Full time job School project


Our company
Start your career in Migatronic; invent something and see that it actually makes a difference.
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 221 535 Total Engineers 1,215 204

We Make The World See.

Our company

When joining Milestone, you will be part of the world’s leading provider of IP Video Management Systems. Since our start in Denmark in 1998 we have grown to be more than 1.000 employees across development centers and regional offices in more than 25 countries. Today, our solutions are used in 500,000+ installations worldwide –with many more to come.

We are looking for

When joining Milestone, you can look forward to being part of a company with an impressive growth history and an embracing people-first culture. People develop ment is high on our agenda, and therefore starting with us as an intern/student can open doors to an exciting professional future. We also offer, besides full-time positions, Ph.D. collaboration. If you want to join a new team with high aspirations and be a part of our fast-grow ing technology company, apply today!

Let’s grow together

Milestone Systems aims to make the world see by giving people the power to under stand video surveillance and data. Together with our partner community, we em power our customers get more from video technology. We believe that our success first and foremost is based on our sworn dedication to put people first – the people we work with and the people around us. It’s how we grow our culture, our business, and our community. We want to blaze new trails, stay curious and push the industry standard. Investing in people is how we do it. Because at Milestone, we grow together. Don’t miss out, go and check out our website and connect with us on LinkedIn.



Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Energy Engineering

Communication Technology Electronic Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

time job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project

Full time job Ph.D

Milestone Systems
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby Meet us at these DSE events:
Language Total Engineers 70 200 Total Engineers 70 200 206

Hos Mjølner bliver udfordringer til forretningsskabende digitale løsninger

Om os

Mjølner Informatics er et software og designhus med kontorer i hjertet af Aarhus’ it-by samt i centrum af København. Med mere end 30 år på bagen, udvikler vi skræd dersyet og brugercentreret software til nogle af Danmarks største virksomheder. Vores spændende kunder og de forskellige brancher de kommer fra, gør Mjølner til det perfekte sted for dig at opbygge din karriere og kompetencer. Vi udfordrer din akademiske viden og fremskynder personlig udvikling fordi vi tror på, at glade medarbejdere giver glade kunder.

Vi søger

Softwarearkitekter og -udviklere, User Experience specialister og digitale designere er blot nogle af de profiler, der udgør vores team. Som potentiel Mjølner-kollega, er du selvstændig og initiativrig og har et drive inden for alle faser i softwareud viklingsprocessen. Du trives med at rådgive om løsningen i tæt samarbejde med kunden. Vi forventer at du er udadvendt og indstillet på at indgå i et socialt miljø, hvor vidensdeling er i fokus og hvor fællesskabet i Mjølner er det absolut centrale i vores hverdag.


Hos Mjølner tilbyder vi dygtige, kreative og frem for alt engagerede kollegaer. Vi har et højt niveau af vidensdeling på tværs af projekterne og en uformel omgangstone, der giver plads til diversitet og udvikling. Vi er en fleksibel arbejdsplads, der rum mer det hele menneske – vi har respekt for familie og fritid. Det betyder, at vi stoler på vores medarbejdere, der selv står til ansvar for deres arbejde. Vores sociale fællesskab er stærkt, både i hverdagen og til vores mange sociale ar rangementer. Vi har et fest-, fredagsbar-, sport-, film- og kulturudvalg, som finder på sjove arrangementer for os året rundt. Vi holder fx temafester, filmaftener i vores egen biograf, brætspilscafé, tager i teater og på travbanen og deltager i motions- og cykelløb. Kom og vær med!


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Communication Technology Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Export and Operations Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time jobtime job School project


Mjølner Informatics
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 675 1,099 Total Engineers 4,500 6,700 208 LIFE SOLUTIONS FOR A POSITIVE DESIGNING

Dynamic environment - Exciting projects

Our company

As one of the biggest engineering companies in Denmark, MOE helps set new stand ards for Danish building and construction projects. This accounts for everything from development of infrastructure to environmental consulting to a more sus tainable use of resources. Some examples include our iconic Panda House in Copenhagen Zoo, CopenHill and TRÆ – a 20-storey office building made from timber and recycled construction materials in Aarhus. As part of the in ternational Artelia Group, we also work on exciting projects abroad.

We are looking for

As a newly employed engineer, you will be given room to grow while our flat organ isational structure provides short decision-making channels and a high level of in fluence. Even though MOE has existed for more than 90 years, we continue our quest for innovation, we stay curious, and we treasure our strong team spirit. MOE and Artelia are both owned by managing employees, and we believe that own ership and involvement generate dedicated employees, who take responsibility for their projects, colleagues and clients.

A professional and social work environment

In MOE, you define your own career path. We support and boost your professional development through our internal educational programme, MOE Academy. We of fer classes within different subjects such as project management and BIM. We mean it when we say that going to work should be fun. We believe in a strong social community both within and outside office hours. MOE supports social activ ities, and employees plan and run events ranging from sports to cultural events to parties and family trips. Once a year, we arrange a skiing trip and a study trip where all employees are wel come to join. This is a great bonding experience both socially and professionally. For our study trip, we usually travel to a larger European city such as Barcelona, War saw or Paris while Austria is our favourite skiing destination.


Management and Economics


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Software

Electronic Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Communication Technology

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


AAU Aalborg Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 200 1,077 Total Engineers210

Kickstart din Karriere hos MT Højgaard Danmark A/S


Om os

I mere end 100 år har MT Højgaard skabt tusindvis af bygge- og anlægsprojekter. Vi er kendt for spektakulære byggerier som Storebæltsbroen, Den Blå Planet og Moes gaard Museum – men vi renoverer også boliger, bygger domiciler og anlægger fjern varme. Vores mål er at det enkelte projekt er i centrum og at vi leverer de bedste og mest gennemtænkte løsninger. Vi lever af vores evne til at styre og lede projekter og bruge vores faglighed til at få dem sikkert i hus. Det kan du også komme til som en del af MT Højgaard Danmark.

Vi søger

Vi har mange igangværende spændende projekter og flere på vej. Derfor skal vi bru ge nye dygtige, engagerede kollegaer. Vi søger både praktikanter og nyuddannede ingeniører og maskinmestre til vores graduate-program. Vi er ambitiøse og stiller høje krav til dig, men vi tilbyder også gode udviklingsmuligheder og hands-on er faring. Vi forventer, at du; Er nysgerrig og har lyst og mod til at tænke nyt; kan sam arbejde med mange forskellige fagligheder; arbejder systematisk og struktureret og har et højt fagligt niveau.

Kom i praktik hos MT Højgaard Danmark

Som praktikant får du indblik i, hvordan du planlægger, styrer og leder et bygge- el ler anlægsprojekt. Du bliver en del af teamet på pladsen med ansvar for dine egne opgaver. Og du får et stort netværk af dedikerede kolleger med forskellige faglige baggrunde, som du kan sparre med. Hos os bliver du en del af et af vores igangvæ rende projekter. Lige nu arbejder vi blandt andet på verdens første urban IKEA, et vandkulturhus på Papirøen og udvider havnen i Rønne på Bornholm. Og mange an dre spændende projekter i hele landet. Hvis du bliver praktikant hos os, er det kort sagt en oplagt mulighed for at kickstarte din karriere i byggebranchen. Lyder det som noget for dig? Så søg via vores hjemmeside Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job Graduate programme

Work abroad

Master thesis Ph.D

School project

MT Højgaard Danmark A/S
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 500 2,200 Total Engineers 2,500 13,000 212

Lad os sammen sætte aftryk på Danmark

Om os

NCC er en af Danmarks største bygge- & anlægsvirksomheder. Hos os er der altid mu lighed for at blive en del af et spændende projekt. Vi har alt fra mellemstore reno veringsopgaver over komplekse anlægsprojekter til kæmpe milliardprojekter inden for byggeri. Vi har også interne funktioner, der beskæftiger sig med fx projektering, VDC og bæredygtighed. Uanset din stilling i NCC bliver du hos os en del af noget stort – noget, der påvirker hverdagen for både nuværende og kommende generationer og sætter aftryk på Danmark.

Vi søger

Vi er på udkig efter dig, der gerne vil prøve din teoretiske viden af i bygge- & anlægsbranchen. Du skal være klar til at kaste dig ud i en stejl lærings kurve og kunne samarbejde med mange forskellige fagligheder. Til gengæld står der ikke praktikant i panden på dig. Vi ser nemlig vores praktikanter som medar bejdere på lige fod med andre. Det betyder, at du får ansvar og forventes at tage del i de opgaver og udfordringer, som hverdagen byder på. Men selvfølgelig er der altid støtte at hente i et kompetent bagland.

Karrierestart i NCC

Vi er glade for vores praktikanter – og det er heldigvis gensidigt. Derfor fortsætter en del af vores praktikanter som studentermedhjælpere efter endt praktikophold.

Og når du er færdig med dit studie, er der også gode chancer for at fortsætte din karriere hos NCC. Det kunne for eksempel være i en stilling som assisterende entre priseleder, produktionsleder eller i en af vores rådgivende enheder.

Som nyuddannet i NCC deltager du i flere relevante kurser i løbet af din opstart og du bliver helt automatisk en del af vores videns- og erfaringsdelingsnetværk Beyond Graduation. I netværket har du et sted at mødes og sparre med ligesindede, og på workshops arbejde med forskellige problemstillinger, som du typisk møder i og omkring dit arbejde i NCC.


these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Economics Environmental Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job time job

Full time job Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

NCC Danmark
Meet us at
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 35 1,500 Total 1,500 Engineers 35 214, an online supermarket with highly skilled and dedicated colleagues

Our company is the leading online supermarket in Denmark. Our vision is to create a better life for everyone in Denmark by helping them save time in their daily lives. We launched in 2010 and since then we have grown to be more than 1500 employees. We deliver groceries all over Denmark from our warehouses that are located in Brøndby, Copenhagen and in Aarhus.

We are a company with three main focuses: Retail, Logistics and of course IT, with all our sales running exclusively through our award-winning website.

We are looking for

The employees we are looking for are proactive, have a positive approach and can independently provide suggestions for solutions. Also, we are looking for analytical, detail-oriented, innovative team players who wants to contribute with new ideas and new methods from your studies. Do you have an “everything is possible” attitude and the ability to keep fighting when things get complicated? Are you curious, and enjoy learning about new tech nologies and development methods? Then you are the kind of employee we need.

Come join us is an ambitious and agile organization with many specialists across the business. They are driven by developing and adapting our innovative solutions to support our growing business and of course to offer the best solutions to our customers.

Joining is an opportunity for you to develop and learn from specialist in departments like IT, Business Intelligence and our Data Engineering and Analyt ics teams.


Export and Operations

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Management and Economics Export and Operations Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

Full time jobtime job job

Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers +1,500 +2,000 Total Engineers +4,500 +6,500 216 TOGETHER WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE Join Netcompany

Together we make a difference

Our company

Netcompany was founded in 2000 and has its headquarters in Copenhagen, Den mark. With the acquisition of Intrasoft International in late 2021, we added 2,800 people to our existing roster of 3,500 people. Today, we are an international compa ny with more than 6,500 employees working from 17 countries. We are a pure-play IT services company delivering business-critical strategic IT projects that accelerate customers’ digital transformation through digital platforms, core systems and in frastructure services.

We are looking for

We are looking for graduates who want to develop some of the most complex and exciting IT solutions. A huge part of our success derives from a strong belief that graduates like you who come directly from the university have the right mindset and knowledge, which make you fit perfectly with the way we approach, develop, and execute IT-projects. We hire you with an IT education, great potential and who has shown strong results, and then we develop you to become even better - fast!


Your development is important to us!

We invest in our employees as they are our strongest asset. We prioritize your de velopment and ensure your development throughout your career through ongo ing feedback and a structured development program, including our Netcompany Academy, our mentoring, and the opportunity to take certifications. We make sure that you are challenged and supported - so that you can progress at your own pace through the career path that is right for you. We believe that ongoing education is crucial to ensure optimal development and learning, so you can develop your personal and technological competencies. We know that the best way for you to grow is by showing you trust and giving you re sponsibility from day 1. At the same time, we have a team-oriented approach, so you will never be left on your own.

Export and Operations

Management and Economics Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Mechanical Engineering Physics and Nano

Energy Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

Full time job job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 54 74 Total Engineers 1,300 1,700 218

Netlight Consulting – provides genuine consulting services for leaders in the digital industry.

Our company

Netlight is a successful IT consultancy company with over 1600 employees in 10 lo cations across Europe. We are product and industry independent, working with a broad range of market-leading clients, where innovation and IT are critical parts of their business strategy. We are developing products you are probably using on a daily basis. We focus on working with the newest technologies and building new products, and we strive to be at the forefront of technology.

We are looking for

We are looking for software engineers that are passionate about innovating and creating values using technology. When our consultants work on-site with our cli ents, they have all of Netlight’s combined knowledge available, not afraid of turning for input – because knowledge sharing, diverse experiences, equality and personal values are what working at Netlight is about. We work broadly within IT which in clude all types of roles and areas such as: UX/UI, Frontend, Backend, IT-management, BI, Data, and architects.

We believe in individuals – not in individualists

We know that if you want to be at the forefront of digitalization you must rely on people. That is why we have an organization built on trust and responsibility, with a comprehensive personal growth program. We reflect on skills like professionalism, presentation, networking, stress management, coaching, role models, leadership, and other relevant topics through our Genuine Consulting educational programme that every Netlighter becomes a part of. Thus, we offer a variety of ways in which you can advance your career. Our consultant levels functions as a system, where you can track your own development. In addition, you get a Mentor who is your prima ry career guide throughout your career in Netlight. Together with your Mentor, you create a personal development plan that fits your own career goals.


Export and Operations

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Export and Operations Economics Software

Machine learning


Student job Internship job Work abroad Full time jobtime job

Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Netlight Consulting
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total 1,930 Engineers 1,013 Total Engineers 1,900 2,400 220 Realising your sustainable potential

Together we make it easy to be green

Our company

NIRAS is a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy, fundamentally committed to sustainable progress and service delivery. NIRAS employs 2,400 experts working on more than 7,000 projects globally. We have 51 offices around the world, and our experts work in more than 100 countries. We have our main presence and home markets in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, and The Netherlands, but we also have several offices in countries across Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, and in the Americas.

We are looking for

In NIRAS, we are looking for students for many different types of collaboration. As a student you can start your career in the consultancy industry through an intern ship, a student job, or a thesis- or Ph.D. collaboration. Our internship program will ensure that you are involved in a network of interns across our sectors and geographical locations. As a student you will be given the chance to work on many interdisciplinary projects and to work from different of fice locations.

Where people realise their sustainable potential

We always cooperate closely with our clients to realise their sustainable potential and to create the solutions for the society of tomorrow.

As an integral part of our work, we provide a great contribution to meeting the Sus tainable Development Goals. We strive for project excellence, whether we are car rying out mobility and public transport projects in Scandinavia, creating world leading sustainable food and beverage plants in Europa, undertaking windfarms in Asia, or working to secure health, education, and clean drinking water in Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project


DTU Ballerup Meet us at these DSE events: DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 550 850 Total Engineers 720 1,200 222 Curious?

Our industry is evolving. Come evolve with us.

Our company

NNE is a workplace like no other. We offer an innovative working environment de fined by interesting projects and committed colleagues. Every day our engineers and technical experts solve complex engineering challenges for our customers. Mo tivated by a passion for what we do, we work together to enable pharma manufac turers establish efficient, sustainable, and innovative facilities that are essential for drug production worldwide.


We are looking for

At NNE, we have more than 100 different educational backgrounds based on 27 dif ferent nationalities. Meaning we have room for you too! We highly value the knowl edge that student workers, interns, and thesis writers bring to our table. We look for people who are engaged, motivated, and eager to unleash their potential in the pharmaceutical industry. Seek towards NNE if you want hands-on experience in a project-driven and interna tional environment.

Build your dream career. Join NNE.

If you like variation in your everyday life, appreciate a steep learning curve, and are looking for a community of team-oriented, aspirational colleagues within a world of development opportunities, you have come to the right place. Our career paths combined with our focus on competency development and day-to-day access to top-notch knowledge means that you can continuously develop your capabilities and build your dream career. We are dedicated towards becoming a future-fit employer where every one of our employees feel they can unleash their potential in a purpose-driven environment. Our culture is based on respect and a flat hierarchy. With us, you have flexible work ing conditions based on mutual trust and a high degree of independence. Curious? Scan the QR code to see how we might match.

these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Management and Economics Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time jobtime job School project


Meet us at
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 40 60 Total Engineers 1,700 2,200 224

Become a cloud Ninja and launch your career in the cloud

Our company

Nordcloud is a truly cloud first company with a collaborative, international feel. Our team in Denmark is made up of a community of people from around the world. We have offices throughout Europe, and offer short and long term possibilities to work in other countries.

In 2021, our community grew from around 500 to 1300 and we are continuing to expand, as part of our hyper-growth plans. Nordcloud is owned by IBM, but operates as an independent entity.

We are looking for

We are looking for the next generation of cloud experts. Whether you’re looking to reload, boost or launch your cloud skills, the most important thing is that you have a passion for cloud and cutting-edge technologies. Our 18-month graduate program runs in three parts. First, you will spend 3 months in intensive cloud training and onboarding into your local team. In the second part, you will start shadowing our senior experts and working in real client pro jects, guided and mentored by our trainers. Finally, you’ll get the chance to shine and showcase your new skills, gradually learning to work independently with our clients. You will be fully employed from day one.

Your Journey to the Cloud: The Launchpad

As the leading cloud solutions provider in Europe, Nordcloud is here to transform the tech industry and become the global leaders in cloud native services. We are gathering the most driven and passionate tech enthusiasts and experts and pro viding them with the opportunity to reload, boost and launch their tech skills with cloud technologies.

After The Launchpad program completion, you will gain recognition as an expert in your respective field, an influencer of cutting-edge cloud technology, and a global cloud native specialist. New opportunities to upskill and advance will be offered throughout future professional development discussions with your leader as well as many opportunities to contribute to knowledge sharing to both our internal and external communities.


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Management and Economics Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Electronic Engineering

Economics Software

Export and Operations Machine learning

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology


Student job Internship job Work abroad

Full time job Graduate programme

time job

Master thesis Ph.D

School project

Nordcloud an IBM Company
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 450 Total Engineers3,800 226

THE sugar company

Our company

Sugar is our world. Nordic Sugar is a part of the Nordzucker Group, based in Germa ny and is one of the world’s leading sugar manufacturers. We produce sugar from beet and cane in Europe and Australia, and our corporate values and close ties to our growers are the foundation of our commercial success. A total of 3.800 employ ees in 21 European and Australian production and refining plants across the Group strive towards providing more than 250 excellent products and services and thus form the basis for further growth.

We are looking for

Our employees contribute daily to the success of the company with their know-how, their commitment, and their ideas. A modern working environment that is geared towards the requirement of today’s generations, diversity, and internal training as well as education opportunities are the factors, that make Nordic Sugar a great place to work. We offer international job opportunities with room for individual development.

During a year, intensive production is followed by a period with more time for plan ning, preparation and development of processes and products. At Nordic Sugar you will experience a working culture that is characterized by variety and flexibility. We often have different job functions within a day, a week and a year, and there is room for professional and personal development and testing all talents. At Nordic Sugar in Denmark, we are approx. 450 employees working in 4 offices and facilities.

If you want to know more about your career opportunities and how to join us, please visit:



Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Management and Economics Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Economics Export and Operations Software

Machine learning


Student job Internship job

time job

Work abroad

Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


Nordic Sugar A/S
Meet us at these
events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 45 55 Total Engineers 45 55 228

Do you want to build enterprise IT solutions and digital transformation?

Our company

Novataris is an IT consulting firm that help companies optimize their business. We deliver enterprise IT solutions based on the right strategy and architecture, custom ized to fulfill the specific needs of our clients. Our focus is on the users combined with the technology. With a holistic mindset we integrate technology and business in the best way possible.

We are looking for

We are looking for new colleagues who are technically strong, eager to learn, and who wants to be part of a skilled team of consultants as well as a strong social com munity. As a consultant at Novataris, you will be involved in the entire process of a project from consulting and analysis to development, test, and implementation of IT solutions.


We invest in your future

When you grow, Novataris grows. And only with the best consultants we reach the best results. Investing in our employees, maintaining an exciting environment, and paying attention to every individual’s strength and personal development – that is for us the only way.

We believe that our employees learn the most through responsibility, close collabo ration and a well-planned educational training. Therefore, we constantly make sure that our employees are certified in the newest technologies and take part in rele vant courses.

Additionally, you will be assigned a mentor to ensure that you always receive profes sional guidance and advice and have the best boundaries to work within.


these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Management and Economics Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job

Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Meet us at
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

Are you ready for a life-changing career? Join Novo Nordisk!

Our company

We are a global healthcare company, founded in 1923 and headquartered just out side Copenhagen, Denmark. Our purpose is to drive change to defeat diabetes and other serious chronic diseases such as obesity, and rare blood and rare endocrine diseases. We do so by pioneering scientific breakthroughs, expanding access to our medicines and working to prevent and ultimately cure the diseases we treat. We em ploy approximately 45,000 people in 80 offices around the world, and market our products in 169 countries.

We are looking for

A career at Novo Nordisk is an opportunity to improve the lives of millions of people living with serious chronic disease, while also developing yourself along the way. We believe in a culture where we continuously challenge ourselves to raise the in novation bar – to think bigger and strive to be agile in order to quickly adapt to the constantly changing world we live in. We never shy away from opportunities, we seize them. At the moment, we offer more than 600 job positions all over the globe. Join us!

What is it like to work in Novo Nordisk

When you work at Novo Nordisk you come to realise that our company culture is more than words on a piece of paper – we live our values every single day. The values are the foundation for our business decisions. We have an inclusive culture where employees feel empowered and consensus is valued. Our commitment to quality and our focus on maintaining high ethical standards goes hand in hand with liv ing up to our responsibilities to shareholders, patients and society. Our values are global, but they are also owned and lived at a local level, providing flexibility and fostering diversity in ideas.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

Novo Nordisk A/S
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Engineers 32 Engineers 232 BECOME A PART OF THE OFS TEAM! Your Optical Fiber Solutions Partner® MACHINE ENGINEERING ENGINEERING IT SUPPORT SPECIALISTS TECHNICIANS Local world-class experts - global presence


Our company

Optical fibers and fiber sensors are in play everywhere. They are in fact the precon dition for the development we see in a wide variety of global growth markets: Tel ecommunications; Material processing; Diagnostics and Surgery; Surveillance and Security. Optical fiber technologies are key building blocks in today’s as well as the advanced technological solutions of the future. One of the reasons why all this can be done is in Brøndby just 11 km from Rådhus pladsen!

We are looking for 220 employees work with OFS. We are specialists in the development and produc tion of optical fibers, fiber sensors and other fiber components. During the recent years we have hired a number of new talents and will continue to do so. Customers are increasingly demanding faster and cheaper optical fiber solu tions and setting the bar high. So - if you are sharp, thrive in both an innovative, international and specialized environment, call or write to us.


Our Engineers, Physicists, Chemists, Computer scientists and other specialists take pride in being among the sharpest in the field of optical fiber technologies. For the average Dane, we may be a small secret in Brøndby, but on the international fiber optics scene we are heavyweights. Historically, OFS traces its ancestry back to the fa mous Bell Labs in the US, and for decades has helped to revolutionize fiber technol ogy on a global scale. The need for development has not diminished, and therefore two days in OFS are never the same. We are constantly challenged by demands and desires to solve more challenges with optical fibers, as well as improve the existing solutions. There are high ceilings, it’s fun, and we’re busy. Maybe that’s why employ ees typically stay with us for really many years.


Export and Operations

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Energy Engineering

Management and Economics Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project

Full time job Ph.D

OFS Fitel Denmark ApS
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 50 180 Total Engineers 50 182 234

Do you want to be among people who form the future? Then OJ Electronics is the place for you

Our company

We Are Specialists. At OJ Electronics we are experts in electronic controls for Elec tric Floor Heating and HVAC Controls & Drives. From our beginning in 1964 we have grown to be a market leader in our areas of operation. We combine engineering know-how with a deep understanding of our customers’ businesses. This is what makes us the perfect partner for customers in Electric Floor Heating and the HVAC industry. We export more than 97% of our products and employ 160 employees at our headquarters at Sønderborg.

We are looking for

Want real-life experience as part of your studies? Talk to us. Are you a student of en gineering, product design, software design or one of the many other areas relevant to OJ Electronics’ wide range of activities? Would you like to supplement your stud ies with real-life experience as a temporary student intern or trainee? Then contact us for an opportunity to get hands-on experience from real projects, working with leading experts within their field.


High employee satisfaction in a flat organization

Curious to know what it means to be part of OJ Electronics? When you join OJ you also join the OJ-family and a melting-pot of both diversity of people, know-how, and a shared passion for innovation. Technically speaking, we have a traditional hier archical structure. But it only has three layers: Management, middle management, and employees. In practice, though, as an employee/trainee/student you are more likely to experience OJ as a project-oriented organisation, where your closest col leagues might not be from your own department, but rather 2-4 people from sales, production, and logistics, for example. This approach helps maintain a focus on the unique strengths of each individual while also ensuring mutual recognition across departments.

Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Internship Student job Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project Ph.D

OJ Electronics A/S
DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg

in challenging cutting edge technology


Mechanical engineering Electrical engineering Software engineering

At Oticon, you will meet an organization of enthusiastic and openminded people. It demands strong technical knowledge and professional competencies to develop, produce and market the best hearing aids in the world. This is why we make room for innovation and skilled, enthusiastic employees who want to make a difference for people all over the world.

Oticon is one of the largest companies in the hearing healthcare industry, and in Denmark all 1,600 employees, with passion, dedication and professional expertise, develop some of the most innovative hearing aids in the world. Oticon is an international growing company, and 98% of Group revenues is generated outside Denmark. We are part of the Demant Group with more than 18,500 employees

Language Total Engineers 750 1,600 Total Engineers 1,000 16,000 236 78808UK / 2022.07.18

Oticon – join us for a career that matters

Our company

Oticon is one of the largest companies in the hearing healthcare industry world wide. Our headquarter just outside Copenhagen has been created to foster daily cross-disciplinary collaboration. The open environment is made for interaction be tween people and it encourages dialogue and mutual inspiration. We offer a wide range of clubs, training facilities and one of the finest canteens in Denmark.

We are located close to public transportation and S-Trains.

We are looking for

For us, true engineering excellence is to deliver an ultra-small technological marvel in a discrete, user-friendly package. This takes serious engineering skills. We are particularly looking for people with strong skills from electrical-, SW-, and mechanical engineering. We promise you it is rewarding – both from a personal and professional perspective. Working with us, you will get a meaningful career where you help change the lives of millions of hearing impaired worldwide.

We prioritize your development

It is crucial for our business that we have only the best employees and specialists. Thus, we continuously focus on the development of all people in the organization. It is your individual talents and expertise that define the tasks you can handle at Oticon and we focus more on you as a whole person than on your formal educa tional background. We also make a point of offering you the opportunity to rotate internally in both Oticon and our sister companies within the Demant Group.


Management and Economics Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Chemical Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

Oticon A/S
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg


Lige nu er Aarsleff involveret i nogle af Dan marks største og mest spændende byggerier. På Femern-projektet skal vi udføre verdens længste sænketunnel til biler og tog – det bliver Danmarkshistoriens største anlægspro jekt. På havnen i Aarhus opfører vi Danmarks højeste bygning, Lighthouse. I København anlægger vi letbane, og på Bernstorffsgade udfører vi Danske Banks nye hovedsæde, som er en af landets største totalentrepriser.

Uanset projektets størrelse så er kompleksitet med til at drive os. Vi fascineres af både store, små og enestående projekter, som giver me ning – både for os og for samfundet. Vi tager ansvar, går forrest og bidrager til den grønne omstilling, som skal fremtidssikre bygge- og anlægsbranchen. Vi motiveres af høj faglighed, og vi udfordrer projekterne, så vi finder de bedste løsninger. Sådan sætter vi vores præg på Danmarks byggerier og infrastruktur.

Language Total 5,600 Engineers 900 Total Engineers 1,100 7,700 238

Vil du være med til at bygge fremtidens Danmark?

Om os

Aarsleff-koncernen anlægger og servicerer samfundets infrastruktur- og bygningsanlæg. Vi tager ansvar, går forrest og bidrager til den grønne omstilling, som skal fremtidssikre bygge- og anlægsbranchen. Vi har fokus på digital forretningsud vikling og identificerer og realiserer ideer inden for digitalisering. Aarsleff-kon cernen opererer på internationalt niveau inden for anlæg og byggeri med udgang spunkt i en ledende position i Danmark. Vi omsætter for 14,7 milliarder kroner om året – heraf 31 % i udlandet.

Vi søger

Du brænder for at udføre bygge- og anlægsprojekter og motiveres af muligheden for at prøve dig selv af. Som nyuddannet ingeniør eller som praktikant vil din hverd ag typisk udfolde sig inden for projektledelse på byggepladsen eller som specialist inden for fx geoteknik, konstruktion eller VDC, men du har også mulighed for at ar bejde med tilbud eller projektering. Du får dine egne ansvarsområder og de bedste muligheder for at lære af erfarne og dygtige kolleger.

Sæt dit præg på betydningsfulde projekter

Som en af Danmarks førende entreprenørvirksomheder har vi i Aarsleff gjort det til vores speciale at planlægge og gennemføre store komplekse projekter inden for infrastruktur, klimatilpasning, miljø, energi og byggeri. Vi har desuden en markant international profil inden for pælefundering og opgravningsfri rørfornyelse. Vi fokuserer på at integrere koncernens specialkompetencer og dermed tilbyde en høj grad af egenproduktion. Vi kalder det One Company. Vores mange specialkompe tencer giver dig blandt andet mulighed for at være med til at præge nogle af frem tidens store og komplekse projekter. På kan du altid se vores ledi ge stillinger og tilmelde dig vores jobagent. Derudover er du meget velkommen til at følge os på LinkedIn, hvor vi deler nyheder fra vores verden.


Economics Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Student job Internship job

time job

Work abroad

Full time job Graduate programme School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Per Aarsleff A/S
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers +100 +200 Total Engineers 240


Om os

Pihl Koncernen består af moderselskabet Pihl Holdings og de tre datterselskaber; LM Byg, Pihl & Søn og BNS, som har hvert sit kompetenceområde. Koncernen er eta bleret til at kunne håndtere såvel små som store projekter af enhver art inden for nybyggeri og renovering.

• Pihl & Søns spidskompetencer ligger inden for styringsentrepriser

• LM Byg er specialiserede i råhusbyggeri med stor egenproduktion

• BNS udfører styringsentrepriser inden for nybyggeri og renovering

Vi søger

Vi leder altid efter talentfulde konstruktionsingeniører til vores mange spændende projekter.

I Pihl Koncernen kan du prøve kræfter med mange forskellige projekter: fra grønt friplejehjem i Sorø, til produktion til Novo Nordisk, til Bjarke Ingels Kaktustårne, Højhus i Carlsberg Byen, Nordø - Nordhavns nye bydel til Danmarks grønneste kon torbyggeri Marmormolen



I Pihl Koncernen er vi drevet af glæden ved at skabe fremtidens bæredygtige byggeri og glæden ved at skabe nye løsninger og muligheder for mennesker, virksomheder, miljø og klima.

Hos os er mulighederne mange. Uanset om du brænder for at arbejde med kval itetssikring af arbejdet på byggepladsen, granskning af projektmateriale, projekt styring eller om det er betonarbejde og råhusopgaver i egenproduktion, der tænder dig, så har vi jobbet til dig.

For os er en levende virksomhed er en lærende virksomhed. Vi tror på livslang læring, hvor efter- og videreuddannelse har sin naturlige plads. Men først og frem mest tror vi på, at vi udvikler os gennem de udfordringer, vi får. Derfor giver vi dig udfordringer at vokse på


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

Full time jobtime job job

Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Pihl Koncernen
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 6,300 Total Engineers 28,600 242

PostNord Danmark - Delivering tomorrow to you, today

Our company

At PostNord Danmark we work hard delivering letters, parcels, and goods to mil lions of recipients every year. We pride ourselves on our long history and strive to provide a world class experience for our customers. We believe a strong supply chain is an integral part of modern society, and during the Covid-19 pandemic we have labored to provide access to basic necessities and other commodities for all. PostNord Danmark has in recent years undergone significant growth, and we need your help to solidify our position.

We are looking for

We are looking for candidates with expertise in logistics, operations, programming, or data science. As part of our development team you will help develop the tools and practices necessary to bring PostNord Danmark into a leading technological position.

If you have ever pondered how to deliver many packages to the right places at the right time, if you enjoy structuring and optimizing work processes, or if you have a passion for environmental sustainability, then PostNord Danmark could be the place for you.

What we work with

As an employee of PostNord Danmark you will be part of a large multinational com pany working in a challenging field with fierce competition impacting the lives of millions of people. You will have rich opportunities to excel, either by participating in ongoing projects alongside senior developers or, if you harbor ideas you believe have merit, you could define your own project and help shape the logistics of tomorrow. Sample work includes: Leverage machine learning and image recognition technolo gy to automate material tallying via computer vision; designing modular software to ensure compatibility across solutions; and implementing and applying heuristic optimization methods to improve routing efficiency. If you wish to know more, visit us at


Export and OperationsExport and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Chemical Engineering


Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time jobtime job School project


PostNord Danmark
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 2,554 Total Engineers 295,000 244

Inspired to make a difference? Join PwC’s journey into the new innovative, technological and digital future

Our company

PwC provides industry-focused consulting services in Assurance, Tax & Advisory. Our services build on integrity: we build trust, help clients solve complex problems, and enhance the value of stakeholders. We are one of the largest organisations within our field with more than 295,000 colleagues in 156 countries.

At PwC we strive to create an open and flexible workplace with a lively and inspiring culture. We expect, you are motivated to make a difference, and that you wish to per form better than yesterday. Together we succeed...

We are looking for

Students and graduates who want to make a difference: Do you want to become a trusted consultant within your area of expertise? Curious to solve complex problems and develop your digital competencies?

At PwC, we strive to be at the forefront of digital transformation and it is a natural part of our everyday lives. We consult some of the largest Danish companies in cre ating value in solutions that leverage digitalization. At PwC your development is in focus!

PwC’s digital future

At PwC, our employees come from various cultural and educational backgrounds - from engineering to economics to software. However, your background is not all - PwC matches your interest in making a difference with our career paths and its only strengthening the innovative mindset to create solutions to our custom ers’ complex problems. In this way, we built an inclusive and trusted community amongst customers, employees and society. PwC aims at creating an innovative culture to keep up with the pace of digitaliza tion. We are curious to hear your ideas – where are we now and how can we prepare a future with new technologies and unexplored digital avenues?


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Full time job Graduate programme Master thesis

School project


Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 130 180 Total Engineers 150+ 200 246 We build something we have never done before all the time - from ideas to the world’s largest test systems

Begin your career by creating value through world-class engineering

Our company

R&D Test Systems is one of the world’s leading suppliers of large-scale turnkey test systems and consultancy to the wind and aviation industry. With more than 15 years of experience, we help our customers bring new state-of-the-art technology to the market. We are 150+ skilled engineers specialized within all engineering disciplines, including mechanics, electronics, hydraulics, and software.

We are looking for

Join R&D Test Systems and get more responsibility and less bureaucracy. We are al ways looking for new talents to become a part of our team. You will work on pro jects from start to finish together with your colleagues across engineering fields, developing your skills and knowledge. You get to cooperate with some of the most innovative and competent minds when we build something that has never been done before. You will be an essential part of something bigger, creating world-class engineering.

Become a part of a unique work environment

Whether you are an intern or a newly graduate, you will experience that our DNA af fects all our activities. We believe in entrepreneurship, ownership, and transparency. How we work together and act towards one another makes us a unique workplace. You will quickly see that you are a part of a company that values relationships, flex ibility, and social activities - going to work has to be fun.

If you want great development opportunities and a flat organizational structure, R&D Test Systems is the place for you. Here, you can use your talent to build the world’s largest test systems and support future green technologies.


Export and Operations

Product and Design

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Management and Economics Export and Operations Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology

Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Internship Student job Full time job School project


R&D Test Systems
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg

Together we bring answers to life

Whatever comes next, we make
sure life comes first

When life takes an unexpected turn, our technology and solutions enable car egivers to make informed diagnostic decisions to improve patient care. We pioneered our industry in 1954 with the introduction of the world’s first commercially available blood gas analyzer and our products and solutions are used in hospitals, clinics and laboratories in more than 130 countries, provid ing health care professionals information on the most critical parameters in acute care settings such as the emergency department.

We are looking for

If you’ve ever wondered what’s within you, there’s no better place to find out than at Radiometer and our family of companies in Danaher. With us, you’ll work hard and take risks, with guidance from committed leaders and the stability of a global organization, and a company with a strong growth trajectory. Come push the boundaries of what’s possible and help us bring answers to life. What you find here—and within yourself—might just change the world.

Let’s bring answers to life, together

For health care professionals working with critically ill patients, life isn’t a given— it’s the ultimate goal. They face demanding, heartbreaking and rewarding situa tions every day and their goal is to improve patient care. Our goal is to help them. When life takes an unexpected turn, our technology and solutions provide health care professionals information on the most critical parameters in acute care set tings such as at the emergency department.

In our line of business, innovation doesn’t occur over night. It requires passion and persistence to make a difference. You’ll work hard, take risks and be guided by com mitted leaders always encouraging you to wonder what’s next. After all, no one knows what comes next, but in Radiometer, answering what’s next in health care starts with what comes first - life.


Management and Economics Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

Environmental Engineering


Structural and Civil Engineering Physics and Nano

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Energy Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

Radiometer Medical Aps
Our company
In our line of work, life isn’t a given - it’s the ultimate goal. Let’s bring answers to life, together.
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 2,000 3,800 Total Engineers 8,800 16,500 250

Become a Sustainable Society Consultant

Our company

At Ramboll, you feel invited and guided to unfold your ingenuity and develop your excellence. You contribute to a sustainable future in an open, collaborative and em powering culture, where we bring engineering, design and consultancy into play. Together, we lead and leave an impact as Sustainable Society Consultants.

We are looking for

We are always on the lookout for bright minds from a wide range of backgrounds. Every year we employ more than 300 student assistants, interns and thesis students. And if you’re a recent graduate, you’ll also find Ramboll a rewarding environment in which to start your career. In Ramboll, your growth is central to our success. As you work on challenging projects, you will be given increasing responsibility – while managers and colleagues offer support and a helping hand as you learn and devel op in your role.

Work with world-class experts and projects

When you work for Ramboll, you’re working for a global company. You’ll be joining colleagues from all over the world, many of whom are involved with international clients and projects, and some work abroad.

Every year, we are involved in more than 20,000 projects varying from iconic land marks to local projects. You will be part of cross-disciplinary project teams with endless opportunities to explore new and innovative ideas and solutions.

With us, you are encouraged to collaborate with your colleagues in a friendly and flexible work environment. We always work from the highest ethical standards, and we strive to do right in everything we do – by people, by society and by the environ ment. From day one, we trust and expect you to take responsibility and make deci sions you can be proud of.


Management and Economics


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano

Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Geophysics and Survey Biotechnology Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg AAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers - Total Engineers252

Ringkøbing-Skjern - Danmarks største arbejdsplads




Om os

Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune er DANMARKS STØRSTE ARBEJDSPLADS. Vi har flere ar bejdspladser per 100 indbyggere end Aarhus, Herning eller Odense. Vi er centrum for vækst og ekstra stærke inden for energi, turisme, produktionsindustri og fødevarer, og så har vi nogle af Danmarks mest tilfredse medarbejdere.

I Rinkøbing-Skjern Kommune får du plads til en dynamisk karriere, plads til drøm mehuset og plads til at leve. Om du er faglært eller videreuddannet, har vi brug for netop dig.

Vi søger

I Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune er vi ekstra stærke inden for energi, turisme, pro duktionsindustri og fødevarer, og vi leder især efter profiler, der kan spejle sig i et eller flere af de felter. Er du nysgerrig, men matcher du ikke umiddelbart et af de fire felter, så kom forbi vores stand alligevel. Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune byder på mange muligheder.

Mød Ringkøbing-Skjerns Matchmaker

På messen kan du møde Ringkøbing-Skjerns matchmaker Susanne Trip Nielsen, der formidler værdiskabende samarbejder mellem studerende og Ringkøbing-Skjerns erhvervsliv. Er du studerende og på udkig efter en projektvirksomhed eller en prak tikplads, så kom forbi vores stand og få en snak med Susanne.

Søger du job?

Få dit CV sendt ud i et nyhedsbrev til godt 700 virksomheder i Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune.

Læs mere her:





Environmental Engineering





Machine learning

Meet us at these DSE events:

Full time job Work abroad Graduate programme Internship Student job time job School project Ph.D Master thesis WE OFFER job
and Operations
and Civil
Architecture and Planning
and Nano Energy
Management and Economics
and Survey Software Biotechnology
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering Medicine and Pharma
Economics Export and Operations Ringkøbing-Skjern Erhvervsråd
DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total 1,000 Engineers 200 Total Engineers 500 12,000 254

Want to develop state-of-the-art production technology and processesand build a more sustainable future?

Our company

At ROCKWOOL, we build a better, sustainable future – and we have been for more than 80 years. Stone is the core of our business, and we release the natural power of stone to enrich modern living. We have leading positions in insulation, acoustic ceilings and horticultural growing media based on proprietary stone wool technol ogy. Our expertise is perfectly suited to tackle many of today’s biggest sustainability and development challenges, from energy consumption and noise pollution to fire resilience and flooding.

We are looking for ROCKWOOL is growing, and we need you to help us grow. Engineers play a very im portant role in ROCKWOOL. We are looking for almost all kinds of engineers, and love to welcome both students and graduates to our company. We develop, build and implement state-of-the-art production technologies and pro duction processes. Whether you are into robotics, production, mechanics, IoT, sus tainability, chemistry, automation or something in between, you will be challenged and will have every opportunity to make a difference.

Much more than just stone

At ROCKWOOL, you get to work with sophisticated production technology and pro cesses, and you get to see your efforts make an actual impact in our factories, our products and in society. That is something our engineers really value about their job here! From day one, you will get responsibilities to engage in hands-on projects and help solve operational challenges – also as a graduate or student worker. We work together in dynamic teams and everyone is invited, and expected, to do their best.

We provide meaningful career opportunities that contribute to improving the lives of people around the world. Whether you work at one of our Danish locations or if you decide to pursue an international career, you will be part of a family-founded and values-driven company with lots of opportunity for growth.


Product and Design Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Communication Technology

Biomedical Engineering

Export and OperationsExport and Operations Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time jobtime job School project Ph.D

Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby




At RTX, we help people perform at their best by providing wireless solutions - whether it is within sound quality or reliable and efficient communications technology.

have the ambition to create ground-breaking technologies and through this, make the optimal user experience.

more at

Language Total Engineers 130 195 Total Engineers 170 294 256 RTX A/S I I Stroemmen 6, 9400 Noerresundby, DK Do you want
innovative company with a
social community?

RTX - Provider of wireless solutions

Our company

In RTX, we design, develop, and manufacture innovative wireless communication solutions. We have three main application areas: Enterprise solutions such as wireless systems including handsets, headsets, and base stations. Professional audio in cludes wireless microphones and other solutions for concerts and conferences as well as gaming accessories such as keyboards, headsets, and mice. Healthcare solu tions where wireless systems are used for monitoring critically ill patients, among others.

We are looking for

RTX is looking for engineers with strong technical skills in software and systems de sign or an interest in project management or technical key account management. In RTX, we work project-oriented and we offer several career paths. Our employees possess a unique combination of knowledge in software and hardware. Our core competencies are within embedded software development, RF & antenna design, analog and digital hardware design, DSP and acoustics design as well project man agement from concept to mass production.

When wireless wisdom is key

As a company, RTX is very technical and geeky, but at the same time also commer cial. We see innovation as an important part of our mission. We strive to stay at the forefront of the technical disciplines of the field, e.g. by cooperating with master’s students and PhDs from the universities and staying on top of trends in the market. At RTX, wireless is not just wireless! We make an effort to understand how the specif ic use scenarios can be optimized through wireless technology and explore how the link between products configurated into a system can make a difference.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

AAU Aalborg Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 220 Total Engineers14,000 258


Management and Economics Economics

Export and OperationsExport and Operations

Our company

In the 1970s, a group of curious minds asked the question “is there a better way to analyze data?” and developed pioneering analytics software. Today, built on this core software, SAS has expanded with thousands of employees and customers world wide. Through innovative solutions, SAS helps organizations discover insights from their data and drive relevant change, improving performance and delivering value by making faster, better decisions. That’s why we can call ourselves the founders –and the future – of analytics.

We are looking for

At SAS, we’re problem solvers, explorers and knowledge seekers, bold enough to ask, “What if?”, and never stop at “good enough”. If you’re curious by nature and inter ested in how data can innovate and improve the world around us, you’ll fit right in. Living the #SASlife means that you bring energy and passion every day and thrive on meaningful work that makes a positive impact in the world. Here, it isn’t about fitting into our culture, it’s about adding to it - and we can’t wait to see what you’ll bring.

Learn SAS – Boost Your Career

As our digitalized world generates mind-numbing amounts of data, the ability to extract intelligence and value from it becomes more and more crucial for organiza tions. This means that the demand for analytics skills in the job market is soaring. As a student you can start your analytics journey – for FREE – with SAS® Skill Build er for Students. The platform offers access to SAS® software, training materials and e-learning courses, introducing you to the entire process from raw data to valuable data-driven decisions in a business setting.

Register for SAS® Skill Builder for Students here:

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning


Product and Design Communication Technology

Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Full time jobtime job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme School project Ph.D

SAS Institute
SAS is the global leader in analytics and AI. We help transform a world of data into a world of intelligence.
AAU Aalborg Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 85 Total Engineers85 260

Once, Shape was a small boutique agency, and among the first of its kind dedicated to building native apps. Now, we are a 85 strong operation of uniquely talented developers, designers, and strategists crafting the industry’s most award-winning digital products. We make products that companies build their business on, and we promise you this: We are only committed to doing work that will make everyone proud of the results. With a varied portfolio of clients, no two days are the same.

We are looking for

Talented team members dedicated to our motto ‘Do Right’ both in their work and around the office. We seek everything from interns to students and full-time em ployees, and you will soon realise that the intern’s opinion and ideas are just as val ued as the manager’s. We offer a steep learning curve with the right support and opportunity to work on various projects – giving you many new tools to put in your toolbox and the chance to create native products for some of the biggest companies in Denmark.

Being a Shaper

Your day begins with a nice cup of coffee and a friendly good morning to your colleagues. Shape is located in Islands Brygge close to public transpor tation and the harbour, where both summertime and wintertime swim ming is enjoyed. The headquarters offers a modern aesthetic, a comfy lounge area, and plenty of fun activities such as PlayStation, board games, and Fri day bars – not to forget an unlimited amount of snacks, beverages, and cereal.

At Shape we have a unique culture, which we cherish and protect – so hiring the right people is of the essence. We’re a varied group of people from different coun tries with different skill sets and personalities, which blended together makes for a fun office, with great opportunities and awaiting long-lasting friendships. Join us and you’ll see.


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job

Work abroad Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Economics Shape
Our company
We create native apps that stand out and stick around – want to come along for the ride?
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 45 57 Total Engineers +600 +3,100 262


Our company

At Shure, we are passionate about technology and software development, and we thrive on solving complex challenges. In Copenhagen, we design and develop top-quality conferencing products and software solutions. We are a company of talented and passionate people, and our technological inno vations are the result of the creativity and dedication of our employees. While it is our products that make us a legend in the market, it is our people who defines our culture and makes Shure a great place to work!

We are looking for

We are an engineering-driven company that thrive on technological evolution and software innovation. Exploring, coding and collaborating is at the core of our work, and we learn new things every day. As Shure is growing, we are always looking for new talented Interns, Project Stu dents, Student Assistants and Employees. So, if you are passionate about software development and innovation of audio electronics, come join our team.

Ignite your carreer @ Shure.

When working at Shure in Denmark, you become part of a global cross-functional development team that designs and implements cutting-edge audio products, plat forms and technologies. We like to share ideas and best practices with one another, and we gladly take on challenging tasks to achieve extraordinary results. We believe in the value of a good work-life balance and do our outmost to ensure that our employees thrive in our robust company culture of innovation and high quality. Shure is an equal opportunity employer, and we celebrate diversity and cherish inclusion in the workplace.

Located in Ørestad, we have an inspiring and flexible workplace with a dynamic work environment, new bright offices and canteen, and great colleagues that appre ciate, support and respect one another.


these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Management and Economics Export and Operations Economics Software

Mechanical Engineering Machine learning

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology Electronic Engineering


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


Shure Scandinavia A/S
Meet us at
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 85 130 Total Engineers 200 450 264

Our company

SiccaDania was founded by a group of engineers with vast experience from the processing industry. Our vision is to become an industry leader in our field through a solid reputation and thus become a preferred customer choice as a plant supplier to the global dairy, food and starch industry. By putting technology and engineer ing excellence as a top priority, the team at SiccaDania gain the trust of our custom ers through on-time and on-budget delivery. Everyone at SiccaDania contributes to this earned trust.

We are looking for

Employees who thrive in a workplace where collaboration and teamwork are as im portant as self-motivation. It requires commitment and a strong sense of responsi bility towards your work. We value our young, newly educated employees as much as the seasoned pioneers that have started our company. This mix brings us innovative and fresh ideas that make SiccaDania able to design, engineer and deliver top of the line, energyefficient process technology for the food, dairy, starch and protein industries.

Empowering our employees

Our employees are an incremental part of our success, and we are intent on keep ing our employees at the top of their field with personal development and am bitious goals. The flat organisational structure of SiccaDania combined with an open-minded and diverse team allows our employees to accomplish optimal per formance, regardless of the job position.

• We set ambitious goals and achieve results with a team mentality

• We encourage personal development and focus on performance

• We have an open-minded and engaging work environment

• We try to become the steppingstone towards professional growth and develop ment for each member of our family. By combining new minds with seasoned employees.


Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Export and Operations Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Economics Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology

Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

job time job

Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project Ph.D

SiccaDania A/S
We make food processing better – more sustainable, healthier, safer
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 150 800 Total Engineers385,000 266

Our company

We answer the world’s toughest questions! In Siemens we work within various tech nological business areas, but common to them all is that they help solve many of the challenges the world is facing. With our innovative solutions within the busi ness segments: Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Mobility as well as the world’s most wide reaching environmental portfolio, it is safe to say that Siemens is a global market leader.

We are looking for

On-going development of our employees’ and managers’ competencies is of great importance to Siemens. We want to make sure that the width and quality of our em ployees’ competencies are secured which is why our human resource development takes place globally, nationally and locally Therefore, we are looking for employees who find development of competencies as a highly motivating factor and at the same time want to contribute with their exist ing knowledge and skills.

Siemens’ most valuable asset is you! #TransformTheEveryday

At a global company such as Siemens there are boundless career opportunities. So if you are dreaming about climbing the career ladder and becoming a manager, or if you want to specialize within your area of expertise, you can do so at Siemens. Secondment, exchange, international education and cooperation across national boundaries are some of the perspectives for employees who want to push bound aries in more than one way. At Siemens you will have rich opportunities to expand your network every day! If you make extraordinary results at Siemens, they will be acknowledged and you will be rewarded, because we understand the importance of appreciating our talented employees. You will become part of an open and dynamic workplace where professional and personal development are important parts of the agenda.


Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Chemical Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Product and Design Export and Operations Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


SIEMENS – We combine a rich heritage with the spirit of innovation. Come join us!
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 2,500 5,580 Total Engineers 8,000 26,000 268 The winds of change have never been stronger The SG 14-222 DD have never been stronger The SG 14-222 DD

Siemens Gamesa Renweable Energy: Your future workplace?


Our company

Siemens Gamesa is a leading provider of wind power products and solutions to cus tomers around the globe. The company has installed products and technology in more than 90 countries, with a total installed base of more than 117GW. Siemens Gamesa offers one of the industry’s broadest product portfolios, with both offshore and onshore technology as well as industry-leading service solutions, helping to make clean energy more affordable and reliable.

We are looking for

To stay at the technological forefront and to continue unlocking the full potential of wind, we need a highly skilled workforce consisting of people passionate about wind. We need new colleagues to develop and deploy new technologies – from floating wind to ‘power-to-x’ solutions – and offer a dynamic work environment in a fast-evolving industry. Thus, if you would like to be part of an industry-lead ing company developing, manufacturing, installing and servicing world-class wind turbines, look no further!

Siemens Gamesa: Leading the energy revolution

We harness the power of wind to tackle the greatest challenge of our generation: The climate crisis. Our contribution to that fight is bringing together one team of 26,000 colleagues working in partnerships across 90 countries, meeting this challenge and enabling the energy revolution. We bring engineering excellence to install and ser vice thousands of wind turbines, generating green power all over the world.

In offshore wind, we are the global market leader; in onshore wind, we are no. 1 in markets across the world. Alongside this, we operate and maintain turbine fleets globally and produce clean and sustainable energy, powering our homes, schools, hospitals and keeping us moving wherever we are – from the largest cities to the world’s most remote corners. We are on an exciting journey – come join us!

Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology

Biomedical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 195 652 Total Engineers 450+ 2000+ 270

Difficult jobs for curious people


Our company

Founded in 1971, we’re headquartered in Denmark, our business and workforce are global, your career options are international, and our work style is agile as de fined by SAFe. At SimCorp you get to work in the intersection between technology and finance with the world’s leading investment management solutions providing critical infrastructure for the investment of incomprehensible sums each day, yearround.

We are looking for

We’re on a mission to transform important and difficult things into better and more simple solutions. So, if you – like us – get a kick out of things that are not easy to be gin with, we might have a path for you. We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all solution for talent and careers at SimCorp. Instead, we urge our people to seek and identify multiple paths for personal growth.

And for perspective, look at this equation: important = difficult = exciting.

We think it is an excellent checklist for your next job. Is it important so that you can make a real difference? Is it difficult, so it challenges you, keeps you sharp and above the competition? And is it exciting so you really enjoy your work and take that joy with you to other aspects of life?

If you agree, well, you know where to find us.

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project


Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

Let’s transform

Language Total Engineers 1,400 Total Engineers18,500 272
society together Transforming society together Kristian Kromann Structural Engineer and Sustainability Consultant Camilla Hvid Engineer and Landscape Architect, DGNB consultant

Transforming Society Together


Our company

Sweco is Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy. We plan and design the sustainable communities and cities of the future. Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 18,500 architects, en gineers and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, cap ture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable. Throughout our history we have combined perspectives to solve the challenges of our time.

We are looking for

We are specialized within the fields of buildings and urban areas, architecture, transport, infrastructure, water, energy and environment, technology, and software solutions. We are typically looking for talents within the fields of structural and civ il engineering, building engineering, design and architecture, sustainability, energy and environmental engineering, communication technology and software devel opment.

We offer internships, student jobs, master thesis and Ph.D collaborations.

Join our society

We know that a diverse society is a strong society – one where all perspectives are represented, valued and considered. Where different expertise come together to de sign the best solutions – for society at large and for ourselves.

At Sweco, we bring different and diverse expertise together. We give our employees the mandate to make decisions, take action and make a difference — allowing us all to grow.

Read more about a career with us at:

Meet us at these DSE events:

Management and Economics Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Economics Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning



Student job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time jobtime job School project


DTU Lyngby
DTU BallerupAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 120 160 Total Engineers17.000 274

Saab is a global defence and security company operating in the fields of air, land, na val defence, civil security and commercial aeronautics. We have operations in over 100 countries. Technologically we are leaders in many areas.

Saab is also a company with opportunities. A company where we see diversity as an asset and where you have both considerable responsibility and good opportunities for advancing in your career.

We are looking for

We want to attract newly graduated candidates and highly qualified talents, spe cialists and experts within the field of software. We can offer the computer science, IT security, software engineering and new technology that matches our business needs.

You will over time be challenged on equal terms with the educated engineers in our company.

Create our Future Today

Saab in Denmark has exciting opportunities for engineers ready to design inte grated communication systems. Our solutions are built using software and hard ware products from vendors all over the world, integrated through our own VoIP software platform, TactiCall. You will be working with a variety of communication technologies, with the opportunity to grow your general competence span and specialist skills. We offer you a lively international environment in a technology driven organiza tion, with skilled colleagues to work with and learn from. You will experience a high degree of freedom in an informal atmosphere. We offer a fresh, vibrant workplace, a great work culture, and an active social environment.


Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology Electronic Engineering

Mathematical Engineering

Export and Operations Software

Management and Economics Product and Design Machine learning


Internship job

Student job

time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


Saab Danmark A/S
Our company
We want to attract newly graduated, highly qualified talents and specialists within the field of computer science.
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 55 60 Total Engineers 55 60 276 We bring knowledge and young talent together Get to know us

People driving innovation

Our company

At Technolution we team up with Pharma & MedTech companies to make high qual ity products & management. With true team-spirit and relationships based on trust and respect. We have nine areas of expertise, and we are crisscrossing with the best solution for the client as the overall objective. Our house is a place of experienced professionals and upcoming talents. What we have in common is that we all strive to do our best as we enter the doors at Technolution or at our clients.


We are looking for

Most of all we are looking for nice and skilled people who will fit into the team, as we cherish our culture as well as we uphold a reputation of being top professional ly delivering high quality. We are looking for young talent for various functions –come by our booth at #165 or visit our website at to learn more about the opportunities.

See yourself in a friendly Medtech innovation hub?

We are trusted by some of the biggest players worldwide and we are growing rapid ly, why we are looking for more engineers. We would love to invite you to join our team and work with us on a bunch of exciting projects. We work as consultants, but always as a team, so at any time you will have colleagues to share challenges and learnings with. Gradually we are counting 60 consultants and our common denom inator is that we work ambitiously and top professionally with both curly nerdy brains and straightened shirts.

First, let’s have a cup of coffee to find out if you, or someone you know might be one of our new colleagues in our hub.

Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations Economics Product and Design Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Student job

Full time jobtime job job

Master thesis

Internship School project

Work abroad Ph.D

Graduate programme

AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 400 1,100 Total Engineers 400 1,100 278

Teknologi for en bedre fremtid

Om os

I samarbejde med dansk erhvervsliv omsætter vi teknologi og viden til løsninger, der skaber værdi for erhvervsliv og samfund. Teknologisk Institut er en helt central drivkraft for innovationen og teknologianvendelsen i Danmark. Vi har teknologisk ekspertise, den nyeste viden og ”state of the art”-udstyr, der styrker danske virksom heder og sikrer en høj innovationsevne.

Vi søger

På Teknologisk Institut bliver du en del af et stort fagligt netværk af de dygtigste specialister inden for en lang række områder.

Vi er mange ingeniører og cand.scient.’er, flere med en ph.d., men også andre ud dannelsesretninger kendetegner os – lige fra antropologer til Alle har vi vores særlige specialiseringer og interessefelter, hvilket tilsammen gør os til en faglig mangfoldig og innovativ arbejdsplads. Bliv en del af holdet

• Vi gør en forskel på Teknologisk Institut. Vi har et tæt samarbejde med virksom heder og forskningsinstitutioner, både nationalt og internationalt, og vi skaber innovative og bæredygtige løsninger for Danmarks fremtid.

• Vi udfordrer dig fagligt. Specialviden er vores vigtigste ressource, når vi lever er nye metoder, produkter, rådgivning, undervisning og test. Samarbejde er et nøgleord, internt såvel som eksternt. Vi samarbejder på tværs af fag om nye banebrydende teknologier og metoder.

• Vi har plads til udfoldelse. Vi spiller hinanden gode, og vi udfordrer dig i nye retninger. Vi har frihed under ansvar, og en høj grad af fleksibilitet, så du kan få din hverdag til at hænge sammen.

• Vi er Danmarks førende innovationsinstitut, og vi har unikke multidisciplinære kompetencer og råder over avancerede laboratoriefaciliteter. Det sikrer, at vi lev erer innovative helhedsløsninger på tværs af fag og brancher.


Management and Economics Economics


Product and Design


Structural and Civil Engineering

and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering


Medicine and Pharma


Physics and Nano





Machine learning


Full time



School project Master
Work abroad Graduate
Internship Student job job
jobtime job Ph.D
and OperationsExport and Operations
Software Biotechnology
Teknologisk Institut
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 300+ 1,350+ Total Engineers 400+ 1,650+ 280

Join the diligent

Our company

We build solutions that millions of people’s assets and lives depend upon. There fore, working at Terma means working in a team where we all profoundly depend on each other. When joining Terma, we promise you will experience: Great people, challenging tasks, world-class expertise, and meaningful contribution in your daily work.

We are looking for

During the DSE career fair, we will be ready for a chat about full-time positions for recent graduates as well as student jobs, internships, and project collaborations.

We employ the best and the brightest – those who want to be part of a company committed to its social and community responsibilities in the development of our products and services. And we bring passionate people together from different cul tural and professional backgrounds to innovate and find the best solutions for cus tomers.

A unique internship opportunity in the U.S.

Are you looking for an experience of a lifetime, with immense opportunities for both personal and professional development, and are you ready to spend 5 months at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics’ impressive production facility at either its Fort Worth, Texas or Atlanta, Georgia location? Here, you will have the opportunity to work on the fighter jet of tomorrow, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II.

The program is open to engineering students enrolled at a Danish university and currently studying for their Master’s degree within materials- and/or production technology. The internship is paid and runs from January until June. Apply for this internship to learn skills beyond those taught in the classroom.

Read more about the internship at our website: ternship/

Meet us at these DSE events:


Export and Operations

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Energy Engineering

Management and Economics Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job Work abroad

job time job

Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers - Total Engineers282

The Biotech City is a growth driver in Denmark – an industrial hotspot within biotechnological production. The Biotech City has Scandinavia’s largest biotech production with a strong process industry and an extensive follow-up industry of highly specialized craft companies.

The Biotech City holds the world’s largest insulin factory, the world’s largest enzyme production and Denmark’s largest refinery to name a few.

We are looking for talents within the following areas:

Industry 4.0, IT, automation and robotics, biotechnology, bioprocessing, chemical engineers, project management and other related areas.

2030 vision for the Biotech City

By 2030 the vision for the Biotech City is to be:

- A leading international cluster for education, research and innovation within biotechnology and process industry

- An international cluster for Industry 4.0 with a startup environment and an optimal infrastructure

- Continuously supporting the industrial symbiosis to accelerate the companies’ green transition through circular production


Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey


Medicine and Pharma

Product and Design Communication Technology

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme School project Ph.D

The Biotech City
Our company
The Biotech City has room for growing talents, unique qualifications and innovative ideas. And it has a world of opportunities.
DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 200 2,500 Total Engineers284

A technological workplace in constant development

Our company

IT and technology are a focal point of our business. As a tech profile at Topdanmark, you will become part of a workplace with 400 professional and skilled colleagues, who have the courage to break new paths.

You will have a more enjoyable workday at Topdanmark because you will be allowed to test new methods and ideas. We are in front with technological choices and domains. You will have great influ ence with regards to solutions and heavy technical feedback - all in all, a job with meaning in every aspect.

We are looking for

As an employee of Topdanmark you will have responsibility, influence on solutions and managers who support you all the way. And when solutions go live, feedback from thousands of users will be instant. There will continuously be focus on your competencies via courses and interactive cooperation with similar departments.

A workplace that is more you!

You will experience a healthier work life in Topdanmark. Why? Because we feel re sponsible for you, and because you will become part of a strong team. There will be plenty of recreational opportunities, healthy and inviting cafeteria meals and other measures for your wellbeing (sports, massage etc.). Our financial business is healthy, which is evident in your total salary package and through the advantages you will have with us and our partners. You get a braver workplace at Topdanmark. Focus on IT has long been manage ment’s top priority, and we are current leaders in the use of technology. We are on top of both machine learning and visualization. We started working agile in 2011 and operate using SAFe in several of our development areas. And yes, we still have a mainframe because we have the courage to stick to “what works”.

We are not just braver, healthier and more enjoyable at Topdanmark. - We are more you!

Meet us at these DSE events:


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 486 1,512 Total Engineers2,222 286

The future needs your ideas.

Our company

Over 80 years ago our founder, Haldor Topsøe, established the foundations of a business that would question the limits of possibility and inspire others to think further. He believed that science should benefit humanity, enriching and improv ing the lives of everyone on the planet. It’s a belief that is still alive and thriving in Topsøe today. We’re not interested in science for science’s sake. We tackle the tough est problems and make real world impact.


We are looking for

You understand the urgency of the issues our world faces, maybe even better than we do, and you’re ready to take action and find the solutions. And you’re a team player. Topsoe runs on purposeful collaboration. We support one another, we celebrate one another, and we share our expertise with one another. Because we know that’s how to get stuff done.

Why Topsoe?

Joining the Topsoe team is a chance to be surrounded by and learn from experts who are constantly striving to be the best. Because it takes the best, the brightest and the most passionate people to deliver the kind of innovation the world demands. It’s how we found solutions to acid rain and new ways to counter the threat of a global food crisis. But we won’t stop there. Here, we encourage you to keep looking to the fu ture, seeing where the world needs us the most, and creating new ways to GO SOLVE.

Management and Economics

Export and Operations Economics

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Mathematical Engineering

Biotechnology Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

time job job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 160 307 Total Engineers 210 610 288

TRACKMAN – Unleash your potential

Our company

TrackMan is a Danish technology company founded, owned and managed since 2003 by three entrepreneurs with a strong passion for sports. Thanks to our sophis ticated sports solutions, we are now more than 600 employees worldwide, ~ 40% of which are engaged in R&D in our Vedbæk Headquarter. Our products are ideated, manufactured, and marketed inhouse. We established additional offices in the USA (New York and Phoenix), Poland, Korea, and Japan to keep up with the latest tech trends and revolutionize sports.

We are looking for

At TrackMan, we know that great people make great products. We are looking for talented and passionate individuals with an agile mindset, ready to take responsi bility and participate actively in developing cutting-edge sports technology prod ucts. We believe teams and innovation sparks in an atmosphere where people are encouraged to think for themselves, and everybody’s voice is heard. This mix is what makes TrackMan an inspiring company – for employees and customers.


Technology evolving at the speed of innovation

The technology behind TrackMan’s success is a patented combination of Doppler Radar and camera, which provides accurate and valuable insights about equipment use and ball data. It all started with golf, where we track over 2 million shots per day and we are chosen by the best pro golfers, but we are rapidly expanding in baseball, football, and American football. We even helped athletes at The Tokyo Olympics to analyze and improve their performance in various sports. Our solutions are used by top athletes, sports enthusiasts, and sport centers worldwide, making us the point of reference in the indoor and outdoor sector. We have revolutionized the way tech nology is used in sports, and we’ll keep doing so. If it is within the laws of physics, we’ll find the answers.

Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Energy Engineering

Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Management and Economics Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Full time jobtime job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers +1,000 +1,000 Total Engineers290

career starts in The Triangle Region with 200.000 job opportunities

Our company

The Triangle Region is located right in the centre of Denmark. Within one hours drive you can reach Aarhus, Odense, Flensburg and Esbjerg – and have access to 600.000 jobs’.

The manufacturing industry is a strong driver in The Triangle Region. With more than 37.000 jobs in the manufacturing industry, The Triangle Region is the most im portant manufacturing industry region with great international competitiveness reached by focusing on innovation, design, and technology. In other words, The Tri angle Region is the centre of manufacturing in Denmark – and our contribution to the overall prosperity is the second largest in Denmark.

We are looking for

The companies in The Triangle Region are always looking for competent and qual ified labour. There are many versatile job opportunities, no matter your education and level of experience. Therefore, The Triangle Region is the place to let your career grow – here you can find your next job and the next after that. Join us at the DSE fair to learn more and participate in our competition - you can win a cool prize!

See all open jobs in The Triangle Region here:

The Triangle Region is known for offering amazing nature by the sea, lakes and woods and a great variety of affordable residences. Furthermore the region holds an impressive selection of cultural activities and stunning scenery which gives you unique opportunities for outdoor activities.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Triangle Region!

DSE events:


Management and Economics Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey


Structural and Civil Engineering Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Medicine and Pharma Communication Technology

Biomedical Engineering

Mathematical Engineering

Economics Software

Machine learning

Student job Internship job

WE OFFER time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme

School project


Trekantområdet trekantområ
DTU Lyngby Meet us at these
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 30 360 Total Engineers21.230 292

Join a world leader in engineered polymer solutions


Our company

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Helsingør is a full-service manufacturing facility that since 1965 has been a leading global supplier of sealing solutions. Our work makes cars perform more, planes land stably and the excavators break through the im possible. We are +360 dedicated colleagues who specialize in the development and production of low friction seals in advanced plastic materials.

Join a pioneer in polymer engineering, an innovative partner shaping the develop ment of key industries with its customers.

We are looking for

At our manufacturing site in Helsingør we are looking for curious and talented stu dents and graduates who are driven by the desire to make a difference profession ally. Trelleborg collaborates with DTU, and we recently participated in a DTU Innova tion Pilot. Our collaboration opens possibilities for diploma, master, and internship projects with the company.

With us you will play an active role in driving innovation and get the opportunity to develop your talents in an empowering culture.

Accelerate your career in Trelleborg

Our innovative solutions accelerate performance for customers in a sustainable way. We are where we are because our talents brought us here. And there is always room for one more talent. A career in Trelleborg develops abilities and fulfills poten tials - you get freedom to explore the possibilities in a dynamic and innovative or ganization, which is dedicated to constantly improving the customers’ experience of us. If you want to use your commitment and drive to make a difference - then you have a unique opportunity to contribute positively to the further development by joining Trelleborg. No matter your role we value your curiosity and knowledge to challenge the everyday thinking.

Find out more about us and your opportunities at

Meet us at these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Export and Operations Economics Product and Design Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering


Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Student job Internship job

WE OFFER time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project


Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Helsingør
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 11 324 Total Engineers294 Er du én af vores nye grønne helte? Billede_til_DSE_Messe.indd 1 11-02-2022 13:37:37


Om os


...for når det kommer til nedrivning, anlægsarbejder, miljøsanering og maskinud lejning, er der ikke mange som Tscherning - og det er vi stolte af. Vores fortælling er grøn, vi brænder for at være modige og for at gå forrest for både den bæredygtige agenda og den sociale ansvarlighed i en branche med et lidt blakket ry. Måske tænker du: ”Ej, det er i hvertfald ikke mig, den der branche”. Men giv os en chance. Vi er mega-seje, ret sjove og tillige hamrende dygtige til det, vi gør.

Vi søger

Vi drømmer om de mest nysgerrige, positive og no-bullshit praktikanter, som har lyst til at prøve kræfter med alle aspekter af en byggesag; ledelse, økonomi, bemand ing, tilbudsgivning og udførelse, og som vil påvirke og præge, lytte og lære, udvikle og udvikles.

Vi elsker, når andre også brænder for Tscherning og vores bæredygtige agenda, og når de har lyst til at blive en del af os.

Ingen af vores praktikforløb er ens, for ingen af vores praktikanter er ens.

Vores praktikforløb er ikke strømlinede og forudbestemte. Vi finder sammen ud af, hvor dine interesser er, og hvordan vi kan understøtte din udvikling, samtidig med, at du gør os klogere.

Måske har du lyst til at forsætte som fastansat, studentermedhjælper eller projek tansat efter dit praktikforløb.

Tal med os – vi er vilde med ild i øjnene, så din vilje og lyst er vigtigere end dine nu værende evner. Dem hjælper vi med. Ring og inviter dig selv på en kop god kaffe hos os i Hedehusene, så du får syn for sagerne selv. Læs mere om os på

at these DSE events:


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Economics Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job

Full time job Graduate programme

Work abroad

Master thesis Ph.D

School project

Tscherning A/S
Meet us
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total 1.800 Engineers 141 Total 1.800 Engineers 296


Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen

Sikrer velfungerende it-løsninger til den samlede Skatteforvaltning.

Om os

Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen udvikler, drifter og vedligeholder nye og ek sisterende it-systemer, så de er stabile, sikre og omkostningseffektive.

Vi lægger stor vægt på at skabe løsninger, der er data- og analysedrevne, som er værd iskabende for Skatteforvaltningen, og den samlede opgaveløsning.

I Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen er medarbejderne engagerede og fagligt kom petente. Vi arbejder professionelt i et stærkt fagligt fællesskab på tværs af styrelsen og Skatteforvaltningen.

Vi søger

I Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen får du et udviklingsjob med mening.

Vi arbejder tværfagligt og søger kolleger indenfor data & analyse, it-udvikling og drift, apps, projektledelse, forretningsudvikling.

Hør også om vores graduateprogram eller Data Engineer forløb, der begge specielt er målrettet nyuddannede. Hos os får du hurtigt ansvar og indflydelse og har mulighed for at skabe et meningsfuldt arbejdsliv.

Skab en karriere med mening

En karriere i hos Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen betyder en karriere, hvor du er en del af noget større og hvor du få et stort netværk af kolleger og samarbejdspart nere. Vi går op i høj faglighed, opgaveløsning og din karriereudvikling. Hjælpsom hed og ansvarsfølelse er med til at sikre et arbejdsliv i balance.

Vi er en offentlig it-organisation, der er drevet af et stort engagement for den vigtige samfundsopgave, vi har fået ansvaret for. Vi arbejder professionelt i stærke faglige fællesskaber på tværs af styrelsen, og vi tror på, at den bedste løsning findes i sam spillet mellem flere fagligheder. Hos os kan du hurtigt få ansvar og indflydelse og har mulighed for at skabe et interessant og meningsfuldt arbejdsliv.

these DSE events:


Export and Operations

Export and Operations Architecture and Planning

Mechanical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Full time job Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Meet us at
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 160 Total Engineers1,100 298

Unlock your full potential with Valcon

Our company

Valcon is an acronym for Value Consulting as value is the central focus in everything we do. Valcon is a north-western European consulting, technology and data com pany based in the Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Sweden, Germany and Croatia. Our mission is to combine premium consulting with deep technology and data knowl edge to add value to our clients. With our capabilities, we help clients to create value in transformations, from operational strategy to implementation, supported by a wide array of IT tools.

We are looking for

We are looking for people who are engaged, committed, smart and have a no-non sense attitude to consulting and solid problem-solving competencies. We care about people and how we can constantly challenge each other to become better.

We are looking for people who can say yes to these questions: Are you passionate about a career in management consulting where you make a difference and create sustainable results? Are you pragmatic and just overall a great human being? And are you among the top candidates in your year?

What we can offer you

We offer you the opportunity to work in a diverse and international environment with an informal culture, with a flat hierarchy, in which we cooperate across busi ness areas and levels. You will be working with some of the most talented and ex perienced consultants, and you will become part of a value-driven company, where our values; Integrity, Together, Joy, Curious and Can do are the corner stones in everything we do.


Economics Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Management and Economics Software

Export and Operations Machine learning

Mathematical Engineering


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Full time job Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

Fossil free living

Language Total Engineers 497 Total Engineers19,000 300 Join our journey
within one generation Main Wind Office Locations Wind Farms Kolding | Copenhagen | Hamburg | London | Amsterdam. We operate and maintain more than 1100 wind turbines offshore and onshore located in DK, DE, UK, NL and SE. Opportunities and careers VF_DSE_Pejling_release_V03.indd 1 27.01.22 14:39

Developing the green energy of tomorrow

Our company

Vattenfall is one of Europe’s largest producers of electricity and heat with approxi mately 19,000 employees.

Our purpose is to Power Climate Smarter Living and enable fossil-free living within one generation.

The company’s Business Area Wind is one of the biggest renewable energy players in Europe and is responsible for developing and operating Vattenfall’s on- and off shore wind farms as well as solar farms and large-scale batteries.

We are looking for

All employees at Vattenfall are energized by one essential goal: To power climate smarter living and become fossil free within one generation. This requires broader thinking and real changes. It requires people who want to make a real difference.

Read more about a career with Vattenfall:

Meet our engineers

Meet our engineers at the Vattenfall booth at the career fairs in Aalborg and Lyngby. Or find more information regarding opportunities in Vattenfall on


Meet us at these DSE events:


Export and Operations

Management and Economics Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Structural and Civil Engineering Energy Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Environmental Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Master thesis

Full time job Graduate programme

School project


Vattenfall Wind
DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgAAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 280 880 Total Engineers 280 880 302

Vil du være med til at gøre en forskel? Så bliv ingeniørpraktikant hos Vejdirektoratet i efteråret 22

Om os

Vejdirektoratet udvikler Danmarks infrastruktur og binder landet sammen. Det kræver løsninger, der balancerer mobilitet, miljø og trafiksikkerhed. Dem skaber vi med store ambitioner, men ikke med store armbevægelser. Vi har styr på budgetterne og på fagligheden, når vi udvikler fremtidens veje, broer, tunneller og bygninger.

Kvaliteten er på plads, uanset om vi arbejder med biodiversitet, klimavenlig asfalt eller på nogle af Danmarks største anlægsprojekter. Vi skal bruge dig til at skabe de bedste løsninger.

Vi søger

Lige nu har vi en række ledige praktikantstillinger i hhv. København, Aalborg og Næstved. Hos os kan du dette semester afprøve dine kompetencer indenfor plan lægning og forbedring af landeveje og motorveje og arbejde med trafiksikkerhed, fremkommelighed og borgerkontakt.

Er du mere til statistiske udfordringer, trafikstatistik og simuleringsmodeller, så er der også noget for dig. Vi har ikke en forventning om, at du er 100 meter-mester fra begyndelsen, så vi hjælper dig på vej. Vi glæder os til at tale med dig.

Vejdirektoratet får dig godt på vej

I Vejdirektoratet er vi altid på jagt efter de bedste hoveder og de mest innovative ideer til at løse de mange opgaver i Danmarks infrastruktursektor. Derfor har vi flere muligheder til dig, der gerne vil være i praktik hos os, og starte i et praktik forløb eller leder efter et studiejob. Kom og tal med os på DSE-messen i Aalborg den 12. – 13. oktober, eller skriv til HR-konsulent Anders Paulsen på:


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Chemical Engineering


Medicine and Pharma

Biomedical Engineering

Physics and Nano

Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Communication Technology

Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Full time job Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project Ph.D

Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 2,500 Total Engineers12,500 304

A bright future – Help us at VELUX create a brighter world

Our company

VELUX was established in 1941 by founder Villum Kann Rasmussen. Since then, VE LUX has been bringing daylight and fresh air into homes around the world for the past 80 years. Today, the 11,500 women and men who come through our doors every single morning push this company forward. They do it with curiosity and courage – not just for their own sake, or the company’s sake, but also for our planet and for the communities we serve.

We are looking for

Help us create a brighter world!

Join our team of product specialists and be part of an innovative, company with a clear vision for long-term growth and sustainability. At VELUX you’ll develop your expertise by using the most advanced technologies and processes. With our strong learning culture, you’ll be quickly up to speed on our products, and be problem solv ing with your team in no time. If working with industry experts and creating cut ting edge solutions appeals to you, VELUX is where you’ll find your place.

A culture where ideas are more important than titles

We may be a large company. But at our core we are still a family-owned business. So we are under no pressure to deliver short-term results to the stock market or to external investors. The VELUX Group has not become market leader by taking things for granted. It takes the utmost care and dedication from the more than 11.500 peo ple who work here, in more than 40 different countries. With us you have the op portunity to engage in ambitious projects and initiatives that are run by equally ambitious people. After all the best way to improve is to learn from new challenges. If there is one thing we really welcome here, it is good ideas, no matter how small. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that they come. We believe ideas can come from any one at any time.


Management and Economics

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Mechanical Engineering Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Energy Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

Meet some of our membersVELUX
DTU Lyngby Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers ? 650 Total Engineers ? 2000 306

Teknologi for dig og for hele samfundet

Om os

Vi er til stede alle steder i det digitale samfund. Lige fra udviklingen af det digitale kørekort og sundhedskort over til udviklingen af de store, forretningskritiske sys temer, som er medvirkende til at sikre alt fra en effektiv arbejdsmarkedsindsats, bæredygtigt fiskeri og meget, meget mere. Vi efterlader et solidt aftryk i det danske samfund, fordi vores konsulenter hver dag arbejder på at gøre verden til et bedre sted, end den var i går. Vi holder til i et nyt, bæredygtigt domicil i Carlsbergbyen, og vi har kontorer i hele Norden. Fælles for os allesammen er, at vi elsker teknologi og udvikling af ny software, som er til gavn for alle i samfundet.

Vi søger

Vi er altid på udkig efter nye talenter, og her du har muligheden for at kickstarte din karriere som IT-konsulent i vores IT-Graduate program. IT-Graduate Programmet er et 12 måneders forløb, hvor din personlige og professionelle udvikling fra dag ét er sat i højsædet. Du indgår på projekter med andre konsulenter og seniorer, og du leverer den nyeste viden fra Universitetet og er ikke bange for at komme med løsningsforslag eller tage teten på opgaver. Vigtigst er, at du brænder for kode og for at levere gode løsninger, og så er du ikke bange for at tale med kunder og på sigt agere sparringspartner i samarbejde med dine kollegaer. Vi arbejder med mange forskellige teknologier som Java, .Net/C#, Clojure, Angular, React, CSS, HTML, UX og ML.

Teknologi for dig og for hele samfundet

Vi er vilde med software og de muligheder, som det giver os og vores kunder. Men vi ved også, at teknologi ikke er noget uden mennesker. Hver eneste dag har vi dygtige kolleger, der udvikler produkter, hjælper vores kunder og bygger bro imellem inno vativ software og virkelige virksomhedsprocesser. Hvis du søger en karriere inden for IT, så er Visma fyldt med muligheder og fokus på din personlige og faglige udvikling. Vi bevæger os hurtigt, vores beslutningsprocess er er korte, og hos os får du ansvar og mulighed for at skabe innovative løsninger fra første dag. Vores løsninger spænder vidt og favner bredt. I den private og offent lige sektor hjælper vi hver dag næsten én million kunder med at effektivisere deres virksomheder gennem fremtidssikrede softwareløsninger og konsulentydelser.


Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Mechanical Engineering Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Electronic Engineering

Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Economics Communication Technology Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job Work abroad

Full time jobtime job Graduate programme

School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Visma Consulting
Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU Lyngby DTU BallerupAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

Weibel - Always Ahead

Our company

Weibel Scientific is the global leader in the market for advanced Doppler radar sys tems. For more than 40 years, we have sold cutting-edge radars around the world for use in aerospace, defense and missile defense systems. Weibel has delivered more than 5,000 radars to more than 40 countries, and our radars have secured safety for NASA astronauts since 2005. The core of Weibel’s products is the high quality data derived from advanced digital signal processing of radar data from its triple wave form Doppler radars.

We are looking for

Whether you are a software engineer or an electrical technician, we always want to work with the best minds – both students and new graduates. We offer a variety of exciting opportunities such as internships, master thesis projects, PhD, and full time jobs. We are eager to work with the best talents across a breadth of educational backgrounds and experiences, with a variety of competencies, including the ability to work collaboratively and with good team spirit.


In-house development

Quality and reliability are key design principles, and we believe in having total con trol over all core processes – from development to production. That’s why we devel op and manufacture our systems in-house. All mechanical parts, electronics and software – including components such as microwave amplifiers and oscillators –are built by our team of highly specialized engineers in Denmark.

Export and Operations

Export and Operations Economics

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Product and Design Communication Technology

Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

Internship Student job

WE OFFER job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

Weibel Scientific A/S
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg

Leger vi med fremtiden?

Tørke, trængsel, oversvømmelse, forurening og arter der forsvinder. Der er nok af udfordringer at tage fat på, hvis vi skal efterlade et velfungerende og trygt samfund til de næste generationer.

Med vores stærke internationale koncept Future Ready arbejder vi i WSP med fremtidige trends og tendenser inden for klima, samfund, teknologi og ressourcer. For det handler om at skabe løsninger der både giver mening i dag og om 30 år. Vi rådgiver ud fra en stærk lokal forankring og et internationalt udsyn med mere end 55.000 eksperter at trække på over hele verden.

Language Total Engineers 226 500 Total Engineers55,000 310

En global spiller med lokalt nærvær

Om os

WSP Danmark er en rådgivningsvirksomhed med ca. 500 medarbejdere. Vi er ek sperter i bl.a. infrastruktur, miljø, byggeri og klimatilpasning. Vi er en del den globale rådgivervirksomhed WSP med 55.000 medarbejdere i hele verden og kan derfor trække på et internationalt netværk af eksperter. Vi leverer bæredygtige løs ninger, der giver værdi for vores kunder og for omgivelserne.

Vi søger

Vi kigger efter medarbejdere, der vil være med til at skabe en bedre fremtid i samar bejde med nogle dygtige kolleger, der brænder for deres fagområder.

Vi arbejder blandt andet efter konceptet Future Ready, som går ud på at lave pro jekter, der forholder sig til den fremtidige udvikling inden for klima, samfund, res sourcer og teknologi. Ved at tænke i bæredygtige og innovative løsninger er vi med til at understøtte den grønne omstilling.

Vi designer fremtiden

Vores eksperter søger altid udfordringer, og vi bruger vores faglige nysgerrighed til at finde innovative løsninger på komplekse problemstillinger. Vi brænder for at føre vores idéer ud i livet, så vi i fællesskab kan skabe et bæredygtigt samfund, som imødekommer fremtidens udfordringer.

Kan du hjælpe os med at skabe bæredygtige og innovative løsninger, som er med til at forme morgendagens samfund? Så kan du måske blive en del af WSP.



Management and Economics Export and Operations

Product and Design

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering

Biotechnology Chemical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology

Export and Operations Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering


Machine learning


Internship Student job

job time job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

Full time job School project Ph.D

Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg
Language Total Engineers 4,000 Total Engineers6,800 312 Imagine a future where brainstorms are about real storms

Engineer the renewable technologies of tomorrow


Management and Economics Economics

Export and OperationsExport and Operations

Our company

The Ørsted vision is to create a world that runs entirely on green energy. Ørsted is a global leader in offshore wind and is ranked as the world’s most sustainable energy company.

A global green energy leader. Powered by talent

Our heritage is Nordic, our outlook global. Ørsted runs the world’s largest wind farms and is one of the largest green energy developers in the world. Most of our earnings come from international markets – and we’re expanding worldwide. We’re not only transforming the way the world is powered – we’re leading the glob al green energy transition.

What you can expect

At Ørsted you’ll have the opportunity to turn your passion into action with the world’s most sustainable energy company. Here you’ll experience continuous op portunities for learning and development, working in teams of industry-leading experts on some of the biggest engineering challenges in the world today. You’ll find yourself in a friendly work environment, collaborating in a trusting and supportive culture.

Great ideas start with people

We employ 7,300 people and app. 1000 of these are engineers. To work with us, you must aim to be among the best in your field and have a global mindset and a desire to make a difference. We aim high in everything we do, and we continuously chal lenge ourselves and each other to push the bar higher and ensure that we continue to take the lead in our industry.

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering Architecture and Planning Energy Engineering


Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Product and Design Communication Technology

Physics and Nano

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electronic Engineering

Mathematical Engineering

Geophysics and Survey Software

Machine learning


Internship Student job job

Full time jobtime job

Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme School project


Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby
Language Total Engineers 800 Total Engineers1000 314

Are you our future graduate?


Our company

Unicon A/S and Aalborg Portland A/S are part of the Aalborg Portland Holding Group, owned by Cementir Holding N.V which has its head office in Rome, Italy. Unicon is Denmark’s leading producer and supplier of ready-mixed concrete for private cus tomers and business clients. Aalborg Portland is not only Denmark’s only cement producer. We are also the market leader of the Danish market and we have a big ex port from the factory in Aalborg.

We are looking for

We are looking for graduates for our two-year graduate programme, which includes three rotations in various departments of the company. In Aalborg Portland and Unicon, you will become part of a world-leading cement and concrete producer with a regional head office in Denmark and activities throughout the Nordic coun tries, Europe and the USA. As a leading cement and concrete producer with green ambitions, complex production processes and ongoing research and development, it is crucial that we help shape the specialists and leaders of the future.

How is the graduate programme structured?

From day one, you will be part of project teams comprised of engineers, manag ers and staff functions, and you will establish great relationships and network throughout the Danish cement and concrete industry. Please register with our job agent to get notified when the graduate positions are posted. You can find the job agent on our homepages: and

Management and Economics Mechanical Engineering

Export and Operations

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning

Geophysics and Survey

Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering

Export and Operations Energy Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma

Biotechnology Communication Technology

Physics and Nano Mathematical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Product and Design Software

Machine learning


Student job Internship job time job

Full time job Work abroad

Master thesis

Graduate programme

School project


Aalborg Portland Unicon
Meet us at these DSE events: DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby AAU Aalborg DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg



Language Total Engineers 95 667 Total Engineers 95 667 316 Aarsleff Rail løser infrastrukturopgaver på og omkring banen i Danmark, Sverige, Norge og Tyskland. Vi har kompetencer indenfor alle banetekniske discipliner.


Om os

Aarsleff Rail bygger samfundets infrastruktur og gør jernbanen grønnere. Vi sørg er for at banen er klar til eltog, højere hastigheder og flere tog. Hos os er du med til at planlægge og gennemføre fx sporfornyelser, betonkonstruktioner og køre strømsanlæg. Undervejs udvikler vi sammen helt nye løsninger til vedligehold og nyanlæg. Du møder en virksomhed i vækst. Det betyder, at du får gode muligheder for at bidrage med din viden og få erfaring.

Vi søger

Vi ved godt, at du som nyuddannet ikke er ekspert i jernbaneanlæg. Men er du en gageret og en fagligt dygtig holdspiller, der ikke er bange for have kontor i en skurby, har vi drømmejobbet til dig. Du får gode rammer for videreuddannelse og udvikling – og en arbejdsplads med åbenhed, dynamik, ansvarlighed og professionalisme. Du bliver udfordret af erfarne kollegaer i et gensidigt samarbejde, hvor vi lærer af hinanden. Det giver sammenhold og gør os alle dygtigere.

Danmarks største jernbaneentreprenør

I Aarsleff Rail har vi specialiseret os i at planlægge og gennemføre alle typer infra strukturprojekter, på og omkring jernbanenettet. Vi er blandt de førende i branchen og har kompetencer til alle discipliner in-house. Vores specialkompetencer og eu ropæiske netværk giver dig unikke muligheder for samarbejde med både danske og internationale partnere. Vores aktiviteter i Norge, Sverige og Tyskland åbner også mulighed for at prøve dig selv af på spændende projekter i andre omgivelser.

Vi er en del af Aarsleff-koncernen, som arbejder på internationalt plan og har en førende position i Danmark. Koncernen er specialiseret i planlægning og udførelse af store, komplekse projekter indenfor infrastruktur, klimatilpasning, miljø, energi og bygge- og anlægsopgaver.


these DSE events:

Export and Operations

Export and Operations

Product and Design

Mechanical Engineering

Structural and Civil Engineering

Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey

Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

Economics Electronic Engineering

Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering

Communication Technology

Management and Economics Software

Machine learning

WE OFFER job time job

Internship Student job Work abroad

Full time job School project

Master thesis Ph.D

Graduate programme

Aarsleff Rail A/S
Meet us at
AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU LyngbyAAU AalborgDTU Lyngby

Company Index

School Project Master thesis Ph.D Full Time Job Work Abroad Graduate Programme Student Job Internship WE OFFER Machine learning Export and Operations Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering Electronic Engineering Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology Product and Design Management and Economics Software FIELDS OF STUDY 3 Shape Accenture AFRY Air Liquide Andreasen & Elmgaard Arup Atkins ATP AWA Denmark A/S Bain & Company BAM Danmark A/S Banedanmark Bankdata BITZER Electronics A/S Boston Consulting Group Bravida Denmark BWSC A/S CG Jensen Chr. Hansen Cobham Satcom Confirm A/S Convatec COOK Medical COWI A/S CP Kelco cVation Danfoss Dansk Brand og Sikring Danske Bank Danske Commodities Danske Spil Dawn Health Delegate DHI
School project Master thesis Ph.D Full time job Work abroad Graduate programme Student job Internship WE OFFER Machine learning Export and Operations Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering Electronic Engineering Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology Product and Design Management and Economics Software FIELDS OF STUDY Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg DIS A/S DS Stålkonstruktion A/S DSV A/S EKJ Rådgivende Ingeniører Energinet Entreprenørfirmaet Nordkysten EPICO NextGen EPOS EY FORCE Technology FORSVARET FOSS FUJIFILM GEA Process Engineering Geo GN Group Grundfos H. Lundbeck A/S HOFOR A/S IBM Immeo ISC IT minds KMD KPMG KrügerKamstrup Linak Logpoint Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune ESA Hottinger, Brüel & Kjær HumioCrowdstrike Eurofins
School Project Master thesis Ph.D Full Time Job Work Abroad Graduate Programme Student Job Internship WE OFFER Machine learning Export and Operations Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering Electronic Engineering Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology Product and Design Management and Economics Software FIELDS OF STUDY MT Højgaard NCC Danmark Netcompany Netlight Consulting Niras NNE Nordcloud ApS Nordic Sugar A/S Novataris Novo Nordisk OFS Fitel Danmark OJ Electronics A/S Oticon Per Aarsleff Phil Koncernen-LM Byg Postnord Danmark PwC R&D Engineering A/S Radiometer Medical Rambøll Ringkøbing-skjern Erhvervsråd Migatronic MilestoneMekoprintMAN energy solutions McKinsey & Company MarelMaersk Mjølner Informatics MOE
School project Master thesis Ph.D Full time job Work abroad Graduate programme Student job Internship WE OFFER Machine learning Export and Operations Architecture and Planning Geophysics and Survey Physics and Nano Energy Engineering Mathematical Engineering Electronic Engineering Biomedical Engineering Medicine and Pharma Structural and Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering Communication Technology Product and Design Management and Economics Software FIELDS OF STUDY Meet us at these DSE events: AAU Aalborg DTU BallerupDTU Lyngby DTU LyngbyAAU Aalborg Rockwool International RTX A/S SAS Institute Shape Shure Scandinavia Siccadania Siemens Siemens Gamesa SimCorp SwecoSAAB Danmark Technolution Teknologisk Institut Terma The Biotech City Topdanmark Forsikring Topsøe Trackman Trekantsområdet Trelleborg Tscherning Udvikling-og forenklingsstyrelsen Valcon Vattenfall Vejdirektoratet Velux Visma Weibel Scientific WSP Danmark Ørsted Services Aarsleff Rail A/S Aalborg Portland


Pacific North: 18

Akademikernes A-kasse: 38

Morten Jerichau: 41

Ditte Langer Mørch: 43

Dines Jørgensen & Co. A/S: 44

Rambøll: 45

Miklos Szabo: 49

Birgit O’Sullivan: 51

Stine Heilman: 53

Additional photos:

Special thanks: Line Randa, career counsellor, Aalborg University Birgitte Schierning, senior consultant Akademikernes A-kasse

DTU Skylab

Birgit O’Sullivan Jobindex

DTU Alumni

Thomas Møller Christensen

DSE Aalborg DSE Lyngby Kroghstræde 5, lok. 85 Anker Engelunds Vej 1, DTU bldg. 101E 9220 Aalborg Ø 2800 Kgs. Lyngby (+45) 9815 6077 (+45) 4593 2223

Editor in Chief :

Malthe Trans Frederiksen & Mathias Brahe Isaksen

The Pejling Committee: (Editors):

Christian Foss Anna Wittrup Jørgensen Kasper Mikkelsen Klodjana Saraçi Kristian Hedegård Rasmussen Rasmus Emil Vestergaard Sørensen

Teodor de Val Weywadt Magnus Oksbøl Therkelsen


Marianne Bom & Rie Jerichow, Publicér (p.22-41) Birgit O’Sullivan, O’Sullivan Consulting (p.44-49) Thomas Møller Christensen, AAU Innovation

Pejling is published by Students’ Business Relations (DSE) and is revised twice a year (spring and autumn).


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