Program Manual 2016-2017
Contents Program Mission: ............................................................................................. 3 Program Vision: ............................................................................................ 3 Program Goals: ............................................................................................ 3 All Eco-Reps Will: ......................................................................................... 3 Eco-Reps Serving Campus Residential Spaces Should: ............................................ 4 Eco-Reps Serving Clubs/Organizations Should: .................................................... 4 Eco-Reps Serving Athletic Teams Should: .......................................................... 4 Faculty/Staff Eco-Reps Serving Departments/Offices/Centers Should: ....................... 4 What is an Eco-Rep at Dickinson? ......................................................................... 5 Responsibilities for Eco-Reps............................................................................... 6 Tips for Successful Place Audits ........................................................................... 7 Educating for Change ..................................................................................... 11 Target Your Audience: ................................................................................. 11 Connect with Your Audience: ......................................................................... 11 Allow Your Audience to Arrive at Their Own Conclusions: ....................................... 11 Help Your Audience Plan Their Goals: ............................................................... 12 Things to Avoid: ......................................................................................... 12 Green Devil Certification ................................................................................. 12 How to Plan Successful Eco-Reps Programming ....................................................... 14 1.
Planning the event: ............................................................................... 14
Funding the Event: ................................................................................ 15
At the Event: ....................................................................................... 15
After the Event:.................................................................................... 16
Program Ideas............................................................................................ 22 Compost 101 ................................................................................................ 23 How Do I Do That? ......................................................................................... 24 Get Creative and Take Action! ........................................................................ 25 A Few Definitions .......................................................................................... 26 Dickinson Definitions ...................................................................................... 27 Dickinson Sustainability Organizations ................................................................. 28 Sustainable Transportation Options ..................................................................... 31 Contact ...................................................................................................... 33 2016-17 Eco-Reps Contract ............................................................................ 34
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Program Mission: The Dickinson Eco-Reps program strives to create a community of leaders in sustainability who work to empower others to make sustainable changes in their lives and in their communities through peer education, programming, and outreach. The program empowers students, faculty, and staff to represent and lead a community of their choice to become more sustainable and foster connections. Eco-Reps form a network of leaders that work together to create a sustainable campus.
Program Vision:
A holistically sustainable Dickinson community shaped by empowered campus leaders.
Program Goals: 1. Help Dickinsonians gain a better understanding of sustainability at Dickinson and how to connect these opportunities to their lives on campus and beyond. 2. Create a more sustainable campus through peer education. 3. Develop a peer education system and structure that allows Eco-Reps to learn, teach, and lead. 4. Develop student, faculty, and staff leaders that can effectively educate others and be proactive agents of change. 5. Make resources for promoting sustainability at Dickinson more accessible. 6. Educate peers about how certain choices affect their environments, including natural resources, finances, and their communities. 7. Empower constituents to make sustainable decisions through peer education and programming.
All Eco-Reps Will: 1. Serve as peer educators for sustainability. 2. Select a community to represent and lead toward a more sustainable life. 3. Be encouraged to reflect on personal growth and communicate successes and struggles as a way to spread learning experiences and evolve the goals of the program. 4. Attend meetings to discuss issues and ideas regarding the program.
5. Attend Sustain IT workshops and events for self-improvement to become a more successful community leader. 3 Ι CSE Ι Eco-Reps Manual 2016-2017
6. Conduct “Place Audits” to ensure the understanding of sustainability in your community for yourself and your constituents. 7. Provide a connection between CSE and the Dickinson College community. 8. Become Green Devil certified. 9. Be an available resource for sustainability across campus. Eco-Reps are volunteer leaders comprised of Dickinson students, faculty, and staff. When applying, each Eco-Rep will designate a community to serve. Examples could include a/an: residence hall/special interest house, varsity or club athletic team, fraternity/sorority, student organization, academic department, office, building, and center, etc. The Eco-Rep should be involved in the community he or she chooses to serve. Below are a few suggestions that will help you determine how you can serve your community as a leader in sustainability by being an Eco-Rep. Eco-Reps Serving Campus Residential Spaces Should: 1. Serve as peer educators within residential communities at Dickinson. 2. Plan and host at least one educational event or campaign in your residential space. 3. Manage specialized recycling and compost bins in your residential space.
Eco-Reps Serving Clubs/Organizations Should: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Serve as peer educators within student life communities at Dickinson. Plan and host at least one educational event or campaign for your organization. Manage any composting or specialized recycling in your organization’s space. Work to make events more sustainable.
Eco-Reps Serving Athletic Teams Should: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Serve as peer educators within athletic and team communities at Dickinson. Maintain plastic bag recycling bins within athletic facilities. Plan and host at least one educational event or campaign for your team. Work to make athletic facilities and operations more sustainable.
Faculty/Staff Eco-Reps Serving Departments/Offices/Centers Should: 1. Serve as peer educators within professional communities at Dickinson (offices, departments, center, library, HUB, gallery, etc.) 2. Advocate sustainable practices within your professional environment. 3. Create outreach campaigns to improve sustainability in your “place.”
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What is an Eco-Rep at Dickinson? Eco-Reps are volunteer leaders (students, faculty, or staff) that serve as peer educators for sustainability across all areas of residence life, student engagement, operations, academics, admissions, advancement etc. Eco-Reps work with their communities and serve as mentors for sustainability. Any Dickinsonian can apply to be an Eco-Rep. Students, faculty, and staff with an interest or passion for sustainability are encouraged to join the team! We support selecting a diverse group of individuals to create the team as new opportunities arise each semester. Eco-Reps are supported by the Center for Sustainability Education, with assistance from CSE student interns. The Center for Sustainability Education promotes learning and action by members of the Dickinson College community for creating a sustainable world. Our vision is for every Dickinsonian to have the competencies and dispositions to help make the world a better place—a world that is socially just, economically vibrant, and environmentally sustainable. Through peer education, Eco-Reps make vital contributions to this mission.
Learn. Lead. Act.
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Responsibilities for Eco-Reps Peer Education: You will be a resource for sustainable living! Get creative on new ways to outreach to your audience. What are the problems? How can you help? Work together to create community-specific educational opportunities. Additionally, you should attend Sustain IT workshops so that you have a solid working knowledge of sustainability at Dickinson. Doing independent research, interviewing campus resources and getting involved are also great ways to build your knowledge and better serve our community. Part of peer education is collaboration! Do not be afraid to collaborate with other Eco-Reps, CSE, other organizations on campus, or individuals in your communities.
Workshops & Meetings: Eco-Reps are encouraged to attend educational Sustain IT workshops as part of outreach for the Center for Sustainability Education. These workshops will combine info sharing, knowledge and action and allow Eco-Reps to identify tangible project ideas for their community. Workshops aren’t mandatory, but will be incentivized. The Sustain IT workshops are designed to create action on an issue of concern through education, networking, and prioritization. Students, faculty and staff participate to learn, discuss current practices and ideas for improvement, and then identify action items that can create positive change towards a more sustainable campus. Eco-Reps will have mandatory meetings about once a month. These will last for approximately 45 minutes and will likely be broken down by community type (residential, clubs/organizations/athletic teams, departments/offices/centers). Meetings give Eco-Reps and CSE staff the ability to talk face-to-face about issues and ideas regarding the program. Meetings also help to keep everyone accountable for their responsibilities and create a space for collaboration and teamwork.
Programming: Eco-Reps should plan and host one educational event, project or campaign for their community. This event can take on different goals and forms, so be creative! Each community has different objectives, needs, strengths, and problems, so keep those in mind as you think about your program.
Recycling: Eco-Reps are encouraged to monitor recycling bins in their places to make sure waste diversion is maximized. Additionally, Eco-Reps can create
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specialized recycling containers, such as for plastic bags, electronic waste, etc., for their place.
Place Audits: Audits of your communities’ space should be conducted to help you and CSE access the space for energy, waste, and other environmental concerns. They also keep Eco-Reps accountable and keep CSE informed on your space’s progress. Eco-Reps should turn in place audits on a bi-weekly basis either online or at CSE.
Tips for Successful Place Audits Use the place audit sheet on pages 9 and 10 as a reference to help you walk through the audit process. 1. Be Informed: You need to know how waste should be sorted in order to educate others. Signage (see page 8) is designed to assist you in knowing what materials should be going to the landfill, recycled, or composted. a. Plastic Bag Recycling: Plastic bags collected on our campus are taken to Giant Foods, and are then turned into park benches through the Bags to Benches program! i. Establish a plastic bag recycling collection bin for your community. ii. Check the plastic bag recycling in your space during bin audits. Make sure the receptacle is visible and well-labeled. CSE will provide you with the correct posters and signage for these bins. iii. Separate the items that were placed in the bin incorrectly. iv. Take the bags to a central collection spots in the Kline, the bottom of the HUB, the Durden Center, or bring them directly to CSE in Kaufman 190. b. E-Waste: E-Waste can follow the same procedure as plastic bag recycling i. Establish an E-Waste collection bin for your community. ii. Label the bin as a collection spot for E-Waste. iii. Separate the items that were placed in the bin incorrectly. iv. When the bin fills, take it to the bottom of the HUB for recycling or bring them directly to CSE in Kaufman 190. It is your job to make sure that the people in your community are informed and have these collection and convenient places available. If you need updated signage, contact your Eco-Reps Coordinator or CSE. 2. Adopt a Compost Bin: As an Eco-Rep, your place’s compost bin is your responsibility. Make sure your compost is not too full or left alone for too long. 7 Ι CSE Ι Eco-Reps Manual 2016-2017
That will encourage people to not utilize it and foster complaints. Additionally, make sure the area around the compost bin is clean and free of pests. Request cleaning supplies from housekeeping and clean up any messes as necessary. Full compost can be taken behind the Stewart House, Drayer, or Davidson-Wilson. 3. Create & Maintain Bulletin Boards: Bulletin boards help educate on sustainability and make sustainability a visible force in your community. a. Change the bulletin board once each semester and repair any damaged materials as needed. Post sustainability related opportunities, tips, and events. i. Eco-Reps for traditional residence halls: All residence halls have a designated sustainability bulletin board. ii. Eco-Reps for other communities: Check out your space and see if there is an unused bulletin board. Get permission to dedicate it to sustainability! iii. No bulletin board? No problem! This is a great opportunity to design a brief digital poster or newsletter for your group. 4. Reach Out if There is a Problem: If there is a problem with the compost bins themselves, such as a missing or broken bin, report the problem to CSE. If there is a problem with the trash or recycling, report that problem to facilities via a work order. Instructions can be found on page 24. 5. Ask Questions: Feel free to reach out to the Eco-Reps Coordinator, other Eco-Reps, or CSE.
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Place Audit
Name: Date: Place Location: Approximate Number of Members in Community:
Waste Bins Landfill How Many Bins? How Full On Average?
__ %
Content Notes: Suggestions for Improvement:
Recycling How Many Bins? How Full On Average?
Content Notes: Suggestions for Improvement:
Compost How Many Bins? How Full On Average?
__ %
Content Notes: Suggestions for Improvement:
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Education Interactions with Members of Community: Status of Passive Education (bulletin boards, posters, signs, etc): Evidence of Change in Community: One Idea for Improvement? Who can help?
Operations Work Orders Needed?
Notes for Housekeeping?
Comments Highlight During Audit: Next Steps:
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Educating for Change Peer education is the main objective of the EcoReps program. This information is designed to help you learn how to reach others effectively. We are all creatures of habit. Changing our habits is difficult and it takes time—even when we know the change will be for the better! How many times have you told yourself to exercise more or procrastinate less? Now, imagine trying to change other people’s habits! Here are some strategies to help you effectively communicate with your constituents about behavior change. Remember to stay positive and patient!
Target Your Audience:
Ask yourself, what motivates this person? If you don’t know, try to find out. Your audience will respond better to messages that speak to their values. You will have to balance emotional and fiscal arguments to reach your entire community. Try appealing to shared values and goals of the community. Ask them to define why creating a sustainable community is important. The program workshops are built to help Eco-Reps target multifaceted audiences effectively. Lastly, be flexible and genuine! Don’t assume a tactic that worked for one person will work for everyone.
Connect with Your Audience:
Your audience will be more willing to listen to people they know and trust. When talking with them, try to stress shared interests and community standards. If you do not know the person you are talking to, try emphasizing your shared experience as a Dickinsonian.
Allow Your Audience to Arrive at Their Own Conclusions:
Instead of telling them what changes they should make, guide them to arrive at their own conclusions. Give your audience enough information in order for them to make their own informed decisions. Once they take ownership of an issue, they will be much more likely to carry out any new behaviors than if someone else had suggested it to them.
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Help Your Audience Plan Their Goals:
While defining goals for your audience, remember to outline how these goals will be implemented. For example, if your residence hall wants to reduce their use of plastic water bottles, help them make an action plan for this goal. Try connecting the goal to something fun, like “Water Bottle Wednesdays.” However, what happens when there are people on your floor who prefer soda to water? This is an example of a barrier to behavior change. In order to avoid some of these barriers, help your audience plan ahead. Suggest that they try bringing their water bottle to the cafeteria at lunch time to get soda. You could also give them reasons why drinking water for a day is a healthy lifestyle change. Therefore, not only does your audience have a goal, they also have a plan. Having a plan will remove many of the barriers to behavior change, making them more likely to follow through with their goals.
Things to Avoid:
Do not overload your audience with apocalyptic messages. Make sure to include in your message a balance of the issues and some possible solutions; otherwise, you will leave your audience feeling depressed and helpless. Make them feel like their actions will have a positive impact! Do not present unsustainable as normal. Help those interested in sustainability see that a sustainable lifestyle is simply part of being a Dickinsonian, being a productive citizen. In situations like this, try focusing on positive behaviors, such as the fact that dining services composts 100% of post-consumer food waste!
Green Devil Certification Your primary goal is to empower Dickinsonians who are either already involved with sustainability or those who are interested but need some direction to get involved. One way to get started is through the Green Devil Certification (GOC) program. The Dickinson Green Devil Certification (GDC) program is an educational selfassessment tool that helps empower all Dickinsonians to engage the world sustainably by thinking critically, reflecting on everyday choices, and advocating for change.
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Becoming certified will help identify an individual's opportunities to live more sustainably while fostering positive change in our communities by educating Dickinsonians on sustainable practices, actions, and attitudes. The program is open to students, faculty and staff of Dickinson College. Once Dickinsonians understand where they are beginning, you can show them how they can take the steps to start living a more sustainable lifestyle. Get certified now at
Some talking points… 1. Dickinson is committed to providing all Dickinsonians with the knowledge to engage the world in a responsible and sustainable way. The Eco-Reps program is an initiative to help further students’ useful education, as well as educate faculty and staff on real world issues. 2. We are trying to encourage and empower our peers to live more sustainably. The Green Devil Certification Program will help here! 3. Because of Dickinson’s sustainability initiatives, the college has been able to distinguish itself among other liberal arts colleges. By supporting this movement on campus, you are contributing to the success of the college, a contribution that will make your degree more valuable. 4. Eco-Reps is sponsored by Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) and is a great way to start getting involved. After volunteering as an Eco-Rep, you may want to apply for one of CSE’s paid internship positions, such as the Eco-Reps Supervisor! 5. Reach out to CSE at with questions or concerns.
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How to Plan Successful Eco-Reps Programming These directions are meant as a set of general guidelines to be followed every time you plan an event. We want to give you enough guidance to be able to plan a successful program while still giving you enough freedom to add your own creativity into your event. Get creative! Use humor! And most importantly, have fun!
1. Planning the event: Ø Plan: o Talk to your supervisors, coaches, officers, colleagues, R.A. and other Eco-Reps for your community about constituent needs and a good time and place for your event. o Think about what you want the event to be. Do you want to create an entirely new event? Is there an event that your community usually holds that you can make more sustainable? Ø Tips: o Use the Event Planning Form: The Event Planning Form (pages 18-19) gives you step by step guidance on how to organize and outline your event. The Event Planning Form allows you to have a checklist while you are planning the event. It asks you self-reflective questions that will allow you to branch out and be able to explain why the event relates to the Eco-Reps concept. It also gives you a place to organize your thoughts and materials that you need to make a successful event. Brainstorm: Consider problems or areas that need improvement within §
your community, space, or residence. Target these issues with your event to raise awareness and make meaningful change! Sometimes a meaningful brainstorming session can put your event above all others. o Plan Ahead: Events at the end of the semester when everyone is stressed with projects and finals will have low attendance and 14 Ι CSE Ι Eco-Reps Manual 2016-2017
participation, and will only add to your stress levels. Consider the flow of the semester when planning your events. o Communicate: Talk about your idea with others! Use the Eco-Reps Coordinator, other Eco-Reps, and the CSE Interns as resources. By talking through your event you can collaborate to make your event better and can work out details to make it run more smoothly. Open dialogue also keeps CSE informed about your progress and barriers with your event planning. o Promote and Advertise: § Make flyers and post them on bulletin boards. § Go to floor/group/team/staff meetings and promote the event. § Talk to your individual peers about the event. § Tell the Dickinsonian what you are planning. § Ask if you can briefly talk to sustainability-related First Year Seminars, classes, or clubs about your event. § Contact CSE interns to get your event on CSE Social Media. § Get your supervisors and/or colleagues to help promote the event.
2. Funding the Event: Ø Apply for funding from the Eco-Reps fund through CSE by submitting your Event Planning Form. o You will then obtain approval from Eco-Reps Coordinator and Lindsey Lyons, CSE for expenditures. (Limit $25) Ø Then you can move forward and purchase any required materials. o Lindsey can purchase materials with the CSE credit card or the Eco-Rep can pay with their own money and be reimbursed later. o Save all receipts and submit them to CSE in a timely manner. o Note: We are tax exempt!
3. At the Event: Ø Bring: o Camera o Compost bin o Recycling bin o Event materials Ø Introduce yourself, the Eco-Reps program, and CSE.
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o Explain why the Eco-Reps program is important to the mission and success of the college. o Explain how the Eco-Reps program helps Dickinsonians live more sustainably. o Explain your role as an EcoRep and how you will serve your community. o From here, take the goal of living sustainably as a given (this is part of being a Dickinsonian). Spend your time showing them how to live sustainably instead of debating why they should. Present and start your event! Encourage people to compost food scraps, bring their own plates/cups, or recycle them. Explain how you will be doing space and bin audits routinely and educate your constituents on proper recycling habits. Try to encourage discussion and save time for questions!
4. After the Event:
Ø Clean up after the event and leave the space as you found it. Ø Fill out an Event Evaluation Form (pages 20-21) after every event. Every EcoRep should complete the form, even for joint events. o The Event Evaluation Form allows you to reflect on your experience at the event and how you prepared for the event. It allows you to learn and grow from your event. Ø Turn in all receipts to CSE. Ø Contact CSE interns to post your event on CSE social media, including photos! Ø Discuss the success of the event with other Eco-Reps at the meeting. Ø Share ideas for future planning with Eco-Reps. Ø Contact with all questions.
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You are not limited to one event per semester. As an EcoRep, you have the opportunity be a vehicle of change and to have your voice heard! If you’re feeling inspired, take advantage of this opportunity!
Combine. Co-sponsor. Network.
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Checked By:
Eco-Reps Event/Campaign Planning Form Name: Place/Community: Proposed Title: Proposed Date/Time of Event/Campaign: Anticipated # Attended/Impacted: Anticipated Cost (Budget $25/Eco-Rep):
GOALS & OBJECTIVES: 1. Who should I work with and/or reach out to co-sponsor or partner with?
I will be working with another Eco-Rep?
If yes, who? 2. How does this event connect to the goals of the Eco-Rep Program AND to energy conservation?
3. Why do I want to do this event/campaign?
MATERIALS: 18 Ι CSE Ι Eco-Reps Manual 2016-2017
4. What materials need to be purchased within your budget?
5. What materials are needed from CSE for this event/campaign?
ADVERTISING: 6. How do you plan to advertise for this event/campaign?
I need help from other Eco-Reps to complete this advertising:
I need help from my CA/RA’s to complete this advertising:
I need help from Ivy/CSE to complete this advertising:
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Checked By:
Eco-Reps Event/Campaign Evaluation Name: Place/Community: Title: Partners/Co-Sponsors: Date of Event/Campaign: # Attended/Impacted: Total Cost:
1. What did you do to prepare for your event/campaign?
2. What were the demographics of those that attended your event/participated in your campaign?
3. How many people knew about Eco-Reps when you asked them?
4. Did you successfully meet the goals of your event/campaign? Explain.
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5. Describe the discussion/questions you had with participants? What was learned?
6. What are some positive outcomes of your event/campaign?
7. Improvements or suggestions for future reference?
8. Describe a highlight:
Note: The place audit, event planning, and event evaluations forms are available online:
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Program Ideas Creating fun and exciting events is a large part of an Eco-Rep’s success. These events create opportunities for communities to interact, establish important values, share information, and have fun. Below are some ideas for events to help get your creative thoughts flowing. Do not feel limited to these ideas as some of our most successful events have been new and creative events proposed by individual Eco-Reps!
Clothing Swap: Organize a clothing swap for your constituents or work with other Eco-Reps to organize one for multiple organizations. This is a great way for people to reuse clothing they no longer wear and add new life into their wardrobe.
Film Night: Show a film about an environmental issue (WALL-E, Erin Brockovich, An inconvenient Truth, Bag It, Chasing Ice, etc.) and have a discussion before or after about the issue and what Dickinsonians can do about it.
Hike: Organize a hike for your constituents so that they can see some of the beautiful natural resources in and around Carlisle. The Outing Club may be able to help you with ideas, planning, and materials.
Local Food Dinner: Cook a dinner using local foods and invite your group to share the meal. You can even have them shop and cook with you. This event is a great time to chat and get to know your constituents, as well as discuss environmental issues. Make sure to encourage them to bring their own reusable plates, cups, and utensils!
Potluck: Organize a potluck for your constituents with a speaker about an environmental issue. You may also just use this event to get to know your group better. Make sure to encourage them to use local ingredients and bring their own reusable dishware!
Tour: Organize a tour of a sustainability effort or sustainable location on Dickinson’s campus (Treehouse, Greenhouse, College Farm, Biodiesel Shop, Handlebar, Farmers Market, etc.). You may also consider organizing a tour of sustainability efforts in Carlisle by contacting the Greater Carlisle Project.
Upcycle Projects: Get creative with this event! There are a ton of different upcycle projects that use everyday objects and create useful and/or beautiful things for every college student’s life. A great example are the Upcycled Notebooks from CSE. Ask your group to each bring a cardboard box and some scrap paper and you provide the hole puncher and the spirals.
Volunteer: Get your group out and volunteering! You can contact ALLARM, the Farm, the Greater Carlisle Project, the Carlisle West Side Neighbors, Project Share, and many other organizations to see their volunteer schedule or when you can create a volunteer opportunity!
CSE interns are a great resource and are available to help. Be a team.
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Compost 101 Composting: The biological process of breaking down certain wastes, including food waste, leaves, grass trimmings, etc. into a nutrient-rich substance that can be added to soil. Ø Food scraps from the cafeteria, as well as food collected in compost bins around campus, are composted at the College Farm. Eventually, this compost serves as soil, providing beneficial nutrients and microorganisms to plants and crops. Ø
Composting contributes to Dickinson’s institutional sustainability by creating a cycle; our food waste from campus is used to grow our food at the Farm, which we then eat and turn into compost again.
Campus Food Waste à Compost Receptacles on Campus à Dickinson College Organic Farm à Campus Food What to Compost: Fruit and vegetable waste, bread and food scraps, egg shells, dryer lint, coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, brown paper towels, napkins, leaves, grass trimmings. Meat and Dairy spoil quickly and should not be collected in space composting (they are still collected in the dining hall!). How you can help: Ø Bring a compost bin to any event with food (or bring a plastic bag that you can transfer food waste from your event to a compost bin). Ø If your community has a designated space, request a compost bin for that area. You can sign one out with CSE. Ø Encourage your peers to compost! Ø Include information and tips on composting in your Eco-Reps bulletin board or newsletters. 23 Ι CSE Ι Eco-Reps Manual 2016-2017
Ø Check on composting bins around campus to make sure that they are clean, adequately signed, and properly used.
How Do I Do That? Get more info on a sustainability topic: Ø Attend Sustain IT workshops for updated information, education, and networking. Ø Communicate with Eco-Reps Coordinator and CSE interns. Ø Conduct personal research in the CSE resource library or on the internet. Ø Attend a personal development session or event hosted by CSE. Ø Talk with the CSE staff about your topic. Ø Attend a sustainability related seminar or lecture. Order new Recycling, Compost, or Landfill posters: Ø E-mail the CSE Eco-Reps Coordinator or to order a new poster, indicating size and quantity needed. Ø The poster can be picked up at CSE. Report a missing or damaged compost bin: Ø Contact the Eco-Reps Coordinator. Ø Empty and clean damaged bin and return it to CSE. Ø If in a residence hall, notify the AC of the $25 replacement fee that the residence hall will be charged. Ø Replace the bin with a new bin and any necessary signage ASAP. Report a concern to Facilities: Ø Go to the Facilities homepage on the Dickinson website. o Ø Click on Service Requests at the bottom of the page. Ø First time users need to register. Click on “Register Here” and fill out the required fields. Ø Login to the “Work Request” page and fill out the required fields. Ø If the problem is urgent, be sure to describe the problem as such when you are describing your problem or request. Ø Type in the password (the password is “password”). Ø Press submit. Ø You should receive a confirmation e-mail. Ø Forward the confirmation e-mail to the Eco-Reps coordinator.
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Get Creative and Take Action! Bathroom Stall Newsletters: Create a brief newsletter once a month to hang on bathroom stall doors of your space. Include sustainability stats or tips, and advertise sustainability-focused events happening on campus, or your Eco-Reps event. E-Newsletter: Design an electronic newsletter with sustainability stats, tips, and events. This is an especially important idea if your community does not have a bulletin board or bathrooms! If your community already has a regular newsletter, ask if your Eco-Reps section can be included, or just start your own! Ice Cream Social: Host an ice cream event for your community. You can either buy ice cream, or try making your own at the event! Be sure to encourage participants to bring their own bowls and spoons, and stimulate discussion about sustainability. Sponsor a Campaign: Want to get your constituents excited about a sustainability initiative? Sponsor a campaign! Choose a sustainability issue relevant to your group, campus, Carlisle, or anything. Focus your effort around one action that can be achieved and make an impact! Encourage Green Devil Certification (GDC): Help your constituents learn about ways to live sustainably and encourage them to pursue GDC. Help them develop strategies to incorporate more of the action items into their daily lives.
Host “Power Downs”: Get your constituents outside, minimizing their energy use, and enjoying the weather! Use this event as study time, or plan outdoor activities.
Co-Sponsor On-Campus Events: If you hear about a campus event with a sustainable focus, such as a lecture or movie, contact the event organizers and ask if Eco-Reps can cosponsor the event. You can help them with promotional work and logistics. Ideally, EcoReps’ name would be attached to the event, generating publicity for the program and creating a unified sustainability goal on campus.
Utilize Social Media Platforms: Like/Follow us on our Social Media Platforms and reach out to the CSE interns to post about your event both before and after. You can draft a post and then send it to one of the CSE interns. They will post it for you! o o o
Facebook Page: @CSE.Dickinson Instagram: cse_dickinson Twitter: CSE_dickinson 25 Ι CSE Ι Eco-Reps Manual 2016-2017
o o
Make sure you use these hashtags when they are appropriate! #dsonsustainability #dsonbiking Remember that pictures are worth 1000 words!
A Few Definitions Active Programming: Active Programming includes programs that require participation in order to function. Examples include an event for the group or a survey questionnaire.
Biodegradable: A product or material capable of decomposing in nature within a reasonably short period of time.
Carbon Footprint: The total amount of greenhouse gases emitted directly or indirectly through an activity, or from a product, company, or person, typically expressed in equivalent tons of either carbon or carbon dioxide.
Carbon Neutral: If a place or activity is carbon neutral, it releases net zero carbon emissions to the atmosphere. To achieve neutrality, carbon emissions from an identified product, service, or company must be balanced with emissions reductions or carbon offsets in order to reach net zero carbon emissions.
Green Building: A comprehensive process of design and construction that minimizes adverse environmental impacts and reduces the energy consumption of a building, while also contributing to the health and productivity of its occupants. Common metrics for evaluating green buildings include the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
Passive Programming: Passive programming does not require active participation in order to function. Examples include a bulletin board or poster.
Phantom Energy: The energy consumed by an electronic device that is switched off or not in use, but is not unplugged. Examples include microwaves, coffee makers, computers, or chargers.
Post-Consumer Recycled Content: Material recovered after its intended use as a consumer product can be reused as a component of another product. Aluminum cans, PET soda bottles, carpet tiles (for new yarn and tile backing), and office paper are all examples of post-consumer waste that can be recycled.
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Sustainability: Sustainability is about more than recycling and the environment. Sustainability is about answering a fundamental question: How do we improve the human condition equitably in this and future generations, while conserving environmental systems necessary to support healthy and vibrant societies? Like most definitions, ours is born of a concern for the future of the planet, its people and its living systems, which are threatened by a growing human footprint that is consuming and degrading environmental resources at a rapid pace. It recognizes essential needs of vast numbers of people are not being met in the present, and that poverty and inequality are amplifiers of vulnerability to environmental and other hazards. It is motivated by values that seek balance among economic development, eradication of poverty and hunger, advancement of social justice, and protection of the natural world.
Fair Trade: Fair Trade Certified™ products are made with respect to people and planet. Their rigorous social, environmental and economic standards work to promote safe, healthy working conditions, protect the environment, enable transparency, and empower communities to build strong, thriving businesses. Fair Trade Certified™ products come from cooperatives, independent small farmers, and farm workers in 70 developing countries across Africa, Asia, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean. Nearly 12,000 products bearing the black and green Fair Trade Certified label are sourced from these farming communities, and can be found in more than 100,000 retail locations across North America.
Dickinson Definitions As an Eco-Rep, it is important to be familiar with the sustainability organizations and efforts at Dickinson. You certainly do not need to know everything about sustainability, but the information below will allow you to be a resource for others on campus who may have questions about sustainability at Dickinson.
Campus Wall: A Dickinson-only site that allows students to buy and sell used books, games, furniture, clothing, etc. within the Dickinson community. This encourages reusing things while keeping them among Dickinsonians.
Green Devil Certification: The Dickinson Green Devil Certification program is an educational self-assessment tool that helps empower all Dickinsonians to engage the world sustainably by thinking critically, reflecting on everyday choices and advocating for change. Becoming certified will help identify an individual's opportunities to live more sustainably while fostering positive change in our communities by educating Dickinsonians on sustainable 27 Ι CSE Ι Eco-Reps Manual 2016-2017
practices, actions, and attitudes. The Green Devil Certification program creates a tangible set of goals that Dickinsonians can pursue on a personal, community or global level. Green Devil Certification is not a one-time checklist, but an active commitment to living sustainably. The program is open to students, faculty and staff of Dickinson College. To become Green Devil Certified visit and click on the green “Take now” button at the bottom of the page.
LOCALTUNITY: This community opportunity allows groups of three or more Dickinson employees and/or students to shop at the Farmers on the Square (FOTS) market together for fresh foods grown by local farmers and receive one $5 token per person to use at the market. Groups of Dickinsonians can double the fun of LOCALTUNITY by additionally agreeing to cook a meal together with their Farmers on the Square purchases. Groups that agree to cook together and send a photo to or use #dsonlocaltunity will receive $10 each to the market.
Sustainability Connections (SCON): Courses that touch on sustainability. These courses will now fulfill the new Sustainability degree requirement. Depending on the course, there may be a unit on sustainability, it may be an underlying message that is not discussed prominently, or there may be some material related to sustainability. These courses can also cover economic and social sustainability. You can search for these courses under the “Attribute Type” section in the course catalog and course schedule search.
Sustainability Investigations (SINV): Courses that focus on sustainability topics. These courses will now fulfill the new Sustainability degree requirement. Ranging from environmental science courses to history courses to special topics courses, these courses all have a significant focus on sustainability. You can search for these classes online under the “Attribute Type” section in the course catalog and course schedule search.
U-Turn: At the end of each year, the Carlisle chapter of United Way, a non-profit organization, hosts a large sale of donated items. In 2016, the sale raised over $15,000. Generally, there are bins located in each residence hall and around campus for students and staff to donate items that they no longer need that are still in good condition.
Dickinson Sustainability Organizations Knowledge of Dickinson’s sustainability-focused organizations can help you inform your community and target their interests. Additionally, these are great organizations to reach out to and work with for events. Engaging with these organizations can help Dickinson better promote our sustainability goals and will further inspire change in campus culture. Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM): ALLARM is an organization that provides technical assistance to watershed groups, K-12 environmental education, and public education and outreach. Rather than monitoring streams throughout the state,
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ALLARM teaches local watershed groups how to monitor their streams and performs quality assurance tests to confirm the local groups’ results. ALLARM also monitors our local LeTort Spring Run, which travels directly through Carlisle. One of their major projects is educating the public about the impacts of storm water runoff on the LeTort. Another major project is teaching communities how to monitor for the impacts of shale gas in communities across PA, WV, and NY. Center for Sustainability Education (CSE): CSE is an organization that creates opportunities to learn about sustainability both inside and outside of the classroom. Working with many partners, CSE serves as a hub of Dickinson’s sustainability efforts, funds student-faculty research, helps faculty incorporate sustainability into their teaching, and hosts speakers, events, and workshops. CSE interns work on projects including the energy challenge, promoting biking, analyzing data, coordinating the Eco-Reps program, and much more. Climate Action Plan: The Climate Action Plan facilitates Dickinson’s commitment to be carbon neutral by 2020. The plan, established in 2008-09 by students, faculty, staff, and administrators, aims to reduce Dickinson’s carbon emissions by 25% and purchase offsets for the remaining 75%. The plan includes measures to increase use of renewable energy, improve energy efficiency, and improve conservation efforts. The Climate Action Task Force reviews the plan, action steps, and progress toward our goal. Dickinson College Farm: Dickinson’s College Farm is a 50-acre, USDA-certified organic farm and a living laboratory where students can gain distinctive, hands-on learning experiences. The farm offers many opportunities for Dickinsonain engagement. They have their “Weed N Feed” program every Friday during the Academic year where they will shuttle Dickinsonians from the Kaufman parking at 1 p.m. and will return to campus around 5 p.m. They will even feed you a farm fresh meal! However, anyone can volunteer almost any time if you have your own transportation. All you have to do is coordinate with the farm. Email the farm coordinator at to set up your own service day. Dickinson Science Magazine: The Dickinson Science Magazine is staffed by students and faculty and features articles covering Dickinsonians’ research, recent advancements, science news, club updates, columns on health and wellness, career advice for science majors, opinion pieces, and much more.
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Farmers on the Square: FOTS is a farmers’ market that takes place from 3-7pm on the corner of High St. and Hanover St. during the summer and in Project Share during the winter months. You can purchase fresh, local foods from farmers in the area, including the College Farm. You can also use Dickinson’s LOCALTUNITY program to purchase food from the market in groups of three or more. The Handlebar: At The Handlebar, Dickinsonians learn to fix and build bikes. The co-op is run by student and staff volunteers and CSE interns. Along with helping Dickinsonians fix their bikes, volunteers build Green Bikes from donated bike parts and bikes. The Handlebar is located along D-Walk under DavidsonWilson. Idea Fund: The Idea Fund is a student-run group that supports student projects on campus through project consulting, PR and marketing, grants, and loans. They have supported projects such as creating glasses from old wine bottles, The Peddler, sustainability classes for local children, and The Dog House. To bring up an idea, attend one of their weekly meetings! Outing Club: The Outing Club leads outdoor trips for interested students, ranging from hiking and camping to climbing and skiing. The Peddler: One of Idea Fund’s projects, The Peddler is a student-run, zero-waste coffee cart made mobile by biking. They serve fair trade, locally roasted coffee and encourage the use of reusable mugs and thermoses. The Treehouse: The Center for Sustainable Living, or Treehouse, is a LEED Gold certified residential community at Dickinson. It was built following sustainable practices and was the first of its kind in Pennsylvania. The residents live following sustainable behaviors including composting, line-drying their laundry, growing a garden, buying local foods, and unplugging electronics when not in use. The Treehouse hosts events each semester such as Open Mic Nights, Soup and Bread Discussions, and Open Houses.
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Center for Service, Spirituality, and Social Justice (CSSS): Social justice is defined as “promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.” It exists when “all people share a common humanity and therefore have a right to equitable treatment, support for their human rights, and a fair allocation of community resources.” In conditions of social justice, people are “not to be discriminated against, nor their welfare and well-being constrained or prejudiced on the basis of gender, sexuality, religion, political affiliations, age, race, belief, disability, location, social class, socioeconomic circumstances, or other characteristics of background or group membership” (Toowoomba Catholic Education, 2006). CSSS seeks not only to expose students to the opportunities for service and experiencing differences in faith but also to encourage students to understand what it means to challenge injustice, support human rights and work to bring about a just society.
Sustainable Transportation Options Transportation contributes a significant portion of the College’s carbon outputs. In order to reduce our footprint and move toward our reduction goals, eliminating excess transportation outputs is crucial. Below are some sustainable transportation resources available to the Dickinson community. Break Shuttle: Dickinson offers regular shuttles to the Harrisburg Airport, Amtrak and Greyhound Bus station for $10. Break shuttle service includes rides to New York City, Baltimore Washington International Airport, New Jersey and the New England area-prices are varied based on distance. Shuttles run during move-in, fall pause, Thanksgiving, winter and spring break, and move-out. You can sign up in the Student Forms tab on Gateway. Shuttle schedules are available on the Dickinson website. Carlisle Circulator Bus: The Carlisle Circulator is part of the CAT public bus system. All Dickinsonians ride for free with their college ID. This service allows for transportation in and around Carlisle without personal vehicles. The bus has three Carlisle routes: Retail, Health, and Commuter. Additionally, there are routes to Shippensburg and other nearby towns. Route C runs between Carlisle and Harrisburg, putting students within reach of the train station and airport. Fare to Harrisburg is $1.75. There is a stop located at the intersection of High and Hanover Streets, however you can find the route that works for you and learn more at
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Green Bikes: The Green Bike program allows Dickinsonians to borrow a custom rebuilt bicycle, lock and helmet for an entire semester for a refundable $25 cash deposit. Participants in the program must return, or renew, the bike at the end of the semester. To reserve your bike email
Recreational Shuttle: The recreational shuttle takes students from campus to Harrisburg on Friday and Sunday evening. The shuttle goes to Capital City Mall, Barnes and Noble, train station, bus station, Whitaker Center, and restaurant district. The first shuttle leaves from the ATS parking lot at 3pm and the second leaves at 5pm. You will return to campus by 10pm, with the latest pick-up at 9pm at the train station. The pass for this shuttle is $10 per semester or $18 for the full year. You can obtain a pass by visiting the SLCE Office in the bottom of the HUB. Red Bikes: The Red Bike program allows the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to loan college-owned bikes to members of the Dickinson Community. Red Bikes can be borrowed for an entire day as long as they are returned before sundown. Visit the DPS dispatch window in Kaufman Hall with your Dickinson ID to pick up a bike. Great for getting to shops or running errands! Zipcar: Dickinson College and Zipcar have teamed up to make cars available to students and employees without having to own one. Zipcars are available for use 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be used by all Dickinsonians 18 or older with a membership. To sign up for a zipcar for $15, visit
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Contact The Center for Sustainability Education Kaufman Hall 190 Dickinson College Carlisle, PA 17013 Neil Leary, Director, CSE 717-245-1954 Lindsey Lyons, Assistant Director, CSE 717-245-1117 Marcus Welker, Projects Coordinator, CSE 717-254-8199 Elizabeth Connelly, Administrative Assistant, CSE 717-245-1781 Amanda Brangwynne, Eco-Reps Coordinator, CSE 774-266-3968 Stephanie Crespo, Area Coordinator Quads, KW, and McKenney 717-254-8194 Amanda George, Area Coordinator Houses and Apartments 717-254-8195 Brandon Smith, Area Coordinator Morgan Field 717-254-8175
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2016-17 Eco-Reps Contract As an Eco-Rep:
I, ______________________________________, hereby agree to the following: Wherein I have committed to being an available resource for my constituents, answering questions about living sustainably, and encouraging sustainable behavior through peer education. Wherein I have committed to attending Eco-Reps trainings, meetings, and Sustain IT Workshops, and to working with CSE and the Eco-Reps Coordinator. Absences from these meetings must be approved by the Eco-Reps Coordinator 24 hours in advance. Wherein I have committed to planning and hosting one event or campaign per semester for my community. Wherein I have committed to maintaining a bulletin board (if applicable), conducting place audits, and maintaining the compost and plastic bag recycling in my community. Wherein I have committed to upholding college policies. I understand that breaking the rules that my supervisors need to uphold could undermine my relationship and future support from them. I also understand that any repeated offenses could result in release from the Eco-Reps position. And thus, I recognize that my affiliation with the Eco-Reps program is dependent upon upholding these commitments and failure to do so could result in release from the Eco-Reps position. I commit to working together. _________________________ ______________________________ Name Signature _________________________ ______________________________ Community Date
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