INSIDE: Royal Ambassador Congress. . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Sunday School Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Buckeye Baptist Builders Schedule . . . Page 7 Women’s Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 8 Press Toward The Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12
VBS Institute P.3
Celebrate the State Bible Cooperative Mission Program Drills P.6 April 14, 2013
Publication of the state Convention of Baptists in Ohio
Ohio Baptist Messenger April 2013 | Volume 61 No. 2
MOMENTUM 2013 Presenting Christ, Promoting Growth, Planting Churches
Momentum 2013 (The State Evangelism Celebration) was held March 19 at Lifepoint Church, Columbus. The day was exciting, encouraging, and challenging. Exciting in the sense that those attending displayed a great deal of enthusiasm in partaking of all the events happenings, encouraging in that it is always an enjoyment for the Body of Christ in Ohio to come together in fellowship and love, and challenging in that our speakers imparted a great deal of biblical truth that moved our spirits to do great things for honor and glory of Jesus! Crimson Flood (Liberty University) kicked the day off with a rousing musical set that ushered us to God’s throne of grace. David Uth (Pastor, FBC Orlando, FL) followed with a tremendous sermon on the importance of bringing people to Jesus “no matter what it takes.” Of particular note was his statement that lost people will come to a church “where they are loved, accepted, and cared about.” His closing video on a recent FBC Orlando baptismal service was a perfect
lead in for the actual baptism of Ameer Taya (by pastor Travis Davenport of Covenant Church). Ameer is a recently converted Muslim who was won to Christ by the influence of his fiance’ Erica’s love of Christ. What a joyful celebration to behold! Phil Hotsenpiller (Influence Church, Anaheim Hills, CA) followed with a challenging and passionate message to us concerning the need for Christians to have a passionate love for Christ and the unsaved, especially in a world where spiritual kingdoms battle over control of the hearts and minds of people. The morning session ended with a rousing rendition of “I Dreamed A Dream” from the movie Les Misérables by Allison Palermo and Emily Belcher. Crimson Flood began our afternoon session with a Spirit led set of edifying spiritual songs. Tony Merida (Pastor, Imago Dei Church, Raleigh, NC) followed with a theological masterpiece from II Timothy 2:113 on the subject of “gospel centered endurance.” This MOMENTUM 2013 ~ Continued on Page 4
Frank Page
1% Challenge The 1% Challenge for increased Cooperative Program giving has been a surprising success, Frank Page, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee, said Feb. 18. Page had asked the convention’s 45,000 churches to consider a 1 percentof-budget increase in Cooperative Program giving, which would add $100 million to the funding stream for Southern Baptist missions and ministries. “The 1% Challenge began almost two years ago and has received a great deal of positive attention. Honestly, more than I thought it would,” Page told EC members in Nashville. “I thought ... it might have some traction until we got a more comprehensive strategy in place.” But the challenge has caught on, Page said, and at least 15 percent of Southern Baptist churches either have adopted the challenge or are seriously considering it. “It’s making a difference,” he said.
For more information about the Cooperative Program, visit Momentum 2013 audience
Page 2 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | March 2013
The Challenge of the Buckets: Deacon/Pastor/Wives Retreat Eighty-seven deacons, pastors and wives accepted the challenge of the buckets January 25-26 at the Deacon/ Pastor/Wives Retreat hosted by Lakota Hills Baptist Church. Dr. Steve Davis and his wife Diana challenged them to empty the water bucket instead of the gasoline bucket when facing conflict in the church. Using the model from Acts 6:1-7 they were encouraged to help solve problems, not create them. “When deacons are fulfilling their responsibilities, the church will be harmonious, the pastor will be helped, and the church will be healthy” said Dr. Davis. Deacons and pastors attended ses- Deacons and wives praying together at the retreat.. sions titled organize, galvanize, mobithe Church and The Deacon Book by lize and harmonize. Diana Davis led sessions for the Steve Davis. wives titled grab your bucket, buck- The event was co-sponsored by ets of home and community ideas Lakota Hills Baptist Church and the and buckets of church ministry ideas. Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Each ministry couple was given a copy Group of the State Convention of Bapof Diana’s book Deacon Wives: Fresh tist in Ohio – a Cooperative Program Ideas to Encourage Your Husband and Ministry.
THEME: “WORKING WITH OTHERS TO SHARE CHRIST” Diana Davis speaking at the retreat.
TROPHIES AWARDED Prepare now to bring your Royal Ambassador Chapter to the annual Congress. Plenty of fellowship, messages from God’s Word, challenges, individual and chapter competitions, and the famous R. A. Lunch (Hot dog/ chips / drink)! Cost: $ 10.00 per person
The Ohio Baptist Messenger (ISSN 0472-7096) is published every other month by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Baptist Messenger; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011.
Jack Kwok, Ohio State Convention Executive Director-Treasurer, Editor; Linnett Snodgrass, Administrative Assistant; Spangler Production & Design, Publication Layout. Published every other month for members of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio. Subscriptions provided out of each church’s Cooperative Program gifts. Member of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Violet Baptist Children’s Choir
Teaching at VBSI is a last with Rachel Carter and Ryan Morris
VBS Drama Team
Summer and VBS soon here! Coasting to a stop at the Snack Shack
Ashley Stickel and Ashleigh Moodie are ready for a great ride at Colossal Coaster World!
One on one training is invaluable
Hoppy’s Ice Cream: High-Five for Ice Cream!
ton candy, and ice cream from one of the “park vendors.” They were also able to try their hand at making a few crafts or create a roller coaster snack. As people made their way through the Main Gate, the Violet Baptist Church Children’s Choir performed this year’s VBS musical. They took us on an exciting ride of music and drama. They also showed us just how much God loves us, and that when we put our trust in God we can face any fear that comes our way. Saturday was a full day of train-
ing. The morning offered core training classes. People gathered information that would help them as they begin to make plans for their VBS. Participants were offered elective classes in the afternoon. This included everything from ‘The Footsteps of Paul’ to ‘Decorating Made Easy’. They came; they saw; they gathered; and they left overflowing and wanting to share all they experienced with their churches. The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio is hoping that you are making
plans to provide a VBS for your community this year. If you are still looking for training, please go to and search for 2013 VBS Regional Clinics for more information. Our prayer is that this year will be your best VBS ever.
The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio is excited to announce that the 2013 edition of The REALM is completely digital this year! 2012 Events and Ministries of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio
The scope of
all ThaT is scB
Produced annually, The REALM is designed to communicate events, ministries and resources of SCBO for the current year.
To God be the Glory! In His Service, Dwayne Lee Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group
Summer will be here before we know it, and along with summer comes the excitement of Vacation Bible School (VBS). The Vacation Bible School Institute (VBSI) 2013 was held March 8-9, 2013 at Violet Baptist Church in Pickerington, Ohio. State leaders began setting up their rooms in anticipation for eager VBS enthusiasts and leaders excited to hear all about this year’s theme, “Colossal Coaster World.” People from many churches came with an anticipation to hear the music, learn the motions, eat the snacks, take pictures of the decorations, mob the bookstore, and prepare for VBS 2013. Friday night was full of energy as attendees made their way through the Colossal Coaster World theme park. They entered rooms filled with decorations and teachers eager to talk about Vacation Bible School. As they walked through the theme park they could stop along the way for a bag of popcorn, cot-
eeks to experienc e churches as they ng mission part ners f Jesus Christ.”
March 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 3
The scope of all that is SCBO
is now digital!
Available on
Page 4 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | March 2013
MOMENTUM 2013 ~ Continued from Page 1
Ken Bevel, Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, GA
message was convincing, convicting and challenging in its command for all Christians to be like Christ. Especially interesting was his unpacking of the Apostle Paul’s encouragement to Timothy to be like a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer as he fought the battle of faith! The next two hours a series of small conference breakout sessions occurred. Church ministry paradigm’s taught and discussed included men’s ministry (Rick Caldwell and Tierce Green from Authentic Manhood), bible study software (Rick Grantham from Logos 5.0), church creative processes (Shane Tucker of Lifepoint Church), church planting and Engage24 (Rob Warren and Matt Pardi of h20 collegiate church ministries), preaching (Tony Merida), and leadership and discipleship (Phil Hotsenpiller). A special thanks to all of our conference breakout leaders for their insightful and practical ministry tips! After a short break and some additional dynamic worship led by Crimson Flood, Ken Bevel (Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, GA) gave a powerful testimony to the grace of God he has experienced in his life. Ken is widely known for his character portrayal of Lt. Michael Simmons in the movie “Fireproof ”, and officer Nathan Hayes in the movie “Courageous.” In addition, Ken served for twenty years in the United States Marine Corp. He encouraged us all to walk in humility and give God continual glory for all He does in our lives. Ken’s pastor Michael Catt (Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, GA) closed the conference with a strong encouragement for Christian leaders to stand for Christ, stay in the battle of faith, and never give up (even if it cost us our lives). Of particular note was his encouragement to small church pastors to remember this biblical truth; “God did a pretty big thing in a small place called Bethlehem.” Praise God for this reminder that all of God’s servants are called to be faithful not famous!
Momentum 2013 Audience
All in all Momentum 2013 was a great day of spiritual refreshing, practical challenge, and Christian fellowship! If you did not attend, you missed a tremendous blessing (and the opportunity to win some pretty valuable ministry resources). A special thank you goes out to Pastor Dean Fulks and his staff and volunteers from Lifepoint Church. You are a blessing! Thanks also to my fellow laborers on the state convention staff and for our childcare volunteers from the Ohio Disaster Relief team. Most importantly “thanks” to all of you that attended, that shared kind words, and that continue to value the importance of working and ministering together for the Glory of our Great God and King and for the advancement of His Kingdom here in Ohio. It is a privilege for me to serve you, and Him!
Allison Palermo and Emily Belcher
Shane Tucker, breakout session - Church Creative Processes.
There Is Victory In Jesus, Jack Helton Evangelism Resource Group Leader
Momentum 2013 messages and an event video are available for download from
Crimson Flood
To read an article about the Ladies Luncheon, go to
Momentum Ladies Luncheon held at Genoa Baptist Church
March 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 5
The New Groups Challenge In the last edition of the Ohio Baptist Messenger I gave the challenge of starting new groups. For the purpose of this article I will be using the term Sunday School since about 70% of our state still has a traditional Sunday school structure. Please know that we will be recognizing any new groups that are started during this year. Recently in one of our state conventions a survey was conducted regarding leading churches with growing Sunday schools. When questioned, “What is the one thing you did to encourage growth in Sunday School”, they’re response was the same, “Start new classes!” Understand that they were not talking about starting new classes because the existing classes were full. They intentionally started new classes as a growth strategy. They were proactive instead of reactive. Ask yourself, “Why should my church or my class be concerned about starting new classes?” • New classes often produce spiritual growth. • New classes provide additional opportunities for service and blessing. • New classes often produce numerical growth. • New classes create a sense of excitement and accomplishment. • New classes enlarge the organizational base and provide choices. • New classes can help in meeting the felt needs of individuals. • New classes are more “user friendly” to prospects and new members. • New classes provide an opportunity for chronic absentees to make a fresh start. Now, I would like to share with you the best process, I’ve discovered, for starting new adult Sunday School classes, but I want you to know that this process is not for every Sunday School teacher. It takes a very special person that has been called of God. It requires a teacher that is secure in their abilities as a teacher and a leader. This process requires a leader that has ability to stick to the goal and encourage others to do the same. I wish every teacher could do this but the truth is most Sunday School teachers are more interested in growing their kingdom than in growing God’s Kingdom. Here is a Step by Step Process for Starting New Adult Sunday School Classes. 1. The teacher should enlist an apprentice. This is not a substitute teacher but rather a teacher/leader in training. The apprentice should be the teacher of his or her own class in six to eighteen months. 2. The apprentice should teach once per month. The apprentice is to teach when the teacher is present. The method I follow is … a. The first week the teacher prepares the Bible study with the apprentice, the teacher teaches the class and then the teacher and the apprentice get together to
evaluate the lesson. b. The second week the apprentice prepares the Bible study with the aid of the teacher, the apprentice teaches the class and then the teacher and the apprentice get together to evaluate the lesson. c. The third week the apprentice prepares the Bible study alone, the apprentice teaches the class with the teacher in attendance and then the teacher and the apprentice get together to evaluate the lesson. 3. The teacher and the apprentice should do outreach and ministry together. The teacher is not just teaching the apprentice how to teach, but is modeling what it means to be a good teacher/leader. Taking the apprentice on visits to prospects, taking the apprentice on visits to members. The class should begin to see the pair as co-teachers. 4. The teacher should announce the birth of a new class at least six weeks before. The teacher and the apprentice stand before the class and announce the birth of the new class. They also state that the purpose of the new class is to reach new people. Those going to the new class will be considered “missionaries”. Everyone going to the new class will have a job to do. They will be an outreach leader, care group leader, prayer leader, fellowship leader, etc. The teacher and apprentice also say that they are praying about who will go as “missionaries” and in the coming days they will enlist the missionaries. 5. Four to eight members or couples accept a call as “missionaries” to the new class depending on the size of the parent class and if it is a gender graded class. On the morning of the new class starting, everyone gathers in the parent classroom to celebrate the birth of the new class and commission the missionaries. They will have a party (or shower) to celebrate the birth of this new class. Many will provide refreshments to help launch this exciting event! 6. The veteran teacher takes the missionaries to the new class. That’s right, the veteran teacher takes the “missionaries” to the new class. Remember I said this process was not for everyone. 7. The apprentice teacher becomes leader of established class. By using this method two new classes are created instead of just one. Once they’ve done it, they will do it again. It would be great if one class in every church agreed to start a new class every two years and the classes that they birth would do the same. In ten years we would triple in attendance and baptisms. Give it a try if you are an able leader!
You’re passionate about your ministry. We’re passionate about ours. GuideStone Financial Resources has been enhancing the financial security of pastors, staff and seminary students of Southern Baptist organizations since 1918. GuideStone offers: Retirement plans. Insurance plans. Resources for your church. Contact your state representative for more information: David Warton 614-827-1840 19305
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Biblical Peacemaking Seminar: Applying the Gospel to Conflicts in Daily Life Two opportunities for you to experience this introduction to Biblical Peacemaking! Open to pastors, lay leaders, anyone with a desire to apply the gospel to everyday conflicts. Registration deadline April 12
What is a Peacemaker Seminar? Scripture is clear that Christians are to be known by their love (John 13:35) and peace (Romans 12:18). Sadly, however, most of us do not know how to respond to conflict biblically. When should we overlook? What does it mean to make a thorough confession? What should our relationships look like after we forgive? The Peacemaker Seminar is a five-hour training that applies systematically biblical principles to real-life situations to equip you to respond to conflicts in gracious, wise, and God-glorifying ways. Dayton/Cincinnati Thursday April 18, 2013 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM Lunch included
Columbus Saturday, May 4, 2013 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM Lunch included
Location: Springboro Baptist Church 125 E Mill St. Springboro, OH 45066 937-748-2670
Location: Genoa Baptist Church 7562 Lewis Center Rd. Westerville, OH 43082 740-965-5548
Cost: $15.00 Includes lunch and materials
Cost: $15.00 Includes lunch and materials
Facilitators: Rick Shoemaker, Pastor First Baptist Church, New Carlisle, OH Dale Pyne, CEO Peacemaker Ministries
Facilitators: Rick Shoemaker, Pastor First Baptist Church, New Carlisle, OH Jonathan Boll, Director of Operations Peacemaker Ministries
“The conference was such a blessing and you guys were such a pleasure to work with. The peacemaking principles we learned are already being put to good use. Last night we had a spirited church business meeting. Two men in the congregation got a little contentious with one another. After the business meeting was over, both men practically ran across the room to apologize for any offenses and make reconciliation. Both had attended the conference. God is good.” For more details, please contact: Steve Hopkins or 614-827-1820 Additional Information:
Page 6 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | March 2013
Cincinnati April 8-10, 2013 City Coordinator
Dennis Holmes
LOCATION: Cincinnati, Ohio ADDRESS: Lakota Hills Baptist Church 6300 Tylersville Road, West Chester, OH 45069-1213 Phone: 513.777.4571
4th ANNUAL Senior Servants Celebration Saturday, June 8, 2013 University Baptist Church
4125 Riverview Avenue, Middletown, Ohio 45042 Office: 513-424-2612
DATES: April 8-10, 2013 SCHEDULE: For those seeking certification: Mon. 8:30AM -4:30PM and 4:30-5:30PM Tues. 8:30AM - 4:30PM & 4:30-5:30PM; Wed 8:30AM-3PM & 3PM-4PM For those not seeking certification, the schedule will be: Mon. 1PM-4:30PM; Tues. 8:30AM-4:30PM; Wed. 8:30AM-3PM HOTELS:
Comfort Inn 513.645.1700 Holiday Inn Express 513.755.3900 Hampton Inn 513.341.2040 (You are responsible for your own lodging.)
Because of the generous gifts to the Cooperative Program, the majority of the Churches Planting Churches Training expenses are covered. The cost per person is $30 to cover lunches & refreshments provided during the training. Breakfasts and Dinners will be on your own.
HOST NAME: Pastor Travis Smalley HOST EMAIL: HOST PHONE: 513.777.4571 CELL PHONE: 513.482.9803 REGISTRATION: HTTP://SNACPCT.COM/
Speakers Dr. Andrew Westmoreland Samford University president Donna Banks Customer Service, Vice president of Operations, Atrium Medical Center
Schedule of Events 9:00 am Registration - $15.00 10:00 am Celebration Begins
Entertainment: The Penny Loafers To register and for more information, go to
May 4, 2013 9:30am-12:00pm Reynoldsburg Baptist Church
Registration deadline: April 26, 2013 More information can be found at or by contacting Ashley Stickel: or 614-827-1822
March 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 7
25 years of service celebrated
2Day Coach Training: Coaching Church Planters May 15-16 Wednesday – Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM each day
Lakota Hills Baptist Church 6300 Tylersville Road West Chester 45069 513.777.4571
2013 Buckeye Baptist Builders Project
Cost: $30 per person, includes materials, lunch both days
Register and click on the link. Registration deadline May 7. TAKE-AWAYS from the 2-DAY CORE Coach Skills Training:
• Coaching pathway, equipping you to use The C.O.A.C.H. model. • Enhanced listening skills and how to clarify outcomes for the coaching conversation. • Increased abilities in developing open questions. • New skills and abilities in how to pinpoint the core issue, “The Jethro Moment.” • Learn how to better integrate coaching and mentoring. • Introduction to how to build a Coaching Culture. Coaching Workshop provided by the Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio – a Cooperative Program ministry.
PrayOhio is an emphasis that will be state wide.
Pastor Tim White was the humble recipient of genuine, overflowing love in recognition of his 25 years of service as pastor at First Baptist Church of Fairfield, Ohio on Saturday, March 9th. Pastor Tim was awarded Pastor Tim and Mary White a plaque and an iPad from the church as they celebrated this milestone in the new Community Center/Basketball Gym that was completed on their campus last year. Tim and his wife Mary have 3 daughters, 3 sonin-laws, 3 beautiful granddaughters, and one amazingly merciful Savior. Tim hopes to see many more people come to genuine repentance and place their faith and trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins, of which he will joyfully shout “Praisealluiah!” – his patented phrase for when ‘Praise the Lord’ and ‘Hallelujah’ just aren’t enough!
Seneca Lake Baptist Camp May 6 – 10, 2013 55819 Skyline Dr. Prepare Camp for summer Senecaville, OH. 43780 Various Camp Projects Springdale Baptist Church May 24 – 27, 2013 11494 Walnut St. Interior Remodel Springdale, OH. 45246
We all know that prayer is the
powerful force that reaches the heart of God, therefore we are going to strategically set aside specific times to pray. We invite all Ohio Southern Baptists to join us as we ask God’s grace and power to pour down on Ohio. June 21 – 30: This will be a ten day period of praying and fasting. Some of you may want to sign up for one day, others for two or three days or more. Some may want to pray and fast for the entire ten days. More details will be provided when you sign up. A ten day prayer booklet will be provided as a guide. Each day will emphasize a different prayer need. One day we will be praying for pastors in Ohio to preach with conviction power and for God to give them vision, the next day will be for more baptisms, the next for church planters, etc… Contact Gary Odom at or his cell, 614-309-9743.
July 17 – 18: This will be a prayer drive around and across Ohio. Each association will be touched. Cars with prayer teams will circle Ohio in prayer and cross Ohio in prayer asking for God’s power to bless Ohio. The lost in Ohio as well as churches will be prayed for during this time. A guide will be provided each team. Let’s pray down Ohio during these two days. Contact Steve Hopkins at or his cell, 614-309-9746. August 17: This will be a special day to prayer walk seven areas where there is a large concentration of foreign born residents. Contact Cathy Pound at or her cell, 614-309-9747. Let’s all join hearts, hands, and minds as we become one united prayer force throughout Ohio!
FBC Farmersville 1st Group – Groveport June 7 – 14, 2013 334 North Elm St. 2nd Group – Tennessee June 21– 28, 2013 Farmersville, OH. 45325 Build New Addition FBC Circleville 1st Group – Ohio BBB June 7 – 22, 2013 1540 North Court St 2nd Group – Ky. Build. June 14 – 22, 2013 Circleville, Oh. 43113 Build New Addition
If God leads you to work with the Buckeye Baptist Builders on any or all of the build projects listed above call or e-mail. Meals provided, lodging available if needed on each project. Ray Morris / State Coordinator Buckeye Baptist Builders 1-513-593-5130, We may be adding additional projects as churches make requests of the Buckeye Baptist Builders.
Missions & Ministries
Page 8 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | March 2013
Women’s Tabatha Kits of Kindness
are a mission project designed to connect Ohio Baptist Women on Mission and Women’s Ministry groups with foreign born believers who are planting churches in Ohio.
Please contact Amanda Mishne, for more information. A downloadable flyer is available at
One Day Mission Experience Northwest Ohio April 27! Women’s Missions and Ministries Resource Group has partnered with the Northwest Baptist Association to encourage, equip, and engage youth, singles, couples, families, men, and women from all over Ohio on April 27! There is no registration fee, however, you are on your own for lunch. Host Church is East Toledo Baptist Church 807 E. Broadway in Toledo, OH 43605 The purpose of this Beautiful Feet is three-fold: To provide Ohio Southern Baptists with opportunities to present Christ during a one day outreach designed for IMPACT association. To work with women’s ministry leaders in the IMPACT association to promote spiritual growth in churches. To work with Associational Mission Plans for future church plants. Ministry choices include:
• Prayerwalking • Personal Evangelism • Engaging Foreign Born Peoples • Block Parties • Games • Clowning • Puppet Ministry
Hotel List within 15 minutes of the church: Country Inn and Suites 9790 Clark Dr., Rossford, OH 43460 419-872-9900 Holiday Inn Express 10621 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-874-3101 LaQuinta Inn 1154 Professional Dr., Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-872-0000
Upcoming Events
Date Event April 19-20 RA Congress April 27 Beautiful Feet May 4 Metro Columbus Spring Retreat May 17-18 SLBA Spring Retreat May 18 Northwest Adventure
Join Us On Facebook! OWN-Ohio Women’s Network
Date Event June 10-14 Kids Kamp 1 June 17-21 Kids Kamp 2 June 24-28 Sports Camp (NEW) July 29-August 2 Kids Kamp 3 August 5-9 Missions Camp
Date Event September 20-21 Fall Retreat & Mission Celebration September 15-22 Ray Roberts – State Missions Offering Week of Prayer for Ohio Missionaries October 11-12 Mother Daughter Retreat November 7 Pastors’ Wives Luncheon December 1-8 Lottie Moon Offering Week of Prayer for International Missionaries
March 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 9
Cedarville University hosts Worship 4:24 January 25 and 26, 2013 were cold and snowy days, but worship leaders, musicians, singers, sound technicians, and others from various parts of Ohio packed the campus of Cedarville University for two full days of worship training. Attendees gathered information, asked questions, and participated in hands-on training. Members from Lifeway Worship and other worship leaders New Life Band with Roger O’Neal and Patrick Anderson of CU and Dwayne Lee The class sessions were very informative from across the United States of SCBO provided guidance and shared their knowledge to enhance the Much could be written about learning experience. the Worship 424 Conference Our guest worship leaders but the best way to capture all were the New Life Worship the excitement is to experience Band from New Life Church was great and attendees were it yourself. The 2014 Worship in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Planters Conference is scheduled encouragedand to ensure that within they 424the For Church wives first four years of the plant. The Forum is a time of They connected both on stage maintain a personal time of de- for January 24-25, 2014 at Cefellowship and a time for planters to learn from each other. There is no charge to planters for and on a personal level with votion. This personal time of darville University. Make plans and willtobe paid those in attendance. The this band event; attend. Wefor are with excitedCooperative Program funds. devotionfood enables one lodging to focus now shared how they have seen announce that Planter Travis Cot-Strategists are also invited. on making sure one is ready to Associational Missionaries and Church worship change over the years. to lead others to the throne of trell, worship leader for Living The Forum will begin at 10:00 AM on Thursday, May 30th Brad Parsley, Worship Pastor God each week. The quality of Proof Ministries, and his pasatvary Dublin Baptist Church – 7195of Coffman voice choirDublin singing with the New Life Worship Band for New Life Church, helped to music will Ben Mandrell, Engle- 100Road, from place to tor st set the tone for a worship-filled place, but if theand Baptist Church Jackconclude after lunch oninFriday, May 31 . person lead- wood weekend as they kicked off the ing worship is right with the son, Tennessee, will be our Friday Chapel service. Mike Lord and is ready to lead, other special guests next year. We are by their contacting Charlotte Barbo at Harland, Director for Lifeway Register forward to a wonderful things will have proper looking Worship, set the pace as he place. worship weekend. by April 22nd. or 614-827-1804 led us in our general sessions. Some of the vendors partici- If you have any questions or Hundreds of attendees went pating were: Christian Copy- worship needs, please contact Gary – 614-309-9743 or Quinton – 614-827-1792 – from class to class with open right Solutions, Logos Bible us at 614-827-1824 or at dlee@ minds, willing hearts, and ears Software, Loop Community, to hear what other worship Lifeway Christian Bookstore, leaders had to say regarding and Christian Tape Audio. We In His Service, styles, quality, preparation, pre- are always open to additional Dwayne Lee sentation, practice, leadership vendors that want to be a part of Bible Teaching / Leadership Resource Group Aimee Little of LifeWay Worship team leading in a great class discussion development, etc. The training this event each year as well.
For Church Planters and wives within the first four years of the plant. The Forum is a time of fellowship and a time for planters to learn from each other. There is no charge to planters for this event; food and lodging will be paid for with Cooperative Program funds. Associational Missionaries and Church Planter Strategists are also invited. The Forum will begin at 10:00 AM on Thursday, May 30th at Dublin Baptist Church – 7195 Coffman Road, Dublin and conclude after lunch on Friday, May 31st.
Register by contacting Charlotte Barbo at or 614-827-1804 by April 22nd Gary – 614-309-9743 or Quinton – 614-827-1792 –
Page 10 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | March 2013
Telling the Story of God
ur 2nd Annual Ohio Mission Round Table “The Story of God,” – “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:20) was held at First Baptist Church, Grove City on February 23rd. We heard from missionaries, both locally, as well as, globally who challenged all in attendance to be on mission. We began with a greeting from Senior Pastor Jerry Neal and opening prayer by their mission pastor Jeff Bane. The worship was lead by FBC worship leader, Bryan Corbett along with their worship team. We listened to testimonies from two church planters -Jeremy Westbrook of Living Hope Church, Marysville and Travis Davenport, Covenant Church, Grove City. Marissa Wahl a
Bob Andes, State RA Leader, one of 20 missions displaying resources
Jeremy Westbrook, Church Planter Metro Columbus Baptist Association, Living Hope Church
“God knew I was going to show up and sent speakers to minister d irectly to me. I needed this day. Thank you to all @ SCBO who spent numero us hours in bringing this together.”
graduate student at Bowling Green University shared her testimony of presenting Christ in a university setting. Mark Morris, with the International Mission Board shared how local churches are able to connect with people groups around their church. Justin Hiester spoke on ministry with a global perspective to people of different ethnicities. Following lunch, 22 breakout sessions were offered based on “The Next Factor” theme – (1) Presenting Christ; (2) Promoting Church Growth; and (3) Planting Churches. Plans are already being made for next year’s Ohio Mission Round Table on February 22nd.
Marissa Wahl gave her testimony from 2012 October Engage 24 experience.
Larry Randolph, Ohio DR Chaplain, led a breakout session designed to encourage and equip Ohioans to present Christ, promote church growth, and plant churches. Larry met after class with youth from Pleasant Hill Baptist Church to teach how to use the EvangeCube.
ness eling of together “It was a true fe Baptist bless Southern od G . h it fa r in ou you.” in Ohio. Thank
lley Baptist Church
h Point, Scioto Va
Sout ~ Tom Ross, FSBC
~ Sylvia Randol ph, Living Hope , Marysville, Metro Co lumbus Baptis t Association
Jack Kwok, Ph.D., Executive Director-Treasurer, SCBO commissioned all attendees to actively be Mission Ohio in 2013.
Larry Emery, NAMB Missionary, MSC State Coordinator identifying 2013 mission trip locations.
Travis Davenport, Church Planter Metro Columbus Baptist Association, Covenant Church
~ Tom Thamburaj, Trinity Baptist Church, Cambridge, Muskingum Valley Baptist Association
pporting events. “Great theme and su day with my I really enjoyed the teenagers). family (wife and 2 t where the Thanks for an even w family can learn ho missions.” to work together in h, asant Hill Baptist Churc ~ Pastor Jay Loucks, Ple on ati oci Muskingum Ass
Justin Hiester, Southern Baptists of Texa s
Mark Morris, International Mission Board
“What a wonder ful day to get a little worship and a lot of learning on Thanks so much ! for putting som e extra “fire” for spread ing the gospel to others!”
“I have a love and passion for Jesus and children. I want to reach children for Jesus through Block Parties, VBS, in the schools and also sack lunch program in summer.” ridge, ~ Cathy Lyons, Trinity Baptist Church, Camb n iatio Assoc ist Bapt y Muskingum Valle
“Good experience – Learned info very helpful to reach people groups for Christ & empower the faithful to be encouraged & effective.”
Pastor Jerry Neal, Senior Pastor, host church, FBC Grove City
~ Christi O’Neil, Br ookside Baptist Ch urch, Reynoldsbu Metro Columbus rg, Baptist Associatio n
March 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 11
The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio in partnership with Greetings SCBO Churches, I am excited to announce our partnership with Christian Copyright Solutions. With this partnership you have a number of answers to your legal questions. This article will be the first of many that will appear in the Ohio Baptist Messenger and on the SCBO website. Christy Kohnle, (our CCS agent) would enjoy speaking to you
about any question you have regarding worship legal issues. In His Service, Dwayne Lee The Bible Teaching / Leadership Resource Group
Creative Church Easter Planning Ideas
It’s one of those unique years when Easter falls in March (the 31st). Worship and creative leaders have
barely caught their breath from Christmas programs, when they must look for inspiration to create programs that help their community experience the Resurrection holiday in a fresh, new way. Here are some great ideas to make your Easter celebrations creative and exciting events for your members, your surrounding community and those unable to attend in person.
May 10 & 11, 2013
Genoa Baptist Church 7562 Lewis Center Road Westerville, Oh 43082
First Baptist Church Liberty Heights BC 590 W. South Boundary St 7904 Princeton Road Perrysburg, Oh 43551 Liberty Township, Oh
Nov. 15 & 16, 2013
Friday 6:00 PM Registration 6:30-9:30 PM “Involving Southern Baptists in Disaster Relief” Saturday 7:15 AM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 3:00 PM
Continental Breakfast Unit Training Lunch Provided by DR Food Service Evangelism Training Dismissed
Background check information will be requested during this session. All volunteers must have a background check performed. “...Giving a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name” from Matt: 10:42
Training for new volunteers Friday and Saturday Cross-training for current volunteers on Saturday DR clothing sales DR Badges will be issued or updated as needed Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age (21 years of age for Child Care unit)
To Learn More contact Ministry Evangelism Assistant
*Serving in Southern Baptist Disaster Relief requires membership at an Ohio Southern Baptist Church
CPR Training will be available for those already trained in Disaster Relief. This requires pre-registration at a cost of $ 20.00 per person for the CPR class only!
Volunteer and Trainer sleeping rooms are available in the church Friday night. Bring a bed roll and personal items.
Sam Kelley: (614)309-9751
Training Fees
$35/person $50/couple
Disaster Relief is a ministry of the
Have a concert outside of your normal worship times, so members can invite family and friends who don’t usually attend services. • Charge admission, to make your program a fundraiser. • Stream your program online. • Expand your repertoire by using performance tracks. • Record your program to CD or DVD. You can download a free paper on these great church Easter ideas from Christian Copyright Solutions.
Ensure that Your Easter Events are Legal
As you plan your Easter events, it’s important to consider copyright issues that might come into play. If you start early, you may be able to contact the copyright holders on your own. Just remember that each copyrighted work may have several owners and you will need to track down each of them to secure their permissions and pay the necessary royalties. Blanket licensing is a much simpler and more cost-effective approach. Here are the two of the most-needed types of blanket licensing for churches: Performance Licensing Anytime you play or perform copyrighted music outside a worship service, performance licensing is required. So, for any concerts outside of services, special children’s
events, Easter breakfasts, or other activities where music will be played or performed, in most cases you’ll need licensing. CCS’s PERFORMmusic License is the only church blanket license available and covers over 16 million Christian, secular and seasonal songs. Coverage is immediate. Streaming Licensing If you decide to stream your services online, you’ll need church streaming licensing. CCS’s WORSHIPcast License allows you to legally stream your services and special performances, and covers over 16 million Christian, secular and seasonal songs in the repertoires of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC. Your other option is CCLI’s Church Streaming and Podcast License, which allows you to stream the 200,000 Christian songs in the CCLI repertoire (worship services only). For all of those special projects not covered by a blanket license, CCS’s PERMISSIONSplus Service helps you secure the copyright clearances to make copyright licensing simple for CDs, DVDs, special song arrangements, printing, and much more. Contact CCS to discuss your project with a copyright expert. Regardless of the project, since Easter is early this year, you’ll want to get started right away. Wishing you and your ministry a blessed Easter!
Please call our CopyrightSolver hotline number 1-855-5SOLVER (1-855-576-5837) to discuss your specific questions and licensing needs. This document provides information and not legal advice. For more information and resources, including fact sheets, videos and idea kits, visit our Ohio Baptist Convention page at
Page 12 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | March 2013
Press toward the Mark Theology, polity, and missiology comprise the major components of our Southern Baptist identity. These three components guide our cooperation in obeying the Great Commission. The Cooperative Mission Program has provided Jack Kwok, Ph.D. the major vehicle for the expres- Executive Directorsion of our worldwide mission Treasurer State Convention support and partnership. of Baptists in Ohio Messengers to the annual Southern Baptist Convention voted to designate April 14, 2013 as Cooperative Program Sunday. During the June 12, 2007 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, messengers approved the following definition of the Cooperative Program: The Cooperative Program (CP) is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through which cooperating Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of their respective state convention and the Southern Baptist Convention missions and ministries. The Cooperative Mission Program is Cooperative Missions. It is how Southern Baptists coordinate mission resources to share Jesus with everyone around the world.
From the new church start with a handful of people to a mega-church, Southern Baptists can obey the Great Commission as expressed in Acts 1:8. Southern Baptist mission work shares the gospel with people from a local church’s Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the earth simultaneously 24/7 through the local ministry of each Southern Baptist church and the Cooperative Mission Program. Informational and educational resources are available on the Southern Baptist Executive Committee website http://www.cooperativeprogram. net/2003/shop/products.asp?id=1 to assist you in the celebration of the Cooperative Mission Program April 14, 2013. As you already know, you can celebrate the Cooperative Mission Program any time you wish. The target date is April 14, 2013. A significant rise in baptisms, personal participation in missions, and increase in mission giving are all worthy goals of our celebration of the Southern Baptist Cooperative Mission Program. If all of the Ohio Southern Baptist congregations will attempt to reach more people for Christ, encourage their members to participate in a mission project, and raise their Cooperative Program by 1%, we shall witness one of the greatest years ever in worldwide missions. Let’s press toward that mark.
SEEKING STAFF Meadowdale Baptist Church, Greater Dayton Association currently is seeking a Bi-vocational Pastor. Resumes may be mailed to 38686 Haney Rd. Dayton, Ohio 45416 or e-mailed to If you have any questions please call 937-274-2148. Real Joy Community Fellowship located in Chillicothe is seeking a bi-vocational youth director. All inquires should be sent to Tony Lambert at Seneca Lake is in need of Lifeguards for this summer season June 10- Aug 9. Please have them contact Contact Joyce Flanagan for an application.
How to become a
Christian If you are not a Christian, have never surrendered your will to the Lord Jesus, let me share briefly how you can make this life changing decision. GOD WANTS YOU SAVED. First, you must believe that God loves you and wants you to have peace in your heart and an everlasting life (John 3:16). Second, you must recognize that you are a sinner, that you have done things which have displeased God and that you have separated yourself from Him (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Third, you must believe that Jesus came to this earth, was actually God in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and yet went to a cruel cross, dying for your sins, paying once and for all the penalty of sin (I Peter 2:24).
However, it’s not enough just to know these three things. Many of us knew them for years before we ever gave Jesus our lives. Fourth, you must personally ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins (Revelation 3:20). You can pray this prayer now and if you mean it with all of your heart, Jesus will come in just like He said. He cannot lie. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I’m really sorry for my sins, Lord. I ask you now, Lord Jesus, to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, take control of my life, and make me the kind of person You want me to be. I now receive You into my heart. Thank You for coming in. I will follow You all the days of my life. In Your name I pray, Amen.
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How to submit Church News Send all church news and information to Linnett Snodgrass at