INSIDE: Women’s Missions & Ministries. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Evangelism Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 2014 SBC Church Compensation Survey. . . Page 10 Press Toward The Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12
Momentum 2014
Ohio Baptist Messenger FEBRUARY 2014 | VOLUME 62 NO. 1
New Pastor & Staff Orientation March 11, 2014 9:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. The 2014 state VBS team getting ready to help you "Discover, Decide, Defend" your faith as we work together for this year's theme, Agency D3.
Go to scbo.org/ pray for more information. Visit scbo.org/nextfactor for more information.
State Convention of Baptists SCBO Resource Center 9000 Antares Avenue, Columbus
The New Pastor and Staff Orientation is provided twice annually at the State Convention office in March and September. The next NPSO will be Tuesday March 11, 2014. The day provides opportunity to meet the State Resource Team Leaders and learn what resources are available. There is no registration fee; however, advance registration is necessary through Linnett Snodgrass. Spouses are invited and encouraged to attend. Orientation begins at 9:30 a.m. and concludes by 3:30 p.m.. Contact Linnett Snodgrass (lsnodgrass@scbo.org) or Bruce Smith (brucesmith@scbo.org) for more information.
Page 2 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2014
A Homegoing Helen M. Allan, 88, of Ocala, Florida passed away January 7, 2014. Born in Detroit, MI, she came to this area 16 years ago from Ridgecrest, NC. She was married to Marvin Allan in 1950. He later passed away in 1951. With no children, Mrs. Allan spent her life in leading and teaching religious education proHelen M. Allan fessionals in Southern Baptist Religions in the mission education area. After graduation from Southern Baptist seminary in 1958, her accomplishments include various positions at the Baptist Sunday School Board (Lifeway) Nashville, TN, ending in associate editor of the “Home Life” magazine. In 1968, Mrs. Allan became editor of the preschool “Start” magazine at Birmingham, AL, followed by a 14 year stent as the as Director of Woman’s Missionary Union in Ohio. Also among her accomplishments was the writing of three preschool children’s books. She is survived by her brothers, Gerald “Jerry” Armstrong of Silver Springs, FL, Harold Armstrong of West Palm Beach, FL and Gene Armstrong of Kernersville, NC; 14 nieces and nephews, 32 great-nieces and nephews and 20 great-great nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her brother, Stanley Armstrong, Jr.
2014 OPERATIONAL STRESS FIRST AID TRAINING April 4 (8:30 am- 5:00 pm) – April 5 (8:30 am - 3:00 pm) State Convention Office 9000 Antares Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011 Bring your gear and sleep in a nearby church! Or ask for a list of local motels. INSTRUCTOR: Enio Aguero, Chaplaincy & Ethnic Relations National Director, North American Mission Board. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED: COST $ 50.00 INCLUDED: Materials, continental breakfast, snacks and lunch. Supper will be on your own. TO REGISTER CONTACT: Nick Freeman, DR Chaplain Coordinator, 5227 Elk Run Dr., Liberty Twp., Ohio 45011, (513) 309-1533 or Email Nefreemanjr@gmail.com Operational Stress First Aid (OSFA) is a flexible multi-step process for the timely assessment and preclinical care of stress reactions or injuries in individuals or units with the goals to preserve life, prevent further harm, and promote recovery. OSFA is required training for SBC Disaster Relief Chaplain endorsement.
Jack Kwok, Ohio State Convention Executive Director-Treasurer, Editor; Linnett Snodgrass, Administrative Assistant; Spangler Production & Design, Publication Layout. Published every other month for members of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio. Subscriptions provided out of each church’s Cooperative Program gifts. Member of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.
The Ohio Baptist Messenger (ISSN 0472-7096) is published every other month by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Baptist Messenger; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011.
Buckeye Baptist Builders
Buckeye Baptist Builders will be spending the week of May 5 through May 9, 2014, at Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly. We need your help. There are several projects to be worked on that will help make the facilities more useful this summer camping season. Lodging and food will be provided. The worship and fellowship will be outstanding. Come and support this vital project and experience mission work like you never have before! No, you are not too old for this project. There will be work for you to do. If you are interested in this project and can help, please contact our Builders Coordinator, Ray Morris at: Raymor1@ peoplepc.com or call him at 513-593-5130.
February 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 3
A Story of Hope from the Disciple House By John and Kay Cattell, Defiance, OH Disciple House is a ministry to exoffenders helping them in their transition to post-incarceration life. John and Kay Cattell lead this significant ministry located in Defiance, Ohio. Both are missionaries of the Northwest Baptist Association, the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio, and the North American Mission Board. The Cooperative Mission Program, Ray Roberts State Mission Offering, the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, and other contributions provide support for this effective ministry. Scott is an example of how God is using this ministry to provide hope. The story of Scott started many years ago as we met him in North Central Correctional Facility at Marion, Ohio. Scott always attended worship services when we visited and was very receptive to our message of God’s grace, hope and love, but we would hear from others though that his life outside church was far from righteous. Still, I told him we would help him when he was released. Upon his release I picked up Scott, drove him to Cleveland, bought him some clothes and food, left him with
some cash and showed him how to take the Rapid Transit system near his hotel to downtown on Monday. He found work that weekend around the hotel to earn some additional cash, and went to his parole officer on Monday. She pointed him to a City Mission just down the street. There he had a room, food, and again found a little work across the street at a garage just sweeping up the place. Later he applied at a restaurant and was rejected. But as he was leaving the building, the manager ran, caught up with him, and hired him to wash dishes. In the meantime, Scott had not been able to locate his two children. Neither the P.O. nor the Child Protective Services, would tell him where they were or alert them that he was now out of prison. He kept searching, but ran into roadblocks at every turn. His job at the garage increased in salary, his job at the restaurant was going well, and he hired a lawyer to help find his children. Still, a year and a half later, he could not find them. But his boss at the garage helped him get his driver’s license, sold him a used car from the garage on payments, he was advancing at the restaurant, and the Mission had moved him into an adjacent apartment
John & Kay Cattell
so he could still eat all his meals there. His boss also eventually moved Scott into a rental house he owned, and offered Scott the option to buy. Here’s a recent update: Scott met his son and has established a great relationship with him. He lives nearby and they see each other almost every day. Scott has met a Christian woman whom he is dating. His daughter surprised him on Christmas Day with a visit along with
Scott’s new grandson, and she wants to be a part of his life. Oh, and one more piece of good news: his restaurant boss has opened a new location and has made Scott manager with a salary near $50,000!! This has happened over a span of two and a half years. Scott has remained faithful. God has provided. God is good.
Multicultural Worship Service
More than two hundred people attended the multicultural worship service at New Bethel Baptist Church in Norwood, Ohio, on Sunday night September 15. New Bethel Baptist Church shares the building with the Good Shepherd Hispanic Baptist Church which has services every Saturday at 6:00 pm and every Sunday at 2:00 pm. In the Christian Family Development Center, a Members of the Sudanese congregation bringing special music Sudanese congregation meets during the service. every Sunday at the same time the New Bethel congregation is meeting while the Sudanese children attend Sunday School classes with New Bethel. All three congregations met together for the special worship service. Each congregation participated with testimonies and special music with interpreters as needed. A fellowship meal was enjoyed by everyone following the worship service. The sweet spirit of the service provided an excellent example of the all inclusiveness of the gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior. Kirk Pike is the pastor at New Bethel Baptist Church. Submitted by: Chuck Sams
How to submit Church News Send all church news and information to Linnett Snodgrass at lsnodgrass@scbo.org
Left: Kirk Pike with Antonio Martinez from Good Shepherd Hispanic congregation, Fellowship meal in the Bayside Building following the multicultural service
For information about the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio and more Baptist Press news, go to our website www.scbo.org.
Page 4 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2014
Dan Duffy Retires On Thursday, December 5th, the Northcoast Baptist Association held a farewell dinner to honor the service of Dan and Gail Duffy. With over 120 people in attendance, they were able to reflect on their ministry both here and over the years. The group consisted of pastors and wives, church leaders, and past and present church members from his congregations. Dan and Gail’s two Children, Mike and Christine, were able to come and bring their children. During the evening, we enjoyed music by Dan’s former music leader, Pam Stewart, as well as testimony from many of our pastors and church planters. Jack Helton from the SCBO came and encouraged our pastors to continue on in their ministry, just as Dan has done for many years. Steve Long of Toledo and Kevin Litchfield
Dan and Gail Duffy
of Cleveland came and joking chided Dan for retiring and then presented him with a gift to help enjoy that retirement. Dan has served the Northcoast Baptist Association for 12 years as the Director of Missions and as a pastor in our association prior to this position. Dan has no plans to ‘just retire’. He is just transitioning into a new field of ministry, wherever the
Retirement Celebration
Lord may lead. He and Gail will continue to live in the Sandusky area, and Dan will continue to fill the pulpit as needed. He is looking to see where his next step will take
Senior Adults, Are We Ready? Senior Adults have been called to P-R-A-Y in 2014. We are very familiar with prayer and have experienced how God has answered prayers. We have prayed for needs, for wants, and for others in our different stages of life, and we are obligated to Him to share these many experiences. Seniors need to share these experiences with young people, with one another, and with a lost world. When we think about prayer, we can be challenged to think of it in the prayer pattern shown in the Pray Ohio call to prayer (http://www.scbo.org/ content/prayer-pattern): P — praise God R — repent, personal purity A — ask, specific requests Y — yield self/expectation As we think about prayer in this light, there is no question about giving God the PRAISE. REPENTing is something we all need to do because we are all sinners. Amen? While we do ask God to forgive us, we sometimes only associate the word repent with those that are accepting Christ for the first time. The evil one has shaded the truth and tried to cover
up the seriousness of sin--the sin that we are doing unconsciously and habitually thinking that it is not harming anyone or anything. We need to stop and allow God to examine our lives: “Search my heart, O God.” Our specific requests are what we ASK of God. Concentrate our prayers to be on our own state of Ohio and the spiritual needs of its 11.5 million people. Then we must YIELD ourselves to the Father. With the fast pace of our world today, our expectations can be low, but we have a God that has overcome the world. Are we ready? When all our prayers are lifted up to God, what do you think is going to happen? God has not called us to pray without answers, but how does He answer? Most of the time God answers through His people! He has not only called us to pray, but also to be the instruments in fulfilling those requests. Let us go to Him with a sincere heart, prepared to see miracles. ARE YOU READY? Submitted by Dale Norris, Pastor to Senior Adults, University Baptist Church, Middletown
him as the Lord leads. We here on the Northcoast are thankful for the many years Dan has served faithfully. We are sad to see him go but are anxious to see
where God leads us as an association and Dan and Gail on their new adventures. Submitted by Rachel Carter
May 30 & 31, 2014
Nov. 14 & 15, 2014
New Hope B. C. 1401 Loveland Maderia Rd Loveland, Oh 45140
Emmanuel B. C. 201 Breaden Ave Jackson, Oh 45640
Lincoln Heights BC 512 Stewart Rd. N. Mansfield, Oh 44905
Friday 6:00 PM Registration 6:30-9:30 PM “Involving Southern Baptists in Disaster Relief” Saturday 7:15 AM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 3:00 PM
Continental Breakfast Unit Training Lunch Provided by DR Food Service Evangelism Training Dismissed
Background check information will be requested during this session. All volunteers must have a background check performed. “...Giving a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name” from Matt: 10:42
Training for new volunteers Friday and Saturday Cross-training for current volunteers on Saturday DR clothing sales DR Badges will be issued or updated as needed Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age (21 years of age for Child Care unit)
To Learn More
Serving in Southern Baptist Disaster Relief requires membership at an
Sam Kelley: (614)309-9751 skelley@scbo.org
contact Ministry Evangelism Assistant
Ohio Southern Baptist Church
CPR Training will be available for those already trained in Disaster Relief. This requires pre-registration at a cost of $ 20.00 per person for the CPR class only!
Volunteer and Trainer sleeping rooms are available in the church Friday night. Bring a bed roll and personal items.
February 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 5
Church hosts Parent’s Night Out (Castalia, Ohio) Cold Creek Community Church, a church plant in Northcoast Baptist Association hosted their first annual Parent’s Night Out event on December 12. It was a servant evangelism event designed to attract families of young children from preschool age to fifth graders. Parents in the community were invited to bring their children to the local elementary school to make Christmas crafts, watch a movie, have pizza and punch while their parents went to do some kid-free shopping. The church plant hosted a second location at their worship facility that allowed parents after returning from their shopping, if desired, to come and wrap their Christmas gifts. As an expression of God’s love, the church provided the pizza, punch, refreshments, crafts and wrapping supplies free of charge to those who attended. With the help of their sponsors, they sent a direct mailer postcard to 2700+ homes, apart-
The Three Testaments of Life By Jack Helton
Parents night out
ments and dwellings within the zip codes of Castalia, Bay View and Vickery, Ohio. Though there was not a large attendance, the church plant made some significant connections with a couple of unchurched families that were in attendance at the children’s event at the local elementary school. Thanks to the faithful support of fellow Southern Baptists in missions giving and prayer, the church plant was able to reach these families in their mission
field. Please pray that the Lord will empower them to reach the unchurched families, gain more core group members for the work of ministry and find more people to partner with the church as sponsors. Gene and Shirley Smith, commissioned church planting missionaries by NAMB and affiliated with the SCBO and Northcoast Baptist Association, lead the church plant. Submitted by Gene Smith
Considered one of the richest of the world’s nearly 2,700 languages, did you know that the English language contains approximately 1,000,000 words? Of these, about 200,000 words are in common use today. It is said that the average educated person has a vocabulary of about 20,000 words and uses about 2,000 of them during the course of a typical week’s conversations. “Testament” is a word that probably most folks do not use in weekly conversations. The word “testament” comes from a Latin word (testāmentum) meaning, “to bear witness,” as in a will or covenant. When my 21st century mind hears this archaic word, it quickly associates 3 other words or phrases with the term: Old (Testament): As a youth I was taught that it contained39 books, 929 chapters and depending upon which version you read approximately 600,000 words. It records or retells the stories of the Creation, Adam & Eve, the Fall, Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Miriam, Moses, Pharaoh, the Exodus, Joshua, the Judges, Saul, David, the Giant, Solomon, Elijah, the Psalmist, the Proverbs, Isaiah, Daniel, the Prophets, the Whale, and the Wait for the Messiah. New (Testament): My Sunday School teacher told me that it consisted of 27 books, 260 chapters and again depending upon which version approximately 200,000 words. It too contained in written form the stories of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Wisemen, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate, Simon the Cyrene, the Centurion, Joseph of Arimathea, Stephen, Barnabas, Dorcas, Lydia, James, Timothy, and John on the isle of Patmos. Last Will (and Testament): As an adult my vocational vocabulary now regularly includes the terms Testator, Intestate, Estate, Executor, Trust, Guardian, Property, Beneficiaries, Charitable Bequest, Witnesses, Notary, and Probate. The Ohio Baptist Foundation was chartered in 1969 by those convinced of the importance of each of these 3 testaments. From then until now, the OBF has diligently sought to encourage Christians to experience the life changing power of the first 2 testaments, with an eye on seeing the important need of fulfilling the 3rd testament. Did you know that approximately 2.3 million Americans (including 54,000 Ohioans) will die in 2014? Of these, according to most estimates and studies, only about 50% will have a Last Will and Testament. The task of the Ohio Baptist Foundation is to assist donors in living and leaving a testament that honors and glorifies God. Our mission and purpose is to walk with those whom, by their convictions of both the first 2 testaments, want to turn the 3rd, their Last Will and Testament, into a “Giving Testament” for the benefit of loved ones and/or charitable organizations. This honors God and is what the Christian Church has, for at least the last 1000 years, called “Stewardship.” If your Ohio Baptist Foundation can assist you in turning the 3rd testament of your life into your “Giving Testament,” give us a call. Remember, there is no better time to make a will than right now! Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved. (Pr. 16:3) HCSB
Missions & Ministries
Page 6 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2014
Called To Pray By Cathy Pound
“Whenever God determines to do a great work, He first sets His people to pray.” C.H. Spurgeon. This is the time, God is calling Ohio Baptist to intercede for the lost in Ohio. Many of us set aside ten days in January to pray and fast for Ohio. During this experience, I believe God promised that we will see a change in ourselves, our churches, our communities – His presence – His power – His peace. I believe our responsibility for the promise is to re-present Jesus to our churches and our communities. Many Ohio 2014 Prayer Initiative resources are available at www.scbo.org/pray or on request from Amanda Mishne, Amanda@scbo.org, 614-827-1814. The special emphasis for February is designed as a Next Factor tool to engage Ohio Baptist in Presenting Christ through prayer for affinity groups and people groups who call Ohio home. Philippians 2:10-11, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow…and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” is not only the Scriptural mandate, but also serves as a prayer prompt if you set your phone alarm for 2:10 p.m. as a reminder to pray daily. A pocket size as well as a bulletin insert and a full page calendar guide features twenty-eight groups that represent a portion of the Ohio population chosen to pray for salvation.
Parents of IMB Missionaries Ohio is blessed in many ways and Ohio Baptists are a blessing to many around the world. Latest count we have close to one hundred active missionaries serving with the International Mission Board. Denise Hopkins and Charissa Fee are working together to design an Ohio IMB Missionary Parents and Adult Siblings Fellowship. If you are aware of Ohioans serving as IMB Missionaries please contact Denise to make sure she has the parent or adult sibling contact information. Use either email, dhopkins@insight.rr.com or call Denise, 614-562-2234.
Dublin Baptist Church, 7195 Coffman Rd, Dublin, OH 43017 http://dublinbaptist.com Dublin Baptist Church, a member of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio, is seeking a Minister or Director for Children. Dublin Baptist’s average Sunday morning attendance is approximately 800 with 150 children from birth to 5th grade, served by over 100 volunteers. The Minister/Director will facilitate, direct, and implement their vision for the Children’s ministry, working with the DBC ministerial staff, as well as overseeing the Director of our Mom’s Day Out program. The successful, God-led candidate should possess: • A passionate calling to a Children’s Ministry • The ability to communicate with children and parents with authenticity, authority, passion, and effectiveness • Reliability in executing plans, vision, and goals Submissions can be e-mailed to dublinbcchildren@gmail.com or via US Mail to the address above. More information can be found at http://dublinbaptist.com/ Seeking full-time experienced, enthusiastic Minister to Preschoolers and Children, for a growing ministry in a strong, healthy church in suburban Cincinnati. Check us out at mtcarmelbaptist.org. or submit resumes to mountcarmelbc@fuse.net
WMU names Clella Lee as new leadership consultant by Julie Walters
(BIRMINGHAM, Ala.) – Jan. 2, 2014 – Clella Lee will join the national WMU staff as leadership consultant on the adult resource team on Jan. 6. In this new role, she will create strategic plans for developing women in the area of leadership including an online leadership training program to further expand WMU’s Christian Women’s Leadership Center (CWLC). The Christian Women’s Leadership Center is a partnership between WMU and Samford University for the purpose of assisting women of all walks of life in furthering their leadership capabilities. Lee will help guide and grow the CWLC by implementing plans for experiential learning opportunities, more internships for students at WMU, monthly leadership luncheons, and more. “Clella brings a great depth of knowledge and practical experience to WMU,” said Carol Causey, director of national WMU’s missions resource center. “Her role in leading the CWLC
will give her and WMU an ideal platform to assist women in all spheres of life to be servant leaders. We are thrilled Clella is joining us.” Most recently, Lee served on the staff of Lafayette Baptist Church in Fayetteville, N.C., leading in the areas of evangelism and equipping from 2000 to 2008, and music and worship from 2008 until April of this year. Prior work experience includes serving at Campbell University Divinity School in Buies Creek, N.C., as an adjunct professor in 2010 and 2011 and as director of admissions and student affairs from 1997 until 2000. She also has 14 years of experience teaching in elementary schools which will help give context and insight as she helps develop leadership content for all WMU age-level missions organizations. Lee obtained a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.; and earned a Master of Divinity with a concentration in Christian education and Doctor of Ministry from Campbell University. She and her husband, Brian, who serves as pastor of Shades Crest Baptist Church, reside in Birmingham, Ala.
Upcoming Women’s Ministry Events EVENT DATE Annie Armstrong 2014 Beautiful Feet
March 2 - 9 April 12
Kids Kamp Week 1
June 16 - 20
Kids Kamp Week 2
June 23 - 27
Kids Kamp Week 3
July 28 - August 1
Lottie Moon Week of Prayer Missions Camp Mother Daughter Retreat Pastors’ Wives Luncheon Ray Roberts Royal Ambassador Congress Women’s Fall Retreat & Mission Celebration Women’s Regional Spring Retreats
November 30 - December 7 August 4 - 8 October 10 - 11 November 6 September 14 - 21 April 11 - 12 September 12 - 13 March & May
Join Us On Facebook! OWN-Ohio Women’s Network
Missions & Ministries February 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 7
April 11 and 12, FBC Fairfield is hosting RA Congress. Johnny Webb of Tates Creek Baptist Association in Central Kentucky is bringing a team of men to lead our Ohio Congress. Registration opens on Friday night at 6 p.m. Worship begins at 7 p.m. The evening includes a Missionary speaker, RA Racers and Campcrafts. Saturday will begin early with breakfast at 6:30 a.m. followed by an Award Ceremony for trophies, badges, and other recognition. 8:30 a.m. RAs will join the statewide evangelism event, Beautiful Feet at FBC Mason for a day of hands on missions in the Cincinnati area. For more details contact Cathy Pound, cpound@scbo.org. For registration information, contact Amanda Mishne, Amanda@scbo.org
Page 8 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2014
Evangelism Highlights
Exciting days at Bowling Green H2O By Bryan Wiles Sunday, November 24th was a very exciting day in the life of our church! With much effort from our pastors and staff we obtained permission to have our first baptism on campus in the ballroom where we have our services
each Sunday (in the past, we used another church’s baptistery on a Sunday afternoon.) A borrowed horse trough, 275 gallons of water, tarps, towels, special insurance and 32 people excited to proclaim their faith in Christ equaled an evening of celebration. Among the 32, there were 30 college students, one
high school student, one of our h2o Kids, aand n 8-year old little boy who prayed to begin his walk with Christ a few weeks ago. His testimony was shared so eloquently and bravely from his own mouth. His parents have been believers for about 3 years and seeing their lives and their parenting drasti-
cally change, caused him to want what they had! Praise! There were lots of tears, shouts of praise, and hugs throughout the night as each person shared their grace story before entering the trough to be greeted by Pastor Rob and another staff or leader they chose to stand with them.
Pastor Rob Warren (Left) with Brandan Rankins (16 yrs old) and grandmother. Brandan and his family started coming to h2o church @ BGSU. Fall baptism service on campus in the Pastor Rob Warren (Left) baptizing Nick Doer (senior at BGSU) h2o in August upon which he came to faith in Jesus. Student Union Ballroom. 32 students were baptized that night! along with recent graduates Brandon Hines and Mike Salyer.
SOMEONE NEEDS TO TELL THEM I was paying my check at a very slow Cracker Barrel today and the lady at the register, who is a young mother, asked me how I liked my food, and then told me the things on the menu that she liked. She was in a talking mood and kept talking about various restaurants and the menus containing unhealthy foods, etc. So I decided to take the conversation in a different direction. I pulled out the “Hot Line To Heaven” (EvangeCube) and said, “If you should end up at heavens gate tonight and God asked you, ‘Why should I let you into My heaven?’ what would your answer be?” She said, “BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER SINNED.” Woo! I have had people tell me they are good persons, but never because they haven’t sinned. It didn’t take long to convince her the she indeed is a sinner. I then went through the EvangeCube and explained how Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden and introduced sin into the world. I then shared my personal testimony with her and confirmed to her that I knew I was destined to hell unless I called on Jesus to forgive me of my sins and save my soul. At that point the young mother was anxious to ask Jesus to forgive her sins and save her soul. Then she uttered the words I often hear after someone surrenders to Jesus, “Thank you for sharing with me.” At one point during my presentation of the gospel the young mother told me she would like to read the Bible and learn more, but she just couldn’t understand it because of the way it is written. She was trying to read and understand the King James version but to no avail. Therefore, I gave her a Holman Christian Standard EvangeCube New Testament Bible and she was just thrilled. This Bible is a great tool to use to reinforce a person’s personal decision of salvation,
and you can give them the Bible after you’ve finished sharing Christ with them. As our time together concluded, I began to wonder how many more young mothers are out there that need to hear of the Good News of Jesus Christ. And how many more believe they have not sinned? What will happen to them if they don’t hear? If they are not saved? Well, we know the answer to those questions, and the answers aren’t good. Therefore, someone needs to tell them, and I believe that someone must be me and it must be you! In closing, let’s all be reminded that we live in a confused world. Confused because many Americans come from second and third generation families that are lost and with little or no church background. Confused because some churches do not present the gospel consistently and clearly. Confused because we share the gospel but never draw the net by explaining the details of how to be saved right then. Confused because the government and the media are doing a better job of getting Satan’s message heard than we Christians are at getting God’s message heard. Praise God for churches and individuals that are evangelizing and drawing the net. The message of Christ is life changing. It is Good News. The lost world needs to hear it. Someone needs to tell them. Will you join me in doing so? II Corinthians 5:16-6:2 Revised by Jack Helton based on a story told by Larry Randolph (church member, devoted disciple, and a personal soul winner)!
February 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 9
Evangelism Highlights Make plans now to attend Momentum 2014
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For additional details you can contact Jack Helton (jackhelton@scbo.org) or Ashleigh Moodie (ashleighmoodie@scbo.org)
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Mo14 will be held on Tuesday, March 18th, 2014, at Jersey Baptist Church (www.jerseychurch.org). The event begins at 9am and will conclude by 6pm. Mo14 is a great opportunity to be encouraged and challenged in your faith walk with Christ. The day prior to Mo14, on Monday, March 17th, Jersey will host a Church Revitalization Conference with Johnny Hunt, pastor at FBC Woodstock, GA. Go to www.namb.net to learn more about Church Revitalization. Brother Johnny will also be one of our keynote speakers at Mo14 along with David Uth, Derwin Gray, D. A Horton, and Ed Stetzer. Also, Jaye Martin will be our guest speaker for our annual Ladies Luncheon. Register for the Ladies Luncheon by going to scbo.org/ register. The cost is $10. In addition to great preaching, fellowship, and ministry resources, Mo14 will also offer multiple ministry workshops on such subjects as evangelism, church planting, discipleship, leadership, coaching, video production, and church technology. We will also have a few ministry resources to give away. This year at Mo14 we will have a great barbecue lunch catered in for those that want to eat on-site. I’ve heard it is exceptionally delicious. You’ll get a choice of 2 meats, 2 sides, a desert, and a drink. All for the low price of $10. Register by going to scbo.org/register. Deadline to register is Monday, March 10th. Look for complete details atwww.momentumconference2014.com and www.scbo.org. I hope to see you there! There Is Victory In Jesus, Jack Helton, Evangelism Resource Group Leader
Page 10 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2014
Lottie Moon Blessing Church Tax Videos Available The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio has partnered with the Oklahoma and Louisiana Baptist Convention to produce the 2013 Church Tax Video. This consists of nearly 5 hours of teaching on three DVD’s, plus one CD related to Ohio specific tax forms. Norma Woodard, a retired IRS agent, and Barbara Spess, a tax accountant specializing in ministerial tax issues, are the presenters on the DVD. These two ladies have led the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s Tax Seminars annually for many years. Pastor taxes, church financial policies, and church specific updates related to the new Patient Affordable Care Act are included in the presentation. Thanks to Ohio Baptists’ Cooperative Program support, the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio is able to make this package available to any SCBO church for $20. This will truly be a valuable resource for the church treasurer or ministerial staff for many years. To order a set for your church, contact Dave Warton at davewarton@scbo.org or (614) 827-1840.
Kettering First Baptist Church has engaged the Ci people of Benin and had a team providing medical clinics and also camping among the Ci people. FBC Kettering had set a $35,000 Lottie Moon Missions Christmas Offering Goal. Some members were shocked and said it couldn’t be done. They’d never had such a goal before. An announcement was made that they’d given $48,000! Every penny of that money goes directly to the work around the world. Pastor Chad Keck challenged the congregation to make it $50,000 and now they’ve gone over $50,000!!!!! ! Praise God for this tremendous sacrificial giving that millions more may come to Christ!!!! Submitted by: Jeff and Barbara
Your participation is crucial.
Help create an accurate, reliable database that will be used by thousands of churches to help determine fair compensation for their church staff. The 2014 SBC church compensation survey will be conducted online January 1 through May 31, 2014, at www.GuideStone.org/CompensationSurvey, and your help is needed! This survey is a joint effort of all Baptist state conventions, LifeWay Christian Resources and GuideStone Financial Resources. It has been conducted every two years since 1996 to assist Southern Baptist churches, ministers, pastor-search teams and personnel committees to establish competitive compensation and employer-provided benefits for church employees. Between 09/04/12 and 10/24/13, results from the 2012 SBC church compensation survey were accessed almost 55,000 times (128/day average) by almost 48,000 unique visitors (115/day average)! This is the largest sur-
vey of its kind with over 12,000 completed surveys in 2012, and survey results are available, your SBC churches can access customized reports with compensation and employer-provided benefit data for churches of comparable size and financial resources. This information is provided at NO COST to your churches, but we need your help and participation in the survey! The more participation in your state by churches of various sizes, the better the results will be when your churches want to use the tool to find compensation data from similarly-sized churches in your area.
Additional survey information
• All survey data will be kept confidential. Results are reported only in aggregate by state convention or at the national level. • The survey will take approximately five to eight minutes per employee. • Results will be available in the summer of 2014.
February 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 11
Darty and Dot Stowe Award Presented December 1 Steve Hopkins (SCBO) and Steve Stiglich (Associational Missionary, Dayton) presented the Stowe Award to Elizabeth Shoemaker, widow of the 2013 recipient, Rick Shoemaker. Presentation took place at First Baptist Church, New Carlisle, on the date that Rick would have celebrated 34 years of service as pastor. The Darty and Dot Stowe began their ministry in Mission Ohio is 1954 as director of missions for the greater Cincinnati area. A year later he became state director of missions and then became associate executive secretary, working closely with Ray Roberts. He added roles of Brotherhood director and overseer of the annuity program for Mission Ohio pastors. He served until his home-going in 1981. Dot served Georgetown College as director of a women’s residence hall from ’83-’89, then
Left to right: Steve Hopkins, Elizabeth Shoemaker, Steve Stiglich
moved back to Ohio until the Lord called her home in 2000. Darty Stowe led well from the ‘second chair,’ with a servant’s heart… not with the national recognition like Ray Roberts or Tal Bonham, but leaving a great legacy in Ohio. The award is given every year to a pastor or minister who has served faithfully, perhaps never recognized like those in the larger, more visible churches, but leaving a legacy and serv-
ing in the spirit of 1 Thessalonians 2:3-12. Pastor Rick Shoemaker was nominated for the Stowe Award by Steve Stiglich. Rick, a native of Kettering, was saved in 1971 and began preaching while a senior at Fairmont East High School. He graduated from Cumberland College and continued his theological training at Southern Seminary. He was called to FBC New Carlisle in December 1979.
Rick was chairman of the associational youth committee for many years, organizing youth rallies that reached hundreds of students each month. Several pastors, including Steve Stiglich, got their start under the mentoring of Shoemaker. Rick also served with Church Transformational Ministries, a group of certified Christian conciliators, trained in Biblical peacemaking, mediation and church conflict intervention. Rick wrote a weekly column (From the Pulpit) for area newspapers and authored numerous articles and dramatic sketches for LifeWay. His first book, Dissecting the Serpent: Exposing 21 of the Devil’s Most Destructive Devices was released November 2012. Because the Stowe Award is kept secret until the presentation at the annual meeting, Rick went home to his eternal reward before knowing he was the 2013 recipient. The Father
called him home Sunday, October 27, 2013, after a short illness. The award was announced at the annual meeting, and presentation made to Elizabeth with the FBC New Carlisle family affirming the legacy of Pastor Rick. The Darty and Dot Stowe Award is provided by annual gifts to Georgetown College from members of the Stowe family. Candidates for the Stowe Award must be currently serving Mission Ohio and have at least five years of service. Nominations are submitted to the state convention staff by October 1 each year. The award is announced during the annual meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio. A recognition plaque and a financial award for the purchase of books and/or continuing education are presented to the recipient.
Page 12 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2014
Left to right: Jim Hunter, Mary Rickert, Suzanne and David Hill, Jim Rickert, Brian and Nawal Picard
Northside Baptist (Youngstown) Mission’s Director sees International Missions Firsthand By Jim Rickert
In the North, we also had a ministry among the Druzes, working alongside with one of our On Nov. 19 - Dec.1, My precious wife, Mary, international representatives. “Jack” has had an and I experienced our first international missions outreach for 38 years among this people group trip. It was an experience that was so life changing and because of their respect for him, doors had that it’s hard to describe with words but I will try. been opened to us that we could never dreamed From start to finish, we never stopped seeing the of. We were entertained by people that entermiraculous working of God. tained kings and presidents and we even shared In recent years, my pastor’s wife, Nawal our faith with one of the most influential famiPicard, has been leading interlies in the country. I was able to give my national mission trips to the Overall, as a missions director, personal testimony Middle East and this year it was I’ve always had a proper view of in the same town to the Holy Land. I felt the leadmissions but it wasn’t until I exing of God that He wanted us to where “the walls came perienced it firsthand, it became participate. personal. One of my most movtumbling down” with At first, I thought since it Joshua and the Israelites. ing moments was when I was was a trip to the Holy Land, we at our International House of would be mainly touring but that prayer in Jerusalem. It was there was not the case. From the time the plane landed for a moment, that I truly experience an out to the time we returned home, we were power pouring of the Holy Spirit and saw this world as packed with ministry. Christ saw it. We ministered in five churches, held over ten Pray with me as the Lord continues to work seminars and ministered to at least 600 people. We in my life and the work that He has set before ministered in Bethlehem and all the way to the Nawal Picard. It is my prayer that the Lord will north in Nazareth. I was able to give my personal use my experience as a catalyst for you to experitestimony in the same town where “the walls came ence missions firsthand. tumbling down” with Joshua and the Israelites.
“Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me! This chorus from an old hymn is the valentine message we proclaim every day of every week of every month of every year. Mission Ohio is the cooperative effort of Southern Baptists to take this message of God’s love to Ohio. Jack Kwok, Ph.D. In short, John 3:16 is a valentine mes- Executive Directorsage from God to the world. “All have Treasurer sinned and come short of the glory of State Convention God,” declares Romans 3:23. “The wages of of Baptists in Ohio sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” states Romans 6:23. To receive this gift of eternal life and experience the lifting of God’s love requires “repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ,” as expressed in Acts 20:21. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,” promises Romans 10:13. This is a 24/7 valentine message. If you will repent of your sin, put your faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to save you and give you eternal life, and ask Jesus to save you, you will be lifted out of the sea of condemnation, bondage, and damnation from sin and placed upon the solid shore of redemption, forgiveness, and salvation in Jesus Christ. Southern Baptists in Ohio and the nation support the Cooperative Mission Program to take the message of God’s love to the whole world. We are a missionary people, because love lifted each one of us removing us from the darkness of sin and placing us in the light of Jesus Himself. The Great Commission begins at our doorstep and extends to whole world. Through the Cooperative Mission Program, Southern Baptists obey the Great Commission in “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Please make plans to join in celebrating Cooperative Mission Program Day April 13, 2014. The intent of the Cooperative Mission Program is for the earth’s living population to have the opportunity to respond to the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: God’s message of love and salvation. Until all have the opportunity to choose to sing “Love Lifted Me,” let’s press toward that Mark.
How to become a
Christian If you are not a Christian, have never surrendered your will to the Lord Jesus, let me share briefly how you can make this life changing decision. GOD WANTS YOU SAVED. First, you must believe that God loves you and wants you to have peace in your heart and an everlasting life (John 3:16). Second, you must recognize that you are a sinner, that you have done things which have displeased God and that you have separated yourself from Him (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Third, you must believe that Jesus came to this earth, was actually God in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and yet went to a cruel cross, dying for your sins, paying once and for all the penalty of sin (I Peter 2:24). However, it’s not enough just to
know these three things. Many of us knew them for years before we ever gave Jesus our lives. Fourth, you must personally ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins (Revelation 3:20). You can pray this prayer now and if you mean it with all of your heart, Jesus will come in just like He said. He cannot lie. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I’m really sorry for my sins, Lord. I ask you now, Lord Jesus, to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, take control of my life, and make me the kind of person You want me to be. I now receive You into my heart. Thank You for coming in. I will follow You all the days of my life. In Your name I pray, Amen.