April 2014 - Ohio Baptist Messenger

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INSIDE: Women’s Missions & Ministries. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Evangelism Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Living With Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11


Press Toward The Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12

State Bible Drill P.11



Ohio Baptist Messenger APRIL 2014 | VOLUME 62 NO. 2

Restoration and revival through prayer BALTIMORE (BP)—“Restoration and revival through prayer,” is the theme of the Southern Baptist Convention 2014 annual meeting June 10 - 11 in Baltimore, SBC President Fred Luter has announced. “We have not had a theme that focused on prayer and revival for many years,” said Luter, pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans. “I pray that God will send revival across America and particularly among Southern Baptists.” Psalm 80:18–19 is Luter’s selection as the biblical text to support the theme: “Then we will not turn away from You; revive us, and we will call on Your name. Restore us, Yahweh, the God of Hosts; look on us with favor, and we will be saved” (HCSB). Luter will preach during the June 10 evening session, marking his last presidential address. No other business will be presented or discussed in the evening session, adhering to last year’s annual meeting format, said David Smith, chairman of the SBC Committee on Order of Business and executive director of the Austin Baptist Association in Texas. “It obviously had such a great response last year that we decided we wanted to do it again,” Smith said of the evening session. “We just think it’s going to bring back something that folks go to

Convention for -- to hear the Word, to be inspired, and to worship. And we’re looking forward to it.” Luter, a member of the committee, requested at the September 2013 Executive Committee meeting that the evening worship format continues, Smith said. “[President Luter] said, ‘I’d really like to recommend that we do the Tuesday night event again.’ And of course our committee wholeheartedly supported that,” Smith said. “On Tuesday night of the convention he’ll be sharing his president’s address and Roger [McGee, pastor of music and worship at First Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia] will be leading in the worship time.”

Compiled by Baptist Press staff. Ohio Baptist, find Ohio prayer resources online, www.scbo.org and type pray ohio in search box.

Ohio Volunteer Missionaries

Missions a Cross Ohio is a newly formed ministry designed for Ohio Missionary Volunteers. The purpose is to encourage and equip Ohio believers to embrace Mission Ohio 2020 Vision by making disciples. Larry and Susie Emery are managing the application and accountability process. An application form may be downloaded at www. scbo.org and search Missions a Cross Ohio. This ministry has three goals: 1. Build a team of twenty-five volunteers in 2014 and double

the number of volunteers each year through 2020, at least one thousand volunteers by 2020. 2. Annual training planned and led by leadership team to encourage and equip volunteers. 3. Volunteers faithfully present Christ and promote growth that results in planting churches. One of the first volunteers to apply, Betty Ricer of Warren, designed a multi-faceted ministry. Betty is a retired high school educator and one component is a tutoring ministry. Betty’s passion is for hurting women. The other aspect is Bible study, one

for homeless women at Hannah’s House as well as a Bible Study for battered women residing at the Somewhere Safe House. These ministries are ongoing throughout 2014 and they combine Betty’s skills and her passion. What about you? What skills do you have? What is your passion? What mission is God calling you to do in Ohio this year? Contact Susie, 215 Hunter Avenue, Woodsfield, Ohio 43793; or Larsus70@ inbox.com; phone numbers 740-213-3994/740-213-4953 to design your ministry plan.

Go to scbo.org/ pray for more information.

Page 2 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | April 2014


Corrected from February Messenger: RA Congress will be April 11-12 at North Fairfield Baptist Church, not FBC Fairfield. For details on this event, www.scbo.org and type RA Congress in the search box.

Jack Kwok, Ohio State Convention Executive Director-Treasurer, Editor; Linnett Snodgrass, Administrative Assistant; Spangler Production & Design, Publication Layout. Published every other month for members of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio. Subscriptions provided out of each church’s Cooperative Program gifts. Member of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Ohio Baptist Messenger (ISSN 0472-7096) is published every other month by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Baptist Messenger; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011.

2014 State Convention Prayer Initiative By Bob Beike, Associational Missionary Muskingum Valley Baptist Association Scripture tells us to “Be anxious for nothing, but by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” Philippians 4:6. Because prayer is a Christian’s lifeline there are at least five types of prayers we should have on our speed dial, ready to send at the appropriate time. 911 Praying/pray in emergencies, Psalm 102:1-2 “Lord, hear my prayer; let my cry for help come before You. Do not hide your face from me in my day of trouble. Listen closely to me; answer me quickly when I call.” This is the most common kind of prayer. 911 praying is a cry for help. The emergency may be our own or someone else’s, it may be sudden and temporary or sustained and long term. It may be a cry for help, or hope, or healing, a need for rescue or escape. The prayer may be as simple as David’s “Help, Lord” Psalm 12:1, or Peter’s “Lord, save me” Matthew 14:30. But, God is already tuned to the problem and ready and able to respond. So, if in need of the ultimate crisis intervention, dial a 911 prayer with confident expectation. 411 Praying/pray for information, James 1:5-6a “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him.” Where to go for wisdom? Who to ask for direction? We are confronted with these questions every day as we process life’s information and make choices that determine our life paths. While the wisdom of the world is ever present, the wisdom of God is always accurate, timely, and generously given to those who ask. The difference between taking risks in faith and a reckless decision is the promises of God. When you have a need to know, hit 411 on your prayer speed dial. 111 Praying/pray evangelistically, Romans 10:1 “Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God concerning them is for their salvation.” Part of every believer’s prayer life should be the earnest intercession for the salvation of others. 111 praying is for one person to become one with the one and only true God through Jesus Christ. One approach is to pray for the salvation of one person for one minute at one o’clock each day. If necessary, a different person could be prayed for each day of the week. Set your alarm or alert on your cell phone and pray. Ask God to remove any obstacles that might keep this person from hear-

ing and responding to the good news. Ask him to orchestrate circumstances in the person’s life to produce receptivity to the gospel. Beseech the Lord of the harvest to send someone to share Christ with them and make yourself available to go as God directs. 714 Praying/pray for spiritual awakening, 2 Chronicles 7:14 “And (if) My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” Research shows that the fastest growing religion in the world is Christianity—except in North America. With three-fourths of our population living in spiritual darkness, and three-fourths of our churches stagnant or dying, our desperate need is a widespread spiritual renewal. We are like fish in a dried up pond, gasping for air and clinging to life. 714 praying is not an option. Evangelist R.A. Torrey offered this prescription for revival, “First, let a few Christians get thoroughly right with God themselves. This is the prime essential. Second, let them bind themselves together in a prayer group to pray for revival until God opens the heavens and comes down. Third, let them put themselves at the disposal of God for Him to use as He sees fit in winning others to Christ.” 618 Praying/pray as a spiritual warrior, Ephesians 6:18 “With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and stay alert in this, with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.” Spiritual warfare is real, and so are the consequences of ignoring it. When a person is born again into the kingdom of God, it is like being parachute dropped into enemy territory. Engagement with the enemy begins immediately. But God has given us sufficient armor Ephesians 6:14-17, a host of heavenly allies 2 Kings 6:1617, and a powerful arsenal Ephesians 6:17. Although, Satan has placed a target on every church, believer, and family, we can stand firm and join the resistance movement by praying. Deploying all kinds of prayer energizes our armor, mobilizes our allies, and empowers our arsenal. Pray as a spiritual warrior, being assured that there is victory in Jesus. Find this awesome article and many more amazing prayer resources at www. scbo.org and type Pray Ohio in the search bar. Join fellow believers all over the world this month praying for North American Mission Board missionaries, www.namb.net/annie-armstrong .

April 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 3

On March 8, 2014 hundreds of cadets gathered at the Agency D3 Command Center at Violet Baptist Church in Pickerington Ohio to receive special agent training for the 2014 Vacation Bible School season. D3 is an investigative agency organized to discover if Jesus really is who He claims to be and if the Bible is true. This year’s VBS theme is based on I Peter 3:15, “but honor the Messiah as Lord in your heart. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” (HCSB) As fully trained D3 Field Agents we are privileged to share with those who do not believe what the Bible says

VBSI Ohio Training Officers

about Jesus Christ. As we collect the evidence we will: • Discover the truth of the gospel; • Decide to believe it, and then; • Defend that decision. Communities all over Ohio will have D3 Field Agents gathering evidence and preparing to share what it means to Discover, Decide and Defend their faith. D3 is already receiving reports about the training these agents received. Below is an excerpt from one of the reports that we would like to share: ”I just wanted to say thanks for all your work putting VBSI together — it was really good. I had someone tell me at church that it was the best training she

work and the work of everyone at the SCBO.” We welcome your comments and would love to see your VBS pictures posted on our VBS Facebook page https://www. facebook.com/VBSOhio. Please remember that there are churches in our state that would appreciate your help this Summer with material donations, or to assist in conducting a VBS in their community. VBS kids choir

Have a great VBS!

has ever attended. She said she got so much information and it was so much fun she is so excited for VBS and just sharing the Gospel. She attended several of the sessions and said they were all wonderful. She works

with disabled adults and has been to training before about discipline, but said this was the best she has been to and really appreciated it. I just wanted to share that with you and say thanks again for all your hard

In the lab with Agents Barbo and Latella.

In His Service, Dwayne Lee State VBS Director Above: Security checkpoint for entrance to Agency D3 with Chief Lee and special Agents Bell and Hammock.

Page 4 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | April 2014

SEEKING STAFF Worship Leader, Beavercreek Baptist Church Part-time, salary

Lead the church to worship through music utilizing a blended worship style. Beavercreek Baptist Church has a praise band and a small praise choir. Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume’ to Pastor John Heading at pastor@mybbc.org. Go to www.mybbc. org to download a job description. Youth Ministry Leader,

Beavercreek Baptist Church Part-time, salary

Lead the Youth Leadership Team to reach and disciple youth in grades 7-12. Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume’ to Pastor John Heading at pastor@mybbc. org. Go to www.mybbc.org to download a job description.

Fifty Years of Faith & Message 1963 – 2013

This recent photo portrays Rev. Walter R. Davis holding a copy of The Baptist Faith and Message that was first published in 1963. Walter Davis was a member of the committee that drafted this historic document for Southern For Church Planters and wives within the first four years of the plant. The Forum is a time of Baptists under the leadership of Dr. Herschel Hobbs. At the time, Rev. Davis fellowship and a time for planters to learn from each other. There is no charge to planters for was the pastor of the First Southern Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana this event; food and lodging will be paid for with Cooperative Program funds. and was serving as president of the Missionaries Indiana Baptistand Convention. The entire Associational Church Planter Catalysts are also invited. committee, which was composed of all of the state convention presidents, is The Forum will begin at 10:00 AM on Thursday, May 29th pictured in the black & white photo in theBaptist background. at Dublin Church – 7195 Coffman Road, Dublin Walter Davis, originally fromand Hendersonville, Northafternoon Carolina, isona gradconclude early Friday, May 30th. uate of Wake Forest University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. byIllinois, contacting Charlotte at cbarbo@scbo.org He pastored churchesRegister in Kentucky, Indiana, Colorado, Barbo Ohio, and South Carolina. He led the East Dayton Baptist Church to baptizeby 750May new 1st. or 614-827-1804 believers while he served as pastor from 1968 to 1983. He and his wife, Bess, have been married for 61 years and live in their own home in Kettering, Ohio. They have 3 sons, 4 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. Submitted By: Greg Davis

Worship Pastor, Brantwood Baptist Church Brantwood Baptist Church in Riverside, OH is seeking a part-time Pastor of Worship Arts. If interested please send resumes to: ptpt1972@ sbcglobal.net, or call Pastor James Risner at: 937-233-4597.

Pastor, FBC Woodsfield We are a conservative Southern Baptist Church with a blended style of worship, located in a small south eastern Ohio community. Our church has the desire to grow and we seek a pastor who has the same desire, as well as the ability to work with compassion and love with all types of people. A man called to be a Southern Baptist pastor who is in agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message. He should also meet the biblical requirements listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and 1 Peter 5:1-4. Pastoral experience and pastoral education are preferred. Send Resume with college transcript(s) to: Earl Rice, Pastor Church Committee Chairperson Woodsfield First Baptist Church P.O. Box 604, Woodsfield, OH 43793 or Email to: fbc@woodsfieldfbc.com Website address: www.woodsfieldfbc.com (No phone calls please)

For Church Planters and wives within the first four years of the plant. The Forum is a time of fellowship and a time for planters to learn from each other. There is no charge to planters for this event; food and lodging will be paid for with Cooperative Program funds. Associational Missionaries and Church Planter Catalysts are also invited. The Forum will begin at 10:00 AM on Thursday, May 29th at Dublin Baptist Church – 7195 Coffman Road, Dublin and conclude after lunch on Friday, May 30th.

Register by contacting Charlotte Barbo at cbarbo@scbo.org or 614-827-1804 by May 1st

Buckeye Baptist Builders

Buckeye Baptist Builders will be spending the week of May 5 through May 9, 2014, at Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly. We need your help. There are several projects to be worked on that will help make the facilities more useful this summer camping season. Lodging and food will be provided. The worship and fellowship will be outstanding. Come and support this vital project and experience mission work like you never have before! No, you are not too old for this project. There will be work for you to do. If you are interested in this project and can help, please contact our Builders Coordinator, Ray Morris at: Raymor1@peoplepc.com or call him at 513-593-5130.

How to submit Church News Send all church news and information to Linnett Snodgrass at lsnodgrass@scbo.org

For information about the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio and more Baptist Press news, go to our website www.scbo.org.

April 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 5

Your participation is crucial.

Help create an accurate, reliable database that will be used by thousands of churches to help determine fair compensation for their church staff. The 2014 SBC church compensation survey will be conducted online January 1 through May 31, 2014, at www.GuideStone.org/CompensationSurvey, and your help is needed! This survey is a joint effort of all Baptist state conventions, LifeWay Christian Resources and GuideStone Financial Resources. It has been conducted every two years since 1996 to assist Southern Baptist churches, ministers, pastor-search teams and personnel committees to establish competitive compensation and employer-provided benefits for church employees. Between 09/04/12 and 10/24/13, results from the 2012 SBC church compensation survey were accessed almost 55,000 times (128/ day average) by almost 48,000 unique visitors (115/day average)! This is the largest survey of

its kind with over 12,000 completed surveys in 2012, and survey results are available, your SBC churches can access customized reports with compensation and employer-provided benefit data for churches of comparable size and financial resources. This information is provided at NO COST to your churches, but we need your help and participation in the survey! The more participation in your state by churches of various sizes, the better the results will be when your churches want to use the tool to find compensation data from similarly-sized churches in your area.

Additional survey information

• All survey data will be kept confidential. Results are reported only in aggregate by state convention or at the national level. • The survey will take approximately five to eight minutes per employee. • Results will be available in the summer of 2014.


May 30 & 31, 2014

Nov. 14 & 15, 2014

New Hope B. C. 1401 Loveland Maderia Rd Loveland, Oh 45140

Emmanuel B. C. 201 Breaden Ave Jackson, Oh 45640

Lincoln Heights BC 512 Stewart Rd. N. Mansfield, Oh 44905


Friday 6:00 PM Registration 6:30-9:30 PM “Involving Southern Baptists in Disaster Relief” Saturday 7:15 AM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 3:00 PM

Continental Breakfast Unit Training Lunch Provided by DR Food Service Evangelism Training Dismissed

Background check information will be requested during this session. All volunteers must have a background check performed. “...Giving a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name” from Matt: 10:42

Training for new volunteers Friday and Saturday Cross-training for current volunteers on Saturday  DR clothing sales  DR Badges will be issued or updated as needed  Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age (21 years of age for Child Care unit)

To Learn More

Serving in Southern Baptist Disaster Relief requires membership at an

Sam Kelley: (614)309-9751 skelley@scbo.org

 

contact Ministry Evangelism Assistant

Ohio Southern Baptist Church

CPR Training will be available for those already trained in Disaster Relief. This requires pre-registration at a cost of $ 20.00 per person for the CPR class only!

Volunteer and Trainer sleeping rooms are available in the church Friday night. Bring a bed roll and personal items.

 

 


Upcoming 50th Anniversary Celebration for Painesville Baptist Church The Painesville Baptist Church will celebrate our 50th anniversary on Saturday, May 31, 2014. PBC started as a mission church in 1964 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gallion with seven members. Our present building sits on 12 acres at Park Rd, in Painesville, and we now host over 200 members. During our celebration, we have the pleasure to rejoice with six of the pastors who have shepherded us in previous years and our current pastors, Pastor Stoney Drain and Associate Pastor Eric Heatherly. As we live out our mission statement of Love God, Love One Another, and Serve the Community, our celebration will be open to the public. We will celebrate our church family as we share a meal, songs, games, and testimonies. And we will praise God for His gift of faithfully leading us, as we endeavor to walk in obedience to His word. God has truly been gracious to PBC. On June 1st we look forward to celebrating the groundbreaking of our new 12,000 square ft. multi-worship center. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

Page 6 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | April 2014


Missions & Ministries DEVOTED H

Christmas in February?

FBC Grove City, amazing servants, cared for twenty children of various ages and multiple people groups; provided snacks and a delicious lunch; cheerful, encouraging hosts to guide participants and assist presenters. Above and beyond, sacrifice giving, bus drivers departed by 6:15 a.m. to transport sixty Nepali believers from Morse Road and Westerville locations. Pastor Raj brought a vanload of Nepali believers from Grace Nepali BC, Cincinnati. Also, Immanuel Bhutanese Nepali BC, Columbus sent many to the conference. These churches provided special music, Pastor Bhakata to interpret, and Pastor Bede to teach. The key Missions Round Table features included three testimonies; a panel of local church Missions Pastors and Leaders; and guest speaker, Terry Sharp of IMB Connecting Mission sending agency.

Yes! Earlier this month, the Women on Mission at Calvary Baptist Church, 1920 St. Rt. 22 W, Wilmington, invited the girls to a Girls’ Craft Day. The girls had a great time making beaded necklaces and bracelets for themselves and to include in shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child. Each girl went home with a plastic shoe box to fill with school supplies, toiletry items, toys, games and of course, the necklace or bracelet they made. These shoe boxes will be collected at Calvary from November 17-23. A ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child has touched the lives of millions of hurting children since 1993 by distributing gift-filled shoe boxes and sharing the Good New of Jesus Christ in crisis areas of the world. There are still millions more hurting children waiting to hear that God loves them. If you would like more information about Operation Christmas Child, please contact Barbara Lanctot at 937-382-6517.

Upcoming Women’s Ministry Events EVENT DATE Beautiful Feet

April 12

Kids Kamp Week 1

June 16 - 20

Kids Kamp Week 2

June 23 - 27

Kids Kamp Week 3

July 28 - August 1

Lottie Moon Week of Prayer

November 30 - December 7

Missions Camp Mother Daughter Retreat Pastors’ Wives Luncheon Ray Roberts Royal Ambassador Congress Women’s Fall Retreat & Mission Celebration Women’s Regional Spring Retreats

August 4 - 8 October 10 - 11 November 6 September 14 - 21 April 11 - 12 September 12 - 13 March & May

Join Us On Facebook! OWN-Ohio Women’s Network

Josh Lenon, lead pastor Red Door church plant in Cincinnati Area Baptist Association. Pastor Bhakata, on staff with Pastor Bede at Immanuel Bhutanese Nepali BC interpreter. www.iamreddoor.org

“My horizons were broadened. I learned additional ways to reach the nations and to share my faith.” ~ Becky Haueisen, Dublin BC, Metro Columbus Baptist Association

Missions & Ministries HEARTS + OPEN DOORS April 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 7


Rev. Michael Brooks, President/CEO, Stowe Mission of Central Ohio. www.stowemission.org

“I was greatly impressed by the hospitality of FBC. Learned a lot about prayer in a needy, dying community.” ~ Debbie Hatten, Calvary Baptist Church, Wilmington

Terry Sharp, IMB Connecting. Terry serves as the International Mission Board representative for the states.

“I know a man living under a bridge. I will go to talk to him. The homeless man featured in the Stowe video reminded me of him.” ~ Tommy Mills, Mt. Shiloh, Cadiz

“Enjoyed everything, especially the Nepali singing.” ~ Carol Renfrow, West Side BC, Hamilton

The highlight of Missions Round Table 2014 was worship led by J.D. Satterfield, his Praise Team, and the Nepali Praise Team.

“Thank you to the Nepali Praise team for the wonderful special music. It was a blessing!” Pastor Jon Shepherd, Providence Baptist Church in Northcoast Baptist Association, shares his testimony of how churches are partnering to be a missionary to Unreached Unengaged People Groups (UUPG). www.imb.org

~ Cheryl Sellers, Georgetown BC, Cincinnati Area Baptist Association

Page 8 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | April 2014

Evangelism Highlights

A Super Testimony Submitted by Margie Thomas, Brookside Baptist Church It was at Youth Summer Camp at Seneca Lake in 2011 when I realized the importance of Super Summer. Until that point, I had only heard about it, but there, I was able to see for myself that there were certain kids from groups scattered across the state that simply stood out from the rest. I had to admit, our youth group needed that… our church needed that! My goal was to send at least one student in 2012. In the end I was able to take five, and I prayed that just one would be ignited for Christ through Super Summer. I have been working with youth for over 12 years. That Super Summer was my first experience being surrounded by pastors and leaders that wanted so much for our youth, and my first time witnessing hundreds of kids who were yearning to take their spiritual walk further. Super Summer’s design to focus on God and provide a learning environment was more than I expected. Everyone who is there wants to be there and they all share the same goal: Share the gospel and further His Kingdom. Those five students brought back so excitement and passion to our church. They became more involved in our youth group, got others more involved, started bible studies on their own, they even used social media to pray together, and that was just the beginning! We were able to form a performing arts group of 9-12 students who traveled to perform and give testimonies, which always included what Super Summer did for them. Our church could see the positive impact it had. The students just couldn’t share enough, so we decided to reach out to fellow small youth groups like our own. We visited them to share about our time at Super Summer and to encourage their youth pastors to look for the individuals within their group that they could send. In 2013, we arrived with nine from three different youth groups. We ALL came back

more charged than ever! The kids planned and organized a Youth Outreach /Performance Night that included our youth group, the other groups we had visited throughout the year, and the bible study groups that our youth had planted outside of our youth group. It was a night of celebration, including 9 baptisms, testimonies, decisions and professions of faith! Our small church saw its highest attendance in over 10 years that night and it is still impacting and blessing our church. Super Summer gave our youth the tools and the ambition to be active in their faith. It gave

them an extended church family that they can call on and count on. I feel blessed to be involved in Super Summer in 2014. I look forward to seeing how God inspires and moves the students and leaders. My youth group is gearing up now- we are sending more than nine this year and hope that the other youth groups we visited will also send students. I hope that this testimony has been an inspiration to you to send your youth to Super Summer! It Will change your group. It Will ignite your church. It Will further His Kingdom.

Super Summer 2014 Pricing/Dates Regular Registration: (January 23- April 23) $230, $90 deposit Late Registration: (April 23- May 23) $260, $120 deposit Super Summer is an intense week of discipleship and Bible Study for teens who are leaders in their youth group. It is held at Cedarville University and includes focused classroom, corporate worship, and recreational time, to send youth back to their communities as better leaders and more intent in their walk with Jesus. While many who have attended have accepted the call to ministry and missions during their week at Super Summer, all students leave with an understanding of the importance of taking their walk to a new level. This is not a youth camp for a whole youth group. It is for leaders only. Send us your best and we will send them back better.

Youth Summer Camp 2014 Pricing/Dates Week 1&2 Regular Registration (January 23-May 23) $145, $35 registration fee Week 1&2 Late Registration (May 23-June 23) $165, $55 registration fee Week 3 Regular Registration (January 23- May 30) $145, $35 registration fee Week 3 Late Registration (May 30- June 30) $165, $55 registraton fee Registration for Super Summer and Youth Camps can be found at scbo.org/register For questions or more information, please contact Ashleigh Moodie amoodie@scbo. org/614.827.1783

Sam Kelley and Larry Randolph

Larry Randolph Receives Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Distinguished Service Award By NAMB with contributions from Sam Kelley Toccoa, GA (January 27, 2014) — Larry Randolph, State Convention of Baptists in Ohio Disaster Relief, was awarded the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Distinguished Service Award for 2013. The Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals for specific performances during a disaster and is based on the most recent year of response. Larry has been a Southern Baptist Disaster Relief volunteer for 12 years focusing on Chaplaincy. Larry has taken numerous opportunities to share the Gospel not just on a disaster response site but going to and from the disaster response. Last summer the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio took a childcare team to help during the Southern Baptist Convention in Houston, Texas. On the round-trip drive to Houston, Larry led 7 people to Jesus Christ. Later in the summer he served with a mud out team to Whitesboro, New York, he led another 8 to Christ. Larry and his wife Sylvia, who coordinates the Ohio Disaster Relief Child Care Ministry, are members of Liv-

ing Hope Church, Marysville, Ohio. Larry serves as Outreach leader focusing on visitor follow-up at Living Hope. Before joining Living Hope, Larry and Sylvia were long time members of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Bellefontaine, where they served faithfully in many different positions. He serves with the Disaster Relief Ministry not only as Chaplain, but also as a team member for Mud-Out, Chain Saw, Food Service, and Child Care. He is one of those volunteers who finds a way to say “yes” when asked to serve. If you have the chance to meet Larry, you will find a smile on his face and his “hot line” to God on his belt (Evangecube), and his lips! He recognizes the work of the Holy Spirit in all positive actions accomplished by his ministry and gives glory to God each time that satan is defeated. Larry was responsible for over 100 souls coming to the saving grace of our Lord this past year. Southern Baptist Disaster Relief and the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio extends their thanks to Larry for his faithful service and servant heart while bringing help, healing and hope to those in need.

April 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 9

Evangelism Highlights

'Jersey' impacts Ohio & the world By Karen L. Willoughby PATASKALA, Ohio (BP) — Jersey Baptist Church has baptized 1,482 people — more than 100 a year — during the last 10 years, according to its Annual Church Profile (ACP). The number includes a baptism ratio of one baptism for every 20 members each year as the church, located in Pataskala, Ohio, has continued to grow. This is about double the average baptism to member ratio for Southern Baptist churches nationwide, according to LifeWay Christian Resources’ ACP that is compiled in cooperation with Baptist state conventions. “A core value is that we make Christ known and share the Gospel in everything we do,” said John Hays, senior pastor for 32 years of Jersey Church. Each Sunday the church draws about 1,500 people who participate in one of five morning worship services. The Cooperative Program is another way “Jersey,” as it’s known locally, fulfills its missional core value. The CP is the way Southern Baptists work together in missions and ministries through state conventions and throughout the world. Jersey contributes 11 percent of undesignated offerings to missions through CP. “The Cooperative Program... is a portal for us to fulfill in part the Great Commission,” Hays said. “We as a church are committed to taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. The Cooperative Program gives us a way to financially contribute and also to connect with those who are serving on the field.” “We truly are a church with a strong conviction on the Great Commission and the challenge to reach all people groups,” the pastor said. “What we are yet to see is a comprehensive means of spreading the Gospel that is superior to what is being done through the Cooperative Program. I’ve been on the board of the International Mission Board. I’ve been on the inside and on

John Hays is the Senior Pastor of Jersey Baptist Church in Pataskala, Ohio.

Jersey Baptist Church members pass out jugs of water to Vietnamese refugees that they can refill from wells the church dug for them on nearby land. Many of the people there live on boats surrounded by water they cannot drink.

the outside, as the pastor of a church, and I fully embrace the Cooperative Program.” Jersey has contributed nearly $3.5 million to missions through CP giving during the last 10 years. Additional missions activities include local missions and teams serving nationally and internationally — with a specific focus on Southeast Asia. Hays recently took a team of business people to a nation, — unnamed for security reasons — where the church is ministering to Vietnamese refugees, the sick and orphans. His purpose for this trip was to encourage the team to provide financial support for building an additional hospital floor started by Southern Baptist missionaries. The additional floor will be used to train medical professionals in that part of the world. Previous trips to that nation have involved mission team construction projects, children’s programming, pas-

tor/leader training, and praying, as well as building floating food gardens for landless, im-

poverished people who live on a large lake. Jersey missions and ministry endeavors include sponsoring Grace City Church, a church plant in Las Vegas, Nevada, and a counseling center at the church for Jersey members and other community residents. The congregation also responds to needs as they are learned about through home visits, which are a staple of the church’s connection with its community. Jersey is in a rural but urbanizing area about 25 miles east of downtown Columbus, Ohio. The congregation con-

sidered building in the early part of this decade to accommodate its growing attendance, but instead, they opted to start multiple services with various styles of music. “They did this to ‘reach people’s heart music,’” said Keith Matthews, Jersey’s executive director. “In 2004, the church started a service with Southern Gospel music and the pastor sharing his sermon through video. In October 2005, a modern service started with ‘more of a rock sound,’” Matthews said. “That grew so quickly in January we started a second service with that style,” he said. “In the fall of 2007, we started a traditional service. What was left we call contemporary, which is our largest attendance service.” “During those years, our worship attendance increased 23 percent. Prior to that we had blended worship, and in that environment there’s always someone who is not happy. With services having different styles of music, many people invited their friends.” Though the church could Jersey ~ Continued on page 10

Church members of Jersey Baptist Church in Pataskala, Ohio, minister to impoverished Vietnamese refugees at least twice a year in Southeast Asia.

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Jersey~ Continued from page 9 have built a new facility, Matthews said, “We’d rather give more to missions.” Earlier this year, the church implemented a new vision called “Caring for People and Connecting them to Christ.” “Not that the Great Commission had changed,” Jersey’s pastor said as he explained the new vision. “I just felt we need to evaluate again how we were uniquely gifted to fulfill the Great Commission at Jersey, to make sure we haven’t lost relevance. This was a great struggle for me.” Hays said he didn’t want to impose his will on the congregation. He wanted the church members God had brought to Jersey to determine what God’s will was for the church. A dozen members formed the Vision Advancement Team — under the direction of outside consultants — to discover how to uniquely fulfill the Great Commission in Pataskala, Ohio. “Once this group had defined where we were going, there wasn’t any turning back,” Hays said. “There would be no waffling; we would embrace it. We would go forward no matter what.”

“Jersey’s new vision involves an emphasis on making disciples,” Matthews said. “For a church to grow, you have to delegate,” he said. “There are a lot of things that can distract our focus. Over the years, Pastor John found people with spiritual gifts and allowed them to use their gifts. With everyone staying focused on what God has called us individually to do, God can grow the church.” Jersey recently hired four student associates, each assigned to a different school. Student associates focus on working alongside of students and their parents to find creative ways to “Care for them and seek to Connect them to Christ.” “With this new vision, we also wanted to be more evangelistic locally," Hays said. "The Great Commission includes this community." Jersey plans to expand this student ministry to additional schools in the future. “We want to meet people where they are, not expect them to come to us,” Hays said. “We need to have our eyes open and be sensitive to the

About 1,500 people gather for worship each Sunday at Jersey Baptist Church, located just outside Columbus, Ohio. They give 11 percent of their undesignated offerings to missions through the Cooperative Program as part of their commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission.

Holy Spirit leading us in seeing the needs of those who are lost, and caring for them.” “The Jersey family is not perfect, however, they do have a long history of being a caring group of believers who seek to meet needs,” he said. “Connecting others to Christ is similar in that we must always

be encouraging each other to a deeper devotion to our Savior.” Karen L. Willoughby is managing editor of Dakota Baptist Connections, official newsjournal for the Dakota Baptist Convention. Get Baptist Press headlines and breaking news on Twitter )@BaptistPress), Face-

book (Facebook.com/BaptistPress) and in your email (baptistpress.com/SubscribeBP.asp). Copyright (c) 2014 Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist Press 901 Commerce Street, Nashville, TN 37203 Tel: 615.244.2355 Fax: 615.782.8736 email: bpress@sbc.net

Church Tax Videos Available

Resources for Cooperative Mission Program Day April 13, 2014 www.sbc.net/cp

The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio has partnered with the Oklahoma and Louisiana Baptist Convention to produce the 2013 Church Tax Video. This consists of nearly 5 hours of teaching on three DVD’s, plus one CD related to Ohio specific tax forms. Norma Woodard, a retired IRS agent, and Barbara Spess, a tax accountant specializing in ministerial tax issues, are the presenters on the DVD. These two ladies have led the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s Tax Seminars annually for many years. Pastor taxes, church financial policies, and church specific updates related to the new Patient Affordable Care Act are included in the presentation. Thanks to Ohio Baptists’ Cooperative Program support, the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio is able to make this package available to any SCBO church for $20. This will truly be a valuable resource for the church treasurer or ministerial staff for many years. To order a set for your church, contact Dave Warton at davewarton@scbo.org or (614) 827-1840.

April 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 11

Living with Purpose The purpose for of the Holy Spirit: living is to glorify God, “But the Comforter, 5th Annual Conference the creator of man and which is the Holy the universe. We can Ghost, whom the Faobserve and experience ther will send in my every day His creation. name, He shall teach A creation that was you all things, and made perfect and was bring all things to Second Half Ministries made to provide everyyour remembrance, Featuring thing that man (made whatsoever I have Missy Buchanan Speaker, Author, Writer in His image) would said unto you.” need to survive. We as Senior Adults Kate Moore With “Senior Independence” As we are aware, man know what stage of Dwayne Lee didn’t obey the God life we are experiencSBCO Dan Duffy who created him. By ing. We know if we Northcoast Baptist Association that sin of disobedistill have that vim, Kevin Wilson Minister of Music, UBC ence, man was sepavigor, and vitality we rated from his creator. can do what God is David Beals Entertainment We also know that, in directing us to do by June 7, 2014 order to get back that our personal rela9:00 AM Registration fellowship with Altionship with Him. 8:30 AM (Snacks & Drinks provided before the Conference and at the Break) mighty God, there had If our get up and go University Baptist Church 4125 Riverview Ave. to be a great sacrifice. seems to have got up Middletown, OH 45042 www.universitybaptist.us God provided that sacand went, there is still rifice through His only something we can do begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Christ’s death on the cross by our personal relationship with Him. Senior Adults, conquered sin, death, and the grave. What a mighty we can do this. Share your life with someone, no matter God we serve! what your age is. It matters. God had a part in bringing So, how do we live with purpose? Believe in what you to this point of your life, and it was not just for you He has given us His word and the Holy Ghost. but for Him. When we share with others how God has Romans 10:9 speaks of His word: “That if thou been a part of our lives, we are living with purpose! shalt confess with thy Mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from Pastor Dale Norris, Pastor to Senior Adults, the dead, thou shalt be saved.” University Baptist Church, Middletown, OH John 14:26 gives a promise regarding the work dnorris@universitybaptist.us

Living with Purpose

May 3, 2014 9:30am-12:00pm Reynoldsburg Baptist Church

Registration deadline: April 25, 2014 More information can be found at scbo.org or by contacting Ashley Stickel: ashley@scbo.org or 614-827-1822

Page 12 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | April 2014

How to become a

Christian If you are not a Christian, have never surrendered your will to the Lord Jesus, let me share briefly how you can make this life changing decision. GOD WANTS YOU SAVED. First, you must believe that God loves you and wants you to have peace in your heart and an everlasting life (John 3:16). Second, you must recognize that you are a sinner, that you have done things which have displeased God and that you have separated yourself from Him (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Third, you must believe that Jesus came to this earth, was actually God in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and yet went to a cruel cross, dying for your sins, paying once and for all the penalty of sin (I Peter 2:24). However, it’s

Come celebrate with us! Sound Doctrine Baptist Fellowship International, 2040 Cleveland Ave, Columbus OH will hold revival services May 22-25, 2014 6-10 pm. A newly renovated building will be dedicated as well as Pastor Ordination on Sunday, May 25, 2014 at 11am. You are invited to join Pastor Emmett Shasha for this celebration of God’s goodness. Submitted by: Emmett Shasha

not enough just to know these three things. Many of us knew them for years before we ever gave Jesus our lives. Fourth, you must personally ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins (Revelation 3:20). You can pray this prayer now and if you mean it with all of your heart, Jesus will come in just like He said. He cannot lie. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I’m really sorry for my sins, Lord. I ask you now, Lord Jesus, to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, take control of my life, and make me the kind of person You want me to be. I now receive You into my heart. Thank You for coming in. I will follow You all the days of my life. In Your name I pray, Amen.

PRESS TOWARD THE MARK And can it be that I should gain An int’rest in the Savior’s blood? Died he for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! how can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me? Amazing love! how can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me! Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day, Jesus, my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! Excerpts from these classic hymns of the faith capture the essence of the Easter season. Out of Amazing Love, Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty of sin. We have confidence that the sin-debt has been paid because He arose from the grave. Hallelujah, what a Savior!!! How Jack Kwok, Ph.D. can it be that God loves us that much? Executive DirectorTreasurer That is why Christians celebrate His Res- State Convention urrection every year, this year April 20. of Baptists in Ohio However, Christians celebrate the resurrection of our Lord every Sunday. We live because He arose. Because He lives, we live to tell others of the wonderful salvation and life in Christ. This is truly worthy of celebration. Another celebratory event in April is Cooperative Mission Program day April 13. Through the Cooperative Mission Program, Southern Baptists support missions in every state and territory to the ends of the earth. It supports the 6 seminaries, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission and 4,850 missionaries through the International Mission Board (according the to the last report) and 2,324 through the North American Mission Board (according to the last report). According the NAMB website, NAMB supports fully 92 missionaries while 936 missionaries are self supported and 1,296 are jointly funded. To my knowledge, the only jointly-funded NAMB missionaries are those with state conventions. In Ohio, the Southern Baptist Cooperative Mission Program supports SCBO missionaries including all jointly-funded Associational Missionaries. Messengers to the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio annual meetings voted since 2006 to direct 40.25% of Cooperative Mission Program receipts to missions in Ohio and 59.75% to worldwide missions. Each local New Testament church determines the percentage of their undesignated receipts to be given to state and worldwide missions through the Cooperative Mission Program. The Southern Baptist Cooperative Mission Program continues to support a comprehensive Acts 1:8 missionary enterprise more effectively and efficiently than any other method. Southern Baptist missions obey the Great Commission in proclaiming the crucified and risen Lord Jesus as the only Savior. As the only Savior, He is the only hope for eternal life. That is why the Southern Baptist Cooperative Mission Program supports the proclamation that Jesus is the only hope for the world. Let’s continue to press toward that mark.

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