Merry Christmas!
Momentum 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Vacation Bible School Institute . . . . . . . . Page 5 Women’s Missions & Ministries. . . . . . . . Page 6 Men’s Summit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 Press Toward The Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12
Mr. Bob! Thanking Bob Andes for faithful service. P.6
from the staff at the State Convention of Baptists In Ohio
Ohio Baptist Messenger DECEMBER 2013 | VOLUME 61 NO. 6
60th Annual Meeting Celebrates Pray Ohio By Bruce Smith With a focus on Pray Ohio, 254 messengers plus guests gathered in Perrysburg for the 60th Annual Meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio on November 7-8, 2013. For Ohio Baptists to reach at least 1,000,000 of the 11.5 million people in Ohio with the good news of Jesus Christ, the power of God is needed. In a presentation and Dr. Jack Kwok announced the retirement of Gary Odom effective at the end of the prayer time called Pray Ohio: year. Odom has served in church planting with the state convention for 17 years. Partnering in the Great Commission, Cathy Pound, SCBO The messages of two of cording to the Annual Church Women’s Missions and Min- Ohio’s pastors spoke greatly to Profiles submitted by Ohio istry Team Leader, reminded the hearts of listeners. In his churches, the 2013 baptisms in attendees to pray for people in president’s address, Mike Wil- Ohio Southern Baptist churchOhio and offered opportunities son, pastor of Lincoln Heights es were up 12% from the previfor churches to band together Baptist Church in Mansfield, ous year. this coming year to pray for the encouraged church leaders to On Thursday afternoon, spiritual harvest that is needed. stay the course and not give up. along with an emphasis to Additional resources for the Rick Williams, pastor of Violet pray for church planting in 2014 Pray Ohio emphasis are Baptist Church in Pickerington, Ohio, Sharon Woods Bapposted on As part of challenged leaders to go deeper tist Church was presented the the partnering celebration, Bob with God if they are to be wider Church Planting Achievement Award for its ongoing minisand Anna Andes were recog- in their influence. nized for almost two decades Gary Frost, Vice-President try in planting churches. The of ministry with Royal Ambas- for the Midwest Region of the church has been actively estabNorth American Mission Board, lishing language church plants sadors in Ohio. Jack Kwok, Executive Di- spoke from Acts 4 and reminded for several years. On behalf of rector, called for people to listeners that the X-Factor for the church, Pastor Jim DreisPraise God, Repent, Ask, and the work of the church is bold- bach received the award which Yield to God (P-R-A-Y) as ness from the Holy Spirit to gain was presented by Gary Odom. churches move forward with confidence, clarity, conspicuous- Among the language churches Mission Ohio. Dr. Kwok also ness, and courage. Bobby Welch, started by Sharon Woods is a recognized Gary Odom, who Associate Executive Director Bhutan/Nepali church with has announced his retirement for Church Growth, Tennessee about 200 people attending effective at the end of the year, Baptist Convention, encouraged weekly. For 2013 a total of 33 for more than 17 years of church small group multiplication to in- new church starts were reportplanting ministry in Ohio. Dr. crease effectiveness in reaching ed across Ohio. One special feature of the Kwok also expressed appre- more people for Jesus Christ. ciation for the support of Ohio The Pray Ohio: Present- convention included a call to churches in Mission Ohio and ing Christ presentation on prayer for churches to take the for their gifts to the Cooperative Wednesday evening provided next step in obeying the Great Program and the Ray Roberts a focus on evangelism in Ohio Commission and announcethrough various channels. Ac- ment of the Next Factor to asState Mission Offering.
Jim Dreisbach received for Sharon Woods Baptist Church, Columbus, the Church Planting Achievement Award.
sist leaders in identifying both needs and resources. A demonstration was provided with the announcement of the Next Factor assessment tool to help church leaders identify key areas of needed growth and resources available to assist in that process. Church leaders can access the assessment tool at, complete the brief assessment and receive an immediate listing of available resources to assist a local church.
Officers elected for 2014 include Mark Stinson, president; James Edwards, 1st vice-president; Cliff Morris, 2nd vice-president; Faye Rodgers, recording secretary; Annette Dessecker, assistant recording secretary; and Jack Kwok, historian. The 2014 Annual Meeting will be held on November 5-6, 2014, at Liberty Heights Church just north of Cincinnati. Meeting ~ Continued on page 2
Go to for more information.
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Meeting ~ Continued from page 1
In his encouragement for starting small multiplying groups, Bobby Welch said that it is later than imagined and worse than imaged, but a solution “is easier than you ever thought.”
Gary Frost preached from Acts 4 to encourage boldness in the power of God.
In the Mission Council report, Faye Rodgers related recognitions for retiring missionaries. Dan Duffy retires the end of the year after more 12 years of ministry as Associational Missionary for Northcoast Baptist Association. Dave Snyder was also recognized for almost 10 years of ministry in leading West Central Baptist Association. In actions taken by the convention, the 2014 budget was approved with a 0.992% increase from 2013. Providing personnel with a 2% cost of living adjustment, which is the first COLA provided since 2008, comprised the only significant change in the 2014 budget. The budget maintains the division of receipts from churches through the Cooperative Mission Program at 59.75% for mission work in Ohio and 40.25% for worldwide missions outside of Ohio. Seven resolutions were adopted by messengers at the Annual Meeting in Perrysburg. Woman’s Missionary Union was recognized for its 125 years of mission education and support. Appreciation was expressed for the
leadership of Mike Wilson as president for the past two years. One resolution celebrated the Cooperative Program and challenged churches to increase their Cooperative Program gifts by 1% of their undesignated funds. The full text of resolutions is available at
A ladies’ quartet from Galilee Baptist Church, Defiance, led a time of worship on Wednesday evening.
LifeWay set up a book store in the display area.
Rick Williams challenged church leaders to observe a Sabbath rest to go deeper then wider in their influence for Jesus.
Church leaders such as Jeff Deel discovered additional resources and found opportunities to meet people in the display area.
Messengers Concur with Seven Resolutions at Annual Meeting Messengers participating in the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio approved seven resolutions during the 2013 Annual Meeting held in Perrysburg on November 6 and 7. One of the resolutions called attention to the problem of human trafficking. The resolution noted Ohio as fifth in the nation in human trafficking exploitation and Toledo as fourth per capita in the nation for the criminal activity. The resolution called for Ohio Baptists to pray for the problem and take action to help establish policies and ministries to rescue and rehabilitate victims. Affirmation was also given for those already working in the public arena to address the issue. Resolutions committee members John McIntyre, Teresa Bailey, Betty Hoffmann, and Ryan Strother presented a resolution that affirmed the Cooperative Program and encourged churches to increase their cooperative mission gifts by one percent. Another resolution approved by messengers included a commendation for the work of Woman’s Missionary Union in recogni-
tion of 125 years of mission education and promotion. In addition to two resolutions of appreciation for convention leadership, messengers approved a resolution that called for prayer for elected leaders and a resolution that affirmed the service of American military men and women and military chaplains. The complete statements of the approved resolutions follows:
Resolution #1 Appreciation for Officers and State Staff
Whereas, Jack Kwok and the staff of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio have led us during changing economic and structural issues with dedication to the fulfillment of Mission Ohio and the 2020 vision; and Whereas, Our convention president, Mike Wilson has faithfully and sacrificially served for the past year and has assisted with preparations for this meeting; and Whereas, Our First Vice President
The Ohio Baptist Messenger (ISSN 0472-7096) is published every other month by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Baptist Messenger; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011.
Mark Stinson, Second Vice President James Edwards, Recording Secretary Faye Rodgers, Assistant Recording Secretary Annette Dessecker, and Historian Jack Kwok have ably served and assisted with preparations for this meeting; therefore, be it Resolved, That we the messengers of the 60th Annual Meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio express our gratefulness and appreciation for their leadership.
Resolution #2 Appreciation for the Northwest Ohio Baptist Association and the Employees of the SCBO
Whereas, The Northwest Ohio Baptist Association and their Associational Missionary Stephen Long have been so gracious to host the 60th Annual Meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; and Whereas, The employees of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio have played an extended role in plan-
ning and organizing this year’s Annual Meeting; and Whereas, The employees of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio have been faithful to minister through encouragement and prayer for those in Ohio; and Whereas, They faithfully serve the people and churches of Ohio through their travelling of many miles and their sacrifice of time; therefore, be it Resolved, That we express our sincere appreciation for their continued ministry to us, and to their attendance to our comfort and needs during these days of celebration and renewal.
Resolution #3 In Support of the Cooperative Program
Whereas, The Cooperative Program has offered a partnership strategy that supports mission work at the local, state, national, and international levels and has been the primary means of partnership support for Southern Baptists since 1925, and Resolutions ~ Continued on page 3
Jack Kwok, Ohio State Convention Executive Director-Treasurer, Editor; Linnett Snodgrass, Administrative Assistant; Spangler Production & Design, Publication Layout. Published every other month for members of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio. Subscriptions provided out of each church’s Cooperative Program gifts. Member of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.
December 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 3
Resolutions ~ Continued from page 2 borders and preys on victims of any age, Resolution #5 Prayer for Elected Leaders for Biblically race, gender, or nationality, involving an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 persons Based Decisions
Resolutions committee: (Left to Right) Teresa Bailey, Ryan Strother, John McIntyre, Betty Hoffmann (not pictured)
Whereas, The Cooperative Program provides balanced support for all mission and disciple making endeavors at home in Ohio and throughout the world; and Whereas, The Cooperative Program serves as a vehicle to assist Southern Baptist churches in fulfilling the Great Commission, and Whereas, Cooperative Program gifts of cooperating churches support the Mission Ohio effort to attain at least 1,000,000 believers in 2020 churches by 2020; and Whereas, The Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention has encouraged churches to increase their Cooperative Giving gifts by one percent each year; be it therefore Resolved, That the messengers of the 60th Annual Meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio meeting in Perrysburg, Ohio, affirm the SBC Executive Committee challenge and encourage churches to increase their Cooperative Program gifts by one percent to enhance Great Commission cooperative mission efforts; and be it further Resolved, That we express appreciation to the many churches that have faithfully and sacrificially given to the Cooperative Program; and be it further Resolved, That we affirm that the Cooperative Program provides an effective, efficient means of mission partnership to reach the unreached and make disciples for Christ through starting churches, strengthening churches, and developing leaders across the state and the nation and around the world.
Resolution #4 On Recognition of the 125th Anniversary of the Woman’s Missionary Union
Whereas, The Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) was created in 1888 with Annie Armstrong as its first corresponding secretary; and Whereas, WMU has been an auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention for the past 125 years, supporting
Southern Baptist missions through prayer, missions education, sacrificial giving, and mission activities; and Whereas, The passion for missions stirred and channeled through WMU has assisted Southern Baptists in developing one of the most extensive mission networks in church history; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the messengers to the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio, meeting in Perrysburg, Ohio, express gratitude to God for our partnership with WMU in impacting the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, joining WMU in celebrating 125 years of mission support to the Southern Baptist Convention and its cooperating churches for international and North American missions; and be it further Resolved, That we commend WMU for its faithful and continued partnership in Southern Baptist missions through prayer support, and educational programming such as, Women on Mission, Adults on Mission, myMISSION, Acteens, Challengers, Youth on Mission, Girls in Action, Royal Ambassadors, Children in Action, and Mission Friends; and be it further Resolved, That we commend WMU for its faithful financial support of missions through the special offerings for international, North American, and state missions, and through the Cooperative Program; and be it further Resolved, That we commend the members of WMU for their personal engagement in mission activities, such as Baptist Nursing Fellowship, Christian Men’s Job Corps, Christian Women’s Job Corps, International Initiatives, Missionary Housing, Project HELP, Pure Water, Pure Love, WorldCrafts, Acteens Activators, Acteens Activators Abroad, MissionsFEST, FamilyFEST, and Youth Missions Teams; and be it finally Resolved, That we encourage WMU to continue to fan the flames for missions with Southern Baptists until our Lord returns.
Whereas, As Christian citizens guided by God’s Holy Word, empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, and commissioned to fulfill God’s holy mission for Ohio and beyond, we are to pray for our elected officials; and Whereas, We recognize the continued degradation of biblical values in our nation, therefore be it Resolved, That we the messengers of the 60th Annual Meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio pray for our elected leaders, praying for their salvation and praying that they seek Godly wisdom and council that will impact all their decisions, both private and public; and be it further Resolved, That we pray for civility in our public discourse, praying for an uncompromised Christian witness in the public arena that will influence and guide our nation into being filled with the fruits of righteousness. Scripture: 1 Tim 2:1-2, 1 Peter 2:1317, Matt 5:13-16, Acts 1:8, Phil 1:10-11, Matt 28:18-20
Resolution #6 Affirmation of Armed Forces Personnel and the Role of Chaplaincy
Whereas, Thousands of American military men and women are deployed around the world in many places; and Whereas, NAMB currently endorses 1,450 military chaplains who face growing challenges in their ministries, therefore be it Resolved, That we the messengers of the 60th Annual Meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio meeting in Perrysburg, Ohio, continue to affirm, appreciate, and applaud the commitment and sacrifice of the members of the armed forces and their families; and be it further Resolved, That we express our concern for the wounded and our condolences to the families of those lost in battles for freedom; and be it further Resolved, That we affirm, appreciate, and applaud the commitment and sacrifice of the members of the chaplaincy and their families.
Resolution #7 On Human Trafficking
Whereas, Human trafficking is criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled and exploited through the use of force, threats of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of involuntary subjection to labor or commercial sex acts (see Trafficking Victims Protection Acts of 2000 and 2013); and Whereas, The form of slavery known as human trafficking knows no
being transported from place to place each year into some form of forced labor, including about 17,500 persons who are trafficked into the United States each year; and Whereas, Ohio is ranked 5th in the nation for human trafficking exploitation that forces the most vulnerable among us into the horrors of modernday slavery (Ohio Human Trafficking Commission 2011); and Whereas, Toledo is currently 4th in the nation in terms of number of arrests, investigations, and rescue of domestic minor sex trafficking victims among US (behind Miami, Portland, and Las Vegas); and Toledo leads the nation for number of traffickers produced and number of victims recruited into sex trade per capita (Prevalence on Human Trafficking in Ohio 2009, Trafficking in Persons Study Commission); and Whereas, The victims deserve to be protected and provided services and treatment necessary to re-gain control of their lives; and Whereas, The Bible describes each individual as being created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27), affirms the sanctity and dignity of all human life (Psalm 8:4-5), and calls upon believers to speak up for those who cannot defend themselves (Proverbs 31:8-9); now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the messengers of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio meeting in Perrysburg, Ohio, November 6-7, 2013, commit to pray for the victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation; and be it further Resolved, That we urge all Southern Baptists in Ohio to educate themselves and others about the various expressions of modern-day slavery, how to prevent it, and how to minister to those who have been victimized by it; and be it further Resolved, That we encourage Southern Baptists in Ohio to support agencies and ministries which help rescue and rehabilitate trafficking victims; and be it further Resolved, That we call upon Southern Baptists in Ohio to support public policies at the local and state levels which combat human trafficking; and be it finally Resolved, That we affirm the important work of persons in law enforcement, education, medicine, counseling, and other professions who address human trafficking through their assigned responsibilities and pledge our prayerful support.
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Miracle at 888 Parsons Avenue Operation Christmas Child The Women On Mission of Park Heights Baptist Church in Cleveland set a new church record for Operation Christmas Child Boxes. They made up 40 boxes to be sent out. Pictured are Betty Turnbull, Myrtle Pack and Sylvia Churby.
SEEKING STAFF Coshocton Baptist Church, located in Coshocton, Ohio, is seeking a full time Senior Pastor. Our average Sunday morning worship attendance is approximately 50-65. We have 94 individual active members and 50 active families as members. Please send all resumes to: with a subject line of CBC Pastor Resume. All resumes must be received by Dec. 23, 2013. First Baptist Church of Trenton is seeking a full time Senior Pastor. Please send all resumes to: Friendship Baptist Church in New Concord, Ohio is seeking a full-time pastor. Resumes with a cover letter will be received until December 15, 2013. Resumes may be sent to Friendship Baptist Church, 1390 Friendship Drive, New Concord, OH 43762, Attn: Dave Davidson, Search Coordinator. Email: The church prefers a person who has served in a pastoral position for 3 or more years and has a seminary degree or equivalent education. Compensation package includes salary and benefits commensurate with qualifications. Desired skills and qualities include sermon preparation and delivery of the message, Bible study and teaching, personal evangelism, leadership, and commitment to discipleship. Cut off date for resumes is December 15, 2013.
On Wednesday, October 2, 2013, Pastor Michael Brooks called a refrigerator service tech to come to the Community Soup Kitchen at Stowe Mission of Central Ohio to check our commercial refrigerator which had stopped working. We use this fridge daily, and cannot serve safe meals without it. The service tech said, “Your twenty year old fridge is dead and it will cost $1500 – $1,600 to repair with no real warranty.” He mentioned that a replacement would run about three to five thousand dollars, but his company did not sell them! What a dilemma! We must have a refrigerator! We cannot run our Community Soup Kitchen without a reliable, commercial refrigerator. Within 45 minutes of hearing this bad news — a miracle happened. A church called Stowe Mission to ask how much it costs to serve a meal in the Community Kitchen ($1.54). The church was planning to make a monetary donation to help with future meals. Then the question was asked, “Does Stowe Mission have any more pressing needs
other than meal donations?” Wow! God has great timing! In less than 24 hours a new True T-49 54” Reach-in Commercial Refrigerator with free shipping arrived at the Stowe Mission of Central Ohio at a cost of $2,514.93 — way under the earlier estimate. Thank you
Jesus! Thank you church supporters! In the meantime the refrigerator service tech talked to his company and they agreed to waive their normal service charge of $150.00. Praise the Lord! God is good, all the time!
December 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 5
Abundant Life provides positive influence to community In 2008, Rockwell Taylor, “Pastor Rocky,” asked his small congregation of about 50 people, “What would the community think if we ceased to exist?” Unexpectedly, someone spoke up and responded out loud to the rhetorical question. “The community does not even know we exist.”
the kids. Often a sports star is there for autographs. Kids are encouraged all summer to come to Vacation Bible School, the “theme” camp. Kids come to VBS and are encouraged to come to sing at the VBS performance on Sunday morning and join us for the picnic afterwards. All camp families are invited back a month later to a Sunday morning end of summer “Back to School Bash.”
The Camps Pastor Rocky then began a journey to become a vital part of the community and in turn bring the gospel with them as they did so. This resulted over the next few years in the creation of Fundamentals Camps in the summer and a year round youth community theatre, 82nd Street Theatre. Fundamentals Camps now reaches out to 300 different kids in the community from over 190 families. Often 50 or more of these families are unchurched. In addition to the Bible and the gospel being taught at every camp, the last “camp” of the season is always Vacation Bible School and it is one of the most popular camps of the year. Without building relationships with families through sports and theatre camps, some families would not choose to come to VBS.
be a positive influence to the community as well as to give to the community. If the value of the camps were just $50 per child, Abundant Life gave over $20,000 worth of camps away this past summer.
Community Impact
The Invite
These ministries provide the church the opportunity to
Follow Up
The church has the privilege to share the gospel to the
community and encourage unchurched families to come to church. This is done through a variety of means. Of course we share the gospel each week at camps, and we do several things to invite families to church. Kids come to camps and families are invited back on Saturday for a breakfast to honor
We have learned that the key to follow up is to focus on those most likely to come and keep inviting. We have tried to build a system that has something else for families to do next. We want to see them come to church, but some families just need to break the barrier to come to the building first so we have the breakfasts. However, we offer church every week, and we offer special events such as VBS Celebration Sunday and the “Back to School Bash” which are connected to Sunday worship. Church and ultimately Jesus are the target destinations. The church is supposed to be a part of the community, but we are also supposed to be making the community a part of the church. If we do not tell them about eternity, who will?
Youth Impact One surprise ministry we found in doing the camps was to teens. When the camp ministry was started, it was a ministry to the community and it was focused on kids. A few teens from the church helped but most of the work was done by mission teams.
Mission Teams We have had as many as 3 mission teams assist us in a summer. We currently have one team that comes for our largest camp. God has blessed us to be able to staff the other camps with teens and adults from our church, other community teens, and summer missionaries. However, we are always open to partnering with mission teams for any of our camps. As a matter of fact, we see it as the perfect mission trip. The trip has: • a place to stay (at the church) • a ministry set up for you (the camp) • opportunity to share the gospel with the lost (24% of our campers are unchurched) • opportunity for a one time trip or a long term commitment • small or large group • relational community ministry • afternoon or evening servant evangelism projects available • low cost- large impact • large church or small • youth, or adults or combination • family mission trip • replace camp breakfast with a Thursday night block party Let us know if you want to partner with us through financial support of our camps; sending a missions team; sending a summer missionary; or, praying for us. Tim Shamburger is a Mission Service Corp Missionary serving with Fundamental Camps in Northeast Ohio with his wife and three children.
How to submit Church News Send all church news and information to Linnett Snodgrass at For information about the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio and more Baptist Press news, go to our website
Missions & Ministries
Page 6 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2013
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Thank you Bob Andes for 19 faithful years leading the Ohio RA Congress and 18 years directing the Ohio RA Camps. Many years before Will Pollard invited Bob to serve in these leadership positions, Bob was assisting Ron Martin in these same positions. Anna, Bob’s wife, and their son, Andy both worked with and supported Mr. Bob throughout his tenure as Ohio’s RA Leader. The Andes were honored during the 2013 Annual Meeting for faithful service and being instrumental in many Ohio young men who are now serving through missions around the world.
Missions & Ministries December 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 7
By Andrew Hedges MorningStar Baptist Church You’re never too young to be on mission with Christ. As we began our new Children in Action (CiA) program at MorningStar Baptist Church in Centerville, we were confident we had a great fit for our family ministry focus. CiA provides a way for us to guide children from learning about the heart and character of God (Great Commandment) to living out what they believe on mission with God (Great Commission). It has also provided a great way to come alongside parents in seeing their children as active members of the family of God. In CiA, we make a pledge every week, and we fulfilled our commitment during the month of September in the following: • Pray for missions. We prayed every week for the missionaries and missionary kids in the testimonies and stories we heard. We also prayed for
Children Meeting Needs a heart like Mordecai and Esther to have courage and faith in God as we act on behalf of those in need. • Learn about missions. We learned about missions in Vancouver, the culture of the people, and unique way they show and tell the love of Christ to people in Canada. We even created our own version of sharing Christ through broom hockey and how we could tell others about Jesus at stops on the Sky Train! • Give to missions. Our children and parents brought in money to help us purchase material that we would use to meet the needs of children in our area. Through our dollars and coins, we learned what it means to give sacrificially and generously. • Do Missions. On our final week, CiA encourages children to participate in a service project. The suggested project had to do with helping the homeless, and we wanted to make it even more personal.
So, we brought in all the material to make 20 fleece blankets for children at the Dayton Gospel Mission with whom we partner to share Christ with the homeless. Parents and children alike came and tied blankets together as an
act of love toward the children at DGM who don’t even have a pillow or blanket! Through CiA, we are valuing children as active members of our spiritual family and equipping families to be on mission together. Of course,
we know that we can only complete our pledge by doing everything through the power of Christ (Phil. 4:13). We look forward to how God will work through our children in the months to come!
generation REACH CHILDRen’s MInIstRY DaY 2014
February 15, 2014? Recovering from the Super Bowl? Digging out from a snowstorm? Planning for a spring break vacation with the family? All of those things could be possibilities for you and your children. But what about planning to do something that will have eternal significance for your children, your family, your church, and your community? Mark your calendar now for the seventh annual Children’s Ministry DayTM. This year’s theme is GenerationReach. Boys and girls across North America will be reaching out to all generations with the love of Jesus! Start brainstorming now: Lead your church to plan a Children’s Ministry Day project that will encourage your children to participate in hands-on ministry in your church, community, association, or across the state!
Visit for more information.
“Lord, I will sing about your great love forever. For all time to come, I will tell how faithful you are. I will tell everyone that your love stands firm forever. I will tell them that you are always faithful, even in heaven itself.” (Psalm 89:1–2 NIrV)
Missions & Ministries
Page 8 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2013
Missionaries, Memories, and Mmmm Yummy Brigadeiros
Mothers and daughters brought copies of their favorite dishes to cook together. The recipes were shared and each family used scrapbooking materials to create their own cookbook.
JB and TB, Ohio Ms serving an unreached people group, shared their story and helped the girls learn how to use food to reach out to friends, neighbors, and the international population in Ohio.
Moms, mark your calendar now to bring your daughters to this fun experience on October 10-11, 2014.
December 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 9
What’s happening on God’s front? We are aware of the battle still raging. Even though we know the outcome of the war, we need to stay focus on the present day battle. We have the ammunition (The Word of God). We are ready with “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest,” (Matt. 11:28); I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes unto the Father but by me,” (John 14:6); “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not parish but have everlasting life.”(John 3:16) These are great and needed when we are trying to get some one to have a relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ, but let’s really look at life as God sees it and how people are actually
Pastor Dale Norris
living. We as Christians have what the world needs: EXPERIENCE. The 55+ are living a different life style today. They are retiring and finding themselves in many different situations than those that their mom and dads were confronted with. The generations of the past were living to the tune of grad-
uating from college, getting a job, starting a family, working to raise their children and then retiring to a life of leisure and relying on their religious beliefs to get them through until God calls them home. It is not that way today. We must realize to begin with, that many, many people don’t even attend church. They are retiring and need something to do. They are running into situations such as “empty nest syndrome”—taking care of aged parents—having adult children coming back home”—having to raise grandchildren- and yes, just needing to do things with a purpose. With the advancement in the medical field, people are living longer and are healthier and can be more active. So, you ask, how do we
minister to these so called Baby Boomers? Folks, the harvest has not changed; it is more plenteous then ever. We need to share our EXPERIENCE with them. How many of us, as 55+ adults, can share our relating to, empty nest syndrome? How many of us can share the fact that we are caring for aging parents? How many of us can share the fact we are raising our Grandchildren? How many can share, giving their life purpose, by volunteering in community work? Start your personal harvest, first, by relating the fact that you have been there and done that. Second, share the fact that you care and you do understand where they are coming from. Third, after you come to an understanding and have a friendly relation-
ship and an honest relationship, you share how God has been your rock and solid foundation through it all. Senior Adults, don’t let your life’s experience go without notice. You, sharing your life with someone who’s going through the exact same thing, could be the opening of their eyes to a true blessing from God. Let God use you in this very needed ministry. You will truly know then WHAT’S HAPPENING ON GOD’S FRONT. In His Service, Pastor Dale Norris Pastor to Senior Adults University Baptist Church Middletown, Ohio 45324
Mt. Gilead Glory Baptist Church celebrates God’s goodness By Jeff Deel
joint worship service to merge ready done a wonderful thing in and come together as one to bringing us together and there’s In today’s world, we often form the new Mt. Gilead Glory an excitement and enthusiasm hear of churches in decline or Baptist Church. The SBC has amongst the people.” In October, churches that are closing their always been known for cooper- the parking area was doubled. doors, but we don’t often hear ation amongst churches, work- Eight have joined the church in of two churches coming to- ing together to spread the good the first 10 weeks, three of which gether as one. That is exactly news of Jesus Christ. This is were baptized October 20th. what happened in Buckeye just a visible example of that Expansion ideas for the building are in the discussion stagCentral - Erie Baptist Associa- cooperation. tion. The Glory Baptist Church, “The first 10 weeks have es. As you Pray Ohio, pray for which started in 2009 as a new been great,” said Pastor Deel. this church in Morrow Counchurch plant in Marengo, had “We had a celebration service ty. Morrow County has an apbeen meeting in the Highland and dinner on the grounds Sep- proximate population of 35,000 Schools since their beginning. tember 29th and we are trusting people with just two Southern They had been hoping to find God to do some amazing things Baptist Churches. property to build on or an ex- in the near future. He has alisting building to call home. “It seemed like we were always at a dead end in our search for a place”, said Pastor Jeff Deel. “There just wasn’t anything available in our area.” On the other hand, Mt.Gilead Baptist Church had a building and property but were searching for a pastor after the retirement of Pastor Lawrence Combs in June. Pastor Combs had pastored Mt. Gilead for 24 years. Mt. Gilead Baptist needed a pastor and Glory Baptist needed a building. On August 25th, both churches voted in a A time of fellowship followed the worship celebration.
Pastor Jeff Deel addresses the congregation at the celebration of the merger of the two churches.
The time of celebration included dinner-on-the-grounds.
Almost 100 people attended the September 29 celebration of the merger of the two congregations.
Page 10 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2013
The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio in partnership with
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For additional details you can contact Jack Helton ( or Ashleigh Moodie (
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Vacation Bible School in 2014 The Bible tells us to, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). We are using this year’s VBS theme verse to motivate our preparations for Vacation Bible School in 2014. On November 9, 2013, the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio hosted a VBS Director’s Preview at FBC Westerville. This preview gave directors from all across Ohio an exciting preview of next year’s theme Agency D3. Each director received instructions in the “Jump Start Kit” provided by the Bible Teaching / Leadership Resource Group. With these classified instructions, each VBS director will have a head start on their assignment for next year. All of the churches that attended were also entered in a special drawing to win 10 free 2014 VBSI Ohio registrations. We were excited that Abundant Life, a church plant in North Royalton won this prize. In keeping with our theme, the day consisted of “Top Secret” information on such things as: • Agency D3 week long overview • Enlistment methods • VBS director personal preparation • New and Experienced VBS director breakouts Even if you were unable to attend the Director’s Preview, please mark your calendars for the VBS Institute of Ohio that will take place on March 8, 2014 at Violet Baptist Church, Picker-
It’s That Time of Year AgainChristmas Production Planning! Many in church music ministry are actively engaged in planning holiday music and events. Here are five tips to help give you confidence and peace of mind, as you work through the checklist for your holiday productions: • Understand how to fully utilize church copyright blanket licenses. • Annual blanket licenses are the easiest, quickest and most cost effective way to provide coverage for many of your activities that use copyrighted material. A Performance Facilities and Event License is necessary for most Christmas programs. If you want to webcast or stream your program online, you’ll need a Music Internet Performance License. For detailed information on blanket licenses, you can download a Free Fact Sheet:\
Don’t assume all Christmas songs are covered by the CCLI License or in the public domain. Many Christmas songs are copyrighted and owned by secular companies and require permission for duplication, streaming or performance. You can find out what songs are secular and are not covered by the CCLI license by downloading our free List of Secular Christmas Songs.
Recordings require additional licensing. ington. This will be a full training for all VBS staff and teachers. We will be providing a complete LifeWay VBS bookstore for you to buy all of your curriculum and decorating needs. Remember, if you would like to order your material early, we will have order forms available for you (available February 1) to e-mail in advance, and we will have your order pulled and ready for pick up upon your arrival. Registration opens on December 1, 2013 at We hope to see you there with your whole VBS team! We extend a special thank you to FBC Westerville for helping host this event. The Lord has blessed them with a great addition to their building, and we are grateful to them for allowing us to use it. “Thanks to all who had a part in organizing and implementing the jump start preview. It was extremely helpful - and motivating. I am excited to be a part of VBS at our church and have met with our pastor to put plans in place.” ~ Char Gates
If you plan to record your program (audio or video), obtain Mechanical and Synchronization Licenses for all copyrighted music and sound recordings. You can obtain these licenses on your own or through CCS’s online PERMISSIONSplus Service. Allow time to obtain licensing from publishers & record labels. Many Christmas songs have secular owners and administrators and licenses can take 12 weeks or more to complete. Christian music publishers and labels usually take 6 to 8 weeks for completion. This means you should get started as soon as possible!
Obtain proper participant consent. Be sure to get signed consent and release forms from any participants (staff or volunteers) who will appear in your production. This is especially important for any children or minors. For many more Christmas Production ideas and tips, download our FREE Christmas Production Idea Kit! If you have remaining questions, contact a CCS Copyright Solver at 855-5SOLVER (576-5837). We’re available and happy to help! This document provides information and not legal advice. For more information and resources, including fact sheets, videos and idea kits, visit the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio page at
December 2013 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 11
Men’s Summit
By Pastor David Bickers
As a guy in his 50’s, I recently was convicted to step up my commitment in taking better care of my health. Needless to say, changes in my exercise routine and diet were the first things I examined. Years ago, I used to enjoy running; so I found that to be a natural starting point as far as working out. One early morning this summer, I just happened to join a few of the guys from the high school football team as they were doing laps at our local track. I’m sure the coach had them doing some conditioning that day, and I thought I’d jog along with them. As we got about 2 miles into the laps, some of the players began to drop their pace. A couple of them even started to walk. A trainer came out of nowhere and began yelling at the slower players to “MAN UP!” He shouted that they should not quit and that they should not slow down. That seemed to motivate them! All of the sudden, with a renewed burst of energy, the sluggish players began to keep up pace with the rest of the team. I also noticed that my pace began to increase. As I approached the end of my run, I started to slow down and go into a cool down jog. All of the sudden, a
voice from behind me boomed “MAN UP!” Was that directed at me? “DON’T QUIT!” Wow, I kicked it back into gear and ran an extra mile that day. Hebrews 12:1 gives us the “behind the scenes” account of those who are already with Christ cheering on those that are still running the race of life. We are told to lay aside every weight and run with endurance. As we run, we look to Jesus. It’s as if those who are in the presence of Christ are encouraging those that are still running to not quit and not slow down. I need that voice telling me to “MAN UP!” When I want to slow down or even quit, the voices of the faithful still ring out for me to keep on running. We invite you to join us for the Men’s Summit at Urbancrest Baptist Church on January 24-25, 2014, in Lebanon, Ohio, and urge you to come ready to “MAN UP.” Guest speakers include Joe T. Veal, evangelist with You Turn Ministries, Andy Addis, Senior Pastor at CrossPoint Church, KS. The cost for the Summit is $5.00 (includes Friday evening dinner and Saturday morning breakfast). Each year we partner with the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio (SCBO) and continue to expand this outstanding event throughout the Tri-State area. If you would like to attend the Men’s Sum- teach and portray biblical manhood and how it is to be lived out in today’s world.
Guest Speakers:
JOE VEAL, You Turn Ministries ANDY ADDIS, CrossPoint Church, KS TICKETS: $5 Purchase: FRIDAY: Dinner at 5:00 pm; Summit at 7:00 pm SATURDAY: Breakfast at 7:30 am; Summit at 9:00 am
24-25 jan2014
More Info: or 513.932.4405
mit, register yourself or your group by visiting The deadline for registration is January 22. Deaf interpretation is provided.
If you need additional information, contact Mark Daubenmire at 513-932-4405 or
Page 12 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2013
“NEW BEGINNINGS” BANQUET RETURNS WITH A SPLASH! The “New Beginnings” banquet to celebrate and promote church planting in Ohio returned with a huge splash during the recent State Convention meeting. This event had been a part of the annual Evangelism Conference (now Momentum) for more than 12 years, but after a two year leave it returned to coincide with this new venue. Since the banquet was set up at pool side in the hotel that housed the convention, the theme was “Make a Splash for Church Planting!” A mix of frolic and fun was nicely blended in with the serious and heart touching testimonies and sharing from several church planters and Associational Church Planting Leaders from all areas of Ohio. A dinner for the 130 pastors and leaders in attendance was provided by the Church Planting Resource Group. The funds for this event came from the Cooperative Program. After some light heartedness the program started off with church planter Dan Ste-
Food and fellowship at the New Beginnings Banquet
Gary Odom makes a SPLASH for Church Planting.
venson sharing of the great work God is doing at the New Heights church plant and the New Heights North plant located in the city of Toledo. The Lord is doing a wonderful work with these new plants. Up next was Associational Missionary Rich Halcombe and Bhutan/ Nepali church planter Beda from Columbus. This is a truly amazing story that reads as if it jumped off the pages of the Book of Acts. This is a story of many refugees coming from camps in Nepal after being dismissed from Bhutan. They are now coming to the United States. This group now has 200 in attendance and
new church plant meets in the Brunswick, Ohio, area. Associational Missionary Steve Stiglich then brought it home with more inspiring stories of new church plants in the Greater Dayton area. It was encouraging to those in attendance to see how the Lord is at work in new church plants in all areas of Ohio and in many different cultures and language groups. Mason Fenner, deaf church planter in Cleveland, brought the presentations to a close by signing a prayer which further illustrated what an amazing God we serve who can hear prayers in English, Ne-
has baptized 30 this year. Dennis Holmes, Church Planting Catalyst in the greater Cincinnati area shared similar stories of another Bhutan/Nepali church plant in his area. What a powerful story we heard. Ben Curry, African American Church planter in Cleveland continued the momentum by sharing what the Lord is doing in a new church plant that he and his wife are planting. Buck Wilford then shared with those in attendance what God is beginning to do in the new church plant that he and his wife are involved in the Summit Association. This
How to become a
Christian If you are not a Christian, have never surrendered your will to the Lord Jesus, let me share briefly how you can make this life changing decision. GOD WANTS YOU SAVED. First, you must believe that God loves you and wants you to have peace in your heart and an everlasting life (John 3:16). Second, you must recognize that you are a sinner, that you have done things which have displeased God and that you have separated yourself from Him (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Third, you must believe that Jesus came to this earth, was actually God in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and yet went to a cruel cross, dying for your sins, paying once and for all the penalty of sin (I Peter 2:24). However, it’s
not enough just to know these three things. Many of us knew them for years before we ever gave Jesus our lives. Fourth, you must personally ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins (Revelation 3:20). You can pray this prayer now and if you mean it with all of your heart, Jesus will come in just like He said. He cannot lie. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I’m really sorry for my sins, Lord. I ask you now, Lord Jesus, to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, take control of my life, and make me the kind of person You want me to be. I now receive You into my heart. Thank You for coming in. I will follow You all the days of my life. In Your name I pray, Amen.
pali, and even sign language. Just as the event was about to finalize some unnamed persons in the audience took it upon themselves to further illustrate the theme of “Make a Splash for Church Planting” by choosing a certain undeserving person and tossing him in the pool. The event was fun, silly, serious, and heart touching all wrapped up in one big splash for church planting. Hope to see you at next year’s “New Beginnings” banquet. Submitted by: Gary Odom, Church Planting Resource Group Leader
PRESS TOWARD THE MARK The Father blessed our annual state convention meeting in a tremendous way. “Pray Ohio” captures the need of the Southern Baptist Cooperative Missions and Mission Ohio. Prayer is essential to His mission of sharing the Gift of God with a lost world. The Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jack Kwok, Ph.D. Jesus Christ our Lord. This is the reason for Executive DirectorTreasurer the Christmas season, and it is the reason State Convention for Mission Ohio and the Southern Baptist of Baptists in Ohio Convention. Please view to participate in statewide Mission Ohio cooperative prayer opportunities this year. At the close of the year 2013, we shall once again celebrate the coming of Christ to provide eternal life to all who will repent of their sin and receive Him as Lord and Savior. With the coming of 2014, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio. Much has changed since 1954, yet we continue to face the same root problem since the original fall of humanity in the Garden: sin. His Story continues to be the answer to the sin problem as we move into the 6th decade as a state convention. At Christmas, even the world participates in varying degrees in the celebration of His Story. Mission Ohio calls us to invite more Ohioans to embrace His Story not just once a year, but for eternity. Eternal Life is the everlasting benefit of the Greatest Gift that anyone can receive: salvation through Jesus Christ. This past year thousands of Ohioans have received the Gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord: 12+% increase in baptisms reported on the latest ACP and 33 new church starts. Yet, millions haven’t. Mission Ohio: 1,000 believers in 2020 congregations by the end of 2020 continues to call us to perseverance in proclaiming the Gospel and new means of sharing the Gospel. Let’s press toward that mark.