Ohio Baptist Messenger - October 2014

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Groups Matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 VBS 2015 Director’s Preview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Church News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Women’s Missions & Ministries. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Evangelism Highlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Press Toward The Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12



Go to scbo.org/pray for more information.


Ohio Baptist Messenger OCTOBER 2014 | VOLUME 62 NO. 5

CALL TO COLUMBUS: Envisioning a Great Awakening By Ronnie Floyd Jun 16, 2014 EDITOR’S NOTE: Ronnie Floyd, elected as president of the Southern Baptist Convention during the June 10-11 annual meeting in Baltimore, is pastor of the multi-campus Cross Church in northwest Arkansas. SPRINGDALE, Ark. (BP) -As the newly elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention, I want to call every pastor, every church leader and every layperson from a Southern Baptist church to join me in Columbus, Ohio, on June 16-17, 2015. As I work with our Order of Business Committee as well as other leaders, I will respectfully request that we dedicate as much time as possible in next year’s convention to pray extraordinarily for the next

Great Awakening. I want to call you to Columbus to what could be one of the most significant prayer gatherings in our history. Yes, we have to conduct business at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, and we will do it with great diligence. But we will also bring to fruition a year-long emphasis of praying in an extraordinary manner for the next great spiritual awakening in America. For the next year, I want to humbly request from each church, each national SBC entity and each state convention that we begin to pray in an over-and-above way for God to move mightily in our lives, our churches and our nation.

Now is the time Why is this important? Our convention has bemoaned our

decline in baptisms, membership, attendance and giving far too long. Now is the time for us to take aggressive action by calling out to God together in prayer. At the same time, we must take the needed strategic actions to change our trajectory as a convention of churches. While we face these critical times, we know God is doing some amazing things right now

through Southern Baptists. As we celebrate those to the glory of God in Columbus, we will also call out to God in urgent desperation. Why is revival in the church and awakening in the nation so important? I have been greatly convicted that one of the reasons God has placed me as president, for such a time as this, is for the purpose to call






His people to what Jonathan Edwards called “extraordinary prayer.” We need extraordinary prayer for the purpose of revival personally, revival in the church and spiritual awakening in America, so that we can see commitment to the Great Commission escalated, and accelerate it to its completion in our generation. I believe this Columbus ~ Continued on page 4

3 1. Ronnie Floyd: SBC President 2. Randy Davis: Executive Director, Tennessee Baptist Convention 3. Jonathan Young: Pastor, Dayton Ave Baptist Church 4. Jack Kwok, Ph.D. Executive Director-Treasurer State Convention of Baptists in Ohio 5. Mark Stinson, SCBO President, Pastor Trinity Baptist Church, Cambridge

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JOB POSTINGS A small Church needs a Bi-Vocational or Retired Pastor Resume may be mailed to First Baptist Church of Carroll, PO Box 261, Carroll, Oh 43112 or email your Resume to FirstBaptistChurchCarroll@yahoo.com att. Pulpit Committee. North Dearborn Community Baptist Church in Bright, Indiana is seeking an Ordained Southern Baptist Bi-Vocational Minister. Must be the Husband of one Wife, who can perform all Pastoral responsibilities. Position will be Vacant the end of December 2014. Resumes should be submitted immediately. Please mail to: North Dearborn Community Baptist Church 1920 North Dearborn Road, West Harrison, Indiana 47060 Attention: Gregg Ketterer

The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio has partnered with LifeWay Christian Resources to promote Groups Matter Groups Matter is an emphasis on starting new ongoing Bible study groups. Sunday school groups, small groups, home groups, cell groups, etc. We are praying for a movement to sweep across this nation and impact our convention, our churches, our people like never before. September 7, 2014 was recognized as “starting new groups day”. Churches from all across the country launched new groups of all sizes. A number of churches in Ohio did the same and collectively we are praying for 1,000 new groups by the end of 2014. We know many churches who have already started new groups before the September

7th date. So, what we are asking you to do is help us in identifying all of the new groups you have started this year. A number of you have already told us of the groups you have started, but many of you have not. Therefore, we are asking you to call or email our office and give us the great news about your new groups. You can call Wendy Hammock at 614-827-1826 or email her at wehammock@scbo.org. Thank you in advance for your help and your consistent efforts in Mission Ohio. We look forward to hearing from you. In His Service, Dwayne Lee

(L-R) Back is Raegan Boyd, Ella Hershberger, Remmy Boyd, Holly Boyd. (L-R) Front is Lena Hershberger and Krista Hershberger. Four were not present for service that day.

Revival Kick-off at Lighthouse Lighthouse Baptist Fellowship in Medina hosted Signs of Glory on August 31st as a strategic opportunity to launch their fall revival with Jerome Byrd that began on September 7th. 97 people packed the house as Signs of Glory rocked the house at Lighthouse as their average worship attendance is normally in the 50’s. Signs of Glory from Barnesville, Ohio is made up of mostly teens that

do a beautiful presentation of the Bible through sign language, lights and contemporary Christian music. Some people never get to see a sermon. Now you can see, hear and FEEL the message. Visit www.signsofglory.com for more information and how to host this dynamic group of teens in your church. Pastor Gerald Clevenger Lighthouse Baptist Fellowship

Jack Kwok, State Convention Executive Director-Treasurer, Editor; Linnett Snodgrass, Administrative Assistant; Spangler Production & Design, Publication Layout. Published every other month for members of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio. Subscriptions provided out of each church’s Cooperative Program gifts. Member of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Important Notice: Every church should have received a packet of information and promotional material for the Groups Matter Challenge. Please call Dwayne Lee at 614-827-1824 or email dlee@scbo.org for more information or questions. The Ohio Baptist Messenger (ISSN 0472-7096) is published every other month by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Baptist Messenger; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011.

The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio in partnership with

What are the exclusive rights of copyright owners?

Copyright owners have six exclusive rights. Any time you want to engage in any of these activities, you must have the copyright owner’s permission. The copyright owner’s rights include: • Reproduction — Reproducing or copying a work. Examples: Copying lyrics, rehearsal CDs, song sheets, etc. • Making Derivative Works — Creating new works that are “based” on a pre-existing work. Examples: Making new arrangements of songs, adding or changing lyrics, adaptations of plays into movies. • Distribution — Making a work available to the public by sale, rental, lease, lending or gifting. Examples: Giving CDs of a worship service, making a video podcast available as download on the Internet. • Performance — Performing publicly. Examples: Performing or playing a song at a concert, youth event, on-hold music events, church social events, retreats, conferences and seminars, etc. • Public Display — Displaying publicly. Examples: Hanging photos in an office building, displaying a photograph on an overhead during a worship service. • Digital Recording Performance — Transmitting digitally. Examples: Streaming a digital sound recording featured in a worship service on the Internet or Internet radio.

Truth Sticks

Coming to Ohio!

Introducing the Basics of Church Copyrights Over the past two months, we’ve discussed the SCBO’s commitment to copyrights and emphasized the importance of ensuring that all SCBO churches have proper licensing in place. However, we understand that copyrights can be a confusing and complex topic. With that in mind, this month, CCS will begin to introduce some of the basic concepts of copyrights. In future months, they’ll go into the specific licenses available to churches and what you can and cannot do with each of them. If any of this information raises any questions for you or your church, we encourage you to contact CCS at (855) 576-5837 or visit their website at www.christiancopyrightsolutions.com.

October 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 3

The “Religious Service Exemption”

The “Religious Service Exemption” in the U.S. Copyright Law, Section 110[3]) provides an exemption so thatchurchescan legally perform and display copyrighted works without securing permission, when they are used in the context of a religious service. However, anytime copyrighted material is performed or displayed outside of services, licensing is required.

Defining “Performances”

“Performances” do not just consist of professionals singing from a stage.US copyright law defines a public performance as “an instance of music being performed in a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered.” Most church performancesfit the criteria.MANY church activates use copyrighted music outside of worship and, therefore, require performance licensing: youth events, social functions, concerts, children’s programs, music on hold, coffee shops, receptions…the list goes on.In next month’s newsletter, we’ll discuss the simple and affordable blanket performance licensing available to churches. For immediate performance coverage, you can reach CCS at (855) 576-5837 or visit their website at www.christiancopyrightsolutions.com.Be sure to use partner codeSCBO to save 10% off your first year’s licensing fees for the CCS PERFORMmusic and WORSHIPcast Blanket Licenses. The blessing the Church receives when we make honoring copyrights a priority. As we mentioned last month, honoring copyrights honors the Lord. And, when our churches have the proper licensing in place, we ensure that songwriters can continue to bless the Church with the anointed, Spirit-filled songs that will impact current and future generations for Christ. If you haven’t already taken advantage of our SCBO/CCS partnership, we strongly encourage you to contact CCS today.

October 4 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Trinity Baptist Church 8402 Burns Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45216-1106 Contact: Jim Fryer

TruthSticks Training uses Bible Storying methods to evangelize and make disciples. There are five learning zones that will help participants enjoy the day and learn to do this approach. These “oral” methods make truth stick and can be used to turn new small groups into church plants as well. It’s where storying and disciple-making meet.

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Columbus ~ Continued from page 1 should be our heart and our goal. I have been privileged to catch a glimpse of extraordinary prayer in the Praying Pastors gatherings in recent months. We have led more than 1,500 pastors in these four gatherings, two of which have been national gatherings held in the Dallas-Fort Worth and Atlanta areas. God is doing something very unique right now, and I believe that extraordinary prayer is our number one need. In extraordinary prayer, we recognize that only God can do what is needed in us personally, congregationally, denominationally, nationally and internationally. We’ve had a great Conservative Resurgence in the SBC. We are in the midst of a Great Commission resurgence in the SBC. In order for the Great Commission resurgence to be elevated to the proper priority, we need a great spiritual movement and a mighty spiritual awakening, which this nation has not seen in a long time. Yes, we need to pray now in an extraordinary manner for the next Great Awakening.

Mark your calendar Make plans to join us in Columbus on June 16-17, 2015. Why should you come? This may be the moment, the time and God’s place to begin the next Great Awakening in the United States. And consider coming in early for Saturday, June 13, to join us in Crossover Columbus, the annual evangelistic outreach preceding each year’s SBC annual meeting. Consider these facts about Columbus, Ohio: • 15th largest city in America • 139 languages spoken in Columbus • 111 Southern Baptist Churches in the Metro Columbus Baptist Association • One of the focus cities in our Send North America national church planting strategy • Home of the Ohio State University

Connecting together Our team is right now beginning to work on various ways we can begin to connect

together via technology. We will use email, Twitter and Instagram to help all of us be a part of a movement toward Columbus -- but greater than that, a movement of praying for the next Great Awakening in America, so that we can see commitment to the Great Commission escalated and accelerated to its completion in our generation. Please call on your church and others to pray for me daily. I want to represent our Lord, our church and our Southern Baptist family in the highest manner. I cannot do that without you praying for me daily. Ronnie Floyd, on the Web at ronnniefloyd.com/blog, is the author of “Our Last Great Hope: Awakening the Great Commission” (2011) and “The Power of Prayer and Fasting” (2010). Copyright (c) 2014 Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist Press 901 Commerce Street Nashville, TN 37203 Tel: 615.244.2355 Fax: 615.782.8736 email: bpress@sbc.net

Church News Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Present

Pastor Emeritus Named

The Miami Baptist Church in Milford, Ohio held a celebration for its retiring pastor, Walter Buckner, on August 31, 2014. He has served as their senior pastor for 29 years. The church also conferred upon him the title of Pastor Emeritus. Rev. Mark Stephens, an associate minister, has been elected as the new pastor of the Miami Baptist Church. Thanks to Pastor Buckner and First Lady Delores Buckner for their many years of service.

On Wednesday, August 6, 2014, Grace Baptist Church of Amity, Ohio bestowed the title of Pastor Emeritus on Reverend Jerry S. Lewis, who retired from Central Baptist Church, Marion, Ohio in 2003. The award is in recognition of thirty-two years as church pastor in the following churches: Alva Baptist Church, Alva, Kentucky; French City Baptist Church, Gallipolis, Ohio; Salem Baptist Church, Nelsonville, Ohio; Central Baptist Church, Marion, Ohio. In addition, Pastor Lewis led in starting Amity-Apple Valley Baptist Chapel, now known as Grace Baptist Church of Amity. Due to his experiences in the pastorate, Pastor Emeritus Lewis is a mentor, advisor, prayer partner, counselor and Christian example for other pastors and church members. Pastor Emeritus Lewis has been supported and anchored in his work as pastor by his wonderful wife, Mary. Her support as a prayer warrior and her faithfulness to God’s work has provided leadership in the churches previously listed. Their love and devotion for each other through fifty-seven years of marriage also provides an example to all of how God has worked in and through both of their lives. Congratulations to Pastor Emeritus Jerry S. Lewis for his outstanding work as pastor and his positive influence on all who know him.

Mt. Calvary BC in Bedford On Sunday, August 3, 2014, the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Bedford, Ohio held an installation service for its new pastor, Stephen Owens. Stephen was the pastor of Triumphant Assembly, one of our church plants in Cleveland. Triumphant Assembly and Mt. Calvary merged becoming one congregation. The installation celebration was well attended. James Edwards, the former pastor of Mt. Calvary and First Vice President of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio gave the charge and passed the torch to the new pastor, Stephen Owens who also serves as secretary of the Ohio African American Fellowship. The church recognized Kevin Litchfield, Associational Missionary/Church Planter Catalyst of the Cleveland Hope Baptist Association for serving as interim for the last several months. Congratulations Pastor Owens and family.

October 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 5

The Fifth Annual Church Planters Forum On May 29th and 30th the Fifth Annual Church Planters Forum was held at the Dublin Baptist Church. This time of celebration and encouragement is for our planters in years one through four. We have truly experienced God’s grace, goodness and favor during our fifth year celebration. There were 30 planters and 23 wives with the total attendance being 71 and a chipmunk. We are thankful for the diverse group of new works. Church pastors represented at this year’s forum included African, African American, Anglo, Biker, Cowboy, Hispanic, and Filipino. Ohioans should be thankful to our Lord in calling out planters from different backgrounds to reach the lost here in Ohio. This year’s breakout sessions were designed to encourage and strengthen planters and their wives in the following areas: • Personal—Prayer led by Jeff Calloway • Home—His Needs/Her Needs led by Martin and Karen Jones • Church—Pastors Role in Worship led by Phil Wing • What’s Happening Around Me—Best Practices led by Dan Duffy Charlotte Barbo and Karen Jones facilitated the planter’s wives sessions. A panel of wives whose husbands were church planters were there to hear from and answer questions as well as to encourage the wives. This panel included

Julie Calloway, Cathy Pound, Diane Moss, Karen Jones and Charlotte Barbo. This year’s banquet held at the Holiday Inn was enjoyed by all. The planters in attendance whose churches had the most baptisms and had given the most to Cooperative Program were recognized. According to planter’s reports from May 2013 to May 2014 three of our new works gave a total of $17,089 to CP and three baptized a total of 97. Let’s be in prayer that God will continue to work through Ohio Southern Baptists. The annual Church Planters Forum will not be held in 2015. We will be encouraging our planters to participate in the historic 2015 SBC Convention to be held in Columbus, Ohio. This could be a once in a lifetime experience (event) for our planters. Thanks to the Dublin Baptist Church for partnering with us these five years. Thanks to all our planters for all you do, and to our CPC’s/AM’s, Moderators and the Church Planting Resource Group for your dedication and hard work. Thanks, State Convention of Baptists for allowing the CPR group to do ministry in Ohio. Quinton R. Moss Church Planting Resource Group Leader

How to submit Church News Send all church news and information to Linnett Snodgrass at lsnodgrass@scbo.org

The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio (SCBO) is finalizing the details of a powerful new initiative called the Next Factor. It represents a balanced approach to combining quality resources, training, personnel, and relational opportunities: all of which will allow the SCBO Staff to collaborate with churches like never before. The purpose of the Next Factor initiative is to strengthen churches throughout Ohio in the following areas:

Presenting Christ Helping to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ known and understood by all people.

Promoting Growth Joining with local congregations to develop more and better disciples of Jesus.

Planting Churches Supporting the spiritual and practical needs of new churches seeking to impact a community for Christ.

This initiative seeks to ignite a spark of excitement and passion within each church of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio so they may discover their Next Factor - a single, purposeful step that the church can make in obeying the Great Commission.

Visit www.scbo.org/nextfactor for all the details.

Missions & Ministries

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OCC Melany McNeal, Karrie Miller and Jodena Thomas

Missions a Cross Ohio

Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly, filled with the shine of autumn and the presence of the Holy Spirit, greeted more than a hundred women from Butler County to Warren County ready to praise God! Ohio women prayed for: our communities (scbo.org/pray), for Columbus (PrayerForColumbus.com), for ministries like Missions a Cross Ohio (scbo. org), and Christian Women’s/Christian Men’s Job Corps. Women saw unique

Good News Llamas

Story Cloth

ministries that spread the Gospel (goodnewsllamas.com & samaritanspurse.com). The offering, Joan White Scholarship Fund for girls and women going on a first time mission trip, was over $500. Liz Pound of Spring Hills Baptist Church, a 2014 recipient, reported her experience with a grateful heart for

Ohio women who value our next generation. Ohio WMU President, Joanne Hopkins, gave a shout out for the National WMU Mission Celebration June 14-15, 2015 at FBC Grove City. This event is scheduled between Crossover Columbus, including the 2015 Beautiful Feet Event, June 13 and the 2015

SBC, June 16-17. WMU Mission Celebration is simultaneous with the Pastors’ Conference. Mission Celebration is for men and women to interact with IMB and NAMB missionaries, be involved with mission training, and to invest in God’s work in Ohio. The Good News Llamas are coming to present the new 2015-16 Project Help, PTSD. SAVE THE DATE, JUNE 14-15, FBC GROVE CITY.

Mission Camp Highlights

Upcoming Women’s Ministry Events



Kid’s Camp July 28 through August 1 was amazing! More than three hundred campers, chaperones, and leaders experienced how to become STRONG & COURAGEOUS in Jesus, like Joshua! Thirty-one campers surrendered control of their lives to become followers of Christ. These young men and women need our prayer support. As a state, as seven hundred plus churches and church plants, it is time to be unified PRAYING, PRESENTING CHRIST, and PRAISING GOD for His awesome plan to build His Kingdom in Ohio through our NEXT GENERATION!

Mother Daughter Retreat

October 10 - 11

Ray Roberts Week of Prayer

September 14 - 21

Royal Ambassador Congress

April 11 - 12

Women’s Fall Retreat & Mission Celebration Women’s Regional Spring Retreats

September 12 - 13 March & May

Join Us On Facebook! OWN-Ohio Women’s Network

Missions & Ministries October 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 7

Women’s Mission Camp Pastor Mark Wilson, North Fairfield Baptist Church, taught campcraft for the RA track this year. Mission Education events in Ohio are for all churches interested in missions. Having an RA, GA, or CiA age-level organization is not necessary for camp or the RA Congress or GA Overnight scheduled for April 10-11 at the North Fairfield BC. Amanda Mishne is Ohio’s preschool and children’s consultant for mission education. For more information on Mission Education contact Amanda, amanda@scbo.org. 2014 the Missions Camp included a Global Village with four international missionaries. Two unique groups at camp were twelve Nepali campers from the Immanuel Nepali Bhutanese Church in Columbus, Ohio and four unchurched boys who live in Woodsfield, Ohio. They are neighbors of Larry and Susie Emery who are

Ohio missionaries through the volunteer program, Missions Across Ohio. It is organized to encourage, equip, and engage Ohioans in intentional evangelism by embracing the Mission Ohio 20/20 Vision. This vision is for there to be one million believers in two thousand twenty churches by the end of 2020. Susie and Larry pray and plan neighborhood events to present the Gospel in Woodsfield. This camp reported five salvations: Pasang Tamang, from the Nepali church; Hunter McConnell, Devin and Kevin Nalley, and Richard Fackler, all from Woodsfield, the Emery’s neighborhood. To learn more about age-level mission education for your church contact either: Amanda Mishne, amanda@scbo.org; or Bryan Carpenter, ambassadorbc@aol.com, RA State Consultant; or Sarah Beck, sarahbeck@gmail.com, Girls for Missions Camp Director.

Pastor Mark Wilson

M. Ira

M.’s Jim & Jenny

M. & Pastor Joe

Wilderness Training, led by Keith Mack and his team of eight Texas Baptist Men, was an amazing experience for seventeen RA leaders from Ohio and Kentucky. Thank you Texas Baptist Men for your generous gift to us! The outdoor cooking used several types of utensils and a variety of campfires that never touched the ground. Keith Mack

Five styles of tents scattered in the woods and near the lower putt-putt course were used for demonstration and were slept in over the three-day training.

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. ~ Proverbs 27:17 Information to begin RAs or Challengers in your church contact Bryan Carpenter, ambassadorbc@aol.com

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Evangelism Highlights Following is an article that appeared in the Brecksville Sun Courier concerning this summer’s sports camp at Cuyahoga Valley Church: BROADVIEW HEIGHTS — Cuyahoga Valley Church celebrated the end of another successful CVC Sports Camp week with a very popular festival to round out a week of devotion, sports, and arts for children and adults. Over 1,100 campers attended the free sports camp, directed by Children’s Ministry Director Denise Petek. In total, there were 713 morning campers, 542 evening campers, and 134 campers who attended both sessions. Sports included soccer, basketball, flag football, martial arts, baseball, and dance, along with art camp. The theme for the week was God’s game plan, and campers listened to Bible scripture and related it to modern sports professionals at the start of the camp day in a brief acting skit and multimedia presentation. Children were provided kid-friendly daily brochures that summarized the theme. Campers also participated in daily 20-minute devotionals, said Petek. Each camper received a knapsack at the end of camp. Among the other data totaled for the event, Petek added that “79 decisions” were made. Camps were designed for each age group of children from kindergarten through 7th grade, Mom Camp, Dad Camp, and a special needs camp, which was new to the program

this year under the direction of Jenni Franch Wolfenbarger. More than 300 “servant leader” volunteers helped during camp, “not including all of the celebration helpers,” noted Petek. While many of the CVC Sports Camp volunteers are new, several have come back each year, like Kelly Trigg, of Garfield Heights, who has been helping for five years. Of her four children, son Jesse Trigg, 17, helped with first and second grade flag football as did daughter Katie Trigg, 14. Daughter Sarah Trigg, 15, helped with soccer. Trigg herself helped with martial arts camp. “I love helping kids wherever God wants me,” she said. Mom Camp was popular again this year with several speakers, activities, and exercise in both the day and evening camp sessions. In its fourth year, Mom Camp featured Ann Hollo who spoke about decorating, pharmacist Kelly Brown on over-the-counter drug safety and Dr. Cheryl Hammes on herbal supplements. On the last day of camp, the ladies enjoyed “spa day” that included Athletes4Life massage therapy, makeup application by makeup artist Karen Cole, facials, and manicures. Mothers also got moving with exercise by Valerie Waugaman-Gal, Viveka Jenks, and Lene Grey of Mission Fit. “Mom camp is growing beyond capacity,” said Petek. In its third year, evening Dad Camp featured Jack Squirek, NFL Super Bowl champion with the Oakland Raiders,

Chillicothe Baptist Church held an evangelism football camp over the summer. Former Ohio State and Indianapolis Colt wide receiver Roy Hall was the camp speaker. 54 boys signed up representing 16 churches. 240 lunches were served and 48 Bibles were given away. The most exciting news however was that 21 campers made decisions to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! Praise Him!

Valerie Waugaman-Gal, a.k.a. Siren from “American Gladiators” television show and threetime International Federation of Body Building champion, Matt Hammes on outdoor fitness, and Jim Wissing from Athletes4Life, LLC. CVC Sports Camp grows by an average 100 campers each year, but this year saw an increase of 200 campers. “I am so honored that parents bring their kids and tell their friends,” said Petek. “My motivation is an outreach to the community to provide a quality sports


camp, as well as teach the attendees about who God is to them and who they are to God.” The end-of-camp festival featured bounce houses, rock wall, dunk tank, bungee, entertainment, games, and free food for all who attended. Attendees enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs, corn, pizza, nachos, and cotton candy among other delights. Set up for the celebration that hosted well over 2,000 people began at 9 a.m. that day and didn’t end until clean up of the church grounds was done. “There was no rain, and

too many people to count,” said Petek, who took a well deserved rest following camp. “The 2014 Cuyahoga Valley Church Sports Camp Team of servant leaders were so selfless and giving this week,” she said. “God used you in amazing ways to impact our community for Him! I am so thankful for every one of you.” Denise Petek Children’s Ministry Director Cuyahoga Valley Church

The latest numbers are as follows: VBS-62, Backyard Bible Clubs-32, Rec Center 20, total of 114 children. We had 18 saved; 12 children and 5 adults. 38 TN workers and 38 Trinity workers: 8 teachers, 5 music, 8 kitchen, 2 registration, 2 crafts, 3 leaders, 6 promotional, 4 general workers totaling 72 workers. So all together we had 186 involved. Two Mission outreach projects involved FBC Hartwell and Grace Nepali BC. Gideons International gave out over 80 New Testaments. We rejoice in seeing and hearing about how the Lord is moving in Ohio. If you have evangelism news that you would like included in the Ohio Messenger, please submit your article (and any pictures) to jackhelton@scbo.org.

October 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 9

Evangelism Highlights ...to teach and portray biblical manhood and how it is to be lived out in today’s world.

Get Your Tickets Early!



Tickets must be purchased online in advance. Walk-ins will not be admitted.

Youth Camp 2014

With over 800 in attendance for 3 weeks of youth camp at Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly was a place to be. We saw over 60 first time decisions for Jesus during the 3 weeks. Speakers for the 3 weeks were Mac Cockrell, Dean Fulks and Brian Burgess. Exodus from Liberty was the worship band the third week, while two different Heartsong teams led worship the first two weeks. Heartsong is a ministry of Cedarville University with 4 teams that travel during the summer.

They have become a great partner with Super Summer and youth camps. We pray that the partnership will continue since they have been such a positive impact on our students and the camp as a whole. Another partner that has made a major impact is Logan Murphy and Elevate Recreation. Logan who grew up coming to youth camp has raised recreation to new highs during youth camp. He has a vision for safe fun that allows all youth, no matter how ath-

letic they are, to participate in one way or another. We even have many adults participating in the fun. The new pool was such a blessing this year. We want to thank Ohio Baptists for making it possible. We hope to see many at the Winter Retreat this coming January 17-19. The speaker will be our own youth strategist – Tim Binns and worship will be led by Heartsong. Registration is open until December 19th or until the camp is full.

friday-saturday Johnny Hunt

Joe T. Veal

TICKETS: $10 PURCHASE: menssummit.urbancrest.org LOCATION: Urbancrest Baptist Church, Lebanon, OH FRIDAY: Dinner at 5:00 pm; Summit at 7:00 pm SATURDAY: Breakfast at 7:00 am; Summit at 9:00 am

23-24 jan2015

Visit www.engage24.org for additional information as to how your church can participate in this upcoming national evangelism effort. Visit www.gps.2020.net for additional information concerning how your church can engage your community with the Good News of the Gospel. Our 2015 Ohio statewide emphasis is servant evangelism. Contact jackhelton@scbo.org. if you have any questions.

The North American Mission Board has just introduced a new evangelism tool called “LIFE - 3 Circles: Life Conversation Guide.” If your church would like to be trained in how to use this new exciting conversational evangelism tool, contact jackhelton@scbo.org, duanefloro@scbo.org, or timbinns@scbo.org. You can also find additional information about the tool and how to download the app to your mobile device at www.namb.net. Campers enjoying the new pool.

Page 10 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | October 2014

Evangelism Highlights Excerpt of article used with permission, written by Connie Davis Bushey, 8/13/2014 editor, Baptist and Reflector.

Thanks Volunteers: Buckeyes 2014

BASIC CHAPLAIN TRAINING & OPERATIONAL STRESS FIRST AID A COMBINED COURSE OFFERING FOR DISASTER RELIEF VOLUNTEERS October 17 (1:00 PM – 8:30 PM) & OCTOBER 18 (8:00 AM – 2:30 PM) Office Building of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio 9000 Antares Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011 Bring your gear and sleep in a nearby church! Or ask for a list of local motels. Pre-registration required: cost $50.00 Deadline October 10 Included: Materials, Dinner Friday night, Breakfast and Lunch Saturday To register contact: Nick Freeman, DR Chaplain Coordinator, 5227 Elk Run Drive, Liberty Township, Ohio, 45011; (513) 309-1533, nefreemanjr@gmail.com Operational Stress First Aid (OSFA) is a flexible multistep process for the timely assessment and preclinical care of stress reactions or injuries in individuals or units with the goal to preserve life, prevent further harm, and promote recovery. OSFA is required for DR Chaplain endorsement. CTM=Chaplain Training Manual OSFA=Operational Stress First Aid

For more information and to see the seminar schedule, go to scbo.org.

CINCINNATI & DAYTON, Ohio — When some Ohio Baptists offered to do something to reciprocate for all that the Tennessee Baptist missions team had done for them recently, suggesting that they could come to Tennessee on a missions trip, a Tennessee Baptist said, “Go north and return the favor. Go find another place and do what we did here.” That is some of the sentiment heard by Ohio Baptist leaders as a very busy summer of work by Tennessee missions teams concludes and the Tennessee/Greater Cincinnati & Dayton, Ohio, Baptist Partnership passes its half-way mark. The five-year partnership began in 2012. “The Tennessee partnership has been one of our strongest partnerships,” said David Coppedge, director of missions, Cincinnati Area Baptist Association. “It’s really been good for us.” Steve Stiglich, director of missions, facetiously referred to an “invasion” of Tennessee Baptists to his association across the past five weeks. “Thank you Tennessee. Your contribution to the Greater Dayton Association of Baptists and the Buckeye State and most importantly to the kingdom work of the Lord is greatly appreciated,” said Stiglich. From the Tennessee perspective, the partnership is going well, said Kim Margrave, volunteer missions specialist, Tennessee Baptist Convention. “I continue to be amazed at the interest in Cincinnati and Dayton. I believe it is their proximity.” The association based in Cincinnati saw about 300 Tennessee Baptists serve here this summer on 10 church and association teams and have seen 37 Tennessee Baptist teams serve here over the entire partnership. Also, currently 31 Tennessee churches or associations are helping church planters in the Cincinnati area through the Send Cincinnati emphasis of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. The “send” city emphasis was launched by NAMB the same year as the TBC started the partnership. Baptist leaders in the city saw it as an answer to prayer, said Dennis Holmes of the Cincinnati Area Baptist Association. Tennessee churches wishing to participate in this “send” emphasis are referred by NAMB and Margrave to

the appropriate leader. It can be as simple as praying for a church planter, explained Holmes. Further north on Interstate 75 are the Dayton area and Greater Dayton Association of Baptists. Over five weeks recently 278 Tennessee volunteers from two associations and five churches served 15 churches or entities. Across the entire partnership the association has benefited from a total of 15 teams including about 300 volunteers.

Dayton, Ohio, pastor

“A beautiful transformation” occurred as his church members served with Tennessee Baptists for a week, said James Risner, pastor of Brantwood Baptist Church in Dayton. A team of 43 from First Baptist Church, Andersonville, arrived. They not only involved the older people of the aging congregation, but the Dayton congregation learned that the Tennessee church did not have hundreds of members but only about 100 people attending Sunday morning activities, said Risner. At the end of the week the Ohioans “had a renewed spirit to do VBS on our own” after seeing the team lead Vacation Bible School, said the Ohio pastor. The church also was considering doing more outreach and spending some of its savings on missions. The team “blew my people away,” said Risner. They were left saying, “You’re legit; you’re real.”

Association staffer

To prepare for the influx of volunteers, the Cincinnati Area Baptist Association built a shower trailer but not without the help of Tennessee

Baptists, said Oliver Hawkins of the association staff. Tennessee Baptist Foundation and LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, each gave about $7,500 toward it and Charles Verner of First Baptist Church, McKenzie, completed the plumbing on it while a team from the church was there. Another church making an impact was First Baptist, McKenzie, which helped Lakota Hills Baptist Church, West Chester, Cincinnati, hold a basketball camp this summer. “It was a great success. They had a big attendance and they learned it was a great way to get people into the church,” Hawkins said.

Wilmington, Ohio, pastor

Matt Black, pastor of a church in Wilmington, Ohio, was helped by 64 members of First Baptist Church, Oneida. “We’re still in the “Ah-h-h” phase,” said Black of his experience. “They blessed our socks off.” While the Tennesseans were in Wilmington, “We held onto God and we let Him run.” The Wilmington congregation is “very small” and includes only four men. The Tennesseans did all kinds of things including renovation of the church facility, renovation of a Women’s Center, helping another Baptist church, and leading VBS.

Cincinnati, Ohio, churches

First Baptist Church, Lenoir City, began helping Steve Stanton, church planter, start Velocity Church, Cincinnati, in 2012, reported Oliver Hawkins of the Greater Cincinnati Baptist Association. “It’s been great for them,” he noted. As a result, Jeff Bowden, discipleship/ Volunteers ~ Continued on page 11

October 2014 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 11

Evangelism Highlights Connecting Evangelism, Disciplemaking And Church Planting For too many church leaders, one of the least clear areas of mission is engaging our people in evangelism. We can point to many causes for this challenge, but many times lack of evangelistic effectiveness goes back to leaders not providing a clear pathway forward and simple first steps in sharing the gospel. The SBC Pastor’s Baptism Task Force highlighted these challenges and their findings in their recent report. Turning around our evangelism and baptism decline will take some serious soul-searching and a long-term approach. But there are also some things every pastor can do right away

to rekindle evangelistic fervor. Train everyone to use the 3 Circles: Life Conversation Guide – Teach every person engaged in your church how to share the gospel through the 3 Circles presentation. While there are many evangelism tools out there, we’ve seen 3 Circles work well in numerous settings across North America. It is simple, easy and transferable. And we’ve already seen pastors like Ronnie Floyd, Johnny Hunt and Bryant Wright training their entire congregations on #3Circles on Sunday mornings! You can download the app for free on IOS or Android platforms, order the guides from NAMB di-

rectly, or download the presentation from NAMB.net. Call your people to share Christ on Engage24 (Oct. 14, 2014) – If you prepare your people to share and give them a tool to present the gospel, the final step is to set them up for success by setting a date for action. Over the last three years SBC college students have taken one day in fall to share the gospel with at least one person in their sphere of influence (engage24.org). I invite you and your church to join with them in engaging lost people with the gospel on October 14, 2014 this year. Imagine the impact on your people, your church and

your community if everyone in your church shared the gospel like this church. The people in your church will grow by preparing for this event. They will learn to depend on prayer. And your church will gain a collective momentum that can’t come from any other kind of engagement. Our goal at NAMB is to see 15,000 churches planted in 10 years. But plants don’t just happen. They require disciples who leverage their lives for the gospel, and disciples are made only when believers sow the gospel in the lives of others. As a church leader, will you join me in challenging your church

to live the gospel at home, at work and at play? Will you utilize October as a time of vision casting for your church to engage the world with the gospel? Thank you for your life in Christ and your ministry on His behalf. May God continue to bless you and your church as we continue to live life on mission together. Kevin Ezell is president of the North American Mission Board. For more information about your church participating in Engage 24 or for training using the 3 circles evangelism tool, contact Jack Helton at 614-309-9738 orjackhelton@ scbo.org.

Volunteers ~ Continued from page 10

missions pastor, First, Lenoir City, is featured on a NAMB video which can be seen at namb.net/ video/something-new/.

Beavercreek, Ohio, pastor

John Heading, pastor of a church in Beavercreek, Ohio, near Dayton, said his church was helped by First Baptist Church, Adamsville, and First Baptist Church, Saint Bethlehem, in Clarksville. His church had held a basketball camp last year in a park and drew about 45 kids. With the help of the Tennessee Baptists the church doubled that in a school. Amazingly, he noted, he had never met about 80 percent of the kids who participated. A big draw to the camps is that they are free as opposed to similar

camps in the area which charge about $160 per camper, he noted. This year the Tennessee Baptists also helped the Ohio church hold several block parties which once again drew many people he did not know, even to a block party in his neighborhood, said Heading. This year his church learned they could hold them on neighborhood streets which was more effective than in parks. The Tennessee Baptists paid for everything they did, said Heading. “It was very productive. … We want them to come back anytime.”

Englewood, Ohio, pastor and layman

Layman Steve Madewell of First Baptist Church, Englewood, worked with the Tennessee Baptist teams helping his church

because his pastor, Lee Young, is bivocational and works during the day. Teams from Stone Baptist Association, based in Cookeville, worked at the church and several other churches two different weeks. Stone Association sent 49 volunteers including members of families with children from five churches one week and then 12 from two more churches. Joe Wiles, director of missions, led the first team and Rick Burnett, pastor, Crossroads Community Church, Baxter, led the other team. They did renovation, canvassing for a sports camp, held block parties, and helped move items from one Baptist center to another. For First, Englewood, the good experiences with Tennessee Bap-

tists will draw the church to be more active in the association, said Young, who is interim pastor of the Ohio church. Madewell noted that the church really needed the renovation completed through the labor of the Tennesseans. The time together was “enjoyable. … What a wonderful group of people. We see a change in our church finally. … God bless all of these people,” he stated.

Dayton, Ohio, pastor

David Bonnell, pastor of Eastview Baptist Mission, Dayton, said his small inner-city church was helped and encouraged by First Saint Bethlehem, Clarksville; and First, Adamsville, teams. The team members did a lot of renovation work in the 100-yearold church, including repairing a water-damaged wall and remov-

ing a boiler from the basement. Amazingly, the church made $230 from the 2,100 lbs. of scrap metal from the boiler, he added. The Saint Bethlehem team brought 370 lbs. of canned goods for the church’s food ministry. Members of the church distribute food to about 100 families every week. Tennesseans also helped lead a block party and Backyard Bible Clubs there. Finally they personally cared for the people in the community, Bonnell said. Two Tennessee ladies gave 34 people hair cuts. Also, one Tennessean visited with a man who came to the church for two hours. “They were a great encouragement to our church,” said Bonnell.


Kim Margrave of the TBC staff and all of the Ohio Baptist leaders said they were pleased to see the partnership developing past being “project-driven” to “relationship-driven” and past being a one-time thing or yearly thing to an on-going relationship. “Rather than an event on a calendar, it’s something they are doing together,” she added. Contact Duane Floro for more information regarding the partnership: duanefloro@scbo.org or 614.361.6965.

Page 12 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | October 2014

God Is at Work Even in the Midst of War By Rev. Brian Picard, Pastor Northside Baptist Church, Youngstown, OH As we boarded our flight on July 18 for Israel, we were a bit apprehensive because it was at the peak of the war in Gaza. Those with whom we would be working with assured us that it was relatively safe where we were going, but we would probably have to alter our plans for the South which we ended up doing. Upon arrival, we quickly went through customs without incident and “Jack” (Your Lottie Moon dollars at work) was there to greet us with welcoming arms to take us to our home in one of the Druze villages for the next two weeks. Since they did not have a bomb shelter where we were staying, we were told which room in the house was the safe room in case we came under attack. We thank God we never had to use that room for that purpose. Our first week, we taught English Classes to the Druze children. We had four classes with an average of 40 students each day. Besides teaching English we were able to integrate songs, Bible verse memorization and drama. The parents loved it so much that they’ve asked us to come back again next year and hold the classes for two weeks.

Our second week, we were planning to head South, but it still was not safe; so we prayed and decided to stay where we were. It was one of the best decisions we made. It was at this time, God began to work even greater. Doors began to open up to us that we never could have imagined possible. During our home visits we had the habit of asking the host if we could pray in Jesus’ name to bless their home and most of the time they would let us. One home in particular, we were a little hesitant, but in fact the host heard of our reputation and asked us if we would pray. All of his family members lined up one at a time for their special needs to be prayed for. It was overwhelming to think that people from non-Christian background wanted the healing touch of Jesus and we just had to make ourselves available. Overall, we were amazed at what God was doing in the midst of a time of war, we were able to minister in four churches, share our faith to hundreds of Druze, testify of God’s grace at Armageddon, had five salvations, three baptisms and so much more. We have also been invited to hold a camp at an orphanage. We need your prayers for next year and also your consideration of taking a trip with us. We need ESL teachers and youth workers. If you would be interested and would like more information, please contact Mrs. Nawal Picard: nawalpicard@yahoo.com

PRESS TOWARD THE MARK “Pray Ohio: Stand in the Gap” is the Church in Springdale, Arkansas. Randy theme chosen by President Mark Stinson Davis is the executive director of the Tenfor the 61st annual meeting of the State nessee Baptist Convention. The Tennessee Convention of Baptists in Ohio November Baptist Convention has engaged in a part5-6, 2014 convening at the Liberty Church nership with the State Convention of Baplocated at 7904 Princeton Road Liberty tists in Ohio. Tennessee Southern Baptists Township, OH 45044-9413 to conduct have greatly assisted Mission Ohio. the required business decisions of Mis- Jack Kwok, Ph.D. Mission Ohio will host the 2015 ansion Ohio. Mission Ohio is celebrating 60 Executive Directornual meeting of the Southern Baptist years of a state missionary convention as- Treasurer Convention. SBC President Ronnie Floyd sisting Southern Baptist churches in obey- State Convention has issued a “Call to Columbus” to all the ing the Great Commission in Ohio and to of Baptists in Ohio members of Southern Baptist churches the ends of the earth. We are so grateful to attend the June 16-17, 2015 convenfor the Cooperative Mission Program through which tion and to participate in the accompanying events Southern Baptist Churches support Mission Ohio and scheduled around the annual meeting. “Crossover the worldwide mission outreach of Southern Baptists Columbus” is an intensive effort of evangelistic outto the ends of the earth. reach June 8-13 prior to the SBC annual meeting. Worship is always an integral part of the annual Southern Baptists from all over the nation will gather meeting. This year Jack Kwok, Mark Stinson, Johna- to participate in outreach ministries in Columbus. than Young, Ronnie Floyd, and Randy Davis will Metro Columbus Association is the Mission Ohio preach during the four sessions. Jack Kwok is the Ex- IMPACT Association for 2015. Ohio Southern Bapecutive Director of the State Convention of Baptists in tists from all over the state have been gathering each Ohio. Mark Stinson is the currently elected president year since 2001 to help the IMPACT Association for of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio, and he is that particular year. Please go the www.scbo.org for the pastor of the Trinity Baptist Church in Cambridge, additional information on how you can participate in Ohio. Messengers to the 2013 annual meeting voted “Crossover Columbus” and advance the kingdom in Jonathan Young to preach the Annual Sermon for IMPACT Columbus 2015. the 61st annual meeting. Jonathan Young is the pas- Exciting days lay ahead for Mission Ohio: the cotor of Dayton Avenue Baptist Church in Xenia, Ohio. operative effort of Ohio Southern Baptists to reach Ronnie Floyd is the current president of the Southern 1,000,000 believers in 2,020 congregations by the end Baptist Convention, and he is the pastor of Crossover of 2020. Let’s press toward that mark.

Nawal Picard standing with the directors of the orphanage.

Our team standing with one of the Druze Community Sheikhs. From left to right: Suzanne Hill, Mary Rickert, Jim Rickert, Don Edwards, Brian Picard and Nawal Picard.

How to become a

Christian If you are not a Christian, have never surrendered your will to the Lord Jesus, let me share briefly how you can make this life changing decision. GOD WANTS YOU SAVED. First, you must believe that God loves you and wants you to have peace in your heart and an everlasting life (John 3:16). Second, you must recognize that you are a sinner, that you have done things which have displeased God and that you have separated yourself from Him (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Third, you must believe that Jesus came to this earth, was actually God in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and yet went to a cruel cross, dying for your sins, paying once and for all the penalty of sin (I Peter 2:24). However, it’s not enough just to know these three things. Many of us knew them for years before we ever gave Jesus our lives. Fourth, you must personally ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins (Revelation 3:20). You can pray this prayer now and if you mean it with all of your heart, Jesus will come in just like He said. He cannot lie. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I’m really sorry for my sins, Lord. I ask you now, Lord Jesus, to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, take control of my life, and make me the kind of person You want me to be. I now receive You into my heart. Thank You for coming in. I will follow You all the days of my life. In Your name I pray, Amen.

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