Ohio Baptist Messenger - February 2012

Page 1




Press Toward The Mark. . . . . . . . . . Page 12


Women’s Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 8-9


Chaplaincy Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4



Cleveland Church Planting. . . . . . . . Page 3



Missions Round Table . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2






VBS 2012

Pages 6 and 7

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Publication of the state Convention of Baptists in ohio

Ohio Baptist Messenger FEBRUARY 2012 | Volume 60 No. 1

MOMENTUM ACCELERATING CHURCHES AND LEADERS March 20, 2012 • Lifepoint Church, Columbus MOMENTUM 2012 is just around the corner. I hope that everyone is prayerfully considering attending this great event. This year we again have made some changes. As always we pray that they are good changes that will enhance the conference to encourage your attendance and participation. So what are those changes? • Momentum 2012 has been moved from February to March • Momentum 2012 has been moved from Cedarville University to Lifepoint Church, Columbus (In 2012 this move is to assist in promoting the NAMB emphasis on church planting as part of their Send North America initiative. Columbus is a Send City and Lifepoint is a NAMB sponsored church plant) • Momentum 2012 has been changed from a 2 day event to a 1 day event (that date is Tuesday, March 20th) • Momentum 2012 has its own dedicated website: (www.momentumconference2012.com). Visit the site often for any conference changes or updates. Changes (if any) will be finalized by Thursday, March 1

There will not be any on site meals offered at Momentum 2012 (there are 73 eating establishments within 7 minutes of Lifepoint Church) • The abbreviated LifeWay Book Store will not be on site this year. Instead you will have the opportunity to visit the LifeWay Store at the Polaris Mall (which is less than 10 minutes from Lifepoint Church) • The ladies will have their own afternoon ministry Workshop led by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Genoa BC will be hosting this event and I am sure it will be very rewarding and encouraging for those that attend. • An offering will be taken at Momentum 2012 that will benefit a new church plant in Metro Columbus Association. Come prepared to give. Donations will be tax deductible. Please visit the website for complete Momentum details. I believe you will find the day to be a rewarding experience and a worthwhile investment of your time and energy. Momentum 2012 will be

divided into three sessions (morning, afternoon, and evening). Each session will have praise and worship time as well as two preaching messages. The afternoon session will also include six workshop opportunities for practical ministry insights and ideas. THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FOR ATTENDING MOMENTUM OR ANY OF ITS MINISTRY WORKSHOPS. However, seating will be limited for each conference workshop and seats will fill that day on a first come first serve basis. I believe you will find the speaking line up to be diverse. Each speaker is in a ministry setting that is reaching people for Jesus Christ and each has a unique story to tell. Ben Mandrell is a former collegiate minister that now pastors the Englewood BC in Jackson, TN. He was listed on the Top 10 SBC “Pastors To Watch List for 2010.” He is a young innovative leader in our convention. Ed Litton is the pastor at FBC North Mobile, AL. Ed has a very unique personal testimony that speaks to the goodness of God’s grace through personal tragedy. Jonathan Falwell is pastor of the Thomas Road BC in Lynchburg, VA and is

Homegoing of Sue Sligh

SCBO Administrative Assistant died January 16, 2012. Search “Homegoings” on www.scbo/news for obituary.

Ben Mandrell, Englewood Baptist Church, Jackson, TN

Ed Litton, First Baptist Church, North Mobile, AL

Jonathan Falwell, Thomas Road BC, Lynchburg, VA

Kevin Ezell, NAMB

actively involved in the life and ministry of Liberty University. Thomas Road is the 23rd largest church in America. Kevin Ezell is the new president of the North American Mission Board and has been given the enormous responsibility and task of re-inventing and re-energizing our Southern Baptist ministry in America. The former pastor of Highview BC in Louisville, KY is also the father of six children, three of whom have been adopted from foreign nations. Lee Powell is the pastor at Cedar Creek Church in Perrysburg, OH. The church meets today in three different locations in Northwest Ohio and has an average attendance of more than 8000 weekly. Cedar Creek is the 59th largest church in America. Former Ohio Evangelism Director, David Wheeler, will be back with us this year speaking to the importance and effectiveness of using servant evangelism as a strategic ministry model. David currently serves in three different ministry areas at Liberty University.

Our ladies will also be encouraged this year by the presentation of Jennifer Kennedy Dean. She will be speaking at the ladies luncheon (being held at Genoa BC) and will also lead a workshop session for ladies only concerning “praying for the harvest.” Jennifer is the President of The Praying for Life Foundation and a noted speaker and encourager. As always the music will be outstanding. The preaching will be encouraging and challenging. The peer networking opportunities will be endless and yes, THERE WILL BE FREE MINISTRY RESOURCES for all that attend. I hope to see you there! For more information or if you have questions feel free to contact me at 614-309-9738 or jackhelton@ scbo.org or www.momentumconference2012.com. There Is Victory In Jesus, Jack Helton Evangelism Resource Group Leader

Page 2 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2012

God’s People Said YES! By: Rachael Carter Northcoast Association This past November, Lorain Baptist Church hosted a rededication service for their new sanctuary. During the service, Pastor Dempsey Miller made the following statement, “The insurance company said ‘No,’ the Bank said ‘No,’ but God’s people said ‘YES.’” The statement came about last year when Lorain Baptist Church experienced the collapse of the trusses in their sanctuary roof. After approaching the insurance company, they were told their claim was denied due to faulty trusses. Looking for help elsewhere, they approached the bank. The bank

told them they were too small or not large enough to secure a loan. Thankfully, God’s people heard the need and said ”YES!” With the help of the State Convention of Baptist in Ohio, The Buckeye Builders, Northcoast Baptist Association, and the help of four mission teams from Mississippi, Lorain Baptist Church is once again meeting in their Sanctuary, complete with new trusses, sheetrock, paint and carpet. As part of the rededication service, Pastor Dempsey and Lorain Baptist Church had the privilege of baptizing 2 adult men and a teenage boy. All of this was possible because God called and His people said “Yes.”

SEEKING STAFF Port Clinton Baptist Church on the shores of beautiful Lake Erie is seeking a Bi-vocational pastor. Contact Ivan Dowdle @ 252-933-1972 for further information. First Baptist of Trenton, Ohio SBC is accepting resumes for a Senior Pastor. Please send all resume’s to secretary@fbctrenton.com The Ohio Baptist Messenger (ISSN 0472-7096) is published every other month by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Baptist Messenger; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011.

Jack Kwok, Ohio State Convention Executive Director-Treasurer, Editor; Linnett Snodgrass, Administrative Assistant; Spangler Production & Design, Publication Layout. Published every other month for members of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio. Subscriptions provided out of each church’s Cooperative Program gifts. Member of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.

February 2012 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 3

Pictured are Jack Helton, Bobby Welch, Kara Barnette, and Pastor Tim Barnette.

Cleveland could see 100 new churches in 5 years By Tobin Perry, Baptist Press Jan 9, 2012 CLEVELAND, Ohio (BP) — A church planting renaissance is on the horizon in an unlikely locale. Southern Baptists in Cleveland believe they’re on the edge of something big — a church planting movement that could change the city. But they’ll need Southern Baptist partners from elsewhere to see it come to fruition. “Cleveland needs people who love Jesus,” said Dan Ghramm, a North American Mission Board church planter in West Cleveland. Among the 65,000 people in the area where he works, Ghramm says there are “less than 300 to 400 people in a Gospel-preaching church on Sunday morning.” The numbers don’t get better in other places in metro Cleveland. Forty-two percent of Clevelanders aren’t affiliated with a religious body — Christian or otherwise. Only 5.5 percent are in evangelical churches, compared to almost 40 percent in the state of Mississippi. Despite the fact that Southern Baptists have been involved in Cleveland since the 1950s, there are only eight Southern Baptist churches within the city limits — or one SBC church for every 53,000 people. Five of those churches are less than five years old. Include the population and churches for all of Cuyahoga, Lake and Geauga counties, and that’s one SBC church for every 42,500 people. Southern Baptists in Cleveland and throughout North America are working together

to change that through Send North America: Cleveland — an effort to reach the metro area by connecting church planters with established churches in other parts of the nation. Kevin Litchfield, Send North America: Cleveland’s city coordinator, sees Southern Baptists in the city at the front end of something big. “I’ve never seen this much God-activity in our area,” said Litchfield, who also serves as a church planting catalyst for Cleveland Hope, the local Baptist association in Cleveland. “This time last year we had two church planters in the pipeline. If we really went at it, we could have 20 right now. We could potentially see 15 to 20 churches planted next year.” When Litchfield first came to the association in 2006, less than 2 percent of the association’s budget was going toward church planting; today, it’s nearly half (47 percent). That kind of progress will be required to meet the goals that the Cleveland strategy group has established for the city: starting 100 churches over the next five years and 256 by the year 2020. To reach those ambitious goals, Southern Baptists in and around Cleveland need the help of partners elsewhere. The local strategy group already has built partnerships with churches in Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Alabama and Oklahoma, among others, but more are needed. Churches interested in partnering through Send North America: Cleveland can

get started by visiting namb. net/cleveland and clicking on the “Mobilize Me” button. The Cleveland local strategy group has divided the 1.7 million people in Cuyahoga, Lake and Geauga counties into eight regions, aiming to find a church planter to start a hub church in each region. Those hub churches will, in turn, start multiple other churches. They also plan to start a church planting school within each region. The strategy group tentatively expects to launch five of the eight regions within the next two years. Besides the regions, the group plans to start at least 39 African American or intentionally multi-cultural churches within the Cleveland city limits. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 53 percent of Cleveland residents are African American. James Edwards believes good days are ahead for Cleveland. The pastor of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church and longtime Cleveland resident looks forward to being a part of what God is going to do in the city. “I look at this city like when Jesus was standing over Jerusalem and crying out for the city,” said Edwards, who has lived in the city more than 50 years. “He’s telling His disciples that the harvest is white, the laborers are few. I see people coming to Cleveland, partnering with us to plant churches, seeing people actually come to Christ, learning to be with Jesus like they’ve never been before. Learning more about Him and following in love with Him.

50 Year Anniversary at Clough Pike Baptist Church Clough Pike Baptist Church (Southern Hills Association) celebrated its 50th Anniversary on Sunday November 20, 2011. Greetings and recognitions were given to the church from David Coppedge (Southern Hills Associational Missionary), Jack Helton (State Convention of Baptists in Ohio), and Bobby Welch (Southern Baptist Executive Committee). Brother Welch brought the morning message and a good day of worship, remembrance, and celebration was enjoyed by all that attended.

(L-R) Pastor Tim Barnette and Jack Helton.

(L-R) Pastor Tim Barnette and Bobby Welch.

Page 4 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2012


Visit www.GuideStone.org/CompensationSurvey for more information.

Take the 2012 SBC Church Compensation Survey today…

CHAPLAINCY TRAINING March 9 (6 pm) thru March 10 (8 am—3 pm)

Reynoldsburg Baptist Church 887 Rosehill Road Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 Bring your gear and sleep in the church! Or ask for a list of local motels Pre-registration Required: COST $ 40.00 Includes: snacks, Sat. breakfast & lunch, materials To Register Contact: Al Banner, DR Chaplain Coordinator (937) 885—7872 or Email: Albanner@cbceng.com This training is for men and women who desire to serve as a Disaster Relief Chaplain. This is one step in the process that takes approximately one year and includes other required training in one of the DR Ministries, including Food Service, Child Care, Chain Saw, and Communications. Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is also required and will be provided at a nominal cost in 2013. You must also provide reference letters and complete a NAMB questionnaire.

Visit www.GuideStone.org/CompensationSurvey for more information.

The bi-annual SBC Church Compensation Survey is underway. Sponsored by your Baptist state convention, GuideStone Financial Resources and LifeWay Christian Resources, this year’s survey is again online. In 2010, almost 12,000 church employees participated, and we’re counting on you to make this year’s survey a success. • The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete. • Customized reports on survey results will be available online this summer. For more than a decade, the SBC Church Compensation Survey’s results have been used by finance and personnel committees to establish competitive compensation packages for ministers and support staff. Your participation will help make this year’s survey the most complete yet. Ministers, secretaries and maintenance/ custodial staff are invited to participate. Take the online survey today. Visit www.GuideStone.org/CompensationSurvey by May 31, 2012. © 2011 GuideStone Financial Resources 19083 11/11

Ohio Ministry Assistants Conference at Highland Baptist Ministry Assistants from 16 churches gathered in June 2011 at Highland Baptist Church to attend the first annual Ohio Ministry Assistants Conference. Using the theme Growing Into An Exceptional Ministry Assistant, Mrs. Donna Gandy from LifeWay Christian Resources trained and encouraged Ohio’s Ministry Assistants to “optimize their God-given gifts in ministry service.” OMA Chaplain Norma McMurray (Greater Dayton Assoc.), who encouraged attendees to be like Aaron and Hur in her devotion time, opened the morning session with prayer. Participants enjoyed a catered lunch from Flyer’s Pizza, door prizes, goody bags and the warm hospitality of the Highland

Baptist Women’s Ministry and administrative staff. Following three informative teaching sessions, OMA members held their first annual meeting. Officers elected for 2011-2012 are President

Lisa Townsend, Vice President Valerie Markley (University Baptist, Middletown), Secretary Karen York, Treasurer Cheryl Sellers (Southern Hills Assoc.) and Publicity & Events Coordinator

Darlys Bullock (Urbancrest Baptist Church, Lebanon). Ohio Ministry Assistants is open to any Southern Baptist administrative personnel in Ohio – paid, volunteer or retired. An application form

and further information is available from any OMA officer, on Facebook or at our OMA blog, http://ohioministryassistants.wordpress.com/.

February 2012 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 5

Transformational Church Consultants Available for Ohio Baptists

From left to right: Sandy Wanner (First Baptist of Gahanna), Nawal Picard (Northside Baptist of Youngstown) and Sue and Paul Braun (Reynoldsburg Baptist)

Arab Ministries in the Middle East Your Ohio Team 2011 Mission Trip to Jordan and to Israel was one of the most successful trips ever. We want to thank you for your prayers and support. The team members were made up of three Southern Baptist Churches here in Ohio led by Mrs. Nawal Picard. In Jordan we saw believers strengthened through our Women Conferences. In Israel not only were we able to hold three conferences, distribute over 1,400 pieces of literature and work with our IMB representatives but we led two ladies

to the Lord, one from a Catholic background and the other from the M’lim Driuze background (It was amazing that Jewel became a precious gem in the sight of the Lord Jesus). Also the Lord opened two new avenues of ministry – we were able connect with our friends at The Baptist Village outside of Tel Aviv and we worked with the Bedouin in the southern part of the country. Please continue to pray for the fruits of our labor and our continued yielding to God’s call and His will.

LITERACY WORKSHOPS January 13th & 14th ESL Workshop at Cedarville University 14 Hour Workshop Training with Pam Elkins February 2012 Date to be determined

ESL Workshop at First So. Bapt Church 14 Hour Workshop Training with Teri Kelley South Point, Ohio

February 25th

Mission Round Table display Spring Hills Baptist Church, Granville, Ohio

March – September

14 Hr Workshop training available for English as a Second Language and Tutoring Children and Youth ministries

October 2012 Date to be determined

Literacy Mission Ministries Brunch and Conference. RSVP Required to Teri Kelley

November – December 14 Hr Workshop training available for English as a Second Language and Tutoring Children and Youth ministries If your church is currently involved in Literacy Missions and we have not met or talked about your ministry recently, PLEASE contact me via email at: Terik5@Zoomtown.com so we can get acquainted. I look forward to hearing from you and finding out how God is moving in your ministry. As the new State of Ohio Literacy Missions Coordinator, I will ask that you supply a contact name and phone number as well as an email address. Check out SCBO/Literacy Missions on Facebook! Become our “friend”.

Until the early 80’s most SBC churches were very much alike – we had ‘Five Star churches’ – everybody had Sunday school, discipleship training, worship, WMU, and Brotherhood. The 80’s ushered in the ‘What’s hot now’ Era… the Willowback movement some have called it. We went to conferences hosted by churches telling us how they are doing it, then went home and tried to imitate them… programs were seen as evil, worship wars began, etc. Some succeeded, many crashed, discovering every church is unique, what works there may not work here. We have now entered the Customized Church Era – churches are asking: Who are we? Why are we here, now? Churches are creating a new scorecard. We keep score of what is important. Before it was the ABC’s: Attendance – Baptisms – Cash or Nickels – Noses – New members or Buildings – Budgets – Bodies – Baptisms. We often asked two questions: Did we do better than last year? And did we do better than everyone else? Now the questions become: What does the Father want our church to be and to do? How well are we doing? Is there a secret to transforming believers into disciples? What does it take for a church to be transformational? Why are some churches consistently creating disciples whose lives are being transformed by the Gospel and others are not? To find answers LifeWay conducted a comprehensive research study of the modern American church. It involved contact with more than 7,000 churches and personal interviews with 300 church leaders. Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer share the results in Transformational Church: Creating a New Scorecard for Congregations. The significance and breadth of the Transformational Church research is unprecedented and revealing – God is doing amazing things in today’s churches. We have the evidence of that activity, and the characteristics are apparent. These churches are where disciples are becoming more like Jesus and the church acts more like the body of Christ, transforming their communities and the world for the kingdom of God. But Transformational Church is not a church model or some plug-and-play formula. It’s an organic combination of seven key elements that other churches are using to become transformational. The Transformational Church Assessment Tool (TCAT) gives you a snapshot of the perceived present reality based on the seven elements: missionary mentality, vibrant leadership, relational intentionality, prayerful dependence, worship, community and mission. This powerful online tool can help you quickly assess where your church is strong now and the areas that need development. The assessment is now available through the SCBO website (www.lifeway.com/tc/ohio/). We have fourteen trained consultants in Ohio ready to partner with you to develop strategy recommendations for your church. Contact Steve Hopkins (SteveHopkins@scbo.org or 614-827-1820) or Dwayne Lee (dlee@scbo.org or 614-8271824) for information on how you can enlist a Transformational Church consultant. A ministry of the Cooperative Program giving of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio.

Page 6 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2012



Location: Highland Baptist Church 3460 Hoover Road Grove City, OH 43123








Vacation Bible School Institute





Date: March 9-10, 2012 Full LifeWay VBS Bookstore Acc-u-cut Door Prizes Open House 5:00pm – 7:00pm Friday night • Core Classes • Electives • VBS Musical

Jan. 3 through Feb. 29 scbo.org/register $10.00 per person (Lunch Included) On Site Registration the cost is $15.00 and lunch is NOT included

Attractions: • • • •

Registration & Cost:

Special Guest

Jeff Slaughter

Come see Jeff for his last appearance!

February 2012 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 7

Amazing experience as VBS Ohio Team trained for this year’s VBS This past weekend was an “amazing” way to get our VBSI Ohio team trained by the folks at LifeWay while seeing God’s beauty at Ridgecrest, NC. We had twelve from our State VBS team that were able to make the trip down to Black Mountain. We kicked the event off on Thursday with the worship rally and all of the new moves taught to us by Jeff Slaughter. We then made our way to the first breakout session and didn’t come up for air until our alarm went off at 5:30 AM on Saturday. It was a whirlwind of excitement and we got tons of great ideas for our VBSI Ohio event as well as the regional clinics that will be throughout Ohio. The classes

(L-R) Wendy, Amanda and Dwayne take a test flight.

were great and the theme of Gods Amazing Wonders is just what our world needs to hear in today’s hopeless state. We are praying for all of the communities that you are a part of will be touched through Vacation Bible School this year. Book your trip now for VBSI Ohio March 9-10

Doug Morgan, Debbie Lee, Mike O’Bryant, Dwayne Lee, Karl Chadrick, Amanda Mishne, Wendy Hammock (back row) Lori Wilson, Teresa Johnson, Kelli Watson and Marki Osborn (front row).

at Highland BC in Grove City (Southwest Columbus area) and be a part of the training opportunities that will be offered.

Wendy Hammock Bible Teaching and Leadership Resource Group, SCBO

• Pastors & Directors • Preschool & Kindergarten • Pre-teen/VBX/Youth • Middle Children & Younger Children • Crafts • Missions/Music • Recreation/Snack • Decorating Ideas

Other Information

Door Prizes. Literature on display. Pre-orders made two weeks in advance will be available for pick up at the clinic. On-line order forms will be available 1/31/12 at www.scbo.org.

Dates and Locations:

Northwest Region March 24 - 9am-12pm FBC Perrysburg 590 W. South Boundary St. Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 North Central Region March 29 - 6:30pm-9:30pm FBC Vermilion 6716 W. River Rd. Vermilion, Ohio 44089 Northeast Region April 14 - 10am-12pm Broadman Baptist Church 350 E. Bath Rd. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223

Crosswalk, BGSU, LeAnna Pickerel Disciple House, John Cattell Southside Life Station, Dan Stevenson


Southwest Region April 14 - 10am-12pm FBC Kettering 3939 Swigart Rd. Beavercreek, Ohio 45440

Southeast Region April 28 - 10am-12pm Faith Baptist Church 200 Grove Rd. Belle Valley, Ohio 43717

See www.scbo.org for full contact information.

Prepare now to bring your Royal Ambassador Chapter to the annual Congress. Plenty of fellowship, messages from God’s Word, challenges, individual and chapter competitions, and the famous R. A. Lunch (Hot dog/ chips / drink)!

Cost: $ 10.00 per person

South Central Region April 24 - 7pm-9pm Northview Baptist Church 1139 Northview Dr. Hillsboro, Ohio 45133

Contact: Wendy Hammock, 614-827-1826 or wehammock@scbo.org

The following ministries of Northwest Ohio Baptist Association were advertently omitted from the printer pocket calendar:

APRIL 20 - 21, 2012


VBS Clinics Classes Provided in the Following Areas:



Missions & Ministries

Page 8 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2012


Metro Columbus Christian Women’s Job Corps Celebrates Ten Year History and New Beginnings Metro Columbus Christian Women’s Job Corps (MCCWJC) celebrated its Ten-Year Anniversary on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the Stowe Mission Center in Columbus, Ohio. This true “homecoming” was attended by mentors, participants, volunteers, and supporters associated with the organization. Hugs and smiles abounded indicating the bonds that formed throughout ten years of ministry. The evening began with a potluck dinner coordinated by Jackie Hendrix. People packed the room to capacity! Deric Norris provided keyboard music throughout the evening. The program included testimonies to the ministry over the past ten years. Board President, Elvenor Johns, read a certificate of congratulations from the Ohio House of Representatives. It noted that MCCWJC has achieved a “remarkable record of service to the area by helping prepare women for life by teaching necessary basic life skills including the importance of sustained employment, housing, and child and medical care.”

The Stowe Mission Center Community Kitchen is filled to capacity! Debbie Parker inspires with a song.

Tifani challenges the group to “move beyond fear.”

God through the Holy Spirit, Sanchez resigned her job at AEP, attended Site Coordinator training and took over the reins in April 2003. Sanchez became the instructor for job readiness classHistory and New Beginnings es, computer classes, and the Executive Director, V.J. Bible teacher as well as bookSanchez presented a historical keeper and check writer. Bevoverview on where MCCWJC erly Escobedo assisted with has been and shared her vision the office until she became of New Beginnings. She began employed and could no longer with, “I pour out my praise to volunteer. Then Donna Campthe One who never ceases to bell agreed to assist a couple of amaze me, my God, my Cre- days a week as the bookkeeper ator, Redeemer, Lord, Lover and attended Site Coordinator of my soul, Who sent His only training. She became the AsSon to die for our sins and the sistant Site Coordinator and sins of all mankind! As I think began teaching Bible, Nutriback over the life of Metro Co- tional Cooking, and Preparing lumbus Christian Women’s Job Yourself to be Mentored. Soon, Corps, all I can say is Wow!” Lynn Tibbs became a volunteer. In 2001 MCCWJC was regis- She began teaching Anger Mantered with National Women’s agement Classes and continues Missionary Union and began to do so. It has been amazing classes. Charlene Bingham was watching God bring volunteers the Director of the program one by one. For the past three and Sanchez was one of the years, Sanchez has not had to mentors. After two years, Bing- teach any classes. More classes ham asked Sanchez to consider have been added as volunteers being the Director due to her came forward. Sanchez deretirement. With the leading of clared, “I do not have the words

to describe how humbled I am with how God has chosen to bless MCCWJC. There have been times when I have thought it could not get any better and then God surprises me.” Last year MCCWJC was recognized by four organizations; Columbus Rotary Club, Channel 4 Hometown Hero, Hands on Central Ohio, and The Jefferson Award. Also Eugene Norris was enlisted to site coordinator of Christian Men’s Job Corps and hence a new name - Metro Columbus Christian Job Corps (MCCJC). Norris is working with two male participants using a “oneon-one” approach. “Along with a new name, God has given us a new vision,” Sanchez stated, “during 2011 we have struggled to have participants come to classes. I was wondering what God was say-

Certificate Presentation Certificate of Congratulations from the Ohio House of Representatives

ing to us. Through Bible study, prayer, listening to the Spirit, and meeting with other service organizations, the current staff believes it is time to take the ministry to people who are unable to get to the MCCJC site - New Beginnings!” MCCJC is partners with Infinite Wisdom of Women, a new transitional home for women. Lynn Tibbs is the Director of this program. MCCJC will be able to assist more women in need with this program. God has opened the door for us to begin ministering to Somali women in the Capital Park apartments. We will begin with sewing classes, English as a Second Language, and tutoring for GED in 2012. MCCJC has also been approached by two free medical clinics, Helping Hands Minis-

try on Morse Road and Grace in the Linden area, to bring MCCJC to their sites. God is calling us to MOVE from our comfort zone. We are also partnering with the Vineyard Church to reach the homeless in our community. Sanchez smiled and emphasized, “God does not call us to do anything that He does not equip us to do. The question is, ‘Are we willing to be equipped?”’ Debbie Parker led music for the evening and sang a special selection, “Thank You Lord for All You’ve Done for Me.” Inspirational speaker Tifani Kendrick began her talk by sharing a heart moving poem about trusting God; from fear to faith; bondage to freedom; flesh to His kingdom. She spoke of how God has given us the gift of the Holy MCCWJC ~ Continued on Page 9

Missions & Ministries February 2012 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 9

Women’s MCCWJC ~ Continued from Page 8

Spirit and loaned us talents and skills so that we might glorify Him. She reminded us that God is all about new beginnings through obedience to His Word and we are enlightened, equipped, and empowered for a purpose. Our purpose here on earth is to transform daily in Christ’s image. In order to do that, we must have a vision, write it, speak it, and live it. She challenged us to “be the vision.” Site Coordinator Lynn Tibbs gave an emotionally inspiring testimony of a life with a troubled beginning which was transformed by God. Tibbs told members of the audience they did not have to participate in the activities that can destroy a life. She said, “I have already done that and can testify that it does not work.” Tibbs is a vital leader in the ministry of MCCJC because she can identify with many of the women and can personally testify that she has found a better way through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. V.J. Sanchez shared personal comments about each participant as certificates were presented by Lynn Tibbs and Board Member Sharon McKenzie. It is evident each woman has made positive strides in her life. “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. Submitted by: Sandy Wanner, Ph.D 8035 Ashenden Drive, Blacklick, Ohio 43004 254.541.5021 (cell), 614.604.6251 (home) swanner@insight.rr.com

Upcoming Events Date


February 13-19 February 18 February 25 March 3 March 4-11 March 20 March 24 March 24 April 21 April 28 May 5 May 18-19 June 11-15 June 18-22 July 25-August 3 July 30-August 3 August 6-10 September 14-15 September 16-23 October 12-13 November 8 December 2-9

Focus on WMU Week Children’s Ministry Day Ohio Missions Roundtable Southeast Spring Retreat Annie Armstrong North American Missions Offering Momentum Ladies Luncheon Cleveland Hope Spring Retreat Southwest Spring Retreat Northwest Spring Retreat Beautiful Feet Metro Columbus Spring Retreat SLBA Spring Retreat Kids Kamp 1 Kids Kamp 2 More than Gold Kids Kamp 3 Missions Camp Fall Retreat & Mission Celebration Ray Roberts State Missions Offering Mother Daughter Retreat Pastor’s Wives Luncheon Lottie Moon International Missions Offering

Join Us On Facebook! OWN-Ohio Women’s Network



A Multi-Cultural Christmas

The New Bethel Baptist Church in Norwood, Ohio was the site of a multi-cultural Christmas in 2011 with three congregations meeting in the same facility. The New Bethel Baptist Church Choir presented, “An Old Fashioned Christmas” for the 206 worshippers attending the 11:00 AM service on Christmas morning, December 25. Many of the faithful returned for the 6:00 PM evening service to continue celebrating the Lord’s birthday. Good Shepherd Hispanic Baptist Church in Norwood, sponsored by New Bethel, reported 80 attending their Christmas Eve Service 6:00-9:00 PM, and 40 attending their Christmas Day service at 2:00 PM on Sunday. The Sudanese Baptist Church, sponsored

by New Bethel, hosted a special Christmas service from 12:00 to 7:00 PM on Christmas Sunday. About 200 Sudanese met in the Bayside Building/Family Life Center at New Bethel with groups coming from as far as Nebraska and Tennessee. A spirit of cooperation was evident as three congregations that worship in three different languages in the same facility on a weekly basis coordinated their schedules for the special Christmas services. Surely the Lord was pleased to receive their praise. Kirk Pike is the New Bethel Baptist Church pastor. Submitted by: Chuck Sams

Page 10 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2012

Hispanic Church Planting in Southwest Ohio Julio Pineda and his family moved to the Cincinnati area from the Dominican Republic. Julio had been involved with rapid church planting systems in his home country. He was raised observing and working with missionaries as they planted churches. The system used was a more simple, focused, and streamlined process to start new churches. Julio had brought this knowledge and background to southwestern Ohio and had implemented the process. Julio himself is a church planter. He started an Hispanic church and then discovered and trained the future pastor out of the congregation. He has now set up a small, but effective, church planting center/seminary. Basic yet solid Biblical theology is taught along with church planting principles. This is truly taking shape as a real “farm system” of planting churches. Currently there are twenty plus students. As these students

Pastor and Mrs Julio Pineda

graduate the desire is that they will either start or be a lead member of a new church start. In the last couple of years a new Spanish speaking church has been started in West Chester, Ohio. This new congregation is being planted by Julio’s son David Pineda. They are meeting in the facilities of Liberty Heights church, which is part of the Cincinnati association. Brad Cunningham is the

pastor of Liberty Heights. He led the congregation to opening the doors of opportunity and provided space for the new congregation to meet. Another new Hispanic congregation is in the process of being started from this ministry in the Southern Hills Association. This new congregation plans to meet in the facilities of Urbancrest Baptist Church. Tom Pendergrass is the pastor. He and Minister of Missions Doss Estep along with Mike Wright have been instrumental in helping in this new start. The example these two predominantly Anglo churches have demonstrated by opening their doors to other cultures to have the opportunity to utilize the same facilities for worship is a tremendous asset to Hispanic church starting. Recently, another new church start in the Ohio Valley Association has launched in the western section of Cincinnati. Associational Missionaries Dennis Holmes, Chuck

Sams, and David Coppedge have been open and instrumental in these new starts also. This effective and simple approach to church starting is to be commended. Please put Julio and his Church Planting Center/Seminary on your prayer list. It is always good to see the nations being reached

in our own backyard. As always, thanks to all SBC churches for providing funds through the Cooperative Program to assist in these church starts. Submitted by: Gary Odom, Language Church Starter Strategist, State Convention

Be One in a Million!

Praying for the Horn of Africa • April, 2012 www.prayforthehorn.com and www.scbo.org for more details To order materials contact Amanda Mishne, amanda@scbo.org

During the month of April, God is calling out 1 million people to pray for the 100 million people living in the Horn of Africa: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, and Northern Kenya. Will you be one in a million? For more information, visit prayforthehorn.com.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. —Isaiah 9:2

February 2012 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 11


March 15, 2012 9:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. State Convention of Baptists 9000 Antares Avenue, Columbus

An orientation for new pastors and new staff in Ohio churches is offered in 2012. The orientation will begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude around 3:00 p.m. The orientation provides opportunity for meeting state staff and learning of Cooperative Program resources available to the local church through the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio. Spouses are invited to attend. There is no fee, but advanced registration is required. Contact Linnett Snodgrass (lsnodgrass@scbo.org or 614-8271776) to register.

Homegoing of Jean Sommerkamp Wife of Theo Sommerkamp died December 25, 2011 Search “Homegoings” on www.scbo/news for obituary



$1 $5

Pack of door hangers promoting a new church start Hot meal for a resident at a homeless shelter


Jesus Storybook Bible for teaching grade-school children


Bible for a new believer


Discipleship materials for a small group


Witnessing tools and training for a mission team to share Christ with unbelievers


Supplies for a neighborhood evangelistic outreach event announcing a new church start


Scholarship for an inner-city child to attend a Christian summer camp


Wireless lapel microphone for a new church plant

*Representative of how funds may be used.

Phil Duncan Retires after 21 Years at Jersey Baptist Church Search “Phil Duncan” at www.scbo/news

Page 12 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | February 2012

P r e s s to wa r d t h e M a r k A decade ago, two influential people in my life went home to be with the Lord. Many of you may remember Dr. W. A. Criswell; few, if any of you, would know Mrs. Melton. Dr. Criswell’s sermons, books, and personal encouragement blessed and shaped my life tremendously. As a young student-pastor, I encountered liberalism. Dr. Criswell took the time to share and pray with me. His stand for the inerrancy of Scripture, evangelism, missions, and expository preaching influenced my life greatly. Dr. Criswell’s example strengthened my commitment to Southern Baptists during a time when some Southern Baptists were departing from our historical doctrinal positions. Most of all, Dr. Criswell encouraged me by his love for Jesus. Mrs. Melton helped to introduce me to Jesus. At the time, we lived across the street from the Meltons. She kept my younger sister during the day and me after school until our parents returned from work. One day, she invited my sister and me to Sunday School. At first, we weren’t interested. The idea of “school” didn’t appeal to me. She quickly explained that Sunday School was not an allday event. With a twinkle in her eye

and a smile as big as surprise, they sepaall outdoors, she enrated us. My sister’s couraged us to come destination was betto Sunday School ter than mine. They and learn about Jesus. put her in a room at Due to her encourthe foot of the stairs, agement, it wasn’t a while they directed very difficult deci- Jack Kwok, Ph.D. me to a room at sion. At that time, Executive Directorthe very back of the our family didn’t own Treasurer basement that apState Convention a television. I’m not peared to be as large sure if we even owned of Baptists in Ohio as Carlsbad Cava radio. After my siserns. Apprehension ter and I rode our stick horses had driven all the excitement around the house a dozen times out of us. We didn’t know what or more, there wasn’t that much they did to boys and girls in else to do on Sunday. So we dungeons like this. agreed to go. Relief replaced apprehen Mrs. Melton’s excitement sion when we recognized our about somebody named “Jesus” Sunday School teachers. I did create some curiosity that think Mrs. Melton was my siscontributed to our decision to ter’s teacher; Mrs. Anna Stillgo to Sunday School. We had necker was mine. Mrs. Anna never heard about Jesus; nor was a distant relative. She was did we know what went on in- the sister of the husband of the side the church building. With sister of my stepfather. As I a mixture of anticipation, ex- said, she was a distant relative. citement, and apprehension, Mrs. Anna (who went we joined the Melton family as home to be with our Lord in they walked to church. 2001) would stop sometime They took us into the during the Bible lesson and ask church building through a side each member of the class to door. The building was new share a Bible verse. I couldn’t and still under construction. participate because we didn’t From the brilliant sunshine of have a Bible. She wrote a verse the outside, we stepped into a on a piece of paper for me. dimly lit room. Before our eyes When she asked the next Suncould adjust, some other people day, I quoted John 3:16. ushered us down some stairs Several months later, my into a dank basement. To our pastor shared the entire plan of

How to submit Church News Send all church news and information to Linnett Snodgrass at lsnodgrass@scbo.org For information about the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio and more Baptist Press news, go to our website www.scbo.org.

salvation with me. I repented of my sin and placed my faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. When I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and save me, He actually did it. My pastor (R. A. Bone who went home to be with our Lord in 2005) shared the same Gospel with my mother (who went home to be with Jesus in 2008). She repented of her sin and placed her faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for forgiveness of sin and salvation. Brother Bone baptized both of us in the White River at Batesville, Arkansas into the fellowship of the Calvary Baptist Church. Eventually, all of our family professed faith in Jesus. All of this occurred as a result of Mrs. Melton inviting us to come to Sunday School with her to learn more about Jesus. With tears of joy and thanksgiving, I praise God for Mrs. Melton, Mrs. Anna, and Brother Bone. In Ohio, millions of people don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Some know a lot about Jesus while others know very little if anything. Much or little knowledge about Jesus doesn’t solve the sin problem. Only a personal encounter with Him through repentance and faith in the Gospel yields the only solution to the sin prob-

lem. Jesus alone has paid the penalty for sin. His resurrection proves that the Father has accepted the sin-penalty payment by Jesus on our behalf. Our Father loves all eleven million plus people in Ohio just like He loves the whole world. Jesus died to pay the penalty of sin for all who live in our state as well as the whole world. Thus, salvation is available for all who repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Mission Ohio is our cooperative effort to tell everyone in our state the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Mission Ohio 2020 Vision is to reach 1,000, 000 believers in 2020 congregations by the end of 2020. We must have more local churches to reach all the people groups in Ohio. I remember Dr. Criswell saying once that great preachers don’t make great churches; great churches make great preachers. Without question, churches become great because of members like Mrs. Melton. Mission Ohio needs thousands of missionary church members like Mrs. Melton who will be continuously asking boys and girls plus men and women, “Would you come to Sunday School (or Bible Study) with me to learn more about Jesus?” Let’s press toward that Mark.

How to become a

Christian If you are not a Christian, have never surrendered your will to the Lord Jesus, let me share briefly how you can make this life changing decision. GOD WANTS YOU SAVED. First, you must believe that God loves you and wants you to have peace in your heart and an everlasting life (John 3:16). Second, you must recognize that you are a sinner, that you have done things which have displeased God and that you have separated yourself from Him (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Third, you must believe that Jesus came to this earth, was actually God in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and yet went to a cruel cross, dying for your sins, paying once and for all the penalty of sin (I Peter 2:24). However, it’s not enough just to know these three things. Many of us knew them for years before we ever gave Jesus our lives. Fourth, you must personally ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins (Revelation 3:20). You can pray this prayer now and if you mean it with all of your heart, Jesus will come in just like He said. He cannot lie. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I’m really sorry for my sins, Lord. I ask you now, Lord Jesus, to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, take control of my life, and make me the kind of person You want me to be. I now receive You into my heart. Thank You for coming in. I will follow You all the days of my life. In Your name I pray, Amen.

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