Ohio Baptist Messenger - Oct 2011

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October is Cooperative Program Emphasis Month in SBC life.


Haiti Trip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Worship 4:24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Momentum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11



Sunday School Focal Point. . . . . . . . Page 4

The scope of all that is SCBO

See Page 9

See www.sbco.org and www.sbc.net for more details.

Press Toward The Mark. . . . . . . . . . Page 12

Publication of the state Convention of Baptists in ohio

Ohio Baptist Messenger OCTOBER 2011 | Volume 59 No. 5

58th Annual Meeting November 2-3, 2011 Lima Baptist Temple • 982 Brower Rd • Lima OH 48801

Theme: Mission Ohio Reaching the Unreached, Acts 1:8

Jack Kwok Executive Director, State Convention of Baptists in Ohio

Ron Hopkins Pastor, Briggs Road Baptist Church

Mark Wilson Pastor, North Fairfield Baptist Church

Steve Davis NAMB Vice President of Midwest Region

Wednesday Afternoon: Reaching the Unreached in “Jerusalem”

Wednesday Evening: Reaching the Unreached in “Judea”

Thursday Morning: Reaching the Unreached in “Samaria”

Thursday Afternoon: Reaching the Unreached “To the ends of the Earth”

Bhutan/Nepal Churches Have Amazing Story of God’s Power! Find out where God is at work and then join Him! We all have heard and quoted this now famous line of Henry Blackaby. However, sometimes in order to do that we must have missionary hearts and missionary eyes and stop our busy planning, processes, and meetings and be ready to respond to what God has already set in place. This takes the pressure off and puts us in a position to simply “go with the flow” of what God is doing. The work is easier and more powerful. Let me tell you about three Bhutanese churches that have been started by the Lord here in Ohio! Many citizens of Bhutan were put in refugee camps in Nepal due to ethnic cleansing. Some of these people have spent eighteen years or longer in these camps. Christ found a way to enter the camp and many of these predominantly Hindu people became Christians. The processes were set in motion and they were sent to stations in the United States awaiting further notice. A layman in

Baptism Kids from the Grace Nepali congregation in Cincinnati heading off to school for the first day with newly donated book bags.

Georgia named Jim Sloop became involved. He and a Bhutanese/Nepali pastor named Tek Dharnal set a plan in motion. They had never done anything like this before, but they knew these people would be “assigned” to different areas in the United States to live and make a new life. Jim Sloop and Pastor Dharnal made

efforts to ensure that a Christian leader would be assigned with each group. One group was assigned to Cincinnati, another in Columbus, and another in Dayton. Jim Sloop met with Southern Baptist leaders in each city to ensure follow up would happen. Associational Missionary Dennis Holmes became the

contact person in Cincinnati. He arranged for Creek Road Baptist Church to have a meeting place for the yet to be formed congregation. David Smith is Pastor at Creek Road. The group had 60 in a recent worship service and several are scheduled to be baptized. I recently had the great experience of meeting the pastor of the Bhutan congregation in a BHUTAN~ con’t. on page 2

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Bhutan ~ Continued from Page 1 house where a large number were living. Their excitement and planning ability amazed me. They are meeting the new arrivals as soon as they come to the airport and immediately take them to a house, invite them to the church and share the gospel with them. The name of this church is the Grace Nepali Baptist Church. Another group is meeting in the Sharon Woods Baptist Church in Columbus. Associational Missionary Rich Halcombe and Sharon Woods pastor Jim Dreisbach made plans for the new congregation to meet in these facilities. This congregation is called the Emmanuel Nepali Christian Fellowship. They are focused on reaching the Nepali speaking people in the Columbus area. They also have a strategy of meeting the new arrivals at the airport and introducing them to the church and the gospel. When possible they help them with housing and transportation needs. More than a dozen have made decisions to trust Christ over the past month, according to Pastor Dreisbach. This newly formed congregation is averaging close to thirty in attendance at this time. Almost 40 were in at-

tendance in the last meeting.

by Pastor Dharnal. This was to give the leaders training and a simple and easily reproducible strategy to reach these people for Christ as they arrived in their new cities. Bhutan and Nepal are relatively small countries sandwiched in between China and India. However, this is where God is doing a remarkable work and His work is spreading throughout the United States. I have been around church starting and missions for many years in the United States and as an International Missionary in South America and have had the wonderful privilege of seeing God work over the years; however, this simple, powerful, and humble way of starting churches is truly an example of finding out where God is at work and then joining Him! These wonderful people have made tremendous sacrifices and have experienced hardships for many years. From what I can gather one of the greatest needs is more transportation for the pastors. In Cincinnati the pastor was making as many as five trips to load up his well worn vehicle and go back and forth picking up the people to bring them to

Pastor Raj leading the Grace Nepali congregation in Cincinnati in worship.

church. If you have a van or can help with these transportation needs that all of these congregations are experiencing, call any of the Associational Missionaries in Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton. If you have transportation you feel God wants you to donate please give the Associational Missionaries or Pastor Dries-

bach, Kershaw, or Smith a call. The State Convention and the Associations are planning on helping with financial assistance to these well deserving leaders. It is a tremendous opportunity to see the Cooperative Program dollars ready to be used. Let’s all keep our hearts and eyes open and find out

where God is working and then join Him! Gary Odom Church Planting Resource Group Leader/Language Strategist State Convention of Baptists in Ohio

Approximately ten have been baptized and more are scheduled to be baptized. Another congregation is meeting in the East Dayton Baptist Church where Brian Kershaw is the pastor. Don McMurry is the Associational Missionary in Dayton. This church is averaging around twenty in attendance. They have the same strategy of meeting the new arrivals and helping with housing and transportation, as well as sharing the gospel and involving them in the church. Like the other two congregations most of these people come from Hindu backgrounds. The church in Dayton is helping with transportation needs and English as Second Language needs. As each of these groups was being formed a training session was held in Georgia led The Ohio Baptist Messenger (ISSN 0472-7096) is published every other month by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Baptist Messenger; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011.

Jack Kwok, Ohio State Convention Executive Director-Treasurer, Editor; Linnett Snodgrass, Administrative Assistant; Spangler Production & Design, Publication Layout. Published every other month for members of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio. Subscriptions provided out of each church’s Cooperative Program gifts. Member of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.

October 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 3

2011 Youth Camp Roundup


By Tim Binns We knew that God was up to something when camp reservations began earlier than ever this year. One week of camp maxed out in reservations before April was over. We just did not know what God planned to do. At one time over 1,200 were registered to attend the three weeks of camp but after cancellations and “no shows” just over 1,000 were in attendance. We did not have the high numbers we thought we were going to have but God showed up any way. After two weeks of camp over 40 salvation decisions and over 40 surrendered to the call of the ministry were recorded. Those numbers could have been counted as a good year, but God was not finished. The last week of camp was the largest youth camp with 434 in attendance. The Lord took control of the camp and made changes on the fly including an invitation in the morning Bible Study where over 30 responded to the call to full-time ministry or missions. After the week was over, the total number of decisions made was 307, where 53 were salvation decisions and 64 were called to full-time vocation ministry or missions. Decisions were even made by adults in attendance. One Vietnam veteran chaperoning for his church called home to tell his wife that he needed to go back to Vietnam this time carrying the Word of God to share with the people whom he once hated. Thank you for supporting youth camps at Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly through your cooperative program giving as well as your giving to Ray Roberts State Missions Fund. Next year’s camps are all planned with speakers Brent Gambrell, Scott Dawson and Dave Edwards as well as Tim Binns teaching in the morning sessions, July 9-13, 16-20 and 23-27. Registration information can be found at www.scbor.org/youth.

i a M s b M i s s i O n s . C O M

2011 Lottie

Moon Christmas Offering®

National Goal: $175 million

Week of Prayer for International Missions: December 4 – 11, 2011 Our church goal: __________________________________________ The International Mission Board is a Southern Baptist Convention entity supported by the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of WMU®.

Record Attendance at VBS: Living Hope Church in Marysville is a two-

year old church plant. We held our VBS from July 11-14 and our theme was. “Pirates: In Search of the One True God.” We had a record attendance of 150 kids registered and nearly 1/3 of them were un-churched!

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Sunday School Focal Point “Strike up the Band” Luke 15:10 says, that “There is joy (Rejoicing) in the presence of the angels over one sinner that repents.” Based upon this verse one would believe that Heaven gets excited over a sinner that comes to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. There is probably a “fan fair” going on in the midst of the angels because of someone coming to Christ. So if heaven can get excited about seeing a sinner becoming a saint how about you and your class? Do you get excited? When is the last time your class was responsible for seeing someone come to Christ? When is the last time your class was able to celebrate the salvation of a lost soul? The simple fact of the matter is outreach/evangelism is a strategic part of your class strategy!

I believe one of the reasons Sunday school classes miss the opportunity of outreach is because of one word, Evangelism. The truth is most people within our churches and Sunday school classes are afraid of the “E” word. Surely we do not have people who think that evangelism is the sole responsibility of the pastor or deacons? I would think that our regular church attendees have heard Matthew 28 enough to know that it is the Great Commission of church to go and tell! So what are some things we can do to help our classes get out of our circles and into the lives of the community? Pray – Start calling out the names of lost people to God. The class should have a list of lost people you are praying for.

Evangelistic gatherings – Plan on the number of evangelistic gatherings your class will do and place them on the calendar immediately. Invite, invite and invite and then do the activity well! Prospects – Have your class make a list of un-churched prospects. Begin praying over this list and begin including them in your activities.

Intentional – Plan, promote, and pull the trigger on getting out in the community. Get involved so they know who you are.

This will help your class get started in reaching the lost in your community. May you celebrate just like heaven the next time someone comes to Christ because it has been a result of your class being faithful to the call of reaching the lost!

Consistent - Being in the community or scheduling an outreach project is not a one time thing or a once a year activity. It should be a consistent lifestyle of the class.

Blessings, Dwayne Lee The Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group

A Priceless trip to El Salvador Sidewalk chalk, $1, box of Crayons, $0.40, balloon with a piece of string attached, pennies, a week in El Salvador where all these items, were treasures that brought smiles and laughter…PRICELESS. I had the opportunity this summer to go with IMPULSE Missions (Pastor Bill Hayes, www.impulsemissions.com) to El Refugio, El Salvador for seven days. After a crazy day of cancelled flights and broken planes, we made it to El Salvador with only about 30 minutes before our first church service was to begin. The week began at a fast pace and continued that way until it was time to return home. We worked with three different churches during the week. We held Vacation Bible School in the morning and the afternoon on Monday and Tuesday. With over 120 kids attending each session, we were able to minister to the mothers and the children during this time. On Wednesday, we headed a bit out of town to help a church put in a concrete floor, the old fashioned way…. a lot of muscle, gravel, sand and water. The church was thrilled to finally have a real floor as opposed to the existing dirt floor. They took such pride in the

place where they came to worship the Lord. While the men worked, the ladies held a Bible class for the women and children. During this same day, we passed out hygiene supplies, school supplies and 60 bags of food, enough to feed each of the families for a week. On Thursday, we headed to a different church where we painted the inside of the sanctuary, as well as held a Bible class for the kids in the afternoon. During this week, I was constantly reminded how much we have and how little we are thankful for in our blessed lives. These people welcomed you into their hearts and lives. They had a desire to learn and were hungry for the word of God. We had the opportunity to pass out tracts in a small village one afternoon. We handed a man a tract, and he was eager to receive something from us. When we returned down that same street some time later, he was still standing there reading every word on the page. What a blessing!

After only six days in El Salvador, my heart didn’t want the ministry time to end. I missed my family back home, but wasn’t ready to say goodbye to these new friends. I look forward to returning someday. God is working in many places, and it was a priceless experience to play a small part in His work this summer in El Salvador. Rachel Carter North Eaton Baptist Church Grafton, Ohio

October 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 5

Journey to Haiti a blessing to FBC Groveport members By Dawn Bellamy On June 10, 2011, eight members of FBC Groveport departed from Columbus to begin a journey to Haiti. We met up with twenty-two others from Urbancrest Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale and flew out bright and early the next morning to Port Au Prince. Driving thru the streets of Port Au Prince and seeing the living conditions among the ruin of the earthquake was overwhelming. Tent cities stood in the shadows of the rubble and people were everywhere. We were on sensory overload and this was just the drive to the guesthouse. We were blessed to be able to worship on Sunday at a church in Callebasse. Even though the worship service was in Creole, it was evident that we were worshiping the same God and His Spirit was present. There were many opportunities to reach out to the Haitian people throughout the week. At least one person from our small group of eight was present at each of the following activities: constructing a home for a family; assisting at medical clinics; working at the Creche, the onsite orphanage where we stayed; ministering to those at Wings of Hope,

an orphanage for special needs children and young adults; leading VBS for 200 children over two days; and praying for and distributing food to the people of Kanez, which is a village of stick and mud huts many miles away from the city. As much as we prepared for our mission trip, there was really no way to comprehend what it would be like until we actually got there and experienced it first-hand. We expected to bless those we were serving, but they blessed us beyond imagination. From the hugs of the children, the gratitude of the Haitians and the pure worship they gave from their hearts to God, we walked away knowing they were the ones who knew of His riches. They fully rely on God for everything. If you think you do not have anything to offer on a mission trip, think again. Our FBC team ages ranged from 17 to 50 something. Six of us had never been on a foreign missions trip before, but answered the call when God chose us. If you listen, He might just be asking you to go. Say yes – you will be glad you did! Matthew 25:37-40: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?”

FBC Groveport Team (L to R): Becca Bryant, Denny Bryant, RandaLemaster, Phil Moore, Nancy Wilkerson, Lynn Moore, Marcia Price, and Dawn Bellamy

When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Praying with a man at Kanez

Upcoming Events Event


Unreached People Urbancrest Baptist Group Summit Church Lebanon

Date & Time Contact Sept. 31- Oct. 1


Seeking Pastor

The First Baptist Church, Lancaster, Ohio, is receiving resumes for the position of Youth & Young Adult Pastor. Send resumes to 1950 Pleasantville Rd. NE, Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Attention: Dr. John K. Beckett, Sr. Pastor.

Seek Briggs Road Oct. 15 BRBC Office - 614.272.7430 Baptist Church 9 am-6 pm Salean Marolt - 614.599.2175 sjmarolt@rrohio.com Amy Gifford - 614.519.5912

Van Needed

9 Marks Healthy Church Conference

Huber Heights First Baptist Church 5875 Shull Road Huber Heights

Oct. 28-29 6:30 pm Arrival

Facebook = 9marks.org/ events = gdab.org

Church searching for a good, used 15-passenger van to purchase for the ministry. Please contact: First Baptist Church, Barnesville 94 Shady Lane Barnesville, OH 43713 (740) 425-2231

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spirit Location: Cedarville University 251 N. Main St. , Cedarville OH. 45314 800-233-2784 Date: January 27-28, 2012 Friday 10:00am – 8:30pm Saturday 8:30am – 3:30pm

Breakouts: Worship Identity, Praise Team, Children’s Choir, Keyboard, Vocals, Percussion, Bass Guitar, Lead Guitar, CCLI Topics, PA System Technics, and more! Event Information: • Advanced Registration Open through December 21, 2011, $30.00 • Registration After December 21 through January 18, 2012 - $49.95 • Register at www.worship424.com • Friday Night concert included • High School & College Students reduced cost

GUEST ARTISTS: Gateway Worship Led by Pastor Thomas Miller, Gateway Worship is a dynamic team of worshippers from Gateway Church (in Dallas/FortWorth, Texas) who are passionate about the Lord and proclaiming His greatness. Their high-energy, impactful worship helps to usher people into the presence of the Lord. All the members of Gateway Worship are actively involved at Gateway Church, and their music is birthed out of a desire to serve the church. They have three internationally-released live praise and worship albums, Living For You, Wake Up The World and their newest album, God Be Praised. Gateway Worship’s desire is that others will connect intimately with the Lord and hear His voice so that more of His character and nature can be found in all of us!

+ truth


Cedarville University

October 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 7

Bible Study and Discipleship Resource Giveaway

EPOCH – Learning to live as a missionary Youth Camp 125+ Youth from Southern Hills Baptist Association attended a “missionary training” camp, June 26 - July 1 in Greenfield, Ohio. Steve Canter, NAMB and Jonathan Yarborough, Appalachian State University trained youth and adults in the EPCOH church planting process. After lunch youth assisted Greenfield church planter Winson Wagner. Youth were divided into six teams: VBS Team, Soccer Camp Team, Nursing Home Team, Block Party Team, Construction Team, and Prayer Walking/Evangelism Team. In the evening youth participated in team time and worship. Youth Teams reported eight pro-

fessions of faith and visited 450+ homes. Over 40 were enrolled in the Soccer Camp and 25+ in VBS. Brian Frye, SCBO and nine NAMB Collegant Missionaries assisted with evangelism and music. Jeff Smith and Chuck Engle Southern Hills Youth Leaders were co-camp directors. Over 25 men and women from SHBA’s churches served as counselors, team leaders, and cooks. Northview Baptist Hillsboro, Pastor, Kenny Cousar, sponsors the Greenfield plant and FBC Mt Orab, Pastor, Pastor Tim Cline is a partnering church.

The Bible Teaching and Leadership Resource Group has done some summer cleaning and has developed a collection of outdated materials from the Resource Lending Library that we would like to give away. We are inviting anyone who is interested to come and take materials that would be useful to you or your church. The giveaway is based on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like to come and view our materials just give us a call or email to set up a time. A list of the materials is also available upon email request. For more information please contact: Ashley Stickel Ashley@scbo.org 614-827-1822 Bible Teaching and Leadership Resource Group

Church Planting Q & A Day Urban Churches

Rural Churches

African American Churches

IF you have serious questions about being a Church Planter; IF you have casual questions about Church Planting; IF you want to know more about the process, qualifications, and opportunities to plant a church in Ohio; IF you are a pastor and want to dialogue with state leaders about being a sponsor church to a new church plant; IF you want to know where the opportunities are to sponsor a new church plant in Ohio; THEN , this potential church planters and potential sponsor church Q & A Day is just what you are looking for! Join us in an informal setting where you can find out more about planting or sponsoring a new church in Ohio. You will be able to meet the Church Planting Resource Group leaders, church planters, and church starter catalysts who will be able to answer your questions and give church planting information. Lunch will be provided. Join us on October 13, 2011 at the State Convention offices at 9000 Antares Avenue, Columbus, Ohio from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Charlotte Barbo at cbarbo@scbo.org or 614-827-1804 or Gary Odom at GaryOdom@scbo.org or 614-309-9743. Registration Deadline is October 3, 2011.

Contemporary Churches

Language Churches

Traditional Churches

Missions & Ministries

Page 8 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | October 2011


Ladies Fall Retreat Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly Seventy-five women representing all age groups traveled to Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly for a two day retreat. It was a time to rest, build relationships, and reflect on where God is working in and through His daughters in Ohio. On Friday night the image of stepping stones representing life choices was used by speaker Penny Litchfield to share how God grows endurance, joy, and patience in His daughters. The highlight of the weekend was an hour alone with Jesus on vesper hill, the prayer garden, and in the chapel. Sarah Deible vividly used her life story to share that surrendering her whole heart, mind, and soul freed Jesus to enlighten her similar to Saul when he understood the straight path set before him.

Ohio Baptists, our path is clear. God has given our convention a clear vision of one million believers in 2,020 congregations by the end of 2020. Look and see where He is at work in your part of Ohio and join Him today!

Jobs for Life certificates received

R.E.L.Y. CWJC & CMJC in Woodsfield, Ohio, held their first celebration on Saturday, September 17, 2011, with five women receiving certificates for completing the "Jobs for Life" curriculum. After enjoying a wonderful dinner, VJ Sanchez, CWJC Coordinator for Ohio and the Site Coordinator for Metro Columbus Christian Job Corp, was the guest speaker. Present were participants and mentors, as well as the instructor Pastor David Hull-Frye, and participant's family and friends. Our name, R.E.L.Y. stands for resources, education, links and

Participants pictured left to right: VJ Sanchez, Metro Columbus CWJC, Lauratta Ronevich, Cheryl Milligan, Sheila Walkley, Site Coordinator, Angie Miller, Rebecca Inherst and Sheryl Pierce

you. Anyone interested in being enrolled in the program, mentoring or serving on the Board of Directors, or being an

instructor, please contact Sheila Walkley at relycwjc@yahoo. com or 740-213-5604. There is no cost to attend.

Offering taken at VBS for Pure Water, Pure Love Ministry

Resting in Jesus to hear His voice and obey.

Building relationship in the Ray Roberts Coffee Shop where $98.00 was donated to the State Mission Offering.

Every year Trinity Baptist Church in Cambridge takes up an offering during VBS to be used to support various mission ventures. This year the church felt led to give this money to the Pure Love, Pure Water ministry through WMU. Pure Water, Pure Love is a great ministry because it provides clean water that can be used by missionaries serving in areas where safe drinking water is difficult to find. During the week, the children gave $241.15 to be used to purchase water filtration systems for our missionaries. If you are looking for a good ministry to support, we encourage you to consider Pure Love, Pure Water.

Upcoming Events Date

Event Location

October 14-15

Mother Daughter Retreat

Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly

November 3

Pastors’ Wives Luncheon

West Central Baptist Association

For more information on these events visit www.scbo.org/wmm

Penny asks, “How are you celebrating the joy that He is growing in you through your life challenges?”



Join Us On Facebook!

OWN-Ohio Women’s Network

October 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 9



REALM now available! The scope of all that is SCBO

The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio is excited to announce the release of the 2012 edition of The REALM! Produced annually, The REALM is designed to communicate events, ministries and resources of SCBO for the current year. This is the third year we have offered this resource as a companion piece to our other forms of communication. Your church should have already received a copy of The REALM in the mail. If not, or if you need additional copies, please contact Linnett Snodgrass at 614827-1776 or lsnodgrass@scbo.org. We will also have copies of The REALM available at the 2011 Annual Meeting being held on November 2 & 3, 2011, at the Lima Baptist Temple.

Vacation Bible School Made Easy The team effort of two churches to come together and conduct VBS was amazing. Those two churches were, First Baptist Church and Clyde Baptist Church. When either church didn’t feel that they could conduct VBS on their own, Dan suggested that they come together and through their commitment to reach their community Jesus was glorified and proclaimed. Being well organized and equipped is the answer to having a VBS that runs smoothly. Most Kids know when you are ready and prepared for them and they act accordingly. There are exceptions to every rule. Such as, one little boy was pointed out to me after the first day as being disruptive. The next day I took him aside and shared with him the expectations I had for him and he acknowledged that he understood. So, in return I made him boss of being good and he became a model student. Make plans now for the 2012 Vacation Bible School to your community. Remember, with planning and preparation, God can use you beyond what you could have imagined. Check out the website for further details. www.scbo.org Say “Yes To VBS” Dan Duffy, Associational Missionary to NorthCoast Baptist Association

What’s Inside The Realm:

Page 10 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | October 2011

Read The Bible for Life

Did you know that when you gathered for worship Sunday, 68% of the people attending had not opened their Bible at all last week or the week before that? In fact, according to LifeWay Research, only 16% of church attenders read their Bible daily! In his book The Shape of Faith to Come, Dr. Brad Waggoner states that the most common characteristic of growing Christians is that they read their Bible daily (p. 68). In spite of all we do to follow the Great Commission and make disciples, the most basic characteristic escapes 84% of our church members. It is time for us to do something about that...! There is a new resource available to help you lead your church to read the entire Bible in 2012. Read the Bible for Life by Dr. George Guthrie, Professor of Bible at Union University was released early this year. As a personal testimony, I have been using his One-Year Chronological Reading Plan for my devotional time, and it has been great. The book gives readers an opportunity to learn how to read the Bible in a way that they can apply it and that means something to them. Contributors to Read the Bible for Life include David Platt, Darrell Bock, Michael Card, and others who have spent years researching and teaching their respective areas of study. The book, written in a narrative interview style, presents 16 conversations about reading the Bible more effectively. There are also chapters such as “Reading the Bible with the Family” and “Reading the Bible in Sorrow and Suffering.” Guthrie states: “My purpose with this book and the entire initiative is to facilitate a conversation with people on how to read the Bible more effectively and meaningfully. I want to show individuals how practical and relevant the Bible is to their lives. …Bible liter-

acy is not about Bible trivia. It’s about understanding how the parts of Scripture—the stories, psalms, etc.—work, how the Bible’s larger Story fits together, and how the Scriptures apply to life. The Bible has shaped history, culture, and literature. It has the power to shape and profoundly affect our lives.” Some ideas for implementing Read the Bible for Life: • Read the book, Read the Bible for Life, by George Guthrie. • Provide Read the Bible for Life Discipleship Groups during the fall semester at your church (Video curriculum available from LifeWay – 9 week series). • Beginning January 1, distribute chronological annual Bible reading plans to your church members (January 1 falls on a Sunday in 2012) • Consider preaching through the Bible in 2012. Simply choose a text from that week’s Bible readings. Encourage your people to email you with testimonies and stories of how reading the Bible daily is impacting their spiritual growth. Get permission to share some of these stories each week in your sermon. Go to www.bhpublishinggroup.com/readthebible for additional resources and ideas, including a free Churchwide Initiative Guide.


“In the church’s dry desert of biblical illiteracy, this book is a drink of cold, refreshing water. With pastoral

sensitivity and practical skill, George Guthrie is equipping us to know, understand, and apply the treasures of God’s Word in a way that will transform our lives and our communities for the glory of our God. I wholeheartedly recommend Read the Bible For Life for every Christian and every leader in the church.”

—David Platt, New York Times best-selling author of Radical “The genuine give and take of conversation is key to the Christian community’s deeper grasp of the Scriptures. Read the Bible for Life is a celebration of biblical conversation between friends who really love the Word. Hopefully, lots of people will join in.” —Michael Card, award-winning musician and author “In a culture where biblical illiteracy continues to spread like the proverbial plague, George Guthrie has introduced a healing medicine in the form of Read the Bible for Life. This overview of the Bible’s nature and content will be welcomed in churches intent on developing biblically grounded followers of Christ. The book’s conversational approach provides an easy entry for a generation that tends to read only headlines. With fresh insights for the long time student of God’s Word and accessible material for new students, I recommend it for all believers.” —Ed Stetzer, Co-author of Transformational Church Submitted by: Steve Hopkins, Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group Leader

Stumbling Into God’s Work My name is Mike Puckett and I serve as the campus director for Crosswalk at Kent State University. My wife Kelly and I just celebrated our one year anniversary of being in Ohio as a part of the Ohio Collegiate Ministries family. We moved to Ohio from Charlotte, NC, to start Crosswalk at KSU from scratch and in a year, our ministry has grown and developed and even crossed over to the campus of University of Akron. Our ministry happens primarily in small group Bible study settings and one-on-one meetings over coffee. Throughout the week I have five different small groups happening in coffee shops, on campus or in homes - some of them are more well-attended than others. I had all but decided to call it quits with one of the groups because there weren’t many stu-

dents coming regularly - but because a few students told me it was their only way of being connected, I kept it going. Last week, one of my students brought a friend with her. She told me she had invited Amanda and expected her to come. Amanda did end up coming but our Bible study conversation never happened. I was growing a little frustrated, wondering why I was sitting at a coffee shop talking about almost nothing with some students, obviously not getting into what we had planned, rather than being home, spending time with my wife. We had been sitting around for a little over an hour and a half when Amanda mentioned that the reason she had come to the small group in the first place was because she knew she needed to get her life back on the right track with God and this was her

first step in doing so. I asked her some probing questions - specifically, “What constitutes a relationship with God?” She gave me some vague answers that it meant knowing God and having him looking out for you. I then followed up by saying, “If having a relationship with God is what it means to be a Christian, then in your opinion, what does it take for someone to become a Christian?” She said that going to church, reading your bible and knowing God is the way to become a Christian. I showed her Ephesians 2:110 on my ESV Bible app and explained that those things are a result of a relationship, not the gateway to it in the first place. I also explained that only Jesus can make us right with God and I used the bridge analogy to describe the gospel to her. I

also broke down the “ABCs” for her, pointing out that she had already admitted her status as a sinner and her need for Jesus, she believed that Jesus died for her sins and defeated them by rising again, but that she needed to confess Christ as her Lord and savior and what that meant. When I asked her what would keep her from wanting to pray to accept Christ, she said she just needed people to pray with her. I looked at my two students sitting with me and asked if they would be willing to do that, and they were ecstatic about it. Amanda and I prayed through the sinner’s prayer, then I and each of my students prayed, praising God for her salvation and asking for guidance for her in her new life With Christ. When we ended our prayer, she was crying joyfully

and we traded hugs and kept on talking. As a college student at Appalachian State University, I missed out on college ministry but met Christ and then connected with the BCM through Jonathan Yarboro and eventually was offered a position on staff as a NAMB missionary. This experience changed my life and as a result, God called me to this full time which is why I do what I do. Collegiate ministry will be pivotal as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission in this generation and I am grateful to be a part of this exciting movement. I want to thank Ohio Baptists for supporting collegiate ministry. Serving on campus is a dream come true because I get to be on the front lines, watching God transform college students. Thank you for making this possible!

October 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 11

The Evangelism Resource Group invites you to attend the 2012 State Evangelism Celebration

Make plans to attend. 5G Evangelism Connection Likely, you are familiar with 4G networks, the latest and fastest way to communicate electronically. But, you may be unaware of the 5G evangelism connection, the most effective and biblical way to communicate the gospel. 5G evangelism involves:

1. Godly Presence

A Godly presence is the necessary foundation and framework of evangelism. There is no substitute for “being there,” connecting with people where they are – where they live, work, and play. Jesus provided our pattern when He became flesh and dwelt among us. Now, He has sent us to flesh out the great commission among others. Being missional requires an incarnational, relational, and sacrificial presence. Christians must be good news as well as share good news. The Christian life is a daily show and tell experience, in which good works must be a normal and vital part.

2. Grounded Proclamation

If a Godly presence is the foundation and framework of evangelism, proclaiming the gospel is like doors and

windows. The sinless life of Jesus, His sacrificial death, certain resurrection, and gracious offer of salvation at His own expense, is like light shining into a dark room, and provides the way of entrance into God’s eternal family. Proclaiming the way of salvation, whether verbal, written, sung, or signed, must be grounded in scriptural authority. Our witness must align with God’s word. It is the truth that sets people free, not wishful thinking, or worldly opinion. But, our proclamation should also be grounded in cultural sensitivity. When properly understood, culture offers common ground and a conduit for the good news of God’s life changing love.

ness and into the light. The Apostle Paul exerted great time and energy persuading Jews, Gentiles, governors, kings, and queens to receive Christ. With speech seasoned with salt, and lives reflecting the light of Christ, we can persuade others to cross the line from death to life. Just as a beggar who has found bread persuades another beggar that it is true, we can convince someone to act on the truth. Gracious persuasion demands personal authenticity as a Christ-follower, and patient understanding of another’s spiritual condition and journey, ever mindful that we persuade others because they matter to God.

3. Gracious Persuasion

Lest we think evangelism is all about us, God’s providence is the one indispensable key to the process. God removes the scales of spiritual blindness, and readies human hearts for the gospel seed. A sovereign God providentially connects those needing the gospel with those willing to share it. Winning the world to Christ is a spiritual enterprise, and is possible only

Often, a person is unresponsive to a straightforward, and even heartfelt, gospel presentation. Prevailing spiritual blindness and a cultural hostility toward Christianity usually requires a persuasive element of evangelism. Persuasion sounds like arm-twisting, but gracious persuasion is a Christlike way of leading someone out of dark-

4. God’s Providence

when Spirit-filled believers on mission for God learn to trust and obey Him completely.

5. Gateway Prayer

Since evangelism is the work and mission of God, we look to Him for the means to succeed as evangelists. Prayer is the gateway to advancing the kingdom of God. Fervent and faithful prayer reduces strongholds, removes obstacles, and releases those held captive by the enemy. A blanket of prayer can warm a person or people group to the gospel. Persistent prayer can open closed doors and closed minds. Prayer produces boldness in the witness and brings power to the witnessing process. Gateway prayer asks for God’s blessings, seeks God’s guidance and timing, and knocks on heaven’s door for divine resources necessary for eternal and supernatural transformation of souls and communities. Bob Beike Associational Missionary/Church Planting Catalyst Muskingum Valley Baptist Assn.

Page 12 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | October 2011

Press toward the Mark Mission Ohio is the coop NAMB has initiated the erative effort of Southern BapSend North America strategy tists to reach 1,000,000 believwhich includes Ohio. Kevin ers in 2,020 congregations by Ezell has chosen to focus on the end of 2020. Strengthenthree cities: Cleveland, Columing and starting congregations bus, and Cincinnati. Send 3C Jack Kwok, Ph.D. have contributed greatly to the joins the other Send Cities of Executive Directorcooperative effort of Mission Treasurer North America. State Convention Ohio. We welcome the assistance of Baptists in Ohio Since the beginning of the of Send 3C from the North Mission Ohio emphasis, new American Mission Board. congregations account for 27% of the Moreover, we appreciate the continued more than 700 Ohio Southern Baptist partnership of the North American Miscongregations. These new congregations sion Board in reaching all of Ohio. contributed 27% of the total baptisms re- Mission Ohio remains committed to ported in the last Annual Church Profile. assisting Southern Baptist churches and The North American Mission Board associations in sharing the gospel with has partnered with Mission Ohio in all the lost in Ohio. Millions of lost peoa very effective manner. We are very ple live in Ohio. This is our responsibilgrateful for the valuable assistance sup- ity. Let’s press toward that mark. plied by NAMB.

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How to become a If you are not a Christian, have never surrendered your will to the Lord Jesus, let me share briefly how you can make this life changing decision. GOD WANTS YOU SAVED.

and for all the penalty of sin (I Peter 2:24). However, it’s not enough just to know these three things. Many of us knew them for years before we ever gave Jesus our lives.

First, you must believe that God loves you and wants you to have peace in your heart and an everlasting life (John 3:16).

Fourth, you must personally ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins (Revelation 3:20).

You can pray this prayer Second, you must recognize now and if you mean it with that you are a sinner, that all of your heart, Jesus will you have done things which come in just as He said. He have displeased God and cannot lie. that you have separated yourself from Him (Romans Dear Lord Jesus, I admit 3:23; 6:23). to you that I am a sinner. I believe that you died for sin, Third, you must believe that were buried, and arose from Jesus came to this earth, was the grave. I am turning from actually God in the flesh, my sin and trusting you to lived a perfect life, and yet save me. Please save me and went to a cruel cross, dying give me eternal life. Thank for your sins, paying once you for saving me. Amen.

Need to submit Church News? Send all church news and information to Linnett Snodgrass at lsnodgrass@scbo.org For information about the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio and more Baptist Press news, go to our website www.scbo.org.

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