Dunbartonshire issue 25 issuu

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ISSUE 25 • WINTER 2014

Pioneering Vet Wendy McGrandles SEE PAGES 18-20

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Contents From the Editor................................... 5 Employability Theme............................ 5 News in Brief.................................... 6-8 Cordale Housing Seeks Volunteers Business is Booming at European Circuits International Recognition for The Beardmore First Marquis of Montrose Prize New East Business Gateway Adviser Virtual VIP Shortlisted for Boot Camp

Architect’s 15th Anniversary Celebration.................................. 10-11


Skills for Growth................................ 12

Architect’s Anniversary

New Financial Advice Service............. 14 Ryder Cup Boards Match................... 15 One Stop Employer Service................ 15 Pioneering Vet Offers Holistic Health Care..................... 18-19 Commonwealth Games Scottie Dog Stars............................... 20 Loch Lomond Shores.......................... 24 Megan Lands Her Dream Job............. 25 Certificate of Work Readiness............. 25 Dumbuck House Hotel Fundraiser....... 26 Kilt Walk Raises £1200 for Robin House..................................... 26


Tissue Solutions Receives Queen’s Award................................. 27 Walk on the Clydeside at The Beardmore................................. 29

Skills for Growth

Business Show Success....................... 30 Bright Future for Dunbartonshire Businesses........................................ 31 West College Scotland’s First Year....... 35 New Members.............................. 36-37 Golf Day Success.............................. 39 All Aboard for New Chamber Season.............................. 39 Events Diary ................................ 40-41 Cover photo of vet, Wendy McGrandles, with her homebred labradoodles, Reilly, Kira and Nala by Joyce Martin Photography. www.joycemartin-photography.co.uk


Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce Whitecrook Business Centre 78 Whitecrook Street, Clydebank G81 1QF. T: 0141 280 0272 F: 01389 750005 E: admin@dunbartonshirechamber.co.uk www.dunbartonshirechamber.co.uk

Loch Lomond Shores

For advertising contact D-Tech: T: 0141 222 2202 E: sales@incommerce.biz For editorial contact editor: June Hyslop T: 07944 265126 E: editor@incommerce.biz Publisher: D-Tech INCOMMERCE is published by D-Tech, Suite 3.3, Station House, 34 St Enoch Square, Glasgow G1 4DF Telephone 0141 222 2202. E-mail: info@dtechuk.com. Edited by June Hyslop, Copywrite Editorial, Dumbarton. Telephone 07944 265126. E-mail: editor@incommerce.biz.


l Fundraiser

Dumbuck House Hote

INCOMMERCE is fully protected by copyright and nothing may be printed nor copied wholly or in part without the written permission of the publishers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers and not agents, or sub-agents of those who advertise therein. They cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information contained within this publication. The views expressed by authors of articles published in this magazine are solely those of the author and are not necessarily the views of or shared by the editor, the publisher or the directors, shareholders and/or employees of D-Tech or Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce.

Photo courtesy of Green Highlander Images.

welcome THERE is no doubt that many businesses, whatever their views on the referendum, heaved a sigh of relief when it was over and a decision was made.

Finally, the speaker at the Scottish Chambers of Commerce annual dinner on 20 November will be Lord Smith of Kelvin, chair of the Scotland Devolution Commission.

Many plans had been put on hold until the result was in and there was a temptation to think it would be back to business as usual.

It will be fascinating to hear about his initial soundings on the further devolution promised during the referendum campaign.

However, the level of political engagement engendered by the independence debate has changed the political landscape and it would be foolish not to embrace the opportunities this brings.

Stewart Rennie President Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce

Whatever your views on the additional powers that should be devolved to the Scottish parliament, you should make them known. The chamber provides a great conduit for getting the views of our members across on a number of issues. I took part in a round table discussion with Angela Constance, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment (pictured bottom right with me), organised via Scottish Chambers of Commerce. The brief for the October meeting was to look at refreshing the way the Scottish Government tackles youth unemployment. Ms Constance wants to improve on Scotland’s position in Europe’s top 10 for youth employment. There was an open and wide-ranging discussion about whether employers understand the new skills-based approach of the Curriculum for Excellence and the qualifications arising from this. The topics of how ‘analogue’ employers can engage with the digital generation and the use of social media as a recruitment tool were also on the table. I am involved in the annual ‘Business in the Parliament’ conference too which will discuss a number of issues relevant to business with MSPs and Scottish Government ministers.



www.dunbartonshirechamber.co.uk www.incommerce.biz

Photo courtesy of Glenhead Engineering.


EDITOR editor@incommerce.biz

IT’S good to see more businesses joining the chamber, attending our events and our networking lunches. The Scottish Chambers local economic report shows more new businesses setting up in Dunbartonshire than in the same period last year and that the outlook is bright for the next quarter too which is welcome news. Many businesses benefited directly and indirectly from the Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup including chamber members like Wendy McGrandles of Glenbrae Veterinary Clinics, Buchanan Castle Golf Club and West College Scotland. Wendy is a pioneer who uses holistic therapies as well as conventional treatments on her animal patients. She is one of only three vets in Scotland qualified to use homeopathy on pets. She was appointed vet to the Games’ four-legged Scottie dog stars to make sure they were suited for their role and to look after them. Buchanan Castle Golf club hosted the prestigious Ryder Cup Boards match at its Drymen course and won plaudits for its great location and hospitality. It is hard to believe that West College Scotland is one year old already. Its principal, Audrey Cumberford, reflects on the highlights of the last 12 months which included its students providing a hair and beauty salon for the Athletes’ Village at the Games. Talking of birthdays – Thomas Robinson Architects threw a stylish party for its 15th anniversary in Glasgow’s Blythswood Hotel. Chamber members European Circuits, The Beardmore and Virtual VIP have all been celebrating successes. Tissue Solutions recently received its well deserved Queen’s Award for Enterprise from Glasgow’s Lord Provost, Sadie Docherty. Loch Lomond Shores goes from strength to strength and has unveiled a series of new developments which will enhance the visitor experience at the attraction for locals and visitors alike. The chamber stand at the West Dunbartonshire Business Show was busy as new and established businesses took the opportunity to find out what we have to offer. I hope we will be soon be welcoming them as new members and celebrating their successes too.

Employability Theme for Engineering Forum EMPLOYABILITY was the theme for the chamber’s second engineering forum meeting hosted by Glenhead Engineering of Clydebank and organised by Philip Briscoe of European Circuits. Angela Kershaw of The Tell Organisation provided a comprehensive run-down of the various grants and help available when hiring. In particular, she focussed on Modern Apprenticeships and how it was possible to tailor these to an employer’s requirements or even split one amongst different employers. Graeme Hendry of Skills Development Scotland gave an overview of the Certificate of Work Readiness and how this could help employers get more from school leavers. Chamber president, Stewart Rennie, commented: “There was much discussion about the difficulty in finding skilled labour and, whilst it is encouraging that jobs are being created, we all need to improve our training efforts to fill this skills gap.” To round off, the use of carbon benchmarking as a business development tool was explored by David Crawford of the Crichton Carbon Centre. The next forum will be held in January and feature ‘An Introduction to Exporting’. It is open to all chamber members involved in the engineering or manufacturing sectors. If you wish to attend, please contact the chamber admin team on admin@ dunbartonshirechamber.co.uk.



news in brief… Photo courtesy of Cordale Housing Association.

Business is Booming at European Circuits BUSINESS is booming for chamber member European Circuits – which is at the forefront of printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing in the UK – and supplies clients throughout Europe and beyond. The company has recently invested £100k in new equipment, has employed two more staff in the assembly department at its factory in Clydebank Industrial Estate, and is currently looking for more people to join its team. “The installation of this equipment allows for not only improved quality but the ability to produce more technical PCB’s on a faster turnaround time. The investment ensures our commitment to manufacturing in Clydebank,” said Philip Briscoe, business development manager at the firm.

COMMUNITY HOMES: Cordale’s Dalquhurn Estate in Renton, West Dunbartonshire.

Cordale Housing Association Seeks Volunteers

European Circuits is one of only two companies in Scotland manufacturing PCB’s and one of the few companies in the UK that offers their manufacture, assembly, test and product build from one location. It has just successfully exhibited at the Northern Manufacturing and Electronics Exhibition in Manchester.

CORDALE Housing Association is looking for volunteers with business management skills to serve on its governing committee.

In May it won the New to Exporting Award, at the Subsea Expo 2014 in Aberdeen and was was a finalist in the Scottish Export Team of the Year category at the BQ Export Awards 2014 in Glasgow.

The chamber member is a registered charity operating in Renton and elsewhere in West Dunbartonshire which builds and manages affordable housing for the benefit of tenants and the community.


Cordale has been heavily involved in the regeneration and transformation of Renton by providing new housing, local employment opportunities and homes for older people.

As well as helping to provide a vital public service to the local community, this represents a personal development opportunity for employees and other interested individuals. For more information, contact interim senior manager, Lawrie West at Cordale Housing Association on 07979 501363. www.cordalehousing.org.uk



Photo courtesy of European Circuits Ltd.

It is governed by a voluntary management committee of people with relevant skills and an interest in running the organisation. It recently entered a partnership with Caledonia Housing Association and is keen to encourage more people to get involved.

International Recognition for The Beardmore

Glasgow Student First to Receive Marquis of Montrose Prize GLASGOW University’s Joanna Tucker was the first student to receive the Marquis of Montrose 400th Anniversary Prize in Scottish Studies. The award was presented by the Duke of Montrose at Buchanan Castle Golf Club in Drymen, with Professor Dauvit Broun, who holds the university’s Chair of Scottish History, attending. It will be awarded annually for the next five years. Joanna graduated with a Master’s degree in Scottish and Celtic Studies (with Distinction) from the university. Her dissertation, entitled ‘The Development of Brieves, 11241249’ attracted praise from her examiners.

THE Beardmore Hotel and Conference Centre in Clydebank has joined a world-renowned international association. The International Association of Conference Centres (IACC) has more than 350 certified venues in 20 countries worldwide, including the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Kenya and Australia.

A formal dinner was held at Buchanan Castle Golf Club to raise funds for the award. University staff, past and present, with help from the 1st Marquis of Montrose Society, the Duke’s factor, Janet Dawson, and MC for the event, Alison Walker, entertained and educated guests with speeches about the historical and literary significance of the first Marquis and with songs from the 17th century. Joanna is now doing a PhD in Medieval History at the university. Photo courtesy of Buchanan Castle Golf Club.

Bronagh Bell, director of the Beardmore Hotel and Conference Centre, said: “Becoming a member of the IACC is a fantastic step forward for the Beardmore and underpins our strategy to welcome more international conferences to the venue.”

Photo courtesy of the Golden Jubilee National Hospital.

“IACC is an internationally recognised symbol of quality and excellence in the conferencing industry, and it is important that Scotland has a venue which is committed to developing and supporting international meetings at this level.” Mark Cooper, of the IACC, added: “The Beardmore has demonstrated the attitude, passion and facilities we look for in an IACC certified conference centre.” The Beardmore Hotel and Conference Centre is already one of the UK’s Conference Centres of Excellence and was recently awarded a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence, the VenueVerdict Gold Standard, and was shortlisted for Hotel of the Year at the Green Tourism Goldstar Awards. www.nhsgoldenjubilee.co.uk www.thebeardmore.com

HONOURED: Glasgow University student Joanna Tucker (centre) with Professor Dauvit Broun (left) and the Duke of Montrose (right).



Virtual VIP Shortlisted for Business Boot Camp VIRTUAL VIP was shortlisted for boot camp for the UK’s largest small business competition – The Pitch. The telephone answering service owned by Steven Cairns (pictured) made it to the last 100 businesses in the UK chosen for an intensive day of workshops which ended with a nine second pitch.

Photo courtesy of Jiveen Lal.

Despite not making the final 30, Steven was delighted to have got as far as he did: “This was still a massive achievement for us and testament that we have got what it takes to be one of the UK leading small business.” Steven entered through UK Business Forums and has already won an online advertising package. He launched the business, which is based in Strathleven House in Dumbarton, seven months ago after working with O2 for eight years where he was responsible for a contact centre of engineers in Sofia, Bulgaria.

New East Dunbartonshire Business Gateway Adviser JIVEEN Lal has been appointed as a high growth Business Gateway adviser in East Dunbartonshire. He has more than 14 years of experience to draw on when advising clients and his focus is supporting entrepreneurs and established owner/managers to move their businesses forward to the next stage.

In 2011 he won Frontline Professional of the Year at the European Contact Centre and Customer Service Awards for increasing employee engagement, while boosting customer satisfaction and revenue. Other shortlisted candidates included representatives from AVIVA, Capita Life and Pensions, Barclays, Sage, TNT Post and HSBC. www.virtualvip.co.uk www.thepitchuk.com

He can assist business owners with the challenges they face such as sourcing funding to offset costs and give advice to help define and achieve business ambitions. Jiveen is director of product development at Risksmith which provides insurance to business, and was nominated for the East Dunbartonshire Business Awards 2014.

He said: “I’m interested in helping develop indigenous UK companies and especially in working with business owners with a desire for growth.” www.bgateway.com/local-offices/east-dunbartonshire



Photo courtesy of Virtual VIP.

He has worked with Hiscox and with the Chubb Insurance Company of Europe and was formerly a project adviser in India, South Korea and New Zealand


New business showcase

Susan Heycoop, Marshmallow Heaven

Fairytale Party Princess

Susan’s new business is just heavenly

Business success is no fairy tale for Clydebank mum

When Susan Heycoop retired after 27 years as a tour director, the West Dunbartonshire woman decided that her next career challenge would focus on her passion for baking.

When Anne Thom decided to make her daughter’s dream come true by planning a fairy tale princess party, she discovered there weren’t many options in the West of Scotland.

Launched in April 2014, with support from Business Gateway, Marshmallow Heaven (www.marshmallow-heaven.co.uk) does exactly what it says on the tin, producing delicious, all natural, gourmet marshmallows and French Macarons, in almost every flavour imaginable. “Baking has been a part of my life for 50 years and all my products take inspiration from the lessons my mum gave me as I was growing up in New Zealand and the 30 years I have spent living in the UK,” says Susan. Having a great product is the cornerstone of any retail business, and although Marshmallow Heaven certainly ticks that box, Susan knew that she would benefit from some specialist support to get her business up and running. “Business Gateway has been a great support. My adviser helped me with my business plan and also managed to secure some funding to help me get things moving. It’s good to know I can pick up the phone anytime I have an issue. Business Gateway’s free workshops have also been very useful.” Although Marshmallow Heaven is proving a hit at Farmers’ Markets and the website is seeing increased orders every week, Susan is not resting on her laurels and hopes to take on another member of staff and perhaps open a shop at some point in the future.

Download our free business support app.

So she decided to fill the gap in the market and set up her own business based in Clydebank that offers a variety of characters for birthdays and events. With support from Business Gateway, Fairytale Party Princess (http://bit.ly/fairytaleparty) specialises in children’s parties but has also partnered with Clyde Shopping Centre, appeared at local gala days and worked with local cinemas to give children a special movie going experience. Anne said: “For my daughter’s fourth birthday I wanted to surprise her by having some of her favourite Princess Characters come along to her party, but I struggled to find a company that provided realistic and varied options. That’s when I decided I could start up a business offering people the chance to make their children’s party special by having Belle or Queen Elsa and Princess Anna turn up. I use a local dressmaker to ensure all the costumes are identical to the characters and so far the response has been fantastic. “I’ve had great support and advice from Business Gateway especially in developing my business plan which is the foundation of everything I do. I also attended a number of Business Gateway’s free events including ones on marketing and finance, and the knowledge I have gained has benefited the business significantly.”

To find out how Business Gateway can help you, visit www.bgateway.com/west-dunbartonshire or call your local Business Gateway office directly on 0141 530 2408.

Architect’s 15 Anniversary Celebration th

FROM an attic garret in Glasgow to a 15th anniversary celebration in one of the city’s top hotels, Thomas Robinson Architects has come a long way since 1999. Mixing glamour and luxury with elements of comfort and style is second nature to the practice founded by husband and wife team, Tom and Fiona Robinson. Tom and Fiona welcomed the practice team and around 100 guests – some of whom were clients at the very start – to the Blythswood Hotel for champagne and shepherd’s pie in October. When they set up their own business, chamber members Tom and Fiona didn’t know if the work would come. Fiona explains: “We had some key and brave clients and interesting listed building projects. We also had some large new build country houses to design and deliver which I enjoyed as I’m more of a new build architect.” Architect Tom advocates traditional design principles but also appreciates and uses the best modern design and technology. “I enjoy both the design process in new buildings and doing conservation work on historic buildings,” he said. “I also have actual hands-on experience when we built twice for ourselves. For an architect it is a good process as you go through the full range of emotions that your clients do. I think it makes you more empathic and gives you confidence to lead your clients in the right direction when they might be feeling the strain.” Tom oversees design and technical matters, finance and business development. He is accredited in architectural conservation and is a certified European Passivhaus designer. This keeps the practice at the forefront of sustainable, low energy architecture and means it is in a position to lead on conservation projects.



He has refurbished many country houses and listed buildings and has worked on historic properties such as Aberuchill Castle in Perthshire, Clincarthill Parish Church in Glasgow (pictured top and centre opposite) and Christ Church in London’s Spitalfields. The practice also won an Award for Sustainable Architecture in the Glasgow Institute of Architects Design Awards in 2012 for the creation of two eco-friendly luxury holiday cottages from derelict farm buildings. The development at East Cambusmoon in the heart of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park (pictured bottom opposite), involved creating properties with high levels of comfort which conserved energy and used sustainable materials. Fiona is responsible for design, marketing and also business development. Her strength and expertise is at the front end of architecture. Design projects, developing briefs, analysing use relationships, progressing and defining design concepts and strategies, organising space and architectural style are her forte. Originally qualified in commercial interior design, Fiona went on to gain a masters degree in architecture from the Mackintosh School of Architecture at Glasgow School of Art. A milestone project for the practice was acting as executive architects in 2009, with ADAM Architecture as design architects, for the award-winning luxury Avenel development in Kilmacolm to develop six high end arts and craft homes on a 10-acre site. This enabled them to expand the Croftamie-based business, which carries out work throughout Scotland, and they hope to double its size in the next five years. www.thomasrobinsonarchitects.co.uk

Photos by Ashley Coombes.



Boost Your Business Potential with Skills for Growth

THE Skills for Growth programme can boost business potential by ensuring owners can take advantage of new markets and fresh opportunities.

Businesses can find out more on the SDS website and can complete a skills support request if they want one of the employer engagement advisers to get in touch.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) has a team of employer engagement advisers to help with workforce training and development and sources of funding.

www.ourskillsforce.co.uk www.standrewscollege.com

Topics range from supply chain management, using new technology, e-commerce and succession planning through to recruitment, management, marketing and even specialised industry-specific training. Chairman and managing director of St Andrew’s College Language Schools, John Corcoran (pictured), recently benefited from the Skills for Growth scheme. He said: “We are always looking for ways to improve our business and the SDS employer engagement adviser for Dunbartonshire, Sharita Guy, suggested that the Skills for Growth programme would be useful.” “We wanted to see if there were any elements of the business we could improve on, and the programme helped us do this, showing what we were doing well and what we could do better. “Some of our marketing wasn’t hitting the right places so we received advice on how to target it more effectively.

Sharita added: “The Skills for Growth programme is one of a number of ways in which SDS can assist businesses who are looking to grow.” “Whether it’s help with recruitment, training for existing staff or accessing funding, there are many ways we can help.”



Photo by Caritas Images.

“We also looked at issues such continuity planning, staffing levels, and at using the Modern Apprenticeship scheme, which we’ve done.”

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New Financial Advice Service for Cancer Patients A FINANCIAL advice service for cancer patients has been launched in East Dunbartonshire. Macmillan Cancer Support has invested more than £197,000 to fund the appointment of two new benefits advisers at East Dunbartonshire Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB). Fiona Palmer and Liz McKenna will support cancer patients and their carers in the area by helping them identify and apply for welfare benefits, by offering financial advice and by directing patients towards hardship grants they may be entitled to. The Macmillan East Dunbartonshire Benefits Service has been set up to help those affected by cancer maximise their incomes and is a partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support, East Dunbartonshire Council (EDC ) and the local CAB. Thomas Gorman, of Macmillan Cancer Support, said: “We know cancer patients very often experience a drop in income and increased costs as a result of their cancer diagnosis.

Catherine Bradley, East Dunbartonshire CAB manager, added: “We have many customers in the area looking for benefits or financial advice when their circumstances change and to have dedicated advisers to support those who find they need such help following a cancer diagnosis will be a real benefit to them and their carers.” EDC leader Rhondda Geekie was pleased to welcome the initiative: “Supporting those in need in our communities is our highest priority, and this outreach service for cancer patients will be invaluable at a time when they are facing so many challenges. CAB carry out excellent work in the area and the funding from Macmillan Cancer Support for these additional advisers is great news for local residents.” Patients can access the service at the CAB office at 11 Alexandra Street, Kirkintilloch, telephone 0141 775 3220, and at outreach points in Auchinairn, Bishopbriggs, Lennoxtown, Milngavie and Twechar. Home visits are an option for those unable to travel. www.cas.org.uk/bureaux/east-dunbartonshire-citizensadvice-bureau

Photo courtesy of East Dunbartonshire Council.

“Many of them will never have claimed benefits before and trying to navigate the system and fill in long, complex forms while dealing with the physical and emotional problems cancer brings can be very difficult.

“We are pleased to be working with the council and CAB to deliver this new service and help people at a time when they need it most.”

CANCER SUPPORT: (L-R) Gerri Baird, chairperson of East Dunbartonshire CAB, with new Macmillan benefits advisers Fiona Palmer and Liz McKenna, Rhondda Geekie, EDC leader, and Joyce Dunlop, associate Macmillan development manager.



Buchanan Castle Hosts Prestigious Ryder Cup Boards Match LIKE the Ryder Cup itself, the Europeans won a special match between the opposing sides at Buchanan Castle Golf Club (BCGC) on September 24. The Drymen-based chamber member was delighted to host the prestigious Ryder Cup Boards match between representatives of the PGAs of America and Europe. The PGA of America was represented by its officers, board and past presidents; Europe by the European official party and boards of the European Tour, the PGA and PGAs of Europe. Club owner, The Duke of Montrose, attended the post match lunch and presentation of prizes. General manager of BCGC, Janet Dawson, said: “The club was delighted to host the bi-annual Ryder Cup Boards Match which is traditionally held on the Wednesday prior to the Ryder Cup itself. “I subsequently received letters and emails from team members commenting on the excellent condition of the course, the ambience of the clubhouse, and the warm welcome from both members and staff.” In his letter, Neil Selwyn-Smith, PGA captain for Great Britain and Ireland, said that he and the other participants ‘won’t forget their visit’. www.buchanancastlegolfclub.co.uk

West Dunbartonshire’s One Stop Employer Service THE West Dunbartonshire single employer offer is a one stop service for businesses that are hiring – and builds on the success of the council’s 1000 jobs in 1000 days pledge. The ambitious project will set up a single clear route for employers seeking information about grants and other help available to take on employees in the area. West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC), working with the chamber, Skills Development Scotland, Jobcentre Plus, Scottish Enterprise, Investors in People and West College Scotland kicked the project off at the end of August. The chamber is the only private sector organisation involved in the venture which will run until March 2015. It was devised to tackle the confusion which can occur as a result of the number of agencies offering assistance at different levels, and for various categories, from unskilled workers, school leavers and modern apprentices right through to graduates.

Photo courtesy of Buchanan Castle Golf Club.

This was a topic of discussion at the recent chamber engineering forum and is clearly something that many business owners find challenging. The project will provide employers with a single source of information where agencies will channel enquiries to the most suitable programme, all with a view to increasing employment in the area. Chamber president Stewart Rennie, said: “Helping our members grow their businesses and take on more employees is the most direct way of improving the economy of West Dunbartonshire. TEEING OFF: (L-R) European team members Neil Selwyn-Smith and Peter Baker, a former Ryder Cup vice-captain, with their American counterparts Jim Remy, honorary president of the US PGA, and Darrell Crall, its chief operating officer.

“We have set up a comment page on our LinkedIn Group and I would urge members to tell us what help they would like when taking on new employees. “With our involvement, there is a real opportunity to influence and improve policies in this area.” www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk




Need help with your business? We can help East Dunbartonshire Council work to support the local economy through delivering support and services which aim to attract businesses to the area, help new businesses develop and existing businesses grow within East Dunbartonshire. For more information on any of the activities of the East Dunbartonshire Council to support businesses go to www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/business, or call Business Support at East Dunbartonshire Council on 0141 578 8530.


Business Success in East Dunbartonshire After working as a Project Manager for over 15 years and starting a number of lifestyle businesses, Terri identified the challenge for small organisations to get good quality stock photos for marketing. Her husband, Neil, as a commercial photographer realised the difficulty for freelance photographers to get their work to market. Their combined experience led them to create the concept of Caritas Images to meet specific customer needs. After evaluating the market they positioned their business as a niche supplier of photography to Not-for-profit organisations and Local government as they saw this as a sector that was under-supplied. The business works by providing a rigorously managed collection of photographs in a searchable database that can be purchased and downloaded over their website. Contributors are sourced locally and make a 50% commission on any sales achieved through the site. Neil works closely with their customers, identifying their image needs and passing these on to the contributors who in turn attempt to create imagery to meet specific customer requirements. In establishing the company, Caritas Images has made full use of the services available to businesses in East Dunbartonshire. Prior to launching the product range, Terri and Neil engaged with Business Gateway to help them develop the business plan to guide the establishment of the business.

Although the website was always going to be an important part of the business, after the initial development they recognised the limitations of the initial site and the need to expand. In recognition of this they applied for an e-commerce grant to help further develop the site through adding increased server capacity and software enhancements to allow the business to grow to 50,000 photos. Sixteen months after opening for business, Caritas Images expanded to the rest of the UK. Their five-year plan sees further development into Europe and potentially further afield to other suitable markets. Their customers are very happy with their products and over 80 contributors from across the UK and Europe are currently supplying high quality images. Terri was delighted with the assistance they received from East Dunbartonshire. “The Council support for our business has been invaluable. It has helped us to become more sustainable in quicker time. It also allowed us to invest to allow for continued growth rather than just for the current needs. This will enable us to be better placed for on-going development of the business�. For more information on Caritas Images go to www.caritasimages.com/ or phone 0845 680 6764. For more infromation on how East Dunbartonshire Council can help your business visit www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/business or call 0141 578 8530

For more information on any of the activities of the East Dunbartonshire Council to support businesses go to www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/business, or call Economic Development at East Dunbartonshire Council on

0141 578 8530

Photo courtesy of Glenbrae Veterinary Clinics.

CHAMBER member Wendy McGrandles is one of only three vets in Scotland qualified to use homeopathy on animals. She has the MFVetHom qualification from the Faculty of Homeopathy and offers a pioneering holistic approach to health care for pets.

Pioneering Vet Offers Holistic Health Care 18


She and three members of her veterinary team also regularly use acupuncture in addition to conventional treatment. This involves the use of needles applied to the body to stimulate healing. It was first developed in traditional Chinese medicine and is now widely used to treat people and animals. A case in point was tabby cat Jake (pictured above and on next page) who was badly injured in a road traffic accident. He had a fractured pelvis, skin loss and bladder trauma leaving him with nerve damage and neuropathic pain in his hind quarters. He needed surgery and had low level laser treatment but, despite recovering from the worst of his injuries, Jake had an area of skin on his lower back that would not heal. Wendy explained: “Jake continued to self traumatise by licking an area of skin due to pain from his original injuries. “Conventional pain relief did not work and the owner was at the point of considering euthanasia when Jake responded to complementary therapies.

“I treated him with homeopathy and acupuncture. After six weeks he recovered well. He is now still receiving occasional acupuncture treatments but has stopped the self trauma and is a much happier cat today.” Wendy, pictured left with her labradoodles Reilly, Kira and Nala, runs Glenbrae Veterinary Clinics in Bearsden, and has a branch in Dumbarton. She is aware that the use of homeopathy can be controversial in humans never mind in animals: “It acts on the principle of ‘let like cure like’ which means that a substance that can cause the same symptoms in a healthy individual can, when prepared in a homeopathic form, alleviate those same symptoms in a sick patient.

Photo by Joyce Martin Photography. www.joycemartin-photography.co.uk

“Most of its opponents lack any understanding of the discipline and use the argument that there is no evidence as to its effectiveness. “There is certainly as much evidence in the homeopathic field as there is for a number of our conventional licensed preparations and there is a trend at the moment in veterinary medicine to use human drugs which have no trial work done on efficacy or method of action in different animal species.

“We also look at diet, often recommending more natural feeding, and use supplements. “This integrated approach gives us much better clinical results and allows us to give our clients much more choices as to how to treat their pet.” Wendy has been a vet for more than 30 years, setting up her own practice in Bearsden in 1990. She has a team of 22, including five vets and six veterinary nurses, with the practice focussing on providing a service for pets and their owners.

Photo courtesy of Glenbrae Veterinary Clinics.

“We use conventional treatments where appropriate but often combine the best of both worlds by using holistic therapies too as each case is individual and we tailor our approach to suit that one animal.




Photos courtesy of Wendy McGrandles, Glenbrae Veterinary Clinics.

Commonwealth Games Scottie Dog Stars

A SURPRISE call saw vet Wendy McGrandles drafted in to help look after the four-legged stars of the Commonwealth Games – the Scottie dogs.

The dogs and their handlers had their own marquee with their every need catered for including cold water and flannels keep them all cool as well as huge fans inside the tent.

Forty-one Scottish Terriers were placard bearers at the opening ceremony at Celtic Park and she was there to make sure they were well looked after.

“It was amazing to not only watch the show come together but also watch the dogs become more and more familiar with the venue until they started to think – as terriers do – that they owned the place,” she added.

At the time Wendy, of Glenbrae Veterinary Clinics, was sworn to secrecy and doubted that enough Scotties could be found as the breed has fallen out of favour.

“Any of the dogs that weren’t keen on walking were just scooped up by their owners who waved to the crowds.

It was her job initially to check that the Scotties were healthy and had suitable temperaments for their starring role. She also oversaw rehearsals and costume fittings.

“With 71 teams, some of the dogs got to go around a second time and you could see from their whole manner how much they were lapping up the attention.”

“It was quite daunting for these little dogs to go into that kind of atmosphere with their owners and walk around a track at the correct speed for the athletes and not be too fazed by it all,” she explained. “Some of the dogs are show dogs and used to a lot of fuss and noise but others were pets that had never been involved with this type of event and neither had their owners. “When some people realised they were being watched by over one billion people worldwide there were a few butterflies in stomachs!”




Out with Summer, in with Autumn The Car Fashion Wardrobe WELCOME to a new Season. In the car fleet industry, our business lives revolve around quarters in the year. This is due to the manufacturer strategy of managing our business supply into quarterly sectors. So with the leaves changing on our landscape, another car supply adventure arrives. With the woodland and bushes now showing us their end of season colours, there is no better time for us to go ‘green’ and showcase the new A3 e-tron. The A3 e-tron features 4 models of driving, EV, Hybrid Auto, Hybrid Hold and Hybrid Charge, whilst maintaining the A3 sporty design and driving performance. Audi are delighted to become part of the new ‘green’ world by producing our most sought after model in an eco-friendly engine. The features you would normally find are still on the label, such as LED Headlights, MMI Navigation Plus, Light and Rain Sensors and Rear Parking Sensors. For the discerning fashionist, the New TT will be the must have ‘hanger’ value in 2015. Our factory order is open and we can now order this new label. No doubt most of you will have seen the pictures

and read the articles and reviews, so naturally now you want to see the car. If you would like to be first to view the all-new Audi TT our Glasgow Centre will have the New TT in the Centre for a one day only on the 16th of October. Please contact us on 0141 565 4689 or your Local Business Development Manager in any one of our four Centres and we will endeavour to assist in this viewing.


SUPPORTING BUSINESSES TO GROW SUPPORTING BUSINESSES TO GROW SUPPORTING SUPPORTINGBUSINESSES BUSINESSESTO TOGROW GROW Are you starting a new business or growing an existing business? We can help! Are Are you you starting startingaaanew newbusiness business ororor Are you starting new business growing growing ananexisting existing existingbusiness? business? growing an business? We help! We Wecan can canhelp! help!


West Dunbartonshire Council Business Support Team and Business West Dunbartonshire Council Business Support Team and BusinessGateway work closely work to offer a range of funding supportand initiatives assist in the Gateway closely to offer a rangeand of funding supporttoinitiatives to assist in the creation,and development of local businesses. creation, development growth of and localgrowth businesses. of wage For business advice cand support contact: os

ts for up For business advice and contact: toCouncil 2support 6 weeBusiness West West Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire Council Support Support Team Team and and Business Business Gateway Gateway ksBusiness ! Business Gateway on Tel: 0141 435 7560 work work closely closely toto offer offer a range a range ofGateway of funding funding and and support support initiatives initiatives assist assist inin the the Business on Tel: 0141 435 7560 toto Funding support assistance is available through West Dunbartonshire creation, creation, development development and and growth growth ofof local local businesses. businesses. Council Business SupportisServices forthrough the following activities: Funding support assistance available West Dunbartonshire Council Are you 16 -and 24 years Business Support Services for thecontact: following For For business business advice advice and support support contact: activities:

Start Up ~ Training Support ~ Employment Support old andBusiness looking for a Start Up ~Gateway Training Support ~0141 Employment Business Business Gateway on on Tel: Tel: 0141 435 435 7560 7560Support job? Capital IfBusiness so,Expenditure we may ~ be ICT / E-Commerce ~ Property Improvement Capital Expenditure ICT / E-Commerce ~ West Property Improvement able to offer youris~new Funding Funding support support assistance assistance is available available through through West Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire Council Council Export Development ~ Innovation Activity ~ Sustainable Processes Business Business Support Support Services forfor the following following activities: activities: employer aServices grant! Export Development ~the Innovation Activity ~ Sustainable Processes Contact WDC Business Support Hotline on Tel: 01389 737777 Business Business Start Start UpUp ~ Training ~ Training Support Support ~ Employment ~ Employment Support Support Email: business.support@west-dunbarton.gov.uk Contact WDC Business Support Hotline on Tel: 01389 737777

The aim of this programme is to provide a financial incentive to businesses to create

Capital Capital Expenditure Expenditure ~ ICT ~ ICT / E-Commerce / E-Commerce ~ Property ~ Property Improvement Improvement Email: business.support@west-dunbarton.gov.uk new youth employment opportunities for West Export Export Development Development ~ Innovation ~ Innovation Activity Activity ~ Sustainable ~ Sustainable Processes Processes Dunbartonshire residents who would otherwise be unemployed/economically inactive.

Contact Contact WDC WDC Business Business Support Support Hotline Hotline onon Tel: Tel: 01389 01389 737777 737777

The subsidy can provide a grant to your new employer for a maximum of 26 weeks, covering

Email: Email:business.support@west-dunbarton.gov.uk business.support@west-dunbarton.gov.uk

50% of the national minimum wage. Employers

outwith the West Dunbartonshire area may also be eligible for this grant.


Grant support for recruitment success! new employees. These subsidies provide financial support for a maximum of 26 weeks. Clydebank based company, Griffin Air Systems Ltd has been trading for nearly 15 years, providing full sales, installation, maintenance and overhaul services of all types of compressed air equipment throughout the UK.


he key to growing a successful business is expanding and developing your workforce. With a tailored package of employment initiatives from West Dunbartonshire Council and business advice and support from Business Gateway, hundreds of local businesses are being helped to fulfil their growth plans and expand their workforce, creating new employment opportunities for local people. Funded through West Dunbartonshire Council, the Youth Employment Grant (16 – 29 years) and Employment Grant (30+ years) provide a financial incentive to West Dunbartonshire businesses to recruit

The company’s growth ambitions have been supported over the past 18 months by the business support team at West Dunbartonshire Council and the Business Gateway Growth Advisory service helping refine their expansion strategy, upskilling in e-commerce and assisting with staff training. The company had been having difficulties finding suitably qualified staff locally but have recently recruited two new members to their service engineering team with support from the council’s Modern Apprentice programme and Youth Employment Grant. Kieron Griffin, Director, Griffin Air Systems said “The grant assistance from West Dunbartonshire Council was conclusive in enabling us to employ an apprentice and an additional service engineer to enable us to grow the business. We found the application process to be very straightforward and speedy”.

maximising years of personal experience in the joinery and construction trade, they set up the business which manufactures and installs bespoke solid surface kitchen worktops and provides other building services to both the domestic and commercial sectors. They received support from West Dunbartonshire Council and Business Gateway to get the business established and more recently, Employment Grant support from the council to take on their first trainee installer.


teven Lyon and partner Gordon Stewart established their new business Lapis Contracts Ltd in May 2014, and are now trading from a unit in Clydebank Business Park. After identifying a gap in the local market, and

In addition to one to one advice, Business Gateway offers online support through the website www.bgateway.com and a programme of free workshops that focus on the issues that matter to the West Dunbartonshire business community. For more information and advice, contact – 0141 530 2408 or visit www.bgateway.com/west-dunbartonshire.

Steven Lyon, Director, Lapis Contracts Ltd said, “Starting a business can be a daunting process, but the mix of financial support from West Dunbartonshire Council and sound, practical advice from Business Gateway assisted with establishing our business in the local area and will hopefully continue to support our future growth plans”.

For more information on the full range of financial assistance available through West Dunbartonshire Council, including the Employment Grants, contact Business Support on – 01389 737777 or email: business.support@west-dunbarton.gov.uk

Photos courtesy of Loch Lomond Shores.

New Developments at Loch Lomond Shores LOCH Lomond Shores has unveiled a series of new developments which will enhance the visitor experience at the tourist attraction. A brand new Marston’s Inn, which will provide hotel accommodation, is currently being built at the entrance to the site and is due to open in early 2015. Construction of a high line adventure ropes course, just behind the Gateway Centre, will get underway in the coming months. The Gateway Centre itself has undergone a revamp and will reopen as a brand new visitor experience shortly. The recently launched Wee Heilan Man adventure golf course, a pontoon near the mall offering loch cruises by Sweeney’s, brand new activities from Can You Experience and the



upgraded Loch Lomond Bird of Prey Centre, have resulted in top ratings and excellent visitor reviews . A new purpose-built, pirate-themed soft play zone and cafe is opening on the panoramic upper level of the shopping mall and means it is now 100 per cent occupied. Lomond Pirates will cater for families with its pirate ball pool and host children’s parties. Clare Gemmell, general manager at Loch Lomond Shores, said: “We could not be more thrilled at the various developments taking place across the site which will undoubtedly add even more to our reputation as a five star attraction. “We take visitor comments and feedback seriously and I believe that the developments we are making show our commitment to our customers and will make for an even better day trip and shopping experience for all.”

Certificate of Work Readiness

Photo courtesy of Norah Yilmaz.

THE Certificate of Work Readiness (CWR) is an award for young people who are ready for their first experience of the world of work, but need some help and support.

READY TO WORK: (L-R) Trainee Megan Mackay with stylist Marie Angela Boyle and salon owner Norah Yilmaz.

Megan Lands Her Dream Job A CLYDEBANK employer has helped a young trainee realise her dream by offering her a job at the end of a work placement. Megan Mackay wanted to work in the beauty industry and a placement with Vintage Hair Salon and Beauty Rooms as part of the Certificate of Work Readiness (CWR) gave her the start she needed.

Developed by Skills Development Scotland (SDS), and approved by the Scottish Qualifications Authority, it involves them being assessed by an employer which means the certificate can act like a reference. It is aimed at 16 to 19 year olds with a ‘can do’ attitude to work and is a qualification at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Level 4. It includes a minimum of 190 hours of work experience and offers the chance to develop skills with a training provider and employment coach. There’s a series of short films highlighting the benefits of the CWR at http://bit.ly/1ASX2wT. Employers who want to offer a work placement as part of the CWR scheme, should contact the SDS employer helpline on 0800 783 6000 or email CWR@sds.co.uk. www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk

Photo courtesy of Skills Development Scotland.

The 16-year-old accessed Skills Development Scotland services at Clydebank Careers Centre where an adviser referred her to training provider and chamber member, The Tell Organisation, who advised her to undertake a CWR. Megan said: “The certificate gave me the first step into the area of work that I’ve always been interested in but it also gave me the chance to gain experience that will help in any job.” Her employer, Norah Yilmaz, noted that Megan had a natural flair and was given tasks that would not normally be carried out by trainees. On completion of her training, Megan was offered a job and is now working towards a hairdressing SVQ at Level 2. “Megan’s positive attitude shone through from the first day of her placement,” Norah said. “She has been an asset to the business since she started and we were delighted to offer her a permanent position.”

AWARD: Angela Constance, MSP, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment (centre) with some of the first recipients of the CWR.



Photo courtesy of The Dumbuck House Hotel.

Dumbuck House Hotel Fundraiser for Local Cancer Care THE Dumbuck House Hotel has launched an ambitious plan to raise £5000 to support families fighting terminal illness in Dumbarton.

Owner Petra McMillan, a patron of the charity, said:”The Marie Curie nursing service is a lifeline to many families who struggle to support a loved one at home at the end of life.

The first major fundraising event is the Marie Curie Christmas Fayre on Saturday, 22 November, from 11am to 4pm.

“As a family we know what a difference a Marie Curie nurse can make and since every penny we raise will stay in this postcode area to support other families in need, we’re very proud to partner with the charity and support our local community.”

There will be a variety of stalls, face painting, a tombola and raffle with top prizes from the hotel including three festive lunches for two people, two tickets to a Christmas party night and a seven-course Hogmanay dinner for two worth over £95. Tea and coffee will be served and Santa will be in attendance. Alchemy Inns Ltd – the new owners of the historic Glasgow Road hotel – have joined forces with Marie Curie Cancer Care, the charity that provides free professional nursing to the terminally ill at home.

Research shows that, when faced with a terminal diagnosis, 63 per cent of people would prefer to stay in their own home to the end. Last year Marie Curie’s army of 2000 nurses worked 1.2 million hours to provide care to 38,787 people at home or in one of the UK’s nine hospices. For more information about the Marie Curie Christmas Fayre contact annemarie@dumbuckhousehotel.com www.justgiving.com/DumbuckMarieCurie

Kilt Walk Raises £1200 for Robin House Petra and her friends wore Glasgow 2014 tartan kilts which were donated by Perthshire firm, Macnaughton Holdings Ltd. Photo courtesy of Petra McMillan.

DUMBARTON hotel owner Petra McMillan and five friends doubled their original sponsorship target with a 26 mile kilt walk for Robin House in Balloch. The £1200 raised will benefit the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS) ‘Rest Assured’ home service provided in partnership with Marie Curie Cancer Care. The service supports young people over 16 who want to receive care in the comfort of their own home as they approach the end of life, close to the people and things they know and love. Petra, of The Dumbuck House Hotel, a patron for Marie Curie Cancer Care, explained: “Tragically terminal illness strikes teenagers too and, like most people, they’d prefer to be at home at the end. “We hope that our walk will bring care to as many young people as possible when they most need it.”



KILT WALKERS: (L-R) Judith Strachan, Fran Beaton, Sandra Tindal, Jill Smith, Michelle Lyall and Petra McMillan.

Tissue Solutions Receives Queen’s Award for Enterprise TISSUE Solutions’ focus on meeting a worldwide demand for ethically sourced human biomaterials saw it receive the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category. Company founders, Dr Morag McFarlane and Dr Ann Cooreman, knew there was a big demand for human tissue and other samples for medical and scientific research – and set about meeting it.

“The Queen’s Award is the UK’s highest for business success and it is hugely deserved in recognition of Tissue Solutions’ astonishing record of overseas growth. “It is a success story that would be the envy of any company director. Your global reach and the worldwide demand for your services, that help advance important medical research, means your future is assured. “You have built a world class business and both you and your workforce must be very proud.” Tissue Solutions employs 11 staff and is based at the West of Scotland Science Park in Glasgow. Chief executive officer, Dr McFarlane, said: “We really appreciate the formal recognition of our company’s growth into international markets with this Queen’s Award for Enterprise. “This reflects a lot of hard work and dedication from every one of our team here in Glasgow and is testament to our reliable collaborations, both with our sources and with our clients worldwide, which are a key factor in our business.” www.tissue-solutions.com

Photo by Murdoch Ferguson.

Presenting the award, Glasgow’s Lord Provost Sadie Docherty, in her capacity as Lord Lieutenant, congratulated the founders for their vision in identifying a market need and acting on it:

“From a two person team you have built this business into a successful international venture supplying human biomaterials and scientific expertise to multinational companies.

ENTERPRISING: (L-R) Tissue Solutions’ founders Dr Morag McFarlane and Dr Ann Cooreman with Lord Provost of Glasgow, Sadie Docherty (centre), receiving their Queen’s Award.



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Photo courtesy of the Golden Jubilee National Hospital.

Walk on the Clydeside at The Beardmore THE Beardmore Hotel and Conference Centre has unveiled a new 1.75km walking route which takes advantage of the fantastic scenery surrounding the venue. It has been set up to encourage guests, delegates and conference organisers to get outdoors and exercise as part of its promotion of an active, healthy, environmentally friendly lifestyle. Benches are positioned along the route which follows clearly marked paths and roads to allow the opportunity to rest at regular intervals. The walk, which is suitable for walking and jogging, can also be easily accessed by wheelchairs, pushchairs, and those with mobility problems. It takes in the Beardmore’s garden and has views of the River Clyde.

Gary Rice, Beardmore hotel manager, commented: “We understand that in the fast-paced world of events and conferences, it can sometimes feel impossible to find the time to go outside, get some fresh air and exercise. “With our new walking route, we hope that more people than ever before will take advantage of the fantastic scenery on our doorstep to get some fresh air during their conference or to unwind after a busy day. “We have made fantastic progress with our commitment to providing sustainable, eco-friendly events and tourism in recent years, with the introduction of our green conference package, electric car parking spaces and bicycles available to hire on site. “This new walking route is the latest step to encourage people to think about the environment when making their arrangements, whether for a conference, event or quiet get-away, and to enjoy an active, healthy experience.” The Beardmore has been awarded the prestigious Gold Award for Green Tourism three years in a row, in addition to being named the Top Eco Hotel in Scotland at the 2013 AA Hospitality Awards. It has also been nominated for Best Hotel in the Goldstar Green Tourism Awards, which will be decided mid November. www.nhsgoldenjubilee.co.uk www.thebeardmore.com



Photos courtesy of West Dunbartonshire Council.

West Dunbartonshire Business Show Success MORE than 140 delegates and 110 schoolchildren visited the West Dunbartonshire Business Show in Clydebank Town Hall in October. Forty-seven businesses and other organisations had stands at the event which featured meet the buyer and business information seminars, school workshops, a property zone, a networking area and a business wall where delegates could display promotional material and business cards. Some of the companies attending included Cameron House Hotel, Clydesdale Bank plc, Clyde Weekly Press, The Dumbuck House Hotel, European Circuits, Glenhead Engineering, Haven Products Ltd, The Lennox Partnership, Nonconform, Opos, Polaroid, Santander, Tartan Rocket and Terasaki. Business Gateway, Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce, Fairtrade, Firstport, JobCentre Plus, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, Scottish Enterprise and West College Scotland also had stands. There was a chance for businesses involved in the construction sector to find out how to access contract opportunities for capital projects across West Dunbartonshire. Hub West Scotland, West Dunbartonshire Council’s (WDC) development partner, in conjunction with main contractors Balfour Beatty, BAM, Heron Bros and Morgan Sindall, were there to provide information on new planned construction projects.



WDC councillor Patrick McGlinchey, convener for infrastructure, regeneration and economic development, said: “I was impressed by the enthusiasm and range of businesses exhibiting at the show and the networking opportunities available throughout the day. “Our business support team was on hand to ensure the show was a success, and initial feedback from those attending the event has been extremely positive.”

238 wds

Photos courtesy of West Dunbartonshire Council.

THE first quarter of 2014 got off to a flying start in Dunbartonshire with more new businesses setting up in the area than in the same period last year, according to a Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC) report. A total of 90 set up shop between January and March, with 44 start-ups in West Dunbartonshire compared to 29 – an increase of a third and higher than any of 2013’s quarterly figures for the area. East Dunbartonshire saw new starts jump by more than 25 per cent from 35 to 46. Overall East and West Dunbartonshire had a total of 4630 businesses in 2013 – slightly down on the previous year – but this year numbers are expected to increase.

There was a small drop of 0.2 per cent in the west, even though male unemployment was up slightly, because more women entered the workforce. The report also shows that inflation fell and remains below the Bank of England’s two per cent target rate and that Scottish GDP grew by one per cent – faster than the rest of the UK – as a result of increased output in the services and production sectors. Scotland’s international exports were up by three per cent in real terms during the first quarter of 2014. The outlook from the second SCC Quarterly Business Survey is extremely positive, particularly when compared with the British Chambers of Commerce equivalent, which found that investment levels and exporting had decreased since the first quarter of 2014 in the UK economy overall. Scottish tourism performed well, boosted by the Commonwealth Games, the Ryder Cup and the MTV Europe Music Awards. The retail sector is still sluggish but second quarter results compare favourably with the same period in previous years with encouraging results for employment in retail, both over thet last quarter, and in terms of future plans.

Graphic courtesy of Scottish Chambers of Commerce.

Bright Future for Dunbartonshire Businesses

Unemployment in the east of the county at 4.9 per cent is the same as last year and still less than half that of West Dunbartonshire which had 10.6 per cent of its economically active population out of work.



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Key Highlights of West College Scotland’s First Year

A FEW weeks ago, one of my staff asked me what I thought were some of the key highlights of the first 12 months in the life of West College Scotland (WCS) – now the third largest college in Scotland. It’s a tricky question because we have achieved a lot in what has been a period of significant change for the sector as a whole. During the 2014 Commonwealth Games, WCS students and staff bid for, designed and ran the hair and beauty salon at the heart of the Athletes’ Village. We also trained scores of people to take on security duties at games venues; our media students spent the games fortnight at Glasgow Airport and at other venues, interviewing and filming athletes and officials. The college teaches 30,000 students, including over 3000 school pupils, and serves 23 per cent of Scotland’s population across three towns and six local authorities.

Strong relationships between the college and employers are crucial to economic growth for our communities and for the employability and progression opportunities of students. By working in partnership with employers we can encourage and assist business growth and add value to our student experience. We are active in many different sectors, engaging with enterprises ranging from SMEs to multi-national companies. Among our key partners are RBS, Babcock Marine, BAe, the Scottish Leather Group, the Scottish TUC, EE and our local authorities.

Photos courtesy of West College Scotland.

Principal and chief executive, Audrey Cumberford, reflects on the first year of West College Scotland which was created on 1 August 2013 by the merger of Clydebank College, James Watt College in Greenock and Reid Kerr College in Paisley.

We will continue to listen to feedback from employers and partners to ensure that curriculum content is relevant to their needs and that it enhances our students’ employment prospects. We are also determined to provide a seamless service to employers, ensuring they have one point of contact, that they receive a quality service, and that we fulfil our commitments. www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk




ASHTON Building Systems delivers high quality roofing services to both the public and private sectors and aims to be one of the UK’s leading design and installation contractors within the construction industry.

The Clydebank-based business employs highly skilled, experienced staff who are given product specific training by the manufacturers. This is a vital element in ensuring clients receive a service that matches their operational and business needs.

The company has been trading successfully for more than 12 years and embraces current and next generation roofing technologies to provide its clients with a complete service. It is a specialist in single ply roofing systems and an approved contractor for a range of manufacturers including Sika/Sarnafil, Roof Assured, Icopal, Renolit, Flag Soprema, Liquid Plastic Systems, MCM Panel System, Cefil and Protan.


Ashton Building Systems, Block 7, Units 1 & 2 Beardmore Way Clydebank Industrial Estate Clydebank G81 4HT T: 0141 952 7681 Fax: 0141 952 1666 Email: info@ashtonbuildingsystems.co.uk W: www.ashtonbuildingsystems.co.uk www.facebook.com/ashtonbuildingsystems twitter.com/ABSLtd14

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BUILD Advocate’s John Smith has spent 35 years in the construction industry working his way up from tradesman to senior project manager.

Photo courtesy of Build Advocate.

He deals with health and safety matters, can assist with quality control and advises on implementing management systems. This is


DO you want to know how much your business is worth, how to maximise its value or sell it?

Photo courtesy of Alan Kinghorn.

The Business Partnership has valued and successfully sold more than 1,000 businesses across central Scotland ranging in price from £50,000 to £5m.


Since 2001, Alan Kinghorn and his team have sold businesses in all sectors including food and hospitality, retail, manufacturing, the service industry, construction, agriculture and distribution. The Business Partnership expertly gets to the bottom of what makes a business profitable and works out how that can be transferred to a new owner.


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particularly valuable when a tradesman is working as a sub-contractor and has to meet a larger firm’s requirements. In such cases, he can attend meetings on behalf of the client and ensure a fair outcome for both parties.

John is a member of the Chartered Institute of Building and has the equivalent of a master’s degree in management. His knowledge, experience and expertise is wide-ranging and his role involves acting as an adviser to builders and tradesmen on contracts as well as helping plan, programme, schedule and manage work being carried out.

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Build Advocate – John Smith, MCIOB 12 Roundriding Road Dumbarton G82 2HT T: 01389 765682 M: 07886 981731 E: smithjo1215@googlemail.com W: www.buildadvocate.com www.facebook.com/Build.advocate twitter.com/Smithjo1215John CMYK / .ai

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If you are retiring and want to enjoy the rewards of the successful business you have built up, want to look at exit strategies or are thinking of a merger or acquisition, Alan can help with a free confidential no obligation discussion or valuation. The Business Partnership – Alan Kinghorn 70 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 2QZ T: 0345 260 0000 E: kinghorn@business-partnership.com W: www.business-partnership.com

To join call 0141 280 0272


ONE of Dumbarton’s most historic buildings is in the midst of an ambitious regeneration programme since being taken over this summer by Alchemy Inns Ltd.

Not content with that, the family firm’s £500,000 renovation – with a new 1200 sq ft orangerie, new suites and new disabled access rooms – will establish the hotel as a first-rate destination for local, national and international guests and visitors.

Husband and wife team, Tommy and Petra McMillan, who have more than 25 years’ experience in the hospitality sector, have appointed Laurie Keith as group operations manager for The Dumbuck House Hotel. Laurie, who has worked and managed bars, restaurants and hotels across Scotland and overseas during the past three decades, will oversee the McMillan’s vision to restore The Dumbuck to its former glory.


MILNGAVIE BID was formed in May 2014 following a successful ballot of local businesses. A business improvement district is a defined geographical area where businesses and organisations come together and agree to invest collectively in projects and services which will improve their trading environment and future business prospects. The vision for Milngavie is to create a destination of choice for residents, visitors, employees, shoppers and service users, to make it a location where both businesses and the community can thrive.

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The Dumbuck House Hotel – Laurie Keith, group operations manager Glasgow Road Dumbarton G82 1EG T: 01389 734336 M: 07809 406347 E: info@dumbuckhousehotel.com W: www.dumbuckhousehotel.com www.facebook.com/pages/TheDumbuck-House-Hotel CMYK / .ai

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The BID will enhance Milngavie Town Centre as it is the heart of the community and will deliver a number of projects aligned to its themes over a five year period. BID manager Lesley Shaw is happy to provide more information and details to interested parties. Milngavie BID – Lesley Shaw, manager T: 0141 956 3730 M: 07523 958440 E: lesley.shaw@milngaviebid.com



Legal expenses cover up to £670,000 plus 24-hour advice line

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Can you afford not to join? Entry level membership at less than 40p a day is cost effective and excellent value for money. Download your application NOW at www.dunbartonshirechamber.co.uk or call our admin team on 0141 280 0272.



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Event Report Photo courtesy of John Corcoran.

Golf Day Success It followed the usual Stableford format for the individual and team competitions. Chamber director Nick Allan’s team won with 44 points (BIH) and was nearest the pin. The runner-up was president Stewart Rennie’s team on 44 points. Alistair MacPherson of Circle Insurance plc had a good day winning both the individual prize with 37 points and the longest drive.

WINNING TEAM: Nick Allan (centre) with Neil Miller (left) and David Sifton.

THE chamber annual golf day at Buchanan Castle Golf Club was a success with fine weather making it an enjoyable outing for members and guests.

All Aboard for New Chamber Season THE sun shone on the Maid of the Loch for the opening event of the new chamber season. Members and guests boarded the iconic steamship at Balloch Pier to hear from chamber president Stewart Rennie about the many benefits of becoming a member These include up to £670,000 of legal cover, a health plan, which he described as ‘a great benefit to employees, and a tax deductible cost for employers’.

Organiser John Corcoran would like to thank Janet Dawson and Keith Baxter of Buchanan Castle Golf Club for making everyone so welcome and the sponsors for their generosity – Business Gateway West Dunbartonshire, Clydebank Estate and Letting Agents, Grangemouth Oil, Highland RFCA/Sabre, Killermont Investments, Rennie McInnes LLP, Ross Telecom, Serenity Scene, Sim Property Group, St Andrew’s College Language Schools and Wilson Decorators.

“We provide the luxury of a dedicated PA without the associated costs for businesses,” he added. “Your calls will be answered and the client will be unaware it has been passed to another company.” Loch Lomond Steamship Company (LLSC) director and local businessman, Iain Robertson, gave an update on the refurbishment of the ship. With £1.7m already spent, last year, her 60th anniversary, saw a public appeal to raise the £3.3m needed for her to sail again. She is currently a successful static venue for weddings and other events and recently hosted the Great Scottish Swim. He said that further funding would be needed to refurbish piers and establish a visitor centre taking the total to £4.9m. A lottery fund application was recently rejected but the company has been encouraged to apply again and is also in talks with the Scottish Government.

In a short presentation, new member, Steven Cairns of Virtual VIP, of Dumbarton, explained that his business offers a telephone answering service. A former winner of Frontline Professional of the Year at the European Contact Centre and Customer Service Awards, Steven said that 80 per cent of people are put off if a call switches to voicemail or if the line is busy.

Photos © Caritas Images.

In addition, the chamber offers networking at the highest level, a programme of events which help businesses address a range of issues and access to one-to-one or group mentoring.



Events Diary... November


Wednesday 26 November 6-8pm

Tuesday 9 December 12pm – 2pm

St Andrew’s Celebration of Scotch Whisky

Business Lunch Club

The Eagle Lodge, 2 Hilton Road, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow G64 2PN.

Virgin Active Milngavie, Strathblane Road, Milngavie G62 8HJ

£20 chamber members/£30 non members (+ VAT). Includes buffet, tea and coffee.

Members and guests £10 – payable direct to venue. No speaker, no agenda, just networking! Meet chamber members, guests and directors for a two course lunch. Hosted alternately in East and West Dunbartonshire. Please note that you must still register for this event by e-mailing admin@dunbartonshirechamber.co.uk. Thursday 18 December 12pm-3pm

Chamber Annual Christmas Lunch Cameron House, Loch Lomond, Alexandria G83 8QZ. £30 chamber members/£40 non members (+ VAT). Photo courtesy of Andrew Ferguson.

Celebrate the festive season at the annual chamber Christmas lunch. Join chamber directors, fellow members and guests for seasonal fun, a delicious meal and informal networking. Book early to avoid disappointment!

Meet Andrew Ferguson, ‘The Whisky Guy’, who will tell you all you need to know about whisky.

Photo courtesy of Cameron House.

The origins of the amber nectar, its ingredients, how it is made and at the importance of casks and maturation will all be covered by Andrew. He will explain the difference between single, blended and vatted malts, look at the whisky regions of Scotland, at their flavour profiles and at labelling. He will round off with whiskies of the world and with why Scotch is still the world’s premier whisky. Andrew was born and brought up in Glasgow but his second home is on the island of Islay where his grandparents came from. It is, of course, famous for its whisky distilleries.

January Date and venue TBC

He enjoys spreading his knowledge, love and enthusiasm of whisky to guests at Hotel Du Vin at One Devonshire Gardens in Glasgow and also works freelance for Remy Cointreau promoting the Bruichladdich single malt at various events. This inspired him to use his expertise to create his own business, ‘The Whisky Guy’.



Engineering Forum – An Introduction to Exporting

February Thursday 26 February 6pm – 8pm

The Story of Loch Lomond Brewery The Dumbuck House Hotel, Glasgow Road, Dumbarton G82 1EG.

Business Gateway East Dunbartonshire Wednesday 26 November 9.30am – 12.30pm Milngavie Enterprise Centre


£20 chamber members/£30 non members (+ VAT). Includes buffet, tea and coffee.

Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to

Visit the refurbished Dumbuck House Hotel and hear about Loch Lomond Brewery’s award-winning ales from one of its founders, Fiona MacEachern.

requirements using a relevant bookkeeping system.

The brewery now has 12 (and counting) with the Ale of Leven, the first recipe it launched in 2011, still its most popular. It created a special commemorative brew for the Maid of the Loch’s 60th anniversary last year and is planning another to help raise funds so the last paddle steamer built in Britain can sail again.

manage your finances and comply with regulatory and legal

Wednesday 3 December 9.30am – 12.30pm McGregor House, Kirkintilloch

Marketing Your Business Create a realistic marketing plan, improve how you market your business and increase sales. Wednesday 10 December 9.30am – 12.30pm Milngavie Enterprise Centre

Business Lunch Club Diary Dates

Social Media

Tuesday 13 January 12-2pm

Increase your understanding of social media and how it can

Tuesday 10 March 12-2pm Casa Italia 1 Montrose Street, Clydebank G81 2JF Tuesday 10 February 12 – 2pm Tuesday 14 April 12 – 2pm Virgin Active Milngavie, Strathblane Road, Milngavie G62 8HJ. Members and guests £10 – payable direct to venue.

be used to benefit your business. Wednesday 17 December 9.30am – 12.30pm McGregor House, Kirkintilloch

Mastering Selling Skills Improve you selling skills and increase sales. Wednesday 14 January 9.30am – 12.30pm Milngavie Enterprise Centre

Marketing Your Business Create a realistic marketing plan, improve how you market your business and increase sales. Wednesday 21 January 9.30am – 12.30pm

to book chamber events Call our events team on 0141 280 0272 or e-mail admin@dunbartonshirechamber.co.uk For updates and the latest events information, check the chamber website and social media. www.dunbartonshirechamber.co.uk

McGregor House, Kirkintilloch

Bookkeeping Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage your finances and comply with regulatory and legal requirements using a relevant bookkeeping system. More information at www.bgateway.com/local-offices/eastdunbartonshire/local-events/ unless otherwise indicated. To book call 0141 578 8530 or visit www.edbusiness.net DUNBARTONSHIRE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS MAGAZINE • WINTER 2014


MURRAYSHALL Murrayshall HOUSE House HOTEL Hotel & GOLF Golf COURSES Courses

Set within our own 350 acre estate, Murrayshall boasts a 41 bedroom 4 star hotel with two restaurants and two 18 holes golf courses. Our luxurious rooms, relaxing lounges and award winning food, complemented by two great courses, makes an ideal venue for your golfing break. For groups we can offer private dining facilities and for companies, event management for your golf day.

Offers so good you will want to keep them to yourself… if you can! Golf & Roast Enjoy 18 holes of golf over either of our two golf courses followed by a traditional roast platter from £20.00 pp. MARCH/APRIL £20.00 Lynedoch or £25.00 Murrayshall MAY/JUNE £40.00 Lynedoch or £60.00 Murrayshall JULY £30.00 Lynedoch or £40.00 Murrayshall AUGUST/SEPTEMBER £40.00 Lynedoch or £60.00 Murrayshall

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One free place in every 12 golfers in your party

Golf Days We have a number of catering inclusive packages available for groups of 8 or more players, played over either or both courses on the same day from £40.00 per person.

One free place in every 8 golfers in your party

To book your next golf event at Murrayshall contact us on 01738 551 171 or

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Business Gateway services are delivered by Local Authorities, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government with the support of associated partner organisations. Maximum call charge from BT landline is 3p a minute.

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