Focal Issue 1

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Wh at ’s O n Doors Open 2014 For three consecutive Sundays in September, Doors Open Day gives the public free access to many of Fife’s most fascinating buildings. Some open only once a year, others only open once in a lifetime, so it’s your chance to explore Fife’s architecture, design, places and spaces.

Dates: 7, 14 and 21 September Venues: each weekend sees doors open in a different area of Fife Cost: free, but booking may be required

Forth Bridges Festival

The Bruce Festival 2014

A ten day festival celebrating the iconic Forth Bridges and marking the 50th birthday of the remarkable feat of engineering that is the Forth Road Bridge.

This year’s Bruce Festival offers a cultural and historic taste trail around Medieval Scotland. It is a fun, entertaining and free day out with medieval re-enactments, children’s juggling and jester school, storytelling, jousting, falconry, food, crafts and music.

The Forth Bridges Festival is a Homecoming Scotland Event which is estimated to attract over 100,000 local, national and international visitors. A series of events will take place from Thursday 4 September to Saturday 13 September and festival highlights include the Birthday Parade featuring pipe bands, vintage cars, floats over the road bridge and a flotilla of boats under the bridges; and a dramatic firework display.

The Bruce Festival is supported by Fife Council’s Strategic Events Investment Programme. Dates: 12 and 13 July Times: 11am – 4pm Venue: Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline Cost: free

Dates: 4 – 13 September Venue: Various around Forth Estuary Cost: many events free

St Andrews Food and Drink Festival A celebration of Fife’s wonderful produce, natural larder and renowned chefs, St Andrews Food and Drink Festival brings together a range of fantastic businesses providing places to eat, stay, shop and relax. The Festival includes chef demonstrations, tasting special festival menus and events involving a wide range of delicacies. So whatever you love to eat and drink, you’ll find it at this festival. Dates: 22 November to 6 December (provisional) Venues: Various locations in St Andrews Cost: Free to £50



Welcome WELCOME to FoCaL, the new publication from Fife Council Leisure & Cultural Services. As the following pages will testify, Fife Council, both directly and in partnership with Fife Coast & Countryside Trust, Fife Cultural Trust, Fife Golf Trust and Fife Sports & Leisure Trust, delivers a wide range of high-quality leisure and cultural facilities and services, which help to make Fife a great place to live, work, visit and do business. Our operational performance strengthens year-onyear and we continue to make significant investment to improve services for our customers and help safeguard the environment. This investment has provided jobs and helped support Fife’s economy during a particularly challenging time for families and businesses. The last twelve months have seen the opening of Kirkcaldy Galleries (which brings together the library, museum and visitor centre into a single, fully-integrated building) and the completion of two major new sports facilities, the Michael Woods Sports & Leisure Centre in Glenrothes and Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre. Looking ahead, the long-term re-development of Pittencrieff Park in Dunfermline will continue with the support of the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust and work on the new Dunfermline Museum, Library & Art Gallery is due to start later this year. Both projects are supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. We play a key role in helping to enhance the quality of life in our local communities, working to deliver increased participation in sport and physical activity, greater use of our greenspace, improved access to beaches, coast and countryside and cleaner, safer streets. For example, Fife has the only Blue Flag beaches in Scotland. We’re actively working with EventScotland and event organisers to attract, support and sustain major events in Fife given the significant economic and marketing benefits they bring to the Kingdom. This year will see a focus on Homecoming 2014 and the Commonwealth Games, with the Queen’s Baton Relay in Fife on 26th June 2014. I hope you enjoy the first of many issues of FoCaL.


What’s On


Raising the profile of Fife’s Parks to the local business community


Fife Cultural Trust


Fife Sports & Leisure Trust: Delivering affordable, accessible leisure opportunities across Fife


A healthier more active Fife: enjoy the benefits of being physically active


Raising Fife’s profile on the local, national and international stage


The Queen’s Baton Relay comes to Fife


Fife Golf Trust


Fife’s Fantastic Coast and Countryside

Publisher: DTech Publishing Ltd FoCaL is published by DTech Publishing Limited on behalf of Fife Council Leisure & Cultural Services. This publication is fully protected by copyright and nothing may be printed wholly or in part without the written permission of the publishers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers and not agents or sub-agents of those who advertise therein. The publishers cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication. The views expressed by the authors or articles published in this magazine are solely those of the author and are not necessarily the views of or shared by the editor, nor the publisher or the directors, shareholders and/or employees of DTech Publishing Limited.

Councillor Gavin Yates

FoCaL is published on behalf of Fife Council Leisure & Cultural Services.

Executive spokesperson for Community Health and Wellbeing

For further information, please contact: Telephone 01436 678808/671133 email:

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database 2014


Raising the profile of Fife’s Parks New Lighting for Pittencrieff Park WITH over 750,000 visitors each year, Pittencrieff Park is one of Scotland’s most important and popular urban parks. The Glen Pavilion within the Park is a beautiful Art Deco style building; a popular venue for weddings and corporate events. The Park will shortly be benefiting from a refurbishment and improvement programme which includes the renovation and replacement of lights. The original cast iron columns will be restored, the original lamp-heads will be replaced with more ornate lantern

style heads and new lighting, complemented by new technology, allowing lights to be switched on or off as required, installed in areas which are currently poorly lit. The improved lighting will highlight access through the park, from the Louise Carnegie gates at the town centre to the Abbey and Nethertown park entrances, pathways leading to the Glen Pavilion, Peacock Rooms Café, Pittencrieff House and the car parking areas, for local residents and corporate guests making use of the excellent facilities including the Glen Pavilion and Peacock Rooms Café. For further information on the corporate hire of facilities at Pittencrieff Park please call: Florence Hutchison on 01383 739272.

Left – Right: Pittencrieff House; one of the famous Peacocks which wander freely around the Park; The Peacock Rooms Café.

Green Flags for Fife’s Parks

Beveridge Park, Kirkcaldy


FOUR of Fife’s parks have won the prestigious Green Flag. Beveridge and Ravenscraig Parks in Kirkcaldy; Letham Glen in Leven and Silver Sands & Hawkcraig Point, Aberdour have all been awarded the national benchmark standard which recognises and rewards the best green spaces in the country. Each of the parks were judged on eight criteria ranging from the provision of a welcoming place with good, safe access and effective signage; the provision of toilets and play equipment in line with health and safety requirements; and the maintenance of the green space using environmentally sound best practice methods. Conservation of species and natural features is another high priority. The active involvement of the local community both business and domestic, within the park is critical as is the park’s marketing and associated facilities. Business use of the excellent facilities can only help preserve the existence of the facilities and help fund the replacement of equipment. If your company is interested in the use of any of the Green Flag parks, please email:

About Parks, Streets & Open Spaces FIFE Council’s Parks, Streets and Open Spaces manages and maintains the region’s 126 parks, gardens and open spaces with the aim of supporting, providing and promoting opportunities for individuals, groups and local communities to participate in sport, leisure, cultural and learning activities that can contribute to their health and wellbeing and the overall quality of life.

Fife Cultural Trust FIFE Cultural Trust (FCT) was established in October 2012 to enrich lives in Fife – whether for people living, working, or visiting the Kingdom. Fife Cultural Trust operates and manages libraries, museums, theatres and community venues on behalf of Fife Council. The Trust employs almost 400 staff and has an annual turnover of around £11m.

It’s All Going on… at Fife’s Libraries FIFE Cultural Trust looks after almost 50 libraries across the region, providing access to books, DVDs, downloads, general and reference information and much more for people of all ages. To find out about the host of great things going on at your local library, visit:

Entertainment Venues WITH more than 1000 different events taking place each year in Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline, Rothes Halls in Glenrothes, Adam Smith Theatre in Kirkcaldy and the recently refurbished Lochgelly Centre, we’re almost certain to have something for you in our year-round programme of music, comedy, drama, film and more. To find out what’s on, pick up our theatre brochure or visit or like us on Facebook at

An artist impression of how Dunfermline’s new museum, library and art gallery will look. Image credited to Richard Murphy Associates.

New Museum, Gallery & Library for Dunfermline FIFE’S rich history, heritage and culture are celebrated throughout the Kingdom. A new multi-million pound museum, library and art gallery in Dunfermline will create the centrepiece of Dunfermline’s heritage quarter when complete in 2016. The project has received a £2.8m investment from the Heritage Lottery Fund, with £6.8m capital funding from Fife Council and additional support from the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. The new building will include a children’s library, a full library lending service will be offered in the historic lending hall which is part of the world’s first Carnegie library and three galleries of changing exhibitions will host all sorts of displays. When it opens, Dunfermline’s new library, museum and art gallery will join the splendid Kirkcaldy Galleries as jewels in Fife’s cultural crown. The Galleries opened last year following a major refurbishment and feature a museum, gallery and exhibition spaces, library (including a children’s library) a dedicated family and local history space as well as a gift shop and café. Find out more about Kirkcaldy Galleries by visiting

On Business

Lochgelly Centre (below) and Rothes Halls – just two entertainment venues in Fife showcasing a range of events.

FOR those who do business in Fife, we have a range of meeting facilities, from meeting rooms, to auditoriums and gallery spaces with capacities from 10 to 620 seated or up to 1,100 standing. These spaces are also adaptable for trade shows, training, conferences, presentations and corporate banqueting events. There are also a range of commercial sponsorship packages available if your business would like to support the arts. To find out more, please email: or visit:


Fife Sports and Leisure Trust Delivering the region’s leading sports and leisure facilities ESTABLISHED in 2008, Fife Sports and Leisure Trust is responsible for operating and managing 13 leisure centres across Fife. The Trust works tirelessly to give local communities quality facilities and experienced staff delivering a full range of programmes at affordable prices to suit all ages and abilities. In fact, in the six years since the Trust took over Fife Council’s leisure and sports facilities, it has achieved year-on-year increases on attendance levels with 2013-14 set to be its most successful year yet. This success is in large part due to its continual reinvestment in its leisure centres to deliver state-of-the-art facilities and equipment which are unrivalled in Fife.

Family-friendly fun

Corporate Leisure Active offers businesses further discounts on unlimited access to the Trust’s facilities and programmes - a great perk for staff.

Membership for business

Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre, Glenrothes.

FIFE Sports and Leisure Trust is committed to getting children and young people engaged in physical activity in order to establish a lifelong interest in keeping active. Throughout the year, the Trust delivers Quid-a-Kid Weekends which offers juniors (aged 17 and under) swimming and racquet sports for just £1. And, during school holidays, there is a host of promotions, including free swimming and varied sports and activity camps on offer. So, whether your child is a budding swimmer, athlete, gymnast, footballer or just loves to burn off energy, Fife Sports and Leisure Trust has the perfect mix of swimming pools, sports halls and outdoor facilities for them to enjoy. For further information on all Fife Sports and Leisure Trust’s facilities and programmes, as well as latest news and special offers, visit

Erin Smart (5) enjoys a swim at Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre.


Carnegie Leisure Centre.

ONE of Fife Sports and Leisure Trust’s key achievements has been the launch of its Leisure Active membership scheme which gives individuals and businesses the most affordable and flexible programme on offer in the region. Corporate Leisure Active is a real favourite among Fife businesses that want to offer their employees the benefits of a healthy lifestyle with fantastic savings on standard prices. And, Corporate Leisure Active doesn’t just deliver great value – evidence suggests that by promoting and providing physical activity opportunities, employers can benefit from a healthier, happier workforce. Studies have proven that exercise can help lower stress levels and those who are physically active recover quicker, meaning staff are off for shorter periods, sickness levels are lower and workplace productivity is increased.

Did you know?

• Sitting at a desk all day is often the most common sedentary behaviour in adults today.

• Sitting at a desk all day is the equivalent to sitting on a long haul flight everyday.

• Sedentary behaviour can contribute to many health

conditions such as coronary heart disease and diabetes.

A healthier more active Fife ACTIVE Fife encourages people to be active through sport and physical activity. It does this through a variety of ways, working with sports clubs, organising walking programmes and community activity programmes, delivering training to health professionals, volunteers, sports coaches and community workers. There’s a huge variety of services and facilities for sporting, recreation and leisure activities in Fife that can help individuals to lead a healthy lifestyle. Being active means doing any form of exercise, whether its dancing, playing a sport, going for a walk or going to the gym, and just 30 minutes a day, benefits your body and mind. Active Fife also works closely with companies and organisations to ensure workforces stay healthy and active and with the Commonwealth Games looming, there’s no better time to get active! Sitting at a desk all day is often the most common sedentary behaviour in adults today. Encouraging workers to get up from their desk to perhaps go the printer in a different department, or rather than send an email to walk and talk to co-workers can help cut sedentary behaviour (low energy expenditure), as can encouraging colleagues to go for a 15 minute walk at lunchtime or do ten minutes of chairobics or stretches at their desk. This can help members of staff to be healthier and thus reduce sickness absence and time away from work. The physical activity team can deliver short workplace presentations for keeping active and cutting sedentary behaviour. To find out more email:

Clyde, the Commonwealth Games mascot paid a visit to Fife, to meet local school children.

Tire the children out this summer! DO you need to find something for the children to do during the holidays? The Active Fife Team puts on a number of programmes over the school holidays. The Sports Camps are available across Fife and offer the opportunity for children from the age of seven to come along and take part in a variety of sports and activities. To find out more email:


Raising Fife’s profile locally, nationally and internationally Strategic Events & Festivals – Massive Boost to local economy FIFE Council provides support for a range of community and strategic events. This reflects the aims in the Council Plan 2017 of ‘Growing a Vibrant Economy’ and ‘Improving Quality of Life in Local Communities’. The intention is to make best use of Fife’s assets and potential through promoting a strong sense of identity, delivering high quality sports and arts programmes and by promoting our culture and heritage. An estimated 6,000 events of all shapes and sizes take place in Fife every year generating an estimated £269m per annum for the local economy. The ‘Perception of Fife’ study carried out in 2012 found that 82 per cent of respondents stated the purpose of their visit to Fife was to attend an event or festival. Fife Council’s Cultural Partnerships & Events Strategy Team invests around £200k every year to the development of existing, and the introduction of new, strategic events & festivals. These events are monitored and evaluated every year and from that we gather important data such as visitor profiles and the local and national media coverage they generated. Our investment acts as a catalyst for these event organisers to draw down other sources of funding from national bodies such as Creative Scotland and EventScotland. This year 24 strategic events will spend a collective budget of £2,970,622 and are estimated to generate £6,318,224 in visitor spend and attract an estimated 182,580 visitors (38 percent from outwith Fife).

Events & Festivals and Business – What you can do for each other FIFE is a great place to do business and what better way to impress your clients than offering them hospitality at an impressive event or festival. Socialising is a great networking opportunity and in the setting of a major event you can demonstrate your commitment to the local community, portray a vibrant and thriving economy to your clients and the affluence of your business. Being associated with a successful event can no doubt reflect positively on your business. Many event and festival organisers have sponsorship packages and greatly rely on financial support from the business community. Fife Council demonstrates its commitment to growing our economy through financially investing in events … and you can too!


Transnational Events & Festivals Portfolio FIFE Council is developing a range of transnational projects through the North Sea Commission’s Culture & Tourism Group. We have been a key player in developing the East Coast of Scotland Seafood Route, working with six other local authorities from East Lothian to Shetland. We are now expanding on this to create a new European Cultural Route for Seafood in 2014 which will open up our coastline to a massive new market. We are collaborating with our partners in the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and Sweden to develop other new cultural routes such as high quality arts festivals. Using the model of the Viking Route, creating sustainable cultural tourism projects will sustain and increase local jobs, enhance our tourism offering, regenerate our coastal communities and ensure a strong and thriving economy.

Contact: Linda Temple, Cultural Partnerships & Events Strategy Manager E-mail: Tel: 07985706682

The Queen’s Baton Relay comes to Fife

© Glasgow 2014 Limited/Commonwealth Games Federation. All Rights Reserved

THE Queen’s Baton will visit over 400 communities, offering people across the nation a chance to be a part of the excitement and celebrations ahead of Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Within Fife, it will pass through Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, Dalgety Bay, Aberdour, Burntisland, Kinghorn, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Falkland, Freuchie, Cupar, Leven, Anstruther and St Andrews. Provost of Fife, Jim Leishman will welcome the flag to Fife on Thursday 26th June along with 100 batonbearers and thousands of spectators, all keen to join in the excitement ahead of the Commonwealth Games. The Queen’s Baton Relay is the world’s most engaging relay, a unique tradition of the Games that unites the two billion citizens of the Commonwealth in a celebration of sport, diversity and peace. It will travel over 190,000 kilometres through 69 nations and territories of the Commonwealth, before arriving in Scotland on 14 June. Those nominees who have not been successful will have the opportunity to be a part of the relay by attending the vast programme of sports and cultural events taking place along the route. Knockill Racing Circuit will welcome the Baton as will St Andrews where a special beach ceilidh is planned.

Alfred Dunhill Links Championship THE Alfred Dunhill Links Championship is one of the world’s leading golf events. A truly international championship with a unique format, the Dunhill holds two competitions across three courses – The Old Course, St Andrews; The Championship Course, Carnoustie; and Kingsbarns, just outside St Andrews - and is a celebration of links golf, which many believe is the purest form of the game. The unique event incorporates two separate competitions – an individual professional tournament and a team competition featuring some of the most celebrated amateur golfers from the world of entertainment, sport and business, there’s lots of golf action and

celebrity spotting to be had. It’s the combination of pairing amateur golfers with a professional, which makes the event so successful. The Alfred Dunhill Links Championship takes place from the 2 to 5 October 2014 and precedes the return of golf’s oldest Major to St Andrews in 2015. Already, there is great excitement about the 144th Open golf Championship, which will be played over the historic Old Course, when it returns for the 29th time in July next year. The Open will take place from 16 to 19 July 2015. St Andrews last hosted the Open Championship in 2010.


Fife Golf Trust FIFE Golf Trust (FGT) manages and maintains seven public courses, including Dunnikier Park, Scoonie (Leven) and Kinghorn, all of which were previously managed by Fife Council. The Charitable Trust, set up in April 2011, has four Directors nominated by Fife Council and five external Directors with representation from the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (R&A) St Andrews Links Trust and Elmwood College.

Improvement to course presentation THE Sports Turf Research Institute Agronomy Report 2013, an independent report undertaken by Richard Windows (Agronomist for the Open Championship last year), highlighted a significant improvement in FGT’s course presentation over the last four years. A major area of green surface improvement has been implementing a programme to aid the reduction of organic matter, which has fallen on average by 30 per cent across all over the Trust’s courses in the last three years. The Improvement programmes have also enabled the greens to become firmer and smoother and also deliver improved surface drainage. The results show clear improvement for firmness, smoothness, greens speed and moisture content.

Enjoy unlimited play at 7 FTG courses

Investment programme on track IN late 2012 Fife Council embarked on a £700,000 investment programme delivering 16 improvement projects across the seven course estate. Over two-thirds complete, the works are on track to be finished later this year. Improvements have been made on and off the course, with major drainage works undertaken at Dunnikier Park, Cowdenbeath, Glenrothes and Lochore Meadows; new signs and IT infrastructure are in place; golf professional shops have been introduced at Dunnikier Park and Glenrothes; as well as the installation of an automatic irrigation system and enhanced car parking at Kinghorn and Auchterderran. Investment is planned at Scoonie and will see a major refurbishment of the changing rooms and starter facilities, the building, new greenkeeper facilities and an improved entrance.

Dunnikier Park, Kirkcaldy

Scoonie Golf Course, Leven

THE Seven Course Season Ticket (Rover Gold) offers unrivalled value in the Central Fife golf market, giving golfers unlimited play at all seven courses. Alistair MacGregor, Chief Executive of Fife Golf Trust, said: “The Seven Courses Season Ticket has successfully helped us to counteract the drift towards nomadic golf, which sees golfers drift away from single course golf to enjoy the variety and freedom of playing various courses. “Five years ago about 300 of these tickets were sold annually. Last year, we sold over 700 and this year sales are already significantly higher compared to this time last year.” At £299 for an Adult and £199 for a Concession (including those aged 61 and over, under 25 and a full time student), golfers can play seven golf courses unlimited. The Rover Concession ticket if purchased at the start of the season works out at just £3.83 a week.

Special offer for Fife Businesses £39 FGT Business Membership Card entitles you to: 1. On purchase receive 1 Tee time for up to 4 people 2. Special £12 a round rate thereafter for card holder and £12 rate for any guests (up to 3 per round) 3. Larger Groups – Up to 6 requests for £12 a head rate for company golf day or other golf outing. Valid until 31st March 2015, on all Courses except Auchterderran and Lochore Meadows Please complete the details below and present to Starter at any of the five 18 hole courses: Name.....................................................................................................................Address ...................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................. Company Name .......................................................................................................... Mobile contact number ............................................................................................ Email address .............................................................................................................


Terms and Conditions apply –

Fife’s Fantastic Coast and Countryside: Come and see for yourself Major investment to transform sections of Fife coastline

FIFE Coast and Countryside Trust (FCCT), is an independent environmental charity committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to experience Fife’s great outdoors. It does this through the careful management of countryside sites including the famous Fife Coastal Path, Scotland’s only blue flag award beaches, local nature reserves and the Lomond Hills Regional Park. With all of this on offer, it’s no wonder Fife has been ranked the number one destination for outdoor recreation in Scotland for the past seven years. For more information, visit: FCCT receives funding to upgrade Pathhead Sands

Fife Coastal Path THE longest Coastal Path in Scotland, the Fife Coastal Path stretches for 117 miles from Kincardine on the Firth of Forth to Newburgh on the Firth of Tay. It offers a range of walking experiences from an easy level, to the wild and demanding. Whether done in bite sized chunks or as a long distance route there is definitely something for everyone. Why not find out more about Fife’s fantastic coastline by visiting the Trust’s free Coastal Centre at the Harbourmaster’s House in Dysart or visit:

FCCT has an excellent track record in securing external funding to help develop the sites it manages. Recently it secured £275,000 from the Coastal Communities Fund which will mean that work will take place over the next two years to upgrade Kirkcaldy’s Pathhead Sands, create circular walking routes in the north of Fife, provide enhanced safety measures and renewed lifesaving equipment for many of Fife’s beaches. The entire project costs will be £320,000 with the remainder of the funding being provided by Fife Council and FCCT.

We need your help!

Beaches FCCT manages 16 major beaches in Fife. In 2013, Fife was awarded the only blue flag beaches in Scotland, as well as gaining many other seaside awards. From the famous West Sands at St Andrews to hidden gems like Ruby Bay near Elie, why not take time to visit some of these beautiful beaches while you are visiting the coast?

asters House

The Harbourm

WHETHER you are a business, a community group or an individual, you can help us to look after Fife’s coast and countryside by volunteering on your own or as part of a group. For example, you could get involved in a beach clean or help to plant trees. There are lots of ways to make a difference in the great outdoors! Alternatively you can become a friend of FCCT. Simply email: for more details.

Dysart Elie beach


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