Montrose Rope & Sail reveal their secret of success Al-Maktoum College becomes DACC Platinum Partner Guest writer Gordon Beattie on pricing strategy Sir Chris Hoy opens Rigmar House 19 new Chamber members
DUNDEE & ANGUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Member Helpline 01382 228545
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Contents Cover stories Montrose Rope & Sail reveal their secret of success....................... 11 Sir Chris Hoy opens Rigmar House.................................... 21
Tim Allan
A welcome from the president
’m delighted and honoured to have been elected president of Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce at this most exciting time for our city and region. Like the rest of the UK, Dundee and Angus has endured a period of almost unparalleled economic distress and uncertainty as a result of the Great Financial Crisis, but growth has at last returned and is becoming stronger. Small businesses, family companies and large corporations across our region say they’re starting to look forward to a time of growth and investment. Local bank directors are reporting an increase in mortgage approvals and increasing demand from customers across the board for bank support for investment. Construction is beginning to emerge from the doldrums where it has been becalmed for five years and new building starts are rising. At the Chamber we’re seeing increased requests for export certification, one of our core support activities, and with a summer packed with events such as the 2014 Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup, tourism as a major sector is looking forward to the year with optimism. Against this backdrop of regional and national growth, Dundee continues its relentless pace of regeneration with the Central Waterfront V&A site being prepared for work to begin later in the year, the station rebuild well underway and a £3 million renovation of the Verdant Works recently funded.
Al-Maktoum College becomes Platinum Partner............... 41 19 new Chamber members......... 42-43 Guest Writer Gordon Beattie on pricing strategy............................ 47
Features Chamber News................................. 4-7 Scottish Chamber News.................... 10 Member News................... 12/14/15/21 Chamber Platinum Partners............. 18 University of Dundee........................ 19 Bank of Scotland............................... 20 DC Thomson News....................... 24-25 Towergate on company insurance... 28 MacRoberts........................................ 30 MMG Archbold.................................. 31 Angus Economic Development........ 32 Skills & Training................................. 33 Dundee Economic Development...... 36 Constitutional Debate...................... 37
Angus continues to see an “Aberdeen Dividend” with resource pressures in the Granite City benefitting the excellent nearby facilities down the coast at Montrose and Arbroath, while tourism in the region goes from strength to strength. To entrench this broad economic recovery, we at Dundee and Angus Chamber want to firmly represent our members’ views, promoting their interests at all levels in pushing forward the business agenda on a congested political landscape. We want to lead our communities and build our businesses, creating wealth and increasing employment opportunities so everyone in our region can share in a growing economy. Together we need to work with local and national agencies to address skills shortages, improve employability and promote enterprising behaviour. We need to broaden our appeal and widen our membership so everyone will automatically perceive your Chamber of Commerce as the robust, relevant and representative voice of the business community in our region. As president, this will be my mission and I look forward to our journey enormously.
Our new Membership Manager...... 39 Membership Benefits........................ 49 Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce City Quay, Camperdown Street, Dundee DD1 3JA For advertising contact DTech on T: 01436 678808 E: Editorial Team: Sandra Burke (Editor), Rebecca Stott and Irene Duncan. Submit articles and stories to Publisher: DTech Distribution: DTech Distribution InCommerce is published by DTech. 20 East Argyle Street, Helensburgh G84 7RR. Telephone 01436 678808. E-mail: InCommerce is fully protected by copyright and nothing may be printed wholly or in part without the written permission of the publishers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers and not agents, or sub-agents of those who advertise therein. They cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication.
Tim Allan, President CEO, Unicorn Property Group
The views expressed by authors of articles published in this magazine are solely those of the author and are not necessarily the views of or shared by the editor, nor the publisher or the directors, shareholders and/or employees of DTech Publishing Ltd.
Front cover: Brian Smith.
Simpson & Marwick sponsor Chamber AGM
e’re delighted to announce Simpson & Marwick as our AGM sponsor this year which is being held at Carnoustie Golf Hotel on 28 August. Come along and meet our new President Tim Allan. Hear his report and vision for the Chamber followed by the financial statements and reports from the Board of Directors.
Sandra Burke Chief Executive and Editor
Tim’s appointment was warmly endorsed by the Board of Directors at their April meeting. They were particularly impressed by his energy, enthusiasm and commitment to build a stronger Chamber and help businesses in Angus and Dundee grow an ever more prosperous local economy. Tim is having the same positive impact on the Chamber staff team, as well as Chamber members. At his first member reception as president, one member was heard to say, “Tim is an entrepreneurial force of nature!” We’re also keen to further strengthen the Chamber Board. The nomination notice inviting members to apply to become directors was issued in May with a closing date of 20 June. We’re hoping for lots of interest. If there are many nominations for the two vacancies, decisions will be taken by a vote of the members at the AGM on 28 August. This year the AGM is being held at the Carnoustie Golf Hotel and once again we’ll be running the highly-successful business showcase exhibition. Half of the stand space was already booked at the time of writing, so please contact us quickly if this is of interest.
Photo David Lozowy.
hange is all around in this exciting and historic year for Scotland as the Commonwealth Games, the Ryder Cup, the Year of Homecoming and the Referendum all take place over the next few months. Although it may not be quite on the same scale, we’re also embracing change at the Chamber as we welcome our new President, Tim Allan of Unicorn Property Group, and new Membership Manager, Eve Hughes. Voting with a smile at last year’s AGM.
DC Thomson tour of new printing press
C Thomson hosted a series of four conducted tours of their Kingsway plant, including a demonstration of the new press and mail room equipment in action. Newspaper Group Insert Manager, John Craig, showed 18 Chamber members the new facilities. DC Thomson Chairman Andrew F. Thomson described the benefits of the new equipment, saying, “By investing, modernising and developing our titles using this capability we increase efficiency, providing more for our customers. It also allows us to create new opportunities for the business and stands us in good stead for the future.”
This issue is packed with business success stories, a roundup of the many excellent events that have taken place, plus commentary on topical business news. We hope you enjoy reading about other businesses and recognise many of the faces. I never fail to be impressed by the energy, creativity and resilience of our business community, often in the face of great challenges.
Photo DC Thomson.
If you know resilient, successful businesses that deserve to be recognised for their success, please do encourage them to enter The Courier Business Awards 2014 and book for the Awards Dinner on 14 November. Now there’s a night to look forward to!
Printing in action.
Networking at Perth Races
erth Racecourse hosted ‘Networking at the Races’ which brought together 100 members from Dundee & Angus, Aberdeen & Grampian and Perthshire Chambers of Commerce. The event gave delegates an opportunity to reinforce existing contacts and make new ones.
Capitalising on the cloud
Sandra Burke and Liam Smyth, Director of Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, were asked to present Winner and Best Turned Out of the Pentland Land Rover EBF “Future Champions” “National Hunt” Novices Hurdle 3m.
Photo Grossick Photography.
usiness Development Manager of Shackleton Technologies, Philip Magson invited business owners and managers with IT responsibilities to a seminar on 6 March, presenting the Cloud as a credible business consideration. The seminar provided attendees with information on exactly what the Cloud is, the technical and cost saving benefits, and the efficiencies and flexibility of using it. All attendees found this a worthwhile event and gave positive feedback.
Introducing our new President Tim Allan
he Chamber held a highly-successful Member to Member event at River Court, City Quay, Dundee in May when over 70 people came along to network and meet our new President, Tim Allan. Tim delivered his vision for the Chamber which was enthusiastically received. Graham Huband, Business Editor of The Courier, gave an interesting insight on the conception and development of the first DC Thomson Courier Business Awards which took place at Fairmont, St Andrews. The awards were a fantastic success and Graham reported that this year’s event is looking to be even bigger and better.
Sandra Burke and Liam Smyth with the winning horse.
Hire the right people, empower your staff and unleash their potential
Everyone enjoyed the beautiful buffet provided by Chamber member Arnold’s Catering which went down a treat with the light refreshments and selection of wines. It was the perfect location with the view over the River Tay positively breathtaking.
Ann Jamieson, Dovetail Enterprises, with Rod Beaumont.
Picture DC Thomson.
od Beaumont held an excellent workshop at the Chamber exploring two corporate strategies – DISC and Recalibrate. Delegates found out how to pick the right person for the job and how to empower existing management staff to increase productivity. Rod has been to over 134 countries and has worked with corporations from the Top 100 to Olympic destined athletes and disenfranchised youth. Tim delivering his vision. Member Helpline 01382 228545
What makes a successful sales person
Chamber holds discussion with senior Network Rail officials
onsultant Sandy McCurdy hosted an insightful two-hour workshop at the Chamber to help delegates gain skills in selling. Sandy spent a large part of his career in selling as a sales manager, sales training manager and handling major accounts. His wide-ranging experience has been gained in many business sectors, including retail, food, hospitality, media and the third sector. Left to right: David Dickson, Tim Allan, Sandra Burke, Jenny Marra and Nigel Wunsch.
The interactive, fun event showed attendees what makes an excellent sales person, how to really listen and how successful sales people set targets then go on to achieve them.
Sandra Burke, CEO, pictured with Sir Chris Hoy at the official opening of Rigmar House
e were pleased to host a lively and informative discussion with Network Rail and Jenny Marra, MSP for North East Scotland, on Friday 23 May. Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce was represented by President Tim Allan and Chief Executive Sandra Burke in the meeting with David Dickson, Managing Director of Network Rail Scotland and Nigel Wunsch, Network Rail Scotland’s principal route planner. We highlighted it is imperative for Dundee and Angus to be better connected by rail to the other major Scottish cities and wanted to hear what plans are in place for improving connections. We also emphasised the need for faster and more direct routes to Aberdeen and Edinburgh at peak times. Jenny pointed out that these routes are slower than a car and some train travel times haven’t improved in over 100 years. Of course, we understand local stopping services must be maintained to support economic activity within regions and underlined our view that the much-needed direct peak time routes should be added to those existing services. A great deal will depend on which of the current bidders for the rail franchise is appointed in October and we look forward to hearing what innovative and improved services they can offer. Expectations in the local business community are high.
Photo supplied by Rigmar.
A direct outcome of the meeting was that the Network Rail team confirmed the new Edinburgh Gateway station at Gogarburn, connecting directly by tram to Edinburgh Airport, will open towards the end of 2016. This will offer a 10-minute transfer time from the train to the airport for rail passengers travelling from Dundee and Angus which is excellent news for both tourism and businesses. It’s also just in time for the opening of the new V&A!
Top hole event at Piperdam
Inspiring businesses to get involved in the visitor economy
s part of Scottish Tourism Week in March, the Chamber teamed up with Angus Council, Dundee City Council and Visit Scotland at Malmaison to bring together a range of speakers to inspire and encourage businesses to get involved in the visitor economy and prepare for future opportunities in Dundee and the surrounding region.
The winning EQ Accountants Team.
his year’s Chamber golf event was held at Piperdam Leisure Resort on 23 May and was a resounding success. All 14 teams enjoyed a great day of golf which began with a shotgun start and finished with an excellent dinner and the presentation of prizes by Sandra Burke. There were a number of prize winners:
The conference heard from Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for External Affairs and International Development, who spoke about the impact of Scotland’s people. Scottish Tourism Alliance Chief Executive, Marc Crofthall, also talked about the wonderful opportunity the industry had been given this year with the Commonwealth Games, Ryder Cup and a programme of Homecoming Scotland events. He then warned against complacency, saying businesses must continue to invest in technology, skills and service to maintain the country’s position with increasingly demanding customers.
1st Team – EQ Accountants, 102 points 1st Individual – Roger McGill, Blue2 Digital Team, 48 points Nearest the hole (9th) – Mike Hamilton Nearest the hole (17th) – Nick Barr Longest drive (8th) – Sandy Squires Longest drive (18th) – Kevin Hay
Left to right: Jim Clarkson, Visit Scotland, Sandra Burke, Marie Evans, Angus Councillor, Cllr Bill Campbell, Depute Convenor of City Development.
How to handle the media
eil Jones of Cairnstone, experienced corporate affairs advisor, journalist, consultant and trainer, welcomed Chamber members to a workshop on dealing with the media. The course took place in the Chamber’s meeting room on 6 May. Neil advised delegates on how to deal with enquiries from the media and how best to use media to grow their business. Roger McGill won the trophy for 1st individual. Member Helpline 01382 228545
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Are Chamber members unhappy with the quality of referendum debate?
With less than three months until the vote on independence our politicians need to step up to the plate
he opinion polls in the final few months of the Scottish independence referendum campaign are telling us that the economy is the number one issue for the Scottish public. But what do Scottish businesses believe are the key issues? At Scottish Chambers of Commerce we’ve adopted an impartial approach to the referendum, but we’ve been working hard to ensure our members are informed by the respective campaigns and the debate is informed by the views of our members. That’s why we’ve regularly consulted the members of Chambers of Commerce across Scotland to test their opinion and measure their views on key aspects of the debate. Last summer our members identified their key knowledge gaps and sought additional information on taxation, Scotland’s membership of the EU and currency. Nine months on, in a new survey we’ve just conducted, these remain the issues of greatest priority for our members. However, this time we have drilled deeper and asked wider questions of our members, covering the quality of the referendum debate, business planning, preferences on currency and views on Europe, to name but a few.
opportunities for their business and just over three quarters identifying potential risks. Perhaps it is little surprise then that most business people are turned off by the polarised party politics that have characterised much of the political debate so far. The most important single issue is, of course, our currency. If Scotland was to become independent our members have expressed a clear preference for retaining sterling as part of a formal currency union and have characterised other alternatives as presenting significant potential risks. Yet even on this crucial issue, politicians have failed to present detailed contingency plans and have attributed perceived economic benefits that have not been tested. The currency issue remains massive for businesses and if they are to feel more engaged in the debate we need our politicians to step up to the plate on this issue more than any other.
Businesses have given a clear message that they’re not happy with the quality of the debate thus far with 56% of respondents judging the standard of debate to be poor or worse. With less than three months before the referendum, this is extremely disappointing and should act as a wake-up call to the politicians. Part of the reason might be due to the fact that businesses can see both the opportunities and the risks of independence, with slightly more than half of businesses identifying potential
Liz Cameron Chief Executive Scottish Chambers of Commerce
MEMBER NEWS Photo Brian Smith.
Business is buoyant at Montrose Rope & Sail MD Neil Paton reveals the secret of success
ontrose Rope & Sail is one of the oldest and dynamic independent companies in Scotland. Originally founded over 200 years ago by a rope and sail maker from Leith, James Paton took over the business in the early 1900s and to this day the Paton family continue to prepare handcrafted products. Managing Director Neil Paton has worked in the firm all his life and gets great satisfaction from the company’s development, particularly in recent years. In 2008, along with his wife and co-director Lynda, he decided the business needed to physically move to allow for expansion. “We could see the potential in the market place and knew we needed to broaden the company’s products. This meant a major investment in new premises as the original ‘Old Ropey’ factory in Bents Road wasn’t suitable for manufacturing the increased range.” A great believer in supporting local business, Neil chose Montrose company Pert Bruce Construction to create the bespoke premises which are located in the Forties Road Industrial Estate. “We worked closely with Pert Bruce to ensure the end result was a building which was one hundred percent fit for purpose and within nine months the new premises were up and running. Moving is the best thing we ever did. Due to further growth we’ve since added two extensions!”
There’s no doubt the investment has paid off handsomely with business coming from all over the world. Neil and Lynda’s vision for Rope & Sail is now a positive reality.
Neil Paton, Managing Director of Montrose Rope & Sail.
“Our turnover has more than doubled since our move in 2009 and is continuing to grow. We deal with clients in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, as well as those closer to home in Montrose and Aberdeen. Our bags have been spotted as far afield as Iceland, The Himalayas and Kilimanjaro.” Neil also believes in investing in his people. “The team has grown in the last five years from 12 to 24. Giving our staff a thorough training is very important to us and all the training is carried out onsite.” Rope & Sail work in a niche market and produce a fascinating variety of products including made-to-measure tarpaulins for trailers, buildings and fairground rides; lightweight ready-made tarpaulins to protect hay, logs and building sites; striped tarpaulin for market stalls and an amazing range of all-weather bags which are used by thousands in the oil business.
Photo Brian Smith.
But it doesn’t stop there! Neil is often contacted by people with new inventions using his materials which he welcomes. What is the secret of the company’s success? Neil has no hesitation in replying, “We’re a traditional company and family-run business that guarantees a personal touch. We produce products that are built to last and whether we’re supplying one bag, 1,000 bags or all-weather protection for part of an oil rig, the care, service and pride never changes.” Lynda officially retired from the company at the end of 2013. Her son, Rudi Wyper, joined the firm in 2012 as Business Development Manager with a view to taking over the running of the business, so Rope & Sail will be keeping it in the family for many years to come. Michael Grant, a senior machinist in the tarpaulin department, has been with the company for 17 years. Member Helpline 01382 228545
Ryden’s top awards celebrations
Company’s success just the tip of the iceberg
yden is celebrating more than a decade as Scotland’s top performing property agent after being named EGi’s Most Active Agent award for the 11th successive year. The firm has also been named EGi’s Most Active Agent in Edinburgh 2014 for the 12th successive year. Alan Herriot, Associate at Ryden, has been crowned EGi’s Most Active Dealmaker in Edinburgh for the second year running.
Shackleton is eager to assist local businesses and prospective entrepreneurs, presenting quarterly seminars at Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce to the local business community and working with Abertay University’s business students.
Robertson Collaborate expansion
t a time when demand for knowledge of how to sell more of your product or service online has never been higher, Robertson Collaborate is delighted to announce its expansion. John Robertson joins as co-owner at the helm alongside fellow owner, Catherine Robertson. John is supporting businesses that are either promoting or selling a product or service online by creating strategic digital marketing growth plans for them. His client base is a mix of local and UK wide businesses. This service complements and deepens the firm’s existing offering of strategic marketing planning for growth businesses led by Catherine.
Photo provided by Robertson Collaborate.
Photo provided by Shackleton.
Steve Ross, Managing Director.
For more information, visit
Young Dundee entrepreneur re-launches his company
n 29 April, Lord Provost Bob Duncan officially opened Benji’s 2014 Ltd, formerly trading as Benji’s Gardening. The company will now simply be known as Benji’s. Owner and Chamber member Benjamin Chambrier began working for himself at just 16 years of age. Five years on he has built up a well-respected gardening and grounds maintenance service and has recently moved into new premises at a yard in Coldside Road. He employs two full-time staff and has continued to invest his profits into equipment and vehicles for the business. Photo DC Thomson.
Photo provided by Ryden.
Left to right: Charles Guest, Partner, Roy Durie, Consultant and Peter I'Anson, Edinburgh Partner, receiving the Most Active Agent in Edinburgh 2014 award from EGi representatives.
Dundee IT support company is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a £1m turnover. Shackleton Technologies, which launched with three staff in 2004, has increased its turnover by 30% within the last financial year. The company, which helps businesses work more effectively and profitably by providing strategic IT advice and support, attributes its growth to its outstanding 99.4% customer satisfaction rating.
In 2012 Benji took advantage of the offer of a business loan from the Princes Scottish Youth Business Trust (now known as Princes Trust Youth Business Scotland) securing £5000 to invest into the business. Alan Laing, Tayside Regional Manager for PSYBT, who attended the opening, said: “Benji is exactly the type of person we are delighted to help through the loan scheme.”
Left to right: Alan Laing, Regional Manager, Prince’s Trust Scotland, Lord Provost Bob Duncan, Benji Chambrier, Sandra Burke, Chief Executive, Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce.
Sandra Burke, Chief Executive of Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce, said: “I was really excited to hear Benji has taken a big step forward in business by becoming a Limited Company. I think he’s our youngest member and the Chamber is thrilled he values his membership with us. We wish him the very best for his future success.” John Robertson.
Catherine Robertson.
The Blue Marlin is Dundee’s Restaurant of the year!
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Hospitalfield funding announced
reative Scotland has announced funding has been set aside for 12 arts and culture programmes across Scotland through the Large Capital Programme. Capital awards are designed to help organisations undertake major infrastructure improvements, refurbishments or to develop new cultural facilities that improve the access, presentation and enjoyment of arts and culture in Scotland. Hospitalfield in Arbroath has been named as one of the recipients of this award, to fund a project that will establish this important cultural organisation as an impressive international facility for research, production and presentation of the arts in Angus.
Photo provided by Hospitalfield.
Well done Dundee FC!
Dundee FC fans.
Vic Bicocchi of RBS raises over £2,000 for charity
Photo provided by Vic Bicocchi.
ic Bicocchi of RBS and his daughter Rebecca have raised £2,150 for Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance, with support from local businesses and RBS Community Spirit Team in Tayside. They covered the 97 miles in five days, completing the West Highland Way in good time. DUNDEE & ANGUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
The one-day training programme will focus on the principles of customer service, providing frontline teams with the skills, confidence and behaviours to improve customer Richard Meiklejohn, Director of retention, loyalty and revenue MAJR Properties. within any service-focused business. The trainer will work with your business to ensure the session is tailored to meet your needs. The programme is energetic and dynamic, and can be delivered at a time and venue that suits you.
Photo DC Thomson.
ongratulations to Dundee FC on their promotion to the SPFL. A special SPFL Championship Winners Celebration was held in the City Square on Sunday 11 May when supporters saw the SPFL Championship trophy displayed from the City Chambers balcony and joined in the celebrations with the players, officials and management.
AJR is supporting Dundee’s bid to become a world-class visitor destination by offering businesses the opportunity to become WorldHost accredited.
WorldHost is a proven, world-class customer service programme that has trained over one million delegates, including staff at the hugely successful London 2012 Olympics.
A busy room at Hospitalfield.
Three promotions at Blackadders
lackadders Solicitors are delighted to announce that three members of the legal team have been promoted.
Sienna Sproson, a solicitor in the conveyancing department has been promoted to senior solicitor. Jack Boyle, a solicitor in the employment team, has also been promoted to senior solicitor and Louise Duguid has been promoted to paralegal manager. Managing Partner, Johnston Clark, commented: “It Left to right: Louise Duguid, gives me great pleasure Sienna Sproson and Jack Boyle. to announce these new appointments. It’s vital new people take up these senior posts to ensure the firm has a long and prosperous future. I congratulate them and wish them every success in their new positions.”
Photo provided by MAJR Properties.
MAJR Properties helping Dundee reach WorldHost status
Trio of milestones for V&A Museum of Design Dundee
New premises for growing energy business
&A Museum of Design Dundee was awarded £5 million in capital funding from Creative Scotland in March, helping the international centre of design for Scotland move steadily towards its funding targets.
Dundee sustainable energy company which launched in 2012 with two employees, one van and a tiny office is settling into new premises with its team of over 40 staff and a turnover of £1.1 million. Sustainable Energy Scotland (SES) has moved to Wester Gourdie Industrial Estate after outgrowing its former base at Bridgefoot.
In April, V&A Dundee launched its first community engagement programme, ‘Living Room for the City’, inviting members of the public to share photographs of their living rooms and their favourite objects online. The programme is the first V&A Dundee project to benefit from the contribution made by players of People’s Postcode Lottery who presented the Museum with £100,000 for community outreach work earlier this year.
Launched in March 2012, SES was created to deliver energy efficiency to ordinary people and organisations, with a passion for ending fuel poverty and making Scotland a more energy efficient nation.
Also in April, Scottish Enterprise allocated £8.3 million to transform the promenade around V&A Dundee. The iconic building will appear to be floating on water, giving visitors an outstanding first impression of the landmark and connecting it to the surrounding waterfront area. This allocation is separate from the capital building costs.
Photo provided by Sustainable Energy Scotland.
Callum Milne, Managing Director.
Successful local businesswomen championed
Director Philip Long said: “For hundreds of years Dundee's waterfront was key to the city's economy. The relationship between the city and the sea that was lost is now being energetically reinvigorated. V&A Dundee is at the forefront of this and is already helping to attract new international interest to the city.”
omen Ahead announced the winners of their annual Business Awards on Saturday 15 March.
Blackadders Most Enterprising Business of the Year Award Caroline Millar – The Hideaway Experience Abertay University Dundee Business School Most Promising New Business of the Year Award Elaine Petrie Kenneth – Fresh Inc Medi Spa
Royal Bank of Scotland Independent Woman of the Year Award Jane Gowans – Jane Gowans GFI Max Young Woman of the Year Award Laura Cairns – Arbonne and Exchange Communications Community Woman of the Year Award Mary Hamilton – DEAP Ltd Outstanding Contribution to a Business Award Kay Gordon – GFI Max
An artist’s impression of the V&A.
Congratulations to all the above people and companies, and especially to Chamber members The Hideaway Experience and DEAP Ltd on their wins.
Training pays off for EQ
Jenny Law.
Photo Siobhan Diamond Photography.
ood luck to Jenny Law, Training/HR Manager at EQ Accountants who has been shortlisted for Training Manager of the Year at the Scottish Accountancy & Finance Awards 2014.
Women Ahead Winners Left to right: Laura Cairns, Arbonne and Exchange Communications, Jane Gowans, Jane Gowans, Mary Hamilton, DEAP Ltd, Elaine Petrie Kenneth, Fresh Inc Medi Spa, Kay Gordon, GFI Max and Caroline Millar, The Hideaway Experience. Member Helpline 01382 228545
ACCREDITED TRAINING AND TESTING SERVICES CSCS testing for Operatives – Supervisors – Managers & Professional – CPCS Renewal Plumbing, Heating & Gas – Pipefitting & Welding – Triple Bar Nuclear
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Manual Handling – World Host – Personal License Holders (SCPLH) ILA funding may be available to meet the full cost for employees earning under £22,000
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OUR PLATINUM PARTNERS Our Platinum Partners work closely with Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce to develop a strong local business sector and promote Dundee and Angus as a world-class destination. They all make a strong and lasting contribution to local prosperity and are experts in their fields.
Angus Council Richard Stiff, Chief Executive.
Angus Council wishes to create strong secure communities, an enterprising workforce and sustainable development over the range of public services for which it has responsibility.
Dundee and Angus College Christina Potter, Principal.
Through bespoke and accredited programmes, Dundee and Angus College provides training to meet the emerging and increasing skill needs of expanding industry sectors, supporting the development of the local workforce and the region’s economy.
Michelin Tyre PLC John Reid, Factory Manager and Head of Operations at Michelin.
Michelin is involved in many activities alongside its long-established tyre making business, from tyre industry training to economic development and publishing. Since being installed in 2006, Michelin’s wind turbines have produced enough electricity to power more than 1,500 homes.
Nigel Seaton, Principal and Vice-Chancellor.
Bank of Scotland
Abertay is a modern university with a long history and a clear sense of their distinctive mission.
Ian Collins, Senior Manager, Bank of Scotland.
DC Thomson
Bank of Scotland was founded by an Act of the Scottish Parliament on 17 July 1695. It’s Scotland’s first and oldest bank, and it post dates the Bank of England by just one year.
Dundee City Council
Andrew F. Thomson, Chairman.
DC Thomson is well-known as a publisher of newspaper titles, iconic magazine brands and children’s publications. The company has also diversified into new media and digital technology, alongside retail, radio and television through investment interests.
David Dorward, Chief Executive.
Dundee’s £1bn Waterfront development has picked up a brace of national awards. The two accolades at the Scottish Property Awards in Edinburgh have been added to the project’s list of awards.
Andy Ross, Site Director.
mtc. David Rankine, Owner and Founding Director.
mtc. offers a complete, rounded web design and development service. mtc. recently completed work on Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance’s website of which director David Rankine is an ambassador.
GSK is a science-led global healthcare company that researches, develops and manufactures a broad range of innovative medicines and brands. Earlier this year GSK announced a further £25m investment in its Montrose plant.
NHS Tayside Lesley McLay, Chief Executive.
NHS Tayside aims to deliver on the corporate vision that everyone will have the best care experience possible by delivering high-quality care to the population of Tayside. To do this, NHS Tayside has embarked on a radical programme of work.
The James Hutton Institute
University of Dundee
Al-Maktoum College
Iain Gordon, Chief Executive.
Pete Downes, Principal & Vice-Chancellor.
The University of Dundee is one of the world’s top 200 universities with much of their research described as ‘word leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ according to the most recent Research Assessment Exercise.
Dr Hossein Godazgar, Principal and Vice-Chancellor
The James Hutton Institute is an international research centre involved in tackling some of the world’s most challenging problems, including the impact of climate change and threats to food and water security.
Abertay University
The Al-Maktoum College is an exciting and innovative development in teaching and research in the study of Islam and Muslims. It’s educating the next generation of scholars through research-led postgraduate programmes within a multicultural context.
World-class graduates
hat should we expect from university graduates, fresh out of higher education and looking to establish themselves in working life? And what can businesses expect to get from engaging with a university? The University of Dundee considers the employability of its students and graduates key to their and the university's success. Our job is not just to teach students, but to prepare them for all aspects of professional life once they have graduated. Graduates from the university are highly regarded by employers, not only because of the high standard of degree they’ve received, but also because of the wide range of personal and transferable skills the university environment enables them to develop. A tremendous amount of work has been done in recent years to develop projects and programmes such as our Enterprise Gym, Graduate Skills Award and Internship Graduate Certificate, all pioneering initiatives aimed at making our students best prepared for life after university. A vital component of being able to deliver those skills to students is our relationships with businesses and employers. We don’t want our students to work in a closeted academic environment, but to engage as widely as possible with the world they’re going to be working in. The university is enthusiastic about building long-term productive relations with employers who wish to engage with or employ our
students and graduates. This can bring significant benefits to all, not least businesses. They have access to a pool of potential employees, from work experience and volunteering to full employment, with the opportunity to directly advertise vacancies to the student and graduate population. They can engage with some of the brightest young minds in the country and there is a pool of knowledge and research across the institution that can boost business and help build networks. The university is not just a seat of higher education, although that’s something we do very well being one of the world’s top 200 universities and best in Scotland for student experience. We’re also a major employer ourselves and a catalyst and supporter of much of the industry that is vital to Dundee and Angus, particularly in biosciences, the creative industries and increasingly in renewables. We are already working in various ways with hundreds of businesses and institutions. But we are always keen to build new links, engage with more people and help to generate benefits for business and opportunities for our students and graduates. If you’re an employer who wants to know more about engaging with Dundee University, find out further information at or Member Helpline 01382 228545
Bank of Scotland
supporting business growth in Dundee and Angus Ian Collins, Bank of Scotland Senior Manager for Tayside, Fife and Stirling, reports on the opportunities for businesses in Dundee and Angus
ank of Scotland is proud to support the Chamber as a platinum partner and is consistently impressed by its tireless efforts to develop the business community of Dundee and Angus.
As I cross the Tay Road Bridge, driving into the city from my home in Cupar, I’m confronted by a hive of activity as Dundee’s £1bn waterfront redevelopment comes into view. With it comes new opportunities for Dundee and Angus businesses to support the city’s growth ambitions and the potential of an estimated 7,000 new jobs. In my new role as Senior Manager for Tayside, I want to see this tide of optimism and investment continue and remain committed to working with local businesses to enable them to pursue new opportunities as the economic outlook improves. Bank of Scotland supports businesses across a range of sectors including Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Tourism, Property, Manufacturing and Healthcare. Our team has a wealth of expertise and industry knowledge. We understand the significance of key sectors to the Scottish economy and the value that our specialist expertise can add to customer relationships and businesses’ ambitions. We work closely with a number of industry bodies to ensure we fully understand the sector your business operates within. While other banks cut loans to small businesses last year, as part of Lloyds Banking Group we increased new lending to SMEs by £1.1bn in the nine months to December 2013. This was by far the largest contribution made by a single lender to the sector. The economy is gathering pace and Bank of Scotland wants to help businesses take advantage of the new opportunities this
Photo provided by Bank of Scotland.
Now more than anywhere, Dundee and Angus reflects the gathering pace of recovery, with even more reasons for local businesses to be optimistic and start investing in growth.
Ian Collins, Senior Manager, Tayside Fife and Stirling, Bank of Scotland.
creates. There is no better reflection of this than our willingness to lend and our desire to deliver the best possible package for your business. Our Senior Managers and Relationship Managers across Scotland have personal authority to sanction lending applications which means quick decisions can be made by managers who understand your business and its ambitions. With our 2014 SME Charter we have increased the lending amount Senior Managers can sanction, without central approval, from £500,000 to £1 million, placing the decisions that affect your business with the people who know it best. As we continue to approve eight out of 10 small business applications for loans and overdrafts, we look forward to helping more businesses in Dundee and Angus prosper from the green shoots of recovery.
Sir Chris Hoy opens Rigmar House
Chamber member is first Scottish-based accredited Gold Seal ANLP trainer
od Beaumont has been accredited by the Association for NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in London. This is the premier NLP governing body worldwide and their accreditation process is used around the world to set apart NLP trainers who are the absolute 'elite'.
Rigmar managing director Robert Dalziel said, “The foundation of the Dundee plan is well under way at Prince Charles Wharf. As part of this investment we secured occupancy of two fabrication workshops, blasting and painting facility, exotic materials workshop and storage facility, with a further dedicated piping workshop soon to be added.” Sir Chris Hoy with Gary Mitchelson.
Rod is the only Gold Seal ANLP Accredited Trainer based and living in Scotland. He is also an Accredited Tad James Time Line Therapy (TM) Trainer. Rod understands the needs of those in Scotland and can offer 24/7/365 service to his clients. This accreditation is not just an honour for Rod, but a major step for Scotland and Dundee.
Rod Beaumont, Executive Coach.
Following the acquisition of Dundee-based Riverside Engineering in 2012, Rigmar plans to invest a further £15million in the facility, having already increased the size of the yard from 11,000 sq/ft to an impressive 150,000 sq/ft, allowing the company to offer a premier port for rig repair, subsea and petrochemical and process activity.
Mhairi wins place on top female talent programme in Silicon Valley
Rigmar Fabrication managing director Gary Mitchelson said the company was on an upwards trajectory and the Dundee fabrication plant was supporting the wider economy in the process.
Dr Mhairi Towler recently attended ‘Special Edition’, an exciting new training programme for top female talent in digital media which includes themes such as creative processes, brand engagement and monetisation. The programme, run by TRC media, aims to address the under-representation of women in digital media. Dr Towler participated in the event in San Francisco/Silicon Valley.
From a standing start in 2007, Rigmar has achieved accelerated growth with a group turnover of £10 million in 2012 to more than £30 million in the last year. The company expects turnover to increase to £60 million in 2014.
Henderson Loggie shortlisted for two awards
She said enthusiastically of her trip, “We had a great time and really learned a lot. The business culture is so different there. For a start, so much money!”
he Dundee accountancy firm has been shortlisted for two awards in the Scottish Accountancy & Finance Awards 2014. Henderson Loggie is one of three finalists in the Insolvency Team of the Year category and is also up against two rivals for the Tax Team of the Year award. They’re particularly pleased to have been chosen as candidates in both categories as they were winners of both these awards last year. The Insolvency team are bidding for a hat-trick of wins as they also triumphed in 2012.
Founder of Vivomotion, Dr Towler integrates a background in science with animation skills in order to use visual and 3D methodologies to communicate science more effectively.
Photo provided by Henderson Loggie.
Photo supplied by Rigmar.
n celebration of its £15 million Dundee investment plan, Rigmar welcomed Sir Chris Hoy to its Dundee fabrication facility to open Rigmar House – a state-of-the-art projects office that includes a messing site, new canteen and permit and safety offices. Sir Chris addressed more than 100 guests from the rig repair, subsea, petrochemical and process industries at an exclusive event that highlighted the company’s plans for the 15-acre site.
David Smith, Managing Partner of Henderson Loggie.
Dr Mhairi Towler, fourth from right, with the other delegates. Member Helpline 01382 228545
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DC Thomson announces board changes The Stooshie.
C Thomson Director Murray Thomson retired from the business at the end of May and Chief Operating Officer David Thomson was appointed to The Board of Directors.
Murray Thomson joined the firm in 1957 and was made a director in 1974. For much of his career he was based in the company’s Bank Street premises where he was particularly involved in advertising and circulation. In 1992 he moved to DC Thomson’s Kingsway premises when printing moved to the site. David Thomson began his new role on The Board of Directors in May and will combine this with his current role as Chief Operating Officer which he’s held since 2011. David joined DC Thomson from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in October 2003. Since then he’s held several roles in the business, including Joint Managing Director of Newspapers, prior to the appointment of Ellis Watson in 2011. David is also a nonexecutive Director for Design Dundee Limited, the company set up to build and develop the V&A in Dundee. The Board of Directors now comprises Andrew Thomson and Christopher Thomson (Joint Managing Directors), Richard Hall and David Thomson. The Board is developing the company’s family of businesses, innovation ventures and other interests with the assistance of other senior family members in the business and the CEOs of Group businesses – Ellis Watson (DC Thomson Publishing), Richard Higgs (brightsolid Online Technology), Annelies van den Belt (DC Thomson Family History) and Paul Taylor (Parragon).
C Thomson has launched The Stooshie, a new weekly publication. It provides readers with ‘Scotland in 7 days’, offering the top Scottish news, views and opinions from across the week. It also features a regular weekly column from comedian and BBC Scotland presenter Fred MacAulay. The Stooshie Editor-in-Chief Richard Neville explains, “This year is an extraordinary news year for Scotland. The Stooshie’s editorial team is working hard to bring readers the week’s top stories, drawing on a range of coverage from the country’s newspapers, magazines and leading websites.” Regular features include ‘Seven by Seven’ which answers seven key questions on issues that matter to readers, ‘The Main Event’, which is a rundown of the week’s biggest stories presented in bite-sized chunks, ‘Around Scotland’ featuring quirky stories from Lerwick to Lockerbie, plus the big sporting and political stories from across the week. The magazine also includes the latest on Scottish arts, food and drink, books, travel and property.
David Thomson, new board member.
The Stooshie goes on sale every Friday priced £2.50 and is available from all good retailers. Subscribe to The Stooshie and you can get your first six issues for £1 –
Photo DC Thomson.
Photos DC Thomson.
Richard Neville adds, “The Stooshie taps into the Scottish appetite for debate and presents readers with a succinct summary of the week’s top stories. It gives readers an easily digestible taste of what is causing a ‘Stooshie’ in Scotland.”
Andrew F. Thomson, Chairman.
Big opinion, news and reviews in The Stooshie
Richard Neville, Editor-in-Chief of The Stooshie.
in association with Back for 2014, The Courier Business Awards, in association with Henderson Loggie, recognise and highlight outstanding businesses from all over Courier Country. To find out how to book your place at this year’s event and join us in celebrating the best in local business, visit: “To have built a business from the ground upwards then, a year to the day later, to be named Young Business of the Year was just unbelievable. The Courier award put us on the map and made people sit up and take notice that a gym in a rural area can thrive.” Gary Fairweather Newlife Fitness Club Young Business of the Year 2013
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Rachael Duff: | tel: 01382 575965
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The importance of up-to-date company insurance
Classes available in the Dundee area for Beginners, Improvers, Intermediate Dancers. Come along and join in the fun.
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nsurance is a cost and is often seen as one area to focus on when trying to improve the financial bottom line. It’s imperative businesses understand the risks that are insured and more importantly, those that are not. A broker should conduct an in-depth look at what your company does now and what it has planned for the future. Towergate conducts regular timely reviews throughout the year. Businesses often change the profile of what they do and without regular reviews insurance programmes can miss the changes that have taken place. The cover may not be there if insurers are unaware of new activities. Once risks are identified we can design bespoke solutions to the exposures. One area that often needs additional consideration is Business Interruption – keeping the business running following a major loss. Often recovery takes more then the 12 months many businesses currently insure. Insurers may look to last year’s figures to asses a claim. Cover limits should include future profits to accommodate potential new client wins for the business. For expert advice and a local first class service, contact Towergate Insurance on 01738 627111 or
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A massive thanks to our clients for making us No1
Scott McCallum, Managing Director, Avian Communications
In the annual UK DRUM Design Census published in March 2014, Avian were voted Scotland’s No1
Design Agency in the Client Poll and number 18 in the UK for agencies with 10-19 Design staff.
Marketing & Strategy Brand Development
We are absolutely thrilled at the result of this client poll. Of all the categories reviewed in the
Exhibitions & Events
Drum Design Census this is the one that really counts. Being voted Number 1 in Scotland by our
clients is a real testament to the outstanding work of our team. Fantastic News.
Leon Breakey Partner
The essential guide to getting paid
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2. Send a Statutory Demand This is a notice in a prescribed form, demanding payment within 21 days. If payment is not made within that time and the debt is undisputed, the expired notice can be used to raise insolvency proceedings. 3. Alternatively, send a short form demand If the debt is not disputed and payment is not made within 48 hours of the letter, you have the right to appoint a liquidator if your debtor is a company. This usually provokes a quick response. 4. Raise a claim in the Sheriff Court If all else fails you can raise proceedings. Small Claims (up to £3,000) and Summary Cause actions (£3,000 - £5,000) are relatively informal, while Ordinary Actions (over £5,000) can be more costly and complex. Remember that litigation should be a last resort as it can be lengthy and costly. Proactive credit control is essential in any business.
Leon is a partner at MacRoberts LLP. For more information contact
Telephone: 01382 350305 Mobile: 07885 227 824 Email:
Getting the right balance 30
PROTECTING THE FINER THINGS IN YOUR LIFE Take a closer look at NFU Mutual Bespoke – tailored home insurance rated 5 Star by independent financial research company Defaqto. Designed for those with higher value homes and contents worth over £100,000 including fine art and collections, our expert team work closely with you to tailor cover that meets your specific requirements. To find out more please contact us on 01307 46 37 85 or email NFU Mutual branch, West Craig, Dundee Road, Forfar, DD8 1XE
MMG Archbold Chartered Accountants
aving an accountant who understands your business is important in helping your business survive and thrive.
We understand the benefits of investing in your business and your people to create foundations for sustainable business growth. Auto-enrolment
Agent of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited. For security and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded and monitored.
Every employer is required by law, in the coming years, to enroll all of their employees in a pension scheme. With around 30,000 SMEs staging between April and December this year, pension auto-enrolment is going to be a challenge for everyone concerned. Do you know how your business will be affected by staging, what you need to do to be ready and what happens each month there after? We can help you through the maze of regulations, options and paperwork to make sure that your business does not feel the effects of auto-enrolment and the ensuing reporting obligations that you will have.
Across the globe, the Kumon Maths and English Programmes advance students beyond their school level.
We’ll be running seminars and have information available to make the whole process much simpler for you – feel free to get in touch to find out how we can ease the burden for you. MMG Archbold Chapelshade House, 78-84 Bell Street, Dundee DD1 1RQ Telephone: 01382 322004 Email:
Contact your local Instructor for a free assessment. Dundee East Study Centre Anne Barrie 01828 670 698 Fees vary. Please refer to your local study centre. Member Helpline 01382 228545
The Modern Apprentice programme in Angus A win win for businesses and young people
here was an air of excitement at a Forfar event in May as employers, councillors, former and current apprentices met to celebrate the Modern Apprentice (MA) Programme in Angus. With over 1,500 organisations and 2,000 young apprentices supported to date through the Modern Apprentice scheme implemented by Angus Council, the Economic Development team took the opportunity as part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week to showcase the success of the Angus MA Programme. Business leaders attending were keen to understand the benefits of the scheme, including finding ideal candidates to secure future skill requirements, building their workforce with young, vibrant individuals and getting support from Angus Council to meet the specific skills needs of their organisation. An employer in Angus already implementing the Modern Apprentice programme talked about the advantages to their organisation. “We have really benefited from the eagerness and youth of the candidates available through the Modern Apprenticeship scheme,” said Alan Drummond, Service Director, AM Philip Ltd. “Candidates grow with the organisation and develop the
Left to Right: Megan Blues, Grant Donaldson, Stuart Brennan, Jade Elder, Barrie Stirling and Lesley Haddan.
skills required to meet workplace needs. With apprentices being trained in a professional career and securing employment it’s a win win for both parties.” Modern Apprentice placements are available in a wide range of vocational areas, both within Angus Council and through a number of private sector employers. The Modern Apprentice programme is varied to appeal to any Angus employer in any sector. Placements offered include Business Administration, Horticulture, Greenkeeping, Agri-Engineering, Motor Vehicle, Leisure and Childcare. The event highlighted the Modern Apprentice programme as an alternative to further or higher education graduates for employers who want to teach much-needed trades on-site, supported by college training to achieve nationally-recognised qualifications. Having a young apprentice in the workplace allows the employer to shape and mould the individual to build the skills the organisation needs and to bridge any skills gaps for the future. For more information, contact the Towards Employment team on 01241 438160, or visit
Some of the delegates who attended the event.
New support service for businesses Get help on planning, recruiting and developing a skilled workforce
o you worry whether your workforce has the right skills, knowledge and expertise to give you a competitive edge? Do you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of pulling together personal development plans for each staff member? Is an induction plan for new starts just something on your wish list of things to do? If this is the case, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Skills Development Scotland recognise that employers of all sizes in Scotland need help to work though these challenges and has launched an exciting and innovative new support service for businesses called Skillsforce. The helpline for employers is 0800 783 6000 and they are waiting for your call. Here are some of the practical support mechanisms on offer. Skills support request A skills support request is a quick and easy way to say you need help. The Skillsforce team will help you identify the skills and training your business needs to grow. Submit your request and your local employer engagement advisor will be in touch within one working day to discuss your business requirements. Funding for training Scottish businesses with 100 employees or less can apply for up to £5,000 towards employee training costs. This is just one of several options available to help fund the cost of training that you can discuss with a local adviser. Training course search June Gallagher, Employer Engagement Advisor.
Find the right training for your employees. Choose from a wide range of training opportunities including distance learning, short courses and vocational training. Course Choices on My World of Work gives you all the information you need to choose the right training for your employees. Search for courses, filter your results and find out all you need to know about the course. Make young people your business This is a Scottish Government campaign which pulls together all the initiatives available for employers to help you recruit young people. Whether it's work experience, graduate placements or modern apprenticeships, you’ll get help to find the precise support you need.
Recruitment incentives A range of incentives are available from local councils, Our Skillsforce and Job Centre Plus. Some offer up to 50% of salary costs to support a young unemployed or underemployed person and others can make a £1,500 contribution towards your employment and training costs. Find out more about all of these support services and more by contacting your local skills adviser on 0800 783 6000. Make the most of the excellent support Skills Development Scotland provides to help businesses thrive. Member Helpline 01382 228545
Enjoying an excellent industrial location just off Perth’s ‘Motor Mile’ and close to the A9 trunk road, Arran House Business Park offers a range of office and industrial accommodation for Let. Surrounding occupiers within close proximity include Dulux, Hermes Parcelnet Ltd, Dingbro, Jewson’s and Scottish Communications.
• Industrial accommodation and yard, from 2000 sq ft
The flexible and affordable business space available offers opportunities for a variety of Office and Industrial operators looking for quality space, of varying sizes.
• Serviced offices – flexible terms available • Close to Perth’s ‘Motor Mile‘ • Excellent transport links close by • Trade Counter Potential
Sole letting agent Garth Davison of Graham + Sibbald adds “this business park is a great opportunity for new and existing businesses to locate to the popular and well established North Muirton Industrial Estate in Perth.” Arran House Business Park is owned by Arran Estates Ltd.
For further information or to arrange a viewing contact Sole Letting Agents, Graham + Sibbald: GARTH DAVISON: 01738 445 733 KEITH SCOBBIE: 01738 445 733
Keeping things running when problems strike All businesses need to have robust continuity plans in place so that if there is a disaster – whether it’s a huge one or just a small one – the business keeps functioning, customers’ needs are met and financial catastrophe avoided. Depending on the size and type of business the continuity and recovery plans can range from simple to very complex. However, in many sole trader businesses the problems associated with the inability of the owner to function are often overlooked. In a partnership there will be more than one partner, so there will be someone else there to take the reins and deal with things. In a limited company there will often be someone else who can take over, but sometimes there is just one director and/or majority or sole shareholder. If the sole owner of a business is away for a short holiday or a business trip or off with flu for a week it is usually quite easy to make arrangements in advance or during the absence to keep things under control until he or she comes back. But what happens if the absence is unexpected and prolonged? Bill has operated a good business for a good few years. He has a good team who handle all the routine work. They know how the business works and they know the customers but Bill is the owner and the boss. If he isn’t there to say yes or no – or to set things up to run smoothly while he’s away – the business has a problem. With no warning Bill suffers a massive heart attack. He survives but he will be off for at least three months – and he’s to stay away from the office. What is he to do? What is to happen to his business and his staff? If he heeds the medical advice and does nothing he is likely to have another heart attack brought on by worrying about what is happening to his business. If he ignores the medical advice and returns to work to keep things going he is likely to have another heart attack. He needs to have something in place which allows someone he trusts to be able to run
his business until he is able to come back. That solution can be provided by having a Power of Attorney in place. These are often associated with old age, but are extremely useful in business as well. By appointing someone trusted as an Attorney you are putting in place the recovery/continuity plan for your absence as a sole trader. The Attorney will have the legal authority to operate the business in Bill’s absence. The Attorney will be able to sign cheques and returns and keep things running. The Attorney might be a family member, a senior member of staff or a professional. There can be more than one Attorney. Similarly, a sole or majority shareholder in a limited company who is also the sole Director can do the same thing and this will allow, say, the appointment of an additional Director to take control if the Shareholder/Director is incapacitated. The form and content of the Power of Attorney would probably differ from the typical “old age” version, but would need to be capable of being registered with the Public Guardian to ensure that it could continue to be used in the event of complete incapacity. There is nothing to stop someone having a Power of Attorney in place which would specifically relate to their business and another one to deal with their non-business matters. Having good arrangements in place could save a business. I would strongly recommend that everyone who is reading this should look at the arrangements in place in their own business. If action is needed, take it sooner rather than later. Scott Williamson, Partner
Scott Williamson, Partner Private Client, Head of Trusts, Tax & Care, Accredited Specialist in Trust Law, Legal 500 Recommended Lawyer. Scott is a lawyer in our Trust, Tax, Care and Guardianship Unit. He has a wide variety of experience in private client work, including Continuity Planning and Powers of Attorney, administering Estates, Trust Creation and Administration and the management of the financial affairs of many elderly and less capable clients. E: T: 01382 229222 30 & 34 Reform Street, Dundee, DD1 1RJ
Dundee Economic Summit focuses on youth employment
he third Dundee Economic Summit took place on June 19 in the Apex Hotel, Dundee. The summit creates an opportunity for leading figures from the city’s public, business and academic communities to get together to discuss the latest developments and Dundee’s economic position. At previous events the “feel good factor” has been much in evidence, along with a dose of realism about the challenges we all face. This year high profile speakers included Dundee City Council’s Chief Executive David Dorward, Director of City Development Mike Galloway, President of Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce Tim Allan and Dr Paul Redmond from the University of Liverpool. The focus of this summit was on youth employment and Skills Development Scotland. Local employers shared their experiences of the Modern Apprentice Scheme as well as other incentive schemes. Participants also had the opportunity to find out how we can all help to foster good relationships between generations.
David Dorward.
Tim Allan.
Updates on the major projects going on in Dundee, including the waterfront, the V&A and our cultural offering, also formed part of the morning’s programme. As in previous years, the event was facilitated by Grant Ritchie, Depute Principal of Dundee and Angus College who ensured the focus was on employing young people and how we can all help to make that happen. As a major employer in the city, Dundee City Council is looking to the future. With the ever-increasing age profile among council workers it’s investing in its future and that of the city’s young people by taking part in the Modern Apprentice Programme. The summit concluded with a commitment from the council to continue to try to ensure it helps in employing young people where it can and ensuring they are well placed to take the opportunities which are going to arise in the city. There was also a call to arms for employers in Dundee to help promote youth employment opportunities.
Dr Paul Redmond.
Mike Galloway.
Independence Is it a risk or an opportunity for business? Photo GSR Photographic.
ur lively business panel event on 22 April attracted 300 delegates and brought prominent business commentators from both sides of the referendum debate to Dundee. Gordon McIntyre-Kemp and Tony Banks argued for independence, while Phil Anderton and Ruth McKay advocated preserving the union. Jointly-organised by the Chamber and the University of Dundee, the debate was ably chaired by Nora Senior, President of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce and Chair of British Chambers of Commerce. No vote was taken on the night and there was no sense of a “winning side” but all the panellists made a strong and articulate case for their point of view and the buzz at the drinks reception afterwards certainly suggested they gave everyone food for thought. We thank the speakers and the audience for a mature and well-conducted debate. Left to right: Tony Banks, Ruth McKay, Nora Senior, Gordon McIntyre-Kemp and Phil Anderton.
Titans of the Referendum debate the business case
ust two weeks apart on 15 and 22 May we were delighted to welcome two of the country’s most accomplished politicians, Alistair Darling MP and John Swinney MSP, to the city for events in partnership with the University of Dundee’s Five Million Questions Campaign.
Tim Allan, Alistair Darling and David Torrance.
The first debate was hosted by David Clegg, Political Editor of the Daily Record, speaking with John Swinney. David Torrance, political commentator and broadcaster, chaired the second session with Alistair Darling. Both events enjoyed an excellent turnout from businesses and the public, with some overspill space in use to meet demand.
Alistair Darling highlighted how the strength of the UK working together had worked to support the banks when they were in crisis and doubted that an independent Scotland could have done the same. John Swinney argued that an independent Scotland with full economic levers at its disposal would do a better job of running the country’s economy.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, many of the same topics were raised by these senior politicians and the audiences. Currency, Scotland in Europe, tax and spending, banking and the economic recovery were all discussed at length.
Both politicians also spoke about the importance of the welfare state, social justice, growing a more prosperous economy and about the impact of change on the quality of family life. Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce is politically neutral, but we understand our members have a wide range of views on this important issue. We will therefore continue to facilitate the debate with speakers from all perspectives. David Clegg and John Swinney. Member Helpline 01382 228545
The Innovation Portal and BioPortal: Access to grants and academic expertise to support innovation in Scottish SMEs Tayside has a rich resource in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs): the Universities of Dundee and Abertay as well as The James Hutton Institute. Between them they offer a wide range of expertise across many disciplines, which is available to support innovation projects with Scottish SMEs. The Portal is managed by the University of Dundee’s technology transfer office, Research and Innovation Services and harnesses the expertise of these three institutions to drive and support connections with businesses across Scotland. What we offer is meaningful and proactive contact to help SMEs develop product and technology innovations by marrying up innovation projects to the academic expertise within our region. The Innovation Portal offers advice on, and access to, grants and funding for specific innovation projects, including: •
Small Grants Scheme: ranging from a free one-day Initial Technology Audit with a relevant academic to assess the viability of a project to a £5,000 Technology Feasibility Study for a more detailed investigation into the commercial and financial potential of your project and to explore the Intellectual Property implications H2020 SME Engagement Scheme: up to £5,000 to help SMEs explore opportunities for collaboration with European partners
Access to Scottish Funding Council (SFC) up to £5,000 Innovation Vouchers
Access to Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) and other sources of innovation funding
In addition, the BioPortal offers a dedicated resource for the Bio/Medical SME sector and has introduced the BioKT fund, an “Easy Access IP” model with no up-front fees for Intellectual Property (IP) and a shared risk-reward strategy. It provides funding of up to £20,000 for innovation projects, with a cash-matched contribution from SMEs. As well as providing access to innovation grant funding, Portal involvement with companies takes many other forms, including: •
Company visits and one-to-one meetings with Portal staff
Workshops and seminars themed around industry sectors
Networking and other events to enable companies to meet prospective academic partners
The Innovation Portal is based at Dundee University Incubator, a 10,000 square foot business incubator which contains 12 units for fledgling technology companies who have aspirations to strategically collaborate with the University. Our aim is to help your business innovate to give you real competitive advantage by facilitating access to Tayside academic expertise and facilities and by encouraging a culture of Research & Technology Development (RTD) within companies. The Innovation Portal and BioPortal James Lindsay Place, Dundee Technopole Dundee DD1 5JJ
Jamie Henderson, Innovation Portal Manager Tel: 01382 226856, Anne Muir, BioPortal Manager Tel: 01382 229005,
Meet our new membership manager!
e’re delighted to welcome to the team, Eve Hughes, who took up the reins as membership manager on 2 June. Eve describes herself as “born and bred in Dundee and very proud of my home city.”
presentation at the interview. She has a number of excellent ideas to help meet our objective of improving services for members and her passion and enthusiasm for helping local businesses to thrive shone through.
She was inspired to apply for the role after hearing so much about the regeneration of the waterfront and the positive impact and opportunities ahead for the whole of the city-region. She could see a key role for the Chamber and our members at the heart this economic growth.
Speaking recently, Eve said, “I’m thrilled to join such a dynamic and growing Chamber at this exciting time for Dundee and Angus and I’m really looking forward to meeting all our members over the next few months. I’m also keen to build on the strong foundations and great working relationships developed by my predecessor, Dave Nicholson, and wish him all the best in his new role.”
Eve comes to us with a strong track record of success in business, having managed several operational and project teams at Tesco and, more recently, with Wright Cottrell. She’s particularly experienced in customer relations, sales management and growing existing business.
Eve would love to hear from you T: 01382 228545, M: 07833 241888 Email:
The recruitment panel for this key role headed by our new president, Tim Allan, were all very impressed with Eve’s Member Helpline 01382 228545
New Courses at Al-Maktoum College Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education is offering a range of NEW SQA awarded and credit rated courses in the following subject areas: • Professional Diploma in Islamic Economics and Finance • Advanced Diploma in the Study of Islam and Muslims • Advanced Diploma in Arabic Language
• Diploma in Arabic Language • Certificate in Arabic Language
Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education, 124 Blackness Road, Dundee DD1 5PE
• Introductory Certificate in Arabic Language
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New Platinum Partner Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education to create world-class research centres
undee’s Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education is an independent and internationally-recognised, research-led centre of excellence.
Established in 2001, it’s a not-for-profit educational charity and one of a small number of private colleges of higher education in the UK. Over the past decade, a total of 140 students from over 30 countries have studied and graduated from the college. Its patron is HH Shaikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance of the United Arab Emirates. His unceasing support for multiculturalism, education and the study of Islam and Muslims laid the foundations of the college. The college aims to bridge the possible gap between the Muslim and western worlds by focusing on intelligent debate and scientific understanding of Islam and the role of Muslims in the contemporary world. Students and staff come from all over the world and are of many varied religions, as well as non-religious. This year the College Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Dr Hossein Godazgar has launched several initiatives that support the continuing aims of providing a range of postgraduate and undergraduate programmes. The new developments include creating a number of world-class research centres at its Blackness Road campus that will enhance the academic profile of the college amongst universities. The college has launched a range of stimulating SQA-accredited courses: Professional Diploma in Islamic Economics and Finance, Advanced Diploma in the Study of Islam and Muslims, Certificate in Arabic Language, Advanced Diploma in Arabic Language, Diploma in Arabic Language and Introductory Certificate in Arabic Language (subject to approval).
Tim Allan with Dr Hossein Godazgar.
It’s believed these courses will help prepare the way for future undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and contribute to the distinguished research centres. The college is also organising specialist workshops in Glasgow and Dundee as an introduction to the evolving Islamic financial sector, while plans are well advanced for its third series of hugely successful Open Lectures. “The college is unique in its drive to serve the communities and promote a greater understanding of different religions and cultures,” says Dr Godazgar. “We are pleased to be a part of this fine city and after a satisfactory and encouraging start, we are involved in many new projects we hope will help us strengthen our position.” Member Helpline 01382 228545
Brae enables people with disabilities to benefit their health and well-being and to achieve their goals. Mary Sneddon, Centre Manager, pictured.
Aim Design Tel: 01382 776880
The Sales Coach Redd Suite is a popular premier private hire events venue catering for private functions, corporate events and meetings, club nights, private hire events, exhibitions, live music and much more. Located in the west end of Dundee city centre, Redd offers a premium experience, setting and ideal location for any event, with a flexible space and many facilities/ equipment included as standard with each hire. All occasions catered for from birthday parties (including 18th birthday parties) to christenings, corporate events, live gigs and club nights. Tel: 07794 456895
Scottish Antique & Arts Centre
The Scottish Antique & Arts Centre is located in Abernyte, Perthshire. It offers an unrivalled selection of antiques and collectables which are complemented by carefully-chosen contemporary gifts, furniture, home accessories and quality brands of ladies clothing. The result is a unique and fascinating shopping experience. Tel: 01828 686401
Tesco Customer Service Centre
There are two Tesco Customer Service Centres, one in Dundee and one in Cardiff, employing more than 1800 people in total. The teams respond to both customer and store queries, covering enquiries about Tesco Clubcard, Clothing, Entertainment, Direct, Home Shopping and technical issues with electrical items bought from Tesco. By the end of 2015, Tesco expects to have received around 33 million contacts from UK customers. Tel: 01382 822987
The Brae Riding for the Disabled
The Brae is an independent charity group that’s part of the national Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA). It’s been providing horse riding therapy for disabled adults and children since it opened in 2008. Through the commitment of volunteers The
Sandy McCurdy (pictured) provides high quality training for sales and telesales teams to achieve their targets and more by applying proven techniques and processes. He enables team leaders to develop their sales people to gain profitable business from new and existing customers, plus customised training programmes for all B2B and B2C sectors.
A design-led practice positively engaged in challenging architecture, creative interiors and emotive media solutions. Aim is a multi-discipline design and architecture practice based in Dundee. The company offers a range of services including concept design, feasibilities, the full range of chartered architects services, master planning, conservation, zero carbon initiatives, interior design, visualisation & animation, graphic design, interpretive planning, exhibition design, brand awareness and marketing. Ged Young pictured.
Tel: 07725 472243 Tel: 01382 200505
Fraser’s Whisky Tastings
Volpa is named after the Latin word for “fox”. Like the Romans, they’re great at conquering the challenging world of integrated communications and generating cunningly good publicity for their clients. Volpa has many years’ experience working with some of Scotland’s leading names in improving their market positioning, engaging with customers and delivering a return for their communications investment. Tricia Fox, Managing Director, pictured. Tel: 01738 658187
Offering a range of different tasting evenings, group and corporate whisky tasting experiences, Fraser's brings together everyone's love of Scotland's dram with a great night of entertainment, hospitality and their special take on pairing the whisky with the right food to bring out the notes and accents to delight and surprise! Alison Henderson pictured. Tel: 01382 221078
Genna Design
MEF has a long and proven track record in the Oil and Gas Industry. They’ve been providing HVAC engineering solutions to high risk hazardous areas for the past 16 years. They’re a specialist vendor providing HVAC, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Services to the Oil and Gas Industry. They can advise on and install complete air conditioning, heating, ventilation and refrigeration systems, as well as offering scheduled or one-off maintenance and refurbishment support and COSHH-LEV Testing. Chris McLean pictured.
Genna Design is an award-winning jewellery studio based in Dundee. Run by Genna Delaney, a finalist in the Women Ahead Business Awards in the Category of Independent Woman of the Year Award 2013, she is proud to work with brides on their rings and statement jewellery, gifts from her different ranges and even bespoke pieces, which are unique and individual to the new owner. Genna’s other services include bespoke commissions, home jewellery parties, revamping old pieces and jewellery repairs. Genna Delaney pictured. Tel: 01382 214495 Tel: 07793 291050
NEW MEMBERS Landmark Press
Dragon Chinese Translations Ltd
now, to grow your business. Entrepreneur Education’s courses bring together all of their entrepreneurial and business knowledge, and package it up in bite-sized chunks. Colin Gray pictured. Tel: 0131 2081811
Landmark Press can reach every visitor to Scotland with our 2.4 million ‘Welcome’ Guides and Bedroom Folders (including 2.25 million Guides in 6 languages). We have 12,000 display outlets and the best Scottish holiday website and APP – Our aim is to give you the best and most cost-effective ways to bring your promotional messages to 15 million holiday visitors to Scotland each year. Carrieanne Conaghan pictured. Tel: 01479 841900
Dragon Chinese Translations Ltd provides a high quality translation service at competitive rates. They offer a fast turnaround on every project, making them an ideal choice for businesses dealing with Chinese clients and those aiming to expand their services into Chinese markets. In addition to business translation, they provide translations in areas such as health, education and public services. Jie Bao pictured. Tel: 07450 289962
The Launch Point Limited
Loganair Ltd
Loganair Ltd, a franchise partner of Flybe, operates flights from Dundee to London Stansted and has an engineering and flight crew base at Dundee supporting the London service. Loganair has a comprehensive network of scheduled flights, marketed as Flybe, throughout Scotland (book at, as well as aircraft available for charter work. Head of Sales, Donna Sutherland pictured.
Launch Point was founded in 2010 in Perth and provides part-time interim management support to new or early-stage businesses that would otherwise be unable to afford senior full-time staff. The Launch Point team has significant experience in the Energy Sector with expertise in Early Stage Investment, Management Consultancy, Procurement and Contracting, Project Management, Finance and Human Resources Management. Stuart Deed pictured.
River Park
MAJR Properties Tel: 01382 737273
Flintriver is an integrated branding, digital design and marketing agency with a small, strong creative team who are passionate about delivering excellence and thinking outside the box for their clients. Since Flintriver was founded as a graphic design agency in February 2001, their goal has always been to deliver creative and effective solutions on time and on budget. They are experienced in defining and communicating brands, managing brand assets and implementing high impact marketing campaigns. Helen Young, Account Manager, pictured. Tel: 01577 866868
Jobcentre Tel: 01738 443023 Tel: 0141 848 7594
MAJR Properties is an independent property practice established in 2012 to meet the needs of small and medium-size property owners, investors and SMEs. This family-run business offers great experience in commercial and residential property management and associated services. They build strong relationships with clients that demonstrate understanding, transparency and a professional service. They have a strong sustainability background and can offer excellent advice in benchmarking your property, managing your energy and helping adapt and modernise its facilities to meet today’s demands. Richard Meiklejohn, Director, pictured.
River Park Training, based in Perthshire, was established to provide quality induction training that matches your business needs. Jennifer Lindsay provides relevant induction training that encourages attendees to apply what they learn to the workplace from their very first day. All courses incorporate elements to ensure the training she delivers will stick and won’t be forgotten next week. They’re also designed to ensure learners leave knowing how they can apply what they’ve learned to their day-to-day lives. Jennifer Lindsay pictured. Tel: 01250 770013
Entrepreneur Education
Small business growth, made simple. Most of the skills you need to grow your business aren’t that hard to learn, but finding reliable, up-to-date advice is the tricky part. You need to know what you should be doing, right
Dundee City Jobcentre is based in the Wellgate and is the largest Jobcentre in Scotland. They work with customers claiming Jobseekers Allowance, supporting them on their journey into work. To achieve this, Jobcentre engages with employers seeking work experience opportunities for their 18-24 year old clients to support the Youth Agenda and can offer a financial incentive to employers. Darren Kelly, Customer Operations Manager at Dundee City Jobcentre, pictured.
What the Chamber can do for YOU! For more details of how being a Chamber member brings many benefits, turn to page 49. Contact Membership Manager Eve Hughes on 01382 228545 or email evehughes@ to discuss membership for your business. Member Helpline 01382 228545
Your business is amazing… … isn’t it a shame no-one can see it here? InCommerce is read by business owners and decision makers … people who buy all kinds of services … if you’re not in here they won’t be contacting you! It’s too late for this issue but there’s always next time Call our Advertising Team on 01436 671133 or 673777
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College responds to region’s tourism boom Dundee and Angus can expect a substantial increase in new jobs in the service industry thanks to a predicted tourism boom The Dundee City Region Tourism Labour Market Study, funded by Scottish Enterprise reported the city should see 700 new jobs created in the tourist sector but also warned about a skills gap – a gap which D&A College staff are committed to filling with training schemes already in place to exploit the predicted boom. As well has having a range of full-time and part-time hospitality courses on offer at both the Kingsway Campus, Dundee and the Arbroath Campus, D&A College offers a variety of short courses including WorldHost Principles of Customer Service programme. This one-day course gives participants the skills and knowledge to deliver excellent customer service covering areas including: welcoming people skills, the communications process, effective listening, value of tourism, what forms a first impression, topics to avoid, and visitor needs.
The WorldHost qualification had been in demand in advance of internationally prestigious events such as the London’s Olympic and Paralympic Games and with Scotland about to host the Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup, the demand for this training is obvious. Dundee City Council is committed to seeing the city gain WorldHost destination status and is working closely with D&A College in a bid to achieve this aim. The college is offering bespoke WorldHost training with the courses taking place each month. Training can also be delivered in the workplace. Companies investing in this training will have an advantage over their rivals by offering an enhanced customer experience – which can only be good for business. These courses are ILA (Individual Learning Account) friendly meaning those eligible for an ILA can access the training at no cost. Participants should have an ILA account number before booking.
For more information on WorldHost at D&A College, or to book on the course, call (01382) 834874 or email Certain projects managed by Dundee and Angus College are supported by European Funding. Dundee and Angus College is a charity registered in Scotland: No. SC021188.
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Photo provided by Gordon Beattie.
Gordon Beattie Chairman and founder of Beattie Communications Group, Only Marketing and 11tenGroup
Entrepreneur Gordon Beattie describes himself as the luckiest man in the world. He heads up a booming PR and marketing business, he’s a successful investor and spends most of his life in the sunshine. What a blissful cocktail! Gordon feels strongly that cutting prices is the highway to hell. He tells us why.
ompanies in trouble often resort to cutting prices in the hope of increasing sales. It’s a tactic that seldom wins the day. Competing on price is not a smart strategy, especially when there are more attractive alternatives available. Value added marketing is a much better option. When East India Hotels were struggling to fill beds in luxury suites at their Oberoi chain, price cutting was an option they rejected. Instead, they made check-out later, added in luxury car pick-ups, free internet access and a white-gloved butler service. By adding value they struck gold and over nine months sold 35,000 more rooms, increased revenues by 10% and profit by 145%. Impressive! When times get tough, slashing prices is a road many companies go down but, in my book, it’s like taking the highway to hell. It cheapens the brand as it almost certainly results in poorer service. It’s an easy way to take a brand downmarket. Companies going down the price cutting route always want to maintain margins and think the only way they can do that is by slashing costs. Slashing costs is Morse code for cutting staff. In other words, fewer staff expected to do more in order to “maintain” service to the customer. Having said that, there’s nothing wrong with starting out as a discounter because that is the part of the market you want to corner. That’s why I admire the pound and dollar store chains
whose formula for success lies in buying stock at bargain-basement prices and keeping their overheads in the basement as well. I love the value for money provided by airlines such as easyJet and I’m far from surprised that Lidl and Aldi supermarkets are giving the big boys a run for their money in the UK. Another brand that understands value-added marketing is US steakhouse Ruth’s Chris. They have 135 restaurants across the US. For a chain they’re not cheap, but oh boy do they make you feel good. We went to celebrate our friends’ wedding anniversary and when the booking was made we were asked if it was a special occasion. On arriving at the restaurant they had sprinkled red rose petals on the tablecloth and presented a happy anniversary card signed by the entire team. After enjoying a great steak dinner, we were offered a free desert, which came with a glowing candle and the words Happy Anniversary decorating the plate. Our singing waiter then snapped a photograph which was presented to our friends in a beautiful card. It was value-added marketing at its best. We all like to feel special. So what’s my advice? Turn your attention to identifying what you can do to make your customers happy. Prioritise that all times. Compete by going upmarket, not downmarket. Don’t follow the price cutting highway to hell. Better service will always lead to higher sales and better profits. Member Helpline 01382 228545
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What can the Chamber do for YOU?
he Chamber already has lots of benefits that make your membership great value for money. We have detailed some of them for you below and the full list can be found on our website. Our new membership manager, Eve Hughes, would love to hear from you if you have any questions about how to take make the most of your membership.
If you have any ideas or feedback on future benefits that you would like to see available through the Chamber, then she would be delighted to hear from you about this too. Watch this space for some new and exciting benefits that are coming soon!
The Chamber is represented on a variety of organisations and committees. It has regular meetings with councils, local MPs, MSPs and MEPs. The Chamber is in a stronger negotiating position than individual members and uses its bargaining power for the benefit of members. Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce is affiliated to the Scottish Chambers of Commerce and their Council ensures Dundee and Angus issues are heard at a national level.
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS PUBLICITY All new members are promoted in our quarterly business magazine. This is a great opportunity for you to spread the word about your company and the services you have to offer. With a readership of around 2,500 businesses your message will not only reach the business leaders, but their many thousands of employees. We also announce new members and any member news in our Weekly Buzz e-newsletter and through social media channels.
BUSINESS MENTORING Scottish Chambers of Commerce in connection with Business Mentoring Scotland are leading the way to success. At no cost to your business we can introduce Chamber members to their local Business Mentoring Executive. Business Mentoring Scotland is passionate about getting an excellent match to help you develop confidence in your leadership skills and grow your business through the support and encouragement that a mentoring relationship offers.
Our conference room offers excellent facilities and flexible layouts for a wide variety of uses from meetings to training and press conferences. Up to one hour free for Chamber members and discounts on longer sessions.
MEMBER TO MEMBER DISCOUNTS Take advantage of special offers made by Chamber members or give them a special deal of your own.
CHAMBER WESTFIELD HEALTH PLAN This plan from Westfield Health is unique to Chamber members and helps reduce absenteeism and improve staff recruitment and retention.
JUMPSTART AT THE CHAMBERS Jumpstart offer Chamber members a helping hand in securing R&D tax credits. From April 2012, companies have been able t deduct up to 225% of qualifying expenditure when calculating their profit for tax purposes.
Come to some of the events on our refreshed programme to raise your profile and maximise networking and training opportunities. To make sure all of our members can attend the events we have planned them at a variety of times. Come along to some of our member only events – or you could even host your own. This is the perfect opportunity to speak about your business and build on your existing business network.
We work with Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce to offer help with export documentation, training and trade visits. These services are available to all local businesses, but Chamber members enjoy 50% discount on cost of stamping and validating their export documentation.
Scottish Chambers FX has direct access to wholesale currency markets and is able to pass on the resultant savings to members. SCFX charges no fees for transactions in excess of £5k and doesn’t charge commission.
Our online Dundee and Angus Business Directory is a great guide to the wide range of suppliers and services operating in this thriving region. Everyone can look at the listings and access individual member company websites from this directory, but further information and a downloadable digital version of the whole Business Directory is available only to Chamber members.
SAVE MONEY ON FUEL The Chamber fuel card means you can enjoy fuel cost savings, with free credit and reduced administration, backed by personal service and security. When you fill up with diesel or petrol, you can ignore the price shown on the pump. Even better, you don’t have to pay for the fuel there and then. With a fuel card from The Fuelcard People you can enjoy many terrific benefits.
For further information contact Eve Hughes, our new Membership Manager, on 01382 228545, or email Eve at or visit the website at Member Helpline 01382 228545
We offer several Industry recognised Apprenticeships including:
YOUR TEAM AN IT MODERN APPRENTICESHIP! Get your head in the game and enroll your staff in an IT Apprenticeship today!
Business Administration
web design
And they all attract funding from Skills Development Scotland!
Business Advice
from Business Lawyers
Commercial Property Advice
from Commercial Property Lawyers
Employment Advice
from Employment Lawyers
Visit our Web Site at Perth 10 Blackfriars Street PH1 5NS Tel: 01738 637311
Crieff 14 Comrie Street, PH7 4AZ Tel: 01764 655151
Dundee 13 Ward Road, DD1 1LU Tel: 01382 200000
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