InCommerce Lanarkshire

Page 1





Children’s games boost Lanarkshire Tourism

• Why Join the Chamber? Page 6 • hamilton bID update - Pages 14/15 • The best Road in britain - Pages 36/37

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Contents Welcome...................................... 3 Prospects For Boost To Tourism In Lanarkshire Look Promising...................................... 4

PRESIDENT’S WELCOME ICG Lanarkshire Closing Ceremony

Chamber Advocacy...................... 4 Three Phone Calls In May............ 5 “I Need Your Help!” By Kieran Burns............................ 8 Chamber Sees Growth In Companies Exporting............... 8 Scottish Family Business Association..................... 9 Lanarkshire Business Fair........... 12 Hamilton Bid.........................14-15

Riverside Museum.................24-27 Michelin Praise For ‘Scotland’s Wealth Of Good Eateries’.......................32-33 A82 Is The Best Road In Britain.......................36-37 Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow............................40-42 Check Out Autumn Fashion.....................44-45 Chamber Events......................... 46

For advertising contact D-Tech on T: 01389 736000 E: For editorial enquiries contact the Editor, Douglas Millar on T: 01698 426882 E:


elcome to the latest edition of InCommerce magazine, its publication coincides with a flurry of activity within Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce and as you read on I trust you will agree that within the business community there are reasons to get excited about what can be achieved in the coming months. The Chamber Board has begun a process which we hope will result in the development of a stronger more vibrant Chamber that serves every sector of business in Lanarkshire. We can only take the Chamber forward if we have the support of existing members and I would like to take this opportunity to thank those members that we have spoken to over the past few months who have helped us shape our forthcoming events programme and our priorities for lobbying and representing your views to Government and relevant public sector bodies.

In looking ahead I am pleased to say that we have a busy schedule of events that combine networking with training and seminars on a wide range of relevant topics. The Lanarkshire Business Fair on 1 September kicked off our new events programme and set the tone for a new chapter in our organisation’s history. This is in addition to the 3 breakfast networking clubs that already exist. We also continue to provide international trade support for members and non-members alike and again this is covered within these pages. So with so much to offer it is not surprising that I can report that we are on a recruitment drive and in this area we are able to offer monthly payments for the first time. There has never been a better time to join the Chamber – I do hope you will agree... Leo Burnett said - “what helps people helps business”, at Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce we aim to achieve both. Maurice Logie

Publisher: D-Tech Distribution: D-Tech Distribution InCommerce is published by D-Tech Graphic Design & Print Ltd. Unit 14 Birch Road Broadmeadow Ind Est Dumbarton G82 2RE. Telephone 01389 736000. Fax 01389 736002. E-mail: Edited by Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce, Barncluith Business Centre, Townhead Street, Hamilton, ML3 7DP Tel: 01698 426882 Fax: 01698 424699 E-mail: InCommerce is fully protected by copyright and nothing may be printed wholly or in part without the written permission of the publishers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers and not agents, or sub-agents of those who advertise therein. They cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication. The views expressed by authors of articles published in this magazine are solely those of the author and are not necessarily the views of or shared by the editor, nor the publisher or the directors, shareholders and/or employees of InCommerce Ltd or D-Tech Graphic Design & Print Ltd.

The Chamber is grateful to our Partners for their financial support.


Occupational Road Risk Ask The Experts......................... 21


Breakfast Networking................ 18


Chamber advocacy

Prospects for boost to tourism in Lanarkshire look promising By Douglas Millar, Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce





he recent International Children’s Games brought 1250 athletes, 250 coaches from 77 cities representing 33 countries to Lanarkshire in August this year. In addition, many of the athletes were accompanied by friends and relations, the majority of them had never been to Lanarkshire or to Scotland before. I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to attend the opening ceremony for the games and got an opportunity to speak to many of our overseas visitors. Not only were they very impressed by the organisation of the games but they were equally impressed by what they had already seen of Lanarkshire and the friendly welcome they had received. Everyone I spoke to was anxious to maximise their time in Scotland and see as much of Lanarkshire and Scotland as they could. The fact that we had a very successful Children’s games and our overseas visitors were made so very welcome will, I am sure, lead to return visits for many years to come. (Our cover picture shows one of the visitors to the Games from Mexico). I think both of our local authorities are to be commended for working so hard to attract the games to Lanarkshire. Working hard to look after visitors to Lanarkshire is the key to developing tourism in this area. I was pleased to see recently that the Westerwood Hotel in Cumbernauld is one of only two venues in Scotland to be awarded the highly acclaimed ‘VenueVerdict Gold Standard Accreditation’ by BDRC Continental, the UK’s largest independent market research agency. Awards such as these prove that here in Lanarkshire we can provide quality hotels and service to visitors and that prestigious awards are no longer the domain of Scotland’s 5 star hotels and city based hotels. Far too often in Lanarkshire we do not recognise some of our real strengths and growing our share of Scotland’s tourism market is something which is perfectly achievable if a bit more work went into highlighting into the wide range of tourism product and services we have to offer.


n looking at ways of using the international Chamber network to support and represent the interests of our members one issue became immediately apparent – that our members trade in different sectors. Therefore a “one size fits all” approach would be limited, so we looked at ways of addressing this. Our plan is to establish a number of sectoral groups which would meet regularly and work with Chamber staff in ensuring that the needs of businesses in each sector are clearly identified and developed in a way which benefits all. We have no fixed views on the classification of these as this will be determined by the membership as a whole, however “Tourism, local accommodation and leisure” has emerged as an area which would benefit from more Chamber support. There is obviously the potential for permutations of groupings eg would lawyers prefer to be in a group of their own or part of a “Professional Services” cell. We are therefore looking to members (or potential members) to consider whether establishment of a sectoral group would be beneficial and what the criteria for membership might be. If you are interested in this initiative please call the Chamber office to highlight this and let us know if you would be prepared to participate. We shall report back on progress in future issues. Please do not think that by calling that we are expecting any commitment from you but we are very interested in member views on this proposed initiative.

Three phone calls in May The perennial question “why join the Chamber?” perhaps was best illustrated by three of the many telephone calls received at the offices of Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce in May. These are actual calls.

“What’s going on with car parking charges in Airdrie?” As local businesses will know the centre of Airdrie is undergoing major redevelopment which is very welcome, but one consequence of this is a proposed major hike in parking charges in the town. The same is true throughout the region with extensive publicity having been given to a campaign against increases in East Kilbride and elsewhere. We contacted both local authorities in an effort better to understand what was being proposed and to highlight the concerns of business and were quite shocked at the result. We became aware of a local business which planned to relocate to Cadzow Street in Hamilton but was concerned that it would cost each of its staff £5.70 per day to park in the Lower Auchingramont Road car park, equivalent to around £1,400 per employee per annum. “Season tickets are the answer” we initially believed, but we discovered that not only has the price for these almost doubled, but there was a 93 long waiting list for these passes so these were not available for purchase. Quite a lot for a 27 space car park! This business has put its relocation plans on hold. Car parking may not be the most exciting business issue around but it is one which makes a significant impact for those who value accessibility for staff and customers alike. As the magazine goes to press

we are awaiting a response from both Councils and will certainly raise the topic at the Local Economic Forum on which LCC is represented. So watch this (parking) space…. Representing the needs of members in securing a functional and efficient infrastructure is a fundamental part of what we do. Most of us relate to some of the other wider agenda topics on which government seeks our views (such as lower Corporation Tax for Scotland, Enterprise Zones and the like) but this representation activity is very much at the local and practical level. One of the interviewees on the flagship Radio 4 Today programme following the outbreak of the riots in England was a representative of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce. No other business networking organisation participated in that discussion which highlights the preeminence of the Chamber movement in representing business, a responsibility which we continue to execute with passion and zeal.

LCC acts as an agent of the government in certifying origin and movement of goods exported from anywhere in the UK and also provides a range of services to assist exporters. These activities have been developed over many years and we would encourage any business which currently or is planning to export to contact us to see how we can help. Food for thought as the press is full of economic meltdown stories but highlights the success of the German economy and its corporate base. Part of this is that where in the UK we tend to diversify our offering to our clients, German businesses tend to focus more narrowly but export far more

“I’ve just started my business and want to deal with local companies – how can you help me?”. The answer to this question defines LCC’s core business and we have just completed a review of our networking activities as part of the development of our new events programme which is covered elsewhere in this journal. As “the ultimate business network” we understand how critical this is and have put together a programme of events which reflects this. We have also reviewed our membership rate structure and have introduced revised bandings, together with a special category for “sole traders”, and a 50% introductory discount to our “Partner Member”

status. We have also introduced monthly payment options across our membership categories. Any network is as good as the quality of its membership and the engagement of individual members in its activities. So we are putting our house in order and would encourage you to participate in as many of our events as you can. Details of these are elsewhere in the magazine and on our website or call us for the latest and we will be happy to take your call on this or any other of the many topics which we deal with in any month.


A straightforward enquiry to look up the database brought home a far wider benefit of being a Chamber member. The caller was a US company which was planning to make a purchase from this Lanarkshire based company, which turned out not to be a LCC member. “Perhaps they are a member of another Chamber?” we thought but they were not on the Scottish Chambers’ list anywhere. The export transaction did not proceed. Many countries throughout the world REQUIRE businesses to be Chamber members and in many others although not compulsory it is universal practice. Checking Chamber membership is a regular part of the due diligence undertaken by these importers in assessing the standing of the Scottish exporter.


“Is this Lanarkshire company a Chamber member?”


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Celebrating Midlothian Innovation Centre’s 10th Anniversary

The Search Begins for Perthshire’s Business Stars Tourism Focus – Bringing the World to Perthshire

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Debt recovery in difficult times

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Colin Montgomerie launches new scholarship scheme


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Children’s Games Boost Lanarkshire Tourism


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Issue 2 • September 2011

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Informing the world – the story of BDS Adding Flavour to your business Working in partnership – Scottish Power Renewables Segway at Laggan Outdoor

• Why Join the Chamber? Page 6 • Hamilton BID Update - Pages 14/15 • The Best Road in Britain - Pages 36/37

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I need your help!





am Kieran Burns the recently appointed Marketing Officer for Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce (LCC). My main role in the Chamber is to focus on membership development which involves a variety of different roles including liaising with businesses throughout Lanarkshire, presenting the benefits of membership to prospective businesses, working on promotional activities, generating stronger ties to parties in the public, private and third sectors of industry. I am currently also working with the team in the development of a new Chamber website (which will be launched in the autumn) and the work which is currently ongoing to provide a wider range of services to the local business community here in Lanarkshire. Having called prospective and existing members and noted feedback from a variety of sources I believe that the work which the Chamber is currently doing will result in us being better able to serve the needs of the entire local business community and I’m really excited about being involved in supporting businesses here in Lanarkshire. I do however need your help. Whilst anyone can lift a receiver and dial, when it comes to promoting the services that the Chamber offers I have quickly discovered that the Chamber serves the various business sectors in very different ways and some of the services we provide such as Export Documentation and international trade support are vital to certain sectors of the business community they are of absolutely no interest to others. I also know that the Chamber is held in high regard by many of its members and I’d very much like your help in promoting Chamber membership to non-members. Why not bring them along as a guest to future Chamber of Commerce events and introduce them to me. I’m excited by what I believe we can achieve in the Chamber over the coming months. I know we shall succeed in growing the Chamber, strengthening ties with existing members and running events relevant to businesses from every sector of industry. I look forward to meeting you all on 1st September but in the interim if you have any business contacts who you think would benefit from being a member of the Chamber please let me have their details and I’ll only be too happy to go and meet them to explore how the Chamber can help their business develop and grow. Contact details: Email: Tel 01698 426882



fter a long period of difficult international trading conditions the Chamber has noticed a marked increase in export activity amongst Lanarkshire companies in recent months. In the last 2 months the Chamber has helped 4 Lanarkshire companies new to exporting with the commercial documentation they required to ensure the on-time delivery of their goods and timely payment of their invoices. Elspeth Brown of Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce has been helping Lanarkshire companies with their export documentation requirements for over 10 years. She is an expert at helping companies who require Certificates of Origin, or Customs movement certificates EUR1 or ATR’s. In the last month alone she has been involved in assisting companies export goods with a total value in excess of £6.3million to 40 different locations across the world. Elspeth never ceases to be amazed at the wide range of goods exported from Lanarkshire – spare parts for cranes, whisky, integrated circuits, usb flash drives, medical equipment, bedroom furniture, seats for marine vehicles and fudge were just some of the products exported last month. Elspeth is firmly of the view that many more SMEs could export their goods overseas and with a wide range of support available from via the recently introduced Smart Exporter programme there is no reason why exports from Lanarkshire could not continue to grow significantly over the coming years. She also feels that many companies are nervous about having to complete export documents but with the Chamber’s new electronic documentation service it is now relatively easy to get the documents companies require quickly and cost effectively. For further information on the support the Chamber can provide please contact the Chamber on 01698 426882.

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Scottish Family Business Association


amily businesses are the most important part of the Scottish economy. That may come as a surprise to most people who are used to news reports on stock-listed companies or entrepreneurs fast-tracking to build and sell, but it’s true. 73% of all Scotland’s businesses are family-owned including 41 of the hundred largest. Think Baxters, Tunnocks, Arnold Clark, Parks of Hamilton amongst others. They create 45% of our GDP and employ half the private sector workforce. That’s some contribution! But they also have built-in issues, often fatal. Two-thirds of family businesses fail around the time of succession from one generation to the next. Often this is stereotyped as spoiled weans not having what the founder had in his or her genes. But all the research shows that it is much more complex than that, and that it can be countered by education and training on good governance, communication, etc tailored specifically to family businesses. So that’s why George Stevenson ex-MD of Mathiesons Bakeries had the idea of creating an organisation to help spread good practice to our family businesses. And that’s why Martin Stepek, ex-Director of the Hamilton-based company of the same name, set up and still runs the Scottish Family Business Association (SFBA), a registered charity. SFBA has raised awareness of the importance of family businesses and their issues for the past five years, and educated and trained family business owners, lawyers, accountants, civil servants, and academics. Together with Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce, George and Martin will deliver their own stories of the ups and downs of owning and running a family business, and share the globally-recognised ways family businesses should be run and governed. This is a rare opportunity to learn from two major figures in family business, who combine lifelong business experience and world-leading thinking on such an important subject. The event will be held on 10th October 2011 from 17301930 at Barncluith Business Centre in Hamilton. It will be free to attend and if you would like further information or would like to book a place, please call 01698 723346 or e-mail


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Joining Up Support for Businesses in North Lanarkshire Recruitment Financial Support


Grants and Loans

Business Support


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Business Support and Advice

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Financial Support • West of Scotland Loan Fund Provides loan finance of up to £50,000 to eligible businesses that have a viable proposal but have difficulty raising finance • Lanarkshire Business Growth Fund Provides grants of up to £10,000 towards business growth projects (up to 50% of eligible costs) • Lanarkshire Business Consultancy Support Provides grant funding of up to £3,000 towards consultancy costs (up to 50% of eligible costs) • Lanarkshire Business Training Support Provides grant funding of up to £3,000 towards staff training costs (up to 50% of eligible costs) • Small Business Bonus Scheme Reduces the rates burden on small businesses where the rateable value is £18,000 or less, or where the combined rateable value is £25,000 or less • Town Centre Business Grant Programme Provides grants of up to £1,000 to eligible town centre businesses towards the cost of developing their business

• Specialist Social Economy Support Targeted advice and support for potential and existing social enterprises • Supplier Development Programme Specialist business advice, training and information to help businesses access and compete for public sector contracts • Tourism and Leisure – Business Support Tourism and leisure businesses can access support to develop their business or promote their products • Lanarkshire Business Directory This is a listing of companies based in the Lanarkshire area. See

Commercial Property • Commercial Property to Rent The Council has a wide range of properties available to rent, be it office, industrial or retail units. Specialist units for small and start-up businesses are also available

Who Should I Contact? To discuss the assistance your business needs in order to grow, and how our support programmes might help, contact NLC Business Services Team on: 01698 302096 or e-mail

Business Fair 2011

John Dunn of AWG property who sponsored the event, Chamber Director, John Brown, Margaret McCulloch MSP and Chamber President Maurice Logie.





anarkshire Chamber of Commerce held its first Lanarkshire Business Fair on 1st September at Kilpatrick House at Hamilton Technology Park. The event, which included a B2B Exhibition, attracted almost 200 businesses from across the county. Alongside the exhibition the Chamber ran a series of seminars designed to keep the business community up to date with key business issues and topics of specific relevance to the Lanarkshire economy. The seminars run by STV on local marketing and by Twintangibles on Social Media were particularly well received. Margaret McCulloch MSP gave the keynote address at the networking lunch and spoke of her desire to maintain close working links with the local business community. She indicated that she was very aware of the important role which the business community played in Lanarkshire and pledged that during her time in the Parliament she was keen to do all she could to create the right conditions for businesses to grow and prosper in Lanarkshire. The Chamber was very grateful to AWG Property who donated the use of the empty office building to the Chamber for the day and for their sponsorship of the event. The feedback from members who attended was very positive and many particularly commented on the speed networking session as it helped them make lots of new business contacts. It’s certainly an event which the Chamber will consider repeating in 2012.



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n common with many town centres across the country, Hamilton is facing a number of challenges. The town has suffered from a drop in footfall with the retail migration to out of town shopping centres. One clear effect of this is seen with an increase in the number of empty shops and offices appearing in the town centre. With the financial pressures on all local authorities it is unrealistic for Hamilton businesses to expect large scale investment from South Lanarkshire Council. Likewise, a major private sector investment in retail and office space is equally unlikely. Confronted with this reality, Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce believes that the creation of a Business Improvement District in Hamilton will help the town address many of its challenges. A Business Improvement District (BID) is a proven business- led initiative, where businesses work together and invest collectively, to improve the business environment. Projects can tackle issues such as: • • • • •

Access Safety and security Environmental improvements Marketing and promotion Asset management

Other Scottish BID’s are also developing more innovative projects around waste management, collective procurement and business to business selling. The BID could develop events, similar the Hamilton Classic Car show which generated additional visitors to the town. For a BID to be productive it is essential that its goals reflect the needs of the business community. The investment will be raised by the business community and it is the business community who will decide how it is spent In recent weeks, planning for the creation of a Business Improvement District in Hamilton has taken a major step forward with the creation of a Steering Group The Chamber hosted a briefing meeting in the Holiday Inn Express, Hamilton, for a wide cross section of business owners and managers. This gave an opportunity for Gareth Walker from Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce to explain the benefits of developing a BID in the town. Since joining the Chamber Gareth has worked closely with the retail and hospitality sectors in the town. He has received regular feedback concerning the difficulties faced from declining footfall. This has had a negative impact on retailers, the licence trade and restaurant sectors. ‘’We have all seen too many vacant properties appear in the town.’’


He added that he regularly hears the phrase ‘’something needs to be done to help support Hamilton’s business community’’. With this in mind Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce has received support from the Scottish Government and South Lanarkshire Council to progress the development of a Hamilton BID. The Chamber strongly believes that the creation of a BID will help bring more vitally and optimism back into the town. It will also enable businesses take a coordinated approach to market the town’s strengths and address its weaknesses. Traders attending the meeting supported the view that a BID was a means of addressing their concerns over future trading levels. Accordingly a steering group was established to drive the initiative forward. A BID will only be created if the business community want it. To achieve a positive vote, its objectives must reflect the needs of the business community. To achieve this goal the BID team will engage in an extensive consultation process with all businesses in the town. The subsequent results will be used to compile a fully costed business plan which is scheduled to be put to a vote in late summer 2012. A positive vote will generate an investment fund that will be used to support the business community in the town. A BID will not solve every problem facing the town, but it will give it an opportunity to differentiate itself from neighbouring towns .It will also give local business people the a collective voice to influence decisions in its own future. This is a clear example of how the Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce is taking a lead in the bringing new innovative solutions to the business environment. It shows its relevance by offering practical, tangible solutions to trading in a challenging economic environment. Further details are available on the following sites and


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It has to be Eureka for Sage products

Breakfast Networking





etworking over breakfast is something which many Chamber members do on a fairly regular basis. We have members in the Lanarkshire Business Group which meets in Hamilton, The 1700 Club, which meets in Motherwell and the Fairways Business group which meets in Dullater Golf Club. Each of these clubs is restricted to one member per trade and are essentially a group of like minded business people who meet on a weekly basis to exchange genuine business referrals, network and offer advice to each other. Members of these clubs find them invaluable in making new business contacts and as a Chamber we are keen to do all we can to provide as many opportunities as we can for our members to network with other businesses in the area. We are keen to explore the possibility of establishing a new club in the Airdrie Coatbridge area. If you are interested in becoming part of such a group please let the Chamber know and we will invite you along to a meeting we are hoping to hold in early October to see if we can get a group off the ground in that area. Please e-mail to register your interest.


ver the last 15 years, East Kilbride-based Eureka Solutions really have proven that if you’re thinking about Sage software, they are the people to talk to. Recently the company has won several contracts bolstering their reputation as one of the UK’s leading Sage Business Partners in ERP, CRM, Manufacturing and Retail Solutions. Eureka’s recent wins include companies in the retail and wholesale industries - Lindy Electronics and Tartan Plus, the Scottish souvenir retailer. Lindy Electronics is a multinational wholesaler of electronic components, with its UK base in Yorkshire. Eureka is to provide a new Sage 200 ERP system with integration to their ecommerce website. Businesses will be able to find out much more about Sage products – and Eureka’s unique approach – at an exciting business show being held in East Kilbride, on 27th October. Eureka360, the first show of its kind, will include exhibitions and seminars demonstrating business solutions provided by Eureka and their key business partners from throughout the UK and Ireland. This show will ensure a greater awareness of Sage products and will provide information that is of vital interest to Scottish businesses as they plan for the future. “Eureka is a long established Sage Partner and are acknowledged as one of the most technically competent in the UK - we are very proud of that,” explained managing director Alistair Livingstone. “This coupled with our focus on customer service has been a key part of our continued growth.” “Eureka360 will showcase a range of solutions we can provide to make companies run more efficiently on a day-today basis and I would urge businesses across central Scotland to come along.”

Healthy Working Lives

Award Ceremony 2011


11th October 2011 9.30am – 1pm with lunch Hamilton Park Racecourse Bothwell Road Hamilton ML3 0DW Please RSVP by 30th September to if you would like to attend the Award Ceremony. A maximum of 3 places per workplace are available.

You are invited to attend the HWL Award Ceremony to celebrate the success of the previous year and to recognise the achievements made by various workplaces who have gained HWL award status. We welcome representatives from workplaces who are not registered with the award to join us and ďŹ nd out more about the award programme and the services we can offer. You will also have an opportunity to network with workplaces that have achieved various levels of award.

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Riverside Museum


ISITORS have flocked to the spectacular new Riverside Museum in Glasgow since it opened in June. More than 500,000 people passed through its doors in its first two months with staff welcoming an average of more than 10,000 a day meaning it is already on track to exceed all pre-opening predictions of its popularity. Its predecessor, the former Glasgow Museum of Transport, was always a well-loved attraction and it looks as if its new home will notch up more than three million visitors in its first year.


Councillor Gordon Matheson, Leader of Glasgow City Council, said: “The Riverside Museum has been a huge hit since the day it opened to the public. “We knew just how much visitors loved the Museum of Transport at Kelvin Hall but even so, the reaction to the Riverside Museum has been phenomenal. “The feedback from people has been overwhelmingly positive and we are already seeing visitors returning time and again to enjoy Glasgow’s latest attraction.”

Photos © Culture & Sport Glasgow (Museums).

Numbers Exceed Expectations

World Class Design




HE £74 million world-class zinc and glass structure was designed by award-winning architect Zaha Hadid. The result is a striking modern building with an undulating exterior profile. Inside there are no columns to allow maximum visibility and use of space. There are twice as many items on display as before and visitors have more opportunity to interact with the exhibits. Highlights at the museum include, a wall of cars, a hanging bicycle velodrome, a massive South African locomotive, a No 9 tank engine, a motorbike deck and a recreation of the Rest and Be Thankful road in Argyll. Visitors can walk down three re-created historic streets, visit an Italian café, a bar, a 1960s garage, various shops and subway stations. They can board two subway cars, three trams, four locomotive footplates, a train carriage and a bus. Using around 3000 objects from across the city’s collection, archive film and photographs, plus personal experiences and memories, the museum reveals stories of Glasgow’s great achievements and technological breakthroughs. The museum has Robbie Coltrane’s Chrysler Jeep, Graeme Obree’s home-made record-breaking bicycles, Danny MacAskill’s You Tube sensation stunt bike, Franz Ferdinand singer Alex Kapranos’s Lambretta and climber Dave MacLeod’s gravity-defying boots to name but a few. Ordinary people feature too, including paramedics, tram drivers, mums, schoolchildren, café owners, clippies, firefighters, skateboarders, dancers, refugees and teenagers. Access, particularly for wheelchair-users and children, has been improved and entry is still free. The museum is at 100 Pointhouse Place, Glasgow G3 8RS - a short walk from Partick interchange. However, the closest subway is Govan, then a brief ferry crossing to the site. A dedicated bus service (No 100) also runs from George Square in Glasgow city centre. There is parking on site for cars and bikes. The museum is open Monday to Thursday and Saturday 10am – 5pm; Friday and Sunday 11am – 5pm. Riverside Museum is owned by Glasgow City Council, and run by Glasgow Life, which is responsible for the provision of cultural and leisure services on behalf of the council.



he Tall Ship Glenlee is moored in front of the museum’s stunning south façade, bringing her together, for the very first time, with the city’s ship model collection. The Glenlee is one of only five Clyde-built sailing vessels afloat in the world today and the only one still in the UK. Glasgow’s ship model collection is unrivalled, and many of the world’s most famous vessels were Clyde-built like the Comet, Lusitania, , the Hood, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, QE2 and, of course, the Waverley. Glasgow Museums has 788 ship models in its collection. This plus the museum’s strong relationship with the Clyde yards and their technological advances means that the city’s collection is without peer. At Riverside, there will be 159 ship models on display – more than at the old Museum of Transport.

Photos © Culture & Sport Glasgow (Museums).



Clyde-Built On Display


ALL ABOARD: The Kerr family with Glasgow City Council Leader, Gordon Matheson at the new Riverside Museum.

IVERSIDE Museum’s 500,000th visitors were the Kerr family from Aberdour. Parents Ronnie and Jannette Kerr and their children Joanna (7) and Elizabeth (8) were welcomed with gifts when they walked through its doors and have been invited for a meal in the restaurant to mark their historic visit. Dad Ronnie said: “This was a real surprise and I am absolutely delighted. My dad worked in the yards at Yarrows and I would have loved to have shown him round here. It is a fantastic building and they have done a great job. I have been to the old museums at Kelvin Hall and Albert Drive but this building is something else. We really enjoyed our visit.”


Photo by Ian Watson.

Museum Welcomes 5oo,oooth Visitors R


CLYDE WATERFRONT A River of Opportunity!

The scale, pace and diversity of its regeneration has revitalised the upper Clyde, particularly in Glasgow with the development of the Merchant City, IFSD, Pacific Quay, SECC, Riverside Museum and Glasgow Harbour, making the Clyde Waterfront area once again a very popular place to work, live, shop and play! Clyde Waterfront Strategic Partnership comprising the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise and Glasgow City, Renfrewshire and West Dunbartonshire Councils (www. facilitates and promotes the Clyde’s regeneration from Glasgow city centre, via Renfrew to Dumbarton. With £3.5 billion spent or committed since 2003 by the public & private sectors across +250 projects in the area, 20,000 new jobs, 9,000 new homes and 320,000 metres2 of new commercial space have been created. Clyde Waterfront’s 13 miles (20km) are sub divided into 6 key character areas, namely:-

opening, many of whom have come via the Govan ferry operating from new pontoons. Opposite BAE’s shipyard employs thousands of highly skilled workers building massive sections of two 65,000 tonne aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy and a £70m action plan for Govan is transforming one of Glasgow’s oldest communities.

Glasgow City Centre – Glasgow’s award winning International Financial Services District (IFSD) www. has attracted +£1bn of investment to date via global companies like Aon, Aviva, Barclays, BNP Paribas, HSBC, Morgan Stanley, National Australia Group, Santander and Tesco, creating 15,000 new jobs since 2001. New occupiers, 1million ft2 of new Grade A offices, the Tradeston “Squiggly” bridge and exciting leisure plans for the Broomielaw quayside, all add fresh impetus.

Renfrew Riverside & Scotstoun – Braehead, already Scotland’s busiest shopping centre, is due a £150m expansion. Xscape boasting SNO!Zone, Skypark and Soccer Circus, has become a hugely popular leisure destination and nearby at Ferry Village, six developers are creating a range of 2,000 new homes next to Clyde View Park.

Pacific Quay & SECC – this area is now being marketed to the creative sector as Creative Clyde (www.creativeclyde. com) STV and BBC Scotland are firmly established here and 50 more creative SMEs are based in Medius, The Hub and Film City Glasgow respectively. A Floating Village is planned for the Canting Basin and opposite the 12,000 seat Scottish Hydro Arena opens in 2013, reinforcing the area’s credentials as a world class entertainment and conferencing venue. Greater Govan & Glasgow Harbour – the award winning £1.2bn Glasgow Harbour development has further shops, restaurants and hotels planned besides the £74m Riverside Museum, which has welcomed over 500,000 visitors since

Clydebank & Erskine – The 10,000 students attending the £37m Clydebank College and thousands of visitors surveying the area 150ft above Queen’s Quay from the refurbished Titan Crane, have transformed Clydebank’s waterfront. Whilst on the south bank, Erskine’s riverfront has considerable potential for future development. Old Kilpatrick to Dumbarton – plans are developing for West Dunbartonshire’s riverside including British Waterways’ Bowling Basin, Dumbarton Harbour / Town Centre and Aggreko are building a new manufacturing HQ at the £100m Lomondgate business / housing / retail development, near where BBC Scotland film “River City”. Education: - our free on line resource (www. offers teachers 200 lesson plans that link 12 Clyde themes with 8 subjects as per Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence. These lesson plans are reinforced for schools when they go on Clyde Marine Services Ltd “Classroom on the Clyde” river trips. Tourism: we have produced 150,000 Heritage Guides to attract the public to the river (www.clydewaterfrontheritage. com) and in 2011 Clyde Link and Clyde Clippers started new ferries on the upper Clyde, complimenting other river operators like Seaforce RIBs, Loch Lomond Seaplanes and the Waverley Paddle Steamer. Clyde Waterfront is making the most of its skilled workforce, cost competitive location, excellent communications and new infrastructure to develop a vibrant and thriving waterfront location that appeals to global companies and local communities alike!


Clyde Waterfront, Atrium Court, 50 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6HQ 0141 229 5423


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Kinloch Lodge is unique! Winner of Skye's only Michelin Star, the cuisine at Kinloch, inspired by award-winning cookery writer Claire Macdonald and brilliantly interpreted by head chef Marcello Tully, exploits the very brightest and best ingredients available from Scotland's seasonal larder. Whether staying for a week, dining for an evening, enjoying a leisurely lunch or simply taking afternoon tea, the unique blend of Macdonald family history, roaring log fires, warming drams and even warmer Highland hospitality makes a visit to Kinloch Lodge an essential part of any visit to Skye. +44(0) 1471 844291 K I N LO C H LO D G E , S L E AT, I S L E O F S K Y E , S COT L A N D I V 43 8 QY





Romantic Hotel of the Year Best Breakfast Scottish Hotel Awards, 2009

3 AA Rosettes and Red Stars AA Hospitality Awards. 2009

Michelin Red Grape Michelin ‘Red Grape’ Award Michelin 2009

F E AT U R E D I N 1000 things to see b e fo re yo u d i e

Don’t miss our fabulous Claire Macdonald Cook Shop located in the hotel



've been coming to Kinloch Lodge every year for 10 years now. Its not that I'm unadventurous – I’ve done my fair share of backpacking and jet-setting – it’s more that every time I start thinking about my early autumn holiday, I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be. Kinloch is a very special hotel in one of the United Kingdom’s most beautiful, untouched locations on the Isle of Skye. A former 17th century hunting lodge of the Macdonald clan chiefs, it was converted in the middle of the last century into a 14-room hotel, still run by the same line of the Macdonald family like it’s their home. The first thing that will strike you is the setting. Kinloch is at the foot of what local people call ‘a hill’ but to anyone, like me, who has lived and worked in London all my life, is very definitely a mountain. Sheltered by the hill or mountain, the lodge looks out over Loch na Dal, a sea loch, framed by equally impressive mountains on all sides with a rocky beach that winds for miles around the coast. In one direction you look out to sea and in the other, across to Skye’s famous, dramatic Cuillin mountain range. It’s the same view that Macdonald ancestors have looked at for centuries, almost entirely untouched by man. Set back from the main road down a mile-long dirt track, the silence and natural beauty of this setting is mesmerising. Inside Kinloch comfort, family hospitality and the very finest food and wine is everything. Bedrooms are decorated to reflect elements of the view with careful attention to the things that matter – good quality feather duvets and pillows, deep baths with an endless supply of hot water, a good selection of reading material and small touches to complement, like fresh flowers and candles. The downstairs drawing rooms are in a similar vein – deep sofas, family photos and log fires tended to as well as the guests – the perfect place to lose yourself in a good book when the rain is thrashing down outside. The dining room is elegant but not imposing – starched linen tablecloths, proper bone china and cutlery, overseen by portraits of the Macdonald ancestors. The relaxed décor is the perfect setting to enjoy Kinloch’s Michelin-starred food, which is a reason alone to make the journey to this remote outpost. Marcello Tully – a Brazilian Scot – is at the helm in the kitchen and his food is some of the finest I have ever eaten. Combining seasonal local produce that is the best this country has to offer, from meat and fish to game and shellfish, Marcello creates dishes of extraordinary flair, complexity and flavour. From the homemade canapés served before dinner through to the local cheeseboard at the end, you’ll be taken on a culinary adventure. This being a highland hotel, the alcohol is taken every bit as seriously as the food. The quality of the menu is matched by a wine list that is recognised as one of the best in the UK with Michelin’s Red Grape award. And from homemade cocktails to an expert whiskey and beer selection, the nights can stretch on into the small hours. The founding principals of Kinloch Lodge as a haven of family hospitality and good food were laid down by Godfrey Macdonald, the eighth clan chief, together with is wife Claire Macdonald, the renowned food writer. Recently their daughter Isabella and her husband Tom, have taken the reins and, together with Marcello, have continued to fly the flag for highland hospitality. Tom and Isabella welcome guests old and new, like friends, nothing is too much trouble, from arranging a boat trip to packing a picnic for a local hike. Each year I phone to book I’m greeted like one of the family and it’s a small but important touch like this that counts for so much. Coming to Kinloch each year is like tonic for the soul, a home away from home, and one that I feel so grateful to have found.



Michelin Praise S For ‘Scotland’s Wealth of Good Eateries’

EASONALITY and locally sourced ingredients are strengths in Scotland’s larder which many chefs are now keen to showcase on their menus. Seafood, game, beef and lamb from Scotland are among the best in the world, while slow ripened soft fruit like strawberries and raspberries, which are sweeter and more flavoursome, are very much in demand. Rebecca Burr, editor in chief of the centenary edition of The MICHELIN Great Britain & Ireland 2011 guide, notes that last year was a tough one for hotels and restaurants and that it was those that represented value for money, at whatever price, which were best placed to weather the recessionary storm. In Scotland, there are currently 14 restaurants with one Michelin star – five in Edinburgh – plus one rising star – while the remainder range from Dumfries and Galloway in the south to Fort William and Lochinver in the north with Ayrshire, Fife, West Lothian and Skye all represented. Kinloch Lodge on the Sleat Peninsula in Skye is the only one on a Scottish island – and is home to renowned cook and food writer Lady Claire and her husband Lord Godfrey Macdonald of Macdonald, High Chief of Clan Donald. Andrew Fairlie’s eponymous restaurant at Gleneagles is still the only one with two Michelin stars and to date there is still no starred establishment at all in Glasgow despite its many eating places. That said there are a total of 17 honourable mentions in the guide for Glasgow including some old favourites like the city centre’s art deco Rogano, famed for its seafood, authentic Italian La Parmigiana in Great Western Road and the Merchant City’s Babbity Bowster pub and restaurant.


The MIChELIN guide Main Cities of Europe 2011 £14.99 The MIChELIN guide great britain & Ireland 2011 £15.99 MIChELIN guide eating out in pubs 2011 £14.99


Guide images courtesy of Michelin.

Reflecting the city’s love of curry, Dhabba and Dakhin in Candleriggs are complimented on the authenticity of their Indian cooking. Ms Burr said: “In a city such as Glasgow we have chosen what we feel to be the best in the city - not an exhaustive list. “It is true that there are no starred establishments. However, we do recommend seventeen eateries in the city. “We will continue to visit Glasgow many times during the year, as we always have, in the hope of awarding a star in future publications. “Scotland offers a wealth of good eateries and the standard is high. It is famed for wonderful ingredients and we are seeing a rise in the standards of chefs’ use of the products. “Those places chosen for the Michelin guide are a good crosssection of style and price from a simple gastropub to a luxury restaurant. “The same criteria are used across our collection of guides and therefore the places are chosen by the inspectors using the same exacting standards. The diverse choice is based the quality of the food, but we also look for and consider value for money.” For those on a budget there are four Bib Gourmands in Scotland which represent good food at moderate prices and 19 recommended pubs.




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New business space To ensure Lanarkshire is ready to respond to current and future economic challenges South Lanarkshire Council is regenerating its former industrial areas by building new industrial properties for the 21st Century. In Rutherglen a third phase of redevelopment has recently been completed at Thomson Court/Cathcart Place with two units currently available. A fourth phase is programmed with a further four units available from summer 2012. In Hamilton at Kilcreggan Court/Argyle Crescent a development of seven units is nearing completion and will be available for let from September 2011. A new business centre being created from the former Burgh Primary School, Rutherglen and due for completion in March 2012. This will be the latest addition to the Council’s small business space, adding to the centres at Hamilton, Carluke and Cambuslang. The properties are available on flexible terms and expressions of interest are being taken now.

For further information on these and one other available industrial, commercial and retail properties contact: South Lanarkshire Council on 01698 455091 or via email: If you want this information in a different format or language please contact 0303 123 1015 or email




is The Best Road in Britain

The results show that Brits don’t just like a smooth drive, they like to really experience and feel the road. James Martin


HE A82 from Glasgow to Fort William is the best road in Britain according to motoring enthusiast and celebrity chef James Martin and the boffins at Mobil 1 oil. This is the same road that the AA named the UK’s most dangerous in 2002. The Scottish Government has already spent £3 million in the last year on upgrading and road safety measures with further major improvements in the pipeline. The scenic route was crowned number one last year after a study investigated road conditions and their physiological effects on drivers. Using research data captured by stateof-the-art technology, a team from Mobil 1, the world's leading synthetic motor oil firm, developed an equation to measure

roads already shortlisted by the public to determine their rankings. James drove 1800 miles across Britain in a specially adapted car and experienced some phenomenal drives through scenery he didn’t even realise we had in this country. “The results show that Brits don’t just like a smooth drive, they like to really experience and feel the road. The A82 was a truly outstanding road that I encourage everyone to drive; the road was raw and real, and in this case the vibration and noise made it feel like a real drive. “The variety of road, the difference in bends, inclines and dramatic changing scenery from loch to valley keeps the driver guessing at every corner,” he added.

A Stunning Drive With Dramatic Scenery

Sometime in November, there are plans to close the A82 north of the Corran Ferry for a long weekend to remove an unstable rock above the road. This will mean a 35 mile detour via the ferry and a narrow and mostly single track road the A861 - to reach Fort William so check before travelling.


Photo © Christopher James.

Rannoch Moor where crosswinds can buffet the unwary even on a sunny day. As you approach Glencoe, the hills close in around you adding to the gloomy grandeur of the site of the 1692 Glencoe Massacre. Tucked away from view, just off the A82, is the National Trust for Scotland’s multi-award winning Glencoe Visitor Centre which explores the landscape, wildlife and history of the area. Leaving Glencoe, drivers have the choice of a detour round Loch Leven and the hidden village of Kinlochleven at its head or can take the shorter route across the Ballachullish Bridge. From Onich, it’s a short hop to the Corran Ferry terminal and from there a relatively short drive hugging the side of Loch Linnhe into Fort William.



he A82 is a favourite with car drivers and motorcyclists who enjoy a challenge and dramatic scenery writes June Hyslop. In good weather it can be frustrating on the Glasgow to Balloch and Luss sections with heavy traffic. Driving is also difficult along the narrow, twisty stretch from Tarbet to Inverarnan which has been single file traffic light controlled for many years at an area known as Pulpit Rock. However, this has been earmarked for realignment to re-introduce two way traffic and improve safety and there are also plans for a Crianlarich bypass. The road does get better after Ardlui but it’s after Crianlarich as you head towards Tyndrum that it really comes into its own as a stunning scenic drive. Tyndrum is a good place for a break at the famous Green Welly Stop with its restaurant, home baking, selection of shops and the chance to fuel up. It’s an easy run from there to Bridge of Orchy, on past Loch Ba on the right towards the bleak exposed openness of


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Let it Snow,

Let it Snow,

Photo courtesy of Glencoe Mountain Resort.

Let it Snow


Scotland’s Ski Resorts had another mega season last year with almost 300,000 visitors and are hoping for another snowy winter.


Photo courtesy of Cairngorm Mountain Resort.

Photo courtesy of Glencoe Mountain Resort.


ollowing a record breaking 2010, exceptional snowfall in 2011 saw skiers and boarders hit the slopes in vast numbers for the second year in a row resulting in a huge boost to Scotland’s winter sports industry and related businesses. Over the past two years it has contributed more than £66.5m to the Scottish economy with £50m of that spent off piste. Hopes are high that this year will make it a triple and Scotland’s five resorts – Cairngorm, Glencoe, Glenshee, The Lecht and Nevis Range – are already looking forward to the first cold snap. In 2011, Cairngorm near Aviemore opened in November while the Nevis Range at Fort William had its earliest start for 13 years. For the first time in 10 years Glencoe opened before Christmas while Glenshee and The Lecht also got off to a flying start. Heavy snowfall and near perfect conditions for several months saw Scotland with more snow than the Austrian Alps last year. Scotland’s resort at Cairngorm Mountain had almost double the anticipated number of skiers over both seasons. “We expected 65,000 and ended up with 120,000 here,” explained marketing manager Colin Kirkwood, “Normally we don’t open till December but last year we started in November. “These two excellent seasons have helped heighten the profile of Scotland as a snow sports destination. We always have people from Scotland, Ireland and the North of England but people were coming from the south travelling straight into Aviemore on the overnight sleeper. “The quality of the snow was good and at Cairngorm we have nursery areas at the top which are easily accessible by the funicular railway.” The white out conditions have also benefited competitive skiers according to Eddie Guest, president of the Scottish Ski Club: “The return of superb snow conditions to Scotland over the past two years have revitalised the sport immensely. “The Scottish Ski Club has seen its membership rise by over 15 per cent and our race training groups have more than quadrupled in size resulting in young Scottish Athletes dominating at the British Championships. Internationally ranked races have also returned to Scotland with two planned for next season.” The industry will be showcased ahead of the season on October 15 and 16 at Scotland’s Ski and Snowboard Show in the SECC in Glasgow. It is being run in conjunction with The Scottish Outdoors Show and will feature some of the UK’s best free-style skiers and snowboarders. There’s the opportunity of a free ski lesson on artificial snow and children can have a go on an inflatable slope and snowboard simulator. Visitors can also check out the latest winter sports kit and clothing and spend time in the après-ski bar with live music.


Photo courtesy of Glencoe Mountain Resort.

advertising feature

SLOPE STYLE in association with


Men's Treason jacket and Whitest pant – freestyle fit with popular chunky check print. Tres-Tex® Waterproof and breathability keep you comfortable in harsh conditions. The jacket's light padding is supplemented by the Trespass Intelligent® reflective lining, re-using your bodyheat to great effect.

Photos courtesy of Trespass.




respass is located in Glasgow, so is lucky to have all five Scottish ski areas within easy reach. Recently Trespass has been working with Glencoe Mountain Resort supplying uniforms for staff and helping with the Glencoe Park Project. The park is a great focal point for freestyle skiers and snowboarders and has hopes to be one of the best as well as a venue for competitions. Trespass staff also frequent the slopes themselves and this gives them great insight and helps the research and development team to produce a range of great looking, yet excellent value products. We cram waterproof performance, gadgets and features into our clothing but value is of premium importance too. With Trespass you will get more than you bargained for! Skiing and snowboarding don’t have to cost the earth. No matter what snow sport you prefer, Trespass has it covered. From fashionable freestyle to classic cut ski styles and for all age groups too. This is the perfect option if you are looking to kit out a whole family on a budget. Trespass has pulled together some styles which will be available this coming winter in its stores or on its website. See for details. You can also join Trespass on Facebook at trespassperformanceclothing

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C9892 EXP FEB 13




Check O

Next Bag £18 Dogtooth

Next Dogtooth D



ress £35


Next £28 Check Kilt

Marks & Spencer Hat £19.50, Limited Collection Coat £89, Bag £25, Shoes £45, Tights £8, Shoes £45

Next Check Cape £2 8


ARTAN is back on the catwalks for autumn/winter say fashion gurus along with checks, especially houndstooth, and bold squares. This is not fashion for the faint hearted but on the plus side it is a comfortable and warm way to wrap up as summer segues into autumn. Scotland, of course, has a head start when it comes to tartan as the kilt forms part of the national dress. It is regularly worn by men on formal occasions, particularly at weddings. Many Scots have a soft spot for its hard wearing practicality and link with their heritage. It is a favourite too of designers like Vivienne Westwood, the late Alexander McQueen, Jeff Banks and Ralph Lauren to name a few but its fashion popularity waxes and wanes. This year it is definitely ‘in’ so make the most of it and treat yourself to a wardrobe staple to see you through the

£25, r bour Shirt Spence , Blue Har 9.50 Marks & azer £149 £39.50, Bag £8 Bl ur bo ds Blue Har bour Cor Blue Har Tie £16,

colder months. If money is no object then check out the designer collections for key pieces. If the High Street or shopping centre is more your style then you won’t be disappointed as there’s plenty of choice there too with houndstooth designs widely available. And you don’t have to break the bank either – Marks and Spencer’s bold check pattern coat opposite is an affordable option at £89. Men can stay in the style loop too with a smart checked blazer and selection of ties. Next not only has plenty of houndstooth but a selection of what it calls dogtooth and puppytooth items for sale in its autumn/ winter collection. If all over body checks seem a bit much, then you can work the look with one item of clothing or with accessories like a handbag, scarf or umbrella to show you are in the know.

Marks & Spencer Ring £8, Hat £25, Belt £18, Autograph Jumpsuit £59, Shoes £45

Marks & Spencer Hat £19.50, Limited Collection Jacket £120, Belt £5, Skirt £99, Tights £3.50, Shoes £49

Marks & Spencer Limited Collection Coat £120, Blouse £29.50, Skirt £99, Shoes £49


Go Gothic

For Going Out


LAMMING up with gothic and fetish-inspired gear for going out means black is back (as if it ever went away) and corsets are worn as outerwear. Whilst the way out catwalk styles which made some fashionistas blush might be a step too far for most, tone it down and it becomes surprisingly stylish, wearable and flattering. Fashion forward Lady Gaga has already adopted the look. Vamp up your evening wear with sheer fabric, peek-a-boo necklines, black lace and leather or some shiny PVC. Complete the look with glossy high heels and you are ready to rock the party season.


essories Marks & Spencer acc £19.50, Overnight Bag £45, Scarf Autograph Silk Tie £16.00, Crook Umbrella £15.00


CHAMBER EVENTS Tuesday 20th September 2011

Friday 30th September 2011

We will be holding our first networking lunch of the new Chamber session at the Holiday Inn East Kilbride from 12..00pm till 2pm. We are changing the format of our lunches this year in order to facilitate more networking opportunities – so please bring along plenty of business cards. The topic for the lunch is Social Media and our guest speakers will be Margaret McCann from Glasgow Caledonian University and Gary Ennis, managing director of NSDesign.

Iain Duff Deputy Agent for Scotland for the Bank of England has asked the Chamber to set up a Panel of Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce members that would meet on a quarterly basis to provide the Bank with views on business and economic conditions in Lanarkshire. The Bank want to invite around 10-12 of the Chamber’s members representing the main economic sectors in the area to a private meeting every three months to provide an update on their current issues that will be used in the Scotland Agency’s reports to the MPC. Any member who is interested in serving on the Panel is asked to attend a meeting with Iain Duff between 12.30pm and 2pm on Friday 30th September.



Monday 10 October 2011


Joint event with Family Business Association 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Family businesses are the most important part of the Scottish economy. That may come as a surprise to most people who are used to news reports on stock-listed companies or entrepreneurs fast-tracking to build and sell, but it’s true. 73% of all Scotland’s businesses are familyowned including 41 of the hundred largest. Think Baxters, Tunnocks, Arnold Clark, Parks of Hamilton amongst others. They create 45% of our GDP and employ half the private sector workforce. That’s some contribution! But they also have built-in issues, often fatal. Two-thirds of family businesses fail around the time of succession from one generation to the next. Often this is stereotyped as spoiled weans not having what the founder had in his or her genes. But all the research shows that it is much more complex than that, and that it can be countered by education and training on good governance, communication, etc tailored specifically to family businesses. So that’s why George Stevenson ex-MD of Mathiesons Bakeries had the idea of creating an organisation to help spread good practice to our family businesses. And that’s why Martin Stepek, ex-Director of the Hamilton-based company of the same name, set up and still runs the Scottish Family Business Association (SFBA), a registered charity. SFBA has raised awareness of the importance of family businesses and their issues for the past five years, and educated and trained family business owners, lawyers, accountants, civil servants, and academics. Together with Lanarkshire Chamber of Commerce, George and Martin will deliver their own stories of the ups and downs of owning and running a family business, and share the globally-recognised ways family businesses should be run and governed. This is a rare opportunity to learn from two major figures in family business, who combine lifelong business experience and world-leading thinking on such an important subject.

Other Events Thursday 15 September 2011 Clyde Gateway is holding an Open Day at the Red Tree Business Suites, 24 Stonelaw Road Rutherglen between 11am and 2pm. The Open Day will offer the opportunity for owners of small and medium sized business owners to visit the premises, and as well as seeing the high quality and standards of the suites that are still available, also provide an opportunity to meet with members of the Clyde Gateway business support team while enjoying a buffet and refreshments. Red Tree Rutherglen offers a flexible range of office accommodation requirements ranging from just under 200 square feet to just over 3,500 square feet. Further information is available from Moray Stewart of Clyde Gateway on 0141 276 1575

If you would like further information on any of these events or would like to book a place, please contact Lynsey Kennedy 01698 426882

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