1 minute read
5 × why to find multiple causes
Exploring the problem
15 min.
Complexity There are often multiple interacting causes of a given OHS problem, and pinpointing them is an important step in defining the problem. The 5 × why tool can be used by the participants to find multiple causes of the same problem. The participants should work in groups of 2-5 people, and it is a good idea to not to give the participants too much time, to ensure that they work intuitively.
Steps 1. Give each group a 5 × why template. Describe the problem at the top of the template. 2. Ask the first member of the group to reformulate the problem into a ‘why?’ question and write it on the first line. The participant then writes the answer to the question on the next line. 3. The sheet is passed on to the next person. 4. The next participant writes the same ‘why?’ question on a new line. The participant then writes another proposal for an answer and passes the sheet on to the next participant. 5. Repeat the activity until the sheet has been filled and the participants have found five different causes.
The result of this activity can be included in the overall exploration of the problem in the first diamond. The results may also point towards the solution options that appear, but it is important to remain in the problem exploration phase while working with the tool. The result can provide a starting point for reframing the problem.
Tips It is important that some of the participants have insight into the problem.
11 • Tools 3 : exPlorIng Problems
Why? Because
Why? Because
Why? Because
Why? Because
Why? Because
We do not cooperate enough
Why do we not cooperate enough? Because we do not know each other’s tasks
Why do we not cooperate enough? Because we have conflicts
Why do we not cooperate enough? Because our management does not attach importance to it
Why do we not cooperate enough? Because we are far from each other
Why do we not cooperate enough? Because we work at different times
In case 2, the participants’ 5 xwhy sheet looked like this, as they used the tool to find multiple causes.
11 • Tools 3 : exPlorIng Problems