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Students’ Newsletter Summer Term 2010
prior news Students enter the debate C
Students on the college’s Debating Team achieved runners up position during a tight contest at the North of England finals in the NORVIC debating competition held in Wakefield. The competition involved each team making a proposing and opposing speech as well as two summation speeches, and taking part in a general debate on each proposing speech. The team consisted of: Emily Watts (ex Nunthorpe School), Devon Howard (ex Whitby Community College), Nick Dunn (ex Laurence Jackson) Ramin Peroznejad (ex Laurence Jackson), Luke Bain (ex Whitby Community College), Nicole Tanfield (ex Sacred Heart), Joe Anderson (ex Bydales), Deaglan O'Neill (out of area). Although they weren’t the overall winners, Prior Pursglove walked away with two prizes
for proposing that 'we owe a greater duty of care to our service people' (Emily Watts) and opposing that 'the best government is one that does not exist' (Devon Howard). Politics teacher David Stoten said: “It was
clear to all that our main speakers were a class above the competition. The team were a credit to the college and the area.”
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Your new Students’ Union
After a competitive election campaign last term, nine new members now make up your new Students’ Union. They are: Jo Anderson, President (ex Bydales), Georgina Charles, Vice President (ex Eston Park), Sophie Wright, NUS Link Officer (ex Hall Garth), Caroline Lewis, Treasurer (ex Hall Garth), Abigail Sharkey, Secretary (ex Redcar and Cleveland College), Laura Lister, Marketing Officer (ex Freebrough), Toni Quinn, Equality and Diversity Officer (ex Hall Garth), Floriana Dezou, Charities Officer (ex Macmillan Academy) and Poppy Lockwood, Charities Officer (ex Rye Hills). These students will be working to represent your voice, organise events and make college life better for everyone. Find them in the new SU office in the Learning Café or email student.union@prior.pursglove.ac.uk.
A question of sport Prior Pursglove College offers students the chance to excel in a range of sports. This year 20 of our students qualified for the British Colleges Sport Nationals in seven different disciplines. The students competed against people from all over the country at Loughborough University and achieved medals in the following: Gold in Golf - Poppy Lockwood, (ex Rye Hills), Silver in Trampoline Rebecca Edwards and Vicky Rafferty, (both ex Acklam Grange). Bronze in Ladies Squash - Gemma Hill, (ex Sacred Heart) and our Ladies Volleyball team also gained a Bronze - Jenny Little, (ex Huntcliff), Jodie Bennison, (ex Bydales), Jess Lewis, (ex Acklam Grange), Clare Menzies, (ex Bydales), Charlotte Whalley and Sarah Whalley (ex Bydales), Rachel McManus and Emma Gordon (both ex Nunthorpe). The Ladies Volleyball team also achieved a Silver at the National Knockout Cup, in Kettering. As a region, the North East finished fifth overall out of nine regions. Well done to everyone.
Raising money for Sport Relief Three of our Assistant Student Managers, Julie Collings, Kathryn McLean and Laura Hawley are preparing to push themselves to the limit when they compete in the Castle Howard Triathlon – the most physically challenging triathlon course of the Castle Triathlon Series – in aid of Sport Relief. The race takes place on 24th July and they have been training hard for the past three months in order to complete the 400m swim of the Castle Howard Great Lake, 23km cycle route and 5km run. They decided to take part in the race as a way of promoting Health and Enterprise throughout the college whilst also raising money for a fantastic charity which helps people living incredibly tough lives both at home in the UK and across the world’s poorest countries. www.mysportrelief.com/PriorPursgloveASMs.
Springing into action for charity Fundraising students have raised £963.32 for Marie Curie Cancer Care following a month long campaign at the college during the annual Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal. More than 50 A level students took part in a bag pack for customers in Morrisons supermarket, Guisborough, whilst others gave up their free time to sell daffodil pin badges on the High Street. Students also sold the badges around the college campus, organised a name the bear competition and a raffle of spring flowers donated by Askham Bryan College floristry department. Jill Woodrow, Health and Social Care teacher said:
“The final total raised reflects the efforts of both the students and staff who supported this very worthwhile cause. The money will help provide nursing care and support to terminally ill people and their families.”
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Career Academy Graduates The first group of students have graduated from our Career Academy, a new programme which enables students to get a hands-on approach to studying business. Being a Career Academy student means that you not only study to achieve a full set of business related qualifications but that you get a unique insight into business in action. The programme includes:
Dates for your diary: 19th August AS/A2 Exam Results 24th August GCSE Exam results 26th, 27th & 31st August Enrolment
• A six week paid 'internship' with a major local or national company next summer
At your enrolment interview we will formally enrol you on your chosen courses at Prior Pursglove College, where you can look forward to a bright future. It is essential that you attend on the specified date if you are to gain a place on your first choice of courses. If you are away on holiday at this time, it will delay your enrolment and we will not be able to guarantee the courses of your choice.
• One-to-one mentoring with a business partner, giving you unique insights and experiences and direct support with your course work.
Promoting excellence in education
• Specialist classes relating to business studies with a particular focus on practical business finance • Visits to major companies • Guest speaker from local and national business
For further information and an application form please contact James Austin, Career Academy Coordinator. Email: j.austin@prior.pursglove.ac.uk. Tel: 01287 280800. www.careeracademies.org.uk
Church Walk, Guisborough TS14 6BU T: 01287 280800 W: www.pursglove.ac.uk